Ca ngợi sự chậm chạp-Carl Honore

Praising slowness - Carl Honore

Praising slowness - Carl Honore


what<00:00:16.369> I'd<00:00:16.490> like<00:00:16.550> to<00:00:16.730> start<00:00:17.119> off<00:00:17.210> with<00:00:17.360> is<00:00:17.480> an
what I'd like to start off with is an what I'd like to start off with is an observation<00:00:18.110> which<00:00:18.259> is<00:00:18.439> that<00:00:18.650> if<00:00:18.980> I've observation which is that if I've observation which is that if I've learned<00:00:19.490> anything<00:00:19.700> over<00:00:20.150> the<00:00:20.240> last<00:00:20.390> year<00:00:20.810> it's learned anything over the last year it's learned anything over the last year it's that<00:00:21.289> the<00:00:21.439> the<00:00:21.919> supreme<00:00:22.279> irony<00:00:22.520> of<00:00:22.759> publishing that the the supreme irony of publishing that the the supreme irony of publishing a<00:00:23.329> book<00:00:23.450> about<00:00:23.570> slowness<00:00:24.140> is<00:00:24.289> that<00:00:24.380> you<00:00:24.439> have a book about slowness is that you have a book about slowness is that you have to<00:00:24.680> go<00:00:24.770> around<00:00:24.860> promoting<00:00:25.400> it<00:00:25.490> really<00:00:25.789> fast<00:00:26.060> I to go around promoting it really fast I to go around promoting it really fast I seem<00:00:27.680> to<00:00:27.710> spend<00:00:27.829> most<00:00:28.040> of<00:00:28.250> my<00:00:28.309> time<00:00:28.369> these<00:00:28.790> days seem to spend most of my time these days seem to spend most of my time these days you<00:00:29.660> know<00:00:29.750> zipping<00:00:30.140> from<00:00:30.439> city<00:00:30.770> to<00:00:30.829> city you know zipping from city to city you know zipping from city to city Studio<00:00:31.610> to<00:00:31.700> studio<00:00:32.140> interview<00:00:33.140> to<00:00:33.200> interview Studio to studio interview to interview Studio to studio interview to interview serving<00:00:34.460> up<00:00:34.550> the<00:00:34.700> book<00:00:34.850> and<00:00:35.030> Rudy<00:00:35.270> tiny serving up the book and Rudy tiny serving up the book and Rudy tiny bite-size<00:00:35.780> chunks<00:00:36.020> because<00:00:36.950> everyone<00:00:37.910> these bite-size chunks because everyone these bite-size chunks because everyone these days<00:00:38.270> wants<00:00:39.170> to<00:00:39.260> know<00:00:39.379> how<00:00:39.559> to<00:00:39.620> slow<00:00:39.890> down<00:00:40.100> but days wants to know how to slow down but days wants to know how to slow down but but<00:00:40.670> they<00:00:40.789> want<00:00:40.969> to<00:00:41.030> know<00:00:41.120> how<00:00:41.270> to<00:00:41.329> slow<00:00:41.570> down but they want to know how to slow down but they want to know how to slow down really<00:00:41.989> quickly<00:00:42.289> so<00:00:43.070> so<00:00:43.730> I<00:00:43.760> did<00:00:43.970> a<00:00:44.000> spot<00:00:44.270> on<00:00:44.300> CNN really quickly so so I did a spot on CNN really quickly so so I did a spot on CNN the<00:00:44.960> other<00:00:45.110> day<00:00:45.320> where<00:00:45.650> I<00:00:45.680> actually<00:00:45.890> spent the other day where I actually spent the other day where I actually spent more<00:00:46.340> time<00:00:46.400> in<00:00:46.610> makeup<00:00:47.090> than<00:00:47.270> I<00:00:47.329> did<00:00:47.540> talking more time in makeup than I did talking more time in makeup than I did talking on<00:00:48.110> air<00:00:48.370> and<00:00:49.370> I<00:00:49.640> think<00:00:50.000> that<00:00:50.090> that<00:00:50.180> that's<00:00:50.510> not on air and I think that that that's not on air and I think that that that's not really<00:00:50.900> surprising<00:00:51.020> though<00:00:51.500> is<00:00:51.650> it<00:00:51.770> because really surprising though is it because really surprising though is it because that's<00:00:52.070> kind<00:00:52.280> of<00:00:52.310> the<00:00:52.430> world<00:00:52.550> that<00:00:52.790> we<00:00:52.940> we<00:00:53.390> live that's kind of the world that we we live that's kind of the world that we we live in<00:00:53.690> now<00:00:53.840> a<00:00:53.870> world<00:00:54.200> stuck<00:00:55.040> in<00:00:55.190> fast-forward<00:00:55.760> a in now a world stuck in fast-forward a in now a world stuck in fast-forward a world<00:00:56.690> obsessed<00:00:57.260> with<00:00:57.680> speed<00:00:58.130> with<00:00:58.640> doing world obsessed with speed with doing world obsessed with speed with doing everything<00:00:59.210> faster<00:00:59.840> with<00:00:59.989> cramming<00:01:00.410> more<00:01:00.440> and everything faster with cramming more and everything faster with cramming more and more<00:01:01.550> into<00:01:02.059> less<00:01:02.270> and<00:01:02.300> less<00:01:02.630> time<00:01:03.500> every more into less and less time every more into less and less time every moment<00:01:04.189> of<00:01:04.220> the<00:01:04.309> day<00:01:04.430> feels<00:01:04.729> like<00:01:04.939> a<00:01:05.180> race moment of the day feels like a race moment of the day feels like a race against<00:01:06.229> the<00:01:06.290> clock<00:01:06.350> to<00:01:06.799> borrow<00:01:07.310> a<00:01:07.399> phrase against the clock to borrow a phrase against the clock to borrow a phrase from<00:01:07.850> Carrie<00:01:08.119> Fisher<00:01:08.450> which<00:01:08.600> is<00:01:08.750> in<00:01:09.290> my<00:01:09.409> bio from Carrie Fisher which is in my bio from Carrie Fisher which is in my bio there<00:01:10.009> I'll<00:01:10.159> just<00:01:10.219> toss<00:01:10.520> it<00:01:10.670> out<00:01:10.759> again<00:01:10.969> these there I'll just toss it out again these there I'll just toss it out again these days<00:01:11.570> even<00:01:12.020> instant<00:01:12.439> gratification<00:01:12.850> takes days even instant gratification takes days even instant gratification takes too<00:01:14.060> long<00:01:14.090> and<00:01:15.190> if<00:01:16.190> you<00:01:16.280> think<00:01:16.549> about<00:01:16.610> how<00:01:16.790> we too long and if you think about how we too long and if you think about how we try<00:01:17.090> to<00:01:17.150> make<00:01:17.360> things<00:01:17.510> better<00:01:17.630> what<00:01:17.960> do<00:01:18.020> we<00:01:18.110> do try to make things better what do we do try to make things better what do we do well<00:01:19.010> we<00:01:19.100> speed<00:01:19.310> them<00:01:19.400> up<00:01:19.460> don't<00:01:19.610> worry<00:01:19.760> so<00:01:19.880> you well we speed them up don't worry so you well we speed them up don't worry so you know<00:01:20.060> we<00:01:20.150> used<00:01:20.270> to<00:01:20.299> dial<00:01:20.630> and<00:01:20.810> now<00:01:20.870> we<00:01:20.930> speed know we used to dial and now we speed know we used to dial and now we speed dial<00:01:21.530> we<00:01:21.680> used<00:01:21.830> to<00:01:21.920> read<00:01:22.100> now<00:01:22.310> we<00:01:22.370> speed<00:01:22.700> read dial we used to read now we speed read dial we used to read now we speed read we<00:01:23.060> used<00:01:23.210> to<00:01:23.330> walk<00:01:23.510> now<00:01:23.960> we<00:01:24.020> speed<00:01:24.380> walk<00:01:24.560> and<00:01:24.740> of we used to walk now we speed walk and of we used to walk now we speed walk and of course<00:01:24.979> we<00:01:25.070> used<00:01:25.190> to<00:01:25.250> date<00:01:25.460> and<00:01:25.970> now<00:01:26.180> we<00:01:26.240> speed course we used to date and now we speed course we used to date and now we speed date<00:01:26.780> and<00:01:27.200> even<00:01:28.040> things<00:01:28.549> that<00:01:28.610> are<00:01:28.760> by<00:01:28.850> their date and even things that are by their date and even things that are by their very<00:01:29.090> nature<00:01:29.210> slow<00:01:29.950> we<00:01:30.950> try<00:01:31.130> and<00:01:31.250> speed<00:01:31.460> them very nature slow we try and speed them very nature slow we try and speed them up<00:01:31.640> too<00:01:31.909> so<00:01:32.420> I<00:01:32.659> was<00:01:33.200> in<00:01:33.320> New<00:01:33.409> York<00:01:33.440> recently<00:01:33.680> and up too so I was in New York recently and up too so I was in New York recently and I<00:01:34.190> walked<00:01:34.400> past<00:01:34.610> a<00:01:34.729> gym<00:01:34.970> that<00:01:35.210> had<00:01:35.390> an I walked past a gym that had an I walked past a gym that had an advertisement<00:01:36.170> in<00:01:36.229> the<00:01:36.290> window<00:01:36.500> for<00:01:36.619> a<00:01:36.680> new advertisement in the window for a new advertisement in the window for a new course<00:01:37.040> a<00:01:37.159> new<00:01:37.280> evening<00:01:37.430> course<00:01:37.760> and<00:01:38.030> it<00:01:38.119> was course a new evening course and it was course a new evening course and it was for<00:01:38.510> you<00:01:39.409> guessed<00:01:39.590> it<00:01:39.770> speed<00:01:40.130> yoga<00:01:40.869> so<00:01:41.869> this<00:01:41.960> is for you guessed it speed yoga so this is for you guessed it speed yoga so this is the<00:01:42.350> perfect<00:01:42.740> solution<00:01:42.950> for<00:01:43.240> time-starved the perfect solution for time-starved the perfect solution for time-starved professionals<00:01:44.869> who<00:01:44.960> want<00:01:45.140> to<00:01:45.200> you<00:01:45.409> know professionals who want to you know professionals who want to you know salute<00:01:45.799> the<00:01:45.920> Sun<00:01:46.070> but<00:01:46.250> only<00:01:46.369> want<00:01:46.549> to<00:01:46.820> give salute the Sun but only want to give salute the Sun but only want to give over<00:01:47.180> about<00:01:47.299> 20<00:01:47.570> minutes<00:01:47.780> to<00:01:47.900> it<00:01:48.640> these<00:01:49.640> are over about 20 minutes to it these are over about 20 minutes to it these are sort<00:01:49.909> of<00:01:49.939> the<00:01:50.299> extreme<00:01:50.689> examples<00:01:51.170> in<00:01:51.260> there sort of the extreme examples in there sort of the extreme examples in there and<00:01:51.650> they're<00:01:51.890> amusing<00:01:52.340> and<00:01:52.610> go<00:01:53.030> to<00:01:53.090> laugh<00:01:53.299> at and they're amusing and go to laugh at and they're amusing and go to laugh at but<00:01:53.540> there's<00:01:53.659> a<00:01:53.720> very<00:01:53.780> serious<00:01:54.229> point<00:01:54.470> and<00:01:54.740> I but there's a very serious point and I but there's a very serious point and I think<00:01:55.880> that<00:01:56.060> in<00:01:56.299> the<00:01:56.720> headlong<00:01:57.110> dash<00:01:57.409> of<00:01:57.650> daily think that in the headlong dash of daily think that in the headlong dash of daily life<00:01:58.070> we<00:01:58.369> we<00:01:58.850> often<00:01:58.970> lose<00:01:59.270> sight<00:01:59.750> of<00:02:00.130> the life we we often lose sight of the life we we often lose sight of the damage<00:02:01.549> that<00:02:01.790> this<00:02:01.909> Roadrunner<00:02:02.570> form<00:02:03.470> of damage that this Roadrunner form of damage that this Roadrunner form of living<00:02:04.220> does<00:02:04.400> to<00:02:04.549> us<00:02:04.670> we're<00:02:04.880> so<00:02:05.030> marinated<00:02:05.659> in living does to us we're so marinated in living does to us we're so marinated in the<00:02:05.840> culture<00:02:06.200> of<00:02:06.229> speed<00:02:06.650> that<00:02:07.430> we<00:02:07.549> we<00:02:08.060> almost the culture of speed that we we almost the culture of speed that we we almost fail<00:02:08.450> to<00:02:08.599> notice<00:02:08.780> the<00:02:08.989> toll<00:02:09.200> it<00:02:09.409> takes<00:02:09.530> on fail to notice the toll it takes on fail to notice the toll it takes on every<00:02:09.890> aspect<00:02:10.129> of<00:02:10.489> our<00:02:10.579> lives<00:02:10.849> on<00:02:11.060> our<00:02:11.120> health every aspect of our lives on our health every aspect of our lives on our health our<00:02:11.900> diet<00:02:12.349> our<00:02:12.650> work<00:02:13.010> our<00:02:13.459> relationships<00:02:14.269> in our diet our work our relationships in our diet our work our relationships in the<00:02:15.079> environment<00:02:15.560> and<00:02:15.739> our<00:02:16.400> community<00:02:16.819> and the environment and our community and the environment and our community and sometimes<00:02:17.269> it<00:02:17.569> takes<00:02:17.629> a<00:02:18.019> wake-up<00:02:18.980> call sometimes it takes a wake-up call sometimes it takes a wake-up call doesn't<00:02:19.790> it<00:02:19.880> to<00:02:20.030> to<00:02:20.270> alert<00:02:20.630> us<00:02:20.780> to<00:02:20.810> the<00:02:20.959> fact doesn't it to to alert us to the fact doesn't it to to alert us to the fact that<00:02:21.349> we're<00:02:21.620> hurrying<00:02:21.920> through<00:02:22.280> our<00:02:22.370> lie that we're hurrying through our lie that we're hurrying through our lie instead<00:02:23.659> of<00:02:23.750> actually<00:02:24.019> living<00:02:24.170> them<00:02:24.409> that instead of actually living them that instead of actually living them that we're<00:02:24.709> living<00:02:25.519> the<00:02:25.670> fast<00:02:25.819> life<00:02:26.030> instead<00:02:26.480> of we're living the fast life instead of we're living the fast life instead of the<00:02:26.629> good<00:02:27.079> life<00:02:27.319> and<00:02:27.620> I<00:02:28.010> think<00:02:28.069> for<00:02:28.370> many the good life and I think for many the good life and I think for many