Bây giờ chúng ta cần thuốc tốt hơn – Francis Collins

We need better drugs -- now - Francis Collins

We need better drugs -- now - Francis Collins


thank<00:00:11.639> you

so<00:00:16.560> let<00:00:16.740> me<00:00:16.859> ask<00:00:16.920> for<00:00:17.100> a<00:00:17.220> show<00:00:17.340> of<00:00:17.520> hands<00:00:17.940> how
so let me ask for a show of hands how so let me ask for a show of hands how many<00:00:18.660> people<00:00:18.900> here<00:00:19.260> are<00:00:19.859> over<00:00:20.100> the<00:00:20.340> age<00:00:20.460> of<00:00:20.760> 48. many people here are over the age of 48. many people here are over the age of 48. well<00:00:23.460> there<00:00:23.760> do<00:00:23.939> seem<00:00:24.119> to<00:00:24.240> be<00:00:24.359> a<00:00:24.480> few<00:00:24.800> well well there do seem to be a few well well there do seem to be a few well congratulations congratulations congratulations because<00:00:27.960> if<00:00:28.380> you<00:00:28.439> look<00:00:28.619> at<00:00:28.800> this<00:00:29.039> particular because if you look at this particular because if you look at this particular slide<00:00:30.119> of<00:00:30.300> U.S<00:00:30.599> life<00:00:30.779> expectancy<00:00:31.439> you<00:00:31.740> are<00:00:31.920> now slide of U.S life expectancy you are now slide of U.S life expectancy you are now in<00:00:33.239> excess<00:00:33.540> of<00:00:33.719> the<00:00:33.899> average<00:00:34.079> lifespan<00:00:34.680> of in excess of the average lifespan of in excess of the average lifespan of somebody<00:00:35.160> who<00:00:35.399> was<00:00:35.460> born<00:00:35.640> in<00:00:35.880> 1900. somebody who was born in 1900. somebody who was born in 1900. but<00:00:38.040> look<00:00:38.219> what<00:00:38.399> happened<00:00:38.640> in<00:00:39.059> the<00:00:39.180> course<00:00:39.300> of but look what happened in the course of but look what happened in the course of that<00:00:39.899> century that century that century if<00:00:41.340> you<00:00:41.460> follow<00:00:41.700> that<00:00:41.940> curve<00:00:42.360> you'll<00:00:42.899> see<00:00:43.020> that if you follow that curve you'll see that if you follow that curve you'll see that it<00:00:43.500> starts<00:00:43.860> way<00:00:44.219> down<00:00:44.399> there<00:00:44.640> there's<00:00:45.480> that it starts way down there there's that it starts way down there there's that dip<00:00:45.899> there<00:00:46.140> for<00:00:46.320> the<00:00:46.500> 1918<00:00:47.040> flu<00:00:47.399> and<00:00:48.180> here<00:00:48.300> we dip there for the 1918 flu and here we dip there for the 1918 flu and here we are<00:00:48.600> at<00:00:48.840> 2010<00:00:49.399> average<00:00:50.399> life<00:00:50.700> expectancy<00:00:51.300> of<00:00:51.480> a are at 2010 average life expectancy of a are at 2010 average life expectancy of a child<00:00:51.719> born<00:00:51.899> today<00:00:52.079> age<00:00:52.379> 79<00:00:52.860> and<00:00:53.160> we<00:00:53.340> are<00:00:53.460> not child born today age 79 and we are not child born today age 79 and we are not done<00:00:53.879> yet done yet done yet that's<00:00:55.260> the<00:00:55.500> good<00:00:55.620> news<00:00:55.860> but<00:00:56.640> there's<00:00:56.820> still<00:00:57.000> a that's the good news but there's still a that's the good news but there's still a lot<00:00:57.239> of<00:00:57.360> work<00:00:57.480> to<00:00:57.660> do<00:00:58.260> so<00:00:58.500> for<00:00:58.800> instance<00:00:59.039> if<00:00:59.399> you lot of work to do so for instance if you lot of work to do so for instance if you ask<00:00:59.760> how<00:01:00.180> many<00:01:00.300> diseases<00:01:00.840> do<00:01:01.260> we<00:01:01.500> now<00:01:01.680> know<00:01:02.039> the ask how many diseases do we now know the ask how many diseases do we now know the exact<00:01:03.059> molecular<00:01:03.539> basis<00:01:04.159> turns<00:01:05.159> out<00:01:05.220> it's exact molecular basis turns out it's exact molecular basis turns out it's about<00:01:05.640> four<00:01:06.060> thousand<00:01:06.479> which<00:01:06.960> is<00:01:07.140> pretty about four thousand which is pretty about four thousand which is pretty amazing<00:01:08.280> because<00:01:08.820> most<00:01:09.180> of<00:01:09.299> those<00:01:09.479> molecular amazing because most of those molecular amazing because most of those molecular discoveries<00:01:10.500> have<00:01:10.680> just<00:01:10.860> happened<00:01:11.040> in<00:01:11.340> the discoveries have just happened in the discoveries have just happened in the last<00:01:11.640> little<00:01:11.820> while last little while last little while it's<00:01:13.619> exciting<00:01:14.100> to<00:01:14.340> see<00:01:14.520> that<00:01:14.700> in<00:01:15.119> terms<00:01:15.299> of it's exciting to see that in terms of it's exciting to see that in terms of what<00:01:15.600> we've<00:01:15.840> learned<00:01:16.200> but<00:01:16.799> how<00:01:17.040> many<00:01:17.220> of<00:01:17.340> those what we've learned but how many of those what we've learned but how many of those 4<00:01:18.000> 000<00:01:18.060> diseases<00:01:18.600> now<00:01:19.020> have<00:01:19.320> treatments 4 000 diseases now have treatments 4 000 diseases now have treatments available available available only<00:01:21.299> about<00:01:21.680> 250.<00:01:22.680> so<00:01:23.100> we<00:01:23.280> have<00:01:23.400> this<00:01:23.700> huge only about 250. so we have this huge only about 250. so we have this huge challenge<00:01:24.240> this<00:01:24.540> huge<00:01:24.840> gap challenge this huge gap challenge this huge gap you<00:01:26.280> would<00:01:26.340> think<00:01:26.520> this<00:01:26.759> wouldn't<00:01:26.939> be<00:01:27.119> too you would think this wouldn't be too you would think this wouldn't be too hard<00:01:27.540> that<00:01:28.020> we<00:01:28.200> would<00:01:28.380> simply<00:01:28.680> have<00:01:28.920> the hard that we would simply have the hard that we would simply have the ability<00:01:29.340> to<00:01:29.700> take<00:01:29.880> this<00:01:30.180> fundamental ability to take this fundamental ability to take this fundamental information<00:01:30.960> that<00:01:31.920> we're<00:01:32.040> learning<00:01:32.520> about information that we're learning about information that we're learning about how<00:01:33.299> it<00:01:33.420> is<00:01:33.600> that<00:01:34.080> basic<00:01:34.560> biology<00:01:35.220> teaches<00:01:35.759> us how it is that basic biology teaches us how it is that basic biology teaches us about<00:01:36.119> the<00:01:36.420> causes<00:01:36.720> of<00:01:36.900> disease<00:01:37.259> and<00:01:38.159> build<00:01:38.400> a about the causes of disease and build a about the causes of disease and build a bridge<00:01:38.820> across<00:01:39.659> this<00:01:39.900> yawning<00:01:40.320> gap<00:01:40.619> between bridge across this yawning gap between bridge across this yawning gap between what<00:01:41.759> we've<00:01:41.939> learned<00:01:42.180> about<00:01:42.420> basic<00:01:42.840> science what we've learned about basic science what we've learned about basic science and<00:01:43.560> its<00:01:43.860> application<00:01:44.220> a<00:01:44.880> bridge<00:01:45.000> that<00:01:45.299> would and its application a bridge that would and its application a bridge that would look<00:01:45.600> maybe<00:01:45.960> something<00:01:46.380> like<00:01:46.860> this look maybe something like this look maybe something like this where<00:01:48.600> you'd<00:01:48.840> have<00:01:48.960> to<00:01:49.079> put<00:01:49.439> together<00:01:49.680> a<00:01:50.220> nice where you'd have to put together a nice where you'd have to put together a nice shiny<00:01:51.180> way<00:01:51.360> to<00:01:51.960> get<00:01:52.079> from<00:01:52.320> one<00:01:52.560> side<00:01:52.740> to<00:01:52.920> the shiny way to get from one side to the shiny way to get from one side to the other other other well<00:01:54.840> wouldn't<00:01:54.960> it<00:01:55.140> be<00:01:55.259> nice<00:01:55.380> if<00:01:55.560> it<00:01:55.680> was<00:01:55.799> that well wouldn't it be nice if it was that well wouldn't it be nice if it was that easy easy easy fortunately<00:01:57.840> it's<00:01:58.140> not<00:01:58.799> in<00:01:59.340> reality<00:01:59.700> trying fortunately it's not in reality trying fortunately it's not in reality trying to<00:02:00.600> go<00:02:00.720> from<00:02:00.960> fundamental<00:02:01.500> knowledge<00:02:01.860> to<00:02:02.100> its to go from fundamental knowledge to its to go from fundamental knowledge to its application<00:02:02.759> is<00:02:03.420> more<00:02:03.659> like<00:02:03.840> this<00:02:04.079> there<00:02:04.380> are application is more like this there are application is more like this there are no<00:02:04.680> shiny<00:02:05.100> Bridges<00:02:05.600> you<00:02:06.600> sort<00:02:06.780> of<00:02:06.960> place<00:02:07.320> your no shiny Bridges you sort of place your no shiny Bridges you sort of place your bets<00:02:08.039> maybe<00:02:08.160> you've<00:02:08.459> got<00:02:08.580> a<00:02:08.759> swimmer<00:02:09.119> in<00:02:09.300> a bets maybe you've got a swimmer in a bets maybe you've got a swimmer in a rowboat<00:02:09.959> and<00:02:10.140> a<00:02:10.319> sailboat<00:02:10.920> and<00:02:10.979> a<00:02:11.099> tugboat<00:02:11.580> and