Ngăn chặn khủng hoảng khí hậu-Al Gore

Averting the climate crisis - Al Gore

Averting the climate crisis - Al Gore


thank<00:00:18.800> you<00:00:18.920> so<00:00:19.119> much<00:00:19.359> Chris<00:00:19.720> and<00:00:19.880> it's<00:00:20.199> uh<00:00:20.439> it's
thank you so much Chris and it's uh it's thank you so much Chris and it's uh it's uh<00:00:21.519> truly<00:00:21.840> a<00:00:22.000> great<00:00:22.240> honor<00:00:22.519> to<00:00:22.680> have<00:00:22.880> the uh truly a great honor to have the uh truly a great honor to have the opportunity<00:00:23.599> to<00:00:23.760> come<00:00:24.000> to<00:00:24.119> this<00:00:24.279> stage<00:00:24.680> twice opportunity to come to this stage twice opportunity to come to this stage twice I'm<00:00:25.599> extremely<00:00:26.080> grateful<00:00:27.039> I<00:00:27.199> have<00:00:27.359> been<00:00:27.640> blown I'm extremely grateful I have been blown I'm extremely grateful I have been blown away<00:00:28.519> by<00:00:28.800> this<00:00:29.439> conference<00:00:30.400> and<00:00:30.519> I<00:00:30.640> want<00:00:30.759> to away by this conference and I want to away by this conference and I want to thank<00:00:31.480> all<00:00:31.679> of<00:00:31.880> you<00:00:32.239> for<00:00:32.759> the<00:00:33.200> the<00:00:33.320> many<00:00:34.239> um thank all of you for the the many um thank all of you for the the many um nice<00:00:35.600> comments<00:00:36.200> about<00:00:36.559> what<00:00:36.719> I<00:00:36.800> had<00:00:36.920> to<00:00:37.040> say nice comments about what I had to say nice comments about what I had to say the<00:00:37.680> the<00:00:37.800> other<00:00:38.079> night<00:00:38.399> and<00:00:38.559> I<00:00:38.760> and<00:00:38.879> I<00:00:39.079> say<00:00:39.320> that the the other night and I and I say that the the other night and I and I say that sincerely<00:00:41.280> partly<00:00:42.039> because<00:00:43.039> I<00:00:43.239> need

that<00:00:50.199> put<00:00:50.399> yourselves<00:00:50.879> in<00:00:51.160> my

position<00:00:58.760> I<00:00:58.879> flew<00:00:59.160> on<00:00:59.280> Air<00:00:59.480> Force<00:00:59.719> 2<00:01:00.199> for<00:01:00.359> 8
position I flew on Air Force 2 for 8 position I flew on Air Force 2 for 8 years<00:01:03.160> now<00:01:03.320> I<00:01:03.440> have<00:01:03.559> to<00:01:03.840> take<00:01:04.040> off<00:01:04.280> my<00:01:04.519> shoes<00:01:04.960> or years now I have to take off my shoes or years now I have to take off my shoes or boots<00:01:05.439> to<00:01:05.600> get<00:01:05.680> on<00:01:05.840> an

airplane<00:01:15.880> I'll<00:01:16.040> tell<00:01:16.159> you<00:01:16.280> one<00:01:16.479> quick<00:01:16.680> story
airplane I'll tell you one quick story airplane I'll tell you one quick story to to to illustrate<00:01:18.720> what<00:01:18.960> that's<00:01:19.159> been<00:01:19.400> like<00:01:19.600> for illustrate what that's been like for illustrate what that's been like for me<00:01:22.240> this<00:01:22.400> a<00:01:22.560> true<00:01:22.799> story<00:01:23.200> every<00:01:23.439> bit<00:01:23.600> of<00:01:23.759> this me this a true story every bit of this me this a true story every bit of this is<00:01:24.479> true<00:01:25.479> soon<00:01:25.799> after<00:01:26.159> Tipper<00:01:26.479> and<00:01:26.560> I<00:01:26.720> left<00:01:27.240> the is true soon after Tipper and I left the is true soon after Tipper and I left the White<00:01:28.560> House<00:01:29.159> I White House I White House I we<00:01:31.240> were<00:01:31.560> driving<00:01:32.119> from<00:01:32.360> our<00:01:32.600> home<00:01:33.040> in we were driving from our home in we were driving from our home in Nashville<00:01:34.119> to<00:01:34.720> a<00:01:34.880> little<00:01:35.079> farm<00:01:35.520> we<00:01:35.720> have<00:01:36.000> 50<00:01:36.280> Mi Nashville to a little farm we have 50 Mi Nashville to a little farm we have 50 Mi east<00:01:36.840> of east of east of Nashville<00:01:39.240> driving

ourselves<00:01:43.439> I<00:01:43.560> know<00:01:43.759> that<00:01:43.920> sounds<00:01:44.200> like<00:01:44.360> a
ourselves I know that sounds like a ourselves I know that sounds like a little<00:01:44.680> thing<00:01:44.920> to<00:01:45.119> you

but<00:01:51.799> I
but I but I uh<00:01:53.799> I<00:01:53.960> looked<00:01:54.200> in<00:01:54.399> the<00:01:54.680> rear<00:01:55.000> view<00:01:55.240> mirror uh I looked in the rear view mirror uh I looked in the rear view mirror and<00:01:57.520> uh<00:01:58.240> all<00:01:58.439> of<00:01:58.560> a<00:01:58.759> sudden<00:01:59.200> it<00:01:59.360> just<00:01:59.560> hit<00:01:59.960> me and uh all of a sudden it just hit me and uh all of a sudden it just hit me there<00:02:00.520> was<00:02:00.680> no<00:02:00.840> motorcade<00:02:01.560> back there was no motorcade back there was no motorcade back there<00:02:04.799> you've<00:02:05.000> heard<00:02:05.200> of<00:02:05.360> phantom<00:02:05.759> limb

pain pain this<00:02:13.920> this<00:02:14.040> was<00:02:14.200> a<00:02:14.400> rented<00:02:14.800> Ford

Taurus<00:02:18.640> uh<00:02:18.840> it<00:02:18.959> was<00:02:19.200> dinner<00:02:19.760> time<00:02:20.760> and<00:02:21.680> we
Taurus uh it was dinner time and we Taurus uh it was dinner time and we started<00:02:22.120> looking<00:02:22.319> for<00:02:22.480> a<00:02:22.599> place<00:02:22.800> to<00:02:23.120> eat<00:02:24.120> uh<00:02:24.239> we started looking for a place to eat uh we started looking for a place to eat uh we were<00:02:24.400> on<00:02:24.560> I40<00:02:25.200> we<00:02:25.360> got<00:02:25.519> to<00:02:26.200> uh<00:02:26.360> exit<00:02:26.720> 238 were on I40 we got to uh exit 238 were on I40 we got to uh exit 238 Lebanon<00:02:28.160> Tennessee<00:02:28.519> we<00:02:28.599> got<00:02:28.680> off<00:02:28.840> the<00:02:28.920> exit Lebanon Tennessee we got off the exit Lebanon Tennessee we got off the exit started<00:02:29.400> looking<00:02:29.599> we<00:02:29.680> found<00:02:30.000> to<00:02:30.120> shon's started looking we found to shon's started looking we found to shon's restaurant<00:02:32.200> lowcost<00:02:33.120> family<00:02:33.800> restaurant restaurant lowcost family restaurant restaurant lowcost family restaurant chain<00:02:35.040> for<00:02:35.239> those<00:02:35.360> of<00:02:35.440> you<00:02:35.519> who<00:02:35.599> don't<00:02:35.760> know<00:02:36.319> it chain for those of you who don't know it chain for those of you who don't know it we<00:02:37.879> went<00:02:38.040> in<00:02:38.160> and<00:02:38.280> sat<00:02:38.480> down<00:02:38.640> at<00:02:38.800> the<00:02:38.959> booth<00:02:39.319> and we went in and sat down at the booth and we went in and sat down at the booth and the<00:02:40.080> waitress<00:02:40.560> came<00:02:40.800> over<00:02:41.480> uh<00:02:41.680> made<00:02:41.840> a<00:02:42.000> big the waitress came over uh made a big the waitress came over uh made a big commotion<00:02:42.720> over

