Dữ liệu mở đang thay đổi viện trợ quốc tế như thế nào-Sanjay Pradhan

How open data is changing international aid - Sanjay Pradhan

How open data is changing international aid - Sanjay Pradhan




I<00:00:16.440> grew<00:00:16.720> up<00:00:17.039> in<00:00:17.480> Bihar<00:00:18.480> India's<00:00:19.000> poorest<00:00:19.920> state
I grew up in Bihar India's poorest state I grew up in Bihar India's poorest state and<00:00:21.119> I<00:00:21.279> remember<00:00:21.960> when<00:00:22.119> I<00:00:22.240> was<00:00:22.480> 6<00:00:22.840> years<00:00:23.160> old<00:00:24.119> I and I remember when I was 6 years old I and I remember when I was 6 years old I remember<00:00:24.760> coming<00:00:25.199> home<00:00:25.560> one<00:00:25.840> day<00:00:26.720> to<00:00:27.000> find<00:00:27.279> a remember coming home one day to find a remember coming home one day to find a cart<00:00:28.640> full<00:00:28.920> of<00:00:29.119> the<00:00:29.320> most<00:00:30.080> delicious<00:00:30.800> sweets cart full of the most delicious sweets cart full of the most delicious sweets at<00:00:31.960> our at our at our doorstep<00:00:33.760> my<00:00:33.960> brothers<00:00:34.360> and<00:00:34.600> I<00:00:35.239> dug<00:00:35.760> in<00:00:36.760> and doorstep my brothers and I dug in and doorstep my brothers and I dug in and that's<00:00:37.320> when<00:00:37.559> my<00:00:37.760> father<00:00:38.559> came<00:00:39.200> home<00:00:40.200> he<00:00:40.360> was that's when my father came home he was that's when my father came home he was livid<00:00:42.039> and<00:00:42.280> I<00:00:42.480> still<00:00:42.920> remember<00:00:43.920> how<00:00:44.160> we<00:00:44.640> cried livid and I still remember how we cried livid and I still remember how we cried when<00:00:45.960> that<00:00:46.160> cart<00:00:46.879> with<00:00:47.079> our<00:00:47.600> half<00:00:48.000> eaten when that cart with our half eaten when that cart with our half eaten sweets<00:00:49.600> was<00:00:49.960> pulled<00:00:50.600> away<00:00:50.920> from sweets was pulled away from sweets was pulled away from us<00:00:52.800> later<00:00:53.399> I<00:00:53.680> understood<00:00:54.680> why<00:00:54.960> my<00:00:55.239> father<00:00:55.600> got us later I understood why my father got us later I understood why my father got so<00:00:56.640> upset<00:00:57.640> those<00:00:58.000> sweets<00:00:59.000> were<00:00:59.239> a<00:00:59.399> bribe so upset those sweets were a bribe so upset those sweets were a bribe from<00:01:00.920> a<00:01:01.359> contractor<00:01:02.359> who<00:01:02.519> was<00:01:02.719> trying<00:01:03.039> to<00:01:03.199> get from a contractor who was trying to get from a contractor who was trying to get my<00:01:03.760> father<00:01:04.479> to<00:01:04.720> award<00:01:05.199> him<00:01:05.640> a<00:01:05.880> government my father to award him a government my father to award him a government contract<00:01:07.920> my<00:01:08.200> father<00:01:09.159> was<00:01:09.439> responsible<00:01:10.040> for contract my father was responsible for contract my father was responsible for building<00:01:10.640> roads<00:01:11.159> in<00:01:11.560> Bihar<00:01:12.560> and<00:01:12.759> he<00:01:12.960> had building roads in Bihar and he had building roads in Bihar and he had developed<00:01:14.000> a<00:01:14.280> Firm<00:01:14.799> Stance<00:01:15.439> against developed a Firm Stance against developed a Firm Stance against corruption<00:01:17.119> even<00:01:17.439> though<00:01:17.640> he<00:01:17.799> was<00:01:18.400> harassed corruption even though he was harassed corruption even though he was harassed and and and threatened<00:01:21.400> his<00:01:21.680> was<00:01:21.840> a<00:01:22.040> lonely<00:01:22.640> struggle threatened his was a lonely struggle threatened his was a lonely struggle because<00:01:24.040> Bihar<00:01:24.920> was<00:01:25.240> also<00:01:25.680> India's<00:01:26.200> most because Bihar was also India's most because Bihar was also India's most corrupt<00:01:27.280> state<00:01:28.280> where<00:01:28.600> public<00:01:29.000> officials corrupt state where public officials corrupt state where public officials were<00:01:30.240> enriching<00:01:31.200> themselves<00:01:32.200> than<00:01:32.479> serving were enriching themselves than serving were enriching themselves than serving the<00:01:33.399> poor<00:01:34.399> who<00:01:34.680> had<00:01:35.280> no<00:01:35.600> means<00:01:36.240> to<00:01:37.119> express the poor who had no means to express the poor who had no means to express their<00:01:38.280> anguish<00:01:39.280> if<00:01:39.479> their<00:01:39.720> children<00:01:40.479> had<00:01:40.720> no their anguish if their children had no their anguish if their children had no food<00:01:42.079> or<00:01:42.320> no food or no food or no schooling<00:01:44.240> and<00:01:44.520> I<00:01:44.840> experienced<00:01:45.640> this<00:01:46.040> most schooling and I experienced this most schooling and I experienced this most viscerally<00:01:48.439> when<00:01:48.640> I<00:01:49.040> traveled<00:01:50.040> to<00:01:50.560> remote viscerally when I traveled to remote viscerally when I traveled to remote villages<00:01:52.040> to<00:01:52.320> study villages to study villages to study poverty<00:01:54.520> and<00:01:54.920> as<00:01:55.280> I<00:01:55.439> went<00:01:56.079> Village<00:01:56.560> to poverty and as I went Village to poverty and as I went Village to Village<00:01:58.439> I<00:01:58.600> remember<00:01:59.159> one<00:01:59.439> day Village I remember one day Village I remember one day when<00:02:00.640> I<00:02:00.840> was when I was when I was famished<00:02:03.079> and<00:02:03.840> exhausted<00:02:04.840> and<00:02:05.000> I<00:02:05.119> was<00:02:05.399> almost famished and exhausted and I was almost famished and exhausted and I was almost collapsing<00:02:07.000> in<00:02:07.159> a<00:02:07.360> scorching<00:02:08.000> heat<00:02:08.679> under<00:02:08.959> a collapsing in a scorching heat under a collapsing in a scorching heat under a tree<00:02:10.360> and<00:02:10.599> just<00:02:10.879> at<00:02:11.120> that<00:02:11.599> time<00:02:12.599> one<00:02:12.800> of<00:02:12.959> the