Bên trong cuộc cách mạng Ai cập-Wael Ghonim

Inside the Egyptian revolution - Wael Ghonim

Inside the Egyptian revolution - Wael Ghonim



[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this<00:00:16.359> is<00:00:16.560> Revolution this is Revolution this is Revolution 2.0<00:00:19.000> no<00:00:19.160> one<00:00:19.359> was<00:00:19.520> a<00:00:19.840> hero<00:00:20.840> no<00:00:21.000> one<00:00:21.240> was<00:00:21.400> a<00:00:21.560> hero 2.0 no one was a hero no one was a hero 2.0 no one was a hero no one was a hero because<00:00:22.680> everyone<00:00:23.519> was<00:00:23.680> a because everyone was a because everyone was a hero<00:00:26.119> everyone<00:00:26.599> have<00:00:26.760> done<00:00:27.359> something<00:00:28.359> um<00:00:28.679> we hero everyone have done something um we hero everyone have done something um we all<00:00:29.000> use<00:00:29.320> Wikipedia all use Wikipedia all use Wikipedia if<00:00:31.320> you<00:00:31.439> think<00:00:31.640> of<00:00:31.759> the<00:00:31.960> concept<00:00:32.320> of<00:00:32.480> Wikipedia if you think of the concept of Wikipedia if you think of the concept of Wikipedia where<00:00:33.280> everyone<00:00:33.640> is<00:00:33.879> collaborating<00:00:35.040> content where everyone is collaborating content where everyone is collaborating content and<00:00:36.160> at<00:00:36.280> the<00:00:36.399> end<00:00:36.559> of<00:00:36.719> the<00:00:36.920> day<00:00:37.200> you've<00:00:37.800> built and at the end of the day you've built and at the end of the day you've built the<00:00:38.960> largest<00:00:39.440> encyclopedia<00:00:40.320> in<00:00:40.440> the<00:00:40.600> world the largest encyclopedia in the world the largest encyclopedia in the world from<00:00:41.840> just<00:00:41.960> an<00:00:42.200> idea<00:00:42.600> that<00:00:42.760> sounded<00:00:43.320> crazy<00:00:44.079> you from just an idea that sounded crazy you from just an idea that sounded crazy you have<00:00:44.399> the<00:00:44.559> largest<00:00:44.920> encyclopedia<00:00:45.600> in<00:00:45.680> the have the largest encyclopedia in the have the largest encyclopedia in the world<00:00:47.280> and<00:00:47.399> in<00:00:47.559> the<00:00:47.719> Egyptian<00:00:48.160> revolution<00:00:48.719> the world and in the Egyptian revolution the world and in the Egyptian revolution the revolution revolution revolution 2.0<00:00:50.840> everyone<00:00:51.280> have<00:00:51.520> contributed<00:00:52.199> something 2.0 everyone have contributed something 2.0 everyone have contributed something small<00:00:53.520> or<00:00:53.719> big<00:00:54.160> they<00:00:54.320> contributed<00:00:55.359> something small or big they contributed something small or big they contributed something to<00:00:56.559> bring<00:00:56.879> us<00:00:57.640> one<00:00:57.800> of<00:00:57.960> the<00:00:58.160> most<00:00:58.519> inspiring to bring us one of the most inspiring to bring us one of the most inspiring stor stor stor in<00:01:00.640> the<00:01:00.800> history<00:01:01.120> of<00:01:01.320> mankind<00:01:02.280> when<00:01:02.399> it<00:01:02.559> comes in the history of mankind when it comes in the history of mankind when it comes to to to Revolutions<00:01:04.479> it<00:01:04.559> was<00:01:04.839> actually<00:01:05.239> really Revolutions it was actually really Revolutions it was actually really inspiring<00:01:06.080> to<00:01:06.200> see<00:01:06.479> all<00:01:06.760> these<00:01:07.000> Egyptians inspiring to see all these Egyptians inspiring to see all these Egyptians completely<00:01:08.680> changing<00:01:09.680> if<00:01:09.840> you<00:01:10.119> look<00:01:10.280> at<00:01:10.439> the completely changing if you look at the completely changing if you look at the scene<00:01:11.479> Egypt<00:01:12.040> for<00:01:12.320> 30<00:01:12.720> years<00:01:13.040> have<00:01:13.159> been<00:01:13.320> in<00:01:13.400> a scene Egypt for 30 years have been in a scene Egypt for 30 years have been in a downhill<00:01:14.720> going<00:01:15.159> in<00:01:15.400> into<00:01:15.560> a downhill going in into a downhill going in into a downhill<00:01:17.280> everything<00:01:17.720> was<00:01:17.920> going<00:01:18.280> bad downhill everything was going bad downhill everything was going bad everything<00:01:19.280> was<00:01:19.479> going everything was going everything was going wrong<00:01:21.360> we<00:01:21.520> only<00:01:21.799> ranked<00:01:22.280> High<00:01:22.560> when<00:01:22.720> it<00:01:22.880> comes wrong we only ranked High when it comes wrong we only ranked High when it comes to to to Poverty Poverty Poverty corruption<00:01:27.159> lack<00:01:27.360> of<00:01:27.520> freedom<00:01:27.840> of<00:01:28.079> speech corruption lack of freedom of speech corruption lack of freedom of speech lack<00:01:29.159> of<00:01:29.320> political<00:01:29.720> action<00:01:30.280> activism<00:01:31.280> those lack of political action activism those lack of political action activism those were<00:01:31.880> the<00:01:32.040> achievements<00:01:32.880> of<00:01:33.079> our<00:01:33.360> great

regime<00:01:36.880> yet<00:01:37.880> nothing<00:01:38.159> was<00:01:38.399> happening<00:01:39.399> and
