Bài học từ văn hóa tự do của thời trang – Johanna Blakley

Lessons from fashion's free culture - Johanna Blakley

Lessons from fashion's free culture - Johanna Blakley


I<00:00:15.770> heard<00:00:16.770> this<00:00:16.949> amazing<00:00:17.369> story<00:00:17.670> about<00:00:17.789> Miuccia
I heard this amazing story about Miuccia I heard this amazing story about Miuccia Prada<00:00:18.349> she's<00:00:19.349> an<00:00:19.560> Italian<00:00:19.800> fashion<00:00:20.220> designer Prada she's an Italian fashion designer Prada she's an Italian fashion designer she<00:00:20.820> goes<00:00:21.240> to<00:00:21.599> this<00:00:21.750> vintage<00:00:22.259> store<00:00:22.619> in<00:00:22.860> Paris she goes to this vintage store in Paris she goes to this vintage store in Paris with<00:00:23.460> a<00:00:23.490> friend<00:00:23.759> of<00:00:23.849> hers<00:00:24.029> she's<00:00:24.689> rooting with a friend of hers she's rooting with a friend of hers she's rooting around<00:00:25.079> she<00:00:25.470> finds<00:00:25.740> this<00:00:25.800> one<00:00:26.039> jacket<00:00:26.400> by around she finds this one jacket by around she finds this one jacket by balance<00:00:27.450> yoga<00:00:27.770> she<00:00:28.770> loves<00:00:29.009> it balance yoga she loves it balance yoga she loves it she's<00:00:31.320> turning<00:00:31.529> it<00:00:31.680> inside<00:00:31.829> out<00:00:32.040> she's she's turning it inside out she's she's turning it inside out she's against<00:00:32.940> the<00:00:33.059> seams<00:00:33.360> she's<00:00:34.020> looking<00:00:34.260> at<00:00:34.350> the against the seams she's looking at the against the seams she's looking at the construction<00:00:34.620> her<00:00:35.129> friend<00:00:35.340> says<00:00:35.520> buy<00:00:35.730> it construction her friend says buy it construction her friend says buy it already<00:00:36.440> she<00:00:37.440> said<00:00:37.590> I'll<00:00:38.250> buy<00:00:38.430> it<00:00:38.489> but<00:00:38.940> I'm already she said I'll buy it but I'm already she said I'll buy it but I'm also<00:00:39.270> going<00:00:39.510> to<00:00:39.570> replicate<00:00:40.079> it<00:00:41.750> now<00:00:42.750> the also going to replicate it now the also going to replicate it now the academics<00:00:43.410> in<00:00:43.530> this<00:00:43.680> audience<00:00:44.010> may<00:00:44.310> think academics in this audience may think academics in this audience may think well<00:00:45.180> that<00:00:45.300> sounds<00:00:45.600> like<00:00:45.690> plagiarism<00:00:46.530> but<00:00:47.400> to well that sounds like plagiarism but to well that sounds like plagiarism but to a<00:00:47.550> fashionista<00:00:48.180> what<00:00:48.870> it<00:00:48.989> really<00:00:49.170> is<00:00:49.290> is<00:00:49.739> a a fashionista what it really is is a a fashionista what it really is is a sign<00:00:50.190> of<00:00:50.370> Pradas<00:00:50.730> genius<00:00:51.239> that<00:00:51.960> she<00:00:52.140> can<00:00:52.260> root sign of Pradas genius that she can root sign of Pradas genius that she can root through<00:00:52.739> the<00:00:52.829> history<00:00:53.130> of<00:00:53.250> fashion<00:00:53.640> and<00:00:53.730> pick through the history of fashion and pick through the history of fashion and pick the<00:00:54.000> one<00:00:54.239> jacket<00:00:54.780> that<00:00:55.230> doesn't<00:00:55.560> need<00:00:55.680> to<00:00:55.739> be the one jacket that doesn't need to be the one jacket that doesn't need to be changed<00:00:56.489> by<00:00:56.640> one<00:00:56.910> iota<00:00:57.090> and<00:00:57.570> to<00:00:58.050> be<00:00:58.170> current changed by one iota and to be current changed by one iota and to be current and<00:00:58.649> to<00:00:58.950> be<00:00:59.070> now<00:00:59.660> you<00:01:00.660> might<00:01:00.840> also<00:01:01.050> be<00:01:01.380> asking and to be now you might also be asking and to be now you might also be asking whether<00:01:02.309> it's<00:01:02.520> possible<00:01:03.229> that<00:01:04.229> this<00:01:04.379> is whether it's possible that this is whether it's possible that this is illegal<00:01:05.070> for<00:01:05.250> her<00:01:05.579> to<00:01:05.700> do<00:01:05.850> this<00:01:06.140> well<00:01:07.140> it<00:01:07.259> turns illegal for her to do this well it turns illegal for her to do this well it turns out<00:01:07.619> it's<00:01:07.860> actually<00:01:08.220> not<00:01:08.399> illegal<00:01:09.119> in<00:01:09.509> the out it's actually not illegal in the out it's actually not illegal in the fashion<00:01:10.140> industry<00:01:10.259> there's<00:01:10.829> very<00:01:11.189> little fashion industry there's very little fashion industry there's very little intellectual<00:01:12.090> property<00:01:12.630> protection<00:01:13.340> they intellectual property protection they intellectual property protection they have<00:01:14.369> trademark<00:01:15.210> protection<00:01:15.650> but<00:01:16.650> no have trademark protection but no have trademark protection but no copyright<00:01:17.340> protection<00:01:17.370> and<00:01:18.229> no<00:01:19.229> patent copyright protection and no patent copyright protection and no patent protection<00:01:20.340> to<00:01:20.640> speak<00:01:20.880> of<00:01:21.090> all<00:01:21.330> they<00:01:21.900> have protection to speak of all they have protection to speak of all they have really<00:01:22.380> is<00:01:22.590> trademark<00:01:23.220> protection<00:01:23.340> and<00:01:23.940> so<00:01:24.240> it really is trademark protection and so it really is trademark protection and so it means<00:01:24.810> that<00:01:25.200> anybody<00:01:25.470> could<00:01:26.250> copy<00:01:26.430> any means that anybody could copy any means that anybody could copy any garment<00:01:27.299> on<00:01:27.479> any<00:01:27.900> person<00:01:28.320> in<00:01:28.440> this<00:01:28.560> room<00:01:28.830> and garment on any person in this room and garment on any person in this room and sell<00:01:29.880> it<00:01:30.030> as<00:01:30.210> their<00:01:30.390> own<00:01:30.570> design<00:01:30.960> the<00:01:31.650> only sell it as their own design the only sell it as their own design the only thing<00:01:32.220> that<00:01:32.340> they<00:01:32.460> can't<00:01:32.700> copy<00:01:32.940> is<00:01:33.299> the<00:01:33.540> actual thing that they can't copy is the actual thing that they can't copy is the actual trademark<00:01:34.650> label<00:01:35.040> within<00:01:35.610> that<00:01:35.940> piece<00:01:36.299> of trademark label within that piece of trademark label within that piece of apparel<00:01:36.950> that's<00:01:37.950> one<00:01:38.159> reason<00:01:38.340> that<00:01:38.490> you<00:01:38.670> see apparel that's one reason that you see apparel that's one reason that you see logos<00:01:39.299> splattered<00:01:39.960> all<00:01:40.229> over<00:01:40.290> these<00:01:40.740> products logos splattered all over these products logos splattered all over these products it's<00:01:41.430> because<00:01:41.700> it's<00:01:41.850> a<00:01:41.909> lot<00:01:42.150> harder<00:01:42.450> for it's because it's a lot harder for it's because it's a lot harder for knockoff<00:01:43.229> artists<00:01:43.799> to<00:01:44.010> knock<00:01:44.189> up<00:01:44.369> these knockoff artists to knock up these knockoff artists to knock up these designs<00:01:44.939> because<00:01:45.780> they<00:01:45.900> can't<00:01:46.140> knock<00:01:46.320> off<00:01:46.530> the designs because they can't knock off the designs because they can't knock off the logo<00:01:47.330> but<00:01:48.330> if<00:01:48.930> you<00:01:49.049> go<00:01:49.170> to<00:01:49.229> Santee<00:01:49.590> alley<00:01:49.710> yeah logo but if you go to Santee alley yeah logo but if you go to Santee alley yeah Lea Lea Lea Canal<00:01:53.630> Street<00:01:53.869> I<00:01:54.320> know<00:01:54.670> and<00:01:55.670> sometimes<00:01:56.060> these Canal Street I know and sometimes these Canal Street I know and sometimes these are<00:01:56.360> fun<00:01:56.630> right<00:01:57.790> now<00:01:58.790> the<00:01:58.850> reason<00:01:59.330> for<00:01:59.479> this are fun right now the reason for this are fun right now the reason for this the<00:01:59.659> reason<00:01:59.930> that<00:02:00.200> the<00:02:00.380> fashion<00:02:00.590> industry the reason that the fashion industry the reason that the fashion industry doesn't<00:02:01.460> have<00:02:01.790> any<00:02:01.970> copyright<00:02:02.540> protection<00:02:02.990> is doesn't have any copyright protection is doesn't have any copyright protection is because<00:02:03.350> the<00:02:03.500> courts<00:02:03.799> decided<00:02:04.280> long<00:02:04.490> ago<00:02:04.549> that because the courts decided long ago that because the courts decided long ago that apparel<00:02:06.350> is<00:02:06.530> too<00:02:06.830> utilitarian<00:02:07.729> to<00:02:07.850> qualify apparel is too utilitarian to qualify apparel is too utilitarian to qualify for<00:02:08.360> copyright<00:02:09.050> protection<00:02:09.170> they<00:02:09.830> didn't for copyright protection they didn't for copyright protection they didn't