tree and just at that time one of the tree and just at that time one of the poorest<00:02:14.120> men<00:02:14.599> in<00:02:14.840> that poorest men in that poorest men in that Village<00:02:17.040> invited<00:02:17.599> me<00:02:17.800> into<00:02:18.160> his<00:02:18.720> Hut<00:02:19.720> and Village invited me into his Hut and Village invited me into his Hut and graciously<00:02:20.720> fed<00:02:21.400> me<00:02:22.400> only<00:02:22.760> I<00:02:22.920> later graciously fed me only I later graciously fed me only I later realized<00:02:25.000> that<00:02:25.280> what<00:02:25.480> he<00:02:25.640> fed realized that what he fed realized that what he fed me<00:02:27.560> was<00:02:27.840> food<00:02:28.239> for<00:02:28.560> his<00:02:28.800> entire<00:02:29.319> family<00:02:30.239> for me was food for his entire family for me was food for his entire family for two two two days<00:02:33.239> this<00:02:33.720> profound<00:02:34.560> gift<00:02:35.160> of days this profound gift of days this profound gift of generosity<00:02:37.000> challenged<00:02:37.879> and<00:02:38.440> changed<00:02:39.440> the generosity challenged and changed the generosity challenged and changed the very<00:02:40.000> purpose<00:02:40.640> of<00:02:40.840> my<00:02:41.280> life<00:02:42.280> I<00:02:42.640> resolved<00:02:43.640> to very purpose of my life I resolved to very purpose of my life I resolved to give give give back<00:02:46.040> later<00:02:47.000> I<00:02:47.159> joined<00:02:47.519> the<00:02:47.680> World<00:02:48.040> Bank<00:02:49.040> which back later I joined the World Bank which back later I joined the World Bank which sought<00:02:49.640> to<00:02:49.920> fight<00:02:50.319> such<00:02:50.680> poverty<00:02:51.599> by sought to fight such poverty by sought to fight such poverty by transferring<00:02:52.640> aid<00:02:53.159> from<00:02:53.440> Rich<00:02:53.920> to<00:02:54.120> poor transferring aid from Rich to poor transferring aid from Rich to poor countries<00:02:56.239> my<00:02:56.560> initial<00:02:57.040> work<00:02:57.519> focused<00:02:58.000> on countries my initial work focused on countries my initial work focused on Uganda<00:03:00.040> where<00:03:00.319> I<00:03:00.519> focused<00:03:01.000> on<00:03:01.239> negotiating Uganda where I focused on negotiating Uganda where I focused on negotiating reforms<00:03:03.000> with<00:03:03.200> the<00:03:03.360> finance<00:03:03.879> ministry<00:03:04.319> of reforms with the finance ministry of reforms with the finance ministry of Uganda<00:03:05.480> so<00:03:05.760> they<00:03:05.879> could<00:03:06.280> access<00:03:06.879> our<00:03:07.319> loans Uganda so they could access our loans Uganda so they could access our loans but<00:03:08.560> after<00:03:08.840> we<00:03:09.080> dispersed<00:03:09.640> the<00:03:09.799> loans<00:03:10.720> I but after we dispersed the loans I but after we dispersed the loans I remember<00:03:11.319> a<00:03:11.519> trip<00:03:11.799> in<00:03:12.120> Uganda<00:03:13.120> where<00:03:13.319> I<00:03:13.519> found remember a trip in Uganda where I found remember a trip in Uganda where I found newly<00:03:14.920> built<00:03:15.480> schools<00:03:16.480> without<00:03:16.920> textbooks<00:03:17.599> or newly built schools without textbooks or newly built schools without textbooks or teachers<00:03:18.760> new<00:03:19.080> health<00:03:19.360> clinics<00:03:20.280> without teachers new health clinics without teachers new health clinics without drugs<00:03:21.879> and<00:03:22.080> the<00:03:22.239> poor<00:03:23.200> once<00:03:23.560> again<00:03:24.400> without drugs and the poor once again without drugs and the poor once again without any<00:03:25.120> voice<00:03:26.080> or<00:03:26.560> recourse<00:03:27.560> it<00:03:27.680> was<00:03:28.000> Bihar<00:03:28.959> all any voice or recourse it was Bihar all any voice or recourse it was Bihar all over<00:03:30.159> again<00:03:31.159> Bihar<00:03:32.159> represents<00:03:32.879> the over again Bihar represents the over again Bihar represents the challenge<00:03:33.680> of<00:03:34.239> development<00:03:35.239> abject<00:03:35.840> poverty challenge of development abject poverty challenge of development abject poverty surrounded<00:03:37.120> by surrounded by surrounded by corruption<00:03:39.000> globally<00:03:40.120> 1.3<00:03:41.120> billion<00:03:41.640> people corruption globally 1.3 billion people corruption globally 1.3 billion people live<00:03:42.720> on<00:03:43.000> less<00:03:43.360> than<00:03:43.840> a125<00:03:44.840> a<00:03:45.080> day<00:03:46.080> and<00:03:46.239> the live on less than a125 a day and the live on less than a125 a day and the work<00:03:46.680> I<00:03:46.799> did<00:03:47.000> in<00:03:47.560> Uganda<00:03:48.560> represents<00:03:49.560> the work I did in Uganda represents the work I did in Uganda represents the traditional<00:03:50.680> approach<00:03:51.439> to<00:03:51.720> these<00:03:52.120> problems traditional approach to these problems traditional approach to these problems that<00:03:53.280> has<00:03:53.439> been<00:03:53.840> practiced<00:03:54.840> since that has been practiced since that has been practiced since 1944<00:03:57.360> when<00:03:57.599> winners<00:03:58.079> of<00:03:58.319> World<00:03:58.640> War<00:03:58.879> II<00:04:00.120> 500 1944 when winners of World War II 500 1944 when winners of World War II 500 founding<00:04:02.040> fathers<00:04:03.040> and<00:04:03.519> one<00:04:04.120> lonely<00:04:04.799> founding founding fathers and one lonely founding founding fathers and one lonely founding mother<00:04:06.239> gathered<00:04:06.799> in<00:04:06.959> New<00:04:07.200> Hampshire<00:04:07.720> USA<00:04:08.599> to mother gathered in New Hampshire USA to mother gathered in New Hampshire USA to establish<00:04:09.560> the<00:04:09.720> Breton<00:04:10.120> Woods<00:04:10.519> institutions establish the Breton Woods institutions establish the Breton Woods institutions including<00:04:11.840> the<00:04:12.000> World<00:04:12.400> Bank<00:04:13.400> and<00:04:13.680> that including the World Bank and that including the World