Nỗi sợ hãi nào có thể dạy chúng ta – Karen Thompson Walker

What fear can teach us - Karen Thompson Walker

What fear can teach us - Karen Thompson Walker


one<00:00:16.410> day<00:00:16.560> in<00:00:16.860> 1819<00:00:18.200> 3,000<00:00:19.200> miles<00:00:19.380> off<00:00:19.650> the
one day in 1819 3,000 miles off the one day in 1819 3,000 miles off the coast<00:00:20.010> of<00:00:20.160> Chile<00:00:20.340> in<00:00:20.670> one<00:00:21.150> of<00:00:21.240> the<00:00:21.300> most<00:00:21.480> remote coast of Chile in one of the most remote coast of Chile in one of the most remote regions<00:00:22.290> of<00:00:22.439> the<00:00:22.529> Pacific<00:00:22.920> Ocean<00:00:23.119> 20<00:00:24.119> American regions of the Pacific Ocean 20 American regions of the Pacific Ocean 20 American sailors<00:00:25.170> watched<00:00:25.529> their<00:00:25.890> ship<00:00:26.130> flood<00:00:26.730> with sailors watched their ship flood with sailors watched their ship flood with seawater seawater seawater they'd<00:00:28.320> been<00:00:28.470> struck<00:00:28.650> by<00:00:28.800> a<00:00:28.829> sperm<00:00:29.130> whale they'd been struck by a sperm whale they'd been struck by a sperm whale which<00:00:29.880> had<00:00:30.000> ripped<00:00:30.150> a<00:00:30.239> catastrophic<00:00:30.570> hole<00:00:31.079> in which had ripped a catastrophic hole in which had ripped a catastrophic hole in the<00:00:31.410> ship's<00:00:31.619> hull<00:00:31.800> as<00:00:32.420> their<00:00:33.420> ship<00:00:33.600> began<00:00:33.840> to the ship's hull as their ship began to the ship's hull as their ship began to sink<00:00:34.140> beneath<00:00:34.290> the<00:00:34.440> swells<00:00:34.800> the<00:00:35.430> men<00:00:35.640> huddled sink beneath the swells the men huddled sink beneath the swells the men huddled together<00:00:36.239> in<00:00:36.720> three<00:00:37.140> small<00:00:37.710> whale<00:00:38.310> boats together in three small whale boats together in three small whale boats these<00:00:39.780> men<00:00:39.989> were<00:00:40.110> 10,000<00:00:40.710> miles<00:00:40.860> from<00:00:41.100> home<00:00:41.280> in these men were 10,000 miles from home in these men were 10,000 miles from home in more<00:00:41.970> than<00:00:42.120> a<00:00:42.180> thousand<00:00:42.690> miles<00:00:42.840> from<00:00:43.050> the more than a thousand miles from the more than a thousand miles from the nearest<00:00:43.410> scrap<00:00:43.859> of<00:00:44.039> land<00:00:44.250> in<00:00:44.960> their<00:00:45.960> small nearest scrap of land in their small nearest scrap of land in their small boats<00:00:46.410> they<00:00:46.590> carried<00:00:46.920> only<00:00:47.070> rudimentary boats they carried only rudimentary boats they carried only rudimentary navigational<00:00:48.359> equipment<00:00:48.449> and<00:00:48.929> limited navigational equipment and limited navigational equipment and limited supplies<00:00:49.859> of<00:00:50.070> food<00:00:50.280> and<00:00:50.340> water<00:00:51.769> these<00:00:52.769> were supplies of food and water these were supplies of food and water these were the<00:00:53.070> men<00:00:53.190> of<00:00:53.429> the<00:00:53.519> whaleship<00:00:53.879> Essex<00:00:54.000> whose the men of the whaleship Essex whose the men of the whaleship Essex whose story<00:00:55.140> would<00:00:55.320> later<00:00:55.440> inspire<00:00:55.649> parts<00:00:56.190> of<00:00:56.309> Moby story would later inspire parts of Moby story would later inspire parts of Moby Dick<00:00:56.809> even<00:00:57.809> in<00:00:57.899> today's<00:00:57.989> world<00:00:58.500> their Dick even in today's world their Dick even in today's world their situation<00:00:59.190> would<00:00:59.280> be<00:00:59.399> really<00:00:59.699> dire<00:00:59.940> but<00:01:00.660> think situation would be really dire but think situation would be really dire but think about<00:01:00.989> how<00:01:01.079> much<00:01:01.170> worse<00:01:01.350> it<00:01:01.469> would<00:01:01.530> have<00:01:01.649> been about how much worse it would have been about how much worse it would have been then<00:01:01.920> no<00:01:02.519> one<00:01:02.699> on<00:01:02.820> lands<00:01:03.269> had<00:01:03.390> any<00:01:03.600> idea<00:01:03.929> that then no one on lands had any idea that then no one on lands had any idea that anything<00:01:04.410> had<00:01:04.530> gone<00:01:04.559> wrong<00:01:04.710> no<00:01:05.700> search<00:01:05.970> party anything had gone wrong no search party anything had gone wrong no search party was<00:01:06.450> coming<00:01:06.690> to<00:01:06.780> look<00:01:06.900> for<00:01:06.960> these<00:01:07.230> men<00:01:08.600> so<00:01:09.600> most was coming to look for these men so most was coming to look for these men so most of<00:01:09.840> us<00:01:09.930> have<00:01:10.080> never<00:01:10.170> experienced<00:01:10.830> a<00:01:10.890> situation of us have never experienced a situation of us have never experienced a situation as<00:01:11.610> frightening<00:01:11.909> as<00:01:12.210> the<00:01:12.330> one<00:01:12.480> in<00:01:12.659> which<00:01:12.780> these as frightening as the one in which these as frightening as the one in which these sailors<00:01:13.590> found<00:01:13.740> themselves<00:01:14.190> but<00:01:14.790> we<00:01:14.910> all<00:01:15.030> know sailors found themselves but we all know sailors found themselves but we all know what<00:01:15.270> it's<00:01:15.390> like<00:01:15.450> to<00:01:15.600> be<00:01:15.630> afraid<00:01:16.050> we<00:01:16.710> know<00:01:16.830> how what it's like to be afraid we know how what it's like to be afraid we know how fear<00:01:17.280> feels<00:01:17.930> but<00:01:18.930> I'm<00:01:19.020> not<00:01:19.110> sure<00:01:19.260> we<00:01:19.380> spend fear feels but I'm not sure we spend fear feels but I'm not sure we spend enough<00:01:19.680> time<00:01:19.800> thinking<00:01:19.950> about<00:01:20.550> what<00:01:21.090> our enough time thinking about what our enough time thinking about what our fears<00:01:21.420> mean<00:01:21.810> as<00:01:22.130> we<00:01:23.130> grow<00:01:23.280> up<00:01:23.310> we're<00:01:23.640> often fears mean as we grow up we're often fears mean as we grow up we're often encouraged<00:01:24.360> to<00:01:24.600> think<00:01:24.750> of<00:01:24.840> fear<00:01:25.170> as<00:01:25.350> a encouraged to think of fear as a encouraged to think of fear as a weakness weakness weakness just<00:01:26.880> another<00:01:27.120> childish<00:01:27.630> thing<00:01:27.840> to<00:01:28.020> discard just another childish thing to discard just another childish thing to discard like<00:01:28.650> baby<00:01:28.980> teeth<00:01:29.280> or<00:01:29.580> roller<00:01:29.790> skates<00:01:30.210> and<00:01:30.710> I like baby teeth or roller skates and I like baby teeth or roller skates and I think<00:01:31.890> it's<00:01:32.010> no<00:01:32.130> accident<00:01:32.340> that<00:01:32.610> we<00:01:32.730> think think it's no accident that we think think it's no accident that we think