Phô mai, chó và một viên thuốc để diệt muỗi và chấm dứt bệnh sốt rét – Bart Knols

Cheese, dogs and a pill to kill mosquitoes and end malaria - Bart Knols

Cheese, dogs and a pill to kill mosquitoes and end malaria - Bart Knols


gotcha<00:00:30.830> mosquitoes<00:00:31.830> I<00:00:32.930> hate<00:00:33.930> them<00:00:34.610> don't<00:00:35.610> you
gotcha mosquitoes I hate them don't you gotcha mosquitoes I hate them don't you that<00:00:37.410> awful<00:00:37.860> buzzing<00:00:38.220> sound<00:00:38.519> at<00:00:38.790> night<00:00:38.820> around that awful buzzing sound at night around that awful buzzing sound at night around your<00:00:39.570> ears<00:00:39.900> that<00:00:40.019> drives<00:00:40.260> me<00:00:40.410> absolutely your ears that drives me absolutely your ears that drives me absolutely crazy<00:00:41.960> knowing<00:00:42.960> that<00:00:43.110> she<00:00:43.260> wants<00:00:43.440> to<00:00:43.530> stick<00:00:43.799> a crazy knowing that she wants to stick a crazy knowing that she wants to stick a needle<00:00:44.100> in<00:00:44.309> your<00:00:44.400> skin<00:00:44.670> and<00:00:44.820> suck<00:00:45.089> out<00:00:45.239> your needle in your skin and suck out your needle in your skin and suck out your blood<00:00:46.010> that's<00:00:47.010> awful<00:00:47.460> right<00:00:47.610> in<00:00:48.360> fact<00:00:49.220> there's blood that's awful right in fact there's blood that's awful right in fact there's only<00:00:50.309> one<00:00:50.699> good<00:00:50.940> thing<00:00:50.970> I<00:00:51.330> can<00:00:51.510> think<00:00:51.690> of<00:00:51.900> when only one good thing I can think of when only one good thing I can think of when it<00:00:52.229> gets<00:00:52.409> to<00:00:52.559> mosquitoes<00:00:53.420> when<00:00:54.420> they<00:00:54.570> fly<00:00:54.780> into it gets to mosquitoes when they fly into it gets to mosquitoes when they fly into our<00:00:55.170> bedroom<00:00:55.470> at<00:00:55.589> night<00:00:56.210> they<00:00:57.210> prefer<00:00:57.540> to<00:00:57.720> bite our bedroom at night they prefer to bite our bedroom at night they prefer to bite my<00:00:58.019> wife<00:00:59.269> but<00:01:00.269> that's<00:01:00.420> fascinating<00:01:01.049> right my wife but that's fascinating right my wife but that's fascinating right why<00:01:01.769> does<00:01:02.729> she<00:01:02.940> receive<00:01:03.299> more<00:01:03.540> bites<00:01:03.780> than<00:01:04.500> I why does she receive more bites than I why does she receive more bites than I do do do and<00:01:05.339> the<00:01:06.210> answer<00:01:06.570> is<00:01:06.750> smell<00:01:07.530> the<00:01:08.490> smell<00:01:08.850> of<00:01:08.880> our and the answer is smell the smell of our and the answer is smell the smell of our body<00:01:09.299> and<00:01:09.770> since<00:01:10.770> we<00:01:10.890> all<00:01:11.040> smell<00:01:11.369> different body and since we all smell different body and since we all smell different and<00:01:12.150> produce<00:01:12.450> chemicals<00:01:12.960> on<00:01:13.049> our<00:01:13.080> skin<00:01:13.500> that and produce chemicals on our skin that and produce chemicals on our skin that either<00:01:14.610> attract<00:01:15.180> or<00:01:15.330> repel<00:01:15.740> mosquitoes<00:01:16.740> some either attract or repel mosquitoes some either attract or repel mosquitoes some of<00:01:17.640> us<00:01:17.760> are<00:01:17.910> just<00:01:17.940> more<00:01:18.270> attractive<00:01:18.810> than of us are just more attractive than of us are just more attractive than others<00:01:19.850> so<00:01:20.850> my<00:01:21.000> wife<00:01:21.210> smells<00:01:21.600> nicer<00:01:22.020> than<00:01:22.140> I<00:01:22.290> do others so my wife smells nicer than I do others so my wife smells nicer than I do or<00:01:22.710> I<00:01:22.740> just<00:01:23.610> stink<00:01:24.600> more<00:01:25.020> than<00:01:25.260> she<00:01:25.440> does or I just stink more than she does or I just stink more than she does either<00:01:26.970> way<00:01:27.420> either<00:01:28.350> way<00:01:28.710> mosquitoes<00:01:29.610> find<00:01:29.820> us either way either way mosquitoes find us either way either way mosquitoes find us in<00:01:30.060> the<00:01:30.150> dark<00:01:30.360> by<00:01:30.540> sniffing<00:01:30.960> us<00:01:31.080> out in the dark by sniffing us out in the dark by sniffing us out they<00:01:31.770> smell<00:01:32.130> us<00:01:32.280> and<00:01:32.610> during<00:01:33.510> my<00:01:33.600> PhD<00:01:33.840> I<00:01:34.470> wanted they smell us and during my PhD I wanted they smell us and during my PhD I wanted to<00:01:35.160> know<00:01:35.280> exactly<00:01:35.790> what<00:01:36.600> chemicals<00:01:37.110> from<00:01:37.260> our to know exactly what chemicals from our to know exactly what chemicals from our skin<00:01:37.620> mosquitoes<00:01:38.100> used<00:01:38.400> African<00:01:39.000> malaria skin mosquitoes used African malaria skin mosquitoes used African malaria mosquitoes<00:01:39.810> use<00:01:40.020> to<00:01:40.620> track<00:01:40.830> us<00:01:40.980> down<00:01:41.010> at<00:01:41.280> night