Bí ẩn của tiếng bản địa : Xe Tang-Jessica Oreck

Mysteries of vernacular: Hearse - Jessica Oreck

Mysteries of vernacular: Hearse - Jessica Oreck



mysteries<00:00:14.679> of
mysteries of mysteries of vernacular<00:00:18.000> hearse<00:00:19.000> the<00:00:19.199> vehicle<00:00:19.640> used<00:00:19.960> to vernacular hearse the vehicle used to vernacular hearse the vehicle used to convey<00:00:20.480> a<00:00:20.640> coffin<00:00:21.160> at<00:00:21.279> a convey a coffin at a convey a coffin at a funeral<00:00:23.039> the<00:00:23.160> roots<00:00:23.519> of<00:00:23.680> the<00:00:23.840> word<00:00:24.199> hearse<00:00:24.599> can funeral the roots of the word hearse can funeral the roots of the word hearse can be<00:00:24.880> traced<00:00:25.320> back<00:00:25.640> thousands<00:00:26.119> of<00:00:26.359> years<00:00:27.560> topus be traced back thousands of years topus be traced back thousands of years topus which<00:00:28.720> meant<00:00:29.039> wolf<00:00:29.400> in<00:00:29.519> the<00:00:29.679> ancient<00:00:29.960> ient which meant wolf in the ancient ient which meant wolf in the ancient ient Osan<00:00:30.800> language<00:00:31.400> of<00:00:31.560> southern<00:00:32.399> Italy<00:00:33.399> herpes Osan language of southern Italy herpes Osan language of southern Italy herpes when<00:00:34.239> transmuted<00:00:34.920> into<00:00:35.239> Latin<00:00:36.120> became when transmuted into Latin became when transmuted into Latin became herpex<00:00:38.680> alluding<00:00:39.160> to<00:00:39.320> the<00:00:39.520> physicality<00:00:40.280> of<00:00:40.399> a herpex alluding to the physicality of a herpex alluding to the physicality of a wolf's<00:00:40.879> sharp<00:00:41.280> teeth<00:00:42.160> herpex<00:00:42.760> was<00:00:42.960> the<00:00:43.079> name wolf's sharp teeth herpex was the name wolf's sharp teeth herpex was the name for<00:00:43.680> a<00:00:43.840> large<00:00:44.320> rake<00:00:45.320> a<00:00:45.520> heavy<00:00:45.960> triangular for a large rake a heavy triangular for a large rake a heavy triangular frame<00:00:47.199> with<00:00:47.399> iron<00:00:47.760> teeth<00:00:48.320> used<00:00:48.680> to<00:00:48.840> Harrow<00:00:49.280> the frame with iron teeth used to Harrow the frame with iron teeth used to Harrow the earth<00:00:51.239> when<00:00:51.480> herpex<00:00:52.079> became<00:00:52.719> HSE<00:00:53.399> in<00:00:53.600> old earth when herpex became HSE in old earth when herpex became HSE in old French<00:00:54.920> the<00:00:55.039> focus<00:00:55.480> shifted<00:00:56.000> from<00:00:56.199> the<00:00:56.359> teeth French the focus shifted from the teeth French the focus shifted from the teeth of<00:00:56.840> the<00:00:56.960> rake<00:00:57.600> to<00:00:57.840> its<00:00:58.519> construction<00:00:59.519> and<00:00:59.640> the of the rake to its construction and the of the rake to its construction and the meaning<00:01:00.280> of<00:01:00.440> the<00:01:00.559> word<00:01:00.840> was<00:01:01.079> simplified<00:01:02.000> to meaning of the word was simplified to meaning of the word was simplified to frame<00:01:04.320> in<00:01:04.479> the<00:01:04.640> 13th<00:01:05.199> century<00:01:06.080> HSE<00:01:06.799> shifted<00:01:07.280> to frame in the 13th century HSE shifted to frame in the 13th century HSE shifted to hearse<00:01:08.200> in<00:01:08.479> English<00:01:09.479> and<00:01:09.680> referred hearse in English and referred hearse in English and referred specifically<00:01:11.119> to<00:01:11.280> a<00:01:11.439> framework<00:01:12.000> used<00:01:12.320> for specifically to a framework used for specifically to a framework used for holding holding holding candles<00:01:15.600> the<00:01:15.759> Triangular<00:01:16.560> candelabra candles the Triangular candelabra candles the Triangular candelabra eventually<00:01:17.920> found<00:01:18.240> its<00:01:18.520> place<00:01:19.040> over<00:01:19.560> coffins eventually found its place over coffins eventually found its place over coffins during during during funerals<00:01:22.840> as<00:01:23.040> funeral<00:01:23.520> rights<00:01:24.040> developed<00:01:24.920> so funerals as funeral rights developed so funerals as funeral rights developed so did<00:01:25.400> the did the did the definition<00:01:27.079> in<00:01:27.200> the<00:01:27.400> 16th<00:01:27.920> century<00:01:28.720> HSE definition in the 16th century HSE definition in the 16th century HSE referred<00:01:29.479> to<00:01:29.600> the<00:01:29.920> a<00:01:30.079> port<00:01:30.320> for<00:01:30.479> the<00:01:30.600> funeral referred to the a port for the funeral referred to the a port for the funeral Paul<00:01:32.040> the<00:01:32.200> cloth<00:01:32.720> over<00:01:32.960> a<00:01:33.600> coffin<00:01:34.600> and<00:01:34.840> in<00:01:35.000> the Paul the cloth over a coffin and in the Paul the cloth over a coffin and in the 17th<00:01:35.759> century<00:01:36.399> to<00:01:36.600> the<00:01:36.759> Beer<00:01:37.520> the<00:01:37.720> stand<00:01:38.079> on 17th century to the Beer the stand on 17th century to the Beer the stand on which<00:01:38.439> the<00:01:38.640> coffin which the coffin which the coffin stood<00:01:40.880> it<00:01:41.079> eventually<00:01:41.720> came<00:01:41.920> to<00:01:42.159> describe<00:01:42.640> the stood it eventually came to describe the stood it eventually came to describe the horsedrawn<00:01:43.640> carriage<00:01:44.399> that<00:01:44.600> conveyed<00:01:45.079> a horsedrawn carriage that conveyed a horsedrawn carriage that conveyed a casket<00:01:46.000> to<00:01:46.200> its<00:01:46.520> place<00:01:46.759> of<00:01:47.479> burial<00:01:48.479> and<00:01:48.680> today casket to its place of burial and today casket to its place of burial and today of<00:01:49.320> course<00:01:49.960> it<00:01:50.159> refers<00:01:50.560> to<00:01:50.799> that<00:01:50.960> looming of course it refers to that looming of course it refers to that looming black<00:01:51.960> shiny<00:01:52.479> shape<00:01:53.320> we<00:01:53.520> all<00:01:53.719> know<00:01:54.200> so<00:01:54.520> well

Jessica Oreck, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, Mysteries, of, Vernacular, etymology, word, meaning, spelling, hearse, spelling, hearse, meaning

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