In thuốc của riêng bạn-Lee Cronin

Print your own medicine - Lee Cronin

Print your own medicine - Lee Cronin


organic<00:00:17.119> chemists<00:00:17.800> make<00:00:18.119> molecules<00:00:19.080> very
organic chemists make molecules very organic chemists make molecules very complicated<00:00:20.000> molecules<00:00:20.960> by<00:00:21.119> chopping<00:00:21.840> up<00:00:22.320> a complicated molecules by chopping up a complicated molecules by chopping up a big<00:00:22.720> molecule<00:00:23.240> into<00:00:23.480> small<00:00:23.720> molecules<00:00:24.199> and big molecule into small molecules and big molecule into small molecules and get<00:00:24.599> reverse get reverse get reverse engineering<00:00:26.519> and<00:00:26.640> as<00:00:26.720> a<00:00:26.880> chemist<00:00:27.199> one<00:00:27.279> of<00:00:27.359> the engineering and as a chemist one of the engineering and as a chemist one of the things<00:00:27.679> I<00:00:27.760> wanted<00:00:28.000> to<00:00:28.199> ask<00:00:28.720> my<00:00:28.880> research<00:00:29.240> group things I wanted to ask my research group things I wanted to ask my research group a<00:00:29.560> couple<00:00:29.759> of<00:00:29.800> years<00:00:30.000> years<00:00:30.160> ago<00:00:30.359> is<00:00:30.960> could<00:00:31.119> we a couple of years years ago is could we a couple of years years ago is could we make<00:00:31.519> a<00:00:31.800> really<00:00:32.119> cool<00:00:32.840> Universal<00:00:33.840> chemistry make a really cool Universal chemistry make a really cool Universal chemistry set<00:00:35.120> in<00:00:35.320> essence<00:00:36.280> could<00:00:36.480> we<00:00:36.800> app set in essence could we app set in essence could we app chemistry<00:00:40.039> now<00:00:40.399> what<00:00:40.520> would<00:00:40.719> this<00:00:40.840> mean<00:00:41.079> and chemistry now what would this mean and chemistry now what would this mean and how<00:00:41.399> would<00:00:41.559> we<00:00:41.680> do how would we do how would we do it<00:00:43.399> well<00:00:43.559> to<00:00:43.719> start<00:00:44.039> to<00:00:44.200> do<00:00:44.480> this<00:00:45.039> we<00:00:45.200> took<00:00:45.399> a<00:00:45.520> 3D it well to start to do this we took a 3D it well to start to do this we took a 3D printer<00:00:46.879> and<00:00:47.000> we<00:00:47.120> started<00:00:47.480> to<00:00:47.719> print<00:00:48.399> our printer and we started to print our printer and we started to print our beakers<00:00:49.079> and<00:00:49.239> our<00:00:49.440> test<00:00:49.719> tubes<00:00:50.079> on<00:00:50.280> one<00:00:50.640> side beakers and our test tubes on one side beakers and our test tubes on one side and<00:00:51.600> then<00:00:51.920> print<00:00:52.440> the<00:00:52.600> molecule<00:00:53.440> at<00:00:53.559> the<00:00:53.680> same and then print the molecule at the same and then print the molecule at the same time<00:00:54.239> on<00:00:54.359> the<00:00:54.480> other<00:00:54.719> side<00:00:54.960> and<00:00:55.120> combine<00:00:55.520> them time on the other side and combine them time on the other side and combine them together<00:00:56.280> and<00:00:56.480> what<00:00:56.600> we<00:00:56.719> call<00:00:57.000> reaction<00:00:57.440> wear together and what we call reaction wear together and what we call reaction wear and<00:00:58.399> so<00:00:58.640> by<00:00:58.920> printing<00:00:59.399> The<00:00:59.559> Vessel and so by printing The Vessel and so by printing The Vessel and<00:01:00.960> doing<00:01:01.239> the<00:01:01.399> chemistry<00:01:01.840> at<00:01:01.960> the<00:01:02.079> same<00:01:02.440> time and doing the chemistry at the same time and doing the chemistry at the same time we<00:01:03.199> may<00:01:03.480> start<00:01:03.760> to<00:01:04.080> access<00:01:04.600> this<00:01:04.839> Universal we may start to access this Universal we may start to access this Universal toolkit<00:01:06.479> of<00:01:06.920> chemistry<00:01:07.920> now<00:01:08.119> what<00:01:08.200> could<00:01:08.400> this toolkit of chemistry now what could this toolkit of chemistry now what could this mean<00:01:09.479> well<00:01:09.640> if<00:01:09.759> we<00:01:09.920> can<00:01:10.200> embed<00:01:11.200> biological<00:01:11.759> and mean well if we can embed biological and mean well if we can embed biological and