rowboat and a sailboat and a tugboat and rowboat and a sailboat and a tugboat and you<00:02:11.819> set<00:02:12.000> them<00:02:12.180> off<00:02:12.360> on<00:02:12.540> their<00:02:12.720> way<00:02:12.900> and<00:02:13.620> the you set them off on their way and the you set them off on their way and the rains<00:02:14.220> come<00:02:14.459> and<00:02:14.760> the<00:02:14.879> lightning<00:02:15.120> flashes<00:02:15.599> and rains come and the lightning flashes and rains come and the lightning flashes and oh<00:02:15.900> my<00:02:16.020> gosh<00:02:16.140> there's<00:02:16.379> sharks<00:02:16.739> in<00:02:16.860> the<00:02:17.040> water oh my gosh there's sharks in the water oh my gosh there's sharks in the water and<00:02:17.700> the<00:02:18.180> swimmer<00:02:18.540> gets<00:02:18.780> into<00:02:18.959> trouble<00:02:19.200> and<00:02:19.620> uh and the swimmer gets into trouble and uh and the swimmer gets into trouble and uh oh<00:02:20.160> the<00:02:20.459> swimmer<00:02:20.819> drowned<00:02:21.120> and<00:02:21.239> you<00:02:21.420> know<00:02:21.480> the oh the swimmer drowned and you know the oh the swimmer drowned and you know the sailboat<00:02:22.140> capsized sailboat capsized sailboat capsized and<00:02:24.480> that<00:02:24.660> Tugboat<00:02:25.140> while<00:02:25.200> it<00:02:25.319> hit<00:02:25.500> the<00:02:25.620> rocks and that Tugboat while it hit the rocks and that Tugboat while it hit the rocks and<00:02:25.980> maybe<00:02:26.160> if<00:02:26.340> you're<00:02:26.459> lucky<00:02:26.700> somebody<00:02:27.420> gets and maybe if you're lucky somebody gets and maybe if you're lucky somebody gets across<00:02:28.319> well<00:02:29.040> what<00:02:29.220> does<00:02:29.340> this<00:02:29.459> really<00:02:29.700> look across well what does this really look across well what does this really look like like like well<00:02:31.020> what<00:02:31.200> is<00:02:31.319> it<00:02:31.440> to<00:02:31.560> make<00:02:31.680> a<00:02:31.860> therapeutic<00:02:32.340> in well what is it to make a therapeutic in well what is it to make a therapeutic in here<00:02:32.580> what's<00:02:32.760> a<00:02:32.940> drug<00:02:33.120> a<00:02:34.020> drug<00:02:34.140> is<00:02:34.440> made<00:02:34.680> up<00:02:34.920> of here what's a drug a drug is made up of here what's a drug a drug is made up of a<00:02:36.000> small<00:02:36.180> molecule<00:02:36.720> of<00:02:37.020> hydrogen<00:02:37.500> carbon a small molecule of hydrogen carbon a small molecule of hydrogen carbon oxygen<00:02:38.700> nitrogen<00:02:39.180> and<00:02:39.360> a<00:02:39.540> few<00:02:39.599> other<00:02:39.720> atoms oxygen nitrogen and a few other atoms oxygen nitrogen and a few other atoms all<00:02:40.319> cobbled<00:02:40.739> together<00:02:40.800> in<00:02:41.160> a<00:02:41.340> shape<00:02:41.580> and<00:02:42.420> it's all cobbled together in a shape and it's all cobbled together in a shape and it's those<00:02:42.840> shapes<00:02:43.319> that<00:02:43.500> determine<00:02:43.980> whether<00:02:44.519> in those shapes that determine whether in those shapes that determine whether in fact<00:02:44.940> that<00:02:45.420> particular<00:02:45.780> drug<00:02:46.379> is<00:02:46.680> going<00:02:46.800> to fact that particular drug is going to fact that particular drug is going to hit<00:02:47.040> its<00:02:47.400> Target<00:02:47.580> is<00:02:48.300> it<00:02:48.420> going<00:02:48.540> to<00:02:48.660> land<00:02:48.840> where hit its Target is it going to land where hit its Target is it going to land where it's<00:02:49.319> supposed<00:02:49.560> to<00:02:49.800> so<00:02:50.459> look<00:02:50.640> at<00:02:50.760> this<00:02:50.879> picture it's supposed to so look at this picture it's supposed to so look at this picture here<00:02:51.360> a<00:02:51.540> lot<00:02:51.660> of<00:02:51.780> shapes<00:02:52.140> dancing<00:02:52.319> around<00:02:52.620> for here a lot of shapes dancing around for here a lot of shapes dancing around for you you you now<00:02:54.180> what<00:02:54.360> you<00:02:54.480> need<00:02:54.660> to<00:02:54.780> do<00:02:54.900> if<00:02:55.140> you're<00:02:55.260> trying now what you need to do if you're trying now what you need to do if you're trying to<00:02:55.620> develop<00:02:55.860> a<00:02:56.040> new<00:02:56.160> treatment<00:02:56.340> for<00:02:56.700> autism<00:02:57.120> or to develop a new treatment for autism or to develop a new treatment for autism or Alzheimer's<00:02:58.140> disease<00:02:58.560> or<00:02:58.739> cancer<00:02:59.040> is<00:02:59.760> to<00:02:59.940> find Alzheimer's disease or cancer is to find Alzheimer's disease or cancer is to find the<00:03:00.239> right<00:03:00.360> shape<00:03:00.660> in<00:03:00.840> that<00:03:00.959> mix<00:03:01.140> that<00:03:01.379> will the right shape in that mix that will the right shape in that mix that will ultimately<00:03:01.920> provide<00:03:02.400> benefit<00:03:02.640> and<00:03:03.060> will<00:03:03.239> be ultimately provide benefit and will be ultimately provide benefit and will be safe<00:03:03.660> and<00:03:04.379> when<00:03:04.500> you<00:03:04.620> look<00:03:04.739> at<00:03:04.860> what<00:03:05.099> happens safe and when you look at what happens safe and when you look at what happens to<00:03:05.700> that<00:03:06.060> pipeline<00:03:07.019> you<00:03:07.500> start<00:03:07.680> out<00:03:07.860> maybe to that pipeline you start out maybe to that pipeline you start out maybe with<00:03:08.400> thousands<00:03:08.819> tens<00:03:09.120> of<00:03:09.300> thousands<00:03:09.660> of with thousands tens of thousands of with thousands tens of thousands of compounds<00:03:10.319> you<00:03:10.920> weed<00:03:11.280> down<00:03:11.459> through<00:03:11.879> various compounds you weed down through various compounds you weed down through various steps<00:03:12.720> that<00:03:12.900> cause<00:03:13.080> many<00:03:13.319> of<00:03:13.440> these<00:03:13.620> to<00:03:13.800> fail steps that cause many of these to fail steps that cause many of these to fail ultimately<00:03:14.519> maybe<00:03:14.819> you<00:03:15.060> can<00:03:15.180> run<00:03:15.300> a<00:03:15.480> clinical ultimately maybe you can run a clinical ultimately maybe you can run a clinical trial<00:03:16.080> with<00:03:16.260> four<00:03:16.500> or<00:03:16.680> five<00:03:16.800> of<00:03:16.980> these<00:03:17.159> and<00:03:17.760> if trial with four or five of these and if trial with four or five of these and if all<00:03:18.000> goes<00:03:18.300> well<00:03:18.420> 14<00:03:18.840> years<00:03:19.200> after<00:03:19.500> you<00:03:19.800> started all goes well 14 years after you started all goes well 14 years after you started you<00:03:20.760> will<00:03:20.819> get<00:03:21.000> one<00:03:21.120> approval you will get one approval you will get one approval and<00:03:22.800> it<00:03:22.920> will<00:03:23.040> cost<00:03:23.220> you<00:03:23.400> upwards<00:03:23.879> of<00:03:23.940> a and it will cost you upwards of a and it will cost you upwards of a billion<00:03:24.360> dollars<00:03:24.659> for<00:03:24.840> that<00:03:25.019> one's<00:03:25.319> success billion dollars for that one's success billion dollars for that one's success so<00:03:27.060> we<00:03:27.420> have<00:03:27.720> to<00:03:27.840> look<00:03:28.019> at<00:03:28.200> this<00:03:28.379> pipeline<00:03:28.860> the so we have to look at this pipeline the so we have to look at this pipeline the way<00:03:29.159> an<00:03:29.340> engineer<00:03:29.640> would<00:03:29.879> and<00:03:30.120> say<00:03:30.300> how<00:03:30.480> can<00:03:30.599> we way an engineer would and say how can we way an engineer would and say how can we do<00:03:30.840> better<00:03:31.019> and<00:03:31.200> that's<00:03:31.379> the<00:03:31.620> main<00:03:31.800> theme<00:03:32.040> of do better and that's the main theme of do better and that's the main theme of what<00:03:32.519> I<00:03:32.640> want<00:03:32.700> to<00:03:32.819> say<00:03:32.940> to<00:03:33.120> you<00:03:33.239> this<00:03:33.480> morning what I want to say to you this morning what I want to say to you this morning how<00:03:34.080> can<00:03:34.200> we<00:03:34.319> make<00:03:34.500> this<00:03:34.739> go<00:03:34.920> faster<00:03:35.280> how<00:03:35.760> can how can we make this go faster how can how can we make this go faster how can we<00:03:36.060> make<00:03:36.239> it<00:03:36.360> more<00:03:36.599> successful we make it more successful we make it more successful well<00:03:38.819> let<00:03:39.000> me<00:03:39.120> tell<00:03:39.239> you<00:03:39.300> about<00:03:39.480> a<00:03:39.720> few well let me tell you about a few well let me tell you about a few examples<00:03:40.140> where<00:03:40.440> this<00:03:40.620> has<00:03:40.799> actually<00:03:41.040> worked examples where this has actually worked examples where this has actually worked one<00:03:42.720> that<00:03:42.900> has<00:03:43.080> just<00:03:43.260> happened<00:03:43.379> in<00:03:43.739> the<00:03:43.920> last one that has just happened in the last one that has just happened in the last