this<00:01:33.090> way<00:01:33.830> neuroscientists<00:01:34.830> have<00:01:34.920> actually this way neuroscientists have actually this way neuroscientists have actually shown<00:01:35.490> that<00:01:35.550> human<00:01:36.000> beings<00:01:36.420> are<00:01:36.600> hard-wired shown that human beings are hard-wired shown that human beings are hard-wired to<00:01:37.680> be<00:01:37.770> optimists<00:01:38.480> so<00:01:39.480> maybe<00:01:39.630> that's<00:01:39.810> why<00:01:39.990> we to be optimists so maybe that's why we to be optimists so maybe that's why we think<00:01:40.590> of<00:01:40.680> fear<00:01:41.040> sometimes<00:01:41.580> as<00:01:42.000> a<00:01:42.030> danger<00:01:42.510> in think of fear sometimes as a danger in think of fear sometimes as a danger in and<00:01:42.870> of<00:01:42.930> itself<00:01:43.290> don't<00:01:43.950> worry<00:01:44.280> we<00:01:44.550> like<00:01:44.700> to<00:01:44.820> say and of itself don't worry we like to say and of itself don't worry we like to say to<00:01:45.030> one<00:01:45.150> another<00:01:45.180> don't<00:01:45.690> panic<00:01:46.110> in<00:01:46.710> English to one another don't panic in English to one another don't panic in English fear<00:01:48.090> is<00:01:48.180> something<00:01:48.360> we<00:01:48.570> conquer<00:01:49.020> it's fear is something we conquer it's fear is something we conquer it's something<00:01:49.860> we<00:01:49.950> fight<00:01:50.220> something<00:01:51.150> we<00:01:51.240> overcome something we fight something we overcome something we fight something we overcome but<00:01:53.580> what<00:01:53.700> if<00:01:53.790> we<00:01:53.880> looked<00:01:54.060> at<00:01:54.150> fear<00:01:54.330> in<00:01:54.420> a<00:01:54.480> fresh but what if we looked at fear in a fresh but what if we looked at fear in a fresh way<00:01:54.930> what<00:01:55.920> if<00:01:56.010> we<00:01:56.100> thought<00:01:56.280> of<00:01:56.400> fear<00:01:56.700> as<00:01:56.910> an way what if we thought of fear as an way what if we thought of fear as an amazing<00:01:57.690> act<00:01:58.170> of<00:01:58.350> the<00:01:58.470> imagination<00:01:59.030> something amazing act of the imagination something amazing act of the imagination something that<00:02:00.150> can<00:02:00.240> be<00:02:00.360> as<00:02:00.450> profound<00:02:00.960> and<00:02:01.380> insightful<00:02:01.710> a that can be as profound and insightful a that can be as profound and insightful a story<00:02:02.700> telling<00:02:02.940> itself<00:02:03.770> it's<00:02:04.770> easiest<00:02:05.070> to<00:02:05.220> see story telling itself it's easiest to see story telling itself it's easiest to see this<00:02:05.490> link<00:02:05.730> between<00:02:05.940> fear<00:02:06.390> and<00:02:06.660> the this link between fear and the this link between fear and the imagination<00:02:07.290> and<00:02:07.500> young<00:02:07.650> children<00:02:08.129> whose imagination and young children whose imagination and young children whose fears<00:02:08.759> are<00:02:08.940> often<00:02:09.090> extraordinarily<00:02:09.629> vivid fears are often extraordinarily vivid fears are often extraordinarily vivid when<00:02:11.160> I<00:02:11.190> was<00:02:11.370> a<00:02:11.430> child<00:02:11.580> I<00:02:11.760> lived<00:02:11.910> in<00:02:12.000> California when I was a child I lived in California when I was a child I lived in California which<00:02:12.930> is<00:02:13.319> you<00:02:13.590> know<00:02:13.680> mostly<00:02:14.069> a<00:02:14.099> very<00:02:14.370> nice which is you know mostly a very nice which is you know mostly a very nice place<00:02:14.879> to<00:02:14.910> live<00:02:15.120> but<00:02:15.870> if<00:02:16.440> for<00:02:16.709> me<00:02:16.830> as<00:02:16.950> a<00:02:16.980> child place to live but if for me as a child place to live but if for me as a child California<00:02:17.940> could<00:02:18.030> also<00:02:18.209> be<00:02:18.390> a<00:02:18.420> little<00:02:18.599> scary California could also be a little scary California could also be a little scary I<00:02:19.620> remember<00:02:20.370> how<00:02:20.520> how<00:02:20.880> frightening<00:02:21.150> it<00:02:21.360> was<00:02:21.510> to I remember how how frightening it was to I remember how how frightening it was to see<00:02:21.960> the<00:02:22.110> chandelier<00:02:22.500> that<00:02:22.560> huh see the chandelier that huh see the chandelier that huh dining<00:02:23.459> table<00:02:23.790> swing<00:02:24.269> back<00:02:24.540> and<00:02:24.569> forth<00:02:24.840> during dining table swing back and forth during dining table swing back and forth during every<00:02:25.890> minor<00:02:26.099> earthquake<00:02:26.670> and<00:02:26.939> I<00:02:27.569> sometimes every minor earthquake and I sometimes every minor earthquake and I sometimes couldn't<00:02:28.260> sleep<00:02:28.469> at<00:02:28.650> night<00:02:28.680> terrified<00:02:29.489> and couldn't sleep at night terrified and couldn't sleep at night terrified and that<00:02:29.879> the<00:02:29.939> big<00:02:30.120> one<00:02:30.150> might<00:02:30.480> strike<00:02:30.780> while<00:02:30.989> we that the big one might strike while we that the big one might strike while we were<00:02:31.170> sleeping were sleeping were sleeping and<00:02:32.489> what<00:02:32.639> we<00:02:32.700> sing<00:02:32.879> about<00:02:32.969> kids<00:02:33.269> who<00:02:33.840> have and what we sing about kids who have and what we sing about kids who have fears<00:02:34.349> like<00:02:34.530> that<00:02:34.769> is<00:02:35.340> it<00:02:35.579> that<00:02:35.790> they<00:02:35.879> have<00:02:35.999> a fears like that is it that they have a fears like that is it that they have a vivid<00:02:36.269> imagination<00:02:37.670> but<00:02:38.670> at<00:02:38.790> a<00:02:38.819> certain<00:02:39.120> point vivid imagination but at a certain point vivid imagination but at a certain point most<00:02:39.510> of<00:02:39.659> us<00:02:39.750> learn<00:02:39.959> to<00:02:40.260> leave<00:02:40.709> these<00:02:40.920> kinds<00:02:41.280> of most of us learn to leave these kinds of most of us learn to leave these kinds of visions<00:02:41.639> behind<00:02:42.060> and<00:02:42.450> grow<00:02:42.569> up<00:02:42.620> we<00:02:43.620> learned visions behind and grow up we learned visions behind and grow up we learned that<00:02:43.889> there<00:02:44.040> are<00:02:44.099> no<00:02:44.250> monsters<00:02:44.459> hiding<00:02:45.060> under that there are no monsters hiding under that there are no monsters hiding under the<00:02:45.450> bed<00:02:45.599> and<00:02:46.049> not<00:02:46.469> every<00:02:46.739> earthquake<00:02:46.950> brings the bed and not every earthquake brings the bed and not every earthquake brings buildings<00:02:47.849> down<00:02:48.439> but<00:02:49.439> maybe<00:02:49.590> it's<00:02:49.799> no buildings down but maybe it's no buildings down but maybe it's no coincidence<00:02:50.219> that<00:02:50.760> some<00:02:50.879> of<00:02:50.969> our<00:02:51.030> most coincidence that some of our most coincidence that some of our most