Tipper<00:02:46.080> she<00:02:46.280> took<00:02:46.480> our<00:02:46.680> order<00:02:47.120> and<00:02:47.280> then<00:02:47.440> went
Tipper she took our order and then went Tipper she took our order and then went to<00:02:47.760> the<00:02:47.879> couple<00:02:48.159> in<00:02:48.239> the<00:02:48.360> booth<00:02:48.680> next<00:02:48.879> to<00:02:49.120> us to the couple in the booth next to us to the couple in the booth next to us and<00:02:49.480> she<00:02:50.159> lowered<00:02:50.640> her<00:02:50.920> voice<00:02:51.200> so<00:02:51.360> much<00:02:51.560> I<00:02:51.680> had and she lowered her voice so much I had and she lowered her voice so much I had to<00:02:51.920> really<00:02:52.120> strain<00:02:52.560> to<00:02:52.720> hear<00:02:52.879> what<00:02:53.000> she<00:02:53.120> was to really strain to hear what she was to really strain to hear what she was saying<00:02:54.720> and<00:02:54.840> she<00:02:54.959> said<00:02:55.280> yes<00:02:55.560> that's<00:02:55.840> former saying and she said yes that's former saying and she said yes that's former vice<00:02:56.519> president<00:02:56.840> Al<00:02:57.120> Gore<00:02:57.400> and<00:02:57.560> his<00:02:57.800> wife vice president Al Gore and his wife vice president Al Gore and his wife Tipper<00:02:59.280> and<00:02:59.360> the<00:02:59.480> man<00:02:59.920> said<00:03:00.879> he's<00:03:01.159> come<00:03:01.400> down<00:03:01.640> a Tipper and the man said he's come down a Tipper and the man said he's come down a long<00:03:02.080> way<00:03:02.440> hasn't

he<00:03:12.440> there's<00:03:12.640> been<00:03:12.840> kind<00:03:12.959> of<00:03:13.080> a<00:03:13.400> series<00:03:14.000> of
he there's been kind of a series of he there's been kind of a series of epiphanies<00:03:16.680> the<00:03:16.879> very<00:03:17.200> next<00:03:17.560> day<00:03:18.040> continuing epiphanies the very next day continuing epiphanies the very next day continuing a<00:03:18.879> totally<00:03:19.280> true<00:03:19.640> story<00:03:20.440> I<00:03:20.599> got<00:03:20.840> on<00:03:21.080> a<00:03:21.480> G5<00:03:22.480> to a totally true story I got on a G5 to a totally true story I got on a G5 to fly<00:03:23.080> to<00:03:23.640> Africa<00:03:24.640> to<00:03:24.799> make<00:03:24.959> a<00:03:25.120> speech<00:03:25.360> in fly to Africa to make a speech in fly to Africa to make a speech in Nigeria<00:03:26.280> in<00:03:26.400> the<00:03:26.519> city<00:03:26.720> of<00:03:26.879> Lagos<00:03:27.440> on<00:03:27.599> the Nigeria in the city of Lagos on the Nigeria in the city of Lagos on the topic<00:03:28.080> of<00:03:28.560> energy<00:03:29.560> and<00:03:29.760> and<00:03:29.840> I<00:03:30.000> began<00:03:30.439> the topic of energy and and I began the topic of energy and and I began the speech<00:03:31.640> by<00:03:31.879> telling<00:03:32.360> them<00:03:32.680> the<00:03:33.000> story<00:03:33.480> of<00:03:33.680> what speech by telling them the story of what speech by telling them the story of what had<00:03:34.000> just<00:03:34.200> happened<00:03:34.519> the<00:03:34.640> day<00:03:34.799> before<00:03:35.000> in had just happened the day before in had just happened the day before in Nashville<00:03:36.480> and<00:03:36.599> I<00:03:36.680> told<00:03:36.879> it<00:03:37.040> pretty<00:03:37.239> much<00:03:37.400> the Nashville and I told it pretty much the Nashville and I told it pretty much the same<00:03:37.720> way<00:03:37.879> I've<00:03:38.040> just<00:03:38.120> shared<00:03:38.439> it<00:03:38.680> with<00:03:38.879> you<00:03:39.840> uh same way I've just shared it with you uh same way I've just shared it with you uh Tipper<00:03:40.200> and<00:03:40.280> I<00:03:40.360> were<00:03:40.519> driving<00:03:40.799> ourselves Tipper and I were driving ourselves Tipper and I were driving ourselves Shy's<00:03:41.760> lowcost<00:03:42.280> Family<00:03:42.560> Restaurant<00:03:43.000> CH<00:03:43.239> what Shy's lowcost Family Restaurant CH what Shy's lowcost Family Restaurant CH what the<00:03:43.480> man<00:03:43.720> said<00:03:44.080> they the man said they the man said they laughed<00:03:46.120> uh<00:03:46.280> I<00:03:46.480> gave<00:03:46.720> my<00:03:46.879> speech<00:03:47.239> then<00:03:47.360> went laughed uh I gave my speech then went laughed uh I gave my speech then went back<00:03:47.720> out<00:03:47.879> to<00:03:48.000> the<00:03:48.120> airport<00:03:48.480> to<00:03:48.640> fly<00:03:48.920> back<00:03:49.120> home back out to the airport to fly back home back out to the airport to fly back home I<00:03:49.680> fell<00:03:49.879> asleep<00:03:50.200> on<00:03:50.319> the<00:03:50.560> plane<00:03:51.560> until<00:03:52.079> during I fell asleep on the plane until during I fell asleep on the plane until during the<00:03:52.480> middle<00:03:52.760> of<00:03:52.840> the<00:03:52.959> night<00:03:53.200> we<00:03:53.360> landed<00:03:53.920> on<00:03:54.079> the the middle of the night we landed on the the middle of the night we landed on the Azor<00:03:54.760> islands<00:03:55.120> for<00:03:55.680> refueling<00:03:56.680> I<00:03:56.760> woke<00:03:57.040> up Azor islands for refueling I woke up Azor islands for refueling I woke up they<00:03:57.840> opened<00:03:58.120> the<00:03:58.239> door<00:03:58.439> I<00:03:58.560> went<00:03:58.720> out<00:03:58.840> to<00:03:58.959> get they opened the door I went out to get they opened the door I went out to get some<00:03:59.200> fresh<00:03:59.400> air<00:03:59.560> and<00:03:59.920> looked<00:04:00.120> and<00:04:00.280> there<00:04:00.360> was some fresh air and looked and there was some fresh air and looked and there was a<00:04:00.640> man<00:04:00.959> running<00:04:01.400> across<00:04:01.720> the a man running across the a man running across the runway<00:04:03.560> and<00:04:03.680> he<00:04:03.760> was<00:04:03.920> waving<00:04:04.280> a<00:04:04.400> piece<00:04:04.560> of runway and he was waving a piece of runway and he was waving a piece of paper<00:04:05.079> and<00:04:05.200> he<00:04:05.319> was<00:04:05.599> yelling<00:04:06.480> call<00:04:07.599> Washington paper and he was yelling call Washington paper and he was yelling call Washington call call call Washington<00:04:11.360> and<00:04:11.480> I<00:04:11.599> thought<00:04:11.760> to<00:04:11.840> myself<00:04:12.159> the Washington and I thought to myself the Washington and I thought to myself the middle<00:04:12.400> of<00:04:12.480> the<00:04:12.560> night<00:04:12.760> middle<00:04:12.959> of<00:04:13.040> the middle of the night middle of the middle of the night middle of the Atlantic<00:04:13.640> what<00:04:13.760> in<00:04:13.879> the<00:04:14.040> world<00:04:14.360> could<00:04:14.519> be Atlantic what in the world could be Atlantic what in the world could be wrong<00:04:14.840> in<00:04:15.000> Washington<00:04:15.879> I<00:04:15.959> remembered<00:04:16.320> it wrong in Washington I remembered it wrong in Washington I remembered it could<00:04:16.600> be<00:04:16.799> a<00:04:16.959> bunch<00:04:17.160> of could be a bunch of could be a bunch of things

