Bí mật của bộ gen dơi-Emma Teeling

The secret of the bat genome - Emma Teeling

The secret of the bat genome - Emma Teeling




what<00:00:15.759> I<00:00:15.879> want<00:00:16.119> you<00:00:16.279> all<00:00:16.440> to<00:00:16.600> do<00:00:16.960> right<00:00:17.199> now<00:00:18.080> is
what I want you all to do right now is what I want you all to do right now is to<00:00:18.480> think<00:00:18.920> of<00:00:19.240> this<00:00:19.480> mammal<00:00:20.000> that<00:00:20.160> I'm<00:00:20.320> going to think of this mammal that I'm going to think of this mammal that I'm going to<00:00:20.720> describe<00:00:21.160> to<00:00:21.640> you<00:00:22.640> the<00:00:22.800> first<00:00:23.039> thing<00:00:23.199> I'm to describe to you the first thing I'm to describe to you the first thing I'm going<00:00:23.480> to<00:00:23.640> tell<00:00:23.840> you<00:00:24.160> about<00:00:24.439> this<00:00:24.599> mammal<00:00:25.439> is going to tell you about this mammal is going to tell you about this mammal is that<00:00:25.760> it<00:00:25.880> is<00:00:26.160> essential<00:00:26.679> for<00:00:26.880> our<00:00:27.160> ecosystems that it is essential for our ecosystems that it is essential for our ecosystems to<00:00:28.240> function<00:00:28.960> correctly<00:00:30.039> if<00:00:30.160> we<00:00:30.359> remove<00:00:30.880> this to function correctly if we remove this to function correctly if we remove this mammal<00:00:31.439> from<00:00:31.560> our<00:00:31.800> ecosystems<00:00:32.800> they<00:00:33.079> simply mammal from our ecosystems they simply mammal from our ecosystems they simply will<00:00:34.000> not<00:00:34.640> work<00:00:35.640> that's<00:00:35.800> the<00:00:35.960> first<00:00:36.680> thing<00:00:37.680> the will not work that's the first thing the will not work that's the first thing the second<00:00:38.360> thing<00:00:38.960> is<00:00:39.120> that<00:00:39.320> due<00:00:39.520> to<00:00:39.719> the<00:00:39.960> unique second thing is that due to the unique second thing is that due to the unique sensory<00:00:41.520> abilities<00:00:42.520> of<00:00:42.760> this<00:00:43.039> mammal<00:00:44.039> if<00:00:44.239> we sensory abilities of this mammal if we sensory abilities of this mammal if we study<00:00:45.280> this<00:00:45.480> mammal<00:00:46.039> we're<00:00:46.199> going<00:00:46.320> to<00:00:46.440> get study this mammal we're going to get study this mammal we're going to get great<00:00:47.160> insight<00:00:48.120> into<00:00:48.879> our<00:00:49.239> diseases<00:00:49.960> of<00:00:50.160> the great insight into our diseases of the great insight into our diseases of the senses<00:00:51.280> such<00:00:51.480> as<00:00:51.680> blindness<00:00:52.680> and senses such as blindness and senses such as blindness and deafness<00:00:54.600> and<00:00:54.719> the<00:00:55.000> third<00:00:55.840> really<00:00:56.320> intriguing deafness and the third really intriguing deafness and the third really intriguing aspect<00:00:57.800> of<00:00:58.000> this<00:00:58.199> mammal<00:00:59.160> is<00:00:59.320> that<00:00:59.640> I<00:01:00.320> fully aspect of this mammal is that I fully aspect of this mammal is that I fully believe<00:01:01.920> that<00:01:02.079> the<00:01:02.239> secret<00:01:02.719> of<00:01:02.920> everlasting believe that the secret of everlasting believe that the secret of everlasting youth<00:01:04.479> lies<00:01:04.960> deep<00:01:05.720> within<00:01:06.159> its youth lies deep within its youth lies deep within its DNA<00:01:08.280> so<00:01:08.479> are<00:01:08.600> you<00:01:08.720> all DNA so are you all DNA so are you all thinking thinking thinking so<00:01:13.520> magnificent<00:01:14.159> creature<00:01:14.560> isn't<00:01:15.119> it<00:01:16.119> who so magnificent creature isn't it who so magnificent creature isn't it who here<00:01:17.240> thought<00:01:17.520> of<00:01:17.640> a here thought of a here thought of a bat<00:01:20.000> H<00:01:20.159> I<00:01:20.240> can<00:01:20.360> see<00:01:20.720> half<00:01:20.920> the<00:01:21.079> audience<00:01:21.479> agrees bat H I can see half the audience agrees bat H I can see half the audience agrees with<00:01:22.000> me<00:01:22.159> and<00:01:22.240> I<00:01:22.360> have<00:01:22.479> a<00:01:22.560> lot<00:01:22.680> of<00:01:22.799> work<00:01:22.960> to<00:01:23.079> do with me and I have a lot of work to do with me and I have a lot of work to do to<00:01:23.400> convince<00:01:23.720> the<00:01:23.880> rest<00:01:24.079> of<00:01:24.439> you<00:01:25.439> so<00:01:25.720> I<00:01:25.840> have to convince the rest of you so I have to convince the rest of you so I have had<00:01:26.159> the<00:01:26.320> Good<00:01:26.560> Fortune<00:01:27.479> for<00:01:27.759> the<00:01:28.079> past<00:01:28.680> 20 had the Good Fortune for the past 20 had the Good Fortune for the past 20 years<00:01:29.479> to<00:01:29.920> study<00:01:30.240> these<00:01:30.600> fascinating<00:01:31.439> and years to study these fascinating and years to study these fascinating and beautiful beautiful beautiful mammals<00:01:34.200> 1if<00:01:34.960> of<00:01:35.079> all<00:01:35.360> living<00:01:35.680> mammals<00:01:36.399> is<00:01:36.520> a mammals 1if of all living mammals is a mammals 1if of all living mammals is a bat<00:01:37.960> and<00:01:38.079> they<00:01:38.200> have<00:01:38.399> very<00:01:38.640> unique<00:01:39.640> attributes bat and they have very unique attributes bat and they have very unique attributes bats<00:01:41.159> as<00:01:41.280> we<00:01:41.399> know<00:01:41.680> them<00:01:41.920> have<00:01:42.079> been<00:01:42.280> around<00:01:42.640> on bats as we know them have been around on bats as we know them have been around on this<00:01:43.000> planet<00:01:43.360> for<00:01:43.600> about<00:01:43.920> 64<00:01:44.920> million this planet for about 64 million this planet for about 64 million years<00:01:47.640> one<00:01:47.759> of<00:01:47.920> the<00:01:48.079> most<00:01:48.360> unique<00:01:48.920> things<00:01:49.360> that years one of the most unique things that years one of the most unique things that bats<00:01:50.040> do<00:01:50.799> as<00:01:50.960> a<00:01:51.119> mammal<00:01:51.600> is<00:01:51.719> that<00:01:51.920> they<00:01:52.560> fly<00:01:53.560> now bats do as a mammal is that they fly now bats do as a mammal is that they fly now flight<00:01:54.600> is<00:01:54.719> an<00:01:54.880> inherently<00:01:55.680> difficult<00:01:55.920> thing flight is an inherently difficult thing flight is an inherently difficult thing flight<00:01:57.240> within<00:01:57.600> vertebrates<00:01:58.560> has<00:01:58.719> only flight within vertebrates has only flight within vertebrates has only involved<00:01:59.840> three<00:02:00.119> times<00:02:00.920> once<00:02:01.159> in<00:02:01.320> the<00:02:01.719> bats involved three times once in the bats involved three times once in the bats Once<00:02:03.000> In<00:02:03.119> The<00:02:03.240> Birds<00:02:04.200> And<00:02:04.360> once<00:02:04.719> in<00:02:04.880> the Once In The Birds And once in the Once In The Birds And once in the pterodactyls<00:02:06.439> and<00:02:06.560> so<00:02:06.799> with<00:02:07.000> flight<00:02:07.520> it's pterodactyls and so with flight it's pterodactyls and so with flight it's very<00:02:08.360> metabolically<00:02:09.200> costly<00:02:10.080> bats<00:02:10.399> have very metabolically costly bats have very metabolically costly bats have learned<00:02:11.080> and<00:02:11.280> evolved<00:02:11.800> how<00:02:11.920> to<00:02:12.080> deal<00:02:12.400> with learned and evolved how to deal with learned and evolved how to deal with this<00:02:14.440> but<00:02:14.680> one<00:02:15.120> other<00:02:15.800> extremely<00:02:16.319> unique this but one other extremely unique this but one other extremely unique thing<00:02:17.120> about<00:02:17.519> bats<00:02:18.519> is<00:02:18.680> that<00:02:18.840> they<00:02:18.920> are<00:02:19.160> able thing about bats is that they are able thing about bats is that they are able to<00:02:19.640> use<00:02:20.040> sound<00:02:20.560> to<00:02:20.760> perceive<00:02:21.200> their to use sound to perceive their to use sound to perceive their environment<00:02:22.640> they<00:02:23.200> use<00:02:24.519> echolocation<00:02:25.519> now environment they use echolocation now environment they use echolocation now what<00:02:25.879> I<00:02:26.000> mean<00:02:26.200> by<00:02:26.840> echolocation<00:02:27.840> they<00:02:28.000> emit<00:02:28.239> a what I mean by echolocation they emit a what I mean by echolocation they emit a sound<00:02:28.920> from<00:02:29.080> their<00:02:29.239> larynx<00:02:30.200> out<00:02:30.440> to<00:02:30.640> their sound from their larynx out to their sound from their larynx out to their mouth<00:02:31.200> or<00:02:31.360> through<00:02:31.560> their<00:02:31.959> nose<00:02:32.959> this<00:02:33.200> sound