people<00:02:28.760> that<00:02:28.790> wake-up<00:02:29.180> call<00:02:29.390> takes<00:02:29.659> the<00:02:29.810> form people that wake-up call takes the form people that wake-up call takes the form of<00:02:30.079> an<00:02:30.200> illness<00:02:30.349> you<00:02:31.189> know<00:02:31.280> a<00:02:31.420> burnout<00:02:32.420> or of an illness you know a burnout or of an illness you know a burnout or eventually<00:02:32.959> the<00:02:33.200> body<00:02:33.379> says<00:02:33.650> I<00:02:33.920> can't<00:02:34.400> take<00:02:34.579> it eventually the body says I can't take it eventually the body says I can't take it anymore anymore anymore and<00:02:35.299> throws<00:02:35.810> in<00:02:35.989> the<00:02:36.079> towel<00:02:36.260> or<00:02:36.560> maybe<00:02:37.010> a and throws in the towel or maybe a and throws in the towel or maybe a relationship<00:02:37.610> goes<00:02:37.819> up<00:02:37.970> in<00:02:38.090> smoke<00:02:38.120> because<00:02:38.959> we relationship goes up in smoke because we relationship goes up in smoke because we have<00:02:39.200> another<00:02:39.409> time<00:02:39.709> or<00:02:40.069> the<00:02:40.159> patience<00:02:40.790> or<00:02:41.120> the have another time or the patience or the have another time or the patience or the tranquility<00:02:41.810> to<00:02:42.349> be<00:02:42.470> with<00:02:42.680> the<00:02:42.769> other<00:02:42.860> person tranquility to be with the other person tranquility to be with the other person to<00:02:43.400> listen<00:02:43.700> to<00:02:43.790> them<00:02:44.049> my<00:02:45.049> wake-up<00:02:45.440> call<00:02:45.620> came to listen to them my wake-up call came to listen to them my wake-up call came when<00:02:45.980> I<00:02:46.010> started<00:02:46.489> reading<00:02:46.849> bedtime<00:02:47.180> stories when I started reading bedtime stories when I started reading bedtime stories to<00:02:47.930> my<00:02:48.049> son<00:02:48.319> and<00:02:48.640> I<00:02:49.640> found<00:02:50.450> that<00:02:50.599> at<00:02:50.690> the<00:02:50.750> end<00:02:50.930> of to my son and I found that at the end of to my son and I found that at the end of the<00:02:51.109> day<00:02:51.260> I<00:02:51.290> would<00:02:51.620> go<00:02:51.739> into<00:02:51.890> his<00:02:52.099> room<00:02:52.129> and<00:02:52.579> I the day I would go into his room and I the day I would go into his room and I just<00:02:52.939> couldn't<00:02:53.359> slow<00:02:53.659> down<00:02:53.870> you<00:02:54.079> know<00:02:54.109> I'd<00:02:54.230> be just couldn't slow down you know I'd be just couldn't slow down you know I'd be speed<00:02:54.680> reading<00:02:54.920> The<00:02:55.099> Cat<00:02:55.280> in<00:02:55.310> the<00:02:55.430> Hat speed reading The Cat in the Hat speed reading The Cat in the Hat I'd<00:02:56.810> be<00:02:56.989> you<00:02:57.409> know<00:02:57.500> I<00:02:57.530> be<00:02:57.650> skipping<00:02:57.890> lines<00:02:58.159> here I'd be you know I be skipping lines here I'd be you know I be skipping lines here paragraphs<00:02:59.269> there<00:02:59.510> sometimes<00:02:59.870> a<00:02:59.989> whole<00:03:00.079> page paragraphs there sometimes a whole page paragraphs there sometimes a whole page and<00:03:00.379> of<00:03:00.590> course<00:03:00.739> my<00:03:00.829> little<00:03:00.889> boy<00:03:01.129> knew<00:03:01.370> the and of course my little boy knew the and of course my little boy knew the book<00:03:01.849> inside<00:03:02.299> out<00:03:02.450> so<00:03:03.109> we<00:03:03.349> would<00:03:03.470> quarrel<00:03:03.799> and book inside out so we would quarrel and book inside out so we would quarrel and what<00:03:04.040> should<00:03:04.250> have<00:03:04.370> been<00:03:04.400> the<00:03:04.760> most<00:03:05.359> relaxing what should have been the most relaxing what should have been the most relaxing the<00:03:06.079> most<00:03:06.230> intimate<00:03:06.650> the<00:03:07.069> most<00:03:07.250> tender<00:03:07.549> moment the most intimate the most tender moment the most intimate the most tender moment of<00:03:08.000> the<00:03:08.060> day<00:03:08.209> when<00:03:08.359> a<00:03:08.389> dad<00:03:08.629> sits<00:03:09.409> down<00:03:09.620> to<00:03:09.920> read of the day when a dad sits down to read of the day when a dad sits down to read to<00:03:10.310> his<00:03:10.430> son<00:03:10.730> became<00:03:11.480> instead<00:03:11.840> this<00:03:11.930> kind<00:03:12.139> of to his son became instead this kind of to his son became instead this kind of gladiatorial<00:03:12.849> battle<00:03:13.849> of<00:03:13.940> wills<00:03:14.150> a<00:03:14.420> clash gladiatorial battle of wills a clash gladiatorial battle of wills a clash between<00:03:14.889> his<00:03:15.889> speed<00:03:16.220> and<00:03:16.370> my<00:03:16.599> speed<00:03:17.599> and<00:03:17.810> his between his speed and my speed and his between his speed and my speed and his slowness<00:03:18.549> and<00:03:19.549> this<00:03:19.700> went<00:03:19.909> on<00:03:19.970> for<00:03:20.599> some<00:03:20.750> time slowness and this went on for some time slowness and this went on for some time until<00:03:21.109> I<00:03:21.290> caught<00:03:21.440> myself<00:03:21.579> scanning<00:03:22.579> a until I caught myself scanning a until I caught myself scanning a newspaper<00:03:22.970> article<00:03:23.180> with<00:03:23.540> time-saving<00:03:24.170> tips newspaper article with time-saving tips newspaper article with time-saving tips for<00:03:24.560> fast<00:03:24.739> people<00:03:24.980> and<00:03:25.220> one<00:03:25.370> of<00:03:25.400> them<00:03:25.579> made for fast people and one of them made for fast people and one of them made reference<00:03:26.359> to<00:03:26.480> a<00:03:26.510> series<00:03:26.870> of<00:03:26.900> books<00:03:27.139> called reference to a series of books called reference to a series of books called the<00:03:27.440> one-minute<00:03:28.160> bedtime<00:03:28.579> story the one-minute bedtime story the one-minute bedtime story and<00:03:29.389> I<00:03:30.169> I<00:03:30.410> can<00:03:30.949> by<00:03:31.099> wynt<00:03:31.400> saying<00:03:31.760> those<00:03:31.940> words and I I can by wynt saying those words and I I can by wynt saying those words now<00:03:32.419> but<00:03:32.569> my<00:03:32.690> first<00:03:32.900> reaction<00:03:33.049> the<00:03:33.379> time<00:03:33.590> was now but my first reaction the time was now but my first reaction the time was very<00:03:33.799> different<00:03:34.010> my<00:03:34.730> first<00:03:35.000> reflex<00:03:35.180> was<00:03:35.569> to very different my first reflex was to very different my first reflex was to say<00:03:35.930> hallelujah<00:03:36.410> yeah<00:03:37.010> what<00:03:37.760> a<00:03:37.790> great<00:03:38.090> idea say hallelujah yeah what a great idea say hallelujah yeah what a great idea this<00:03:38.660> is<00:03:38.780> exactly<00:03:39.379> what<00:03:39.560> I'm<00:03:39.650> looking<00:03:39.919> for<00:03:40.129> to this is exactly what I'm looking for to this is exactly what I'm looking for to speed<00:03:40.609> up<00:03:40.730> bedtime<00:03:41.090> even<00:03:41.359> more<00:03:41.540> but speed up bedtime even more but speed up bedtime even more but thankfully<00:03:42.799> a<00:03:43.340> light<00:03:43.970> bulb<00:03:44.180> went<00:03:44.359> on<00:03:44.419> over<00:03:44.569> my thankfully a light bulb went on over my thankfully a light bulb went on over my head<00:03:44.930> and<00:03:45.019> my<00:03:45.109> next<00:03:45.410> reaction<00:03:45.680> was<00:03:45.949> very head and my next reaction was very head and my next reaction was very different<00:03:46.549> and<00:03:46.639> I<00:03:46.699> I<00:03:46.910> took<00:03:47.329> a<00:03:47.359> step<00:03:47.599> back<00:03:47.750> and<00:03:47.870> I different and I I took a step back and I different and I I took a step back and I thought<00:03:48.079> whoa<00:03:48.349> you<00:03:48.590> know<00:03:48.680> has<00:03:48.799> it<00:03:48.889> really<00:03:49.400> come thought whoa you know has it really come thought whoa you know has it really come to<00:03:49.790> this<00:03:49.910> am<00:03:50.120> I<00:03:50.209> really<00:03:50.480> in<00:03:50.959> such<00:03:51.410> a<00:03:51.440> hurry<00:03:51.739> that to this am I really in such a hurry that to this am I really in such a hurry that I'm<00:03:52.040> prepared<00:03:52.370> to<00:03:52.489> fob<00:03:52.699> off<00:03:52.910> my<00:03:53.120> son<00:03:53.930> with<00:03:54.079> a I'm prepared to fob off my son with a I'm prepared to fob off my son with a sound<00:03:54.410> bite<00:03:54.590> at<00:03:54.859> the<00:03:54.980> end<00:03:55.099> of<00:03:55.190> the<00:03:55.250> day<00:03:55.400> and<00:03:55.639> I sound bite at the end of the day and I sound bite at the end of the day and I put<00:03:57.230> away<00:03:57.440> the<00:03:58.220> newspaper<00:03:58.579> and<00:03:58.819> I<00:03:58.879> was<00:03:59.120> getting put away the newspaper and I was getting put away the newspaper and I was getting on<00:03:59.419> a<00:03:59.510> plane<00:03:59.629> and<00:03:59.900> I<00:03:59.930> sat<00:04:00.169> there<00:04:00.290> and<00:04:00.319> I<00:04:00.410> did on a plane and I sat there and I did on a plane and I sat there and I did something<00:04:00.769> I<00:04:00.859> hadn't<00:04:01.099> done<00:04:01.220> for<00:04:01.400> a<00:04:01.430> long<00:04:01.519> time something I hadn't done for a long time something I hadn't done for a long time which<00:04:01.910> was<00:04:02.000> I<00:04:02.090> did<00:04:02.239> nothing<00:04:02.389> I<00:04:02.750> just<00:04:03.290> fought<00:04:03.530> I which was I did nothing I just fought I which was I did nothing I just fought I fought<00:04:03.889> long<00:04:04.280> and<00:04:04.310> hard<00:04:04.489> and<00:04:04.940> by<00:04:05.269> the<00:04:05.329> time<00:04:05.510> I fought long and hard and by the time I fought long and hard and by the time I got<00:04:05.690> off<00:04:05.750> that<00:04:05.870> plane<00:04:06.260> I<00:04:06.290> decided<00:04:06.889> I<00:04:07.040> wanted<00:04:07.250> to got off that plane I decided I wanted to got off that plane I decided I wanted to do<00:04:07.489> something<00:04:07.760> about<00:04:07.970> it<00:04:08.120> I<00:04:08.540> wanted<00:04:09.019> to do something about it I wanted to do something about it I wanted to investigate<00:04:09.709> this<00:04:10.579> whole<00:04:10.790> Roadrunner investigate this whole Roadrunner investigate this whole Roadrunner culture<00:04:11.959> and<00:04:12.079> what<00:04:12.169> it<00:04:12.260> was<00:04:12.349> doing<00:04:12.379> to<00:04:12.590> me<00:04:12.799> and culture and what it was doing to me and culture and what it was doing to me and to<00:04:13.190> everyone<00:04:13.430> else<00:04:13.639> and<00:04:14.000> I<00:04:14.180> had<00:04:14.510> two<00:04:14.659> questions to everyone else and I had two questions to everyone else and I had two questions in<00:04:15.230> my<00:04:15.349> head<00:04:15.379> the<00:04:16.370> first<00:04:16.400> was<00:04:16.940> how<00:04:17.810> did<00:04:17.959> we<00:04:18.049> get in my head the first was how did we get in my head the first was how did we get so<00:04:18.409> fast<00:04:18.650> and<00:04:19.120> the<00:04:20.120> second<00:04:20.479> is<00:04:20.780> is<00:04:21.079> it<00:04:21.260> possible so fast and the second is is it possible so fast and the second is is it possible or<00:04:21.949> even<00:04:22.159> desirable<00:04:22.729> to<00:04:23.090> slow<00:04:23.300> down<00:04:23.740> now<00:04:24.740> if or even desirable to slow down now if or even desirable to slow down now if you<00:04:24.919> think<00:04:25.070> about<00:04:25.190> how<00:04:26.090> our<00:04:26.120> world<00:04:26.510> got<00:04:26.690> so you think about how our world got so you think about how our world got so accelerated<00:04:27.530> the<00:04:27.710> usual<00:04:28.220> suspects<00:04:28.760> rear accelerated the usual suspects rear accelerated the usual suspects rear their<00:04:29.150> heads<00:04:29.330> you<00:04:29.449> think<00:04:29.659> of<00:04:29.780> you<00:04:29.990> know their heads you think of you know their heads you think of you know urbanization<00:04:30.889> consumerism<00:04:31.789> the<00:04:32.210> workplace urbanization consumerism the workplace urbanization consumerism the workplace technology<00:04:33.740> but<00:04:34.099> I<00:04:34.159> think<00:04:34.310> if<00:04:34.400> you<00:04:34.520> cut technology but I think if you cut technology but I think if you cut those<00:04:36.440> forces<00:04:37.130> you<00:04:37.490> get<00:04:37.610> to<00:04:37.760> what<00:04:37.970> might<00:04:38.120> be those forces you get to what might be those forces you get to what might be the<00:04:38.320> deeper<00:04:39.550> driver<00:04:40.550> the<00:04:41.000> the<00:04:41.240> nub<00:04:41.630> of<00:04:41.660> the the deeper driver the the nub of the the deeper driver the the nub of the question<00:04:42.290> which<00:04:42.440> is<00:04:42.470> how<00:04:42.830> we<00:04:42.889> think<00:04:43.010> about question which is how we think about question which is how we think about time<00:04:43.610> itself<00:04:44.060> in<00:04:44.960> other<00:04:45.050> cultures<00:04:45.590> time<00:04:46.190> is time itself in other cultures time is time itself in other cultures time is