Bank and that traditional<00:04:14.680> approach<00:04:15.000> to<00:04:15.280> development<00:04:16.280> had traditional approach to development had traditional approach to development had three<00:04:16.799> key<00:04:17.160> elements<00:04:18.160> first<00:04:18.919> transfer<00:04:19.479> of three key elements first transfer of three key elements first transfer of resources<00:04:20.639> from<00:04:20.919> rich<00:04:21.239> countries<00:04:21.639> in<00:04:21.799> the resources from rich countries in the resources from rich countries in the north<00:04:22.639> to<00:04:22.880> poorer<00:04:23.320> countries<00:04:23.720> in<00:04:23.919> the<00:04:24.120> South north to poorer countries in the South north to poorer countries in the South accompanied<00:04:25.680> by<00:04:25.840> reform<00:04:26.759> prescriptions accompanied by reform prescriptions accompanied by reform prescriptions second<00:04:28.560> the<00:04:28.759> development<00:04:29.280> in<00:04:29.600> institutions second the development in institutions second the development in institutions that<00:04:30.840> channeled<00:04:31.479> these<00:04:32.039> transfers<00:04:33.039> were that channeled these transfers were that channeled these transfers were opaque<00:04:34.479> with<00:04:34.680> little<00:04:35.280> transparency<00:04:36.280> of<00:04:36.520> what opaque with little transparency of what opaque with little transparency of what they<00:04:36.960> financed<00:04:37.840> or<00:04:38.080> what<00:04:38.280> results<00:04:38.759> they they financed or what results they they financed or what results they achieved<00:04:39.800> and<00:04:40.080> third<00:04:40.960> the<00:04:41.160> engagement<00:04:42.039> in achieved and third the engagement in achieved and third the engagement in developing<00:04:42.919> countries<00:04:43.720> was<00:04:43.960> with<00:04:44.120> a<00:04:44.360> narrow developing countries was with a narrow developing countries was with a narrow set<00:04:45.120> of<00:04:45.320> government<00:04:46.199> elites<00:04:47.199> with<00:04:47.440> little set of government elites with little set of government elites with little interaction<00:04:48.840> with<00:04:49.000> the<00:04:49.199> citizens<00:04:50.160> who<00:04:50.320> are interaction with the citizens who are interaction with the citizens who are the<00:04:50.759> ultimate<00:04:51.320> beneficiaries<00:04:52.320> of the ultimate beneficiaries of the ultimate beneficiaries of development<00:04:53.560> assistance<00:04:54.720> today<00:04:55.720> each<00:04:55.960> of development assistance today each of development assistance today each of these<00:04:56.440> elements<00:04:57.440> is<00:04:57.759> opening<00:04:58.280> up<00:04:58.800> due<00:04:59.000> to these elements is opening up due to these elements is opening up due to dramatic<00:04:59.520> atic<00:04:59.919> changes<00:05:00.479> in<00:05:00.600> the<00:05:00.800> global dramatic atic changes in the global dramatic atic changes in the global environment<00:05:02.120> open<00:05:02.479> knowledge<00:05:03.280> open<00:05:03.680> Aid<00:05:04.320> open environment open knowledge open Aid open environment open knowledge open Aid open governance<00:05:05.840> and<00:05:06.280> together<00:05:07.120> they<00:05:07.400> represent governance and together they represent governance and together they represent three<00:05:08.680> key<00:05:08.960> shifts<00:05:09.919> that<00:05:10.080> are<00:05:10.280> transforming three key shifts that are transforming three key shifts that are transforming development<00:05:12.440> and<00:05:12.639> that<00:05:12.880> also<00:05:13.240> hold<00:05:13.960> Greater development and that also hold Greater development and that also hold Greater Hope<00:05:15.280> for<00:05:15.560> the<00:05:15.759> problems<00:05:16.320> I<00:05:16.560> witnessed<00:05:17.360> in Hope for the problems I witnessed in Hope for the problems I witnessed in Uganda<00:05:18.800> and<00:05:19.120> in<00:05:19.680> Bihar<00:05:20.680> the<00:05:20.880> first<00:05:21.240> key<00:05:21.479> shift Uganda and in Bihar the first key shift Uganda and in Bihar the first key shift is<00:05:22.400> open<00:05:22.919> knowledge<00:05:23.919> you<00:05:24.039> know<00:05:24.280> developing is open knowledge you know developing is open knowledge you know developing countries<00:05:25.360> today<00:05:26.160> will<00:05:26.400> not<00:05:26.720> simply<00:05:27.280> accept countries today will not simply accept countries today will not simply accept solutions<00:05:28.960> that<00:05:29.080> are<00:05:29.240> hand<00:05:29.520> handed<00:05:29.880> down<00:05:30.080> to solutions that are hand handed down to solutions that are hand handed down to them<00:05:30.960> by<00:05:31.160> the<00:05:31.360> US<00:05:32.160> Europe<00:05:32.639> or<00:05:32.840> the<00:05:32.960> World<00:05:33.600> Bank them by the US Europe or the World Bank them by the US Europe or the World Bank they<00:05:34.840> get<00:05:35.160> their<00:05:35.520> inspiration<00:05:36.520> their<00:05:36.800> hope they get their inspiration their hope they get their inspiration their hope their<00:05:38.039> practical<00:05:38.520> knowhow<00:05:39.479> from<00:05:39.919> successful their practical knowhow from successful their practical knowhow from successful emerging<00:05:41.360> economies<00:05:42.280> in<00:05:42.520> the<00:05:42.759> South<00:05:43.759> they emerging economies in the South they emerging economies in the South they want<00:05:44.160> to<00:05:44.319> know<00:05:44.600> how<00:05:44.919> China<00:05:45.759> lifted<00:05:46.440> 500 want to know how China lifted 500 want to know how China lifted 500 million<00:05:47.720> people<00:05:48.440> out<00:05:48.639> of<00:05:48.919> poverty<00:05:49.639> in<00:05:49.880> 30 million people out of poverty in 30 million people out of poverty in 30 years<00:05:51.520> how<00:05:51.800> Mexico's<00:05:52.880> opportun<00:05:53.880> program years how Mexico's opportun program years how Mexico's opportun program improved<00:05:55.120> schooling<00:05:55.960> and<00:05:56.160> nutrition<00:05:57.160> for improved schooling and