1000 TEDTalks, 6 từ-Sebastian Wernicke

1000 TEDTalks, 6 words - Sebastian Wernicke

1000 TEDTalks, 6 words - Sebastian Wernicke


there's<00:00:15.780> currently<00:00:16.590> over<00:00:17.310> a<00:00:17.340> thousand
there's currently over a thousand there's currently over a thousand TEDTalks<00:00:18.060> on<00:00:18.600> the<00:00:18.690> Ted<00:00:18.900> website<00:00:19.080> and<00:00:19.710> I<00:00:20.400> guess TEDTalks on the Ted website and I guess TEDTalks on the Ted website and I guess many<00:00:21.090> of<00:00:21.270> you<00:00:21.420> here<00:00:22.200> think<00:00:22.590> that<00:00:22.710> this<00:00:22.980> is many of you here think that this is many of you here think that this is quite<00:00:23.580> fantastic<00:00:24.110> except<00:00:25.110> for<00:00:25.290> me<00:00:25.380> I<00:00:25.410> don't quite fantastic except for me I don't quite fantastic except for me I don't agree<00:00:25.980> with<00:00:26.189> this<00:00:26.340> I<00:00:26.550> think<00:00:26.790> we<00:00:26.910> have<00:00:27.029> a agree with this I think we have a agree with this I think we have a situation<00:00:27.270> here<00:00:27.630> because<00:00:28.290> if<00:00:28.800> you<00:00:29.070> think situation here because if you think situation here because if you think about<00:00:29.340> it<00:00:29.700> 1,000<00:00:30.570> TED<00:00:30.720> talks about it 1,000 TED talks about it 1,000 TED talks that's<00:00:31.919> over<00:00:32.489> 1000<00:00:33.420> ideas<00:00:33.780> worth<00:00:34.020> spreading that's over 1000 ideas worth spreading that's over 1000 ideas worth spreading how<00:00:35.370> on<00:00:35.520> earth<00:00:35.550> are<00:00:35.970> you<00:00:36.030> going<00:00:36.150> to<00:00:36.540> spread<00:00:36.840> a how on earth are you going to spread a how on earth are you going to spread a thousand<00:00:37.590> ideas<00:00:37.940> even<00:00:38.940> if<00:00:39.180> you<00:00:39.300> just<00:00:39.420> try<00:00:39.660> to thousand ideas even if you just try to thousand ideas even if you just try to get<00:00:39.930> all<00:00:40.110> of<00:00:40.230> those<00:00:40.350> ideas<00:00:40.680> into<00:00:40.890> your<00:00:40.980> head<00:00:41.130> by get all of those ideas into your head by get all of those ideas into your head by watching<00:00:41.820> all<00:00:41.940> those<00:00:42.090> thousand<00:00:42.600> Ted<00:00:42.720> videos watching all those thousand Ted videos watching all those thousand Ted videos it<00:00:43.260> would<00:00:43.350> actually<00:00:43.980> currently<00:00:44.820> take<00:00:45.090> you it would actually currently take you it would actually currently take you over<00:00:45.559> 250<00:00:46.559> hours<00:00:46.710> to<00:00:47.039> do<00:00:47.160> so<00:00:47.370> and<00:00:47.609> I<00:00:48.449> did<00:00:48.840> a over 250 hours to do so and I did a over 250 hours to do so and I did a little<00:00:49.019> calculation<00:00:49.769> of<00:00:50.070> this<00:00:50.250> the<00:00:50.699> damage<00:00:51.000> to little calculation of this the damage to little calculation of this the damage to the<00:00:51.239> economy<00:00:51.420> for<00:00:51.629> each<00:00:51.929> one<00:00:52.140> who<00:00:52.260> does<00:00:52.440> this the economy for each one who does this the economy for each one who does this is<00:00:52.890> around<00:00:53.300> $15,000<00:00:54.320> so<00:00:55.460> having<00:00:56.460> seen<00:00:56.850> this is around $15,000 so having seen this is around $15,000 so having seen this danger<00:00:57.449> to<00:00:57.660> the<00:00:57.780> economy<00:00:57.899> I<00:00:58.589> thought<00:00:59.010> we<00:00:59.250> need danger to the economy I thought we need danger to the economy I thought we need to<00:00:59.489> find<00:00:59.699> a<00:00:59.789> solution<00:00:59.940> to<00:01:00.390> this<00:01:00.510> problem to find a solution to this problem to find a solution to this problem here's<00:01:01.980> my<00:01:02.160> approach<00:01:02.489> to<00:01:02.519> it<00:01:02.760> all<00:01:02.999> if<00:01:03.239> you<00:01:03.749> look here's my approach to it all if you look here's my approach to it all if you look at<00:01:03.989> the<00:01:04.110> current<00:01:04.379> situation<00:01:04.470> you<00:01:05.129> have<00:01:05.400> a at the current situation you have a at the current situation you have a thousand<00:01:05.910> TEDTalks<00:01:06.030> each<00:01:06.570> of<00:01:06.870> those<00:01:07.020> TED thousand TEDTalks each of those TED thousand TEDTalks each of those TED Talks<00:01:07.500> has<00:01:07.740> an<00:01:07.860> average<00:01:08.010> length<00:01:08.460> of<00:01:08.640> about<00:01:09.030> two Talks has an average length of about two Talks has an average length of about two thousand<00:01:10.080> and<00:01:10.200> three<00:01:10.320> hundred<00:01:10.440> words<00:01:10.950> now thousand and three hundred words now thousand and three hundred words now take<00:01:12.510> this<00:01:12.659> together<00:01:12.960> and<00:01:13.230> you<00:01:13.380> end<00:01:13.409> up<00:01:13.620> with