and<00:04:25.360> but<00:04:25.560> but<00:04:25.720> what<00:04:25.840> it<00:04:25.960> turned<00:04:26.240> out<00:04:26.440> to<00:04:26.639> be<00:04:27.400> was
and but but what it turned out to be was and but but what it turned out to be was that<00:04:27.800> my<00:04:27.960> staff<00:04:28.240> was<00:04:28.520> extremely<00:04:29.960> upset that my staff was extremely upset that my staff was extremely upset because<00:04:31.759> a<00:04:32.080> u<00:04:32.840> one<00:04:33.000> of<00:04:33.080> the<00:04:33.199> wire<00:04:33.560> services<00:04:34.560> in because a u one of the wire services in because a u one of the wire services in Nigeria<00:04:35.320> had<00:04:35.479> already<00:04:35.759> written<00:04:36.080> a<00:04:36.280> story Nigeria had already written a story Nigeria had already written a story about<00:04:37.120> my<00:04:37.360> speech<00:04:38.280> and<00:04:38.400> it<00:04:38.560> had<00:04:38.720> already<00:04:38.919> been about my speech and it had already been about my speech and it had already been printed<00:04:39.479> in<00:04:39.639> cities<00:04:40.120> all<00:04:40.320> across<00:04:40.639> the<00:04:40.800> United printed in cities all across the United printed in cities all across the United States<00:04:42.000> of<00:04:42.160> America<00:04:42.479> was<00:04:42.600> printed<00:04:42.840> in<00:04:42.919> Montery States of America was printed in Montery States of America was printed in Montery I I I checked<00:04:46.080> uh<00:04:46.400> and<00:04:47.400> the<00:04:47.560> story<00:04:47.840> began<00:04:48.520> former checked uh and the story began former checked uh and the story began former vice<00:04:49.199> president<00:04:49.520> alore<00:04:50.080> announced<00:04:50.520> in vice president alore announced in vice president alore announced in Nigeria<00:04:51.400> yesterday<00:04:51.960> quote<00:04:52.960> my<00:04:53.199> wife<00:04:53.440> Tipper Nigeria yesterday quote my wife Tipper Nigeria yesterday quote my wife Tipper and<00:04:53.919> I<00:04:54.160> have<00:04:54.280> opened<00:04:54.600> a<00:04:54.720> lowcost<00:04:55.360> family and I have opened a lowcost family and I have opened a lowcost family restaurant<00:04:58.000> named<00:04:58.639> shony<00:04:59.720> and<00:04:59.800> we<00:04:59.919> are restaurant named shony and we are restaurant named shony and we are running<00:05:00.280> it

ourselves<00:05:04.880> before<00:05:05.199> I<00:05:05.320> could<00:05:05.520> get<00:05:05.720> back<00:05:05.880> to<00:05:06.039> us
ourselves before I could get back to us ourselves before I could get back to us soil<00:05:06.880> David<00:05:07.400> Letterman<00:05:07.919> and<00:05:08.080> Jay<00:05:08.320> Leno<00:05:08.800> had soil David Letterman and Jay Leno had soil David Letterman and Jay Leno had already<00:05:10.360> started<00:05:10.759> in<00:05:10.919> on<00:05:11.080> one<00:05:11.160> of<00:05:11.240> them<00:05:11.400> had<00:05:11.520> me already started in on one of them had me already started in on one of them had me in<00:05:11.720> a<00:05:11.880> big<00:05:12.080> white<00:05:12.320> chef's<00:05:13.240> hat<00:05:14.240> Tipper<00:05:14.600> was in a big white chef's hat Tipper was in a big white chef's hat Tipper was saying<00:05:15.000> one<00:05:15.199> more<00:05:15.400> burger<00:05:15.840> with saying one more burger with saying one more burger with fries<00:05:17.840> 3<00:05:18.199> days<00:05:18.560> later<00:05:19.120> I<00:05:19.240> got<00:05:19.360> a<00:05:19.639> nice<00:05:20.160> long fries 3 days later I got a nice long fries 3 days later I got a nice long handwritten<00:05:21.520> letter<00:05:21.800> from<00:05:22.039> my<00:05:22.240> friend<00:05:22.600> and handwritten letter from my friend and handwritten letter from my friend and partner<00:05:23.600> and<00:05:23.840> colleague<00:05:24.400> Bill<00:05:24.680> Clinton partner and colleague Bill Clinton partner and colleague Bill Clinton saying<00:05:25.520> congratulations<00:05:26.479> on<00:05:26.639> the<00:05:26.759> new saying congratulations on the new saying congratulations on the new restaurant<00:05:27.639> out

we<00:05:34.680> like<00:05:34.840> to<00:05:35.120> celebrate<00:05:35.600> each<00:05:35.720> other's
we like to celebrate each other's we like to celebrate each other's successes<00:05:36.720> in

life<00:05:42.880> um<00:05:43.840> was<00:05:44.000> going<00:05:44.120> to<00:05:44.240> talk<00:05:44.360> about
life um was going to talk about life um was going to talk about information information information ecology<00:05:46.680> but<00:05:47.199> I<00:05:47.280> was<00:05:47.520> thinking<00:05:47.960> that<00:05:48.400> uh<00:05:48.639> since ecology but I was thinking that uh since ecology but I was thinking that uh since I<00:05:49.240> plan<00:05:49.520> to<00:05:49.639> make<00:05:49.800> a<00:05:49.960> lifelong<00:05:50.400> habit<00:05:50.639> of I plan to make a lifelong habit of I plan to make a lifelong habit of coming<00:05:51.080> back<00:05:51.240> to<00:05:51.440> Ted<00:05:51.919> that<00:05:52.080> maybe<00:05:52.319> I<00:05:52.400> could coming back to Ted that maybe I could coming back to Ted that maybe I could talk<00:05:52.840> about<00:05:53.120> that<00:05:53.880> another talk about that another talk about that another time<00:05:56.520> it's<00:05:56.639> a<00:05:56.840> deal<00:05:57.600> okay