regime yet nothing was happening and regime yet nothing was happening and it's<00:01:39.720> not<00:01:39.920> because<00:01:40.280> people<00:01:40.520> were<00:01:40.799> happy<00:01:41.240> or it's not because people were happy or it's not because people were happy or people<00:01:41.720> were<00:01:42.079> you<00:01:42.200> know<00:01:42.439> not<00:01:42.640> frustrated<00:01:43.280> in people were you know not frustrated in people were you know not frustrated in fact<00:01:43.680> people<00:01:43.880> were<00:01:44.119> extremely<00:01:44.640> frustrated fact people were extremely frustrated fact people were extremely frustrated but<00:01:45.880> the<00:01:46.000> reason<00:01:46.399> why<00:01:47.200> everyone<00:01:47.560> was<00:01:47.960> silent but the reason why everyone was silent but the reason why everyone was silent is<00:01:49.200> what<00:01:49.360> I<00:01:49.479> call<00:01:49.759> the<00:01:49.920> psychological<00:01:50.719> barrier is what I call the psychological barrier is what I call the psychological barrier of<00:01:51.680> fear<00:01:52.680> everyone<00:01:53.119> was<00:01:53.320> scared<00:01:54.200> a<00:01:54.399> few<00:01:54.840> you of fear everyone was scared a few you of fear everyone was scared a few you know<00:01:55.159> not<00:01:55.399> everyone<00:01:55.759> there<00:01:55.840> were<00:01:56.039> actually know not everyone there were actually know not everyone there were actually few<00:01:56.560> Brave<00:01:56.840> Egyptians<00:01:57.320> that<00:01:57.439> I<00:01:57.640> have<00:01:57.840> to<00:01:58.360> to few Brave Egyptians that I have to to few Brave Egyptians that I have to to thank<00:01:58.920> for<00:01:59.119> being<00:01:59.360> so<00:01:59.560> brave<00:02:00.079> going<00:02:00.280> into thank for being so brave going into thank for being so brave going into protests<00:02:01.759> as<00:02:02.079> couple<00:02:02.280> of<00:02:02.479> hundred<00:02:02.840> getting protests as couple of hundred getting protests as couple of hundred getting beaten<00:02:03.520> up<00:02:03.880> and<00:02:04.119> you<00:02:04.240> know<00:02:05.159> arrested<00:02:06.159> but<00:02:06.320> in beaten up and you know arrested but in beaten up and you know arrested but in fact<00:02:06.759> the<00:02:06.960> the<00:02:07.119> majority<00:02:07.560> were<00:02:07.880> scared fact the the majority were scared fact the the majority were scared everyone<00:02:09.679> did<00:02:09.879> not<00:02:10.119> want<00:02:10.440> really<00:02:10.759> to<00:02:11.000> get<00:02:11.280> in everyone did not want really to get in everyone did not want really to get in trouble<00:02:12.840> a<00:02:13.040> dictator<00:02:13.520> cannot<00:02:13.959> live<00:02:14.720> without trouble a dictator cannot live without trouble a dictator cannot live without the<00:02:15.239> force<00:02:16.239> they<00:02:16.440> want<00:02:16.879> to<00:02:17.080> make<00:02:17.360> people<00:02:17.680> live the force they want to make people live the force they want to make people live in<00:02:18.519> fear<00:02:19.480> and<00:02:19.680> that<00:02:19.879> psychological<00:02:20.560> barrier in fear and that psychological barrier in fear and that psychological barrier of<00:02:21.040> fear<00:02:21.519> have<00:02:21.680> worked<00:02:22.200> so<00:02:22.519> for<00:02:22.760> so<00:02:22.959> many<00:02:23.360> years of fear have worked so for so many years of fear have worked so for so many years and<00:02:24.560> here<00:02:24.760> comes<00:02:25.080> the<00:02:25.239> internet and here comes the internet and here comes the internet technology<00:02:28.000> Blackberry<00:02:28.800> SMS<00:02:29.959> it's<00:02:30.160> helping technology Blackberry SMS it's helping technology Blackberry SMS it's helping all<00:02:30.680> of<00:02:30.800> us<00:02:30.920> to<00:02:31.560> connect<00:02:32.560> um<00:02:33.040> platforms<00:02:33.599> like all of us to connect um platforms like all of us to connect um platforms like YouTube<00:02:34.560> Twitter<00:02:35.400> Facebook<00:02:36.280> were<00:02:36.519> helping<00:02:36.879> us YouTube Twitter Facebook were helping us YouTube Twitter Facebook were helping us a<00:02:37.239> lot<00:02:38.120> because<00:02:38.400> it<00:02:38.840> basically<00:02:39.280> gave<00:02:39.519> us<00:02:39.720> the a lot because it basically gave us the a lot because it basically gave us the impression<00:02:40.400> that<00:02:40.680> wow<00:02:40.920> I'm<00:02:41.040> not<00:02:41.239> alone<00:02:41.879> there impression that wow I'm not alone there impression that wow I'm not alone there are<00:02:42.239> lot<00:02:42.440> of<00:02:42.680> people<00:02:42.879> who<00:02:43.000> are<00:02:43.200> frustrated are lot of people who are frustrated are lot of people who are frustrated there<00:02:43.879> are<00:02:44.080> lots<00:02:44.280> of<00:02:44.440> people<00:02:44.640> who<00:02:44.760> are there are lots of people who are there are lots of people who are frustrated<00:02:45.879> there<00:02:45.959> are<00:02:46.080> lots<00:02:46.280> of<00:02:46.440> people<00:02:46.640> who frustrated there are lots of people who frustrated there are lots of people who actually<00:02:47.000> share<00:02:47.400> the<00:02:47.519> same<00:02:47.879> dream<00:02:48.879> there<00:02:49.000> are actually share the same dream there are actually share the same dream there are lots<00:02:49.360> of<00:02:49.519> people<00:02:49.680> who<00:02:49.840> care<00:02:50.080> about<00:02:50.319> their lots of people who care about their lots of people who care about their freedom<00:02:51.519> uh<00:02:51.680> they<00:02:51.879> probably<00:02:52.200> have<00:02:52.400> the<00:02:52.560> best freedom uh they probably have the best freedom uh they probably have the best life<00:02:53.080> in<00:02:53.239> the<00:02:53.360> world<00:02:53.760> they<00:02:53.920> are<00:02:54.120> living<00:02:54.440> in<00:02:54.800> in