3 điều tôi học được khi máy bay của tôi bị rơi – Ric Elias

3 things I learned while my plane crashed - Ric Elias

3 things I learned while my plane crashed - Ric Elias


imagine<00:00:16.810> a<00:00:17.220> big<00:00:18.220> explosion<00:00:18.520> as<00:00:19.270> you<00:00:19.450> climb
imagine a big explosion as you climb imagine a big explosion as you climb through<00:00:20.080> 3000<00:00:20.770> feet through 3000 feet through 3000 feet imagine<00:00:22.540> a<00:00:22.630> Plane<00:00:22.869> full<00:00:23.490> of<00:00:24.490> smoke<00:00:25.140> imagine<00:00:26.140> an imagine a Plane full of smoke imagine an imagine a Plane full of smoke imagine an engine<00:00:26.619> going<00:00:26.830> clock<00:00:27.099> clock<00:00:28.060> clock<00:00:28.119> clock engine going clock clock clock clock engine going clock clock clock clock sounds<00:00:30.009> scary<00:00:30.660> well<00:00:31.660> had<00:00:31.809> a<00:00:31.840> unique<00:00:32.169> seat<00:00:32.470> that sounds scary well had a unique seat that sounds scary well had a unique seat that day<00:00:32.739> I<00:00:33.190> was<00:00:33.640> sitting<00:00:33.910> in<00:00:34.030> 1d<00:00:34.420> I<00:00:34.660> was<00:00:35.350> the<00:00:35.470> only day I was sitting in 1d I was the only day I was sitting in 1d I was the only one<00:00:35.829> who<00:00:35.950> could<00:00:36.130> talk<00:00:36.309> to<00:00:36.489> the<00:00:36.579> flight one who could talk to the flight one who could talk to the flight attendants<00:00:37.500> so<00:00:38.500> I<00:00:38.530> looked<00:00:38.770> at<00:00:38.890> them<00:00:39.010> right attendants so I looked at them right attendants so I looked at them right away<00:00:39.399> and<00:00:39.640> they<00:00:40.329> said<00:00:40.540> no<00:00:40.719> problem<00:00:40.960> we away and they said no problem we away and they said no problem we probably<00:00:41.680> hit<00:00:41.890> some<00:00:42.130> birds<00:00:42.370> the<00:00:43.030> pilot<00:00:43.420> had probably hit some birds the pilot had probably hit some birds the pilot had already<00:00:43.719> turned<00:00:44.050> the<00:00:44.260> plane<00:00:44.440> around<00:00:44.469> and<00:00:44.920> we already turned the plane around and we already turned the plane around and we weren't<00:00:45.460> that<00:00:45.640> far<00:00:45.820> you<00:00:46.449> could<00:00:46.570> see<00:00:46.809> Manhattan weren't that far you could see Manhattan weren't that far you could see Manhattan two<00:00:49.570> minutes<00:00:49.839> later<00:00:50.050> three<00:00:50.829> things<00:00:51.100> happen<00:00:51.489> at two minutes later three things happen at two minutes later three things happen at the<00:00:51.640> same<00:00:51.730> time<00:00:53.280> the<00:00:54.280> pilot<00:00:54.730> lines<00:00:55.300> up<00:00:55.510> the the same time the pilot lines up the the same time the pilot lines up the plane<00:00:55.929> with<00:00:56.079> the<00:00:56.109> Hudson<00:00:56.289> River<00:00:57.539> it's<00:00:58.539> usually plane with the Hudson River it's usually plane with the Hudson River it's usually not<00:00:59.019> the<00:00:59.079> route<00:01:01.050> he<00:01:02.050> turns<00:01:02.319> off<00:01:02.559> the<00:01:02.589> engines not the route he turns off the engines not the route he turns off the engines now<00:01:04.839> imagine<00:01:05.260> being<00:01:05.409> on<00:01:05.470> a<00:01:05.560> plane<00:01:05.680> with<00:01:05.950> no now imagine being on a plane with no now imagine being on a plane with no sound<00:01:06.490> and<00:01:07.470> then<00:01:08.470> he<00:01:08.650> says<00:01:08.920> three<00:01:09.250> words<00:01:09.490> as sound and then he says three words as sound and then he says three words as unemotional<00:01:11.050> three<00:01:11.260> words<00:01:11.440> have<00:01:11.590> I've<00:01:11.740> ever unemotional three words have I've ever unemotional three words have I've ever