Các thí nghiệm chỉ ra một sự hiểu biết mới về bệnh ung thư-Mina Bissell

Experiments that point to a new understanding of cancer - Mina Bissell

Experiments that point to a new understanding of cancer - Mina Bissell


[Music] [Music] [Applause]

now <00:00:16.573>I <00:00:16.986>don't <00:00:17.399>usually <00:00:17.812>like <00:00:18.225>cartoons <00:00:18.638>I
now I don't usually like cartoons I now I don't usually like cartoons I don't <00:00:19.182>think <00:00:19.524>many <00:00:19.866>of <00:00:20.208>them <00:00:20.550>are <00:00:20.892>funny <00:00:21.234>I don't think many of them are funny I don't think many of them are funny I think <00:00:21.964>Find <00:00:22.489>Them <00:00:23.014>weird <00:00:23.539>but <00:00:24.064>I <00:00:24.589>love <00:00:25.114>cartoon think Find Them weird but I love cartoon think Find Them weird but I love cartoon The

New Yorker

don't <00:00:36.695>af <00:00:37.230>used <00:00:37.765>to <00:00:38.300>be <00:00:38.835>the <00:00:39.370>cat <00:00:39.905>I <00:00:40.440>always
don't af used to be the cat I always don't af used to be the cat I always wanted <00:00:41.410>to <00:00:41.741>be <00:00:42.072>outside <00:00:42.403>the <00:00:42.734>Box <00:00:43.065>and <00:00:43.396>partly wanted to be outside the Box and partly wanted to be outside the Box and partly because <00:00:44.674>I <00:00:45.148>came <00:00:45.622>to <00:00:46.096>this <00:00:46.570>field <00:00:47.044>from <00:00:47.518>a because I came to this field from a because I came to this field from a different <00:00:48.453>background <00:00:49.146>chemist <00:00:49.839>and different background chemist and different background chemist and bacterial <00:00:50.823>genetic <00:00:51.407>So <00:00:51.991>what <00:00:52.575>people <00:00:53.159>were bacterial genetic So what people were bacterial genetic So what people were saying saying saying toa <00:00:55.479>ofc <00:00:56.399>sour

ofc <00:00:59.420>who <00:00:59.920>you <00:01:00.420>are <00:01:00.920>make <00:01:01.420>sense <00:01:01.920>So <00:01:02.420>let <00:01:02.920>me
ofc who you are make sense So let me ofc who you are make sense So let me quickly <00:01:03.475>try <00:01:03.790>and <00:01:04.105>tell <00:01:04.420>you <00:01:04.735>why <00:01:05.050>I <00:01:05.365>that <00:01:05.680>and quickly try and tell you why I that and quickly try and tell you why I that and how <00:01:06.310>I <00:01:06.740>went <00:01:07.170>about <00:01:07.600>it <00:01:08.030>so <00:01:08.460>to <00:01:08.890>begin <00:01:09.320>with how I went about it so to begin with how I went about it so to begin with however <00:01:10.679>I <00:01:11.118>have <00:01:11.557>to <00:01:11.996>give <00:01:12.435>you <00:01:12.874>a <00:01:13.313>very <00:01:13.752>very however I have to give you a very very however I have to give you a very very quick <00:01:14.760>lesson <00:01:15.240>in <00:01:15.720>developmental <00:01:16.200>biology quick lesson in developmental biology quick lesson in developmental biology with <00:01:17.508>apologies <00:01:17.816>to <00:01:18.124>those <00:01:18.432>of <00:01:18.740>you <00:01:19.048>who <00:01:19.356>know with apologies to those of you who know with apologies to those of you who know some <00:01:19.977>biology <00:01:20.354>So <00:01:20.731>when <00:01:21.108>your <00:01:21.485>mom <00:01:21.862>and <00:01:22.239>dad some biology So when your mom and dad some biology So when your mom and dad met <00:01:23.154>There <00:01:23.748>is <00:01:24.342>a <00:01:24.936>fertilized <00:01:25.530>egg <00:01:26.124>that <00:01:26.718>r met There is a fertilized egg that r met There is a fertilized egg that r thing <00:01:27.465>with <00:01:27.811>that <00:01:28.157>little <00:01:28.503>blip <00:01:28.849>it <00:01:29.195>grows

[ Applause]
[ Applause] [ Applause] this <00:01:38.827>guy <00:01:39.215>with <00:01:39.603>all <00:01:39.991>the <00:01:40.379>cells <00:01:40.767>in <00:01:41.155>his this guy with all the cells in his this guy with all the cells in his body <00:01:42.703>all <00:01:43.287>have <00:01:43.871>the <00:01:44.455>same <00:01:45.039>genetic body all have the same genetic body all have the same genetic information <00:01:46.532>so <00:01:46.905>How <00:01:47.278>did <00:01:47.651>his <00:01:48.024>nose <00:01:48.397>become information so How did his nose become information so How did his nose become his <00:01:49.153>nose <00:01:49.587>his <00:01:50.021>elbow <00:01:50.455>his <00:01:50.889>elbow <00:01:51.323>and <00:01:51.757>why his nose his elbow his elbow and why his nose his elbow his elbow and why does <00:01:52.311>he <00:01:52.582>get <00:01:52.853>up <00:01:53.124>one <00:01:53.395>morning