mouth or through their nose this sound mouth or through their nose this sound wave<00:02:34.360> comes<00:02:34.640> out<00:02:35.400> and<00:02:35.519> it<00:02:35.720> reflects<00:02:36.440> and wave comes out and it reflects and wave comes out and it reflects and Echoes<00:02:37.200> back<00:02:37.400> off<00:02:37.800> objects<00:02:38.239> in<00:02:38.360> their Echoes back off objects in their Echoes back off objects in their environment<00:02:39.519> and<00:02:39.640> the<00:02:39.800> bats<00:02:40.319> then<00:02:40.760> hear<00:02:41.159> these environment and the bats then hear these environment and the bats then hear these Echoes<00:02:42.239> and<00:02:42.360> they<00:02:42.519> turn<00:02:43.000> this<00:02:43.239> information Echoes and they turn this information Echoes and they turn this information into<00:02:44.120> an<00:02:44.280> acoustic<00:02:44.920> image<00:02:45.920> and<00:02:46.080> this<00:02:46.239> enables into an acoustic image and this enables into an acoustic image and this enables them<00:02:46.959> to<00:02:47.200> orient<00:02:47.680> in<00:02:47.920> complete them to orient in complete them to orient in complete darkness<00:02:50.319> indeed<00:02:50.680> they<00:02:50.840> do<00:02:51.080> look<00:02:51.400> very darkness indeed they do look very darkness indeed they do look very strange<00:02:52.680> we're<00:02:53.000> humans<00:02:53.920> we<00:02:54.040> are<00:02:54.319> visual strange we're humans we are visual strange we're humans we are visual species<00:02:55.920> when<00:02:56.159> scientists<00:02:56.720> first<00:02:57.040> realized species when scientists first realized species when scientists first realized that<00:02:57.760> bats<00:02:58.040> were<00:02:58.239> actually<00:02:58.480> using<00:02:58.959> sound<00:02:59.800> to that bats were actually using sound to that bats were actually using sound to be<00:03:00.080> able<00:03:00.360> to<00:03:00.560> fly<00:03:01.000> and<00:03:01.200> Orient<00:03:01.640> and<00:03:01.800> move<00:03:02.080> at be able to fly and Orient and move at be able to fly and Orient and move at night<00:03:02.800> we<00:03:02.920> didn't<00:03:03.200> believe<00:03:03.480> it<00:03:04.040> for<00:03:04.280> a<00:03:04.440> hundred night we didn't believe it for a hundred night we didn't believe it for a hundred years<00:03:05.080> despite<00:03:05.959> evidence<00:03:06.440> to<00:03:06.879> show<00:03:07.200> that<00:03:07.360> this years despite evidence to show that this years despite evidence to show that this is<00:03:07.560> what<00:03:07.720> they<00:03:07.840> were<00:03:07.959> doing<00:03:08.560> we<00:03:08.720> didn't is what they were doing we didn't is what they were doing we didn't believe<00:03:09.360> it<00:03:10.360> now<00:03:10.480> if<00:03:10.599> you<00:03:10.799> look<00:03:11.640> at<00:03:11.840> this<00:03:12.040> bat believe it now if you look at this bat believe it now if you look at this bat it<00:03:12.440> looks<00:03:12.640> a<00:03:12.760> little<00:03:12.920> bit<00:03:13.519> alien<00:03:14.519> indeed<00:03:15.239> the it looks a little bit alien indeed the it looks a little bit alien indeed the very<00:03:15.760> famous<00:03:16.159> philosopher<00:03:16.760> Thomas<00:03:17.080> Nagel very famous philosopher Thomas Nagel very famous philosopher Thomas Nagel once<00:03:17.799> said<00:03:18.720> to<00:03:18.959> truly<00:03:19.480> experience<00:03:20.040> an<00:03:20.239> alien once said to truly experience an alien once said to truly experience an alien life<00:03:20.959> form<00:03:21.200> on<00:03:21.400> this<00:03:21.599> planet<00:03:22.360> you<00:03:22.480> should<00:03:22.680> lock life form on this planet you should lock life form on this planet you should lock yourself<00:03:23.599> inside<00:03:24.159> a<00:03:24.360> room<00:03:25.080> with<00:03:25.200> a<00:03:25.319> flying yourself inside a room with a flying yourself inside a room with a flying echolocating<00:03:26.480> bat<00:03:26.959> in<00:03:27.159> complete<00:03:27.799> darkness echolocating bat in complete darkness echolocating bat in complete darkness and<00:03:28.920> if<00:03:29.040> you<00:03:29.200> look<00:03:29.480> at<00:03:30.040> the<00:03:30.239> actual<00:03:30.760> physical and if you look at the actual physical and if you look at the actual physical characteristics<00:03:32.000> on<00:03:32.159> the<00:03:32.360> face<00:03:32.599> of<00:03:32.799> this characteristics on the face of this characteristics on the face of this beautiful<00:03:33.680> horseshoe<00:03:34.239> bat<00:03:35.040> you<00:03:35.159> see<00:03:35.400> a<00:03:35.519> lot<00:03:35.680> of beautiful horseshoe bat you see a lot of beautiful horseshoe bat you see a lot of these<00:03:36.120> characteristics<00:03:36.799> are<00:03:37.120> dedicated<00:03:37.720> to these characteristics are dedicated to these characteristics are dedicated to be<00:03:38.000> able<00:03:38.319> to<00:03:38.519> make<00:03:38.840> sound<00:03:39.560> and<00:03:39.760> perceive<00:03:40.120> it be able to make sound and perceive it be able to make sound and perceive it very<00:03:41.400> big<00:03:41.799> ears<00:03:42.640> strange<00:03:43.200> nose<00:03:43.560> leaves<00:03:44.319> but very big ears strange nose leaves but very big ears strange nose leaves but teeny<00:03:44.920> tiny<00:03:45.319> eyes<00:03:46.000> so<00:03:46.239> again<00:03:46.480> if<00:03:46.599> you<00:03:46.760> just teeny tiny eyes so again if you just teeny tiny eyes so again if you just look<00:03:47.720> at<00:03:47.959> this<00:03:48.360> bat<00:03:48.920> you<00:03:49.080> realize<00:03:49.560> sound<00:03:49.920> is look at this bat you realize sound is look at this bat you realize sound is very<00:03:50.360> important<00:03:51.040> for<00:03:51.239> its very important for its very important for its survival<00:03:53.159> most<00:03:53.560> bats<00:03:54.560> look<00:03:54.959> like<00:03:55.640> the survival most bats look like the survival most bats look like the previous<00:03:56.319> one<00:03:57.319> however<00:03:57.519> there<00:03:57.640> are<00:03:57.840> a<00:03:58.079> group previous one however there are a group previous one however there are a group that<00:03:58.879> do<00:03:59.079> not<00:03:59.239> use<00:04:00.159> echolocation<00:04:01.159> they<00:04:01.319> do<00:04:01.480> not that do not use echolocation they do not that do not use echolocation they do not perceive<00:04:02.159> their<00:04:02.439> environment<00:04:02.920> using<00:04:03.319> sound perceive their environment using sound perceive their environment using sound and<00:04:04.360> these<00:04:04.480> are<00:04:04.640> the<00:04:04.720> flying<00:04:05.159> foxes<00:04:06.159> if and these are the flying foxes if and these are the flying foxes if anybody<00:04:06.640> has<00:04:06.760> ever<00:04:06.920> been<00:04:07.120> lucky<00:04:07.439> enough<00:04:07.720> to<00:04:07.840> be anybody has ever been lucky enough to be anybody has ever been lucky enough to be in<00:04:08.079> Australia<00:04:09.040> you've<00:04:09.239> seen<00:04:09.480> them<00:04:09.640> coming<00:04:09.959> out in Australia you've seen them coming out in Australia you've seen them coming out of<00:04:10.400> the<00:04:10.519> botanic<00:04:10.959> gardens<00:04:11.319> in<00:04:11.480> Sydney<00:04:12.480> and<00:04:12.599> if of the botanic gardens in Sydney and if of the botanic gardens in Sydney and if you<00:04:12.879> just<00:04:13.079> look<00:04:13.680> at<00:04:14.000> their<00:04:14.680> face<00:04:15.280> you<00:04:15.439> can<00:04:15.560> see you just look at their face you can see you just look at their face you can see they<00:04:15.840> have<00:04:16.000> much<00:04:16.239> much<00:04:16.440> larger<00:04:16.880> eyes<00:04:17.239> and<00:04:17.440> much they have much much larger eyes and much they have much much larger eyes and much smaller<00:04:18.280> ears<00:04:19.280> so<00:04:19.560> among<00:04:19.880> and<00:04:20.120> within<00:04:20.519> bats<00:04:21.280> is smaller ears so among and within bats is smaller ears so among and within bats is a<00:04:21.639> huge<00:04:21.959> variation<00:04:22.720> in<00:04:22.840> their<00:04:23.080> ability<00:04:23.520> to<00:04:23.720> use a huge variation in their ability to use a huge variation in their ability to use sensory<00:04:24.520> perception<00:04:25.520> now<00:04:25.720> this<00:04:25.800> is<00:04:25.960> going<00:04:26.120> to sensory perception now this is going to sensory perception now this is going to be<00:04:26.440> important<00:04:27.000> for<00:04:27.240> what<00:04:27.400> I'm<00:04:27.560> going<00:04:27.680> to<00:04:27.840> tell be important for what I'm going to tell be important for what I'm going to tell