life in the world they are living in in life in the world they are living in in happiness<00:02:55.480> they're<00:02:55.680> living<00:02:55.879> in<00:02:56.000> their happiness they're living in their happiness they're living in their Village<00:02:56.519> they're<00:02:56.760> happy<00:02:57.040> they<00:02:57.200> don't<00:02:57.400> have Village they're happy they don't have Village they're happy they don't have problems<00:02:58.200> but<00:02:58.319> they<00:02:58.440> are<00:02:58.640> still<00:03:00.000> feeling<00:03:00.519> the problems but they are still feeling the problems but they are still feeling the pain<00:03:00.920> of<00:03:01.080> the<00:03:01.519> Egyptian<00:03:02.519> a<00:03:02.640> lot<00:03:02.800> of<00:03:02.959> us<00:03:03.319> were pain of the Egyptian a lot of us were pain of the Egyptian a lot of us were we're<00:03:03.799> not<00:03:04.040> really<00:03:04.319> happy<00:03:04.599> when<00:03:04.760> we<00:03:04.920> see<00:03:05.159> a we're not really happy when we see a we're not really happy when we see a video<00:03:05.640> of<00:03:05.760> an<00:03:05.920> Egyptian<00:03:06.400> man<00:03:07.080> who's<00:03:07.319> eating video of an Egyptian man who's eating video of an Egyptian man who's eating the<00:03:07.879> trash<00:03:08.879> While<00:03:09.560> others<00:03:10.080> are<00:03:10.280> stealing the trash While others are stealing the trash While others are stealing billions<00:03:11.440> of<00:03:11.640> Egyptian<00:03:12.120> pounds<00:03:12.920> from<00:03:13.400> the billions of Egyptian pounds from the billions of Egyptian pounds from the wealth<00:03:13.920> of<00:03:14.080> the<00:03:14.360> country<00:03:15.360> the<00:03:15.480> internet<00:03:15.879> have wealth of the country the internet have wealth of the country the internet have played<00:03:16.280> a<00:03:16.400> great<00:03:16.640> role<00:03:17.000> helping<00:03:17.400> these<00:03:17.640> people played a great role helping these people played a great role helping these people to<00:03:18.080> speak<00:03:18.319> up<00:03:18.599> their<00:03:18.799> minds<00:03:19.599> to<00:03:19.840> collaborate to speak up their minds to collaborate to speak up their minds to collaborate together<00:03:20.840> to<00:03:21.239> you<00:03:21.319> know<00:03:21.480> to<00:03:21.599> start<00:03:21.840> thinking together to you know to start thinking together to you know to start thinking together<00:03:22.720> it<00:03:22.799> was<00:03:22.959> an<00:03:23.159> educational together it was an educational together it was an educational campaigns<00:03:25.480> Khaled<00:03:25.840> s<00:03:26.239> was<00:03:26.400> killed<00:03:27.400> in<00:03:27.920> June campaigns Khaled s was killed in June campaigns Khaled s was killed in June 2010 2010 2010 the<00:03:31.319> photo<00:03:32.280> I<00:03:32.400> still<00:03:32.640> remember<00:03:32.959> the<00:03:33.040> photo<00:03:33.360> I the photo I still remember the photo I the photo I still remember the photo I still<00:03:33.640> remember<00:03:34.000> every<00:03:34.200> single<00:03:34.519> detail<00:03:34.840> of still remember every single detail of still remember every single detail of that<00:03:35.159> photo<00:03:35.840> the<00:03:35.959> photo<00:03:36.319> was that photo the photo was that photo the photo was horrible<00:03:39.319> he<00:03:39.439> was<00:03:39.720> tortured<00:03:40.519> brutally horrible he was tortured brutally horrible he was tortured brutally tortured<00:03:41.480> to<00:03:41.720> death<00:03:42.360> but<00:03:42.560> then<00:03:42.720> what<00:03:42.840> was<00:03:43.000> the tortured to death but then what was the tortured to death but then what was the answer<00:03:43.400> of<00:03:43.560> the<00:03:43.840> regime<00:03:44.840> you<00:03:45.000> know<00:03:45.480> he<00:03:45.760> chocked answer of the regime you know he chocked answer of the regime you know he chocked uh<00:03:46.720> on<00:03:46.840> a<00:03:46.959> pile<00:03:47.159> of<00:03:47.480> hash<00:03:48.480> that's<00:03:48.959> that's<00:03:49.360> that uh on a pile of hash that's that's that uh on a pile of hash that's that's that was<00:03:49.640> their<00:03:49.879> answer<00:03:50.239> he's<00:03:50.439> a<00:03:50.599> criminal<00:03:51.360> he's was their answer he's a criminal he's was their answer he's a criminal he's someone<00:03:52.000> who<00:03:52.280> you<00:03:52.400> know<00:03:52.640> were<00:03:53.159> escaped<00:03:53.560> from someone who you know were escaped from someone who you know were escaped from all<00:03:54.079> these<00:03:54.280> bad<00:03:54.480> things<00:03:54.799> but<00:03:54.959> people<00:03:55.200> did<00:03:55.319> not all these bad things but people did not all these bad things but people did not relate<00:03:55.840> to<00:03:56.079> this<00:03:56.599> people<00:03:56.840> did<00:03:57.040> not<00:03:57.239> believe relate to this people did not believe relate to this people did not believe this<00:03:58.599> because<00:03:58.840> of<00:03:59.000> the<00:03:59.120> internet<00:04:00.079> the<00:04:00.239> truth this because of the internet the truth this because of the internet the truth prevailed<00:04:01.280> and<00:04:01.439> and<00:04:01.599> everyone<00:04:01.920> knew<00:04:02.200> the prevailed and and everyone knew the prevailed and and everyone knew the truth<00:04:03.079> and<00:04:03.280> everyone<00:04:03.640> started<00:04:04.000> to<00:04:04.200> think<00:04:04.480> that