could could remember <00:02:02.093>sle <00:02:03.346>C <00:02:04.599>does remember sle C does remember sle C does it <00:02:05.985>a <00:02:06.491>guess <00:02:06.997>many <00:02:07.503>cells <00:02:08.009>he <00:02:08.515>has <00:02:09.021>in <00:02:09.527>his <00:02:10.033>body it a guess many cells he has in his body it a guess many cells he has in his body Somewhere <00:02:11.991>between <00:02:12.822>10 <00:02:13.653>trillion <00:02:14.484>to <00:02:15.315>7 Somewhere between 10 trillion to 7 Somewhere between 10 trillion to 7 trillion <00:02:16.619>cells <00:02:17.038>in <00:02:17.457>his <00:02:17.876>body trillion cells in his body trillion cells in his body trillion <00:02:20.217>How <00:02:20.674>did <00:02:21.131>cells <00:02:21.588>all <00:02:22.045>with <00:02:22.502>the <00:02:22.959>same trillion How did cells all with the same trillion How did cells all with the same genetic <00:02:23.863>material <00:02:24.487>made <00:02:25.111>All <00:02:25.735>those <00:02:26.359>tissues genetic material made All those tissues genetic material made All those tissues and <00:02:27.751>so <00:02:28.142>the <00:02:28.533>i <00:02:28.924>Raised <00:02:29.315>before

the <00:02:39.253>domin <00:02:39.706>cancer <00:02:40.159>Theory <00:02:40.612>would <00:02:41.065>say <00:02:41.518>that
the domin cancer Theory would say that the domin cancer Theory would say that there <00:02:41.999>is <00:02:42.238>a there is a there is a single <00:02:43.502>in <00:02:43.964>a <00:02:44.426>single <00:02:44.888>cancer <00:02:45.350>Cell <00:02:45.812>and <00:02:46.274>would single in a single cancer Cell and would single in a single cancer Cell and would make <00:02:47.145>you <00:02:47.691>a <00:02:48.237>cancer make you a cancer make you a cancer Victim <00:02:49.822>well <00:02:50.325>this <00:02:50.828>did <00:02:51.331>not <00:02:51.834>make <00:02:52.337>sense <00:02:52.840>to Victim well this did not make sense to Victim well this did not make sense to me <00:02:53.352>Do <00:02:53.704>you <00:02:54.056>even <00:02:54.408>know <00:02:54.760>how me Do you even know how me Do you even know how trs that trs that trs that

cells <00:03:08.839>got <00:03:09.519>mutated
cells got mutated cells got mutated and <00:03:11.689>got <00:03:12.139>cancer <00:03:12.589>you <00:03:13.039>be <00:03:13.489>a <00:03:13.939>lump <00:03:14.389>of <00:03:14.839>Cancer and got cancer you be a lump of Cancer and got cancer you be a lump of Cancer you <00:03:15.594>have <00:03:15.908>cancer <00:03:16.222>all <00:03:16.536>over <00:03:16.850>you <00:03:17.164>and <00:03:17.478>not you have cancer all over you and not you have cancer all over you and not Why Why Why not <00:03:20.088>so <00:03:20.816>I <00:03:21.544>decided <00:03:22.272>over <00:03:23.000>the

years years quick <00:03:32.200>you

CR <00:03:37.279>with <00:03:37.638>I <00:03:37.997>came <00:03:38.356>to <00:03:38.715>work <00:03:39.074>with <00:03:39.433>this <00:03:39.792>virus
CR with I came to work with this virus CR with I came to work with this virus that <00:03:40.852>causes <00:03:41.265>that <00:03:41.678>ugly <00:03:42.091>tumor <00:03:42.504>in <00:03:42.917>the that causes that ugly tumor in the that causes that ugly tumor in the chicken <00:03:44.085>rous <00:03:44.731>discovered <00:03:45.377>this <00:03:46.023>in <00:03:46.669>191 <00:03:47.315>it chicken rous discovered this in 191 it chicken rous discovered this in 191 it was <00:03:48.095>the <00:03:48.671>first <00:03:49.247>cancer <00:03:49.823>virus <00:03:50.399>discovered was the first cancer virus discovered was the first cancer virus discovered and <00:03:51.959>when <00:03:52.599>call and when call and when call itan <00:03:54.640>canc