you<00:04:28.160> later<00:04:28.479> during<00:04:28.759> the<00:04:28.919> talk<00:04:29.680> now<00:04:29.840> if<00:04:30.000> the you later during the talk now if the you later during the talk now if the idea<00:04:31.320> of<00:04:31.560> bats<00:04:31.960> in<00:04:32.120> your<00:04:32.400> belfrey<00:04:33.400> terrifies idea of bats in your belfrey terrifies idea of bats in your belfrey terrifies you<00:04:34.840> and<00:04:34.960> I<00:04:35.080> know<00:04:35.280> some<00:04:35.520> people<00:04:35.880> probably<00:04:36.400> are you and I know some people probably are you and I know some people probably are feeling<00:04:36.840> a<00:04:36.960> little<00:04:37.199> sick<00:04:37.919> looking<00:04:38.160> at<00:04:38.400> very feeling a little sick looking at very feeling a little sick looking at very large<00:04:39.000> images<00:04:39.360> of large images of large images of bats<00:04:41.400> that's<00:04:41.600> probably<00:04:41.880> not<00:04:42.080> that<00:04:42.400> surprising bats that's probably not that surprising bats that's probably not that surprising because<00:04:43.759> here<00:04:44.000> in<00:04:44.199> Western<00:04:44.720> culture<00:04:45.600> bats because here in Western culture bats because here in Western culture bats have<00:04:46.000> been<00:04:46.479> demonized<00:04:47.479> really<00:04:48.440> of<00:04:48.600> course<00:04:48.800> the have been demonized really of course the have been demonized really of course the famous<00:04:49.320> book<00:04:49.560> Dracula<00:04:50.360> written<00:04:50.680> by<00:04:50.840> a<00:04:50.960> fellow famous book Dracula written by a fellow famous book Dracula written by a fellow Northside<00:04:51.800> Dubliner<00:04:52.240> Bram<00:04:52.520> Stoker<00:04:53.120> probably Northside Dubliner Bram Stoker probably Northside Dubliner Bram Stoker probably is<00:04:53.680> mainly<00:04:54.080> responsible<00:04:54.600> for<00:04:54.840> this<00:04:55.759> however<00:04:56.039> I is mainly responsible for this however I is mainly responsible for this however I also<00:04:56.680> think<00:04:57.360> it's<00:04:57.560> got<00:04:57.680> to<00:04:57.800> do<00:04:57.960> with<00:04:58.080> the<00:04:58.240> fact also think it's got to do with the fact also think it's got to do with the fact that<00:04:58.680> bats<00:04:59.560> come<00:04:59.720> out<00:04:59.880> at<00:05:00.039> night<00:05:00.320> and<00:05:00.440> we<00:05:00.600> don't that bats come out at night and we don't that bats come out at night and we don't really<00:05:01.520> understand<00:05:01.759> them<00:05:01.880> we're<00:05:02.039> a<00:05:02.160> little really understand them we're a little really understand them we're a little frightened<00:05:02.919> by<00:05:03.160> things<00:05:03.479> that<00:05:03.680> can<00:05:04.080> perceive frightened by things that can perceive frightened by things that can perceive The<00:05:04.560> World<00:05:04.840> Slightly<00:05:05.160> differently<00:05:05.520> than<00:05:05.720> us The World Slightly differently than us The World Slightly differently than us bats<00:05:06.960> are<00:05:07.080> usually<00:05:07.400> synonymous<00:05:07.880> from<00:05:08.039> some bats are usually synonymous from some bats are usually synonymous from some type<00:05:08.360> of<00:05:08.520> evil<00:05:08.919> events<00:05:09.919> they<00:05:10.039> are<00:05:10.400> the type of evil events they are the type of evil events they are the perpetrators<00:05:11.479> in<00:05:11.639> horror<00:05:11.960> movies<00:05:12.320> such<00:05:12.479> as perpetrators in horror movies such as perpetrators in horror movies such as this<00:05:12.800> famous<00:05:13.560> Nightwing<00:05:14.560> also<00:05:14.840> if<00:05:14.919> you<00:05:15.080> think this famous Nightwing also if you think this famous Nightwing also if you think about<00:05:15.600> it<00:05:16.400> demons<00:05:17.199> always<00:05:17.600> have<00:05:17.800> bat<00:05:18.039> wings about it demons always have bat wings about it demons always have bat wings whereas<00:05:19.199> Birds<00:05:20.080> they<00:05:20.280> typically<00:05:20.680> or<00:05:20.919> angels whereas Birds they typically or angels whereas Birds they typically or angels have<00:05:21.880> bird

wings<00:05:25.479> now<00:05:25.960> this<00:05:26.080> is<00:05:26.280> Western<00:05:26.720> society<00:05:27.120> and
wings now this is Western society and wings now this is Western society and what<00:05:27.400> I<00:05:27.560> hope<00:05:27.759> to<00:05:27.919> do<00:05:28.160> tonight<00:05:28.800> is<00:05:28.919> to<00:05:29.120> convince what I hope to do tonight is to convince what I hope to do tonight is to convince you<00:05:30.680> of<00:05:31.680> the<00:05:32.080> Chinese<00:05:32.560> traditional<00:05:33.199> culture you of the Chinese traditional culture you of the Chinese traditional culture that<00:05:34.240> they<00:05:34.440> perceive<00:05:35.080> bats<00:05:36.080> as<00:05:36.759> creatures that they perceive bats as creatures that they perceive bats as creatures that<00:05:37.400> bring<00:05:37.759> good<00:05:38.000> luck<00:05:39.000> and<00:05:39.199> indeed<00:05:39.600> if<00:05:39.680> you that bring good luck and indeed if you that bring good luck and indeed if you walk<00:05:40.080> into<00:05:40.400> a<00:05:40.560> Chinese<00:05:41.039> home<00:05:41.720> you<00:05:41.840> may<00:05:42.199> see<00:05:42.560> an walk into a Chinese home you may see an walk into a Chinese home you may see an image<00:05:43.080> such<00:05:43.280> as<00:05:43.520> this<00:05:44.400> this<00:05:44.560> is<00:05:44.720> considered image such as this this is considered image such as this this is considered the<00:05:45.240> five<00:05:45.600> blessings<00:05:46.600> the<00:05:46.759> Chinese<00:05:47.199> word<00:05:47.440> for the five blessings the Chinese word for the five blessings the Chinese word for bat<00:05:48.160> sounds<00:05:48.520> like<00:05:48.680> the<00:05:48.800> Chinese<00:05:49.160> word<00:05:49.360> for bat sounds like the Chinese word for bat sounds like the Chinese word for happiness<00:05:50.759> and<00:05:50.960> they<00:05:51.120> believe<00:05:51.479> that<00:05:51.720> bats happiness and they believe that bats happiness and they believe that bats bring<00:05:53.400> wealth<00:05:54.039> Health<00:05:54.440> longevity<00:05:55.240> virtue<00:05:55.840> and bring wealth Health longevity virtue and bring wealth Health longevity virtue and serenity<00:05:56.880> and<00:05:57.000> indeed<00:05:57.360> in<00:05:57.520> this<00:05:57.759> image<00:05:58.560> you serenity and indeed in this image you serenity and indeed in this image you have<00:05:58.840> a<00:05:58.960> picture<00:05:59.160> of<00:05:59.479> longevity<00:06:00.000> surrounded have a picture of longevity surrounded have a picture of longevity surrounded by<00:06:00.759> five<00:06:01.400> bats<00:06:02.400> and<00:06:02.520> what<00:06:02.680> I<00:06:02.800> want<00:06:02.960> to<00:06:03.120> do by five bats and what I want to do by five bats and what I want to do tonight<00:06:04.759> is<00:06:04.919> to<00:06:05.160> talk<00:06:05.400> to<00:06:05.560> you<00:06:05.960> and<00:06:06.319> to<00:06:06.520> show tonight is to talk to you and to show tonight is to talk to you and to show you<00:06:07.240> that<00:06:07.440> at<00:06:07.599> least<00:06:07.880> three<00:06:08.160> of<00:06:08.400> these you that at least three of these you that at least three of these blessings<00:06:09.319> are<00:06:09.599> definitely<00:06:10.080> represented<00:06:10.639> by blessings are definitely represented by blessings are definitely represented by a<00:06:10.960> bat<00:06:11.599> and<00:06:11.720> that<00:06:11.919> if<00:06:12.080> we<00:06:12.199> study<00:06:12.599> bats<00:06:13.160> we<00:06:13.240> will a bat and that if we study bats we will a bat and that if we study bats we will get<00:06:13.680> nearer<00:06:14.440> to<00:06:14.680> getting<00:06:15.080> each<00:06:15.240> of<00:06:15.440> these get nearer to getting each of these get nearer to getting each of these blessings<00:06:17.520> so<00:06:17.840> wealth<00:06:18.840> how<00:06:19.039> can<00:06:19.199> a<00:06:19.400> bat blessings so wealth how can a bat blessings so wealth how can a bat possibly<00:06:20.400> bring<00:06:20.720> us<00:06:21.160> wealth<00:06:22.160> well<00:06:22.360> as<00:06:22.479> I<00:06:22.599> said possibly bring us wealth well as I said possibly bring us wealth well as I said before<00:06:23.599> bats<00:06:23.880> are<00:06:24.080> essential<00:06:24.479> for<00:06:24.680> our before bats are essential for our before bats are essential for our ecosystems<00:06:25.599> to<00:06:25.800> function ecosystems to function ecosystems to function correctly<00:06:27.720> and<00:06:27.919> why<00:06:28.080> is<00:06:28.400> this<00:06:29.520> bats<00:06:29.880> in<00:06:30.000> the