Khoa học dành cho tất cả mọi người, bao gồm cả trẻ em-Beau Lotto và Amy O ‘ Toole

Science is for everyone, kids included - Beau Lotto and Amy O'Toole

Science is for everyone, kids included - Beau Lotto and Amy O'Toole


[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so<00:00:17.279> this<00:00:17.439> game<00:00:17.640> is<00:00:17.880> very<00:00:18.199> simple<00:00:19.199> all<00:00:19.320> you<00:00:19.480> have so this game is very simple all you have so this game is very simple all you have to<00:00:19.800> do<00:00:20.640> is<00:00:20.840> read<00:00:21.160> what<00:00:21.279> you<00:00:21.480> see<00:00:22.480> right<00:00:23.320> so<00:00:24.119> I'm to do is read what you see right so I'm to do is read what you see right so I'm going<00:00:24.279> to<00:00:24.400> count<00:00:24.599> you<00:00:24.760> so<00:00:24.880> we<00:00:25.000> don't<00:00:25.240> all<00:00:25.400> do going to count you so we don't all do going to count you so we don't all do all<00:00:25.800> do<00:00:25.880> it<00:00:26.080> together<00:00:26.320> okay<00:00:26.480> 1<00:00:26.640> two all do it together okay 1 two all do it together okay 1 two 3<00:00:29.279> amazing<00:00:30.080> what<00:00:30.199> about<00:00:30.439> this<00:00:30.519> one<00:00:30.720> one<00:00:30.880> two 3 amazing what about this one one two 3 amazing what about this one one two three<00:00:33.399> all<00:00:33.600> right<00:00:34.120> one<00:00:34.360> two

three<00:00:39.000> if<00:00:39.120> you<00:00:39.239> were
three if you were three if you were Portuguese<00:00:41.079> right<00:00:41.600> how<00:00:41.719> about<00:00:41.960> this<00:00:42.079> one<00:00:42.320> one Portuguese right how about this one one Portuguese right how about this one one two two two three<00:00:45.520> what<00:00:45.680> are<00:00:46.000> you<00:00:46.239> reading<00:00:47.079> there<00:00:47.199> are<00:00:47.440> no three what are you reading there are no three what are you reading there are no words<00:00:48.160> there<00:00:49.160> I<00:00:49.239> said<00:00:49.559> read<00:00:49.879> what<00:00:50.000> you're words there I said read what you're words there I said read what you're seeing<00:00:51.199> right<00:00:51.399> it<00:00:51.559> literally<00:00:51.920> says<00:00:52.320> what seeing right it literally says what seeing right it literally says what read<00:00:54.559> right<00:00:55.079> that's<00:00:55.280> what<00:00:55.399> you<00:00:55.559> should<00:00:55.760> have read right that's what you should have read right that's what you should have said<00:00:56.960> right<00:00:57.480> why<00:00:57.680> is<00:00:58.000> this<00:00:59.000> it's<00:00:59.239> because said right why is this it's because said right why is this it's because perception perception perception is<00:01:00.600> grounded<00:01:00.960> in<00:01:01.079> our<00:01:01.519> experience<00:01:02.519> right<00:01:03.199> the is grounded in our experience right the is grounded in our experience right the brain<00:01:03.680> takes<00:01:04.000> meaningless<00:01:04.600> information<00:01:05.360> and brain takes meaningless information and brain takes meaningless information and makes<00:01:05.799> meaning<00:01:06.200> out<00:01:06.320> of<00:01:06.520> it<00:01:07.200> which<00:01:07.360> means<00:01:07.640> we makes meaning out of it which means we makes meaning out of it which means we never<00:01:08.080> see<00:01:08.320> what's<00:01:08.600> there<00:01:09.159> we<00:01:09.320> never<00:01:09.520> see never see what's there we never see never see what's there we never see information<00:01:10.600> we<00:01:10.759> only<00:01:11.080> ever<00:01:11.320> see<00:01:11.600> what<00:01:11.720> was information we only ever see what was information we only ever see what was useful<00:01:12.159> to<00:01:12.280> see<00:01:12.439> in<00:01:12.560> the<00:01:13.000> past<00:01:14.000> right<00:01:14.520> which useful to see in the past right which useful to see in the past right which means<00:01:15.240> when<00:01:15.400> it<00:01:15.520> comes<00:01:15.759> to<00:01:16.000> perception<00:01:16.759> we're means when it comes to perception we're means when it comes to perception we're all<00:01:17.280> like<00:01:17.479> this

frog<00:01:25.040> right<00:01:26.040> is<00:01:26.240> getting<00:01:26.479> information<00:01:26.880> is
frog right is getting information is frog right is getting information is General<00:01:27.400> Behavior<00:01:27.759> that's<00:01:27.960> useful