take this together and you end up with take this together and you end up with 2.3<00:01:14.520> million<00:01:14.820> words<00:01:15.180> of<00:01:15.510> TED<00:01:16.020> Talks<00:01:16.290> which<00:01:16.650> is 2.3 million words of TED Talks which is 2.3 million words of TED Talks which is about<00:01:17.070> three<00:01:17.370> Bibles<00:01:17.880> worth<00:01:18.180> of<00:01:18.360> content<00:01:18.840> the about three Bibles worth of content the about three Bibles worth of content the obvious<00:01:20.130> question<00:01:20.610> here<00:01:20.640> is<00:01:20.910> does<00:01:21.180> a<00:01:21.240> TED<00:01:21.540> talk obvious question here is does a TED talk obvious question here is does a TED talk really<00:01:21.960> need<00:01:22.260> two<00:01:22.500> thousand<00:01:23.010> and<00:01:23.130> three really need two thousand and three really need two thousand and three hundred<00:01:23.340> words hundred words hundred words isn't<00:01:24.870> there<00:01:24.960> something<00:01:25.200> shorter<00:01:25.590> I<00:01:25.620> mean<00:01:25.860> if isn't there something shorter I mean if isn't there something shorter I mean if you<00:01:26.100> have<00:01:26.250> an<00:01:26.340> idea<00:01:26.490> of<00:01:26.640> spreading<00:01:27.390> surely<00:01:28.290> you you have an idea of spreading surely you you have an idea of spreading surely you can<00:01:28.740> put<00:01:28.920> it<00:01:29.040> into<00:01:29.220> something<00:01:29.430> shorter<00:01:30.000> than can put it into something shorter than can put it into something shorter than 2,300<00:01:31.290> words<00:01:31.470> the<00:01:31.740> only<00:01:31.980> question<00:01:32.400> is<00:01:32.550> how 2,300 words the only question is how 2,300 words the only question is how short<00:01:33.480> can<00:01:33.660> you<00:01:33.780> get<00:01:33.930> what's<00:01:34.590> the<00:01:34.800> minimum short can you get what's the minimum short can you get what's the minimum amount<00:01:35.280> of<00:01:35.700> words<00:01:36.060> you<00:01:36.300> would<00:01:36.450> need<00:01:36.630> to<00:01:36.870> do<00:01:36.960> a amount of words you would need to do a amount of words you would need to do a TED<00:01:37.200> talk<00:01:37.490> while<00:01:38.490> I<00:01:38.520> was<00:01:38.730> pondering<00:01:39.060> this TED talk while I was pondering this TED talk while I was pondering this question<00:01:39.360> I<00:01:39.870> came<00:01:40.110> across<00:01:40.230> this<00:01:40.650> urban<00:01:41.310> legend question I came across this urban legend question I came across this urban legend about<00:01:42.030> Ernest<00:01:42.630> Hemingway<00:01:43.080> who<00:01:43.380> allegedly about Ernest Hemingway who allegedly about Ernest Hemingway who allegedly said<00:01:44.400> that<00:01:45.150> these<00:01:45.360> six<00:01:45.690> words<00:01:45.960> here<00:01:46.260> for<00:01:46.620> sale said that these six words here for sale said that these six words here for sale baby<00:01:47.460> shoes<00:01:47.820> never<00:01:47.850> worn<00:01:48.380> where<00:01:49.380> the<00:01:49.800> best baby shoes never worn where the best baby shoes never worn where the best novel<00:01:50.490> he<00:01:50.790> had<00:01:50.880> ever<00:01:51.030> written<00:01:51.210> and<00:01:51.630> I<00:01:52.140> also novel he had ever written and I also novel he had ever written and I also encountered<00:01:52.680> a<00:01:52.890> project<00:01:53.340> called<00:01:53.550> six<00:01:53.790> word encountered a project called six word encountered a project called six word memoirs<00:01:53.970> where<00:01:54.630> people<00:01:54.900> were<00:01:54.990> even<00:01:55.170> asked<00:01:55.410> to memoirs where people were even asked to memoirs where people were even asked to take<00:01:55.710> your<00:01:55.860> whole<00:01:56.010> life<00:01:56.280> and<00:01:56.580> please<00:01:57.090> sum<00:01:57.420> this take your whole life and please sum this take your whole life and please sum this up<00:01:57.750> into<00:01:57.930> six<00:01:58.200> words<00:01:58.410> such<00:01:58.680> as<00:01:58.710> this<00:01:59.040> year up into six words such as this year up into six words such as this year found<00:01:59.550> true<00:01:59.730> love<00:01:59.760> married<00:02:00.420> someone<00:02:00.660> else<00:02:00.870> or found true love married someone else or found true love married someone else or living<00:02:02.310> an<00:02:02.430> existential<00:02:02.850> vacuum<00:02:03.420> it<00:02:03.600> sucks<00:02:03.900> we living an existential vacuum it sucks we living an existential vacuum it sucks we like<00:02:04.800> that<00:02:04.920> one<00:02:05.210> so<00:02:06.210> if<00:02:06.480> a<00:02:06.840> novel<00:02:07.140> can<00:02:07.320> be<00:02:07.410> put like that one so if a novel can be put like that one so if a novel can be put into<00:02:07.740> six<00:02:08.039> words<00:02:08.340> and<00:02:08.700> a<00:02:09.209> whole<00:02:09.479> memoir<00:02:09.959> can<00:02:10.200> be into six words and a whole memoir can be into six words and a whole memoir can be put<00:02:10.500> into<00:02:10.649> six<00:02:10.950> words<00:02:11.360> you<00:02:12.360> don't<00:02:12.629> need<00:02:12.989> more put into six words you don't need more put into six words you don't need more than<00:02:13.500> six<00:02:13.800> words<00:02:13.980> for<00:02:14.280> a<00:02:14.310> TED<00:02:14.489> talk<00:02:14.730> we<00:02:15.209> could than six words for a TED talk we could than six words for a TED talk we could have<00:02:15.540> been<00:02:15.750> done<00:02:15.900> by<00:02:16.080> lunch<00:02:16.290> here