creative<00:02:51.810> minds<00:02:52.049> fail<00:02:52.739> to<00:02:53.010> leave<00:02:53.189> these<00:02:53.400> kinds creative minds fail to leave these kinds creative minds fail to leave these kinds of<00:02:53.760> fears<00:02:53.999> behind<00:02:54.209> as<00:02:54.659> adults<00:02:55.079> the<00:02:55.919> same of fears behind as adults the same of fears behind as adults the same incredible<00:02:56.609> imaginations<00:02:57.599> that<00:02:57.870> produced incredible imaginations that produced incredible imaginations that produced the<00:02:58.409> Origin<00:02:58.739> of<00:02:58.799> Species<00:02:59.099> Jane<00:03:00.030> Eyre<00:03:00.269> the the Origin of Species Jane Eyre the the Origin of Species Jane Eyre the remembrance<00:03:01.260> of<00:03:01.349> things<00:03:01.500> past<00:03:01.650> also remembrance of things past also remembrance of things past also generated<00:03:03.239> intense<00:03:03.629> worries<00:03:04.169> that<00:03:04.469> haunted generated intense worries that haunted generated intense worries that haunted the<00:03:04.949> adult<00:03:05.219> lives<00:03:05.459> of<00:03:05.909> Charles<00:03:06.510> Darwin the adult lives of Charles Darwin the adult lives of Charles Darwin Charlotte<00:03:07.650> Bronte<00:03:08.069> and<00:03:08.310> Marcel<00:03:08.909> Proust<00:03:09.500> so Charlotte Bronte and Marcel Proust so Charlotte Bronte and Marcel Proust so the<00:03:10.560> question<00:03:10.889> is<00:03:11.040> what<00:03:11.189> can<00:03:11.280> the<00:03:11.400> rest<00:03:11.549> of<00:03:11.730> us the question is what can the rest of us the question is what can the rest of us learn<00:03:12.030> about<00:03:12.060> fear<00:03:12.840> from<00:03:13.500> visionaries<00:03:14.069> and learn about fear from visionaries and learn about fear from visionaries and young<00:03:14.730> children young children young children well<00:03:16.650> let's<00:03:16.799> return<00:03:17.010> to<00:03:17.069> the<00:03:17.219> Year<00:03:17.340> 1819<00:03:18.060> for<00:03:18.329> a well let's return to the Year 1819 for a well let's return to the Year 1819 for a moment<00:03:18.719> to<00:03:19.469> the<00:03:19.560> situation<00:03:20.040> facing<00:03:20.579> the<00:03:20.669> crew moment to the situation facing the crew moment to the situation facing the crew of<00:03:21.060> the<00:03:21.180> whaleship<00:03:21.540> Essex<00:03:22.310> let's<00:03:23.310> take<00:03:23.459> a<00:03:23.489> look of the whaleship Essex let's take a look of the whaleship Essex let's take a look at<00:03:23.760> the<00:03:23.849> fears<00:03:24.090> that<00:03:24.209> their<00:03:24.540> imaginations at the fears that their imaginations at the fears that their imaginations were<00:03:25.290> generating<00:03:25.739> as<00:03:25.889> they<00:03:26.099> drifted<00:03:26.609> in<00:03:26.760> the were generating as they drifted in the were generating as they drifted in the middle<00:03:27.120> of<00:03:27.329> the<00:03:27.449> Pacific<00:03:28.459> 24<00:03:29.459> hours<00:03:29.759> have<00:03:29.939> now middle of the Pacific 24 hours have now middle of the Pacific 24 hours have now passed<00:03:30.269> since<00:03:30.569> the<00:03:30.720> capsizing<00:03:31.259> of<00:03:31.319> the<00:03:31.379> ship passed since the capsizing of the ship passed since the capsizing of the ship the<00:03:32.609> time<00:03:32.819> had<00:03:33.030> come<00:03:33.060> for<00:03:33.509> the<00:03:33.689> men<00:03:33.840> to<00:03:34.019> make<00:03:34.049> a the time had come for the men to make a the time had come for the men to make a plan<00:03:34.519> but<00:03:35.519> they<00:03:35.609> had<00:03:35.729> very<00:03:35.759> few<00:03:36.329> options<00:03:37.099> in plan but they had very few options in plan but they had very few options in his<00:03:38.340> fascinating<00:03:38.819> account<00:03:39.209> of<00:03:39.359> the<00:03:39.449> disaster his fascinating account of the disaster his fascinating account of the disaster Nathaniel<00:03:40.919> Philbrick<00:03:41.310> wrote<00:03:41.639> that<00:03:42.060> these<00:03:42.239> men Nathaniel Philbrick wrote that these men Nathaniel Philbrick wrote that these men were<00:03:42.689> just<00:03:42.720> about<00:03:43.019> as<00:03:43.139> far<00:03:43.379> from<00:03:43.439> land<00:03:43.979> as<00:03:44.159> it were just about as far from land as it were just about as far from land as it was<00:03:44.370> possible<00:03:44.759> to<00:03:44.819> be<00:03:45.060> anywhere<00:03:45.720> on<00:03:45.900> earth<00:03:46.699> the was possible to be anywhere on earth the was possible to be anywhere on earth the men<00:03:47.879> knew<00:03:48.030> that<00:03:48.239> the<00:03:48.359> nearest<00:03:48.569> islands<00:03:49.109> they men knew that the nearest islands they men knew that the nearest islands they could<00:03:49.349> reach<00:03:49.530> were<00:03:49.919> the<00:03:50.040> marquessa<00:03:50.400> Islands could reach were the marquessa Islands could reach were the marquessa Islands 1,200<00:03:51.840> miles<00:03:52.019> away<00:03:52.879> but<00:03:53.879> they'd<00:03:54.030> heard<00:03:54.209> some 1,200 miles away but they'd heard some 1,200 miles away but they'd heard some frightening<00:03:54.870> rumors<00:03:55.340> they'd<00:03:56.340> been<00:03:56.519> told<00:03:56.669> that frightening rumors they'd been told that frightening rumors they'd been told that these<00:03:57.090> islands<00:03:57.659> and<00:03:57.840> several<00:03:58.199> others<00:03:58.439> nearby these islands and several others nearby these islands and several others nearby were<00:03:59.669> populated<00:04:00.239> by<00:04:00.389> cannibals<00:04:01.159> so<00:04:02.159> the<00:04:02.250> men were populated by cannibals so the men were populated by cannibals so the men pictured<00:04:02.669> coming<00:04:02.939> ashore<00:04:03.030> only<00:04:03.599> to<00:04:03.750> be pictured coming ashore only to be pictured coming ashore only to be murdered<00:04:04.199> and<00:04:04.409> eaten<00:04:04.500> for<00:04:04.829> dinner<00:04:05.540> another murdered and eaten for dinner another murdered and eaten for dinner another possible<00:04:07.049> destination<00:04:07.560> was<00:04:07.680> Hawaii<00:04:07.909> but possible destination was Hawaii but possible destination was Hawaii but given<00:04:09.180> the<00:04:09.269> season<00:04:09.659> the<00:04:09.989> captain<00:04:10.319> was<00:04:10.409> afraid given the season the captain was afraid given the season the captain was afraid they'd<00:04:10.829> be<00:04:10.919> struck<00:04:11.129> by<00:04:11.310> severe<00:04:11.729> storms<00:04:13.219> now they'd be struck by severe storms now they'd be struck by severe storms now the<00:04:14.280> last<00:04:14.519> option<00:04:14.790> was<00:04:15.389> the<00:04:15.419> longest<00:04:15.959> and<00:04:16.229> the the last option was the longest and the the last option was the longest and the most<00:04:16.530> difficult<00:04:16.849> to<00:04:17.849> sail<00:04:18.109> 1,500<00:04:19.109> miles<00:04:19.349> due most