want<00:02:10.369> a<00:02:10.459> handful<00:02:10.910> of<00:02:10.940> designers<00:02:11.510> owning<00:02:12.140> the want a handful of designers owning the want a handful of designers owning the seminal<00:02:13.130> building<00:02:13.550> blocks<00:02:13.790> of<00:02:13.970> our<00:02:14.090> clothing seminal building blocks of our clothing seminal building blocks of our clothing and<00:02:14.780> then<00:02:14.870> everybody<00:02:15.200> else<00:02:15.350> would<00:02:15.440> have<00:02:15.590> to and then everybody else would have to and then everybody else would have to license<00:02:16.250> this<00:02:16.550> cuff<00:02:16.880> for<00:02:17.209> this<00:02:17.390> sleeve license this cuff for this sleeve license this cuff for this sleeve because<00:02:18.020> Joe<00:02:18.530> Blow<00:02:18.770> owns<00:02:19.069> it<00:02:19.310> but<00:02:20.800> to because Joe Blow owns it but to because Joe Blow owns it but to utilitarian<00:02:22.760> I<00:02:22.970> mean<00:02:23.120> is<00:02:23.239> that<00:02:23.270> the<00:02:23.630> way<00:02:23.660> you utilitarian I mean is that the way you utilitarian I mean is that the way you think<00:02:24.080> of<00:02:24.290> fashion<00:02:24.530> this<00:02:25.220> is<00:02:25.340> Vivienne think of fashion this is Vivienne think of fashion this is Vivienne Westwood<00:02:26.120> no<00:02:26.420> we<00:02:27.380> think<00:02:27.620> of<00:02:27.709> it<00:02:27.800> as<00:02:27.830> maybe<00:02:28.069> too Westwood no we think of it as maybe too Westwood no we think of it as maybe too silly<00:02:28.670> to<00:02:29.260> unnecessary<00:02:30.400> now<00:02:31.400> those<00:02:31.580> of<00:02:31.610> you silly to unnecessary now those of you silly to unnecessary now those of you who<00:02:32.180> are<00:02:32.300> familiar<00:02:32.510> with<00:02:33.019> the<00:02:33.140> logic<00:02:33.590> behind who are familiar with the logic behind who are familiar with the logic behind copyright<00:02:34.430> protection<00:02:35.030> which<00:02:35.450> is<00:02:35.630> that copyright protection which is that copyright protection which is that without<00:02:36.170> ownership<00:02:36.739> there<00:02:36.950> is<00:02:37.040> no<00:02:37.280> incentive without ownership there is no incentive without ownership there is no incentive to<00:02:38.060> innovate<00:02:38.239> might<00:02:39.230> be<00:02:39.380> really<00:02:39.680> surprised<00:02:40.130> by to innovate might be really surprised by to innovate might be really surprised by both<00:02:40.640> the<00:02:40.880> critical<00:02:41.090> success<00:02:41.540> of<00:02:41.930> the<00:02:42.019> fashion both the critical success of the fashion both the critical success of the fashion industry<00:02:42.860> and<00:02:42.890> the<00:02:43.580> economic<00:02:44.209> success<00:02:44.600> of industry and the economic success of industry and the economic success of this<00:02:44.930> industry<00:02:45.549> what<00:02:46.549> I'm<00:02:46.670> going<00:02:46.790> to<00:02:46.819> argue this industry what I'm going to argue this industry what I'm going to argue today<00:02:47.269> is<00:02:47.870> that<00:02:48.470> because<00:02:49.310> there's<00:02:49.730> no today is that because there's no today is that because there's no copyright<00:02:50.870> protection<00:02:51.380> in<00:02:51.440> the<00:02:51.560> fashion copyright protection in the fashion copyright protection in the fashion industry<00:02:52.420> fashion<00:02:53.420> designers<00:02:53.840> have<00:02:53.870> actually industry fashion designers have actually industry fashion designers have actually been<00:02:54.620> able<00:02:54.799> to<00:02:54.950> elevate<00:02:55.900> utilitarian<00:02:56.900> design been able to elevate utilitarian design been able to elevate utilitarian design things<00:02:57.590> to<00:02:57.799> cover<00:02:58.040> our<00:02:58.250> naked<00:02:58.610> bodies<00:02:58.970> into things to cover our naked bodies into things to cover our naked bodies into something<00:03:00.049> that<00:03:00.079> we<00:03:00.320> consider<00:03:00.530> art<00:03:01.360> because something that we consider art because something that we consider art because there's<00:03:02.600> no<00:03:02.750> copyright<00:03:02.989> protection<00:03:03.769> in<00:03:03.829> this there's no copyright protection in this there's no copyright protection in this industry<00:03:04.579> there's<00:03:05.570> a<00:03:05.630> very<00:03:06.019> open<00:03:06.590> and industry there's a very open and industry there's a very open and creative<00:03:07.160> ecology<00:03:08.060> of<00:03:08.090> creativity<00:03:09.040> unlike creative ecology of creativity unlike creative ecology of creativity unlike their<00:03:10.370> creative<00:03:10.940> brothers<00:03:11.329> and<00:03:11.510> sisters<00:03:11.900> who their creative brothers and sisters who their creative brothers and sisters who are<00:03:12.260> sculptors<00:03:13.100> or<00:03:13.459> photographers<00:03:14.180> or are sculptors or photographers or are sculptors or photographers or filmmakers<00:03:15.260> or<00:03:15.620> musicians<00:03:16.630> fashion filmmakers or musicians fashion filmmakers or musicians fashion designers<00:03:18.049> can<00:03:18.290> sample<00:03:18.680> from<00:03:19.430> all<00:03:19.670> their designers can sample from all their designers can sample from all their peers<00:03:20.209> designs<00:03:20.690> they<00:03:21.470> can<00:03:21.739> take<00:03:21.950> any<00:03:22.220> element peers designs they can take any element peers designs they can take any element from<00:03:22.820> any<00:03:23.180> garment<00:03:23.720> from<00:03:23.810> the<00:03:23.989> history<00:03:24.380> of from any garment from the history of from any garment from the history of fashion<00:03:24.620> and<00:03:25.040> incorporate<00:03:25.579> it<00:03:25.700> into<00:03:25.880> their fashion and incorporate it into their fashion and incorporate it into their own<00:03:26.269> design<00:03:26.859> they're<00:03:27.859> also<00:03:28.280> notorious<00:03:28.459> for own design they're also notorious for own design they're also notorious for you<00:03:29.480> know<00:03:29.600> riffing<00:03:30.049> off<00:03:30.170> of<00:03:30.380> the<00:03:30.500> zeitgeist you know riffing off of the zeitgeist you know riffing off of the zeitgeist and<00:03:31.280> here<00:03:31.459> I<00:03:31.489> suspect<00:03:32.299> they<00:03:33.140> were<00:03:33.230> influenced and here I suspect they were influenced and here I suspect they were influenced by<00:03:34.040> the<00:03:34.130> costumes<00:03:34.640> in<00:03:34.760> Avatar<00:03:35.290> maybe<00:03:36.290> just<00:03:36.500> a by the costumes in Avatar maybe just a by the costumes in Avatar maybe just a little<00:03:36.700> can't<00:03:37.700> copyright<00:03:38.060> a<00:03:38.239> costume<00:03:38.750> either little can't copyright a costume either little can't copyright a costume either now<00:03:40.280> fashion<00:03:40.670> designers<00:03:41.150> have<00:03:41.510> the<00:03:41.989> broadest now fashion designers have the broadest now fashion designers have the broadest palette<00:03:42.980> imaginable<00:03:43.730> in<00:03:43.940> this<00:03:44.120> creative palette imaginable in this creative palette imaginable in this creative industry<00:03:45.019> this<00:03:45.799> wedding<00:03:46.579> dress<00:03:46.700> here<00:03:47.060> is industry this wedding dress here is industry this wedding dress here is actually<00:03:47.720> made<00:03:47.870> of<00:03:47.989> sporks<00:03:48.549> and<00:03:49.549> this<00:03:50.510> dress actually made of sporks and this dress actually made of sporks and this dress is<00:03:51.019> actually<00:03:51.200> made<00:03:51.650> of<00:03:51.890> aluminum<00:03:52.760> I've<00:03:53.150> heard is actually made of aluminum I've heard is actually made of aluminum I've heard this<00:03:53.540> dress<00:03:53.810> actually<00:03:54.049> sort<00:03:54.440> of<00:03:54.500> sounds<00:03:54.799> like this dress actually sort of sounds like this dress actually sort of sounds like wind<00:03:55.130> chimes<00:03:55.220> as<00:03:55.670> they<00:03:55.819> walk<00:03:56.000> through<00:03:56.829> so<00:03:57.829> one wind chimes as they walk through so one wind chimes as they walk through so one of<00:03:58.040> the<00:03:58.250> magical<00:03:58.790> side<00:03:59.150> effects<00:03:59.600> of<00:03:59.930> having<00:04:00.470> a of the magical side effects of having a of the magical side effects of having a culture<00:04:01.070> of<00:04:01.190> copying<00:04:01.669> which<00:04:01.910> is<00:04:02.060> really<00:04:02.329> what culture of copying which is really what culture of copying which is really what it<00:04:02.660> is it is it is is<00:04:03.510> the<00:04:03.780> establishment<00:04:04.230> of<00:04:04.410> trends<00:04:04.860> people is the establishment of trends people is the establishment of trends people think<00:04:05.370> this<00:04:05.459> is<00:04:05.520> a<00:04:05.640> magical<00:04:06.150> thing<00:04:06.209> how<00:04:06.510> does think this is a magical thing how does think this is a magical thing how does