few<00:03:44.580> months<00:03:44.940> is<00:03:45.780> a<00:03:46.019> successful<00:03:46.379> approval<00:03:46.860> of<00:03:46.980> a few months is a successful approval of a few months is a successful approval of a drug<00:03:47.220> for<00:03:47.400> Cystic<00:03:47.819> Fibrosis<00:03:48.420> but<00:03:49.140> it's<00:03:49.260> taking drug for Cystic Fibrosis but it's taking drug for Cystic Fibrosis but it's taking a<00:03:49.560> long<00:03:49.620> time<00:03:49.799> to<00:03:49.980> get<00:03:50.099> there<00:03:50.280> cystic<00:03:51.239> fibrosis a long time to get there cystic fibrosis a long time to get there cystic fibrosis had<00:03:52.140> its<00:03:52.500> molecular<00:03:52.799> cause<00:03:53.159> discovered<00:03:53.760> in had its molecular cause discovered in had its molecular cause discovered in 1989<00:03:54.720> by<00:03:55.440> my<00:03:55.620> group<00:03:55.739> working<00:03:55.980> with<00:03:56.159> another 1989 by my group working with another 1989 by my group working with another group<00:03:56.580> in<00:03:56.819> Toronto<00:03:57.299> discovering<00:03:57.840> what<00:03:58.080> the group in Toronto discovering what the group in Toronto discovering what the mutation<00:03:58.500> was<00:03:58.860> in<00:03:59.040> a<00:03:59.280> particular<00:03:59.519> gene<00:03:59.819> on mutation was in a particular gene on mutation was in a particular gene on chromosome<00:04:00.420> seven chromosome seven chromosome seven that<00:04:01.799> picture<00:04:01.980> you<00:04:02.280> see<00:04:02.459> there<00:04:02.700> here<00:04:03.420> it<00:04:03.659> is that picture you see there here it is that picture you see there here it is that's<00:04:04.260> the<00:04:04.500> same<00:04:04.680> kid<00:04:04.920> that's<00:04:05.640> Danny that's the same kid that's Danny that's the same kid that's Danny Bessette<00:04:06.680> 23<00:04:07.680> years<00:04:07.980> later<00:04:08.280> because<00:04:09.060> this<00:04:09.480> is Bessette 23 years later because this is Bessette 23 years later because this is the<00:04:09.720> year<00:04:09.840> and<00:04:10.080> it's<00:04:10.200> also<00:04:10.500> the<00:04:10.620> year<00:04:10.799> where the year and it's also the year where the year and it's also the year where Danny<00:04:11.640> got<00:04:11.819> married<00:04:12.000> where<00:04:12.900> we<00:04:13.080> have<00:04:13.260> for<00:04:13.379> the Danny got married where we have for the Danny got married where we have for the first<00:04:13.680> time<00:04:13.860> the<00:04:14.099> approval<00:04:14.640> by<00:04:15.000> the<00:04:15.180> FDA<00:04:15.599> of<00:04:15.720> a first time the approval by the FDA of a first time the approval by the FDA of a drug<00:04:15.959> that<00:04:16.320> precisely<00:04:16.799> targets<00:04:17.280> the<00:04:17.459> defect drug that precisely targets the defect drug that precisely targets the defect in<00:04:17.940> cystic<00:04:18.359> fibrosis in cystic fibrosis in cystic fibrosis based<00:04:20.100> upon<00:04:20.220> all<00:04:20.400> this<00:04:20.519> molecular based upon all this molecular based upon all this molecular understanding<00:04:21.299> that's<00:04:21.540> the<00:04:21.720> good<00:04:21.900> news<00:04:22.079> the understanding that's the good news the understanding that's the good news the bad<00:04:23.100> news<00:04:23.280> is<00:04:23.460> this<00:04:23.699> drug<00:04:23.820> doesn't<00:04:24.120> actually bad news is this drug doesn't actually bad news is this drug doesn't actually treat<00:04:24.660> all<00:04:24.900> cases<00:04:25.259> of<00:04:25.380> cystic<00:04:25.740> fibrosis<00:04:26.220> and treat all cases of cystic fibrosis and treat all cases of cystic fibrosis and it<00:04:26.580> won't<00:04:26.699> work<00:04:26.820> for<00:04:27.000> Danny<00:04:27.419> and<00:04:27.540> we're<00:04:27.660> still it won't work for Danny and we're still it won't work for Danny and we're still waiting<00:04:28.199> for<00:04:28.500> that<00:04:28.680> next<00:04:28.919> Generation<00:04:29.400> to<00:04:29.940> help waiting for that next Generation to help waiting for that next Generation to help him<00:04:30.300> but<00:04:30.840> it<00:04:30.960> took<00:04:31.139> 23<00:04:31.500> years<00:04:31.740> to<00:04:31.979> get<00:04:32.100> this<00:04:32.340> far him but it took 23 years to get this far him but it took 23 years to get this far that's<00:04:32.880> too<00:04:33.120> long that's too long that's too long how<00:04:34.139> do<00:04:34.320> we<00:04:34.440> go<00:04:34.560> faster<00:04:34.919> well<00:04:35.639> one<00:04:35.820> way<00:04:35.940> to<00:04:36.120> go how do we go faster well one way to go how do we go faster well one way to go faster<00:04:36.479> is<00:04:37.020> to<00:04:37.199> take<00:04:37.380> advantage<00:04:37.740> of faster is to take advantage of faster is to take advantage of technology<00:04:38.400> and<00:04:38.759> a<00:04:39.000> very<00:04:39.120> important technology and a very important technology and a very important technology<00:04:39.960> that<00:04:40.320> we<00:04:40.440> depend<00:04:40.740> on<00:04:40.860> for<00:04:41.160> all<00:04:41.280> of technology that we depend on for all of technology that we depend on for all of this<00:04:41.580> is<00:04:42.180> the<00:04:42.419> human<00:04:42.540> genome<00:04:43.440> the<00:04:43.979> ability<00:04:44.220> to this is the human genome the ability to this is the human genome the ability to be<00:04:44.639> able<00:04:44.940> to<00:04:45.180> look<00:04:45.240> at<00:04:45.419> a<00:04:45.540> chromosome<00:04:46.020> to<00:04:46.440> unzip be able to look at a chromosome to unzip be able to look at a chromosome to unzip it<00:04:47.100> to<00:04:47.699> pull<00:04:47.820> out<00:04:48.000> all<00:04:48.240> the<00:04:48.360> DNA<00:04:48.720> and<00:04:49.139> to<00:04:49.259> be it to pull out all the DNA and to be it to pull out all the DNA and to be able<00:04:49.500> to<00:04:49.620> then<00:04:49.800> read<00:04:50.040> out<00:04:50.220> the<00:04:50.400> letters<00:04:50.699> in able to then read out the letters in able to then read out the letters in that<00:04:51.060> DNA<00:04:51.419> code<00:04:51.660> the<00:04:51.960> ACs<00:04:52.440> G's<00:04:52.740> and<00:04:52.860> T's<00:04:53.220> that that DNA code the ACs G's and T's that that DNA code the ACs G's and T's that are<00:04:54.120> our<00:04:54.300> instruction<00:04:54.540> book<00:04:54.960> in<00:04:55.139> the are our instruction book in the are our instruction book in the instruction<00:04:55.380> book<00:04:55.800> for<00:04:55.979> all<00:04:56.160> living<00:04:56.340> things instruction book for all living things instruction book for all living things and<00:04:57.060> the<00:04:57.240> cost<00:04:57.419> of<00:04:57.660> doing<00:04:57.840> this<00:04:58.080> which<00:04:58.800> used<00:04:58.979> to and the cost of doing this which used to and the cost of doing this which used to be<00:04:59.220> in<00:04:59.400> the<00:04:59.580> hundreds<00:04:59.880> of<00:04:59.940> millions<00:05:00.240> of be in the hundreds of millions of be in the hundreds of millions of dollars<00:05:00.660> has<00:05:01.380> in<00:05:01.620> the<00:05:01.740> course<00:05:01.919> of<00:05:02.100> the<00:05:02.280> last<00:05:02.400> 10 dollars has in the course of the last 10 dollars has in the course of the last 10 years<00:05:02.880> Fallen<00:05:03.540> faster<00:05:03.840> than<00:05:04.020> Moore's<00:05:04.440> law years Fallen faster than Moore's law years Fallen faster than Moore's law down<00:05:04.979> to<00:05:05.160> the<00:05:05.280> point<00:05:05.400> where<00:05:05.580> it<00:05:05.759> is<00:05:05.940> less<00:05:06.120> than down to the point where it is less than down to the point where it is less than ten<00:05:06.600> thousand<00:05:07.020> dollars<00:05:07.259> today<00:05:07.440> to<00:05:07.740> have<00:05:07.860> your ten thousand dollars today to have your ten thousand dollars today to have your genome<00:05:08.400> sequenced<00:05:08.880> or<00:05:09.060> mine genome sequenced or mine genome sequenced or mine and<00:05:10.320> we're<00:05:10.440> headed<00:05:10.740> for<00:05:10.860> the<00:05:10.979> thousand<00:05:11.280> dollar and we're headed for the thousand dollar and we're headed for the thousand dollar genome<00:05:11.880> fairly<00:05:12.300> soon<00:05:12.900> well<00:05:13.380> that's<00:05:13.560> exciting genome fairly soon well that's exciting genome fairly soon well that's exciting how<00:05:14.759> does<00:05:14.880> that<00:05:15.000> play<00:05:15.240> out<00:05:15.419> in<00:05:15.780> terms<00:05:15.960> of how does that play out in terms of how does that play out in terms of application<00:05:16.680> to<00:05:16.979> a<00:05:17.160> disease application to a disease application to a disease I<00:05:18.360> want<00:05:18.419> to<00:05:18.540> tell<00:05:18.600> you<00:05:18.660> about<00:05:18.780> another I want to tell you about another I want to tell you about another disorder disorder disorder this<00:05:20.699> one<00:05:20.820> is<00:05:21.000> a<00:05:21.180> disorder<00:05:21.540> which<00:05:21.720> is<00:05:21.840> quite this one is a disorder which is quite this one is a disorder which is quite rare<00:05:22.440> it's<00:05:23.100> called<00:05:23.400> Hutchinson<00:05:24.180> Guilford