heard<00:01:12.280> he<00:01:13.180> says<00:01:13.479> brace<00:01:13.990> for<00:01:14.260> impact heard he says brace for impact heard he says brace for impact I<00:01:15.870> didn't<00:01:16.870> have<00:01:17.020> to<00:01:17.170> talk<00:01:17.380> to<00:01:17.560> the<00:01:17.680> flight I didn't have to talk to the flight I didn't have to talk to the flight attendant<00:01:17.890> anymore<00:01:18.610> I<00:01:21.210> could<00:01:22.210> see<00:01:22.420> in<00:01:22.570> her attendant anymore I could see in her attendant anymore I could see in her eyes<00:01:22.750> it<00:01:23.530> was<00:01:23.710> terror<00:01:24.040> life<00:01:24.640> was<00:01:24.880> over<00:01:25.380> and<00:01:26.380> I eyes it was terror life was over and I eyes it was terror life was over and I want<00:01:26.620> to<00:01:26.680> share<00:01:26.800> with<00:01:26.950> you<00:01:27.100> three<00:01:27.370> things<00:01:27.400> I want to share with you three things I want to share with you three things I learn<00:01:27.880> about<00:01:28.090> myself<00:01:28.950> that<00:01:29.950> they<00:01:30.130> I<00:01:30.990> learned learn about myself that they I learned learn about myself that they I learned that<00:01:32.230> it<00:01:32.320> all<00:01:32.440> changes<00:01:32.890> in<00:01:33.040> an<00:01:33.130> instant<00:01:34.140> we that it all changes in an instant we that it all changes in an instant we have<00:01:35.350> this<00:01:35.980> bucket<00:01:36.400> list<00:01:36.550> we<00:01:36.910> have<00:01:37.030> these have this bucket list we have these have this bucket list we have these things<00:01:37.450> we<00:01:37.600> want<00:01:37.750> to<00:01:37.810> do<00:01:37.930> in<00:01:38.050> life<00:01:38.230> and<00:01:38.530> I things we want to do in life and I things we want to do in life and I thought<00:01:39.460> about<00:01:39.670> all<00:01:39.850> the<00:01:40.000> people<00:01:40.060> I<00:01:40.330> wanted<00:01:40.600> to thought about all the people I wanted to thought about all the people I wanted to reach<00:01:40.870> out<00:01:41.080> that<00:01:41.230> I<00:01:41.290> didn't<00:01:41.620> all<00:01:42.340> the<00:01:42.640> fences<00:01:43.000> I reach out that I didn't all the fences I reach out that I didn't all the fences I wanted<00:01:43.420> am<00:01:43.510> in<00:01:43.690> all<00:01:44.680> the<00:01:44.920> experiences<00:01:45.460> I wanted am in all the experiences I wanted am in all the experiences I wanted<00:01:45.880> to<00:01:45.940> had<00:01:46.150> and<00:01:46.390> I<00:01:46.420> never<00:01:46.630> did<00:01:47.640> as<00:01:48.640> I wanted to had and I never did as I wanted to had and I never did as I thought<00:01:48.970> about<00:01:49.030> that<00:01:49.530> later<00:01:50.530> on<00:01:50.620> I<00:01:50.800> came<00:01:51.130> up thought about that later on I came up thought about that later on I came up with<00:01:51.400> the<00:01:51.490> same<00:01:51.700> which<00:01:52.120> is<00:01:52.360> I<00:01:52.570> collect<00:01:53.200> bat with the same which is I collect bat with the same which is I collect bat wines<00:01:54.600> because<00:01:55.600> if<00:01:55.720> the<00:01:55.810> wine<00:01:55.990> is<00:01:56.020> ready<00:01:56.380> and wines because if the wine is ready and wines because if the wine is ready and the<00:01:56.620> person<00:01:56.950> is<00:01:57.040> there<00:01:57.190> I'm<00:01:57.280> opening<00:01:57.640> I<00:01:57.850> no the person is there I'm opening I no the person is there I'm opening I no longer<00:01:59.110> want<00:01:59.950> to<00:02:00.040> postpone<00:02:00.280> anything<00:02:00.910> in<00:02:01.030> life longer want to postpone anything in life longer want to postpone anything in life in<00:02:01.480> that<00:02:02.230> urgency<00:02:02.680> that<00:02:03.220> purpose<00:02:03.730> has<00:02:04.000> really in that urgency that purpose has really in that urgency that purpose has really changed<00:02:04.630> my<00:02:04.750> life<00:02:05.610> the<00:02:06.610> second<00:02:07.000> thing<00:02:07.120> I