and<00:01:46.119> sometimes<00:01:46.360> when<00:01:46.560> things<00:01:46.759> don't<00:01:46.960> go<00:01:47.159> our
and sometimes when things don't go our and sometimes when things don't go our way<00:01:48.000> we<00:01:48.119> get<00:01:48.240> a<00:01:48.320> little<00:01:48.479> bit<00:01:48.680> annoyed<00:01:49.320> right way we get a little bit annoyed right way we get a little bit annoyed right but<00:01:50.159> we're<00:01:50.399> talking<00:01:50.680> about<00:01:51.000> perception<00:01:51.560> here but we're talking about perception here but we're talking about perception here right<00:01:53.479> and<00:01:53.719> perception<00:01:54.399> underpins right and perception underpins right and perception underpins everything<00:01:55.960> we<00:01:56.240> think<00:01:56.920> we<00:01:57.079> know<00:01:57.479> we<00:01:57.680> believe everything we think we know we believe everything we think we know we believe our<00:01:58.280> hopes<00:01:58.600> our<00:01:58.799> dreams<00:01:59.200> the<00:01:59.320> clothes<00:01:59.640> we our hopes our dreams the clothes we our hopes our dreams the clothes we where<00:02:00.479> falling<00:02:00.799> in<00:02:00.960> love<00:02:01.360> everything<00:02:01.880> begins where falling in love everything begins where falling in love everything begins with<00:02:02.880> perception<00:02:03.880> now<00:02:04.039> if<00:02:04.240> perception<00:02:04.640> is with perception now if perception is with perception now if perception is grounded<00:02:05.200> in<00:02:05.320> our<00:02:05.560> history<00:02:06.560> it<00:02:06.680> means<00:02:06.920> we're grounded in our history it means we're grounded in our history it means we're only<00:02:07.320> ever<00:02:07.680> responding<00:02:08.679> according<00:02:09.000> to<00:02:09.160> what only ever responding according to what only ever responding according to what we've<00:02:09.479> done<00:02:09.879> before<00:02:10.879> but<00:02:11.039> that<00:02:11.160> creates<00:02:11.480> a we've done before but that creates a we've done before but that creates a tremendous<00:02:12.480> problem<00:02:13.480> because<00:02:13.879> how<00:02:14.080> can<00:02:14.239> we tremendous problem because how can we tremendous problem because how can we ever<00:02:14.800> see ever see ever see differently<00:02:17.280> now<00:02:18.200> I<00:02:18.280> want<00:02:18.440> to<00:02:18.560> tell<00:02:18.680> you<00:02:18.800> a differently now I want to tell you a differently now I want to tell you a story<00:02:19.400> about<00:02:19.599> seeing story about seeing story about seeing differently<00:02:21.599> and<00:02:22.280> all<00:02:22.519> new<00:02:22.800> perceptions differently and all new perceptions differently and all new perceptions begin<00:02:23.720> in<00:02:23.920> the<00:02:24.040> same<00:02:24.319> way<00:02:25.080> they<00:02:25.239> begin<00:02:25.519> with<00:02:25.640> a begin in the same way they begin with a begin in the same way they begin with a question<00:02:27.599> the<00:02:27.760> problem<00:02:28.000> with<00:02:28.200> questions<00:02:29.040> is question the problem with questions is question the problem with questions is they<00:02:29.319> create<00:02:29.560> un<00:02:29.879> un<00:02:29.959> certainty<00:02:30.680> now they create un un certainty now they create un un certainty now uncertainty<00:02:31.560> is<00:02:31.680> a<00:02:31.920> very<00:02:32.239> bad<00:02:32.480> thing<00:02:32.720> it's uncertainty is a very bad thing it's uncertainty is a very bad thing it's evolutionary<00:02:33.680> a<00:02:33.840> bad<00:02:34.080> thing<00:02:34.480> if<00:02:34.560> you're<00:02:34.720> not evolutionary a bad thing if you're not evolutionary a bad thing if you're not sure<00:02:35.080> that's<00:02:35.239> a<00:02:35.360> predator<00:02:35.959> it's<00:02:36.160> too<00:02:36.640> late sure that's a predator it's too late sure that's a predator it's too late okay<00:02:38.760> even<00:02:39.040> seasickness<00:02:39.920> is<00:02:40.040> a<00:02:40.200> consequence okay even seasickness is a consequence okay even seasickness is a consequence of<00:02:40.840> uncertainty<00:02:41.840> right<00:02:41.959> if<00:02:42.040> you<00:02:42.120> go<00:02:42.280> down of uncertainty right if you go down of uncertainty right if you go down below<00:02:42.720> in<00:02:42.800> a<00:02:42.920> boat<00:02:43.400> your<00:02:43.560> inner<00:02:43.800> ears<00:02:44.040> are below in a boat your inner ears are below in a boat your inner ears are telling<00:02:44.400> you<00:02:44.480> you're<00:02:44.680> moving<00:02:45.280> your<00:02:45.480> eyes telling you you're moving your eyes telling you you're moving your eyes because<00:02:46.000> it's<00:02:46.120> moving<00:02:46.360> in<00:02:46.519> register<00:02:46.879> with<00:02:46.959> a because it's moving in register with a because it's moving in register with a boat<00:02:47.239> say<00:02:47.480> I'm<00:02:47.640> standing<00:02:48.000> still<00:02:48.519> your<00:02:48.680> brain boat say I'm standing still your brain boat say I'm standing still your brain cannot<00:02:49.360> deal<00:02:49.680> with<00:02:49.800> the<00:02:49.959> uncertainty<00:02:50.480> of<00:02:50.599> that cannot deal with the uncertainty of that cannot deal with the uncertainty of that information<00:02:51.480> and<00:02:51.599> it<00:02:51.760> gets information and it gets information and it gets ill<00:02:53.480> the<00:02:53.680> question<00:02:54.200> why<00:02:54.640> is<00:02:54.760> one<00:02:54.879> of<00:02:54.959> the<00:02:55.080> most ill the question why is one of the most ill the question why is one of the most dangerous<00:02:55.840> things<00:02:56.080> you<00:02:56.239> can<00:02:56.560> do<00:02:57.560> because<00:02:57.800> it dangerous things you can do because it dangerous things you can do because it takes<00:02:58.120> you<00:02:58.280> into<00:02:58.519> uncertainty takes you into uncertainty takes you into uncertainty and<00:03:00.319> yet<00:03:00.879> the<00:03:01.040> irony<00:03:01.519> is<00:03:01.879> the<00:03:02.000> only<00:03:02.239> way<00:03:02.400> we<00:03:02.519> can and yet the irony is the only way we can and yet the irony is the only way we can ever<00:03:03.000> do<00:03:03.200> anything<00:03:03.560> new<00:03:04.040> is<00:03:04.159> to<00:03:04.319> step<00:03:04.560> into ever do anything new is to step into ever do anything new is to step into that<00:03:05.400> space<00:03:06.400> so<00:03:06.640> how<00:03:06.840> can<00:03:06.959> we<00:03:07.120> ever<00:03:07.280> do that space so how can we ever do that space so how can we ever do anything<00:03:07.720> new<00:03:08.360> well anything new well anything new well fortunately<00:03:10.519> Evolution<00:03:10.920> has<00:03:11.080> given<00:03:11.319> us<00:03:11.440> an fortunately Evolution has given us an fortunately Evolution has given us an answer<00:03:12.360> right<00:03:13.239> and<00:03:13.360> it<00:03:13.640> enables<00:03:14.080> us<00:03:14.560> to answer right and it enables us to answer right and it enables us to address<00:03:15.440> even<00:03:15.920> the<00:03:16.080> most<00:03:16.560> difficult<00:03:17.519> of address even the most difficult of address even the most difficult of questions<00:03:18.599> the<00:03:18.799> best<00:03:19.120> questions<00:03:19.440> are<00:03:19.599> the questions the best questions are the questions the best questions are the ones<00:03:19.879> that<00:03:20.040> create<00:03:20.280> the<00:03:20.360> most<00:03:20.599> uncertainty ones that create the most uncertainty ones that create the most uncertainty they're<00:03:21.680> the<00:03:21.760> ones<00:03:21.959> that<00:03:22.159> question<00:03:22.560> the they're the ones that question the they're the ones that question the things<00:03:23.000> we<00:03:23.159> think<00:03:23.400> to<00:03:23.519> be<00:03:23.680> true<00:03:24.200> already<00:03:25.200> right things we think to be true already right things we think to be true already right it's<00:03:25.640> easy<00:03:25.840> to<00:03:26.000> ask<00:03:26.159> questions<00:03:26.440> about<00:03:26.599> how<00:03:26.720> did it's easy to ask questions about how did it's easy to ask questions about how did Life<00:03:27.159> Begin<00:03:27.480> or<00:03:27.599> what<00:03:27.720> extends<00:03:28.000> to<00:03:28.080> be<00:03:28.159> on<00:03:28.280> the Life Begin or what extends to be on the Life Begin or what extends to be on the universe<00:03:28.959> but<00:03:29.080> to<00:03:29.239> question<00:03:29.480> what<00:03:29.560> you<00:03:29.840> think universe but to question what you think universe but to question what you think to<00:03:30.080> be<00:03:30.200> true<00:03:30.480> already<00:03:31.159> is<00:03:31.400> really<00:03:31.640> stepping to be true already is really stepping to be true already is really stepping into<00:03:32.200> that<00:03:32.879> space<00:03:33.879> so<00:03:34.200> what<00:03:34.319> is<00:03:34.640> Evolution's into that space so what is Evolution's into that space so what is Evolution's answer<00:03:36.200> to<00:03:36.360> the<00:03:36.519> problem<00:03:36.720> of answer to the problem of answer to the problem of uncertainty<00:03:38.519> it's uncertainty it's uncertainty it's Play<00:03:40.439> now<00:03:40.640> play<00:03:40.840> is<00:03:41.000> not<00:03:41.200> simply<00:03:41.480> a<00:03:41.720> process Play now play is not simply a process Play now play is not simply a process experts<00:03:43.080> in<00:03:43.480> in<00:03:43.720> play<00:03:44.000> will<00:03:44.159> tell<00:03:44.360> you<00:03:44.840> that experts in in play will tell you that experts in in play will tell you that actually<00:03:45.280> it's<00:03:45.400> a<00:03:45.599> way<00:03:45.760> of<00:03:46.120> being<00:03:47.120> play<00:03:47.360> is<00:03:47.519> one actually it's a way of being play is one actually it's a way of being play is one of<00:03:47.760> the<00:03:47.920> only<00:03:48.239> human<00:03:48.560> endeavors<00:03:49.319> where of the only human endeavors where of the only human endeavors where uncertainty<00:03:50.120> is<00:03:50.319> actually<00:03:51.000> celebrated uncertainty is actually celebrated uncertainty is actually celebrated uncertainty<00:03:52.480> is<00:03:52.640> what<00:03:52.840> makes<00:03:53.200> play<00:03:53.480> fun<00:03:54.400> right uncertainty is what makes play fun right uncertainty is what makes play fun right it's<00:03:55.319> adaptable<00:03:55.799> to<00:03:56.159> change<00:03:57.159> right<00:03:57.360> it<00:03:57.519> opens it's adaptable to change right it opens it's adaptable to change right it opens possibility<00:03:59.799> and<00:03:59.879> it's<00:04:00.079> Cooperative<00:04:00.599> it's possibility and it's Cooperative it's possibility and it's Cooperative it's actually<00:04:01.000> how<00:04:01.120> we<00:04:01.239> do<00:04:01.360> our<00:04:01.519> social<00:04:01.760> bonding actually how we do our social bonding actually how we do our social bonding and<00:04:02.640> it's<00:04:02.840> intrinsically<00:04:03.400> motivated<00:04:03.920> what and it's intrinsically motivated what and it's intrinsically motivated what that<00:04:04.200> means<00:04:04.799> is<00:04:04.959> that<00:04:05.120> we<00:04:05.360> play<00:04:06.280> to<00:04:06.680> play<00:04:07.280> play that means is that we play to play play that means is that we play to play play is<00:04:07.640> its<00:04:07.840> own<00:04:08.560> reward<00:04:09.560> now<00:04:09.720> if<00:04:09.799> you<00:04:10.000> look<00:04:10.159> at is its own reward now if you look at is its own reward now if you look at these<00:04:11.000> five<00:04:11.599> ways<00:04:11.840> of<00:04:12.159> being<00:04:13.159> these<00:04:13.319> are<00:04:13.480> the these five ways of being these are the these five ways of being these are the exact<00:04:14.079> same<00:04:14.400> ways<00:04:14.599> of<00:04:14.760> being<00:04:15.000> you<00:04:15.159> need<00:04:15.760> in exact same ways of being you need in exact same ways of being you need in order<00:04:16.040> to<00:04:16.120> be<00:04:16.239> a<00:04:16.359> good<00:04:17.040> scientist<00:04:18.040> science<00:04:18.359> is order to be a good scientist science is order to be a good scientist science is not<00:04:18.759> defined<00:04:19.079> by<00:04:19.199> the<00:04:19.320> method<00:04:19.600> section<00:04:19.840> of<00:04:19.919> a not defined by the method section of a not defined by the method section of a paper<00:04:20.840> it's<00:04:21.040> actually<00:04:21.239> a<00:04:21.400> way<00:04:21.519> of<00:04:21.680> being<00:04:22.199> which paper it's actually a way of being which paper it's actually a way of being which is<00:04:22.520> here<00:04:23.360> and<00:04:23.440> this<00:04:23.560> is<00:04:23.759> true<00:04:23.960> for<00:04:24.199> anything is here and this is true for anything is here and this is true for anything that<00:04:24.800> is that is that is creative<00:04:27.160> so<00:04:27.960> if<00:04:28.080> you<00:04:28.240> add<00:04:28.440> rules<00:04:28.759> to<00:04:28.960> play<00:04:29.360> you creative so if you add rules to play you creative so if you add rules to play you have<00:04:29.600> a<00:04:29.759> a<00:04:29.919> game<00:04:30.840> that's<00:04:31.039> actually<00:04:31.240> what<00:04:31.400> an have a a game that's actually what an have a a game that's actually what an experiment<00:04:32.440> is<00:04:33.440> so<00:04:33.639> armed<00:04:34.000> with<00:04:34.160> these<00:04:34.320> two experiment is so armed with these two experiment is so armed with these two ideas<00:04:35.639> that<00:04:35.919> science<00:04:36.240> is<00:04:36.360> a<00:04:36.520> way<00:04:36.680> of<00:04:37.080> being<00:04:38.080> and ideas that science is a way of being and ideas that science is a way of being and experiments<00:04:38.840> are<00:04:39.120> Play<00:04:40.000> We<00:04:40.199> asked<00:04:40.720> can<00:04:41.000> anyone experiments are Play We asked can anyone experiments are Play We asked can anyone become<00:04:42.160> a<00:04:42.360> scientist<00:04:43.360> and<00:04:43.479> who<00:04:43.720> better<00:04:44.000> to<00:04:44.280> ask become a scientist and who better to ask become a scientist and who better to ask than<00:04:45.160> 25<00:04:45.759> 8<00:04:45.960> to<00:04:46.080> 10<00:04:46.280> year<00:04:46.440> old<00:04:46.560> children than 25 8 to 10 year old children than 25 8 to 10 year old children because<00:04:47.080> they're<00:04:47.360> experts<00:04:47.759> in<00:04:47.960> play<00:04:48.759> so<00:04:48.919> I because they're experts in play so I because they're experts in play so I took<00:04:49.160> my<00:04:49.320> B<00:04:49.560> Arena<00:04:50.360> down<00:04:50.800> to<00:04:51.479> a<00:04:51.600> small<00:04:51.880> school took my B Arena down to a small school took my B Arena down to a small school in<00:04:52.320> Devon<00:04:53.120> and<00:04:53.240> the<00:04:53.360> aim<00:04:53.520> of<00:04:53.840> this<00:04:54.400> was<00:04:54.600> to<00:04:55.320> not in Devon and the aim of this was to not in Devon and the aim of this was to not just<00:04:55.759> get<00:04:55.919> the<00:04:56.039> kids<00:04:56.240> to<00:04:56.360> see<00:04:56.680> science just get the kids to see science just get the kids to see science differently<00:04:58.280> but<00:04:58.440> through<00:04:58.639> the<00:04:58.880> process<00:04:59.199> of differently but through the process of differently but through the process of science<00:04:59.960> to<00:05:00.120> see<00:05:00.440> themselves<00:05:01.280> differently science to see themselves differently science to see themselves differently right<00:05:03.240> the<00:05:03.400> first<00:05:03.639> step<00:05:04.120> was<00:05:04.280> to<00:05:04.479> ask<00:05:04.639> a right the first step was to ask a right the first step was to ask a question<00:05:06.680> now<00:05:07.120> I<00:05:07.160> should<00:05:07.360> say<00:05:07.520> that<00:05:07.680> we<00:05:07.759> didn't question now I should say that we didn't question now I should say that we didn't get<00:05:08.120> funding<00:05:08.440> for<00:05:08.639> this<00:05:08.800> study<00:05:09.639> because<00:05:10.199> the get funding for this study because the get funding for this study because the scientist<00:05:11.000> said<00:05:11.400> small<00:05:11.720> children<00:05:12.080> could<00:05:12.320> make scientist said small children could make scientist said small children could make useful<00:05:12.960> contribution<00:05:13.400> to<00:05:13.560> science<00:05:14.160> and<00:05:14.280> the useful contribution to science and the useful contribution to science and the teacher<00:05:14.759> said<00:05:15.240> kids<00:05:15.440> couldn't<00:05:15.720> do<00:05:15.880> it<00:05:16.840> so<00:05:17.039> we teacher said kids couldn't do it so we teacher said kids couldn't do it so we did<00:05:17.280> it<00:05:17.759> anyway<00:05:18.759> right<00:05:18.960> of<00:05:19.440> course<00:05:20.440> so<00:05:21.240> here did it anyway right of course so here did it anyway right of course so here are<00:05:21.479> some<00:05:21.600> of<00:05:21.680> the<00:05:21.800> questions<00:05:22.120> I<00:05:22.240> put<00:05:22.400> them<00:05:22.479> in are some of the questions I put them in are some of the questions I put them in small<00:05:22.840> print<00:05:23.080> so<00:05:23.199> you<00:05:23.319> wouldn't<00:05:23.680> bother small print so you wouldn't bother small print so you wouldn't bother reading<00:05:24.160> it<00:05:24.479> point<00:05:24.720> is<00:05:24.919> that<00:05:25.199> five<00:05:25.400> of<00:05:25.560> the reading it point is that five of the reading it point is that five of the questions<00:05:26.039> that<00:05:26.199> the<00:05:26.319> kids<00:05:26.639> came<00:05:26.840> up<00:05:27.080> with questions that the kids came up with questions that the kids came up with were<00:05:28.039> actually<00:05:28.240> the<00:05:28.400> basis<00:05:28.720> of<00:05:28.919> science were actually the basis of science were actually the basis of science public<00:05:30.000> the<00:05:30.160> last<00:05:30.360> 5<00:05:30.560> to<00:05:30.720> 15<00:05:31.280> years<00:05:32.280> right<00:05:32.639> so public the last 5 to 15 years right so public the last 5 to 15 years right so they<00:05:32.919> were<00:05:33.080> asking<00:05:33.440> questions<00:05:33.880> that<00:05:34.000> were they were asking questions that were they were asking questions that were significant<00:05:35.160> to<00:05:35.360> expert<00:05:36.160> scientists<00:05:37.160> now significant to expert scientists now significant to expert scientists now here<00:05:38.160> I<00:05:38.240> want<00:05:38.400> to<00:05:38.560> share<00:05:38.840> the<00:05:39.000> stage<00:05:39.240> with here I want to share the stage with here I want to share the stage with someone<00:05:39.680> quite<00:05:39.919> special<00:05:40.639> right<00:05:41.039> she<00:05:41.160> was<00:05:41.319> one someone quite special right she was one someone quite special right she was one of<00:05:41.520> the<00:05:41.840> young<00:05:42.039> people<00:05:42.240> who<00:05:42.319> was<00:05:42.440> involved<00:05:42.759> in of the young people who was involved in of the young people who was involved in this<00:05:42.960> study<00:05:43.720> and<00:05:43.800> she's<00:05:44.080> now<00:05:44.240> one<00:05:44.360> of<00:05:44.520> the this study and she's now one of the this study and she's now one of the youngest<00:05:45.160> published<00:05:45.600> scientists<00:05:46.039> in<00:05:46.160> the youngest published scientists in the youngest published scientists in the world<00:05:47.560> right<00:05:47.919> she<00:05:48.080> will<00:05:48.319> now<00:05:48.600> once<00:05:48.800> she<00:05:49.000> comes world right she will now once she comes world right she will now once she comes onto<00:05:49.560> stage<00:05:49.960> will<00:05:50.120> be<00:05:50.319> the<00:05:50.479> youngest<00:05:50.919> person onto stage will be the youngest person onto stage will be the youngest person to<00:05:51.360> ever<00:05:51.759> speak<00:05:52.039> at<00:05:52.319> Ted<00:05:53.319> right<00:05:53.800> now<00:05:54.039> science to ever speak at Ted right now science to ever speak at Ted right now science and<00:05:54.759> asking<00:05:55.039> questions<00:05:55.400> about<00:05:55.720> courage<00:05:56.639> now and asking questions about courage now and asking questions about courage now she<00:05:57.080> is<00:05:57.280> the<00:05:57.720> personification<00:05:58.720> of<00:05:58.919> Courage she is the personification of Courage she is the personification of Courage because<00:05:59.479> she's<00:05:59.600> she's<00:05:59.759> going<00:05:59.840> to<00:05:59.919> stand<00:06:00.080> up because she's she's going to stand up because she's she's going to stand up here<00:06:00.319> and<00:06:00.440> talk<00:06:00.560> to<00:06:00.680> you<00:06:00.840> all<00:06:01.280> so<00:06:01.520> Amy<00:06:02.000> would here and talk to you all so Amy would here and talk to you all so Amy would you<00:06:02.280> please<00:06:02.520> come you please come you please come [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]

