Các tế bào thần kinh định hình nền văn minh-VS Ramachandran

The neurons that shaped civilization - VS Ramachandran

The neurons that shaped civilization - VS Ramachandran


I'd<00:00:16.049> like<00:00:16.230> to<00:00:16.320> talk<00:00:16.470> to<00:00:16.590> you<00:00:16.650> today<00:00:16.770> about<00:00:16.890> the
I'd like to talk to you today about the I'd like to talk to you today about the human<00:00:17.430> brain<00:00:17.700> which<00:00:18.030> is<00:00:18.180> what<00:00:18.330> we<00:00:18.450> do<00:00:18.570> research human brain which is what we do research human brain which is what we do research on<00:00:19.140> at<00:00:19.290> the<00:00:19.350> University<00:00:19.650> of<00:00:19.680> California<00:00:20.220> just on at the University of California just on at the University of California just think<00:00:21.300> about<00:00:21.450> this<00:00:21.540> problem<00:00:21.779> for<00:00:21.930> a<00:00:22.110> second think about this problem for a second think about this problem for a second here's<00:00:22.860> a<00:00:22.980> lump<00:00:23.430> of<00:00:23.610> flesh<00:00:23.790> about<00:00:24.330> three here's a lump of flesh about three here's a lump of flesh about three pounds<00:00:24.779> but<00:00:25.590> you<00:00:25.650> can<00:00:25.830> hold<00:00:26.070> in<00:00:26.220> the<00:00:26.250> palm<00:00:26.340> of pounds but you can hold in the palm of pounds but you can hold in the palm of your<00:00:26.670> hand<00:00:26.790> but<00:00:27.689> it<00:00:27.840> can<00:00:28.020> contemplate<00:00:28.740> the your hand but it can contemplate the your hand but it can contemplate the vastness<00:00:28.950> of<00:00:29.430> interstellar<00:00:29.820> space<00:00:30.360> it<00:00:31.320> can vastness of interstellar space it can vastness of interstellar space it can contemplate<00:00:31.829> the<00:00:32.130> meaning<00:00:32.279> of<00:00:32.520> infinity<00:00:33.090> ask contemplate the meaning of infinity ask contemplate the meaning of infinity ask questions<00:00:34.320> about<00:00:34.470> the<00:00:34.680> meaning<00:00:34.950> of<00:00:35.010> its<00:00:35.190> own questions about the meaning of its own questions about the meaning of its own existence<00:00:35.489> about<00:00:36.270> the<00:00:36.360> nature<00:00:36.570> of<00:00:36.690> God<00:00:36.810> and existence about the nature of God and existence about the nature of God and this<00:00:37.980> is<00:00:38.130> truly<00:00:38.399> the<00:00:38.520> most<00:00:38.790> amazing<00:00:39.660> thing<00:00:39.840> in this is truly the most amazing thing in this is truly the most amazing thing in the<00:00:39.960> world<00:00:40.200> it's<00:00:40.530> the<00:00:40.560> greatest<00:00:40.860> mystery the world it's the greatest mystery the world it's the greatest mystery confronting<00:00:42.390> human<00:00:42.930> beings<00:00:43.199> how<00:00:43.350> does<00:00:43.500> this confronting human beings how does this confronting human beings how does this all<00:00:43.769> come<00:00:43.949> about<00:00:43.980> well<00:00:44.879> the<00:00:45.000> brain<00:00:45.210> as<00:00:45.420> you all come about well the brain as you all come about well the brain as you know<00:00:45.660> is<00:00:45.930> made<00:00:46.109> up<00:00:46.230> of<00:00:46.350> neurons<00:00:46.879> looking<00:00:47.879> at know is made up of neurons looking at know is made up of neurons looking at neurons<00:00:48.180> here<00:00:48.600> there<00:00:49.050> are<00:00:49.170> 100<00:00:49.769> billion neurons here there are 100 billion neurons here there are 100 billion neurons<00:00:50.910> in<00:00:51.149> the<00:00:51.269> adult<00:00:51.300> human<00:00:51.780> brain<00:00:52.019> and neurons in the adult human brain and neurons in the adult human brain and each<00:00:52.859> neuron<00:00:53.190> makes<00:00:53.640> something<00:00:53.940> like<00:00:54.059> a each neuron makes something like a each neuron makes something like a thousand<00:00:54.629> to<00:00:54.719> ten<00:00:54.840> thousand<00:00:55.230> contacts<00:00:55.679> with thousand to ten thousand contacts with thousand to ten thousand contacts with other<00:00:56.399> neurons<00:00:56.640> in<00:00:56.940> the<00:00:57.030> brain<00:00:57.210> and<00:00:57.359> based<00:00:57.960> on other neurons in the brain and based on other neurons in the brain and based on this<00:00:58.320> people<00:00:58.530> are<00:00:58.710> calculated<00:00:59.309> that<00:00:59.429> the this people are calculated that the this people are calculated that the number<00:00:59.789> of<00:00:59.820> permutations<00:01:00.269> and<00:01:00.690> combinations number of permutations and combinations number of permutations and combinations of<00:01:01.350> brain<00:01:01.500> activity<00:01:01.879> exceeds<00:01:02.879> the<00:01:03.059> number<00:01:03.149> of of brain activity exceeds the number of of brain activity exceeds the number of elementary<00:01:03.600> particles<00:01:04.199> in<00:01:04.290> the<00:01:04.379> universe<00:01:04.430> so elementary particles in the universe so elementary particles in the universe so how<00:01:05.550> do<00:01:05.610> you<00:01:05.730> go<00:01:05.850> about<00:01:05.940> studying<00:01:06.240> the<00:01:06.540> brain how do you go about studying the brain how do you go about studying the brain one<00:01:07.050> approach<00:01:07.440> is<00:01:07.770> to<00:01:08.130> look<00:01:08.400> at<00:01:08.580> patients<00:01:09.030> who