it<00:04:06.810> happen<00:04:06.930> well<00:04:07.200> it's<00:04:07.290> because<00:04:07.560> it's<00:04:07.860> legal it happen well it's because it's legal it happen well it's because it's legal for<00:04:08.489> people<00:04:08.580> to<00:04:08.819> copy<00:04:09.000> one<00:04:09.270> another<00:04:10.220> some for people to copy one another some for people to copy one another some people<00:04:11.489> believe<00:04:11.819> that<00:04:11.849> there<00:04:12.360> are<00:04:12.599> a<00:04:12.630> few people believe that there are a few people believe that there are a few people<00:04:13.260> at<00:04:13.349> the<00:04:13.410> top<00:04:13.650> of<00:04:13.950> the<00:04:14.099> fashion<00:04:14.489> food people at the top of the fashion food people at the top of the fashion food chain<00:04:15.000> who<00:04:15.239> sort<00:04:15.450> of<00:04:15.480> dictate<00:04:16.019> to<00:04:16.200> us<00:04:16.230> what chain who sort of dictate to us what chain who sort of dictate to us what we're<00:04:17.010> all<00:04:17.160> going<00:04:17.459> to<00:04:17.609> wear<00:04:17.820> but<00:04:18.570> if<00:04:18.720> you<00:04:18.870> talk we're all going to wear but if you talk we're all going to wear but if you talk to<00:04:19.200> any<00:04:19.350> designer<00:04:19.829> at<00:04:20.100> any<00:04:20.340> level<00:04:20.639> including to any designer at any level including to any designer at any level including these<00:04:21.329> high-end<00:04:21.750> designers<00:04:22.620> they<00:04:22.800> always<00:04:23.250> say these high-end designers they always say these high-end designers they always say their<00:04:24.180> main<00:04:24.480> inspiration<00:04:25.169> comes<00:04:25.350> from<00:04:25.470> the their main inspiration comes from the their main inspiration comes from the street<00:04:26.010> where<00:04:26.669> people<00:04:27.000> like<00:04:27.150> you<00:04:27.330> and<00:04:27.480> me street where people like you and me street where people like you and me remix<00:04:28.380> and<00:04:28.620> match<00:04:28.770> our<00:04:29.070> own<00:04:29.250> fashion<00:04:29.639> looks remix and match our own fashion looks remix and match our own fashion looks and<00:04:30.470> that's<00:04:31.470> where<00:04:31.770> they<00:04:31.860> really<00:04:31.889> get<00:04:32.280> a<00:04:32.310> lot and that's where they really get a lot and that's where they really get a lot of<00:04:32.850> their<00:04:33.060> creative<00:04:33.720> inspiration<00:04:34.400> so<00:04:35.400> it's of their creative inspiration so it's of their creative inspiration so it's both<00:04:35.639> the<00:04:35.760> top-down<00:04:36.270> and<00:04:36.570> a<00:04:36.720> bottom-up<00:04:36.750> kind both the top-down and a bottom-up kind both the top-down and a bottom-up kind of<00:04:37.560> industry<00:04:38.900> now<00:04:39.900> the<00:04:39.960> fast<00:04:40.290> fashion<00:04:40.650> giants of industry now the fast fashion giants of industry now the fast fashion giants have<00:04:41.490> probably<00:04:41.850> benefitted<00:04:42.479> the<00:04:42.600> most<00:04:42.630> from have probably benefitted the most from have probably benefitted the most from the<00:04:43.770> lack<00:04:43.950> of<00:04:43.979> copyright<00:04:44.550> protection<00:04:44.580> in<00:04:45.120> the the lack of copyright protection in the the lack of copyright protection in the fashion<00:04:45.540> industry<00:04:45.660> they<00:04:46.560> are<00:04:46.590> notorious<00:04:47.520> for fashion industry they are notorious for fashion industry they are notorious for knocking<00:04:48.389> off<00:04:48.510> high-end<00:04:49.080> designs<00:04:49.470> and knocking off high-end designs and knocking off high-end designs and selling<00:04:50.070> them<00:04:50.220> at<00:04:50.310> very<00:04:50.550> low<00:04:50.760> prices<00:04:51.000> and selling them at very low prices and selling them at very low prices and they've<00:04:52.290> been<00:04:52.440> faced<00:04:52.620> with<00:04:52.710> a<00:04:52.860> lot<00:04:52.889> of they've been faced with a lot of they've been faced with a lot of lawsuits<00:04:53.580> but<00:04:54.360> those<00:04:54.840> lawsuits<00:04:55.050> are<00:04:55.380> usually lawsuits but those lawsuits are usually lawsuits but those lawsuits are usually not<00:04:55.830> won<00:04:56.100> by<00:04:56.310> fashion<00:04:56.820> designers<00:04:57.240> the<00:04:57.389> courts not won by fashion designers the courts not won by fashion designers the courts have<00:04:57.750> said<00:04:57.930> over<00:04:58.139> and<00:04:58.290> over<00:04:58.350> again<00:04:58.530> you<00:04:59.040> don't have said over and over again you don't have said over and over again you don't need<00:04:59.550> any<00:04:59.970> more<00:05:00.240> intellectual<00:05:00.810> property need any more intellectual property need any more intellectual property protection<00:05:02.000> when<00:05:03.000> you<00:05:03.090> look<00:05:03.240> at<00:05:03.360> copies<00:05:03.870> like protection when you look at copies like protection when you look at copies like this<00:05:04.290> if<00:05:04.650> you<00:05:05.610> wonder<00:05:05.940> how<00:05:06.240> do<00:05:06.300> the<00:05:06.630> luxury this if you wonder how do the luxury this if you wonder how do the luxury high-end<00:05:07.440> brands<00:05:08.160> remain<00:05:08.520> in<00:05:08.729> business<00:05:09.210> you high-end brands remain in business you high-end brands remain in business you can<00:05:09.479> get<00:05:09.660> it<00:05:09.750> for<00:05:09.840> 200<00:05:10.289> bucks<00:05:10.470> why<00:05:10.800> pay<00:05:11.070> a can get it for 200 bucks why pay a can get it for 200 bucks why pay a thousand<00:05:11.640> well<00:05:12.419> that's<00:05:12.600> one<00:05:12.810> reason<00:05:12.990> we<00:05:13.200> had<00:05:13.320> a thousand well that's one reason we had a thousand well that's one reason we had a conference<00:05:13.740> here<00:05:13.890> at<00:05:14.039> USC<00:05:14.370> a<00:05:14.610> few<00:05:14.850> years<00:05:15.090> ago conference here at USC a few years ago conference here at USC a few years ago we<00:05:16.169> invited<00:05:16.440> Tom<00:05:16.979> Ford<00:05:17.340> to<00:05:17.490> come<00:05:17.640> the we invited Tom Ford to come the we invited Tom Ford to come the conference<00:05:18.180> was<00:05:18.300> called<00:05:18.419> ready<00:05:18.750> to<00:05:18.810> share conference was called ready to share conference was called ready to share fashion<00:05:20.430> in<00:05:20.520> the<00:05:20.640> ownership<00:05:20.880> of<00:05:21.120> creativity fashion in the ownership of creativity fashion in the ownership of creativity and<00:05:21.990> we<00:05:22.650> asked<00:05:22.950> him<00:05:23.039> exactly<00:05:23.460> this<00:05:23.789> question and we asked him exactly this question and we asked him exactly this question here's<00:05:24.510> what<00:05:24.810> he<00:05:24.990> had<00:05:25.140> to<00:05:25.169> say<00:05:25.440> he<00:05:25.680> had<00:05:25.979> just here's what he had to say he had just here's what he had to say he had just come<00:05:26.430> off<00:05:26.460> a<00:05:26.640> successful<00:05:27.360> stint<00:05:27.570> as<00:05:27.810> the<00:05:27.870> lead come off a successful stint as the lead come off a successful stint as the lead designer<00:05:28.710> at<00:05:28.890> Gucci<00:05:29.039> in<00:05:29.550> case<00:05:29.729> you<00:05:29.880> didn't designer at Gucci in case you didn't designer at Gucci in case you didn't know<00:05:30.240> and<00:05:31.400> we<00:05:32.400> found<00:05:32.820> after<00:05:33.060> much<00:05:33.419> research know and we found after much research know and we found after much research that<00:05:34.289> actually<00:05:34.740> not<00:05:35.070> much<00:05:35.250> research<00:05:35.640> quite that actually not much research quite that actually not much research quite simple<00:05:36.570> research<00:05:36.870> that<00:05:37.169> the<00:05:37.470> counterfeit simple research that the counterfeit simple research that the counterfeit customer<00:05:38.250> was<00:05:38.400> not<00:05:38.430> our<00:05:38.789> customer<00:05:39.440> imagine customer was not our customer imagine customer was not our customer imagine that<00:05:40.620> the<00:05:41.370> people<00:05:41.700> on<00:05:41.789> sandy<00:05:42.210> alley<00:05:42.419> are<00:05:42.990> not that the people on sandy alley are not that the people on sandy alley are not the<00:05:43.680> ones<00:05:43.860> who<00:05:43.979> shop<00:05:44.280> a<00:05:44.310> Pucci

this<00:05:48.940> is<00:05:49.090> a<00:05:49.150> very<00:05:49.480> different<00:05:50.010> demographic<00:05:51.010> and
