Mang TED đến lớp học với CÁC Câu Lạc BỘ TED-Ed

Bring TED to the classroom with TED-Ed Clubs

Bring TED to the classroom with TED-Ed Clubs

These are sounds. Sounds are our way of communication. Our way of understanding. Have you ever thought that your voice sounds much better in the bath? What is the extent of teachers' rights? What if you could become something like an animal? Is that possible? What separates those who primarily have an idea and those who want to bring it to life is simple. A society assumes that that is the story of every black man walking the Earth. It is assumed that that is my story, before I even begin to tell it. Because everything I've just told you so far is a lie and I just made it all up. My talk is actually about the art of lying and convincing people that what you're saying is true. We've developed technologies to give ourselves more and more pleasure. We're turning into a world like the "Brave New World" of Aldous Huxley .
This is Ted-ED and this is what we do.

TED, TED-Ed, TED-Ed Clubs, TEDx, TED Education, Extra curricular, College application, High school

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