nutrition for improved schooling and nutrition for millions<00:05:57.919> of<00:05:58.479> children<00:05:59.840> this<00:06:00.840> is<00:06:01.080> the<00:06:01.360> new millions of children this is the new millions of children this is the new ecosystem<00:06:03.240> of<00:06:03.560> open<00:06:03.960> knowledge<00:06:04.479> flows<00:06:05.479> not ecosystem of open knowledge flows not ecosystem of open knowledge flows not just<00:06:06.039> traveling<00:06:06.560> north<00:06:06.919> to<00:06:07.240> south<00:06:08.240> but<00:06:08.520> South just traveling north to south but South just traveling north to south but South to<00:06:09.160> South<00:06:10.160> and<00:06:10.360> even<00:06:10.680> south<00:06:11.039> to<00:06:11.240> North<00:06:12.000> with to South and even south to North with to South and even south to North with Mexico's Mexico's Mexico's opportunes<00:06:14.560> today<00:06:15.240> inspiring<00:06:15.919> New<00:06:16.120> York opportunes today inspiring New York opportunes today inspiring New York City<00:06:17.919> and<00:06:18.160> just<00:06:18.400> as<00:06:18.599> these<00:06:18.840> north<00:06:19.160> to<00:06:19.400> south City and just as these north to south City and just as these north to south transfers<00:06:20.400> are<00:06:20.599> opening<00:06:21.039> up<00:06:21.759> so<00:06:22.039> to<00:06:22.280> are<00:06:22.479> the transfers are opening up so to are the transfers are opening up so to are the development<00:06:23.680> institutions<00:06:24.680> that<00:06:25.000> channeled development institutions that channeled development institutions that channeled these<00:06:26.360> transfers<00:06:27.360> this<00:06:27.479> is<00:06:27.680> the<00:06:27.919> second<00:06:28.400> shift these transfers this is the second shift these transfers this is the second shift open<00:06:29.960> Aid<00:06:30.960> recently<00:06:31.440> the<00:06:31.599> World<00:06:31.919> Bank<00:06:32.639> opened open Aid recently the World Bank opened open Aid recently the World Bank opened its<00:06:33.360> Vault<00:06:33.759> of<00:06:34.000> data<00:06:34.360> for<00:06:34.639> public<00:06:35.000> use its Vault of data for public use its Vault of data for public use releasing<00:06:36.479> 8,000<00:06:37.479> economic<00:06:37.960> and<00:06:38.160> social releasing 8,000 economic and social releasing 8,000 economic and social indicators<00:06:39.479> for<00:06:40.039> 200<00:06:40.440> countries<00:06:41.280> over<00:06:41.599> 50 indicators for 200 countries over 50 indicators for 200 countries over 50 years<00:06:43.720> and<00:06:43.840> it<00:06:44.000> launched<00:06:44.400> a<00:06:44.680> global years and it launched a global years and it launched a global competition<00:06:46.120> to competition to competition to crowdsource<00:06:48.199> Innovative<00:06:48.880> apps<00:06:49.479> using<00:06:49.919> this crowdsource Innovative apps using this crowdsource Innovative apps using this data<00:06:51.479> development<00:06:52.080> institutions<00:06:52.759> today<00:06:53.199> are data development institutions today are data development institutions today are also<00:06:54.000> opening<00:06:54.479> for<00:06:54.800> public<00:06:55.440> scrutiny<00:06:56.440> the also opening for public scrutiny the also opening for public scrutiny the projects<00:06:57.240> they<00:06:57.440> finance<00:06:58.319> take<00:06:58.879> geom<00:06:59.520> mapping projects they finance take geom mapping projects they finance take geom mapping in<00:07:00.800> this<00:07:01.080> map<00:07:01.440> from<00:07:01.759> Kenya<00:07:02.759> the<00:07:03.000> red<00:07:03.319> dots<00:07:04.120> show in this map from Kenya the red dots show in this map from Kenya the red dots show where<00:07:05.000> all<00:07:05.240> the<00:07:05.440> schools<00:07:05.919> financed<00:07:06.520> by<00:07:06.720> donors where all the schools financed by donors where all the schools financed by donors are<00:07:08.160> located<00:07:09.160> and<00:07:09.319> the<00:07:09.520> darker<00:07:09.960> the<00:07:10.120> shade<00:07:10.440> of are located and the darker the shade of are located and the darker the shade of green<00:07:11.639> the<00:07:11.800> more<00:07:12.120> the<00:07:12.280> number<00:07:12.560> of<00:07:12.720> out<00:07:12.960> of green the more the number of out of green the more the number of out of school<00:07:13.960> children<00:07:14.960> so<00:07:15.280> this<00:07:15.599> simple<00:07:16.000> mashup school children so this simple mashup school children so this simple mashup reveals<00:07:18.080> that<00:07:18.280> donors<00:07:18.759> have<00:07:18.960> not<00:07:19.240> financed reveals that donors have not financed reveals that donors have not financed any<00:07:20.039> schools<00:07:20.960> in<00:07:21.160> the<00:07:21.400> areas<00:07:21.840> with<00:07:22.039> the<00:07:22.199> most any schools in the areas with the most any schools in the areas with the most out<00:07:22.800> of<00:07:23.000> school<00:07:23.360> children<00:07:24.240> provoking<00:07:24.759> new out of school children provoking new out of school children provoking new questions<00:07:26.240> is<00:07:26.560> development<00:07:27.240> assistance questions is development assistance questions is development assistance targeting<00:07:28.919> those<00:07:29.599> who<00:07:29.800> most<00:07:30.080> need<00:07:30.319> our targeting those who most need our targeting those who most need our help<00:07:32.720> in<00:07:32.919> this<00:07:33.120> manner<00:07:33.479> the<00:07:33.599> World<00:07:33.879> Bank<00:07:34.199> has help in this manner the World Bank has help in this manner the World Bank has now<00:07:34.879> geomapped<00:07:36.000> 30,000<00:07:37.000> project<00:07:37.560> activities now geomapped 30,000 project activities now geomapped 30,000 project activities in<00:07:39.080> 143<00:07:39.759> countries<00:07:40.599> and<00:07:40.759> donors<00:07:41.599> are<00:07:41.800> using<00:07:42.160> a in 143 countries and donors are using a in 143 countries and donors are using a common<00:07:42.919> platform<00:07:43.840> to<00:07:44.080> map<00:07:44.560> all<00:07:44.840> their