mosquitoes use to track us down at night mosquitoes use to track us down at night there's<00:01:43.200> a<00:01:43.290> whole<00:01:43.470> range<00:01:43.770> of<00:01:43.860> compounds<00:01:44.370> that there's a whole range of compounds that there's a whole range of compounds that they<00:01:44.640> do<00:01:44.700> use<00:01:44.970> and<00:01:45.680> this<00:01:46.680> was<00:01:46.830> not<00:01:46.950> going<00:01:47.100> to<00:01:47.190> be they do use and this was not going to be they do use and this was not going to be an<00:01:47.370> easy<00:01:47.520> task<00:01:47.790> and<00:01:48.470> therefore<00:01:49.470> we<00:01:50.010> set<00:01:50.220> up an easy task and therefore we set up an easy task and therefore we set up various<00:01:51.150> experiments<00:01:52.130> why<00:01:53.130> did<00:01:53.430> we<00:01:53.520> set<00:01:53.670> up various experiments why did we set up various experiments why did we set up these<00:01:53.880> experiments<00:01:54.440> because<00:01:55.440> half<00:01:55.740> the these experiments because half the these experiments because half the world's<00:01:56.310> population<00:01:56.750> runs<00:01:57.750> the<00:01:57.960> risk<00:01:58.140> of world's population runs the risk of world's population runs the risk of contracting<00:01:58.620> a<00:01:59.250> killer<00:02:00.030> disease<00:02:00.240> like contracting a killer disease like contracting a killer disease like malaria<00:02:01.040> through<00:02:02.040> a<00:02:02.070> simple<00:02:02.490> mosquito<00:02:02.820> bite malaria through a simple mosquito bite malaria through a simple mosquito bite every<00:02:04.620> 30<00:02:04.979> seconds<00:02:05.520> somewhere<00:02:05.880> on<00:02:06.150> this every 30 seconds somewhere on this every 30 seconds somewhere on this planet<00:02:06.630> a<00:02:06.750> child<00:02:07.049> dies<00:02:07.350> of<00:02:07.740> malaria<00:02:08.190> and<00:02:08.509> Paula planet a child dies of malaria and Paula planet a child dies of malaria and Paula levy<00:02:09.840> this<00:02:10.019> morning<00:02:10.379> he<00:02:10.470> was<00:02:10.590> talking<00:02:10.890> about levy this morning he was talking about levy this morning he was talking about the<00:02:11.159> metaphor<00:02:11.610> of<00:02:11.640> the<00:02:11.760> 77<00:02:12.629> crashing<00:02:13.080> in<00:02:13.170> the the metaphor of the 77 crashing in the the metaphor of the 77 crashing in the United<00:02:13.560> States<00:02:13.860> well<00:02:14.700> in<00:02:14.970> Africa<00:02:15.560> we<00:02:16.560> have<00:02:16.769> the United States well in Africa we have the United States well in Africa we have the equivalent<00:02:17.190> of<00:02:17.519> seven<00:02:18.000> jumbo<00:02:18.680> 747<00:02:19.730> crashing equivalent of seven jumbo 747 crashing equivalent of seven jumbo 747 crashing every<00:02:21.180> day every day every day perhaps<00:02:23.140> if<00:02:23.380> we<00:02:23.560> can<00:02:23.680> attract<00:02:24.040> these perhaps if we can attract these perhaps if we can attract these mosquitoes<00:02:24.730> to<00:02:24.880> traps<00:02:25.180> bait<00:02:26.140> it<00:02:26.290> with<00:02:26.410> our mosquitoes to traps bait it with our mosquitoes to traps bait it with our smell<00:02:26.950> we<00:02:27.670> may<00:02:27.850> be<00:02:27.910> able<00:02:28.180> to<00:02:28.570> stop smell we may be able to stop smell we may be able to stop transmission<00:02:29.380> of<00:02:29.680> disease<00:02:30.780> now<00:02:31.780> solving<00:02:32.230> this transmission of disease now solving this transmission of disease now solving this puzzle<00:02:32.530> was<00:02:32.800> not<00:02:32.980> an<00:02:33.070> easy<00:02:33.160> thing<00:02:33.310> because<00:02:33.850> we puzzle was not an easy thing because we puzzle was not an easy thing because we produced<00:02:34.270> hundreds<00:02:34.720> of<00:02:34.840> difference<00:02:35.110> of produced hundreds of difference of produced hundreds of difference of chemicals<00:02:35.710> on<00:02:35.890> the<00:02:35.980> skin<00:02:36.010> but<00:02:37.000> we<00:02:37.090> undertook chemicals on the skin but we undertook chemicals on the skin but we undertook some<00:02:37.690> remarkable<00:02:38.290> experiments<00:02:38.890> that<00:02:39.700> managed some remarkable experiments that managed some remarkable experiments that managed us<00:02:40.450> to<00:02:40.630> resolve<00:02:40.990> this<00:02:41.170> puzzle<00:02:41.530> very<00:02:41.800> quickly us to resolve this puzzle very quickly us to resolve this puzzle very quickly indeed<00:02:42.490> first<00:02:43.180> we<00:02:43.390> observed<00:02:43.810> that<00:02:44.140> not<00:02:44.950> all indeed first we observed that not all indeed first we observed that not all mosquito<00:02:45.730> species<00:02:45.970> bite<00:02:46.480> on<00:02:46.720> the<00:02:46.840> same<00:02:47.080> part mosquito species bite on the same part mosquito species bite on the same part