Bí ẩn của tiếng bản địa: Manh Mối-Jessica Oreck

Mysteries of vernacular: Clue - Jessica Oreck

Mysteries of vernacular: Clue - Jessica Oreck



mysteries<00:00:14.250> of<00:00:14.280> vernacular<00:00:15.530> clue<00:00:17.000> something
mysteries of vernacular clue something mysteries of vernacular clue something that<00:00:18.300> serves<00:00:18.570> to<00:00:18.930> guide<00:00:19.140> in<00:00:19.410> the<00:00:19.500> solution<00:00:20.010> of that serves to guide in the solution of that serves to guide in the solution of a<00:00:20.220> mystery<00:00:20.640> or<00:00:20.760> crime<00:00:21.890> before<00:00:22.890> the a mystery or crime before the a mystery or crime before the popularization<00:00:24.090> of<00:00:24.180> detective<00:00:24.779> fiction<00:00:24.920> clue popularization of detective fiction clue popularization of detective fiction clue was<00:00:26.220> just<00:00:26.580> as<00:00:26.730> frequently<00:00:27.270> spelled<00:00:27.630> clue<00:00:28.140> and was just as frequently spelled clue and was just as frequently spelled clue and both<00:00:28.980> spellings<00:00:29.340> historically<00:00:30.210> meant<00:00:30.900> a<00:00:31.080> ball both spellings historically meant a ball both spellings historically meant a ball of<00:00:31.740> yarn<00:00:31.980> or<00:00:32.309> thread<00:00:32.460> but<00:00:33.420> the<00:00:33.570> current of yarn or thread but the current of yarn or thread but the current definition<00:00:34.710> developed<00:00:35.580> from<00:00:35.820> Greek definition developed from Greek definition developed from Greek mythology mythology mythology Theseus<00:00:37.860> king<00:00:38.670> of<00:00:38.820> Athens<00:00:38.970> was<00:00:39.480> to<00:00:40.019> be Theseus king of Athens was to be Theseus king of Athens was to be sacrificed<00:00:40.860> to<00:00:41.160> the<00:00:41.280> Minotaur<00:00:41.730> a<00:00:42.059> half-man sacrificed to the Minotaur a half-man sacrificed to the Minotaur a half-man half-bull<00:00:44.070> that<00:00:44.910> lived<00:00:45.149> in<00:00:45.420> an<00:00:45.570> almost half-bull that lived in an almost half-bull that lived in an almost impossible<00:00:46.739> labyrinth<00:00:47.809> in<00:00:48.809> order<00:00:49.260> to<00:00:49.440> survive impossible labyrinth in order to survive impossible labyrinth in order to survive Theseus<00:00:50.940> would<00:00:51.239> have<00:00:51.420> to<00:00:51.570> locate<00:00:51.809> and<00:00:52.320> kill Theseus would have to locate and kill Theseus would have to locate and kill them<00:00:53.070> in<00:00:53.190> a<00:00:53.280> tour<00:00:53.489> and<00:00:53.790> then<00:00:54.510> find<00:00:54.989> his<00:00:55.170> way them in a tour and then find his way them in a tour and then find his way back<00:00:55.410> out<00:00:56.190> of<00:00:56.250> the<00:00:56.700> labyrinth back out of the labyrinth back out of the labyrinth luckily<00:00:58.250> Theseus<00:00:59.250> had<00:00:59.489> a<00:00:59.550> lover<00:01:00.110> Ariadne<00:01:01.110> who luckily Theseus had a lover Ariadne who luckily Theseus had a lover Ariadne who gave<00:01:01.950> him<00:01:02.219> exactly<00:01:02.430> what<00:01:03.210> he<00:01:03.329> needed<00:01:03.629> to gave him exactly what he needed to gave him exactly what he needed to escape<00:01:03.989> the<00:01:04.770> maze<00:01:04.949> a<00:01:05.369> clue<00:01:06.330> or<00:01:06.990> ball<00:01:07.530> of<00:01:07.800> string escape the maze a clue or ball of string escape the maze a clue or ball of string when<00:01:09.390> Theseus<00:01:09.990> entered<00:01:10.470> the<00:01:10.590> labyrinth<00:01:11.039> he when Theseus entered the labyrinth he when Theseus entered the labyrinth he laid<00:01:11.850> down<00:01:11.880> the<00:01:12.450> string<00:01:12.810> as<00:01:13.020> he<00:01:13.200> went<00:01:13.440> and laid down the string as he went and laid down the string as he went and after<00:01:14.250> killing<00:01:14.729> the<00:01:15.090> Minotaur<00:01:15.539> wounded<00:01:16.500> up<00:01:16.649> as after killing the Minotaur wounded up as after killing the Minotaur wounded up as he<00:01:17.010> returned<00:01:17.430> following<00:01:18.390> its<00:01:18.689> certain<00:01:19.200> path he returned following its certain path he returned following its certain path out<00:01:19.979> of<00:01:20.310> the<00:01:20.430> maze<00:01:20.610> from<00:01:21.439> Chaucer's<00:01:22.439> times out of the maze from Chaucer's times out of the maze from Chaucer's times allusions<00:01:23.970> to<00:01:24.270> this<00:01:24.420> clue<00:01:24.840> to<00:01:25.170> a<00:01:25.200> maze allusions to this clue to a maze allusions to this clue to a maze had<00:01:26.189> been<00:01:26.369> linked<00:01:26.700> with<00:01:26.729> various<00:01:27.360> methods<00:01:27.810> of had been linked with various methods of had been linked with various methods of problem<00:01:28.409> solving problem solving problem solving so<00:01:29.740> that<00:01:30.070> by<00:01:30.310> the<00:01:30.369> 17th<00:01:31.030> century<00:01:31.259> all so that by the 17th century all so that by the 17th century all associations<00:01:33.189> with<00:01:33.460> a<00:01:33.490> ball<00:01:33.759> of<00:01:33.789> string<00:01:34.359> had associations with a ball of string had associations with a ball of string had been<00:01:34.929> forgotten<00:01:35.320> and<00:01:35.710> the<00:01:36.399> word<00:01:36.609> clue<00:01:37.119> now been forgotten and the word clue now been forgotten and the word clue now solely<00:01:38.380> means<00:01:38.799> guide<00:01:39.670> to<00:01:40.090> a<00:01:40.119> solution<00:01:40.979> mystery solely means guide to a solution mystery solely means guide to a solution mystery solved solved solved [Music]

Mysteries of Vernacular, language, linguistics, history, of, language, Jessica, Oreck, clue clew ball of string, Greek, Greek, mythology, mystery, detective, detective, novels, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, TED, Ed, TED Ed

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