correctly and why is this bats in the correctly and why is this bats in the tropics<00:06:30.720> are<00:06:30.919> major<00:06:31.319> pollinators<00:06:32.039> of<00:06:32.199> many tropics are major pollinators of many tropics are major pollinators of many plants<00:06:33.440> they<00:06:33.599> also<00:06:33.840> feed<00:06:34.120> on<00:06:34.360> fruit<00:06:35.080> and<00:06:35.199> they plants they also feed on fruit and they plants they also feed on fruit and they disperse<00:06:35.800> the<00:06:35.960> seeds<00:06:36.759> of<00:06:36.960> these<00:06:37.520> fruits<00:06:38.520> bats disperse the seeds of these fruits bats disperse the seeds of these fruits bats are<00:06:39.080> responsible<00:06:39.680> for<00:06:39.960> pollinating<00:06:40.560> the are responsible for pollinating the are responsible for pollinating the tequila<00:06:41.199> plant<00:06:41.840> and<00:06:42.000> this<00:06:42.080> is<00:06:42.199> a tequila plant and this is a tequila plant and this is a multi-million<00:06:43.240> dollar<00:06:43.599> industry<00:06:44.160> in<00:06:44.520> Mexico multi-million dollar industry in Mexico multi-million dollar industry in Mexico so<00:06:45.720> indeed<00:06:46.039> we<00:06:46.199> need<00:06:46.520> them<00:06:47.160> for<00:06:47.360> our so indeed we need them for our so indeed we need them for our ecosystems<00:06:48.280> to<00:06:48.479> function<00:06:48.960> properly<00:06:49.680> without ecosystems to function properly without ecosystems to function properly without them<00:06:50.199> it's<00:06:50.360> going<00:06:50.520> to<00:06:50.639> be<00:06:50.800> a them it's going to be a them it's going to be a problem<00:06:53.520> but<00:06:53.759> most<00:06:54.240> bats<00:06:54.639> are<00:06:54.840> verocious problem but most bats are verocious problem but most bats are verocious insect insect insect Predators<00:06:57.840> it's<00:06:58.039> been<00:06:58.280> estimated<00:06:58.759> in<00:06:58.879> the<00:06:59.000> US Predators it's been estimated in the US Predators it's been estimated in the US in<00:06:59.520> a<00:06:59.720> tiny<00:07:00.080> colony<00:07:00.639> of<00:07:00.840> big<00:07:01.000> brown<00:07:01.360> brats<00:07:02.080> that in a tiny colony of big brown brats that in a tiny colony of big brown brats that they<00:07:02.360> will<00:07:02.520> feed<00:07:02.800> on<00:07:03.160> over<00:07:03.400> a<00:07:03.560> million<00:07:04.120> insects they will feed on over a million insects they will feed on over a million insects a<00:07:05.199> year<00:07:06.199> and<00:07:06.360> in<00:07:06.479> the<00:07:06.599> United<00:07:06.919> States<00:07:07.160> of a year and in the United States of a year and in the United States of America<00:07:08.560> right<00:07:08.759> now<00:07:09.039> bats<00:07:09.319> have<00:07:09.479> been America right now bats have been America right now bats have been threatened<00:07:10.160> by<00:07:10.280> a<00:07:10.360> disease<00:07:10.720> known<00:07:10.919> as<00:07:11.080> white threatened by a disease known as white threatened by a disease known as white known<00:07:11.680> syndrome<00:07:12.680> it's<00:07:12.879> working<00:07:13.240> its<00:07:13.479> way known syndrome it's working its way known syndrome it's working its way slowly<00:07:14.440> across<00:07:14.759> the<00:07:14.919> US<00:07:15.240> and<00:07:15.440> wiping<00:07:15.720> out slowly across the US and wiping out slowly across the US and wiping out populations<00:07:16.599> of<00:07:17.000> bats<00:07:18.000> and<00:07:18.240> scientists<00:07:18.720> have populations of bats and scientists have populations of bats and scientists have estimated<00:07:20.160> that<00:07:20.759> 1300<00:07:21.759> metric<00:07:22.199> tons<00:07:22.560> of estimated that 1300 metric tons of estimated that 1300 metric tons of insects<00:07:23.400> a<00:07:23.599> year<00:07:24.199> are<00:07:24.440> now<00:07:24.879> remaining<00:07:25.199> in<00:07:25.319> the insects a year are now remaining in the insects a year are now remaining in the ecosystems<00:07:26.240> due<00:07:26.440> to<00:07:26.599> the<00:07:26.720> loss<00:07:26.960> of<00:07:27.319> bats<00:07:28.319> bats ecosystems due to the loss of bats bats ecosystems due to the loss of bats bats are<00:07:28.800> also<00:07:29.039> threat<00:07:29.639> in<00:07:29.720> the<00:07:29.879> US<00:07:30.800> by<00:07:31.160> their are also threat in the US by their are also threat in the US by their attraction<00:07:31.919> to<00:07:32.120> wind<00:07:32.440> farms<00:07:33.440> again<00:07:34.199> right<00:07:34.400> now attraction to wind farms again right now attraction to wind farms again right now bat<00:07:34.919> are<00:07:35.039> looking<00:07:35.240> in<00:07:35.319> a<00:07:35.440> little<00:07:35.560> bit<00:07:35.680> of bat are looking in a little bit of bat are looking in a little bit of problem<00:07:36.400> they're<00:07:36.599> going<00:07:36.759> to<00:07:37.360> they<00:07:37.720> they<00:07:37.840> are problem they're going to they they are problem they're going to they they are very<00:07:38.240> threatened<00:07:38.639> in<00:07:38.759> the<00:07:38.840> United<00:07:39.120> States<00:07:39.319> of very threatened in the United States of very threatened in the United States of America America America alone<00:07:42.000> now<00:07:42.160> how<00:07:42.319> can<00:07:42.479> this<00:07:42.639> help<00:07:42.919> us<00:07:43.840> well<00:07:44.240> it alone now how can this help us well it alone now how can this help us well it has<00:07:44.520> been<00:07:44.800> calculated<00:07:45.440> that<00:07:45.560> if<00:07:45.680> we<00:07:45.759> were<00:07:45.919> to has been calculated that if we were to has been calculated that if we were to remove<00:07:46.639> bats<00:07:47.360> from<00:07:47.560> the<00:07:47.759> equation<00:07:48.639> we're remove bats from the equation we're remove bats from the equation we're going<00:07:48.960> to<00:07:49.120> have<00:07:49.240> to<00:07:49.400> then<00:07:49.560> use<00:07:49.960> insecticides going to have to then use insecticides going to have to then use insecticides to<00:07:51.120> remove<00:07:51.440> all<00:07:51.639> those<00:07:51.879> pest<00:07:52.280> insects<00:07:52.800> that to remove all those pest insects that to remove all those pest insects that feed<00:07:53.400> on<00:07:53.560> our<00:07:53.759> agricultural feed on our agricultural feed on our agricultural crops<00:07:56.560> and<00:07:56.720> for<00:07:56.960> one<00:07:57.199> year<00:07:57.520> in<00:07:57.680> the<00:07:57.840> us<00:07:58.159> alone crops and for one year in the us alone crops and for one year in the us alone it's<00:07:58.879> estimated<00:07:59.479> it's<00:07:59.560> going<00:07:59.680> to<00:07:59.800> cost<00:08:00.159> 22 it's estimated it's going to cost 22 it's estimated it's going to cost 22 billion<00:08:01.520> us<00:08:02.520> if<00:08:02.639> we<00:08:02.800> remove<00:08:03.159> bats<00:08:03.879> so<00:08:04.080> indeed billion us if we remove bats so indeed billion us if we remove bats so indeed bats<00:08:05.120> then<00:08:05.360> do<00:08:05.599> bring<00:08:05.840> us<00:08:06.080> wealth<00:08:06.759> they bats then do bring us wealth they bats then do bring us wealth they maintain<00:08:07.440> the<00:08:07.560> health<00:08:07.759> of<00:08:07.879> our<00:08:08.159> ecosystems maintain the health of our ecosystems maintain the health of our ecosystems and<00:08:09.319> also<00:08:09.599> they<00:08:09.720> save<00:08:10.000> us<00:08:10.680> money<00:08:11.680> so<00:08:11.879> again and also they save us money so again and also they save us money so again that's<00:08:12.280> the<00:08:12.440> first<00:08:12.759> blessing<00:08:13.759> bats<00:08:14.039> are that's the first blessing bats are that's the first blessing bats are important<00:08:14.560> for<00:08:14.720> our important for our important for our ecosystems<00:08:17.479> and<00:08:17.599> what<00:08:17.759> about<00:08:18.000> the<00:08:18.319> second ecosystems and what about the second ecosystems and what about the second what<00:08:19.440> about what about what about health<00:08:22.000> inside<00:08:22.720> every<00:08:23.440> cell<00:08:23.919> in<00:08:24.039> your<00:08:24.319> body health inside every cell in your body health inside every cell in your body lies<00:08:25.000> your<00:08:25.240> genome<00:08:25.840> your<00:08:26.000> genome<00:08:26.360> is<00:08:26.520> made<00:08:26.720> up lies your genome your genome is made up lies your genome your genome is made up of<00:08:27.000> your<00:08:27.360> DNA<00:08:28.360> your<00:08:28.560> DNA<00:08:28.960> codes<00:08:29.400> for<00:08:29.639> proteins of your DNA your DNA codes for proteins of your DNA your DNA codes for proteins