truth and everyone started to think that truth and everyone started to think that this<00:04:04.959> guy<00:04:05.200> can<00:04:05.360> be<00:04:05.560> my<00:04:05.799> brother<00:04:06.439> he<00:04:06.599> is<00:04:06.720> a this guy can be my brother he is a this guy can be my brother he is a middle<00:04:07.239> class<00:04:07.519> guy<00:04:08.159> his<00:04:08.319> photo<00:04:08.760> is<00:04:09.000> was middle class guy his photo is was middle class guy his photo is was remembered<00:04:09.760> by<00:04:09.959> all<00:04:10.120> of remembered by all of remembered by all of us<00:04:12.040> a<00:04:12.239> page<00:04:12.519> was<00:04:12.879> created<00:04:13.879> an<00:04:14.079> anonymous us a page was created an anonymous us a page was created an anonymous administrator<00:04:15.760> was<00:04:16.079> basically<00:04:16.560> inviting administrator was basically inviting administrator was basically inviting people<00:04:17.239> to<00:04:17.400> join<00:04:17.680> the<00:04:17.959> page<00:04:18.959> and<00:04:19.079> there<00:04:19.199> was<00:04:19.359> no people to join the page and there was no people to join the page and there was no plan<00:04:19.919> we<00:04:20.040> didn't<00:04:20.280> know<00:04:20.519> what<00:04:20.680> what<00:04:20.799> are<00:04:20.919> we plan we didn't know what what are we plan we didn't know what what are we going<00:04:21.120> to<00:04:21.239> do<00:04:21.400> I<00:04:21.479> don't<00:04:21.639> know<00:04:22.199> in<00:04:22.440> few<00:04:22.759> days going to do I don't know in few days going to do I don't know in few days tons<00:04:23.600> of<00:04:23.840> thousands<00:04:24.160> of<00:04:24.360> people<00:04:24.560> were<00:04:24.880> there tons of thousands of people were there tons of thousands of people were there angry<00:04:26.160> Egyptians<00:04:27.120> who<00:04:27.240> were<00:04:27.520> asking<00:04:27.960> the angry Egyptians who were asking the angry Egyptians who were asking the ministry<00:04:28.520> of<00:04:28.720> interior<00:04:29.199> affairs ministry of interior affairs ministry of interior affairs enough<00:04:31.800> get<00:04:32.039> us<00:04:33.039> you<00:04:33.160> know<00:04:33.400> get<00:04:33.600> those<00:04:33.800> who enough get us you know get those who enough get us you know get those who killed<00:04:34.320> this<00:04:34.720> guy<00:04:35.720> to<00:04:35.919> just<00:04:36.199> bring<00:04:36.440> them<00:04:36.600> to killed this guy to just bring them to killed this guy to just bring them to justice<00:04:38.280> but<00:04:38.440> of<00:04:38.600> course<00:04:38.800> they<00:04:38.919> don't<00:04:39.400> listen justice but of course they don't listen justice but of course they don't listen it<00:04:40.520> was<00:04:40.639> an<00:04:40.880> amazing<00:04:41.360> Story<00:04:41.840> how<00:04:42.160> everyone it was an amazing Story how everyone it was an amazing Story how everyone started<00:04:43.440> feeling<00:04:43.880> the<00:04:44.039> ownership<00:04:44.720> everyone started feeling the ownership everyone started feeling the ownership everyone was<00:04:45.240> an<00:04:45.400> owner<00:04:45.759> in<00:04:45.919> this<00:04:46.120> page<00:04:46.720> people<00:04:46.960> started was an owner in this page people started was an owner in this page people started contributing<00:04:47.919> ideas<00:04:48.320> in<00:04:48.520> fact<00:04:49.240> one<00:04:49.400> of<00:04:49.600> the contributing ideas in fact one of the contributing ideas in fact one of the most<00:04:49.960> ridiculous<00:04:50.520> ideas<00:04:51.000> was<00:04:51.919> hey<00:04:52.120> let's<00:04:52.360> have most ridiculous ideas was hey let's have most ridiculous ideas was hey let's have a<00:04:52.680> silent<00:04:53.120> stand<00:04:54.000> let's<00:04:54.280> get<00:04:54.639> people<00:04:55.240> to<00:04:55.440> go<00:04:55.639> in a silent stand let's get people to go in a silent stand let's get people to go in the<00:04:55.960> street<00:04:56.720> face<00:04:57.039> the<00:04:57.199> sea<00:04:57.680> they're<00:04:57.960> back<00:04:58.199> to the street face the sea they're back to the street face the sea they're back to the<00:04:58.880> uh<00:04:59.000> to<00:04:59.120> the<00:04:59.240> street<00:04:59.960> dressed<00:05:00.280> in<00:05:00.520> black the uh to the street dressed in black the uh to the street dressed in black standing<00:05:01.520> up<00:05:01.720> silently<00:05:02.160> for<00:05:02.400> 1<00:05:02.600> hour<00:05:03.199> doing standing up silently for 1 hour doing standing up silently for 1 hour doing nothing<00:05:04.080> and<00:05:04.199> then<00:05:04.400> just<00:05:04.560> leaving<00:05:05.000> going<00:05:05.360> back nothing and then just leaving going back nothing and then just leaving going back home<00:05:07.120> for<00:05:07.400> for<00:05:07.680> some<00:05:07.880> people<00:05:08.280> that<00:05:08.440> was<00:05:08.639> like home for for some people that was like home for for some people that was like Wow<00:05:09.120> silent<00:05:09.520> stand<00:05:09.840> and<00:05:10.000> next<00:05:10.199> time<00:05:10.320> it's Wow silent stand and next time it's Wow silent stand and next time it's going<00:05:10.560> to<00:05:10.680> be<00:05:10.880> vibration<00:05:11.880> you<00:05:12.000> know<00:05:12.280> people going to be vibration you know people going to be vibration you know people were<00:05:12.639> making<00:05:12.880> fun<00:05:13.080> of<00:05:13.240> the<00:05:13.400> idea<00:05:14.280> but<00:05:14.520> when