I<00:06:00.759> want<00:06:00.880> to
I want to I want to focus<00:06:02.919> on<00:06:03.240> what<00:06:03.479> many<00:06:03.759> of<00:06:03.960> you<00:06:04.400> have<00:06:04.680> said<00:06:05.039> you focus on what many of you have said you focus on what many of you have said you would<00:06:05.440> like<00:06:05.680> me<00:06:05.919> to<00:06:06.160> elaborate<00:06:06.639> on<00:06:06.880> what<00:06:07.000> can would like me to elaborate on what can would like me to elaborate on what can you you you do<00:06:08.880> about<00:06:09.440> the<00:06:09.639> climate do about the climate do about the climate crisis<00:06:11.840> uh<00:06:12.199> I<00:06:12.360> I<00:06:12.440> want<00:06:12.560> to<00:06:12.759> start<00:06:13.280> with<00:06:13.560> a crisis uh I I want to start with a crisis uh I I want to start with a couple<00:06:14.199> of<00:06:15.199> I'm<00:06:15.280> going<00:06:15.400> to<00:06:16.000> show<00:06:16.319> some<00:06:16.479> new couple of I'm going to show some new couple of I'm going to show some new images<00:06:17.599> and<00:06:17.960> I'm<00:06:18.080> going<00:06:18.199> to images and I'm going to images and I'm going to recapitulate<00:06:20.479> just<00:06:20.880> a<00:06:21.599> uh<00:06:21.759> four<00:06:21.960> or<00:06:22.520> five<00:06:23.520> now recapitulate just a uh four or five now recapitulate just a uh four or five now oh<00:06:23.960> the<00:06:24.080> slideshow<00:06:25.080> I<00:06:25.240> I<00:06:25.360> update<00:06:25.720> the oh the slideshow I I update the oh the slideshow I I update the slideshow<00:06:27.400> every<00:06:27.680> time<00:06:27.880> I<00:06:28.039> give<00:06:28.160> it<00:06:28.360> I<00:06:28.520> add<00:06:28.759> new slideshow every time I give it I add new slideshow every time I give it I add new images<00:06:29.759> because<00:06:29.960> I<00:06:30.080> learn<00:06:30.400> more<00:06:30.720> about<00:06:30.960> it images because I learn more about it images because I learn more about it every<00:06:31.440> time<00:06:31.759> I<00:06:31.960> give<00:06:32.120> it<00:06:33.120> uh<00:06:33.199> it's<00:06:33.360> like<00:06:33.560> beach every time I give it uh it's like beach every time I give it uh it's like beach combing<00:06:34.319> you<00:06:34.440> know<00:06:35.160> every<00:06:35.360> time<00:06:35.560> the<00:06:35.720> tide combing you know every time the tide combing you know every time the tide comes<00:06:36.160> in<00:06:36.280> and<00:06:36.440> out<00:06:36.639> you<00:06:36.840> find<00:06:37.039> some<00:06:37.199> more comes in and out you find some more comes in and out you find some more shells<00:06:38.599> uh<00:06:38.880> just<00:06:39.199> in<00:06:39.360> the<00:06:39.560> last<00:06:39.840> two<00:06:40.160> days<00:06:40.680> we shells uh just in the last two days we shells uh just in the last two days we got<00:06:41.039> the<00:06:41.199> new<00:06:42.039> uh<00:06:42.199> temperature<00:06:42.599> records<00:06:42.960> in got the new uh temperature records in got the new uh temperature records in January<00:06:44.280> this<00:06:44.400> is<00:06:44.599> just<00:06:44.759> for<00:06:45.080> the<00:06:45.639> United January this is just for the United January this is just for the United States<00:06:46.240> of<00:06:46.440> America<00:06:47.319> historical<00:06:47.960> average<00:06:48.319> for States of America historical average for States of America historical average for January<00:06:49.199> is<00:06:49.479> 31°<00:06:50.479> last<00:06:50.720> month<00:06:51.080> was January is 31° last month was January is 31° last month was 39.5<00:06:53.360> de<00:06:54.360> now<00:06:54.560> I<00:06:54.680> know<00:06:54.840> that<00:06:54.960> you<00:06:55.120> wanted<00:06:55.520> some 39.5 de now I know that you wanted some 39.5 de now I know that you wanted some more<00:06:56.400> bad<00:06:56.720> news<00:06:57.280> about<00:06:57.520> the<00:06:58.039> environment<00:06:59.039> I'm more bad news about the environment I'm more bad news about the environment I'm kidding kidding kidding uh<00:07:01.080> but<00:07:01.240> these<00:07:01.360> are<00:07:01.479> the uh but these are the uh but these are the recapitulation<00:07:03.360> slides<00:07:03.759> and<00:07:03.879> then<00:07:04.039> I'm<00:07:04.160> going recapitulation slides and then I'm going recapitulation slides and then I'm going to<00:07:04.440> go<00:07:04.560> into<00:07:05.240> new<00:07:05.440> material<00:07:05.840> about<00:07:06.080> what<00:07:06.280> you to go into new material about what you to go into new material about what you can<00:07:06.680> do<00:07:07.120> but<00:07:07.240> I<00:07:07.319> wanted<00:07:07.560> to<00:07:07.720> elaborate<00:07:08.120> on<00:07:08.199> a can do but I wanted to elaborate on a can do but I wanted to elaborate on a couple<00:07:08.520> of<00:07:08.800> these<00:07:09.800> uh<00:07:09.960> first<00:07:10.120> of<00:07:10.240> all<00:07:10.520> this<00:07:10.720> is couple of these uh first of all this is couple of these uh first of all this is where<00:07:11.639> we're<00:07:11.919> projected<00:07:12.360> to<00:07:12.560> go<00:07:12.800> with<00:07:12.960> the<00:07:13.160> US where we're projected to go with the US where we're projected to go with the US contribution<00:07:14.080> to<00:07:14.240> global<00:07:14.560> warming<00:07:15.000> under contribution to global warming under contribution to global warming under business<00:07:15.720> as<00:07:16.120> usual<00:07:17.120> efficiency<00:07:18.080> in business as usual efficiency in business as usual efficiency in use<00:07:19.919> electricity<00:07:20.840> and<00:07:21.000> inuse<00:07:21.479> of<00:07:21.599> all<00:07:21.800> energy use electricity and inuse of all energy use electricity and inuse of all energy is<00:07:22.560> the<00:07:22.720> lwh<00:07:23.080> hanging<00:07:23.400> fruit<00:07:23.879> efficiency<00:07:24.319> and is the lwh hanging fruit efficiency and is the lwh hanging fruit efficiency and conservation<00:07:25.840> it's<00:07:26.120> not<00:07:26.440> a<00:07:26.720> cost<00:07:27.199> it's<00:07:27.440> a conservation it's not a cost it's a conservation it's not a cost it's a profit<00:07:28.520> the<00:07:28.800> sign<00:07:29.879> is<00:07:30.199> wrong<00:07:31.199> it's<00:07:31.479> not profit the sign is wrong it's not profit the sign is wrong it's not negative<00:07:32.360> it's<00:07:32.720> positive<00:07:33.400> these<00:07:33.560> are negative it's positive these are negative it's positive these are investments<00:07:34.479> that<00:07:34.680> pay<00:07:34.919> for<00:07:35.440> themselves<00:07:36.160> but investments that pay for themselves but investments that pay for themselves but they<00:07:36.440> are<00:07:36.639> also<00:07:37.039> very<00:07:37.479> effective<00:07:38.280> in they are also very effective in they are also very effective in deflecting<00:07:39.199> our deflecting our deflecting our path<00:07:41.120> cars<00:07:42.120> and<00:07:42.440> trucks<00:07:43.039> I<00:07:43.160> talked<00:07:43.440> about<00:07:43.680> that path cars and trucks I talked about that path cars and trucks I talked about that in<00:07:43.919> the<00:07:44.080> slideshow<00:07:44.960> but<00:07:45.120> I<00:07:45.240> want<00:07:45.520> you<00:07:45.639> to<00:07:45.800> put in the slideshow but I want you to put in the slideshow but I want you to put it<00:07:46.080> in it in it in perspective<00:07:48.240> it's<00:07:48.400> an<00:07:48.639> easy perspective it's an easy perspective it's an easy visible<00:07:50.960> Target<00:07:51.440> of<00:07:51.840> concern<00:07:52.840> and<00:07:53.039> it<00:07:53.159> should visible Target of concern and it should visible Target of concern and it should be<00:07:54.360> but<00:07:55.240> there<00:07:55.520> is<00:07:55.879> more<00:07:56.280> global<00:07:56.599> warming be but there is more global warming be but there is more global warming pollution<00:07:57.319> that<00:07:57.520> comes<00:07:57.800> from<00:07:58.120> buildings<00:07:59.039> than pollution that comes from buildings than pollution that comes from buildings than from<00:07:59.599> cars<00:07:59.800> and<00:08:00.360> trucks<00:08:01.360> cars<00:08:01.560> and<00:08:01.720> trucks<00:08:02.000> are from cars and trucks cars and trucks are from cars and trucks cars and trucks are very<00:08:03.039> significant<00:08:04.039> and<00:08:04.240> we<00:08:04.400> have<00:08:04.560> the<00:08:04.680> lowest very significant and we have the lowest very significant and we have the lowest standards<00:08:05.479> in<00:08:05.639> the<00:08:05.800> world<00:08:06.599> and<00:08:06.720> so<00:08:06.879> we<00:08:06.960> should standards in the world and so we should standards in the world and so we should address<00:08:07.680> that<00:08:07.919> but<00:08:08.039> it's<00:08:08.240> part<00:08:08.400> of<00:08:08.520> the<00:08:08.680> puzzle address that but it's part of the puzzle address that but it's part of the puzzle other<00:08:10.000> transportation<00:08:10.919> is<00:08:11.479> efficiency<00:08:12.120> is<00:08:12.479> as other transportation is efficiency is as other transportation is efficiency is as important<00:08:13.080> as<00:08:13.240> cars<00:08:13.440> and<00:08:13.960> trucks<00:08:14.960> Renewables important as cars and trucks Renewables important as cars and trucks Renewables at<00:08:15.879> the<00:08:16.080> current<00:08:16.639> levels<00:08:17.599> of<00:08:17.840> technological at the current levels of technological at the current levels of technological efficiency<00:08:19.440> can<00:08:19.639> make<00:08:19.960> this<00:08:20.159> much<00:08:20.520> difference efficiency can make this much difference efficiency can make this much difference and<00:08:21.440> with<00:08:21.680> what<00:08:22.159> venod<00:08:22.680> and<00:08:22.840> some<00:08:23.400> uh<00:08:23.879> and<00:08:24.440> uh and with what venod and some uh and uh and with what venod and some uh and uh John<00:08:24.919> door<00:08:25.240> and<00:08:25.360> others<00:08:25.720> many<00:08:25.919> of<00:08:26.039> you<00:08:26.280> here<00:08:27.280> a John door and others many of you here a John door and others many of you here a lot<00:08:27.560> of<00:08:27.879> people<00:08:28.240> directly<00:08:28.639> involved<00:08:29.000> in<00:08:29.120> this lot of people directly involved in this lot of people directly involved in this this<00:08:29.800> wedge<00:08:30.120> is<00:08:30.240> going<00:08:30.360> to<00:08:30.639> grow<00:08:31.319> much<00:08:31.520> more this wedge is going to grow much more this wedge is going to grow much more rapidly<00:08:32.200> than<00:08:32.360> the<00:08:32.440> current<00:08:32.760> projection rapidly than the current projection rapidly than the current projection shows<00:08:33.640> it<00:08:34.640> carbon<00:08:35.320> capture<00:08:36.039> and shows it carbon capture and shows it carbon capture and sequestration<00:08:37.120> that's<00:08:37.240> what sequestration that's what sequestration that's what CCS<00:08:39.039> stands<00:08:39.640> for<00:08:40.640> is<00:08:41.120> likely<00:08:41.479> to<00:08:41.719> become<00:08:42.719> the CCS stands for is likely to become the CCS stands for is likely to become the killer killer killer app<00:08:45.040> uh<00:08:45.279> that<00:08:46.040> will<00:08:46.399> enable<00:08:46.880> us<00:08:47.120> to<00:08:47.399> continue app uh that will enable us to continue app uh that will enable us to continue to<00:08:48.279> use<00:08:49.279> fossil<00:08:49.640> fuels<00:08:50.600> in<00:08:50.880> a<00:08:51.200> way<00:08:51.680> that<00:08:51.959> is to use fossil fuels in a way that is to use fossil fuels in a way that is safe<00:08:54.880> not<00:08:55.160> quite<00:08:55.480> there<00:08:55.720> yet<00:08:56.279> okay<00:08:57.120> now<00:08:58.120> uh safe not quite there yet okay now uh safe not quite there yet okay now uh what<00:08:58.600> can<00:08:58.720> you<00:08:58.920> do

