Thưa quý vị, Hobart Shakespeareans

Ladies and gentlemen, the Hobart Shakespeareans

Ladies and gentlemen, the Hobart Shakespeareans


I'm<00:00:16.080> Rafe<00:00:16.410> and<00:00:16.740> I've<00:00:17.430> been<00:00:17.580> my<00:00:17.700> 30th<00:00:18.210> year
I'm Rafe and I've been my 30th year I'm Rafe and I've been my 30th year teaching<00:00:18.660> public<00:00:19.020> school<00:00:19.500> at<00:00:19.770> Hobart teaching public school at Hobart teaching public school at Hobart Elementary<00:00:20.970> School<00:00:21.180> in<00:00:21.300> downtown<00:00:21.450> Los Elementary School in downtown Los Elementary School in downtown Los Angeles Angeles Angeles for<00:00:24.720> those<00:00:24.869> of<00:00:25.110> you<00:00:25.230> who<00:00:25.380> don't<00:00:25.529> know<00:00:25.680> Hobart for those of you who don't know Hobart for those of you who don't know Hobart school<00:00:26.730> is<00:00:27.060> not<00:00:27.630> easy<00:00:27.900> the<00:00:28.460> children<00:00:29.460> do<00:00:29.580> not school is not easy the children do not school is not easy the children do not speak<00:00:30.060> English<00:00:30.240> as<00:00:30.510> a<00:00:30.539> first<00:00:30.750> language<00:00:31.580> the speak English as a first language the speak English as a first language the children<00:00:32.970> live<00:00:33.090> in<00:00:33.120> terrible<00:00:33.660> poverty<00:00:34.110> and children live in terrible poverty and children live in terrible poverty and tragically<00:00:35.250> less<00:00:36.120> than<00:00:36.330> 40%<00:00:36.750> of<00:00:37.199> the<00:00:37.320> children tragically less than 40% of the children tragically less than 40% of the children even<00:00:38.280> finish<00:00:38.820> high<00:00:39.059> school<00:00:39.650> but<00:00:40.650> the<00:00:40.800> kids<00:00:41.070> in even finish high school but the kids in even finish high school but the kids in room<00:00:41.430> 56<00:00:42.120> known<00:00:42.420> to<00:00:42.570> the<00:00:42.660> world<00:00:42.780> as<00:00:43.170> the<00:00:43.739> Hobart room 56 known to the world as the Hobart room 56 known to the world as the Hobart shakespeareans<00:00:44.760> go<00:00:45.540> on<00:00:45.720> to<00:00:45.870> attend shakespeareans go on to attend shakespeareans go on to attend outstanding<00:00:46.860> universities<00:00:47.549> and<00:00:47.909> leave outstanding universities and leave outstanding universities and leave extraordinary<00:00:49.290> lives<00:00:49.500> and<00:00:49.920> here's<00:00:50.489> the extraordinary lives and here's the extraordinary lives and here's the secret<00:00:51.000> I<00:00:51.330> do<00:00:51.900> not<00:00:52.379> worry<00:00:52.799> about<00:00:53.040> preparing secret I do not worry about preparing secret I do not worry about preparing these<00:00:53.850> children<00:00:54.360> for<00:00:54.839> a<00:00:54.900> standardized<00:00:55.559> test these children for a standardized test these children for a standardized test at<00:00:56.220> the<00:00:56.549> end<00:00:56.580> of<00:00:56.909> the<00:00:57.030> year<00:01:00.470> instead<00:01:01.470> I<00:01:02.659> teach at the end of the year instead I teach at the end of the year instead I teach them<00:01:03.930> skills<00:01:04.080> if<00:01:04.500> they're<00:01:04.650> going<00:01:04.739> to<00:01:04.799> be<00:01:04.949> using them skills if they're going to be using them skills if they're going to be using for<00:01:05.339> the<00:01:05.580> rest<00:01:05.790> of<00:01:05.940> their<00:01:06.090> lives<00:01:06.330> that's<00:01:06.990> the