rare it's called Hutchinson Guilford rare it's called Hutchinson Guilford progeria progeria progeria and<00:05:26.280> it<00:05:26.400> is<00:05:26.580> the<00:05:26.820> most<00:05:26.940> dramatic<00:05:27.479> form<00:05:27.660> of and it is the most dramatic form of and it is the most dramatic form of premature<00:05:28.320> aging<00:05:29.220> only<00:05:29.639> about<00:05:29.880> one<00:05:30.180> in<00:05:30.419> every premature aging only about one in every premature aging only about one in every four<00:05:30.900> million<00:05:31.380> kids<00:05:31.620> has<00:05:31.979> this<00:05:32.220> disease four million kids has this disease four million kids has this disease and<00:05:33.720> in<00:05:34.080> a<00:05:34.259> simple<00:05:34.380> way<00:05:34.680> what<00:05:35.280> happens<00:05:35.460> is and in a simple way what happens is and in a simple way what happens is because<00:05:36.419> of<00:05:36.660> a<00:05:36.840> mutation<00:05:37.139> in<00:05:37.500> a<00:05:37.680> particular because of a mutation in a particular because of a mutation in a particular Gene<00:05:38.639> a<00:05:39.479> protein<00:05:39.780> is<00:05:40.020> made<00:05:40.199> that's<00:05:40.500> toxic<00:05:40.919> to Gene a protein is made that's toxic to Gene a protein is made that's toxic to the<00:05:41.280> cell<00:05:41.460> and<00:05:41.699> it<00:05:41.940> causes<00:05:42.419> these<00:05:42.900> individuals the cell and it causes these individuals the cell and it causes these individuals to<00:05:43.560> age<00:05:43.680> at<00:05:43.919> about<00:05:44.100> seven<00:05:44.460> times<00:05:44.699> the<00:05:45.000> normal to age at about seven times the normal to age at about seven times the normal rate rate rate let<00:05:46.919> me<00:05:47.039> show<00:05:47.220> you<00:05:47.340> a<00:05:47.520> video<00:05:47.639> of<00:05:47.820> what<00:05:48.000> that let me show you a video of what that let me show you a video of what that does<00:05:48.360> to<00:05:48.660> the<00:05:48.840> cell<00:05:49.039> the<00:05:50.039> normal<00:05:50.160> cell<00:05:50.520> if<00:05:51.180> you does to the cell the normal cell if you does to the cell the normal cell if you looked<00:05:51.539> at<00:05:51.600> it<00:05:51.720> under<00:05:51.900> the<00:05:52.080> microscope<00:05:52.560> would looked at it under the microscope would looked at it under the microscope would have<00:05:53.639> a<00:05:53.940> nucleus<00:05:54.419> sitting<00:05:54.960> in<00:05:55.080> the<00:05:55.199> middle<00:05:55.259> of have a nucleus sitting in the middle of have a nucleus sitting in the middle of the<00:05:55.560> cell<00:05:55.740> which<00:05:56.460> is<00:05:56.759> nice<00:05:57.060> and<00:05:57.300> round<00:05:57.539> and the cell which is nice and round and the cell which is nice and round and smooth<00:05:58.139> in<00:05:58.500> its<00:05:58.860> boundaries<00:05:59.699> and<00:06:00.180> it<00:06:00.300> looks smooth in its boundaries and it looks smooth in its boundaries and it looks kind<00:06:00.660> of<00:06:00.720> like<00:06:00.840> that<00:06:01.020> a<00:06:01.380> progeria<00:06:01.860> cell<00:06:02.160> on<00:06:02.400> the kind of like that a progeria cell on the kind of like that a progeria cell on the other<00:06:02.580> hand<00:06:02.759> because<00:06:03.419> of<00:06:03.660> this<00:06:03.900> toxic<00:06:04.259> protein other hand because of this toxic protein other hand because of this toxic protein called<00:06:05.340> progeran<00:06:06.120> has<00:06:06.479> these<00:06:06.780> lumps<00:06:07.139> and called progeran has these lumps and called progeran has these lumps and bumps<00:06:07.740> in<00:06:07.919> it<00:06:08.580> so<00:06:08.940> what<00:06:09.120> we<00:06:09.240> would<00:06:09.360> like<00:06:09.539> to<00:06:09.780> do bumps in it so what we would like to do bumps in it so what we would like to do after<00:06:10.380> discovering<00:06:11.100> this<00:06:11.400> back<00:06:12.000> in<00:06:12.180> 2003<00:06:12.900> is after discovering this back in 2003 is after discovering this back in 2003 is to<00:06:13.680> come<00:06:13.860> up<00:06:13.979> with<00:06:14.340> a<00:06:14.520> way<00:06:14.699> to<00:06:15.360> try<00:06:15.539> to<00:06:15.660> correct to come up with a way to try to correct to come up with a way to try to correct that<00:06:16.139> well<00:06:16.979> again<00:06:17.220> by<00:06:17.520> knowing<00:06:17.820> something that well again by knowing something that well again by knowing something about<00:06:18.300> the<00:06:18.539> molecular<00:06:18.960> Pathways<00:06:19.620> it<00:06:19.919> was about the molecular Pathways it was about the molecular Pathways it was possible<00:06:20.400> to<00:06:20.880> pick<00:06:21.120> one<00:06:21.840> of<00:06:21.960> those<00:06:22.139> many<00:06:22.500> many possible to pick one of those many many possible to pick one of those many many compounds<00:06:23.400> that<00:06:23.580> might<00:06:23.759> have<00:06:23.880> been<00:06:24.000> useful compounds that might have been useful compounds that might have been useful and<00:06:24.539> try<00:06:24.780> it<00:06:24.960> out<00:06:25.080> in<00:06:26.039> an<00:06:26.220> experiment<00:06:26.940> done<00:06:27.300> in and try it out in an experiment done in and try it out in an experiment done in cell<00:06:27.720> culture<00:06:28.199> and<00:06:28.800> shown<00:06:29.100> here<00:06:29.280> in<00:06:29.460> a<00:06:29.639> cartoon cell culture and shown here in a cartoon cell culture and shown here in a cartoon if<00:06:30.780> you<00:06:30.900> take<00:06:31.080> that<00:06:31.440> particular<00:06:31.800> compound if you take that particular compound if you take that particular compound and<00:06:34.020> you<00:06:34.380> add<00:06:34.620> it<00:06:34.740> to<00:06:34.860> that<00:06:35.100> cell<00:06:35.280> that<00:06:35.580> has and you add it to that cell that has and you add it to that cell that has Progeria<00:06:36.360> and<00:06:36.960> you<00:06:37.080> watch<00:06:37.319> to<00:06:37.560> see<00:06:37.740> what Progeria and you watch to see what Progeria and you watch to see what happened<00:06:38.100> in<00:06:38.400> just<00:06:38.639> 72<00:06:39.180> hours happened in just 72 hours happened in just 72 hours that<00:06:40.860> cell<00:06:41.039> becomes<00:06:41.580> for<00:06:42.120> all<00:06:42.300> purposes<00:06:42.660> that that cell becomes for all purposes that that cell becomes for all purposes that we<00:06:43.080> can<00:06:43.199> determine<00:06:43.560> almost<00:06:43.919> like<00:06:44.280> a<00:06:44.460> normal we can determine almost like a normal we can determine almost like a normal cell<00:06:44.940> well<00:06:45.780> that<00:06:45.900> was<00:06:46.080> exciting<00:06:46.500> but<00:06:47.039> would<00:06:47.220> it cell well that was exciting but would it cell well that was exciting but would it actually<00:06:47.580> work<00:06:47.880> in<00:06:48.060> a<00:06:48.300> real<00:06:48.419> human<00:06:48.780> being actually work in a real human being actually work in a real human being this<00:06:50.520> is<00:06:50.699> Led<00:06:51.000> in<00:06:51.360> the<00:06:51.539> space<00:06:51.660> of<00:06:52.139> only<00:06:52.440> four this is Led in the space of only four this is Led in the space of only four years<00:06:53.280> from<00:06:53.580> the<00:06:53.699> time<00:06:53.880> the<00:06:54.060> gene<00:06:54.419> was years from the time the gene was years from the time the gene was discovered<00:06:54.900> to<00:06:55.440> the<00:06:55.620> start<00:06:55.740> of<00:06:55.919> a<00:06:56.039> clinical discovered to the start of a clinical discovered to the start of a clinical trial<00:06:56.699> to<00:06:57.180> a<00:06:57.360> test<00:06:57.479> of<00:06:57.660> that<00:06:57.840> very<00:06:58.020> compound trial to a test of that very compound trial to a test of that very compound and<00:06:59.160> the<00:06:59.280> kids<00:06:59.460> that<00:06:59.699> you<00:06:59.819> see<00:07:00.060> here<00:07:00.240> all and the kids that you see here all and the kids that you see here all volunteered<00:07:01.860> to<00:07:02.280> be<00:07:02.400> part<00:07:02.580> of<00:07:02.759> this<00:07:03.020> 28<00:07:04.020> of volunteered to be part of this 28 of volunteered to be part of this 28 of them<00:07:04.440> and<00:07:05.220> uh<00:07:05.520> you<00:07:05.759> can<00:07:05.880> see<00:07:06.120> uh<00:07:06.780> as<00:07:07.020> soon<00:07:07.139> as them and uh you can see uh as soon as them and uh you can see uh as soon as the<00:07:07.380> picture<00:07:07.560> comes<00:07:07.979> up<00:07:08.039> that<00:07:08.520> they<00:07:08.759> are<00:07:08.880> in the picture comes up that they are in the picture comes up that they are in fact<00:07:09.240> a<00:07:09.660> remarkable<00:07:10.080> group<00:07:10.380> of<00:07:10.979> young<00:07:11.160> people fact a remarkable group of young people fact a remarkable group of young people all<00:07:11.699> afflicted<00:07:12.180> by<00:07:12.360> this<00:07:12.600> disease<00:07:12.900> all all afflicted by this disease all all afflicted by this disease all looking<00:07:13.440> quite<00:07:13.800> similar<00:07:14.160> to<00:07:14.280> each<00:07:14.460> other<00:07:14.580> and