reduce<00:09:02.200> emissions<00:09:02.600> in<00:09:02.760> your
reduce emissions in your reduce emissions in your home<00:09:04.480> most<00:09:04.720> of<00:09:05.200> these<00:09:06.200> expenditures<00:09:06.959> are<00:09:07.160> also home most of these expenditures are also home most of these expenditures are also profitable<00:09:09.360> insulation<00:09:10.160> better<00:09:10.519> design<00:09:11.440> buy profitable insulation better design buy profitable insulation better design buy green<00:09:12.079> electricity<00:09:12.800> where<00:09:13.120> where<00:09:13.279> you<00:09:13.800> can<00:09:14.800> I green electricity where where you can I green electricity where where you can I mentioned mentioned mentioned automobiles<00:09:17.240> buy<00:09:17.480> a<00:09:17.720> hybrid<00:09:18.680> use<00:09:19.000> light automobiles buy a hybrid use light automobiles buy a hybrid use light rail<00:09:20.839> figure<00:09:21.160> out<00:09:21.399> some<00:09:21.560> of<00:09:21.720> the<00:09:21.880> other rail figure out some of the other rail figure out some of the other options<00:09:22.640> that<00:09:22.760> are<00:09:22.959> much<00:09:23.160> better<00:09:23.600> it's options that are much better it's options that are much better it's important<00:09:25.640> be<00:09:25.800> a<00:09:25.959> green<00:09:26.360> consumer<00:09:27.360> you<00:09:27.560> have important be a green consumer you have important be a green consumer you have choices<00:09:28.880> with<00:09:29.079> everything<00:09:29.519> you<00:09:29.720> bu<00:09:30.320> between choices with everything you bu between choices with everything you bu between things<00:09:31.279> that<00:09:31.519> have<00:09:31.800> a<00:09:32.120> harsh<00:09:33.120> effect<00:09:33.839> or<00:09:34.040> a things that have a harsh effect or a things that have a harsh effect or a much<00:09:34.519> less<00:09:34.800> harsh<00:09:35.279> effect<00:09:36.279> on<00:09:36.519> the<00:09:36.839> on<00:09:37.079> the much less harsh effect on the on the much less harsh effect on the on the global<00:09:38.480> climate<00:09:39.240> crisis<00:09:40.240> consider<00:09:41.000> this<00:09:42.000> make global climate crisis consider this make global climate crisis consider this make a<00:09:42.440> decision<00:09:42.920> to<00:09:43.160> live<00:09:43.440> a<00:09:43.680> carbon<00:09:44.120> neutral<00:09:45.000> life a decision to live a carbon neutral life a decision to live a carbon neutral life those<00:09:46.160> of<00:09:46.320> you<00:09:46.519> who<00:09:46.720> are<00:09:46.920> good<00:09:47.079> at<00:09:47.519> branding those of you who are good at branding those of you who are good at branding I'd<00:09:48.680> love<00:09:48.880> to<00:09:49.079> get<00:09:49.240> your<00:09:49.480> advice<00:09:49.800> and<00:09:50.079> help<00:09:50.880> on I'd love to get your advice and help on I'd love to get your advice and help on how<00:09:51.200> to<00:09:51.440> say<00:09:51.880> this<00:09:52.800> in<00:09:52.959> a<00:09:53.120> way<00:09:53.640> that<00:09:54.600> connects how to say this in a way that connects how to say this in a way that connects uh<00:09:55.720> with<00:09:55.880> the<00:09:56.040> most<00:09:56.360> people<00:09:57.000> it<00:09:57.120> is<00:09:57.440> easier uh with the most people it is easier uh with the most people it is easier than<00:09:58.120> you<00:09:58.320> think<00:09:59.000> it<00:09:59.480> really<00:10:00.120> is<00:10:01.600> uh<00:10:02.600> a<00:10:02.760> lot<00:10:02.920> of than you think it really is uh a lot of than you think it really is uh a lot of us<00:10:03.279> in<00:10:03.519> here<00:10:03.800> have<00:10:04.000> made<00:10:04.399> that<00:10:05.040> decision<00:10:06.040> and us in here have made that decision and us in here have made that decision and it<00:10:06.640> is<00:10:06.880> really<00:10:07.160> pretty<00:10:07.519> easy<00:10:08.040> it<00:10:08.160> means<00:10:08.720> it it is really pretty easy it means it it is really pretty easy it means it means<00:10:09.320> reduce<00:10:10.320> your<00:10:11.079> carbon<00:10:12.079> dioxide means reduce your carbon dioxide means reduce your carbon dioxide emissions<00:10:14.079> with<00:10:14.240> the<00:10:14.399> full<00:10:14.640> range<00:10:14.880> of<00:10:15.079> choices emissions with the full range of choices emissions with the full range of choices that<00:10:15.720> you<00:10:15.959> make<00:10:16.959> and<00:10:17.200> then<00:10:18.079> purchase<00:10:18.600> or that you make and then purchase or that you make and then purchase or acquire<00:10:20.040> offsets<00:10:20.839> for<00:10:21.079> the<00:10:21.440> remainder<00:10:22.000> that acquire offsets for the remainder that acquire offsets for the remainder that you<00:10:22.279> have<00:10:22.440> not<00:10:22.640> completely<00:10:23.360> reduced<00:10:24.360> and<00:10:24.839> what you have not completely reduced and what you have not completely reduced and what what<00:10:25.440> it<00:10:25.600> means<00:10:26.399> is<00:10:27.079> elaborated<00:10:28.079> at<00:10:28.440> climate what it means is elaborated at climate what it means is elaborated at climate crisis<00:10:29.440> .n<00:10:30.200> net<00:10:31.200> there<00:10:31.519> is<00:10:31.880> a<00:10:32.399> carbon crisis .n net there is a carbon crisis .n net there is a carbon calculator<00:10:34.959> uh<00:10:35.160> participant<00:10:35.720> Productions calculator uh participant Productions calculator uh participant Productions convened<00:10:38.079> uh<00:10:38.320> with<00:10:38.560> with<00:10:38.800> my<00:10:39.760> active convened uh with with my active convened uh with with my active involvement<00:10:40.800> the<00:10:41.000> leading<00:10:41.480> software<00:10:41.959> writers involvement the leading software writers involvement the leading software writers in<00:10:42.720> the<00:10:42.959> world<00:10:43.760> on<00:10:44.079> this<00:10:44.399> Arcane<00:10:45.040> science<00:10:45.440> of in the world on this Arcane science of in the world on this Arcane science of carbon<00:10:46.079> calculation<00:10:46.959> to<00:10:47.160> construct<00:10:47.600> a carbon calculation to construct a carbon calculation to construct a consumer<00:10:48.519> friendly<00:10:49.519> carbon<00:10:50.680> calculator<00:10:51.680> you consumer friendly carbon calculator you consumer friendly carbon calculator you can<00:10:52.240> you<00:10:52.399> can<00:10:52.680> very<00:10:53.200> precisely<00:10:54.200> calculate can you can very precisely calculate can you can very precisely calculate what<00:10:55.040> your<00:10:55.760> CO2<00:10:56.720> emissions<00:10:57.240> are<00:10:57.920> and<00:10:58.160> then<00:10:58.639> you what your CO2 emissions are and then you what your CO2 emissions are and then you uh<00:10:59.320> you<00:10:59.399> will<00:10:59.519> be<00:10:59.639> given<00:10:59.920> options<00:11:00.240> to<00:11:00.480> reduce uh you will be given options to reduce uh you will be given options to reduce and<00:11:01.680> in<00:11:02.480> by<00:11:02.600> the<00:11:02.720> time<00:11:02.880> the<00:11:03.000> movie<00:11:03.279> comes<00:11:03.480> out and in by the time the movie comes out and in by the time the movie comes out in<00:11:03.920> May<00:11:04.440> this<00:11:04.519> will<00:11:04.680> be<00:11:04.839> updated<00:11:05.240> to<00:11:05.440> 2.0<00:11:06.279> and in May this will be updated to 2.0 and in May this will be updated to 2.0 and we<00:11:06.480> will<00:11:06.639> have<00:11:06.880> click<00:11:07.279> through<00:11:07.959> purchases<00:11:08.639> of we will have click through purchases of we will have click through purchases of offsets<00:11:10.480> next<00:11:10.839> consider<00:11:11.200> making<00:11:11.519> your offsets next consider making your offsets next consider making your business<00:11:12.440> carbon<00:11:12.839> neutral<00:11:13.680> again<00:11:13.959> some<00:11:14.120> of<00:11:14.279> us business carbon neutral again some of us business carbon neutral again some of us have<00:11:14.639> done<00:11:14.920> that<00:11:15.120> and<00:11:15.320> it's<00:11:15.519> not<00:11:15.720> as<00:11:15.920> hard<00:11:16.279> as have done that and it's not as hard as have done that and it's not as hard as you you you think<00:11:18.920> integrate<00:11:19.920> climate<00:11:20.360> Solutions<00:11:20.959> into think integrate climate Solutions into think integrate climate Solutions into all<00:11:21.519> of<00:11:21.720> your<00:11:22.040> Innovations<00:11:22.800> whether<00:11:23.040> you<00:11:23.320> are all of your Innovations whether you are all of your Innovations whether you are from<00:11:23.680> the<00:11:23.920> technology<00:11:24.519> or<00:11:24.720> entertainment<00:11:25.360> or from the technology or entertainment or from the technology or entertainment or design<00:11:26.000> and<00:11:26.279> architecture<00:11:27.360> Community<00:11:28.360> invest design and architecture Community invest design and architecture Community invest sustainably<00:11:30.440> Majora<00:11:30.959> mentioned<00:11:31.639> this<00:11:32.639> listen sustainably Majora mentioned this listen sustainably Majora mentioned this listen if<00:11:33.720> you<00:11:34.720> have<00:11:34.959> invested<00:11:35.680> money<00:11:36.680> with<00:11:37.320> managers if you have invested money with managers if you have invested money with managers who<00:11:38.519> you<00:11:38.800> compensate<00:11:39.399> on<00:11:39.519> the<00:11:39.680> basis<00:11:40.000> of<00:11:40.200> their who you compensate on the basis of their who you compensate on the basis of their annual<00:11:41.079> performance<00:11:42.079> don't<00:11:42.360> ever<00:11:42.680> again annual performance don't ever again annual performance don't ever again complain<00:11:43.560> about<00:11:44.240> quarterly<00:11:44.800> report<00:11:45.560> CEO complain about quarterly report CEO complain about quarterly report CEO management<00:11:48.120> over<00:11:48.399> time<00:11:48.680> people<00:11:48.959> do<00:11:49.200> what<00:11:49.360> you management over time people do what you management over time people do what you pay<00:11:49.760> them<00:11:49.920> to pay them to pay them to do<00:11:52.160> and<00:11:52.320> if<00:11:52.519> they<00:11:53.040> judge<00:11:54.040> how<00:11:54.200> much<00:11:54.399> they're do and if they judge how much they're do and if they judge how much they're going<00:11:54.680> to<00:11:54.839> get<00:11:55.079> paid<00:11:55.440> on<00:11:56.000> your<00:11:57.120> uh<00:11:58.120> your<00:11:58.320> your going to get paid on your uh your your going to get paid on your uh your your Capital<00:11:58.920> that<00:11:59.040> they<00:11:59.399> invested<00:12:00.040> based<00:12:00.279> on<00:12:00.440> the Capital that they invested based on the Capital that they invested based on the short-term<00:12:01.240> returns<00:12:02.000> you're<00:12:02.200> going<00:12:02.279> to<00:12:02.440> get short-term returns you're going to get short-term returns you're going to get short-term short-term short-term decisions<00:12:06.279> a<00:12:06.360> lot<00:12:06.560> more<00:12:06.680> to<00:12:06.800> be<00:12:06.920> said<00:12:07.200> about decisions a lot more to be said about decisions a lot more to be said about that<00:12:07.880> become<00:12:08.120> a<00:12:08.320> catalyst<00:12:08.720> of<00:12:08.920> change<00:12:09.680> teach that become a catalyst of change teach that become a catalyst of change teach others<00:12:11.200> learn<00:12:11.560> about<00:12:11.800> it<00:12:12.480> talk<00:12:12.800> about others learn about it talk about others learn about it talk about it<00:12:14.600> the<00:12:14.680> movie<00:12:14.959> comes<00:12:15.279> out<00:12:15.560> the<00:12:15.680> movie<00:12:15.880> is<00:12:16.040> a it the movie comes out the movie is a it the movie comes out the movie is a movie<00:12:16.760> version<00:12:17.279> of<00:12:17.440> the<00:12:17.560> slideshow<00:12:18.000> that<00:12:18.120> I movie version of the slideshow that I movie version of the slideshow that I gave<00:12:18.399> two<00:12:18.560> nights<00:12:18.760> ago<00:12:19.040> except<00:12:19.320> it's<00:12:19.480> a<00:12:19.639> lot gave two nights ago except it's a lot gave two nights ago except it's a lot more more more entertaining<00:12:22.240> and<00:12:22.720> it<00:12:22.880> comes<00:12:23.120> out<00:12:23.360> in<00:12:23.800> May entertaining and it comes out in May entertaining and it comes out in May many<00:12:25.040> of<00:12:25.160> you<00:12:25.360> here<00:12:25.560> have<00:12:25.760> the<00:12:25.920> opportunity<00:12:26.680> to many of you here have the opportunity to many of you here have the opportunity to ensure<00:12:27.199> that<00:12:27.320> a<00:12:27.440> lot<00:12:27.560> of<00:12:27.680> people<00:12:27.880> see<00:12:28.120> it ensure that a lot of people see it ensure that a lot of people see it consider<00:12:30.839> sending consider sending consider sending somebody<00:12:32.880> to somebody to somebody to Nashville<00:12:34.680> pick Nashville pick Nashville pick well<00:12:36.720> and<00:12:36.920> I<00:12:37.040> am<00:12:37.279> personally<00:12:37.680> going<00:12:37.800> to<00:12:37.959> train well and I am personally going to train well and I am personally going to train people<00:12:38.639> to<00:12:38.959> give<00:12:39.440> this<00:12:40.160> slideshow<00:12:41.160> repurposed people to give this slideshow repurposed people to give this slideshow repurposed with<00:12:42.920> some<00:12:43.079> of<00:12:43.240> the<00:12:43.399> personal<00:12:44.320> stories with some of the personal stories with some of the personal stories obviously<00:12:45.320> replaced<00:12:45.839> with<00:12:45.959> a<00:12:46.199> generic obviously replaced with a generic obviously replaced with a generic approach<00:12:47.440> and<00:12:48.160> it's<00:12:48.880> it's<00:12:49.000> not<00:12:49.199> just<00:12:49.360> the approach and it's it's not just the approach and it's it's not just the slides<00:12:49.920> it's<00:12:50.079> what<00:12:50.240> they<00:12:50.360> mean<00:12:50.720> and<00:12:50.839> it's<00:12:51.040> how slides it's what they mean and it's how slides it's what they mean and it's how they<00:12:51.320> link<00:12:51.760> together<00:12:52.440> and<00:12:52.600> so<00:12:53.480> uh<00:12:53.959> I'm<00:12:54.079> going they link together and so uh I'm going they link together and so uh I'm going to<00:12:54.279> be<00:12:54.480> conducting<00:12:54.959> a<00:12:55.199> course<00:12:55.760> this<00:12:55.959> summer to be conducting a course this summer to be conducting a course this summer for<00:12:57.199> a<00:12:57.360> group<00:12:57.600> of<00:12:57.800> people<00:12:58.199> that<00:12:58.279> are<00:12:58.480> nominated for a group of people that are nominated for a group of people that are nominated by<00:12:59.760> different<00:13:00.240> folks<00:13:00.639> to<00:13:00.880> come<00:13:01.399> and<00:13:01.560> then<00:13:01.760> give by different folks to come and then give by different folks to come and then give it<00:13:02.399> in<00:13:02.680> mass<00:13:03.120> in<00:13:03.320> communities<00:13:04.279> all<00:13:04.480> across<00:13:04.839> the it in mass in communities all across the it in mass in communities all across the country<00:13:05.279> and<00:13:05.399> we're<00:13:05.519> going<00:13:05.639> to<00:13:06.320> update<00:13:07.320> the country and we're going to update the country and we're going to update the the<00:13:07.800> slideshow<00:13:08.279> for<00:13:08.440> all<00:13:08.600> of<00:13:08.680> them<00:13:08.959> every the slideshow for all of them every the slideshow for all of them every single<00:13:09.560> week<00:13:09.920> to<00:13:10.160> keep<00:13:10.320> it<00:13:10.880> right<00:13:11.040> on<00:13:11.600> the single week to keep it right on the single week to keep it right on the Cutting<00:13:12.120> Edge<00:13:12.920> working<00:13:13.199> with<00:13:13.360> Larry<00:13:13.680> leig<00:13:14.399> it Cutting Edge working with Larry leig it Cutting Edge working with Larry leig it it<00:13:14.680> will<00:13:14.880> be<00:13:15.399> at<00:13:15.880> somewhere<00:13:16.199> in<00:13:16.320> that<00:13:16.519> process it will be at somewhere in that process it will be at somewhere in that process posted<00:13:17.680> with<00:13:17.959> tools<00:13:18.839> and<00:13:19.000> limited<00:13:19.399> use<00:13:19.959> uh<00:13:20.680> uh posted with tools and limited use uh uh posted with tools and limited use uh uh copyrights<00:13:21.800> so<00:13:22.079> that<00:13:22.600> young<00:13:22.839> people<00:13:23.040> can copyrights so that young people can copyrights so that young people can remix<00:13:23.880> it<00:13:24.880> uh<00:13:25.040> and<00:13:25.160> use<00:13:25.600> and<00:13:25.800> and<00:13:25.920> do<00:13:26.079> it<00:13:26.199> in remix it uh and use and and do it in remix it uh and use and and do it in their<00:13:26.519> own<00:13:26.959> way