changed my life the second thing I changed my life the second thing I learned<00:02:07.420> that<00:02:07.600> day<00:02:07.810> and<00:02:08.080> this<00:02:08.500> is<00:02:08.679> as<00:02:08.830> we<00:02:09.090> clear learned that day and this is as we clear learned that day and this is as we clear the<00:02:10.300> George<00:02:10.539> Washington<00:02:11.110> Bridge<00:02:11.140> which<00:02:11.620> was the George Washington Bridge which was the George Washington Bridge which was by<00:02:12.220> not<00:02:12.760> a<00:02:12.819> lot by not a lot by not a lot I<00:02:14.590> thought<00:02:15.460> about<00:02:15.730> wow<00:02:16.390> I<00:02:16.750> really<00:02:17.140> feel<00:02:17.440> one I thought about wow I really feel one I thought about wow I really feel one real<00:02:18.070> regret<00:02:18.340> I've<00:02:18.910> lived<00:02:19.180> a<00:02:19.300> good<00:02:19.450> life<00:02:19.600> in<00:02:20.140> my real regret I've lived a good life in my real regret I've lived a good life in my own<00:02:20.950> humanity<00:02:21.730> and<00:02:21.850> mistakes<00:02:22.210> I've<00:02:22.450> tried<00:02:22.780> to own humanity and mistakes I've tried to own humanity and mistakes I've tried to get<00:02:22.960> better<00:02:23.140> at<00:02:23.710> everything<00:02:24.040> I<00:02:24.310> tried<00:02:24.640> but<00:02:25.330> in get better at everything I tried but in get better at everything I tried but in my<00:02:25.540> humanity my humanity my humanity I<00:02:26.350> also<00:02:27.010> allow<00:02:27.340> my<00:02:27.490> ego<00:02:27.760> to<00:02:27.910> get<00:02:28.060> in<00:02:28.180> and<00:02:28.900> I I also allow my ego to get in and I I also allow my ego to get in and I regretted<00:02:29.920> the<00:02:30.130> time<00:02:30.400> I<00:02:30.430> wasted<00:02:30.850> and<00:02:31.300> things regretted the time I wasted and things regretted the time I wasted and things that<00:02:32.140> did<00:02:32.410> not<00:02:32.440> matter<00:02:32.920> with<00:02:33.790> people<00:02:33.970> that that did not matter with people that that did not matter with people that matter<00:02:34.510> I<00:02:35.460> thought<00:02:36.460> about<00:02:36.580> my<00:02:36.850> relationship matter I thought about my relationship matter I thought about my relationship with<00:02:37.540> my<00:02:37.690> wife<00:02:37.720> with<00:02:38.560> my<00:02:39.010> friends<00:02:39.430> with<00:02:39.610> people with my wife with my friends with people with my wife with my friends with people and<00:02:41.290> after<00:02:41.470> as<00:02:41.800> I<00:02:41.920> reflected<00:02:42.460> on<00:02:42.550> that<00:02:42.730> I and after as I reflected on that I and after as I reflected on that I decided<00:02:43.180> to<00:02:43.330> eliminate<00:02:43.540> negative<00:02:44.140> energy decided to eliminate negative energy decided to eliminate negative energy from<00:02:44.680> my<00:02:44.800> life<00:02:44.980> not<00:02:45.850> perfect<00:02:46.390> a<00:02:46.600> lot<00:02:47.230> better from my life not perfect a lot better from my life not perfect a lot better I've<00:02:48.190> not<00:02:48.459> had<00:02:48.610> a<00:02:48.670> fight<00:02:48.940> with<00:02:49.120> my<00:02:49.270> wife<00:02:49.300> in<00:02:50.080> two I've not had a fight with my wife in two I've not had a fight with my wife in two years<00:02:50.650> it<00:02:50.980> feels<00:02:51.220> great years it feels great years it feels great I<00:02:51.670> no<00:02:52.300> longer<00:02:52.810> trying<00:02:53.020> to<00:02:53.140> be<00:02:53.230> right<00:02:53.470> I<00:02:53.820> choose I no longer trying to be right I choose I no longer trying to be right I choose to<00:02:55.000> be<00:02:55.120> happy<00:02:56.520> the<00:02:57.520> third<00:02:57.760> thing<00:02:57.970> I<00:02:58.150> learned to be happy the third thing I learned to be happy the third thing I learned