cyclical<00:04:47.300> it's<00:04:47.510> seen<00:04:47.720> as<00:04:47.870> moving<00:04:48.530> in<00:04:48.650> great cyclical it's seen as moving in great cyclical it's seen as moving in great unhurried<00:04:51.280> circles<00:04:52.280> it's<00:04:52.610> always<00:04:52.910> renewing unhurried circles it's always renewing unhurried circles it's always renewing and<00:04:53.750> refreshing<00:04:54.169> itself<00:04:54.410> whereas<00:04:54.680> in<00:04:54.770> the and refreshing itself whereas in the and refreshing itself whereas in the West<00:04:54.889> time<00:04:55.430> is<00:04:55.580> linear<00:04:55.870> it's<00:04:56.870> a<00:04:57.020> finite West time is linear it's a finite West time is linear it's a finite resource<00:04:57.650> it's<00:04:58.160> always<00:04:58.580> draining<00:04:59.570> away<00:04:59.690> you resource it's always draining away you resource it's always draining away you either<00:05:00.620> use<00:05:01.010> it<00:05:01.220> or<00:05:01.550> lose<00:05:02.000> it either use it or lose it either use it or lose it time<00:05:02.570> is<00:05:03.229> money<00:05:03.530> as<00:05:03.770> Benjamin<00:05:04.010> Franklin<00:05:04.190> said time is money as Benjamin Franklin said time is money as Benjamin Franklin said and<00:05:05.150> I<00:05:05.449> think<00:05:05.630> what<00:05:05.780> that<00:05:05.810> that<00:05:06.320> does<00:05:06.620> to<00:05:06.830> us and I think what that that does to us and I think what that that does to us psychologically<00:05:07.700> is<00:05:07.790> it<00:05:07.970> it<00:05:08.810> creates<00:05:09.169> an psychologically is it it creates an psychologically is it it creates an equation<00:05:09.560> time<00:05:10.100> is<00:05:10.280> scarce<00:05:10.550> so<00:05:10.880> what<00:05:11.030> do<00:05:11.120> we<00:05:11.180> do equation time is scarce so what do we do equation time is scarce so what do we do well<00:05:11.540> well<00:05:12.380> we<00:05:12.500> speed<00:05:12.770> up<00:05:12.800> don't<00:05:13.160> we<00:05:13.250> we<00:05:13.370> try well well we speed up don't we we try well well we speed up don't we we try and<00:05:13.669> do<00:05:13.760> more<00:05:13.940> and<00:05:14.000> more<00:05:14.330> with<00:05:14.600> less<00:05:15.080> and<00:05:15.320> less and do more and more with less and less and do more and more with less and less time<00:05:15.680> we<00:05:15.830> turn<00:05:15.979> every<00:05:16.280> moment<00:05:16.940> of<00:05:17.090> every<00:05:17.570> day time we turn every moment of every day time we turn every moment of every day into<00:05:18.260> a<00:05:18.290> race<00:05:18.560> to<00:05:19.190> the<00:05:19.220> finish<00:05:19.400> line<00:05:19.729> a<00:05:19.760> finish into a race to the finish line a finish into a race to the finish line a finish line<00:05:20.330> incidentally<00:05:20.930> that<00:05:20.960> we<00:05:21.169> never<00:05:21.320> reach line incidentally that we never reach line incidentally that we never reach but<00:05:22.250> a<00:05:22.280> finish<00:05:22.550> line<00:05:22.790> nonetheless<00:05:23.979> and<00:05:24.979> I but a finish line nonetheless and I but a finish line nonetheless and I guess<00:05:25.190> that<00:05:25.370> the<00:05:25.460> question<00:05:25.729> is<00:05:25.880> is<00:05:26.300> it guess that the question is is it guess that the question is is it possible<00:05:26.510> to<00:05:26.870> break<00:05:27.080> free<00:05:27.350> from<00:05:27.380> that<00:05:27.560> mindset possible to break free from that mindset possible to break free from that mindset and<00:05:28.160> thankfully<00:05:28.970> the<00:05:29.060> answer<00:05:29.300> is<00:05:29.419> yes<00:05:29.660> because and thankfully the answer is yes because and thankfully the answer is yes because what<00:05:30.500> I<00:05:30.530> discovered<00:05:31.039> when<00:05:31.130> I<00:05:31.190> began<00:05:31.400> looking what I discovered when I began looking what I discovered when I began looking around<00:05:31.729> that<00:05:31.970> there<00:05:32.120> is<00:05:32.210> a<00:05:32.240> global<00:05:32.840> backlash around that there is a global backlash around that there is a global backlash against<00:05:33.949> this<00:05:34.070> culture<00:05:34.850> that<00:05:35.030> tells<00:05:35.539> us<00:05:35.780> that against this culture that tells us that against this culture that tells us that faster<00:05:36.350> is<00:05:36.470> always<00:05:36.770> better<00:05:37.010> and<00:05:37.190> that<00:05:37.340> busier faster is always better and that busier faster is always better and that busier is<00:05:37.820> best<00:05:38.120> right<00:05:38.660> across<00:05:38.960> the<00:05:39.380> world<00:05:39.560> people is best right across the world people is best right across the world people are<00:05:40.130> doing<00:05:40.760> the<00:05:40.820> unthinkable<00:05:40.940> they're are doing the unthinkable they're are doing the unthinkable they're slowing<00:05:41.780> down<00:05:41.930> and<00:05:42.200> finding<00:05:42.950> that<00:05:43.160> although slowing down and finding that although slowing down and finding that although conventional<00:05:44.120> wisdom<00:05:44.419> tells<00:05:44.450> you<00:05:44.750> that<00:05:44.840> if conventional wisdom tells you that if conventional wisdom tells you that if you<00:05:45.020> slow<00:05:45.289> down<00:05:45.470> you're<00:05:45.740> roadkill<00:05:46.280> the you slow down you're roadkill the you slow down you're roadkill the opposite<00:05:47.300> turns<00:05:47.870> out<00:05:48.050> to<00:05:48.169> be<00:05:48.229> true<00:05:48.440> that<00:05:48.470> by opposite turns out to be true that by opposite turns out to be true that by slowing<00:05:49.550> down<00:05:49.700> at<00:05:49.940> the<00:05:50.030> right<00:05:50.180> moments<00:05:50.599> people slowing down at the right moments people slowing down at the right moments people find<00:05:51.139> that<00:05:51.260> they<00:05:51.440> do<00:05:51.889> everything<00:05:52.280> better<00:05:52.460> they find that they do everything better they find that they do everything better they eat<00:05:52.880> better<00:05:53.060> they<00:05:53.330> make<00:05:53.479> love<00:05:53.750> better<00:05:53.990> they eat better they make love better they eat better they make love better they exercise<00:05:54.860> better<00:05:55.160> they<00:05:55.520> work<00:05:55.729> better<00:05:55.970> if<00:05:56.120> they exercise better they work better if they exercise better they work better if they live<00:05:56.450> better<00:05:57.349> and<00:05:57.620> in<00:05:58.580> this<00:05:58.910> kind<00:05:59.210> of<00:05:59.620> cauldron live better and in this kind of cauldron live better and in this kind of cauldron of<00:06:01.750> moments<00:06:02.750> and<00:06:02.930> places<00:06:03.289> and<00:06:03.770> acts<00:06:03.950> of of moments and places and acts of of moments and places and acts of deceleration<00:06:04.430> lie<00:06:05.300> what<00:06:05.539> a<00:06:05.570> lot<00:06:05.780> of<00:06:05.870> people deceleration lie what a lot of people deceleration lie what a lot of people now<00:06:06.260> refer<00:06:06.800> to<00:06:06.830> as<00:06:06.979> the<00:06:07.280> International<00:06:07.669> slow now refer to as the International slow now refer to as the International slow movement<00:06:09.289> now<00:06:09.950> if<00:06:10.070> you'll<00:06:10.190> permit<00:06:10.460> me<00:06:10.520> a<00:06:10.610> small movement now if you'll permit me a small movement now if you'll permit me a small act<00:06:11.690> of<00:06:11.780> hypocrisy<00:06:13.240> I'll<00:06:14.240> just<00:06:14.360> give<00:06:14.479> you<00:06:14.510> a act of hypocrisy I'll just give you a act of hypocrisy I'll just give you a very<00:06:14.810> quick<00:06:14.990> overview<00:06:15.440> of<00:06:15.590> what<00:06:16.310> some<00:06:16.550> this very quick overview of what some this very quick overview of what some this what's<00:06:17.270> going<00:06:17.419> on<00:06:17.599> inside<00:06:17.750> the<00:06:18.020> slow<00:06:18.200> movement what's going on inside the slow movement what's going on inside the slow movement if<00:06:18.889> you<00:06:19.039> think<00:06:19.280> of<00:06:19.430> food<00:06:20.240> many<00:06:20.510> of<00:06:20.599> you<00:06:20.720> will if you think of food many of you will if you think of food many of you will have<00:06:20.870> heard<00:06:21.020> of<00:06:21.110> the<00:06:21.200> slow<00:06:21.410> food<00:06:21.590> movement have heard of the slow food movement have heard of the slow food movement started<00:06:22.970> in<00:06:23.060> Italy<00:06:23.210> but<00:06:23.510> has<00:06:23.630> spread<00:06:23.870> across started in Italy but has spread across started in Italy but has spread across the<00:06:24.380> world<00:06:24.530> and<00:06:24.710> now<00:06:24.800> has<00:06:25.010> a<00:06:25.190> hundred<00:06:25.520> thousand the world and now has a hundred thousand the world and now has a hundred thousand members<00:06:26.030> in<00:06:26.539> 50<00:06:26.990> countries<00:06:27.169> and<00:06:27.560> it's<00:06:28.570> driven members in 50 countries and it's driven members in 50 countries and it's driven by<00:06:29.720> a<00:06:29.870> very<00:06:30.139> simple<00:06:30.349> and<00:06:30.650> sensible<00:06:31.010> message by a very simple and sensible message by a very simple and sensible message which<00:06:31.550> is<00:06:31.669> that<00:06:31.849> we<00:06:31.940> get<00:06:32.150> more<00:06:32.330> pleasure<00:06:32.690> and which is that we get more pleasure and which is that we get more pleasure and more<00:06:33.740> health<00:06:34.010> from<00:06:34.610> our<00:06:34.729> food<00:06:34.970> when<00:06:35.780> we more health from our food when we more health from our food when we cultivate<00:06:37.099> cook<00:06:37.580> and<00:06:37.820> consume<00:06:38.479> it<00:06:38.630> at<00:06:38.780> a cultivate cook and consume it at a cultivate cook and consume it at a reasonable<00:06:39.050> pace<00:06:39.830> I<00:06:40.160> think<00:06:40.729> also<00:06:40.880> the reasonable pace I think also the reasonable pace I think also the explosion<00:06:41.930> of<00:06:42.050> the<00:06:42.620> organic<00:06:43.159> farming explosion of the organic farming explosion of the organic farming movement<00:06:44.180> and<00:06:44.539> the<00:06:44.599> Renaissance<00:06:45.050> of<00:06:45.169> farmers movement and the Renaissance of farmers movement and the Renaissance of farmers market<00:06:45.860> is<00:06:45.950> another<00:06:46.099> or<00:06:46.430> other<00:06:47.120> illustration market is another or other illustration market is another or other illustration of<00:06:48.360> the<00:06:48.510> fact<00:06:48.930> that<00:06:49.050> people<00:06:49.320> are<00:06:49.470> desperate<00:06:49.890> to of the fact that people are desperate to of the fact that people are desperate to get<00:06:50.160> away<00:06:50.280> from<00:06:50.810> eating<00:06:51.810> and<00:06:52.020> cooking<00:06:52.890> and get away from eating and cooking and get away from eating and cooking and cultivating<00:06:53.460> their<00:06:53.580> food<00:06:53.730> on<00:06:54.030> an<00:06:54.150> industrial cultivating their food on an industrial cultivating their food on an industrial timetable<00:06:55.200> they<00:06:55.290> want<00:06:55.440> to<00:06:55.530> get<00:06:55.650> back<00:06:55.800> to timetable they want to get back to timetable they want to get back to slower<00:06:56.580> rhythms<00:06:57.390> and<00:06:57.720> out<00:06:58.560> of<00:06:58.800> the<00:06:58.980> slow<00:06:59.400> food slower rhythms and out of the slow food slower rhythms and out of the slow food movement<00:06:59.700> has<00:07:00.120> grown<00:07:00.270> something<00:07:01.080> called<00:07:01.260> the movement has grown something called the movement has grown something called the slow<00:07:01.530> cities<00:07:01.830> movement<00:07:02.240> which<00:07:03.240> has<00:07:03.540> started slow cities movement which has started slow cities movement which has started in<00:07:04.140> Italy<00:07:04.290> but<00:07:04.530> has<00:07:04.620> spread<00:07:04.830> right<00:07:05.010> across in Italy but has spread right across in Italy but has spread right across Europe<00:07:05.490> and<00:07:06.090> Beyond<00:07:06.390> and<00:07:06.720> in<00:07:07.290> this<00:07:07.650> towns Europe and Beyond and in this towns Europe and Beyond and in this towns begin<00:07:08.910> to<00:07:09.000> rethink<00:07:09.420> how<00:07:09.630> they<00:07:09.810> organize<00:07:10.380> the begin to rethink how they organize the begin to rethink how they organize the urban<00:07:10.800> landscape<00:07:11.010> so<00:07:11.550> that<00:07:11.700> people<00:07:11.940> are urban landscape so that people are urban landscape so that people are encouraged<00:07:12.510> to<00:07:12.660> to<00:07:13.320> slow<00:07:13.560> down<00:07:13.740> and<00:07:14.010> smell<00:07:14.130> the encouraged to to slow down and smell the encouraged to to slow down and smell the roses<00:07:14.400> and<00:07:14.850> connect<00:07:15.180> with<00:07:15.540> one<00:07:15.750> another<00:07:16.080> so roses and connect with one another so roses and connect with one another so they<00:07:16.560> might<00:07:16.740> curb<00:07:17.610> traffic<00:07:18.090> or<00:07:18.300> put<00:07:19.110> in<00:07:19.200> a<00:07:19.260> park they might curb traffic or put in a park they might