and<00:02:19.950> if<00:02:20.069> you<00:02:20.159> did<00:02:20.310> this<00:02:20.489> for<00:02:20.670> all<00:02:20.700> thousand
and if you did this for all thousand and if you did this for all thousand TEDTalks<00:02:21.420> he<00:02:21.840> will<00:02:21.930> get<00:02:22.049> from<00:02:22.319> 2.3<00:02:23.189> million TEDTalks he will get from 2.3 million TEDTalks he will get from 2.3 million words<00:02:23.760> down<00:02:24.359> to<00:02:24.510> six<00:02:24.780> thousand<00:02:25.349> so<00:02:25.590> I<00:02:25.620> thought words down to six thousand so I thought words down to six thousand so I thought this<00:02:26.040> was<00:02:26.189> quite<00:02:26.430> worthwhile<00:02:26.849> so<00:02:27.120> I<00:02:27.329> started this was quite worthwhile so I started this was quite worthwhile so I started asking<00:02:28.290> all<00:02:28.409> my<00:02:28.530> friends<00:02:28.950> please<00:02:29.159> take<00:02:29.459> your asking all my friends please take your asking all my friends please take your favorite<00:02:29.879> TED<00:02:30.030> talk<00:02:30.209> and<00:02:30.420> put<00:02:30.510> that<00:02:30.659> into<00:02:30.930> six favorite TED talk and put that into six favorite TED talk and put that into six words<00:02:31.319> so<00:02:32.010> here<00:02:32.219> are<00:02:32.280> some<00:02:32.459> of<00:02:32.519> the<00:02:32.700> results words so here are some of the results words so here are some of the results that<00:02:33.239> I<00:02:33.269> received<00:02:33.689> I<00:02:33.840> think<00:02:33.870> they're<00:02:34.409> quite that I received I think they're quite that I received I think they're quite nice<00:02:34.890> for<00:02:35.129> example<00:02:35.489> Dan<00:02:35.640> Pink's<00:02:35.939> talk<00:02:36.120> of nice for example Dan Pink's talk of nice for example Dan Pink's talk of motivation<00:02:36.720> which<00:02:36.840> was<00:02:36.959> pretty<00:02:37.170> good<00:02:37.260> if<00:02:37.409> you motivation which was pretty good if you motivation which was pretty good if you haven't<00:02:37.739> seen<00:02:37.920> it<00:02:38.099> drop<00:02:38.609> carat<00:02:38.939> drop<00:02:39.090> stick haven't seen it drop carat drop stick haven't seen it drop carat drop stick bring<00:02:39.689> meaning<00:02:40.019> it's<00:02:40.230> what<00:02:40.590> he's<00:02:40.709> basically bring meaning it's what he's basically bring meaning it's what he's basically talking<00:02:41.370> about<00:02:41.549> in<00:02:41.879> those<00:02:42.000> 18<00:02:42.299> and<00:02:42.420> a<00:02:42.480> half talking about in those 18 and a half talking about in those 18 and a half minutes<00:02:42.989> or<00:02:43.140> some<00:02:43.889> even<00:02:44.159> included<00:02:44.549> references minutes or some even included references minutes or some even included references to<00:02:45.000> the<00:02:45.209> speakers<00:02:45.540> such<00:02:45.750> as<00:02:45.959> Nathan<00:02:46.470> Myhrvold to the speakers such as Nathan Myhrvold to the speakers such as Nathan Myhrvold speaking<00:02:47.310> style<00:02:47.519> or<00:02:47.760> the<00:02:47.849> one<00:02:47.969> of<00:02:48.000> of<00:02:48.269> Tim speaking style or the one of of Tim speaking style or the one of of Tim Ferriss<00:02:48.780> which<00:02:48.959> might<00:02:49.409> be<00:02:49.500> considered<00:02:49.859> a<00:02:49.889> bit Ferriss which might be considered a bit Ferriss which might be considered a bit strenuous<00:02:50.250> at<00:02:50.519> times<00:02:50.780> the<00:02:51.780> challenge<00:02:52.170> here<00:02:52.349> is strenuous at times the challenge here is strenuous at times the challenge here is if<00:02:52.739> I<00:02:52.889> try<00:02:53.159> to<00:02:53.220> systematically<00:02:54.060> do<00:02:54.329> this<00:02:54.540> I if I try to systematically do this I if I try to systematically do this I would<00:02:55.079> probably<00:02:55.349> end<00:02:55.680> up<00:02:55.799> with<00:02:55.919> a<00:02:55.980> lot<00:02:56.129> of would probably end up with a lot of would probably end up with a lot of summaries<00:02:56.639> but<00:02:56.819> not<00:02:56.970> with<00:02:57.090> many<00:02:57.269> friends<00:02:57.510> in summaries but not with many friends in summaries but not with many friends in the<00:02:57.900> end<00:02:58.049> so<00:02:58.379> I<00:02:58.620> had<00:02:59.400> to<00:02:59.519> find<00:02:59.760> a<00:02:59.849> different the end