Bạn muốn hạnh phúc hơn? Ở lại trong thời điểm Này-Matt Killingsworth

Want to be happier? Stay in the moment - Matt Killingsworth

Want to be happier? Stay in the moment - Matt Killingsworth




so<00:00:16.430> people<00:00:17.030> want<00:00:17.180> a<00:00:17.240> lot<00:00:17.390> of<00:00:17.420> things<00:00:17.660> out<00:00:17.990> of
so people want a lot of things out of so people want a lot of things out of life<00:00:18.260> but<00:00:19.130> I<00:00:19.189> think<00:00:19.400> more<00:00:19.850> than<00:00:20.029> anything<00:00:20.270> else life but I think more than anything else life but I think more than anything else they<00:00:21.110> want<00:00:21.140> happiness<00:00:22.689> Aristotle<00:00:23.689> called they want happiness Aristotle called they want happiness Aristotle called happiness<00:00:24.410> the<00:00:24.680> chief<00:00:24.890> good<00:00:25.220> the<00:00:25.820> end<00:00:26.029> towards happiness the chief good the end towards happiness the chief good the end towards which<00:00:26.780> all<00:00:27.080> other<00:00:27.350> things<00:00:27.619> aim<00:00:29.830> according<00:00:30.830> to which all other things aim according to which all other things aim according to this<00:00:31.010> view<00:00:31.280> the<00:00:31.520> reason<00:00:32.059> we<00:00:32.449> want<00:00:32.660> a<00:00:32.930> big<00:00:33.320> house this view the reason we want a big house this view the reason we want a big house or<00:00:35.000> a<00:00:35.030> nice<00:00:35.870> car<00:00:36.230> or<00:00:36.910> a<00:00:37.910> good<00:00:38.180> job<00:00:38.770> isn't<00:00:39.770> that or a nice car or a good job isn't that or a nice car or a good job isn't that these<00:00:40.190> things<00:00:40.430> are<00:00:40.670> intrinsically<00:00:41.330> valuable these things are intrinsically valuable these things are intrinsically valuable it's<00:00:42.470> that<00:00:42.680> we<00:00:42.739> expect<00:00:43.159> them<00:00:43.339> to<00:00:43.400> bring<00:00:43.909> us it's that we expect them to bring us it's that we expect them to bring us happiness<00:00:45.699> now<00:00:46.699> in<00:00:46.760> the<00:00:46.820> last<00:00:47.000> 50<00:00:47.330> years<00:00:47.360> we happiness now in the last 50 years we happiness now in the last 50 years we Americans<00:00:48.199> have<00:00:48.379> gotten<00:00:48.559> a<00:00:48.620> lot<00:00:48.739> of<00:00:48.800> the Americans have gotten a lot of the Americans have gotten a lot of the things<00:00:49.159> that<00:00:49.309> we<00:00:49.400> want<00:00:49.610> we're<00:00:50.300> richer<00:00:50.659> we<00:00:51.320> live things that we want we're richer we live things that we want we're richer we live longer<00:00:51.830> we<00:00:52.550> have<00:00:52.670> access<00:00:53.030> to<00:00:53.210> technology<00:00:53.809> that longer we have access to technology that longer we have access to technology that would<00:00:54.320> have<00:00:54.409> seems<00:00:54.620> like<00:00:54.800> science<00:00:55.190> fiction would have seems like science fiction would have seems like science fiction just<00:00:56.089> a<00:00:56.210> few<00:00:56.360> years<00:00:56.479> ago<00:00:57.100> the<00:00:58.100> paradox<00:00:58.610> of just a few years ago the paradox of just a few years ago the paradox of happiness<00:00:59.629> is<00:00:59.809> that<00:01:00.229> even<00:01:00.409> though<00:01:00.500> the happiness is that even though the happiness is that even though the objective<00:01:01.070> conditions<00:01:01.280> of<00:01:01.670> our<00:01:01.760> lives<00:01:01.970> have objective conditions of our lives have objective conditions of our lives have improved<00:01:02.330> dramatically improved dramatically improved dramatically we<00:01:03.500> haven't<00:01:03.890> actually<00:01:04.070> gotten<00:01:04.549> any<00:01:04.879> happier we haven't actually gotten any happier we haven't actually gotten any happier maybe<00:01:08.120> because<00:01:08.330> these<00:01:08.690> conventional<00:01:09.260> notions maybe because these conventional notions maybe because these conventional notions of<00:01:09.710> progress<00:01:09.920> haven't<00:01:10.460> delivered<00:01:10.700> big of progress haven't delivered big of progress haven't delivered big benefits<00:01:11.479> in<00:01:11.600> terms<00:01:11.630> of<00:01:11.900> happiness<00:01:12.350> there's benefits in terms of happiness there's benefits in terms of happiness there's been<00:01:12.979> an<00:01:13.070> increased<00:01:13.430> interest<00:01:13.670> in<00:01:13.880> recent been an increased interest in recent been an increased interest in recent years<00:01:14.360> and<00:01:14.540> happiness<00:01:15.230> itself<00:01:16.240> people<00:01:17.240> have years and happiness itself people have years and happiness itself people have been<00:01:17.540> debating<00:01:17.990> the<00:01:18.080> causes<00:01:18.440> of<00:01:18.470> happiness been debating the causes of happiness been debating the causes of happiness for<00:01:19.190> a<00:01:19.250> really<00:01:19.580> long<00:01:19.730> time<00:01:19.970> in<00:01:20.300> fact<00:01:20.420> for for a really long time in fact for for a really long time in fact for thousands<00:01:21.080> of<00:01:21.170> years<00:01:21.410> but<00:01:21.890> it<00:01:22.010> seems<00:01:22.190> like thousands of years but it seems like thousands of years but it seems like many<00:01:22.490> of<00:01:22.670> those<00:01:22.790> debates<00:01:22.940> remain<00:01:23.690> unresolved many of those debates remain unresolved many of those debates remain unresolved why<00:01:25.790> is<00:01:25.850> with<00:01:26.030> many<00:01:26.240> other<00:01:26.420> domains<00:01:26.780> in<00:01:26.930> life<00:01:27.050> I why is with many other domains in life I why is with many other domains in life I think<00:01:27.440> the<00:01:27.590> scientific<00:01:27.980> method<00:01:28.430> has<00:01:28.820> the think the scientific method has the think the scientific method has the potential<00:01:29.270> to<00:01:29.450> answer<00:01:29.870> this<00:01:30.020> question<00:01:30.200> in potential to answer this question in potential to answer this question in fact<00:01:31.130> in<00:01:31.340> the<00:01:31.430> last<00:01:31.550> few<00:01:31.790> years<00:01:32.030> there's<00:01:32.240> been fact in the last few years there's been fact in the last few years there's been an<00:01:32.510> explosion<00:01:32.900> in<00:01:33.230> research<00:01:33.860> on<00:01:34.040> happiness an explosion in research on happiness an explosion in research on happiness