looking quite similar to each other and looking quite similar to each other and instead<00:07:15.780> of<00:07:15.840> telling<00:07:16.139> you<00:07:16.199> more<00:07:16.380> about<00:07:16.560> it<00:07:16.740> I'm instead of telling you more about it I'm instead of telling you more about it I'm going<00:07:17.340> to<00:07:17.400> invite<00:07:17.639> one<00:07:17.880> of<00:07:18.000> them<00:07:18.180> Sam<00:07:19.139> burns going to invite one of them Sam burns going to invite one of them Sam burns from<00:07:20.160> Boston<00:07:20.340> who's<00:07:20.699> here<00:07:21.000> this<00:07:21.180> morning<00:07:21.360> to from Boston who's here this morning to from Boston who's here this morning to come<00:07:22.139> up<00:07:22.259> on<00:07:22.440> the<00:07:22.620> stage<00:07:22.919> and<00:07:23.580> tell<00:07:23.759> us<00:07:23.880> about come up on the stage and tell us about come up on the stage and tell us about his<00:07:24.360> experience<00:07:24.900> as<00:07:25.740> a<00:07:25.860> child<00:07:25.979> affected<00:07:26.460> with his experience as a child affected with his experience as a child affected with progeria<00:07:27.180> Sam<00:07:27.599> is<00:07:27.900> 15<00:07:28.080> years<00:07:28.380> old<00:07:28.620> his<00:07:29.400> parents progeria Sam is 15 years old his parents progeria Sam is 15 years old his parents Scott<00:07:30.240> Burns<00:07:30.720> and<00:07:30.840> Leslie<00:07:31.139> Gordon<00:07:31.440> both Scott Burns and Leslie Gordon both Scott Burns and Leslie Gordon both Physicians<00:07:32.099> are<00:07:32.340> here<00:07:32.520> with<00:07:32.699> us<00:07:32.819> this<00:07:33.060> morning Physicians are here with us this morning Physicians are here with us this morning as<00:07:33.419> well<00:07:33.660> Sam<00:07:34.440> please<00:07:34.740> have<00:07:34.979> a<00:07:35.160> seat

so<00:07:44.099> Sam<00:07:44.280> why<00:07:44.520> don't<00:07:44.699> you<00:07:44.819> tell<00:07:45.000> these<00:07:45.360> folks
so Sam why don't you tell these folks so Sam why don't you tell these folks what<00:07:45.960> it's<00:07:46.139> like<00:07:46.440> being<00:07:46.919> affected<00:07:47.280> with<00:07:47.460> his what it's like being affected with his what it's like being affected with his condition<00:07:47.880> called<00:07:48.300> Progeria<00:07:48.900> well<00:07:50.039> um condition called Progeria well um condition called Progeria well um Progeria<00:07:50.840> limits<00:07:51.840> me<00:07:51.960> in<00:07:52.259> some<00:07:52.380> ways<00:07:52.740> I<00:07:53.280> cannot Progeria limits me in some ways I cannot Progeria limits me in some ways I cannot play<00:07:53.880> sports<00:07:54.240> or<00:07:55.199> do<00:07:55.440> physical<00:07:55.740> activities play sports or do physical activities play sports or do physical activities but<00:07:57.419> I<00:07:57.720> have<00:07:57.900> been<00:07:58.440> able<00:07:58.740> to<00:07:58.860> take<00:07:59.039> interest<00:07:59.280> in but I have been able to take interest in but I have been able to take interest in things<00:07:59.940> that<00:08:00.360> Progeria<00:08:01.259> luckily<00:08:01.740> does<00:08:01.979> not things that Progeria luckily does not things that Progeria luckily does not limit<00:08:02.400> but<00:08:03.360> when<00:08:03.599> there<00:08:03.780> is<00:08:03.900> something<00:08:04.139> that<00:08:04.440> I limit but when there is something that I limit but when there is something that I really<00:08:04.680> do<00:08:04.860> want<00:08:05.099> to<00:08:05.280> do<00:08:05.460> that<00:08:05.819> Progeria<00:08:06.300> gets really do want to do that Progeria gets really do want to do that Progeria gets in<00:08:06.660> the<00:08:06.780> way<00:08:06.900> of<00:08:07.080> like<00:08:07.440> marching<00:08:08.160> band<00:08:08.340> or in the way of like marching band or in the way of like marching band or umpiring<00:08:09.419> we<00:08:09.900> always<00:08:10.080> find<00:08:10.440> a<00:08:10.680> way<00:08:10.860> to<00:08:11.340> do<00:08:11.639> it umpiring we always find a way to do it umpiring we always find a way to do it and<00:08:12.120> that<00:08:12.539> just<00:08:12.720> shows<00:08:12.960> that<00:08:13.080> Progeria<00:08:13.620> isn't and that just shows that Progeria isn't and that just shows that Progeria isn't in<00:08:14.520> control<00:08:14.699> of<00:08:14.940> my<00:08:15.180> life in control of my life in control of my life so<00:08:17.639> what<00:08:17.819> would<00:08:18.000> you<00:08:18.120> like<00:08:18.240> to<00:08:18.419> say<00:08:18.539> the so what would you like to say the so what would you like to say the researchers<00:08:19.319> here<00:08:19.620> in<00:08:19.919> the<00:08:20.099> in<00:08:20.340> the researchers here in the in the researchers here in the in the auditorium<00:08:20.879> and<00:08:21.060> others<00:08:21.360> listening<00:08:21.780> uh<00:08:22.080> to auditorium and others listening uh to auditorium and others listening uh to this<00:08:22.379> what<00:08:22.680> would<00:08:22.800> you<00:08:22.919> say<00:08:23.039> to<00:08:23.220> them<00:08:23.340> both this what would you say to them both this what would you say to them both about<00:08:23.759> research<00:08:24.180> on<00:08:24.360> Progeria<00:08:24.900> and<00:08:25.080> maybe about research on Progeria and maybe about research on Progeria and maybe about<00:08:25.319> other<00:08:25.620> conditions<00:08:26.099> as<00:08:26.280> well<00:08:26.520> well about other conditions as well well about other conditions as well well research<00:08:27.780> on<00:08:27.960> Progeria<00:08:28.500> has<00:08:28.800> come<00:08:29.039> so<00:08:29.400> far<00:08:29.580> in research on Progeria has come so far in research on Progeria has come so far in less<00:08:30.660> than<00:08:30.840> 15<00:08:31.500> years<00:08:31.860> and<00:08:32.539> that<00:08:33.539> just<00:08:33.719> shows less than 15 years and that just shows less than 15 years and that just shows the<00:08:34.620> drive<00:08:34.860> that<00:08:35.279> researchers<00:08:35.760> can<00:08:36.060> have<00:08:36.380> to the drive that researchers can have to the drive that researchers can have to get<00:08:37.620> this<00:08:38.279> far<00:08:38.459> and<00:08:38.940> it<00:08:39.120> really<00:08:39.360> means<00:08:39.899> a<00:08:40.080> lot get this far and it really means a lot get this far and it really means a lot to<00:08:40.440> myself<00:08:40.860> and<00:08:41.159> other<00:08:41.339> kids<00:08:41.640> with<00:08:42.360> progeria to myself and other kids with progeria to myself and other kids with progeria and<00:08:43.620> it<00:08:43.860> shows<00:08:44.159> that<00:08:44.339> if<00:08:44.640> that<00:08:44.820> drive<00:08:45.000> exists and it shows that if that drive exists and it shows that if that drive exists anybody<00:08:46.440> can<00:08:46.800> cure<00:08:47.100> any<00:08:47.760> disease<00:08:48.240> and anybody can cure any disease and anybody can cure any disease and hopefully<00:08:49.140> Progeria<00:08:49.740> can<00:08:50.100> be<00:08:50.279> cured<00:08:50.839> in<00:08:51.839> the hopefully Progeria can be cured in the hopefully Progeria can be cured in the near<00:08:52.140> future<00:08:52.380> and<00:08:52.860> so<00:08:53.399> we<00:08:53.760> can<00:08:53.880> eliminate near future and so we can eliminate near future and so we can eliminate those<00:08:54.839> 4<00:08:55.380> 000<00:08:55.500> diseases<00:08:56.100> that<00:08:56.940> Francis<00:08:57.480> was those 4 000 diseases that Francis was those 4 000 diseases that Francis was talking<00:08:58.620> about<00:08:58.940> excellent<00:08:59.940> so<00:09:00.660> Sam<00:09:00.839> took<00:09:01.200> the talking about excellent so Sam took the talking about excellent so Sam took the day<00:09:01.440> off<00:09:01.620> from<00:09:01.860> school<00:09:02.040> today<00:09:02.339> to<00:09:02.760> be<00:09:02.880> here<00:09:03.000> and day off from school today to be here and day off from school today to be here and he<00:09:03.540> is he is he is ah ah ah he<00:09:08.580> he<00:09:08.640> is<00:09:09.420> by<00:09:09.660> the<00:09:09.779> way<00:09:09.839> a<00:09:10.260> straight<00:09:10.440> A<00:09:10.800> Plus he he is by the way a straight A Plus he he is by the way a straight A Plus student<00:09:11.519> in<00:09:11.940> the<00:09:12.060> ninth<00:09:12.300> grade<00:09:12.420> in<00:09:12.839> his<00:09:13.019> school student in the ninth grade in his school student in the ninth grade in his school in<00:09:13.440> Boston<00:09:13.620> please<00:09:14.160> join<00:09:14.519> me<00:09:14.640> in<00:09:14.880> thanking<00:09:15.240> and in Boston please join me in thanking and in Boston please join me in thanking and welcoming<00:09:15.839> Sam<00:09:16.220> well<00:09:17.220> done<00:09:17.480> well<00:09:18.480> done<00:09:18.660> buddy

so<00:09:32.820> I<00:09:33.000> just<00:09:33.120> want<00:09:33.240> to<00:09:33.420> say<00:09:33.480> a<00:09:33.660> couple<00:09:33.779> more
