Bất bình đẳng kinh tế gây hại cho xã hội như thế nào-Richard Wilkinson

How economic inequality harms societies - Richard Wilkinson

How economic inequality harms societies - Richard Wilkinson



[Music] [Music] [Applause]

you<00:00:16.039> all<00:00:16.199> know<00:00:16.920> the<00:00:17.080> truth<00:00:17.320> of<00:00:17.480> what<00:00:17.600> I'm<00:00:17.720> going
you all know the truth of what I'm going you all know the truth of what I'm going to<00:00:18.039> say<00:00:18.600> I<00:00:18.720> think<00:00:18.880> the<00:00:19.039> intuition<00:00:19.600> that to say I think the intuition that to say I think the intuition that inequality<00:00:20.400> is<00:00:20.600> divisive<00:00:21.160> and<00:00:21.359> socially inequality is divisive and socially inequality is divisive and socially corrosive<00:00:22.400> has<00:00:22.560> been<00:00:23.279> around<00:00:23.680> since<00:00:24.039> before corrosive has been around since before corrosive has been around since before the<00:00:24.439> French the French the French Revolution<00:00:26.640> uh<00:00:27.039> what's<00:00:27.400> changed<00:00:28.199> is<00:00:28.439> we<00:00:28.679> now Revolution uh what's changed is we now Revolution uh what's changed is we now can<00:00:29.160> look<00:00:29.359> at<00:00:29.480> the<00:00:29.640> evidence can look at the evidence can look at the evidence we<00:00:30.720> can<00:00:30.960> compare<00:00:31.560> societies<00:00:32.239> more<00:00:32.399> and<00:00:32.599> less we can compare societies more and less we can compare societies more and less equal<00:00:33.239> societies<00:00:34.120> and<00:00:34.239> see<00:00:34.520> what<00:00:34.719> inequality equal societies and see what inequality equal societies and see what inequality does<00:00:36.559> I'm<00:00:36.680> going<00:00:36.840> to<00:00:37.000> take<00:00:37.160> you<00:00:37.360> through<00:00:37.600> that does I'm going to take you through that does I'm going to take you through that data<00:00:39.040> um<00:00:39.399> and<00:00:39.559> then<00:00:39.840> explain<00:00:40.800> why<00:00:41.079> the<00:00:41.440> uh data um and then explain why the uh data um and then explain why the uh links<00:00:42.039> that<00:00:42.280> I<00:00:42.399> think<00:00:42.879> uh<00:00:43.680> uh<00:00:43.800> I'm<00:00:43.879> going<00:00:44.039> to<00:00:44.160> be links that I think uh uh I'm going to be links that I think uh uh I'm going to be showing<00:00:44.600> you<00:00:45.280> exist<00:00:46.239> um<00:00:46.360> but<00:00:46.559> first<00:00:46.840> see<00:00:47.039> what showing you exist um but first see what showing you exist um but first see what a<00:00:47.320> miserable<00:00:47.760> lot<00:00:48.079> we a miserable lot we a miserable lot we are<00:00:51.280> I<00:00:51.399> want<00:00:51.559> to<00:00:51.760> start<00:00:52.239> though<00:00:52.800> with<00:00:52.920> a are I want to start though with a are I want to start though with a paradox<00:00:55.520> this<00:00:55.680> shows<00:00:56.079> you<00:00:56.359> life<00:00:57.160> expectancy paradox this shows you life expectancy paradox this shows you life expectancy against<00:00:58.519> gross<00:00:58.879> national<00:00:59.320> income<00:01:00.000> how<00:01:00.160> rich against gross national income how rich against gross national income how rich countries<00:01:00.800> are<00:01:01.039> on<00:01:01.280> average<00:01:02.199> and<00:01:02.320> you<00:01:02.440> see<00:01:02.680> the countries are on average and you see the countries are on average and you see the countries<00:01:03.160> on<00:01:03.320> the<00:01:03.519> right<00:01:03.800> like<00:01:04.000> Norway<00:01:04.360> and countries on the right like Norway and countries on the right like Norway and the<00:01:04.640> USA<00:01:05.519> are<00:01:05.799> twice<00:01:06.159> as<00:01:06.400> rich<00:01:07.080> as<00:01:07.280> Israel the USA are twice as rich as Israel the USA are twice as rich as Israel Greece<00:01:08.439> Portugal<00:01:08.880> on<00:01:09.040> the<00:01:09.640> left<00:01:10.640> and<00:01:10.799> it<00:01:10.960> makes Greece Portugal on the left and it makes Greece Portugal on the left and it makes no<00:01:11.680> difference<00:01:12.000> to<00:01:12.159> their<00:01:12.400> life<00:01:12.720> expectancy no difference to their life expectancy no difference to their life expectancy at<00:01:13.680> all<00:01:14.240> there's<00:01:14.439> no<00:01:14.680> suggestion<00:01:15.159> of<00:01:15.280> a at all there's no suggestion of a at all there's no suggestion of a relationship<00:01:16.360> there<00:01:17.360> but<00:01:17.479> if<00:01:17.640> we<00:01:17.799> look<00:01:18.040> within relationship there but if we look within relationship there but if we look within our<00:01:18.960> societies<00:01:19.960> there<00:01:20.119> are<00:01:20.439> extraordinary our societies there are extraordinary our societies there are extraordinary social<00:01:21.680> gradients<00:01:22.200> in<00:01:22.400> health<00:01:22.799> running<00:01:23.240> right social gradients in health running right social gradients in health running right across<00:01:23.840> Society<00:01:24.840> this<00:01:25.079> again<00:01:25.320> is<00:01:25.560> life across Society this again is life across Society this again is life expectancy<00:01:26.600> these<00:01:26.720> are<00:01:26.920> small<00:01:27.240> areas<00:01:27.560> of expectancy these are small areas of expectancy these are small areas of England<00:01:28.040> and<00:01:28.200> Wales<00:01:28.640> the<00:01:28.799> poorest<00:01:29.200> on<00:01:29.360> the England and Wales the poorest on the England and Wales the poorest on the right<00:01:29.759> the<00:01:29.920> the<00:01:30.040> richest<00:01:30.360> on<00:01:30.520> the right the the richest on the right the the richest on the left<00:01:33.040> not<00:01:33.240> a<00:01:33.399> difference<00:01:33.799> between<00:01:34.119> the<00:01:34.280> poor left not a difference between the poor left not a difference between the poor and<00:01:34.640> the<00:01:34.799> rest<00:01:34.960> of<00:01:35.119> us<00:01:35.840> even<00:01:36.119> the<00:01:36.280> people<00:01:36.600> just and the rest of us even the people just and the rest of us even the people just below<00:01:37.159> the<00:01:37.320> top<00:01:38.119> have<00:01:38.320> less<00:01:38.640> good<00:01:38.960> health<00:01:39.320> than below the top have less good health than below the top have less good health than the<00:01:39.600> people<00:01:39.880> at<00:01:40.119> the<00:01:40.439> top<00:01:41.439> so<00:01:41.640> income<00:01:42.079> means the people at the top so income means the people at the top so income means something<00:01:42.880> very<00:01:43.159> important<00:01:43.720> within<00:01:44.040> our something very important within our something very important within our societies<00:01:46.119> and<00:01:46.360> nothing<00:01:46.759> between societies and nothing between societies and nothing between them<00:01:49.159> the<00:01:49.360> explanation<00:01:50.000> of<00:01:50.240> that<00:01:50.719> Paradox<00:01:51.719> is them the explanation of that Paradox is them the explanation of that Paradox is that<00:01:52.079> within<00:01:52.399> our<00:01:52.680> societies<00:01:53.240> we're<00:01:53.479> looking that within our societies we're looking that within our societies we're looking at<00:01:54.119> relative<00:01:54.840> income<00:01:55.840> or<00:01:56.119> social<00:01:56.600> position at relative income or social position at relative income or social position social<00:01:58.159> status<00:01:59.159> where<00:01:59.360> we<00:01:59.479> are<00:01:59.640> in<00:01:59.960> relation social status where we are in relation social status where we are in relation to<00:02:00.520> each<00:02:00.719> other<00:02:01.320> and<00:02:01.479> the<00:02:01.680> size<00:02:01.920> of<00:02:02.039> the<00:02:02.240> gaps to each other and the size of the gaps to each other and the size of the gaps between between between us<00:02:04.640> and<00:02:04.799> as<00:02:04.920> soon<00:02:05.079> as<00:02:05.200> you've<00:02:05.479> got<00:02:05.759> that<00:02:06.320> idea us and as soon as you've got that idea us and as soon as you've got that idea you<00:02:07.439> should<00:02:07.680> immediately<00:02:08.280> wonder<00:02:08.959> what you should immediately wonder what you should immediately wonder what happens<00:02:09.560> if<00:02:09.720> we<00:02:09.920> widen<00:02:10.399> the<00:02:10.959> differences<00:02:11.959> or happens if we widen the differences or happens if we widen the differences or compress<00:02:12.760> them<00:02:13.319> make<00:02:13.560> the<00:02:13.680> income compress them make the income compress them make the income differences<00:02:14.560> bigger<00:02:14.879> or<00:02:15.319> smaller<00:02:16.319> and<00:02:16.480> that's differences bigger or smaller and that's differences bigger or smaller and that's