where<00:13:30.600> did<00:13:30.880> anybody<00:13:31.199> get<00:13:31.360> the<00:13:31.560> idea<00:13:31.880> that<00:13:32.000> you
where did anybody get the idea that you where did anybody get the idea that you ought<00:13:32.240> to<00:13:32.320> stay<00:13:32.519> arms<00:13:32.800> length<00:13:33.120> from<00:13:33.320> politics ought to stay arms length from politics ought to stay arms length from politics it<00:13:34.120> doesn't<00:13:34.320> mean<00:13:34.480> that<00:13:34.639> I'm<00:13:34.760> trying<00:13:34.959> to<00:13:35.120> con it doesn't mean that I'm trying to con it doesn't mean that I'm trying to con if<00:13:35.560> you're<00:13:35.680> a<00:13:35.839> republican<00:13:36.240> that<00:13:36.360> I'm<00:13:36.440> trying if you're a republican that I'm trying if you're a republican that I'm trying to<00:13:36.720> convince<00:13:37.000> you<00:13:37.120> to<00:13:37.279> be<00:13:37.720> a<00:13:38.160> Democrat<00:13:39.160> we<00:13:39.279> need to convince you to be a Democrat we need to convince you to be a Democrat we need Republicans<00:13:40.279> as<00:13:40.399> well<00:13:40.720> this<00:13:40.839> ought<00:13:41.160> used<00:13:41.279> to Republicans as well this ought used to Republicans as well this ought used to be<00:13:41.480> a<00:13:41.560> bipartisan<00:13:42.240> issue<00:13:42.800> and<00:13:43.120> and<00:13:43.240> I<00:13:43.320> know be a bipartisan issue and and I know be a bipartisan issue and and I know that<00:13:43.680> in<00:13:43.880> this<00:13:44.040> group<00:13:44.440> it<00:13:44.600> really<00:13:44.880> is<00:13:45.360> become that in this group it really is become that in this group it really is become politically<00:13:46.399> active<00:13:46.920> make<00:13:47.079> our<00:13:47.399> democracy politically active make our democracy politically active make our democracy work<00:13:48.199> the<00:13:48.320> way<00:13:48.480> it's<00:13:48.639> supposed<00:13:48.959> to<00:13:49.199> work work the way it's supposed to work work the way it's supposed to work support<00:13:50.759> the<00:13:51.000> idea<00:13:51.800> of<00:13:52.199> capping<00:13:53.199> carbon support the idea of capping carbon support the idea of capping carbon dioxide<00:13:54.600> emissions<00:13:55.600> global<00:13:55.920> warming dioxide emissions global warming dioxide emissions global warming pollution<00:13:56.880> and<00:13:57.040> trading<00:13:57.440> it<00:13:57.680> here's<00:13:58.000> why<00:13:59.279> as pollution and trading it here's why as pollution and trading it here's why as long<00:13:59.560> as<00:13:59.680> the<00:13:59.800> United<00:14:00.079> States<00:14:00.320> is<00:14:00.480> out<00:14:00.600> of<00:14:00.720> the long as the United States is out of the long as the United States is out of the world<00:14:01.320> system<00:14:02.320> it's<00:14:02.519> not<00:14:02.720> a<00:14:02.880> closed<00:14:03.279> system world system it's not a closed system world system it's not a closed system once<00:14:04.279> it<00:14:04.440> becomes<00:14:04.759> a<00:14:04.880> closed<00:14:05.320> system<00:14:06.320> with<00:14:06.519> us once it becomes a closed system with us once it becomes a closed system with us participation<00:14:08.079> then<00:14:08.399> everybody<00:14:08.880> who's<00:14:09.120> on<00:14:09.240> a participation then everybody who's on a participation then everybody who's on a board<00:14:09.560> of<00:14:09.720> direct<00:14:10.120> how<00:14:10.199> many<00:14:10.399> people<00:14:10.600> here board of direct how many people here board of direct how many people here serves<00:14:11.680> serve<00:14:12.000> on<00:14:12.279> the<00:14:12.399> board<00:14:12.600> of<00:14:12.759> directors serves serve on the board of directors serves serve on the board of directors of<00:14:13.360> a of a of a corporation<00:14:15.759> once<00:14:15.959> it's<00:14:16.079> a<00:14:16.240> closed<00:14:16.639> system corporation once it's a closed system corporation once it's a closed system you<00:14:17.480> will<00:14:17.759> have<00:14:18.000> legal<00:14:18.440> liability<00:14:19.279> if<00:14:19.440> you<00:14:19.639> do you will have legal liability if you do you will have legal liability if you do not<00:14:21.320> urge<00:14:21.759> your<00:14:22.440> CEO<00:14:23.440> to<00:14:23.639> get<00:14:23.839> the<00:14:24.079> maximum not urge your CEO to get the maximum not urge your CEO to get the maximum income<00:14:25.240> from<00:14:25.519> reducing<00:14:26.000> and<00:14:26.160> trading<00:14:26.600> the income from reducing and trading the income from reducing and trading the carbon<00:14:27.079> emissions<00:14:27.519> that<00:14:27.639> can<00:14:27.759> be<00:14:27.959> avoided<00:14:28.880> the carbon emissions that can be avoided the carbon emissions that can be avoided the Market<00:14:29.519> will<00:14:29.800> work<00:14:30.079> to<00:14:30.320> solve<00:14:30.720> this