for<00:01:35.240> example<00:01:35.630> we've<00:01:35.780> learned<00:01:36.020> a<00:01:36.080> lot<00:01:36.110> about for example we've learned a lot about for example we've learned a lot about its<00:01:36.530> demographics<00:01:37.190> how<00:01:37.760> things<00:01:38.030> like<00:01:38.270> income its demographics how things like income its demographics how things like income and<00:01:39.260> education<00:01:39.830> gender<00:01:40.640> and<00:01:40.820> marriage<00:01:41.180> relate and education gender and marriage relate and education gender and marriage relate to<00:01:41.630> it to it to it but<00:01:42.380> one<00:01:42.500> of<00:01:42.530> the<00:01:42.680> puzzles<00:01:43.070> this<00:01:43.220> is<00:01:43.370> revealed but one of the puzzles this is revealed but one of the puzzles this is revealed is<00:01:43.940> that<00:01:44.120> factors<00:01:44.660> like<00:01:44.840> these<00:01:44.990> don't<00:01:45.290> seem<00:01:45.470> to is that factors like these don't seem to is that factors like these don't seem to have<00:01:45.680> a<00:01:45.710> particularly<00:01:46.100> strong<00:01:46.280> effect<00:01:46.880> yes have a particularly strong effect yes have a particularly strong effect yes it's<00:01:47.990> better<00:01:48.170> to<00:01:48.380> make<00:01:48.530> more<00:01:48.740> money<00:01:48.890> rather it's better to make more money rather it's better to make more money rather than<00:01:49.340> less<00:01:49.670> or<00:01:49.940> to<00:01:50.360> graduate<00:01:50.810> from<00:01:50.900> college than less or to graduate from college than less or to graduate from college instead<00:01:51.650> of<00:01:51.740> dropping<00:01:51.890> out<00:01:52.190> but<00:01:52.670> the instead of dropping out but the instead of dropping out but the differences<00:01:53.240> in<00:01:53.390> happiness<00:01:53.659> tend<00:01:54.020> to<00:01:54.140> be differences in happiness tend to be differences in happiness tend to be small<00:01:55.090> which<00:01:56.090> leaves<00:01:56.360> the<00:01:56.510> question<00:01:56.630> what<00:01:57.380> are small which leaves the question what are small which leaves the question what are the<00:01:57.680> big<00:01:57.830> causes<00:01:58.040> of<00:01:58.340> happiness<00:01:58.430> I<00:01:59.050> think the big causes of happiness I think the big causes of happiness I think that's<00:02:00.380> a<00:02:00.470> question<00:02:00.590> we<00:02:00.830> haven't<00:02:01.010> really that's a question we haven't really that's a question we haven't really answered<00:02:01.370> yet<00:02:01.850> but<00:02:02.330> I<00:02:02.360> think<00:02:02.480> something<00:02:03.110> that answered yet but I think something that answered yet but I think something that has<00:02:03.320> the<00:02:03.409> potential<00:02:03.770> to<00:02:04.070> be<00:02:04.159> an<00:02:04.250> answer<00:02:04.550> is has the potential to be an answer is has the potential to be an answer is that<00:02:05.090> maybe<00:02:05.570> happiness<00:02:05.930> has<00:02:06.230> an<00:02:06.380> awful<00:02:06.680> lot<00:02:06.710> to that maybe happiness has an awful lot to that maybe happiness has an awful lot to do<00:02:07.100> with<00:02:07.490> the<00:02:07.640> contents<00:02:08.179> of<00:02:08.209> our do with the contents of our do with the contents of our moment-to-moment<00:02:08.989> experiences<00:02:09.920> it moment-to-moment experiences it moment-to-moment experiences it certainly<00:02:10.550> seems<00:02:10.849> that<00:02:11.090> we're<00:02:11.180> going<00:02:11.300> about certainly seems that we're going about certainly seems that we're going about our<00:02:11.629> lives<00:02:11.930> that<00:02:12.290> what<00:02:12.650> we're<00:02:12.800> doing<00:02:12.980> who<00:02:13.819> were our lives that what we're doing who were our lives that what we're doing who were with<00:02:14.239> what<00:02:14.840> we're<00:02:14.989> thinking<00:02:15.140> about<00:02:15.409> have<00:02:16.010> a with what we're thinking about have a with what we're thinking about have a big<00:02:16.310> influence<00:02:16.580> on<00:02:16.849> our<00:02:16.879> happiness<00:02:17.390> and<00:02:17.540> yet big influence on our happiness and yet big influence on our happiness and yet these<00:02:18.080> are<00:02:18.140> the<00:02:18.379> very<00:02:18.560> factors<00:02:18.980> that<00:02:19.189> have these are the very factors that have these are the very factors that have been<00:02:19.430> very<00:02:19.730> difficult<00:02:19.999> in<00:02:20.359> fact<00:02:20.480> almost been very difficult in fact almost been very difficult in fact almost impossible<00:02:21.409> for<00:02:21.530> scientists<00:02:22.219> to<00:02:22.340> study<00:02:22.400> a<00:02:22.849> few impossible for scientists to study a few impossible for scientists to study a few years<00:02:23.480> ago<00:02:23.659> I<00:02:23.780> came<00:02:24.019> up<00:02:24.170> with<00:02:24.319> a<00:02:24.349> way<00:02:24.499> to<00:02:24.560> study years ago I came up with a way to study years ago I came up with a way to study people's<00:02:25.280> happiness<00:02:25.609> moment-to-moment<00:02:26.420> is people's happiness moment-to-moment is people's happiness moment-to-moment is they're<00:02:27.139> going<00:02:27.349> about<00:02:27.530> their<00:02:27.650> daily<00:02:27.920> lives<00:02:28.099> on they're going about their daily lives on they're going about their daily lives on the<00:02:28.790> massive<00:02:29.180> scale<00:02:29.329> all<00:02:29.810> over<00:02:30.200> the<00:02:30.290> world the massive scale all over the world the massive scale all over the world something<00:02:31.099> we've<00:02:31.219> never<00:02:31.400> been<00:02:31.639> able<00:02:31.760> to<00:02:31.909> do something we've never been able to do something we've never been able to do before before before called<00:02:32.689> track<00:02:32.930> your<00:02:33.049> happiness<00:02:33.409> org<00:02:33.769> it<00:02:34.219> uses called track your happiness org it uses called track your happiness org it uses the<00:02:34.700> iPhone<00:02:35.120> to<00:02:35.540> monitor<00:02:35.930> people's<00:02:36.260> happiness the iPhone to monitor people's happiness the iPhone to monitor people's happiness in<00:02:36.829> real-time<00:02:37.280> how<00:02:37.879> does<00:02:38.569> this<00:02:38.689> work in real-time how does this work in real-time how does this work basically<00:02:39.889> I<00:02:40.010> send<00:02:40.310> people<00:02:40.400> signals<00:02:40.999> at basically I send people signals at basically I send people