difficult to sail 1,500 miles due most difficult to sail 1,500 miles due south<00:04:19.859> in<00:04:20.430> hopes<00:04:20.609> of<00:04:20.729> reaching<00:04:20.940> a<00:04:21.150> certain south in hopes of reaching a certain south in hopes of reaching a certain band<00:04:21.690> of<00:04:21.840> winds<00:04:22.229> that<00:04:22.590> could<00:04:22.740> eventually<00:04:22.919> push band of winds that could eventually push band of winds that could eventually push them<00:04:23.550> toward<00:04:23.729> the<00:04:23.820> coast<00:04:24.000> of<00:04:24.180> South<00:04:24.389> America them toward the coast of South America them toward the coast of South America but<00:04:25.800> they<00:04:25.919> knew<00:04:26.099> that<00:04:26.280> the<00:04:26.430> sheer<00:04:26.669> length<00:04:27.060> of but they knew that the sheer length of but they knew that the sheer length of this<00:04:27.419> journey<00:04:27.690> would<00:04:28.169> stretch<00:04:28.500> their this journey would stretch their this journey would stretch their supplies<00:04:29.039> of<00:04:29.250> food<00:04:29.520> and<00:04:29.820> water<00:04:31.159> to<00:04:32.159> be<00:04:32.190> eaten supplies of food and water to be eaten supplies of food and water to be eaten by<00:04:32.550> cannibals<00:04:32.880> to<00:04:33.419> be<00:04:33.750> battered<00:04:34.050> by<00:04:34.229> storms by cannibals to be battered by storms by cannibals to be battered by storms to<00:04:35.369> starve<00:04:35.669> to<00:04:35.819> death<00:04:36.029> before<00:04:36.360> reaching<00:04:36.900> land to starve to death before reaching land to starve to death before reaching land these<00:04:38.460> were<00:04:38.699> the<00:04:38.789> fears<00:04:39.029> that<00:04:39.180> danced<00:04:39.629> in<00:04:39.719> the these were the fears that danced in the these were the fears that danced in the imaginations<00:04:40.409> of<00:04:40.469> these<00:04:40.650> poor<00:04:40.889> men<00:04:41.099> and<00:04:41.400> as<00:04:42.029> it imaginations of these poor men and as it imaginations of these poor men and as it turned<00:04:42.330> out<00:04:42.479> the<00:04:43.409> fear<00:04:43.589> they<00:04:43.710> chose<00:04:43.889> to<00:04:44.069> listen turned out the fear they chose to listen turned out the fear they chose to listen to<00:04:44.460> would<00:04:44.669> govern<00:04:44.849> whether<00:04:45.210> they<00:04:45.419> lived<00:04:45.629> or to would govern whether they lived or to would govern whether they lived or died<00:04:47.029> now<00:04:48.029> we<00:04:48.839> might<00:04:48.960> just<00:04:49.139> as<00:04:49.229> easily<00:04:49.379> call died now we might just as easily call died now we might just as easily call these<00:04:49.860> fears<00:04:50.099> by<00:04:50.279> a<00:04:50.309> different<00:04:50.699> name<00:04:51.020> what<00:04:52.020> if these fears by a different name what if these fears by a different name what if instead<00:04:52.229> of<00:04:52.469> calling<00:04:52.619> them<00:04:52.800> fears<00:04:53.129> we<00:04:53.789> called instead of calling them fears we called instead of calling them fears we called them<00:04:54.149> stories<00:04:54.889> because<00:04:55.889> that's<00:04:56.039> really<00:04:56.189> what them stories because that's really what them stories because that's really what fear<00:04:56.610> is<00:04:56.669> if<00:04:57.059> you<00:04:57.149> think<00:04:57.210> about<00:04:57.389> it<00:04:57.689> it's<00:04:57.839> a fear is if you think about it it's a fear is if you think about it it's a kind<00:04:58.559> of<00:04:58.680> unintentional<00:04:59.460> storytelling<00:05:00.419> that kind of unintentional storytelling that kind of unintentional storytelling that we<00:05:00.749> are<00:05:00.809> all<00:05:01.020> born<00:05:01.439> knowing<00:05:01.830> how<00:05:01.949> to<00:05:02.069> do<00:05:02.279> and we are all born knowing how to do and we are all born knowing how to do and fears<00:05:04.020> and<00:05:04.379> storytelling<00:05:04.889> have<00:05:05.339> the<00:05:05.759> same fears and storytelling have the same fears and storytelling have the same components<00:05:06.449> they<00:05:06.539> have<00:05:06.659> the<00:05:06.749> same components they have the same components they have the same architecture<00:05:07.550> like<00:05:08.550> all<00:05:08.699> stories<00:05:08.939> fears<00:05:09.449> have architecture like all stories fears have architecture like all stories fears have characters<00:05:10.229> in<00:05:10.499> our<00:05:10.919> fears<00:05:11.219> the<00:05:11.610> characters characters in our fears the characters characters in our fears the characters are<00:05:12.089> us<00:05:12.589> fears<00:05:13.589> also<00:05:13.830> have<00:05:13.979> plots<00:05:14.309> they<00:05:15.059> have are us fears also have plots they have are us fears also have plots they have beginnings<00:05:15.629> and<00:05:15.870> middles<00:05:16.169> and<00:05:16.439> ends<00:05:16.680> you beginnings and middles and ends you beginnings and middles and ends you board<00:05:17.879> the<00:05:17.999> plane<00:05:18.029> the<00:05:18.870> plane<00:05:19.080> takes<00:05:19.319> off<00:05:19.469> the board the plane the plane takes off the board the plane the plane takes off the engine<00:05:20.309> fails<00:05:20.550> our<00:05:21.139> fears<00:05:22.139> also<00:05:22.499> tend<00:05:22.680> to engine fails our fears also tend to engine fails our fears also tend to contain<00:05:23.069> imagery<00:05:23.610> that<00:05:23.699> can<00:05:23.849> be<00:05:23.999> every<00:05:24.539> bit<00:05:24.719> as contain imagery that can be every bit as contain imagery that can be every bit as vivid<00:05:25.199> as<00:05:25.319> what<00:05:25.499> you<00:05:25.589> might<00:05:25.620> find<00:05:25.949> in<00:05:26.279> the vivid as what you might find in the vivid as what you might find in the pages<00:05:26.490> of<00:05:26.699> a<00:05:26.819> novel<00:05:27.169> picture<00:05:28.169> a<00:05:28.379> cannibal pages of a novel picture a cannibal pages of a novel picture a cannibal human<00:05:29.999> teeth<00:05:30.300> sinking<00:05:31.259> into<00:05:31.349> human<00:05:31.770> skin human teeth sinking into human skin human teeth sinking into human skin human<00:05:33.059> flesh<00:05:33.300> roasting<00:05:33.719> over<00:05:34.169> a<00:05:34.229> fire human flesh roasting over a fire human flesh roasting over a fire fears<00:05:36.839> also<00:05:37.080> have<00:05:37.229> suspense<00:05:37.789> if<00:05:38.789> I've<00:05:39.300> done<00:05:39.419> my fears also have suspense if I've done my fears also have suspense if I've done my job<00:05:39.599> as<00:05:39.870> a<00:05:39.899> storyteller<00:05:40.349> today<00:05:40.620> you<00:05:40.680> should<00:05:41.129> be job as a storyteller today you should be job as a storyteller today you should be wondering<00:05:41.430> what<00:05:41.909> happened<00:05:42.330> to<00:05:42.689> the<00:05:42.779> men<00:05:42.899> of wondering what happened to the men of wondering what happened to the men of