Andi <00:04:07.445>Scientist <00:04:07.931>w <00:04:08.417>very <00:04:08.903>excited <00:04:09.389>and <00:04:09.875>They
Andi Scientist w very excited and They Andi Scientist w very excited and They said <00:04:10.425>single <00:04:10.771>can <00:04:11.117>do <00:04:11.463>it <00:04:11.809>All <00:04:12.155>You <00:04:12.501>Need <00:04:12.847>Is <00:04:13.193>A said single can do it All You Need Is A said single can do it All You Need Is A Single <00:04:13.936>so <00:04:14.273>they <00:04:14.610>put <00:04:14.947>the <00:04:15.284>cell <00:04:15.621>in <00:04:15.958>Culture Single so they put the cell in Culture Single so they put the cell in Culture chicken <00:04:16.862>cells <00:04:17.245>dump <00:04:17.628>the <00:04:18.011>virus <00:04:18.394>on <00:04:18.777>it <00:04:19.160>and chicken cells dump the virus on it and chicken cells dump the virus on it and it <00:04:19.620>would <00:04:19.920>Up <00:04:20.220>And <00:04:20.520>they <00:04:20.820>would <00:04:21.120>say <00:04:21.420>this <00:04:21.720>is it would Up And they would say this is it would Up And they would say this is malign <00:04:22.307>and <00:04:22.695>this <00:04:23.083>is <00:04:23.471>normal <00:04:23.859>and <00:04:24.247>again <00:04:24.635>make malign and this is normal and again make malign and this is normal and again make s <00:04:25.480>to <00:04:26.080>for <00:04:26.680>various <00:04:27.280>reasons <00:04:27.880>we <00:04:28.480>took <00:04:29.080>att

and <00:04:32.551>in <00:04:33.222>emb <00:04:33.893>at <00:04:34.564>that <00:04:35.235>is <00:04:35.906>that <00:04:36.577>Fe <00:04:37.248>the <00:04:37.919>embryo
and in emb at that is that Fe the embryo and in emb at that is that Fe the embryo every <00:04:39.296>one <00:04:39.673>of <00:04:40.050>those <00:04:40.427>Blue <00:04:40.804>cells <00:04:41.181>are <00:04:41.558>a every one of those Blue cells are a every one of those Blue cells are a cancer <00:04:42.313>gene <00:04:42.867>inside <00:04:43.421>a <00:04:43.975>cancer <00:04:44.529>Cell <00:04:45.083>and <00:04:45.637>the cancer gene inside a cancer Cell and the cancer gene inside a cancer Cell and the part <00:04:46.340>of <00:04:46.720>the <00:04:47.100>feather <00:04:47.480>So <00:04:47.860>when <00:04:48.240>we part of the feather So when we part of the feather So when we dissociated <00:04:48.868>the <00:04:49.216>feather <00:04:49.564>and <00:04:49.912>put <00:04:50.260>it <00:04:50.608>in <00:04:50.956>a dissociated the feather and put it in a dissociated the feather and put it in a dish <00:04:51.533>We <00:04:51.906>got <00:04:52.279>Mass <00:04:52.652>of <00:04:53.025>Blue <00:04:53.398>cells <00:04:53.771>so <00:04:54.144>in <00:04:54.517>the dish We got Mass of Blue cells so in the dish We got Mass of Blue cells so in the chicken <00:04:54.974>you <00:04:55.268>get <00:04:55.562>a <00:04:55.856>Tor <00:04:56.150>in <00:04:56.444>the <00:04:56.738>embryo <00:04:57.032>you chicken you get a Tor in the embryo you chicken you get a Tor in the embryo you don't <00:04:57.479>you <00:04:57.759>dissociate <00:04:58.039>you <00:04:58.319>put <00:04:58.599>it <00:04:58.879>in <00:04:59.159>a don't you dissociate you put it in a don't you dissociate you put it in a dish