were making fun of the idea but when were making fun of the idea but when when<00:05:15.000> actually<00:05:15.360> people<00:05:15.680> went<00:05:15.880> to<00:05:16.039> the<00:05:16.199> street when actually people went to the street when actually people went to the street the<00:05:16.960> first<00:05:17.199> time<00:05:17.400> it<00:05:17.560> was<00:05:17.800> thousands<00:05:18.240> of the first time it was thousands of the first time it was thousands of people<00:05:18.759> in people in people in Alexandria<00:05:21.080> it<00:05:21.199> felt<00:05:21.520> like<00:05:21.960> it<00:05:22.080> was<00:05:22.319> amazing Alexandria it felt like it was amazing Alexandria it felt like it was amazing it<00:05:23.199> was<00:05:23.759> great<00:05:24.039> because<00:05:24.240> it<00:05:24.400> connected<00:05:24.840> people it was great because it connected people it was great because it connected people from<00:05:25.199> the<00:05:25.360> virtual<00:05:25.680> world<00:05:26.319> bringing<00:05:26.680> them<00:05:26.840> to from the virtual world bringing them to from the virtual world bringing them to the<00:05:27.160> real<00:05:27.400> world<00:05:27.919> sharing<00:05:28.440> the<00:05:28.639> same<00:05:29.759> the<00:05:29.919> same the real world sharing the same the same the real world sharing the same the same dream<00:05:30.639> the<00:05:30.759> same<00:05:31.199> frustration<00:05:31.880> the<00:05:32.000> same dream the same frustration the same dream the same frustration the same anger<00:05:32.680> the<00:05:32.800> same<00:05:33.440> desire<00:05:33.800> to<00:05:33.960> for<00:05:34.240> freedom<00:05:34.880> and anger the same desire to for freedom and anger the same desire to for freedom and they<00:05:35.080> were<00:05:35.240> doing<00:05:35.560> this<00:05:35.759> thing<00:05:36.240> but<00:05:36.400> did<00:05:36.560> the they were doing this thing but did the they were doing this thing but did the regime<00:05:37.000> learn<00:05:37.319> anything<00:05:38.080> not<00:05:38.319> really<00:05:39.160> they regime learn anything not really they regime learn anything not really they were<00:05:39.560> actually<00:05:40.360> attacking<00:05:40.880> them<00:05:41.120> they<00:05:41.199> were were actually attacking them they were were actually attacking them they were actually<00:05:41.680> abusing<00:05:42.120> them<00:05:42.360> despite<00:05:42.720> the<00:05:42.919> fact actually abusing them despite the fact actually abusing them despite the fact on<00:05:43.520> how<00:05:43.720> peaceful<00:05:44.199> these<00:05:44.440> guys<00:05:44.639> were<00:05:45.039> they on how peaceful these guys were they on how peaceful these guys were they were<00:05:45.280> not<00:05:45.400> even were not even were not even protesting<00:05:47.400> and<00:05:47.600> things<00:05:47.880> have<00:05:48.120> developed protesting and things have developed protesting and things have developed until<00:05:50.759> the<00:05:50.919> Tunisian until the Tunisian until the Tunisian Revolution<00:05:52.960> this<00:05:53.160> whole<00:05:53.479> page<00:05:54.000> was<00:05:54.319> again Revolution this whole page was again Revolution this whole page was again done<00:05:55.520> managed<00:05:55.960> by<00:05:56.120> the<00:05:56.240> people<00:05:56.720> in<00:05:56.919> fact<00:05:57.479> the done managed by the people in fact the done managed by the people in fact the the<00:05:58.120> the<00:05:58.240> anonymous<00:05:58.720> admin<00:05:59.720> job<00:06:00.039> was<00:06:00.199> to the the anonymous admin job was to the the anonymous admin job was to collect<00:06:00.880> ideas<00:06:01.880> help<00:06:02.160> people<00:06:02.360> to<00:06:02.560> vote<00:06:02.840> on collect ideas help people to vote on collect ideas help people to vote on them<00:06:03.680> and<00:06:03.919> actually<00:06:04.639> tell<00:06:04.960> them<00:06:05.319> what<00:06:05.479> they them and actually tell them what they them and actually tell them what they are<00:06:05.759> doing<00:06:06.360> people<00:06:06.560> were<00:06:06.759> taking<00:06:07.000> shots<00:06:07.360> and are doing people were taking shots and are doing people were taking shots and photos<00:06:07.960> people<00:06:08.280> reporting<00:06:08.840> violations<00:06:09.319> of photos people reporting violations of photos people reporting violations of human<00:06:09.840> rights<00:06:10.080> in<00:06:10.280> Egypt<00:06:10.919> people<00:06:11.199> were human rights in Egypt people were human rights in Egypt people were suggesting<00:06:12.199> ideas<00:06:12.800> they<00:06:12.919> were<00:06:13.120> actually suggesting ideas they were actually suggesting ideas they were actually voting<00:06:13.880> on<00:06:14.120> ideas<00:06:14.639> and<00:06:14.759> then<00:06:14.880> they<00:06:14.960> were voting on ideas and then they were voting on ideas and then they were excuting<00:06:15.759> the<00:06:15.919> ideas<00:06:16.639> uh<00:06:16.759> people<00:06:16.919> were excuting the ideas uh people were excuting the ideas uh people were creating<00:06:17.520> videos<00:06:18.280> everything<00:06:18.639> was<00:06:18.840> done<00:06:19.039> by creating videos everything was done by creating videos everything was done by the<00:06:19.319> people<00:06:19.599> to<00:06:19.800> the<00:06:19.960> people<00:06:20.199> and<00:06:20.400> that's<00:06:20.599> the the people to the people and that's the the people to the people and that's the