up<00:06:13.960> so<00:06:14.160> Amy's<00:06:14.440> going<00:06:14.560> to<00:06:14.639> help<00:06:14.800> me<00:06:14.919> tell<00:06:15.199> the
up so Amy's going to help me tell the up so Amy's going to help me tell the story<00:06:15.560> of<00:06:15.680> what<00:06:15.759> we<00:06:15.880> call<00:06:16.000> the<00:06:16.080> black<00:06:16.240> OT<00:06:16.520> bees story of what we call the black OT bees story of what we call the black OT bees project<00:06:17.599> and<00:06:17.720> first<00:06:17.919> she's<00:06:18.120> going<00:06:18.199> to<00:06:18.319> tell project and first she's going to tell project and first she's going to tell you<00:06:18.880> the<00:06:19.120> question<00:06:19.400> that<00:06:19.560> they<00:06:19.680> came<00:06:19.880> up<00:06:20.080> with you the question that they came up with you the question that they came up with so<00:06:20.360> go<00:06:20.479> ahead<00:06:20.720> Amy<00:06:21.160> thank<00:06:21.280> you<00:06:21.479> B<00:06:22.360> we<00:06:22.560> thought so go ahead Amy thank you B we thought so go ahead Amy thank you B we thought that<00:06:22.919> it<00:06:23.000> was<00:06:23.240> easy<00:06:23.680> to<00:06:23.800> see<00:06:24.000> the<00:06:24.120> link<00:06:24.440> between that it was easy to see the link between that it was easy to see the link between humans<00:06:25.639> and<00:06:25.880> apes<00:06:26.400> in<00:06:26.520> the<00:06:26.639> way<00:06:26.800> that<00:06:26.919> we<00:06:27.120> think humans and apes in the way that we think humans and apes in the way that we think because<00:06:28.240> we<00:06:28.360> look<00:06:28.560> alike<00:06:29.599> but<00:06:29.759> we<00:06:29.919> wondered<00:06:30.639> if because we look alike but we wondered if because we look alike but we wondered if there's<00:06:30.960> a<00:06:31.160> possible<00:06:31.520> link<00:06:32.240> with<00:06:32.440> other there's a possible link with other there's a possible link with other animals<00:06:33.759> it'd<00:06:33.960> be<00:06:34.199> amazing<00:06:35.039> if<00:06:35.280> humans<00:06:36.120> and animals it'd be amazing if humans and animals it'd be amazing if humans and bees<00:06:36.759> thought<00:06:37.080> similar<00:06:38.000> since<00:06:38.639> they<00:06:38.840> seem<00:06:39.240> so bees thought similar since they seem so bees thought similar since they seem so different<00:06:39.800> from<00:06:40.360> us<00:06:41.360> so<00:06:41.599> we<00:06:41.759> asked<00:06:42.199> if<00:06:42.360> humans different from us so we asked if humans different from us so we asked if humans and<00:06:42.840> bees<00:06:43.360> might<00:06:43.479> solve<00:06:43.840> complex<00:06:44.360> problems<00:06:45.000> in and bees might solve complex problems in and bees might solve complex problems in the<00:06:45.240> same<00:06:45.520> way<00:06:46.520> really<00:06:47.039> we<00:06:47.160> want<00:06:47.319> to<00:06:47.479> know<00:06:47.800> if the same way really we want to know if the same way really we want to know if bees<00:06:48.560> can<00:06:48.880> also<00:06:49.240> adapt<00:06:49.720> themselves<00:06:50.120> to<00:06:50.319> new bees can also adapt themselves to new bees can also adapt themselves to new situations<00:06:51.520> using<00:06:51.840> previous<00:06:52.199> learn<00:06:52.800> rules situations using previous learn rules situations using previous learn rules and<00:06:53.960> conditions<00:06:54.960> so<00:06:55.759> what<00:06:55.919> if<00:06:56.120> bees<00:06:56.400> can<00:06:56.560> think and conditions so what if bees can think and conditions so what if bees can think like<00:06:56.960> us<00:06:57.520> well<00:06:57.680> it'<00:06:57.840> be<00:06:58.039> amazing<00:06:58.599> since<00:06:58.800> we're like us well it' be amazing since we're like us well it' be amazing since we're talking<00:06:59.199> about<00:06:59.720> insect<00:07:00.080> with<00:07:00.280> only<00:07:00.879> 1<00:07:01.120> million talking about insect with only 1 million talking about insect with only 1 million brain<00:07:01.759> cells<00:07:02.639> but<00:07:02.840> actually<00:07:03.120> makes<00:07:03.360> a<00:07:03.560> lot<00:07:03.720> of brain cells but actually makes a lot of brain cells but actually makes a lot of sense<00:07:04.160> they<00:07:04.280> should<00:07:04.919> because<00:07:05.199> bees<00:07:05.879> like<00:07:06.120> us sense they should because bees like us sense they should because bees like us can<00:07:06.680> recognize<00:07:07.120> a<00:07:07.240> good<00:07:07.440> F<00:07:08.120> regardless<00:07:08.560> of<00:07:08.720> the can recognize a good F regardless of the can recognize a good F regardless of the time<00:07:09.000> of<00:07:09.240> day<00:07:09.919> the<00:07:10.120> light<00:07:10.919> the<00:07:11.080> weather<00:07:11.720> or time of day the light the weather or time of day the light the weather or from<00:07:12.160> any<00:07:12.400> angle<00:07:12.680> it<00:07:12.840> approached<00:07:13.160> it