the<00:05:43.110> whaleship<00:05:43.409> Essex<00:05:43.909> our<00:05:44.909> fears<00:05:45.240> provoked the whaleship Essex our fears provoked the whaleship Essex our fears provoked in<00:05:45.870> us<00:05:46.020> a<00:05:46.199> very<00:05:46.379> similar<00:05:46.800> form<00:05:47.249> of<00:05:47.370> suspense in us a very similar form of suspense in us a very similar form of suspense just<00:05:49.139> like<00:05:49.259> all<00:05:49.379> great<00:05:49.589> stories<00:05:50.039> our<00:05:50.399> fears just like all great stories our fears just like all great stories our fears focus<00:05:51.719> our<00:05:51.839> attention<00:05:52.289> on<00:05:52.439> a<00:05:52.499> question<00:05:52.949> that focus our attention on a question that focus our attention on a question that is<00:05:53.339> as<00:05:53.490> important<00:05:53.969> in<00:05:54.059> life<00:05:54.269> as<00:05:54.509> it<00:05:54.689> is<00:05:54.719> in is as important in life as it is in is as important in life as it is in literature<00:05:55.379> what<00:05:56.370> will<00:05:56.819> happen<00:05:57.149> next<00:05:58.339> in literature what will happen next in literature what will happen next in other<00:05:59.490> words<00:05:59.699> our<00:05:59.789> fears<00:06:00.059> make<00:06:00.209> us<00:06:00.330> think other words our fears make us think other words our fears make us think about<00:06:00.719> the<00:06:00.839> future<00:06:01.080> in<00:06:01.559> humans<00:06:02.279> by<00:06:02.399> the<00:06:02.459> way about the future in humans by the way about the future in humans by the way are<00:06:02.729> the<00:06:02.819> only<00:06:02.969> creatures<00:06:03.419> capable<00:06:03.569> of are the only creatures capable of are the only creatures capable of thinking<00:06:04.199> about<00:06:04.379> the<00:06:04.469> future<00:06:04.620> in<00:06:04.889> this<00:06:05.039> way<00:06:05.189> of thinking about the future in this way of thinking about the future in this way of projecting<00:06:06.360> ourselves<00:06:06.479> forward<00:06:07.110> in<00:06:07.259> time<00:06:07.499> and projecting ourselves forward in time and projecting ourselves forward in time and this<00:06:08.759> mental<00:06:09.149> time<00:06:09.360> travel<00:06:09.389> is<00:06:09.899> just<00:06:10.080> one<00:06:10.259> more this mental time travel is just one more this mental time travel is just one more thing<00:06:10.469> that<00:06:10.680> fears<00:06:11.099> have<00:06:11.399> in<00:06:11.490> common<00:06:11.849> with thing that fears have in common with thing that fears have in common with storytelling<00:06:12.659> as<00:06:13.279> a<00:06:14.279> writer<00:06:14.550> I<00:06:14.639> can<00:06:14.849> tell<00:06:14.999> you storytelling as a writer I can tell you storytelling as a writer I can tell you that<00:06:15.240> a<00:06:15.269> big<00:06:15.300> part<00:06:15.629> of<00:06:15.749> writing<00:06:16.050> fiction<00:06:16.259> is that a big part of writing fiction is that a big part of writing fiction is learning<00:06:17.039> to<00:06:17.129> predict<00:06:17.459> how<00:06:17.580> one<00:06:17.879> event<00:06:18.209> in<00:06:18.330> a learning to predict how one event in a learning to predict how one event in a story<00:06:18.599> will<00:06:18.749> affect<00:06:19.019> all<00:06:19.229> the<00:06:19.409> other<00:06:19.559> events story will affect all the other events story will affect all the other events and<00:06:20.849> fear<00:06:21.120> works<00:06:21.389> in<00:06:21.539> that<00:06:21.659> same<00:06:21.930> way<00:06:22.110> and<00:06:22.439> fear and fear works in that same way and fear and fear works in that same way and fear just<00:06:23.430> like<00:06:23.490> in<00:06:23.759> fiction<00:06:24.149> one<00:06:24.629> thing<00:06:24.870> always just like in fiction one thing always just like in fiction one thing always leads<00:06:25.559> to<00:06:25.889> another<00:06:26.930> when<00:06:27.930> I<00:06:27.959> was<00:06:28.110> writing<00:06:28.259> my leads to another when I was writing my leads to another when I was writing my first<00:06:28.649> novel<00:06:28.889> the<00:06:29.129> age<00:06:29.370> of<00:06:29.490> miracles<00:06:29.699> I<00:06:30.209> spent first novel the age of miracles I spent first novel the age of miracles I spent months<00:06:31.469> trying<00:06:31.919> to<00:06:31.979> figure<00:06:32.129> out<00:06:32.279> what<00:06:32.580> would months trying to figure out what would months trying to figure out what would happen<00:06:32.789> if<00:06:33.240> the<00:06:33.360> rotation<00:06:33.749> of<00:06:33.809> the<00:06:33.930> earth happen if the rotation of the earth happen if the rotation of the earth suddenly<00:06:34.649> began<00:06:35.129> to<00:06:35.309> slow<00:06:35.519> down<00:06:35.759> what<00:06:36.689> would suddenly began to slow down what would suddenly began to slow down what would happen<00:06:37.019> to<00:06:37.139> our<00:06:37.289> days<00:06:37.529> what<00:06:37.979> would<00:06:38.069> happen<00:06:38.339> to happen to our days what would happen to happen to our days what would happen to our<00:06:38.519> crops<00:06:38.969> what<00:06:39.779> happened<00:06:39.959> to<00:06:40.019> our<00:06:40.050> minds our crops what happened to our minds our crops what happened to our minds and<00:06:41.840> then<00:06:42.050> it<00:06:42.320> was<00:06:42.410> only<00:06:42.530> later<00:06:42.770> that<00:06:42.920> I and then it was only later that I and then it was only later that I realized<00:06:43.370> how<00:06:43.460> very<00:06:44.000> similar<00:06:44.450> these realized how very similar these realized how very similar these questions<00:06:45.110> were<00:06:45.260> to<00:06:45.410> the<00:06:45.500> ones<00:06:45.650> I<00:06:45.830> used<00:06:45.980> to<00:06:46.070> ask questions were to the ones I used to ask questions were to the ones I used to ask myself<00:06:46.400> as<00:06:46.640> a<00:06:46.670> child<00:06:46.970> frightened<00:06:47.630> in<00:06:47.720> the myself as a child frightened in the myself as a child frightened in the night<00:06:47.960> if<00:06:48.950> an<00:06:49.100> earthquake<00:06:49.160> strikes<00:06:49.700> tonight<00:06:49.970> I night if an earthquake strikes tonight I night if an earthquake strikes tonight I used<00:06:50.570> to<00:06:50.720> worry<00:06:50.930> what<00:06:51.680> will<00:06:51.800> happen<00:06:52.010> to<00:06:52.100> our used to worry what will happen to our used to worry what will happen to our house<00:06:52.400> what<00:06:52.970> will<00:06:53.060> happen<00:06:53.270> to<00:06:53.360> our<00:06:53.390> to<00:06:53.750> my house what will happen to our to my house what will happen to our to my family<00:06:54.290> and<00:06:54.590> the<00:06:55.460> answer<00:06:55.820> to<00:06:55.910> those<00:06:56.000> questions family and the answer to those questions family and the answer to those questions always<00:06:56.840> took<00:06:57.260> the<00:06:57.350> form<00:06:57.620> of<00:06:57.710> a<00:06:58.010> story<00:06:59.140> so<00:07:00.140> if<00:07:00.260> we