so I just want to say a couple more so I just want to say a couple more things<00:09:34.200> about<00:09:34.500> that<00:09:35.220> particular<00:09:35.580> story<00:09:35.940> and things about that particular story and things about that particular story and then<00:09:36.360> try<00:09:36.600> to<00:09:36.779> generalize<00:09:37.260> how<00:09:37.560> could<00:09:37.740> we<00:09:37.920> have then try to generalize how could we have then try to generalize how could we have stories<00:09:39.000> of<00:09:39.360> success<00:09:39.860> all<00:09:40.860> over<00:09:40.980> the<00:09:41.220> place stories of success all over the place stories of success all over the place for<00:09:41.700> these<00:09:41.940> diseases<00:09:42.300> as<00:09:42.720> Sam<00:09:42.899> says<00:09:43.260> these for these diseases as Sam says these for these diseases as Sam says these four<00:09:43.740> thousand<00:09:44.100> that<00:09:44.279> are<00:09:44.459> waiting<00:09:44.700> for four thousand that are waiting for four thousand that are waiting for answers<00:09:45.240> you<00:09:46.019> might<00:09:46.140> have<00:09:46.260> noticed<00:09:46.620> that<00:09:46.980> the answers you might have noticed that the answers you might have noticed that the drug<00:09:47.399> that<00:09:47.880> is<00:09:48.000> now<00:09:48.180> in<00:09:48.360> clinical<00:09:48.660> trial<00:09:49.019> for drug that is now in clinical trial for drug that is now in clinical trial for Progeria<00:09:49.860> is<00:09:50.519> not<00:09:50.700> a<00:09:50.880> drug<00:09:51.000> that<00:09:51.240> was<00:09:51.420> designed Progeria is not a drug that was designed Progeria is not a drug that was designed for<00:09:51.899> that<00:09:52.080> it's<00:09:52.380> such<00:09:52.680> a<00:09:52.860> rare<00:09:53.100> disease<00:09:53.399> it for that it's such a rare disease it for that it's such a rare disease it would<00:09:53.760> be<00:09:53.880> hard<00:09:54.180> for<00:09:54.540> a<00:09:54.720> company<00:09:54.839> to<00:09:55.260> justify would be hard for a company to justify would be hard for a company to justify spending<00:09:56.160> hundreds<00:09:56.760> of<00:09:56.820> millions<00:09:57.120> of<00:09:57.300> dollars spending hundreds of millions of dollars spending hundreds of millions of dollars to<00:09:57.959> generate<00:09:58.320> a<00:09:58.500> drug<00:09:58.620> this<00:09:58.980> is<00:09:59.040> a<00:09:59.160> drug<00:09:59.279> that to generate a drug this is a drug that to generate a drug this is a drug that was<00:09:59.640> developed<00:10:00.000> for<00:10:00.180> cancer<00:10:00.420> turned<00:10:01.320> out<00:10:01.380> it was developed for cancer turned out it was developed for cancer turned out it didn't<00:10:01.680> work<00:10:01.860> very<00:10:01.980> well<00:10:02.220> for<00:10:02.459> cancer<00:10:02.760> but<00:10:03.300> it didn't work very well for cancer but it didn't work very well for cancer but it has<00:10:03.600> exactly<00:10:03.959> the<00:10:04.140> right<00:10:04.320> properties<00:10:04.740> the has exactly the right properties the has exactly the right properties the right<00:10:05.160> shape<00:10:05.519> to<00:10:06.360> work<00:10:06.480> for<00:10:06.660> Progeria<00:10:07.200> and right shape to work for Progeria and right shape to work for Progeria and that's<00:10:07.500> what's<00:10:07.740> happened<00:10:07.980> wouldn't<00:10:08.580> it<00:10:08.760> be that's what's happened wouldn't it be that's what's happened wouldn't it be great<00:10:09.060> if<00:10:09.180> we<00:10:09.300> could<00:10:09.480> do<00:10:09.720> that<00:10:09.959> more great if we could do that more great if we could do that more systematically<00:10:11.100> could<00:10:11.940> we<00:10:12.120> in<00:10:12.360> fact systematically could we in fact systematically could we in fact encourage<00:10:13.320> all<00:10:13.920> the<00:10:14.100> companies<00:10:14.459> that<00:10:14.640> are<00:10:14.760> out encourage all the companies that are out encourage all the companies that are out there<00:10:15.120> that<00:10:15.779> have<00:10:15.959> drugs<00:10:16.380> in<00:10:16.500> their<00:10:16.620> freezers there that have drugs in their freezers there that have drugs in their freezers that<00:10:17.580> are<00:10:17.700> known<00:10:17.880> to<00:10:18.000> be<00:10:18.180> safe<00:10:18.360> in<00:10:18.600> humans<00:10:18.959> but that are known to be safe in humans but that are known to be safe in humans but have<00:10:19.740> never<00:10:19.980> actually<00:10:20.399> succeeded<00:10:21.240> in<00:10:21.660> terms have never actually succeeded in terms have never actually succeeded in terms of<00:10:21.959> being<00:10:22.200> effective<00:10:22.620> for<00:10:22.920> the<00:10:23.040> treatments of being effective for the treatments of being effective for the treatments they<00:10:23.700> were<00:10:23.820> tried<00:10:24.120> for<00:10:24.300> now<00:10:24.899> we're<00:10:25.080> learning they were tried for now we're learning they were tried for now we're learning about<00:10:25.440> all<00:10:25.680> these<00:10:25.800> new<00:10:25.920> molecular<00:10:26.339> Pathways about all these new molecular Pathways about all these new molecular Pathways some<00:10:27.600> of<00:10:27.720> those<00:10:27.839> could<00:10:28.140> be<00:10:28.320> repositioned<00:10:29.160> or some of those could be repositioned or some of those could be repositioned or repurposed<00:10:30.000> or<00:10:30.120> whatever<00:10:30.300> word<00:10:30.540> you<00:10:30.720> want<00:10:30.899> to repurposed or whatever word you want to repurposed or whatever word you want to use<00:10:31.140> for<00:10:31.740> new<00:10:31.860> application<00:10:32.279> it's<00:10:32.760> basically use for new application it's basically use for new application it's basically teaching<00:10:33.660> old<00:10:33.899> drugs<00:10:34.320> new<00:10:34.500> tricks<00:10:34.920> that<00:10:35.820> could teaching old drugs new tricks that could teaching old drugs new tricks that could be<00:10:36.120> a<00:10:36.300> phenomenal<00:10:36.720> valuable<00:10:37.320> activity<00:10:37.800> we be a phenomenal valuable activity we be a phenomenal valuable activity we have<00:10:38.399> many<00:10:38.640> discussions<00:10:39.180> now<00:10:39.420> between<00:10:39.600> NIH have many discussions now between NIH have many discussions now between NIH and<00:10:40.680> companies<00:10:41.040> about<00:10:41.220> doing<00:10:41.519> this<00:10:41.700> that<00:10:41.940> are and companies about doing this that are and companies about doing this that are looking<00:10:42.240> very<00:10:42.480> promising<00:10:43.019> and<00:10:43.620> you<00:10:43.740> could looking very promising and you could looking very promising and you could expect<00:10:44.040> quite<00:10:44.519> a<00:10:44.640> lot<00:10:44.760> to<00:10:44.880> come<00:10:45.060> from<00:10:45.300> this expect quite a lot to come from this expect quite a lot to come from this there<00:10:46.320> are<00:10:46.440> quite<00:10:46.560> a<00:10:46.680> number<00:10:46.800> of<00:10:46.980> success there are quite a number of success there are quite a number of success stories<00:10:47.760> one<00:10:48.060> can<00:10:48.240> point<00:10:48.480> to<00:10:48.660> about<00:10:49.140> how<00:10:49.440> this stories one can point to about how this stories one can point to about how this has<00:10:49.800> led<00:10:50.040> to<00:10:50.220> Major<00:10:50.399> advances<00:10:51.060> the<00:10:51.660> first<00:10:51.779> drug has led to Major advances the first drug has led to Major advances the first drug for<00:10:52.260> HIV<00:10:52.680> AIDS<00:10:53.220> was<00:10:53.760> not<00:10:53.940> developed<00:10:54.300> for<00:10:54.420> HIV for HIV AIDS was not developed for HIV for HIV AIDS was not developed for HIV AIDS<00:10:55.200> it<00:10:55.320> was<00:10:55.440> developed<00:10:55.740> for<00:10:55.920> cancer<00:10:56.100> it<00:10:56.519> was AIDS it was developed for cancer it was AIDS it was developed for cancer it was AZT<00:10:57.180> didn't<00:10:57.839> work<00:10:58.079> very<00:10:58.260> well<00:10:58.440> for<00:10:58.680> cancer<00:10:58.920> but AZT didn't work very well for cancer but AZT didn't work very well for cancer but became<00:10:59.820> the<00:11:00.060> first<00:11:00.300> successful became the first successful became the first successful antiretroviral<00:11:01.800> and<00:11:01.920> you<00:11:02.040> can<00:11:02.160> see<00:11:02.279> from<00:11:02.459> the antiretroviral and you can see from the antiretroviral and you can see from the table<00:11:02.760> there<00:11:03.240> are<00:11:03.360> others<00:11:03.660> as<00:11:03.839> well table there are others as well table there are others as well so<00:11:05.040> how<00:11:05.220> do<00:11:05.339> we<00:11:05.519> actually<00:11:05.700> make<00:11:06.540> that<00:11:06.720> a<00:11:06.899> more so how do we actually make that a more so how do we actually make that a more generalizable<00:11:07.680> effort<00:11:07.980> well<00:11:08.220> we<00:11:08.399> have<00:11:08.519> to generalizable effort well we have to generalizable effort well we have to come<00:11:08.760> up<00:11:08.880> with<00:11:09.060> a<00:11:09.180> partnership<00:11:09.600> between come up with a partnership between come up with a partnership between Academia<00:11:11.640> government<00:11:11.940> the<00:11:12.360> private<00:11:12.779> sector