so I had to find a different the end so I had to find a different method<00:03:00.450> I<00:03:00.599> had<00:03:00.810> preferably<00:03:01.680> involving<00:03:02.099> total method I had preferably involving total method I had preferably involving total strangers<00:03:02.909> and<00:03:03.120> luckily<00:03:04.019> there's<00:03:04.409> a<00:03:04.470> website strangers and luckily there's a website strangers and luckily there's a website for<00:03:04.950> that<00:03:05.099> called<00:03:05.430> Mechanical<00:03:06.299> Turk<00:03:06.329> which<00:03:06.720> is for that called Mechanical Turk which is for that called Mechanical Turk which is a<00:03:06.870> website<00:03:07.079> where<00:03:07.379> you<00:03:07.439> can<00:03:07.590> post<00:03:07.769> tasks<00:03:08.549> that a website where you can post tasks that a website where you can post tasks that you<00:03:08.819> don't<00:03:09.000> want<00:03:09.150> to<00:03:09.209> do<00:03:09.299> yourself<00:03:09.720> such<00:03:10.319> as you don't want to do yourself such as you don't want to do yourself such as please<00:03:11.040> summarize<00:03:11.489> this<00:03:11.730> text<00:03:12.060> for<00:03:12.180> me<00:03:12.299> in<00:03:12.450> six please summarize this text for me in six please summarize this text for me in six words<00:03:12.840> and<00:03:13.139> I<00:03:14.040> didn't<00:03:14.519> allow<00:03:14.669> any<00:03:14.909> low<00:03:15.090> cost words and I didn't allow any low cost words and I didn't allow any low cost countries<00:03:15.659> to<00:03:15.780> work<00:03:15.900> on<00:03:16.079> this<00:03:16.200> but<00:03:16.530> I<00:03:16.950> found countries to work on this but I found countries to work on this but I found out<00:03:17.819> I<00:03:18.000> could<00:03:18.209> get<00:03:18.329> a<00:03:18.389> six<00:03:18.629> word<00:03:18.750> summary<00:03:19.019> for out I could get a six word summary for out I could get a six word summary for just<00:03:19.379> ten<00:03:19.560> cents<00:03:19.859> which<00:03:20.280> i<00:03:20.400> think<00:03:20.459> is<00:03:20.730> a<00:03:20.760> pretty just ten cents which i think is a pretty just ten cents which i think is a pretty good<00:03:21.359> price<00:03:21.720> even<00:03:22.560> then<00:03:22.859> unfortunately<00:03:23.579> it's good price even then unfortunately it's good price even then unfortunately it's not<00:03:24.090> possible<00:03:24.150> to<00:03:24.629> summarize<00:03:25.019> each<00:03:25.260> TED<00:03:26.250> talk not possible to summarize each TED talk not possible to summarize each TED talk individually<00:03:26.639> because<00:03:27.180> if<00:03:27.359> you<00:03:27.449> do<00:03:27.569> the<00:03:27.659> math individually because if you do the math individually because if you do the math you<00:03:28.019> know<00:03:28.109> you<00:03:28.199> have<00:03:28.319> a<00:03:28.349> thousand<00:03:28.739> TEDTalks you know you have a thousand TEDTalks you know you have a thousand TEDTalks you<00:03:29.220> pay<00:03:29.370> 10<00:03:29.879> cents<00:03:30.150> each<00:03:30.389> you<00:03:30.629> have<00:03:30.659> to<00:03:31.049> do you pay 10 cents each you have to do you pay 10 cents each you have to do more<00:03:31.319> than<00:03:31.500> one<00:03:31.680> summary<00:03:32.040> for<00:03:32.250> each<00:03:32.280> of<00:03:32.459> those more than one summary for each of those more than one summary for each of those talks<00:03:33.000> because<00:03:33.359> some<00:03:33.840> of<00:03:33.870> them<00:03:34.049> will<00:03:34.470> probably talks because some of them will probably talks because some of them will probably or<00:03:35.190> are<00:03:35.579> really<00:03:36.060> bad<00:03:36.209> so<00:03:36.900> I<00:03:37.109> would<00:03:37.349> end<00:03:37.829> up or are really bad so I would end up or are really bad so I would end up paying<00:03:38.190> hundreds<00:03:38.549> of<00:03:38.609> dollars<00:03:38.720> so<00:03:39.720> I<00:03:40.049> thought paying hundreds of dollars so I thought paying hundreds of dollars so I thought of<00:03:40.650> a<00:03:40.739> different<00:03:40.769> way<00:03:41.159> by<00:03:41.849> thinking<00:03:42.150> well<00:03:42.329> the of a different way by thinking well the of a different way by thinking well the talks<00:03:42.989> revolve<00:03:43.379> around<00:03:43.560> certain<00:03:44.040> themes<00:03:44.430> so talks revolve around certain themes so talks revolve around certain themes so what<00:03:45.690> if<00:03:45.870> I<00:03:46.139> don't<00:03:46.260> let<00:03:46.530> people<00:03:46.560> summarize what if I don't let people summarize what if I don't let people summarize individual<00:03:47.970> TED<00:03:48.269> Talks<00:03:48.510> -<00:03:48.690> six<00:03:48.900> words<00:03:49.139> but individual TED Talks - six words but individual TED Talks - six words but give<00:03:49.650> them<00:03:49.769> ten<00:03:50.069> TED<00:03:50.310> talks<00:03:50.549> at<00:03:50.729> the<00:03:50.849> same<00:03:51.030> time give them ten TED talks at the same