this is a very different demographic and this is a very different demographic and you<00:05:53.530> know<00:05:53.650> a<00:05:53.680> knockoff<00:05:54.130> is<00:05:54.310> never<00:05:54.700> the<00:05:55.210> same<00:05:55.450> as you know a knockoff is never the same as you know a knockoff is never the same as an<00:05:56.920> original<00:05:57.220> high-end<00:05:57.670> design<00:05:58.150> at<00:05:58.540> least<00:05:58.900> in an original high-end design at least in an original high-end design at least in terms<00:05:59.380> of<00:05:59.560> the<00:05:59.620> materials<00:06:00.070> are<00:06:00.190> always<00:06:00.340> made terms of the materials are always made terms of the materials are always made of<00:06:00.730> cheaper<00:06:01.030> materials<00:06:01.510> but<00:06:01.690> even<00:06:02.050> sometimes of cheaper materials but even sometimes of cheaper materials but even sometimes a<00:06:02.830> cheaper<00:06:03.280> version<00:06:03.310> can<00:06:04.270> actually<00:06:04.690> have<00:06:04.870> some a cheaper version can actually have some a cheaper version can actually have some charming<00:06:06.370> aspects<00:06:06.850> can<00:06:07.090> breathe<00:06:07.510> a<00:06:07.540> little charming aspects can breathe a little charming aspects can breathe a little extra<00:06:08.470> life<00:06:08.650> into<00:06:08.980> a<00:06:09.010> dying<00:06:09.310> trend<00:06:09.870> there's extra life into a dying trend there's extra life into a dying trend there's lots<00:06:11.110> of<00:06:11.260> virtues<00:06:11.620> of<00:06:11.770> copying<00:06:12.360> one<00:06:13.360> that<00:06:13.840> a lots of virtues of copying one that a lots of virtues of copying one that a lot<00:06:13.930> of<00:06:14.080> cultural<00:06:14.530> critics<00:06:14.890> have<00:06:15.040> pointed<00:06:15.220> to lot of cultural critics have pointed to lot of cultural critics have pointed to is<00:06:15.790> that<00:06:16.180> we<00:06:16.510> now<00:06:16.720> have<00:06:16.990> a<00:06:17.020> much<00:06:17.380> broader is that we now have a much broader is that we now have a much broader palette<00:06:19.240> of<00:06:19.420> design<00:06:20.110> choices<00:06:20.590> to<00:06:20.740> choose<00:06:20.950> from palette of design choices to choose from palette of design choices to choose from than<00:06:21.310> we<00:06:21.490> ever<00:06:21.640> have<00:06:21.940> before<00:06:22.120> and<00:06:22.390> this<00:06:22.510> is than we ever have before and this is than we ever have before and this is mainly<00:06:22.780> because<00:06:23.020> of<00:06:23.170> the<00:06:23.290> fast<00:06:23.500> fashion mainly because of the fast fashion mainly because of the fast fashion industry<00:06:24.370> actually<00:06:24.580> and<00:06:25.090> this<00:06:25.600> is<00:06:25.720> a<00:06:25.750> good industry actually and this is a good industry actually and this is a good thing<00:06:26.020> we<00:06:26.560> need<00:06:26.920> lots<00:06:27.310> of<00:06:27.490> options<00:06:28.000> fashion thing we need lots of options fashion thing we need lots of options fashion whether<00:06:28.840> you<00:06:28.930> like<00:06:29.080> it<00:06:29.110> or<00:06:29.290> not<00:06:29.500> helps<00:06:30.130> you whether you like it or not helps you whether you like it or not helps you project<00:06:30.490> who<00:06:31.060> you<00:06:31.210> are<00:06:31.420> to<00:06:31.660> the<00:06:31.750> world<00:06:32.610> because project who you are to the world because project who you are to the world because of<00:06:33.640> fast<00:06:34.030> fashion<00:06:34.440> global<00:06:35.440> trends<00:06:35.800> actually of fast fashion global trends actually of fast fashion global trends actually get<00:06:36.370> established<00:06:36.610> much<00:06:36.970> more<00:06:37.180> quickly<00:06:37.450> than get established much more quickly than get established much more quickly than they<00:06:38.020> used<00:06:38.230> to<00:06:38.350> and<00:06:38.590> this<00:06:38.740> actually<00:06:39.340> is<00:06:39.580> good they used to and this actually is good they used to and this actually is good news<00:06:40.360> to<00:06:40.600> trendsetters<00:06:41.170> they<00:06:41.800> want<00:06:42.160> trends<00:06:42.580> to news to trendsetters they want trends to news to trendsetters they want trends to be<00:06:42.820> set<00:06:43.120> so<00:06:43.480> that<00:06:43.660> they<00:06:43.780> can<00:06:43.990> move<00:06:44.260> product<00:06:46.290> for be set so that they can move product for be set so that they can move product for fashionistas<00:06:48.070> they<00:06:48.550> want<00:06:48.910> to<00:06:48.970> stay<00:06:49.120> ahead<00:06:49.210> of fashionistas they want to stay ahead of fashionistas they want to stay ahead of the<00:06:49.450> curve<00:06:49.660> they<00:06:50.020> don't<00:06:50.260> want<00:06:50.410> to<00:06:50.470> be<00:06:50.530> wearing the curve they don't want to be wearing the curve they don't want to be wearing what<00:06:50.950> everybody<00:06:51.310> else<00:06:51.790> is<00:06:52.240> wearing<00:06:52.570> and<00:06:52.960> so what everybody else is wearing and so what everybody else is wearing and so they<00:06:53.950> want<00:06:54.160> to<00:06:54.250> move<00:06:54.340> on<00:06:54.550> to<00:06:54.730> the<00:06:54.850> next<00:06:55.000> trend they want to move on to the next trend they want to move on to the next trend as<00:06:55.600> soon<00:06:56.050> as<00:06:56.350> possible<00:06:57.070> I<00:06:57.480> tell<00:06:58.480> you<00:06:58.600> there<00:06:58.750> is as soon as possible I tell you there is as soon as possible I tell you there is no<00:06:59.110> rest<00:06:59.500> for<00:06:59.860> the<00:06:59.950> fashionable<00:07:00.750> every<00:07:01.750> season no rest for the fashionable every season no rest for the fashionable every season these<00:07:02.920> designers<00:07:03.430> have<00:07:03.550> to<00:07:03.670> struggle<00:07:04.000> to<00:07:04.210> come these designers have to struggle to come these designers have to struggle to come up<00:07:04.570> with<00:07:04.690> the<00:07:04.810> new<00:07:04.960> fabulous<00:07:05.500> idea<00:07:05.800> that up with the new fabulous idea that up with the new fabulous idea that everybody<00:07:06.250> is<00:07:06.340> going<00:07:06.460> to<00:07:06.640> love<00:07:06.820> and<00:07:07.090> this<00:07:07.510> let everybody is going to love and this let everybody is going to love and this let me<00:07:07.960> tell<00:07:08.140> you<00:07:08.290> is<00:07:08.470> very<00:07:08.830> good<00:07:09.040> for<00:07:09.160> the<00:07:09.280> bottom me tell you is very good for the bottom me tell you is very good for the bottom line<00:07:10.680> now<00:07:11.680> of<00:07:11.710> course<00:07:11.980> there's<00:07:12.250> a<00:07:12.340> bunch<00:07:12.550> of line now of course there's a bunch of line now of course there's a bunch of effects<00:07:13.270> that<00:07:13.660> this<00:07:13.840> culture<00:07:14.110> of<00:07:14.440> copying<00:07:14.860> has effects that this culture of copying has effects that this culture of copying has on<00:07:15.460> the<00:07:15.580> creative<00:07:15.880> process<00:07:16.360> and<00:07:16.440> Stuart on the creative process and Stuart on the creative process and Stuart Weitzman<00:07:17.890> is<00:07:17.980> a<00:07:18.040> very<00:07:18.220> successful<00:07:18.640> shoe Weitzman is a very successful shoe Weitzman is a very successful shoe designer<00:07:19.330> he<00:07:19.720> has<00:07:19.870> complained<00:07:20.320> a<00:07:20.410> lot<00:07:20.620> about designer he has complained a lot about designer he has complained a lot about people<00:07:21.370> copying<00:07:21.910> him<00:07:22.060> but<00:07:22.720> in<00:07:22.810> one<00:07:23.020> interview people copying him but in one interview people copying him but in one interview I<00:07:23.500> read<00:07:23.830> he<00:07:24.580> said<00:07:24.820> you<00:07:25.090> know<00:07:25.210> it's<00:07:25.390> really I read he said you know it's really I read he said you know it's really forced<00:07:26.140> him<00:07:26.230> to<00:07:26.350> up<00:07:26.470> his<00:07:26.620> game<00:07:26.710> he<00:07:27.520> had<00:07:27.760> to<00:07:27.880> come forced him to up his game he had to come forced him to up his game he had to come up<00:07:28.180> with<00:07:28.330> new<00:07:28.600> ideas<00:07:28.810> new<00:07:29.080> things<00:07:29.530> that<00:07:29.740> would up with new ideas new things that would up with new ideas new things that would be<00:07:30.010> hard<00:07:30.670> to<00:07:30.850> copy<00:07:31.240> he<00:07:31.930> came<00:07:32.140> up<00:07:32.290> with<00:07:32.470> this be hard to copy he came up with this be hard to copy he came up with this Boden<00:07:33.370> wedge<00:07:33.700> heel<00:07:34.300> that<00:07:34.840> has<00:07:34.990> to<00:07:35.140> be<00:07:35.230> made<00:07:35.380> out Boden wedge heel that has to be made out Boden wedge heel that has to be made out of<00:07:35.560> steel<00:07:35.920> or<00:07:36.280> titanium<00:07:36.430> if<00:07:36.970> you<00:07:37.060> make<00:07:37.210> it<00:07:37.300> from of steel or titanium if you make it from of steel or titanium if you make it from some<00:07:37.660> sort<00:07:37.840> of<00:07:37.870> cheaper<00:07:38.170> material<00:07:38.590> it'll some sort of cheaper material it'll some sort of cheaper material it'll actually<00:07:39.370> crack<00:07:39.730> into<00:07:40.210> it<00:07:40.480> forced<00:07:40.930> him<00:07:41.050> to<00:07:41.080> be actually crack into it forced him to be actually crack into it forced him to be a<00:07:41.290> little<00:07:41.470> more<00:07:41.620> innovative<00:07:42.280> and<00:07:42.720> that a little more innovative and that a little more innovative and that actually<00:07:44.710> reminded<00:07:45.160> me<00:07:45.310> of<00:07:45.340> jazz<00:07:45.850> great actually reminded me of jazz great actually reminded me of jazz great Charlie<00:07:46.600> Parker Charlie Parker Charlie Parker I<00:07:47.929> don't<00:07:48.289> know<00:07:48.379> if<00:07:48.469> you've<00:07:48.619> heard<00:07:48.769> this I don't know if you've heard this I don't know if you've heard this anecdote<00:07:49.459> but<00:07:49.610> I<00:07:49.759> have<00:07:49.999> he<00:07:50.839> said<00:07:51.199> that<00:07:51.739> one<00:07:51.860> of anecdote but I have he said that one of anecdote but I have he said that one of the<00:07:52.039> reasons<00:07:52.429> he<00:07:52.580> invented<00:07:53.029> bebop<00:07:53.419> was<00:07:53.809> that the reasons he invented bebop was that the reasons he invented bebop was that he<00:07:54.019> was<00:07:54.169> pretty<00:07:54.469> sure<00:07:54.769> that<00:07:55.459> white<00:07:55.699> musicians he was pretty sure that white musicians he was pretty sure that white musicians wouldn't<00:07:56.899> be<00:07:57.019> able<00:07:57.199> to<00:07:57.499> replicate<00:07:58.039> the<00:07:58.219> sound