curb traffic or put in a park bench<00:07:19.620> or<00:07:19.920> some<00:07:20.070> green<00:07:20.280> space<00:07:20.460> and<00:07:20.970> in<00:07:21.480> some bench or some green space and in some bench or some green space and in some ways<00:07:21.780> these<00:07:21.930> changes<00:07:22.410> add<00:07:22.710> up<00:07:23.160> to<00:07:23.310> more<00:07:23.430> than ways these changes add up to more than ways these changes add up to more than the<00:07:23.640> sum<00:07:23.700> of<00:07:23.880> their<00:07:24.030> parts<00:07:24.090> because<00:07:24.570> I<00:07:24.630> think the sum of their parts because I think the sum of their parts because I think when<00:07:24.870> a<00:07:24.900> slow<00:07:25.170> city<00:07:25.410> becomes<00:07:26.280> officially<00:07:26.790> a when a slow city becomes officially a when a slow city becomes officially a slow<00:07:27.030> city<00:07:27.240> it's<00:07:27.390> kind<00:07:27.570> of<00:07:27.600> like<00:07:27.750> a slow city it's kind of like a slow city it's kind of like a philosophical<00:07:28.470> declaration<00:07:29.070> it's<00:07:29.250> saying<00:07:29.460> to philosophical declaration it's saying to philosophical declaration it's saying to the<00:07:29.700> rest<00:07:29.730> of<00:07:29.970> the<00:07:30.060> world the rest of the world the rest of the world and<00:07:30.570> to<00:07:30.930> the<00:07:31.020> people<00:07:31.140> in<00:07:31.410> that<00:07:31.440> town<00:07:31.800> that<00:07:32.070> we and to the people in that town that we and to the people in that town that we believe<00:07:33.060> that<00:07:33.360> in<00:07:33.480> the<00:07:33.570> 21st<00:07:33.600> century believe that in the 21st century believe that in the 21st century slowness<00:07:35.370> has<00:07:35.940> a<00:07:35.970> role<00:07:36.390> to<00:07:36.840> play<00:07:36.870> in<00:07:37.670> medicine slowness has a role to play in medicine slowness has a role to play in medicine I<00:07:38.880> think<00:07:39.780> a<00:07:39.810> lot<00:07:39.960> of<00:07:39.990> people<00:07:40.200> are<00:07:40.290> deeply I think a lot of people are deeply I think a lot of people are deeply disillusioned<00:07:40.830> with<00:07:41.190> the<00:07:41.340> kind<00:07:41.490> of<00:07:41.520> quick<00:07:41.760> fix disillusioned with the kind of quick fix disillusioned with the kind of quick fix mentality<00:07:42.300> you<00:07:42.690> find<00:07:42.930> in<00:07:43.020> conventional mentality you find in conventional mentality you find in conventional medicine<00:07:43.530> and<00:07:43.860> millions<00:07:44.340> of<00:07:44.520> them<00:07:44.670> around<00:07:44.850> the medicine and millions of them around the medicine and millions of them around the world<00:07:45.090> are<00:07:45.300> turning<00:07:45.570> to<00:07:45.980> complementary<00:07:46.980> and world are turning to complementary and world are turning to complementary and alternative<00:07:47.210> forms<00:07:48.210> of<00:07:48.330> medicine<00:07:48.650> which<00:07:49.650> tend alternative forms of medicine which tend alternative forms of medicine which tend to<00:07:50.310> tap<00:07:50.550> into<00:07:50.790> sort<00:07:51.210> of<00:07:51.240> slower<00:07:51.570> gentler<00:07:51.960> more to tap into sort of slower gentler more to tap into sort of slower gentler more holistic<00:07:52.950> forms<00:07:53.430> of<00:07:53.550> healing holistic forms of healing holistic forms of healing now<00:07:54.300> obviously<00:07:54.720> the<00:07:54.840> jury<00:07:55.050> is<00:07:55.260> out<00:07:55.440> on<00:07:55.770> many<00:07:56.070> of now obviously the jury is out on many of now obviously the jury is out on many of these<00:07:56.310> complementary<00:07:57.060> therapies<00:07:58.020> and<00:07:58.230> I these complementary therapies and I these complementary therapies and I personally<00:07:58.860> doubt<00:07:59.160> that<00:07:59.460> the<00:07:59.580> coffee<00:07:59.820> enema personally doubt that the coffee enema personally doubt that the coffee enema will<00:08:00.900> ever<00:08:01.080> you<00:08:01.500> know<00:08:01.590> gain<00:08:01.830> mainstream will ever you know gain mainstream will ever you know gain mainstream approval<00:08:02.850> but<00:08:03.620> other<00:08:04.620> treatments<00:08:05.430> such<00:08:05.550> as approval but other treatments such as approval but other treatments such as acupuncture<00:08:06.360> and<00:08:06.570> massage<00:08:06.630> and<00:08:07.110> even<00:08:07.290> just acupuncture and massage and even just acupuncture and massage and even just relaxation<00:08:07.940> clearly<00:08:08.940> have<00:08:09.090> some<00:08:09.270> kind<00:08:09.420> of relaxation clearly have some kind of relaxation clearly have some kind of benefit<00:08:09.810> and<00:08:09.840> blue-chip<00:08:10.560> medical<00:08:11.010> colleges benefit and blue-chip medical colleges benefit and blue-chip medical colleges everywhere<00:08:11.630> are<00:08:12.630> starting<00:08:13.380> to<00:08:13.470> study<00:08:13.650> these everywhere are starting to study these everywhere are starting to study these things<00:08:13.890> to<00:08:14.250> find<00:08:14.460> out<00:08:14.580> how<00:08:14.700> they<00:08:14.850> work<00:08:15.030> and things to find out how they work and things to find out how they work and what<00:08:15.330> we<00:08:15.420> might<00:08:15.540> learn<00:08:15.690> from<00:08:15.840> them<00:08:16.010> sex what we might learn from them sex what we might learn from them sex there's<00:08:17.730> an<00:08:17.820> awful<00:08:18.030> lot<00:08:18.120> of<00:08:18.150> fast<00:08:18.420> sex<00:08:18.750> around there's an awful lot of fast sex around there's an awful lot of fast sex around isn't<00:08:19.230> there<00:08:19.440> I<00:08:19.620> was<00:08:19.860> coming<00:08:20.130> to<00:08:21.350> Ottawa<00:08:22.350> nope isn't there I was coming to Ottawa nope isn't there I was coming to Ottawa nope no<00:08:23.130> pun<00:08:23.310> intended<00:08:23.400> then<00:08:24.090> I<00:08:24.900> was<00:08:25.380> making<00:08:25.710> my<00:08:25.800> way no pun intended then I was making my way no pun intended then I was making my way let's<00:08:26.250> say<00:08:26.400> slowly<00:08:27.000> to<00:08:27.570> Oxford<00:08:27.990> and<00:08:28.710> I<00:08:28.830> went let's say slowly to Oxford and I went let's say slowly to Oxford and I went through<00:08:29.280> a<00:08:29.310> newsagent<00:08:29.640> and<00:08:29.910> I<00:08:29.940> saw<00:08:30.120> a<00:08:30.150> magazine through a newsagent and I saw a magazine through a newsagent and I saw a magazine a<00:08:30.600> men's<00:08:30.810> magazine<00:08:30.870> and<00:08:31.470> it's<00:08:31.590> set<00:08:31.740> on<00:08:31.770> the a men's magazine and it's set on the a men's magazine and it's set on the front<00:08:32.039> how<00:08:32.849> to<00:08:32.910> bring<00:08:33.180> your<00:08:33.330> partner<00:08:33.690> to front how to bring your partner to front how to bring your partner to orgasm<00:08:34.110> in<00:08:34.349> 30<00:08:34.620> seconds<00:08:35.180> so<00:08:36.180> you<00:08:37.050> know<00:08:37.140> even orgasm in 30 seconds so you know even orgasm in 30 seconds so you know even sex<00:08:37.620> is<00:08:37.800> on<00:08:37.890> a<00:08:37.919> stopwatch<00:08:38.190> these<00:08:38.820> days<00:08:39.060> now<00:08:40.050> I sex is on a stopwatch these days now I sex is on a stopwatch these days now I you<00:08:41.430> know<00:08:41.520> I<00:08:41.550> I<00:08:41.820> like<00:08:42.090> a<00:08:42.120> quickie<00:08:42.510> as<00:08:42.630> much<00:08:42.780> as you know I I like a quickie as much as you know I I like a quickie as much as the<00:08:42.990> next<00:08:43.200> person<00:08:43.320> but<00:08:43.680> I<00:08:44.340> think<00:08:44.850> that<00:08:44.940> there's the next person but I think that there's the next person but I think that there's an<00:08:45.180> awful<00:08:45.270> lot<00:08:45.510> to<00:08:45.780> be<00:08:45.960> gained<00:08:46.200> from<00:08:46.530> slow<00:08:46.800> sex an awful lot to be gained from slow sex an awful lot to be gained from slow sex from<00:08:47.580> slowing<00:08:48.000> down<00:08:48.120> in<00:08:48.300> the<00:08:48.360> bedroom<00:08:48.690> you from slowing down in the bedroom you from slowing down in the bedroom you know<00:08:49.020> you<00:08:49.130> tap<00:08:50.130> into<00:08:50.430> that<00:08:50.520> those<00:08:50.880> deeper<00:08:51.330> sort know you tap into that those deeper sort know you tap into that those deeper sort of<00:08:52.020> you<00:08:52.440> know<00:08:52.470> psychological<00:08:53.340> emotional of you know psychological emotional of you know psychological emotional spiritual<00:08:54.480> currents<00:08:54.960> and<00:08:55.110> you<00:08:55.620> got<00:08:55.770> a<00:08:55.800> better spiritual currents and you got a better spiritual currents and you got a better orgasm<00:08:56.640> with orgasm with orgasm with build<00:08:57.350> up<00:08:57.530> you<00:08:57.710> to<00:08:57.800> get<00:08:57.920> more<00:08:58.040> bang<00:08:58.220> for<00:08:58.280> your build up you to get more bang for your build up you to get more bang for your buck<00:08:58.730> let's<00:08:59.000> say<00:08:59.210> I<00:08:59.390> mean<00:09:00.050> the<00:09:00.140> pointer buck let's say I mean the pointer buck let's say I mean the pointer sisters<00:09:00.640> said<00:09:01.640> it<00:09:01.760> most<00:09:01.850> eloquently<00:09:02.360> didn't sisters said it most eloquently didn't sisters said it most eloquently didn't they<00:09:02.600> when<00:09:02.840> they<00:09:02.960> sang<00:09:03.200> the<00:09:03.350> praises<00:09:03.590> of<00:09:03.770> a they when they sang the praises of a they when they sang the praises of a lover<00:09:04.430> with<00:09:04.580> a<00:09:04.640> slow<00:09:04.940> hand<00:09:05.150> now<00:09:06.140> we<00:09:06.530> all lover with a slow hand now we all lover with a slow hand now we all laughed<00:09:06.920> at<00:09:07.160> sting<00:09:07.520> a<00:09:07.670> few<00:09:07.820> years<00:09:08.000> ago<00:09:08.090> when<00:09:08.300> he laughed at sting a few years ago when he laughed at sting a few years ago when he went<00:09:08.840> tantric<00:09:09.410> but<00:09:09.920> you<00:09:10.160> fast<00:09:10.490> forward<00:09:10.760> a<00:09:10.850> few went tantric but you fast forward a few went tantric but you fast forward a few years<00:09:11.060> and<00:09:11.390> now<00:09:11.420> you<00:09:11.510> find<00:09:11.780> couples<00:09:12.140> of<00:09:12.260> all years and now you find couples of all years and now you find couples of all ages<00:09:12.560> flocking<00:09:13.130> to<00:09:13.220> workshops<00:09:13.700> or<00:09:13.880> maybe<00:09:14.210> just ages flocking to workshops or maybe just ages flocking to workshops or maybe just on<00:09:14.840> their<00:09:15.080> own<00:09:15.230> in<00:09:15.440> their<00:09:15.530> own<00:09:15.620> bedrooms on their own in their own bedrooms on their own in their own bedrooms finding<00:09:16.400> ways<00:09:16.550> to<00:09:16.850> put<00:09:17.420> on<00:09:17.510> the<00:09:17.600> brakes<00:09:17.840> and finding ways to put on the brakes and finding ways to put on the brakes and have<00:09:18.590> better<00:09:19.280> sex<00:09:19.610> and<00:09:19.940> of<00:09:20.330> course<00:09:20.540> in<00:09:21.080> Italy have better sex and of course in Italy have better sex and of course in Italy where<00:09:21.590> I<00:09:21.620> mean<00:09:21.830> Italians<00:09:22.250> always<00:09:22.550> seem<00:09:22.700> to where I mean Italians always seem to where I mean Italians always seem to know<00:09:22.910> where<00:09:23.030> to<00:09:23.090> find<00:09:23.210> their<00:09:23.390> pleasure know where to find their pleasure know where to find their pleasure they've<00:09:24.680> launched<00:09:24.980> an<00:09:25.070> official<00:09:25.280> slow<00:09:25.730> sex they've launched an official slow sex they've launched an official slow sex movement<00:09:27.100> the<00:09:28.100> workplace<00:09:29.860> right<00:09:30.860> across<00:09:31.040> much movement the workplace right across much movement the workplace right across much of<00:09:32.180> the<00:09:32.270> world of the world of the world I<00:09:32.720> mean<00:09:32.960> North<00:09:33.260> America<00:09:33.620> being<00:09:33.800> a<00:09:33.980> notable I mean North America being a notable I mean North America being a notable exception<00:09:34.490> working<00:09:35.180> hours<00:09:35.330> have<00:09:35.480> been<00:09:35.570> coming exception working hours have been coming exception working hours have been coming down<00:09:35.870> and<00:09:36.700> Europe<00:09:37.700> is<00:09:37.820> an<00:09:38.480> example<00:09:38.810> of<00:09:39.020> that down and Europe is an example of that down and Europe is an example of that and<00:09:39.410> people<00:09:39.500> people<00:09:39.860> finding<00:09:40.400> that<00:09:40.490> their and people people finding that their and people people finding that their quality<00:09:40.820> of<00:09:41.030> life<00:09:41.120> improves<00:09:41.720> as<00:09:41.900> they're quality of life improves as they're quality of life improves as they're working<00:09:42.170> less<00:09:42.530> and<00:09:42.740> also<00:09:43.340> that<00:09:43.490> their<00:09:43.670> hourly working less and also that their hourly working less