for the rest of their lives that's the for the rest of their lives that's the point<00:01:07.500> you<00:01:07.710> see<00:01:07.920> so<00:01:08.880> through<00:01:09.720> a<00:01:09.750> rigorous point you see so through a rigorous point you see so through a rigorous curriculum<00:01:10.560> but<00:01:11.130> also<00:01:11.369> with<00:01:11.729> immersion<00:01:12.270> into curriculum but also with immersion into curriculum but also with immersion into the<00:01:12.689> arts<00:01:13.700> these<00:01:14.700> children<00:01:15.590> internalize<00:01:16.590> a the arts these children internalize a the arts these children internalize a set<00:01:17.490> of<00:01:17.610> values<00:01:18.380> that<00:01:19.380> they<00:01:19.590> will<00:01:19.770> use<00:01:20.070> forever set of values that they will use forever set of values that they will use forever discipline<00:01:22.430> focus<00:01:24.290> integrity<00:01:25.760> teamwork<00:01:26.760> a discipline focus integrity teamwork a discipline focus integrity teamwork a joy<00:01:27.930> of<00:01:28.260> learning<00:01:28.440> and<00:01:28.860> they<00:01:29.490> develop<00:01:30.030> a joy of learning and they develop a joy of learning and they develop a command<00:01:30.540> of<00:01:30.660> language<00:01:30.870> which<00:01:31.800> has<00:01:32.070> to<00:01:32.280> be<00:01:32.430> seen command of language which has to be seen command of language which has to be seen to<00:01:32.910> be<00:01:32.970> believed to be believed to be believed and<00:01:33.690> you're<00:01:34.200> about<00:01:34.410> to<00:01:34.910> you<00:01:35.910> know<00:01:35.940> this and you're about to you know this and you're about to you know this morning<00:01:36.840> session<00:01:37.320> is<00:01:37.440> called<00:01:37.650> the<00:01:37.860> classroom morning session is called the classroom morning session is called the classroom but<00:01:39.240> a<00:01:39.300> classroom<00:01:39.690> shouldn't<00:01:40.620> be<00:01:40.740> about<00:01:40.980> a but a classroom shouldn't be about a but a classroom shouldn't be about a teacher<00:01:41.340> talking<00:01:42.150> it<00:01:42.540> should<00:01:43.350> be<00:01:43.500> about teacher talking it should be about teacher talking it should be about students<00:01:44.310> doing students doing students doing therefore<00:01:46.290> thank<00:01:46.530> you<00:01:47.060> so therefore thank you so therefore thank you so the<00:01:50.860> Hobart<00:01:51.189> shakespeareans<00:01:51.970> don't<00:01:52.299> play the Hobart shakespeareans don't play the Hobart shakespeareans don't play virtual<00:01:52.869> baseball<00:01:53.649> they<00:01:54.310> play<00:01:54.579> baseball<00:01:55.320> they virtual baseball they play baseball they virtual baseball they play baseball they don't<00:01:56.590> play<00:01:56.860> guitar<00:01:57.399> hero<00:01:57.729> and<00:01:57.820> rock<00:01:58.000> band don't play guitar hero and rock band don't play guitar hero and rock band they<00:01:59.229> play<00:01:59.560> the<00:01:59.770> guitar<00:02:00.100> and<00:02:00.369> they<00:02:00.520> are<00:02:00.789> a<00:02:00.820> rock they play the guitar and they are a rock they play the guitar and they are a rock band<00:02:01.750> and<00:02:02.880> when<00:02:03.880> these<00:02:04.450> children<00:02:04.930> stay<00:02:05.860> late band and when these children stay late band and when these children stay late after<00:02:06.369> school<00:02:06.549> and<00:02:07.060> come<00:02:07.330> in<00:02:07.450> on<00:02:07.539> Saturdays<00:02:08.140> to