what<00:02:16.800> I'm<00:02:16.920> going<00:02:17.080> to<00:02:17.200> show<00:02:17.440> you<00:02:18.360> I'm<00:02:18.480> not<00:02:18.640> using what I'm going to show you I'm not using what I'm going to show you I'm not using any<00:02:19.280> hypothetical<00:02:20.080> data<00:02:20.879> I'm<00:02:21.080> taking<00:02:21.560> data any hypothetical data I'm taking data any hypothetical data I'm taking data from<00:02:22.280> the<00:02:22.519> UN<00:02:22.959> it's<00:02:23.120> the<00:02:23.280> same<00:02:23.480> as<00:02:23.599> the<00:02:23.680> World from the UN it's the same as the World from the UN it's the same as the World Bank<00:02:24.400> has<00:02:24.640> on<00:02:24.760> the<00:02:24.920> scale<00:02:25.200> of<00:02:25.360> income Bank has on the scale of income Bank has on the scale of income differences<00:02:26.239> in<00:02:26.440> these<00:02:26.680> rich<00:02:26.959> developed differences in these rich developed differences in these rich developed Market Market Market democracies<00:02:29.920> the<00:02:30.000> measure<00:02:30.239> we've<00:02:30.480> use<00:02:30.840> just democracies the measure we've use just democracies the measure we've use just cuz<00:02:31.280> it's<00:02:31.440> easy<00:02:31.680> to<00:02:32.200> understand<00:02:32.440> and<00:02:32.599> you<00:02:32.720> can cuz it's easy to understand and you can cuz it's easy to understand and you can download<00:02:33.400> it<00:02:33.720> is<00:02:33.879> how<00:02:34.040> much<00:02:34.200> richer<00:02:34.680> the<00:02:34.840> top download it is how much richer the top download it is how much richer the top 20%<00:02:35.760> than<00:02:35.879> the<00:02:36.040> bottom<00:02:36.360> 20%<00:02:37.000> in<00:02:37.120> each<00:02:37.480> country 20% than the bottom 20% in each country 20% than the bottom 20% in each country and<00:02:38.599> you<00:02:38.720> see<00:02:38.920> in<00:02:39.040> the<00:02:39.120> more<00:02:39.360> equal<00:02:39.760> countries and you see in the more equal countries and you see in the more equal countries on<00:02:40.599> the<00:02:40.800> left<00:02:41.640> Japan<00:02:42.120> Finland<00:02:42.560> Norway<00:02:42.959> Sweden on the left Japan Finland Norway Sweden on the left Japan Finland Norway Sweden the<00:02:43.680> top<00:02:43.879> 20%<00:02:44.440> are<00:02:44.599> about<00:02:44.800> three<00:02:45.000> and<00:02:45.120> a<00:02:45.239> half the top 20% are about three and a half the top 20% are about three and a half four<00:02:45.879> times<00:02:46.120> as<00:02:46.239> rich<00:02:46.480> as<00:02:46.599> the<00:02:46.720> bottom four times as rich as the bottom four times as rich as the bottom 20%<00:02:48.760> but<00:02:48.920> at<00:02:49.040> the<00:02:49.159> more<00:02:49.400> unequal<00:02:49.879> end<00:02:50.440> UK 20% but at the more unequal end UK 20% but at the more unequal end UK Portugal<00:02:51.800> USA<00:02:52.440> Singapore<00:02:53.440> the<00:02:53.560> differences Portugal USA Singapore the differences Portugal USA Singapore the differences are<00:02:54.280> twice<00:02:54.640> as<00:02:54.879> big<00:02:55.840> on<00:02:56.040> that<00:02:56.200> measure<00:02:56.519> we<00:02:56.640> are are twice as big on that measure we are are twice as big on that measure we are twice<00:02:57.239> as<00:02:57.519> unequal<00:02:58.519> as<00:02:58.680> some<00:02:58.840> of<00:02:58.959> the<00:02:59.120> other twice as unequal as some of the other twice as unequal as some of the other success<00:03:00.040> ful<00:03:00.280> Market success ful Market success ful Market democracies<00:03:03.040> now<00:03:03.159> I'm<00:03:03.280> going<00:03:03.400> to<00:03:03.519> show<00:03:03.680> you democracies now I'm going to show you democracies now I'm going to show you what<00:03:04.040> that<00:03:04.200> does<00:03:04.400> to<00:03:04.560> our what that does to our what that does to our societies<00:03:07.080> we<00:03:07.360> collected<00:03:08.200> data<00:03:08.519> on<00:03:08.879> problems societies we collected data on problems societies we collected data on problems with<00:03:09.480> social<00:03:09.840> gradients<00:03:10.360> the<00:03:10.519> kind<00:03:10.680> of with social gradients the kind of with social gradients the kind of problems<00:03:11.200> that<00:03:11.360> are<00:03:11.480> more<00:03:11.640> common<00:03:11.920> at<00:03:12.040> the problems that are more common at the problems that are more common at the bottom<00:03:12.360> of<00:03:12.480> the<00:03:12.599> social<00:03:13.400> ladder bottom of the social ladder bottom of the social ladder internationally<00:03:15.040> comparable<00:03:15.560> data<00:03:15.920> on<00:03:16.120> life internationally comparable data on life internationally comparable data on life expectancy<00:03:17.200> on<00:03:17.400> kids<00:03:17.680> maths<00:03:17.959> and<00:03:18.159> literacy expectancy on kids maths and literacy expectancy on kids maths and literacy scores<00:03:19.200> on<00:03:19.360> infant<00:03:19.720> mortality<00:03:20.360> rates scores on infant mortality rates scores on infant mortality rates homicide<00:03:21.680> rates<00:03:22.680> proportion<00:03:23.080> of<00:03:23.200> the homicide rates proportion of the homicide rates proportion of the population<00:03:23.879> in<00:03:24.080> prison<00:03:24.480> teenage<00:03:25.040> birth<00:03:25.360> rates population in prison teenage birth rates population in prison teenage birth rates levels<00:03:26.040> of<00:03:26.640> trust<00:03:27.640> um<00:03:28.239> obesity<00:03:29.239> um<00:03:29.360> mental levels of trust um obesity um mental levels of trust um obesity um mental illness<00:03:30.200> which<00:03:30.400> in<00:03:30.879> the<00:03:31.080> standard<00:03:31.519> diagnostic illness which in the standard diagnostic illness which in the standard diagnostic uh<00:03:32.640> classification<00:03:33.480> includes<00:03:34.159> drug<00:03:34.400> and uh classification includes drug and uh classification includes drug and alcohol<00:03:34.959> addiction<00:03:35.400> and<00:03:35.599> social<00:03:36.159> Mobility<00:03:37.159> we alcohol addiction and social Mobility we alcohol addiction and social Mobility we put<00:03:37.480> them<00:03:37.840> here<00:03:38.200> all<00:03:38.400> in<00:03:38.560> one<00:03:38.799> index<00:03:39.720> they're put them here all in one index they're put them here all in one index they're all<00:03:40.080> weighted<00:03:40.519> equally<00:03:41.040> where<00:03:41.360> country<00:03:41.720> is<00:03:41.959> is all weighted equally where country is is all weighted equally where country is is sort<00:03:42.560> of<00:03:42.760> average<00:03:43.120> score<00:03:43.519> on<00:03:43.760> these<00:03:44.120> things sort of average score on these things sort of average score on these things and<00:03:45.319> there<00:03:45.439> you<00:03:45.599> see<00:03:45.879> it<00:03:46.040> in<00:03:46.239> relation<00:03:46.599> to<00:03:46.720> the and there you see it in relation to the and there you see it in relation to the measure<00:03:47.159> of<00:03:47.319> inequality<00:03:47.959> I've<00:03:48.200> just<00:03:48.360> shown measure of inequality I've just shown measure of inequality I've just shown you<00:03:49.599> which<00:03:49.760> I<00:03:49.840> shall<00:03:50.120> use<00:03:50.439> over<00:03:50.640> and<00:03:50.799> over you which I shall use over and over you which I shall use over and over again<00:03:51.319> in<00:03:51.519> the<00:03:52.280> data<00:03:53.280> the<00:03:53.439> more<00:03:53.760> unequal again in the data the more unequal again in the data the more unequal countries<00:03:54.799> doing<00:03:55.640> worse<00:03:56.000> on<00:03:56.280> all<00:03:56.560> these<00:03:56.840> kinds countries doing worse on all these kinds countries doing worse on all these kinds of<00:03:57.280> social<00:03:58.200> problems<00:03:59.200> it's<00:03:59.360> an<00:03:59.760> extraordinary of social problems it's an extraordinary of social problems it's an extraordinary close close close correlation<00:04:02.079> but<00:04:02.239> if<00:04:02.360> you<00:04:02.560> look<00:04:02.720> at<00:04:02.959> that<00:04:03.280> same correlation but if you look at that same correlation but if you look at that same index<00:04:04.200> of<00:04:04.360> health<00:04:04.599> and<00:04:04.799> social<00:04:05.280> problems<00:04:06.239> in index of health and social problems in index of health and social problems in relation<00:04:06.799> to<00:04:07.000> GNP<00:04:07.599> per<00:04:07.879> capita<00:04:08.360> gross relation to GNP per capita gross relation to GNP per capita gross national<00:04:09.040> income<00:04:09.879> there's<00:04:10.159> nothing<00:04:10.920> there<00:04:11.920> no national income there's nothing there no national income there's nothing there no correlation correlation correlation anymore<00:04:15.239> we<00:04:15.400> were<00:04:15.599> a<00:04:15.760> little<00:04:15.920> bit<00:04:16.160> worried anymore we were a little bit worried anymore we were a little