chemical<00:01:12.400> networks<00:01:13.400> like<00:01:13.560> a<00:01:13.720> search<00:01:14.080> engine chemical networks like a search engine chemical networks like a search engine so<00:01:14.640> if<00:01:14.720> you<00:01:14.880> have<00:01:15.080> a<00:01:15.320> a<00:01:15.439> cell<00:01:15.880> that's<00:01:16.119> ill<00:01:16.640> that so if you have a a cell that's ill that so if you have a a cell that's ill that you<00:01:16.840> need<00:01:16.960> to<00:01:17.159> cure<00:01:17.720> or<00:01:18.000> bacteria<00:01:18.520> that<00:01:18.600> you you need to cure or bacteria that you you need to cure or bacteria that you want<00:01:18.759> to<00:01:18.920> kill<00:01:19.560> if<00:01:19.680> you<00:01:19.799> have<00:01:19.960> this<00:01:20.200> embedded want to kill if you have this embedded want to kill if you have this embedded in<00:01:21.079> your<00:01:21.320> device<00:01:21.759> at<00:01:21.880> the<00:01:22.040> same<00:01:22.400> time<00:01:22.960> and<00:01:23.079> you in your device at the same time and you in your device at the same time and you do<00:01:23.360> the<00:01:23.479> chemistry<00:01:24.439> you<00:01:24.640> may<00:01:24.840> be<00:01:25.040> able<00:01:25.520> to<00:01:25.720> make do the chemistry you may be able to make do the chemistry you may be able to make drugs<00:01:26.320> in<00:01:26.400> a<00:01:26.560> new drugs in a new drugs in a new way<00:01:28.720> so<00:01:28.920> how<00:01:29.000> are<00:01:29.119> we<00:01:29.240> doing<00:01:29.439> this<00:01:29.560> in<00:01:29.640> the<00:01:29.960> lab way so how are we doing this in the lab way so how are we doing this in the lab well<00:01:30.439> it<00:01:30.600> requires<00:01:31.079> software<00:01:32.000> it<00:01:32.159> requires well it requires software it requires well it requires software it requires hardware<00:01:33.560> and<00:01:33.680> it<00:01:33.880> requires<00:01:34.439> chemical<00:01:34.840> inks hardware and it requires chemical inks hardware and it requires chemical inks and<00:01:35.960> so<00:01:36.159> the<00:01:36.360> really<00:01:36.600> cool<00:01:36.880> bit<00:01:37.119> is<00:01:37.280> the<00:01:37.439> idea and so the really cool bit is the idea and so the really cool bit is the idea is<00:01:38.079> we<00:01:38.200> want<00:01:38.280> to<00:01:38.399> have<00:01:38.520> a<00:01:38.720> universal<00:01:39.320> set<00:01:39.479> of is we want to have a universal set of is we want to have a universal set of inks<00:01:40.399> that<00:01:40.520> we<00:01:40.680> put<00:01:40.880> out<00:01:41.280> with<00:01:41.439> the<00:01:41.600> printer inks that we put out with the printer inks that we put out with the printer and<00:01:42.479> you<00:01:42.720> download<00:01:43.520> the<00:01:43.680> blueprint<00:01:44.479> the and you download the blueprint the and you download the blueprint the organic<00:01:45.079> chemistry<00:01:45.880> for<00:01:46.079> that<00:01:46.240> molecule<00:01:47.000> and organic chemistry for that molecule and organic chemistry for that molecule and you<00:01:47.320> make<00:01:47.560> it<00:01:48.159> in<00:01:48.320> the<00:01:48.640> device<00:01:49.640> and<00:01:49.759> so<00:01:49.960> you<00:01:50.079> can you make it in the device and so you can you make it in the device and so you can make<00:01:50.920> your<00:01:51.200> molecule<00:01:52.040> in<00:01:52.159> the<00:01:52.360> printer<00:01:53.159> using make your molecule in the printer using make your molecule in the printer using this this this software<00:01:56.079> so<00:01:56.280> what<00:01:56.399> could<00:01:56.600> this<00:01:56.880> mean<00:01:57.880> well software so what could this mean well software so what could this mean well ultimately<00:01:59.079> it<00:01:59.200> could<00:01:59.360> mean<00:01:59.520> that<00:01:59.600> you<00:01:59.880> can ultimately it could mean that you can ultimately it could mean that you can print<00:02:00.240> your<00:02:00.360> own print your own print your own medicine<00:02:02.520> and<00:02:02.640> this<00:02:02.719> is<00:02:02.840> what<00:02:02.960> we're<00:02:03.079> doing<00:02:03.280> in medicine and this is what we're doing in medicine and this is what we're doing in the<00:02:03.560> lab<00:02:03.759> at<00:02:03.840> the<00:02:03.960> moment<00:02:04.360> but<00:02:04.520> to<00:02:04.680> take<00:02:04.960> baby the lab at the moment