one approach is to look at patients who one approach is to look at patients who have<00:01:09.210> had<00:01:09.270> lesions<00:01:09.600> in<00:01:09.840> different<00:01:10.080> part<00:01:10.200> of have had lesions in different part of have had lesions in different part of the<00:01:10.320> brain<00:01:10.470> and<00:01:10.500> study<00:01:10.860> changes<00:01:11.100> in<00:01:11.400> their the brain and study changes in their the brain and study changes in their behavior<00:01:11.640> this<00:01:12.420> is<00:01:12.480> what<00:01:12.690> I<00:01:12.720> spoke<00:01:12.960> about<00:01:13.020> in behavior this is what I spoke about in behavior this is what I spoke about in the<00:01:13.350> last<00:01:13.590> ten<00:01:13.980> today<00:01:14.610> I'll<00:01:14.820> talk<00:01:14.940> about<00:01:15.000> a the last ten today I'll talk about a the last ten today I'll talk about a different<00:01:15.570> approach<00:01:15.840> which<00:01:16.110> is<00:01:16.230> to<00:01:16.320> put different approach which is to put different approach which is to put electrodes<00:01:16.950> in<00:01:17.190> different<00:01:17.490> parts<00:01:17.730> of<00:01:17.790> the electrodes in different parts of the electrodes in different parts of the brain<00:01:17.970> and<00:01:18.330> actually<00:01:19.080> record<00:01:19.560> the<00:01:19.770> activity brain and actually record the activity brain and actually record the activity of<00:01:20.310> individual<00:01:20.820> nerve<00:01:21.030> cells<00:01:21.060> in<00:01:21.360> the<00:01:21.420> brain of individual nerve cells in the brain of individual nerve cells in the brain sort<00:01:22.710> of<00:01:22.800> eavesdrop<00:01:23.400> on<00:01:23.580> the<00:01:23.670> activity<00:01:24.030> of sort of eavesdrop on the activity of sort of eavesdrop on the activity of nerve<00:01:24.270> cells<00:01:24.480> in<00:01:24.630> the<00:01:24.690> brain nerve cells in the brain nerve cells in the brain now<00:01:26.730> one<00:01:27.720> recent<00:01:28.170> discovery<00:01:28.530> that<00:01:28.560> has<00:01:28.740> been now one recent discovery that has been now one recent discovery that has been made<00:01:29.160> by<00:01:29.490> researchers<00:01:30.120> in<00:01:30.150> italy<00:01:30.570> in<00:01:30.780> parma<00:01:31.500> by made by researchers in italy in parma by made by researchers in italy in parma by giacomo<00:01:32.280> rizzolatti<00:01:32.310> and<00:01:32.940> his<00:01:33.030> colleagues<00:01:33.390> is giacomo rizzolatti and his colleagues is giacomo rizzolatti and his colleagues is a<00:01:34.170> group<00:01:34.590> of<00:01:34.710> neurons<00:01:34.980> called<00:01:35.520> mirror<00:01:35.790> neurons a group of neurons called mirror neurons a group of neurons called mirror neurons which<00:01:37.020> are<00:01:37.110> in<00:01:37.230> the<00:01:37.290> front<00:01:37.530> of<00:01:37.650> the<00:01:37.740> brain<00:01:37.920> in which are in the front of the brain in which are in the front of the brain in the<00:01:38.100> frontal<00:01:38.490> lobes<00:01:38.810> now<00:01:39.810> it<00:01:39.960> turns<00:01:40.200> out<00:01:40.350> there the frontal lobes now it turns out there the frontal lobes now it turns out there are<00:01:40.560> neurons<00:01:40.980> which<00:01:41.310> are<00:01:41.400> call<00:01:41.580> ordinary are neurons which are call ordinary are neurons which are call ordinary motor<00:01:42.330> command<00:01:42.840> neurons<00:01:43.230> in<00:01:43.320> the<00:01:43.410> front<00:01:43.590> of motor command neurons in the front of motor command neurons in the front of the<00:01:43.740> brain<00:01:43.950> which<00:01:44.460> have<00:01:44.580> been<00:01:44.700> known<00:01:44.850> for<00:01:44.880> over the brain which have been known for over the brain which have been known for over 50<00:01:45.540> years<00:01:45.570> these<00:01:46.410> neurons<00:01:46.890> will<00:01:47.070> fire<00:01:47.100> when<00:01:47.970> a 50 years these neurons will fire when a 50 years these neurons will fire when a person<00:01:48.480> performs<00:01:48.990> a<00:01:49.080> specific<00:01:49.230> action<00:01:49.650> for person performs a specific action for person performs a specific action for example<00:01:50.220> if<00:01:50.310> I<00:01:50.400> do<00:01:50.460> that<00:01:50.790> and<00:01:51.000> reach<00:01:51.570> and<00:01:51.750> grab example if I do that and reach and grab example if I do that and reach and grab an<00:01:52.170> apple<00:01:52.320> am<00:01:53.040> order<00:01:53.310> to<00:01:53.370> command<00:01:53.730> you<00:01:53.850> run<00:01:54.030> in an apple am order to command you run in an apple am order to command you run in the<00:01:54.210> front<00:01:54.480> of<00:01:54.600> my<00:01:54.690> brain<00:01:54.930> will<00:01:55.140> fire<00:01:55.320> if<00:01:56.010> I the front of my brain will fire if I the front of my brain will fire if I reach<00:01:56.340> out<00:01:56.490> and<00:01:56.670> pull<00:01:56.940> an<00:01:57.120> object<00:01:57.210> another reach out and pull an object another reach out and pull an object another neuron<00:01:58.350> will<00:01:58.500> fire<00:01:58.530> commanding<00:01:59.430> me<00:01:59.520> to<00:01:59.550> pull neuron will fire commanding me to pull neuron will fire commanding me to pull might<00:01:59.940> pull<00:02:00.090> that<00:02:00.240> object<00:02:00.600> these<00:02:01.200> are<00:02:01.380> called