bit worried that<00:04:17.120> people<00:04:17.479> might<00:04:17.720> think<00:04:17.919> we'd<00:04:18.160> been that people might think we'd been that people might think we'd been choosing<00:04:18.880> problems<00:04:19.280> to<00:04:19.440> suit<00:04:19.720> our<00:04:19.959> argument choosing problems to suit our argument choosing problems to suit our argument and<00:04:20.680> just<00:04:20.959> manufactured<00:04:21.880> this<00:04:22.360> this<00:04:22.560> evidence and just manufactured this this evidence and just manufactured this this evidence so<00:04:23.800> we<00:04:23.960> also<00:04:24.280> looked<00:04:24.600> in<00:04:25.040> we<00:04:25.160> did<00:04:25.320> a<00:04:25.440> paper<00:04:25.680> in so we also looked in we did a paper in so we also looked in we did a paper in the<00:04:25.840> British<00:04:26.160> medical<00:04:26.520> journal<00:04:27.320> on<00:04:27.639> the the British medical journal on the the British medical journal on the UNICEF<00:04:28.560> index<00:04:28.919> of<00:04:29.080> child<00:04:29.360> wellbe<00:04:29.800> being<00:04:30.479> it UNICEF index of child wellbe being it UNICEF index of child wellbe being it has<00:04:30.880> 40<00:04:31.320> different<00:04:31.720> components<00:04:32.400> put<00:04:32.720> together has 40 different components put together has 40 different components put together by<00:04:33.120> other<00:04:33.800> people<00:04:34.800> um<00:04:35.000> it<00:04:35.160> contains<00:04:35.680> whether by other people um it contains whether by other people um it contains whether kids<00:04:36.759> can<00:04:36.960> talk<00:04:37.160> to<00:04:37.360> their<00:04:37.680> parents<00:04:38.160> whether kids can talk to their parents whether kids can talk to their parents whether they<00:04:38.520> have<00:04:38.680> books<00:04:39.000> at<00:04:39.199> home<00:04:39.479> what they have books at home what they have books at home what immunization<00:04:40.479> rates<00:04:40.759> are<00:04:40.960> like<00:04:41.240> whether immunization rates are like whether immunization rates are like whether there's<00:04:41.639> bullying<00:04:42.080> at<00:04:42.280> school<00:04:42.800> everything there's bullying at school everything there's bullying at school everything goes<00:04:43.440> into<00:04:43.919> it<00:04:44.919> here<00:04:45.120> it<00:04:45.280> is<00:04:45.440> in<00:04:45.680> relation<00:04:46.039> to goes into it here it is in relation to goes into it here it is in relation to that<00:04:46.479> same<00:04:46.759> measure<00:04:47.039> of that same measure of that same measure of inequality<00:04:49.120> kids<00:04:49.360> doing<00:04:49.800> worse<00:04:50.080> in<00:04:50.240> the<00:04:50.360> more inequality kids doing worse in the more inequality kids doing worse in the more unequal<00:04:51.160> societies<00:04:52.000> highly<00:04:52.400> significant unequal societies highly significant unequal societies highly significant relationship<00:04:55.080> but<00:04:55.280> once<00:04:55.600> again<00:04:56.479> if<00:04:56.600> you<00:04:56.759> look relationship but once again if you look relationship but once again if you look at<00:04:57.080> that<00:04:57.199> measure<00:04:57.520> of<00:04:57.720> child<00:04:58.039> well-being<00:04:59.039> in at that measure of child well-being in at that measure of child well-being in relation<00:04:59.759> to<00:05:00.000> national<00:05:00.360> income<00:05:00.759> per<00:05:01.080> person relation to national income per person relation to national income per person there's<00:05:02.400> no<00:05:02.680> relationship<00:05:03.440> no<00:05:03.720> suggestion<00:05:04.199> of there's no relationship no suggestion of there's no relationship no suggestion of relationship<00:05:07.120> what<00:05:07.360> all<00:05:07.600> the<00:05:07.840> data<00:05:08.120> I've relationship what all the data I've relationship what all the data I've shown<00:05:08.479> you<00:05:08.639> so<00:05:08.880> far<00:05:09.160> says<00:05:09.440> is<00:05:09.639> the<00:05:09.840> same<00:05:10.479> thing shown you so far says is the same thing shown you so far says is the same thing the<00:05:11.759> average<00:05:12.199> well-being<00:05:12.759> of<00:05:12.919> our<00:05:13.199> societies the average well-being of our societies the average well-being of our societies is<00:05:14.000> not<00:05:14.280> dependent<00:05:14.919> any<00:05:15.639> longer<00:05:16.639> on<00:05:16.840> national is not dependent any longer on national is not dependent any longer on national income<00:05:17.840> and<00:05:18.240> economic<00:05:18.720> growth<00:05:19.600> that's<00:05:19.840> very income and economic growth that's very income and economic growth that's very important<00:05:20.520> in<00:05:20.720> poorer<00:05:21.160> countries<00:05:21.639> but<00:05:21.800> not<00:05:21.960> in important in poorer countries but not in important in poorer countries but not in the<00:05:22.400> the<00:05:22.520> rich<00:05:22.840> developed the the rich developed the the rich developed world<00:05:25.400> but<00:05:25.600> the<00:05:25.800> differences<00:05:26.440> between<00:05:26.840> us<00:05:27.120> and world but the differences between us and world but the differences between us and where<00:05:27.520> we<00:05:27.639> are<00:05:27.840> in<00:05:28.000> relation<00:05:28.360> to<00:05:28.560> each<00:05:28.720> other where we are in relation to each other where we are in relation to each other now<00:05:29.240> matter<00:05:29.800> very now matter very now matter very much<00:05:31.600> I'm<00:05:31.720> going<00:05:31.840> to<00:05:32.080> show<00:05:32.280> you<00:05:32.440> some<00:05:32.600> of<00:05:32.759> the much I'm going to show you some of the much I'm going to show you some of the separate<00:05:33.360> bits<00:05:33.680> of<00:05:33.880> our<00:05:34.319> index<00:05:35.280> here<00:05:35.440> for separate bits of our index here for separate bits of our index here for instance<00:05:36.000> is<00:05:36.280> trust<00:05:36.720> it's<00:05:36.919> simply<00:05:37.240> the instance is trust it's simply the instance is trust it's simply the proportion<00:05:37.960> of<00:05:38.120> the<00:05:38.319> population<00:05:38.840> who<00:05:39.039> agree proportion of the population who agree proportion of the population who agree most<00:05:39.639> people<00:05:39.919> can<00:05:40.080> be<00:05:40.280> trusted<00:05:40.840> comes<00:05:41.080> from most people can be trusted comes from most people can be trusted comes from the<00:05:41.360> world<00:05:41.639> value<00:05:42.080> survey<00:05:43.039> who<00:05:43.199> see<00:05:43.400> it<00:05:43.560> the the world value survey who see it the the world value survey who see it the more<00:05:43.840> unequal<00:05:44.360> end<00:05:45.360> it's<00:05:45.520> about<00:05:45.960> 15%<00:05:46.960> of<00:05:47.080> the more unequal end it's about 15% of the more unequal end it's about 15% of the population<00:05:47.840> who<00:05:48.000> feel<00:05:48.360> they<00:05:48.479> can<00:05:48.680> trust population who feel they can trust population who feel they can trust others<00:05:50.400> but<00:05:50.560> in<00:05:50.680> the<00:05:50.800> more<00:05:51.000> equal<00:05:51.479> societies others but in the more equal societies others but in the more equal societies it<00:05:52.280> rises<00:05:52.680> to<00:05:52.880> 60<00:05:53.280> or it rises to 60 or it rises to 60 or 65%<00:05:56.120> and<00:05:56.280> if<00:05:56.400> you<00:05:56.520> look<00:05:56.639> at<00:05:56.800> measures<00:05:57.120> of 65% and if you look at measures of 65% and if you look at measures of involvement<00:05:57.840> in<00:05:58.080> community<00:05:58.639> life<00:05:59.280> or<00:05:59.639> Social involvement in community life or Social involvement in community life or Social Capital<00:06:01.280> very<00:06:01.560> similar<00:06:02.319> relationships Capital very similar relationships Capital very similar relationships closely<00:06:03.759> related<00:06:04.160> to closely related to closely related to inequality<00:06:06.520> I<00:06:06.639> may<00:06:06.919> say<00:06:07.319> we<00:06:07.599> did<00:06:07.759> all<00:06:07.960> this inequality I may say we did all this inequality I may say we did all this work<00:06:08.440> twice<00:06:08.919> we<00:06:09.039> did<00:06:09.199> it<00:06:09.479> first<00:06:09.759> on<00:06:09.960> these<00:06:10.160> rich work twice we did it first on these rich work twice we did it first on these rich developed<00:06:11.199> countries<00:06:12.199> and<00:06:12.360> then<00:06:12.599> as<00:06:12.720> a developed countries and then as a developed countries and then as a separate<00:06:13.319> test<00:06:13.680> bed<00:06:14.039> we<00:06:14.199> repeated<00:06:14.720> it<00:06:14.880> all<00:06:15.479> on separate test bed we repeated it all on separate test bed we repeated it all on the<00:06:15.800> 50<00:06:16.160> American<00:06:16.639> states<00:06:17.080> asking<00:06:17.440> just<00:06:17.639> the