from<00:07:17.879> so<00:07:18.039> the<00:07:18.199> next<00:07:18.639> step<00:07:19.639> was<00:07:19.840> to<00:07:20.039> design<00:07:20.319> an
from so the next step was to design an from so the next step was to design an experiment<00:07:21.319> which<00:07:21.440> is<00:07:21.560> a<00:07:21.720> game<00:07:22.520> so<00:07:22.680> the<00:07:22.800> kids experiment which is a game so the kids experiment which is a game so the kids went<00:07:23.280> off<00:07:23.840> and<00:07:23.960> they<00:07:24.120> designed<00:07:24.520> this went off and they designed this went off and they designed this experiment<00:07:25.759> and<00:07:25.919> so<00:07:26.479> the<00:07:26.639> well<00:07:26.879> game<00:07:27.400> and<00:07:27.520> so experiment and so the well game and so experiment and so the well game and so Amy<00:07:27.919> can<00:07:28.039> you<00:07:28.120> tell<00:07:28.240> us<00:07:28.440> what<00:07:28.560> the<00:07:28.680> game<00:07:29.039> was<00:07:29.479> in Amy can you tell us what the game was in Amy can you tell us what the game was in the<00:07:29.680> puzzle<00:07:30.000> that<00:07:30.080> you<00:07:30.160> set<00:07:30.400> the<00:07:30.680> bees<00:07:31.680> the the puzzle that you set the bees the the puzzle that you set the bees the puzzle<00:07:32.160> we<00:07:32.319> came<00:07:32.520> up<00:07:32.720> with<00:07:32.879> was<00:07:33.000> an<00:07:33.360> if<00:07:33.759> then puzzle we came up with was an if then puzzle we came up with was an if then rule<00:07:34.680> we<00:07:34.840> ased<00:07:35.120> bees<00:07:35.319> can<00:07:35.479> learn<00:07:35.919> not<00:07:36.280> just<00:07:36.440> to rule we ased bees can learn not just to rule we ased bees can learn not just to go<00:07:36.759> to<00:07:36.919> a<00:07:37.039> certain<00:07:37.479> color<00:07:38.080> but<00:07:38.199> to<00:07:38.360> a<00:07:38.520> certain go to a certain color but to a certain go to a certain color but to a certain color<00:07:39.199> flower<00:07:40.160> only<00:07:40.639> when<00:07:40.759> it's<00:07:40.919> in<00:07:41.039> a<00:07:41.199> certain color flower only when it's in a certain color flower only when it's in a certain pattern<00:07:42.800> they<00:07:42.960> were<00:07:43.199> only<00:07:43.599> rewarded<00:07:44.199> if<00:07:44.319> they pattern they were only rewarded if they pattern they were only rewarded if they went<00:07:44.599> to<00:07:44.759> the<00:07:44.840> yellow<00:07:45.080> flowers<00:07:45.960> if<00:07:46.280> the<00:07:46.440> yellow went to the yellow flowers if the yellow went to the yellow flowers if the yellow flowers<00:07:47.159> were<00:07:47.319> surrounded<00:07:47.720> by<00:07:47.840> the<00:07:47.960> blue<00:07:48.879> or flowers were surrounded by the blue or flowers were surrounded by the blue or if<00:07:49.520> the<00:07:49.639> blue<00:07:49.879> flowers<00:07:50.360> were<00:07:50.520> surrounded<00:07:50.879> by if the blue flowers were surrounded by if the blue flowers were surrounded by the<00:07:51.120> yellow<00:07:52.120> now<00:07:52.319> there's<00:07:52.479> a<00:07:52.639> number<00:07:52.879> of the yellow now there's a number of the yellow now there's a number of different<00:07:53.240> rules<00:07:53.800> the<00:07:53.919> bees<00:07:54.159> can<00:07:54.280> learn<00:07:54.479> to different rules the bees can learn to different rules the bees can learn to solve<00:07:54.800> this<00:07:55.039> puzzle<00:07:55.840> the<00:07:56.000> interesting solve this puzzle the interesting solve this puzzle the interesting question<00:07:56.680> is<00:07:57.199> which<00:07:58.199> what<00:07:58.319> was<00:07:58.520> really question is which what was really question is which what was really exciting<00:07:59.080> about<00:07:59.199> this<00:07:59.560> project<00:07:59.919> was<00:08:00.199> we<00:08:00.720> and exciting about this project was we and exciting about this project was we and Bo<00:08:01.479> had<00:08:01.680> no<00:08:01.919> idea<00:08:02.199> where<00:08:02.440> it<00:08:02.520> was<00:08:02.680> work<00:08:03.120> it<00:08:03.240> was Bo had no idea where it was work it was Bo had no idea where it was work it was completely<00:08:03.919> new<00:08:04.199> and<00:08:04.400> no<00:08:04.560> one<00:08:04.759> had<00:08:04.919> done<00:08:05.039> it completely new and no one had done it completely new and no one had done it before<00:08:05.800> including