might pull that object these are called might pull that object these are called motor<00:02:01.710> command<00:02:02.070> neurons<00:02:02.400> be<00:02:02.730> known<00:02:02.910> for<00:02:03.060> a motor command neurons be known for a motor command neurons be known for a long<00:02:03.270> time<00:02:03.510> but<00:02:04.170> what<00:02:04.320> rijalallah<00:02:04.830> found<00:02:05.160> was long time but what rijalallah found was long time but what rijalallah found was a<00:02:05.340> subset<00:02:05.940> of<00:02:05.970> these<00:02:06.180> neurons<00:02:06.600> maybe<00:02:07.170> about a subset of these neurons maybe about a subset of these neurons maybe about 20%<00:02:07.980> of<00:02:08.039> them<00:02:08.190> will<00:02:08.670> also<00:02:09.030> fire<00:02:09.300> when<00:02:09.899> I'm 20% of them will also fire when I'm 20% of them will also fire when I'm looking<00:02:10.170> at<00:02:10.410> somebody<00:02:10.709> else<00:02:11.099> performing<00:02:11.760> the looking at somebody else performing the looking at somebody else performing the same<00:02:12.000> action<00:02:12.450> so<00:02:12.840> here's<00:02:13.019> a<00:02:13.110> neuron<00:02:13.440> that same action so here's a neuron that same action so here's a neuron that fires<00:02:13.620> when<00:02:13.920> I<00:02:14.040> reach<00:02:14.250> and<00:02:14.370> grab<00:02:14.640> something fires when I reach and grab something fires when I reach and grab something but<00:02:15.360> it<00:02:15.450> also<00:02:15.599> fires<00:02:15.900> when<00:02:16.080> I<00:02:16.140> watch<00:02:16.379> Joe but it also fires when I watch Joe but it also fires when I watch Joe reaching<00:02:17.700> and<00:02:17.819> grabbing<00:02:17.970> something<00:02:18.360> and<00:02:18.840> this reaching and grabbing something and this reaching and grabbing something and this is<00:02:19.200> truly<00:02:19.470> astonishing<00:02:20.010> because<00:02:20.250> as<00:02:20.460> though is truly astonishing because as though is truly astonishing because as though neuron<00:02:21.270> is<00:02:21.780> adopting<00:02:22.500> the<00:02:22.530> other<00:02:22.800> person's neuron is adopting the other person's neuron is adopting the other person's point<00:02:23.490> of<00:02:23.700> view<00:02:24.110> results<00:02:25.110> almost<00:02:25.320> as<00:02:25.590> though point of view results almost as though point of view results almost as though it's<00:02:25.770> perfect<00:02:26.100> for<00:02:26.370> mning<00:02:26.670> a<00:02:26.730> virtual<00:02:27.090> reality it's perfect for mning a virtual reality it's perfect for mning a virtual reality simulation<00:02:27.990> of<00:02:28.620> the<00:02:28.740> other<00:02:28.860> person's<00:02:29.310> action simulation of the other person's action simulation of the other person's action now<00:02:30.660> what<00:02:31.020> is<00:02:31.110> the<00:02:31.200> significance<00:02:31.770> of<00:02:31.890> these now what is the significance of these now what is the significance of these mirror<00:02:32.220> neurons<00:02:32.280> for<00:02:33.270> one<00:02:33.450> thing<00:02:33.690> there<00:02:33.900> must mirror neurons for one thing there must mirror neurons for one thing there must be<00:02:34.230> involved<00:02:34.470> in<00:02:34.710> things<00:02:34.920> like<00:02:34.980> imitation<00:02:35.520> and be involved in things like imitation and be involved in things like imitation and emulation<00:02:36.020> because<00:02:37.020> to<00:02:37.140> imitate<00:02:37.530> a<00:02:37.560> complex emulation because to imitate a complex emulation because to imitate a complex act<00:02:38.370> it<00:02:38.850> requires<00:02:39.210> my<00:02:39.540> brain<00:02:39.840> to<00:02:40.050> adopt<00:02:40.410> the act it requires my brain to adopt the act it requires my brain to adopt the other<00:02:40.710> person's<00:02:41.100> point<00:02:41.280> of<00:02:41.460> view<00:02:41.640> so<00:02:42.180> this<00:02:42.330> is other person's point of view so this is other person's point of view so this is important<00:02:43.050> for<00:02:43.140> imitation<00:02:43.710> and<00:02:43.860> emulation important for imitation and emulation important for imitation and emulation but<00:02:44.520> why<00:02:45.000> is<00:02:45.060> that<00:02:45.150> important<00:02:45.810> well<00:02:46.230> let's but why is that important well let's but why is that important well let's take<00:02:46.530> a<00:02:46.560> look<00:02:46.740> at<00:02:46.830> the<00:02:46.890> next<00:02:47.100> slide<00:02:48.290> so<00:02:49.290> how<00:02:49.920> do take a look at the next slide so how do take a look at the next slide so how do you<00:02:50.130> do<00:02:50.430> imitation<00:02:51.090> why<00:02:51.360> is<00:02:51.420> imitation you do imitation why is imitation you do imitation why is imitation important<00:02:52.320> mirror<00:02:52.980> neurons<00:02:53.310> in<00:02:53.460> imitation important mirror neurons in imitation important mirror neurons in imitation emulation<00:02:54.450> now<00:02:54.960> let's<00:02:55.500> look<00:02:55.650> at<00:02:55.800> culture<00:02:56.250> the emulation now let's look at culture the emulation now let's look at culture the phenomenon<00:02:56.730> of<00:02:56.820> human<00:02:57.090> culture<00:02:57.510> if<00:02:58.140> you<00:02:58.260> go phenomenon of human culture if you go phenomenon of human culture if you go