he<00:08:01.639> wanted<00:08:02.029> to<00:08:02.119> make<00:08:02.299> it<00:08:02.479> too<00:08:02.749> difficult<00:08:03.079> to
he wanted to make it too difficult to he wanted to make it too difficult to copy<00:08:03.739> and<00:08:04.809> that's<00:08:05.809> what<00:08:06.079> fashion<00:08:06.439> designers copy and that's what fashion designers copy and that's what fashion designers are<00:08:06.949> doing<00:08:07.159> all<00:08:07.279> the<00:08:07.429> time<00:08:07.610> they're<00:08:07.969> trying<00:08:08.360> to are doing all the time they're trying to are doing all the time they're trying to put<00:08:08.719> together<00:08:08.839> a<00:08:09.319> signature<00:08:10.099> look<00:08:10.429> an put together a signature look an put together a signature look an aesthetic<00:08:11.269> that<00:08:11.629> reflects<00:08:12.019> who<00:08:12.319> they<00:08:12.559> are aesthetic that reflects who they are aesthetic that reflects who they are when<00:08:13.519> people<00:08:13.549> knock<00:08:14.119> it<00:08:14.360> off<00:08:14.539> everybody<00:08:15.469> knows when people knock it off everybody knows when people knock it off everybody knows because<00:08:16.339> they've<00:08:16.669> put<00:08:16.909> that<00:08:17.089> look<00:08:17.299> out<00:08:17.479> on<00:08:17.779> the because they've put that look out on the because they've put that look out on the runway<00:08:18.110> and<00:08:18.559> it's<00:08:19.189> a<00:08:19.339> coherent<00:08:20.079> aesthetic runway and it's a coherent aesthetic runway and it's a coherent aesthetic I<00:08:22.449> love<00:08:23.449> these<00:08:23.599> Galliano's<00:08:24.229> okay<00:08:24.679> we'll<00:08:24.979> move I love these Galliano's okay we'll move I love these Galliano's okay we'll move on<00:08:25.569> this<00:08:26.569> is<00:08:26.779> not<00:08:26.989> unlike<00:08:27.769> the<00:08:28.129> world<00:08:28.309> of on this is not unlike the world of on this is not unlike the world of comedy<00:08:29.089> I<00:08:29.269> don't<00:08:29.869> know<00:08:29.959> if<00:08:30.019> you<00:08:30.110> know<00:08:30.259> that comedy I don't know if you know that comedy I don't know if you know that jokes<00:08:30.889> also<00:08:31.429> can't<00:08:31.759> be<00:08:31.849> copyright<00:08:32.449> protected jokes also can't be copyright protected jokes also can't be copyright protected so<00:08:33.949> when<00:08:34.279> one-liners<00:08:34.849> were<00:08:35.000> really<00:08:35.240> popular so when one-liners were really popular so when one-liners were really popular everybody<00:08:36.620> stole<00:08:36.949> them<00:08:37.129> from<00:08:37.159> one<00:08:37.430> another everybody stole them from one another everybody stole them from one another but<00:08:38.329> now<00:08:38.509> we<00:08:38.569> have<00:08:38.899> a<00:08:38.930> different<00:08:39.110> kind<00:08:39.379> of but now we have a different kind of but now we have a different kind of comic<00:08:39.919> they<00:08:40.310> develop<00:08:40.849> a<00:08:41.060> persona<00:08:41.810> a<00:08:42.259> signature comic they develop a persona a signature comic they develop a persona a signature style<00:08:43.550> much<00:08:44.029> like<00:08:44.300> fashion<00:08:44.930> designers<00:08:45.470> and style much like fashion designers and style much like fashion designers and their<00:08:46.160> jokes<00:08:46.490> much<00:08:46.910> like<00:08:47.149> the<00:08:47.300> fashion their jokes much like the fashion their jokes much like the fashion designs<00:08:48.019> by<00:08:48.410> a<00:08:48.439> fashion<00:08:48.889> designer<00:08:49.220> really designs by a fashion designer really designs by a fashion designer really only<00:08:50.089> work<00:08:50.540> within<00:08:50.930> that<00:08:51.110> aesthetic<00:08:51.860> if only work within that aesthetic if only work within that aesthetic if somebody<00:08:52.220> steals<00:08:52.550> the<00:08:52.819> joke<00:08:53.059> from<00:08:53.720> Larry somebody steals the joke from Larry somebody steals the joke from Larry David<00:08:54.350> for<00:08:54.500> instance<00:08:54.860> it's<00:08:55.279> not<00:08:55.519> as<00:08:55.879> funny<00:08:56.209> now David for instance it's not as funny now David for instance it's not as funny now the<00:08:58.129> other<00:08:58.370> thing<00:08:58.610> that<00:08:58.639> fashion<00:08:59.089> designers the other thing that fashion designers the other thing that fashion designers have<00:08:59.689> done<00:08:59.930> to<00:09:00.199> survive<00:09:00.589> in<00:09:01.069> this<00:09:01.309> culture<00:09:01.730> of have done to survive in this culture of have done to survive in this culture of copying<00:09:02.209> is<00:09:02.300> they've<00:09:02.449> learned<00:09:02.660> how<00:09:02.779> to<00:09:02.809> copy copying is they've learned how to copy copying is they've learned how to copy themselves<00:09:03.439> they<00:09:04.430> knock<00:09:04.639> themselves<00:09:04.910> off themselves they knock themselves off themselves they knock themselves off they<00:09:06.170> make<00:09:06.350> deals<00:09:06.649> with<00:09:06.860> the<00:09:07.069> fast<00:09:07.279> fashion they make deals with the fast fashion they make deals with the fast fashion giants<00:09:08.240> and<00:09:08.420> they<00:09:08.720> come<00:09:08.930> up<00:09:09.050> with<00:09:09.079> a<00:09:09.199> way<00:09:09.410> to giants and they come up with a way to giants and they come up with a way to sell<00:09:09.740> their<00:09:09.889> product<00:09:10.250> to<00:09:10.339> a<00:09:10.370> whole<00:09:10.699> new sell their product to a whole new sell their product to a whole new demographic<00:09:11.290> the<00:09:12.290> Santee<00:09:12.740> alley<00:09:12.920> demographic demographic the Santee alley demographic demographic the Santee alley demographic now<00:09:14.779> some<00:09:15.050> fashion<00:09:15.709> designers<00:09:16.129> will<00:09:16.279> say<00:09:16.459> it's now some fashion designers will say it's now some fashion designers will say it's only<00:09:17.449> in<00:09:17.720> the<00:09:17.779> United<00:09:18.170> States<00:09:18.439> that<00:09:18.649> we<00:09:18.740> don't only in the United States that we don't only in the United States that we don't have<00:09:19.040> any<00:09:19.189> respect<00:09:19.670> in<00:09:19.970> other<00:09:20.809> countries have any respect in other countries have any respect in other countries there<00:09:21.680> is<00:09:21.709> protection<00:09:22.550> for<00:09:22.910> our<00:09:23.209> artful there is protection for our artful there is protection for our artful designs<00:09:24.410> but<00:09:25.189> if<00:09:25.309> you<00:09:25.399> take<00:09:25.610> a<00:09:25.639> look<00:09:25.850> at<00:09:26.000> the designs but if you take a look at the designs but if you take a look at the two<00:09:26.300> other<00:09:26.329> biggest<00:09:26.720> markets<00:09:27.230> in<00:09:27.350> the<00:09:27.470> world two other biggest markets in the world two other biggest markets in the world it<00:09:27.860> turns<00:09:28.100> out<00:09:28.250> that<00:09:28.459> the<00:09:28.990> protection<00:09:29.990> that's it turns out that the protection that's it turns out that the protection that's offered<00:09:30.470> is<00:09:30.589> really<00:09:30.860> ineffectual<00:09:31.720> in<00:09:32.720> Japan offered is really ineffectual in Japan offered is really ineffectual in Japan for<00:09:33.319> instance<00:09:33.410> which<00:09:33.860> i<00:09:33.980> think<00:09:34.040> is<00:09:34.220> a<00:09:34.250> third for instance which i think is a third for instance which i think is a third largest<00:09:34.850> market<00:09:35.300> they<00:09:36.019> have<00:09:36.050> a<00:09:36.199> design<00:09:36.529> law largest market they have a design law largest market they have a design law it<00:09:36.980> protects<00:09:37.399> apparel<00:09:37.819> but<00:09:38.600> the<00:09:38.720> novelty it protects apparel but the novelty it protects apparel but the novelty standard<00:09:39.589> is<00:09:39.709> so<00:09:39.949> high<00:09:39.980> you<00:09:40.939> have<00:09:41.120> to<00:09:41.269> prove standard is so high you have to prove standard is so high you have to prove that<00:09:41.540> your<00:09:41.870> garment<00:09:42.350> has<00:09:42.769> never<00:09:43.009> existed that your garment has never existed that your garment has never existed before<00:09:43.490> it's<00:09:44.300> totally<00:09:44.689> unique<00:09:44.839> and<00:09:45.370> that's before it's totally unique and that's before it's totally unique and that's sort<00:09:46.670> of<00:09:46.790> like<00:09:46.850> the<00:09:47.420> the<00:09:47.449> novelty<00:09:48.410> standard sort of like the the novelty standard sort of like the the novelty standard for<00:09:48.980> a<00:09:49.009> u.s.