always took the form of a story so if we always took the form of a story so if we think<00:07:00.470> of<00:07:00.590> our<00:07:00.710> fears<00:07:00.980> as<00:07:01.250> more<00:07:01.400> than<00:07:01.520> just think of our fears as more than just think of our fears as more than just fears<00:07:02.090> but<00:07:02.570> as<00:07:02.690> stories<00:07:03.280> we<00:07:04.280> should<00:07:04.430> think<00:07:04.490> of fears but as stories we should think of fears but as stories we should think of ourselves<00:07:04.790> as<00:07:05.330> the<00:07:05.480> authors<00:07:05.840> of<00:07:06.020> those ourselves as the authors of those ourselves as the authors of those stories<00:07:06.580> but<00:07:07.580> just<00:07:07.790> as<00:07:07.880> importantly<00:07:08.300> we<00:07:08.510> need stories but just as importantly we need stories but just as importantly we need to<00:07:08.750> think<00:07:08.870> of<00:07:09.020> ourselves<00:07:09.140> as<00:07:09.590> the<00:07:10.040> readers<00:07:10.460> of to think of ourselves as the readers of to think of ourselves as the readers of our<00:07:10.730> fears<00:07:11.030> and<00:07:11.390> how<00:07:11.930> we<00:07:11.990> choose<00:07:12.230> to<00:07:12.290> read<00:07:12.620> our our fears and how we choose to read our our fears and how we choose to read our fears<00:07:13.010> can<00:07:13.340> have<00:07:13.520> a<00:07:13.760> profound<00:07:14.270> effect<00:07:14.570> on<00:07:14.930> our fears can have a profound effect on our fears can have a profound effect on our lives<00:07:15.610> now<00:07:16.610> some<00:07:16.910> of<00:07:16.940> us<00:07:17.090> naturally<00:07:17.330> read<00:07:17.750> our lives now some of us naturally read our lives now some of us naturally read our fears<00:07:18.050> more<00:07:18.230> closely<00:07:18.500> than<00:07:18.770> others<00:07:19.070> I<00:07:19.280> read fears more closely than others I read fears more closely than others I read about<00:07:19.880> a<00:07:20.000> study<00:07:20.240> recently<00:07:20.510> of<00:07:20.750> successful about a study recently of successful about a study recently of successful entrepreneurs<00:07:22.130> and<00:07:22.430> the<00:07:22.820> author<00:07:22.970> found<00:07:23.330> that entrepreneurs and the author found that entrepreneurs and the author found that these<00:07:23.780> people<00:07:24.140> shared<00:07:24.410> a<00:07:24.590> habit<00:07:24.950> that<00:07:25.130> he these people shared a habit that he these people shared a habit that he called<00:07:25.640> productive<00:07:26.510> paranoia<00:07:26.860> which<00:07:27.860> meant called productive paranoia which meant called productive paranoia which meant that<00:07:28.160> these<00:07:28.370> people<00:07:28.670> instead<00:07:29.000> of<00:07:29.180> dismissing that these people instead of dismissing that these people instead of dismissing their<00:07:30.140> fears<00:07:30.440> these<00:07:30.830> people<00:07:31.160> read<00:07:31.520> them their fears these people read them their fears these people read them closely<00:07:32.060> they<00:07:32.420> studied<00:07:32.810> them<00:07:33.020> and<00:07:33.170> then<00:07:33.650> they closely they studied them and then they closely they studied them and then they translated<00:07:34.280> that<00:07:34.490> fear<00:07:34.700> into<00:07:35.060> preparation translated that fear into preparation translated that fear into preparation and<00:07:35.900> action<00:07:36.380> so<00:07:37.190> that<00:07:37.220> way<00:07:37.550> if<00:07:38.000> their<00:07:38.270> worst and action so that way if their worst and action so that way if their worst fears<00:07:38.660> came<00:07:38.840> true<00:07:38.900> their<00:07:39.320> businesses<00:07:39.740> were fears came true their businesses were fears came true their businesses were ready<00:07:40.360> and<00:07:41.360> sometimes<00:07:41.690> of<00:07:41.810> course<00:07:41.840> our<00:07:42.740> worst ready and sometimes of course our worst ready and sometimes of course our worst fears<00:07:43.190> do<00:07:43.460> come<00:07:43.790> true<00:07:44.440> that's<00:07:45.440> one<00:07:45.680> of<00:07:45.770> the fears do come true that's one of the fears do come true that's one of the things<00:07:46.040> that<00:07:46.190> is<00:07:46.310> so<00:07:46.550> extraordinary<00:07:47.180> about things that is so extraordinary about things that is so extraordinary about fear<00:07:48.160> once<00:07:49.160> in<00:07:49.310> a<00:07:49.370> while<00:07:49.580> our<00:07:49.970> fears<00:07:50.750> can fear once in a while our fears can fear once in a while our fears can predict<00:07:51.440> the<00:07:51.740> future<00:07:53.560> but<00:07:54.560> we<00:07:54.650> can't<00:07:54.830> possibly predict the future but we can't possibly predict the future but we can't possibly prepare<00:07:55.700> for<00:07:56.000> all<00:07:56.150> of<00:07:56.390> the<00:07:56.480> fears<00:07:56.720> that<00:07:56.930> our prepare for all of the fears that our prepare for all of the fears that our imaginations<00:07:57.620> concoct<00:07:58.330> so<00:07:59.330> how<00:07:59.900> can<00:08:00.080> we<00:08:00.170> tell imaginations concoct so how can we tell imaginations concoct so how can we tell the<00:08:00.350> difference<00:08:00.440> between<00:08:00.890> the<00:08:01.400> fears<00:08:01.610> worth the difference between the fears worth the difference between the fears worth listening<00:08:02.060> to<00:08:02.330> and<00:08:02.690> all<00:08:03.410> the<00:08:03.440> others<00:08:03.830> I<00:08:04.570> think listening to and all the others I think listening to and all the others I think the<00:08:05.660> end<00:08:05.780> of<00:08:05.870> the<00:08:05.960> story<00:08:06.170> of<00:08:06.320> the<00:08:06.410> whaleship the end of the story of the whaleship the end of the story of the whaleship Essex<00:08:07.180> offers<00:08:08.180> an<00:08:08.390> illuminating<00:08:09.050> if<00:08:09.200> tragic Essex offers an illuminating if tragic Essex offers an illuminating if tragic example<00:08:11.620> after<00:08:12.620> much<00:08:12.980> deliberation<00:08:13.510> the<00:08:14.510> men example after much deliberation the men example after much deliberation the men finally<00:08:15.020> made<00:08:15.290> a<00:08:15.320> decision<00:08:16.150> terrified<00:08:17.150> of finally made a decision terrified of finally made a decision terrified of cannibals<00:08:17.750> they<00:08:18.260> decided<00:08:18.650> to<00:08:18.740> forego<00:08:19.070> the cannibals they decided to forego the cannibals they decided to forego the closest<00:08:19.700> islands<00:08:20.210> and<00:08:21.050> instead<00:08:21.650> embarked<00:08:22.130> on closest islands and instead embarked on closest islands and instead embarked on the<00:08:22.400> longer<00:08:22.730> and<00:08:22.970> much<00:08:23.150> more<00:08:23.330> difficult<00:08:23.720> route the longer and much more difficult route the longer and much more difficult route to<00:08:23.990> South<00:08:24.140> America<00:08:25.120> after<00:08:26.120> more<00:08:26.390> than<00:08:26.420> two