Làm thế nào phim dạy nam tính-Colin Stokes

How movies teach manhood - Colin Stokes

How movies teach manhood - Colin Stokes




you<00:00:16.279> know<00:00:16.440> my<00:00:16.640> favorite<00:00:17.080> part<00:00:17.320> of<00:00:17.520> being<00:00:17.760> a<00:00:18.000> dad
you know my favorite part of being a dad you know my favorite part of being a dad is<00:00:18.840> the<00:00:18.960> movies<00:00:19.320> I<00:00:19.480> get<00:00:19.600> to is the movies I get to is the movies I get to watch<00:00:21.439> I<00:00:21.519> love<00:00:21.680> sharing<00:00:22.039> my<00:00:22.160> favorite<00:00:22.480> movies watch I love sharing my favorite movies watch I love sharing my favorite movies with<00:00:22.920> my<00:00:23.119> kids<00:00:23.599> and<00:00:24.119> when<00:00:24.279> my<00:00:24.439> daughter<00:00:24.760> was with my kids and when my daughter was with my kids and when my daughter was four<00:00:26.000> we<00:00:26.359> got<00:00:26.519> to<00:00:26.720> watch<00:00:26.960> The<00:00:27.080> Wizard<00:00:27.359> of<00:00:27.519> Oz four we got to watch The Wizard of Oz four we got to watch The Wizard of Oz together<00:00:29.080> totally<00:00:29.480> dominated<00:00:30.039> Her together totally dominated Her together totally dominated Her Imagination<00:00:30.960> for<00:00:31.400> months<00:00:32.079> her<00:00:32.239> favorite Imagination for months her favorite Imagination for months her favorite character<00:00:33.360> was<00:00:33.559> Glinda<00:00:34.239> of<00:00:34.440> course<00:00:35.399> gave<00:00:35.600> a character was Glinda of course gave a character was Glinda of course gave a great<00:00:35.960> excuse<00:00:36.280> to<00:00:36.440> wear<00:00:36.600> a<00:00:36.719> sparkly<00:00:37.160> dress<00:00:37.520> and great excuse to wear a sparkly dress and great excuse to wear a sparkly dress and carry<00:00:38.040> a<00:00:38.200> wand<00:00:39.200> but<00:00:39.320> you<00:00:39.399> know<00:00:39.520> you<00:00:39.640> watch<00:00:39.800> a carry a wand but you know you watch a carry a wand but you know you watch a movie<00:00:40.280> enough<00:00:40.680> times<00:00:41.399> and<00:00:41.520> you<00:00:41.600> start<00:00:41.800> to movie enough times and you start to movie enough times and you start to realize<00:00:42.239> how<00:00:42.360> unusual<00:00:42.800> it<00:00:42.960> is<00:00:43.160> now<00:00:43.399> we<00:00:44.160> live realize how unusual it is now we live realize how unusual it is now we live today<00:00:44.920> and<00:00:45.039> are<00:00:45.160> raising<00:00:45.440> our<00:00:45.600> children<00:00:45.960> in<00:00:46.039> a today and are raising our children in a today and are raising our children in a kind<00:00:46.440> of<00:00:47.280> Children's<00:00:48.039> Fantasy<00:00:49.039> spectacular kind of Children's Fantasy spectacular kind of Children's Fantasy spectacular industrial industrial industrial complex<00:00:52.440> but<00:00:52.559> the<00:00:52.640> Wizard<00:00:52.920> of<00:00:53.079> Oz<00:00:53.359> stood<00:00:53.600> alone complex but the Wizard of Oz stood alone complex but the Wizard of Oz stood alone it<00:00:54.079> did<00:00:54.239> not<00:00:54.399> start<00:00:54.760> that<00:00:55.239> Trend<00:00:56.239> 40<00:00:56.640> years it did not start that Trend 40 years it did not start that Trend 40 years later<00:00:57.840> was<00:00:58.000> when<00:00:58.199> the<00:00:58.280> trend<00:00:58.559> really<00:00:58.800> caught later was when the trend really caught later was when the trend really caught on<00:00:59.519> with<00:01:00.000> interestingly<00:01:00.960> another<00:01:01.359> movie<00:01:01.920> that on with interestingly another movie that on with interestingly another movie that featured<00:01:02.760> a<00:01:02.960> metal<00:01:03.440> guy<00:01:04.119> and<00:01:04.280> a<00:01:04.400> furry<00:01:04.920> guy featured a metal guy and a furry guy featured a metal guy and a furry guy rescuing<00:01:06.200> a<00:01:06.400> Girl<00:01:07.360> by<00:01:07.520> dressing<00:01:07.960> up<00:01:08.119> as<00:01:08.280> the rescuing a Girl by dressing up as the rescuing a Girl by dressing up as the enemy's enemy's enemy's guards<00:01:10.520> do<00:01:10.600> you<00:01:10.720> know<00:01:10.840> what<00:01:10.960> I'm<00:01:11.119> talking guards do you know what I'm talking guards do you know what I'm talking about about about yeah<00:01:15.080> now<00:01:16.080> there's<00:01:16.840> a<00:01:16.960> big<00:01:17.119> difference yeah now there's a big difference yeah now there's a big difference between<00:01:17.720> these<00:01:17.840> two<00:01:18.000> movies<00:01:18.240> a<00:01:18.320> couple<00:01:18.520> of between these two movies a couple of between these two movies a couple of really<00:01:18.799> big<00:01:18.960> differences<00:01:19.400> between<00:01:19.640> the really big differences between the really big differences between the Wizard<00:01:20.000> of<00:01:20.119> Oz<00:01:20.320> and<00:01:20.400> all<00:01:20.520> the<00:01:20.600> movies<00:01:20.840> we<00:01:21.000> watch Wizard of Oz and all the movies we watch Wizard of Oz and all the movies we watch today<00:01:21.520> one<00:01:21.680> is<00:01:21.799> there's<00:01:22.079> very<00:01:22.240> little today one is there's very little today one is there's very little violence<00:01:22.920> in<00:01:23.040> The<00:01:23.159> Wizard<00:01:23.439> of<00:01:23.840> Oz<00:01:24.840> the<00:01:25.240> uh violence in The Wizard of Oz the uh violence in The Wizard of Oz the uh monkeys<00:01:26.400> are<00:01:26.640> rather<00:01:26.920> aggressive<00:01:27.439> as<00:01:27.600> are<00:01:27.840> the monkeys are rather aggressive as are the monkeys are rather aggressive as are the apple<00:01:28.759> trees<00:01:29.759> but<00:01:30.000> but<00:01:30.479> um<00:01:30.920> I<00:01:31.000> think<00:01:31.200> if<00:01:31.320> the apple trees but but um I think if the apple trees but but um I think if the Wizard<00:01:31.680> of<00:01:31.799> Oz<00:01:32.040> were<00:01:32.200> made Wizard of Oz were made Wizard of Oz were made today<00:01:34.040> the<00:01:34.200> wizard<00:01:34.600> would<00:01:34.840> say<00:01:35.119> Dorothy<00:01:35.640> you today the wizard would say Dorothy you today the wizard would say Dorothy you are<00:01:36.200> the<00:01:36.799> savior<00:01:37.240> of<00:01:37.439> Oz<00:01:37.880> that<00:01:38.000> the<00:01:38.159> prophecy are the savior of Oz that the prophecy are the savior of Oz that the prophecy foretold<00:01:39.640> use<00:01:39.920> your<00:01:40.159> magic<00:01:40.399> slippers<00:01:40.880> to foretold use your