Which <00:05:08.799>Surround <00:05:09.679>cells <00:05:10.559>actually <00:05:11.439>are
Which Surround cells actually are Which Surround cells actually are telling <00:05:12.473>the <00:05:12.946>cancer <00:05:13.419>gene <00:05:13.892>and <00:05:14.365>the <00:05:14.838>cancer telling the cancer gene and the cancer telling the cancer gene and the cancer Cell <00:05:15.697>What <00:05:16.114>to <00:05:16.531>do <00:05:16.948>Let's <00:05:17.365>take <00:05:17.782>a <00:05:18.199>normal Cell What to do Let's take a normal Cell What to do Let's take a normal example <00:05:19.672>the <00:05:20.184>normal <00:05:20.696>example <00:05:21.208>take <00:05:21.720>the example the normal example take the example the normal example take the human <00:05:22.364>M <00:05:22.809>I <00:05:23.254>work <00:05:23.699>on <00:05:24.144>breast <00:05:24.589>cancer <00:05:25.034>so <00:05:25.479>Here human M I work on breast cancer so Here human M I work on breast cancer so Here is <00:05:26.051>lovely <00:05:26.422>human <00:05:26.793>breast <00:05:27.164>and <00:05:27.535>many <00:05:27.906>of <00:05:28.277>you is lovely human breast and many of you is lovely human breast and many of you know <00:05:28.665>how <00:05:28.851>it <00:05:29.037>looks know how it looks know how it looks that <00:05:31.466>breast <00:05:32.132>all <00:05:32.798>pretty that breast all pretty that breast all pretty developing developing developing structures <00:05:35.980>so <00:05:36.360>we <00:05:36.740>decided <00:05:37.120>that <00:05:37.500>what <00:05:37.880>we structures so we decided that what we structures so we decided that what we like <00:05:38.328>to <00:05:38.576>do <00:05:38.824>is <00:05:39.072>to <00:05:39.320>take <00:05:39.568>just <00:05:39.816>a <00:05:40.064>bit <00:05:40.312>of <00:05:40.560>that like to do is to take just a bit of that like to do is to take just a bit of that m <00:05:41.320>gland <00:05:41.840>which <00:05:42.360>is <00:05:42.880>called <00:05:43.400>an <00:05:43.920>Where <00:05:44.440>there m gland which is called an Where there m gland which is called an Where there All <00:05:45.183>These <00:05:45.607>Little <00:05:46.031>Things <00:05:46.455>inside <00:05:46.879>the All These Little Things inside the All These Little Things inside the breast <00:05:47.468>where <00:05:47.856>the <00:05:48.244>milk <00:05:48.632>goes <00:05:49.020>and <00:05:49.408>the <00:05:49.796>end breast where the milk goes and the end breast where the milk goes and the end of <00:05:50.466>the <00:05:50.812>nipple <00:05:51.158>comes <00:05:51.504>through <00:05:51.850>that <00:05:52.196>little of the nipple comes through that little of the nipple comes through that little tube <00:05:53.021>when <00:05:53.403>the <00:05:53.785>baby <00:05:54.167>sucks <00:05:54.549>and <00:05:54.931>we <00:05:55.313>said tube when the baby sucks and we said tube when the baby sucks and we said wonderful <00:05:56.007>Look <00:05:56.334>at <00:05:56.661>this <00:05:56.988>pretty <00:05:57.315>structure wonderful Look at this pretty structure wonderful Look at this pretty structure We <00:05:58.426>want <00:05:58.692>to <00:05:58.958>make We want to make We want to make STR <00:06:01.319>how <00:06:01.879>do <00:06:02.439>do <00:06:02.999>that <00:06:03.559>we <00:06:04.119>the <00:06:04.679>red <00:06:05.239>cells <00:06:05.799>see STR how do do that we the red cells see STR how do do that we the red cells see the <00:06:06.345>red <00:06:06.651>cells <00:06:06.957>are <00:06:07.263>surrounded <00:06:07.569>by <00:06:07.875>Blue the red cells are surrounded by Blue the red cells are surrounded by Blue other <00:06:09.074>cells <00:06:09.468>that <00:06:09.862>sque <00:06:10.256>them <00:06:10.650>and <00:06:11.044>behind <00:06:11.438>It other cells that sque them and behind It other cells that sque them and behind It is <00:06:12.455>material <00:06:12.871>that <00:06:13.287>people <00:06:13.703>thought <00:06:14.119>was is material that people thought was is material that people thought was mainly <00:06:14.811>inert <00:06:15.182>and <00:06:15.553>it <00:06:15.924>was <00:06:16.295>just <00:06:16.666>having <00:06:17.037>a mainly inert and it was just having a mainly inert and it was just having a structure <00:06:17.628>to <00:06:18.016>keep <00:06:18.404>the <00:06:18.792>shape <00:06:19.180>and <00:06:19.568>so <00:06:19.956>we structure to keep the shape and so we structure to keep the shape and so we first <00:06:20.640>photographed <00:06:21.040>it <00:06:21.440>with <00:06:21.840>the <00:06:22.240>Electron first photographed it with the Electron first photographed it with the Electron microscope <00:06:23.192>Years <00:06:23.625>and <00:06:24.058>Years <00:06:24.491>AG <00:06:24.924>and <00:06:25.357>you microscope Years and Years AG and you microscope Years and Years AG and you see <00:06:25.897>the <00:06:26.274>cell <00:06:26.651>is <00:06:27.028>actually <00:06:27.405>quite <00:06:27.782>pretty <00:06:28.159>It see the cell is actually quite pretty It see the cell is actually quite pretty It has <00:06:28.690>a <00:06:29.020>bottom <00:06:29.350>has <00:06:29.680>a <00:06:30.010>top <00:06:30.340>It <00:06:30.670>is <00:06:31.000>secreting has a bottom has a top It is secreting has a bottom has a top It is secreting gobs <00:06:31.954>and <00:06:32.228>gobs <00:06:32.502>of <00:06:32.776>milk <00:06:33.050>Because <00:06:33.324>it <00:06:33.598>just gobs and gobs of milk Because it just gobs and gobs of milk Because it just came <00:06:34.306>from <00:06:34.732>an <00:06:35.158>early <00:06:35.584>pregnant <00:06:36.010>Mouse <00:06:36.436>you came from an early pregnant Mouse you came from an early pregnant Mouse you take <00:06:36.799>These <00:06:36.999>cells <00:06:37.199>you <00:06:37.399>Put <00:06:37.599>them <00:06:37.799>in <00:06:37.999>a <00:06:38.199>dish take These cells you Put them in a dish take These cells you Put them in a dish and <00:06:39.165>Within <00:06:39.571>three <00:06:39.977>days <00:06:40.383>They <00:06:40.789>look <00:06:41.195>like and Within three days They look like and Within three days They look like that <00:06:42.113>they <00:06:42.786>completely <00:06:43.459>forget <00:06:44.132>so <00:06:44.805>you <00:06:45.478>take that they completely forget so you take that they completely forget so you take them <00:06:46.024>out <00:06:46.289>you <00:06:46.554>Put <00:06:46.819>them <00:06:47.084>in <00:06:47.349>a <00:06:47.614>dish <00:06:47.879>They them out you Put them in a dish They them out you Put them in a dish They don't <00:06:48.408>make <00:06:48.736>milk <00:06:49.064>they <00:06:49.392>completely <00:06:49.720>forgot don't make milk they completely forgot don't make milk they completely forgot for <00:06:50.999>example <00:06:51.399>Here <00:06:51.799>is <00:06:52.199>a <00:06:52.599>lovely <00:06:52.999>yellow for example Here is a lovely yellow for example Here is a lovely yellow droplet <00:06:54.217>of <00:06:54.554>milk <00:06:54.891>on <00:06:55.228>the <00:06:55.565>Left <00:06:55.902>there <00:06:56.239>is droplet of milk on the Left there is droplet of milk on the Left there is nothing <00:06:56.720>on <00:06:57.000>the <00:06:57.280>right <00:06:57.560>look <00:06:57.840>at <00:06:58.120>the <00:06:58.400>nuclei nothing on the right look at the nuclei nothing on the right look at the nuclei the <00:06:59.671>nuclei <00:06:59.902>on <00:07:00.133>the <00:07:00.364>cell <00:07:00.595>on <00:07:00.826>the <00:07:01.057>Left <00:07:01.288>is <00:07:01.519>in the nuclei on the cell on the Left is in the nuclei on the cell on the Left is in the <00:07:01.951>Animal <00:07:02.222>the <00:07:02.493>one <00:07:02.764>on <00:07:03.035>the <00:07:03.306>right <00:07:03.577>is <00:07:03.848>on <00:07:04.119>a the Animal the one on the right is on a the Animal the one on the right is on a dish <00:07:04.719>They <00:07:05.119>are <00:07:05.519>completely <00:07:05.919>different <00:07:06.319>from dish They are completely different from dish They are completely different from each <00:07:06.925>other <00:07:07.290>So <00:07:07.655>what <00:07:08.020>does <00:07:08.385>this <00:07:08.750>tell <00:07:09.115>you each other So what does this tell you each other So what does this tell you this <00:07:10.065>tells <00:07:10.531>you <00:07:10.997>that <00:07:11.463>here <00:07:11.929>also <00:07:12.395>context this tells you that here also context this tells you that here also context overrides <00:07:14.739>in <00:07:15.439>different <00:07:16.139>contexts <00:07:16.839>do overrides in different contexts do overrides in different contexts do different <00:07:17.479>things <00:07:17.919>but <00:07:18.359>how <00:07:18.799>does <00:07:19.239>context different things but how does context different things but how does context signal <00:07:20.668>so <00:07:21.336>Einstein <00:07:22.004>said <00:07:22.672>that <00:07:23.340>for <00:07:24.008>an <00:07:24.676>idea signal so Einstein said that for an idea signal so Einstein said that for an idea that <00:07:26.102>does <00:07:26.524>not <00:07:26.946>first <00:07:27.368>seem <00:07:27.790>insane <00:07:28.212>There <00:07:28.634>is that does not first seem insane There is that does not first seem insane There is no <00:07:29.000>Hope