back<00:02:58.650> in<00:02:58.860> time<00:02:59.130> about<00:02:59.640> seventy<00:03:00.390> five<00:03:00.450> hundred back in time about seventy five hundred back in time about seventy five hundred thousand<00:03:01.200> years<00:03:01.410> ago<00:03:01.650> let's<00:03:02.370> look<00:03:02.550> at<00:03:02.640> human thousand years ago let's look at human thousand years ago let's look at human evolution<00:03:03.330> it<00:03:03.840> turns<00:03:04.110> out<00:03:04.290> there's<00:03:04.470> something evolution it turns out there's something evolution it turns out there's something very<00:03:04.800> important<00:03:05.370> happened<00:03:05.670> around<00:03:05.850> five very important happened around five very important happened around five thousand<00:03:06.780> years<00:03:06.840> ago<00:03:07.050> and<00:03:07.350> that<00:03:07.800> is<00:03:07.950> there's<00:03:08.100> a thousand years ago and that is there's a thousand years ago and that is there's a sudden<00:03:08.490> emergence<00:03:09.060> and<00:03:09.180> rapid<00:03:09.600> spread<00:03:09.810> of<00:03:10.320> a sudden emergence and rapid spread of a sudden emergence and rapid spread of a number<00:03:10.710> of<00:03:10.770> skills<00:03:11.100> that<00:03:11.310> are<00:03:11.460> unique<00:03:11.790> to number of skills that are unique to number of skills that are unique to human<00:03:12.150> beings<00:03:12.450> like<00:03:12.660> like<00:03:13.170> tool<00:03:13.380> use<00:03:13.680> the<00:03:13.920> use human beings like like tool use the use human beings like like tool use the use of<00:03:14.550> fire<00:03:14.790> use<00:03:15.480> of<00:03:15.660> shelters<00:03:16.110> and<00:03:16.320> of<00:03:16.410> course of fire use of shelters and of course of fire use of shelters and of course language<00:03:17.070> and<00:03:17.520> the<00:03:17.610> ability<00:03:17.970> to<00:03:18.000> read language and the ability to read language and the ability to read somebody<00:03:18.750> else's<00:03:18.780> mind<00:03:19.200> and<00:03:19.380> interpret<00:03:19.800> that somebody else's mind and interpret that somebody else's mind and interpret that person's<00:03:20.340> behavior<00:03:20.760> all<00:03:21.180> of<00:03:21.420> that<00:03:21.540> happened person's behavior all of that happened person's behavior all of that happened relatively<00:03:22.140> quickly<00:03:22.560> even<00:03:23.250> though<00:03:23.370> the<00:03:23.460> human relatively quickly even though the human relatively quickly even though the human brain<00:03:23.910> had<00:03:24.120> achieved<00:03:24.450> its<00:03:24.960> present<00:03:25.620> size brain had achieved its present size brain had achieved its present size almost<00:03:26.460> three<00:03:27.090> or<00:03:27.180> four<00:03:27.330> hundred<00:03:27.390> thousand almost three or four hundred thousand almost three or four hundred thousand years<00:03:27.900> ago<00:03:28.140> 100<00:03:28.740> thousand<00:03:29.220> years<00:03:29.370> ago<00:03:29.460> all<00:03:29.580> of years ago 100 thousand years ago all of years ago 100 thousand years ago all of this<00:03:29.790> happened<00:03:30.120> very<00:03:30.150> very<00:03:30.420> quickly<00:03:30.630> and<00:03:30.870> I this happened very very quickly and I this happened very very quickly and I claim<00:03:31.380> that<00:03:31.590> what<00:03:31.770> happened<00:03:32.130> was<00:03:32.280> the<00:03:33.090> sudden claim that what happened was the sudden claim that what happened was the sudden emergence<00:03:33.540> of<00:03:33.960> a<00:03:34.050> sophisticated<00:03:34.290> mirror emergence of a sophisticated mirror emergence of a sophisticated mirror neuron<00:03:35.160> system<00:03:35.190> which<00:03:36.150> allowed<00:03:36.420> you<00:03:36.570> to neuron system which allowed you to neuron system which allowed you to emulate<00:03:36.870> and<00:03:37.260> imitate<00:03:37.320> other<00:03:37.740> people's emulate and imitate other people's emulate and imitate other people's actions<00:03:38.220> so<00:03:38.970> that<00:03:39.000> when<00:03:39.360> there<00:03:39.510> was<00:03:39.600> a<00:03:39.690> sudden actions so that when there was a sudden actions so that when there was a sudden accidental<00:03:41.700> discovery<00:03:42.090> by<00:03:42.210> one<00:03:42.480> member<00:03:42.750> of accidental discovery by one member of accidental discovery by one member of the<00:03:43.050> group<00:03:43.290> say<00:03:44.010> use<00:03:44.220> of<00:03:44.370> fire<00:03:44.640> or<00:03:44.880> a the group say use of fire or a the group say use of fire or a particular<00:03:45.630> type<00:03:45.780> of<00:03:45.810> tool<00:03:46.170> instead<00:03:46.950> of<00:03:47.040> dying particular type of tool instead of dying particular type of tool instead of dying out<00:03:47.490> the<00:03:47.760> spread<00:03:48.090> rapidly<00:03:48.360> horizontally out the spread rapidly horizontally out the spread rapidly horizontally across<00:03:49.740> the<00:03:49.830> population<00:03:50.430> or<00:03:50.850> was<00:03:50.970> transmitted across the population or was transmitted across the population or was transmitted vertically<00:03:51.960> down<00:03:52.500> the<00:03:52.530> generations<00:03:53.040> so<00:03:53.790> this vertically down the generations so this vertically down the generations so this made<00:03:54.270> of<00:03:54.450> illusion<00:03:54.690> suddenly<00:03:55.230> Lamarckian