after school and come in on Saturdays to after school and come in on Saturdays to study<00:02:08.979> Shakespeare<00:02:09.509> they<00:02:10.509> don't<00:02:10.720> take<00:02:10.929> a<00:02:10.959> test study Shakespeare they don't take a test study Shakespeare they don't take a test on<00:02:11.680> Hamlet<00:02:12.099> they<00:02:13.000> act<00:02:13.360> Hamlet<00:02:17.910> so<00:02:19.470> ladies<00:02:20.470> and on Hamlet they act Hamlet so ladies and on Hamlet they act Hamlet so ladies and gentlemen<00:02:21.069> and<00:02:21.190> our<00:02:21.220> friends<00:02:21.549> around<00:02:21.700> the gentlemen and our friends around the gentlemen and our friends around the world<00:02:22.030> after<00:02:22.269> you<00:02:22.390> go<00:02:22.480> guys<00:02:22.660> here's<00:02:23.049> Dave<00:02:23.230> and world after you go guys here's Dave and world after you go guys here's Dave and Julie<00:02:23.739> let's<00:02:24.640> have<00:02:24.850> some<00:02:25.060> fun<00:02:25.360> with<00:02:25.660> the Julie let's have some fun with the Julie let's have some fun with the Hobart<00:02:26.380> experience<00:02:30.840> good<00:02:31.840> my<00:02:32.080> lord<00:02:32.350> how<00:02:32.680> does Hobart experience good my lord how does Hobart experience good my lord how does your<00:02:33.069> honor<00:02:33.250> for<00:02:33.670> this<00:02:33.819> many<00:02:33.880> a<00:02:34.330> day<00:02:34.390> I<00:02:34.810> humbly your honor for this many a day I humbly your honor for this many a day I humbly thank<00:02:35.260> you<00:02:35.799> well<00:02:36.720> well<00:02:38.370> well<00:02:39.390> my<00:02:40.390> lord<00:02:40.750> I<00:02:40.989> have thank you well well well my lord I have thank you well well well my lord I have remembrances<00:02:41.260> of<00:02:41.980> yours<00:02:42.130> that<00:02:42.549> have<00:02:42.730> been remembrances of yours that have been remembrances of yours that have been long<00:02:43.090> long<00:02:43.420> to<00:02:43.660> redeliver<00:02:43.959> I<00:02:44.500> pray<00:02:45.040> you long long to redeliver I pray you long long to redeliver I pray you receive<00:02:45.700> them<00:02:45.970> no<00:02:46.360> not<00:02:47.049> I<00:02:47.080> I<00:02:47.590> never<00:02:48.130> gave<00:02:48.400> you receive them no not I I never gave you receive them no not I I never gave you what<00:02:48.819> my<00:02:49.540> honor<00:02:49.780> Lord<00:02:50.260> you<00:02:50.500> know<00:02:50.620> right<00:02:50.830> well what my honor Lord you know right well what my honor Lord you know right well you<00:02:51.099> did<00:02:51.420> are<00:02:52.420> you<00:02:52.569> honest<00:02:52.959> my<00:02:53.290> lord<00:02:53.320> are<00:02:53.769> you you did are you honest my lord are you you did are you honest my lord are you fair<00:02:54.280> what<00:02:54.730> means<00:02:54.970> your<00:02:55.090> lordship fair what means your lordship fair what means your lordship I<00:02:55.870> do<00:02:55.959> love<00:02:56.620> you<00:02:56.859> once<00:02:57.549> indeed<00:02:58.000> my<00:02:58.239> lord<00:02:58.269> you I do love you once indeed my lord you I do love you once indeed my lord you made<00:02:58.750> me<00:02:58.810> believe<00:02:59.220> believe<00:03:00.220> me<00:03:00.459> I<00:03:00.670> loved<00:03:01.150> you made me believe believe me I loved you made me believe believe me I loved you not<00:03:01.570> I<00:03:01.959> was<00:03:02.500> the<00:03:02.680> more<00:03:02.829> to<00:03:02.980> see<00:03:03.190> ya<00:03:03.400> they<00:03:03.579> to<00:03:03.640> a