and also that their hourly productivity<00:09:45.230> goes<00:09:45.380> up<00:09:45.410> now<00:09:45.740> clearly<00:09:46.040> there productivity goes up now clearly there productivity goes up now clearly there are<00:09:46.340> problems<00:09:46.730> with<00:09:46.820> the<00:09:47.330> 35<00:09:47.900> hour<00:09:48.080> work<00:09:48.110> week are problems with the 35 hour work week are problems with the 35 hour work week in<00:09:48.680> France<00:09:48.980> too<00:09:49.520> much<00:09:49.730> too<00:09:50.300> soon<00:09:50.330> too<00:09:50.810> rigid in France too much too soon too rigid in France too much too soon too rigid but<00:09:51.290> other<00:09:51.500> countries<00:09:51.950> in<00:09:52.370> Europe<00:09:52.430> notably but other countries in Europe notably but other countries in Europe notably the<00:09:53.960> Nordic<00:09:54.350> countries<00:09:54.530> are<00:09:54.980> showing<00:09:55.340> that the Nordic countries are showing that the Nordic countries are showing that it's<00:09:55.880> possible<00:09:56.330> to<00:09:56.540> have<00:09:56.840> a<00:09:56.960> kick-ass<00:09:57.380> economy it's possible to have a kick-ass economy it's possible to have a kick-ass economy without<00:09:59.030> being<00:09:59.240> a<00:09:59.300> workaholic<00:09:59.890> and<00:10:00.890> Norway without being a workaholic and Norway without being a workaholic and Norway Sweden<00:10:02.270> Denmark<00:10:02.960> and<00:10:03.320> Finland<00:10:03.710> now<00:10:03.950> ranked Sweden Denmark and Finland now ranked Sweden Denmark and Finland now ranked among<00:10:04.610> the<00:10:04.640> top<00:10:04.790> six<00:10:05.330> most<00:10:05.810> competitive among the top six most competitive among the top six most competitive nations<00:10:06.620> on<00:10:06.770> earth<00:10:06.950> and<00:10:07.280> they<00:10:07.460> work<00:10:07.670> the<00:10:07.850> kind nations on earth and they work the kind nations on earth and they work the kind of<00:10:08.120> hours<00:10:08.480> that<00:10:08.690> would<00:10:08.960> make<00:10:09.110> the<00:10:09.230> average of hours that would make the average of hours that would make the average American<00:10:09.980> weep<00:10:10.280> with<00:10:10.880> envy<00:10:11.180> and<00:10:11.360> if<00:10:12.350> you<00:10:12.620> go American weep with envy and if you go American weep with envy and if you go beyond<00:10:13.040> sort<00:10:13.460> of<00:10:13.520> the<00:10:13.640> the<00:10:13.910> country<00:10:14.090> level beyond sort of the the country level beyond sort of the the country level down<00:10:14.690> at<00:10:14.840> the<00:10:14.990> the<00:10:15.440> micro<00:10:15.830> company<00:10:16.310> level<00:10:16.430> more down at the the micro company level more down at the the micro company level more and<00:10:16.850> more<00:10:16.970> companies<00:10:17.360> now<00:10:17.480> are<00:10:17.600> realizing and more companies now are realizing and more companies now are realizing that<00:10:18.170> they<00:10:18.350> need<00:10:18.500> to<00:10:18.920> allow<00:10:19.100> their<00:10:19.310> staff that they need to allow their staff that they need to allow their staff either<00:10:19.820> to<00:10:20.000> work<00:10:20.090> fewer<00:10:20.360> hours<00:10:20.480> or<00:10:20.900> just<00:10:20.930> to either to work fewer hours or just to either to work fewer hours or just to unplug<00:10:21.530> to<00:10:21.980> take<00:10:22.130> a<00:10:22.160> lunch<00:10:22.370> break<00:10:22.460> or<00:10:22.880> to<00:10:23.420> go unplug to take a lunch break or to go unplug to take a lunch break or to go sit<00:10:23.750> in<00:10:23.840> a<00:10:23.900> quiet<00:10:24.170> room<00:10:24.610> to<00:10:25.610> switch<00:10:26.060> off<00:10:26.270> their sit in a quiet room to switch off their sit in a quiet room to switch off their BlackBerry's<00:10:27.470> and<00:10:27.770> laptops<00:10:28.400> you<00:10:28.580> at<00:10:28.700> the<00:10:28.760> back BlackBerry's and laptops you at the back BlackBerry's and laptops you at the back mobile<00:10:30.380> phones mobile phones mobile phones during<00:10:31.520> the<00:10:31.580> workday<00:10:31.760> or<00:10:32.150> on<00:10:32.300> the<00:10:32.420> weekend<00:10:32.750> so during the workday or on the weekend so during the workday or on the weekend so that<00:10:33.020> they<00:10:33.110> have<00:10:33.290> time<00:10:33.500> to<00:10:33.650> recharge<00:10:34.190> and<00:10:34.550> to that they have time to recharge and to that they have time to recharge and to for<00:10:35.540> the<00:10:35.600> brain<00:10:35.810> to<00:10:35.990> slide<00:10:36.260> into<00:10:36.470> that<00:10:36.650> kind<00:10:36.860> of for the brain to slide into that kind of for the brain to slide into that kind of creative<00:10:37.370> mode<00:10:38.090> of<00:10:38.240> thought<00:10:39.850> it's<00:10:40.850> not<00:10:41.090> just creative mode of thought it's not just creative mode of thought it's not just though<00:10:41.540> these<00:10:41.720> days<00:10:42.640> adults<00:10:43.640> who<00:10:43.730> were though these days adults who were though these days adults who were overworked<00:10:44.120> though<00:10:44.300> is<00:10:44.450> it<00:10:44.540> as<00:10:44.660> children<00:10:45.170> - overworked though is it as children - overworked though is it as children - I'm<00:10:46.580> 37<00:10:47.390> and<00:10:47.660> my<00:10:47.690> childhood<00:10:48.440> ended<00:10:48.710> in<00:10:48.770> the<00:10:48.830> mid I'm 37 and my childhood ended in the mid I'm 37 and my childhood ended in the mid 80s<00:10:49.280> and<00:10:49.310> I<00:10:49.400> look<00:10:49.550> at<00:10:49.640> kids<00:10:49.820> now<00:10:50.000> and<00:10:50.030> I'm<00:10:50.240> just 80s and I look at kids now and I'm just 80s and I look at kids now and I'm just amazed<00:10:50.870> by<00:10:51.230> the<00:10:51.290> way<00:10:51.500> they<00:10:51.680> race<00:10:52.220> around<00:10:52.580> with amazed by the way they race around with amazed by the way they race around with more<00:10:53.720> homework<00:10:53.930> more<00:10:54.410> tutoring<00:10:54.770> more more homework more tutoring more more homework more tutoring more extracurriculars<00:10:55.820> than<00:10:56.030> we<00:10:56.150> would<00:10:56.330> ever<00:10:56.360> have extracurriculars than we would ever have extracurriculars than we would ever have conceived<00:10:57.200> of<00:10:57.350> a<00:10:57.590> generation<00:10:58.220> ago<00:10:58.310> and<00:10:58.700> some conceived of a generation ago and some conceived of a generation ago and some of<00:10:59.690> the<00:10:59.750> most<00:10:59.900> heart-rending<00:11:00.440> emails<00:11:01.010> that<00:11:01.280> I of the most heart-rending emails that I of the most heart-rending emails that I get<00:11:01.460> on<00:11:01.880> my<00:11:02.120> website<00:11:02.540> are<00:11:02.870> actually<00:11:03.230> from get on my website are actually from get on my website are actually from adolescents<00:11:04.640> hovering<00:11:05.570> on<00:11:05.660> the<00:11:05.690> edge<00:11:05.780> of adolescents hovering on the edge of adolescents hovering on the edge of burnout<00:11:06.380> pleading<00:11:06.980> with<00:11:07.100> me<00:11:07.130> to<00:11:07.280> write<00:11:08.180> to burnout pleading with me to write to burnout pleading with me to write to their<00:11:08.450> parents their parents their parents to<00:11:09.790> help<00:11:09.970> them<00:11:10.210> slow<00:11:10.839> down<00:11:11.110> to<00:11:11.230> help<00:11:11.380> them<00:11:11.529> get to help them slow down to help them get to help them slow down to help them get off<00:11:11.680> this<00:11:12.029> full-throttle<00:11:13.200> treadmill<00:11:14.200> but off this full-throttle treadmill but off this full-throttle treadmill but thankfully<00:11:15.430> there<00:11:15.580> is<00:11:15.610> a<00:11:15.700> backlash<00:11:16.150> there<00:11:16.360> in thankfully there is a backlash there in thankfully there is a backlash there in parenting<00:11:17.050> as<00:11:17.170> well<00:11:17.320> and<00:11:17.470> you're<00:11:17.560> finding parenting as well and you're finding parenting as well and you're finding that<00:11:18.040> you<00:11:18.370> know<00:11:18.460> towns<00:11:18.700> in<00:11:18.850> the<00:11:18.910> United<00:11:19.150> States that you know towns in the United States that you know towns in the United States are<00:11:19.600> now<00:11:19.690> banding<00:11:20.080> together<00:11:20.200> and<00:11:20.560> banning are now banding together and banning are now banding together and banning extracurriculars<00:11:22.089> on<00:11:22.240> a<00:11:22.270> particular<00:11:22.690> day<00:11:22.839> of extracurriculars on a particular day of extracurriculars on a particular day of the<00:11:23.020> month<00:11:23.230> so<00:11:23.710> that<00:11:23.800> people<00:11:24.040> can<00:11:24.720> decompress the month so that people can decompress the month so that people can decompress and<00:11:25.990> have<00:11:26.260> some<00:11:26.500> family<00:11:26.950> time<00:11:27.130> and<00:11:27.310> slow<00:11:27.550> down and have some family time and slow down and have some family time and slow down homework<00:11:29.320> is<00:11:29.560> another<00:11:29.860> thing<00:11:30.010> there<00:11:30.400> are homework is another thing there are homework is another thing there are homework<00:11:30.640> bans<00:11:31.680> springing<00:11:32.680> up<00:11:32.770> all<00:11:32.950> over<00:11:33.010> the homework bans springing up all over the homework bans springing up all over the developed<00:11:34.000> world<00:11:34.180> in<00:11:34.450> schools<00:11:35.290> which<00:11:35.529> had developed world in schools which had developed world in schools which had been<00:11:35.800> piling<00:11:36.279> on<00:11:36.370> the<00:11:36.400> homework<00:11:36.790> for<00:11:36.970> years been piling on the homework for years been piling on the homework for years and<00:11:37.360> now<00:11:37.570> they're<00:11:37.720> discovering<00:11:38.170> that<00:11:38.290> less and now they're discovering that less and now they're discovering that less can<00:11:39.339> be<00:11:39.370> more can be more can be more so<00:11:40.029> there<00:11:40.120> was<00:11:40.240> a<00:11:40.270> case<00:11:40.660> up<00:11:40.839> in<00:11:40.900> Scotland so there was a case up in Scotland so there was a case up in Scotland recent<00:11:41.589> they<00:11:41.650> were<00:11:41.770> a<00:11:41.800> fee<00:11:42.070> paying<00:11:42.339> high recent they were a fee paying high recent they were a fee paying high achieving<00:11:43.180> private<00:11:43.630> school<00:11:43.810> band<00:11:44.110> homework achieving private school band homework achieving private school band homework for<00:11:45.279> everyone<00:11:45.610> under<00:11:45.790> the<00:11:45.880> age<00:11:45.910> of<00:11:46.089> 13<00:11:46.480> and<00:11:46.720> the for everyone under the age of 13 and the for everyone under the age of 13 and the high<00:11:47.620> achieving<00:11:47.980> parents<00:11:48.490> freaked<00:11:48.790> out<00:11:48.940> and high achieving parents freaked out and high achieving parents freaked out and said<00:11:49.270> what<00:11:49.330> do<00:11:49.420> you<00:11:49.510> know<00:11:49.750> our<00:11:49.839> kids<00:11:49.960> our<00:11:50.140> fault said what do you know our kids our fault said what do you know our kids our fault the<00:11:50.740> headmaster<00:11:51.220> said<00:11:51.250> no<00:11:51.460> no<00:11:51.580> your<00:11:51.730> children the headmaster said no no your children the headmaster said no no your children need<00:11:52.360> to<00:11:52.450> slow<00:11:52.750> down<00:11:52.779> at<00:11:53.110> the<00:11:53.200> end<00:11:53.320> of<00:11:53.380> the<00:11:53.470> day need to slow down at the end of the day need to slow down at the end of the day and<00:11:53.800> just<00:11:54.370> this<00:11:54.490> last<00:11:54.700> month<00:11:55.089> the<00:11:55.720> exam and just this last month the exam and just this last month the exam results<00:11:56.170> came<00:11:56.560> in<00:11:56.770> and<00:11:56.980> in<00:11:57.580> math<00:11:58.029> science results came in and in math science results came in and in math science marks<00:11:59.740> went<00:11:59.980> up<00:12:00.040> 20%<00:12:00.339> on<00:12:00.820> average<00:12:01.120> last<00:12:01.450> year marks went up 20% on average last year marks went up 20% on average last year and<00:12:02.230> I<00:12:02.410> think<00:12:02.589> what's<00:12:02.740> very<00:12:02.920> revealing<00:12:03.370> is and I think what's very revealing is and I think what's very revealing is that<00:12:03.870> the<00:12:04.870> elite<00:12:05.170> universities<00:12:05.860> who<00:12:05.980> are that the elite universities who are that the elite universities who are often<00:12:06.640> cited<00:12:06.910> as<00:12:07.180> the<00:12:07.210> reason<00:12:07.600> that<00:12:07.690> people often cited as the reason that people often cited as the reason that people drive<00:12:08.110> their<00:12:08.380> kids<00:12:08.529> and<00:12:08.770> hothouse<00:12:09.070> them<00:12:09.310> so drive their kids and hothouse them so drive their kids and hothouse them so much<00:12:09.580> are<00:12:10.060> starting<00:12:10.450> to<00:12:10.540> notice<00:12:10.720> the<00:12:11.200> caliber much are starting to notice the caliber much are