problem<00:14:34.399> if<00:14:34.759> if<00:14:34.920> we<00:14:35.320> can<00:14:35.519> accomplish
problem if if we can accomplish problem if if we can accomplish this<00:14:37.800> help<00:14:38.040> with<00:14:38.160> a<00:14:38.279> mass<00:14:38.600> persuasion this help with a mass persuasion this help with a mass persuasion campaign<00:14:39.639> that<00:14:39.720> will<00:14:39.880> start<00:14:40.199> this<00:14:40.360> spring<00:14:41.000> we campaign that will start this spring we campaign that will start this spring we have<00:14:41.240> to<00:14:41.360> change<00:14:41.720> the<00:14:41.839> minds<00:14:42.160> of<00:14:42.320> the<00:14:42.480> American have to change the minds of the American have to change the minds of the American people<00:14:43.720> because<00:14:44.120> presently<00:14:44.600> the<00:14:44.759> politicians people because presently the politicians people because presently the politicians do<00:14:45.480> not<00:14:45.680> have<00:14:45.839> permission<00:14:46.199> to<00:14:46.320> do<00:14:46.519> what<00:14:46.639> needs do not have permission to do what needs do not have permission to do what needs to<00:14:47.360> to<00:14:47.519> be<00:14:47.759> done<00:14:48.720> and<00:14:48.839> in<00:14:49.040> our<00:14:49.320> modern<00:14:49.759> country to to be done and in our modern country to to be done and in our modern country the<00:14:50.240> role<00:14:50.480> of<00:14:50.680> logic<00:14:51.040> and<00:14:51.320> reason<00:14:52.040> no<00:14:52.360> long<00:14:53.079> no the role of logic and reason no long no the role of logic and reason no long no longer<00:14:53.680> includes<00:14:54.199> mediating<00:14:54.880> between<00:14:55.240> wealth longer includes mediating between wealth longer includes mediating between wealth and<00:14:55.720> power<00:14:56.000> the<00:14:56.079> way<00:14:56.240> it<00:14:56.360> once<00:14:56.639> did<00:14:57.079> it's<00:14:57.279> now and power the way it once did it's now and power the way it once did it's now repetition<00:14:58.120> of<00:14:58.320> short<00:14:59.440> hot<00:14:59.759> button<00:15:00.120> 30<00:15:00.519> second repetition of short hot button 30 second repetition of short hot button 30 second 28c<00:15:01.800> television<00:15:02.240> ads<00:15:02.680> we<00:15:02.800> have<00:15:02.920> to<00:15:03.040> buy<00:15:03.240> a<00:15:03.320> lot 28c television ads we have to buy a lot 28c television ads we have to buy a lot of<00:15:03.639> those of those of those ads<00:15:05.560> let's<00:15:05.800> Rebrand<00:15:06.360> global ads let's Rebrand global ads let's Rebrand global warming<00:15:08.320> as<00:15:08.480> many<00:15:08.680> of<00:15:08.800> you<00:15:08.959> have<00:15:09.120> suggested<00:15:09.920> I warming as many of you have suggested I warming as many of you have suggested I like<00:15:10.440> climate<00:15:10.880> crisis<00:15:11.360> instead<00:15:11.639> of<00:15:11.800> climate like climate crisis instead of climate like climate crisis instead of climate collapse<00:15:12.759> but<00:15:12.959> again<00:15:13.240> those<00:15:13.399> of<00:15:13.519> you<00:15:13.639> who<00:15:13.759> are collapse but again those of you who are collapse but again those of you who are good<00:15:14.000> at<00:15:14.120> branding<00:15:14.720> I<00:15:14.800> need<00:15:15.120> your<00:15:15.279> help<00:15:15.519> on good at branding I need your help on good at branding I need your help on this<00:15:17.120> somebody<00:15:17.480> said<00:15:17.759> the<00:15:18.040> test<00:15:18.399> we're<00:15:19.040> facing this somebody said the test we're facing this somebody said the test we're facing now<00:15:19.880> a<00:15:20.040> scientist<00:15:20.440> told<00:15:20.639> me<00:15:21.120> is<00:15:21.480> whether<00:15:22.480> the now a scientist told me is whether the now a scientist told me is whether the combination<00:15:23.320> of<00:15:23.440> an<00:15:23.639> opposable<00:15:24.120> thumb<00:15:24.360> and<00:15:24.480> a combination of an opposable thumb and a combination of an opposable thumb and a neocortex<00:15:25.360> is<00:15:25.519> a<00:15:25.800> viable<00:15:26.320> combination neocortex is a viable combination neocortex is a viable combination it<00:15:29.560> that's<00:15:29.800> really