<00:09:49.279> patent<00:09:49.759> which<00:09:49.970> fashion for a u.s. patent which fashion for a u.s. patent which fashion designers<00:09:50.870> never<00:09:51.170> get<00:09:51.529> rarely<00:09:52.040> get<00:09:52.519> here<00:09:52.759> in designers never get rarely get here in designers never get rarely get here in the<00:09:52.939> states<00:09:53.209> in<00:09:53.509> the<00:09:54.170> European<00:09:54.529> Union<00:09:54.829> they the states in the European Union they the states in the European Union they went<00:09:55.069> in<00:09:55.129> the<00:09:55.189> other<00:09:55.309> direction<00:09:55.689> very<00:09:56.689> low went in the other direction very low went in the other direction very low novelty<00:09:57.589> standard<00:09:58.069> anybody<00:09:58.579> can<00:09:58.819> register novelty standard anybody can register novelty standard anybody can register anything anything anything but<00:10:00.360> even<00:10:00.600> though<00:10:00.689> it's<00:10:00.839> the<00:10:00.990> home<00:10:01.170> of<00:10:01.319> the but even though it's the home of the but even though it's the home of the fast<00:10:01.620> fashion<00:10:01.920> industry<00:10:02.519> and<00:10:02.670> you<00:10:02.790> have<00:10:02.879> a<00:10:02.910> lot fast fashion industry and you have a lot fast fashion industry and you have a lot of<00:10:03.389> luxury<00:10:03.720> designers<00:10:04.259> there<00:10:04.529> they<00:10:05.279> don't of luxury designers there they don't of luxury designers there they don't register<00:10:05.910> their<00:10:06.059> garments<00:10:06.480> generally<00:10:06.899> and register their garments generally and register their garments generally and there's<00:10:07.439> not<00:10:07.559> a<00:10:07.620> lot<00:10:07.800> of<00:10:07.829> litigation<00:10:08.449> it<00:10:09.449> turns there's not a lot of litigation it turns there's not a lot of litigation it turns out<00:10:09.870> it's<00:10:09.990> because<00:10:10.290> the<00:10:10.410> novelty<00:10:10.769> standard<00:10:11.160> is out it's because the novelty standard is out it's because the novelty standard is too<00:10:11.519> low<00:10:11.749> a<00:10:12.749> person<00:10:13.439> can<00:10:13.559> come<00:10:13.740> in<00:10:13.980> and<00:10:14.189> take too low a person can come in and take too low a person can come in and take somebody<00:10:14.730> else's<00:10:15.059> gown<00:10:15.329> cut<00:10:16.230> off<00:10:16.410> three somebody else's gown cut off three somebody else's gown cut off three inches<00:10:17.040> from<00:10:17.160> the<00:10:17.339> bottom<00:10:17.670> go<00:10:18.269> to<00:10:18.329> the<00:10:18.480> EU<00:10:18.629> and inches from the bottom go to the EU and inches from the bottom go to the EU and register<00:10:19.470> it<00:10:19.559> as<00:10:19.680> a<00:10:19.709> new<00:10:19.980> original<00:10:20.610> design<00:10:20.910> so register it as a new original design so register it as a new original design so that<00:10:22.379> does<00:10:22.559> not<00:10:22.709> stop<00:10:23.040> the<00:10:23.249> knockoff<00:10:23.639> artists that does not stop the knockoff artists that does not stop the knockoff artists if<00:10:24.240> you<00:10:24.540> look<00:10:24.660> at<00:10:24.749> the<00:10:24.839> registry<00:10:25.290> actually<00:10:25.680> a if you look at the registry actually a if you look at the registry actually a lot<00:10:26.069> of<00:10:26.279> the<00:10:26.399> registered<00:10:26.819> things<00:10:27.029> in<00:10:27.149> the<00:10:27.240> ER lot of the registered things in the ER lot of the registered things in the ER are<00:10:27.749> Nike<00:10:28.230> t-shirts<00:10:28.769> that<00:10:29.519> are<00:10:29.790> almost are Nike t-shirts that are almost are Nike t-shirts that are almost identical<00:10:30.509> to<00:10:31.079> one<00:10:31.199> another<00:10:31.550> but<00:10:32.550> this<00:10:32.730> is<00:10:32.879> not identical to one another but this is not identical to one another but this is not stopped<00:10:33.329> diane<00:10:33.629> von<00:10:33.660> fürstenberg<00:10:33.839> she<00:10:34.740> is<00:10:35.009> the stopped diane von fürstenberg she is the stopped diane von fürstenberg she is the head<00:10:35.970> of<00:10:36.240> the<00:10:36.509> Council<00:10:36.990> of<00:10:37.230> Fashion<00:10:37.680> Designers head of the Council of Fashion Designers head of the Council of Fashion Designers of<00:10:38.309> America<00:10:38.430> and<00:10:39.059> she<00:10:39.600> has<00:10:39.689> told<00:10:39.930> her of America and she has told her of America and she has told her constituency<00:10:40.740> that<00:10:40.920> she<00:10:41.339> is<00:10:41.670> going<00:10:42.029> to<00:10:42.089> get constituency that she is going to get constituency that she is going to get copyright<00:10:43.290> protection<00:10:44.009> for<00:10:44.699> fashion<00:10:45.120> designs copyright protection for fashion designs copyright protection for fashion designs the<00:10:46.499> retailers<00:10:47.129> have<00:10:47.279> kind<00:10:47.550> of<00:10:47.579> quashed<00:10:47.910> this the retailers have kind of quashed this the retailers have kind of quashed this notion<00:10:48.480> though<00:10:48.839> I<00:10:49.110> don't<00:10:49.170> think<00:10:49.470> the notion though I don't think the notion though I don't think the legislation<00:10:50.009> is<00:10:50.220> going<00:10:50.249> anywhere<00:10:50.939> because legislation is going anywhere because legislation is going anywhere because they<00:10:51.360> realized<00:10:51.809> is<00:10:52.139> so<00:10:52.410> hard<00:10:52.740> to<00:10:53.399> tell<00:10:53.550> the they realized is so hard to tell the they realized is so hard to tell the difference<00:10:54.089> between<00:10:54.269> a<00:10:54.509> pirated<00:10:55.050> design<00:10:55.379> and difference between a pirated design and difference between a pirated design and something<00:10:56.579> that's<00:10:56.699> just<00:10:56.939> part<00:10:57.240> of<00:10:57.360> a<00:10:57.420> global something that's just part of a global something that's just part of a global trend<00:10:57.959> who<00:10:58.709> owns<00:10:59.189> a<00:10:59.490> look<00:10:59.699> that<00:11:00.540> is<00:11:00.569> a<00:11:00.689> very trend who owns a look that is a very trend who owns a look that is a very difficult<00:11:01.379> question<00:11:01.769> to<00:11:02.040> answer<00:11:02.189> it<00:11:02.639> takes difficult question to answer it takes difficult question to answer it takes lots<00:11:03.180> of<00:11:03.329> lawyers<00:11:03.720> and<00:11:03.930> lots<00:11:04.110> of<00:11:04.259> court<00:11:04.499> time lots of lawyers and lots of court time lots of lawyers and lots of court time and<00:11:04.769> the<00:11:05.370> retailers<00:11:05.819> decided<00:11:06.300> that<00:11:06.420> would<00:11:06.600> be and the retailers decided that would be and the retailers decided that would be way<00:11:06.990> too<00:11:07.019> expensive<00:11:07.920> you<00:11:10.129> know<00:11:11.129> it's<00:11:11.309> not<00:11:11.490> just way too expensive you know it's not just way too expensive you know it's not just a<00:11:11.879> fashion<00:11:12.089> industry<00:11:12.600> that<00:11:12.749> doesn't<00:11:13.050> have a fashion industry that doesn't have a fashion industry that doesn't have copyright<00:11:13.679> protection<00:11:14.300> there's<00:11:15.300> a<00:11:15.389> bunch<00:11:15.600> of copyright protection there's a bunch of copyright protection there's a bunch of other<00:11:15.899> industries<00:11:16.410> that<00:11:16.439> don't<00:11:16.620> have other industries that don't have other industries that don't have copyright<00:11:17.249> protection<00:11:17.639> including<00:11:17.970> the<00:11:18.059> food copyright protection including the food copyright protection including the food industry<00:11:18.959> you<00:11:19.769> cannot<00:11:20.160> copyright<00:11:20.670> a<00:11:20.699> recipe industry you cannot copyright a recipe industry you cannot copyright a recipe