not I was the more to see ya they to a not I was the more to see ya they to a nunnery<00:03:04.060> why<00:03:04.660> was<00:03:04.900> that<00:03:04.930> be<00:03:05.230> a<00:03:05.260> breeder<00:03:05.769> of nunnery why was that be a breeder of nunnery why was that be a breeder of sinners<00:03:06.040> will<00:03:06.910> help<00:03:07.150> him<00:03:07.390> you<00:03:07.420> sweet<00:03:07.750> heaven sinners will help him you sweet heaven sinners will help him you sweet heaven so<00:03:08.620> das<00:03:08.950> Perry<00:03:09.280> I'll<00:03:09.670> give<00:03:09.940> you<00:03:10.060> this<00:03:10.209> place<00:03:10.660> my so das Perry I'll give you this place my so das Perry I'll give you this place my dowry<00:03:11.650> for<00:03:12.010> wise<00:03:12.310> men<00:03:12.340> know<00:03:12.670> well<00:03:12.850> enough<00:03:13.090> what dowry for wise men know well enough what dowry for wise men know well enough what monsters<00:03:13.480> you<00:03:14.079> make<00:03:14.109> of<00:03:14.350> them<00:03:14.530> go<00:03:15.190> to<00:03:15.220> a monsters you make of them go to a monsters you make of them go to a nunnery<00:03:15.819> up<00:03:16.150> quickly<00:03:16.420> to<00:03:16.840> farewell

now<00:05:44.360> I<00:05:44.870> am<00:05:46.270> alone<00:05:47.270> my<00:05:48.040> a<00:05:49.040> coward<00:05:49.780> who<00:05:50.780> calls<00:05:51.140> me
now I am alone my a coward who calls me now I am alone my a coward who calls me villain<00:05:51.620> breaks<00:05:52.520> my<00:05:52.820> pate<00:05:53.150> across<00:05:53.380> plucks<00:05:54.380> off villain breaks my pate across plucks off villain breaks my pate across plucks off my<00:05:54.710> beard<00:05:55.220> and<00:05:55.340> blows<00:05:55.550> it<00:05:55.670> in<00:05:55.760> my<00:05:55.910> face my beard and blows it in my face my beard and blows it in my face tweaks<00:05:56.540> me<00:05:56.720> about<00:05:56.900> the<00:05:57.020> nose<00:05:57.260> gives<00:05:58.100> me<00:05:58.250> the tweaks me about the nose gives me the tweaks me about the nose gives me the line<00:05:58.640> 2/3<00:05:59.030> us<00:05:59.180> the<00:05:59.360> best<00:05:59.540> along<00:05:59.900> shoes<00:06:00.140> does line 2/3 us the best along shoes does line 2/3 us the best along shoes does this<00:06:00.590> to<00:06:00.770> me<00:06:00.890> huh<00:06:01.070> soon<00:06:01.910> as<00:06:02.060> I<00:06:02.150> take<00:06:02.660> it<00:06:02.890> free this to me huh soon as I take it free this to me huh soon as I take it free cannot<00:06:04.130> be<00:06:04.550> but<00:06:05.480> I<00:06:05.510> am cannot be but I am cannot be but I am pigeon<00:06:06.440> liver<00:06:06.620> and<00:06:06.860> lack<00:06:06.980> gall<00:06:07.010> to<00:06:07.460> make pigeon liver and lack gall to make pigeon liver and lack gall to make oppression<00:06:07.640> bitter<00:06:08.090> or<00:06:08.990> ere<00:06:09.230> this<00:06:09.470> i<00:06:09.620> should oppression bitter or ere this i should oppression bitter or ere this i should have<00:06:09.860> fatted<00:06:09.980> all<00:06:10.580> the<00:06:10.760> region<00:06:11.210> kites<00:06:11.570> with have fatted all the region kites with have fatted all the region kites with this<00:06:12.560> slave's<00:06:13.090> awful<00:06:14.090> bloody<00:06:15.010> body<00:06:16.010> villain this slave's awful bloody body villain this slave's awful bloody body villain remorseless<00:06:17.600> treacherous<00:06:17.960> lecherous remorseless