[Music] [Music] skepticism skepticism skepticism ied <00:07:36.742>could <00:07:37.084>get <00:07:37.426>money <00:07:37.768>couldn't <00:07:38.110>do <00:07:38.452>a <00:07:38.794>whole ied could get money couldn't do a whole ied could get money couldn't do a whole of <00:07:39.494>other <00:07:39.789>but <00:07:40.084>I'm <00:07:40.379>Soad <00:07:40.674>it <00:07:40.969>all <00:07:41.264>worked <00:07:41.559>out of other but I'm Soad it all worked out of other but I'm Soad it all worked out so <00:07:42.234>we <00:07:42.589>made <00:07:42.944>a <00:07:43.299>section <00:07:43.654>of <00:07:44.009>the <00:07:44.364>mand <00:07:44.719>of <00:07:45.074>the so we made a section of the mand of the so we made a section of the mand of the mous <00:07:45.811>and <00:07:46.382>all <00:07:46.953>those <00:07:47.524>lovely <00:07:48.095>are <00:07:48.666>one <00:07:49.237>of mous and all those lovely are one of mous and all those lovely are one of those <00:07:49.893>with <00:07:50.346>theed <00:07:50.799>around those with theed around those with theed around them them them and <00:07:55.093>toy <00:07:55.666>and <00:07:56.239>make and toy and make and toy and make and

