Bạn muốn giúp đỡ ai đó? Im đi và lắng nghe! – Ernesto Sirolli

Want to help someone? Shut up and listen! - Ernesto Sirolli

Want to help someone? Shut up and listen! - Ernesto Sirolli


everything<00:00:16.939> I<00:00:17.119> do<00:00:17.180> and<00:00:18.020> everything<00:00:18.949> I<00:00:19.250> do
everything I do and everything I do everything I do and everything I do professionally<00:00:20.060> my<00:00:20.990> life<00:00:21.550> has<00:00:22.550> been<00:00:22.820> shaped professionally my life has been shaped professionally my life has been shaped by<00:00:23.949> seven<00:00:24.949> years<00:00:25.189> of<00:00:25.520> work<00:00:26.029> as<00:00:26.630> a<00:00:26.689> young<00:00:27.050> man<00:00:27.289> in by seven years of work as a young man in by seven years of work as a young man in Africa<00:00:29.439> from<00:00:30.439> 1971<00:00:31.220> to<00:00:31.570> 1977<00:00:32.570> I<00:00:32.960> look<00:00:33.650> young Africa from 1971 to 1977 I look young Africa from 1971 to 1977 I look young but<00:00:34.160> I'm<00:00:34.309> not<00:00:34.489> I<00:00:36.610> worked<00:00:37.610> in<00:00:37.850> Zambia<00:00:38.300> Kenya but I'm not I worked in Zambia Kenya but I'm not I worked in Zambia Kenya Ivory<00:00:39.710> Coast<00:00:40.010> Algeria<00:00:40.820> Somalia<00:00:41.750> in<00:00:42.320> projects Ivory Coast Algeria Somalia in projects Ivory Coast Algeria Somalia in projects of<00:00:43.809> technical<00:00:44.809> cooperation<00:00:45.049> with<00:00:45.799> African of technical cooperation with African of technical cooperation with African countries<00:00:46.220> I<00:00:46.790> worked<00:00:47.059> for<00:00:47.330> an<00:00:47.479> Italian<00:00:47.930> NGO countries I worked for an Italian NGO countries I worked for an Italian NGO and<00:00:51.159> every<00:00:52.159> single<00:00:52.970> project<00:00:53.510> that<00:00:53.930> we<00:00:54.140> set<00:00:54.320> up and every single project that we set up and every single project that we set up in<00:00:54.470> Africa<00:00:55.059> failed<00:00:57.909> and<00:00:58.909> I<00:00:59.689> was<00:01:00.519> distraught in Africa failed and I was distraught in Africa failed and I was distraught I<00:01:02.860> thought<00:01:03.860> age<00:01:04.250> 21<00:01:05.030> that<00:01:05.689> we<00:01:05.900> Italians<00:01:06.380> were I thought age 21 that we Italians were I thought age 21 that we Italians were good<00:01:06.799> people<00:01:06.979> and<00:01:07.430> we<00:01:08.240> were<00:01:08.420> doing<00:01:08.750> good<00:01:09.080> work good people and we were doing good work good people and we were doing good work in<00:01:09.560> Africa<00:01:10.570> instead<00:01:12.520> everything<00:01:13.520> we<00:01:13.729> touched in Africa instead everything we touched in Africa instead everything we touched we<00:01:15.590> killed we killed we killed our<00:01:18.509> first<00:01:18.899> project<00:01:19.439> the<00:01:19.710> one<00:01:20.159> that<00:01:20.490> has our first project the one that has our first project the one that has inspired<00:01:21.270> my<00:01:21.960> first<00:01:22.469> book<00:01:22.880> ripples<00:01:23.880> from<00:01:24.119> the inspired my first book ripples from the inspired my first book ripples from the Zambezi<00:01:25.130> was<00:01:26.130> a<00:01:26.159> project<00:01:26.670> where<00:01:26.850> we<00:01:26.880> Italians Zambezi was a project where we Italians Zambezi was a project where we Italians decided<00:01:29.310> to<00:01:29.850> teach<00:01:30.090> Zambian<00:01:30.899> people<00:01:31.350> how<00:01:32.039> to decided to teach Zambian people how to decided to teach Zambian people how to grow<00:01:32.729> food<00:01:33.619> so<00:01:34.619> we<00:01:34.920> arrived<00:01:35.340> there<00:01:35.670> with grow food so we arrived there with grow food so we arrived there with Italian<00:01:36.509> seeds<00:01:36.899> in<00:01:37.439> southern<00:01:37.979> Zambia<00:01:38.250> in<00:01:38.849> this Italian seeds in southern Zambia in this Italian seeds in southern Zambia in this absolutely<00:01:40.340> magnificent<00:01:41.340> Valley<00:01:42.469> going<00:01:43.469> down absolutely magnificent Valley going down absolutely magnificent Valley going down to<00:01:44.009> the<00:01:44.130> Damacy<00:01:44.609> River<00:01:45.060> and<00:01:45.450> we<00:01:45.869> taught<00:01:46.200> the to the Damacy River and we taught the to the Damacy River and we taught the local<00:01:46.770> people<00:01:47.189> how<00:01:47.340> to<00:01:47.369> grow<00:01:47.759> Italian local people how to grow Italian local people how to grow Italian tomatoes<00:01:49.109> and<00:01:49.380> zucchini<00:01:49.500> and<00:01:50.929> and<00:01:51.929> of<00:01:52.079> course tomatoes and zucchini and and of course tomatoes and zucchini and and of course the<00:01:52.379> local<00:01:52.829> people<00:01:53.189> had<00:01:53.310> absolutely<00:01:53.640> no the local people had absolutely no the local people had absolutely no interest<00:01:54.149> in<00:01:54.329> doing<00:01:54.569> that<00:01:54.719> so<00:01:54.780> we<00:01:55.259> pay<00:01:55.560> them<00:01:55.950> to interest in doing that so we pay them to interest in doing that so we pay them to come<00:01:56.640> and<00:01:56.819> work<00:01:57.000> and<00:01:57.239> sometimes<00:01:57.539> they<00:01:58.259> would come and work and sometimes they would come and work and sometimes they would show<00:01:58.649> up<00:02:00.439> and<00:02:01.439> we<00:02:01.799> were<00:02:01.979> amazed<00:02:02.429> that<00:02:03.090> the show up and we were amazed that the show up and we were amazed that the local<00:02:03.599> people<00:02:03.959> in<00:02:04.020> such<00:02:04.289> fertile<00:02:04.829> valley local people in such fertile valley local people in such fertile valley would<00:02:05.459> not<00:02:05.640> have<00:02:05.819> any<00:02:05.969> agriculture<00:02:06.599> and<00:02:07.069> but would not have any agriculture and but would not have any agriculture and but instead<00:02:08.429> of<00:02:08.579> asking<00:02:08.940> them<00:02:09.060> how<00:02:09.299> come<00:02:09.660> they instead of asking them how come they instead of asking them how come they were<00:02:10.109> not<00:02:10.289> growing<00:02:10.500> anything<00:02:10.920> we<00:02:11.579> simply<00:02:11.970> said were not growing anything we simply said were not growing anything we simply said thank<00:02:12.690> God<00:02:12.870> we're<00:02:13.140> here<00:02:13.670> just<00:02:14.670> in<00:02:14.879> the<00:02:14.970> nick<00:02:15.000> of thank God we're here just in the nick of thank God we're here just in the nick of time<00:02:15.329> to<00:02:15.840> save<00:02:15.870> the<00:02:16.349> dam<00:02:16.620> bein<00:02:16.829> people<00:02:17.160> from time to save the dam bein people from time to save the dam bein people from starvation<00:02:17.810> and<00:02:18.810> of<00:02:19.319> course<00:02:19.819> everything<00:02:20.819> in starvation and of course everything in starvation and of course everything in Africa<00:02:21.299> group<00:02:21.420> beautifully<00:02:22.319> and<00:02:22.440> we<00:02:22.500> had<00:02:22.650> this Africa group beautifully and we had this Africa group beautifully and we had this magnificent<00:02:23.400> tomatoes<00:02:23.849> in<00:02:23.970> Italy<00:02:24.569> a<00:02:24.599> tomato magnificent tomatoes in Italy a tomato magnificent tomatoes in Italy a tomato