Bạn sẽ kết thúc câu “Hãy tưởng tượng nếu như…” thế nào?

Bạn sẽ kết thúc câu “Hãy tưởng tượng nếu như…” thế nào?

How would you finish the sentence, “Imagine if…”? - Sir Ken Robinson

You know, there are very few things that set us apart from the rest of life on Earth. At the heart of them, I believe, is our inexhaustible power of imagination.
Imagination is the ability to bring into mind, things that aren’t present.
With imagination, we can anticipate the future.
We can revisit the past.

You can step outside the present moment
and try and see things as other people see them.
It’s through creativity that we develop our architecture,
our scientific proofs, and our works of art. We don’t just live in the world as we find it, we create civilizations, theories, technologies,
and we reach beyond the planet.

In honor of the life and work of Sir Ken Robinson,
TED-Ed invites you to reimagine the aspects of life we take for granted by finishing the sentence: imagine if ... Visit ed.ted.com/ImagineIf to learn more.

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