adults<00:08:09.520> including<00:08:10.000> the<00:08:10.280> teachers<00:08:11.280> and<00:08:11.440> that
adults including the teachers and that adults including the teachers and that was<00:08:11.759> really<00:08:12.000> hard<00:08:12.199> for<00:08:12.360> the<00:08:12.440> teachers<00:08:12.759> it's was really hard for the teachers it's was really hard for the teachers it's easy<00:08:13.159> for<00:08:13.319> a<00:08:13.440> scientist<00:08:13.879> go<00:08:14.280> not<00:08:14.440> have<00:08:14.520> a<00:08:14.639> clue easy for a scientist go not have a clue easy for a scientist go not have a clue what<00:08:14.960> he's<00:08:15.159> doing<00:08:15.759> because<00:08:16.039> that's<00:08:16.159> what<00:08:16.280> we what he's doing because that's what we what he's doing because that's what we do<00:08:16.520> in<00:08:16.639> the<00:08:16.800> lab<00:08:17.360> but<00:08:17.479> for<00:08:17.599> a<00:08:17.720> teacher<00:08:18.039> not<00:08:18.159> to do in the lab but for a teacher not to do in the lab but for a teacher not to know<00:08:18.400> what's<00:08:18.560> going<00:08:18.639> to<00:08:18.759> happen<00:08:18.960> at<00:08:19.039> the<00:08:19.120> end know what's going to happen at the end know what's going to happen at the end of<00:08:19.360> the<00:08:19.520> day<00:08:20.039> so<00:08:20.400> much<00:08:20.599> of<00:08:20.720> the<00:08:20.840> credit<00:08:21.159> goes<00:08:21.360> to of the day so much of the credit goes to of the day so much of the credit goes to Dave<00:08:21.759> strudwick<00:08:22.319> who<00:08:22.400> is<00:08:22.520> the<00:08:22.639> collaborator Dave strudwick who is the collaborator Dave strudwick who is the collaborator on<00:08:23.240> this<00:08:23.400> project<00:08:24.280> okay<00:08:24.800> so<00:08:25.240> I'm<00:08:25.360> not<00:08:25.479> going<00:08:25.560> to on this project okay so I'm not going to on this project okay so I'm not going to go<00:08:25.800> through<00:08:25.960> the<00:08:26.080> whole<00:08:26.319> details<00:08:26.759> of<00:08:26.879> the go through the whole details of the go through the whole details of the study<00:08:27.400> because<00:08:27.680> actually<00:08:27.879> you<00:08:27.960> can<00:08:28.159> read<00:08:28.319> it study because actually you can read it study because actually you can read it read<00:08:28.759> about<00:08:28.960> it<00:08:29.520> but<00:08:29.639> the<00:08:29.759> next<00:08:29.960> step<00:08:30.199> is read about it but the next step is read about it but the next step is observation<00:08:31.800> so<00:08:32.080> here<00:08:32.240> are<00:08:32.800> some<00:08:32.959> of<00:08:33.080> the observation so here are some of the observation so here are some of the students<00:08:34.240> doing<00:08:34.519> the<00:08:34.719> observations<00:08:35.240> they're students doing the observations they're students doing the observations they're recording<00:08:35.880> the<00:08:36.039> data<00:08:36.240> of<00:08:36.360> where<00:08:36.479> the<00:08:36.560> bees recording the data of where the bees recording the data of where the bees fly<00:08:39.000> she's<00:08:39.279> finishing<00:08:39.680> off fly she's finishing off fly she's finishing off that<00:08:41.919> so<00:08:42.080> what<00:08:42.200> we're<00:08:42.320> going<00:08:42.399> to<00:08:42.919> do<00:08:43.919> is<00:08:44.000> she that so what we're going to do is she that so what we're going to do is she still<00:08:44.399> going<00:08:44.640> up<00:08:44.880> here still going up here still going up here yeah<00:08:47.760> so<00:08:48.000> you<00:08:48.240> keep<00:08:48.560> keep<00:08:48.760> track<00:08:49.320> M<00:08:50.320> can<00:08:50.440> you yeah so you keep keep track M can you yeah so you keep keep track M can you help<00:08:50.720> me<00:08:50.839> Henry<00:08:51.200> can<00:08:51.279> you<00:08:51.399> help<00:08:51.519> me<00:08:51.640> Henry<00:08:51.920> what help me Henry can you help me Henry what help me Henry can you help me Henry what good<00:08:52.279> scientist<00:08:52.680> says<00:08:53.000> that<00:08:53.920> right<00:08:54.920> there