power<00:06:21.039> of<00:06:21.199> the<00:06:21.360> internet<00:06:22.199> there<00:06:22.319> was<00:06:22.520> no power of the internet there was no power of the internet there was no leader<00:06:23.360> the<00:06:23.599> leader<00:06:23.919> was<00:06:24.639> everyone<00:06:25.039> on<00:06:25.280> that leader the leader was everyone on that leader the leader was everyone on that page<00:06:26.280> the<00:06:26.440> Tunisian<00:06:26.919> experiment<00:06:27.440> you<00:06:27.520> know<00:06:27.759> as page the Tunisian experiment you know as page the Tunisian experiment you know as as<00:06:28.120> am<00:06:28.400> was<00:06:28.520> saying<00:06:29.000> inspired<00:06:29.639> all<00:06:29.720> of<00:06:29.840> us as am was saying inspired all of us as am was saying inspired all of us showed<00:06:30.199> us<00:06:30.360> that<00:06:30.520> there<00:06:30.639> is<00:06:30.759> a<00:06:30.919> way<00:06:31.400> yes<00:06:31.599> we<00:06:31.759> can showed us that there is a way yes we can showed us that there is a way yes we can we<00:06:32.360> can<00:06:32.520> do<00:06:32.639> it<00:06:32.800> we<00:06:32.960> have<00:06:33.080> the<00:06:33.240> same<00:06:33.599> problems we can do it we have the same problems we can do it we have the same problems we<00:06:34.280> can<00:06:34.639> just<00:06:34.880> go<00:06:35.039> in<00:06:35.199> the<00:06:35.319> street<00:06:36.199> and<00:06:36.400> when<00:06:37.080> I we can just go in the street and when I we can just go in the street and when I saw<00:06:37.560> the<00:06:37.639> street<00:06:37.919> on<00:06:38.039> the<00:06:38.440> 25th<00:06:39.440> I<00:06:39.560> went<00:06:39.880> back saw the street on the 25th I went back saw the street on the 25th I went back and<00:06:40.319> said<00:06:41.000> Egypt<00:06:41.360> before<00:06:41.680> 25th<00:06:42.400> is<00:06:42.599> never and said Egypt before 25th is never and said Egypt before 25th is never going<00:06:42.960> to<00:06:43.120> be<00:06:43.680> Egypt<00:06:44.080> after<00:06:44.400> 25th<00:06:45.160> the going to be Egypt after 25th the going to be Egypt after 25th the revolution<00:06:46.000> is<00:06:46.240> happening<00:06:46.880> this<00:06:46.960> is<00:06:47.199> not<00:06:47.680> the revolution is happening this is not the revolution is happening this is not the be<00:06:48.160> the<00:06:48.280> end<00:06:48.840> this<00:06:48.960> is<00:06:49.120> the<00:06:49.280> beginning<00:06:49.680> of<00:06:49.840> the

end<00:06:53.000> I<00:06:53.120> was<00:06:53.280> detained<00:06:54.280> uh<00:06:54.360> on<00:06:54.520> the<00:06:54.680> 27th<00:06:55.560> night
end I was detained uh on the 27th night end I was detained uh on the 27th night one<00:06:56.759> day<00:06:57.360> you<00:06:57.440> know<00:06:57.639> thank<00:06:57.879> God<00:06:58.039> I<00:06:58.160> announced one day you know thank God I announced one day you know thank God I announced the<00:06:58.680> locations<00:06:59.080> and<00:06:59.240> everything<00:06:59.759> but<00:06:59.919> then the locations and everything but then the locations and everything but then they<00:07:00.440> detained<00:07:01.000> me<00:07:02.000> um<00:07:02.240> and<00:07:02.360> I'm<00:07:02.479> not<00:07:02.599> going<00:07:02.680> to they detained me um and I'm not going to they detained me um and I'm not going to talk<00:07:03.000> about<00:07:03.199> my<00:07:03.400> experience<00:07:03.840> because<00:07:04.039> this<00:07:04.160> is talk about my experience because this is talk about my experience because this is not<00:07:04.479> about<00:07:04.720> me<00:07:05.199> I<00:07:05.319> was<00:07:05.479> detained<00:07:05.879> for<00:07:06.160> 12<00:07:06.479> days not about me I was detained for 12 days not about me I was detained for 12 days blindfolded<00:07:08.039> uh<00:07:08.360> uh<00:07:08.919> handcuffed<00:07:09.919> and<00:07:10.120> I<00:07:10.240> did blindfolded uh uh handcuffed and I did blindfolded uh uh handcuffed and I did not<00:07:10.520> really<00:07:10.800> hear<00:07:11.160> anything<00:07:11.599> I<00:07:11.680> did<00:07:11.840> not<00:07:11.960> know not really hear anything I did not know not really hear anything I did not know anything<00:07:12.599> I<00:07:12.680> was<00:07:12.800> not<00:07:12.919> allowed<00:07:13.160> to<00:07:13.280> speak<00:07:13.479> with anything I was not allowed to speak with anything I was not allowed to speak with anyone<00:07:15.639> and<00:07:15.800> I<00:07:15.919> went<00:07:16.160> out<00:07:16.800> next<00:07:17.039> day<00:07:17.160> I<00:07:17.280> was anyone and I went out next day I was anyone and I went out next day I was in<00:07:18.919> seriously<00:07:19.560> with<00:07:19.720> the<00:07:19.840> amount<00:07:20.080> of<00:07:20.240> change<00:07:20.520> I in seriously with the amount of change I in seriously with the amount of change I have<00:07:20.800> noticed<00:07:21.400> in<00:07:21.599> this<00:07:21.759> Square<00:07:22.680> I<00:07:22.759> thought<00:07:23.000> it have noticed in this Square I thought it have noticed in this Square I thought it was<00:07:23.280> 12<00:07:23.759> years<00:07:24.520> I<00:07:24.680> never<00:07:25.080> had<00:07:25.400> in<00:07:25.639> my<00:07:25.960> mind<00:07:26.960> to was 12 years I never had in my mind to was 12 years I never had in my mind to see<00:07:27.599> this<00:07:28.039> Egyptian<00:07:29.039> the<00:07:29.199> amazing<00:07:29.479> amazing see this Egyptian the amazing amazing see this Egyptian the amazing amazing