because<00:11:21.569> it's<00:11:21.779> a<00:11:21.870> set<00:11:22.050> of<00:11:22.170> instructions<00:11:22.769> it's because it's a set of instructions it's because it's a set of instructions it's fact fact fact and<00:11:23.670> you<00:11:24.600> cannot<00:11:25.110> copyright<00:11:25.740> the<00:11:25.889> look<00:11:26.069> and and you cannot copyright the look and and you cannot copyright the look and feel<00:11:26.459> of<00:11:26.519> even<00:11:27.089> the<00:11:27.179> most<00:11:27.389> usee<00:11:27.689> unique<00:11:28.319> dish feel of even the most usee unique dish feel of even the most usee unique dish same<00:11:30.600> with<00:11:30.899> automobiles<00:11:31.319> it<00:11:32.129> doesn't<00:11:32.519> matter same with automobiles it doesn't matter same with automobiles it doesn't matter how<00:11:32.939> wacky<00:11:33.149> they<00:11:33.509> look<00:11:33.689> or<00:11:33.809> how<00:11:33.899> cool<00:11:34.139> they how wacky they look or how cool they how wacky they look or how cool they look<00:11:34.350> you<00:11:35.040> cannot<00:11:35.370> copyright<00:11:36.029> the<00:11:36.300> sculptural look you cannot copyright the sculptural look you cannot copyright the sculptural design design design it's<00:11:38.069> a<00:11:38.220> utilitarian<00:11:38.850> article<00:11:39.480> that's<00:11:39.629> why it's a utilitarian article that's why it's a utilitarian article that's why same<00:11:41.220> with<00:11:41.429> furniture<00:11:41.790> even<00:11:42.600> you<00:11:43.110> know<00:11:43.199> it's same with furniture even you know it's same with furniture even you know it's too<00:11:43.620> utilitarian<00:11:44.689> magic<00:11:45.689> tricks<00:11:45.990> I<00:11:46.319> think too utilitarian magic tricks I think too utilitarian magic tricks I think there's<00:11:46.709> like<00:11:46.980> construction<00:11:47.550> sort<00:11:47.970> of<00:11:48.029> like there's like construction sort of like there's like construction sort of like recipes<00:11:48.569> no<00:11:48.839> copyright<00:11:49.259> protection<00:11:49.459> hairdos recipes no copyright protection hairdos recipes no copyright protection hairdos no<00:11:50.759> copyright<00:11:51.240> protection<00:11:52.129> open-source no copyright protection open-source no copyright protection open-source software<00:11:53.399> these<00:11:53.910> guys<00:11:54.149> decided<00:11:54.360> they<00:11:54.720> didn't software these guys decided they didn't software these guys decided they didn't want<00:11:54.990> copyright<00:11:55.889> protection<00:11:56.459> it's<00:11:57.329> not<00:11:57.449> to<00:11:57.540> be want copyright protection it's not to be want copyright protection it's not to be more<00:11:57.899> innovative<00:11:58.259> without<00:11:58.829> it<00:11:59.069> it's<00:11:59.819> really more innovative without it it's really more innovative without it it's really hard<00:12:00.240> to<00:12:00.420> get<00:12:00.480> copyright<00:12:00.929> for<00:12:01.079> databases hard to get copyright for databases hard to get copyright for databases tattoo<00:12:02.910> artists<00:12:03.360> they<00:12:03.779> don't<00:12:03.959> want<00:12:04.139> it<00:12:04.259> it's tattoo artists they don't want it it's tattoo artists they don't want it it's not<00:12:04.829> cool not cool not cool they<00:12:05.879> share<00:12:06.120> their<00:12:06.300> designs they share their designs they share their designs jokes<00:12:08.870> no<00:12:09.380> copyright<00:12:09.950> protection<00:12:10.060> fireworks jokes no copyright protection fireworks jokes no copyright protection fireworks displays<00:12:11.630> the<00:12:12.440> rules<00:12:12.680> of<00:12:12.950> games<00:12:13.240> the<00:12:14.240> smell<00:12:14.600> of displays the rules of games the smell of displays the rules of games the smell of perfume<00:12:15.140> no<00:12:16.010> and<00:12:16.840> some<00:12:17.840> of<00:12:17.960> these<00:12:18.050> industries perfume no and some of these industries perfume no and some of these industries may<00:12:18.770> seem<00:12:19.100> sort<00:12:19.370> of<00:12:19.430> marginal<00:12:19.970> to<00:12:20.240> you<00:12:20.470> but may seem sort of marginal to you but may seem sort of marginal to you but these<00:12:23.330> are<00:12:23.600> the<00:12:23.660> gross<00:12:23.870> sales<00:12:24.230> for<00:12:24.710> low<00:12:24.950> IP these are the gross sales for low IP these are the gross sales for low IP industries<00:12:26.090> industries<00:12:26.690> is<00:12:26.990> very<00:12:27.230> little industries industries is very little industries industries is very little copyright<00:12:27.830> protection<00:12:28.250> and<00:12:28.430> there's<00:12:29.090> a<00:12:29.450> gross copyright protection and there's a gross copyright protection and there's a gross sales<00:12:30.520> films<00:12:31.520> and<00:12:31.700> books<00:12:35.350> any<00:12:36.350> pretty

so<00:12:40.279> you<00:12:40.370> talk<00:12:40.640> to<00:12:40.790> people<00:12:40.910> in<00:12:41.090> the<00:12:41.210> fashion
so you talk to people in the fashion so you talk to people in the fashion industry<00:12:41.660> like<00:12:43.150> don't<00:12:44.150> tell<00:12:44.390> anybody<00:12:44.660> we<00:12:45.020> can industry like don't tell anybody we can industry like don't tell anybody we can actually<00:12:45.350> steal<00:12:45.950> from<00:12:46.250> each<00:12:46.400> other's<00:12:46.700> designs actually steal from each other's designs actually steal from each other's designs it's<00:12:47.300> embarrassing<00:12:48.850> but<00:12:49.850> you<00:12:49.970> know<00:12:50.090> what<00:12:50.390> it's it's embarrassing but you know what it's it's embarrassing but you know what it's revolutionary<00:12:51.620> and<00:12:51.920> it's<00:12:52.670> a<00:12:52.850> model<00:12:53.300> that<00:12:53.510> a revolutionary and it's a model that a revolutionary and it's a model that a lot<00:12:53.720> of<00:12:53.750> other<00:12:53.960> industries<00:12:54.529> like<00:12:54.710> the<00:12:54.830> ones<00:12:54.980> we lot of other industries like the ones we lot of other industries like the ones we just<00:12:55.190> saw<00:12:55.430> with<00:12:55.640> the<00:12:55.730> really<00:12:55.970> small<00:12:56.240> bars<00:12:56.920> they just saw with the really small bars they just saw with the really small bars they might<00:12:58.370> have<00:12:58.640> to<00:12:58.790> think<00:12:58.940> about<00:12:59.240> this<00:12:59.420> because might have to think about this because might have to think about this because right<00:13:00.080> now<00:13:00.260> those<00:13:00.500> industries<00:13:00.950> with<00:13:01.100> a<00:13:01.130> lot<00:13:01.460> of right now those industries with a lot of right now those industries with a lot of copyright<00:13:02.029> protection<00:13:02.060> are<00:13:02.990> operating<00:13:03.710> in<00:13:03.830> an copyright protection are operating in an copyright protection are operating in an atmosphere<00:13:04.100> where<00:13:04.880> it's<00:13:05.089> as<00:13:05.300> if<00:13:05.630> they<00:13:06.080> don't atmosphere where it's as if they don't atmosphere where it's as if they don't have<00:13:06.350> any<00:13:06.710> protection<00:13:06.920> and<00:13:07.520> they<00:13:08.330> don't<00:13:08.540> know have any protection and they don't know have any protection and they don't know what<00:13:08.779> to<00:13:08.900> do<00:13:10.570> when<00:13:11.570> I<00:13:11.600> found<00:13:11.900> out<00:13:12.020> that<00:13:12.140> there what to do when I found out that there what to do when I found out that there are<00:13:12.320> a<00:13:12.410> whole<00:13:12.589> bunch<00:13:12.620> of<00:13:13.010> industries<00:13:13.520> that are a whole bunch of industries that are a whole bunch of industries that didn't<00:13:15.050> have<00:13:15.170> copyright<00:13:15.380> protection<00:13:16.190> I didn't have copyright protection I didn't have copyright protection I thought<00:13:17.270> what<00:13:17.510> exactly<00:13:18.080> is<00:13:18.140> the<00:13:18.260> underlying thought what exactly is the underlying thought what exactly is the underlying logic<00:13:18.830> I<00:13:19.190> want<00:13:19.460> a<00:13:19.490> picture<00:13:19.760> and<00:13:20.150> the<00:13:20.810> lawyers logic I want a picture and the lawyers logic I want a picture and the lawyers do<00:13:21.290> not<00:13:21.320> provide<00:13:21.680> a<00:13:21.740> picture<00:13:22.160> so<00:13:22.820> I<00:13:22.850> made<00:13:23.180> one do not provide a picture so I made one do not provide a picture so I made one these<00:13:25.240> these<00:13:26.240> are<00:13:26.450> the<00:13:26.630> two<00:13:26.960> main<00:13:27.440> sort<00:13:27.950> of these these are the two main sort of these these are the two main sort of binary<00:13:28.430> opposition's<00:13:29.029> within<00:13:29.300> the<00:13:29.420> logic<00:13:29.810> of binary opposition's within the logic of binary opposition's within the logic of copyright<00:13:30.380> law<00:13:30.589> it<00:13:30.920> is<00:13:31.220> more<00:13:31.430> complex<00:13:31.910> than copyright law it is more complex than copyright law it is more complex than