to South America after more than two to South America after more than two months<00:08:26.720> at<00:08:27.080> sea<00:08:27.290> the<00:08:27.950> men<00:08:28.130> ran<00:08:28.370> out<00:08:28.550> of<00:08:28.580> food<00:08:28.880> as months at sea the men ran out of food as months at sea the men ran out of food as they<00:08:29.630> knew<00:08:29.750> they<00:08:29.900> might<00:08:30.080> and<00:08:30.740> they<00:08:31.070> were<00:08:31.160> still they knew they might and they were still they knew they might and they were still quite<00:08:31.610> far<00:08:31.970> from<00:08:32.030> lands<00:08:32.770> when<00:08:33.770> the<00:08:33.890> last<00:08:34.070> of quite far from lands when the last of quite far from lands when the last of the<00:08:34.430> survivors<00:08:34.970> were<00:08:35.180> finally<00:08:35.600> picked<00:08:35.840> up<00:08:35.960> by the survivors were finally picked up by the survivors were finally picked up by two<00:08:36.290> passing<00:08:37.010> ships<00:08:37.280> less<00:08:38.060> than<00:08:38.300> half<00:08:38.570> of<00:08:38.780> the two passing ships less than half of the two passing ships less than half of the men<00:08:39.080> were<00:08:39.200> left<00:08:39.410> alive<00:08:39.710> and<00:08:40.120> some<00:08:41.120> of<00:08:41.240> them<00:08:41.360> had men were left alive and some of them had men were left alive and some of them had resorted<00:08:41.810> to<00:08:42.110> their<00:08:42.380> own<00:08:42.530> form<00:08:42.920> of resorted to their own form of resorted to their own form of cannibalism<00:08:44.980> Herman<00:08:45.980> Melville<00:08:46.370> who<00:08:46.640> used cannibalism Herman Melville who used cannibalism Herman Melville who used this<00:08:46.970> story<00:08:47.210> as<00:08:47.420> research<00:08:47.780> for<00:08:47.810> Moby<00:08:48.230> Dick this story as research for Moby Dick this story as research for Moby Dick wrote<00:08:49.220> years<00:08:49.640> later<00:08:49.940> and<00:08:50.240> from<00:08:50.540> dry<00:08:50.810> land wrote years later and from dry land wrote years later and from dry land quote<00:08:52.220> all<00:08:52.490> the<00:08:53.000> sufferings<00:08:53.450> of<00:08:53.630> these quote all the sufferings of these quote all the sufferings of these miserable<00:08:53.990> men<00:08:54.380> of miserable men of miserable men of ethics<00:08:54.960> my<00:08:55.350> in<00:08:55.590> all<00:08:55.770> human<00:08:56.250> probability<00:08:56.460> have ethics my in all human probability have ethics my in all human probability have been<00:08:57.570> avoided<00:08:57.990> had<00:08:58.200> they<00:08:58.860> immediately<00:08:59.370> after been avoided had they immediately after been avoided had they immediately after leaving<00:08:59.910> the<00:09:00.090> wreck<00:09:00.240> steered<00:09:01.050> straight<00:09:01.380> for leaving the wreck steered straight for leaving the wreck steered straight for Tahiti<00:09:01.890> but<00:09:02.820> as<00:09:03.000> Melville<00:09:03.450> put<00:09:03.630> it<00:09:03.750> they Tahiti but as Melville put it they Tahiti but as Melville put it they dreaded<00:09:05.040> cannibals<00:09:06.650> so<00:09:07.650> the<00:09:07.710> question<00:09:07.980> is<00:09:08.100> why dreaded cannibals so the question is why dreaded cannibals so the question is why did<00:09:08.700> these<00:09:08.820> men<00:09:09.000> dread<00:09:09.240> cannibals<00:09:09.870> so<00:09:10.650> much did these men dread cannibals so much did these men dread cannibals so much more<00:09:11.070> than<00:09:11.280> the<00:09:11.370> extreme<00:09:11.820> likelihood<00:09:12.570> of more than the extreme likelihood of more than the extreme likelihood of starvation starvation starvation why<00:09:14.610> were<00:09:14.820> they<00:09:14.940> swayed<00:09:15.180> by<00:09:15.360> one<00:09:15.630> story<00:09:16.050> so why were they swayed by one story so why were they swayed by one story so much<00:09:16.740> more<00:09:17.100> than<00:09:17.310> the<00:09:17.400> other<00:09:17.960> looked<00:09:18.960> at<00:09:19.110> from much more than the other looked at from much more than the other looked at from this<00:09:19.410> angle this angle this angle there's<00:09:20.520> becomes<00:09:20.850> a<00:09:20.970> story<00:09:21.210> about<00:09:21.690> reading there's becomes a story about reading there's becomes a story about reading the<00:09:23.640> novelist<00:09:24.090> glad<00:09:24.300> ran<00:09:24.510> a<00:09:24.540> book<00:09:24.750> off<00:09:24.930> said the novelist glad ran a book off said the novelist glad ran a book off said that<00:09:25.650> the<00:09:25.740> best<00:09:25.860> reader<00:09:26.190> has<00:09:26.490> a<00:09:26.520> combination that the best reader has a combination that the best reader has a combination of<00:09:27.240> two<00:09:27.480> very<00:09:27.870> different<00:09:27.960> temperaments<00:09:28.740> the of two very different temperaments the of two very different temperaments the artistic<00:09:29.880> and<00:09:30.300> the<00:09:30.540> scientific<00:09:30.960> a<00:09:31.350> good artistic and the scientific a good artistic and the scientific a good reader<00:09:32.340> has<00:09:32.670> an<00:09:32.790> artist's<00:09:33.240> passion<00:09:33.750> a reader has an artist's passion a reader has an artist's passion a willingness<00:09:34.830> to<00:09:35.040> get<00:09:35.190> caught<00:09:35.370> up<00:09:35.400> in<00:09:35.670> the willingness to get caught up in the willingness to get caught up in the story<00:09:36.090> but<00:09:36.900> just<00:09:37.170> as<00:09:37.320> importantly<00:09:37.800> the<00:09:38.160> reader story but just as importantly the reader story but just as importantly the reader also<00:09:38.670> needs<00:09:38.880> the<00:09:38.970> coolness<00:09:39.300> of<00:09:39.690> judgment<00:09:39.750> of<00:09:40.290> a also needs the coolness of judgment of a also needs the coolness of judgment of a scientist<00:09:41.420> which<00:09:42.420> acts<00:09:42.600> to<00:09:42.690> temper<00:09:43.110> and scientist which acts to temper and scientist which acts to temper and complicate<00:09:43.770> the<00:09:43.860> readers<00:09:44.100> intuitive complicate the readers intuitive complicate the readers intuitive reactions<00:09:45.150> to<00:09:45.480> the<00:09:45.570> story<00:09:45.980> as<00:09:46.980> we've<00:09:47.250> seen<00:09:47.400> the reactions to the story as we've seen the reactions to the story as we've seen the men<00:09:47.640> of<00:09:47.730> the<00:09:47.820> Essex<00:09:48.120> had<00:09:48.300> no<00:09:48.540> trouble<00:09:48.960> with<00:09:49.140> the men of the Essex had no trouble with the men of the Essex had no trouble with the artistic<00:09:49.530> part<00:09:49.920> they<00:09:50.220> dreamed<00:09:50.730> up<00:09:50.910> a<00:09:51.060> variety artistic part they dreamed up a variety artistic part they dreamed up a variety of<00:09:51.660> horrifying<00:09:52.380> scenarios<00:09:53.150> the<00:09:54.150> problem<00:09:54.540> was