magic slippers to foretold use your magic slippers to defeat<00:01:41.600> the<00:01:41.840> computer<00:01:42.240> generated<00:01:42.799> armies<00:01:43.360> of defeat the computer generated armies of defeat the computer generated armies of the<00:01:43.640> wicked<00:01:44.439> witch<00:01:45.439> um<00:01:45.719> that's<00:01:45.880> not<00:01:46.040> how<00:01:46.159> it the wicked witch um that's not how it the wicked witch um that's not how it happens<00:01:47.399> another<00:01:47.640> thing<00:01:47.759> that's<00:01:47.960> really happens another thing that's really happens another thing that's really unique<00:01:48.560> about<00:01:48.719> The<00:01:48.840> Wizard<00:01:49.119> of<00:01:49.240> Oz<00:01:49.520> to<00:01:49.680> me<00:01:50.520> is unique about The Wizard of Oz to me is unique about The Wizard of Oz to me is that<00:01:50.880> all<00:01:51.040> of<00:01:51.200> the<00:01:51.360> most<00:01:51.840> heroic<00:01:52.840> and<00:01:53.479> wise<00:01:54.280> and that all of the most heroic and wise and that all of the most heroic and wise and even<00:01:54.640> villainous<00:01:55.600> characters<00:01:56.600> are even villainous characters are even villainous characters are female<00:01:59.560> now<00:02:00.240> uh<00:02:00.360> I<00:02:00.439> started<00:02:00.759> to<00:02:00.880> notice<00:02:01.240> this female now uh I started to notice this female now uh I started to notice this when<00:02:01.719> I<00:02:01.920> actually<00:02:02.159> showed<00:02:02.640> Star<00:02:03.000> Wars<00:02:03.479> to<00:02:03.719> my when I actually showed Star Wars to my when I actually showed Star Wars to my daughter<00:02:04.799> uh<00:02:04.880> which<00:02:05.039> was<00:02:05.200> years<00:02:05.399> later<00:02:05.719> and daughter uh which was years later and daughter uh which was years later and and<00:02:06.000> the<00:02:06.159> situation<00:02:06.560> was<00:02:06.759> different<00:02:07.320> at<00:02:07.479> that and the situation was different at that and the situation was different at that point<00:02:08.039> I<00:02:08.239> also<00:02:08.640> had<00:02:08.800> a point I also had a point I also had a son<00:02:10.679> uh<00:02:10.800> he<00:02:10.879> was<00:02:11.039> only<00:02:11.280> three<00:02:11.599> at<00:02:11.720> the<00:02:11.879> time<00:02:12.080> he son uh he was only three at the time he son uh he was only three at the time he was<00:02:12.400> not<00:02:12.640> invited<00:02:13.000> to<00:02:13.160> this<00:02:13.319> screening<00:02:13.760> he<00:02:13.879> is was not invited to this screening he is was not invited to this screening he is too<00:02:14.360> young<00:02:14.599> for<00:02:15.160> that<00:02:16.160> uh<00:02:16.280> but<00:02:16.440> he<00:02:16.519> was<00:02:16.680> a too young for that uh but he was a too young for that uh but he was a second<00:02:17.200> child<00:02:17.760> and<00:02:18.080> the<00:02:18.400> level<00:02:18.720> of second child and the level of second child and the level of supervision<00:02:19.640> had supervision had supervision had plummeted<00:02:21.879> so<00:02:22.560> uh<00:02:22.680> he<00:02:22.840> wandered plummeted so uh he wandered plummeted so uh he wandered in<00:02:26.280> and<00:02:26.840> it<00:02:27.080> imprinted<00:02:27.920> on<00:02:28.319> him<00:02:29.319> like<00:02:30.080> uh<00:02:30.239> mommy in and it imprinted on him like uh mommy in and it imprinted on him like uh mommy duck<00:02:31.959> does<00:02:32.360> to<00:02:32.560> its duck does to its duck does to its duckling<00:02:35.400> and<00:02:36.400> uh<00:02:36.800> I<00:02:36.879> don't<00:02:37.040> think<00:02:37.160> he duckling and uh I don't think he duckling and uh I don't think he understand<00:02:37.680> what's<00:02:38.000> what's<00:02:38.200> going<00:02:38.440> on<00:02:38.840> but<00:02:39.360> uh understand what's what's going on but uh understand what's what's going on but uh he<00:02:40.080> is<00:02:40.319> sure<00:02:40.560> soaking<00:02:41.000> in<00:02:41.159> it<00:02:42.080> and<00:02:42.360> I<00:02:42.480> wonder he is sure soaking in it and I wonder he is sure soaking in it and I wonder what<00:02:42.879> he's<00:02:43.000> soaking<00:02:43.319> in<00:02:43.480> is<00:02:43.599> he<00:02:43.760> picking<00:02:44.040> up<00:02:44.239> on what he's soaking in is he picking up on what he's soaking in is he picking up on the<00:02:44.640> themes<00:02:45.040> of<00:02:45.440> courage<00:02:45.879> and<00:02:46.120> perseverance the themes of courage and perseverance the themes of courage and perseverance and<00:02:47.239> loyalty<00:02:48.239> is<00:02:48.400> he<00:02:48.599> picking<00:02:48.920> up<00:02:49.080> on<00:02:49.280> the<00:02:49.560> fact and loyalty is he picking up on the fact and loyalty is he picking up on the fact that<00:02:50.400> Luke<00:02:51.080> joins<00:02:51.480> an<00:02:51.680> army<00:02:52.440> to<00:02:52.680> overthrow<00:02:53.239> the that Luke joins an army to overthrow the that Luke joins an army to overthrow the government<00:02:55.720> is<00:02:55.879> he<00:02:56.040> picking<00:02:56.280> up<00:02:56.400> on<00:02:56.560> the<00:02:56.800> fact government is he picking up on the fact government is he picking up on the fact that<00:02:57.760> there<00:02:58.040> are<00:02:58.599> only<00:02:59.120> boys<00:02:59.480> in<00:02:59.599> the<00:02:59.920> Universe that there are only boys in the Universe that there are only boys in the Universe except<00:03:00.840> for<00:03:01.000> aunt<00:03:01.519> baru<00:03:02.519> and<00:03:02.680> of<00:03:02.840> course<00:03:03.319> this except for aunt baru and of course this except for aunt baru and of course this princess<00:03:03.920> who's<00:03:04.200> really<00:03:04.440> cool<00:03:05.440> but<00:03:05.720> who<00:03:06.080> kind princess who's really cool but who kind princess who's really cool but who kind of<00:03:06.319> waits<00:03:06.680> around<00:03:07.319> through<00:03:07.519> most<00:03:07.799> of<00:03:07.920> the of waits around through most of the of waits around through most of the movie<00:03:08.360> so<00:03:08.560> that<00:03:09.080> she<00:03:09.280> can<00:03:09.480> award<00:03:09.840> the<00:03:09.959> hero movie so that she can award the hero movie so that she can award the hero with<00:03:10.440> a<00:03:10.560> medal<00:03:10.840> and<00:03:10.959> a<00:03:11.120> wink<00:03:11.799> to<00:03:12.040> thank<00:03:12.239> him<00:03:12.400> for with a medal and a wink to thank him for with a medal and a wink to thank him for saving<00:03:12.840> the<00:03:12.920> universe<00:03:13.400> which<00:03:13.519> he<00:03:13.760> does<00:03:14.760> uh<00:03:14.920> by