of<00:02:47.590> the<00:02:47.650> body<00:02:48.300> strange<00:02:49.300> so<00:02:50.200> we<00:02:50.320> set<00:02:50.500> up<00:02:50.620> an of the body strange so we set up an of the body strange so we set up an experiment<00:02:51.220> whereby<00:02:51.970> we<00:02:52.180> put<00:02:52.360> a<00:02:52.390> naked experiment whereby we put a naked experiment whereby we put a naked volunteer<00:02:53.350> in<00:02:53.650> a<00:02:54.160> large<00:02:54.430> cage<00:02:54.790> and<00:02:55.380> in<00:02:56.380> that volunteer in a large cage and in that volunteer in a large cage and in that case<00:02:56.770> we<00:02:57.040> release<00:02:57.340> mosquitoes<00:02:57.910> to<00:02:58.750> see<00:02:58.990> where case we release mosquitoes to see where case we release mosquitoes to see where they<00:02:59.260> were<00:02:59.380> biting<00:02:59.770> on<00:02:59.920> the<00:03:00.310> body<00:03:00.490> of<00:03:00.640> that they were biting on the body of that they were biting on the body of that person<00:03:00.820> and<00:03:01.720> we<00:03:02.140> found<00:03:02.380> some<00:03:02.650> remarkable person and we found some remarkable person and we found some remarkable differences<00:03:03.700> on<00:03:04.000> the<00:03:04.570> left<00:03:04.780> here<00:03:04.990> you<00:03:05.050> see<00:03:05.350> the differences on the left here you see the differences on the left here you see the bites<00:03:06.450> by<00:03:07.450> the<00:03:07.510> Dutch<00:03:07.780> malaria<00:03:08.260> mosquito<00:03:08.590> on bites by the Dutch malaria mosquito on bites by the Dutch malaria mosquito on this<00:03:08.800> person<00:03:09.160> there's<00:03:09.790> a<00:03:09.880> very<00:03:10.090> strong this person there's a very strong this person there's a very strong preference<00:03:10.630> for<00:03:10.840> biting<00:03:11.140> on<00:03:11.440> the<00:03:11.560> face<00:03:12.270> in preference for biting on the face in preference for biting on the face in contrast<00:03:13.780> the<00:03:13.960> African<00:03:14.410> malaria<00:03:14.740> mosquito contrast the African malaria mosquito contrast the African malaria mosquito had<00:03:15.820> a<00:03:15.850> very<00:03:16.150> strong<00:03:16.450> preference<00:03:16.750> for<00:03:17.020> biting had a very strong preference for biting had a very strong preference for biting the<00:03:17.530> ankles<00:03:17.980> and<00:03:18.130> feet<00:03:18.330> of<00:03:19.330> this<00:03:19.960> person<00:03:20.020> and the ankles and feet of this person and the ankles and feet of this person and that<00:03:21.250> of<00:03:21.400> course<00:03:21.580> we<00:03:22.240> should<00:03:22.480> have<00:03:22.570> known<00:03:22.750> all that of course we should have known all that of course we should have known all along<00:03:23.110> because<00:03:23.680> they're<00:03:23.830> called<00:03:24.360> mosquitoes along because they're called mosquitoes along because they're called mosquitoes you<00:03:26.020> see<00:03:27.180> that's<00:03:28.180> right<00:03:30.480> and<00:03:31.480> so<00:03:31.870> and<00:03:32.800> so<00:03:32.860> we you see that's right and so and so we you see that's right and so and so we started<00:03:33.640> focusing<00:03:33.910> on<00:03:34.240> the<00:03:34.390> smell<00:03:34.660> of<00:03:34.870> feet<00:03:35.590> on started focusing on the smell of feet on started focusing on the smell of feet on the<00:03:36.820> smell<00:03:37.060> of<00:03:37.240> human<00:03:37.510> feet<00:03:37.870> until<00:03:38.770> we<00:03:38.890> came the smell of human feet until we came the smell of human feet until we came across<00:03:39.280> a<00:03:39.460> remarkable<00:03:40.120> statement<00:03:40.420> in<00:03:40.840> the across a remarkable statement in the across a remarkable statement in the literature<00:03:41.280> that<00:03:42.280> said<00:03:42.580> that<00:03:42.940> cheese<00:03:43.350> smells literature that said that cheese smells literature that said that cheese smells after<00:03:44.620> feet<00:03:45.210> rather<00:03:46.210> than<00:03:46.480> the<00:03:46.960> reverse<00:03:47.400> think after feet rather than the reverse think after feet rather than the reverse think of<00:03:48.490> it<00:03:48.580> and<00:03:49.080> this<00:03:50.080> triggered<00:03:50.500> us<00:03:50.620> to<00:03:50.740> do<00:03:50.860> a of it and this triggered us to do a of it and this triggered us to do a remarkable<00:03:51.280> experiment<00:03:51.940> we<00:03:52.180> tried<00:03:52.540> with<00:03:53.500> a remarkable experiment we tried with a remarkable experiment we tried with a tiny<00:03:53.950> little<00:03:54.190> piece<00:03:54.520> of<00:03:54.820> Limburger<00:03:55.780> cheese tiny little piece of Limburger cheese tiny little piece of Limburger cheese which<00:03:57.280> smells<00:03:57.610> badly<00:03:57.970> after<00:03:58.300> feet<00:03:58.690> to<00:03:59.680> attract which smells badly after feet to attract which smells badly after feet to attract African<00:04:00.730> malaria<00:04:01.090> mosquitoes<00:04:01.510> and<00:04:01.870> you<00:04:01.930> know African malaria mosquitoes and you