will<00:02:25.260> grow<00:02:25.440> to<00:02:25.500> this<00:02:25.799> size<00:02:25.859> in<00:02:26.489> Zambia<00:02:26.970> to<00:02:27.239> this will grow to this size in Zambia to this will grow to this size in Zambia to this size<00:02:27.840> and<00:02:28.489> we<00:02:29.489> could<00:02:29.700> not<00:02:29.819> believe<00:02:29.940> and<00:02:30.359> we size and we could not believe and we size and we could not believe and we were<00:02:30.660> telling<00:02:31.079> the<00:02:31.200> champions<00:02:31.680> look<00:02:31.920> how<00:02:32.069> easy were telling the champions look how easy were telling the champions look how easy agriculture<00:02:33.000> is<00:02:33.319> when<00:02:34.319> the<00:02:34.410> tomatoes<00:02:34.680> were agriculture is when the tomatoes were agriculture is when the tomatoes were nice<00:02:35.430> and<00:02:35.459> ripe<00:02:36.180> and<00:02:36.510> red<00:02:36.840> organised<00:02:37.620> some<00:02:38.010> two nice and ripe and red organised some two nice and ripe and red organised some two hundred<00:02:38.280> hippos<00:02:39.060> came<00:02:39.419> out<00:02:39.569> from<00:02:40.019> the<00:02:40.139> river hundred hippos came out from the river hundred hippos came out from the river and<00:02:40.680> they<00:02:40.799> ate<00:02:41.010> everything

and<00:02:44.959> we<00:02:45.170> say<00:02:45.379> to<00:02:45.409> the<00:02:45.709> Zambian<00:02:46.189> my<00:02:46.730> god<00:02:47.000> the
and we say to the Zambian my god the and we say to the Zambian my god the hippos<00:02:48.349> and<00:02:49.010> that<00:02:49.640> lambda<00:02:49.879> said<00:02:50.239> yes<00:02:50.569> that's hippos and that lambda said yes that's hippos and that lambda said yes that's why<00:02:51.260> we<00:02:51.500> have<00:02:51.680> no<00:02:51.859> agriculture<00:02:52.489> here<00:02:54.250> why why we have no agriculture here why why we have no agriculture here why didn't<00:02:55.579> you<00:02:55.670> tell<00:02:55.939> us<00:02:55.969> you<00:02:56.599> never<00:02:57.319> asked<00:02:58.159> I

thought<00:03:01.519> it<00:03:01.730> was<00:03:01.849> only<00:03:02.060> asset<00:03:02.599> aliens
thought it was only asset aliens thought it was only asset aliens blundering<00:03:04.370> around<00:03:04.599> Africa<00:03:05.599> but<00:03:06.019> then<00:03:06.170> I<00:03:06.200> saw blundering around Africa but then I saw blundering around Africa but then I saw would<00:03:06.769> the<00:03:07.040> Americans<00:03:08.030> were<00:03:08.209> doing<00:03:08.450> what<00:03:08.810> the would the Americans were doing what the would the Americans were doing what the English<00:03:09.409> were<00:03:09.590> doing<00:03:09.920> what<00:03:10.069> the<00:03:10.220> French<00:03:10.519> were English were doing what the French were English were doing what the French were doing<00:03:11.180> and<00:03:11.420> after<00:03:12.230> seeing<00:03:12.469> what<00:03:12.650> they<00:03:13.040> were doing and after seeing what they were doing and after seeing what they were doing<00:03:13.849> I<00:03:14.090> became<00:03:14.659> quite<00:03:14.930> proud<00:03:15.769> of<00:03:16.159> our doing I became quite proud of our doing I became quite proud of our project<00:03:16.819> in<00:03:16.879> Zambia<00:03:17.329> because<00:03:17.900> you<00:03:17.989> see<00:03:18.170> at project in Zambia because you see at project in Zambia because you see at least<00:03:18.560> we<00:03:18.920> fed<00:03:19.220> the<00:03:19.459> hippos<00:03:21.970> you<00:03:22.970> should<00:03:23.329> see least we fed the hippos you should see least we fed the hippos you should see the<00:03:24.019> rubbish<00:03:25.689> you<00:03:26.689> should<00:03:26.989> see<00:03:27.260> the<00:03:27.560> rubbish the rubbish you should see the rubbish the rubbish you should see the rubbish that<00:03:28.129> we<00:03:28.250> have<00:03:28.400> bestowed<00:03:28.609> on<00:03:29.209> unsuspecting that we have bestowed on unsuspecting that we have bestowed on unsuspecting African<00:03:30.500> people<00:03:30.950> you<00:03:31.400> want<00:03:31.669> to<00:03:31.879> read<00:03:32.090> the<00:03:32.239> book African people you want to read the book African people you want to read the book read<00:03:33.019> dead<00:03:33.680> Aid<00:03:34.870> by<00:03:35.870> the<00:03:36.530> Somali<00:03:37.389> Zambian read dead Aid by the Somali Zambian read dead Aid by the Somali Zambian women<00:03:38.930> economists<00:03:39.730> the<00:03:40.730> book<00:03:40.939> was<00:03:41.120> published women economists the book was published women economists the book was published in<00:03:41.540> 2009<00:03:42.319> we<00:03:43.069> Western<00:03:44.060> donor<00:03:44.480> country<00:03:45.049> have in 2009 we Western donor country have in 2009 we Western donor country have given<00:03:46.099> the<00:03:46.250> African<00:03:46.730> continent<00:03:47.269> King given the African continent King given the African continent King trillion<00:03:48.949> dollars<00:03:49.370> American<00:03:49.609> in<00:03:49.970> the<00:03:50.090> last<00:03:50.239> 50 trillion dollars American in the last 50 trillion dollars American in the last 50 years<00:03:51.699> I'm<00:03:52.699> not<00:03:53.030> going<00:03:53.239> to<00:03:53.329> tell<00:03:53.540> you<00:03:53.690> the years I'm not going to tell you the years I'm not going to tell you the damage<00:03:54.799> that<00:03:54.829> the<00:03:55.220> money<00:03:55.459> is<00:03:55.609> done<00:03:55.840> just<00:03:56.840> go damage that the money is done just go damage that the money is done just go and<00:03:57.169> read<00:03:57.379> her<00:03:57.769> book<00:03:57.979> read<00:03:58.849> reader<00:03:59.389> from<00:03:59.659> an and read her book read reader from an and read her book read reader from an African<00:04:00.470> woman<00:04:00.650> the<00:04:01.310> damage<00:04:01.849> that<00:04:02.329> we<00:04:02.510> have African woman the damage that we have African woman the damage that we have done<00:04:06.310> we<00:04:07.310> Western<00:04:07.790> people<00:04:07.819> are<00:04:08.859> imperialist done we Western people are imperialist done we Western people are imperialist colonialist<00:04:10.389> missionaries<00:04:11.389> and<00:04:11.979> there<00:04:12.979> are colonialist missionaries and there are colonialist missionaries and there are only<00:04:13.159> two<00:04:13.549> ways<00:04:13.849> we<00:04:14.510> deal<00:04:14.720> with<00:04:14.750> people<00:04:15.639> we<00:04:16.639> are only two ways we deal with people we are only two ways we deal with people we are the<00:04:16.849> patronize<00:04:17.539> them<00:04:17.810> or<00:04:18.500> we<00:04:18.829> are the patronize them or we are the patronize them or we are paternalistic<00:04:19.570> the<00:04:20.570> two<00:04:20.780> words<00:04:21.049> come<00:04:21.560> from paternalistic the two words come from paternalistic the two words come from the<00:04:21.949> Latin<00:04:22.400> root<00:04:22.610> pattern<00:04:23.479> which<00:04:23.900> means the Latin root pattern which means the Latin root pattern which means father<00:04:25.210> but<00:04:26.210> they<00:04:26.389> mean<00:04:26.659> two<00:04:27.050> different father but they mean two different father but they mean two different things<00:04:27.530> but<00:04:29.380> annalistic<00:04:30.380> I<00:04:30.590> tricked<00:04:31.010> anybody things but annalistic I tricked anybody things but annalistic I tricked anybody from<00:04:32.150> a<00:04:32.240> different<00:04:32.419> culture<00:04:32.960> as<00:04:33.470> if<00:04:33.770> they<00:04:33.979> were from a different culture as if they were from a different culture as if they were my<00:04:34.400> children<00:04:34.430> I<00:04:35.120> love<00:04:35.630> you<00:04:35.810> so<00:04:36.050> much