made of illusion suddenly Lamarckian made of illusion suddenly Lamarckian instead<00:03:56.130> of<00:03:56.220> Darwinian<00:03:56.670> in<00:03:57.180> Darwinian instead of Darwinian in Darwinian instead of Darwinian in Darwinian evolution<00:03:58.080> is<00:03:58.170> slow<00:03:58.320> takes<00:03:58.800> hundreds<00:03:59.160> of evolution is slow takes hundreds of evolution is slow takes hundreds of thousands<00:03:59.610> of<00:03:59.670> years<00:03:59.910> a<00:04:00.090> polar<00:04:00.630> bear<00:04:00.930> to thousands of years a polar bear to thousands of years a polar bear to evolve<00:04:01.860> a<00:04:02.010> code<00:04:02.280> will<00:04:02.550> take<00:04:02.760> thousands<00:04:03.420> of evolve a code will take thousands of evolve a code will take thousands of generations<00:04:03.630> maybe<00:04:04.500> a<00:04:04.620> hundred<00:04:04.740> thousand generations maybe a hundred thousand generations maybe a hundred thousand years<00:04:05.370> of<00:04:05.580> human<00:04:06.150> being<00:04:06.390> a<00:04:06.480> child<00:04:06.690> can<00:04:06.930> just years of human being a child can just years of human being a child can just watch<00:04:07.260> its<00:04:07.470> parent<00:04:07.890> kill<00:04:09.110> another<00:04:10.110> polar<00:04:10.410> bear watch its parent kill another polar bear watch its parent kill another polar bear and<00:04:10.920> skinned<00:04:11.820> it<00:04:11.970> and<00:04:12.120> put<00:04:12.300> the<00:04:12.390> skin<00:04:12.600> on<00:04:12.750> its and skinned it and put the skin on its and skinned it and put the skin on its body<00:04:13.050> for<00:04:13.410> on<00:04:13.530> the<00:04:13.620> body<00:04:13.830> and<00:04:14.130> learn<00:04:14.640> it<00:04:14.790> in<00:04:14.910> one body for on the body and learn it in one body for on the body and learn it in one step<00:04:15.390> what<00:04:15.840> the<00:04:16.049> polar<00:04:16.470> bear<00:04:16.710> took<00:04:16.950> a<00:04:17.130> hundred step what the polar bear took a hundred step what the polar bear took a hundred thousand<00:04:17.820> years<00:04:17.880> to<00:04:18.060> learn<00:04:18.210> it<00:04:18.480> can<00:04:18.810> learn<00:04:19.020> in thousand years to learn it can learn in thousand years to learn it can learn in five<00:04:19.500> minutes<00:04:19.890> maybe<00:04:20.340> ten<00:04:20.640> minutes<00:04:20.790> right<00:04:21.420> and five minutes maybe ten minutes right and five minutes maybe ten minutes right and then<00:04:21.900> once<00:04:22.080> it's<00:04:22.260> learned<00:04:22.410> is<00:04:22.650> it<00:04:22.800> spreads<00:04:23.100> by then once it's learned is it spreads by then once it's learned is it spreads by in<00:04:23.670> geometric<00:04:24.210> proportion<00:04:24.660> across<00:04:25.530> a in geometric proportion across a in geometric proportion across a population<00:04:26.130> and<00:04:26.430> this<00:04:26.550> is<00:04:26.670> the<00:04:26.790> basis<00:04:27.120> of<00:04:27.150> this population and this is the basis of this population and this is the basis of this mutation<00:04:27.810> complex<00:04:28.470> skills<00:04:28.740> is<00:04:29.130> what<00:04:29.310> we<00:04:29.430> call mutation complex skills is what we call mutation complex skills is what we call culture<00:04:30.120> in<00:04:30.270> the<00:04:30.360> basis<00:04:30.630> of<00:04:30.660> civilization culture in the basis of civilization culture in the basis of civilization there's<00:04:32.780> another<00:04:32.930> kind<00:04:33.140> of<00:04:33.320> mirror<00:04:33.500> neuron there's another kind of mirror neuron there's another kind of mirror neuron which<00:04:34.520> is<00:04:34.610> involved<00:04:35.030> in<00:04:35.120> something<00:04:35.330> quite which is involved in something quite which is involved in something quite different<00:04:35.810> and<00:04:36.200> that<00:04:36.800> is<00:04:36.910> that<00:04:37.910> a<00:04:37.940> minute different and that is that a minute different and that is that a minute neuron<00:04:38.420> justice<00:04:38.780> with<00:04:38.930> a<00:04:38.960> million<00:04:39.230> neurons neuron justice with a million neurons neuron justice with a million neurons for<00:04:39.530> action<00:04:39.980> that<00:04:40.130> a<00:04:40.160> mirror<00:04:40.340> neurons<00:04:40.640> with for action that a mirror neurons with for action that a mirror neurons with touch<00:04:41.000> in<00:04:41.660> other<00:04:41.810> words<00:04:41.960> if<00:04:42.050> somebody<00:04:42.260> touches touch in other words if somebody touches touch in other words if somebody touches me<00:04:42.770> my<00:04:43.100> hand<00:04:43.420> neuron<00:04:44.420> in<00:04:44.540> the<00:04:44.570> somatosensory me my hand neuron in the somatosensory me my hand neuron in the somatosensory cortex<00:04:45.590> in<00:04:45.830> the<00:04:45.890> sensory<00:04:46.220> region<00:04:46.520> of<00:04:46.580> the cortex in the sensory region of the cortex in the sensory region of the brain<00:04:46.730> fires<00:04:47.120> but<00:04:48.020> the<00:04:48.110> same<00:04:48.320> neuron<00:04:48.740> in<00:04:49.070> some brain fires but the same neuron in some brain fires but the same neuron in some cases<00:04:49.610> will<00:04:49.850> fire<00:04:50.060> when<00:04:50.360> I<00:04:50.630> simply<00:04:51.020> watch cases will fire when I simply watch cases will fire when I simply watch