Egyptian<00:07:31.120> the<00:07:31.280> fear<00:07:31.639> is<00:07:32.000> no<00:07:32.199> longer<00:07:32.560> fear<00:07:33.199> it's Egyptian the fear is no longer fear it's Egyptian the fear is no longer fear it's actually<00:07:33.759> strength<00:07:34.160> it's<00:07:34.400> power<00:07:35.319> uh<00:07:35.479> people actually strength it's power uh people actually strength it's power uh people were<00:07:36.080> so<00:07:36.360> empowered<00:07:37.199> it<00:07:37.319> was<00:07:37.599> amazing<00:07:38.039> how were so empowered it was amazing how were so empowered it was amazing how everyone<00:07:38.599> is<00:07:38.720> so<00:07:38.960> empowered<00:07:39.639> and<00:07:39.800> now<00:07:40.039> asking everyone is so empowered and now asking everyone is so empowered and now asking for<00:07:40.560> their<00:07:40.759> rights<00:07:41.199> completely<00:07:41.759> opposite for their rights completely opposite for their rights completely opposite extremism<00:07:43.440> became<00:07:43.800> to<00:07:44.520> tolerance<00:07:45.520> you<00:07:45.639> know extremism became to tolerance you know extremism became to tolerance you know who<00:07:45.960> would<00:07:46.199> imagine<00:07:46.680> before<00:07:46.919> the<00:07:47.080> 25th<00:07:47.919> if<00:07:48.080> I who would imagine before the 25th if I who would imagine before the 25th if I tell<00:07:48.479> you<00:07:48.919> that<00:07:49.159> hundreds<00:07:49.479> of<00:07:49.639> thousands<00:07:50.000> of tell you that hundreds of thousands of tell you that hundreds of thousands of Christians<00:07:50.560> are<00:07:50.720> going<00:07:50.800> to<00:07:51.000> pray<00:07:51.479> and<00:07:51.599> tons<00:07:51.879> of Christians are going to pray and tons of Christians are going to pray and tons of thousands<00:07:52.360> of<00:07:52.479> Muslims<00:07:52.840> are<00:07:52.919> going<00:07:53.039> to thousands of Muslims are going to thousands of Muslims are going to protect<00:07:53.560> them<00:07:53.919> and<00:07:54.039> then<00:07:54.199> hundreds<00:07:54.520> of protect them and then hundreds of protect them and then hundreds of thousands<00:07:55.000> of<00:07:55.199> Muslims<00:07:55.560> are<00:07:55.680> going<00:07:55.759> to<00:07:55.919> pray thousands of Muslims are going to pray thousands of Muslims are going to pray and<00:07:56.400> tons<00:07:56.680> of<00:07:56.800> thousands<00:07:57.080> of<00:07:57.240> Christians<00:07:57.599> are and tons of thousands of Christians are and tons of thousands of Christians are going<00:07:57.840> to<00:07:58.000> protect<00:07:58.319> them<00:07:58.800> this<00:07:58.919> is<00:07:59.080> amazing going to protect them this is amazing going to protect them this is amazing all<00:08:00.159> the<00:08:00.400> stereotypes<00:08:01.319> that<00:08:01.440> the<00:08:01.599> regime<00:08:01.919> were all the stereotypes that the regime were all the stereotypes that the regime were trying<00:08:02.400> to<00:08:02.639> put<00:08:03.440> on<00:08:03.800> us<00:08:04.280> through<00:08:04.560> their trying to put on us through their trying to put on us through their so-called<00:08:05.599> propaganda<00:08:06.120> or<00:08:06.280> mainstream<00:08:06.840> media so-called propaganda or mainstream media so-called propaganda or mainstream media are<00:08:07.680> proven are proven are proven wrong<00:08:10.039> this<00:08:10.240> whole<00:08:10.560> Revolution<00:08:11.039> showed<00:08:11.360> us wrong this whole Revolution showed us wrong this whole Revolution showed us how<00:08:11.800> ugly<00:08:12.800> how<00:08:13.000> ugly<00:08:13.400> such<00:08:13.599> a<00:08:13.759> regime<00:08:14.199> was<00:08:14.759> and how ugly how ugly such a regime was and how ugly how ugly such a regime was and how<00:08:15.319> great<00:08:15.680> and<00:08:15.919> amazing<00:08:16.680> the<00:08:16.840> Egyptian<00:08:17.440> man how great and amazing the Egyptian man how great and amazing the Egyptian man this<00:08:18.120> the<00:08:18.199> Egyptian<00:08:18.639> man<00:08:18.879> the<00:08:18.960> Egyptian<00:08:19.360> woman this the Egyptian man the Egyptian woman this the Egyptian man the Egyptian woman how<00:08:19.879> simple<00:08:20.240> and<00:08:20.520> amazing<00:08:21.360> these<00:08:21.599> people<00:08:21.879> are how simple and amazing these people are how simple and amazing these people are whenever<00:08:22.919> they<00:08:23.080> have<00:08:23.199> a<00:08:23.280> dream<00:08:24.039> when<00:08:24.240> I<00:08:24.360> saw whenever they have a dream when I saw whenever they have a dream when I saw that<00:08:26.159> I<00:08:26.280> went<00:08:26.639> back<00:08:27.159> and<00:08:27.280> I<00:08:27.400> wrote<00:08:27.680> on<00:08:27.960> Facebook that I went back and I wrote on Facebook that I went back and I wrote on Facebook and<00:08:29.080> that<00:08:29.199> was<00:08:29.319> a<00:08:29.599> personal<00:08:30.039> belief and that was a personal belief and that was a personal belief regardless<00:08:31.440> of<00:08:31.599> what's<00:08:31.840> going<00:08:32.080> on<00:08:32.839> regardless regardless of what's going on regardless regardless of what's going on regardless of<00:08:33.440> the<00:08:33.599> details<00:08:34.440> I<00:08:34.560> said<00:08:34.800> that<00:08:34.959> we<00:08:35.039> are<00:08:35.200> going of the details I said that we are going of the details I said that we are going to<00:08:35.479> win<00:08:36.479> we're<00:08:36.680> going<00:08:36.800> to<00:08:36.919> win<00:08:37.200> because<00:08:37.479> we to win we're going to win because