that<00:08:30.720> enable<00:08:31.080> you<00:08:31.199> to<00:08:31.440> function<00:08:31.840> and<00:08:32.080> interact that enable you to function and interact that enable you to function and interact and<00:08:32.800> be<00:08:33.080> as<00:08:33.320> you<00:08:33.839> are<00:08:34.839> now<00:08:35.399> since<00:08:36.399> the<00:08:36.560> new and be as you are now since the new and be as you are now since the new advancements<00:08:37.519> in<00:08:37.680> modern<00:08:38.000> molecular advancements in modern molecular advancements in modern molecular Technologies<00:08:39.640> it<00:08:39.719> is<00:08:39.959> now<00:08:40.320> possible<00:08:40.760> for<00:08:40.959> us Technologies it is now possible for us Technologies it is now possible for us to<00:08:41.399> sequence<00:08:41.959> our<00:08:42.159> own<00:08:42.640> genome<00:08:43.640> in<00:08:43.760> a<00:08:43.959> very to sequence our own genome in a very to sequence our own genome in a very rapid<00:08:44.720> time<00:08:44.959> and<00:08:45.120> a<00:08:45.360> very<00:08:45.600> very<00:08:45.800> reduced rapid time and a very very reduced rapid time and a very very reduced cost<00:08:48.080> now<00:08:48.640> when<00:08:48.839> we've<00:08:49.040> been<00:08:49.240> doing<00:08:49.519> this<00:08:49.680> we cost now when we've been doing this we cost now when we've been doing this we realize<00:08:50.279> that<00:08:50.399> there's realize that there's realize that there's variations<00:08:52.399> within<00:08:52.600> our<00:08:52.959> genome<00:08:53.959> so<00:08:54.120> I<00:08:54.240> want variations within our genome so I want variations within our genome so I want you<00:08:54.480> to<00:08:54.600> look<00:08:54.760> at<00:08:54.880> the<00:08:55.040> person<00:08:55.399> beside<00:08:55.760> you you to look at the person beside you you to look at the person beside you let's<00:08:56.839> have<00:08:56.959> a<00:08:57.080> quick<00:08:57.279> look<00:08:58.200> and<00:08:58.320> what<00:08:58.440> we<00:08:58.560> need let's have a quick look and what we need let's have a quick look and what we need to<00:08:58.800> realize<00:08:59.320> is<00:08:59.440> that<00:08:59.680> every<00:09:00.200> 300<00:09:00.800> base<00:09:01.079> pairs to realize is that every 300 base pairs to realize is that every 300 base pairs in<00:09:01.480> your<00:09:01.680> DNA<00:09:02.160> you're<00:09:02.320> a<00:09:02.440> little<00:09:02.640> bit in your DNA you're a little bit in your DNA you're a little bit different<00:09:04.079> and<00:09:04.240> one<00:09:04.360> of<00:09:04.519> the<00:09:04.680> grand different and one of the grand different and one of the grand challenges<00:09:05.680> right<00:09:05.880> now<00:09:06.200> in<00:09:06.360> modern<00:09:06.720> molecular challenges right now in modern molecular challenges right now in modern molecular medicine<00:09:08.040> is<00:09:08.200> to<00:09:08.360> work<00:09:08.560> out<00:09:08.880> whether<00:09:09.120> this medicine is to work out whether this medicine is to work out whether this variation<00:09:10.680> makes<00:09:10.920> you<00:09:11.079> more<00:09:11.360> susceptible<00:09:11.920> to variation makes you more susceptible to variation makes you more susceptible to diseases<00:09:13.320> or<00:09:13.519> does<00:09:13.720> this<00:09:13.959> variation<00:09:14.640> just diseases or does this variation just diseases or does this variation just make<00:09:15.279> you<00:09:15.680> different<00:09:16.680> again<00:09:17.040> what<00:09:17.160> does<00:09:17.279> it make you different again what does it make you different again what does it mean<00:09:17.720> here<00:09:17.920> what<00:09:18.000> does<00:09:18.200> this<00:09:18.399> variation mean here what does this variation mean here what does this variation actually<00:09:19.480> mean<00:09:20.480> so<00:09:20.720> if<00:09:20.839> we<00:09:20.959> are<00:09:21.120> to<00:09:21.440> capitalize actually mean so if we are to capitalize actually mean so if we are to capitalize on<00:09:22.440> all<00:09:22.600> of<00:09:22.760> this<00:09:22.920> new<00:09:23.200> molecular<00:09:23.760> data<00:09:24.120> and on all of this new molecular data and on all of this new molecular data and personalized<00:09:24.920> genomic<00:09:25.600> information<00:09:26.600> that<00:09:26.720> is personalized genomic information that is personalized genomic information that is coming<00:09:27.200> online<00:09:27.640> that<00:09:27.760> we<00:09:27.880> will<00:09:28.040> be<00:09:28.160> able<00:09:28.360> to coming online that we will be able to coming online that we will be able to have<00:09:28.839> the<00:09:28.920> next<00:09:29.320> few<00:09:29.519> years<00:09:30.480> we<00:09:30.680> have<00:09:30.800> to<00:09:30.920> be have the next few years we have to be have the next few years we have to be able<00:09:31.200> to<00:09:31.360> differentiate<00:09:31.959> between<00:09:32.240> the<00:09:32.360> two<00:09:32.839> so able to differentiate between the two so able to differentiate between the two so how<00:09:33.519> do<00:09:33.720> we<00:09:33.920> do<00:09:34.640> this<00:09:35.640> well<00:09:35.839> I<00:09:35.959> believe<00:09:36.279> we<00:09:36.440> just how do we do this well I believe we just how do we do this well I believe we just look<00:09:36.880> at<00:09:37.160> Nature's look at Nature's look at Nature's experiments<00:09:39.839> so<00:09:40.440> through<00:09:40.920> natural<00:09:41.600> selection experiments so through natural selection experiments so through natural selection over<00:09:43.000> time<00:09:43.880> mutations<00:09:45.200> variations<00:09:46.200> that over time mutations variations that over time mutations variations that disrupt<00:09:47.200> the<00:09:47.360> function<00:09:47.640> of<00:09:47.760> a<00:09:47.959> protein<00:09:48.560> will disrupt the function of a protein will disrupt the function of a protein will not<00:09:48.880> be<00:09:49.079> tolerated<00:09:49.720> over<00:09:50.079> time<00:09:50.959> Evolution not be tolerated over time Evolution not be tolerated over time Evolution acts<00:09:51.920> as<00:09:52.040> a<00:09:52.240> Civ<00:09:53.000> it<00:09:53.240> cves<00:09:53.600> out<00:09:53.880> the<00:09:54.079> bad acts as a Civ it cves out the bad acts as a Civ it cves out the bad variation<00:09:55.560> and<00:09:55.680> so<00:09:55.959> therefore<00:09:56.320> if<00:09:56.399> you<00:09:56.560> look variation and so therefore if you look variation and so therefore if you look at<00:09:56.880> the<00:09:57.079> same<00:09:57.320> region<00:09:57.600> of<00:09:57.720> a<00:09:57.959> genome<00:09:58.959> in<00:09:59.120> in at the same region of a genome in in at the same region of a genome in in many<00:09:59.519> mammals<00:10:00.279> that<00:10:00.399> have<00:10:00.839> been<00:10:01.839> H many mammals that have been H many mammals that have been H evolutionary<00:10:02.720> distant<00:10:03.079> from<00:10:03.279> each<00:10:03.440> other<00:10:04.279> and evolutionary distant from each other and evolutionary distant from each other and are<00:10:04.519> also<00:10:04.880> ecologically<00:10:05.640> Divergent<00:10:06.640> you'll are also ecologically Divergent you'll are also ecologically Divergent you'll get<00:10:07.279> a<00:10:07.440> better<00:10:08.120> understanding<00:10:08.440> of<00:10:08.600> what<00:10:08.760> the get a better understanding of what the get a better understanding of what the evolutionary<00:10:09.640> prior<00:10:10.040> of<00:10:10.279> that<00:10:10.440> site<00:10:10.760> is<00:10:11.440> I.E evolutionary prior of that site is I.E evolutionary prior of that site is I.E if<00:10:12.519> it<00:10:12.640> is<00:10:12.880> important<00:10:13.800> for<00:10:13.959> the<00:10:14.079> mammal<00:10:14.440> to if it is important for the mammal to if it is important for the mammal to function<00:10:15.120> for<00:10:15.480> survival<00:10:16.079> it<00:10:16.200> will<00:10:16.399> be<00:10:16.640> the function for survival it will be the function for survival it will be the same<00:10:17.560> in<00:10:17.760> all<00:10:17.920> of<00:10:18.160> those<00:10:18.440> different<00:10:19.079> lineages same in all of those different lineages same in all of those different lineages species species species taxa<00:10:22.399> so<00:10:23.079> therefore<00:10:24.079> if<00:10:24.200> we<00:10:24.279> were<00:10:24.480> to<00:10:24.640> do<00:10:24.920> this taxa so therefore if we were to do this taxa so therefore if we were to do this what<00:10:25.640> we<00:10:25.720> need<00:10:25.839> to<00:10:26.000> do<00:10:26.120> is<00:10:26.279> sequence<00:10:26.680> that what we need to do is sequence that what we need to do is sequence that region<00:10:27.240> in<00:10:27.480> all<00:10:27.760> these<00:10:28.079> different<00:10:28.399> mammals region in all these different mammals region