signals at random<00:02:41.480> points<00:02:41.779> throughout<00:02:41.989> the<00:02:42.139> day<00:02:42.290> and random points throughout the day and random points throughout the day and then<00:02:42.829> I<00:02:42.889> ask<00:02:43.099> them<00:02:43.279> a<00:02:43.370> bunch<00:02:43.400> of<00:02:43.639> questions then I ask them a bunch of questions then I ask them a bunch of questions about<00:02:44.329> their<00:02:44.480> moment-to-moment<00:02:44.779> experience about their moment-to-moment experience about their moment-to-moment experience at<00:02:45.680> the<00:02:45.769> instant<00:02:46.159> just<00:02:46.639> before<00:02:46.969> the<00:02:47.480> signal at the instant just before the signal at the instant just before the signal the<00:02:48.799> idea<00:02:49.099> is<00:02:49.189> that<00:02:49.249> if<00:02:49.639> we<00:02:49.909> can<00:02:50.029> watch<00:02:50.209> how the idea is that if we can watch how the idea is that if we can watch how people's<00:02:50.779> happiness<00:02:51.109> goes<00:02:51.409> up<00:02:51.650> and<00:02:51.920> down<00:02:51.980> over people's happiness goes up and down over people's happiness goes up and down over the<00:02:52.879> course<00:02:53.090> of<00:02:53.239> the<00:02:53.359> day<00:02:53.510> minute<00:02:54.200> to<00:02:54.319> minute the course of the day minute to minute the course of the day minute to minute in<00:02:54.650> some<00:02:54.680> cases<00:02:55.099> and<00:02:55.430> try<00:02:55.849> to<00:02:55.909> understand<00:02:56.450> how in some cases and try to understand how in some cases and try to understand how what<00:02:57.200> people<00:02:57.529> are<00:02:57.590> doing<00:02:57.769> who<00:02:58.069> they're<00:02:58.219> with what people are doing who they're with what people are doing who they're with what<00:02:58.670> they're<00:02:58.819> thinking<00:02:59.120> about<00:02:59.209> and<00:02:59.540> all<00:02:59.930> the what they're thinking about and all the what they're thinking about and all the other<00:03:00.379> factors<00:03:00.769> that<00:03:01.010> describe<00:03:01.340> our<00:03:01.430> day<00:03:01.609> how other factors that describe our day how other factors that describe our day how those<00:03:02.359> might<00:03:02.599> relate<00:03:02.930> to<00:03:02.989> those<00:03:03.379> changes<00:03:03.829> in those might relate to those changes in those might relate to those changes in happiness happiness happiness we<00:03:04.700> might<00:03:04.879> be<00:03:04.999> able<00:03:05.090> to<00:03:05.180> discover<00:03:05.540> some<00:03:05.810> of<00:03:05.900> the we might be able to discover some of the we might be able to discover some of the things<00:03:06.200> that<00:03:06.290> really<00:03:06.620> have<00:03:06.799> a<00:03:06.829> big<00:03:07.069> influence things that really have a big influence things that really have a big influence on<00:03:07.579> happiness<00:03:08.269> we've<00:03:09.260> been<00:03:09.469> fortunate<00:03:09.680> with on happiness we've been fortunate with on happiness we've been fortunate with this<00:03:10.069> project<00:03:10.279> to<00:03:10.549> collect<00:03:10.909> quite<00:03:11.329> a<00:03:11.389> lot<00:03:11.599> of this project to collect quite a lot of this project to collect quite a lot of data<00:03:11.930> a<00:03:12.499> lot<00:03:13.279> more<00:03:13.459> data<00:03:13.669> of<00:03:13.790> this<00:03:13.909> kind<00:03:14.090> than<00:03:14.299> I data a lot more data of this kind than I data a lot more data of this kind than I think<00:03:14.540> has<00:03:14.659> ever<00:03:14.810> been<00:03:14.989> collected<00:03:15.379> before think has ever been collected before think has ever been collected before over<00:03:16.779> 650,000<00:03:17.779> real-time<00:03:18.439> reports<00:03:18.999> from<00:03:19.999> over over 650,000 real-time reports from over over 650,000 real-time reports from over 15,000<00:03:21.349> people<00:03:21.590> and<00:03:21.950> it's<00:03:22.430> not<00:03:22.579> just<00:03:22.669> a<00:03:22.819> lot<00:03:22.999> of 15,000 people and it's not just a lot of 15,000 people and it's not just a lot of people<00:03:23.450> it's<00:03:24.230> a<00:03:24.349> really<00:03:24.499> diverse<00:03:24.709> group people it's a really diverse group people it's a really diverse group people<00:03:25.609> from<00:03:25.939> wide<00:03:26.239> range<00:03:26.510> of<00:03:26.629> Ages<00:03:26.779> from people from wide range of Ages from people from wide range of Ages from eighteen<00:03:27.590> to<00:03:27.620> late<00:03:28.010> 80s<00:03:28.340> a<00:03:28.719> wide<00:03:29.719> range<00:03:29.989> of eighteen to late 80s a wide range of eighteen to late 80s a wide range of incomes<00:03:30.529> education<00:03:31.279> levels<00:03:31.579> people<00:03:32.120> who<00:03:32.329> are incomes education levels people who are incomes education levels people who are married<00:03:32.689> divorced<00:03:33.200> widowed<00:03:33.739> etc<00:03:34.659> they married divorced widowed etc they married divorced widowed etc they collectively<00:03:36.109> represent<00:03:36.379> every<00:03:36.950> one<00:03:37.099> of<00:03:37.129> 86 collectively represent every one of 86 collectively represent every one of 86 occupational<00:03:38.359> categories<00:03:38.870> and<00:03:39.139> hail<00:03:39.559> from occupational categories and hail from occupational categories and hail from over<00:03:39.980> 80<00:03:40.159> countries<00:03:41.499> what<00:03:42.499> I'd<00:03:42.590> like<00:03:42.680> to<00:03:42.739> do over 80 countries what I'd like to do over 80 countries what I'd like to do with<00:03:43.129> the<00:03:43.519> rest<00:03:43.669> of<00:03:43.790> my<00:03:43.909> time<00:03:44.090> with<00:03:44.269> you<00:03:44.389> today with the rest of my time with you today with the rest of my time with you today is<00:03:44.840> talk<00:03:45.200> a<00:03:45.230> little<00:03:45.469> bit<00:03:45.650> about<00:03:45.680> one<00:03:46.159> of<00:03:46.189> the is talk a little bit about one of the is talk a little bit about one of the areas<00:03:46.639> that<00:03:46.669> we've<00:03:46.909> been<00:03:46.939> investigating<00:03:47.510> and areas that we've been investigating and areas that we've been investigating and that's<00:03:48.230> mind<00:03:48.889> wandering<00:03:49.279> as<00:03:49.540> human<00:03:50.540> beings<00:03:50.809> we that's mind wandering as human beings we that's mind wandering as human beings we have<00:03:51.109> this<00:03:51.260> unique<00:03:51.799> ability<00:03:52.309> to<00:03:52.489> have<00:03:52.909> our