another<00:04:51.650> person<00:04:51.950> being<00:04:52.100> touched another person being touched another person being touched so<00:04:53.030> it's<00:04:53.150> empathizing<00:04:53.840> the<00:04:53.930> other<00:04:54.050> person so it's empathizing the other person so it's empathizing the other person being<00:04:54.530> touched<00:04:54.770> so<00:04:55.400> most<00:04:55.790> of<00:04:55.910> them<00:04:56.030> will<00:04:56.180> fire being touched so most of them will fire being touched so most of them will fire when<00:04:56.600> I<00:04:56.720> am<00:04:56.780> touched<00:04:57.110> in<00:04:57.560> different<00:04:57.920> locations when I am touched in different locations when I am touched in different locations different<00:04:58.400> neuron<00:04:58.910> for<00:04:59.060> different<00:04:59.360> occasions different neuron for different occasions different neuron for different occasions but<00:05:00.110> a<00:05:00.170> subset<00:05:00.590> of<00:05:00.620> them<00:05:00.770> will<00:05:00.890> fire<00:05:01.100> even<00:05:01.670> when but a subset of them will fire even when but a subset of them will fire even when I<00:05:01.820> watch<00:05:02.060> somebody<00:05:02.420> else<00:05:02.450> being<00:05:02.840> touched<00:05:03.110> in I watch somebody else being touched in I watch somebody else being touched in the<00:05:03.380> same<00:05:03.530> location<00:05:04.030> so<00:05:05.030> here<00:05:05.480> again<00:05:05.600> you<00:05:05.780> have the same location so here again you have the same location so here again you have neurons<00:05:06.710> which<00:05:07.040> are<00:05:07.130> enrolled<00:05:07.400> in<00:05:07.550> empathy neurons which are enrolled in empathy neurons which are enrolled in empathy now<00:05:08.090> the<00:05:08.150> question<00:05:08.600> then<00:05:08.630> arises<00:05:08.750> if<00:05:09.620> I<00:05:09.770> simply now the question then arises if I simply now the question then arises if I simply watch<00:05:10.340> another<00:05:10.640> person<00:05:11.000> being<00:05:11.120> touched<00:05:11.450> why watch another person being touched why watch another person being touched why do<00:05:12.170> I<00:05:12.350> not<00:05:12.500> get<00:05:12.740> confused<00:05:13.220> and<00:05:13.400> literally<00:05:13.850> feel do I not get confused and literally feel do I not get confused and literally feel that<00:05:14.360> touch<00:05:14.570> sensation<00:05:15.280> merely<00:05:16.280> by<00:05:16.550> watching that touch sensation merely by watching that touch sensation merely by watching somebody<00:05:17.150> being<00:05:17.300> touched<00:05:17.510> I<00:05:17.630> empathize<00:05:18.260> with somebody being touched I empathize with somebody being touched I empathize with that<00:05:18.470> person<00:05:18.830> but<00:05:18.920> I<00:05:18.980> don't<00:05:19.070> literally<00:05:19.460> feel that person but I don't literally feel that person but I don't literally feel the<00:05:20.360> touch<00:05:20.600> well<00:05:21.230> that's<00:05:21.380> because<00:05:21.560> you've<00:05:21.830> got the touch well that's because you've got the touch well that's because you've got receptors<00:05:22.460> in<00:05:22.580> your<00:05:22.610> skin<00:05:22.730> touching<00:05:23.480> pain receptors in your skin touching pain receptors in your skin touching pain receptors<00:05:24.110> going<00:05:24.740> back<00:05:25.040> into<00:05:25.430> your<00:05:25.490> brain receptors going back into your brain receptors going back into your brain saying<00:05:26.150> don't<00:05:26.720> water<00:05:26.930> you're<00:05:27.140> not<00:05:27.170> being saying don't water you're not being saying don't water you're not being touched touched touched so<00:05:28.520> empathize<00:05:29.360> by<00:05:29.570> all<00:05:29.720> means<00:05:29.990> with<00:05:30.140> the<00:05:30.200> other so empathize by all means with the other so empathize by all means with the other person<00:05:30.770> but<00:05:31.490> do<00:05:31.970> not<00:05:32.120> actually<00:05:32.360> experience person but do not actually experience person but do not actually experience the<00:05:33.350> touch<00:05:33.560> otherwise<00:05:33.860> you'll<00:05:33.980> get<00:05:34.070> confused the touch otherwise you'll get confused the touch otherwise you'll get confused and<00:05:34.790> muddled<00:05:35.300> okay<00:05:35.900> so<00:05:35.960> there's<00:05:36.260> a<00:05:36.320> feedback and muddled okay so there's a feedback and muddled okay so there's a feedback signal<00:05:36.980> that<00:05:37.670> vetoes<00:05:38.090> the<00:05:38.210> signal<00:05:38.480> of<00:05:38.600> the signal that vetoes the signal of the signal that vetoes the signal of the mirror<00:05:38.870> neuron<00:05:39.020> preventing<00:05:39.920> you<00:05:40.040> from mirror neuron preventing you from mirror neuron preventing you from consciously<00:05:40.670> experiencing<00:05:41.210> that<00:05:41.330> touch<00:05:41.510> but consciously experiencing that touch but consciously experiencing that touch but if<00:05:42.290> you<00:05:42.380> remove<00:05:42.770> the<00:05:42.920> arm if you remove the arm if you remove the arm you<00:05:43.580> simply<00:05:43.910> anesthetize<00:05:44.510> my<00:05:44.720> arm<00:05:44.930> so<00:05:45.680> you<00:05:45.770> put you simply anesthetize my arm so you put you simply anesthetize my arm so you put