true<00:15:33.560> I<00:15:33.680> said<00:15:34.199> the<00:15:34.279> other<00:15:34.480> night<00:15:34.720> and<00:15:35.120> I'll
true I said the other night and I'll true I said the other night and I'll repeat<00:15:36.519> now<00:15:36.959> this<00:15:37.079> is<00:15:37.399> not<00:15:37.680> a<00:15:37.880> political<00:15:38.319> issue repeat now this is not a political issue repeat now this is not a political issue again<00:15:39.360> the<00:15:39.519> Republicans again the Republicans again the Republicans here<00:15:42.319> this<00:15:42.800> this<00:15:42.920> shouldn't<00:15:43.279> be<00:15:43.800> partisan<00:15:44.560> you here this this shouldn't be partisan you here this this shouldn't be partisan you have<00:15:44.959> more<00:15:45.120> influence<00:15:45.639> than<00:15:45.800> some<00:15:45.920> of<00:15:46.079> us<00:15:46.199> who have more influence than some of us who have more influence than some of us who are<00:15:46.480> Democrats<00:15:47.720> do<00:15:48.720> this<00:15:48.839> is<00:15:49.000> an<00:15:49.240> opportunity are Democrats do this is an opportunity are Democrats do this is an opportunity not<00:15:50.519> just<00:15:50.880> this<00:15:51.639> but<00:15:51.920> connected<00:15:52.560> to<00:15:53.480> the<00:15:53.680> ideas not just this but connected to the ideas not just this but connected to the ideas that<00:15:54.199> are<00:15:54.440> here<00:15:55.000> to<00:15:55.199> bring<00:15:55.519> more<00:15:55.839> coherence<00:15:56.360> to that are here to bring more coherence to that are here to bring more coherence to them<00:15:57.759> We<00:15:57.920> Are<00:15:58.199> One them We Are One them We Are One thank<00:15:59.600> you<00:15:59.759> very<00:15:59.959> much<00:16:00.199> I<00:16:00.399> appreciate

Al Gore, inconvenient, truth, climate, change, global, warming, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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