time give them ten TED talks at the same time and<00:03:51.599> say<00:03:51.750> please<00:03:51.930> do<00:03:52.109> a<00:03:52.139> six<00:03:52.379> word<00:03:52.530> summary<00:03:52.739> for and say please do a six word summary for and say please do a six word summary for that<00:03:53.129> one<00:03:53.370> I<00:03:53.519> would<00:03:54.389> cut<00:03:54.870> my<00:03:55.049> costs<00:03:55.379> by<00:03:55.500> 90%<00:03:55.919> so that one I would cut my costs by 90% so that one I would cut my costs by 90% so for<00:03:57.650> $60<00:03:58.650> I<00:03:58.889> could<00:03:59.190> summarize<00:03:59.430> a<00:03:59.669> thousand for $60 I could summarize a thousand for $60 I could summarize a thousand TEDTalks<00:04:00.479> into<00:04:01.139> just<00:04:01.379> 600<00:04:02.010> summaries<00:04:02.430> which TEDTalks into just 600 summaries which TEDTalks into just 600 summaries which would<00:04:03.239> actually<00:04:03.810> be<00:04:03.930> quite<00:04:04.079> nice<00:04:04.349> now<00:04:05.010> some<00:04:05.430> of would actually be quite nice now some of would actually be quite nice now some of you<00:04:05.639> might<00:04:05.760> actually<00:04:06.209> right<00:04:06.419> now<00:04:06.510> be<00:04:06.659> thinking you might actually right now be thinking you might actually right now be thinking it's<00:04:07.079> downright<00:04:07.260> crazy<00:04:07.620> to<00:04:07.799> have<00:04:07.889> 10<00:04:08.159> TED it's downright crazy to have 10 TED it's downright crazy to have 10 TED talks<00:04:08.609> summarized<00:04:09.209> into<00:04:09.479> just<00:04:09.780> six<00:04:10.019> words<00:04:10.199> but talks summarized into just six words but talks summarized into just six words but it's<00:04:10.949> actually<00:04:11.220> not<00:04:11.400> because<00:04:12.299> there's<00:04:12.510> an it's actually not because there's an it's actually not because there's an example<00:04:13.049> by<00:04:13.139> a<00:04:13.169> statistics<00:04:14.099> professor<00:04:14.400> Hans example by a statistics professor Hans example by a statistics professor Hans Rosling<00:04:15.120> I<00:04:15.180> guess<00:04:15.329> many<00:04:15.540> of<00:04:15.659> you<00:04:15.780> have<00:04:15.930> seen Rosling I guess many of you have seen Rosling I guess many of you have seen one<00:04:16.349> or<00:04:16.380> more<00:04:16.620> of<00:04:16.709> his<00:04:16.739> talks<00:04:17.159> he's<00:04:17.459> got<00:04:17.609> eight one or more of his talks he's got eight one or more of his talks he's got eight talks<00:04:18.030> online<00:04:18.239> and<00:04:18.720> those<00:04:18.900> eight<00:04:19.079> talks<00:04:19.289> can talks online and those eight talks can talks online and those eight talks can basically<00:04:19.680> be<00:04:20.370> summed<00:04:20.789> up<00:04:20.880> into<00:04:21.090> just<00:04:21.180> four basically be summed up into just four basically be summed up into just four words<00:04:21.780> because<00:04:22.169> that's<00:04:22.380> all<00:04:22.620> he's<00:04:22.860> basically words because that's all he's basically words because that's all he's basically showing<00:04:23.759> us<00:04:24.030> our<00:04:24.240> intuition<00:04:24.810> is<00:04:24.900> really<00:04:25.470> bad showing us our intuition is really bad showing us our intuition is really bad always<00:04:26.700> proves<00:04:27.060> us<00:04:27.180> wrong always proves us wrong always proves us wrong so<00:04:28.169> people<00:04:28.949> on<00:04:29.039> the<00:04:29.129> internet<00:04:29.460> some<00:04:29.729> didn't<00:04:30.030> do so people on the internet some didn't do so people on the internet some didn't do so<00:04:30.360> well<00:04:30.389> I<00:04:30.569> mean<00:04:30.900> when<00:04:31.050> when<00:04:31.259> I<00:04:31.289> asked<00:04:31.500> him<00:04:31.560> to so well I mean when when I asked him to so well I mean when when I asked him to summarize<00:04:32.039> the<00:04:32.190> tenth<00:04:32.400> ethics<00:04:32.729> at<00:04:32.879> the<00:04:33.000> same summarize the tenth ethics at the same summarize the tenth ethics at the same time<00:04:33.389> some<00:04:33.690> took<00:04:33.900> the<00:04:34.020> easy<00:04:34.169> route<00:04:34.379> out<00:04:34.590> you time some took the easy route out you time some took the easy route out you know<00:04:34.979> they<00:04:35.160> just<00:04:35.400> had<00:04:35.819> some<00:04:36.150> general<00:04:36.599> comment know they just had some general comment know they just had some general comment others<00:04:38.129> and<00:04:38.569> there<00:04:39.569> were<00:04:39.659> others<00:04:39.930> and<00:04:40.080> I<00:04:40.139> found others and there were others and I found others and there were others and I found this<00:04:40.470> quite<00:04:40.680> cheeky<00:04:40.919> they<00:04:41.159> used<00:04:41.400> their<00:04:41.639> six this quite cheeky they used their six this quite cheeky they used their six words<00:04:42.180> to<00:04:42.479> talk<00:04:42.690> back<00:04:42.930> to<00:04:42.960> me<00:04:43.289> and<00:04:43.470> asked<00:04:43.590> me<00:04:43.710> if