have this unique ability to have our have this unique ability to have our mind<00:03:53.269> stray<00:03:53.659> away<00:03:53.930> from<00:03:54.319> the<00:03:54.680> present<00:03:55.159> this mind stray away from the present this mind stray away from the present this guy<00:03:55.760> is<00:03:55.819> sitting<00:03:56.059> here<00:03:56.180> working<00:03:56.450> on<00:03:56.659> his guy is sitting here working on his guy is sitting here working on his computer<00:03:56.959> and<00:03:57.409> yet<00:03:57.799> he<00:03:57.919> could<00:03:58.069> be<00:03:58.159> thinking computer and yet he could be thinking computer and yet he could be thinking about<00:03:58.579> the<00:03:58.999> vacation<00:03:59.510> he<00:03:59.599> had<00:03:59.749> last<00:04:00.019> month about the vacation he had last month about the vacation he had last month wondering<00:04:01.790> was<00:04:01.909> gonna<00:04:02.090> have<00:04:02.269> for<00:04:02.419> dinner wondering was gonna have for dinner wondering was gonna have for dinner maybe<00:04:03.739> he's<00:04:03.980> worried<00:04:04.309> that<00:04:04.340> he's<00:04:04.519> going<00:04:04.639> bald maybe he's worried that he's going bald maybe he's worried that he's going bald this<00:04:07.549> ability<00:04:08.120> to<00:04:08.299> focus<00:04:08.569> our<00:04:08.809> attention<00:04:08.930> on this ability to focus our attention on this ability to focus our attention on something<00:04:09.680> other<00:04:09.829> than<00:04:09.949> the<00:04:10.099> present<00:04:10.459> is something other than the present is something other than the present is really<00:04:11.209> amazing<00:04:11.719> it<00:04:12.139> allows<00:04:12.439> us<00:04:12.650> to<00:04:12.829> learn<00:04:13.069> and really amazing it allows us to learn and really amazing it allows us to learn and plan<00:04:13.849> and<00:04:14.209> reason<00:04:14.540> in<00:04:14.659> ways<00:04:15.049> that<00:04:15.290> no<00:04:15.499> other plan and reason in ways that no other plan and reason in ways that no other species<00:04:15.949> of<00:04:16.220> animal<00:04:16.549> can<00:04:16.760> and<00:04:17.180> yet<00:04:17.810> it's<00:04:18.139> not species of animal can and yet it's not species of animal can and yet it's not clear<00:04:18.590> what<00:04:18.769> the<00:04:18.799> relationship<00:04:19.400> is<00:04:19.669> between clear what the relationship is between clear what the relationship is between our<00:04:20.389> use<00:04:20.570> of<00:04:20.600> disability<00:04:21.290> and<00:04:21.440> our<00:04:21.799> happiness our use of disability and our happiness our use of disability and our happiness you've<00:04:23.840> probably<00:04:24.080> heard<00:04:24.470> people<00:04:24.710> suggest you've probably heard people suggest you've probably heard people suggest that<00:04:25.340> you<00:04:25.490> should<00:04:25.639> stay<00:04:25.850> focused<00:04:26.360> on<00:04:26.510> the that you should stay focused on the that you should stay focused on the present<00:04:26.810> be<00:04:27.530> here<00:04:27.770> now<00:04:27.950> you've<00:04:28.220> probably present be here now you've probably present be here now you've probably heard<00:04:28.730> a<00:04:28.850> hundred<00:04:29.000> times<00:04:29.330> maybe<00:04:30.290> to<00:04:30.860> really<00:04:31.130> be heard a hundred times maybe to really be heard a hundred times maybe to really be happy<00:04:31.640> we<00:04:31.790> need<00:04:31.910> to<00:04:32.030> stay<00:04:32.180> completely happy we need to stay completely happy we need to stay completely immersed<00:04:33.050> and<00:04:33.260> focused<00:04:33.620> on<00:04:33.770> our<00:04:34.190> experience immersed and focused on our experience immersed and focused on our experience in<00:04:34.940> the<00:04:35.330> moment<00:04:35.630> maybe<00:04:35.810> these<00:04:35.960> people<00:04:36.320> right in the moment maybe these people right in the moment maybe these people right maybe maybe maybe wandering<00:04:37.460> is<00:04:37.639> a<00:04:37.699> bad<00:04:38.150> thing<00:04:38.419> on<00:04:39.069> the<00:04:40.069> other wandering is a bad thing on the other wandering is a bad thing on the other hand<00:04:40.460> when<00:04:40.969> our<00:04:40.999> minds<00:04:41.300> wander<00:04:41.539> their hand when our minds wander their hand when our minds wander their unconstrained<00:04:42.830> we<00:04:43.159> can't<00:04:43.369> change<00:04:43.610> the unconstrained we can't change the unconstrained we can't change the physical<00:04:44.059> reality<00:04:44.419> in<00:04:44.809> front<00:04:44.839> of<00:04:45.139> us<00:04:45.259> but<00:04:45.649> we physical reality in front of us but we physical reality in front of us but we can<00:04:45.919> go<00:04:46.039> anywhere<00:04:46.460> in<00:04:46.729> our<00:04:47.149> minds<00:04:47.569> since<00:04:48.080> we can go anywhere in our minds since we can go anywhere in our minds since we know<00:04:48.379> people<00:04:48.680> want<00:04:48.830> to<00:04:48.889> be<00:04:49.009> happy know people want to be happy know people want to be happy maybe<00:04:49.789> when<00:04:49.999> our<00:04:50.089> minds<00:04:50.300> wander<00:04:50.479> they're maybe when our minds wander they're maybe when our minds wander they're going<00:04:50.960> to<00:04:51.050> someplace<00:04:51.229> happier<00:04:51.710> than<00:04:52.099> the going to someplace happier than the going to someplace happier than the place<00:04:52.430> that<00:04:52.580> they're<00:04:52.669> leaving<00:04:52.849> it<00:04:53.089> would<00:04:53.180> make place that they're leaving it would make place that they're leaving it would make a<00:04:53.330> lot<00:04:53.479> of<00:04:53.539> sense<00:04:53.749> in<00:04:54.559> other<00:04:54.770> words<00:04:54.979> maybe<00:04:55.399> the a lot of sense in other words maybe the a lot of sense in other words maybe the pleasures<00:04:55.939> of<00:04:55.969> the<00:04:56.180> mind<00:04:56.210> allow<00:04:56.599> us<00:04:56.749> to pleasures of the mind allow us to pleasures of the mind allow us to increase<00:04:57.649> our<00:04:57.860> happiness<00:04:58.460> with<00:04:58.699> mind increase our happiness with mind increase our happiness with mind wandering<00:04:59.619> well<00:05:00.619> since<00:05:00.860> I'm<00:05:00.979> a<00:05:01.009> scientist<00:05:01.399> I'd wandering well since I'm a scientist I'd wandering well since I'm a scientist I'd like<00:05:01.729> to<00:05:01.819> try<00:05:01.969> to<00:05:02.029> resolve<00:05:02.930> this<00:05:03.349> debate<00:05:03.619> with