treacherous lecherous remorseless treacherous lecherous kindness<00:06:19.760> villain<00:06:20.150> of<00:06:20.600> bechet's<00:06:24.340> what<00:06:25.340> a kindness villain of bechet's what a kindness villain of bechet's what a mastermind<00:06:26.000> I<00:06:27.610> have<00:06:28.610> heard<00:06:29.620> that<00:06:30.620> guilty mastermind I have heard that guilty mastermind I have heard that guilty creatures<00:06:31.130> sitting<00:06:31.640> in<00:06:32.090> the<00:06:32.180> play<00:06:32.470> have<00:06:33.470> by creatures sitting in the play have by creatures sitting in the play have by the<00:06:33.830> very<00:06:33.980> cunning<00:06:34.250> of<00:06:35.030> the<00:06:35.090> scene<00:06:35.210> been the very cunning of the scene been the very cunning of the scene been struck<00:06:36.440> so<00:06:36.860> to<00:06:37.160> the<00:06:37.280> soul<00:06:37.400> de<00:06:37.760> presently<00:06:38.290> they struck so to the soul de presently they struck so to the soul de presently they have<00:06:39.350> proclaimed<00:06:39.530> their<00:06:40.010> malefactions<00:06:40.180> for have proclaimed their malefactions for have proclaimed their malefactions for murder<00:06:41.860> though<00:06:42.860> it<00:06:43.010> has<00:06:43.160> no<00:06:43.400> tongue<00:06:43.850> will murder though it has no tongue will murder though it has no tongue will speak<00:06:44.660> with<00:06:44.750> its<00:06:44.930> most<00:06:45.080> miraculous<00:06:45.590> organ speak with its most miraculous organ speak with its most miraculous organ I'll<00:06:46.610> have<00:06:46.940> these<00:06:47.120> players<00:06:47.360> play<00:06:47.660> something I'll have these players play something I'll have these players play something like<00:06:48.290> the<00:06:48.500> murder<00:06:48.770> of<00:06:49.070> my<00:06:49.280> father<00:06:49.310> before<00:06:49.940> my like the murder of my father before my like the murder of my father before my uncle<00:06:50.980> the<00:06:51.980> plays<00:06:52.280> the<00:06:52.550> thing<00:06:52.580> wherein<00:06:53.170> I'll uncle the plays the thing wherein I'll uncle the plays the thing wherein I'll catch<00:06:54.320> the<00:06:54.940> conscience<00:06:55.940> of<00:06:56.390> the<00:06:56.510> king<00:07:00.670> and<00:07:01.670> so catch the conscience of the king and so catch the conscience of the king and so Hamlet<00:07:03.170> goes<00:07:03.680> on<00:07:03.920> to<00:07:04.280> write<00:07:04.490> some<00:07:04.790> dozen<00:07:05.420> or<00:07:05.540> 16 Hamlet goes on to write some dozen or 16 Hamlet goes on to write some dozen or 16 more<00:07:06.230> lines<00:07:06.470> into<00:07:07.010> the<00:07:07.160> actors<00:07:07.460> speech<00:07:07.880> and<00:07:08.270> he more lines into the actors speech and he more lines into the actors speech and he even<00:07:09.170> gives<00:07:09.710> it<00:07:09.920> a<00:07:10.040> new<00:07:10.250> title<00:07:10.520> he<00:07:11.270> calls<00:07:11.600> it even gives it a new title he calls it even gives it a new title he calls it the<00:07:12.050> mousetrap<00:07:12.980> and<00:07:13.330> 400<00:07:14.330> years<00:07:14.360> later<00:07:14.800> Agatha the mousetrap and 400 years later Agatha the mousetrap and 400 years later Agatha Christie<00:07:16.310> stole<00:07:16.730> that<00:07:16.970> title<00:07:17.420> for<00:07:17.600> her<00:07:17.690> own Christie stole that title for her own Christie stole that title for her own play<00:07:18.170> which<00:07:18.860> is<00:07:19.070> now<00:07:19.250> the<00:07:19.310> longest-running