the 50 American states asking just the the 50 American states asking just the same<00:06:18.080> question<00:06:18.479> do<00:06:18.680> the<00:06:18.759> more<00:06:19.000> unequal<00:06:19.520> states same question do the more unequal states same question do the more unequal states do<00:06:20.160> worse<00:06:20.440> on<00:06:20.639> all<00:06:20.840> these<00:06:21.080> kinds<00:06:21.280> of<00:06:21.599> measures do worse on all these kinds of measures do worse on all these kinds of measures so<00:06:22.840> here<00:06:23.000> is<00:06:23.280> Trust<00:06:23.880> From<00:06:24.080> The<00:06:24.400> General<00:06:24.759> Social so here is Trust From The General Social so here is Trust From The General Social Survey<00:06:25.520> of<00:06:25.639> the<00:06:25.759> federal<00:06:26.120> government<00:06:26.560> related Survey of the federal government related Survey of the federal government related to to to inequality<00:06:28.840> very<00:06:29.080> similar<00:06:29.599> scatter<00:06:29.960> over<00:06:30.160> a inequality very similar scatter over a inequality very similar scatter over a similar<00:06:30.759> range<00:06:31.039> of<00:06:31.319> levels<00:06:31.599> of<00:06:31.840> trust<00:06:32.800> same similar range of levels of trust same similar range of levels of trust same thing<00:06:33.240> is<00:06:33.440> going<00:06:33.720> on<00:06:34.720> basically<00:06:35.240> we<00:06:35.440> found thing is going on basically we found thing is going on basically we found that<00:06:36.280> uh<00:06:36.440> almost<00:06:36.840> anything<00:06:37.280> that's<00:06:37.560> related that uh almost anything that's related that uh almost anything that's related to<00:06:38.080> trust<00:06:38.479> internationally<00:06:39.160> is<00:06:39.360> related<00:06:39.759> to to trust internationally is related to to trust internationally is related to trust<00:06:40.280> amongst<00:06:40.599> the<00:06:40.720> 50<00:06:41.080> states<00:06:41.440> in<00:06:41.599> that trust amongst the 50 states in that trust amongst the 50 states in that separate<00:06:42.240> test<00:06:42.680> bed<00:06:43.680> we're<00:06:43.880> not<00:06:44.080> just<00:06:44.319> talking separate test bed we're not just talking separate test bed we're not just talking about<00:06:45.280> uh<00:06:45.560> a<00:06:45.800> fluke<00:06:46.800> this<00:06:46.919> is<00:06:47.120> mental<00:06:47.479> illness about uh a fluke this is mental illness about uh a fluke this is mental illness who<00:06:49.039> put<00:06:49.400> together<00:06:49.639> figures<00:06:50.039> using<00:06:50.400> the<00:06:50.599> same who put together figures using the same who put together figures using the same diagnostic<00:06:51.639> interviews<00:06:52.160> on<00:06:52.440> random<00:06:52.840> samples diagnostic interviews on random samples diagnostic interviews on random samples of<00:06:53.400> the<00:06:53.599> population<00:06:54.160> to<00:06:54.400> allow<00:06:54.720> us<00:06:54.880> to<00:06:55.080> compare of the population to allow us to compare of the population to allow us to compare rates<00:06:56.240> of<00:06:56.400> mental<00:06:56.680> illness<00:06:57.039> in<00:06:57.520> each<00:06:58.160> Society rates of mental illness in each Society rates of mental illness in each Society this<00:06:59.280> is<00:06:59.639> a<00:06:59.720> percent<00:07:00.000> of<00:07:00.120> the<00:07:00.280> population<00:07:00.879> with this is a percent of the population with this is a percent of the population with any<00:07:01.240> mental<00:07:01.560> illness<00:07:01.919> in<00:07:02.080> the<00:07:02.199> preceding<00:07:03.199> year any mental illness in the preceding year any mental illness in the preceding year and<00:07:04.319> it<00:07:04.479> goes<00:07:04.800> from<00:07:05.039> about and it goes from about and it goes from about 8%<00:07:07.240> up<00:07:07.440> to<00:07:07.759> three<00:07:08.120> times<00:07:08.639> that<00:07:09.360> whole 8% up to three times that whole 8% up to three times that whole societies<00:07:10.800> with<00:07:11.039> three<00:07:11.400> times<00:07:11.680> the<00:07:11.840> level<00:07:12.120> of societies with three times the level of societies with three times the level of mental<00:07:12.560> illness<00:07:13.160> of<00:07:13.360> others<00:07:14.319> and<00:07:14.520> again mental illness of others and again mental illness of others and again closely<00:07:15.280> related<00:07:15.759> to closely related to closely related to inequality<00:07:18.639> this<00:07:18.800> is<00:07:19.160> violence<00:07:20.160> these<00:07:20.440> red inequality this is violence these red inequality this is violence these red dots<00:07:20.960> are<00:07:21.160> American<00:07:21.720> states<00:07:22.120> and<00:07:22.319> the<00:07:22.560> blue dots are American states and the blue dots are American states and the blue triangles<00:07:23.960> of<00:07:24.160> Canadian<00:07:24.759> provinces<00:07:25.759> but<00:07:25.919> look triangles of Canadian provinces but look triangles of Canadian provinces but look at<00:07:26.160> the<00:07:26.319> scale<00:07:26.680> of<00:07:26.840> the at the scale of the at the scale of the differences<00:07:28.960> it<00:07:29.120> goes<00:07:29.319> from<00:07:29.520> from<00:07:29.759> 15 differences it goes from from 15 differences it goes from from 15 homicides<00:07:30.960> per<00:07:31.160> million<00:07:31.520> up<00:07:31.639> to homicides per million up to homicides per million up to 150<00:07:34.479> this<00:07:34.599> is<00:07:34.800> the<00:07:34.960> proportion<00:07:35.360> of<00:07:35.520> the 150 this is the proportion of the 150 this is the proportion of the population<00:07:36.199> in population in population in prison<00:07:38.400> there's<00:07:38.639> about<00:07:38.879> a<00:07:39.280> tenfold prison there's about a tenfold prison there's about a tenfold difference<00:07:40.560> there<00:07:41.080> a<00:07:41.280> log<00:07:41.560> scale<00:07:41.919> up<00:07:42.160> the<00:07:42.360> side difference there a log scale up the side difference there a log scale up the side but<00:07:42.840> it<00:07:43.000> goes<00:07:43.240> from<00:07:43.479> about<00:07:43.759> 40<00:07:44.120> to<00:07:44.560> 400<00:07:45.560> people but it goes from about 40 to 400 people but it goes from about 40 to 400 people in in in prison<00:07:47.759> that<00:07:47.960> relationship<00:07:48.599> is<00:07:48.800> not<00:07:49.120> mainly prison that relationship is not mainly prison that relationship is not mainly driven<00:07:50.080> by<00:07:50.240> more<00:07:50.919> crime<00:07:51.919> in<00:07:52.080> some<00:07:52.360> places driven by more crime in some places driven by more crime in some places that's<00:07:53.039> part<00:07:53.240> of<00:07:53.360> it<00:07:54.360> but<00:07:54.639> most<00:07:54.879> of<00:07:55.000> it<00:07:55.199> is that's part of it but most of it is that's part of it but most of it is about<00:07:55.639> more<00:07:55.879> punitive<00:07:56.479> sentencing<00:07:57.479> harsher about more punitive sentencing harsher about more punitive sentencing harsher sentencing<00:07:59.280> and<00:07:59.599> the<00:07:59.720> more<00:07:59.879> unequal sentencing and the more unequal sentencing and the more unequal societies<00:08:00.919> are<00:08:01.120> more<00:08:01.280> likely<00:08:01.680> also<00:08:01.960> to<00:08:02.159> retain societies are more likely also to retain societies are more likely also to retain the<00:08:02.680> death the death the death penalty<00:08:05.400> here<00:08:05.680> we<00:08:05.919> have<00:08:06.479> uh<00:08:07.120> children penalty here we have uh children penalty here we have uh children dropping<00:08:07.879> out<00:08:08.039> of<00:08:08.240> high<00:08:08.879> school<00:08:09.879> again<00:08:10.199> quite dropping out of high school again quite dropping out of high school again quite big<00:08:10.680> differences<00:08:11.400> extraordinarily<00:08:12.159> damaging big differences extraordinarily damaging big differences extraordinarily damaging if<00:08:13.120> you're<00:08:13.599> talking<00:08:13.960> about<00:08:14.240> using<00:08:14.639> the if you're talking about using the if you're talking about using the talents<00:08:15.240> of<00:08:15.479> the<00:08:16.120> population<00:08:17.120> this<00:08:17.280> is<00:08:17.520> social talents of the population this is social talents of the population this is social Mobility<00:08:20.120> it's<00:08:20.720> actually<00:08:21.000> a<00:08:21.240> measure<00:08:21.560> of Mobility it's actually a measure of Mobility it's actually a measure of Mobility<00:08:22.680> based<00:08:22.960> on<00:08:23.240> income<00:08:24.159> basically<00:08:24.560> it's Mobility based on income basically it's Mobility based on income basically it's asking<00:08:25.199> do<00:08:25.440> rich<00:08:25.759> fathers<00:08:26.240> have<00:08:26.440> Rich<00:08:26.680> sons asking do rich fathers have Rich sons asking do rich