patronizing<00:04:39.710> I<00:04:40.190> treat<00:04:40.639> everybody<00:04:41.180> from
patronizing I treat everybody from patronizing I treat everybody from another<00:04:41.930> culture<00:04:42.889> as<00:04:43.789> if<00:04:44.090> they<00:04:44.330> were<00:04:44.479> my another culture as if they were my another culture as if they were my servants<00:04:45.400> that's<00:04:46.400> why<00:04:46.669> the<00:04:47.270> white<00:04:47.509> people<00:04:47.870> in servants that's why the white people in servants that's why the white people in Africa<00:04:48.349> are<00:04:48.530> called<00:04:48.800> Bwana<00:04:49.130> boss<00:04:49.639> I<00:04:51.580> was<00:04:52.580> given Africa are called Bwana boss I was given Africa are called Bwana boss I was given a<00:04:52.969> slap<00:04:53.240> in<00:04:53.389> the<00:04:53.419> face<00:04:53.539> reading<00:04:54.440> a<00:04:54.590> book<00:04:54.770> small a slap in the face reading a book small a slap in the face reading a book small is<00:04:55.909> beautiful is beautiful is beautiful written<00:04:57.020> by<00:04:57.140> Schumacher<00:04:57.650> who<00:04:58.610> said<00:04:59.800> above<00:05:00.800> all written by Schumacher who said above all written by Schumacher who said above all in<00:05:01.130> economic<00:05:01.580> development<00:05:02.120> if<00:05:02.600> people<00:05:03.290> do<00:05:03.470> not in economic development if people do not in economic development if people do not wish<00:05:03.920> to<00:05:03.950> be<00:05:04.250> helped wish to be helped wish to be helped leave<00:05:05.750> them<00:05:06.110> alone<00:05:07.030> this<00:05:08.030> should<00:05:08.390> be<00:05:08.510> the leave them alone this should be the leave them alone this should be the first<00:05:08.900> principle<00:05:09.410> of<00:05:09.470> aid<00:05:10.010> the<00:05:10.730> first first principle of aid the first first principle of aid the first principle<00:05:11.360> of<00:05:11.510> aid<00:05:11.780> is<00:05:12.080> respect<00:05:13.600> this<00:05:14.600> morning principle of aid is respect this morning principle of aid is respect this morning the<00:05:15.560> gentleman<00:05:16.070> who<00:05:16.190> opened<00:05:16.460> this<00:05:16.550> conference the gentleman who opened this conference the gentleman who opened this conference they<00:05:17.420> stick<00:05:18.050> on<00:05:18.380> the<00:05:18.620> floor<00:05:18.890> and<00:05:19.340> say<00:05:20.270> can<00:05:21.020> we they stick on the floor and say can we they stick on the floor and say can we can<00:05:21.830> you<00:05:22.190> imagine<00:05:22.670> a<00:05:23.270> city<00:05:24.340> that<00:05:25.340> is<00:05:25.400> not can you imagine a city that is not can you imagine a city that is not neo-colonial<00:05:26.570> I<00:05:28.720> decided<00:05:29.950> when<00:05:30.950> I<00:05:30.980> was<00:05:31.190> 27 neo-colonial I decided when I was 27 neo-colonial I decided when I was 27 years<00:05:31.910> old<00:05:32.800> to<00:05:33.800> only<00:05:34.150> respond<00:05:35.150> to<00:05:35.750> people<00:05:36.140> and years old to only respond to people and years old to only respond to people and I<00:05:37.490> invented<00:05:37.910> the<00:05:38.180> system<00:05:38.590> called<00:05:39.590> Enterprise I invented the system called Enterprise I invented the system called Enterprise facilitation<00:05:41.080> where<00:05:42.080> you<00:05:42.230> never<00:05:42.590> initiate facilitation where you never initiate facilitation where you never initiate anything anything anything you<00:05:45.050> never<00:05:45.290> motivate<00:05:46.010> anybody<00:05:46.600> but<00:05:47.600> you you never motivate anybody but you you never motivate anybody but you become<00:05:48.080> a<00:05:48.140> servant<00:05:48.800> of<00:05:49.010> the<00:05:49.580> local<00:05:50.060> passion become a servant of the local passion become a servant of the local passion the<00:05:51.680> servant<00:05:52.100> of<00:05:52.190> local<00:05:52.580> people<00:05:52.970> who<00:05:53.120> have<00:05:53.300> a the servant of local people who have a the servant of local people who have a dream<00:05:53.720> to<00:05:54.470> become<00:05:54.650> a<00:05:54.860> better<00:05:55.130> person<00:05:56.800> so<00:05:57.800> what dream to become a better person so what dream to become a better person so what you<00:05:58.190> do<00:05:58.460> you<00:05:59.380> shut<00:06:00.380> up<00:06:00.910> you<00:06:01.910> never<00:06:02.360> arrive<00:06:02.720> in<00:06:02.870> a you do you shut up you never arrive in a you do you shut up you never arrive in a community<00:06:03.410> with<00:06:03.560> any<00:06:03.740> ideas<00:06:04.520> and<00:06:05.240> you<00:06:05.750> sit community with any ideas and you sit community with any ideas and you sit with<00:06:08.270> the<00:06:08.360> local<00:06:08.690> people with the local people with the local people we<00:06:10.400> don't<00:06:10.640> work<00:06:10.820> from<00:06:11.090> offices<00:06:11.600> we<00:06:12.500> meet<00:06:12.830> at we don't work from offices we meet at we don't work from offices we meet at the<00:06:13.250> cafe<00:06:13.430> we<00:06:14.360> meet<00:06:14.540> at<00:06:14.810> the<00:06:14.900> pub<00:06:15.190> we<00:06:16.190> have<00:06:16.570> zero the cafe we meet at the pub we have zero the cafe we meet at the pub we have zero infrastructure<00:06:18.620> and<00:06:19.220> what<00:06:20.030> we<00:06:20.150> do<00:06:20.330> we<00:06:21.080> become infrastructure and what we do we become infrastructure and what we do we become friends<00:06:21.650> and<00:06:22.250> we<00:06:23.060> find<00:06:23.300> out<00:06:23.479> what<00:06:23.720> that<00:06:24.380> person friends and we find out what that person friends and we find out what that person wants<00:06:25.220> to<00:06:25.250> do<00:06:26.410> the<00:06:27.410> most<00:06:27.590> important<00:06:28.010> thing<00:06:28.130> is wants to do the most important thing is wants to do the most important thing is passion<00:06:28.750> you<00:06:29.750> can<00:06:30.020> give<00:06:30.260> somebody<00:06:30.590> an<00:06:30.890> idea<00:06:31.220> if passion you can give somebody an idea if passion you can give somebody an idea if that<00:06:31.850> person<00:06:32.270> doesn't<00:06:32.419> want<00:06:32.630> to<00:06:32.720> do<00:06:32.840> it<00:06:32.870> what that person doesn't want to do it what that person doesn't want to do it what are<00:06:33.530> you<00:06:33.680> going<00:06:33.919> to<00:06:34.010> do<00:06:36.280> the<00:06:37.280> passion<00:06:37.700> that<00:06:38.240> the are you going to do the passion that the are you going to do the passion that the person<00:06:38.780> has<00:06:39.020> for<00:06:39.470> her<00:06:39.800> own<00:06:40.160> growth<00:06:40.940> is<00:06:41.660> the person has for her own growth is the person has for her own growth is the most<00:06:42.110> important<00:06:42.620> thing<00:06:42.830> the<00:06:43.310> passion<00:06:43.700> that most important thing the passion that most important thing the passion that that<00:06:44.030> man<00:06:44.240> has<00:06:44.800> for<00:06:45.800> his<00:06:45.919> own<00:06:46.220> personal<00:06:47.210> growth