and<00:02:58.690> this<00:02:58.840> is<00:02:59.080> as<00:02:59.350> your<00:02:59.560> mental<00:02:59.860> clock<00:03:00.100> starts and this is as your mental clock starts and this is as your mental clock starts going<00:03:00.880> 15<00:03:01.420> 14<00:03:02.320> 13<00:03:02.590> you<00:03:03.250> can<00:03:03.400> see<00:03:03.580> the<00:03:03.670> water going 15 14 13 you can see the water going 15 14 13 you can see the water coming<00:03:04.180> I'm<00:03:04.390> saying<00:03:04.630> please<00:03:04.990> blow<00:03:05.260> up<00:03:05.470> right<00:03:06.370> I coming I'm saying please blow up right I coming I'm saying please blow up right I don't<00:03:06.610> want<00:03:06.880> this<00:03:06.940> thing<00:03:07.030> to<00:03:07.180> break<00:03:07.420> in<00:03:07.630> 20 don't want this thing to break in 20 don't want this thing to break in 20 pieces<00:03:08.170> like<00:03:08.440> you've<00:03:08.590> seen<00:03:08.800> in<00:03:08.860> those pieces like you've seen in those pieces like you've seen in those documentaries<00:03:09.910> and<00:03:10.620> as<00:03:11.620> we're<00:03:11.800> coming<00:03:11.980> down<00:03:12.130> I documentaries and as we're coming down I documentaries and as we're coming down I had<00:03:13.840> a<00:03:13.870> sense<00:03:14.260> of<00:03:14.590> wow<00:03:15.430> dying<00:03:16.150> is<00:03:16.450> not<00:03:16.930> scary had a sense of wow dying is not scary had a sense of wow dying is not scary it's<00:03:17.950> almost<00:03:18.760> like<00:03:18.940> we've<00:03:19.060> been<00:03:19.209> preparing it's almost like we've been preparing it's almost like we've been preparing for<00:03:19.690> our<00:03:20.050> whole<00:03:20.440> lives<00:03:21.150> but<00:03:22.150> it<00:03:22.239> was<00:03:22.360> very<00:03:22.750> sad for our whole lives but it was very sad for our whole lives but it was very sad I<00:03:23.500> didn't<00:03:23.980> want<00:03:24.130> to<00:03:24.190> go<00:03:24.340> I<00:03:24.580> love<00:03:24.910> my<00:03:25.090> life<00:03:25.269> and I didn't want to go I love my life and I didn't want to go I love my life and that<00:03:26.769> sadness<00:03:27.100> really<00:03:27.850> framed<00:03:28.630> in<00:03:28.930> one that sadness really framed in one that sadness really framed in one thought<00:03:30.519> which<00:03:30.880> is<00:03:31.150> I<00:03:31.420> only<00:03:32.110> wish<00:03:32.410> for<00:03:32.620> one thought which is I only wish for one thought which is I only wish for one thing<00:03:32.830> I<00:03:33.390> only<00:03:34.390> wish<00:03:34.660> I<00:03:34.750> could<00:03:34.930> see<00:03:35.080> my<00:03:35.110> kids thing I only wish I could see my kids thing I only wish I could see my kids grow<00:03:35.650> up<00:03:37.019> about<00:03:38.019> a<00:03:38.050> month<00:03:38.260> later<00:03:38.470> I<00:03:38.650> was<00:03:38.890> in<00:03:39.040> a grow up about a month later I was in a grow up about a month later I was in a performance<00:03:39.850> by<00:03:40.090> my<00:03:40.239> daughter<00:03:40.480> first<00:03:41.440> grader performance by my daughter first grader performance by my daughter first grader not<00:03:42.670> much<00:03:42.850> artistic<00:03:43.209> talent<00:03:44.430> yet not much artistic talent yet not much artistic talent yet and<00:03:47.959> I'm<00:03:48.470> balling<00:03:49.100> I'm<00:03:49.370> crying<00:03:50.000> like<00:03:50.450> a<00:03:50.780> little and I'm balling I'm crying like a little and I'm balling I'm crying like a little kid<00:03:51.910> and<00:03:52.910> he<00:03:53.510> made<00:03:53.690> all<00:03:53.930> the<00:03:54.230> sense<00:03:54.470> in<00:03:54.590> the kid and he made all the sense in the kid and he made all the sense in the world<00:03:54.770> to<00:03:55.040> me<00:03:55.250> I<00:03:55.540> realize<00:03:56.540> at<00:03:57.470> that<00:03:57.709> point<00:03:57.890> by world to me I realize at that point by world to me