common platform to map all their common platform to map all their projects<00:07:46.680> this<00:07:47.240> is<00:07:47.520> a<00:07:47.800> tremendous<00:07:48.599> Leap projects this is a tremendous Leap projects this is a tremendous Leap Forward<00:07:50.080> in<00:07:50.599> transparency<00:07:51.599> and Forward in transparency and Forward in transparency and accountability<00:07:52.840> of accountability of accountability of Aid<00:07:54.599> and<00:07:54.800> this<00:07:54.919> leads<00:07:55.240> me<00:07:55.400> to<00:07:55.560> the<00:07:55.759> third<00:07:56.440> and Aid and this leads me to the third and Aid and this leads me to the third and in<00:07:56.800> my<00:07:57.039> view<00:07:57.639> the<00:07:57.840> most<00:07:58.240> significant<00:07:58.879> shift<00:07:59.440> in in my view the most significant shift in in my view the most significant shift in development<00:08:00.720> open<00:08:01.360> governance<00:08:02.360> governments development open governance governments development open governance governments today<00:08:03.479> are<00:08:03.720> opening<00:08:04.240> up<00:08:04.879> just<00:08:05.080> as<00:08:05.360> Citizens today are opening up just as Citizens today are opening up just as Citizens are<00:08:06.159> demanding<00:08:06.759> voice<00:08:07.400> and<00:08:07.879> accountability are demanding voice and accountability are demanding voice and accountability from<00:08:09.080> the<00:08:09.319> Arab<00:08:09.720> Spring<00:08:10.479> to<00:08:10.680> the<00:08:10.840> anah<00:08:11.240> hazari from the Arab Spring to the anah hazari from the Arab Spring to the anah hazari movement<00:08:12.039> in<00:08:12.199> India<00:08:12.879> using<00:08:13.319> mobile<00:08:13.720> phones movement in India using mobile phones movement in India using mobile phones and<00:08:14.400> social<00:08:14.759> media<00:08:15.639> not<00:08:15.919> just<00:08:16.120> for<00:08:16.440> political and social media not just for political and social media not just for political accountability<00:08:18.639> but<00:08:18.960> also<00:08:19.960> for<00:08:20.280> development accountability but also for development accountability but also for development accountability<00:08:22.199> our<00:08:22.639> governments accountability our governments accountability our governments delivering<00:08:24.120> services<00:08:24.960> to<00:08:25.199> the<00:08:25.800> citizens<00:08:26.800> so delivering services to the citizens so delivering services to the citizens so for<00:08:27.360> instance<00:08:28.360> several<00:08:28.840> governments for instance several governments for instance several governments in<00:08:30.080> Africa<00:08:31.080> and<00:08:31.360> Eastern<00:08:31.840> Europe<00:08:32.519> are<00:08:32.880> opening in Africa and Eastern Europe are opening in Africa and Eastern Europe are opening their<00:08:33.640> budgets<00:08:34.479> to<00:08:34.719> the their budgets to the their budgets to the public<00:08:36.959> but<00:08:37.120> you<00:08:37.279> know<00:08:37.440> there<00:08:37.560> is<00:08:37.680> a<00:08:37.880> big public but you know there is a big public but you know there is a big difference<00:08:38.640> between<00:08:38.959> a<00:08:39.120> budget<00:08:39.479> that's difference between a budget that's difference between a budget that's public<00:08:40.839> and<00:08:41.000> a<00:08:41.159> budget<00:08:41.519> that's public and a budget that's public and a budget that's accessible<00:08:43.800> this<00:08:44.800> is<00:08:45.040> a<00:08:45.399> public accessible this is a public accessible this is a public budget<00:08:48.240> and<00:08:48.480> as<00:08:48.600> you<00:08:48.760> can<00:08:48.959> see<00:08:49.680> it's<00:08:49.880> not budget and as you can see it's not budget and as you can see it's not really<00:08:50.480> accessible<00:08:51.240> or<00:08:51.880> understandable<00:08:52.399> to really accessible or understandable to really accessible or understandable to an<00:08:52.760> ordinary<00:08:53.399> citizen<00:08:54.279> that<00:08:54.399> is<00:08:54.600> trying<00:08:54.880> to an ordinary citizen that is trying to an ordinary citizen that is trying to understand<00:08:56.080> how<00:08:56.320> the<00:08:56.480> government<00:08:56.839> is understand how the government is understand how the government is spending<00:08:57.440> its<00:08:57.959> resources<00:08:58.959> to<00:08:59.200> to<00:08:59.360> tackle<00:08:59.760> this spending its resources to to tackle this spending its resources to to tackle this problem<00:09:00.839> governments<00:09:01.240> are<00:09:01.399> using<00:09:01.800> new<00:09:02.240> tools problem governments are using new tools problem governments are using new tools to<00:09:03.640> visualize<00:09:04.399> the<00:09:04.600> budget<00:09:05.600> so<00:09:05.839> it's<00:09:06.040> more to visualize the budget so it's more to visualize the budget so it's more understandable<00:09:07.959> to<00:09:08.200> the<00:09:08.839> public<00:09:09.839> in<00:09:10.120> this<00:09:10.360> map understandable to the public in this map understandable to the public in this map from<00:09:10.959> malova<00:09:11.959> the<00:09:12.160> green<00:09:12.560> color<00:09:13.519> shows<00:09:14.079> those from malova the green color shows those from malova the green color shows those districts<00:09:15.040> that<00:09:15.279> have<00:09:15.519> low<00:09:15.880> spending<00:09:16.399> on districts that have low spending on districts that have low spending on schools<00:09:17.839> but<00:09:18.120> good<00:09:18.480> educational<00:09:19.160> outcomes schools but good educational outcomes schools but good educational outcomes and<00:09:20.320> the<00:09:20.519> red<00:09:20.800> color<00:09:21.200> shows<00:09:21.640> the and the red color shows the and the red color shows the opposite<00:09:23.600> tools<00:09:24.160> like<00:09:24.519> this<00:09:25.399> help<00:09:25.839> turn<00:09:26.839> a opposite tools like this help turn a opposite tools like this help turn a Shelf<00:09:27.560> full<00:09:27.800> of<00:09:28.120> inscrutable<00:09:29.240> documents<00:09:30.160> into Shelf full of