that man has for his own personal growth that man has for his own personal growth is<00:06:47.660> the<00:06:47.840> most<00:06:48.260> important<00:06:48.740> thing<00:06:48.890> and<00:06:49.130> then<00:06:49.760> we is the most important thing and then we is the most important thing and then we help<00:06:50.300> them<00:06:50.419> to<00:06:50.479> go<00:06:50.720> and<00:06:50.840> find<00:06:51.020> the<00:06:51.169> knowledge help them to go and find the knowledge help them to go and find the knowledge because<00:06:52.580> nobody<00:06:53.330> in<00:06:53.510> the<00:06:53.660> world<00:06:53.840> can<00:06:54.530> succeed because nobody in the world can succeed because nobody in the world can succeed alone<00:06:56.950> the<00:06:57.950> person<00:06:58.160> with<00:06:58.520> the<00:06:58.640> idea<00:06:58.880> may<00:06:59.180> not alone the person with the idea may not alone the person with the idea may not have<00:06:59.720> the<00:06:59.900> knowledge<00:07:00.110> but<00:07:00.530> the<00:07:00.860> knowledge<00:07:00.890> is have the knowledge but the knowledge is have the knowledge but the knowledge is available<00:07:02.500> so<00:07:03.500> years<00:07:03.770> and<00:07:03.800> years<00:07:04.100> ago<00:07:04.250> I<00:07:04.900> had available so years and years ago I had available so years and years ago I had this<00:07:06.050> idea<00:07:06.289> why<00:07:06.770> don't<00:07:07.160> we<00:07:07.460> for<00:07:07.789> once<00:07:08.500> instead this idea why don't we for once instead this idea why don't we for once instead of<00:07:09.560> arriving<00:07:10.160> in of arriving in of arriving in to<00:07:11.150> tell<00:07:11.330> people<00:07:11.539> what<00:07:11.780> to<00:07:11.810> do<00:07:12.379> why<00:07:12.949> don't<00:07:13.400> for to tell people what to do why don't for to tell people what to do why don't for once<00:07:14.569> listen<00:07:15.560> to<00:07:16.189> them<00:07:16.610> but<00:07:17.599> not<00:07:17.930> in<00:07:18.159> community once listen to them but not in community once listen to them but not in community meetings<00:07:19.719> let<00:07:20.719> me<00:07:20.930> tell<00:07:21.169> you<00:07:21.319> a<00:07:21.349> secret<00:07:24.550> there meetings let me tell you a secret there meetings let me tell you a secret there is<00:07:25.669> a<00:07:25.699> problem<00:07:26.289> with<00:07:27.289> community<00:07:27.860> meetings is a problem with community meetings is a problem with community meetings entrepreneurs<00:07:30.139> never<00:07:30.889> come<00:07:31.569> and<00:07:32.569> they<00:07:33.349> never entrepreneurs never come and they never entrepreneurs never come and they never tell<00:07:34.219> you<00:07:34.490> at<00:07:34.759> them<00:07:35.150> in<00:07:35.300> a<00:07:35.389> public<00:07:35.569> meeting tell you at them in a public meeting tell you at them in a public meeting what<00:07:36.469> they<00:07:36.740> want<00:07:37.189> to<00:07:37.370> do<00:07:37.550> with<00:07:37.789> their<00:07:38.060> own what they want to do with their own what they want to do with their own money<00:07:39.520> what<00:07:40.719> opportunity<00:07:41.719> they<00:07:42.169> have money what opportunity they have money what opportunity they have identified<00:07:43.360> so<00:07:44.360> planning<00:07:45.729> has<00:07:46.729> this<00:07:46.969> blind identified so planning has this blind identified so planning has this blind spot<00:07:47.860> the<00:07:48.860> smartest<00:07:49.550> people<00:07:49.759> in<00:07:49.969> your spot the smartest people in your spot the smartest people in your community<00:07:50.750> you<00:07:51.169> don't<00:07:51.379> even<00:07:51.529> know<00:07:52.120> because community you don't even know because community you don't even know because they<00:07:53.479> don't<00:07:53.750> come<00:07:54.110> to<00:07:54.439> your<00:07:54.770> public<00:07:55.310> meetings

what<00:08:01.129> we<00:08:01.400> do<00:08:01.669> we<00:08:02.479> work<00:08:02.719> one-on-one<00:08:03.009> and<00:08:04.029> to
what we do we work one-on-one and to what we do we work one-on-one and to work<00:08:05.210> one-on-one<00:08:05.479> you<00:08:06.110> have<00:08:06.229> to<00:08:06.349> create<00:08:06.560> a work one-on-one you have to create a work one-on-one you have to create a social<00:08:07.189> infrastructure<00:08:07.819> that<00:08:08.120> doesn't<00:08:08.479> exist social infrastructure that doesn't exist social infrastructure that doesn't exist you<00:08:09.620> have<00:08:09.740> to<00:08:09.919> create<00:08:10.159> a<00:08:10.279> new<00:08:10.400> profession<00:08:11.360> the you have to create a new profession the you have to create a new profession the profession<00:08:12.319> is<00:08:13.279> the<00:08:13.839> family<00:08:14.839> doctor<00:08:15.409> of profession is the family doctor of profession is the family doctor of enterprise<00:08:16.639> the<00:08:17.569> family<00:08:18.080> doctor<00:08:18.469> of<00:08:18.560> business enterprise the family doctor of business enterprise the family doctor of business who<00:08:19.190> sits<00:08:19.550> with<00:08:19.909> you<00:08:20.180> in<00:08:20.779> your<00:08:21.110> house<00:08:21.349> at<00:08:21.770> your who sits with you in your house at your who sits with you in your house at your kitchen<00:08:22.310> table<00:08:22.669> at<00:08:23.000> the<00:08:23.180> cafe<00:08:23.539> and<00:08:23.779> helps<00:08:24.560> you kitchen table at the cafe and helps you kitchen table at the cafe and helps you find<00:08:25.669> the<00:08:25.879> resources<00:08:26.000> to<00:08:26.659> transform<00:08:27.259> your find the resources to transform your find the resources to transform your passion<00:08:28.069> into<00:08:28.339> a<00:08:28.550> way<00:08:28.729> to<00:08:28.789> make<00:08:29.089> a<00:08:29.120> living<00:08:29.539> I passion into a way to make a living I passion into a way to make a living I started<00:08:31.219> this<00:08:31.370> as<00:08:31.610> a<00:08:31.669> tryout<00:08:32.479> in<00:08:33.279> in<00:08:34.279> esperance started this as a tryout in in esperance started this as a tryout in in esperance in<00:08:34.969> Western<00:08:35.240> Australia<00:08:35.300> I<00:08:35.810> was<00:08:35.990> doing<00:08:36.320> PhD<00:08:36.649> at in Western Australia I was doing PhD at in Western Australia I was doing PhD at the<00:08:37.190> time<00:08:37.519> try<00:08:38.360> to<00:08:38.390> go<00:08:39.079> away<00:08:39.560> from<00:08:40.130> this the time try to go away from this the time try to go away from this patronizing<00:08:42.469> that<00:08:42.890> we<00:08:43.070> arrive<00:08:43.490> and patronizing that we arrive and patronizing that we arrive and tell<00:08:43.969> you<00:08:44.120> what<00:08:44.449> to<00:08:44.480> do<00:08:44.959> and<00:08:45.529> so<00:08:47.110> what<00:08:48.110> I<00:08:48.140> did<00:08:48.829> in tell you what to do and so what I did in tell you what to do and so what I did in esperance<00:08:49.459> that<00:08:49.850> first<00:08:50.149> year<00:08:50.510> was<00:08:50.779> to<00:08:51.079> just esperance that first year was to just esperance that first year was to just walk<00:08:51.800> the<00:08:52.010> streets<00:08:52.370> and<00:08:53.089> in<00:08:53.420> the<00:08:53.449> in<00:08:53.870> in<00:08:54.140> three walk the streets and in the in in three walk the streets and in the in in three