[Music] [Music] right<00:09:01.839> so<00:09:02.000> we've<00:09:02.200> got<00:09:02.320> our<00:09:02.560> observations right so we've got our observations right so we've got our observations we've<00:09:03.360> got<00:09:03.480> our<00:09:03.640> data<00:09:04.120> they<00:09:04.279> do<00:09:04.440> the<00:09:04.600> simple<00:09:05.279> uh we've got our data they do the simple uh we've got our data they do the simple uh mathematics<00:09:06.040> averaging<00:09:06.480> etc<00:09:06.839> etc<00:09:07.800> and<00:09:07.959> now<00:09:08.160> we mathematics averaging etc etc and now we mathematics averaging etc etc and now we want<00:09:08.399> to<00:09:08.560> share<00:09:09.000> that's<00:09:09.160> the<00:09:09.279> next<00:09:09.440> step<00:09:09.640> so want to share that's the next step so want to share that's the next step so we're<00:09:09.839> going<00:09:09.920> to<00:09:10.079> write<00:09:10.240> this<00:09:10.399> up<00:09:10.560> and<00:09:10.680> try<00:09:10.839> to we're going to write this up and try to we're going to write this up and try to submit<00:09:11.240> this<00:09:11.360> for<00:09:11.959> publication<00:09:12.959> right<00:09:13.320> so<00:09:13.440> we submit this for publication right so we submit this for publication right so we have<00:09:13.640> to<00:09:13.760> write<00:09:13.920> it<00:09:14.000> up<00:09:14.160> so<00:09:14.240> we<00:09:14.399> go<00:09:14.600> of<00:09:14.720> course have to write it up so we go of course have to write it up so we go of course to<00:09:15.040> the<00:09:15.360> pub<00:09:16.360> all to the pub all to the pub all right<00:09:18.320> the<00:09:18.399> one<00:09:18.519> on<00:09:18.640> the<00:09:18.760> left<00:09:18.959> is<00:09:19.160> mine<00:09:20.120> okay right the one on the left is mine okay right the one on the left is mine okay now<00:09:20.959> I<00:09:21.079> told<00:09:21.279> them<00:09:21.480> a<00:09:21.600> paper<00:09:21.920> has<00:09:22.120> four now I told them a paper has four now I told them a paper has four different<00:09:22.560> sections<00:09:22.920> an<00:09:23.040> introduction<00:09:23.560> of different sections an introduction of different sections an introduction of methods<00:09:24.360> a<00:09:24.519> results<00:09:25.120> a<00:09:25.320> discussion<00:09:25.760> the methods a results a discussion the methods a results a discussion the introduction<00:09:26.399> says<00:09:26.760> what's<00:09:27.000> the<00:09:27.200> question introduction says what's the question introduction says what's the question and<00:09:27.920> why<00:09:28.600> methods<00:09:28.959> what<00:09:29.079> did<00:09:29.200> you<00:09:29.440> do<00:09:29.839> results and why methods what did you do results and why methods what did you do results what<00:09:30.360> was<00:09:30.480> an<00:09:30.640> observation<00:09:31.440> and<00:09:31.560> the what was an observation and the what was an observation and the discussion<00:09:32.079> is<00:09:32.279> who<00:09:32.480> cares<00:09:33.360> right<00:09:33.760> that's<00:09:33.920> a discussion is who cares right that's a discussion is who cares right that's a science<00:09:34.480> paper<00:09:35.279> basically<00:09:36.279> so<00:09:36.800> the<00:09:37.000> kids<00:09:37.519> give science paper basically so the kids give science paper basically so the kids give me<00:09:37.839> the<00:09:38.000> words<00:09:38.760> right<00:09:39.200> I<00:09:39.320> put<00:09:39.480> it<00:09:39.640> into<00:09:39.839> a me the words right I put it into a me the words right I put it into a narrative<00:09:41.079> which<00:09:41.200> means<00:09:41.440> that<00:09:41.640> this<00:09:41.800> paper<00:09:42.160> is narrative which means that this paper is narrative which means that this paper is written<00:09:42.560> in<00:09:42.760> kids<00:09:43.040> speak<00:09:43.680> it's<00:09:43.839> not<00:09:43.959> written written in kids speak it's not written written in kids speak it's not written by<00:09:44.360> me<00:09:44.640> it's<00:09:44.800> written<00:09:45.040> by<00:09:45.320> Amy<00:09:46.320> and<00:09:46.760> the<00:09:46.880> other by me it's written by Amy and the other by me it's written by Amy and the other students<00:09:47.399> in<00:09:47.519> the<00:09:47.800> class<00:09:48.800> as<00:09:48.880> a<00:09:49.120> consequence students in the class as a consequence students in the class as a consequence the<00:09:49.839> science<00:09:50.160> paper<00:09:50.440> begins<00:09:51.279> Once<00:09:51.560> Upon<00:09:51.720> a

Time<00:09:56.040> the<00:09:56.200> results<00:09:56.720> section<00:09:57.240> it<00:09:57.399> says
Time the results section it says Time the results section it says training<00:09:58.160> phase<00:09:58.519> the<00:09:58.640> puzzle<00:09:59.000> d<00:09:59.640> da<00:10:00.640> right<00:10:01.120> and training phase the puzzle d da right and training phase the puzzle d da right and the<00:10:01.440> methods<00:10:01.880> it<00:10:02.040> says<00:10:02.480> then<00:10:02.640> we<00:10:02.760> put<00:10:02.920> the<00:10:03.040> bees the methods it says then we put the bees the methods it says then we put the bees into<00:10:03.519> the<00:10:03.640> fridge<00:10:03.920> and<00:10:04.079> made<00:10:04.320> be<00:10:04.640> pie<00:10:05.040> smiley into the fridge and made be pie smiley into the fridge and made be pie smiley face<00:10:06.440> right<00:10:06.800> this<00:10:06.880> is<00:10:07.040> a<00:10:07.360> science<00:10:07.720> paper<00:10:07.959> we're face right this is a science paper we're face right this is a science paper we're going<00:10:08.160> to<00:10:08.279> try<00:10:08.399> to<00:10:08.519> get<00:10:08.640> it<00:10:09.200> published<00:10:10.200> so going to try to get it published so going to try to get it published so here's<00:10:10.720> the<00:10:10.880> title<00:10:11.240> page<00:10:11.720> we<00:10:11.880> have<00:10:12.120> a<00:10:12.200> number here's the title page we have a number here's the title page we have a number of<00:10:12.519> authors<00:10:12.839> there<00:10:13.040> all<00:10:13.160> the<00:10:13.240> ones<00:10:13.399> in<00:10:13.560> bold of authors there all the ones in bold of authors there all the ones in bold are<00:10:14.079> 8<00:10:14.320> to<00:10:14.440> 10<00:10:14.680> years<00:10:14.880> old<00:10:15.839> the<00:10:15.959> first<00:10:16.200> author are 8 to 10 years old the first author are 8 to 10 years old the first author is<00:10:16.640> blackon<00:10:17.160> primary<00:10:17.440> school<00:10:17.760> because<00:10:17.920> if<00:10:18.000> it is blackon primary school because if it is blackon primary school because if it were<00:10:18.320> ever<00:10:18.640> referenced<00:10:19.079> it<00:10:19.160> would<00:10:19.279> be<00:10:19.399> blackon were ever referenced it would be blackon were ever referenced it would be blackon at<00:10:20.360> all<00:10:21.279> and<00:10:21.399> not<00:10:21.560> one<00:10:21.760> individual<00:10:22.160> so<00:10:22.279> we at all and not one individual so we at all and not one individual so we submit<00:10:22.720> it<00:10:22.800> to<00:10:22.959> a<00:10:23.399> public<00:10:23.680> access<00:10:24.160> journal<00:10:25.160> and submit it to a public access journal and submit it to a public access journal and it<00:10:25.600> says<00:10:25.920> this<00:10:26.079> it<00:10:26.200> said<00:10:26.440> many<00:10:26.680> things<00:10:26.959> but<00:10:27.079> it it says this it said many things but it it says this it said many things but it said<00:10:27.440> this<00:10:27.760> I'm<00:10:27.920> afraid<00:10:28.200> the<00:10:28.320> paper<00:10:28.720> fails<00:10:29.000> are said this I'm afraid the paper fails are said this I'm afraid the paper fails are inial<00:10:29.600> quality<00:10:29.959> control<00:10:30.279> checks<00:10:30.560> in<00:10:30.800> several inial quality control checks in several inial quality control checks in several different<00:10:31.519> ways<00:10:32.040> in<00:10:32.160> other<00:10:32.360> words<00:10:32.560> it<00:10:32.720> starts different ways in other words it starts different ways in other words it starts off<00:10:33.200> Once<00:10:33.399> Upon<00:10:33.560> a<00:10:33.760> Time<00:10:34.200> the<00:10:34.320> figures<00:10:34.680> in off Once Upon a Time the figures in off Once Upon a Time the figures in crayon<00:10:35.639> Etc<00:10:36.600> so<00:10:36.760> we<00:10:36.920> decid<00:10:37.680> we'll<00:10:38.000> get<00:10:38.120> it crayon Etc so we decid we'll get it crayon Etc so we decid we'll get it reviewed<00:10:39.320> so<00:10:39.440> I<00:10:39.560> send<00:10:39.800> it<00:10:39.920> to<00:10:40.120> Dale<00:10:40.800> pervis<00:10:41.279> who reviewed so I send it to Dale pervis who reviewed so I send it to Dale pervis who is<00:10:41.480> a<00:10:41.639> National<00:10:41.959> Academy<00:10:42.279> of<00:10:42.360> Science<00:10:42.680> one<00:10:42.800> of is a National Academy of Science one of is a National Academy of Science one of the<00:10:43.000> leading<00:10:43.320> neuroscientists<00:10:44.000> in<00:10:44.079> the<00:10:44.200> world the leading neuroscientists in the world the leading neuroscientists in the world and<00:10:44.760> he<00:10:44.959> says<00:10:45.320> this<00:10:45.440> is<00:10:45.560> the<00:10:45.680> most<00:10:45.880> original and he says this is the most original and he says this is the most original scientific<00:10:46.800> paper<00:10:47.000> I've<00:10:47.160> ever<00:10:47.399> read<00:10:48.120> and<00:10:48.200> it scientific paper I've ever read and it scientific paper I've ever read and it certainly<00:10:48.839> deserves<00:10:49.240> wide<00:10:49.480> exposure<00:10:50.320> Larry certainly deserves wide exposure Larry certainly deserves wide exposure Larry Maloney<00:10:51.480> expert<00:10:51.800> in<00:10:52.040> Vision<00:10:52.480> says<00:10:53.000> the<00:10:53.200> paper Maloney expert in Vision says the paper Maloney expert in Vision says the paper is<00:10:53.639> Magnificent<00:10:54.440> the<00:10:54.560> work<00:10:54.800> would<00:10:54.920> be is Magnificent the work would be is Magnificent the work would be publishable<00:10:55.639> if<00:10:55.760> done<00:10:56.000> by publishable if done by publishable if done by adults<00:10:57.800> so<00:10:57.920> what<00:10:58.040> do<00:10:58.160> we<00:10:58.279> do<00:10:58.600> we<00:10:58.680> send<00:10:58.880> it<00:10:59.000> back adults so what do we do we send it back adults so what do we do we send it back to<00:10:59.320> to<00:10:59.399> the<00:10:59.480> editor<00:11:00.040> they<00:11:00.200> say<00:11:00.480> no<00:11:01.360> so<00:11:01.480> we<00:11:01.639> asked to to the editor they say no so we asked to to the editor they say no so we asked Larry<00:11:02.399> and<00:11:02.560> Natalie<00:11:02.920> de<00:11:03.079> hemple<00:11:03.399> to<00:11:03.519> write<00:11:03.680> a Larry and Natalie de hemple to write a Larry and Natalie de hemple to write a commentary<00:11:04.680> situating<00:11:05.200> the<00:11:05.360> findings<00:11:05.760> for commentary situating the findings for commentary situating the findings for scientists<00:11:07.440> right<00:11:07.920> putting<00:11:08.160> in<00:11:08.320> the scientists right putting in the scientists right putting in the references<00:11:09.680> and<00:11:09.800> we<00:11:09.920> submit<00:11:10.200> it<00:11:10.279> to<00:11:10.399> biology references and we submit it to biology references and we submit it to biology letters<00:11:12.079> and<00:11:12.360> there<00:11:12.800> it<00:11:12.920> was<00:11:13.079> reviewed<00:11:13.560> by letters and there it was reviewed by letters and there it was reviewed by five<00:11:14.079> independent<00:11:14.560> referees<00:11:15.279> and<00:11:15.399> it<00:11:15.519> was five independent referees and it was five independent referees and it was published