like to try to resolve this debate with like to try to resolve this debate with some<00:05:03.979> data<00:05:04.159> and<00:05:04.759> in<00:05:04.849> particular<00:05:05.270> I'd<00:05:05.389> like<00:05:05.419> to some data and in particular I'd like to some data and in particular I'd like to present<00:05:06.080> some<00:05:06.349> data<00:05:06.469> to<00:05:06.710> you<00:05:06.770> from<00:05:06.919> three present some data to you from three present some data to you from three questions<00:05:07.580> that<00:05:08.089> I<00:05:08.119> asked<00:05:08.419> with<00:05:08.509> track<00:05:08.719> your questions that I asked with track your questions that I asked with track your happiness<00:05:09.199> remember<00:05:09.499> this<00:05:09.620> is<00:05:09.740> from<00:05:09.889> sort<00:05:10.279> of happiness remember this is from sort of happiness remember this is from sort of moment-to-moment<00:05:10.669> experience<00:05:10.999> in<00:05:11.509> people's moment-to-moment experience in people's moment-to-moment experience in people's real<00:05:12.020> lives<00:05:12.099> there's<00:05:13.099> three<00:05:13.249> questions<00:05:13.669> the real lives there's three questions the real lives there's three questions the first<00:05:13.939> one<00:05:14.210> is<00:05:14.360> a<00:05:14.539> happiness<00:05:15.020> question<00:05:15.499> how<00:05:15.979> do first one is a happiness question how do first one is a happiness question how do you<00:05:16.129> feel<00:05:16.430> on<00:05:16.699> a<00:05:16.759> scale<00:05:17.270> ranging<00:05:17.479> from<00:05:17.870> very you feel on a scale ranging from very you feel on a scale ranging from very bad<00:05:18.349> to<00:05:19.069> very<00:05:19.279> good<00:05:20.020> second<00:05:21.020> an<00:05:21.229> activity bad to very good second an activity bad to very good second an activity question<00:05:22.399> what<00:05:22.759> are<00:05:22.849> you<00:05:22.909> doing<00:05:23.240> on<00:05:23.360> a<00:05:23.419> list<00:05:23.749> of question what are you doing on a list of question what are you doing on a list of 22<00:05:24.169> different<00:05:24.379> activities<00:05:25.009> including<00:05:25.520> things 22 different activities including things 22 different activities including things like<00:05:25.819> eating<00:05:26.330> and<00:05:26.689> working<00:05:27.169> and<00:05:27.319> watching<00:05:27.649> TV like eating and working and watching TV like eating and working and watching TV and<00:05:28.659> finally<00:05:29.659> a<00:05:29.839> mind<00:05:30.349> wandering<00:05:30.709> question and finally a mind wandering question and finally a mind wandering question are<00:05:31.839> you<00:05:32.839> thinking<00:05:33.229> about<00:05:33.349> something<00:05:33.680> other are you thinking about something other are you thinking about something other than<00:05:34.370> what<00:05:34.909> you're<00:05:35.059> currently<00:05:35.209> doing<00:05:36.699> people than what you're currently doing people than what you're currently doing people could<00:05:37.819> say<00:05:37.969> no<00:05:38.180> in<00:05:38.449> other<00:05:38.569> words<00:05:38.779> I'm<00:05:38.930> focused could say no in other words I'm focused could say no in other words I'm focused only<00:05:39.559> on<00:05:39.680> my<00:05:39.919> task<00:05:40.189> or<00:05:40.550> yes<00:05:41.509> I<00:05:41.749> am<00:05:41.870> thinking only on my task or yes I am thinking only on my task or yes I am thinking about<00:05:42.469> something<00:05:42.680> else<00:05:42.919> and<00:05:43.159> the<00:05:43.459> topic<00:05:43.819> of about something else and the topic of about something else and the topic of those<00:05:44.149> thoughts<00:05:44.389> are<00:05:44.599> pleasant<00:05:45.319> neutral<00:05:46.099> or those thoughts are pleasant neutral or those thoughts are pleasant neutral or unpleasant<00:05:47.059> any<00:05:47.629> of<00:05:47.779> those<00:05:47.959> yes<00:05:48.169> responses unpleasant any of those yes responses unpleasant any of those yes responses are<00:05:48.919> what<00:05:49.309> we<00:05:49.430> called<00:05:49.669> mind<00:05:49.939> wandering<00:05:51.610> so are what we called mind wandering so are what we called mind wandering so what<00:05:52.699> did<00:05:52.789> we<00:05:52.819> find what did we find what did we find this<00:05:55.189> graph<00:05:55.430> shows<00:05:55.459> happiness<00:05:56.149> on<00:05:56.300> the this graph shows happiness on the this graph shows happiness on the vertical<00:05:56.719> axis<00:05:57.080> and<00:05:57.110> you<00:05:57.289> can<00:05:57.409> see<00:05:57.589> that<00:05:57.740> bar vertical axis and you can see that bar vertical axis and you can see that bar there<00:05:58.099> representing<00:05:58.729> how<00:05:59.059> happy<00:05:59.449> people<00:05:59.479> are there representing how happy people are there representing how happy people are when<00:06:00.050> they're<00:06:00.169> focused<00:06:00.289> on<00:06:00.559> the<00:06:00.709> present<00:06:01.039> when when they're focused on the present when when they're focused on the present when they're<00:06:01.279> not<00:06:01.430> mind<00:06:01.639> wandering<00:06:02.029> as<00:06:02.300> it<00:06:03.289> turns they're not mind wandering as it turns they're not mind wandering as it turns out<00:06:03.680> people<00:06:04.219> are<00:06:04.599> substantially<00:06:05.599> less<00:06:05.749> happy out people are substantially less happy out people are substantially less happy when<00:06:06.620> their<00:06:06.740> minds<00:06:06.919> are<00:06:07.069> wandering<00:06:07.459> than<00:06:07.879> when when their minds are wandering than when when their minds are wandering than when they're<00:06:08.149> not<00:06:10.599> now<00:06:11.599> you<00:06:11.659> might<00:06:11.839> look<00:06:11.870> at<00:06:12.080> this they're not now you might look at this they're not now you might look at this result<00:06:12.499> and<00:06:12.709> say<00:06:12.830> okay<00:06:13.279> sure<00:06:13.639> on<00:06:13.909> average result and say okay sure on average result and say okay sure on average people<00:06:14.569> are<00:06:14.779> less<00:06:14.959> happy<00:06:15.259> when<00:06:15.379> their<00:06:15.499> mind people are less happy when their mind people are less happy when their mind wandering<00:06:16.069> but<00:06:16.430> surely<00:06:16.819> when<00:06:17.180> their<00:06:17.300> minds wandering but surely when their minds wandering but surely when their minds are<00:06:17.659> straying<00:06:17.870> away<00:06:18.019> from<00:06:18.139> something<00:06:18.649> that