days<00:08:54.920> I<00:08:55.339> had<00:08:55.550> my<00:08:55.699> first<00:08:55.910> client<00:08:56.480> and<00:08:56.600> I<00:08:56.720> helped days I had my first client and I helped days I had my first client and I helped his<00:08:57.050> first<00:08:57.380> guy<00:08:57.740> who<00:08:58.459> was<00:08:58.730> smoking<00:08:59.390> fish<00:08:59.720> from his first guy who was smoking fish from his first guy who was smoking fish from a<00:09:00.050> garage<00:09:00.199> was<00:09:00.649> a<00:09:00.680> Maori<00:09:01.250> guy<00:09:01.779> and<00:09:02.779> I<00:09:03.019> helped a garage was a Maori guy and I helped a garage was a Maori guy and I helped him<00:09:03.500> to<00:09:04.130> sell<00:09:04.490> to<00:09:04.760> the<00:09:04.850> restaurant<00:09:05.360> in<00:09:05.540> Perth him to sell to the restaurant in Perth him to sell to the restaurant in Perth to<00:09:06.110> get<00:09:06.350> organized<00:09:06.949> and<00:09:06.980> then<00:09:07.430> the<00:09:07.459> fishermen to get organized and then the fishermen to get organized and then the fishermen came<00:09:08.149> to<00:09:08.329> me<00:09:08.449> to<00:09:08.570> say<00:09:08.600> you<00:09:09.380> the<00:09:09.560> guy<00:09:09.740> who<00:09:09.800> helped came to me to say you the guy who helped came to me to say you the guy who helped Morrie Morrie Morrie can<00:09:11.449> you<00:09:11.570> help<00:09:11.690> us<00:09:11.930> and<00:09:12.260> I<00:09:12.410> have<00:09:12.560> this<00:09:12.709> five can you help us and I have this five can you help us and I have this five fishermen<00:09:13.370> to<00:09:14.089> work<00:09:14.390> together<00:09:14.720> and<00:09:15.290> get<00:09:15.620> this fishermen to work together and get this fishermen to work together and get this beautiful<00:09:16.220> tuna<00:09:17.060> not<00:09:17.630> to<00:09:17.930> the<00:09:18.079> cannery<00:09:18.410> in beautiful tuna not to the cannery in beautiful tuna not to the cannery in Albany<00:09:19.310> for<00:09:19.490> 60<00:09:19.940> cents<00:09:20.149> a<00:09:20.300> kilo<00:09:20.480> but<00:09:21.230> we<00:09:21.589> find<00:09:22.279> a Albany for 60 cents a kilo but we find a Albany for 60 cents a kilo but we find a way way way to<00:09:23.690> take<00:09:24.019> the<00:09:24.529> fish<00:09:24.800> for<00:09:25.070> sushi<00:09:25.399> to<00:09:25.850> Japan<00:09:26.269> for to take the fish for sushi to Japan for to take the fish for sushi to Japan for $15<00:09:27.860> a<00:09:27.980> kilo<00:09:28.250> and<00:09:28.519> the<00:09:28.850> farmers<00:09:29.209> came<00:09:29.360> to<00:09:29.540> talk $15 a kilo and the farmers came to talk $15 a kilo and the farmers came to talk to<00:09:29.779> me<00:09:30.019> say<00:09:30.230> have<00:09:30.440> you<00:09:30.620> helped<00:09:30.830> them<00:09:31.010> can<00:09:31.279> you to me say have you helped them can you to me say have you helped them can you help<00:09:31.550> us<00:09:31.730> in<00:09:32.089> a<00:09:33.050> year<00:09:33.290> had<00:09:33.550> 27<00:09:34.550> projects<00:09:35.029> going help us in a year had 27 projects going help us in a year had 27 projects going on<00:09:35.510> and<00:09:35.839> the<00:09:35.899> government<00:09:36.320> came<00:09:36.440> to<00:09:36.620> see<00:09:36.800> me<00:09:36.920> to on and the government came to see me to on and the government came to see me to say<00:09:37.250> how<00:09:37.850> can<00:09:38.089> you<00:09:38.300> do<00:09:38.660> that<00:09:39.430> how<00:09:40.430> can<00:09:40.490> you<00:09:40.700> and say how can you do that how can you and say how can you do that how can you and I<00:09:41.180> said<00:09:41.329> I<00:09:41.480> do<00:09:41.660> something<00:09:42.110> very<00:09:42.140> very<00:09:42.620> very I said I do something very very very I said I do something very very very difficult<00:09:43.190> I<00:09:43.490> shut<00:09:43.910> up<00:09:43.940> and<00:09:44.450> listen<00:09:45.019> to<00:09:45.170> them

so<00:09:56.589> so<00:09:57.589> the<00:09:57.680> government<00:09:58.010> says<00:09:58.130> do<00:09:58.310> it<00:09:58.430> again<00:10:01.240> we
so so the government says do it again we so so the government says do it again we done<00:10:02.420> in<00:10:02.570> in<00:10:02.720> 300<00:10:03.290> communities<00:10:03.680> around<00:10:03.829> the done in in 300 communities around the done in in 300 communities around the world<00:10:04.339> we<00:10:05.060> have<00:10:05.209> helped<00:10:05.420> to<00:10:05.450> start<00:10:05.720> 40,000 world we have helped to start 40,000 world we have helped to start 40,000 businesses<00:10:07.690> there<00:10:08.690> is<00:10:08.720> a<00:10:08.810> new<00:10:09.050> generation<00:10:09.200> of businesses there is a new generation of businesses there is a new generation of entrepreneurs<00:10:09.709> who<00:10:10.370> are<00:10:10.519> dying<00:10:10.850> of<00:10:11.180> Solitude entrepreneurs who are dying of Solitude entrepreneurs who are dying of Solitude Peter<00:10:13.610> Drucker<00:10:13.899> one<00:10:14.899> of<00:10:15.019> the<00:10:15.170> greatest Peter Drucker one of the greatest Peter Drucker one of the greatest management<00:10:16.610> consultants<00:10:17.060> in<00:10:17.690> history management consultants in history management consultants in history died<00:10:19.339> aged<00:10:20.060> 96<00:10:20.660> a<00:10:21.140> few<00:10:21.709> years<00:10:21.890> ago<00:10:22.600> Peter died aged 96 a few years ago Peter died aged 96 a few years ago Peter Drucker<00:10:23.870> was<00:10:23.959> a<00:10:24.110> professor<00:10:24.500> of<00:10:24.709> philosophy Drucker was a professor of philosophy Drucker was a professor of philosophy before<00:10:25.370> becoming<00:10:25.970> involved<00:10:26.269> in<00:10:26.480> business<00:10:26.839> and before becoming involved in business and before becoming involved in business and this<00:10:27.920> is<00:10:28.070> what<00:10:28.250> Peter<00:10:28.520> Drucker<00:10:28.790> says<00:10:29.920> planning this is what Peter Drucker says planning this is what Peter Drucker says planning is<00:10:32.180> actually<00:10:33.820> incompatible<00:10:34.870> with<00:10:35.870> an is actually incompatible with an is actually incompatible with an entrepreneurial<00:10:36.760> society<00:10:37.760> and<00:10:37.970> economy entrepreneurial society and economy entrepreneurial society and economy planning<00:10:40.640> is<00:10:40.850> the<00:10:41.180> kiss<00:10:41.450> of<00:10:41.720> death<00:10:41.810> of planning is the kiss of death of planning is the kiss of death of entrepreneurship<00:10:45.670> so<00:10:46.670> now<00:10:46.820> you're entrepreneurship so now you're entrepreneurship so now you're rebuilding<00:10:47.360> Christchurch<00:10:47.980> without<00:10:48.980> knowing rebuilding Christchurch without knowing rebuilding Christchurch without knowing what<00:10:50.209> the<00:10:50.360> smartest<00:10:51.079> people<00:10:51.290> in<00:10:51.589> Christchurch what the smartest people in Christchurch what the smartest people in Christchurch want<00:10:52.550> to<00:10:52.730> do<00:10:52.880> with<00:10:53.089> their<00:10:53.270> own<00:10:53.300> money<00:10:53.540> and want to do with their own money and want to do with their own money and their<00:10:54.170> own<00:10:54.589> energy<00:10:56.079> you<00:10:57.079> have<00:10:57.320> to<00:10:57.620> learn<00:10:57.829> how their own energy you have to learn how their own energy you have to learn how