okay<00:11:26.040> it<00:11:26.200> took<00:11:26.519> four<00:11:26.959> months<00:11:27.560> to<00:11:27.720> do<00:11:27.880> the
okay it took four months to do the okay it took four months to do the science<00:11:28.800> two<00:11:29.040> years<00:11:29.399> years<00:11:29.839> to<00:11:30.040> get<00:11:30.120> it science two years years to get it science two years years to get it published<00:11:32.160> typical<00:11:32.600> science<00:11:33.079> actually<00:11:34.000> right published typical science actually right published typical science actually right so<00:11:35.480> this<00:11:35.720> makes<00:11:36.079> Amy<00:11:36.720> and<00:11:36.880> her<00:11:37.040> friends<00:11:37.480> the so this makes Amy and her friends the so this makes Amy and her friends the youngest<00:11:38.120> published<00:11:38.480> scientist<00:11:38.880> in<00:11:38.959> the youngest published scientist in the youngest published scientist in the world<00:11:39.360> what<00:11:39.480> was<00:11:39.600> the<00:11:39.800> feedback<00:11:40.440> like<00:11:41.440> well<00:11:41.880> it world what was the feedback like well it world what was the feedback like well it was<00:11:42.200> published<00:11:42.519> two<00:11:42.720> days<00:11:42.959> before<00:11:43.240> Christmas was published two days before Christmas was published two days before Christmas downloaded<00:11:44.800> 30,000<00:11:45.760> times<00:11:46.160> in<00:11:46.320> the<00:11:46.480> first<00:11:46.800> day downloaded 30,000 times in the first day downloaded 30,000 times in the first day right<00:11:48.440> it<00:11:48.519> was<00:11:48.680> the<00:11:48.760> editor's<00:11:49.240> choice<00:11:49.480> in right it was the editor's choice in right it was the editor's choice in science<00:11:50.160> which<00:11:50.279> is<00:11:50.360> a<00:11:50.519> top<00:11:50.800> Science<00:11:51.279> magazine science which is a top Science magazine science which is a top Science magazine it's<00:11:52.480> forever<00:11:52.920> freely<00:11:53.399> accessible<00:11:53.880> by<00:11:54.000> biolog it's forever freely accessible by biolog it's forever freely accessible by biolog is<00:11:54.720> the<00:11:54.880> only<00:11:55.200> paper<00:11:55.560> that<00:11:55.639> will<00:11:55.800> ever<00:11:56.000> be is the only paper that will ever be is the only paper that will ever be freely<00:11:56.519> accessible<00:11:57.240> by<00:11:57.399> this<00:11:57.760> journal<00:11:58.760> last freely accessible by this journal last freely accessible by this journal last year<00:11:59.279> was<00:11:59.399> the<00:11:59.519> second<00:11:59.839> most<00:12:00.079> downloaded year was the second most downloaded year was the second most downloaded paper<00:12:01.320> by<00:12:01.560> biology<00:12:02.040> letters<00:12:03.040> and<00:12:03.160> the paper by biology letters and the paper by biology letters and the feedback<00:12:04.079> from<00:12:04.320> not<00:12:04.519> just<00:12:04.720> scientists<00:12:05.480> and feedback from not just scientists and feedback from not just scientists and teachers<00:12:06.519> but<00:12:06.680> the<00:12:06.760> public<00:12:07.040> as<00:12:07.200> well<00:12:07.639> and<00:12:07.760> I'll teachers but the public as well and I'll teachers but the public as well and I'll just<00:12:08.079> read just read just read one<00:12:09.920> I<00:12:10.040> have<00:12:10.200> read<00:12:10.360> black<00:12:10.519> a<00:12:10.800> bees<00:12:11.079> recently<00:12:11.519> I one I have read black a bees recently I one I have read black a bees recently I don't<00:12:11.800> have<00:12:11.959> words<00:12:12.240> to<00:12:12.440> explain<00:12:12.839> exactly<00:12:13.199> how don't have words to explain exactly how don't have words to explain exactly how I'm<00:12:13.440> feeling<00:12:13.800> right<00:12:13.920> now<00:12:14.360> what<00:12:14.480> you<00:12:14.680> guys<00:12:14.839> have I'm feeling right now what you guys have I'm feeling right now what you guys have done<00:12:15.240> is<00:12:15.440> real<00:12:15.760> true<00:12:16.120> and<00:12:16.360> amazing<00:12:17.040> curiosity done is real true and amazing curiosity done is real true and amazing curiosity interest<00:12:17.920> innocence<00:12:18.320> and<00:12:18.440> Zeal<00:12:18.959> are<00:12:19.120> the<00:12:19.279> most interest innocence and Zeal are the most interest innocence and Zeal are the most basic<00:12:19.920> most<00:12:20.120> important<00:12:20.440> things<00:12:20.639> to<00:12:20.760> do basic most important things to do basic most important things to do science<00:12:22.000> who<00:12:22.160> else<00:12:22.399> can<00:12:22.560> have<00:12:22.760> these<00:12:22.920> quali science who else can have these quali science who else can have these quali more<00:12:23.519> than<00:12:23.720> children<00:12:24.399> please<00:12:24.680> congratulate more than children please congratulate more than children please congratulate your<00:12:25.360> children's<00:12:25.760> team<00:12:26.040> from<00:12:26.279> my<00:12:26.800> side<00:12:27.800> so<00:12:28.639> I'd your children's team from my side so I'd your children's team from my side so I'd like<00:12:28.880> to<00:12:29.160> include<00:12:29.440> with<00:12:29.560> a<00:12:29.639> physical like to include with a physical like to include with a physical metaphor<00:12:31.839> can<00:12:31.959> I<00:12:32.079> do<00:12:32.199> it<00:12:32.279> on metaphor can I do it on metaphor can I do it on you<00:12:34.720> okay<00:12:35.240> yeah<00:12:35.320> yeah<00:12:35.480> come<00:12:35.560> on<00:12:36.279> yeah<00:12:36.480> yeah you okay yeah yeah come on yeah yeah you okay yeah yeah come on yeah yeah okay<00:12:37.360> now<00:12:37.800> science<00:12:38.120> is<00:12:38.279> about<00:12:38.480> taking<00:12:38.760> risks okay now science is about taking risks okay now science is about taking risks so<00:12:39.199> this<00:12:39.279> is<00:12:39.519> incredible so this is incredible so this is incredible risk<00:12:41.639> right<00:12:42.440> for<00:12:42.680> me<00:12:43.079> not<00:12:43.240> for<00:12:43.440> him<00:12:44.120> right risk right for me not for him right risk right for me not for him right because<00:12:44.560> we've<00:12:44.720> only<00:12:44.920> done<00:12:45.079> this<00:12:45.279> once because we've only done this once because we've only done this once before<00:12:48.480> and<00:12:48.639> you<00:12:48.760> like<00:12:49.040> technology<00:12:49.680> right<00:12:50.320> all before and you like technology right all before and you like technology right all right<00:12:50.600> so<00:12:50.760> this<00:12:50.880> is<00:12:51.079> the<00:12:51.440> this<00:12:51.519> is<00:12:52.279> this<00:12:52.360> is<00:12:52.440> the right so this is the this is this is the right so this is the this is this is the epitome<00:12:52.880> of<00:12:53.199> Technology<00:12:54.199> right<00:12:54.839> okay<00:12:55.560> now

okay<00:13:02.199> now<00:13:03.199> we're<00:13:03.399> going<00:13:03.480> to<00:13:03.600> do<00:13:03.720> a<00:13:03.839> little
okay now we're going to do a little okay now we're going to do a little demonstration<00:13:05.480> right<00:13:06.480> you<00:13:06.639> have<00:13:06.720> to<00:13:06.880> close demonstration right you have to close demonstration right you have to close your<00:13:07.440> eyes<00:13:08.399> and<00:13:08.519> you<00:13:08.680> have<00:13:08.800> to<00:13:09.000> point<00:13:09.600> where your eyes and you have to point where your eyes and you have to point where you<00:13:09.920> hear<00:13:10.160> me<00:13:10.399> clapping<00:13:11.120> all

right<00:13:20.360> okay<00:13:20.519> how<00:13:20.639> about<00:13:20.920> if<00:13:21.120> everyone<00:13:21.440> over
right okay how about if everyone over right okay how about if everyone over there<00:13:21.839> shouts<00:13:22.279> one<00:13:22.440> two<00:13:22.680> three