know African malaria mosquitoes and you know what<00:04:02.200> it<00:04:02.950> worked what it worked what it worked in<00:04:04.390> fact<00:04:05.170> it<00:04:05.470> worked<00:04:06.130> so<00:04:06.280> well<00:04:06.490> that<00:04:07.150> now<00:04:08.110> we in fact it worked so well that now we in fact it worked so well that now we have<00:04:08.590> a<00:04:08.620> synthetic<00:04:08.890> mixture<00:04:09.700> of<00:04:09.880> the<00:04:10.360> aroma<00:04:10.720> of have a synthetic mixture of the aroma of have a synthetic mixture of the aroma of Limburger<00:04:11.440> cheese<00:04:11.490> that<00:04:12.490> were<00:04:12.610> using<00:04:13.000> in Limburger cheese that were using in Limburger cheese that were using in Tanzania<00:04:13.690> and<00:04:13.960> has<00:04:14.440> been<00:04:14.650> shown<00:04:14.860> there<00:04:15.100> to<00:04:15.220> be Tanzania and has been shown there to be Tanzania and has been shown there to be 2<00:04:15.550> to<00:04:15.700> 3<00:04:15.880> times<00:04:16.090> more<00:04:16.299> attractive<00:04:16.660> to 2 to 3 times more attractive to 2 to 3 times more attractive to mosquitoes<00:04:17.670> than<00:04:18.670> humans<00:04:19.530> Limburg<00:04:20.530> be<00:04:21.370> proud mosquitoes than humans Limburg be proud mosquitoes than humans Limburg be proud of<00:04:22.300> your<00:04:22.510> cheese<00:04:22.840> as<00:04:23.680> it<00:04:23.950> is<00:04:24.070> now<00:04:24.250> used<00:04:24.790> in<00:04:25.000> the of your cheese as it is now used in the of your cheese as it is now used in the fight<00:04:25.390> against<00:04:26.020> malaria

that's<00:04:33.750> the<00:04:33.900> cheese<00:04:34.110> just<00:04:34.440> to<00:04:35.250> show<00:04:35.400> you<00:04:35.810> my
that's the cheese just to show you my that's the cheese just to show you my second<00:04:37.199> story second story second story it's<00:04:38.490> remarkable<00:04:38.940> as<00:04:39.030> well<00:04:39.259> it's<00:04:40.259> about<00:04:40.500> man's it's remarkable as well it's about man's it's remarkable as well it's about man's best<00:04:40.889> friend<00:04:41.400> it's<00:04:41.520> about<00:04:41.669> dogs<00:04:42.030> and<00:04:42.470> I<00:04:43.470> will best friend it's about dogs and I will best friend it's about dogs and I will show<00:04:43.800> you<00:04:43.860> how<00:04:44.669> we<00:04:44.729> can<00:04:44.910> use<00:04:44.970> dogs<00:04:45.419> and<00:04:45.660> the show you how we can use dogs and the show you how we can use dogs and the fight<00:04:45.900> against<00:04:46.139> malaria<00:04:47.419> one<00:04:48.419> of<00:04:48.570> the<00:04:48.660> best fight against malaria one of the best fight against malaria one of the best ways<00:04:49.110> of<00:04:49.350> killing<00:04:49.680> mosquitoes<00:04:50.009> is<00:04:50.639> not<00:04:51.509> to ways of killing mosquitoes is not to ways of killing mosquitoes is not to wait<00:04:51.960> until<00:04:52.380> they<00:04:52.500> fly<00:04:52.770> around<00:04:52.979> like<00:04:53.400> adults wait until they fly around like adults wait until they fly around like adults and<00:04:54.000> bite<00:04:54.750> people<00:04:55.050> and<00:04:55.380> transmitted<00:04:55.740> disease and bite people and transmitted disease and bite people and transmitted disease it's<00:04:57.240> to<00:04:57.419> kill<00:04:57.690> them<00:04:57.900> when<00:04:58.020> they're<00:04:58.169> still<00:04:58.289> in it's to kill them when they're still in it's to kill them when they're still in the<00:04:58.650> water<00:04:58.860> as<00:04:59.330> larvae<00:05:00.500> why<00:05:01.759> because<00:05:02.759> they're the water as larvae why because they're the water as larvae why because they're just<00:05:03.210> like<00:05:03.539> the<00:05:04.199> CIA<00:05:04.729> in<00:05:05.729> that<00:05:06.150> pool<00:05:06.449> of<00:05:06.630> water just like the CIA in that pool of water just like the CIA in that pool of water these<00:05:07.770> larvae<00:05:08.280> are<00:05:08.460> concentrated<00:05:09.330> they're these larvae are concentrated they're these larvae are concentrated they're all<00:05:10.139> together<00:05:10.320> there<00:05:10.740> they<00:05:11.490> are<00:05:11.520> in<00:05:11.910> mobile all together there they are in mobile all together there they are in mobile they<00:05:12.599> can't<00:05:12.900> escape<00:05:13.139> from<00:05:13.530> the<00:05:13.680> water<00:05:13.860> they they can't escape from the water they they can't escape from the water they can't<00:05:14.280> fly<00:05:14.810> and<00:05:15.810> and<00:05:16.620> they're<00:05:17.520> accessible<00:05:17.940> you can't fly and and they're accessible you can't fly and and they're accessible you can<00:05:18.750> actually<00:05:18.900> walk<00:05:19.229> up<00:05:19.410> to<00:05:19.560> that<00:05:19.590> tool<00:05:19.919> and can actually walk up to that tool and can actually walk up to that tool and you<00:05:20.520> can<00:05:20.699> kill<00:05:20.880> them<00:05:21.030> there<00:05:21.240> right<00:05:22.229> so<00:05:24.770> the