play which is now the longest-running play which is now the longest-running play<00:07:20.510> in<00:07:20.810> the<00:07:21.290> history<00:07:21.830> of<00:07:22.010> world<00:07:22.550> theatre play in the history of world theatre play in the history of world theatre recently<00:07:24.500> there<00:07:25.010> was<00:07:25.130> a<00:07:25.190> tourist<00:07:25.730> in<00:07:25.940> London recently there was a tourist in London recently there was a tourist in London standing<00:07:27.170> in<00:07:27.290> the<00:07:27.410> rain<00:07:27.590> and<00:07:27.890> waiting<00:07:28.700> for<00:07:28.910> a standing in the rain and waiting for a standing in the rain and waiting for a taxi<00:07:29.240> when<00:07:30.170> one<00:07:30.380> arrived<00:07:30.770> he<00:07:31.100> said<00:07:31.400> take<00:07:32.090> me<00:07:32.300> to taxi when one arrived he said take me to taxi when one arrived he said take me to the<00:07:32.600> mousetrap<00:07:33.140> theatre<00:07:33.590> and<00:07:33.830> all<00:07:34.670> through the mousetrap theatre and all through the mousetrap theatre and all through the<00:07:35.810> journey<00:07:36.200> he<00:07:36.950> was<00:07:37.160> grumbling<00:07:37.610> about the journey he was grumbling about the journey he was grumbling about British<00:07:39.200> rain<00:07:39.500> and<00:07:39.890> British<00:07:40.640> taxis<00:07:41.330> to<00:07:42.020> the British rain and British taxis to the British rain and British taxis to the taxi<00:07:42.740> driver<00:07:42.940> he<00:07:43.940> arrived<00:07:44.270> safely<00:07:44.780> but<00:07:45.440> did taxi driver he arrived safely but did taxi driver he arrived safely but did not<00:07:46.040> leave<00:07:46.640> a<00:07:46.669> tip<00:07:47.120> just<00:07:47.990> as<00:07:48.260> he<00:07:48.440> was<00:07:48.620> stepping not leave a tip just as he was stepping not leave a tip just as he was stepping as as as side<00:07:49.509> to<00:07:50.110> see<00:07:50.319> the<00:07:50.469> most<00:07:50.680> famous<00:07:51.069> trailer side to see the most famous trailer side to see the most famous trailer whodunit<00:07:52.659> of<00:07:52.840> all<00:07:53.229> time<00:07:53.560> the<00:07:54.370> taxi<00:07:54.849> driver whodunit of all time the taxi driver whodunit of all time the taxi driver wound<00:07:55.900> down<00:07:56.229> his<00:07:56.560> window<00:07:56.830> and<00:07:57.370> shouted<00:07:57.909> after wound down his window and shouted after wound down his window and shouted after him<00:07:58.479> the<00:07:59.110> detective<00:07:59.800> did<00:08:00.069> it<00:08:02.009> and<00:08:03.300> so<00:08:04.300> if<00:08:04.659> you him the detective did it and so if you him the detective did it and so if you haven't<00:08:05.530> seen<00:08:05.680> the<00:08:05.770> mousetrap<00:08:06.370> you<00:08:06.819> needn't haven't seen the mousetrap you needn't haven't seen the mousetrap you needn't bother<00:08:07.330> now<00:08:11.939> well<00:08:12.939> we<00:08:13.840> hope<00:08:14.050> there's<00:08:14.439> nobody bother now well we hope there's nobody bother now well we hope there's nobody here<00:08:15.340> who<00:08:15.610> thinks<00:08:16.030> that<00:08:16.210> Shakespeare<00:08:16.810> didn't here who thinks that Shakespeare didn't here who thinks that Shakespeare didn't write<00:08:17.469> this<00:08:17.949> place<00:08:18.270> there<00:08:19.270> are<00:08:19.449> some<00:08:19.780> people write this place there are some people write this place there are some people