I realize at that point by connecting<00:03:58.880> those<00:03:59.000> two<00:03:59.240> dots<00:03:59.420> that<00:03:59.840> the<00:03:59.959> only connecting those two dots that the only connecting those two dots that the only thing<00:04:00.440> that<00:04:00.590> matters<00:04:00.920> in<00:04:01.040> my<00:04:01.160> life<00:04:01.370> is<00:04:02.120> being<00:04:02.420> a thing that matters in my life is being a thing that matters in my life is being a great<00:04:02.630> dad great dad great dad above<00:04:04.520> all<00:04:05.260> above<00:04:06.260> all<00:04:06.470> the<00:04:07.010> only<00:04:07.220> goal<00:04:07.580> I<00:04:07.610> have above all above all the only goal I have above all above all the only goal I have in<00:04:08.060> life<00:04:08.239> is<00:04:08.270> to<00:04:08.480> be<00:04:08.720> a<00:04:08.750> good<00:04:08.959> dad<00:04:09.140> I<00:04:09.910> was<00:04:10.910> given in life is to be a good dad I was given in life is to be a good dad I was given the<00:04:11.660> gift<00:04:11.690> of<00:04:12.080> a<00:04:12.620> miracle<00:04:13.010> of<00:04:13.160> not<00:04:13.400> dying<00:04:13.700> that the gift of a miracle of not dying that the gift of a miracle of not dying that day<00:04:13.970> I<00:04:14.390> was<00:04:14.959> given<00:04:15.230> another<00:04:15.290> gift<00:04:15.770> which<00:04:16.700> was day I was given another gift which was day I was given another gift which was to<00:04:17.299> be<00:04:17.389> able<00:04:17.480> to<00:04:17.630> see<00:04:17.840> into<00:04:18.049> the<00:04:18.079> future<00:04:18.200> and to be able to see into the future and to be able to see into the future and come<00:04:19.459> back<00:04:19.640> and<00:04:19.940> live<00:04:21.310> differently<00:04:22.310> I come back and live differently I come back and live differently I challenge<00:04:23.720> you<00:04:23.840> guys<00:04:23.870> that<00:04:24.410> are<00:04:24.500> flying<00:04:24.710> today challenge you guys that are flying today challenge you guys that are flying today imagine<00:04:26.750> the<00:04:26.900> same<00:04:27.169> thing<00:04:27.200> happens<00:04:27.770> on<00:04:27.890> your imagine the same thing happens on your imagine the same thing happens on your plane<00:04:28.310> and<00:04:28.550> please<00:04:29.180> don't plane and please don't plane and please don't but<00:04:30.560> imagine<00:04:31.010> and<00:04:31.160> how<00:04:31.550> would<00:04:31.760> you<00:04:31.880> change but imagine and how would you change but imagine and how would you change what<00:04:33.110> would<00:04:33.260> you<00:04:33.410> get<00:04:33.620> done<00:04:33.860> that<00:04:33.890> you're what would you get done that you're what would you get done that you're waiting<00:04:34.610> to<00:04:34.700> get<00:04:34.850> done<00:04:35.060> because<00:04:35.180> you<00:04:35.450> think waiting to get done because you think waiting to get done because you think you'll<00:04:35.810> be<00:04:36.020> here<00:04:36.200> forever<00:04:36.850> how<00:04:37.850> would<00:04:38.000> you you'll be here forever how would you you'll be here forever how would you change<00:04:38.390> your<00:04:38.840> relationships<00:04:39.620> and<00:04:39.860> the change your relationships and the change your relationships and the negative<00:04:40.400> energy<00:04:40.760> in<00:04:40.880> them<00:04:41.060> and<00:04:41.600> more<00:04:41.780> than negative energy in them and more than negative energy in them and more than anything<00:04:42.169> are<00:04:43.130> you<00:04:43.310> being<00:04:43.550> the<00:04:43.669> best<00:04:43.790> parent anything are you being the best parent anything are you being the best parent you<00:04:44.270> can<00:04:44.479> thank


Ric Elias, Flight, 1549, plane, plane, crash, crush, Hudson, Captain, Sully, Hudson, River, TED, TED, Talk, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, Ed

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