of horrifying scenarios the problem was of horrifying scenarios the problem was that<00:09:55.050> they<00:09:55.590> listened<00:09:56.010> to<00:09:56.280> the<00:09:56.400> wrong<00:09:56.520> story<00:09:57.140> of that they listened to the wrong story of that they listened to the wrong story of all<00:09:58.560> the<00:09:58.710> narratives<00:09:59.100> their<00:09:59.280> fears<00:09:59.550> wrote all the narratives their fears wrote all the narratives their fears wrote they<00:10:00.390> responded<00:10:00.930> only<00:10:01.080> to<00:10:01.470> the<00:10:01.590> most<00:10:01.770> lurid they responded only to the most lurid they responded only to the most lurid the<00:10:02.700> most<00:10:02.910> vivid<00:10:03.210> the<00:10:03.960> one<00:10:04.170> that<00:10:04.380> was<00:10:04.500> easiest the most vivid the one that was easiest the most vivid the one that was easiest for<00:10:05.160> their<00:10:05.430> imaginations<00:10:06.030> to<00:10:06.120> picture for their imaginations to picture for their imaginations to picture cannibals<00:10:08.450> but<00:10:09.450> perhaps<00:10:09.810> if<00:10:09.990> they've<00:10:10.110> been cannibals but perhaps if they've been cannibals but perhaps if they've been able<00:10:10.350> to<00:10:10.530> read<00:10:10.680> their<00:10:10.830> fears<00:10:11.070> more<00:10:11.460> like<00:10:11.640> a able to read their fears more like a able to read their fears more like a scientist<00:10:12.330> with<00:10:13.110> more<00:10:13.260> coolness<00:10:13.710> of<00:10:13.800> judgment scientist with more coolness of judgment scientist with more coolness of judgment they<00:10:15.390> would<00:10:15.570> have<00:10:15.660> listened<00:10:15.930> instead<00:10:16.230> to<00:10:16.380> the they would have listened instead to the they would have listened instead to the less<00:10:16.650> violent<00:10:17.160> but<00:10:17.400> the<00:10:17.490> more<00:10:17.670> likely<00:10:18.030> tale less violent but the more likely tale less violent but the more likely tale the<00:10:19.080> story<00:10:19.110> of<00:10:19.530> starvation<00:10:19.920> and<00:10:20.510> headed<00:10:21.510> for the story of starvation and headed for the story of starvation and headed for Tahiti<00:10:22.110> just<00:10:22.620> as<00:10:22.770> Melville's<00:10:23.190> sad<00:10:23.430> commentary Tahiti just as Melville's sad commentary Tahiti just as Melville's sad commentary suggests<00:10:26.030> and<00:10:27.030> maybe<00:10:27.180> if<00:10:27.360> we<00:10:27.510> all<00:10:27.690> tried<00:10:27.990> to suggests and maybe if we all tried to suggests and maybe if we all tried to read<00:10:28.260> our<00:10:28.350> fears<00:10:28.620> we<00:10:28.950> too<00:10:29.400> would<00:10:29.580> be<00:10:29.670> less read our fears we too would be less read our fears we too would be less often<00:10:30.060> swayed<00:10:30.420> by<00:10:31.020> the<00:10:31.080> most<00:10:31.320> salacious<00:10:31.590> among often swayed by the most salacious among often swayed by the most salacious among them<00:10:32.250> maybe<00:10:33.180> then<00:10:33.360> we'd<00:10:33.510> spend<00:10:33.720> less<00:10:33.840> time them maybe then we'd spend less time them maybe then we'd spend less time worrying<00:10:34.200> about<00:10:34.350> serial<00:10:34.860> killers<00:10:35.160> and<00:10:35.190> plane worrying about serial killers and plane worrying about serial killers and plane crashes<00:10:36.090> and<00:10:36.330> more<00:10:37.290> time<00:10:37.500> concerned<00:10:37.890> with<00:10:38.040> the crashes and more time concerned with the crashes and more time concerned with the subtler<00:10:38.550> and<00:10:38.790> slower<00:10:39.270> disasters<00:10:39.870> we<00:10:40.020> face<00:10:40.260> the subtler and slower disasters we face the subtler and slower disasters we face the silent<00:10:41.430> build-up<00:10:41.790> of<00:10:41.940> plaque<00:10:42.090> in<00:10:42.420> our silent build-up of plaque in our silent build-up of plaque in our arteries<00:10:43.070> the<00:10:44.070> gradual<00:10:44.490> changes<00:10:44.910> in<00:10:45.150> our arteries the gradual changes in our arteries the gradual changes in our climate<00:10:45.620> just<00:10:46.620> as<00:10:46.740> the<00:10:46.830> most<00:10:46.950> nuanced<00:10:47.310> stories climate just as the most nuanced stories climate just as the most nuanced stories and<00:10:47.880> literature<00:10:48.210> are<00:10:48.420> often<00:10:48.840> the<00:10:48.960> richest<00:10:49.320> so and literature are often the richest so and literature are often the richest so to<00:10:50.220> my<00:10:50.760> our<00:10:50.940> subtlest<00:10:51.420> fears<00:10:51.870> be<00:10:52.530> the<00:10:52.650> truest to my our subtlest fears be the truest to my our subtlest fears be the truest read<00:10:54.300> in<00:10:54.450> the<00:10:54.510> right<00:10:54.690> way<00:10:54.870> our<00:10:55.290> fears<00:10:55.740> are<00:10:55.980> an read in the right way our fears are an read in the right way our fears are an amazing<00:10:56.670> gift<00:10:56.790> of<00:10:57.000> the<00:10:57.090> imagination amazing gift of the imagination amazing gift of the imagination a<00:10:57.960> kind<00:10:58.560> of<00:10:58.620> everyday<00:10:58.950> of<00:10:59.010> clairvoyance<00:10:59.400> a<00:10:59.910> way a kind of everyday of clairvoyance a way a kind of everyday of clairvoyance a way of<00:11:00.390> glimpsing<00:11:00.870> what<00:11:01.320> might<00:11:01.560> be<00:11:01.710> the<00:11:01.860> future of glimpsing what might be the future of glimpsing what might be the future when<00:11:02.400> there's<00:11:02.550> still<00:11:02.730> time<00:11:02.970> to<00:11:03.090> influence<00:11:03.570> how when there's still time to influence how when there's still time to influence how that<00:11:04.020> future<00:11:04.290> will<00:11:04.740> play<00:11:04.890> out that future will play out that future will play out properly<00:11:06.460> read<00:11:06.670> our<00:11:07.000> fears<00:11:07.330> can<00:11:07.510> offer<00:11:07.630> us properly read our fears can offer us properly read our fears can offer us something<00:11:08.200> as<00:11:08.350> precious<00:11:08.980> as<00:11:09.340> our<00:11:09.460> favorite something as precious as our favorite something as precious as our favorite works<00:11:10.120> of<00:11:10.270> literature<00:11:10.540> a<00:11:11.020> little<00:11:11.710> wisdom<00:11:12.100> a works of literature a little wisdom a works of literature a little wisdom a bit<00:11:12.970> of<00:11:13.060> insight<00:11:13.420> in<00:11:13.720> a<00:11:14.350> version<00:11:14.530> of<00:11:14.770> that<00:11:14.830> most bit of insight in a version of that most bit of insight in a version of that most elusive<00:11:15.760> thing<00:11:16.150> the<00:11:17.110> truth<00:11:17.700> thank<00:11:18.700> you

Karen Thompson Walker, TED, TED, Ed, TED-ED, TEDEducation, fear, imagination, whaleship, Essex

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