in all these different mammals and<00:10:29.160> ascertain<00:10:29.720> if<00:10:29.800> it's<00:10:29.959> the<00:10:30.120> same<00:10:30.320> or<00:10:30.440> if and ascertain if it's the same or if and ascertain if it's the same or if it's<00:10:30.760> different<00:10:31.720> so<00:10:32.000> if<00:10:32.160> it<00:10:32.440> is<00:10:33.440> the<00:10:33.640> same<00:10:34.399> this it's different so if it is the same this it's different so if it is the same this indicates<00:10:35.240> that<00:10:35.480> that<00:10:35.680> site<00:10:35.959> is<00:10:36.120> important indicates that that site is important indicates that that site is important for<00:10:36.720> function<00:10:37.440> so<00:10:37.720> a<00:10:37.920> disease<00:10:38.360> mutation for function so a disease mutation for function so a disease mutation should<00:10:39.160> fall<00:10:39.680> within<00:10:40.200> that<00:10:40.440> site<00:10:41.360> so<00:10:41.600> in<00:10:41.800> this should fall within that site so in this should fall within that site so in this case<00:10:42.399> here<00:10:43.200> if<00:10:43.399> all<00:10:43.560> the<00:10:43.680> mammals<00:10:44.040> that<00:10:44.160> we case here if all the mammals that we case here if all the mammals that we look<00:10:44.560> have<00:10:45.079> have<00:10:45.160> a<00:10:45.360> yellow<00:10:45.800> type<00:10:46.440> genome<00:10:46.959> at look have have a yellow type genome at look have have a yellow type genome at that<00:10:47.399> site<00:10:48.200> it<00:10:48.360> probably<00:10:48.639> suggests<00:10:49.000> that that site it probably suggests that that site it probably suggests that purple<00:10:49.560> is purple is purple is bad<00:10:51.720> this<00:10:51.839> could<00:10:52.000> be<00:10:52.200> even<00:10:52.480> more<00:10:52.760> powerful<00:10:53.440> if bad this could be even more powerful if bad this could be even more powerful if you<00:10:53.680> look<00:10:53.800> at<00:10:54.000> mammals<00:10:54.760> they're<00:10:55.000> doing<00:10:55.320> things you look at mammals they're doing things you look at mammals they're doing things slightly<00:10:56.000> differently<00:10:56.839> so<00:10:57.079> say<00:10:57.279> for<00:10:57.480> example slightly differently so say for example slightly differently so say for example the<00:10:58.000> region<00:10:58.399> of<00:10:58.600> the<00:10:58.720> Gen<00:10:59.320> that<00:10:59.440> I<00:10:59.519> was<00:10:59.680> looking the region of the Gen that I was looking the region of the Gen that I was looking at<00:11:00.200> was<00:11:00.320> a<00:11:00.560> region<00:11:00.880> that's<00:11:01.120> important<00:11:01.519> for at was a region that's important for at was a region that's important for vision<00:11:02.959> if<00:11:03.120> we<00:11:03.320> look<00:11:03.480> at<00:11:03.680> that<00:11:03.920> region<00:11:04.560> in vision if we look at that region in vision if we look at that region in mammals<00:11:05.120> that<00:11:05.279> don't<00:11:05.519> see<00:11:05.839> so<00:11:06.079> well<00:11:06.480> such<00:11:06.680> as mammals that don't see so well such as mammals that don't see so well such as bats<00:11:07.760> and<00:11:07.880> we<00:11:08.040> find<00:11:08.320> that<00:11:08.560> bats<00:11:08.959> that<00:11:09.120> don't bats and we find that bats that don't bats and we find that bats that don't Sue<00:11:09.639> so<00:11:09.839> well<00:11:10.120> have<00:11:10.279> the<00:11:10.519> purple<00:11:10.959> type<00:11:11.600> we<00:11:11.720> know Sue so well have the purple type we know Sue so well have the purple type we know that<00:11:12.240> this<00:11:12.519> is<00:11:12.720> probably<00:11:13.000> what's<00:11:13.360> causing that this is probably what's causing that this is probably what's causing this this this disease<00:11:17.079> so<00:11:17.320> in<00:11:17.480> my<00:11:17.720> lab<00:11:18.440> we've<00:11:18.600> been<00:11:18.800> using disease so in my lab we've been using disease so in my lab we've been using bats<00:11:19.519> to<00:11:19.680> look<00:11:19.800> at<00:11:20.000> two<00:11:20.320> different<00:11:20.920> types<00:11:21.160> of bats to look at two different types of bats to look at two different types of diseases<00:11:21.959> of<00:11:22.320> of<00:11:22.480> the<00:11:22.680> senses<00:11:23.680> we're<00:11:23.880> looking diseases of of the senses we're looking diseases of of the senses we're looking at<00:11:24.240> blindness<00:11:24.680> and<00:11:24.920> why<00:11:25.040> would<00:11:25.160> you<00:11:25.320> do at blindness and why would you do at blindness and why would you do this<00:11:27.560> 314<00:11:28.560> million<00:11:29.240> people<00:11:29.680> are<00:11:29.880> visually this 314 million people are visually this 314 million people are visually impaired<00:11:31.440> and<00:11:31.639> 45<00:11:32.279> million<00:11:32.600> of<00:11:32.720> these<00:11:32.880> are impaired and 45 million of these are impaired and 45 million of these are blind<00:11:33.360> so<00:11:33.519> blindness<00:11:33.959> is<00:11:34.040> a<00:11:34.200> big<00:11:34.480> problem<00:11:35.160> and blind so blindness is a big problem and blind so blindness is a big problem and a<00:11:35.440> lot<00:11:35.720> of<00:11:35.959> these<00:11:36.399> blind<00:11:36.800> disorders<00:11:37.440> come<00:11:37.680> from a lot of these blind disorders come from a lot of these blind disorders come from inherited<00:11:38.519> diseases<00:11:39.240> so<00:11:39.440> we<00:11:39.560> want<00:11:39.680> to<00:11:39.839> try<00:11:40.040> and inherited diseases so we want to try and inherited diseases so we want to try and better<00:11:40.880> understand<00:11:41.600> which<00:11:41.839> mutations<00:11:42.560> in<00:11:42.720> the better understand which mutations in the better understand which mutations in the gene<00:11:43.440> causes<00:11:43.880> the<00:11:44.440> disease<00:11:45.440> also<00:11:45.680> we<00:11:45.800> look<00:11:45.920> at gene causes the disease also we look at gene causes the disease also we look at deafness<00:11:47.519> one<00:11:47.800> in<00:11:48.079> every<00:11:48.519> 1,000<00:11:49.160> newborn deafness one in every 1,000 newborn deafness one in every 1,000 newborn babies<00:11:50.000> are<00:11:50.240> deaf<00:11:50.880> and<00:11:51.000> when<00:11:51.200> we<00:11:51.360> reach<00:11:51.639> 80 babies are deaf and when we reach 80 babies are deaf and when we reach 80 over<00:11:52.680> half<00:11:52.880> of<00:11:53.120> us<00:11:53.560> will<00:11:53.839> also<00:11:54.399> have<00:11:54.519> a<00:11:54.680> hearing over half of us will also have a hearing over half of us will also have a hearing problem<00:11:56.000> again<00:11:56.920> there's<00:11:57.240> many<00:11:57.560> underlying problem again there's many underlying problem again there's many underlying genetic<00:11:58.519> causes<00:11:59.000> for<00:11:59.279> this<00:12:00.160> so<00:12:00.399> what<00:12:00.519> we've genetic causes for this so what we've genetic causes for this so what we've been<00:12:00.880> doing<00:12:01.279> in<00:12:01.519> my<00:12:01.800> lab<00:12:02.560> is<00:12:02.760> looking<00:12:03.000> at<00:12:03.200> these been doing in my lab is looking at these been doing in my lab is looking at these unique<00:12:03.760> sensory<00:12:04.279> Specialists<00:12:04.800> the<00:12:04.959> bats<00:12:05.959> and unique sensory Specialists the bats and unique sensory Specialists the bats and we<00:12:06.360> have<00:12:06.519> looked<00:12:06.760> at<00:12:06.959> genes<00:12:07.320> that<00:12:07.519> cause we have looked at genes that cause we have looked at genes that cause blindness<00:12:08.320> when<00:12:08.440> there's<00:12:08.600> a<00:12:08.720> defect<00:12:09.079> in<00:12:09.200> them blindness when there's a defect in them blindness when there's a defect in them genes<00:12:09.880> that<00:12:10.040> cause<00:12:10.399> deafness<00:12:10.880> when<00:12:11.040> there's<00:12:11.240> a genes that cause deafness when there's a genes that cause deafness when there's a defect<00:12:11.760> in<00:12:11.880> them<00:12:12.320> and<00:12:12.519> now<00:12:12.760> we<00:12:12.880> can<00:12:13.079> predict defect in them and now we can predict defect in them and now we can predict which<00:12:14.199> sites<00:12:14.560> are<00:12:14.760> most<00:12:15.079> likely<00:12:15.320> to<00:12:15.480> cause which sites are most likely to cause which sites are most likely to cause disease<00:12:16.880> so<00:12:17.160> bats<00:12:17.720> are<00:12:18.000> also<00:12:18.440> important<00:12:18.920> for disease so bats are also important for disease so bats are also important for our<00:12:19.399> health<00:12:20.000> to<00:12:20.199> enable<00:12:20.560> us<00:12:20.800> better our health to enable us better our health to enable us better