are straying away from something that are straying away from something that wasn't<00:06:18.919> very<00:06:19.039> enjoyable<00:06:19.430> to<00:06:19.729> begin<00:06:19.969> with<00:06:20.120> at wasn't very enjoyable to begin with at wasn't very enjoyable to begin with at least<00:06:20.569> then<00:06:20.899> mind<00:06:21.469> wandering<00:06:21.800> should<00:06:22.009> be least then mind wandering should be least then mind wandering should be doing<00:06:22.309> something<00:06:22.639> good<00:06:22.669> for<00:06:22.939> us<00:06:23.319> nope<00:06:24.669> as<00:06:25.669> it doing something good for us nope as it doing something good for us nope as it turns<00:06:26.089> out<00:06:26.240> people<00:06:26.719> are<00:06:26.959> less<00:06:27.080> happy<00:06:27.379> when turns out people are less happy when turns out people are less happy when their<00:06:27.649> mind<00:06:27.800> wandering<00:06:28.159> no<00:06:28.459> matter<00:06:28.639> what their mind wandering no matter what their mind wandering no matter what they're<00:06:29.029> doing<00:06:29.680> for<00:06:30.680> example<00:06:31.129> people<00:06:31.639> don't they're doing for example people don't they're doing for example people don't really<00:06:32.089> like<00:06:32.300> commuting<00:06:32.659> to<00:06:32.749> work<00:06:32.870> very<00:06:33.139> much really like commuting to work very much really like commuting to work very much it's<00:06:33.529> one<00:06:33.649> of<00:06:33.740> their<00:06:33.860> least<00:06:34.069> enjoyable it's one of their least enjoyable it's one of their least enjoyable activities<00:06:35.029> and<00:06:35.360> yet<00:06:35.870> they<00:06:36.379> are activities and yet they are activities and yet they are substantially<00:06:37.399> happier<00:06:37.789> when<00:06:38.269> they're substantially happier when they're substantially happier when they're focused<00:06:38.779> only<00:06:38.990> on<00:06:39.169> their<00:06:39.439> commute<00:06:39.800> then<00:06:40.309> when focused only on their commute then when focused only on their commute then when their<00:06:40.580> mind<00:06:40.759> is<00:06:40.909> going<00:06:41.149> off<00:06:41.269> to<00:06:41.419> something their mind is going off to something their mind is going off to something else<00:06:43.599> it's<00:06:44.599> amazing<00:06:45.610> so<00:06:46.610> how<00:06:47.060> could<00:06:47.240> this<00:06:47.360> be else it's amazing so how could this be else it's amazing so how could this be happening happening happening I<00:06:48.139> think<00:06:48.709> part<00:06:49.219> of<00:06:49.310> the<00:06:49.430> reason<00:06:49.459> a<00:06:49.789> big<00:06:49.969> part<00:06:50.209> of I think part of the reason a big part of I think part of the reason a big part of the the the is<00:06:50.840> that<00:06:51.230> when<00:06:51.380> our<00:06:51.470> minds<00:06:51.710> wander<00:06:51.920> we<00:06:52.400> often is that when our minds wander we often is that when our minds wander we often think<00:06:53.000> about<00:06:53.150> unpleasant<00:06:54.050> things<00:06:54.260> and<00:06:54.470> they think about unpleasant things and they think about unpleasant things and they are<00:06:54.980> enormous<00:06:55.520> ly<00:06:55.820> less<00:06:56.330> happy<00:06:56.690> when<00:06:57.110> they<00:06:57.230> do are enormous ly less happy when they do are enormous ly less happy when they do that<00:06:57.530> our<00:06:58.030> worries<00:06:59.030> our<00:06:59.360> anxieties<00:06:59.930> our that our worries our anxieties our that our worries our anxieties our regrets<00:07:00.590> and<00:07:01.100> yet<00:07:02.090> even<00:07:02.810> when<00:07:02.960> people<00:07:03.110> are regrets and yet even when people are regrets and yet even when people are thinking<00:07:03.380> about<00:07:03.710> something<00:07:04.070> neutral<00:07:04.880> they're thinking about something neutral they're thinking about something neutral they're still<00:07:05.600> considerably<00:07:06.470> less<00:07:06.710> happy<00:07:07.070> than<00:07:07.250> when still considerably less happy than when still considerably less happy than when they're<00:07:07.880> not<00:07:08.030> mind<00:07:08.240> wandering<00:07:08.600> at<00:07:08.720> all<00:07:08.870> even they're not mind wandering at all even they're not mind wandering at all even when<00:07:09.740> they're<00:07:09.860> thinking<00:07:09.950> about<00:07:10.190> something when they're thinking about something when they're thinking about something they<00:07:10.730> would<00:07:10.850> describe<00:07:11.060> as<00:07:11.240> pleasant<00:07:11.660> they're they would describe as pleasant they're they would describe as pleasant they're actually<00:07:12.440> just<00:07:13.130> slightly<00:07:13.490> less<00:07:13.790> happy<00:07:14.120> than actually just slightly less happy than actually just slightly less happy than when<00:07:14.480> they<00:07:14.570> aren't<00:07:14.750> mind<00:07:15.320> wandering<00:07:16.720> if<00:07:17.720> mind when they aren't mind wandering if mind when they aren't mind wandering if mind wandering<00:07:18.320> we're<00:07:18.530> a<00:07:18.560> slot-machine<00:07:18.830> would<00:07:19.280> be wandering we're a slot-machine would be wandering we're a slot-machine would be like<00:07:19.490> having<00:07:19.670> the<00:07:19.850> chance<00:07:20.060> to<00:07:20.210> lose<00:07:20.420> $50<00:07:21.410> $20 like having the chance to lose $50 $20 like having the chance to lose $50 $20 or<00:07:22.580> $1<00:07:23.120> right<00:07:23.810> you'd<00:07:24.020> never<00:07:24.200> want<00:07:24.440> to<00:07:24.470> play<00:07:28.000> so or $1 right you'd never want to play so or $1 right you'd never want to play so I've<00:07:29.090> been<00:07:29.180> talking<00:07:29.540> about<00:07:29.600> this<00:07:30.010> suggesting I've been talking about this suggesting I've been talking about this suggesting perhaps<00:07:31.340> that<00:07:31.670> mind<00:07:32.060> wandering<00:07:32.390> causes perhaps that mind wandering causes perhaps that mind wandering causes unhappiness<00:07:33.200> but<00:07:33.980> all<00:07:34.100> I've<00:07:34.220> really<00:07:34.430> shown unhappiness but all I've really shown unhappiness but all I've really shown you<00:07:34.760> is<00:07:34.820> that<00:07:34.940> these<00:07:35.090> two<00:07:35.270> things<00:07:35.510> are you is that these two things are you is that these two things are correlated<00:07:36.250> it's<00:07:37.250> possible<00:07:37.760> that's<00:07:37.910> the<00:07:38.060> case