inscrutable documents into Shelf full of inscrutable documents into a<00:09:30.760> publicly<00:09:31.760> understandable<00:09:32.680> Visual<00:09:33.680> and a publicly understandable Visual and a publicly understandable Visual and what's<00:09:34.480> exciting<00:09:35.480> is<00:09:35.680> that<00:09:35.959> with<00:09:36.200> this what's exciting is that with this what's exciting is that with this openness<00:09:37.440> there<00:09:37.600> are<00:09:37.839> today<00:09:38.839> new openness there are today new openness there are today new opportunities<00:09:40.440> for<00:09:40.800> citizens<00:09:41.399> to<00:09:41.600> give opportunities for citizens to give opportunities for citizens to give feedback<00:09:42.959> and<00:09:43.240> engage<00:09:43.760> with<00:09:44.160> government<00:09:45.160> so feedback and engage with government so feedback and engage with government so in<00:09:45.519> the<00:09:45.680> Philippines<00:09:46.760> today<00:09:47.760> parents<00:09:48.360> and in the Philippines today parents and in the Philippines today parents and students<00:09:49.480> can<00:09:49.760> give<00:09:50.200> realtime<00:09:51.160> feedback<00:09:52.160> on<00:09:52.360> a students can give realtime feedback on a students can give realtime feedback on a website<00:09:53.680> check<00:09:54.160> my<00:09:54.839> school.org<00:09:55.839> or<00:09:56.040> using<00:09:56.560> SMS website check my school.org or using SMS website check my school.org or using SMS whether<00:09:57.920> teachers<00:09:58.600> and<00:09:58.800> text<00:09:59.079> T<00:09:59.279> books<00:09:59.600> are whether teachers and text T books are whether teachers and text T books are showing<00:10:00.079> up<00:10:00.279> in<00:10:00.440> school<00:10:01.320> the<00:10:01.480> same<00:10:01.839> problems<00:10:02.680> I showing up in school the same problems I showing up in school the same problems I witnessed<00:10:03.480> in<00:10:03.640> Uganda<00:10:04.519> and<00:10:04.680> in witnessed in Uganda and in witnessed in Uganda and in Bihar<00:10:06.399> and<00:10:06.560> the<00:10:06.680> government<00:10:07.079> is<00:10:07.320> responsive Bihar and the government is responsive Bihar and the government is responsive so<00:10:08.480> for<00:10:08.680> instance<00:10:09.079> when<00:10:09.240> it<00:10:09.360> was<00:10:09.600> reported<00:10:10.160> on so for instance when it was reported on so for instance when it was reported on this<00:10:10.640> website<00:10:11.640> that<00:10:11.880> 800<00:10:12.680> students<00:10:13.519> were<00:10:13.760> at this website that 800 students were at this website that 800 students were at risk<00:10:15.160> because<00:10:15.519> school<00:10:15.880> repairs<00:10:16.560> had<00:10:16.760> stalled risk because school repairs had stalled risk because school repairs had stalled due<00:10:17.800> to<00:10:18.079> corruption<00:10:19.079> the<00:10:19.279> Department<00:10:19.720> of due to corruption the Department of due to corruption the Department of Education<00:10:20.360> in<00:10:20.519> the<00:10:20.640> Philippines<00:10:21.480> took<00:10:21.760> Swift Education in the Philippines took Swift Education in the Philippines took Swift action<00:10:23.480> and<00:10:23.600> you<00:10:23.720> know<00:10:23.880> what's<00:10:24.160> exciting<00:10:25.160> is action and you know what's exciting is action and you know what's exciting is that<00:10:25.640> this that this that this Innovation<00:10:27.360> is<00:10:27.600> now<00:10:27.880> spreading<00:10:28.480> South<00:10:28.839> to Innovation is now spreading South to Innovation is now spreading South to south<00:10:30.200> from<00:10:30.399> the<00:10:30.600> Philippines<00:10:31.360> to<00:10:31.839> Indonesia south from the Philippines to Indonesia south from the Philippines to Indonesia Kenya<00:10:33.600> malova<00:10:34.519> and Kenya malova and Kenya malova and Beyond<00:10:36.279> in<00:10:36.560> Dar<00:10:36.959> Salam<00:10:37.720> Tanzania<00:10:38.720> even<00:10:38.959> an Beyond in Dar Salam Tanzania even an Beyond in Dar Salam Tanzania even an impoverished<00:10:40.480> Community<00:10:41.480> was<00:10:41.760> able<00:10:42.040> to<00:10:42.279> use impoverished Community was able to use impoverished Community was able to use these<00:10:42.920> tools<00:10:43.800> to<00:10:44.120> voice<00:10:44.720> its<00:10:45.639> aspirations these tools to voice its aspirations these tools to voice its aspirations this<00:10:47.000> is<00:10:47.200> what<00:10:47.360> the<00:10:47.560> map<00:10:47.839> of<00:10:48.040> tandale<00:10:48.720> looked this is what the map of tandale looked this is what the map of tandale looked like<00:10:49.440> in<00:10:49.680> August like in August like in August 2011<00:10:52.040> but<00:10:52.279> within<00:10:52.680> a<00:10:52.880> few<00:10:53.399> weeks<00:10:54.399> University 2011 but within a few weeks University 2011 but within a few weeks University students<00:10:56.440> were<00:10:56.680> able<00:10:56.920> to<00:10:57.079> use<00:10:57.480> mobile<00:10:57.959> phones students were able to use mobile phones students were able to use mobile phones and<00:10:59.040> and<00:10:59.120> an<00:10:59.360> open-source<00:11:00.440> platform<00:11:01.440> to and and an open-source platform to and and an open-source platform to dramatically<00:11:02.600> map<00:11:03.040> the<00:11:03.279> entire<00:11:03.920> Community dramatically map the entire Community dramatically map the entire Community infrastructure<00:11:07.360> and<00:11:07.560> what<00:11:07.680> is<00:11:07.920> very<00:11:08.440> exciting infrastructure and what is very exciting infrastructure and what is very exciting is<00:11:09.600> that<00:11:09.920> citizens<00:11:10.519> were<00:11:10.839> then<00:11:11.360> able<00:11:11.639> to<00:11:11.839> give is that citizens were then able to give is that citizens were then able to give feedback<00:11:13.120> as<00:11:13.279> to<00:11:13.519> which<00:11:13.920> health<00:11:14.639> or<00:11:15.000> water feedback as to which health or water feedback as to which health or water points<00:11:16.040> were<00:11:16.320> not points were not points were not working<00:11:18.160> aggregated<00:11:18.839> in<00:11:19.000> the<00:11:19.200> red<00:11:19.480> bubbles working aggregated in the red bubbles working aggregated in the red bubbles that<00:11:20.200> you that you that you see<00:11:21.839> which<00:11:22.360> together<00:11:23.320> provides<00:11:23.880> a<00:11:24.200> graphic see which together provides a graphic see which together provides a graphic visual<00:11:26.160> of<00:11:26.360> the<00:11:26.560> collective<00:11:27.200> voices<00:11:28.120> of<00:11:28.320> the visual of the collective voices of the visual of the collective voices of the poor