understand<00:12:21.959> how<00:12:22.120> our<00:12:22.320> genome understand how our genome understand how our genome functions<00:12:25.160> so<00:12:25.399> this<00:12:25.480> is<00:12:25.639> where<00:12:25.760> we<00:12:25.880> are<00:12:26.199> right functions so this is where we are right functions so this is where we are right now<00:12:27.160> but<00:12:27.360> what<00:12:27.480> about<00:12:27.760> the<00:12:27.920> future now but what about the future now but what about the future what<00:12:29.639> about<00:12:30.199> longevity<00:12:31.199> this<00:12:31.320> is<00:12:31.480> where<00:12:31.639> we're what about longevity this is where we're what about longevity this is where we're going<00:12:32.040> to<00:12:32.279> go<00:12:33.279> and<00:12:33.480> as<00:12:33.600> I<00:12:33.720> said<00:12:34.000> before<00:12:34.720> I going to go and as I said before I going to go and as I said before I really<00:12:35.199> believe<00:12:35.600> that<00:12:35.760> the<00:12:35.920> secret<00:12:36.279> of really believe that the secret of really believe that the secret of everlasting<00:12:37.160> youth<00:12:37.519> lies<00:12:37.880> within<00:12:38.120> the<00:12:38.240> bat everlasting youth lies within the bat everlasting youth lies within the bat genome<00:12:39.920> so<00:12:40.160> why<00:12:40.279> should<00:12:40.480> we<00:12:40.639> be<00:12:40.839> interested<00:12:41.320> in genome so why should we be interested in genome so why should we be interested in aging<00:12:42.120> at<00:12:42.440> all<00:12:43.440> well<00:12:43.639> really<00:12:43.880> this<00:12:44.000> is<00:12:44.120> a aging at all well really this is a aging at all well really this is a picture<00:12:44.600> drawn<00:12:45.040> from<00:12:45.199> the<00:12:45.320> 1500s<00:12:46.120> of<00:12:46.240> the picture drawn from the 1500s of the picture drawn from the 1500s of the Fountain<00:12:46.839> of Fountain of Fountain of Youth<00:12:48.639> aging<00:12:49.160> is<00:12:49.360> considered<00:12:49.760> one<00:12:49.880> of<00:12:50.079> the Youth aging is considered one of the Youth aging is considered one of the most<00:12:50.760> familiar<00:12:51.639> yet<00:12:51.839> the<00:12:51.959> least<00:12:52.240> well most familiar yet the least well most familiar yet the least well understood<00:12:53.920> aspects<00:12:54.279> of<00:12:54.399> all<00:12:54.560> of<00:12:54.760> biology<00:12:55.720> and understood aspects of all of biology and understood aspects of all of biology and really<00:12:56.839> since<00:12:57.040> the<00:12:57.199> dawn<00:12:57.440> of<00:12:57.639> civilization really since the dawn of civilization really since the dawn of civilization mankind<00:12:58.839> mind<00:12:59.079> has<00:12:59.240> sought<00:12:59.519> to<00:12:59.680> avoid<00:13:00.000> it<00:13:00.959> but mankind mind has sought to avoid it but mankind mind has sought to avoid it but we<00:13:01.240> are<00:13:01.399> going<00:13:01.560> to<00:13:01.760> have<00:13:01.880> to<00:13:02.320> understand<00:13:02.440> it<00:13:02.560> a we are going to have to understand it a we are going to have to understand it a bit<00:13:03.279> better<00:13:04.279> in<00:13:04.480> Europe<00:13:04.800> Alone<00:13:05.320> by<00:13:05.560> 2050 bit better in Europe Alone by 2050 bit better in Europe Alone by 2050 there's<00:13:06.880> going<00:13:07.040> to<00:13:07.160> be<00:13:07.320> a<00:13:07.519> 70%<00:13:08.320> increase<00:13:08.760> of there's going to be a 70% increase of there's going to be a 70% increase of individuals<00:13:09.639> over<00:13:10.079> 65<00:13:11.079> and<00:13:11.519> 170%<00:13:12.519> increase<00:13:12.920> in individuals over 65 and 170% increase in individuals over 65 and 170% increase in individuals<00:13:13.680> over<00:13:14.040> 80<00:13:15.040> as<00:13:15.199> we<00:13:15.399> age<00:13:15.680> we individuals over 80 as we age we individuals over 80 as we age we deteriorate<00:13:16.639> and<00:13:16.800> this<00:13:17.000> deterioration deteriorate and this deterioration deteriorate and this deterioration causes<00:13:18.360> problems<00:13:18.680> for<00:13:18.880> the<00:13:19.040> so<00:13:19.360> for<00:13:19.519> our causes problems for the so for our causes problems for the so for our society<00:13:20.680> so<00:13:20.880> we<00:13:21.040> have<00:13:21.160> to<00:13:21.360> address<00:13:21.839> it<00:13:22.839> so<00:13:23.519> how society so we have to address it so how society so we have to address it so how could<00:13:24.360> this<00:13:24.560> secret<00:13:24.880> of<00:13:25.079> everlasting<00:13:25.680> youth could this secret of everlasting youth could this secret of everlasting youth actually<00:13:26.760> lie<00:13:27.320> within<00:13:27.560> a<00:13:27.760> bat<00:13:28.000> Gena<00:13:28.959> does actually lie within a bat Gena does actually lie within a bat Gena does anybody<00:13:29.399> want<00:13:29.480> to<00:13:29.600> Hazard<00:13:29.920> a<00:13:30.079> guess<00:13:30.440> over<00:13:31.199> how anybody want to Hazard a guess over how anybody want to Hazard a guess over how long<00:13:31.680> this<00:13:31.880> bat<00:13:32.160> could<00:13:32.320> live<00:13:32.600> for<00:13:33.600> who<00:13:33.839> put<00:13:34.000> up long this bat could live for who put up long this bat could live for who put up your<00:13:34.279> hands<00:13:34.519> who<00:13:34.680> says<00:13:34.959> two your hands who says two your hands who says two years<00:13:37.440> nobody<00:13:38.440> one<00:13:39.240> how<00:13:39.440> about<00:13:39.639> 10 years nobody one how about 10 years nobody one how about 10 years<00:13:42.000> some<00:13:42.519> how<00:13:42.720> about years some how about years some how about 30<00:13:44.720> how<00:13:44.880> about 30 how about 30 how about 40<00:13:47.000> okay<00:13:47.120> it's<00:13:47.240> a<00:13:47.360> whole<00:13:47.519> varied<00:13:47.880> response 40 okay it's a whole varied response 40 okay it's a whole varied response this<00:13:48.959> bat<00:13:49.160> is<00:13:49.320> myot<00:13:49.760> branti<00:13:50.199> ey<00:13:50.399> it's<00:13:50.519> the this bat is myot branti ey it's the this bat is myot branti ey it's the longest<00:13:51.000> living<00:13:51.320> bat<00:13:51.920> it<00:13:52.079> lives<00:13:52.399> for<00:13:52.560> up<00:13:52.720> to<00:13:52.959> 42 longest living bat it lives for up to 42 longest living bat it lives for up to 42 years<00:13:54.399> and<00:13:54.519> this<00:13:54.680> bat's<00:13:55.000> still<00:13:55.199> alive<00:13:55.480> in<00:13:55.600> the years and this bat's still alive in the years and this bat's still alive in the wild<00:13:56.000> today<00:13:57.000> but<00:13:57.199> what<00:13:57.320> would<00:13:57.440> be<00:13:57.600> so<00:13:57.839> amazing wild today but what would be so amazing wild today but what would be so amazing about<00:13:58.519> this about this about this well<00:14:00.759> typically<00:14:01.199> in<00:14:01.800> mammals<00:14:02.800> there<00:14:03.120> is<00:14:03.360> a well typically in mammals there is a well typically in mammals there is a relationship<00:14:04.160> between<00:14:04.519> body<00:14:04.920> size<00:14:05.880> metabolic relationship between body size metabolic relationship between body size metabolic rate<00:14:06.839> and<00:14:07.000> how<00:14:07.120> long<00:14:07.279> you<00:14:07.399> can<00:14:07.560> live<00:14:07.759> for<00:14:08.079> and rate and how long you can live for and rate and how long you can live for and you<00:14:08.320> can<00:14:08.560> predict<00:14:09.160> how<00:14:09.320> long<00:14:09.480> a<00:14:09.639> mammal<00:14:09.920> can you can predict how long a mammal can you can predict how long a mammal can live<00:14:10.240> for<00:14:10.480> given<00:14:10.720> its<00:14:10.920> body<00:14:11.240> size<00:14:12.120> so live for given its body size so live for given its body size so typically<00:14:12.880> small<00:14:13.279> mammals<00:14:13.959> live<00:14:14.279> fast<00:14:14.920> Die typically small mammals live fast Die typically small mammals live fast Die Young<00:14:15.759> think<00:14:15.920> of<00:14:16.040> a<00:14:16.160> mouse<00:14:16.800> but<00:14:16.959> bats<00:14:17.199> are<00:14:17.399> very Young think of a mouse but bats are very Young think of a mouse but bats are very different<00:14:18.519> as<00:14:18.600> you<00:14:18.720> can<00:14:18.839> see<00:14:19.079> here<00:14:19.240> on<00:14:19.480> this different as you can see here on this different as you can see here on this graph<00:14:20.440> in<00:14:20.680> blue<00:14:21.360> these<00:14:21.480> are<00:14:21.639> all<00:14:21.839> other graph in blue these are all other graph in blue these are all other mammals<00:14:22.959> but<00:14:23.160> bats<00:14:23.800> can<00:14:23.959> live<00:14:24.199> up<00:14:24.320> to<00:14:24.480> nine