words to talk back to me and asked me if words to talk back to me and asked me if I'd<00:04:43.979> been<00:04:44.099> too<00:04:44.250> much<00:04:44.370> on<00:04:44.520> Google<00:04:44.819> lately<00:04:45.289> and I'd been too much on Google lately and I'd been too much on Google lately and finally<00:04:47.789> also<00:04:48.300> I<00:04:48.330> did<00:04:48.930> never<00:04:49.319> understood<00:04:49.740> this finally also I did never understood this finally also I did never understood this you<00:04:50.009> know<00:04:50.099> some<00:04:50.490> people<00:04:50.610> really<00:04:50.970> they<00:04:51.449> came<00:04:51.629> up you know some people really they came up you know some people really they came up with<00:04:51.780> their<00:04:51.930> own<00:04:51.990> wording<00:04:52.379> of<00:04:52.680> the<00:04:52.860> truth<00:04:53.069> I with their own wording of the truth I with their own wording of the truth I mean<00:04:53.430> I<00:04:53.580> I<00:04:53.610> don't<00:04:53.819> know<00:04:54.120> any<00:04:54.300> TED<00:04:54.569> talk<00:04:54.720> that mean I I don't know any TED talk that mean I I don't know any TED talk that kind<00:04:55.050> of<00:04:55.139> contains<00:04:55.590> this<00:04:55.800> but<00:04:56.099> oh<00:04:56.310> well<00:04:57.150> in<00:04:57.539> the kind of contains this but oh well in the kind of contains this but oh well in the end<00:04:57.990> however<00:04:58.379> and<00:04:58.830> this<00:04:58.949> is<00:04:59.069> really<00:04:59.280> amazing end however and this is really amazing end however and this is really amazing for<00:04:59.879> each<00:05:00.060> of<00:05:00.300> those<00:05:00.870> ten<00:05:01.349> tetra<00:05:01.680> clusters for each of those ten tetra clusters for each of those ten tetra clusters that<00:05:02.280> I<00:05:02.340> submitted<00:05:02.729> I<00:05:02.909> actually<00:05:03.090> received that I submitted I actually received that I submitted I actually received meaningful<00:05:04.020> summaries<00:05:04.380> here<00:05:04.560> are<00:05:04.620> some<00:05:04.770> of<00:05:04.889> my meaningful summaries here are some of my meaningful summaries here are some of my favorites<00:05:05.550> for<00:05:05.669> example<00:05:06.060> for<00:05:06.599> all<00:05:06.690> the<00:05:06.780> TED favorites for example for all the TED favorites for example for all the TED Talks<00:05:07.110> around<00:05:07.380> food<00:05:07.560> someone<00:05:07.889> summed<00:05:08.130> this<00:05:08.250> up Talks around food someone summed this up Talks around food someone summed this up into<00:05:08.669> food<00:05:08.909> shaping<00:05:09.300> body<00:05:09.509> brains<00:05:09.900> and into food shaping body brains and into food shaping body brains and environment<00:05:10.740> which<00:05:10.919> i<00:05:11.039> think<00:05:11.099> is<00:05:11.310> pretty<00:05:11.430> good environment which i think is pretty good environment which i think is pretty good or<00:05:11.930> happiness<00:05:12.930> driving<00:05:13.590> toward<00:05:13.800> happiness or happiness driving toward happiness or happiness driving toward happiness moving<00:05:14.909> toward<00:05:15.210> unhappiness<00:05:15.630> so<00:05:16.490> here<00:05:17.490> I<00:05:17.520> was moving toward unhappiness so here I was moving toward unhappiness so here I was I<00:05:17.970> had<00:05:18.240> started<00:05:18.810> out<00:05:18.900> with<00:05:19.050> a<00:05:19.110> thousand<00:05:19.500> TED I had started out with a thousand TED I had started out with a thousand TED talks<00:05:19.860> and<00:05:20.009> I<00:05:20.130> had<00:05:20.340> six<00:05:20.759> hundred<00:05:21.120> six<00:05:21.509> word talks and I had six hundred six word talks and I had six hundred six word summaries<00:05:22.050> for<00:05:22.199> those<00:05:22.729> actually<00:05:23.729> it<00:05:23.849> sounded summaries for those actually it sounded summaries for those actually it sounded nice<00:05:24.300> in<00:05:24.509> the<00:05:24.599> beginning<00:05:24.900> but<00:05:24.990> when<00:05:25.139> you<00:05:25.229> look nice in the beginning but when you look nice in the beginning but when you look at<00:05:25.469> six<00:05:25.710> hundred<00:05:25.830> summary<00:05:26.250> so<00:05:26.400> it's<00:05:26.580> quite<00:05:26.759> a at six hundred summary so it's quite a at six hundred summary so it's quite a lot<00:05:27.000> it's<00:05:27.360> a<00:05:27.419> huge<00:05:27.659> list<00:05:27.870> so<00:05:28.259> I<00:05:28.729> thought<00:05:29.729> you lot it's a huge list so I thought you lot it's a huge list so I thought you know<00:05:29.879> I<00:05:30.000> probably<00:05:30.509> have<00:05:30.810> to<00:05:30.930> take<00:05:31.139> this<00:05:31.289> one know I probably have to take this one know I probably have to take this one step<00:05:31.680> further<00:05:32.069> here<00:05:32.610> and<00:05:32.909> kind<00:05:33.539> of<00:05:33.569> create step further here