maybe <00:08:07.571>it <00:08:07.782>tells <00:08:07.993>the <00:08:08.204>cells <00:08:08.415>What <00:08:08.626>to <00:08:08.837>do
maybe it tells the cells What to do maybe it tells the cells What to do maybe <00:08:09.559>it <00:08:09.919>tells <00:08:10.279>the <00:08:10.639>nucleus <00:08:10.999>what <00:08:11.359>to <00:08:11.719>do <00:08:12.079>so maybe it tells the nucleus what to do so maybe it tells the nucleus what to do so I <00:08:12.775>said <00:08:13.310>extracellular <00:08:13.845>Matrix <00:08:14.380>which <00:08:14.915>is I said extracellular Matrix which is I said extracellular Matrix which is this <00:08:15.864>stuff <00:08:16.488>called <00:08:17.112>ecm <00:08:17.736>signals <00:08:18.360>and this stuff called ecm signals and this stuff called ecm signals and actually <00:08:18.914>tells <00:08:19.268>the <00:08:19.622>what <00:08:19.976>to <00:08:20.330>do <00:08:20.684>so <00:08:21.038>we actually tells the what to do so we actually tells the what to do so we decided <00:08:21.553>to <00:08:21.866>make <00:08:22.179>things <00:08:22.492>that <00:08:22.805>would <00:08:23.118>look decided to make things that would look decided to make things that would look like like like that


We <00:08:37.737>can <00:08:38.114>make <00:08:38.491>Culture <00:08:38.868>on <00:08:39.245>the <00:08:39.622>Left <00:08:39.999>is
We can make Culture on the Left is We can make Culture on the Left is inside <00:08:41.125>the <00:08:41.490>Animal <00:08:41.855>we <00:08:42.220>call <00:08:42.585>it <00:08:42.950>Vivo <00:08:43.315>and inside the Animal we call it Vivo and inside the Animal we call it Vivo and the <00:08:43.844>one <00:08:44.169>in <00:08:44.494>Culture <00:08:44.819>was <00:08:45.144>full <00:08:45.469>of <00:08:45.794>Milk <00:08:46.119>The the one in Culture was full of Milk The the one in Culture was full of Milk The Lovely <00:08:46.930>Red <00:08:47.420>Is <00:08:47.910>of <00:08:48.400>milk <00:08:48.890>Got <00:08:49.380>Milk <00:08:49.870>for <00:08:50.360>the Lovely Red Is of milk Got Milk for the Lovely Red Is of milk Got Milk for the American

Audi <00:08:58.977>here <00:08:59.754>also <00:09:00.531>context <00:09:01.308>goes <00:09:02.085>So <00:09:02.862>what <00:09:03.639>do
Audi here also context goes So what do Audi here also context goes So what do we <00:09:04.294>do <00:09:04.749>now <00:09:05.204>I <00:09:05.659>made <00:09:06.114>a <00:09:06.569>radical <00:09:07.024>hypothesis <00:09:07.479>I we do now I made a radical hypothesis I we do now I made a radical hypothesis I said <00:09:08.512>if <00:09:09.185>it's <00:09:09.858>true <00:09:10.531>that <00:09:11.204>Architecture <00:09:11.877>is said if it's true that Architecture is said if it's true that Architecture is dominant dominant dominant Architecture <00:09:15.552>restored <00:09:16.104>to <00:09:16.656>a <00:09:17.208>cancer <00:09:17.760>Cell Architecture restored to a cancer Cell Architecture restored to a cancer Cell should <00:09:18.926>make <00:09:19.212>the <00:09:19.498>cancer <00:09:19.784>Cell <00:09:20.070>think <00:09:20.356>is should make the cancer Cell think is should make the cancer Cell think is normal <00:09:21.150>could <00:09:21.620>this <00:09:22.090>be <00:09:22.560>done <00:09:23.030>so <00:09:23.500>we <00:09:23.970>tried <00:09:24.440>it normal could this be done so we tried it normal could this be done so we tried it in <00:09:25.835>order <00:09:26.230>to <00:09:26.625>do <00:09:27.020>that <00:09:27.415>however <00:09:27.810>we <00:09:28.205>needed <00:09:28.600>to in order to do that however we needed to in order to do that however we needed to have have have disu disu disu normal <00:09:32.268>and <00:09:32.856>on <00:09:33.444>the <00:09:34.032>is <00:09:34.620>single <00:09:35.208>normal <00:09:35.796>Cell normal and on the is single normal Cell normal and on the is single normal Cell human <00:09:36.920>breast <00:09:37.360>put <00:09:37.800>in <00:09:38.240>three <00:09:38.680>dimensional human breast put in three dimensional human breast put in three dimensional GUI <00:09:39.754>gel <00:09:40.148>that <00:09:40.542>has <00:09:40.936>excell <00:09:41.330>Matrix <00:09:41.724>It <00:09:42.118>makes GUI gel that has excell Matrix It makes GUI gel that has excell Matrix It makes all <00:09:42.743>this <00:09:43.087>beautiful <00:09:43.431>structure <00:09:43.775>on <00:09:44.119>the all this beautiful structure on the all this beautiful structure on the right <00:09:44.885>You <00:09:45.210>See <00:09:45.535>It <00:09:45.860>looks <00:09:46.185>very <00:09:46.510>ugly <00:09:46.835>the right You See It looks very ugly the right You See It looks very ugly the cells <00:09:47.379>continue <00:09:47.758>to <00:09:48.137>grow <00:09:48.516>the <00:09:48.895>normal <00:09:49.274>ones cells continue to grow the normal ones cells continue to grow the normal ones Stop <00:09:50.073>and <00:09:50.386>you <00:09:50.699>see <00:09:51.012>here <00:09:51.325>in <00:09:51.638>higher Stop and you see here in higher Stop and you see here in higher magnification <00:09:53.399>the magnification the magnification the normal <00:09:54.994>and <00:09:55.548>the <00:09:56.102>Ugly <00:09:56.656>tumor <00:09:57.210>so <00:09:57.764>we <00:09:58.318>Said normal and the Ugly tumor so we Said normal and the Ugly tumor so we Said What <00:09:59.697>is <00:10:00.074>on <00:10:00.451>the <00:10:00.828>surf <00:10:01.205>of <00:10:01.582>ugly <00:10:01.959>t <00:10:02.336>could <00:10:02.713>Cal What is on the surf of ugly t could Cal What is on the surf of ugly t could Cal them <00:10:03.740>down <00:10:04.320>sign <00:10:04.900>Like <00:10:05.480>Crazy