fathers have Rich sons and<00:08:27.599> poor<00:08:27.879> fathers<00:08:28.360> have<00:08:28.560> poor<00:08:28.840> sons<00:08:29.680> or<00:08:29.879> is and poor fathers have poor sons or is and poor fathers have poor sons or is there<00:08:30.199> no<00:08:30.440> relationship<00:08:31.080> between<00:08:31.400> the<00:08:31.839> two there no relationship between the two there no relationship between the two and<00:08:33.000> at<00:08:33.120> the<00:08:33.240> more<00:08:33.479> unequal<00:08:34.240> end<00:08:35.240> father's and at the more unequal end father's and at the more unequal end father's income<00:08:36.039> is<00:08:36.240> much<00:08:36.440> more<00:08:36.919> important<00:08:37.919> in<00:08:38.080> the<00:08:38.240> UK income is much more important in the UK income is much more important in the UK USA<00:08:40.360> and<00:08:40.519> in<00:08:40.919> uh<00:08:41.120> countries<00:08:41.640> the<00:08:41.800> Scandinavian USA and in uh countries the Scandinavian USA and in uh countries the Scandinavian countries<00:08:43.279> father's<00:08:43.680> income<00:08:44.039> is<00:08:44.279> much<00:08:44.519> less countries father's income is much less countries father's income is much less important<00:08:45.240> there's<00:08:45.480> more<00:08:45.720> social important there's more social important there's more social mobility<00:08:47.959> and<00:08:48.120> as<00:08:48.320> we<00:08:48.640> like<00:08:48.839> to<00:08:49.000> say<00:08:49.279> and<00:08:49.440> I mobility and as we like to say and I mobility and as we like to say and I know<00:08:49.720> there<00:08:49.880> a<00:08:50.000> lot<00:08:50.120> of<00:08:50.279> Americans<00:08:50.760> in<00:08:50.920> the know there a lot of Americans in the know there a lot of Americans in the audience<00:08:51.560> here<00:08:52.560> uh<00:08:53.160> if<00:08:53.480> Americans<00:08:54.000> want<00:08:54.200> to audience here uh if Americans want to audience here uh if Americans want to live<00:08:54.600> the<00:08:54.760> American<00:08:55.200> dream<00:08:56.000> they<00:08:56.120> should<00:08:56.360> go live the American dream they should go live the American dream they should go to<00:08:56.680> Denmark

I've<00:09:04.399> shown<00:09:04.680> you<00:09:04.920> just<00:09:05.120> a<00:09:05.320> few<00:09:05.600> things<00:09:05.800> in
I've shown you just a few things in I've shown you just a few things in italics<00:09:06.640> here<00:09:06.880> I<00:09:06.959> could<00:09:07.120> have<00:09:07.240> shown<00:09:07.560> you<00:09:07.680> a italics here I could have shown you a italics here I could have shown you a number<00:09:08.040> of<00:09:08.200> other<00:09:08.519> problems<00:09:08.880> they're<00:09:09.079> all number of other problems they're all number of other problems they're all problems<00:09:09.720> that<00:09:09.880> tend<00:09:10.120> to<00:09:10.240> be<00:09:10.399> more<00:09:10.680> common<00:09:10.959> at problems that tend to be more common at problems that tend to be more common at the<00:09:11.240> bottom<00:09:11.480> of<00:09:11.600> the<00:09:11.720> social<00:09:12.360> gradient<00:09:13.360> but the bottom of the social gradient but the bottom of the social gradient but there<00:09:13.959> are<00:09:14.839> endless<00:09:15.839> uh<00:09:16.279> problems<00:09:16.640> with there are endless uh problems with there are endless uh problems with social<00:09:17.200> gradients<00:09:17.680> that<00:09:17.800> are<00:09:18.000> worse<00:09:18.240> in<00:09:18.399> more social gradients that are worse in more social gradients that are worse in more unequal<00:09:19.160> countries<00:09:19.839> not<00:09:20.079> just<00:09:20.240> a<00:09:20.399> little<00:09:20.640> bit unequal countries not just a little bit unequal countries not just a little bit worse<00:09:21.560> but<00:09:21.720> anything<00:09:22.040> from<00:09:22.360> twice<00:09:22.640> as<00:09:22.880> common worse but anything from twice as common worse but anything from twice as common to<00:09:23.440> 10<00:09:23.839> times<00:09:24.160> as<00:09:24.399> common<00:09:25.279> think<00:09:25.480> of<00:09:25.640> the to 10 times as common think of the to 10 times as common think of the expense<00:09:26.680> the<00:09:26.920> human<00:09:27.399> cost<00:09:27.760> of<00:09:28.040> that expense the human cost of that expense the human cost of that I<00:09:30.040> want<00:09:30.200> to<00:09:30.360> go<00:09:30.560> back<00:09:30.800> though<00:09:30.920> to<00:09:31.160> this<00:09:31.399> graph I want to go back though to this graph I want to go back though to this graph that<00:09:31.800> I<00:09:31.880> showed<00:09:32.200> you<00:09:32.360> earlier<00:09:32.720> where<00:09:32.880> we<00:09:33.040> put that I showed you earlier where we put that I showed you earlier where we put it<00:09:33.320> all<00:09:33.640> together<00:09:33.920> to<00:09:34.079> make<00:09:34.320> two<00:09:34.880> points<00:09:35.880> one it all together to make two points one it all together to make two points one is<00:09:36.440> that<00:09:36.800> in<00:09:37.040> graph<00:09:37.560> after<00:09:37.959> graph<00:09:38.480> we<00:09:38.640> find is that in graph after graph we find is that in graph after graph we find that<00:09:39.120> the<00:09:39.320> countries<00:09:39.760> that<00:09:39.920> do<00:09:40.200> worst that the countries that do worst that the countries that do worst whatever<00:09:40.959> the<00:09:41.440> outcome<00:09:42.440> seem<00:09:42.720> to<00:09:42.880> be<00:09:43.040> the<00:09:43.160> more whatever the outcome seem to be the more whatever the outcome seem to be the more unequal unequal unequal ones<00:09:45.440> and<00:09:45.560> the<00:09:45.640> ones<00:09:45.880> that<00:09:46.000> do<00:09:46.240> well<00:09:46.480> seem<00:09:46.720> to ones and the ones that do well seem to ones and the ones that do well seem to be<00:09:46.959> the<00:09:47.079> Nordic<00:09:47.519> countries<00:09:47.880> in be the Nordic countries in be the Nordic countries in Japan<00:09:49.839> so<00:09:50.040> what<00:09:50.160> we're<00:09:50.399> looking<00:09:50.720> at<00:09:51.279> is<00:09:51.440> a Japan so what we're looking at is a Japan so what we're looking at is a general<00:09:52.040> social<00:09:52.480> dysfunction<00:09:53.120> related<00:09:53.600> to general social dysfunction related to general social dysfunction related to inequality<00:09:54.519> it's<00:09:54.680> not<00:09:54.880> just<00:09:55.079> one<00:09:55.240> or<00:09:55.399> two inequality it's not just one or two inequality it's not just one or two things<00:09:55.920> that<00:09:56.120> go<00:09:56.320> wrong<00:09:56.560> it's<00:09:56.800> most things that go wrong it's most things that go wrong it's most things<00:09:58.640> the<00:09:58.760> other<00:09:59.000> really<00:09:59.480> important<00:09:59.880> point things the other really important point things the other really important point I<00:10:00.600> I<00:10:00.680> want<00:10:00.839> to<00:10:01.000> make<00:10:01.240> on<00:10:01.480> this<00:10:01.760> graph<00:10:02.160> is<00:10:02.360> that I I want to make on this graph is that I I want to make on this graph is that if<00:10:02.640> you<00:10:02.800> look<00:10:03.040> at<00:10:03.200> the<00:10:03.360> bottom<00:10:03.839> Sweden<00:10:04.320> and if you look at the bottom Sweden and if you look at the bottom Sweden and Japan<00:10:06.600> they're<00:10:06.959> very<00:10:07.839> different<00:10:08.279> countries Japan they're very different countries Japan they're very different countries in<00:10:08.920> all<00:10:09.079> sorts<00:10:09.360> of<00:10:09.519> ways<00:10:09.920> the<00:10:10.079> position<00:10:10.399> of in all sorts of ways the position of in all sorts of ways the position of women<00:10:10.920> how<00:10:11.120> closely<00:10:11.519> they<00:10:11.680> keep<00:10:11.920> to<00:10:12.040> the women how closely they keep to the women how closely they keep to the nuclear<00:10:12.680> family<00:10:13.360> they're<00:10:13.519> at<00:10:13.720> opposite<00:10:14.040> ends nuclear family they're at opposite ends nuclear family they're at opposite ends of<00:10:14.360> the<00:10:14.480> polls<00:10:14.839> in<00:10:14.959> terms<00:10:15.200> of<00:10:15.360> the<00:10:15.440> rich of the polls in terms of the rich of the polls in terms of the rich developed developed developed world<00:10:17.959> but<00:10:18.360> another<00:10:18.680> really<00:10:19.000> important world but another really important world but another really important difference<00:10:19.839> is<00:10:20.079> how<00:10:20.320> they<00:10:20.560> get<00:10:20.880> their<00:10:21.120> greater difference is how they get their greater difference is how they get their greater equality<00:10:23.040> Sweden<00:10:23.600> has<00:10:23.839> huge<00:10:24.279> differences<00:10:24.720> in equality Sweden has huge differences in equality Sweden has huge differences in