saving the universe which he does uh by saving the universe which he does uh by the<00:03:15.280> magic<00:03:15.640> that<00:03:15.799> he<00:03:15.959> was<00:03:16.080> born<00:03:16.440> with<00:03:17.440> compare the magic that he was born with compare the magic that he was born with compare this<00:03:17.959> to<00:03:18.120> 1939<00:03:19.080> with<00:03:19.200> the<00:03:19.319> Wizard<00:03:19.599> of<00:03:19.720> Oz<00:03:20.360> how this to 1939 with the Wizard of Oz how this to 1939 with the Wizard of Oz how does<00:03:20.640> Dorothy<00:03:21.000> win<00:03:21.200> her does Dorothy win her does Dorothy win her movie<00:03:23.040> by<00:03:23.239> making<00:03:23.560> friends<00:03:24.159> with<00:03:24.760> everybody movie by making friends with everybody movie by making friends with everybody and<00:03:25.920> being<00:03:26.159> a<00:03:26.760> leader<00:03:27.760> like<00:03:27.959> that's<00:03:28.200> kind<00:03:28.360> of and being a leader like that's kind of and being a leader like that's kind of the<00:03:28.599> world<00:03:28.879> I'd<00:03:29.040> rather<00:03:29.239> raise<00:03:29.439> my<00:03:29.560> kids<00:03:30.040> in<00:03:31.080> Oz the world I'd rather raise my kids in Oz the world I'd rather raise my kids in Oz right<00:03:32.319> and<00:03:32.480> not<00:03:32.640> the<00:03:32.760> world<00:03:33.080> of<00:03:33.680> dudes right and not the world of dudes right and not the world of dudes fighting<00:03:35.280> which<00:03:35.400> is<00:03:35.519> where<00:03:35.680> we<00:03:35.799> kind<00:03:35.920> of<00:03:36.159> have fighting which is where we kind of have fighting which is where we kind of have to<00:03:36.519> be<00:03:36.840> why<00:03:37.000> is<00:03:37.120> there<00:03:37.319> so<00:03:37.519> much<00:03:38.400> force<00:03:39.159> capital to be why is there so much force capital to be why is there so much force capital F<00:03:39.920> force<00:03:40.480> in<00:03:40.599> the<00:03:40.720> movies<00:03:41.120> we<00:03:41.319> have<00:03:41.480> for<00:03:41.680> our F force in the movies we have for our F force in the movies we have for our kids<00:03:42.200> and<00:03:42.319> so<00:03:42.560> little<00:03:42.760> yellow<00:03:43.040> brick<00:03:43.760> road<00:03:44.760> I kids and so little yellow brick road I kids and so little yellow brick road I mean<00:03:45.000> there<00:03:45.080> is<00:03:45.239> a<00:03:45.439> lot<00:03:45.760> of<00:03:46.120> great<00:03:46.400> writing mean there is a lot of great writing mean there is a lot of great writing about<00:03:47.239> the<00:03:47.640> impact<00:03:48.640> that<00:03:49.360> the<00:03:49.680> boy<00:03:50.280> violent about the impact that the boy violent about the impact that the boy violent movie<00:03:51.439> has<00:03:51.720> on<00:03:51.920> girls<00:03:52.360> and<00:03:52.439> you<00:03:52.560> should<00:03:52.879> do movie has on girls and you should do movie has on girls and you should do that<00:03:53.280> reading<00:03:53.720> it's<00:03:53.959> very<00:03:54.239> good<00:03:55.079> I<00:03:55.200> haven't that reading it's very good I haven't that reading it's very good I haven't read<00:03:55.720> as<00:03:55.879> much<00:03:56.200> on<00:03:56.799> how<00:03:57.079> boys<00:03:57.599> are<00:03:57.799> picking<00:03:58.120> up read as much on how boys are picking up read as much on how boys are picking up on<00:03:58.560> this<00:03:58.840> vibe<00:03:59.799> I<00:03:59.879> know<00:04:00.000> from<00:04:00.120> my<00:04:00.239> own on this vibe I know from my own on this vibe I know from my own experience experience experience that<00:04:03.319> Princess<00:04:03.799> Leia<00:04:04.799> did<00:04:05.040> not<00:04:05.760> provide<00:04:06.400> the that Princess Leia did not provide the that Princess Leia did not provide the adequate<00:04:07.280> context<00:04:08.280> that<00:04:08.480> I<00:04:08.640> could<00:04:08.799> have<00:04:09.040> used adequate context that I could have used adequate context that I could have used in<00:04:10.159> navigating<00:04:10.799> the<00:04:11.040> adult<00:04:11.599> world<00:04:12.360> uh<00:04:12.519> that<00:04:12.640> is in navigating the adult world uh that is in navigating the adult world uh that is co-ed co-ed co-ed um<00:04:16.759> I<00:04:16.919> think<00:04:17.759> uh<00:04:17.840> you<00:04:17.959> know<00:04:18.079> there<00:04:18.160> was<00:04:18.280> a<00:04:18.479> kind um I think uh you know there was a kind um I think uh you know there was a kind of<00:04:18.759> first<00:04:19.079> kiss<00:04:19.400> moment<00:04:20.000> when<00:04:20.359> I<00:04:20.519> really of first kiss moment when I really of first kiss moment when I really expected<00:04:21.359> the<00:04:21.560> credits<00:04:21.959> to<00:04:22.120> start<00:04:22.680> rolling expected the credits to start rolling expected the credits to start rolling because<00:04:24.440> that's<00:04:24.600> the<00:04:24.720> end<00:04:24.880> of<00:04:25.000> the<00:04:25.120> movie because that's the end of the movie because that's the end of the movie right<00:04:26.120> I<00:04:26.240> finished<00:04:26.639> my<00:04:26.840> quest<00:04:27.240> I<00:04:27.320> got<00:04:27.479> the<00:04:27.639> girl right I finished my quest I got the girl right I finished my quest I got the girl why<00:04:28.680> are<00:04:28.840> you<00:04:29.000> still<00:04:29.199> standing<00:04:29.560> there why are you still standing there why are you still standing there uh<00:04:31.720> I<00:04:31.800> don't<00:04:31.880> know<00:04:32.000> what<00:04:32.120> I'm<00:04:32.240> supposed<00:04:32.479> to<00:04:32.600> do uh I don't know what I'm supposed to do uh I don't know what I'm supposed to do the<00:04:33.000> movies<00:04:33.479> are<00:04:34.199> very<00:04:34.479> very<00:04:34.759> focused<00:04:35.160> on the movies are very very focused on the movies are very very focused on defeating<00:04:35.759> the<00:04:35.880> villain<00:04:36.120> and<00:04:36.320> getting<00:04:36.520> your defeating the villain and getting your defeating the villain and getting your reward<00:04:37.039> and<00:04:37.160> there's<00:04:37.320> not<00:04:37.440> a<00:04:37.520> lot<00:04:37.680> of<00:04:37.880> room<00:04:38.639> for reward and there's not a lot of room for reward and there's not a lot of room for other<00:04:39.280> relationships<00:04:39.960> and<00:04:40.160> other<00:04:40.560> Journeys other relationships and other Journeys other relationships and other Journeys it's<00:04:41.720> almost<00:04:42.000> as<00:04:42.199> though<00:04:42.720> if<00:04:42.840> you're<00:04:43.039> a<00:04:43.240> boy