Academia government the private sector Academia government the private sector and<00:11:13.320> patient<00:11:13.620> organizations<00:11:14.100> to<00:11:14.459> make<00:11:14.579> that and patient organizations to make that and patient organizations to make that so<00:11:15.000> at<00:11:15.779> NIH<00:11:16.200> we<00:11:16.500> have<00:11:16.620> started<00:11:16.920> this<00:11:17.160> new so at NIH we have started this new so at NIH we have started this new National<00:11:17.519> Center<00:11:17.940> for<00:11:18.300> advancing National Center for advancing National Center for advancing translational<00:11:19.320> Sciences<00:11:20.040> just<00:11:20.880> started<00:11:21.180> last translational Sciences just started last translational Sciences just started last December<00:11:21.899> and<00:11:22.320> this<00:11:22.440> is<00:11:22.560> one<00:11:22.740> of<00:11:22.860> its<00:11:23.100> goals December and this is one of its goals December and this is one of its goals let<00:11:24.060> me<00:11:24.120> tell<00:11:24.240> you<00:11:24.360> another<00:11:24.480> thing<00:11:24.720> we<00:11:24.899> could let me tell you another thing we could let me tell you another thing we could do<00:11:25.200> wouldn't<00:11:25.860> it<00:11:26.100> be<00:11:26.220> nice<00:11:26.459> to<00:11:26.880> be<00:11:26.940> able<00:11:27.120> to do wouldn't it be nice to be able to do wouldn't it be nice to be able to test<00:11:27.660> a<00:11:28.019> drug<00:11:28.140> to<00:11:28.440> see<00:11:28.560> if<00:11:28.680> it's<00:11:28.860> effective<00:11:29.399> and test a drug to see if it's effective and test a drug to see if it's effective and safe<00:11:30.060> without<00:11:30.959> having<00:11:31.320> to<00:11:31.560> put<00:11:31.680> patients<00:11:32.160> at safe without having to put patients at safe without having to put patients at risk<00:11:32.640> because<00:11:32.940> that<00:11:33.420> first<00:11:33.660> time<00:11:33.899> you're risk because that first time you're risk because that first time you're never<00:11:34.320> quite<00:11:34.620> sure<00:11:34.920> how<00:11:35.700> do<00:11:35.760> we<00:11:35.880> know<00:11:36.060> for never quite sure how do we know for never quite sure how do we know for instance<00:11:36.480> whether<00:11:36.779> drugs<00:11:37.200> are<00:11:37.260> safe<00:11:37.500> before instance whether drugs are safe before instance whether drugs are safe before we<00:11:37.980> give<00:11:38.160> them<00:11:38.279> to<00:11:38.459> people<00:11:38.640> we<00:11:39.240> test<00:11:39.420> them<00:11:39.660> on we give them to people we test them on we give them to people we test them on animals<00:11:40.320> and<00:11:41.100> it's<00:11:41.279> not<00:11:41.519> all<00:11:41.700> that<00:11:41.820> reliable animals and it's not all that reliable animals and it's not all that reliable and<00:11:42.540> it's<00:11:42.720> costly<00:11:43.260> and<00:11:43.980> it's<00:11:44.160> time<00:11:44.339> consuming and it's costly and it's time consuming and it's costly and it's time consuming suppose<00:11:45.600> we<00:11:45.779> could<00:11:45.959> do<00:11:46.140> this<00:11:46.320> instead<00:11:46.680> on suppose we could do this instead on suppose we could do this instead on human<00:11:47.100> cells<00:11:47.760> you<00:11:48.660> probably<00:11:48.779> know<00:11:49.079> if<00:11:49.260> you've human cells you probably know if you've human cells you probably know if you've been<00:11:49.560> paying<00:11:49.860> attention<00:11:50.100> to<00:11:50.399> some<00:11:50.640> of<00:11:50.760> the been paying attention to some of the been paying attention to some of the science<00:11:51.000> literature<00:11:51.480> that<00:11:51.660> you<00:11:51.839> can<00:11:51.899> now<00:11:52.079> take science literature that you can now take science literature that you can now take a<00:11:52.500> skin<00:11:52.680> cell<00:11:52.980> and<00:11:53.700> encourage<00:11:54.060> it<00:11:54.240> to<00:11:54.480> become<00:11:54.839> a a skin cell and encourage it to become a a skin cell and encourage it to become a liver<00:11:55.740> cell<00:11:55.920> or<00:11:56.220> a<00:11:56.339> heart<00:11:56.459> cell<00:11:56.640> or<00:11:56.880> a<00:11:57.000> kidney liver cell or a heart cell or a kidney liver cell or a heart cell or a kidney cell<00:11:57.420> or<00:11:57.600> a<00:11:57.720> brain<00:11:57.899> cell<00:11:58.019> for<00:11:58.260> any<00:11:58.440> of<00:11:58.620> us cell or a brain cell for any of us cell or a brain cell for any of us so<00:11:59.820> what<00:12:00.000> if<00:12:00.180> you<00:12:00.300> use<00:12:00.540> those<00:12:00.959> cells<00:12:01.440> as<00:12:01.860> your so what if you use those cells as your so what if you use those cells as your test<00:12:02.339> for<00:12:02.760> whether<00:12:02.940> a<00:12:03.180> drug<00:12:03.300> is<00:12:03.480> going<00:12:03.660> to<00:12:03.720> work test for whether a drug is going to work test for whether a drug is going to work and<00:12:03.959> whether<00:12:04.140> it's<00:12:04.320> going<00:12:04.440> to<00:12:04.560> be<00:12:04.680> safe<00:12:04.860> here and whether it's going to be safe here and whether it's going to be safe here you<00:12:05.880> see<00:12:06.120> a<00:12:06.540> picture<00:12:06.680> of<00:12:07.680> a<00:12:08.279> lung<00:12:08.579> on<00:12:08.820> a<00:12:08.940> chip you see a picture of a lung on a chip you see a picture of a lung on a chip this<00:12:10.200> is<00:12:10.320> something<00:12:10.560> created<00:12:10.920> by<00:12:11.160> the<00:12:11.339> this this is something created by the this this is something created by the this institute<00:12:12.120> in<00:12:12.420> Boston<00:12:12.600> and<00:12:13.500> what<00:12:13.680> they<00:12:13.800> have institute in Boston and what they have institute in Boston and what they have done<00:12:14.100> here<00:12:14.399> if<00:12:14.820> we<00:12:14.940> can<00:12:15.060> run<00:12:15.240> the<00:12:15.420> little<00:12:15.540> video done here if we can run the little video done here if we can run the little video is<00:12:16.500> to<00:12:16.680> take<00:12:16.860> cells<00:12:17.339> from<00:12:17.459> an<00:12:17.640> individual<00:12:18.000> turn is to take cells from an individual turn is to take cells from an individual turn them<00:12:18.779> into<00:12:19.019> the<00:12:19.260> kinds<00:12:19.500> of<00:12:19.620> cells<00:12:19.980> that<00:12:20.160> are them into the kinds of cells that are them into the kinds of cells that are present<00:12:20.579> in<00:12:20.760> the<00:12:20.940> lung<00:12:21.120> and<00:12:21.959> determine<00:12:22.320> what present in the lung and determine what present in the lung and determine what would<00:12:22.740> happen<00:12:22.980> if<00:12:23.399> you<00:12:23.579> added<00:12:24.000> to<00:12:24.300> this would happen if you added to this would happen if you added to this various<00:12:25.560> drug<00:12:25.800> compounds<00:12:26.399> to<00:12:26.579> see<00:12:26.760> if<00:12:26.880> they various drug compounds to see if they various drug compounds to see if they are<00:12:27.240> toxic<00:12:27.480> or<00:12:27.720> safe<00:12:27.959> you<00:12:28.680> can<00:12:28.800> see<00:12:28.980> this<00:12:29.220> chip are toxic or safe you can see this chip are toxic or safe you can see this chip even<00:12:29.700> breathes<00:12:30.240> it<00:12:31.140> has<00:12:31.260> an<00:12:31.440> air<00:12:31.560> channel<00:12:31.860> it even breathes it has an air channel it even breathes it has an air channel it has<00:12:32.579> a<00:12:32.700> blood<00:12:32.880> Channel<00:12:33.120> and<00:12:33.779> it<00:12:33.899> has<00:12:34.019> cells<00:12:34.500> in has a blood Channel and it has cells in has a blood Channel and it has cells in between<00:12:34.860> that<00:12:35.700> allow<00:12:36.000> you<00:12:36.060> to<00:12:36.240> see<00:12:36.360> what between that allow you to see what between that allow you to see what happens<00:12:36.779> when<00:12:37.079> you<00:12:37.200> add<00:12:37.380> a<00:12:37.500> compound<00:12:37.800> are happens when you add a compound are happens when you add a compound are those<00:12:38.160> cells<00:12:38.459> happy<00:12:38.640> or<00:12:38.880> not those cells happy or not those cells happy or not you<00:12:40.140> can<00:12:40.200> do<00:12:40.380> the<00:12:40.620> same<00:12:40.860> kind<00:12:41.100> of<00:12:41.220> chip you can do the same kind of chip you can do the same kind of chip technology<00:12:42.120> for<00:12:42.959> kidneys<00:12:43.440> for<00:12:43.680> hearts<00:12:44.100> for technology for kidneys for hearts for technology for kidneys for hearts for muscles<00:12:44.880> all<00:12:45.120> the<00:12:45.240> places<00:12:45.420> where<00:12:45.779> you<00:12:45.899> want<00:12:46.079> to muscles all the places where you want to muscles all the places where you want to see<00:12:46.320> whether<00:12:46.680> a<00:12:46.860> drug<00:12:46.980> is<00:12:47.220> going<00:12:47.399> to<00:12:47.519> be<00:12:47.579> a see whether a drug is going to be a see whether a drug is going to be a problem<00:12:47.880> for<00:12:48.180> liver problem for liver problem for liver