who<00:08:20.500> just<00:08:20.530> can't<00:08:21.039> send<00:08:21.250> a<00:08:21.370> thought<00:08:21.610> that<00:08:21.879> are who just can't send a thought that are who just can't send a thought that are perfectly<00:08:22.750> middle-class<00:08:23.469> men<00:08:23.770> from<00:08:24.069> the perfectly middle-class men from the perfectly middle-class men from the middle<00:08:24.430> of<00:08:24.520> nowhere middle of nowhere middle of nowhere arrived<00:08:25.810> in<00:08:25.930> London<00:08:26.349> and<00:08:26.560> wrote<00:08:27.009> two<00:08:27.159> plays arrived in London and wrote two plays arrived in London and wrote two plays they<00:08:28.449> even<00:08:28.750> write<00:08:28.930> books<00:08:29.229> to<00:08:29.379> prove<00:08:29.680> their<00:08:29.889> odd they even write books to prove their odd they even write books to prove their odd little<00:08:31.029> theories<00:08:31.479> some<00:08:32.320> people<00:08:33.000> intellectual little theories some people intellectual little theories some people intellectual snobs<00:08:34.329> perhaps<00:08:34.959> like<00:08:35.649> to<00:08:35.680> think<00:08:36.130> that<00:08:36.219> the snobs perhaps like to think that the snobs perhaps like to think that the philosopher<00:08:37.180> Francis<00:08:37.690> Bacon<00:08:38.169> wrote<00:08:38.200> the philosopher Francis Bacon wrote the philosopher Francis Bacon wrote the place<00:08:38.740> and<00:08:39.130> then<00:08:39.490> there<00:08:40.000> are<00:08:40.120> social<00:08:40.810> snobs place and then there are social snobs place and then there are social snobs who<00:08:41.890> like<00:08:42.399> to<00:08:42.610> think<00:08:42.880> that<00:08:42.969> the<00:08:43.180> Earl<00:08:43.329> of who like to think that the Earl of who like to think that the Earl of Oxford<00:08:43.870> wrote<00:08:44.380> the<00:08:44.560> place<00:08:45.180> somewhere<00:08:46.180> no Oxford wrote the place somewhere no Oxford wrote the place somewhere no doubt<00:08:47.440> is<00:08:47.740> a<00:08:47.800> keen<00:08:48.250> viewer<00:08:48.579> of<00:08:48.880> Masterpiece doubt is a keen viewer of Masterpiece doubt is a keen viewer of Masterpiece Theatre<00:08:49.930> who<00:08:50.860> likes<00:08:51.040> to<00:08:51.160> think<00:08:51.190> that<00:08:51.430> Alastair Theatre who likes to think that Alastair Theatre who likes to think that Alastair Cook<00:08:52.240> wrote<00:08:52.779> the<00:08:52.930> plays<00:08:54.120> Mark<00:08:55.120> Twain<00:08:55.480> put<00:08:55.750> it Cook wrote the plays Mark Twain put it Cook wrote the plays Mark Twain put it very<00:08:56.170> well<00:08:56.440> he<00:08:57.160> said<00:08:57.370> that<00:08:57.399> in<00:08:57.640> his<00:08:57.850> view<00:08:57.910> the very well he said that in his view the very well he said that in his view the plays<00:08:58.990> are<00:08:59.230> either<00:08:59.380> written<00:08:59.829> by<00:09:00.010> a<00:09:00.040> man<00:09:00.310> called plays are either written by a man called plays are either written by a man called Shakespeare<00:09:01.750> or<00:09:02.230> a<00:09:02.290> man<00:09:02.649> calling<00:09:03.490> himself Shakespeare or a man calling himself Shakespeare or a man calling himself Shakespeare<00:09:04.420> we<00:09:04.930> agree<00:09:05.320> so<00:09:05.709> always<00:09:05.920> remember Shakespeare we agree so always remember Shakespeare we agree so always remember if<00:09:07.750> you<00:09:08.050> cannot<00:09:08.380> understand<00:09:08.920> my<00:09:09.040> arguments if you cannot understand