it's almost as though if you're a boy it's almost as though if you're a boy you<00:04:44.039> are<00:04:44.440> a<00:04:44.639> Dopey<00:04:45.199> animal<00:04:45.680> and<00:04:45.800> if<00:04:45.919> you<00:04:46.000> were<00:04:46.199> a you are a Dopey animal and if you were a you are a Dopey animal and if you were a girl<00:04:47.160> you<00:04:47.320> should<00:04:47.720> bring<00:04:48.080> your<00:04:48.320> warrior girl you should bring your warrior girl you should bring your warrior costume<00:04:50.560> I<00:04:50.639> mean<00:04:51.080> there<00:04:51.199> are<00:04:51.440> plenty<00:04:51.680> of costume I mean there are plenty of costume I mean there are plenty of exceptions<00:04:52.440> and<00:04:52.720> I<00:04:53.000> I<00:04:53.080> will<00:04:53.400> defend<00:04:54.400> the exceptions and I I will defend the exceptions and I I will defend the Disney<00:04:55.000> princesses<00:04:55.800> in<00:04:55.919> front<00:04:56.120> of<00:04:56.320> any<00:04:56.520> of<00:04:57.120> you Disney princesses in front of any of you Disney princesses in front of any of you um<00:04:58.280> but<00:04:58.479> they<00:04:58.680> do<00:04:59.360> uh<00:04:59.720> send<00:04:59.880> a<00:05:00.000> message<00:05:00.280> to<00:05:00.440> boys um but they do uh send a message to boys um but they do uh send a message to boys that<00:05:01.039> they're<00:05:01.280> not<00:05:01.720> the<00:05:01.840> boys<00:05:02.000> are<00:05:02.120> not<00:05:02.280> really that they're not the boys are not really that they're not the boys are not really the<00:05:02.560> target<00:05:02.880> audience<00:05:03.280> I<00:05:03.360> mean<00:05:03.479> they<00:05:03.600> are the target audience I mean they are the target audience I mean they are doing<00:05:03.960> a<00:05:04.160> phenomenal<00:05:04.759> job<00:05:04.960> of<00:05:05.120> teaching<00:05:05.479> girls doing a phenomenal job of teaching girls doing a phenomenal job of teaching girls how<00:05:06.360> to<00:05:06.880> defend<00:05:07.280> against<00:05:07.520> the<00:05:08.160> patriarchy<00:05:09.160> but how to defend against the patriarchy but how to defend against the patriarchy but they<00:05:09.360> are<00:05:09.520> not<00:05:09.720> necessarily<00:05:10.199> showing<00:05:10.600> boys they are not necessarily showing boys they are not necessarily showing boys how<00:05:11.440> they're<00:05:11.639> supposed<00:05:12.000> to<00:05:12.360> defend<00:05:13.000> against how they're supposed to defend against how they're supposed to defend against the<00:05:13.440> patriarchy<00:05:14.000> there's<00:05:14.199> no<00:05:14.400> models<00:05:14.880> for the patriarchy there's no models for the patriarchy there's no models for them<00:05:16.560> and<00:05:17.080> we<00:05:17.280> also<00:05:17.680> have<00:05:17.960> some<00:05:18.479> terrific them and we also have some terrific them and we also have some terrific women<00:05:19.199> who<00:05:19.360> are<00:05:19.520> writing<00:05:19.960> new<00:05:20.479> stories<00:05:20.919> for women who are writing new stories for women who are writing new stories for our<00:05:21.319> kids<00:05:22.080> and<00:05:22.240> as<00:05:22.479> three-dimensional<00:05:23.479> and our kids and as three-dimensional and our kids and as three-dimensional and delightful<00:05:24.440> as<00:05:24.560> Hermione<00:05:25.160> and<00:05:25.400> Katniss<00:05:25.880> are delightful as Hermione and Katniss are delightful as Hermione and Katniss are these<00:05:26.560> are<00:05:26.720> still<00:05:26.960> war these are still war these are still war movies<00:05:28.840> and<00:05:29.319> of<00:05:29.440> course<00:05:30.000> the<00:05:30.120> most<00:05:30.319> successful movies and of course the most successful movies and of course the most successful Studio<00:05:31.160> of<00:05:31.280> all Studio of all Studio of all time<00:05:33.319> uh<00:05:33.479> continues<00:05:33.960> to<00:05:34.199> crank<00:05:34.639> out<00:05:35.440> classic time uh continues to crank out classic time uh continues to crank out classic after<00:05:36.400> Classic<00:05:36.960> every<00:05:37.160> single<00:05:37.440> one<00:05:37.680> of<00:05:37.840> them after Classic every single one of them after Classic every single one of them about<00:05:39.479> the<00:05:39.680> Journey<00:05:40.199> of<00:05:40.840> a<00:05:41.120> boy<00:05:42.120> or<00:05:42.319> a<00:05:42.520> man<00:05:43.199> or about the Journey of a boy or a man or about the Journey of a boy or a man or two<00:05:44.120> men<00:05:44.360> who<00:05:44.520> are<00:05:44.720> friends<00:05:45.120> or<00:05:45.319> a<00:05:45.680> man<00:05:45.919> and<00:05:46.120> his two men who are friends or a man and his two men who are friends or a man and his son<00:05:46.759> or<00:05:47.759> uh<00:05:47.880> two<00:05:48.080> men<00:05:48.319> who<00:05:48.479> are<00:05:48.639> raising<00:05:49.000> a son or uh two men who are raising a son or uh two men who are raising a little<00:05:49.880> girl<00:05:50.880> um<00:05:51.440> until<00:05:52.400> as<00:05:52.520> many<00:05:52.720> of<00:05:52.800> you<00:05:52.919> are little girl um until as many of you are little girl um until as many of you are thinking<00:05:53.479> this<00:05:53.720> year<00:05:54.039> when<00:05:54.199> they<00:05:54.360> finally thinking this year when they finally thinking this year when they finally came<00:05:54.880> out<00:05:55.199> with<00:05:55.479> brave<00:05:56.080> I<00:05:56.199> recommend<00:05:56.600> it<00:05:56.720> to came out with brave I recommend it to came out with brave I recommend it to all<00:05:57.039> of<00:05:57.160> you<00:05:57.319> it's<00:05:57.440> on<00:05:57.639> demand all of you it's on demand all of you it's on demand now<00:06:00.080> um<00:06:00.520> do<00:06:00.600> you<00:06:00.800> remember<00:06:01.160> what<00:06:01.280> the<00:06:01.400> critic now um do you remember what the critic now um do you remember what the critic said<00:06:01.919> when<00:06:02.080> Brave<00:06:02.479> came<00:06:02.720> out<00:06:03.720> oh<00:06:03.880> I<00:06:04.000> can't said when Brave came out oh I can't said when Brave came out oh I can't believe<00:06:04.479> Pixar<00:06:04.880> made<00:06:05.000> a<00:06:05.160> princess believe Pixar made a princess believe Pixar made a princess movie<00:06:07.840> It's<00:06:08.080> very<00:06:08.319> good<00:06:08.520> don't<00:06:08.720> let<00:06:08.880> that<00:06:09.080> stop movie It's very good don't let that stop movie It's very good don't let that stop