and<00:12:49.620> ultimately<00:12:49.980> because<00:12:50.639> you<00:12:50.880> can<00:12:51.000> do<00:12:51.120> this and ultimately because you can do this and ultimately because you can do this for<00:12:51.480> the<00:12:51.660> individual for the individual for the individual we<00:12:53.100> could<00:12:53.279> even<00:12:53.399> see<00:12:53.639> this<00:12:53.880> moving<00:12:54.240> to<00:12:54.360> the we could even see this moving to the we could even see this moving to the point<00:12:54.720> where<00:12:55.260> the<00:12:55.500> ability<00:12:55.800> to<00:12:56.279> develop<00:12:56.700> and point where the ability to develop and point where the ability to develop and test<00:12:57.240> medicines<00:12:57.839> will<00:12:58.560> be<00:12:58.740> you<00:12:58.980> on<00:12:59.220> a<00:12:59.339> chip test medicines will be you on a chip test medicines will be you on a chip what<00:12:59.820> we're<00:13:00.060> trying<00:13:00.180> to<00:13:00.360> say<00:13:00.540> here<00:13:00.779> is<00:13:01.019> the what we're trying to say here is the what we're trying to say here is the individualizing<00:13:02.339> of<00:13:02.639> the<00:13:02.820> process<00:13:03.120> of individualizing of the process of individualizing of the process of developing<00:13:04.380> drugs<00:13:04.920> and<00:13:05.160> testing<00:13:05.519> their developing drugs and testing their developing drugs and testing their safety safety safety so<00:13:07.380> let<00:13:07.560> me<00:13:07.680> sum<00:13:07.860> up<00:13:08.519> we<00:13:09.000> are<00:13:09.120> at<00:13:09.300> a<00:13:09.480> remarkable so let me sum up we are at a remarkable so let me sum up we are at a remarkable moment<00:13:10.200> here<00:13:10.860> for<00:13:11.399> me<00:13:11.519> at<00:13:11.639> NIH<00:13:12.060> now<00:13:12.240> for<00:13:12.480> almost moment here for me at NIH now for almost moment here for me at NIH now for almost 20<00:13:12.779> years<00:13:13.019> there<00:13:13.560> has<00:13:13.680> never<00:13:13.920> been<00:13:14.160> a<00:13:14.339> time 20 years there has never been a time 20 years there has never been a time where<00:13:14.820> there<00:13:15.000> was<00:13:15.180> more<00:13:15.360> excitement<00:13:15.720> about where there was more excitement about where there was more excitement about the<00:13:16.260> potential<00:13:16.680> that<00:13:17.160> lies<00:13:17.459> in<00:13:17.579> front<00:13:17.760> of<00:13:17.880> us the potential that lies in front of us the potential that lies in front of us we<00:13:18.959> have<00:13:19.079> made<00:13:19.260> all<00:13:19.500> these<00:13:19.680> discoveries we have made all these discoveries we have made all these discoveries pouring<00:13:20.700> out<00:13:20.880> of<00:13:21.000> Laboratories<00:13:21.540> across<00:13:21.959> the pouring out of Laboratories across the pouring out of Laboratories across the world<00:13:22.200> what<00:13:22.740> do<00:13:22.860> we<00:13:22.980> need<00:13:23.100> to<00:13:23.279> capitalize<00:13:23.700> on world what do we need to capitalize on world what do we need to capitalize on this<00:13:24.060> first<00:13:24.420> of<00:13:24.600> all<00:13:24.660> we<00:13:24.839> need<00:13:24.959> resources<00:13:25.560> this this first of all we need resources this this first of all we need resources this is<00:13:26.519> research<00:13:27.060> that's<00:13:27.240> high<00:13:27.540> risk<00:13:27.899> sometimes is research that's high risk sometimes is research that's high risk sometimes high<00:13:28.800> cost<00:13:29.040> the<00:13:29.519> payoff<00:13:29.820> is<00:13:30.000> enormous<00:13:30.420> both<00:13:30.600> in high cost the payoff is enormous both in high cost the payoff is enormous both in terms<00:13:30.959> of<00:13:31.019> health<00:13:31.260> and<00:13:31.620> in<00:13:31.800> terms<00:13:31.980> of<00:13:32.100> economic terms of health and in terms of economic terms of health and in terms of economic growth<00:13:32.820> we<00:13:33.060> need<00:13:33.240> to<00:13:33.360> support<00:13:33.480> that<00:13:33.839> second<00:13:34.500> we growth we need to support that second we growth we need to support that second we need<00:13:34.860> new<00:13:35.040> kinds<00:13:35.399> of<00:13:35.459> Partnerships<00:13:36.000> between need new kinds of Partnerships between need new kinds of Partnerships between Academia<00:13:37.440> and<00:13:37.740> government<00:13:37.860> and<00:13:38.160> the<00:13:38.339> private Academia and government and the private Academia and government and the private sector<00:13:38.820> and<00:13:39.120> patient<00:13:39.360> organizations<00:13:39.899> just sector and patient organizations just sector and patient organizations just like<00:13:40.440> the<00:13:40.620> one<00:13:40.740> I've<00:13:40.920> been<00:13:41.100> describing<00:13:41.519> here like the one I've been describing here like the one I've been describing here in<00:13:42.300> terms<00:13:42.480> of<00:13:42.600> the<00:13:42.779> way<00:13:42.899> which<00:13:43.139> we<00:13:43.440> could<00:13:43.620> go in terms of the way which we could go in terms of the way which we could go after<00:13:43.860> repurposing<00:13:44.579> new<00:13:44.820> compounds<00:13:45.360> and after repurposing new compounds and after repurposing new compounds and third<00:13:46.380> and<00:13:46.800> maybe<00:13:46.980> most<00:13:47.220> important<00:13:47.579> we<00:13:48.000> need third and maybe most important we need third and maybe most important we need talent<00:13:48.660> we<00:13:49.380> need<00:13:49.560> the<00:13:49.680> best<00:13:49.860> and<00:13:50.040> the talent we need the best and the talent we need the best and the brightest<00:13:50.579> from<00:13:51.360> many<00:13:51.540> different brightest from many different brightest from many different disciplines<00:13:52.380> to<00:13:52.680> come<00:13:52.860> and<00:13:52.980> join<00:13:53.220> this<00:13:53.399> effort disciplines to come and join this effort disciplines to come and join this effort all<00:13:54.480> ages<00:13:54.839> all<00:13:55.380> different<00:13:55.740> groups<00:13:56.220> because all ages all different groups because all ages all different groups because this<00:13:57.420> is<00:13:57.600> the<00:13:57.839> time<00:13:57.959> folks<00:13:58.380> this<00:13:58.620> is<00:13:58.740> the<00:13:58.920> 21st this is the time folks this is the 21st this is the time folks this is the 21st century<00:13:59.820> biology<00:14:00.480> that<00:14:01.200> you've<00:14:01.320> been<00:14:01.440> waiting century biology that you've been waiting century biology that you've been waiting for<00:14:01.920> and<00:14:02.399> we<00:14:02.519> have<00:14:02.639> the<00:14:02.820> chance<00:14:03.060> to<00:14:03.600> take<00:14:03.779> that for and we have the chance to take that for and we have the chance to take that and<00:14:04.620> turn<00:14:04.860> it<00:14:04.980> into<00:14:05.160> something<00:14:05.519> which<00:14:06.240> will<00:14:06.540> in and turn it into something which will in and turn it into something which will in fact<00:14:06.959> knock<00:14:07.680> out<00:14:07.860> disease<00:14:08.339> that's<00:14:08.940> my<00:14:09.240> goal<00:14:09.600> I fact knock out disease that's my goal I fact knock out disease that's my goal I hope<00:14:10.260> that's<00:14:10.500> your<00:14:10.800> goal<00:14:11.100> I<00:14:11.519> think<00:14:11.639> it'll<00:14:11.880> be hope that's your goal I think it'll be hope that's your goal I think it'll be the<00:14:12.180> goal<00:14:12.420> of<00:14:12.480> the<00:14:12.660> poets<00:14:12.899> and<00:14:13.200> the<00:14:13.320> Muppets the goal of the poets and the Muppets the goal of the poets and the Muppets and<00:14:14.220> the<00:14:14.339> Surfers<00:14:14.700> and<00:14:15.420> the<00:14:15.600> bankers<00:14:15.899> and<00:14:16.200> all and the Surfers and the bankers and all and the Surfers and the bankers and all the<00:14:16.380> other<00:14:16.500> people<00:14:16.680> who<00:14:16.920> join<00:14:17.220> this<00:14:17.459> stage<00:14:17.820> and the other people who join this stage and the other people who join this stage and think<00:14:18.839> about<00:14:19.019> what<00:14:19.380> we're<00:14:19.500> trying<00:14:19.740> to<00:14:19.860> do<00:14:19.980> here think about what we're trying to do here think about what we're trying to do here and<00:14:20.279> why<00:14:20.519> it<00:14:20.639> matters<00:14:20.940> it<00:14:21.240> matters<00:14:21.540> for<00:14:21.779> now<00:14:22.019> it and why it matters it matters for now it and why it matters it matters for now it matters<00:14:22.920> as<00:14:23.160> soon<00:14:23.339> as<00:14:23.459> possible<00:14:23.820> if<00:14:24.360> you<00:14:24.480> don't matters as soon as possible if you don't matters as soon as possible if you don't believe<00:14:24.779> me<00:14:25.079> just<00:14:25.860> ask<00:14:26.100> Sam<00:14:26.399> thank<00:14:27.300> you<00:14:27.420> all believe me just ask Sam thank you all believe me just ask Sam thank you all very<00:14:27.779> much


Francis Collins, drugs, medicine, disease, treatment, doctor, medical, TED, Ed’, TED, TED-Ed, TEDEducation

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