and kind of create step further here and kind of create summaries<00:05:34.380> of<00:05:34.409> the<00:05:34.710> summaries<00:05:35.130> and<00:05:35.370> this<00:05:35.490> is summaries of the summaries and this is summaries of the summaries and this is exactly<00:05:35.789> what<00:05:36.090> I<00:05:36.120> did<00:05:36.300> so<00:05:36.419> I<00:05:36.449> took<00:05:36.539> the<00:05:36.780> six exactly what I did so I took the six exactly what I did so I took the six hundred<00:05:37.229> summaries<00:05:37.530> that<00:05:37.710> I<00:05:37.740> had<00:05:38.009> put<00:05:38.759> them hundred summaries that I had put them hundred summaries that I had put them into<00:05:39.060> nine<00:05:39.300> groups<00:05:39.330> according<00:05:40.080> to<00:05:40.319> the into nine groups according to the into nine groups according to the ratings<00:05:40.620> that<00:05:41.039> the<00:05:41.190> talks<00:05:41.430> had<00:05:41.610> originally ratings that the talks had originally ratings that the talks had originally received<00:05:42.419> on<00:05:42.659> ted.com received on ted.com received on ted.com and<00:05:43.669> asked<00:05:44.669> people<00:05:44.819> to<00:05:45.120> do<00:05:45.240> summaries<00:05:45.719> of and asked people to do summaries of and asked people to do summaries of those<00:05:46.370> again<00:05:47.370> there<00:05:47.520> were<00:05:47.639> some those again there were some those again there were some misunderstandings<00:05:48.180> for<00:05:48.930> example<00:05:49.289> when<00:05:49.440> I<00:05:49.469> had misunderstandings for example when I had misunderstandings for example when I had a<00:05:49.949> cluster<00:05:50.190> of<00:05:50.340> all<00:05:50.460> the<00:05:50.580> beautiful<00:05:50.819> talks a cluster of all the beautiful talks a cluster of all the beautiful talks someone<00:05:51.449> thought<00:05:51.630> I<00:05:51.659> was<00:05:51.840> just<00:05:52.110> trying<00:05:52.650> to someone thought I was just trying to someone thought I was just trying to find<00:05:52.889> the<00:05:53.009> ultimate<00:05:53.099> pickup<00:05:53.610> line<00:05:53.789> here<00:05:54.029> but find the ultimate pickup line here but find the ultimate pickup line here but in<00:05:55.800> the<00:05:56.009> end<00:05:56.270> amazingly<00:05:57.270> again<00:05:57.870> people<00:05:58.110> were in the end amazingly again people were in the end amazingly again people were able<00:05:58.529> to<00:05:58.560> do<00:05:58.740> it<00:05:58.889> for<00:05:59.039> anxiety<00:05:59.509> aesthetics able to do it for anxiety aesthetics able to do it for anxiety aesthetics people<00:06:00.870> dying<00:06:01.080> or<00:06:01.289> people<00:06:01.620> suffering<00:06:01.889> there people dying or people suffering there people dying or people suffering there was<00:06:02.099> also<00:06:02.279> one<00:06:02.460> with<00:06:02.819> easy<00:06:03.060> solutions<00:06:03.569> around was also one with easy solutions around was also one with easy solutions around or<00:06:04.080> the<00:06:04.979> recipe<00:06:05.460> for<00:06:05.639> the<00:06:05.729> ultimate<00:06:06.180> draw or the recipe for the ultimate draw or the recipe for the ultimate draw dropping<00:06:06.719> TED<00:06:07.199> talk<00:06:07.440> Flickr<00:06:07.830> photos<00:06:08.219> of dropping TED talk Flickr photos of dropping TED talk Flickr photos of intergalactic<00:06:08.639> classical<00:06:09.360> composer<00:06:09.719> I<00:06:09.840> mean intergalactic classical composer I mean intergalactic classical composer I mean that's<00:06:10.229> the<00:06:10.860> essence<00:06:11.250> of<00:06:11.400> it<00:06:11.580> all<00:06:12.229> now that's the essence of it all now that's the essence of it all now I<00:06:13.590> had<00:06:14.430> my<00:06:14.580> nine<00:06:14.729> groups<00:06:15.000> but<00:06:15.300> I<00:06:15.569> mean<00:06:16.069> it's I had my nine groups but I mean it's I had my nine groups but I mean it's already<00:06:17.370> quite<00:06:17.580> a<00:06:17.669> reduction<00:06:17.969> but<00:06:18.240> of<00:06:18.330> course already quite a reduction but of course already quite a reduction but of course now<00:06:18.719> once<00:06:18.960> you're<00:06:19.080> that<00:06:19.289> for<00:06:19.560> it<00:06:19.680> you're<00:06:19.800> not now once you're that for it you're not now once you're that for it you're not really<00:06:20.159> satisfied<00:06:20.669> I<00:06:20.699> mean<00:06:21.000> I<00:06:21.180> wanted<00:06:21.870> to<00:06:21.930> go really satisfied I mean I wanted to go really satisfied I mean I wanted to go all<00:06:22.289> the<00:06:22.319> way<00:06:22.469> all<00:06:22.860> the<00:06:23.069> way<00:06:23.099> down<00:06:23.310> the all the way all the way down the all the way all the way down the Distillery<00:06:23.880> you<00:06:24.060> know<00:06:24.180> starting<00:06:24.539> out<00:06:24.630> with<00:06:24.750> a Distillery you know starting out with a Distillery you know starting out with a