you can kill them there right so the you can kill them there right so the problem<00:05:25.979> that<00:05:26.250> we<00:05:26.400> face<00:05:26.520> with<00:05:26.910> this<00:05:27.060> is<00:05:27.240> that problem that we face with this is that problem that we face with this is that throughout<00:05:27.750> the<00:05:27.990> landscape<00:05:28.320> all<00:05:29.250> these<00:05:29.669> pools throughout the landscape all these pools throughout the landscape all these pools are<00:05:30.150> falta<00:05:30.509> with<00:05:30.630> a<00:05:30.690> larvae<00:05:31.050> they're are falta with a larvae they're are falta with a larvae they're scattered<00:05:31.680> all<00:05:31.740> over<00:05:31.889> the<00:05:32.099> place scattered all over the place scattered all over the place which<00:05:33.090> makes<00:05:33.389> it<00:05:33.479> very<00:05:33.659> hard<00:05:33.990> for<00:05:34.229> an which makes it very hard for an which makes it very hard for an inspector<00:05:35.190> like<00:05:35.400> this<00:05:35.639> to<00:05:36.330> actually<00:05:36.659> find<00:05:37.020> all inspector like this to actually find all inspector like this to actually find all these<00:05:37.349> breeding<00:05:37.590> sites<00:05:37.889> and<00:05:38.099> treat<00:05:38.669> them<00:05:38.760> with these breeding sites and treat them with these breeding sites and treat them with insecticides<00:05:39.510> the<00:05:40.470> last<00:05:40.710> year<00:05:40.949> we<00:05:41.039> thought insecticides the last year we thought insecticides the last year we thought very<00:05:41.250> very<00:05:41.880> hard<00:05:42.150> how<00:05:43.020> can<00:05:43.349> we<00:05:43.500> resolve<00:05:43.830> this very very hard how can we resolve this very very hard how can we resolve this problem<00:05:44.570> until<00:05:45.570> we<00:05:45.630> realized<00:05:46.110> that<00:05:46.440> just<00:05:46.770> like problem until we realized that just like problem until we realized that just like us<00:05:47.270> we<00:05:48.270> have<00:05:48.449> unique<00:05:48.750> smell<00:05:49.020> that<00:05:49.860> mosquito us we have unique smell that mosquito us we have unique smell that mosquito larvae<00:05:50.820> also<00:05:51.449> have<00:05:51.870> a<00:05:51.900> very<00:05:52.199> unique<00:05:52.500> smell<00:05:52.919> and larvae also have a very unique smell and larvae also have a very unique smell and so<00:05:54.060> we<00:05:54.180> set<00:05:54.360> up<00:05:54.389> another<00:05:55.229> crazy<00:05:55.500> experiment so we set up another crazy experiment so we set up another crazy experiment because<00:05:56.220> we<00:05:56.400> collected<00:05:56.880> the<00:05:57.000> smell<00:05:57.240> of<00:05:57.270> these because we collected the smell of these because we collected the smell of these larvae<00:05:57.840> put<00:05:58.560> it<00:05:58.650> on<00:05:58.770> pieces<00:05:58.979> of<00:05:59.159> cloth<00:05:59.370> and larvae put it on pieces of cloth and larvae put it on pieces of cloth and then<00:06:00.300> did<00:06:00.479> something<00:06:00.840> very<00:06:00.960> remarkable<00:06:01.460> here then did something very remarkable here then did something very remarkable here we<00:06:02.580> have<00:06:02.669> a<00:06:02.729> bar<00:06:03.000> with<00:06:03.659> four<00:06:03.900> holes<00:06:04.139> and<00:06:04.560> we<00:06:04.949> put we have a bar with four holes and we put we have a bar with four holes and we put the<00:06:05.250> smell<00:06:05.580> of<00:06:05.610> these<00:06:05.940> larvae<00:06:06.330> in<00:06:06.449> the<00:06:06.570> left the smell of these larvae in the left the smell of these larvae in the left hole<00:06:06.990> whoo<00:06:07.560> that<00:06:07.740> was<00:06:07.830> very<00:06:07.979> quick<00:06:08.099> and<00:06:08.430> then hole whoo that was very quick and then hole whoo that was very quick and then you<00:06:09.090> see<00:06:09.240> the<00:06:09.330> dog you see the dog you see the dog it's<00:06:10.050> called<00:06:10.289> tweet<00:06:10.590> it's<00:06:10.830> a<00:06:10.889> border<00:06:11.159> collie it's called tweet it's a border collie it's called tweet it's a border collie he's<00:06:11.550> examining<00:06:12.060> these<00:06:12.120> holes<00:06:12.360> and<00:06:12.599> now<00:06:12.690> he's he's examining these holes and now he's he's examining these holes and now he's got<00:06:13.110> it<00:06:13.139> all<00:06:13.289> ready<00:06:13.440> he's<00:06:14.159> going<00:06:14.490> back<00:06:14.639> to got it all ready he's going back to got it all ready he's going back to check<00:06:14.940> the<00:06:15.000> control<00:06:15.449> holes<00:06:15.659> again<00:06:15.900> but<00:06:16.560> he's check the control holes again but he's check the control holes again but he's coming<00:06:16.919> back<00:06:17.039> to<00:06:17.280> the<00:06:17.370> first<00:06:17.580> one<00:06:17.820> and<00:06:17.970> now coming back to the first one and now coming back to the first one and now