you<00:06:10.599> now<00:06:11.080> almost<00:06:11.400> none<00:06:11.560> of<00:06:11.759> these<00:06:11.960> movies<00:06:12.560> pass you now almost none of these movies pass you now almost none of these movies pass the<00:06:13.120> beal<00:06:13.639> test<00:06:14.240> I<00:06:14.319> don't<00:06:14.400> know<00:06:14.479> if<00:06:14.560> you've the beal test I don't know if you've the beal test I don't know if you've heard<00:06:14.880> of<00:06:15.080> this<00:06:15.680> has<00:06:15.840> not<00:06:16.039> yet<00:06:16.440> caught<00:06:16.759> on<00:06:17.039> and heard of this has not yet caught on and heard of this has not yet caught on and caught<00:06:18.000> fire<00:06:18.360> but<00:06:18.520> maybe<00:06:18.759> today<00:06:19.080> we<00:06:19.199> will caught fire but maybe today we will caught fire but maybe today we will start<00:06:19.599> a<00:06:19.759> movement<00:06:20.479> Allison<00:06:20.960> Beckle<00:06:21.880> is<00:06:22.080> a start a movement Allison Beckle is a start a movement Allison Beckle is a comic<00:06:22.599> book<00:06:22.800> artist<00:06:23.120> and<00:06:23.280> back<00:06:23.400> in<00:06:23.520> the<00:06:23.680> mid comic book artist and back in the mid comic book artist and back in the mid 80s<00:06:25.000> she<00:06:25.680> uh<00:06:26.520> recorded<00:06:27.120> this<00:06:27.479> um<00:06:27.759> conversation 80s she uh recorded this um conversation 80s she uh recorded this um conversation she'd<00:06:28.520> had<00:06:28.639> with<00:06:28.759> a<00:06:28.880> friend<00:06:29.680> uh<00:06:29.840> about she'd had with a friend uh about she'd had with a friend uh about assessing<00:06:30.560> the<00:06:30.639> movies<00:06:31.039> that<00:06:31.199> they<00:06:31.319> saw<00:06:31.680> and assessing the movies that they saw and assessing the movies that they saw and it's<00:06:31.960> very<00:06:32.120> simple<00:06:32.400> there's<00:06:32.560> just<00:06:32.720> three it's very simple there's just three it's very simple there's just three questions<00:06:33.240> you<00:06:33.319> should<00:06:33.880> ask<00:06:34.880> uh<00:06:35.199> is<00:06:35.360> there questions you should ask uh is there questions you should ask uh is there more<00:06:35.880> than<00:06:36.039> one<00:06:36.440> character<00:06:36.800> in<00:06:36.919> the<00:06:37.039> movie more than one character in the movie more than one character in the movie that<00:06:37.560> is<00:06:37.720> female<00:06:38.199> who<00:06:38.479> has that is female who has that is female who has lines<00:06:40.520> she<00:06:40.800> try<00:06:40.919> to<00:06:41.039> meet<00:06:41.319> that lines she try to meet that lines she try to meet that bar<00:06:43.520> and<00:06:44.080> uh<00:06:44.199> do<00:06:44.479> these<00:06:44.720> women<00:06:45.280> talk<00:06:45.759> to<00:06:46.039> each bar and uh do these women talk to each bar and uh do these women talk to each other<00:06:46.520> at<00:06:46.680> any<00:06:46.880> point<00:06:47.080> in<00:06:47.160> the other at any point in the other at any point in the movie<00:06:49.599> and<00:06:50.599> is<00:06:50.800> their<00:06:51.080> conversation<00:06:51.639> about movie and is their conversation about movie and is their conversation about something<00:06:52.199> other<00:06:52.400> than<00:06:52.560> the<00:06:52.759> guy<00:06:53.000> that<00:06:53.120> they something other than the guy that they something other than the guy that they both both both like<00:06:56.440> right<00:06:57.440> thank like right thank like right thank you<00:06:59.879> thank<00:07:00.039> you<00:07:00.199> very you thank you very you thank you very much<00:07:02.280> two<00:07:02.800> women<00:07:03.599> who<00:07:04.240> exist<00:07:05.240> and<00:07:05.560> talk<00:07:05.840> to much two women who exist and talk to much two women who exist and talk to each<00:07:06.240> other<00:07:07.000> about each other about each other about stuff<00:07:10.520> it<00:07:11.520> it<00:07:11.680> does<00:07:12.199> happen<00:07:13.199> I've<00:07:13.400> seen<00:07:14.120> it<00:07:15.120> and stuff it it does happen I've seen it and stuff it it does happen I've seen it and yet<00:07:15.560> I<00:07:15.759> very<00:07:16.000> rarely<00:07:16.360> see<00:07:16.599> it<00:07:16.879> in<00:07:17.280> the<00:07:17.440> movies yet I very rarely see it in the movies yet I very rarely see it in the movies that<00:07:17.960> we<00:07:18.120> know<00:07:18.360> and<00:07:18.520> love<00:07:18.800> in<00:07:18.919> fact<00:07:19.120> this<00:07:19.240> week that we know and love in fact this week that we know and love in fact this week I<00:07:19.520> went<00:07:19.680> to<00:07:20.080> see<00:07:21.080> uh<00:07:21.280> a<00:07:21.840> very<00:07:22.400> high<00:07:22.800> quality I went to see uh a very high quality I went to see uh a very high quality movie<00:07:24.120> Argo<00:07:25.120> right<00:07:25.400> Oscar<00:07:25.840> buzz<00:07:26.639> doing<00:07:26.960> great movie Argo right Oscar buzz doing great movie Argo right Oscar buzz doing great at<00:07:27.280> the<00:07:27.440> box<00:07:27.879> office<00:07:28.639> a<00:07:28.879> consensus<00:07:29.960> idea<00:07:30.319> of at the box office a consensus idea of at the box office a consensus idea of what<00:07:30.560> a<00:07:30.800> quality<00:07:31.240> Hollywood<00:07:31.680> film<00:07:32.000> is<00:07:32.639> pretty what a quality Hollywood film is pretty what a quality Hollywood film is pretty much<00:07:33.039> flunks<00:07:33.720> the<00:07:33.840> beal<00:07:34.400> test<00:07:35.400> and<00:07:35.639> I<00:07:35.720> don't much flunks the beal test and I don't much flunks the beal test and I don't think<00:07:36.080> it<00:07:36.199> should<00:07:36.599> because<00:07:37.560> there<00:07:38.199> a<00:07:38.280> lot<00:07:38.400> of think it should because there a lot of think it should because there a lot of the<00:07:38.599> movie<00:07:38.960> I<00:07:39.039> don't<00:07:39.120> know<00:07:39.199> if<00:07:39.240> you've<00:07:39.400> seen<00:07:39.520> it the movie I don't know if you've seen it the movie I don't know if you've seen it but<00:07:39.720> a<00:07:39.800> lot<00:07:39.879> of<00:07:40.000> the<00:07:40.080> movie<00:07:40.879> uh<00:07:41.039> takes<00:07:41.319> place<00:07:41.639> in but a lot of the movie uh takes place in but a lot of the movie uh takes place in this<00:07:42.720> Embassy<00:07:43.199> where<00:07:43.400> men<00:07:43.599> and<00:07:43.759> women<00:07:44.000> are this Embassy where men and women are this Embassy where men and women are hiding<00:07:44.479> out<00:07:44.680> during<00:07:44.919> the<00:07:45.039> hostage<00:07:45.800> crisis<00:07:46.800> we