thousand<00:06:25.289> TEDTalks<00:06:25.409> I<00:06:25.889> wanted<00:06:26.279> to<00:06:26.340> have<00:06:26.460> a thousand TEDTalks I wanted to have a thousand TEDTalks I wanted to have a thousand<00:06:27.000> TEDTalks<00:06:27.120> summarized<00:06:27.779> into<00:06:28.020> just thousand TEDTalks summarized into just thousand TEDTalks summarized into just six<00:06:28.620> words<00:06:28.860> which<00:06:29.610> would<00:06:29.759> be<00:06:29.909> a<00:06:30.139> 99.999<00:06:31.139> seven six words which would be a 99.999 seven six words which would be a 99.999 seven percent<00:06:31.949> reduction<00:06:32.310> in<00:06:32.400> content<00:06:32.819> and<00:06:33.029> I<00:06:33.690> would percent reduction in content and I would percent reduction in content and I would only<00:06:34.469> pay<00:06:34.979> ninety<00:06:35.490> nine<00:06:35.639> dollars<00:06:35.940> and<00:06:36.180> fifty only pay ninety nine dollars and fifty only pay ninety nine dollars and fifty so<00:06:36.899> stay<00:06:37.169> even<00:06:37.620> below<00:06:37.860> a<00:06:37.889> hundred<00:06:38.130> dollars<00:06:38.550> for so stay even below a hundred dollars for so stay even below a hundred dollars for it it it so<00:06:40.069> add<00:06:40.190> 50<00:06:40.610> overall<00:06:40.879> summaries<00:06:41.240> done<00:06:41.449> this so add 50 overall summaries done this so add 50 overall summaries done this time<00:06:41.900> I<00:06:41.930> paid<00:06:42.169> 25<00:06:42.650> cents<00:06:42.949> because<00:06:43.220> I<00:06:43.400> thought time I paid 25 cents because I thought time I paid 25 cents because I thought the<00:06:43.849> task<00:06:44.060> was<00:06:44.240> a<00:06:44.270> bit<00:06:44.419> harder<00:06:44.750> and the task was a bit harder and the task was a bit harder and unfortunately<00:06:47.270> when<00:06:47.569> I<00:06:47.599> first<00:06:47.660> received<00:06:48.110> the unfortunately when I first received the unfortunately when I first received the answers<00:06:48.740> and<00:06:48.860> here<00:06:49.039> you<00:06:49.129> see<00:06:49.310> six<00:06:49.520> of<00:06:49.669> the answers and here you see six of the answers and here you see six of the answers<00:06:50.030> I<00:06:50.150> was<00:06:50.240> a<00:06:50.300> bit<00:06:50.449> disappointed<00:06:51.050> because answers I was a bit disappointed because answers I was a bit disappointed because I<00:06:51.590> think<00:06:51.919> you'll<00:06:52.220> agree<00:06:52.310> they<00:06:53.270> all<00:06:53.389> summarized I think you'll agree they all summarized I think you'll agree they all summarized some<00:06:53.870> aspect<00:06:54.440> of<00:06:54.500> Ted<00:06:54.740> by<00:06:54.860> to<00:06:55.340> me<00:06:55.460> that<00:06:55.669> kind<00:06:55.849> of some aspect of Ted by to me that kind of some aspect of Ted by to me that kind of felt<00:06:56.180> felt<00:06:56.419> a<00:06:56.479> bit<00:06:56.599> bland<00:06:56.870> or<00:06:57.229> they<00:06:57.349> just<00:06:57.379> had<00:06:57.770> a felt felt a bit bland or they just had a felt felt a bit bland or they just had a certain<00:06:58.940> aspect<00:06:59.300> of<00:06:59.539> Ted<00:06:59.930> in<00:07:00.080> them<00:07:00.229> so<00:07:00.560> I<00:07:00.590> was certain aspect of Ted in them so I was certain aspect of Ted in them so I was almost<00:07:01.099> ready<00:07:01.400> to<00:07:01.550> give<00:07:01.639> up<00:07:01.940> when<00:07:02.389> one<00:07:03.379> night<00:07:03.530> I almost ready to give up when one night I almost ready to give up when one night I played<00:07:04.099> around<00:07:04.370> with<00:07:04.639> these<00:07:04.909> sentences<00:07:05.389> and played around with these sentences and played around with these sentences and found<00:07:05.780> out<00:07:05.900> that<00:07:06.110> there's<00:07:06.259> actually<00:07:06.470> a found out that there's actually a found out that there's actually a beautiful<00:07:07.970> solution<00:07:08.539> in<00:07:08.870> here<00:07:09.139> so<00:07:09.530> here<00:07:10.490> it<00:07:10.580> is beautiful solution in here so here it is beautiful solution in here so here it is a<00:07:11.830> crowd-sourced a crowd-sourced a crowd-sourced six<00:07:13.430> word<00:07:13.729> summary<00:07:14.090> of<00:07:14.509> a<00:07:14.750> thousand<00:07:15.169> TEDTalks six word summary of a thousand TEDTalks six word summary of a thousand TEDTalks at<00:07:15.740> the<00:07:15.889> value<00:07:16.190> of<00:07:16.340> ninety<00:07:16.639> nine<00:07:16.789> dollars<00:07:17.090> and at the value of ninety nine dollars and at the value of ninety nine dollars and fifteen<00:07:18.099> why<00:07:19.099> the<00:07:19.159> worry fifteen why the worry fifteen why the worry I'd<00:07:20.030> rather<00:07:20.300> wonder<00:07:20.810> thank<00:07:21.680> you<00:07:21.800> very<00:07:21.919> much

Sebastian Wernicke, TED, TED Talk, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, TED, Ed, TEDx, TEDxZurich, six, word, novel, language

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