an<00:05:46.070> injection<00:05:46.640> into<00:05:46.760> my<00:05:46.880> arm<00:05:47.060> and<00:05:47.240> it's<00:05:47.360> two an injection into my arm and it's two an injection into my arm and it's two times<00:05:47.600> the<00:05:47.690> brachial<00:05:47.990> plexus<00:05:48.080> so<00:05:48.800> the<00:05:48.890> arm<00:05:49.070> is times the brachial plexus so the arm is times the brachial plexus so the arm is numb<00:05:49.400> as<00:05:49.640> no<00:05:49.790> sensations<00:05:50.300> coming<00:05:50.480> in<00:05:50.720> if<00:05:51.020> I<00:05:51.320> now numb as no sensations coming in if I now numb as no sensations coming in if I now watch<00:05:51.830> you<00:05:52.130> being<00:05:52.370> touched<00:05:52.700> I<00:05:53.000> literally<00:05:53.780> feel watch you being touched I literally feel watch you being touched I literally feel it<00:05:54.170> in<00:05:54.380> my<00:05:54.530> hand<00:05:54.830> in<00:05:55.400> other<00:05:55.550> words<00:05:55.820> you've it in my hand in other words you've it in my hand in other words you've dissolved<00:05:56.810> the<00:05:57.110> barrier<00:05:57.500> between<00:05:57.710> you<00:05:57.980> and dissolved the barrier between you and dissolved the barrier between you and other<00:05:58.220> human<00:05:58.520> beings<00:05:58.760> so<00:05:58.850> I<00:05:58.910> call<00:05:59.180> them other human beings so I call them other human beings so I call them Gandhi<00:06:00.410> neurons<00:06:00.770> or<00:06:01.310> empathy<00:06:01.790> neurons<00:06:02.150> and Gandhi neurons or empathy neurons and Gandhi neurons or empathy neurons and this<00:06:03.890> is<00:06:04.010> not<00:06:04.160> in<00:06:04.340> some<00:06:04.490> abstract this is not in some abstract this is not in some abstract metaphorical<00:06:05.660> sense<00:06:05.840> all<00:06:06.500> that's<00:06:06.950> separating metaphorical sense all that's separating metaphorical sense all that's separating you<00:06:07.790> from<00:06:07.820> him<00:06:08.300> from<00:06:08.810> the<00:06:08.930> other<00:06:09.050> person<00:06:09.440> is you from him from the other person is you from him from the other person is your<00:06:09.680> skin<00:06:10.010> to<00:06:10.490> remove<00:06:10.610> the<00:06:10.850> skin<00:06:11.150> you your skin to remove the skin you your skin to remove the skin you experience<00:06:12.290> that<00:06:12.530> person's<00:06:13.100> touch<00:06:13.370> in<00:06:13.640> your experience that person's touch in your experience that person's touch in your mind<00:06:14.150> you've<00:06:14.390> dissolved<00:06:14.840> the<00:06:14.930> barrier mind you've dissolved the barrier mind you've dissolved the barrier between<00:06:15.800> you<00:06:16.040> and<00:06:16.070> other<00:06:16.310> human<00:06:16.610> beings<00:06:16.880> and between you and other human beings and between you and other human beings and this<00:06:17.420> of<00:06:17.600> course<00:06:17.630> is<00:06:17.840> the<00:06:17.930> basis<00:06:18.260> of<00:06:18.290> much<00:06:18.500> of this of course is the basis of much of this of course is the basis of much of Eastern<00:06:18.980> philosophy<00:06:19.520> and<00:06:19.730> that<00:06:20.180> is<00:06:20.390> there's Eastern philosophy and that is there's Eastern philosophy and that is there's no<00:06:20.780> real<00:06:21.020> independent<00:06:21.710> self<00:06:22.280> aloof<00:06:22.670> from no real independent self aloof from no real independent self aloof from other<00:06:23.030> human<00:06:23.330> beings<00:06:23.570> inspecting<00:06:24.380> the<00:06:24.470> world other human beings inspecting the world other human beings inspecting the world in<00:06:24.830> inspecting<00:06:25.220> other<00:06:25.370> people<00:06:25.730> you're<00:06:26.090> in in inspecting other people you're in in inspecting other people you're in fact<00:06:26.510> connected<00:06:26.960> not<00:06:27.140> just<00:06:27.200> where<00:06:27.530> Facebook fact connected not just where Facebook fact connected not just where Facebook and<00:06:28.490> the<00:06:28.790> internet<00:06:29.120> you're<00:06:29.480> actually<00:06:29.840> quite and the internet you're actually quite and the internet you're actually quite literally<00:06:30.620> connected<00:06:31.010> by<00:06:31.130> your<00:06:31.280> neurons<00:06:31.670> and literally connected by your neurons and literally connected by your neurons and it's<00:06:32.360> whole<00:06:32.480> chains<00:06:32.840> of<00:06:33.020> neurons<00:06:33.350> around<00:06:33.590> this it's whole chains of neurons around this it's whole chains of neurons around this room<00:06:33.920> talking<00:06:34.220> to<00:06:34.340> each<00:06:34.490> other<00:06:34.700> and<00:06:34.940> there<00:06:35.450> is room talking to each other and there is room talking to each other and there is no<00:06:35.690> real<00:06:35.960> distinctiveness<00:06:36.680> of<00:06:37.490> your no real distinctiveness of your no real distinctiveness of your consciousness<00:06:38.150> from<00:06:38.480> somebody<00:06:38.780> else's consciousness from somebody else's consciousness from somebody else's consciousness<00:06:39.170> and<00:06:39.590> this<00:06:39.740> is<00:06:39.830> not consciousness and this is not consciousness and this is not mumbo-jumbo<00:06:40.280> philosophy<00:06:40.940> it<00:06:41.030> emerges<00:06:41.510> from mumbo-jumbo philosophy it emerges from mumbo-jumbo philosophy it emerges from