correlated it's possible that's the case correlated it's possible that's the case but<00:07:38.750> it<00:07:38.870> might<00:07:38.990> also<00:07:39.170> be<00:07:39.320> the<00:07:39.500> case<00:07:39.680> that<00:07:39.890> when but it might also be the case that when but it might also be the case that when people<00:07:40.670> are<00:07:40.760> unhappy<00:07:40.880> then<00:07:41.570> they<00:07:41.750> mind<00:07:41.960> wonder people are unhappy then they mind wonder people are unhappy then they mind wonder maybe<00:07:42.440> that's<00:07:42.710> what's<00:07:42.920> really<00:07:43.100> going<00:07:43.340> on<00:07:43.520> how maybe that's what's really going on how maybe that's what's really going on how could<00:07:44.210> we<00:07:44.300> ever<00:07:44.440> disentangle<00:07:45.440> these<00:07:45.740> two could we ever disentangle these two could we ever disentangle these two possibilities<00:07:46.750> well<00:07:47.750> one<00:07:47.900> in<00:07:48.020> fact<00:07:48.320> that<00:07:48.560> we possibilities well one in fact that we possibilities well one in fact that we can<00:07:48.770> take<00:07:48.920> advantage<00:07:49.310> of<00:07:49.430> I<00:07:49.550> think<00:07:49.730> a<00:07:49.790> fact can take advantage of I think a fact can take advantage of I think a fact you'll<00:07:50.150> all<00:07:50.270> agree<00:07:50.420> is<00:07:50.630> true<00:07:50.840> is<00:07:51.020> that<00:07:51.200> time you'll all agree is true is that time you'll all agree is true is that time goes<00:07:51.920> forward<00:07:52.160> not<00:07:52.760> backward<00:07:53.210> right<00:07:53.810> the goes forward not backward right the goes forward not backward right the cause<00:07:54.830> has<00:07:55.130> to<00:07:55.250> come<00:07:55.400> before<00:07:55.520> the<00:07:55.820> effect cause has to come before the effect cause has to come before the effect we're<00:07:57.080> lucky<00:07:57.800> in<00:07:57.920> this<00:07:58.040> data<00:07:58.310> we<00:07:58.520> have<00:07:58.700> many we're lucky in this data we have many we're lucky in this data we have many responses<00:07:59.840> from<00:07:59.960> each<00:08:00.140> person<00:08:00.560> and<00:08:00.740> so<00:08:01.100> we<00:08:01.220> can responses from each person and so we can responses from each person and so we can look<00:08:01.520> and<00:08:01.670> see<00:08:01.730> does<00:08:02.510> mind-wandering<00:08:03.260> tend<00:08:03.740> to look and see does mind-wandering tend to look and see does mind-wandering tend to precede<00:08:03.950> unhappiness<00:08:04.640> or<00:08:04.910> does<00:08:05.300> unhappiness precede unhappiness or does unhappiness precede unhappiness or does unhappiness tend<00:08:06.110> to<00:08:06.170> precede<00:08:06.350> mind-wandering tend to precede mind-wandering tend to precede mind-wandering to<00:08:07.610> get<00:08:07.730> some<00:08:07.880> insight<00:08:08.240> into<00:08:08.390> the<00:08:08.600> causal to get some insight into the causal to get some insight into the causal direction<00:08:09.380> as<00:08:09.860> it<00:08:10.850> turns<00:08:11.060> out<00:08:11.300> there<00:08:11.840> is<00:08:11.960> a direction as it turns out there is a direction as it turns out there is a strong<00:08:12.380> relationship<00:08:12.560> between<00:08:13.220> mind strong relationship between mind strong relationship between mind wandering<00:08:14.360> now<00:08:14.540> and<00:08:14.810> being<00:08:15.170> unhappy<00:08:15.380> a<00:08:15.860> short wandering now and being unhappy a short wandering now and being unhappy a short time<00:08:16.490> later<00:08:16.670> consistent<00:08:17.510> with<00:08:17.600> the<00:08:17.720> idea<00:08:17.990> that time later consistent with the idea that time later consistent with the idea that mind<00:08:18.620> wandering<00:08:18.800> is<00:08:19.190> causing<00:08:19.580> people<00:08:19.700> to<00:08:20.000> be mind wandering is causing people to be mind wandering is causing people to be unhappy<00:08:20.690> in<00:08:20.920> contrast<00:08:21.920> there's<00:08:22.400> no unhappy in contrast there's no unhappy in contrast there's no relationship<00:08:23.210> between<00:08:23.240> being<00:08:23.780> unhappy<00:08:24.200> now relationship between being unhappy now relationship between being unhappy now and<00:08:24.740> mind<00:08:25.160> wandering<00:08:25.490> a<00:08:25.580> short<00:08:25.790> time<00:08:26.000> later and mind wandering a short time later and mind wandering a short time later in<00:08:26.840> other<00:08:27.260> words<00:08:27.440> mind<00:08:27.950> wandering<00:08:28.280> very in other words mind wandering very in other words mind wandering very likely<00:08:28.880> seems<00:08:29.270> to<00:08:29.390> be<00:08:29.480> an<00:08:29.600> actual<00:08:29.900> cause<00:08:30.140> and likely seems to be an actual cause and likely seems to be an actual cause and not<00:08:30.650> merely<00:08:30.950> a<00:08:31.220> consequence<00:08:31.880> of<00:08:32.060> unhappiness not merely a consequence of unhappiness not merely a consequence of unhappiness a<00:08:35.050> few<00:08:36.050> minutes<00:08:36.290> ago<00:08:36.380> I<00:08:36.500> likened a few minutes ago I likened a few minutes ago I likened mind-wandering<00:08:37.310> to<00:08:37.610> a<00:08:37.669> slot<00:08:37.910> machine<00:08:37.940> you'd mind-wandering to a slot machine you'd mind-wandering to a slot machine you'd never<00:08:38.479> want<00:08:38.720> to<00:08:38.750> play<00:08:38.930> well<00:08:39.919> how<00:08:40.040> often<00:08:40.220> do never want to play well how often do never want to play well how often do people's<00:08:40.700> minds<00:08:40.910> wander<00:08:42.190> turns<00:08:43.190> out<00:08:43.340> they people's minds wander turns out they people's minds wander turns out they wonder<00:08:43.970> a<00:08:44.000> lot<00:08:44.180> in<00:08:44.600> fact<00:08:44.780> really<00:08:45.440> a<00:08:45.710> lot wonder a lot in fact really a lot wonder a lot in fact really a lot forty-seven<00:08:47.360> percent<00:08:47.600> of<00:08:47.930> the<00:08:48.020> time<00:08:48.230> people forty-seven percent of the time people forty-seven percent of the time people were<00:08:49.010> thinking<00:08:49.370> about<00:08:49.460> something<00:08:49.790> other<00:08:50.120> than were thinking about something other than were thinking about something other than what<00:08:50.780> they're<00:08:50.930> currently<00:08:50.960> doing<00:08:51.970> how<00:08:52.970> does what they're currently doing how does what