this<00:13:32.210> but<00:13:32.450> this<00:13:32.630> will<00:13:32.779> do<00:13:32.930> first<00:13:33.860> is<00:13:34.279> something this but this will do first is something this but this will do first is something an<00:13:35.089> artistic<00:13:35.900> object<00:13:36.050> then<00:13:36.890> it<00:13:36.920> deserves an artistic object then it deserves an artistic object then it deserves protection<00:13:37.670> is<00:13:38.240> it<00:13:39.050> a<00:13:39.110> utilitarian<00:13:39.740> object protection is it a utilitarian object protection is it a utilitarian object and<00:13:40.490> no<00:13:40.610> it<00:13:40.880> does<00:13:41.029> not<00:13:41.150> deserve<00:13:41.480> protection and no it does not deserve protection and no it does not deserve protection this<00:13:42.710> is<00:13:42.890> a<00:13:42.920> difficult<00:13:43.250> unstable<00:13:44.150> binary<00:13:44.680> the this is a difficult unstable binary the this is a difficult unstable binary the other<00:13:45.860> one<00:13:46.160> is<00:13:46.430> is<00:13:47.000> it<00:13:47.060> an<00:13:47.450> idea<00:13:47.960> is<00:13:48.320> it other one is is it an idea is it other one is is it an idea is it something<00:13:49.250> that<00:13:49.430> needs<00:13:49.640> to<00:13:49.910> freely<00:13:50.480> circulate something that needs to freely circulate something that needs to freely circulate in<00:13:51.290> a<00:13:51.740> free<00:13:51.950> society<00:13:52.900> no<00:13:53.900> protection<00:13:54.440> or<00:13:54.589> is<00:13:55.520> it in a free society no protection or is it in a free society no protection or is it a<00:13:55.730> physically<00:13:56.330> fixed<00:13:56.839> expression<00:13:57.650> of<00:13:57.860> an<00:13:58.220> idea a physically fixed expression of an idea a physically fixed expression of an idea something<00:13:59.150> that<00:13:59.270> somebody<00:13:59.600> made<00:13:59.870> and<00:14:00.230> they something that somebody made and they something that somebody made and they deserve<00:14:00.950> to<00:14:00.980> own<00:14:01.190> it<00:14:01.400> for<00:14:01.550> a<00:14:01.610> while<00:14:01.790> and<00:14:02.000> make deserve to own it for a while and make deserve to own it for a while and make money<00:14:02.330> from<00:14:02.570> it<00:14:02.830> the<00:14:03.830> problems<00:14:04.280> that<00:14:04.400> digital money from it the problems that digital money from it the problems that digital technology<00:14:05.510> has<00:14:05.540> completely<00:14:06.440> subverted<00:14:06.680> the technology has completely subverted the technology has completely subverted the logic<00:14:07.490> of<00:14:07.700> this<00:14:08.390> physically<00:14:09.020> fixed logic of this physically fixed logic of this physically fixed expression<00:14:09.890> versus<00:14:10.460> idea<00:14:11.150> concept<00:14:12.310> nowadays expression versus idea concept nowadays expression versus idea concept nowadays we<00:14:14.210> don't<00:14:14.990> really<00:14:15.500> recognize<00:14:15.920> a<00:14:16.130> book<00:14:16.460> as we don't really recognize a book as we don't really recognize a book as something<00:14:16.940> that<00:14:16.970> sits<00:14:17.270> on<00:14:17.390> our<00:14:17.570> shelf<00:14:17.870> or something that sits on our shelf or something that sits on our shelf or music<00:14:19.970> is<00:14:20.180> something<00:14:20.540> that<00:14:20.660> is<00:14:20.780> a<00:14:20.810> physical music is something that is a physical music is something that is a physical object<00:14:21.620> that<00:14:21.680> we<00:14:21.830> can<00:14:22.010> hold<00:14:22.190> it's<00:14:22.520> a<00:14:22.640> digital object that we can hold it's a digital object that we can hold it's a digital file<00:14:23.390> it<00:14:24.170> is<00:14:24.350> barely<00:14:24.770> tethered<00:14:25.400> to<00:14:25.550> any<00:14:25.700> sort file it is barely tethered to any sort file it is barely tethered to any sort of<00:14:26.030> physical<00:14:26.480> reality<00:14:26.870> in<00:14:27.410> our<00:14:27.560> minds<00:14:28.040> and of physical reality in our minds and of physical reality in our minds and these<00:14:28.700> things<00:14:29.000> because<00:14:29.420> we<00:14:29.540> can<00:14:29.660> copy<00:14:29.870> and these things because we can copy and these things because we can copy and transmit<00:14:30.589> them<00:14:30.709> so<00:14:30.920> easily<00:14:31.390> actually transmit them so easily actually transmit them so easily actually circulate<00:14:33.020> within<00:14:33.290> our<00:14:33.410> culture<00:14:33.620> a<00:14:34.010> lot<00:14:34.580> more circulate within our culture a lot more circulate within our culture a lot more like<00:14:34.940> ideas<00:14:35.420> than<00:14:35.779> like<00:14:35.990> physically like ideas than like physically like ideas than like physically instantiated<00:14:37.339> objects<00:14:38.980> now<00:14:39.980> the<00:14:40.040> conceptual instantiated objects now the conceptual instantiated objects now the conceptual issues<00:14:40.910> are<00:14:41.170> truly<00:14:42.170> profound<00:14:42.500> when<00:14:43.130> you<00:14:43.220> talk issues are truly profound when you talk issues are truly profound when you talk about<00:14:43.730> creativity<00:14:44.270> and<00:14:44.810> ownership<00:14:45.589> and<00:14:46.120> let about creativity and ownership and let about creativity and ownership and let me<00:14:47.209> tell<00:14:47.420> you<00:14:47.510> we<00:14:47.660> don't<00:14:47.900> want<00:14:48.080> to<00:14:48.290> leave<00:14:48.440> this me tell you we don't want to leave this me tell you we don't want to leave this just<00:14:48.830> to<00:14:49.040> lawyers<00:14:49.370> to<00:14:49.400> figure<00:14:49.820> out<00:14:50.000> they're just to lawyers to figure out they're just to lawyers to figure out they're smart<00:14:50.630> I'm<00:14:51.170> with<00:14:51.740> one<00:14:51.950> he's<00:14:52.280> my<00:14:52.459> boyfriend smart I'm with one he's my boyfriend smart I'm with one he's my boyfriend he's<00:14:53.000> okay he's okay he's okay he's<00:14:54.410> smart<00:14:54.770> he's<00:14:55.250> smart<00:14:55.580> but<00:14:56.330> you<00:14:56.450> want<00:14:56.660> an he's smart he's smart but you want an he's smart he's smart but you want an interdisciplinary<00:14:57.320> team<00:14:57.950> of<00:14:58.339> people<00:14:58.660> hashing interdisciplinary team of people hashing interdisciplinary team of people hashing this<00:14:59.780> out<00:15:00.020> trying<00:15:00.709> to<00:15:00.800> figure<00:15:01.130> out<00:15:01.190> what<00:15:01.670> is this out trying to figure out what is this out trying to figure out what is the<00:15:02.150> kind<00:15:02.390> of<00:15:02.480> ownership<00:15:02.870> model<00:15:03.440> in<00:15:03.680> a<00:15:04.400> digital the kind of ownership model in a digital the kind of ownership model in a digital world<00:15:05.089> that's<00:15:05.630> going<00:15:05.780> to<00:15:05.839> lead<00:15:06.050> to<00:15:06.200> the<00:15:06.320> most world that's going to lead to the most world that's going to lead to the most innovation<00:15:07.160> and<00:15:08.089> my<00:15:08.300> suggestion<00:15:08.780> is<00:15:09.050> that innovation and my suggestion is that innovation and my suggestion is that fashion<00:15:09.740> might<00:15:10.130> be<00:15:10.310> a<00:15:10.339> really<00:15:10.610> good<00:15:10.820> place<00:15:11.089> to fashion might be a really good place to fashion might be a really good place to start<00:15:11.630> looking<00:15:12.230> for<00:15:12.440> a<00:15:12.589> model<00:15:12.860> for<00:15:13.430> creative start looking for a model for creative start looking for a model for creative industries<00:15:14.390> in<00:15:14.540> the<00:15:14.630> future<00:15:15.459> if<00:15:16.459> you<00:15:16.610> want industries in the future if you want industries in the future if you want more<00:15:16.910> information<00:15:17.450> about<00:15:17.540> this<00:15:17.780> research more information about this research more information about this research project<00:15:18.459> please<00:15:19.459> visit<00:15:19.520> our<00:15:19.910> website<00:15:20.360> it's project please visit our website it's project please visit our website it's ready<00:15:20.839> to<00:15:20.900> share<00:15:21.260> dot<00:15:21.589> org<00:15:21.920> and<00:15:22.430> I<00:15:23.420> really<00:15:23.690> want ready to share dot org and I really want ready to share dot org and I really want to<00:15:23.930> thank<00:15:24.079> Veronica<00:15:24.589> Hideki<00:15:25.040> for<00:15:25.220> making<00:15:25.490> this to thank Veronica Hideki for making this to thank Veronica Hideki for making this very<00:15:25.970> fashionable<00:15:26.810> presentation<00:15:27.650> thank<00:15:28.610> you very fashionable presentation thank you very fashionable presentation thank you so<00:15:29.030> much

Johanna Blakely, fashion, Miuccia, Prada, creativity, innovation, plagiarism, copyright, copyright, law, TED, TEDx, TEDxUSC, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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