earnings<00:10:25.720> and<00:10:25.839> it<00:10:25.959> Narrows<00:10:26.440> the<00:10:26.640> Gap<00:10:26.959> through earnings and it Narrows the Gap through earnings and it Narrows the Gap through taxation<00:10:28.160> general<00:10:28.680> welfare<00:10:29.040> state<00:10:29.320> stes taxation general welfare state stes taxation general welfare state stes generous<00:10:30.120> benefits<00:10:30.600> and<00:10:30.760> so generous benefits and so generous benefits and so on<00:10:32.560> Japan<00:10:32.959> is<00:10:33.160> rather<00:10:33.440> different<00:10:33.839> though<00:10:34.040> it on Japan is rather different though it on Japan is rather different though it starts<00:10:34.560> off<00:10:34.760> with<00:10:34.959> much<00:10:35.200> smaller<00:10:36.040> differences starts off with much smaller differences starts off with much smaller differences in<00:10:36.600> earnings<00:10:37.079> before<00:10:37.519> tax<00:10:38.079> it<00:10:38.240> has<00:10:38.399> lower in earnings before tax it has lower in earnings before tax it has lower taxes<00:10:39.360> it<00:10:39.480> has<00:10:39.600> a<00:10:39.720> smaller<00:10:40.079> welfare<00:10:40.639> state<00:10:41.639> and taxes it has a smaller welfare state and taxes it has a smaller welfare state and in<00:10:41.920> our<00:10:42.079> analysis<00:10:42.560> of<00:10:42.760> the<00:10:42.880> American<00:10:43.279> states in our analysis of the American states in our analysis of the American states we<00:10:44.160> find<00:10:44.480> rather<00:10:44.760> the<00:10:44.880> same<00:10:45.279> contrast<00:10:46.240> there's we find rather the same contrast there's we find rather the same contrast there's some<00:10:46.760> states<00:10:47.120> that<00:10:47.279> do<00:10:47.519> well<00:10:47.720> through some states that do well through some states that do well through redistribution<00:10:49.240> some<00:10:49.480> states<00:10:49.839> that<00:10:50.000> do<00:10:50.200> well redistribution some states that do well redistribution some states that do well because<00:10:50.720> they<00:10:50.880> have<00:10:51.040> smaller<00:10:51.600> income because they have smaller income because they have smaller income differences<00:10:52.519> before<00:10:53.200> tax<00:10:54.200> so<00:10:54.480> we<00:10:55.000> conclude differences before tax so we conclude differences before tax so we conclude that<00:10:55.600> it<00:10:55.720> doesn't<00:10:56.040> much<00:10:56.320> matter<00:10:56.680> how<00:10:56.839> you<00:10:57.040> get that it doesn't much matter how you get that it doesn't much matter how you get your<00:10:57.440> greater<00:10:58.079> equality<00:10:58.600> as<00:10:58.720> long<00:10:58.880> as<00:10:58.959> you<00:10:59.079> get your greater equality as long as you get your greater equality as long as you get get<00:10:59.519> there<00:10:59.680> somehow<00:11:00.600> I'm<00:11:00.720> not<00:11:00.920> talking<00:11:01.200> about get there somehow I'm not talking about get there somehow I'm not talking about perfect<00:11:01.920> equality<00:11:02.440> I'm<00:11:02.680> talking<00:11:03.000> about<00:11:03.320> what perfect equality I'm talking about what perfect equality I'm talking about what exists<00:11:03.959> in<00:11:04.200> Rich<00:11:04.639> developed<00:11:05.120> Market

democracies<00:11:08.560> another<00:11:08.959> really<00:11:09.920> surprising<00:11:10.920> uh
democracies another really surprising uh democracies another really surprising uh part<00:11:11.279> of<00:11:11.519> this part of this part of this picture<00:11:13.880> is<00:11:14.120> that<00:11:14.279> it's<00:11:14.519> not<00:11:14.800> just<00:11:15.079> the<00:11:15.360> poor picture is that it's not just the poor picture is that it's not just the poor who<00:11:15.839> are<00:11:16.000> affected<00:11:16.519> by who are affected by who are affected by inequality<00:11:19.000> there<00:11:19.120> seems<00:11:19.360> to<00:11:19.480> be<00:11:19.639> some<00:11:19.880> truth inequality there seems to be some truth inequality there seems to be some truth in<00:11:20.360> John<00:11:20.639> dun's<00:11:21.200> no<00:11:21.440> man<00:11:21.680> is<00:11:21.839> an in John dun's no man is an in John dun's no man is an island<00:11:24.040> uh<00:11:24.200> in<00:11:24.360> a<00:11:24.519> number<00:11:24.800> of<00:11:25.279> uh<00:11:25.519> studies<00:11:25.959> it's island uh in a number of uh studies it's island uh in a number of uh studies it's possible<00:11:26.600> to<00:11:26.800> compare<00:11:27.320> how<00:11:27.600> people<00:11:27.920> do<00:11:28.600> in possible to compare how people do in possible to compare how people do in more<00:11:29.000> and<00:11:29.360> less<00:11:29.519> equal<00:11:29.920> countries<00:11:30.320> at<00:11:30.519> each more and less equal countries at each more and less equal countries at each level<00:11:31.079> in<00:11:31.200> the<00:11:31.399> social<00:11:32.240> hierarchy<00:11:33.240> this<00:11:33.399> is level in the social hierarchy this is level in the social hierarchy this is just<00:11:33.760> one just one just one example<00:11:35.639> uh<00:11:35.920> it's<00:11:36.240> infant<00:11:36.560> mortality<00:11:37.399> some example uh it's infant mortality some example uh it's infant mortality some swedes<00:11:38.079> very<00:11:38.360> kindly<00:11:38.800> classified<00:11:39.399> a<00:11:39.480> lot<00:11:39.639> of swedes very kindly classified a lot of swedes very kindly classified a lot of their<00:11:40.040> infant<00:11:40.399> deaths<00:11:40.839> according<00:11:41.160> to<00:11:41.320> the their infant deaths according to the their infant deaths according to the British<00:11:41.760> regar<00:11:42.440> general<00:11:42.880> socioeconomic British regar general socioeconomic British regar general socioeconomic classification<00:11:45.680> and<00:11:46.000> so<00:11:47.000> uh<00:11:47.320> it's classification and so uh it's classification and so uh it's anachronistically<00:11:48.560> a<00:11:48.720> classification<00:11:49.519> by anachronistically a classification by anachronistically a classification by father's<00:11:50.279> occupation<00:11:50.880> so<00:11:51.120> single<00:11:51.519> parents<00:11:51.920> go father's occupation so single parents go father's occupation so single parents go on<00:11:52.320> their<00:11:52.480> own<00:11:53.160> but<00:11:53.399> then<00:11:53.560> the<00:11:53.720> low<00:11:54.320> where<00:11:54.440> it on their own but then the low where it on their own but then the low where it says<00:11:54.760> low<00:11:55.079> social<00:11:55.480> class<00:11:55.920> that's<00:11:56.760> uh says low social class that's uh says low social class that's uh unskilled<00:11:57.519> manual<00:11:58.000> occupations<00:11:58.680> it<00:11:58.800> goes<00:11:59.040> to unskilled manual occupations it goes to unskilled manual occupations it goes to through<00:11:59.480> towards<00:11:59.839> the<00:12:00.000> skilled<00:12:00.480> manual through towards the skilled manual through towards the skilled manual occupations<00:12:01.519> in<00:12:01.639> the<00:12:01.760> middle<00:12:02.160> gen<00:12:02.760> then<00:12:03.000> the occupations in the middle gen then the occupations in the middle gen then the uh<00:12:03.800> junior<00:12:04.240> non-manual<00:12:05.240> going<00:12:05.519> up<00:12:05.959> the<00:12:06.160> high uh junior non-manual going up the high uh junior non-manual going up the high to<00:12:06.760> the<00:12:06.959> professional<00:12:07.600> occupations<00:12:08.440> doctors to the professional occupations doctors to the professional occupations doctors lawyers<00:12:09.480> directors<00:12:09.880> of<00:12:10.079> larger<00:12:10.959> companies lawyers directors of larger companies lawyers directors of larger companies you<00:12:12.120> see<00:12:12.480> there<00:12:12.720> that<00:12:12.880> Sweden<00:12:13.320> does<00:12:13.639> better you see there that Sweden does better you see there that Sweden does better than<00:12:14.079> Britain<00:12:14.760> all<00:12:15.040> the<00:12:15.199> way<00:12:15.440> across<00:12:15.760> the than Britain all the way across the than Britain all the way across the social

hierarchy<00:12:19.440> the<00:12:19.639> biggest<00:12:20.000> differences<00:12:20.600> at<00:12:20.760> the