and <00:10:09.852>theel <00:10:10.425>of <00:10:10.998>the

normal normal Wonder

[Applause] [Applause] [Music]


little <00:10:32.479>you <00:10:32.999>that <00:10:33.519>on <00:10:34.039>the
little you that on the little you that on the Left <00:10:35.255>cells <00:10:35.710>all <00:10:36.165>of <00:10:36.620>them <00:10:37.075>malign <00:10:37.530>we <00:10:37.985>add <00:10:38.440>one Left cells all of them malign we add one Left cells all of them malign we add one single single single inhibitor <00:10:41.088>the <00:10:41.616>beginning <00:10:42.144>and <00:10:42.672>look <00:10:43.200>what inhibitor the beginning and look what inhibitor the beginning and look what happens <00:10:43.879>all <00:10:44.318>look <00:10:44.757>like <00:10:45.196>that <00:10:45.635>we <00:10:46.074>inject happens all look like that we inject happens all look like that we inject them <00:10:46.804>into <00:10:47.089>the <00:10:47.374>m <00:10:47.659>The <00:10:47.944>Ones <00:10:48.229>on <00:10:48.514>the <00:10:48.799>right them into the m The Ones on the right them into the m The Ones on the right and <00:10:49.760>None <00:10:50.080>of <00:10:50.400>them <00:10:50.720>would <00:10:51.040>make <00:10:51.360>Tum <00:10:51.680>we and None of them would make Tum we and None of them would make Tum we inject <00:10:52.209>the <00:10:52.459>other <00:10:52.709>ones <00:10:52.959>in inject the other ones in inject the other ones in 100% <00:10:54.873>a <00:10:55.227>new <00:10:55.581>Way <00:10:55.935>of <00:10:56.289>Thinking <00:10:56.643>about <00:10:56.997>cancer 100% a new Way of Thinking about cancer 100% a new Way of Thinking about cancer hopeful <00:10:58.186>Way <00:10:58.452>of <00:10:58.718>Thinking

that <00:11:07.840>growth <00:11:08.360>and <00:11:08.880>malignant <00:11:09.400>behavior <00:11:09.920>is
that growth and malignant behavior is that growth and malignant behavior is regulated <00:11:10.680>at <00:11:11.120>the <00:11:11.560>level <00:11:12.000>of <00:11:12.440>tissue regulated at the level of tissue regulated at the level of tissue organization <00:11:13.629>and <00:11:14.258>that <00:11:14.887>the <00:11:15.516>tissue organization and that the tissue organization and that the tissue organization <00:11:16.399>is <00:11:16.839>dependent <00:11:17.279>on <00:11:17.719>the <00:11:18.159>excel organization is dependent on the excel organization is dependent on the excel Matrix <00:11:19.426>and <00:11:19.893>the <00:11:20.360>microenvironment Matrix and the microenvironment Matrix and the microenvironment right <00:11:22.599>form <00:11:23.398>and right form and right form and function <00:11:25.599>interact <00:11:26.679>dynamically <00:11:27.759>and function interact dynamically and function interact dynamically and reciprocally reciprocally reciprocally Here Here Here is <00:11:32.639>rep is rep is rep manra