hiding out during the hostage crisis we hiding out during the hostage crisis we got<00:07:47.159> quite<00:07:47.280> a<00:07:47.400> few<00:07:47.520> scenes<00:07:47.879> of<00:07:48.039> the<00:07:48.240> men<00:07:48.960> having got quite a few scenes of the men having got quite a few scenes of the men having deep<00:07:50.199> angst-ridden<00:07:50.639> conversations<00:07:51.560> in<00:07:51.720> this deep angst-ridden conversations in this deep angst-ridden conversations in this Hideout<00:07:53.080> and<00:07:54.039> the<00:07:54.360> the<00:07:55.039> great<00:07:55.400> moment<00:07:55.759> for<00:07:55.919> one Hideout and the the great moment for one Hideout and the the great moment for one of<00:07:56.159> the<00:07:56.280> actresses<00:07:56.720> is<00:07:56.879> to<00:07:57.120> peek<00:07:57.360> through<00:07:57.560> the of the actresses is to peek through the of the actresses is to peek through the door<00:07:57.960> and<00:07:58.159> say<00:07:58.919> are<00:07:59.000> you<00:07:59.120> coming<00:07:59.280> to<00:07:59.520> bed<00:07:59.919> honey door and say are you coming to bed honey door and say are you coming to bed honey like<00:08:02.120> that's<00:08:02.599> Hollywood<00:08:03.000> for<00:08:03.280> you<00:08:04.280> so<00:08:04.520> let's like that's Hollywood for you so let's like that's Hollywood for you so let's let's<00:08:05.000> look<00:08:05.120> at<00:08:05.280> the<00:08:05.400> numbers<00:08:06.199> 2011<00:08:07.000> of<00:08:07.120> the let's look at the numbers 2011 of the let's look at the numbers 2011 of the 100<00:08:08.159> most<00:08:08.599> popular<00:08:09.000> movies<00:08:09.840> how<00:08:09.960> many<00:08:10.159> of<00:08:10.280> them 100 most popular movies how many of them 100 most popular movies how many of them do<00:08:10.520> you<00:08:10.720> think<00:08:11.479> actually<00:08:11.800> have<00:08:12.000> female do you think actually have female do you think actually have female protagonists<00:08:15.479> 11<00:08:16.479> it's<00:08:16.639> not<00:08:16.960> bad<00:08:17.599> it's<00:08:18.120> not<00:08:18.400> as protagonists 11 it's not bad it's not as protagonists 11 it's not bad it's not as it's<00:08:18.919> not<00:08:19.080> as<00:08:19.199> many<00:08:19.479> percent<00:08:20.039> as<00:08:20.400> the<00:08:20.800> number it's not as many percent as the number it's not as many percent as the number of<00:08:21.120> women<00:08:21.319> we've<00:08:21.520> just<00:08:21.639> elected<00:08:21.960> to<00:08:22.199> congress of women we've just elected to congress of women we've just elected to congress so<00:08:22.840> that's<00:08:23.560> good<00:08:24.560> um<00:08:24.759> but<00:08:24.919> there<00:08:25.080> is<00:08:25.199> a<00:08:25.400> number so that's good um but there is a number so that's good um but there is a number that<00:08:26.120> is<00:08:26.319> greater<00:08:26.680> than<00:08:26.919> this<00:08:27.440> that's<00:08:27.639> going that is greater than this that's going that is greater than this that's going to<00:08:27.879> bring<00:08:28.159> this<00:08:28.319> room<00:08:28.639> down<00:08:29.879> in<00:08:30.560> uh<00:08:31.000> last<00:08:31.159> year to bring this room down in uh last year to bring this room down in uh last year in<00:08:31.520> the<00:08:31.599> New<00:08:31.759> York<00:08:32.000> Times<00:08:32.479> published<00:08:32.839> a<00:08:32.959> study in the New York Times published a study in the New York Times published a study that<00:08:33.800> the<00:08:33.919> government<00:08:34.320> had<00:08:34.479> done<00:08:35.159> here's<00:08:35.360> what that the government had done here's what that the government had done here's what it<00:08:35.760> said<00:08:36.760> one<00:08:37.039> out<00:08:37.240> of<00:08:38.279> five<00:08:39.279> women<00:08:39.560> in it said one out of five women in it said one out of five women in America<00:08:41.279> say<00:08:41.640> that<00:08:41.839> they<00:08:42.039> have<00:08:42.240> been<00:08:42.719> sexually America say that they have been sexually America say that they have been sexually assaulted<00:08:43.839> some<00:08:44.080> time<00:08:44.240> in<00:08:44.399> their assaulted some time in their assaulted some time in their life<00:08:47.279> now<00:08:47.720> I<00:08:47.839> don't<00:08:48.000> think<00:08:48.240> that's<00:08:48.440> the<00:08:48.560> fault life now I don't think that's the fault life now I don't think that's the fault of<00:08:49.040> popular of popular of popular entertainment<00:08:51.120> I<00:08:51.240> don't<00:08:51.800> think<00:08:52.800> kids<00:08:53.040> movies entertainment I don't think kids movies entertainment I don't think kids movies have<00:08:53.680> anything<00:08:53.920> to<00:08:54.080> do<00:08:54.240> with<00:08:54.480> that<00:08:55.480> I<00:08:55.519> don't have anything to do with that I don't have anything to do with that I don't even<00:08:55.959> think<00:08:56.200> that<00:08:56.640> you<00:08:56.800> know<00:08:57.080> music<00:08:57.480> videos<00:08:58.000> or even think that you know music videos or even think that you know music videos or pornography<00:08:58.760> are<00:08:59.000> really<00:08:59.160> Direct<00:08:59.440> irly pornography are really Direct irly pornography are really Direct irly related<00:09:00.079> to<00:09:00.279> that<00:09:00.519> but<00:09:00.760> something<00:09:01.120> is<00:09:01.320> going related to that but something is going related to that but something is going wrong<00:09:04.000> and<00:09:04.800> when<00:09:04.959> I<00:09:05.079> hear<00:09:05.320> that<00:09:05.519> statistic<00:09:06.480> one wrong and when I hear that statistic one wrong and when I hear that statistic one of<00:09:06.720> the<00:09:06.839> things<00:09:07.079> I<00:09:07.200> think<00:09:07.519> of<00:09:08.360> is<00:09:09.360> that's<00:09:09.519> a<00:09:09.680> lot of the things I think of is that's a lot of the things I think of is that's a lot of<00:09:10.120> sexual<00:09:10.560> as of sexual as of sexual as salant<00:09:13.200> who<00:09:13.680> are<00:09:13.959> these<00:09:14.200> guys<00:09:14.640> what<00:09:14.760> are<00:09:14.920> they salant who are these guys what are they salant who are these guys what are they learning<00:09:16.200> what<00:09:16.279> are<00:09:16.399> they<00:09:16.560> failing<00:09:17.040> to<00:09:17.279> learn learning what are they failing to learn learning what are they failing to learn are<00:09:18.440> they<00:09:18.600> absorbing<00:09:19.200> the<00:09:19.399> story<00:09:19.959> that<00:09:20.480> a<00:09:20.680> male are they absorbing the story that a male are they absorbing the story that a male Hero's<00:09:22.079> job<00:09:22.720> is<00:09:22.839> to<00:09:23.040> defeat<00:09:23.399> the<00:09:23.519> villain<00:09:23.880> with Hero's job is to defeat the villain with Hero's job is to defeat the villain with violence<00:09:24.839> and<00:09:24.959> then<00:09:25.200> collect<00:09:25.640> the<00:09:25.880> reward violence and then collect the reward violence and then collect the reward which<00:09:26.519> is<00:09:26.640> a<00:09:26.839> woman<00:09:27.200> who<00:09:27.399> has<00:09:27.600> no<00:09:27.800> friends<00:09:28.200> and which is a woman who has no friends and which is a woman who has no friends and doesn't<00:09:28.760> speak