hierarchy the biggest differences at the hierarchy the biggest differences at the bottom<00:12:21.160> of<00:12:21.399> society<00:12:22.399> but<00:12:22.600> even<00:12:22.839> at<00:12:23.000> the<00:12:23.320> top bottom of society but even at the top bottom of society but even at the top there<00:12:24.440> seems<00:12:24.680> to<00:12:24.800> be<00:12:24.920> a<00:12:25.040> small<00:12:25.440> benefit<00:12:25.839> to there seems to be a small benefit to there seems to be a small benefit to being<00:12:26.160> in<00:12:26.279> a<00:12:26.360> more<00:12:26.560> equal<00:12:27.240> Society<00:12:28.240> we<00:12:28.360> show being in a more equal Society we show being in a more equal Society we show that<00:12:28.839> on<00:12:28.959> a<00:12:29.199> about<00:12:29.480> five<00:12:29.760> different<00:12:30.040> sets<00:12:30.320> of that on a about five different sets of that on a about five different sets of data<00:12:30.959> covering<00:12:31.480> educational<00:12:32.160> outcomes<00:12:32.680> and data covering educational outcomes and data covering educational outcomes and health<00:12:33.240> in<00:12:33.360> the<00:12:33.519> United<00:12:34.040> States<00:12:34.480> and health in the United States and health in the United States and internationally<00:12:36.240> and<00:12:36.399> that<00:12:36.519> seems<00:12:36.800> to<00:12:36.920> be<00:12:37.240> the internationally and that seems to be the internationally and that seems to be the general<00:12:38.240> picture<00:12:39.240> that<00:12:39.600> greater<00:12:40.040> equality general picture that greater equality general picture that greater equality makes<00:12:40.839> most<00:12:41.120> difference<00:12:41.480> at<00:12:41.639> the<00:12:41.760> bottom<00:12:42.240> but makes most difference at the bottom but makes most difference at the bottom but has<00:12:42.680> some<00:12:43.000> benefit<00:12:43.480> even<00:12:43.800> at<00:12:43.959> the<00:12:44.160> top<00:12:45.040> but<00:12:45.399> I has some benefit even at the top but I has some benefit even at the top but I should<00:12:45.680> say<00:12:45.920> a<00:12:46.040> few<00:12:46.279> words<00:12:46.600> about<00:12:46.880> what's should say a few words about what's should say a few words about what's going<00:12:47.760> on<00:12:48.760> I<00:12:48.839> think<00:12:49.040> I'm<00:12:49.240> looking<00:12:49.560> and<00:12:49.800> talking going on I think I'm looking and talking going on I think I'm looking and talking about<00:12:50.680> the<00:12:51.240> psychosocial<00:12:52.079> effects<00:12:52.360> of about the psychosocial effects of about the psychosocial effects of inequality<00:12:53.760> more<00:12:54.000> to<00:12:54.160> do<00:12:54.360> with<00:12:54.519> feelings<00:12:54.880> of inequality more to do with feelings of inequality more to do with feelings of superiority<00:12:56.000> and<00:12:56.320> inferiority<00:12:57.320> of<00:12:57.480> being superiority and inferiority of being superiority and inferiority of being valued<00:12:58.160> and<00:12:58.360> devalued<00:12:59.199> respected<00:12:59.639> and valued and devalued respected and valued and devalued respected and disrespected<00:13:02.000> and<00:13:02.160> of<00:13:02.320> course<00:13:02.600> those disrespected and of course those disrespected and of course those feelings<00:13:03.320> of<00:13:03.920> uh<00:13:04.199> the<00:13:04.320> status<00:13:04.839> competition feelings of uh the status competition feelings of uh the status competition that<00:13:05.680> comes<00:13:05.920> out<00:13:06.120> of<00:13:06.320> that<00:13:06.519> drives<00:13:07.000> the that comes out of that drives the that comes out of that drives the consumerism<00:13:08.000> in<00:13:08.120> our<00:13:08.839> society<00:13:09.839> uh<00:13:09.959> it<00:13:10.120> also consumerism in our society uh it also consumerism in our society uh it also leads<00:13:10.760> to<00:13:10.959> status leads to status leads to status insecurity<00:13:13.000> we<00:13:13.160> worry<00:13:13.519> more<00:13:13.839> about<00:13:14.160> how<00:13:14.320> we're insecurity we worry more about how we're insecurity we worry more about how we're judged<00:13:15.079> and<00:13:15.240> seen<00:13:15.639> by<00:13:15.880> others<00:13:16.560> whether<00:13:16.880> we're judged and seen by others whether we're judged and seen by others whether we're regarded<00:13:17.959> as<00:13:18.199> attractive<00:13:19.000> clever<00:13:20.000> um<00:13:20.440> all regarded as attractive clever um all regarded as attractive clever um all that<00:13:20.880> kind<00:13:21.079> of<00:13:21.279> thing<00:13:22.240> uh<00:13:22.360> the<00:13:22.519> social that kind of thing uh the social that kind of thing uh the social evaluative<00:13:23.560> judgments<00:13:24.440> uh<00:13:24.920> increase<00:13:25.920> uh<00:13:26.240> the evaluative judgments uh increase uh the evaluative judgments uh increase uh the fear<00:13:26.680> of<00:13:26.959> th<00:13:27.240> that<00:13:27.440> those<00:13:27.920> uh<00:13:28.040> social fear of th that those uh social fear of th that those uh social evaluative<00:13:28.880> Jud evaluative Jud evaluative Jud judgments<00:13:30.920> interestingly<00:13:31.760> some<00:13:32.079> work judgments interestingly some work judgments interestingly some work parallel<00:13:33.000> work<00:13:33.320> going<00:13:33.560> on<00:13:33.760> in<00:13:33.920> social parallel work going on in social parallel work going on in social psychology<00:13:36.040> some<00:13:36.279> people<00:13:36.560> reviewed psychology some people reviewed psychology some people reviewed 208<00:13:38.680> different<00:13:39.040> studies<00:13:39.480> in<00:13:39.639> which 208 different studies in which 208 different studies in which volunteers<00:13:40.480> had<00:13:40.639> been<00:13:40.880> invited<00:13:41.360> into volunteers had been invited into volunteers had been invited into psychological<00:13:42.639> laboratory<00:13:43.639> and<00:13:43.839> had<00:13:44.040> their psychological laboratory and had their psychological laboratory and had their stress<00:13:44.680> hormones<00:13:45.600> their<00:13:45.880> responses<00:13:46.440> to<00:13:46.639> doing stress hormones their responses to doing stress hormones their responses to doing stressful<00:13:48.079> tasks stressful tasks stressful tasks measured<00:13:50.519> and<00:13:51.079> in<00:13:51.240> the<00:13:51.440> review<00:13:51.920> what<00:13:52.040> they measured and in the review what they measured and in the review what they were<00:13:52.360> interested<00:13:52.759> in<00:13:52.920> seeing<00:13:53.440> is<00:13:53.680> what<00:13:54.000> kind were interested in seeing is what kind were interested in seeing is what kind of<00:13:54.480> stressors<00:13:55.399> most<00:13:55.680> reliably<00:13:56.360> raise<00:13:57.360> uh of stressors most reliably raise uh of stressors most reliably raise uh levels<00:13:57.920> of<00:13:58.079> cortisol<00:13:59.399> stress levels of cortisol stress levels of cortisol stress hormone<00:14:01.320> and<00:14:01.519> the<00:14:01.680> conclusion<00:14:02.199> was<00:14:02.399> it<00:14:02.519> was hormone and the conclusion was it was hormone and the conclusion was it was tasks<00:14:03.199> that<00:14:03.360> included<00:14:03.920> social<00:14:04.320> evaluative tasks that included social evaluative tasks that included social evaluative threat<00:14:05.880> threats<00:14:06.240> to<00:14:06.440> self-esteem<00:14:07.279> or<00:14:07.519> social threat threats to self-esteem or social threat threats to self-esteem or social status<00:14:08.880> in<00:14:09.079> which<00:14:09.320> others<00:14:09.639> can<00:14:09.880> negatively status in which others can negatively status in which others can negatively drudge<00:14:10.880> your<00:14:11.399> performance<00:14:12.399> those<00:14:12.720> kind<00:14:12.920> of drudge your performance those kind of drudge your performance those kind of stresses<00:14:13.720> have<00:14:13.880> a<00:14:14.079> very<00:14:14.639> particular<00:14:15.440> effect stresses have a very particular effect stresses have a very particular effect on<00:14:17.040> uh<00:14:17.320> the<00:14:17.519> physiology<00:14:18.079> of

stress<00:14:21.320> now<00:14:21.920> we<00:14:22.120> have<00:14:22.279> been<00:14:22.560> criticized<00:14:23.279> of
stress now we have been criticized of stress now we have been criticized of course<00:14:23.639> there<00:14:23.759> are<00:14:23.959> people<00:14:24.199> who<00:14:24.440> dislike<00:14:25.000> this course there are people who dislike this course there are people who dislike this stuff<00:14:26.079> and<00:14:26.720> people<00:14:27.000> who<00:14:27.160> find<00:14:27.399> it<00:14:27.600> very stuff and people who find it very stuff and people who find it very surprising<00:14:29.240> I<00:14:29.320> should<00:14:29.560> tell<00:14:29.800> you<00:14:30.120> though<00:14:30.720> that surprising I should tell you though that surprising I should tell you though that when<00:14:31.120> people<00:14:31.440> criticize<00:14:32.000> us<00:14:32.160> for<00:14:32.360> picking<00:14:32.639> and when people criticize us for picking and when people criticize us for picking and choosing<00:14:33.279> data<00:14:33.800> we<00:14:34.040> never<00:14:34.480> pick<00:14:34.680> and<00:14:34.839> choose choosing data we never pick and choose choosing data we never pick and choose data<00:14:35.560> we<00:14:35.680> have<00:14:35.800> an<00:14:36.000> absolute<00:14:36.480> rule<00:14:36.880> that<00:14:37.079> if data we have an absolute rule that if data we have an absolute rule that if