to<00:10:59.180> get<00:10:59.660> these<00:10:59.870> people<00:10:59.930> to<00:11:00.380> come<00:11:00.680> and<00:11:00.890> talk<00:11:01.160> to to get these people to come and talk to to get these people to come and talk to you<00:11:02.860> you<00:11:03.860> have<00:11:03.980> to<00:11:04.010> offer<00:11:04.339> them you you have to offer them you you have to offer them confidentiality<00:11:06.529> privacy<00:11:07.430> you<00:11:08.270> have<00:11:08.300> to<00:11:08.600> be confidentiality privacy you have to be confidentiality privacy you have to be fantastic<00:11:09.709> at<00:11:10.190> helping<00:11:10.220> them<00:11:11.089> and<00:11:11.720> then<00:11:12.290> they fantastic at helping them and then they fantastic at helping them and then they will<00:11:12.620> come<00:11:12.949> and<00:11:13.220> they<00:11:13.279> will<00:11:13.520> come<00:11:13.790> in<00:11:13.970> droves will come and they will come in droves will come and they will come in droves in<00:11:16.220> the<00:11:16.310> community<00:11:16.640> of<00:11:16.699> 10,000<00:11:17.209> people<00:11:17.329> we<00:11:17.600> get in the community of 10,000 people we get in the community of 10,000 people we get 200<00:11:18.320> clients<00:11:18.470> can<00:11:19.130> you<00:11:19.220> imagine<00:11:19.339> a<00:11:19.610> community 200 clients can you imagine a community 200 clients can you imagine a community of<00:11:20.060> 400,000<00:11:20.990> people<00:11:21.140> they<00:11:21.709> intelligence<00:11:22.370> that of 400,000 people they intelligence that of 400,000 people they intelligence that and<00:11:22.670> the<00:11:22.790> passion<00:11:23.240> which<00:11:24.040> presentation<00:11:25.040> have and the passion which presentation have and the passion which presentation have you<00:11:25.310> uploaded<00:11:25.640> the<00:11:26.000> most<00:11:26.209> this<00:11:26.390> morning<00:11:26.810> local you uploaded the most this morning local you uploaded the most this morning local passionate<00:11:28.370> people<00:11:29.410> that's<00:11:30.410> who<00:11:30.709> you<00:11:30.920> have passionate people that's who you have passionate people that's who you have uploaded<00:11:32.680> so<00:11:33.680> what<00:11:34.459> I'm<00:11:34.610> saying<00:11:34.880> is<00:11:35.120> that

entrepreneurship<00:11:39.090> is<00:11:39.360> where<00:11:39.600> is<00:11:39.750> at<00:11:40.130> we<00:11:41.130> are
entrepreneurship is where is at we are entrepreneurship is where is at we are the<00:11:41.460> end<00:11:41.640> of<00:11:41.940> the<00:11:42.420> first<00:11:42.630> Industrial the end of the first Industrial the end of the first Industrial Revolution<00:11:43.940> non-renewable<00:11:44.940> fossil<00:11:45.150> fuels Revolution non-renewable fossil fuels Revolution non-renewable fossil fuels manufacturing<00:11:47.310> and<00:11:47.490> all<00:11:47.730> of<00:11:47.880> a<00:11:47.940> sudden<00:11:48.260> we manufacturing and all of a sudden we manufacturing and all of a sudden we have<00:11:49.410> systems<00:11:49.860> which<00:11:50.040> are<00:11:50.280> not<00:11:50.550> sustainable have systems which are not sustainable have systems which are not sustainable the<00:11:51.720> internal<00:11:52.200> combustion<00:11:52.530> engine<00:11:53.010> is<00:11:53.100> not the internal combustion engine is not the internal combustion engine is not sustainable<00:11:53.910> free<00:11:54.540> and<00:11:54.750> we're<00:11:55.260> maintaining sustainable free and we're maintaining sustainable free and we're maintaining things<00:11:56.250> is<00:11:56.400> not<00:11:56.550> sustainable<00:11:57.000> what<00:11:57.690> we<00:11:57.840> have things is not sustainable what we have things is not sustainable what we have to<00:11:58.140> look<00:11:58.290> at<00:11:58.530> is<00:11:58.980> that<00:11:59.040> how<00:11:59.670> we<00:11:59.930> feed<00:12:01.940> pure to look at is that how we feed pure to look at is that how we feed pure educate<00:12:04.350> transport<00:12:05.070> you<00:12:05.370> know<00:12:05.600> communicate educate transport you know communicate educate transport you know communicate for<00:12:06.960> seven<00:12:07.530> billion<00:12:07.980> people<00:12:08.010> in<00:12:08.520> a for seven billion people in a for seven billion people in a sustainable<00:12:08.940> way<00:12:09.170> the<00:12:10.170> technologies<00:12:10.860> do<00:12:11.160> not sustainable way the technologies do not sustainable way the technologies do not exist<00:12:11.940> to<00:12:12.360> do<00:12:12.750> that<00:12:13.280> who<00:12:14.280> is<00:12:14.880> going<00:12:15.360> to<00:12:15.720> invent exist to do that who is going to invent exist to do that who is going to invent the<00:12:16.500> technology<00:12:17.310> for<00:12:17.850> the<00:12:18.000> Green<00:12:18.510> Revolution the technology for the Green Revolution the technology for the Green Revolution universities<00:12:21.210> forget<00:12:21.900> about<00:12:22.050> it universities forget about it universities forget about it government<00:12:24.420> forget<00:12:25.110> about<00:12:25.260> it<00:12:26.300> would<00:12:27.300> be government forget about it would be government forget about it would be entrepreneurs<00:12:28.110> and<00:12:28.230> they're<00:12:28.410> doing<00:12:28.560> it<00:12:28.800> now

there's<00:12:32.190> a<00:12:32.250> lovely<00:12:32.430> story<00:12:32.820> that<00:12:33.090> already<00:12:33.360> now
there's a lovely story that already now there's a lovely story that already now in<00:12:33.630> a<00:12:33.930> futurist<00:12:34.410> magazine<00:12:34.980> many<00:12:35.220> many<00:12:35.400> years in a futurist magazine many many years in a futurist magazine many many years ago<00:12:35.730> it<00:12:36.720> was<00:12:36.780> a<00:12:36.870> group<00:12:37.110> of<00:12:37.260> experts<00:12:37.680> who<00:12:38.190> were ago it was a group of experts who were ago it was a group of experts who were invited<00:12:38.640> to<00:12:39.240> discuss<00:12:39.390> the<00:12:39.750> future<00:12:39.870> of<00:12:40.050> the invited to discuss the future of the invited to discuss the future of the city<00:12:40.470> of<00:12:40.650> New<00:12:40.800> York<00:12:40.830> in<00:12:41.660> 1860<00:12:42.680> and<00:12:43.680> in<00:12:43.920> 1860 city of New York in 1860 and in 1860 city of New York in 1860 and in 1860 this<00:12:44.940> group<00:12:45.120> of<00:12:45.240> people<00:12:45.330> came<00:12:45.600> together<00:12:45.810> and this group of people came together and this group of people came together and they<00:12:46.920> all<00:12:47.040> speculated<00:12:47.970> about<00:12:48.090> what<00:12:48.270> would they all speculated about what would they all speculated about what would happen<00:12:49.020> to<00:12:49.080> a<00:12:49.140> city<00:12:49.350> of<00:12:49.380> New<00:12:49.530> York<00:12:49.560> in<00:12:49.920> 100 happen to a city of New York in 100 happen to a city of New York in 100 years<00:12:50.670> and<00:12:50.820> the<00:12:51.240> conclusion<00:12:51.750> was<00:12:51.780> unanimous years and the conclusion was unanimous years and the conclusion was unanimous the<00:12:52.590> city<00:12:52.890> of<00:12:52.980> New<00:12:53.100> York<00:12:53.160> would<00:12:53.490> not<00:12:53.700> exist<00:12:54.180> in the city of New York would not exist in the city of New York would not exist in 100<00:12:54.810> years<00:12:55.340> why<00:12:56.340> because<00:12:57.210> they<00:12:57.360> look<00:12:57.480> at<00:12:57.630> the 