he's<00:06:18.780> locking<00:06:19.050> into<00:06:19.440> that<00:06:19.560> smell<00:06:19.860> which<00:06:20.699> means he's locking into that smell which means he's locking into that smell which means that<00:06:21.210> now<00:06:21.360> we<00:06:21.389> can<00:06:21.690> use<00:06:21.720> dogs<00:06:22.370> with<00:06:23.370> these that now we can use dogs with these that now we can use dogs with these inspectors<00:06:23.970> to<00:06:24.419> much<00:06:24.599> better<00:06:24.870> find<00:06:25.229> the inspectors to much better find the inspectors to much better find the breeding<00:06:25.680> sites<00:06:25.919> of<00:06:26.130> mosquitoes<00:06:26.639> in<00:06:26.849> the breeding sites of mosquitoes in the breeding sites of mosquitoes in the field<00:06:27.419> and<00:06:27.690> therefore<00:06:27.840> have<00:06:28.050> a<00:06:28.110> much<00:06:28.320> bigger field and therefore have a much bigger field and therefore have a much bigger impact<00:06:28.620> on<00:06:29.220> malaria<00:06:29.780> this<00:06:30.780> lady<00:06:31.050> is<00:06:31.199> Alan<00:06:31.470> from impact on malaria this lady is Alan from impact on malaria this lady is Alan from Goss<00:06:31.770> wave<00:06:31.919> she's<00:06:32.159> one<00:06:32.340> of<00:06:32.370> the<00:06:32.520> best<00:06:32.729> dog Goss wave she's one of the best dog Goss wave she's one of the best dog trainers<00:06:33.930> in<00:06:34.020> the<00:06:34.110> world<00:06:34.259> and<00:06:34.530> she<00:06:34.770> believes trainers in the world and she believes trainers in the world and she believes that<00:06:35.250> we<00:06:35.430> can<00:06:35.460> do<00:06:35.700> a<00:06:35.729> lot<00:06:35.969> more<00:06:36.680> since<00:06:37.680> we<00:06:37.860> also that we can do a lot more since we also that we can do a lot more since we also know<00:06:38.340> that<00:06:38.490> people<00:06:38.669> that<00:06:38.940> carry<00:06:39.210> malaria know that people that carry malaria know that people that carry malaria parasite parasite parasite smell<00:06:41.250> different<00:06:41.700> compared<00:06:42.090> to<00:06:42.210> people<00:06:42.360> that smell different compared to people that smell different compared to people that are<00:06:42.690> uninfected<00:06:43.200> she's<00:06:44.130> convinced<00:06:44.670> that<00:06:44.730> we are uninfected she's convinced that we are uninfected she's convinced that we can<00:06:45.030> train<00:06:45.330> dogs<00:06:45.690> to<00:06:46.380> find<00:06:46.680> people<00:06:46.920> that<00:06:47.160> carry can train dogs to find people that carry can train dogs to find people that carry the<00:06:47.580> parasite<00:06:49.250> that<00:06:50.250> means<00:06:50.520> that<00:06:50.640> in<00:06:50.760> the the parasite that means that in the the parasite that means that in the population<00:06:51.390> where<00:06:51.540> malaria<00:06:51.780> has<00:06:52.020> gone<00:06:52.140> down population where malaria has gone down population where malaria has gone down all<00:06:52.680> the<00:06:52.860> way<00:06:52.980> and<00:06:53.340> there's<00:06:53.730> food<00:06:53.910> few<00:06:54.240> people all the way and there's food few people all the way and there's food few people remaining<00:06:54.840> with<00:06:55.080> parasites<00:06:55.530> that<00:06:55.830> the<00:06:56.280> dogs remaining with parasites that the dogs remaining with parasites that the dogs can<00:06:56.820> find<00:06:57.090> these<00:06:57.180> people<00:06:57.510> we<00:06:57.600> can<00:06:57.750> treat<00:06:57.960> them can find these people we can treat them can find these people we can treat them with<00:06:58.200> anti<00:06:58.470> malarial<00:06:58.830> drugs<00:06:58.860> and<00:06:59.250> give<00:06:59.370> a with anti malarial drugs and give a with anti malarial drugs and give a final<00:06:59.820> blow<00:06:59.970> to<00:07:00.210> malaria<00:07:00.950> man's<00:07:01.950> best<00:07:02.250> friend final blow to malaria man's best friend final blow to malaria man's best friend in<00:07:02.700> the<00:07:02.790> fight<00:07:03.000> against<00:07:03.390> malaria<00:07:04.490> my<00:07:05.490> third in the fight against malaria my third in the fight against malaria my third story<00:07:06.030> is<00:07:06.210> perhaps<00:07:06.630> even<00:07:06.780> more<00:07:07.050> remarkable story is perhaps even more remarkable story is perhaps even more remarkable and<00:07:08.580> I<00:07:09.090> should<00:07:09.300> say<00:07:09.510> has<00:07:09.840> never<00:07:10.050> been<00:07:10.260> shown<00:07:10.470> to and I should say has never been shown to and I should say has never been shown to the<00:07:10.740> public<00:07:11.070> until<00:07:11.220> today<00:07:12.380> yeah<00:07:14.270> it's<00:07:15.270> a<00:07:15.360> crazy the public until today yeah it's a crazy the public until today yeah it's a crazy story<00:07:15.750> but<00:07:16.290> I<00:07:16.320> believe<00:07:16.740> it's<00:07:17.580> perhaps<00:07:17.940> the story but I believe it's perhaps the story but I believe it's perhaps the best<00:07:18.450> and<00:07:18.770> ultimate<00:07:19.770> revenge<00:07:20.010> against