starting to notice the caliber of<00:12:11.650> students<00:12:12.220> coming<00:12:12.400> to<00:12:12.550> them<00:12:12.640> is<00:12:12.820> falling of students coming to them is falling of students coming to them is falling these<00:12:13.570> kids<00:12:13.810> have<00:12:13.990> wonderful<00:12:14.440> marks<00:12:15.220> they these kids have wonderful marks they these kids have wonderful marks they have<00:12:16.029> Seavey's<00:12:16.720> jammed<00:12:17.410> with have Seavey's jammed with have Seavey's jammed with extracurriculars<00:12:18.760> to<00:12:18.880> the<00:12:18.970> point<00:12:19.209> that<00:12:19.480> would extracurriculars to the point that would extracurriculars to the point that would make<00:12:19.750> your<00:12:19.870> eyes<00:12:20.020> water<00:12:20.050> but<00:12:20.980> they<00:12:21.100> lack<00:12:21.279> spark make your eyes water but they lack spark make your eyes water but they lack spark they<00:12:22.060> lack<00:12:22.240> the<00:12:22.990> ability<00:12:23.020> to<00:12:23.350> think they lack the ability to think they lack the ability to think creatively<00:12:23.800> and<00:12:24.130> outside<00:12:24.400> the<00:12:24.490> blade<00:12:24.640> they creatively and outside the blade they creatively and outside the blade they don't<00:12:24.910> know<00:12:24.970> how<00:12:25.029> to<00:12:25.060> dream<00:12:25.420> and<00:12:25.720> so<00:12:26.470> what don't know how to dream and so what don't know how to dream and so what these<00:12:26.740> Ivy<00:12:27.130> League<00:12:27.279> schools<00:12:27.610> and<00:12:27.820> Oxford<00:12:28.150> and these Ivy League schools and Oxford and these Ivy League schools and Oxford and Cambridge<00:12:28.270> and<00:12:28.600> so<00:12:28.690> on<00:12:28.750> are<00:12:28.839> starting<00:12:29.140> to<00:12:29.200> send Cambridge and so on are starting to send Cambridge and so on are starting to send a<00:12:29.529> message<00:12:29.830> to<00:12:30.040> parents<00:12:30.220> and<00:12:30.550> students<00:12:30.850> that a message to parents and students that a message to parents and students that they<00:12:31.060> need<00:12:31.089> to<00:12:31.270> put<00:12:31.420> on<00:12:31.510> the<00:12:31.600> brakes<00:12:31.810> a<00:12:31.959> little they need to put on the brakes a little they need to put on the brakes a little bit<00:12:32.200> and<00:12:32.470> in<00:12:32.800> Harvard<00:12:33.520> for<00:12:33.670> instance<00:12:33.970> they bit and in Harvard for instance they bit and in Harvard for instance they send<00:12:34.420> out<00:12:34.570> a<00:12:34.779> letter<00:12:35.500> to<00:12:36.130> undergraduates send out a letter to undergraduates send out a letter to undergraduates front<00:12:37.270> freshmen<00:12:38.160> telling<00:12:39.160> them<00:12:39.279> that<00:12:39.459> they'll front freshmen telling them that they'll front freshmen telling them that they'll get<00:12:39.700> more<00:12:39.880> out<00:12:40.000> of<00:12:40.029> life<00:12:40.270> and<00:12:40.510> more<00:12:40.630> out<00:12:40.720> of get more out of life and more out of get more out of life and more out of Harvard<00:12:41.170> if<00:12:41.260> they<00:12:41.380> if<00:12:41.680> they<00:12:41.800> put<00:12:41.950> on<00:12:42.040> the Harvard if they if they put on the Harvard if they if they put on the brakes<00:12:42.339> if<00:12:42.550> they'd<00:12:42.700> if<00:12:42.970> they<00:12:43.150> do<00:12:43.570> less<00:12:43.779> but brakes if they'd if they do less but brakes if they'd if they do less but give<00:12:44.290> time<00:12:44.680> to<00:12:45.370> things<00:12:45.580> the<00:12:45.850> time<00:12:46.060> that<00:12:46.300> things give time to things the time that things give time to things the time that things need<00:12:46.810> to<00:12:47.170> enjoy<00:12:47.410> them<00:12:47.620> to<00:12:47.800> savor<00:12:48.040> them<00:12:48.250> and need to enjoy them to savor them and need to enjoy them to savor them and even<00:12:48.790> if<00:12:48.880> they<00:12:48.970> sometimes<00:12:49.180> do<00:12:49.510> nothing<00:12:49.779> at<00:12:49.870> all even if they sometimes do nothing at all even if they sometimes do nothing at all and<00:12:50.200> that<00:12:50.230> letter<00:12:50.500> is<00:12:50.709> called<00:12:51.400> very<00:12:51.850> revealing and that letter is called very revealing and that letter is called very revealing I<00:12:52.300> think<00:12:52.540> slow<00:12:53.140> down<00:12:53.440> with<00:12:54.040> an<00:12:54.160> exclamation I think slow down with an exclamation I think slow down with an exclamation mark<00:12:54.850> on<00:12:55.000> the<00:12:55.089> end<00:12:55.120> so<00:12:56.110> wherever<00:12:56.410> you<00:12:56.650> look<00:12:56.860> the mark on the end so wherever you look the mark on the end so wherever you look the the<00:12:57.250> message<00:12:57.370> it<00:12:57.850> seems<00:12:58.209> to<00:12:58.390> me<00:12:58.480> is<00:12:58.570> the<00:12:58.660> same the message it seems to me is the same the message it seems to me is the same that<00:12:59.140> less<00:12:59.380> is<00:12:59.589> very<00:12:59.770> often<00:12:59.980> more<00:13:00.400> that<00:13:00.970> slower that less is very often more that slower that less is very often more that slower is<00:13:01.600> very<00:13:02.290> often<00:13:02.730> better<00:13:03.730> but<00:13:04.270> that's<00:13:05.170> said<00:13:05.500> of is very often better but that's said of is very often better but that's said of course<00:13:05.709> it's<00:13:05.980> it's<00:13:06.160> not<00:13:06.310> that<00:13:06.370> easy<00:13:06.640> to<00:13:06.730> slow course it's it's not that easy to slow course it's it's not that easy to slow down<00:13:07.150> is<00:13:07.360> it<00:13:07.510> I<00:13:07.690> mean<00:13:07.990> you<00:13:08.200> heard<00:13:08.320> that<00:13:08.500> I<00:13:08.560> got<00:13:08.709> a down is it I mean you heard that I got a down is it I mean you heard that I got a speeding<00:13:09.010> ticket<00:13:09.100> while<00:13:09.430> I<00:13:09.459> was<00:13:09.640> researching speeding ticket while I was researching speeding ticket while I was researching my<00:13:10.089> book<00:13:10.180> on<00:13:10.480> the<00:13:10.930> benefits<00:13:11.320> of<00:13:11.410> slowness<00:13:11.740> and my book on the benefits of slowness and my book on the benefits of slowness and that's<00:13:11.950> true<00:13:12.100> but<00:13:12.220> that's<00:13:12.279> that's<00:13:12.640> not<00:13:12.850> all<00:13:12.970> of that's true but that's that's not all of that's true but that's that's not all of it<00:13:13.120> I<00:13:13.240> was<00:13:13.390> actually<00:13:13.510> all<00:13:13.900> route<00:13:14.560> to<00:13:14.709> a<00:13:14.740> dinner it I was actually all route to a dinner it I was actually all route to a dinner held<00:13:15.310> by<00:13:15.490> slow<00:13:15.760> food<00:13:16.060> at<00:13:16.390> the<00:13:16.570> time held by slow food at the time held by slow food at the time and<00:13:17.630> and<00:13:18.050> if<00:13:18.230> that's<00:13:18.320> not<00:13:18.560> shaming<00:13:18.829> enough<00:13:19.130> I and and if that's not shaming enough I and and if that's not shaming enough I got<00:13:19.759> that<00:13:19.940> ticket<00:13:20.120> in<00:13:20.329> Italy<00:13:20.660> and<00:13:20.839> if<00:13:20.990> any<00:13:21.110> of got that ticket in Italy and if any of got that ticket in Italy and if any of you<00:13:21.320> have<00:13:21.440> ever<00:13:21.589> driven<00:13:21.800> on<00:13:22.009> an<00:13:22.100> Italian you have ever driven on an Italian you have ever driven on an Italian Highway<00:13:22.790> you<00:13:23.269> have<00:13:23.360> a<00:13:23.389> pretty<00:13:23.600> good<00:13:23.720> idea<00:13:23.839> of Highway you have a pretty good idea of Highway you have a pretty good idea of how<00:13:24.199> fast<00:13:24.440> I<00:13:24.620> was<00:13:24.649> going<00:13:28.029> but<00:13:29.029> why<00:13:29.360> is<00:13:29.420> it<00:13:29.540> so how fast I was going but why is it so how fast I was going but why is it so hard<00:13:30.019> to<00:13:30.440> slow<00:13:30.649> down<00:13:30.800> I<00:13:30.860> think<00:13:31.040> there<00:13:31.279> are hard to slow down I think there are hard to slow down I think there are various<00:13:31.579> reasons<00:13:31.759> one<00:13:32.660> is<00:13:32.810> that<00:13:32.990> the<00:13:33.230> speed<00:13:33.500> is various reasons one is that the speed is various reasons one is that the speed is fun<00:13:33.860> you<00:13:34.250> know<00:13:34.339> speed<00:13:34.639> is<00:13:34.759> sexy<00:13:35.209> at<00:13:35.329> all<00:13:35.509> that fun you know speed is sexy at all that fun you know speed is sexy at all that adrenaline<00:13:36.230> rush<00:13:36.259> it's<00:13:36.589> it's<00:13:36.829> hard<00:13:37.040> to<00:13:37.130> give adrenaline rush it's it's hard to give adrenaline rush it's it's hard to give it<00:13:37.279> up<00:13:37.430> I<00:13:38.269> think<00:13:38.930> there's<00:13:39.139> a<00:13:39.199> kind<00:13:39.290> of it up I think there's a kind of it up I think there's a kind of metaphysical<00:13:39.680> dimension<00:13:40.220> that<00:13:40.610> speed metaphysical dimension that speed metaphysical dimension that speed becomes<00:13:41.240> a<00:13:41.389> way<00:13:41.690> of<00:13:41.720> rolling<00:13:42.170> ourselves<00:13:42.829> off becomes a way of rolling ourselves off becomes a way of rolling ourselves off from<00:13:43.009> the<00:13:43.310> bigger<00:13:43.490> deeper<00:13:43.970> questions<00:13:44.389> we<00:13:44.509> fill from the bigger deeper questions we fill from the bigger deeper questions we fill our<00:13:44.870> heads<00:13:45.019> with<00:13:45.230> distraction<00:13:45.980> with<00:13:46.130> busyness our heads with distraction with busyness our heads with distraction with busyness so<00:13:47.060> that<00:13:47.149> we<00:13:47.209> don't<00:13:47.300> have<00:13:47.420> to<00:13:47.660> ask<00:13:47.810> am<00:13:48.740> i<00:13:48.860> well so that we don't have to ask am i well so that we don't have to ask am i well am<00:13:49.490> i<00:13:49.579> happy<00:13:49.880> are<00:13:50.000> my<00:13:50.120> children<00:13:50.480> growing<00:13:50.660> up am i happy are my children growing up am i happy are my children growing up right<00:13:51.050> are<00:13:51.769> politicians<00:13:52.459> making<00:13:52.670> good right are politicians making good right are politicians making good decisions<00:13:53.029> on<00:13:53.449> my<00:13:53.569> behalf decisions on my behalf decisions on my behalf another<00:13:55.370> reason<00:13:56.029> I<00:13:56.149> think<00:13:56.240> perhaps<00:13:56.449> even<00:13:56.750> the another reason I think perhaps even the another reason I think perhaps even the most<00:13:56.930> powerful<00:13:57.170> reason<00:13:58.130> why<00:13:58.220> we<00:13:58.339> find<00:13:58.550> it<00:13:58.639> hard most powerful reason why we find it hard most powerful reason why we find it hard to<00:13:58.880> slow<00:13:59.029> down<00:13:59.120> is<00:13:59.269> the<00:13:59.360> cultural<00:13:59.810> taboo<00:14:00.110> that to slow down is the cultural taboo that to slow down is the cultural taboo that we've<00:14:01.190> erected<00:14:01.699> against<00:14:02.630> slowing<00:14:03.470> down<00:14:03.589> the we've erected against slowing down the we've erected against slowing down the slow<00:14:04.009> is<00:14:04.160> a<00:14:04.190> dirty<00:14:04.399> word<00:14:04.610> in<00:14:04.790> our<00:14:04.880> culture<00:14:05.240> it's slow is a dirty word in our culture it's slow is a dirty word in our culture it's a<00:14:05.389> byword<00:14:05.750> for<00:14:05.810> lazy<00:14:06.259> slacker<00:14:07.009> for<00:14:07.490> being a byword for lazy slacker for being a byword for lazy slacker for being somebody<00:14:07.940> who<00:14:08.029> gives<00:14:08.240> up<00:14:08.540> you<00:14:08.990> know<00:14:09.079> he's<00:14:09.380> a somebody who gives up you know he's a somebody who gives up you know he's a bit<00:14:09.620> slow<00:14:09.800> it's<00:14:10.399> actually<00:14:10.930> synonymous<00:14:11.930> with bit slow it's actually synonymous with bit slow it's actually synonymous with being<00:14:12.290> with<00:14:13.100> being<00:14:13.339> stupid<00:14:13.639> I<00:14:13.970> guess<00:14:14.209> what<00:14:14.569> the being with being stupid I guess what the being with being stupid I guess what the the<00:14:15.019> slow<00:14:15.230> move<00:14:15.410> for<00:14:15.529> the<00:14:15.589> purpose<00:14:15.920> of<00:14:16.009> the the slow move for the purpose of the the slow move for the purpose of the slow<00:14:16.279> movement<00:14:16.579> or<00:14:16.639> where<00:14:16.730> this<00:14:16.819> main<00:14:17.060> goal slow movement or where this main goal slow movement or where this main goal really<00:14:17.540> is<00:14:17.660> to<00:14:17.779> tackle<00:14:18.110> that<00:14:18.350> to<00:14:18.500> boo<00:14:18.649> and<00:14:18.800> to really is to tackle that to boo and to really is to tackle that to boo and to say<00:14:19.069> that<00:14:19.250> but<00:14:20.149> yes<00:14:20.920> sometimes<00:14:21.920> slow<00:14:22.220> is<00:14:22.370> not say that but yes sometimes slow is not say that but yes sometimes slow is not the<00:14:22.639> the<00:14:23.149> answer<00:14:23.449> that<00:14:23.600> there<00:14:23.750> is<00:14:23.839> such<00:14:24.019> a