100 years why because they look at the 100 years why because they look at the curb<00:12:58.020> and<00:12:58.380> say<00:12:58.530> if<00:12:58.770> the<00:12:58.950> population<00:12:59.490> keeps curb and say if the population keeps curb and say if the population keeps growing<00:12:59.790> at<00:13:00.180> this<00:13:00.420> rate<00:13:00.740> to<00:13:01.740> move<00:13:02.180> the growing at this rate to move the growing at this rate to move the population<00:13:03.840> of<00:13:03.930> New<00:13:04.050> York<00:13:04.080> around<00:13:04.820> they<00:13:05.820> would population of New York around they would population of New York around they would have<00:13:06.150> needed<00:13:06.330> six<00:13:06.840> million<00:13:07.410> horses<00:13:08.100> and<00:13:08.970> then have needed six million horses and then have needed six million horses and then manure<00:13:09.830> created<00:13:10.830> by<00:13:10.980> six<00:13:11.280> million<00:13:11.520> also<00:13:11.880> would manure created by six million also would manure created by six million also would be<00:13:12.300> impossible<00:13:12.600> to<00:13:13.050> deal<00:13:13.290> with<00:13:13.560> there<00:13:14.520> was be impossible to deal with there was be impossible to deal with there was already<00:13:15.330> drowning<00:13:15.990> in<00:13:16.860> manure<00:13:19.310> so<00:13:20.360> 1860<00:13:21.360> they already drowning in manure so 1860 they already drowning in manure so 1860 they are<00:13:21.990> seeing<00:13:22.350> these<00:13:22.620> dirty<00:13:23.340> technology<00:13:24.170> that are seeing these dirty technology that are seeing these dirty technology that is<00:13:25.290> going<00:13:25.530> to<00:13:25.740> choke<00:13:26.220> the<00:13:27.150> life<00:13:27.330> out<00:13:27.660> of<00:13:27.720> New is going to choke the life out of New is going to choke the life out of New York<00:13:29.750> so<00:13:30.750> what<00:13:30.960> happens<00:13:31.350> in<00:13:31.590> 40<00:13:31.980> years<00:13:32.010> time<00:13:32.190> in York so what happens in 40 years time in York so what happens in 40 years time in near<00:13:33.440> 1900<00:13:34.440> in<00:13:35.160> the<00:13:35.400> United<00:13:35.700> States<00:13:35.910> of near 1900 in the United States of near 1900 in the United States of America<00:13:36.600> they<00:13:36.840> were<00:13:37.020> one<00:13:37.380> thousand<00:13:38.280> and<00:13:38.400> one America they were one thousand and one America they were one thousand and one car<00:13:40.110> manufacturing<00:13:40.890> companies<00:13:41.750> one<00:13:42.750> thousand car manufacturing companies one thousand car manufacturing companies one thousand one<00:13:45.020> they<00:13:46.020> the<00:13:46.410> idea<00:13:46.950> of<00:13:47.340> a<00:13:48.090> funny<00:13:48.420> different one they the idea of a funny different one they the idea of a funny different technology<00:13:49.470> it technology it technology it absolutely<00:13:50.580> taken<00:13:50.880> over<00:13:51.180> and<00:13:51.810> there<00:13:52.590> were absolutely taken over and there were absolutely taken over and there were tiny<00:13:53.100> tiny<00:13:53.760> little<00:13:53.970> factories<00:13:54.870> in<00:13:55.380> back tiny tiny little factories in back tiny tiny little factories in back waters<00:13:56.480> Dearborn<00:13:57.480> Michigan<00:13:58.310> Henry<00:13:59.310> Ford

however<00:14:03.420> it<00:14:03.540> is<00:14:03.630> a<00:14:03.750> secret<00:14:04.410> to<00:14:04.740> work<00:14:05.670> with
however it is a secret to work with however it is a secret to work with entrepreneurs<00:14:06.060> firstly<00:14:07.020> you<00:14:07.110> have<00:14:07.140> to<00:14:07.260> offer entrepreneurs firstly you have to offer entrepreneurs firstly you have to offer them<00:14:08.810> confidentiality<00:14:09.810> otherwise<00:14:10.470> they them confidentiality otherwise they them confidentiality otherwise they don't<00:14:10.920> come<00:14:11.160> and<00:14:11.310> talk<00:14:11.430> to<00:14:11.460> you<00:14:11.810> then<00:14:12.810> you<00:14:12.930> have don't come and talk to you then you have don't come and talk to you then you have to<00:14:13.080> talk<00:14:13.380> offer<00:14:13.770> them<00:14:15.050> absolutely<00:14:16.050> dedicated to talk offer them absolutely dedicated to talk offer them absolutely dedicated in<00:14:17.300> passionate<00:14:18.300> service<00:14:18.780> to<00:14:18.960> them<00:14:19.700> and<00:14:20.700> then in passionate service to them and then in passionate service to them and then you<00:14:20.940> have<00:14:20.970> to<00:14:21.120> tell<00:14:21.300> them<00:14:21.420> the<00:14:21.480> truth<00:14:21.780> about you have to tell them the truth about you have to tell them the truth about entrepreneurship<00:14:23.390> the<00:14:24.390> smallest<00:14:24.630> company entrepreneurship the smallest company entrepreneurship the smallest company the<00:14:25.860> biggest<00:14:26.220> company<00:14:26.610> has<00:14:27.210> to<00:14:27.390> be<00:14:27.510> capable the biggest company has to be capable the biggest company has to be capable doing<00:14:28.200> three<00:14:28.410> things<00:14:28.440> beautifully<00:14:29.480> the doing three things beautifully the doing three things beautifully the product<00:14:30.990> that<00:14:31.230> you<00:14:31.350> want<00:14:31.530> to<00:14:31.740> sell<00:14:31.950> has<00:14:32.160> to<00:14:32.190> be product that you want to sell has to be product that you want to sell has to be fantastic<00:14:32.430> you<00:14:33.920> have<00:14:34.920> to<00:14:35.070> have<00:14:35.190> met<00:14:35.400> fantastic fantastic you have to have met fantastic fantastic you have to have met fantastic marketing<00:14:36.510> and<00:14:37.430> you<00:14:38.430> have<00:14:38.610> have<00:14:39.030> tremendous marketing and you have have tremendous marketing and you have have tremendous financial<00:14:40.050> management<00:14:40.850> guess<00:14:41.850> what<00:14:43.130> we<00:14:44.130> have financial management guess what we have financial management guess what we have never<00:14:44.610> met<00:14:44.880> a<00:14:45.120> single<00:14:45.660> human<00:14:46.050> being<00:14:46.380> in<00:14:46.560> the never met a single human being in the never met a single human being in the world<00:14:46.970> who<00:14:47.970> can<00:14:48.300> make<00:14:48.900> it<00:14:49.110> sell<00:14:49.740> it<00:14:49.920> I<00:14:50.130> look world who can make it sell it I look world who can make it sell it I look after<00:14:50.610> the<00:14:50.790> money<00:14:51.500> doesn't<00:14:52.500> exist<00:14:54.230> this after the money doesn't exist this after the money doesn't exist this person<00:14:55.650> has<00:14:55.770> never<00:14:55.950> been<00:14:56.220> born person has never been born person has never been born we've<00:14:57.930> done<00:14:58.080> the<00:14:58.200> research<00:14:58.350> and<00:14:58.950> we<00:14:59.670> have we've done the research and we have we've done the research and we have looked<00:15:00.090> at<00:15:00.300> the<00:15:00.510> 100<00:15:01.170> iconic<00:15:01.710> companies<00:15:02.130> of looked at the 100 iconic companies of looked at the 100 iconic companies of the<00:15:02.430> world the world the world Carnegie<00:15:04.700> Westinghouse<00:15:06.230> Edison's<00:15:07.230> Ford<00:15:07.890> all Carnegie Westinghouse Edison's Ford all