best and ultimate revenge against best and ultimate revenge against mosquitoes<00:07:20.850> ever<00:07:21.090> in<00:07:21.810> fact<00:07:21.990> people<00:07:22.260> have<00:07:22.410> told mosquitoes ever in fact people have told mosquitoes ever in fact people have told me<00:07:22.860> that<00:07:23.070> now<00:07:23.640> they<00:07:23.910> will<00:07:24.090> enjoy<00:07:24.320> being<00:07:25.320> bitten me that now they will enjoy being bitten me that now they will enjoy being bitten by<00:07:25.860> mosquitoes<00:07:26.580> and<00:07:27.120> the<00:07:28.050> question<00:07:28.350> of<00:07:28.440> course by mosquitoes and the question of course by mosquitoes and the question of course is<00:07:28.740> what<00:07:29.580> would<00:07:29.820> make<00:07:29.880> someone<00:07:30.390> enjoy<00:07:30.930> being is what would make someone enjoy being is what would make someone enjoy being bitten<00:07:31.620> by<00:07:31.740> mosquitoes<00:07:32.430> and<00:07:32.670> the<00:07:33.480> answer<00:07:33.930> I bitten by mosquitoes and the answer I bitten by mosquitoes and the answer I have<00:07:34.710> right<00:07:34.920> here<00:07:35.450> in<00:07:36.450> my<00:07:36.630> pocket<00:07:37.820> if<00:07:38.820> I<00:07:38.970> get<00:07:39.150> it have right here in my pocket if I get it have right here in my pocket if I get it it's<00:07:41.400> a<00:07:41.490> tongueless<00:07:42.740> simple<00:07:43.740> tablet<00:07:44.010> and<00:07:44.550> when it's a tongueless simple tablet and when it's a tongueless simple tablet and when I<00:07:44.820> take<00:07:45.090> it<00:07:45.320> with<00:07:46.320> water<00:07:46.620> it<00:07:47.240> does<00:07:48.240> miracles

thank<00:07:52.410> you<00:07:58.880> now<00:08:00.080> let<00:08:01.080> me<00:08:01.170> show<00:08:01.320> you<00:08:01.380> how<00:08:01.890> this
thank you now let me show you how this thank you now let me show you how this works<00:08:02.600> here<00:08:03.600> in<00:08:03.900> this<00:08:04.620> box<00:08:04.860> I<00:08:05.040> have<00:08:05.160> a<00:08:05.190> cage works here in this box I have a cage works here in this box I have a cage there's<00:08:07.380> several<00:08:07.620> hundred<00:08:08.750> hungry<00:08:10.850> female there's several hundred hungry female there's several hundred hungry female mosquitoes mosquitoes mosquitoes that<00:08:15.809> I'm<00:08:15.929> just<00:08:16.169> about<00:08:16.429> to<00:08:17.429> release<00:08:19.099> just that I'm just about to release just that I'm just about to release just kidding<00:08:20.429> just<00:08:20.579> kidding<00:08:21.799> what<00:08:22.799> I'm<00:08:22.889> going<00:08:23.009> to kidding just kidding what I'm going to kidding just kidding what I'm going to show<00:08:23.249> you<00:08:23.279> is<00:08:23.849> I'm<00:08:24.029> gonna<00:08:24.179> stick<00:08:24.419> my<00:08:24.539> arm<00:08:24.689> into show you is I'm gonna stick my arm into show you is I'm gonna stick my arm into it<00:08:24.989> and<00:08:25.289> I<00:08:25.949> will<00:08:26.069> show<00:08:26.099> you<00:08:26.279> how<00:08:26.429> quickly<00:08:26.729> they it and I will show you how quickly they it and I will show you how quickly they will<00:08:27.629> bite<00:08:27.979> there<00:08:28.979> we<00:08:29.039> go will bite there we go will bite there we go don't<00:08:31.019> worry<00:08:31.169> I<00:08:31.379> do<00:08:31.499> this<00:08:31.649> all<00:08:31.799> the<00:08:31.829> time<00:08:32.039> in don't worry I do this all the time in don't worry I do this all the time in the<00:08:32.219> lab<00:08:32.810> there<00:08:33.810> we<00:08:33.899> go<00:08:35.120> okay<00:08:36.120> now<00:08:37.039> on<00:08:38.039> the the lab there we go okay now on the the lab there we go okay now on the video<00:08:39.529> on<00:08:40.529> the<00:08:40.860> video<00:08:41.099> here<00:08:41.449> I'm<00:08:42.449> gonna<00:08:42.750> show video on the video here I'm gonna show video on the video here I'm gonna show you<00:08:43.050> exactly<00:08:43.289> the<00:08:43.529> same<00:08:43.709> thing<00:08:43.919> except<00:08:44.370> that you exactly the same thing except that you exactly the same thing except that what<00:08:45.389> I'm<00:08:45.480> showing<00:08:45.660> you<00:08:45.810> in<00:08:45.959> the<00:08:46.050> video what I'm showing you in the video what I'm showing you in the video happened<00:08:47.069> one<00:08:47.370> hour<00:08:47.579> after<00:08:47.910> I<00:08:48.149> took<00:08:48.240> the happened one hour after I took the happened one hour after I took the tablet<00:08:49.379> have<00:08:50.250> a<00:08:50.310> look<00:08:51.199> that<00:08:52.199> doesn't<00:08:52.350> work tablet have a look that doesn't work tablet have a look that doesn't work okay<00:08:53.279> sorry<00:08:54.060> about<00:08:54.089> that<00:08:54.240> I'm<00:08:55.050> sticky<00:08:55.470> getting okay sorry about that I'm sticky getting okay sorry about that I'm sticky getting my<00:08:55.709> arm<00:08:55.920> I'm<00:08:56.160> giving<00:08:56.430> them<00:08:56.519> a<00:08:56.670> big<00:08:56.850> juicy<00:08:56.879> blunt