Bí ẩn của tiếng bản địa: Tiếng Ồn-Jessica Oreck

Mysteries of vernacular: Noise - Jessica Oreck

Mysteries of vernacular: Noise - Jessica Oreck


mr.<00:00:14.410> is<00:00:14.590> a<00:00:14.620> vernacular<00:00:15.930> noise<00:00:17.340> any<00:00:18.340> sound<00:00:18.850> or
mr. is a vernacular noise any sound or mr. is a vernacular noise any sound or combination<00:00:20.110> of<00:00:20.230> sounds<00:00:20.880> to<00:00:21.880> understand<00:00:22.480> the combination of sounds to understand the combination of sounds to understand the etymology<00:00:23.560> of<00:00:23.590> noise<00:00:23.920> we<00:00:24.670> must<00:00:24.880> begin<00:00:25.060> with etymology of noise we must begin with etymology of noise we must begin with the<00:00:25.540> Greek<00:00:25.810> word<00:00:26.050> Norse<00:00:27.029> meaning<00:00:28.029> ship<00:00:29.190> in the Greek word Norse meaning ship in the Greek word Norse meaning ship in Latin<00:00:30.730> nor<00:00:31.420> spawn<00:00:31.930> two<00:00:32.260> new<00:00:32.559> words<00:00:33.420> novice Latin nor spawn two new words novice Latin nor spawn two new words novice which<00:00:35.110> also<00:00:35.320> refer<00:00:35.830> to<00:00:36.040> a<00:00:36.070> single<00:00:36.580> ship<00:00:36.879> and<00:00:37.150> in which also refer to a single ship and in which also refer to a single ship and in turn<00:00:37.989> gave<00:00:38.290> rise<00:00:38.590> to<00:00:38.620> words<00:00:39.129> like<00:00:39.460> naval<00:00:40.270> and turn gave rise to words like naval and turn gave rise to words like naval and navigate<00:00:41.559> and<00:00:42.239> nausea<00:00:43.239> which<00:00:44.140> meant<00:00:44.440> quite navigate and nausea which meant quite navigate and nausea which meant quite literally<00:00:45.610> ship<00:00:46.360> sickness<00:00:48.570> nauseas literally ship sickness nauseas literally ship sickness nauseas acceptance<00:00:50.320> into<00:00:50.710> english<00:00:51.070> eventually<00:00:51.970> took acceptance into english eventually took acceptance into english eventually took two<00:00:52.510> forms<00:00:53.110> the<00:00:53.920> first<00:00:54.220> in<00:00:54.610> the<00:00:54.909> 16th<00:00:55.420> century two forms the first in the 16th century two forms the first in the 16th century maintained<00:00:56.890> its<00:00:57.100> spelling<00:00:57.460> and<00:00:57.790> most<00:00:58.059> of<00:00:58.239> its maintained its spelling and most of its maintained its spelling and most of its meaning<00:00:58.839> referring<00:00:59.830> to<00:01:00.220> all<00:01:00.489> forms<00:01:01.000> of meaning referring to all forms of meaning referring to all forms of stomach<00:01:01.510> turbulence<00:01:02.260> ocean<00:01:03.159> related<00:01:03.670> or<00:01:03.879> not stomach turbulence ocean related or not stomach turbulence ocean related or not the<00:01:06.130> second<00:01:06.549> addition<00:01:07.000> to<00:01:07.180> the<00:01:07.330> english the second addition to the english the second addition to the english dictionary<00:01:08.290> was<00:01:08.920> a<00:01:08.950> transmutation<00:01:09.520> from dictionary was a transmutation from dictionary was a transmutation from latin<00:01:10.630> through<00:01:11.140> old<00:01:11.440> french<00:01:11.940> as<00:01:12.940> this latin through old french as this latin through old french as this transformation<00:01:14.170> occurred<00:01:14.700> nauseas<00:01:15.700> meanings transformation occurred nauseas meanings transformation occurred nauseas meanings shifted<00:01:16.750> to<00:01:17.260> encompass<00:01:17.650> a<00:01:17.950> more<00:01:18.130> general shifted to encompass a more general shifted to encompass a more general sense<00:01:19.030> of<00:01:19.210> discomfort<00:01:19.690> and<00:01:20.110> its<00:01:20.710> spelling sense of discomfort and its spelling sense of discomfort and its spelling changed<00:01:21.730> to<00:01:22.390> noise<00:01:23.430> from<00:01:24.430> this<00:01:24.670> of<00:01:24.970> course changed to noise from this of course changed to noise from this of course comes<00:01:25.840> the<00:01:26.170> modern<00:01:26.500> word<00:01:26.740> noise<00:01:27.510> which<00:01:28.510> was comes the modern word noise which was comes the modern word noise which was gradually<00:01:29.350> modified<00:01:29.530> from<00:01:30.280> a<00:01:30.370> definition gradually modified from a definition gradually modified from a definition associated<00:01:32.020> with<00:01:32.200> discomfort<00:01:32.910> into<00:01:33.910> one associated with discomfort into one associated with discomfort into one denoting<00:01:34.720> an<00:01:34.900> undesirable<00:01:35.890> sound denoting an undesirable sound denoting an undesirable sound eventually<00:01:38.979> becoming<00:01:39.979> an<00:01:40.159> umbrella<00:01:40.610> term<00:01:40.909> for eventually becoming an umbrella term for eventually becoming an umbrella term for everything<00:01:42.049> auditory<00:01:43.090> upsetting<00:01:44.090> or<00:01:44.270> not


Latin, root, Naus, nausea, naval, Jessica, Oreck, Mysteries, of, Vernacular, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, TED, Ed

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