Carnegie Westinghouse Edison's Ford all the<00:15:08.940> new<00:15:09.150> companies<00:15:09.720> Google<00:15:10.020> Yahoo<00:15:10.730> there's the new companies Google Yahoo there's the new companies Google Yahoo there's only<00:15:11.880> one<00:15:12.090> thing<00:15:12.300> that<00:15:12.510> all<00:15:12.720> this<00:15:13.020> successful only one thing that all this successful only one thing that all this successful company<00:15:14.100> in<00:15:14.130> the<00:15:14.250> world<00:15:14.490> having<00:15:14.880> comments company in the world having comments company in the world having comments only<00:15:15.630> once<00:15:17.060> none<00:15:18.140> was<00:15:19.140> started<00:15:19.800> by<00:15:19.980> one<00:15:20.220> person only once none was started by one person only once none was started by one person now<00:15:22.680> we<00:15:22.740> teach<00:15:23.450> entrepreneurship<00:15:24.470> to<00:15:25.470> 16 now we teach entrepreneurship to 16 now we teach entrepreneurship to 16 years<00:15:26.130> old<00:15:26.310> in<00:15:26.490> Northumberland<00:15:27.330> and<00:15:27.710> we<00:15:28.710> start years old in Northumberland and we start years old in Northumberland and we start the<00:15:29.460> class<00:15:29.730> by<00:15:30.120> giving<00:15:30.330> them<00:15:30.690> the<00:15:30.900> first<00:15:31.110> two the class by giving them the first two the class by giving them the first two pages<00:15:31.650> of<00:15:31.920> Richard<00:15:32.520> Branson<00:15:32.990> autobiography pages of Richard Branson autobiography pages of Richard Branson autobiography and<00:15:34.260> the<00:15:34.890> task<00:15:35.160> of<00:15:35.430> the<00:15:35.490> 16<00:15:36.060> years<00:15:36.240> old<00:15:36.450> is<00:15:36.750> it and the task of the 16 years old is it and the task of the 16 years old is it to<00:15:37.290> underline<00:15:37.770> in<00:15:38.340> the<00:15:38.580> first<00:15:38.820> two<00:15:39.120> pages<00:15:39.360> of to underline in the first two pages of to underline in the first two pages of Richard<00:15:40.440> Branson<00:15:41.240> autobiography<00:15:42.240> how<00:15:42.420> many Richard Branson autobiography how many Richard Branson autobiography how many times<00:15:42.960> Richard<00:15:43.500> uses<00:15:43.740> the<00:15:43.980> word<00:15:44.160> I<00:15:44.340> and<00:15:44.940> how times Richard uses the word I and how times Richard uses the word I and how many<00:15:45.930> time<00:15:46.230> he<00:15:46.410> used<00:15:46.650> the<00:15:46.860> word<00:15:47.070> we<00:15:47.810> never<00:15:48.810> the many time he used the word we never the many time he used the word we never the word<00:15:49.260> I<00:15:49.560> and<00:15:49.920> the<00:15:50.340> word<00:15:50.550> we<00:15:50.820> 32<00:15:51.690> times<00:15:52.100> he word I and the word we 32 times he word I and the word we 32 times he wasn't<00:15:53.520> alone<00:15:53.820> when<00:15:54.120> he<00:15:54.210> started<00:15:55.670> nobody wasn't alone when he started nobody wasn't alone when he started nobody started<00:15:57.300> a<00:15:57.360> company<00:15:57.720> alone started a company alone started a company alone no<00:15:59.680> one<00:16:00.300> so<00:16:01.300> we<00:16:01.810> can<00:16:01.990> create<00:16:02.290> a<00:16:02.320> community no one so we can create a community no one so we can create a community where<00:16:03.940> we<00:16:03.970> have<00:16:04.150> facilitators<00:16:05.140> who<00:16:05.350> come<00:16:05.590> from where we have facilitators who come from where we have facilitators who come from a<00:16:05.920> small<00:16:06.130> business<00:16:06.460> background<00:16:06.810> sitting<00:16:07.810> in a small business background sitting in a small business background sitting in cafes<00:16:08.140> in<00:16:08.860> bars<00:16:09.280> and<00:16:10.110> your<00:16:11.430> dedicated<00:16:12.450> buddies cafes in bars and your dedicated buddies cafes in bars and your dedicated buddies who<00:16:14.860> will<00:16:15.100> go<00:16:15.340> to<00:16:15.400> you<00:16:15.850> what<00:16:16.660> somebody<00:16:17.230> did<00:16:17.470> for who will go to you what somebody did for who will go to you what somebody did for this<00:16:17.890> gentleman<00:16:18.220> who<00:16:18.610> talked<00:16:18.820> about<00:16:18.850> you<00:16:19.810> know this gentleman who talked about you know this gentleman who talked about you know this<00:16:20.110> attic<00:16:21.420> somebody<00:16:22.420> who<00:16:22.630> will<00:16:22.780> say<00:16:22.840> to<00:16:23.020> you this attic somebody who will say to you this attic somebody who will say to you what<00:16:23.620> do<00:16:23.740> you<00:16:23.770> need<00:16:24.040> what<00:16:24.370> can<00:16:24.490> you<00:16:24.610> do<00:16:24.790> can<00:16:25.120> you what do you need what can you do can you what do you need what can you do can you make<00:16:25.450> it make it make it okay<00:16:26.170> can<00:16:26.380> you<00:16:26.470> sell<00:16:26.710> it<00:16:26.740> can<00:16:27.520> you<00:16:27.610> look<00:16:27.730> after okay can you sell it can you look after okay can you sell it can you look after the<00:16:28.090> money<00:16:28.120> oh<00:16:28.450> no<00:16:28.780> I<00:16:28.810> cannot<00:16:29.260> do<00:16:29.470> this<00:16:29.650> would the money oh no I cannot do this would the money oh no I cannot do this would you<00:16:30.280> like<00:16:30.460> me<00:16:30.640> to<00:16:30.790> find<00:16:30.970> you<00:16:31.150> somebody<00:16:31.470> we you like me to find you somebody we you like me to find you somebody we activate<00:16:33.100> communities<00:16:33.700> we<00:16:34.690> have<00:16:34.720> groups<00:16:35.350> of activate communities we have groups of activate communities we have groups of volunteers<00:16:35.980> supporting<00:16:36.880> the<00:16:36.940> enterprise volunteers supporting the enterprise volunteers supporting the enterprise facilitator<00:16:37.930> to<00:16:38.170> help<00:16:38.200> you<00:16:38.530> to<00:16:38.680> find facilitator to help you to find facilitator to help you to find resources<00:16:39.850> and<00:16:40.150> people<00:16:40.840> and<00:16:41.050> we<00:16:41.950> have resources and people and we have resources and people and we have discovered<00:16:42.610> that<00:16:43.000> the<00:16:43.540> miracle<00:16:44.200> of<00:16:44.350> the discovered that the miracle of the discovered that the miracle of the intelligence<00:16:45.130> of<00:16:45.250> local<00:16:45.490> people<00:16:45.790> is<00:16:45.850> such intelligence of local people is such intelligence of local people is such that<00:16:46.870> you<00:16:46.930> can<00:16:47.740> change<00:16:48.160> the<00:16:48.880> culture<00:16:49.510> and<00:16:49.720> the that you can change the culture and the that you can change the culture and the economy<00:16:50.230> of<00:16:50.680> this<00:16:50.770> community<00:16:51.310> just<00:16:52.120> by economy of this community just by economy of this community just by capturing<00:16:54.040> the<00:16:54.220> passion<00:16:54.820> the<00:16:55.150> energy<00:16:55.540> and capturing the passion the energy and capturing the passion the energy and imagination<00:16:56.050> of<00:16:56.680> your<00:16:57.190> own<00:16:57.490> people<00:16:58.080> thank<00:16:59.080> you


Ernesto Sirolli, TEDx, TED, aid, etrepreneur, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, TED, Ed

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