are<00:09:33.079> we<00:09:33.240> soaking<00:09:33.760> up<00:09:34.320> that

story<00:09:37.880> you
story you story you know<00:09:40.240> as<00:09:40.399> a<00:09:40.920> parent<00:09:41.600> with<00:09:41.760> the<00:09:42.040> privilege<00:09:42.600> of know as a parent with the privilege of know as a parent with the privilege of raising<00:09:43.399> a raising a raising a daughter<00:09:45.760> like<00:09:46.120> all<00:09:46.320> of<00:09:46.440> you<00:09:46.560> who<00:09:46.680> are<00:09:46.800> doing daughter like all of you who are doing daughter like all of you who are doing the<00:09:47.200> same<00:09:47.480> thing<00:09:48.399> we<00:09:48.640> find<00:09:49.040> this<00:09:49.279> world<00:09:50.279> and the same thing we find this world and the same thing we find this world and this<00:09:50.680> statistic<00:09:51.240> very<00:09:51.480> alarming<00:09:51.959> and<00:09:52.079> we<00:09:52.200> want this statistic very alarming and we want this statistic very alarming and we want to<00:09:52.519> prepare<00:09:52.959> them<00:09:53.279> we<00:09:53.480> have<00:09:53.720> tools<00:09:54.079> at<00:09:54.200> our to prepare them we have tools at our to prepare them we have tools at our disposal<00:09:55.240> like<00:09:55.800> girl disposal like girl disposal like girl power<00:09:58.000> and<00:09:58.200> we<00:09:58.360> hope<00:09:58.600> that<00:09:58.760> that<00:09:58.880> will<00:09:59.040> help power and we hope that that will help power and we hope that that will help but<00:10:00.320> I<00:10:00.440> got<00:10:00.560> to<00:10:00.760> wonder<00:10:01.399> is<00:10:01.640> girl<00:10:02.040> power<00:10:02.440> going but I got to wonder is girl power going but I got to wonder is girl power going to<00:10:02.800> protect<00:10:03.200> them<00:10:03.600> if<00:10:03.800> at<00:10:03.920> the<00:10:04.040> same<00:10:04.360> time to protect them if at the same time to protect them if at the same time actively<00:10:05.440> or<00:10:05.720> passively<00:10:06.200> we<00:10:06.320> are<00:10:06.480> training actively or passively we are training actively or passively we are training our<00:10:07.440> sons<00:10:08.440> to<00:10:08.640> maintain<00:10:09.040> their<00:10:09.200> boy our sons to maintain their boy our sons to maintain their boy Power<00:10:11.360> I<00:10:11.440> mean<00:10:11.720> I<00:10:11.920> think<00:10:12.560> the<00:10:12.720> Netflix<00:10:13.800> cue<00:10:14.800> is Power I mean I think the Netflix cue is Power I mean I think the Netflix cue is one<00:10:15.360> way<00:10:15.720> that<00:10:15.839> we<00:10:15.959> can<00:10:16.079> do<00:10:16.279> something<00:10:16.680> very one way that we can do something very one way that we can do something very important<00:10:17.760> and<00:10:17.880> I'm<00:10:18.040> talking<00:10:18.320> mainly<00:10:18.600> to<00:10:18.760> the important and I'm talking mainly to the important and I'm talking mainly to the dads dads dads here<00:10:20.880> I<00:10:21.000> think<00:10:21.240> we<00:10:21.399> have<00:10:21.600> got<00:10:21.760> to<00:10:21.920> show<00:10:22.240> our here I think we have got to show our here I think we have got to show our sons<00:10:23.600> a<00:10:23.760> new<00:10:24.000> definition<00:10:24.440> of<00:10:25.120> manhood<00:10:26.120> now<00:10:26.480> the sons a new definition of manhood now the sons a new definition of manhood now the definition<00:10:27.000> of<00:10:27.120> manhood<00:10:27.440> is<00:10:28.079> already<00:10:29.079> uh definition of manhood is already uh definition of manhood is already uh turning<00:10:29.680> upside<00:10:30.079> down<00:10:30.360> I<00:10:30.440> mean<00:10:30.560> you've<00:10:30.760> read turning upside down I mean you've read turning upside down I mean you've read about<00:10:31.320> how<00:10:31.440> the<00:10:31.560> new<00:10:31.839> economy<00:10:32.320> is<00:10:32.480> changing about how the new economy is changing about how the new economy is changing the<00:10:33.040> roles<00:10:33.360> of<00:10:33.880> caregiver<00:10:34.680> and<00:10:35.160> wage<00:10:35.440> earner the roles of caregiver and wage earner the roles of caregiver and wage earner they're<00:10:35.959> throwing<00:10:36.200> it<00:10:36.320> up<00:10:36.440> in<00:10:36.560> the<00:10:36.680> air<00:10:37.560> so<00:10:37.760> our they're throwing it up in the air so our they're throwing it up in the air so our sons<00:10:38.120> are<00:10:38.240> going<00:10:38.320> to<00:10:38.480> have<00:10:38.600> to<00:10:38.839> find<00:10:39.440> some<00:10:39.680> way sons are going to have to find some way sons are going to have to find some way of<00:10:40.040> adapting<00:10:40.519> to<00:10:40.720> this<00:10:40.880> some<00:10:41.079> new of adapting to this some new of adapting to this some new relationship<00:10:42.160> with<00:10:42.320> each<00:10:42.440> other<00:10:42.959> and<00:10:43.120> I<00:10:43.240> think relationship with each other and I think relationship with each other and I think we<00:10:43.880> really<00:10:44.360> have<00:10:44.519> to<00:10:44.720> show<00:10:45.079> them<00:10:45.320> and<00:10:45.519> model we really have to show them and model we really have to show them and model for<00:10:46.200> them<00:10:47.200> how<00:10:47.800> a<00:10:48.320> real<00:10:49.560> man<00:10:50.560> is<00:10:50.760> someone<00:10:51.160> who for them how a real man is someone who for them how a real man is someone who trusts<00:10:52.800> his<00:10:53.240> sisters<00:10:54.240> and<00:10:54.440> respects<00:10:55.040> them<00:10:56.040> and trusts his sisters and respects them and trusts his sisters and respects them and wants<00:10:56.360> to<00:10:56.480> be<00:10:56.639> on<00:10:56.800> their<00:10:57.000> team<00:10:57.399> and<00:10:57.720> stands<00:10:58.120> up wants to be on their team and stands up wants to be on their team