my arm I'm giving them a big juicy blunt my arm I'm giving them a big juicy blunt meal<00:08:57.600> I'm<00:08:57.839> shaking<00:08:58.199> them<00:08:58.319> off<00:08:58.439> and<00:08:58.709> we<00:08:58.769> follow meal I'm shaking them off and we follow meal I'm shaking them off and we follow them<00:08:59.160> through<00:08:59.399> time<00:08:59.610> to<00:09:00.480> see<00:09:00.689> these<00:09:00.839> mosquitos them through time to see these mosquitos them through time to see these mosquitos get<00:09:01.649> very<00:09:02.100> very<00:09:02.370> sick<00:09:02.670> indeed<00:09:02.819> here<00:09:03.149> shown<00:09:03.420> in get very very sick indeed here shown in get very very sick indeed here shown in fast<00:09:03.899> motion<00:09:04.170> and<00:09:04.699> three<00:09:05.699> hours<00:09:06.089> later<00:09:06.529> what fast motion and three hours later what fast motion and three hours later what we<00:09:07.649> see<00:09:07.800> on<00:09:07.920> the<00:09:07.980> bottom<00:09:08.129> of<00:09:08.279> the<00:09:08.399> cage<00:09:08.610> is<00:09:08.879> dead we see on the bottom of the cage is dead we see on the bottom of the cage is dead mosquitoes<00:09:10.579> very<00:09:11.579> dead<00:09:12.120> mosquitoes<00:09:13.189> and<00:09:14.189> I'm mosquitoes very dead mosquitoes and I'm mosquitoes very dead mosquitoes and I'm going<00:09:14.490> to<00:09:14.519> say<00:09:14.670> ladies<00:09:14.970> and<00:09:15.089> gentlemen<00:09:15.509> we going to say ladies and gentlemen we going to say ladies and gentlemen we have<00:09:15.689> swapped<00:09:16.139> the<00:09:16.350> cards<00:09:16.709> with<00:09:16.860> mosquitoes have swapped the cards with mosquitoes have swapped the cards with mosquitoes they<00:09:18.089> don't<00:09:18.449> kill<00:09:18.689> us<00:09:18.899> we<00:09:19.709> kill<00:09:20.360> them

now<00:09:36.050> Maslak<00:09:37.050> vp<00:09:37.350> prayers<00:09:37.850> now<00:09:38.850> think<00:09:39.089> of<00:09:39.149> what
now Maslak vp prayers now think of what now Maslak vp prayers now think of what we<00:09:39.389> can<00:09:39.509> do<00:09:39.629> with<00:09:39.779> this<00:09:39.899> we<00:09:40.709> can<00:09:40.860> actually<00:09:41.009> use we can do with this we can actually use we can do with this we can actually use this<00:09:41.639> to<00:09:41.819> contain<00:09:42.179> outbreaks<00:09:42.749> of this to contain outbreaks of this to contain outbreaks of mosquito-borne<00:09:43.470> diseases<00:09:43.769> of<00:09:44.040> epidemics mosquito-borne diseases of epidemics mosquito-borne diseases of epidemics right<00:09:45.660> and<00:09:45.959> better<00:09:46.800> still<00:09:47.069> imagine<00:09:47.519> what right and better still imagine what right and better still imagine what would<00:09:47.730> happen<00:09:48.059> if<00:09:48.179> in<00:09:48.300> a<00:09:48.360> very<00:09:48.569> large<00:09:48.779> area would happen if in a very large area would happen if in a very large area everyone<00:09:50.040> would<00:09:50.189> take<00:09:50.339> this<00:09:50.490> drugs<00:09:50.790> this<00:09:51.420> drug everyone would take this drugs this drug everyone would take this drugs this drug for<00:09:51.839> just<00:09:52.019> three<00:09:52.259> weeks<00:09:52.429> that<00:09:53.429> would<00:09:53.730> gives<00:09:53.970> an for just three weeks that would gives an for just three weeks that would gives an opportunity<00:09:54.300> to<00:09:54.689> actually<00:09:54.990> eliminate opportunity to actually eliminate opportunity to actually eliminate malaria<00:09:55.920> as<00:09:56.369> a<00:09:56.399> disease<00:09:56.929> so<00:09:57.929> cheese<00:09:58.829> dorks<00:09:59.850> and malaria as a disease so cheese dorks and malaria as a disease so cheese dorks and a<00:10:00.149> pill<00:10:00.389> to<00:10:00.569> kill<00:10:00.689> mosquitoes<00:10:01.230> that's<00:10:01.860> the a pill to kill mosquitoes that's the a pill to kill mosquitoes that's the kind<00:10:02.369> of<00:10:02.490> out-of-the-box<00:10:02.879> science<00:10:03.449> that<00:10:03.540> I kind of out-of-the-box science that I kind of out-of-the-box science that I love<00:10:04.019> doing<00:10:04.639> for<00:10:05.639> the<00:10:05.730> betterment<00:10:05.999> of<00:10:06.149> mankind love doing for the betterment of mankind love doing for the betterment of mankind but<00:10:07.589> especially<00:10:08.160> for<00:10:08.339> her<00:10:08.550> so<00:10:09.269> that<00:10:09.300> she<00:10:09.629> can but especially for her so that she can but especially for her so that she can grow<00:10:09.990> up<00:10:10.019> in<00:10:10.290> the<00:10:10.920> world<00:10:11.129> without<00:10:11.970> malaria grow up in the world without malaria grow up in the world without malaria thank<00:10:13.230> you

Bart Knols, TED, TEDx, TEDxMaastricht, musquito, malaria, fight, malaria, limburger, cheese, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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