our<00:06:42.200> understanding<00:06:42.770> of<00:06:42.830> basic<00:06:43.220> neuroscience our understanding of basic neuroscience our understanding of basic neuroscience so<00:06:44.320> you<00:06:44.380> have<00:06:44.500> a<00:06:44.560> patient<00:06:44.770> with<00:06:45.010> the<00:06:45.070> phantom so you have a patient with the phantom so you have a patient with the phantom limb<00:06:45.640> arm<00:06:46.120> has<00:06:46.270> been<00:06:46.300> removed<00:06:46.690> and<00:06:47.200> you're<00:06:47.320> a limb arm has been removed and you're a limb arm has been removed and you're a phantom<00:06:47.770> and<00:06:47.860> you<00:06:47.920> watch<00:06:48.100> somebody<00:06:48.490> else phantom and you watch somebody else phantom and you watch somebody else being<00:06:49.240> touched<00:06:49.570> you<00:06:49.990> feel<00:06:50.230> it<00:06:50.380> in<00:06:50.470> your being touched you feel it in your being touched you feel it in your phantom<00:06:51.010> now<00:06:51.880> the<00:06:51.940> astonishing<00:06:52.360> thing<00:06:52.630> is<00:06:52.660> if phantom now the astonishing thing is if phantom now the astonishing thing is if you<00:06:52.990> have<00:06:53.140> pain<00:06:53.440> in<00:06:53.470> your<00:06:53.680> phantom<00:06:54.100> limb<00:06:54.250> you you have pain in your phantom limb you you have pain in your phantom limb you squeeze<00:06:55.090> the<00:06:55.330> other<00:06:55.420> person's<00:06:55.870> hand<00:06:56.110> massage squeeze the other person's hand massage squeeze the other person's hand massage the<00:06:56.770> other<00:06:56.890> person's<00:06:57.220> hand<00:06:57.400> that<00:06:58.270> relieves the other person's hand that relieves the other person's hand that relieves the<00:06:58.870> pain<00:06:59.050> in<00:06:59.230> your<00:06:59.350> phantom<00:06:59.770> hand<00:06:59.980> almost<00:07:00.940> as the pain in your phantom hand almost as the pain in your phantom hand almost as though<00:07:01.510> the<00:07:01.660> neuron<00:07:02.050> were<00:07:02.350> obtaining<00:07:03.220> relief though the neuron were obtaining relief though the neuron were obtaining relief for<00:07:03.730> merely<00:07:03.970> watching<00:07:04.450> somebody<00:07:04.720> else<00:07:04.750> being for merely watching somebody else being for merely watching somebody else being massaged<00:07:05.320> so<00:07:05.820> here<00:07:06.820> you<00:07:07.000> have<00:07:07.180> my<00:07:07.870> last<00:07:07.900> slide massaged so here you have my last slide massaged so here you have my last slide for<00:07:09.060> the<00:07:10.060> longest<00:07:10.390> time<00:07:10.510> people<00:07:10.960> have for the longest time people have for the longest time people have regarded<00:07:11.440> science<00:07:11.920> and<00:07:12.160> Humanities<00:07:12.610> as<00:07:12.760> being regarded science and Humanities as being regarded science and Humanities as being distinct<00:07:13.450> see<00:07:13.630> peace<00:07:13.810> know<00:07:14.080> spoke<00:07:14.770> of<00:07:14.890> the<00:07:14.950> two distinct see peace know spoke of the two distinct see peace know spoke of the two cultures<00:07:15.640> science<00:07:16.420> in<00:07:16.540> the<00:07:16.600> one<00:07:16.720> hand cultures science in the one hand cultures science in the one hand humanities<00:07:17.320> on<00:07:17.470> the<00:07:17.560> other<00:07:17.680> never<00:07:18.370> the<00:07:18.640> twain humanities on the other never the twain humanities on the other never the twain shall<00:07:18.910> meet shall meet shall meet so<00:07:19.840> I'm<00:07:19.960> saying<00:07:20.200> the<00:07:20.320> mirror<00:07:20.500> neuron<00:07:20.860> system so I'm saying the mirror neuron system so I'm saying the mirror neuron system lies<00:07:21.340> the<00:07:21.580> interface<00:07:21.970> allowing<00:07:22.660> you<00:07:22.780> to<00:07:22.950> think lies the interface allowing you to think lies the interface allowing you to think think<00:07:24.160> about<00:07:24.370> issues<00:07:24.490> like<00:07:24.640> consciousness think about issues like consciousness think about issues like consciousness representation<00:07:26.350> of<00:07:26.440> self<00:07:26.710> what<00:07:27.250> separates representation of self what separates representation of self what separates you<00:07:27.760> from<00:07:27.790> other<00:07:28.060> human<00:07:28.360> beings<00:07:28.690> what<00:07:29.110> a<00:07:29.140> love you from other human beings what a love you from other human beings what a love allows<00:07:29.680> you<00:07:29.830> to<00:07:29.950> empathize<00:07:30.340> with<00:07:30.400> other<00:07:30.700> human allows you to empathize with other human allows you to empathize with other human beings<00:07:31.060> and<00:07:31.450> also<00:07:31.990> even<00:07:32.230> things<00:07:32.260> like<00:07:32.470> the beings and also even things like the beings and also even things like the emergence<00:07:32.680> of<00:07:33.190> culture<00:07:33.850> and<00:07:34.060> civilization emergence of culture and civilization emergence of culture and civilization which<00:07:35.020> is<00:07:35.140> unique<00:07:35.380> to<00:07:35.500> human<00:07:35.740> beings<00:07:35.980> thank which is unique to human beings thank which is unique to human beings thank you


Vilayanur S. Ramachandran (Author), neurology neuroscience TED TED-Ed TED Ed, TEDEducation, neurons

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