Bí ẩn của tiếng bản địa: Sát Thủ-Jessica Oreck

Mysteries of vernacular: Assassin - Jessica Oreck

Mysteries of vernacular: Assassin - Jessica Oreck



misters<00:00:14.849> of<00:00:15.090> vernacular<00:00:16.580> assassin<00:00:17.580> a
misters of vernacular assassin a misters of vernacular assassin a murderer murderer murderer who<00:00:19.680> relies<00:00:20.070> on<00:00:20.099> the<00:00:20.580> element<00:00:20.970> of<00:00:21.060> surprise<00:00:21.300> to who relies on the element of surprise to who relies on the element of surprise to attack<00:00:22.680> a<00:00:22.710> prominent<00:00:23.400> personage<00:00:24.110> the<00:00:25.110> word attack a prominent personage the word attack a prominent personage the word assassin<00:00:25.829> comes<00:00:26.610> from<00:00:26.939> the<00:00:27.060> Arabic<00:00:27.599> hashishin assassin comes from the Arabic hashishin assassin comes from the Arabic hashishin which<00:00:29.880> means<00:00:30.149> hash<00:00:30.840> yousa<00:00:31.640> the<00:00:32.640> history<00:00:33.149> of which means hash yousa the history of which means hash yousa the history of Hashshashin Hashshashin Hashshashin is<00:00:34.260> sensational<00:00:35.670> but<00:00:35.969> unconfirmed<00:00:36.719> in<00:00:37.200> the is sensational but unconfirmed in the is sensational but unconfirmed in the early<00:00:38.160> 11th<00:00:38.579> century<00:00:38.640> a<00:00:39.329> man<00:00:40.110> named<00:00:40.469> Al<00:00:40.770> Hassan early 11th century a man named Al Hassan early 11th century a man named Al Hassan urban<00:00:42.149> Al<00:00:42.450> Sabah<00:00:42.800> became<00:00:43.800> the<00:00:43.980> leader<00:00:44.190> of<00:00:44.340> a urban Al Sabah became the leader of a urban Al Sabah became the leader of a band<00:00:44.879> of<00:00:45.059> Persian<00:00:45.600> extremists band of Persian extremists band of Persian extremists according<00:00:48.059> to<00:00:48.089> legend<00:00:48.749> and<00:00:49.019> various<00:00:49.559> tenuous according to legend and various tenuous according to legend and various tenuous accounts<00:00:50.730> Al<00:00:51.480> Hassan<00:00:52.109> gave<00:00:52.469> his<00:00:52.710> men<00:00:52.920> hashish accounts Al Hassan gave his men hashish accounts Al Hassan gave his men hashish as<00:00:54.179> a<00:00:54.239> way<00:00:54.570> of<00:00:54.600> deceiving<00:00:55.170> them<00:00:55.530> into<00:00:56.070> loyalty as a way of deceiving them into loyalty as a way of deceiving them into loyalty these<00:00:57.569> young<00:00:58.050> men<00:00:58.319> became<00:00:58.739> known<00:00:59.039> as<00:00:59.280> a these young men became known as a these young men became known as a shishun<00:01:00.839> or<00:01:01.499> followers<00:01:02.489> of<00:01:02.519> Hassan<00:01:03.589> from shishun or followers of Hassan from shishun or followers of Hassan from their<00:01:04.800> fortress<00:01:05.370> in<00:01:05.580> the<00:01:05.670> mountains<00:01:06.120> Al their fortress in the mountains Al their fortress in the mountains Al Hassan<00:01:07.560> ordered<00:01:08.190> his<00:01:08.370> men<00:01:08.580> who<00:01:09.180> were<00:01:09.330> highly Hassan ordered his men who were highly Hassan ordered his men who were highly trained<00:01:10.110> warriors<00:01:10.590> to<00:01:11.340> do<00:01:11.580> away<00:01:11.729> with<00:01:11.909> his trained warriors to do away with his trained warriors to do away with his enemies<00:01:13.430> no<00:01:14.430> one<00:01:14.700> was<00:01:14.940> safe<00:01:15.240> from<00:01:16.080> Sultan's enemies no one was safe from Sultan's enemies no one was safe from Sultan's two<00:01:16.890> counts<00:01:17.310> the<00:01:17.820> Asha<00:01:18.090> Shen<00:01:18.570> spread<00:01:19.290> terror two counts the Asha Shen spread terror two counts the Asha Shen spread terror throughout<00:01:20.159> the<00:01:20.460> region<00:01:21.049> when<00:01:22.049> the<00:01:22.079> word<00:01:22.350> Asha throughout the region when the word Asha throughout the region when the word Asha Shen<00:01:23.219> was<00:01:23.520> transmuted<00:01:24.299> into<00:01:24.450> English Shen was transmuted into English Shen was transmuted into English the<00:01:25.950> pluralizing<00:01:26.640> suffix<00:01:27.360> in<00:01:27.659> was<00:01:28.560> mistaken the pluralizing suffix in was mistaken the pluralizing suffix in was mistaken to<00:01:29.189> be<00:01:29.399> part<00:01:29.700> of<00:01:29.850> the<00:01:29.969> word<00:01:30.149> for<00:01:31.140> this<00:01:31.259> reason to be part of the word for this reason to be part of the word for this reason the<00:01:32.340> modern<00:01:32.670> word<00:01:32.880> assassin<00:01:33.509> is<00:01:33.960> singular the modern word assassin is singular the modern word assassin is singular referring<00:01:36.180> to<00:01:36.390> only<00:01:36.600> one<00:01:37.079> surprise<00:01:37.740> murderer referring to only one surprise murderer referring to only one surprise murderer as<00:01:38.939> if<00:01:39.210> that<00:01:39.450> weren't<00:01:39.750> enough



Jessica, Oreck, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEduation, words, words, meaning

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