and stands up against<00:10:58.680> the<00:10:58.880> real against the real against the real bad<00:11:00.200> guys<00:11:01.200> who<00:11:01.320> are<00:11:01.519> the<00:11:01.720> men<00:11:02.440> who<00:11:02.600> want<00:11:02.720> to bad guys who are the men who want to bad guys who are the men who want to abuse<00:11:03.240> the abuse the abuse the women<00:11:05.200> and<00:11:05.399> I<00:11:05.519> think<00:11:06.079> our<00:11:06.440> job<00:11:06.800> in<00:11:06.920> the<00:11:07.040> Netflix women and I think our job in the Netflix women and I think our job in the Netflix cue<00:11:07.839> is<00:11:07.959> to<00:11:08.120> look<00:11:08.279> out<00:11:08.440> for<00:11:08.680> those<00:11:09.120> movies<00:11:10.120> that cue is to look out for those movies that cue is to look out for those movies that pass<00:11:10.639> the<00:11:10.760> beal<00:11:11.200> test<00:11:11.680> if<00:11:11.800> we<00:11:11.920> can<00:11:12.120> find<00:11:12.399> them pass the beal test if we can find them pass the beal test if we can find them and<00:11:13.399> to<00:11:13.600> seek<00:11:13.959> out<00:11:14.720> the<00:11:14.959> heroins<00:11:15.920> who<00:11:16.079> are and to seek out the heroins who are and to seek out the heroins who are there<00:11:17.920> who<00:11:18.079> show<00:11:18.360> real<00:11:18.639> courage<00:11:19.000> who<00:11:19.160> bring there who show real courage who bring there who show real courage who bring people<00:11:20.240> together<00:11:21.240> and<00:11:21.360> to<00:11:21.560> nudge<00:11:21.880> our<00:11:22.079> sons<00:11:22.440> to people together and to nudge our sons to people together and to nudge our sons to identify<00:11:23.440> with<00:11:23.639> those identify with those identify with those heroins<00:11:25.800> and<00:11:25.959> to<00:11:26.200> say<00:11:26.600> I<00:11:26.680> want<00:11:26.800> to<00:11:26.959> be<00:11:27.079> on<00:11:27.279> their heroins and to say I want to be on their heroins and to say I want to be on their team<00:11:28.720> because<00:11:29.639> they're<00:11:29.839> going<00:11:29.959> to<00:11:30.160> be<00:11:31.079> on team because they're going to be on team because they're going to be on their their their team<00:11:33.279> when<00:11:33.519> I<00:11:33.680> asked<00:11:33.959> my<00:11:34.200> daughter<00:11:34.639> who<00:11:34.880> her team when I asked my daughter who her team when I asked my daughter who her favorite<00:11:35.480> character<00:11:35.839> was<00:11:36.040> in<00:11:36.240> Star<00:11:36.480> Wars<00:11:36.839> do favorite character was in Star Wars do favorite character was in Star Wars do you<00:11:37.000> know<00:11:37.120> what<00:11:37.279> she you know what she you know what she said said said Obi-Wan<00:11:41.320> Obi-Wan<00:11:41.839> Kenobi<00:11:42.519> and Obi-Wan Obi-Wan Kenobi and Obi-Wan Obi-Wan Kenobi and Glenda<00:11:45.680> now<00:11:45.800> what<00:11:45.880> do<00:11:46.079> these<00:11:46.200> two<00:11:46.399> have<00:11:46.519> in Glenda now what do these two have in Glenda now what do these two have in common<00:11:49.279> maybe<00:11:49.560> it's<00:11:49.680> not<00:11:49.839> just<00:11:49.959> the<00:11:50.120> sparkly common maybe it's not just the sparkly common maybe it's not just the sparkly dress<00:11:51.079> I<00:11:51.200> think<00:11:51.519> these<00:11:51.959> people<00:11:52.959> are<00:11:53.440> experts<00:11:54.279> I dress I think these people are experts I dress I think these people are experts I think<00:11:54.560> these<00:11:54.680> are<00:11:54.800> the<00:11:54.920> two<00:11:55.079> people<00:11:55.320> in<00:11:55.440> the think these are the two people in the think these are the two people in the movie<00:11:55.839> who<00:11:56.040> know<00:11:56.360> more<00:11:56.560> than<00:11:56.760> anybody<00:11:57.120> else movie who know more than anybody else movie who know more than anybody else and<00:11:57.639> they<00:11:58.120> love<00:11:58.480> sharing<00:11:58.880> their<00:11:59.279> knowledge and they love sharing their knowledge and they love sharing their knowledge with<00:12:00.279> other<00:12:00.560> people<00:12:00.880> to<00:12:01.079> help<00:12:01.279> them<00:12:01.560> Reach with other people to help them Reach with other people to help them Reach their their their potential<00:12:04.320> now<00:12:04.519> they're<00:12:05.000> leaders<00:12:06.000> I<00:12:06.120> like potential now they're leaders I like potential now they're leaders I like that<00:12:06.480> kind<00:12:06.639> of<00:12:06.839> quest<00:12:07.200> for<00:12:07.320> my<00:12:07.480> daughter<00:12:08.480> and<00:12:08.639> I that kind of quest for my daughter and I that kind of quest for my daughter and I like<00:12:09.079> that<00:12:09.240> kind<00:12:09.360> of<00:12:09.519> quest<00:12:09.760> for<00:12:09.959> my<00:12:10.079> son<00:12:10.360> I like that kind of quest for my son I like that kind of quest for my son I want<00:12:10.680> more<00:12:10.959> quests<00:12:11.360> like<00:12:11.560> that<00:12:12.279> I<00:12:12.399> want<00:12:12.839> fewer want more quests like that I want fewer want more quests like that I want fewer quests<00:12:13.680> where<00:12:13.880> my<00:12:14.000> son<00:12:14.240> is<00:12:14.399> told<00:12:15.320> go<00:12:15.519> out<00:12:15.800> and quests where my son is told go out and quests where my son is told go out and fight<00:12:16.240> it<00:12:16.600> alone<00:12:17.600> and<00:12:17.800> more<00:12:18.160> quests<00:12:19.120> where<00:12:19.320> he fight it alone and more quests where he fight it alone and more quests where he sees<00:12:19.760> that<00:12:19.920> it's<00:12:20.120> his<00:12:20.360> job<00:12:20.560> to<00:12:20.760> join<00:12:21.000> a sees that it's his job to join a sees that it's his job to join a team<00:12:22.880> maybe<00:12:23.120> a<00:12:23.320> team<00:12:24.040> led<00:12:24.360> by team maybe a team led by team maybe a team led by women<00:12:26.600> to<00:12:26.800> help<00:12:27.480> other<00:12:28.160> people women to help other people women to help other people become become become better<00:12:32.600> and<00:12:32.720> be<00:12:32.959> better<00:12:33.639> people<00:12:34.639> like<00:12:35.160> The better and be better people like The better and be better people like The Wizard<00:12:35.600> of Wizard of Wizard of Oz<00:12:37.480> thank Oz thank Oz thank [Applause]


Colin Stokes, TED, TEDx, TEDxBeaconStreet, movies, film, feminism, film, feminism, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, manhood, men, masculinity

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