our<00:14:37.480> data<00:14:37.800> source<00:14:38.199> has<00:14:38.440> data<00:14:38.680> for<00:14:38.920> one<00:14:39.040> of<00:14:39.160> the our data source has data for one of the our data source has data for one of the countries<00:14:39.639> we're<00:14:39.880> looking<00:14:40.120> at<00:14:40.639> it<00:14:40.839> goes<00:14:41.120> into countries we're looking at it goes into countries we're looking at it goes into the the the analysis<00:14:43.320> our<00:14:43.560> data<00:14:43.839> Source<00:14:44.320> decides<00:14:45.079> whether analysis our data Source decides whether analysis our data Source decides whether it's<00:14:45.680> uh<00:14:46.360> uh<00:14:46.519> reliable<00:14:47.160> data<00:14:47.680> we<00:14:47.800> don't it's uh uh reliable data we don't it's uh uh reliable data we don't otherwise<00:14:49.279> that<00:14:49.399> would<00:14:49.600> introduce<00:14:50.560> bias<00:14:51.560> what otherwise that would introduce bias what otherwise that would introduce bias what about<00:14:52.000> other<00:14:52.360> countries<00:14:53.360> there<00:14:53.480> are<00:14:54.120> 200 about other countries there are 200 about other countries there are 200 studies<00:14:55.839> of<00:14:56.079> Health<00:14:56.399> in<00:14:56.600> relation<00:14:56.920> to<00:14:57.120> income studies of Health in relation to income studies of Health in relation to income inequality<00:14:59.040> in<00:14:59.199> the<00:14:59.440> academic<00:14:59.920> peer- inequality in the academic peer- inequality in the academic peer- reviewed<00:15:01.079> journals<00:15:02.079> this<00:15:02.240> isn't<00:15:02.639> confined<00:15:03.079> to reviewed journals this isn't confined to reviewed journals this isn't confined to these<00:15:03.519> countries<00:15:04.000> here<00:15:04.519> providing<00:15:04.880> a<00:15:05.079> very these countries here providing a very these countries here providing a very simple simple simple demonstration<00:15:07.399> of<00:15:07.600> the<00:15:08.160> same<00:15:09.160> countries<00:15:09.759> the demonstration of the same countries the demonstration of the same countries the same<00:15:10.120> measure<00:15:10.440> of<00:15:10.600> inequality<00:15:11.399> one<00:15:11.680> problem same measure of inequality one problem same measure of inequality one problem after after after another<00:15:14.759> why<00:15:15.000> don't<00:15:15.160> we<00:15:15.320> control<00:15:15.680> for<00:15:15.920> other another why don't we control for other another why don't we control for other factors<00:15:16.759> well<00:15:16.920> we've<00:15:17.120> shown<00:15:17.360> you<00:15:17.560> that<00:15:17.720> GNP factors well we've shown you that GNP factors well we've shown you that GNP per<00:15:18.519> capita<00:15:18.880> doesn't<00:15:19.240> make<00:15:19.480> any<00:15:19.720> difference per capita doesn't make any difference per capita doesn't make any difference and<00:15:20.680> of<00:15:20.800> course<00:15:21.079> others<00:15:21.399> using<00:15:21.720> more and of course others using more and of course others using more sophisticated<00:15:22.680> methods<00:15:23.160> in<00:15:23.279> the<00:15:23.440> literature sophisticated methods in the literature sophisticated methods in the literature have<00:15:24.680> controlled<00:15:25.240> for<00:15:26.040> poverty<00:15:26.480> and have controlled for poverty and have controlled for poverty and education<00:15:27.440> and<00:15:27.600> so<00:15:27.800> on education and so on education and so on um<00:15:30.480> what<00:15:30.639> about<00:15:31.480> causality<00:15:32.480> uh<00:15:32.639> correlation um what about causality uh correlation um what about causality uh correlation in<00:15:33.440> itself<00:15:33.839> doesn't<00:15:34.199> Pro<00:15:34.480> prove<00:15:34.880> causality<00:15:35.880> we in itself doesn't Pro prove causality we in itself doesn't Pro prove causality we spend<00:15:36.319> a<00:15:36.480> good<00:15:36.639> bit<00:15:36.800> of<00:15:37.120> time<00:15:37.759> and<00:15:38.000> indeed spend a good bit of time and indeed spend a good bit of time and indeed people<00:15:38.839> know<00:15:39.160> the<00:15:39.360> causal<00:15:39.800> links<00:15:40.240> quite<00:15:40.440> well people know the causal links quite well people know the causal links quite well in<00:15:40.839> some<00:15:41.000> of<00:15:41.160> these<00:15:41.319> outcomes<00:15:41.880> the<00:15:42.040> big<00:15:42.240> change in some of these outcomes the big change in some of these outcomes the big change in<00:15:42.680> our<00:15:43.199> understanding<00:15:43.480> of<00:15:43.639> drivers<00:15:44.120> of in our understanding of drivers of in our understanding of drivers of chronic<00:15:44.759> of<00:15:45.079> of<00:15:45.440> uh<00:15:45.560> Health<00:15:45.880> in<00:15:46.000> the<00:15:46.199> rich chronic of of uh Health in the rich chronic of of uh Health in the rich developed<00:15:47.000> world<00:15:47.759> is<00:15:48.000> how<00:15:48.240> important<00:15:48.759> chronic developed world is how important chronic developed world is how important chronic stress<00:15:50.040> from<00:15:50.399> social<00:15:50.839> sources<00:15:51.800> is<00:15:52.800> affecting stress from social sources is affecting stress from social sources is affecting the<00:15:53.319> immune<00:15:53.759> system<00:15:54.160> the<00:15:54.319> cardiovascular the immune system the cardiovascular the immune system the cardiovascular system<00:15:56.920> or<00:15:57.199> for<00:15:57.399> instance<00:15:57.800> the<00:15:57.959> reason<00:15:58.319> why system or for instance the reason why system or for instance the reason why violence<00:15:59.120> becomes<00:15:59.440> more<00:15:59.680> common<00:15:59.920> in<00:16:00.040> more violence becomes more common in more violence becomes more common in more unequal<00:16:00.839> societies<00:16:01.839> is<00:16:02.079> because<00:16:02.759> uh<00:16:03.000> people unequal societies is because uh people unequal societies is because uh people uh<00:16:04.319> are<00:16:05.199> sensitive<00:16:05.720> to<00:16:05.880> being<00:16:06.079> looked<00:16:06.399> down<00:16:06.600> on uh are sensitive to being looked down on uh are sensitive to being looked down on uh<00:16:07.560> I<00:16:07.680> should<00:16:07.959> say<00:16:08.319> that<00:16:08.720> uh<00:16:08.839> to<00:16:09.000> deal<00:16:09.319> with uh I should say that uh to deal with uh I should say that uh to deal with this<00:16:09.880> we've<00:16:10.079> got<00:16:10.240> to<00:16:10.399> deal<00:16:10.639> with<00:16:11.279> the<00:16:11.480> post<00:16:11.839> tax this we've got to deal with the post tax this we've got to deal with the post tax things<00:16:12.399> and<00:16:12.600> the<00:16:12.759> pre-tax<00:16:13.440> things<00:16:14.040> we've<00:16:14.240> got things and the pre-tax things we've got things and the pre-tax things we've got to<00:16:14.600> constrain<00:16:15.519> income<00:16:16.160> the<00:16:16.360> bonus<00:16:16.759> culture to constrain income the bonus culture to constrain income the bonus culture incomes<00:16:17.639> at<00:16:17.800> the<00:16:17.959> top<00:16:18.600> I<00:16:18.720> think<00:16:18.880> we<00:16:19.040> must<00:16:19.279> make incomes at the top I think we must make incomes at the top I think we must make uh<00:16:20.199> bosses<00:16:20.759> accountable<00:16:21.279> to<00:16:21.480> their<00:16:21.680> employees uh bosses accountable to their employees uh bosses accountable to their employees in<00:16:22.440> any<00:16:22.680> way<00:16:22.880> we in any way we in any way we can<00:16:24.759> I<00:16:24.839> think<00:16:25.040> the<00:16:25.199> take-home<00:16:25.880> message<00:16:26.639> though can I think the take-home message though can I think the take-home message though is<00:16:27.920> that<00:16:28.360> we<00:16:28.519> can<00:16:28.920> improve<00:16:29.199> the<00:16:29.360> real<00:16:29.639> quality is that we can improve the real quality is that we can improve the real quality of<00:16:30.279> human of human of human life<00:16:32.160> by<00:16:32.399> reducing<00:16:32.959> the<00:16:33.120> differences<00:16:33.639> in life by reducing the differences in life by reducing the differences in incomes<00:16:34.360> between<00:16:34.680> us<00:16:35.120> suddenly<00:16:35.560> we<00:16:35.680> have<00:16:35.800> a incomes between us suddenly we have a incomes between us suddenly we have a handle<00:16:36.360> on<00:16:36.480> the<00:16:36.600> psychosocial<00:16:37.399> well-being<00:16:37.959> of handle on the psychosocial well-being of handle on the psychosocial well-being of whole<00:16:38.480> societies<00:16:39.480> and<00:16:39.680> that's<00:16:40.079> exciting whole societies and that's exciting whole societies and that's exciting thank<00:16:41.279> you thank you thank you [Applause]

Richard Wilkinson, economic, inequality, society, rich, poor, income, gap, economics, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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