the the answer that there is such a the the answer that there is such a thing<00:14:24.139> as<00:14:24.350> bad<00:14:24.470> slow<00:14:24.860> you<00:14:25.579> know<00:14:25.670> that<00:14:25.880> I<00:14:26.029> mean<00:14:26.209> I thing as bad slow you know that I mean I thing as bad slow you know that I mean I got<00:14:26.480> stuck<00:14:26.690> on<00:14:26.839> the<00:14:27.380> m25<00:14:27.589> which<00:14:28.069> is<00:14:28.160> the<00:14:28.250> Ring got stuck on the m25 which is the Ring got stuck on the m25 which is the Ring Road<00:14:28.550> round<00:14:28.819> London<00:14:29.000> recently<00:14:29.600> and<00:14:29.959> spent Road round London recently and spent Road round London recently and spent three<00:14:30.290> and<00:14:30.350> a<00:14:30.470> half<00:14:30.589> hours<00:14:30.860> there<00:14:30.980> and<00:14:31.069> I<00:14:31.100> can three and a half hours there and I can three and a half hours there and I can tell<00:14:31.339> you<00:14:31.430> that's<00:14:31.579> really<00:14:31.880> bad<00:14:32.269> slow<00:14:32.690> but<00:14:33.649> the tell you that's really bad slow but the tell you that's really bad slow but the new<00:14:34.459> idea<00:14:34.880> the<00:14:35.360> sort<00:14:35.540> of<00:14:35.569> revolutionary<00:14:36.199> idea new idea the sort of revolutionary idea new idea the sort of revolutionary idea of<00:14:36.709> the<00:14:36.800> slow<00:14:37.069> movement<00:14:37.459> is<00:14:37.610> that<00:14:37.760> there<00:14:37.880> is of the slow movement is that there is of the slow movement is that there is such<00:14:38.060> a<00:14:38.089> thing<00:14:38.180> as<00:14:38.360> good<00:14:38.540> slow<00:14:38.899> too<00:14:39.410> and<00:14:39.709> good such a thing as good slow too and good such a thing as good slow too and good slow<00:14:40.250> is<00:14:40.370> you<00:14:40.730> know<00:14:40.819> taking<00:14:41.329> the<00:14:41.360> time<00:14:41.600> to<00:14:41.810> eat slow is you know taking the time to eat slow is you know taking the time to eat a<00:14:42.050> meal<00:14:42.230> with<00:14:42.260> your<00:14:42.529> family<00:14:42.889> with<00:14:43.040> the<00:14:43.190> TV a meal with your family with the TV a meal with your family with the TV switched<00:14:44.089> off<00:14:44.300> or<00:14:44.660> taking<00:14:45.500> the<00:14:45.589> time<00:14:45.769> to<00:14:45.889> look switched off or taking the time to look switched off or taking the time to look at<00:14:46.130> a<00:14:46.160> problem<00:14:46.430> from<00:14:46.730> all<00:14:46.940> angles<00:14:47.209> in<00:14:47.660> the at a problem from all angles in the at a problem from all angles in the office<00:14:48.500> to<00:14:48.649> make<00:14:48.800> the<00:14:48.829> best<00:14:49.130> decision<00:14:49.940> at<00:14:50.690> work office to make the best decision at work office to make the best decision at work or<00:14:52.040> even<00:14:52.339> simply<00:14:52.670> just<00:14:52.880> taking<00:14:53.149> the<00:14:53.240> time<00:14:53.389> to or even simply just taking the time to or even simply just taking the time to slow<00:14:53.839> down<00:14:53.870> and<00:14:54.639> savor<00:14:55.639> your<00:14:56.240> life<00:14:56.709> now<00:14:57.709> one<00:14:58.519> of slow down and savor your life now one of slow down and savor your life now one of the<00:14:58.670> things<00:14:58.819> that<00:14:58.970> I<00:14:59.000> found<00:14:59.269> most<00:14:59.449> uplifting the things that I found most uplifting the things that I found most uplifting about<00:15:00.470> all<00:15:00.769> of<00:15:00.980> this<00:15:01.160> stuff<00:15:01.910> that's<00:15:02.089> happened about all of this stuff that's happened about all of this stuff that's happened around<00:15:02.689> the<00:15:02.839> book<00:15:03.110> since<00:15:03.290> it<00:15:03.439> came<00:15:03.589> out<00:15:03.680> is<00:15:03.889> is around the book since it came out is is around the book since it came out is is the<00:15:04.610> reaction<00:15:05.060> to<00:15:05.240> it<00:15:05.360> and<00:15:05.540> I<00:15:06.199> knew<00:15:06.350> that<00:15:06.529> when the reaction to it and I knew that when the reaction to it and I knew that when when<00:15:07.010> my<00:15:07.519> book<00:15:07.670> on<00:15:07.790> slowness<00:15:08.180> came<00:15:08.329> out<00:15:08.449> it when my book on slowness came out it when my book on slowness came out it would<00:15:08.720> be<00:15:08.750> welcomed<00:15:09.649> by<00:15:09.800> the<00:15:09.860> New<00:15:10.069> Age<00:15:10.220> brigade would be welcomed by the New Age brigade would be welcomed by the New Age brigade but<00:15:11.029> it's<00:15:11.180> also<00:15:11.329> been<00:15:11.600> taken<00:15:11.899> up<00:15:12.019> with<00:15:12.230> great but it's also been taken up with great but it's also been taken up with great gusto<00:15:12.680> by<00:15:13.100> the<00:15:13.160> corporate<00:15:13.670> world<00:15:13.790> in<00:15:14.389> a<00:15:14.480> sort gusto by the corporate world in a sort gusto by the corporate world in a sort of<00:15:14.720> business<00:15:15.649> press<00:15:16.160> but<00:15:16.430> also<00:15:16.490> you<00:15:16.910> know<00:15:17.000> big of business press but also you know big of business press but also you know big companies<00:15:17.389> and<00:15:17.990> leadership<00:15:18.350> organizations companies and leadership organizations companies and leadership organizations because<00:15:19.389> people<00:15:20.389> at<00:15:20.480> the<00:15:20.569> top<00:15:20.750> of<00:15:20.779> the<00:15:20.959> chain because people at the top of the chain because people at the top of the chain people<00:15:21.380> like<00:15:22.009> you<00:15:22.220> I<00:15:22.490> think<00:15:22.610> are<00:15:22.910> starting<00:15:23.180> to people like you I think are starting to people like you I think are starting to realize<00:15:23.600> that<00:15:23.630> there's<00:15:23.899> too<00:15:24.110> much<00:15:24.290> speed<00:15:25.220> in realize that there's too much speed in realize that there's too much speed in the<00:15:25.459> system<00:15:25.819> there's<00:15:26.209> too<00:15:26.360> much<00:15:26.510> busyness<00:15:27.230> and the system there's too much busyness and the system there's too much busyness and it's<00:15:27.709> time<00:15:27.920> to<00:15:27.949> find it's time to find it's time to find or<00:15:29.520> get<00:15:29.730> back<00:15:29.910> to<00:15:30.180> that<00:15:30.360> lost<00:15:30.660> part<00:15:30.990> of or get back to that lost part of or get back to that lost part of shifting<00:15:31.680> gears<00:15:33.050> another<00:15:34.050> encouraging<00:15:34.980> sign shifting gears another encouraging sign shifting gears another encouraging sign I<00:15:35.220> think<00:15:35.340> is<00:15:35.580> that<00:15:35.670> it's<00:15:35.790> not<00:15:35.910> just<00:15:35.940> in<00:15:36.210> the I think is that it's not just in the I think is that it's not just in the developed<00:15:36.690> world<00:15:36.870> that<00:15:37.290> this<00:15:37.410> idea<00:15:38.010> is<00:15:38.070> being developed world that this idea is being developed world that this idea is being taken<00:15:38.460> up<00:15:38.640> and<00:15:38.820> in<00:15:39.090> the<00:15:39.180> developing<00:15:39.660> world<00:15:39.720> in taken up and in the developing world in taken up and in the developing world in countries<00:15:40.980> that<00:15:41.040> are<00:15:41.130> on<00:15:41.220> the<00:15:41.340> verge<00:15:41.370> of countries that are on the verge of countries that are on the verge of making<00:15:41.880> that<00:15:42.120> leap<00:15:42.360> into<00:15:42.630> first<00:15:43.080> world<00:15:43.290> state making that leap into first world state making that leap into first world state as<00:15:43.710> China<00:15:44.070> Brazil<00:15:44.640> Thailand<00:15:45.240> Poland<00:15:45.810> and<00:15:45.930> so as China Brazil Thailand Poland and so as China Brazil Thailand Poland and so on<00:15:46.140> these<00:15:46.529> countries<00:15:46.770> are<00:15:47.040> have<00:15:47.700> embraced<00:15:48.060> the on these countries are have embraced the on these countries are have embraced the idea<00:15:48.300> of<00:15:48.660> the<00:15:48.779> slow<00:15:48.960> movement<00:15:49.380> many<00:15:49.890> many idea of the slow movement many many idea of the slow movement many many people<00:15:50.460> in<00:15:50.700> them<00:15:50.850> and<00:15:51.029> there's<00:15:51.240> a<00:15:51.270> there's people in them and there's a there's people in them and there's a there's debate<00:15:51.870> going<00:15:52.110> on<00:15:52.290> in<00:15:52.620> their<00:15:52.890> media<00:15:53.040> on<00:15:53.460> the debate going on in their media on the debate going on in their media on the streets<00:15:54.120> because<00:15:54.690> I<00:15:54.779> think<00:15:54.990> they're<00:15:55.110> looking streets because I think they're looking streets because I think they're looking at<00:15:55.470> the<00:15:55.560> West<00:15:55.770> and<00:15:55.980> they're<00:15:56.070> saying<00:15:56.279> well<00:15:56.430> we at the West and they're saying well we at the West and they're saying well we like<00:15:57.300> that<00:15:57.480> aspect<00:15:57.990> of<00:15:58.080> what<00:15:58.200> your<00:15:58.350> you've<00:15:58.620> got like that aspect of what your you've got like that aspect of what your you've got but<00:15:59.370> we're<00:15:59.490> not<00:15:59.610> so<00:15:59.790> sure<00:15:59.820> about<00:16:00.480> that but we're not so sure about that but we're not so sure about that so<00:16:02.120> all<00:16:03.120> of<00:16:03.150> that<00:16:03.390> said<00:16:03.600> is<00:16:03.720> it<00:16:03.870> I<00:16:04.110> guess<00:16:04.350> is<00:16:05.190> it so all of that said is it I guess is it so all of that said is it I guess is it possible<00:16:06.510> that's<00:16:06.630> really<00:16:06.900> the<00:16:06.960> main<00:16:07.110> question possible that's really the main question possible that's really the main question before<00:16:07.770> us<00:16:07.800> today<00:16:08.010> is<00:16:08.100> it<00:16:08.339> possible<00:16:08.690> to<00:16:09.690> slow before us today is it possible to slow before us today is it possible to slow down<00:16:10.380> and<00:16:10.680> and<00:16:11.400> I<00:16:11.490> I'm<00:16:12.089> happy<00:16:12.450> to<00:16:12.690> be<00:16:12.720> able<00:16:12.900> to down and and I I'm happy to be able to down and and I I'm happy to be able to say<00:16:13.080> to<00:16:13.110> you<00:16:13.320> that<00:16:13.500> the<00:16:13.589> answer<00:16:13.890> is<00:16:13.920> a say to you that the answer is a say to you that the answer is a resounding<00:16:14.339> yes<00:16:14.910> and<00:16:15.839> I<00:16:16.290> present<00:16:16.770> myself<00:16:16.950> as resounding yes and I present myself as resounding yes and I present myself as as<00:16:17.580> exhibit<00:16:18.120> a<00:16:18.270> a<00:16:18.660> kind<00:16:18.990> of<00:16:19.080> reformed<00:16:20.040> and as exhibit a a kind of reformed and as exhibit a a kind of reformed and rehabilitated<00:16:21.089> speedo<00:16:21.870> holic<00:16:22.200> I<00:16:22.520> still<00:16:23.520> love rehabilitated speedo holic I still love rehabilitated speedo holic I still love speed<00:16:23.970> you<00:16:24.240> know<00:16:24.330> I<00:16:24.360> live<00:16:24.600> in<00:16:24.690> London<00:16:24.839> and<00:16:25.200> I speed you know I live in London and I speed you know I live in London and I work<00:16:25.860> as<00:16:26.160> a<00:16:26.190> journalist<00:16:26.700> and<00:16:26.940> I<00:16:27.360> enjoy<00:16:27.690> the work as a journalist and I enjoy the work as a journalist and I enjoy the buzz<00:16:28.140> and<00:16:28.650> the<00:16:28.770> busyness<00:16:29.070> and<00:16:29.400> the<00:16:29.700> adrenaline buzz and the busyness and the adrenaline buzz and the busyness and the adrenaline rush<00:16:30.330> that<00:16:30.660> comes<00:16:30.720> from<00:16:31.020> both<00:16:31.140> of<00:16:31.200> those rush that comes from both of those rush that comes from both of those things<00:16:31.620> I<00:16:31.770> play<00:16:32.279> squash<00:16:33.089> and<00:16:33.390> ice<00:16:33.480> hockey<00:16:33.690> - things I play squash and ice hockey - things I play squash and ice hockey - very<00:16:34.380> fast<00:16:34.620> sports<00:16:34.860> and<00:16:35.070> I<00:16:35.100> wouldn't<00:16:35.339> give very fast sports and I wouldn't give very fast sports and I wouldn't give them<00:16:35.580> up<00:16:35.700> for<00:16:36.030> the<00:16:36.089> world<00:16:36.440> but<00:16:37.440> I've<00:16:37.530> also<00:16:37.940> over them up for the world but I've also over them up for the world but I've also over the<00:16:39.030> last<00:16:39.060> year<00:16:39.480> or<00:16:39.540> so<00:16:39.780> got<00:16:40.589> in<00:16:40.740> touch<00:16:40.890> with<00:16:40.950> my the last year or so got in touch with my the last year or so got in touch with my inner<00:16:41.310> tortoise<00:16:42.000> and<00:16:43.760> what<00:16:44.760> that<00:16:44.940> means<00:16:45.180> is inner tortoise and what that means is inner tortoise and what that means is that<00:16:45.480> I<00:16:45.930> don't<00:16:46.500> I<00:16:46.830> no<00:16:47.280> longer<00:16:48.050> overload<00:16:49.050> myself