they're currently doing how does that<00:08:53.210> depend<00:08:53.540> on<00:08:53.720> what<00:08:53.870> people<00:08:54.140> are<00:08:54.230> doing that depend on what people are doing that depend on what people are doing this<00:08:55.070> shows<00:08:55.340> the<00:08:55.490> rate<00:08:55.640> of<00:08:55.760> mind<00:08:55.970> wandering this shows the rate of mind wandering this shows the rate of mind wandering across<00:08:56.600> 22<00:08:56.960> activities<00:08:57.610> ranging<00:08:58.610> from<00:08:58.760> a<00:08:58.880> high across 22 activities ranging from a high across 22 activities ranging from a high of<00:08:59.510> 65<00:09:00.470> percent<00:09:00.950> when<00:09:01.790> people<00:09:02.060> are<00:09:02.150> taking<00:09:02.450> a of 65 percent when people are taking a of 65 percent when people are taking a shower<00:09:02.690> brushing<00:09:03.230> their<00:09:03.380> teeth shower brushing their teeth shower brushing their teeth to<00:09:04.400> 50%<00:09:04.880> when<00:09:05.750> they're<00:09:05.930> working<00:09:06.370> to<00:09:07.370> 40%<00:09:08.090> when to 50% when they're working to 40% when to 50% when they're working to 40% when they're<00:09:08.930> exercising<00:09:09.400> all<00:09:10.400> the<00:09:10.700> way<00:09:10.790> down<00:09:10.970> to they're exercising all the way down to they're exercising all the way down to this<00:09:11.240> one<00:09:11.480> and<00:09:11.600> short<00:09:11.870> bar<00:09:12.080> on<00:09:12.170> the<00:09:12.260> right<00:09:12.410> that this one and short bar on the right that this one and short bar on the right that I<00:09:12.680> think<00:09:12.890> some<00:09:13.070> of<00:09:13.100> you<00:09:13.250> were<00:09:13.340> probably I think some of you were probably I think some of you were probably laughing<00:09:13.850> at<00:09:14.170> 10%<00:09:15.170> of<00:09:15.260> the<00:09:15.350> time<00:09:15.500> people's laughing at 10% of the time people's laughing at 10% of the time people's minds<00:09:16.190> are<00:09:16.340> wandering<00:09:16.490> when<00:09:17.210> they're<00:09:17.420> having minds are wandering when they're having minds are wandering when they're having sex<00:09:20.560> but<00:09:21.560> there's<00:09:21.770> something<00:09:22.040> I<00:09:22.130> think<00:09:22.190> that's sex but there's something I think that's sex but there's something I think that's quite<00:09:22.580> interesting<00:09:22.760> in<00:09:23.240> this<00:09:23.360> graph<00:09:23.570> and<00:09:23.840> that quite interesting in this graph and that quite interesting in this graph and that is<00:09:24.910> basically<00:09:25.910> with<00:09:26.120> one<00:09:26.330> exception<00:09:26.510> no is basically with one exception no is basically with one exception no matter<00:09:27.470> what<00:09:27.710> people<00:09:27.920> are<00:09:28.130> doing<00:09:28.370> their<00:09:28.640> mind matter what people are doing their mind matter what people are doing their mind wandering<00:09:29.300> at<00:09:29.420> least<00:09:29.690> thirty<00:09:30.260> percent<00:09:30.590> of<00:09:30.770> the wandering at least thirty percent of the wandering at least thirty percent of the time<00:09:31.100> which<00:09:31.850> suggests<00:09:32.510> I<00:09:32.660> think<00:09:32.900> that<00:09:33.050> mind time which suggests I think that mind time which suggests I think that mind wandering<00:09:33.590> isn't<00:09:33.860> just<00:09:34.010> frequent<00:09:34.400> it's wandering isn't just frequent it's wandering isn't just frequent it's ubiquitous<00:09:35.210> it<00:09:35.750> pervades<00:09:36.200> basically ubiquitous it pervades basically ubiquitous it pervades basically everything<00:09:37.640> that<00:09:38.210> we<00:09:38.330> do<00:09:38.560> in<00:09:39.560> my<00:09:39.800> talk<00:09:40.130> today everything that we do in my talk today everything that we do in my talk today I've<00:09:40.520> told<00:09:40.760> you<00:09:40.880> a<00:09:40.910> little<00:09:41.180> bit<00:09:41.330> about<00:09:41.450> mind I've told you a little bit about mind I've told you a little bit about mind wandering<00:09:42.470> a<00:09:42.620> variable<00:09:43.160> that<00:09:43.190> I<00:09:43.310> think<00:09:43.520> turns wandering a variable that I think turns wandering a variable that I think turns out<00:09:43.850> to<00:09:43.970> be<00:09:44.000> fairly<00:09:44.180> important<00:09:44.750> in<00:09:44.870> the out to be fairly important in the out to be fairly important in the equation<00:09:45.260> for<00:09:45.860> happiness<00:09:46.130> my<00:09:46.850> hope<00:09:47.060> is<00:09:47.270> that equation for happiness my hope is that equation for happiness my hope is that over<00:09:47.450> time<00:09:47.900> by<00:09:48.110> tracking<00:09:48.380> people's<00:09:48.770> moments over time by tracking people's moments over time by tracking people's moments moment<00:09:49.490> happiness<00:09:50.240> and<00:09:50.450> their<00:09:50.750> experiences moment happiness and their experiences moment happiness and their experiences in<00:09:51.470> daily<00:09:51.740> life<00:09:51.860> will<00:09:52.310> be<00:09:52.430> able<00:09:52.550> to<00:09:52.700> uncover<00:09:52.850> a in daily life will be able to uncover a in daily life will be able to uncover a lot<00:09:53.570> of<00:09:53.690> important<00:09:54.080> causes<00:09:54.410> of<00:09:54.500> happiness<00:09:54.920> and lot of important causes of happiness and lot of important causes of happiness and then<00:09:55.520> in<00:09:55.610> the<00:09:55.700> end<00:09:55.850> a<00:09:56.120> scientific then in the end a scientific then in the end a scientific understanding<00:09:57.410> of<00:09:57.470> happiness<00:09:57.920> will<00:09:58.250> help<00:09:58.430> us understanding of happiness will help us understanding of happiness will help us create<00:09:58.700> a<00:09:58.850> future<00:09:59.150> that's<00:09:59.570> not<00:09:59.690> only<00:09:59.900> richer create a future that's not only richer create a future that's not only richer and<00:10:00.500> healthier<00:10:01.070> but<00:10:01.790> happier<00:10:02.180> as<00:10:02.300> well<00:10:02.800> thank and healthier but happier as well thank and healthier but happier as well thank you you you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]

Matt Killingworth, happy, happiness, how, to, be, happy, be, TED, TEDx, TEDxCambridge, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, TED, Ed, track, your, happiness, mind, consciousness, wandering, mind

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