today<00:11:32.000> even<00:11:32.360> Bihar<00:11:33.160> is<00:11:33.360> turning<00:11:33.800> around<00:11:34.320> and
today even Bihar is turning around and today even Bihar is turning around and opening<00:11:35.040> up<00:11:36.000> under<00:11:36.240> a<00:11:36.440> committed<00:11:36.839> leadership opening up under a committed leadership opening up under a committed leadership that<00:11:37.959> is<00:11:38.120> making<00:11:38.480> government<00:11:39.240> transparent that is making government transparent that is making government transparent accessible<00:11:41.440> and<00:11:41.680> responsive<00:11:42.279> to<00:11:42.440> the accessible and responsive to the accessible and responsive to the poor<00:11:44.160> but<00:11:44.320> you<00:11:44.680> know<00:11:45.680> in<00:11:45.920> many<00:11:46.320> parts<00:11:46.560> of<00:11:46.720> the poor but you know in many parts of the poor but you know in many parts of the world<00:11:47.480> governments<00:11:47.880> are<00:11:48.079> not<00:11:48.399> interested<00:11:49.279> in world governments are not interested in world governments are not interested in opening<00:11:50.040> up<00:11:50.680> or<00:11:51.399> in<00:11:51.600> serving<00:11:52.079> the<00:11:52.720> poor<00:11:53.720> and<00:11:53.920> it opening up or in serving the poor and it opening up or in serving the poor and it is<00:11:54.200> a<00:11:54.440> real<00:11:54.959> challenge<00:11:55.959> for<00:11:56.360> those<00:11:57.000> who<00:11:57.160> want is a real challenge for those who want is a real challenge for those who want to<00:11:57.639> change<00:11:58.279> the<00:11:58.480> system to change the system to change the system these<00:12:01.360> are<00:12:01.600> the<00:12:01.839> lonely<00:12:02.760> Warriors<00:12:03.760> like<00:12:04.040> my these are the lonely Warriors like my these are the lonely Warriors like my father<00:12:05.320> and<00:12:05.560> many<00:12:05.800> many<00:12:06.200> others<00:12:07.200> and<00:12:07.320> a<00:12:07.519> key father and many many others and a key father and many many others and a key Frontier<00:12:08.760> of<00:12:09.000> development<00:12:09.639> work<00:12:10.399> is<00:12:10.600> to<00:12:10.880> help Frontier of development work is to help Frontier of development work is to help these<00:12:11.760> lonely these lonely these lonely Warriors<00:12:13.800> join<00:12:14.480> hands<00:12:15.480> so<00:12:15.720> they<00:12:15.880> can<00:12:16.320> together Warriors join hands so they can together Warriors join hands so they can together overcome<00:12:18.000> the<00:12:18.560> odds<00:12:19.560> so<00:12:19.800> for<00:12:20.040> instance<00:12:20.480> today overcome the odds so for instance today overcome the odds so for instance today in<00:12:21.399> Ghana<00:12:22.240> courageous<00:12:22.920> reformers<00:12:23.839> from<00:12:24.160> Civil in Ghana courageous reformers from Civil in Ghana courageous reformers from Civil Society<00:12:25.279> Parliament<00:12:25.880> and<00:12:26.120> government<00:12:27.000> have Society Parliament and government have Society Parliament and government have forged<00:12:28.079> a<00:12:28.320> coalition<00:12:29.240> for<00:12:29.519> transparent forged a coalition for transparent forged a coalition for transparent contracts<00:12:30.920> in<00:12:31.040> the<00:12:31.199> oil<00:12:31.839> sector<00:12:32.839> and contracts in the oil sector and contracts in the oil sector and galvanized<00:12:34.160> by<00:12:34.399> this<00:12:35.000> reformers<00:12:35.560> in galvanized by this reformers in galvanized by this reformers in Parliament<00:12:36.519> are<00:12:36.880> now<00:12:37.279> investigating<00:12:38.279> dubious Parliament are now investigating dubious Parliament are now investigating dubious contracts<00:12:41.040> these<00:12:41.560> examples<00:12:42.560> give<00:12:42.880> New<00:12:43.320> Hope contracts these examples give New Hope contracts these examples give New Hope New<00:12:45.120> possibility<00:12:46.120> to<00:12:46.360> the<00:12:46.560> problems<00:12:47.000> I New possibility to the problems I New possibility to the problems I witnessed<00:12:47.760> in<00:12:48.160> Uganda<00:12:49.160> or<00:12:49.360> that<00:12:49.560> my<00:12:49.800> father witnessed in Uganda or that my father witnessed in Uganda or that my father confronted<00:12:51.040> in confronted in confronted in Bihar<00:12:54.160> two<00:12:54.480> years<00:12:55.079> ago<00:12:56.079> on<00:12:56.399> April<00:12:56.760> 8<00:12:57.839> 2010<00:12:58.880> I Bihar two years ago on April 8 2010 I Bihar two years ago on April 8 2010 I called<00:12:59.399> my called my called my father<00:13:01.160> it<00:13:01.399> was<00:13:02.399> very<00:13:02.639> late<00:13:02.920> at<00:13:03.320> night<00:13:04.320> and<00:13:04.480> at father it was very late at night and at father it was very late at night and at age age age 80<00:13:06.560> he<00:13:06.839> was<00:13:07.079> typing<00:13:07.680> a<00:13:08.120> 70-page<00:13:09.120> public 80 he was typing a 70-page public 80 he was typing a 70-page public interest<00:13:10.199> litigation<00:13:11.199> against<00:13:11.600> corruption interest litigation against corruption interest litigation against corruption in<00:13:12.440> a<00:13:12.600> road in a road in a road project<00:13:14.920> though<00:13:15.120> he<00:13:15.240> was<00:13:15.440> no project though he was no project though he was no lawyer<00:13:17.360> he<00:13:17.680> argued<00:13:18.199> the<00:13:18.399> case<00:13:18.600> in<00:13:18.800> court lawyer he argued the case in court lawyer he argued the case in court himself<00:13:19.720> the<00:13:19.920> next<00:13:20.560> day<00:13:21.560> he<00:13:21.720> won<00:13:22.040> the<00:13:22.560> ruling himself the next day he won the ruling himself the next day he won the ruling but<00:13:23.760> later<00:13:24.160> that<00:13:24.360> very<00:13:24.680> evening<00:13:25.680> he but later that very evening he but later that very evening he fell<00:13:27.399> and<00:13:27.600> he<00:13:27.839> died