but to take baby the lab at the moment but to take baby steps<00:02:05.600> to<00:02:05.799> get<00:02:06.039> there<00:02:06.640> first<00:02:06.840> of<00:02:06.960> all<00:02:07.079> we<00:02:07.200> want steps to get there first of all we want steps to get there first of all we want to<00:02:07.439> look<00:02:07.560> at<00:02:07.799> drug<00:02:08.000> design<00:02:08.280> and<00:02:08.479> production<00:02:09.000> or to look at drug design and production or to look at drug design and production or drug<00:02:09.840> Discovery<00:02:10.640> and<00:02:11.040> Manufacturing<00:02:12.040> because drug Discovery and Manufacturing because drug Discovery and Manufacturing because if<00:02:12.360> we<00:02:12.440> can<00:02:12.640> manufacture<00:02:13.360> it<00:02:13.840> after<00:02:14.040> we if we can manufacture it after we if we can manufacture it after we discovered<00:02:14.640> it<00:02:14.959> we<00:02:15.080> could<00:02:15.239> deploy<00:02:15.599> it discovered it we could deploy it discovered it we could deploy it anywhere<00:02:16.760> you<00:02:16.879> don't<00:02:17.080> need<00:02:17.200> to<00:02:17.319> go<00:02:17.440> to<00:02:17.560> the anywhere you don't need to go to the anywhere you don't need to go to the chemist chemist chemist anymore<00:02:19.640> we<00:02:19.760> can<00:02:19.920> print<00:02:20.200> drugs<00:02:20.440> at<00:02:20.640> point<00:02:20.840> of anymore we can print drugs at point of anymore we can print drugs at point of need<00:02:22.280> we<00:02:22.400> can<00:02:22.640> download<00:02:23.080> new<00:02:23.319> Diagnostics<00:02:24.120> say need we can download new Diagnostics say need we can download new Diagnostics say a<00:02:24.440> new<00:02:24.599> super<00:02:24.920> buug<00:02:25.160> has<00:02:25.319> emerged<00:02:26.080> you<00:02:26.239> put<00:02:26.360> it a new super buug has emerged you put it a new super buug has emerged you put it in<00:02:26.560> your<00:02:26.720> search<00:02:27.080> engine<00:02:27.840> and<00:02:27.959> you<00:02:28.080> create<00:02:28.400> the in your search engine and you create the in your search engine and you create the drug<00:02:29.000> to<00:02:29.239> treat<00:02:29.560> the<00:02:30.239> threat<00:02:31.239> so<00:02:31.440> this<00:02:31.560> allows drug to treat the threat so this allows drug to treat the threat so this allows you<00:02:32.080> on<00:02:32.280> the-fly<00:02:33.160> molecular<00:02:33.879> assembly<00:02:34.879> but you on the-fly molecular assembly but you on the-fly molecular assembly but perhaps<00:02:35.400> for<00:02:35.560> me<00:02:35.800> the<00:02:35.920> cool<00:02:36.200> bit<00:02:36.440> going<00:02:36.640> into perhaps for me the cool bit going into perhaps for me the cool bit going into the<00:02:36.959> future<00:02:37.319> is<00:02:37.480> this<00:02:37.640> idea<00:02:37.920> of<00:02:38.080> taking<00:02:38.800> your the future is this idea of taking your the future is this idea of taking your own<00:02:39.840> stem<00:02:40.200> cells<00:02:40.840> with<00:02:41.000> your<00:02:41.200> genes<00:02:41.599> and<00:02:41.800> your own stem cells with your genes and your own stem cells with your genes and your environment<00:02:42.599> and<00:02:42.680> you<00:02:42.879> print<00:02:43.239> your<00:02:43.440> own environment and you print your own environment and you print your own personal<00:02:45.080> medicine<00:02:46.080> and<00:02:46.239> if<00:02:46.400> that<00:02:46.519> doesn't personal medicine and if that doesn't personal medicine and if that doesn't seem<00:02:47.120> fanciful<00:02:47.760> enough<00:02:48.560> where<00:02:48.720> do<00:02:48.800> you<00:02:48.920> think seem fanciful enough where do you think seem fanciful enough where do you think we're<00:02:49.239> going<00:02:49.319> to<00:02:49.519> go<00:02:50.640> well<00:02:51.640> you're<00:02:51.800> going<00:02:51.920> to we're going to go well you're going to we're going to go well you're going to have<00:02:52.200> your<00:02:52.360> own<00:02:52.720> personal<00:02:53.560> matter<00:02:54.040> fabricator have your own personal matter fabricator have your own personal matter fabricator beam<00:02:55.280> me<00:02:55.440> up


chemistry Lee Cronin, 3d, printer, medicine, medical, TED, TED, Ed, TED-Ed, TEDEducation

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