we to win we're going to win because we don't<00:08:38.159> understand<00:08:38.479> politics<00:08:39.479> we're<00:08:39.680> going<00:08:39.800> to don't understand politics we're going to don't understand politics we're going to win<00:08:40.919> because<00:08:41.240> we<00:08:41.399> don't<00:08:42.120> play<00:08:42.399> their<00:08:42.640> dirty win because we don't play their dirty win because we don't play their dirty games<00:08:43.839> we're<00:08:44.000> going<00:08:44.120> to<00:08:44.279> win<00:08:44.959> because<00:08:45.200> we games we're going to win because we games we're going to win because we don't<00:08:45.560> have<00:08:45.680> an<00:08:45.839> agenda<00:08:46.839> we're<00:08:47.000> going<00:08:47.120> to<00:08:47.279> win don't have an agenda we're going to win don't have an agenda we're going to win because<00:08:48.000> the<00:08:48.160> tears<00:08:48.519> that<00:08:48.680> comes<00:08:49.000> from<00:08:49.200> our because the tears that comes from our because the tears that comes from our eyes<00:08:50.399> actually<00:08:50.720> come<00:08:50.959> from<00:08:51.160> our<00:08:51.440> hearts<00:08:52.399> we're eyes actually come from our hearts we're eyes actually come from our hearts we're going<00:08:52.760> to<00:08:52.959> win<00:08:53.920> because<00:08:54.160> we<00:08:54.360> have<00:08:54.560> dreams going to win because we have dreams going to win because we have dreams we're<00:08:55.600> going<00:08:55.720> to<00:08:55.920> win<00:08:56.600> because<00:08:56.839> we<00:08:56.959> are we're going to win because we are we're going to win because we are willing<00:08:57.440> to<00:08:57.640> stand<00:08:57.959> up<00:08:58.399> for<00:08:58.640> our<00:08:58.920> dreams willing to stand up for our dreams willing to stand up for our dreams and<00:09:00.160> that's<00:09:00.440> actually<00:09:00.800> what<00:09:01.040> happened<00:09:01.800> we<00:09:02.000> won and that's actually what happened we won and that's actually what happened we won and<00:09:02.959> that's<00:09:03.200> not<00:09:03.480> because<00:09:03.760> of<00:09:04.079> anything<00:09:04.839> but and that's not because of anything but and that's not because of anything but because<00:09:05.279> we<00:09:05.480> believed<00:09:05.839> in<00:09:06.000> our<00:09:06.240> Dream<00:09:07.000> the because we believed in our Dream the because we believed in our Dream the winning<00:09:07.480> here<00:09:07.640> is<00:09:07.760> not<00:09:08.240> you<00:09:08.360> know<00:09:08.680> the<00:09:08.959> the winning here is not you know the the winning here is not you know the the whole<00:09:09.320> details<00:09:09.720> of<00:09:09.880> the<00:09:10.000> politic<00:09:10.440> what's whole details of the politic what's whole details of the politic what's going<00:09:10.680> to<00:09:10.839> happen<00:09:11.000> in<00:09:11.160> the<00:09:11.279> political<00:09:11.640> scene going to happen in the political scene going to happen in the political scene the<00:09:12.360> winning<00:09:12.680> is<00:09:12.839> the<00:09:12.920> winning<00:09:13.240> of<00:09:13.399> the the winning is the winning of the the winning is the winning of the Dignity<00:09:14.120> of<00:09:14.399> every<00:09:14.720> single<00:09:15.240> Egyptian<00:09:16.240> I Dignity of every single Egyptian I Dignity of every single Egyptian I actually<00:09:16.760> I<00:09:16.920> had<00:09:17.120> I<00:09:17.240> had<00:09:17.399> this<00:09:17.560> Taxi<00:09:17.880> Driver actually I had I had this Taxi Driver actually I had I had this Taxi Driver telling<00:09:18.839> me<00:09:19.839> listen<00:09:20.560> I<00:09:20.680> am<00:09:20.839> breathing<00:09:21.680> freedom telling me listen I am breathing freedom telling me listen I am breathing freedom I<00:09:22.839> feel<00:09:23.480> that<00:09:23.680> I<00:09:23.800> have<00:09:24.040> dignity<00:09:24.519> that<00:09:24.640> I<00:09:24.760> have I feel that I have dignity that I have I feel that I have dignity that I have lost<00:09:25.320> for<00:09:25.600> so<00:09:25.839> many<00:09:26.160> years<00:09:26.920> for<00:09:27.079> me<00:09:27.320> that's lost for so many years for me that's lost for so many years for me that's winning<00:09:28.200> regardless<00:09:28.680> of<00:09:28.800> all<00:09:28.959> the<00:09:29.079> detail winning regardless of all the detail winning regardless of all the detail dets<00:09:30.360> my<00:09:30.560> last<00:09:30.800> word<00:09:31.040> to<00:09:31.240> you<00:09:31.640> is<00:09:31.760> a<00:09:31.920> statement dets my last word to you is a statement dets my last word to you is a statement I<00:09:32.440> believe<00:09:32.760> in<00:09:33.320> which<00:09:33.680> is<00:09:34.680> Egyptians<00:09:35.160> have I believe in which is Egyptians have I believe in which is Egyptians have proven<00:09:35.560> to<00:09:35.680> be<00:09:35.880> true<00:09:36.519> that<00:09:36.680> the<00:09:36.880> power<00:09:37.200> of<00:09:37.399> the proven to be true that the power of the proven to be true that the power of the people<00:09:38.640> is<00:09:38.880> much<00:09:39.320> stronger<00:09:39.800> than<00:09:39.920> the<00:09:40.040> people people is much stronger than the people people is much stronger than the people in<00:09:40.519> power<00:09:41.120> thanks<00:09:41.360> a<00:09:41.480> lot


TEDxCairo TED TEDx TED-Ed TED Ed, TEDEducation, Wael, Ghonim, Egypt, Cairo, 2011, Egyptian, Revolution, Tahrir, Square, Google Facebook

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