he<00:13:31.000> fought<00:13:31.360> till<00:13:31.639> the<00:13:32.120> end<00:13:33.120> increasingly
he fought till the end increasingly he fought till the end increasingly passionate<00:13:35.240> that<00:13:35.399> to<00:13:35.639> combat<00:13:36.600> corruption<00:13:37.600> and passionate that to combat corruption and passionate that to combat corruption and poverty<00:13:39.000> not<00:13:39.199> only<00:13:39.480> did<00:13:39.800> government poverty not only did government poverty not only did government officials<00:13:41.320> need<00:13:41.600> to<00:13:41.760> be<00:13:42.360> honest<00:13:43.360> but<00:13:43.639> citizens officials need to be honest but citizens officials need to be honest but citizens needed<00:13:44.639> to<00:13:44.839> join<00:13:45.440> together<00:13:46.440> to<00:13:46.760> make<00:13:47.160> their needed to join together to make their needed to join together to make their voices<00:13:48.320> heard<00:13:49.440> these<00:13:50.440> became<00:13:50.839> the<00:13:51.000> two voices heard these became the two voices heard these became the two bookends<00:13:52.240> of<00:13:52.440> his<00:13:52.959> life<00:13:53.959> and<00:13:54.120> the<00:13:54.279> journey<00:13:54.680> he bookends of his life and the journey he bookends of his life and the journey he traveled<00:13:55.360> in<00:13:55.680> between<00:13:56.680> mirrored<00:13:57.680> the traveled in between mirrored the traveled in between mirrored the changing<00:13:58.759> development changing development changing development landscape<00:14:01.639> today<00:14:02.639> I'm<00:14:02.959> inspired<00:14:03.680> by<00:14:03.880> these landscape today I'm inspired by these landscape today I'm inspired by these changes<00:14:05.279> and<00:14:05.480> I'm<00:14:05.800> excited<00:14:06.720> that<00:14:06.880> at<00:14:07.000> the changes and I'm excited that at the changes and I'm excited that at the World<00:14:07.480> Bank<00:14:08.279> we<00:14:08.519> are<00:14:08.920> embracing<00:14:09.639> these<00:14:09.839> new World Bank we are embracing these new World Bank we are embracing these new directions<00:14:11.040> a<00:14:11.320> significant<00:14:12.040> departure<00:14:13.000> from directions a significant departure from directions a significant departure from my<00:14:13.399> work<00:14:13.639> in<00:14:13.839> Uganda<00:14:14.800> 20<00:14:15.240> years<00:14:15.880> ago<00:14:16.880> we<00:14:17.160> need my work in Uganda 20 years ago we need my work in Uganda 20 years ago we need to<00:14:17.839> radically<00:14:18.680> open<00:14:19.040> up<00:14:19.360> development<00:14:20.279> so to radically open up development so to radically open up development so knowledge<00:14:21.000> flows<00:14:21.399> in<00:14:21.639> multiple<00:14:22.240> directions knowledge flows in multiple directions knowledge flows in multiple directions inspiring<00:14:24.279> practitioners<00:14:25.279> so<00:14:25.600> Aid<00:14:26.079> becomes inspiring practitioners so Aid becomes inspiring practitioners so Aid becomes transparent<00:14:27.720> accountable<00:14:28.440> and<00:14:28.959> effective<00:14:29.959> so transparent accountable and effective so transparent accountable and effective so governments<00:14:30.920> open<00:14:31.320> up<00:14:32.160> and<00:14:32.800> citizens governments open up and citizens governments open up and citizens citizens<00:14:34.279> are<00:14:34.560> engaged<00:14:35.120> and<00:14:35.320> empowered<00:14:35.880> with citizens are engaged and empowered with citizens are engaged and empowered with reformers<00:14:36.519> and<00:14:36.759> government<00:14:37.480> we<00:14:37.639> need<00:14:37.839> to reformers and government we need to reformers and government we need to accelerate<00:14:38.880> these accelerate these accelerate these shifts<00:14:40.680> if<00:14:40.880> we<00:14:41.199> do<00:14:42.199> we<00:14:42.360> will<00:14:42.720> find<00:14:43.720> that<00:14:43.920> the shifts if we do we will find that the shifts if we do we will find that the collective<00:14:44.880> voices<00:14:45.880> of<00:14:46.120> the<00:14:46.399> poor<00:14:47.360> will<00:14:47.600> be collective voices of the poor will be collective voices of the poor will be heard<00:14:48.759> in<00:14:49.120> Bihar<00:14:50.120> in<00:14:50.320> Uganda<00:14:51.279> and<00:14:51.759> Beyond<00:14:52.759> we heard in Bihar in Uganda and Beyond we heard in Bihar in Uganda and Beyond we will<00:14:53.199> find<00:14:54.120> that<00:14:54.360> textbooks<00:14:55.160> and<00:14:55.399> teachers will find that textbooks and teachers will find that textbooks and teachers will<00:14:56.639> show<00:14:56.959> up<00:14:57.360> in<00:14:57.560> schools<00:14:58.040> for<00:14:58.240> their will show up in schools for their will show up in schools for their children children children we<00:15:00.199> will<00:15:00.519> find<00:15:01.519> that<00:15:01.839> these<00:15:02.079> children<00:15:02.839> too we will find that these children too we will find that these children too have<00:15:04.000> a<00:15:04.199> real<00:15:05.040> chance<00:15:06.040> of<00:15:06.279> breaking<00:15:06.880> their<00:15:07.120> way have a real chance of breaking their way have a real chance of breaking their way out<00:15:08.160> of<00:15:08.680> poverty<00:15:09.680> thank out of poverty thank out of poverty thank [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]


Sanjay Pradhan, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, TED, open, data, development, World, Bank, Institute

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