that I don't I no longer overload myself that I don't I no longer overload myself gratuitous<00:16:50.640> Lane<00:16:50.880> my<00:16:51.720> default<00:16:52.470> mode<00:16:52.710> is<00:16:52.920> no gratuitous Lane my default mode is no gratuitous Lane my default mode is no longer<00:16:53.400> to<00:16:54.240> be<00:16:54.360> a<00:16:54.540> Russia<00:16:54.810> holic<00:16:55.230> I<00:16:56.510> no<00:16:57.510> longer longer to be a Russia holic I no longer longer to be a Russia holic I no longer hear<00:16:58.760> times<00:16:59.760> winged<00:17:00.089> chariot<00:17:00.120> drawing<00:17:00.960> near hear times winged chariot drawing near hear times winged chariot drawing near or<00:17:01.830> at<00:17:01.950> least<00:17:02.070> not<00:17:02.220> as<00:17:02.310> much<00:17:02.339> as<00:17:02.640> I<00:17:02.700> did<00:17:02.820> before or at least not as much as I did before or at least not as much as I did before I<00:17:03.330> can<00:17:03.480> I<00:17:03.660> can<00:17:03.810> actually<00:17:03.900> hear<00:17:04.110> it<00:17:04.140> now<00:17:04.260> because I can I can actually hear it now because I can I can actually hear it now because I<00:17:04.530> see<00:17:04.679> my<00:17:04.800> time<00:17:04.980> is<00:17:05.010> ticking<00:17:05.370> off<00:17:05.600> and<00:17:06.600> the I see my time is ticking off and the I see my time is ticking off and the upshot<00:17:07.439> of<00:17:07.850> all<00:17:08.850> of<00:17:09.030> that<00:17:09.179> is<00:17:09.420> that<00:17:09.660> I<00:17:09.839> actually upshot of all of that is that I actually upshot of all of that is that I actually feel<00:17:10.380> a<00:17:10.740> lot<00:17:11.010> happier<00:17:11.310> healthier<00:17:12.209> more feel a lot happier healthier more feel a lot happier healthier more productive<00:17:13.319> than<00:17:14.280> I<00:17:14.429> ever<00:17:14.550> have<00:17:14.850> I<00:17:15.150> feel<00:17:15.990> like productive than I ever have I feel like productive than I ever have I feel like I'm<00:17:16.350> living<00:17:17.040> my<00:17:17.850> life<00:17:17.880> rather<00:17:18.270> than<00:17:18.420> actually I'm living my life rather than actually I'm living my life rather than actually just<00:17:18.810> racing<00:17:19.230> through<00:17:19.520> it<00:17:20.520> and<00:17:20.730> press<00:17:21.689> the just racing through it and press the just racing through it and press the most<00:17:21.959> important<00:17:22.490> measure<00:17:23.490> of<00:17:23.850> the<00:17:24.420> success<00:17:24.750> of most important measure of the success of most important measure of the success of this<00:17:25.050> is<00:17:25.319> that<00:17:25.949> I<00:17:25.980> feel<00:17:26.220> that<00:17:26.250> my this is that I feel that my this is that I feel that my relationships<00:17:27.000> are<00:17:27.150> a<00:17:27.179> lot<00:17:27.329> deeper<00:17:27.780> richer relationships are a lot deeper richer relationships are a lot deeper richer stronger<00:17:29.760> and<00:17:30.150> and<00:17:30.990> for<00:17:31.350> me<00:17:31.470> the<00:17:31.650> I<00:17:31.920> guess<00:17:32.220> the stronger and and for me the I guess the stronger and and for me the I guess the litmus<00:17:32.580> test<00:17:32.940> for<00:17:33.240> whether<00:17:33.630> this<00:17:33.780> would<00:17:33.960> work litmus test for whether this would work litmus test for whether this would work and<00:17:34.410> what<00:17:34.470> it<00:17:34.590> would<00:17:34.679> mean<00:17:34.740> was<00:17:35.010> always<00:17:35.310> going and what it would mean was always going and what it would mean was always going to<00:17:35.550> be<00:17:35.610> bedtime<00:17:36.540> stories<00:17:36.929> because<00:17:37.140> that's to be bedtime stories because that's to be bedtime stories because that's sort<00:17:37.710> of<00:17:37.740> where sort of where sort of where the<00:17:38.160> journey<00:17:38.850> began<00:17:39.210> and<00:17:39.600> there<00:17:40.140> to<00:17:40.350> the<00:17:40.500> news the journey began and there to the news the journey began and there to the news is<00:17:41.309> is<00:17:41.610> rosy<00:17:42.120> I<00:17:42.470> you<00:17:43.470> know<00:17:43.559> the<00:17:43.679> end<00:17:43.799> of<00:17:43.860> the<00:17:43.919> day is is rosy I you know the end of the day is is rosy I you know the end of the day I<00:17:44.100> go<00:17:44.490> into<00:17:44.640> my<00:17:44.790> son's<00:17:45.059> room<00:17:45.330> I<00:17:45.510> don't<00:17:45.690> wear<00:17:45.840> a I go into my son's room I don't wear a I go into my son's room I don't wear a watch<00:17:46.110> I<00:17:46.500> switch<00:17:46.770> off<00:17:46.919> my<00:17:47.070> computer<00:17:47.250> so<00:17:47.580> I watch I switch off my computer so I watch I switch off my computer so I can't<00:17:47.880> hear<00:17:48.000> the<00:17:48.120> email<00:17:48.419> pinging<00:17:48.690> into<00:17:48.929> the can't hear the email pinging into the can't hear the email pinging into the basket<00:17:49.380> and<00:17:49.590> I<00:17:49.830> just<00:17:50.040> slow<00:17:50.790> down<00:17:50.820> to<00:17:51.090> his<00:17:51.210> pace basket and I just slow down to his pace basket and I just slow down to his pace and<00:17:51.450> and<00:17:51.929> we<00:17:52.230> read<00:17:52.500> and<00:17:52.860> because<00:17:53.460> children and and we read and because children and and we read and because children have<00:17:54.120> their<00:17:54.360> own<00:17:54.480> tempo<00:17:55.440> and<00:17:55.620> internal<00:17:55.980> clock have their own tempo and internal clock have their own tempo and internal clock they<00:17:56.850> don't<00:17:57.000> do<00:17:57.120> quality<00:17:57.660> time<00:17:57.900> you<00:17:58.380> schedule they don't do quality time you schedule they don't do quality time you schedule 10<00:17:58.980> minutes<00:17:59.220> for<00:17:59.340> them<00:17:59.490> to<00:17:59.610> open<00:17:59.850> up<00:18:00.030> to<00:18:00.179> you 10 minutes for them to open up to you 10 minutes for them to open up to you they<00:18:00.900> need<00:18:01.049> you<00:18:01.260> to<00:18:01.530> move<00:18:01.770> at<00:18:02.190> their<00:18:02.370> rhythm<00:18:02.820> I they need you to move at their rhythm I they need you to move at their rhythm I find<00:18:03.510> that<00:18:03.660> 10<00:18:03.809> minutes<00:18:04.049> into<00:18:04.169> a<00:18:04.260> story<00:18:04.590> you find that 10 minutes into a story you find that 10 minutes into a story you know<00:18:05.100> my<00:18:05.220> son<00:18:05.400> will<00:18:05.520> suddenly<00:18:05.850> say<00:18:06.090> you<00:18:06.510> know know my son will suddenly say you know know my son will suddenly say you know something<00:18:07.380> happened<00:18:07.830> in<00:18:07.890> the<00:18:07.950> playground something happened in the playground something happened in the playground today<00:18:08.580> that<00:18:08.700> really<00:18:08.910> bothered<00:18:09.270> me<00:18:09.299> and<00:18:09.450> will today that really bothered me and will today that really bothered me and will go<00:18:09.960> off<00:18:10.080> and<00:18:10.230> have<00:18:10.320> a<00:18:10.350> conversation<00:18:10.650> on<00:18:11.010> that go off and have a conversation on that go off and have a conversation on that and<00:18:11.720> I<00:18:12.720> now<00:18:13.049> find<00:18:13.350> that<00:18:13.440> bedtime<00:18:14.280> stories<00:18:15.470> used and I now find that bedtime stories used and I now find that bedtime stories used to<00:18:16.650> be<00:18:16.799> a<00:18:17.040> kind<00:18:17.490> of<00:18:17.580> a<00:18:17.790> box<00:18:18.150> unlike<00:18:18.570> to-do<00:18:18.809> list to be a kind of a box unlike to-do list to be a kind of a box unlike to-do list something<00:18:19.290> that<00:18:19.530> I'd<00:18:19.710> read<00:18:20.010> it<00:18:20.190> because<00:18:20.669> it something that I'd read it because it something that I'd read it because it was<00:18:20.820> so<00:18:20.940> slow<00:18:21.240> and<00:18:21.270> I<00:18:21.419> had<00:18:21.540> to<00:18:21.630> get<00:18:21.750> through<00:18:21.929> it was so slow and I had to get through it was so slow and I had to get through it quickly<00:18:22.200> it's<00:18:22.740> become<00:18:23.100> my<00:18:23.640> reward<00:18:24.030> at<00:18:24.210> the<00:18:24.240> end quickly it's become my reward at the end quickly it's become my reward at the end of<00:18:24.480> the<00:18:24.540> day<00:18:24.630> something<00:18:24.840> I<00:18:25.020> really<00:18:25.290> I<00:18:25.500> really of the day something I really I really of the day something I really I really cherish<00:18:26.190> and<00:18:26.549> and<00:18:27.120> I<00:18:27.179> have<00:18:27.360> a<00:18:27.390> kind<00:18:27.690> of cherish and and I have a kind of cherish and and I have a kind of Hollywood<00:18:28.230> ending<00:18:28.500> to<00:18:28.740> my<00:18:28.830> talk<00:18:29.070> this Hollywood ending to my talk this Hollywood ending to my talk this afternoon<00:18:30.030> which<00:18:30.600> goes<00:18:31.049> a<00:18:31.080> little<00:18:31.230> bit<00:18:31.410> like afternoon which goes a little bit like afternoon which goes a little bit like this<00:18:31.910> a<00:18:32.910> few<00:18:33.270> months<00:18:33.450> ago<00:18:33.540> I<00:18:33.630> was<00:18:33.809> getting this a few months ago I was getting this a few months ago I was getting ready<00:18:34.679> to<00:18:34.770> go<00:18:34.890> on<00:18:35.040> a<00:18:35.179> another<00:18:36.179> book<00:18:36.390> tour<00:18:36.570> and<00:18:36.840> I ready to go on a another book tour and I ready to go on a another book tour and I had<00:18:37.260> my<00:18:37.380> bags<00:18:37.620> packed<00:18:38.010> I<00:18:38.250> was<00:18:38.370> downstairs<00:18:38.580> by had my bags packed I was downstairs by had my bags packed I was downstairs by the<00:18:39.090> front<00:18:39.210> door<00:18:39.660> and<00:18:39.870> I<00:18:40.320> was<00:18:40.440> waiting<00:18:40.530> for<00:18:40.740> a the front door and I was waiting for a the front door and I was waiting for a taxi<00:18:40.830> my<00:18:41.250> son<00:18:41.490> came<00:18:41.700> down<00:18:41.880> the<00:18:42.030> stairs<00:18:42.240> and<00:18:42.360> he taxi my son came down the stairs and he taxi my son came down the stairs and he he<00:18:43.020> made<00:18:43.230> a<00:18:43.260> card<00:18:43.620> for<00:18:43.679> me<00:18:43.950> he<00:18:44.250> was<00:18:44.400> carrying<00:18:44.610> it he made a card for me he was carrying it he made a card for me he was carrying it he'd<00:18:44.970> gone<00:18:45.090> and<00:18:45.270> stapled<00:18:45.660> two<00:18:45.780> cards<00:18:46.169> very he'd gone and stapled two cards very he'd gone and stapled two cards very like<00:18:46.530> these<00:18:46.679> together<00:18:46.919> and<00:18:47.280> put<00:18:47.940> a<00:18:47.970> sticker<00:18:48.419> of like these together and put a sticker of like these together and put a sticker of his<00:18:48.809> favorite<00:18:50.210> character<00:18:51.210> Tintin<00:18:51.600> on<00:18:51.780> the his favorite character Tintin on the his favorite character Tintin on the front<00:18:52.260> and<00:18:52.580> he<00:18:53.580> said<00:18:54.000> to<00:18:54.120> me<00:18:54.240> where<00:18:54.780> he<00:18:54.870> handed front and he said to me where he handed front and he said to me where he handed his<00:18:55.230> me<00:18:55.380> and<00:18:55.679> and<00:18:55.950> I<00:18:56.220> read<00:18:56.520> it<00:18:56.640> it<00:18:56.760> said<00:18:56.940> to his me and and I read it it said to his me and and I read it it said to Daddy<00:18:57.390> love<00:18:57.660> Benjamin<00:18:57.929> and<00:18:58.679> I<00:18:58.770> thought<00:18:58.950> oh Daddy love Benjamin and I thought oh Daddy love Benjamin and I thought oh that's<00:18:59.309> that's<00:19:00.150> really<00:19:00.419> sweet<00:19:00.660> you<00:19:00.929> know<00:19:01.020> is that's that's really sweet you know is that's that's really sweet you know is that<00:19:01.380> a<00:19:01.700> good<00:19:02.700> luck<00:19:02.850> on<00:19:02.970> the<00:19:03.030> book<00:19:03.179> tour<00:19:03.390> card that a good luck on the book tour card that a good luck on the book tour card and<00:19:04.290> he<00:19:04.559> said<00:19:04.710> no<00:19:04.830> no<00:19:04.950> no<00:19:05.220> daddy<00:19:05.580> this<00:19:05.790> is<00:19:05.940> a and he said no no no daddy this is a and he said no no no daddy this is a card<00:19:06.270> for<00:19:06.450> being<00:19:06.600> the<00:19:06.690> best<00:19:06.900> story<00:19:07.200> reader<00:19:07.500> in card for being the best story reader in card for being the best story reader in the<00:19:07.770> world<00:19:08.070> and<00:19:08.429> I<00:19:08.640> thought<00:19:08.880> yeah<00:19:09.330> you<00:19:09.390> know the world and I thought yeah you know the world and I thought yeah you know this<00:19:09.750> slowing<00:19:10.080> down<00:19:10.169> thing<00:19:10.410> really<00:19:10.530> does<00:19:10.710> work this slowing down thing really does work this slowing down thing really does work thank<00:19:11.700> you<00:19:11.760> very<00:19:11.880> much thank you very much


Carl Honore, psychology, In, Praise, of, Slowness, Slow, Movement, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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