[Applause] [Applause] brilliant<00:13:34.800> now<00:13:34.920> open<00:13:35.120> your<00:13:35.320> eyes<00:13:36.160> we'll<00:13:36.320> do<00:13:36.399> it brilliant now open your eyes we'll do it brilliant now open your eyes we'll do it one<00:13:36.639> more<00:13:36.839> time<00:13:37.480> everyone<00:13:37.760> over<00:13:37.920> there one more time everyone over there one more time everyone over there shout<00:13:40.079> where's<00:13:40.320> the<00:13:40.440> sound<00:13:40.680> coming

from<00:13:45.839> thank<00:13:46.000> you<00:13:46.199> very

much<00:13:50.720> what's<00:13:50.959> the<00:13:51.120> point<00:13:51.920> the<00:13:52.079> point<00:13:52.839> is<00:13:53.120> what
much what's the point the point is what much what's the point the point is what science<00:13:53.759> does<00:13:53.959> for<00:13:54.160> us<00:13:54.399> right<00:13:54.680> we<00:13:54.839> normally science does for us right we normally science does for us right we normally walk<00:13:55.360> through<00:13:55.560> life<00:13:55.839> responding<00:13:56.759> but<00:13:56.880> if<00:13:56.959> we walk through life responding but if we walk through life responding but if we ever<00:13:57.320> want<00:13:57.440> to<00:13:57.600> do<00:13:57.839> anything<00:13:58.160> different<00:13:58.440> we ever want to do anything different we ever want to do anything different we have<00:13:58.639> to<00:13:58.759> step<00:13:59.199> into<00:13:59.519> uncertainty<00:14:00.519> when<00:14:00.639> he have to step into uncertainty when he have to step into uncertainty when he opened<00:14:01.079> his<00:14:01.240> eyes<00:14:01.519> he<00:14:01.639> was<00:14:01.759> able<00:14:01.959> to<00:14:02.079> see<00:14:02.360> the opened his eyes he was able to see the opened his eyes he was able to see the world<00:14:02.720> in<00:14:02.800> a<00:14:02.959> new<00:14:03.199> way<00:14:04.120> that's<00:14:04.320> what<00:14:04.519> science world in a new way that's what science world in a new way that's what science offers<00:14:05.199> us<00:14:05.440> it<00:14:05.560> offers<00:14:05.959> the<00:14:06.160> possibility<00:14:06.839> to offers us it offers the possibility to offers us it offers the possibility to step<00:14:07.199> on<00:14:07.839> uncertainty<00:14:08.839> through<00:14:09.079> the<00:14:09.240> process step on uncertainty through the process step on uncertainty through the process of<00:14:09.720> play<00:14:10.560> right<00:14:10.959> now<00:14:11.440> true<00:14:11.839> Science<00:14:12.199> Education of play right now true Science Education of play right now true Science Education I<00:14:13.160> think<00:14:13.399> should<00:14:13.560> be<00:14:13.720> about<00:14:13.959> giving<00:14:14.279> people<00:14:14.519> a I think should be about giving people a I think should be about giving people a voice<00:14:15.680> and<00:14:15.839> enabling<00:14:16.279> to<00:14:16.519> express<00:14:16.880> that<00:14:17.040> voice voice and enabling to express that voice voice and enabling to express that voice so<00:14:17.399> I've<00:14:17.560> asked<00:14:17.800> Amy<00:14:18.680> to<00:14:18.920> be<00:14:19.160> the<00:14:19.360> last<00:14:19.759> voice so I've asked Amy to be the last voice so I've asked Amy to be the last voice in<00:14:20.560> this<00:14:20.720> short<00:14:21.040> story<00:14:21.800> so

Amy<00:14:25.079> this<00:14:25.360> project<00:14:25.880> was<00:14:26.079> really<00:14:26.320> exciting<00:14:26.720> for
Amy this project was really exciting for Amy this project was really exciting for me<00:14:27.320> because<00:14:27.440> it<00:14:27.560> brought<00:14:27.759> the<00:14:28.000> process<00:14:28.360> of me because it brought the process of me because it brought the process of discovery<00:14:29.120> to<00:14:29.360> life<00:14:29.959> and<00:14:30.040> it<00:14:30.160> show<00:14:30.360> me<00:14:30.560> that discovery to life and it show me that discovery to life and it show me that anyone<00:14:31.480> and<00:14:31.600> I<00:14:31.720> mean<00:14:32.279> anyone<00:14:33.120> has<00:14:33.240> the anyone and I mean anyone has the anyone and I mean anyone has the potential<00:14:33.880> to<00:14:34.279> discover<00:14:34.519> something<00:14:34.880> new<00:14:35.759> and potential to discover something new and potential to discover something new and that<00:14:36.040> a<00:14:36.199> small<00:14:36.639> question<00:14:37.120> can<00:14:37.279> lead<00:14:37.480> into<00:14:37.680> a that a small question can lead into a that a small question can lead into a big<00:14:39.000> Discovery<00:14:40.000> changing<00:14:40.440> the<00:14:40.639> way<00:14:40.920> a<00:14:41.079> person big Discovery changing the way a person big Discovery changing the way a person thinks<00:14:41.639> about<00:14:41.880> something<00:14:42.320> can<00:14:42.480> be<00:14:42.680> easy<00:14:43.480> or thinks about something can be easy or thinks about something can be easy or hard<00:14:44.560> it<00:14:44.680> all<00:14:44.880> depends<00:14:45.240> on<00:14:45.360> the<00:14:45.480> way<00:14:45.639> the hard it all depends on the way the hard it all depends on the way the person<00:14:46.199> feels<00:14:46.480> about<00:14:46.720> change<00:14:47.639> but<00:14:47.800> changeing person feels about change but changeing person feels about change but changeing the<00:14:48.240> way<00:14:48.560> I<00:14:48.720> thought<00:14:48.959> about<00:14:49.240> science<00:14:49.639> was the way I thought about science was the way I thought about science was surprisingly<00:14:50.880> easy<00:14:51.560> once<00:14:51.759> we<00:14:51.959> played<00:14:52.160> the surprisingly easy once we played the surprisingly easy once we played the games<00:14:52.800> and<00:14:52.920> then<00:14:53.120> started<00:14:53.440> to<00:14:53.639> think<00:14:53.880> about games and then started to think about games and then started to think about the<00:14:54.199> puzzle<00:14:55.040> I<00:14:55.199> then<00:14:55.399> realized<00:14:55.880> that<00:14:56.079> science the puzzle I then realized that science the puzzle I then realized that science isn't<00:14:57.160> just<00:14:57.320> a<00:14:57.480> boring<00:14:57.920> subject<00:14:58.759> and<00:14:58.880> then isn't just a boring subject and then isn't just a boring subject and then that<00:14:59.360> anyone<00:14:59.959> can<00:15:00.440> discover<00:15:00.639> something<00:15:01.000> new that anyone can discover something new that anyone can discover something new you<00:15:02.320> just<00:15:02.519> need<00:15:02.720> an<00:15:02.959> opportunity<00:15:03.959> my you just need an opportunity my you just need an opportunity my opportunity<00:15:04.720> came<00:15:04.880> in<00:15:04.959> the<00:15:05.040> form<00:15:05.279> of<00:15:05.399> bow<00:15:05.920> and opportunity came in the form of bow and opportunity came in the form of bow and the<00:15:06.160> black<00:15:06.360> aut<00:15:06.680> B<00:15:07.279> project<00:15:08.279> thank<00:15:08.440> you<00:15:08.639> thank the black aut B project thank you thank the black aut B project thank you thank you<00:15:08.920> very<00:15:09.079> much


Beau Lotto, Amy, O’Toole, smart, kid, children, science, importance, science, TED, TED, Talk, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, Ed

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