my arguments if you cannot understand my arguments and<00:09:09.790> declare<00:09:10.240> it's<00:09:10.899> Greek<00:09:11.230> to<00:09:11.260> me<00:09:11.410> you<00:09:12.070> are and declare it's Greek to me you are and declare it's Greek to me you are quoting<00:09:12.430> Shakespeare<00:09:12.610> if<00:09:13.269> you<00:09:13.420> claim<00:09:13.600> to<00:09:13.660> be quoting Shakespeare if you claim to be quoting Shakespeare if you claim to be more<00:09:14.050> sinned<00:09:14.320> against<00:09:14.560> than<00:09:14.620> sinning<00:09:14.740> you<00:09:15.430> are more sinned against than sinning you are more sinned against than sinning you are quoting<00:09:15.940> Shakespeare<00:09:15.970> if<00:09:16.660> you<00:09:16.839> recall<00:09:17.140> your quoting Shakespeare if you recall your quoting Shakespeare if you recall your salad<00:09:17.890> days<00:09:18.100> you're<00:09:18.699> quoting<00:09:19.149> Shakespeare<00:09:19.180> if salad days you're quoting Shakespeare if salad days you're quoting Shakespeare if you<00:09:19.870> have<00:09:20.019> worn<00:09:20.320> so<00:09:20.649> wrote<00:09:20.920> they<00:09:21.130> don't<00:09:21.279> anger you have worn so wrote they don't anger you have worn so wrote they don't anger if<00:09:21.850> your<00:09:22.060> wish<00:09:22.209> is<00:09:22.420> father<00:09:22.630> to<00:09:22.870> the<00:09:22.959> thought<00:09:23.140> if if your wish is father to the thought if if your wish is father to the thought if your<00:09:23.529> lost<00:09:23.680> property<00:09:23.949> has<00:09:24.250> vanished your lost property has vanished your lost property has vanished it's<00:09:25.240> a<00:09:25.360> thin<00:09:25.540> air<00:09:26.399> Shakespeare<00:09:27.610> even<00:09:28.029> if<00:09:28.120> good it's a thin air Shakespeare even if good it's a thin air Shakespeare even if good riddance<00:09:29.110> and<00:09:29.260> send<00:09:29.560> me<00:09:29.829> back<00:09:29.860> if<00:09:30.459> you<00:09:30.610> wish<00:09:30.790> I riddance and send me back if you wish I riddance and send me back if you wish I was<00:09:31.120> dead<00:09:31.300> as<00:09:31.449> a<00:09:31.480> doornail<00:09:32.050> if<00:09:32.230> you<00:09:32.290> think<00:09:32.410> I<00:09:32.589> am was dead as a doornail if you think I am was dead as a doornail if you think I am I<00:09:32.740> know<00:09:32.860> I<00:09:32.890> saw<00:09:33.310> a<00:09:33.339> laughing<00:09:34.089> saw<00:09:34.360> a<00:09:34.390> devil I know I saw a laughing saw a devil I know I saw a laughing saw a devil incarnate<00:09:35.440> stony-hearted<00:09:35.980> villain<00:09:36.730> what<00:09:36.850> do incarnate stony-hearted villain what do incarnate stony-hearted villain what do you<00:09:37.000> mind<00:09:37.240> you<00:09:37.449> or<00:09:37.660> blinking<00:09:38.170> led<00:09:38.620> by<00:09:38.800> Joe<00:09:39.040> oh you mind you or blinking led by Joe oh you mind you or blinking led by Joe oh yes<00:09:40.480> a<00:09:40.660> with<00:09:41.050> it<00:09:41.170> again<00:09:41.470> but<00:09:41.649> me<00:09:41.829> no<00:09:41.980> but<00:09:42.190> it<00:09:42.459> is yes a with it again but me no but it is yes a with it again but me no but it is all<00:09:42.820> into<00:09:43.209> me<00:09:43.390> for<00:09:43.690> you<00:09:43.870> are<00:09:43.899> quoting all into me for you are quoting all into me for you are quoting Shakespeare<00:09:45.029> well<00:09:46.029> power


RafeEsquith, 2012, 2500k

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