mammals but bats can live up to nine mammals but bats can live up to nine times<00:14:25.240> longer<00:14:25.600> than<00:14:25.839> expected<00:14:26.360> despite times longer than expected despite times longer than expected despite having<00:14:27.000> a<00:14:27.199> really<00:14:27.560> really<00:14:27.880> high<00:14:28.160> metabolic having a really really high metabolic having a really really high metabolic right<00:14:29.360> and<00:14:29.480> the<00:14:29.680> question<00:14:29.959> is<00:14:30.399> how<00:14:30.560> can<00:14:30.759> they right and the question is how can they right and the question is how can they do<00:14:31.199> that<00:14:32.120> there<00:14:32.240> are<00:14:32.519> 19<00:14:33.360> species<00:14:33.759> of<00:14:33.959> mammal do that there are 19 species of mammal do that there are 19 species of mammal that<00:14:34.920> live<00:14:35.120> longer<00:14:35.440> than<00:14:35.680> expected<00:14:36.120> given that live longer than expected given that live longer than expected given their<00:14:36.480> body<00:14:36.880> size<00:14:37.279> than<00:14:37.519> man<00:14:38.000> and<00:14:38.199> 18<00:14:38.800> of<00:14:39.000> those their body size than man and 18 of those their body size than man and 18 of those are are are bats<00:14:41.480> so<00:14:41.839> therefore<00:14:42.839> they<00:14:43.199> must<00:14:44.079> have bats so therefore they must have bats so therefore they must have something<00:14:45.000> within<00:14:45.240> their<00:14:45.440> DNA<00:14:46.000> that<00:14:46.240> Ables something within their DNA that Ables something within their DNA that Ables them<00:14:46.880> deal<00:14:47.199> with<00:14:47.399> the<00:14:47.639> metabolic<00:14:48.279> stresses them deal with the metabolic stresses them deal with the metabolic stresses particularly<00:14:49.680> of<00:14:49.880> flight<00:14:50.759> they<00:14:50.920> expand<00:14:51.399> three particularly of flight they expand three particularly of flight they expand three times<00:14:52.000> more<00:14:52.279> energy<00:14:53.040> the<00:14:53.160> mammal<00:14:53.519> of<00:14:53.639> the<00:14:53.759> same times more energy the mammal of the same times more energy the mammal of the same size<00:14:54.399> but<00:14:54.519> don't<00:14:54.800> seem<00:14:55.040> to<00:14:55.199> suffer<00:14:55.560> the size but don't seem to suffer the size but don't seem to suffer the consequences<00:14:56.399> or<00:14:56.600> the<00:14:56.800> effects<00:14:57.800> so<00:14:58.120> right<00:14:58.320> now consequences or the effects so right now consequences or the effects so right now in<00:14:59.320> my<00:14:59.560> lab<00:15:00.399> we're<00:15:00.839> combining in my lab we're combining in my lab we're combining state-of-the-art<00:15:02.800> bat<00:15:03.120> field<00:15:03.680> biology<00:15:04.320> going state-of-the-art bat field biology going state-of-the-art bat field biology going and<00:15:04.839> catching<00:15:05.160> the<00:15:05.279> Long<00:15:05.560> Live<00:15:05.800> bats<00:15:06.639> with<00:15:06.959> the and catching the Long Live bats with the and catching the Long Live bats with the most<00:15:07.440> upto-date<00:15:07.959> modern<00:15:08.959> molecular most upto-date modern molecular most upto-date modern molecular technology<00:15:10.320> to<00:15:10.920> understand<00:15:11.279> better<00:15:11.800> what<00:15:11.920> it technology to understand better what it technology to understand better what it is<00:15:12.399> that<00:15:12.639> they<00:15:12.839> do<00:15:13.720> to<00:15:13.920> stop<00:15:14.240> aging<00:15:14.880> as<00:15:15.079> we<00:15:15.240> do is that they do to stop aging as we do is that they do to stop aging as we do and<00:15:16.160> hopefully<00:15:16.519> in<00:15:16.600> the<00:15:16.720> next<00:15:16.959> five<00:15:17.160> years and hopefully in the next five years and hopefully in the next five years I'll<00:15:17.560> be<00:15:17.680> giving<00:15:17.839> you<00:15:17.959> a<00:15:18.040> Ted<00:15:18.320> Talk<00:15:18.560> on<00:15:18.759> that I'll be giving you a Ted Talk on that I'll be giving you a Ted Talk on that aging<00:15:19.880> is<00:15:19.959> a<00:15:20.160> big<00:15:20.440> problem<00:15:21.120> for<00:15:21.839> Humanity<00:15:22.839> and aging is a big problem for Humanity and aging is a big problem for Humanity and I<00:15:23.240> believe<00:15:23.839> that<00:15:24.000> by<00:15:24.120> studying<00:15:24.560> bats<00:15:24.959> we<00:15:25.040> can I believe that by studying bats we can I believe that by studying bats we can uncover<00:15:25.959> the<00:15:26.120> molecular<00:15:26.639> mechanisms<00:15:27.560> that uncover the molecular mechanisms that uncover the molecular mechanisms that enable<00:15:28.120> mammals<00:15:28.440> to<00:15:28.680> achieve<00:15:29.000> extraordinary enable mammals to achieve extraordinary enable mammals to achieve extraordinary Longevity<00:15:30.959> if<00:15:31.079> we<00:15:31.319> find<00:15:31.560> out<00:15:31.800> what<00:15:31.959> they're Longevity if we find out what they're Longevity if we find out what they're doing<00:15:32.920> perhaps<00:15:33.279> through<00:15:33.519> gene<00:15:34.199> therapy<00:15:34.920> we doing perhaps through gene therapy we doing perhaps through gene therapy we can<00:15:35.199> enable<00:15:35.560> us<00:15:35.720> to<00:15:35.880> do<00:15:36.040> the<00:15:36.199> same<00:15:36.680> thing can enable us to do the same thing can enable us to do the same thing potentially<00:15:38.720> this<00:15:38.880> means<00:15:39.199> that<00:15:39.360> we<00:15:39.480> could potentially this means that we could potentially this means that we could halt<00:15:40.040> aging<00:15:40.519> or<00:15:40.720> maybe<00:15:41.000> even<00:15:41.240> reverse<00:15:41.639> it<00:15:42.480> and halt aging or maybe even reverse it and halt aging or maybe even reverse it and just<00:15:43.040> imagine<00:15:43.560> what<00:15:43.720> that<00:15:43.839> would<00:15:44.000> be just imagine what that would be just imagine what that would be like<00:15:47.120> so<00:15:47.399> really<00:15:48.079> I<00:15:48.160> don't<00:15:48.399> think<00:15:48.560> we<00:15:48.680> should like so really I don't think we should like so really I don't think we should be<00:15:49.000> thinking<00:15:49.360> them<00:15:49.519> as<00:15:49.680> flying<00:15:50.279> Demons<00:15:50.720> of<00:15:50.880> the be thinking them as flying Demons of the be thinking them as flying Demons of the night<00:15:51.720> but<00:15:52.199> more<00:15:52.800> as<00:15:52.920> our night but more as our night but more as our superheroes<00:15:54.800> and<00:15:54.920> the<00:15:55.079> reality<00:15:55.519> that<00:15:56.120> bats superheroes and the reality that bats superheroes and the reality that bats can<00:15:56.720> bring<00:15:57.000> us<00:15:57.279> so<00:15:57.519> much<00:15:57.759> benefits<00:15:58.240> if<00:15:58.360> we<00:15:58.680> us can bring us so much benefits if we us can bring us so much benefits if we us look<00:15:58.920> in<00:15:59.040> the<00:15:59.199> right<00:15:59.440> place<00:16:00.079> they're<00:16:00.279> good<00:16:00.399> for look in the right place they're good for look in the right place they're good for our<00:16:00.720> ecosystem<00:16:01.480> they<00:16:01.600> allow<00:16:01.880> us<00:16:02.399> understand our ecosystem they allow us understand our ecosystem they allow us understand how<00:16:02.680> our<00:16:02.839> genome<00:16:03.240> functions<00:16:04.120> and<00:16:04.279> they how our genome functions and they how our genome functions and they potentially<00:16:05.040> hold<00:16:05.480> secret<00:16:05.839> to<00:16:06.040> Everlasting potentially hold secret to Everlasting potentially hold secret to Everlasting youth<00:16:07.319> so<00:16:07.560> tonight<00:16:08.360> when<00:16:08.519> you<00:16:08.639> walk<00:16:08.839> out<00:16:08.959> of youth so tonight when you walk out of youth so tonight when you walk out of here<00:16:09.360> and<00:16:09.480> you<00:16:09.600> look<00:16:09.759> up<00:16:09.880> in<00:16:10.000> the<00:16:10.079> night<00:16:10.399> skies here and you look up in the night skies here and you look up in the night skies and<00:16:11.040> you<00:16:11.160> see<00:16:11.800> this<00:16:12.000> beautiful<00:16:12.360> flying<00:16:12.720> mammal and you see this beautiful flying mammal and you see this beautiful flying mammal I<00:16:13.399> want<00:16:13.560> you<00:16:13.680> to<00:16:13.839> smile<00:16:14.720> thank I want you to smile thank I want you to smile thank [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]


Emma Teeling, TED, TEDx, TEDxDublin, TED, Ed, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, zoology, bats, biology, science, rethink, bats

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