take <00:11:45.079>before



time time excel <00:12:00.934>food <00:12:01.668>and <00:12:02.402>is <00:12:03.136>how <00:12:03.870>balance <00:12:04.604>is <00:12:05.338>kept <00:12:06.072>and excel food and is how balance is kept and excel food and is how balance is kept and restored <00:12:06.926>we <00:12:07.252>have <00:12:07.578>made <00:12:07.904>a <00:12:08.230>lot <00:12:08.556>of restored we have made a lot of restored we have made a lot of discoveries <00:12:09.290>we <00:12:09.580>have <00:12:09.870>shown <00:12:10.160>that discoveries we have shown that discoveries we have shown that extracellular <00:12:10.709>Matrix <00:12:11.139>talks <00:12:11.569>to <00:12:11.999>chromatin extracellular Matrix talks to chromatin extracellular Matrix talks to chromatin we <00:12:13.173>have <00:12:13.466>shown <00:12:13.759>that <00:12:14.052>there <00:12:14.345>is <00:12:14.638>little we have shown that there is little we have shown that there is little Pieces <00:12:15.582>of <00:12:16.085>DNA <00:12:16.588>on <00:12:17.091>the <00:12:17.594>specific <00:12:18.097>genes <00:12:18.600>of Pieces of DNA on the specific genes of Pieces of DNA on the specific genes of the <00:12:19.216>memory <00:12:19.672>gland <00:12:20.128>that <00:12:20.584>actually <00:12:21.040>respond the memory gland that actually respond the memory gland that actually respond to <00:12:21.879>extracellular <00:12:22.318>Matrix <00:12:22.757>It <00:12:23.196>has <00:12:23.635>taken to extracellular Matrix It has taken to extracellular Matrix It has taken many <00:12:24.273>years <00:12:24.506>but <00:12:24.739>it <00:12:24.972>has <00:12:25.205>been <00:12:25.438>very many years but it has been very many years but it has been very rewarding <00:12:26.366>and <00:12:26.732>before <00:12:27.098>I <00:12:27.464>get <00:12:27.830>to <00:12:28.196>the

is <00:12:36.942>much <00:12:37.324>mystery <00:12:37.706>We <00:12:38.088>don't <00:12:38.470>know <00:12:38.852>and <00:12:39.234>I
is much mystery We don't know and I is much mystery We don't know and I always <00:12:39.890>say <00:12:40.261>to <00:12:40.632>the <00:12:41.003>student <00:12:41.374>and <00:12:41.745>po <00:12:42.116>lecture always say to the student and po lecture always say to the student and po lecture to <00:12:42.979>don't <00:12:43.398>be to don't be to don't be arrogant <00:12:44.906>because <00:12:45.692>arrogance <00:12:46.478>kills arrogant because arrogance kills arrogant because arrogance kills Curiosity <00:12:48.543>Curiosity <00:12:49.247>and <00:12:49.951>Passion <00:12:50.655>you <00:12:51.359>need Curiosity Curiosity and Passion you need Curiosity Curiosity and Passion you need to <00:12:52.169>always <00:12:52.658>El <00:12:53.147>need <00:12:53.636>toed to always El need toed to always El need toed Andy <00:12:55.919>need <00:12:56.559>to Andy need to Andy need to add

nowy <00:13:03.062>in <00:13:03.564>the <00:13:04.066>lab <00:13:04.568>is <00:13:05.070>a <00:13:05.572>physic <00:13:06.074>ask <00:13:06.576>What <00:13:07.078>do
nowy in the lab is a physic ask What do nowy in the lab is a physic ask What do when <00:13:07.484>you <00:13:07.728>Put <00:13:07.972>them <00:13:08.216>in <00:13:08.460>Why <00:13:08.704>what <00:13:08.948>they <00:13:09.192>do <00:13:09.436>in when you Put them in Why what they do in when you Put them in Why what they do in the <00:13:09.804>beginning <00:13:10.048>when <00:13:10.292>they <00:13:10.536>they <00:13:10.780>do <00:13:11.024>I <00:13:11.268>said <00:13:11.512>I the beginning when they they do I said I the beginning when they they do I said I don't <00:13:11.816>know <00:13:11.993>we <00:13:12.170>couldn't <00:13:12.347>look <00:13:12.524>at <00:13:12.701>them <00:13:12.878>We don't know we couldn't look at them We don't know we couldn't look at them We Didn't <00:13:13.315>'t <00:13:13.590>have <00:13:13.865>high <00:13:14.140>images <00:13:14.415>in <00:13:14.690>the <00:13:14.965>old <00:13:15.240>days Didn't 't have high images in the old days Didn't 't have high images in the old days so <00:13:16.257>She <00:13:16.634>being <00:13:17.011>an <00:13:17.388>imager <00:13:17.765>and <00:13:18.142>physicist <00:13:18.519>did so She being an imager and physicist did so She being an imager and physicist did this <00:13:19.060>incredible <00:13:19.360>thing <00:13:19.660>This <00:13:19.960>is <00:13:20.260>a <00:13:20.560>single this incredible thing This is a single this incredible thing This is a single human <00:13:21.619>breast <00:13:22.198>Cell <00:13:22.777>in <00:13:23.356>aion <00:13:23.935>Look <00:13:24.514>at human breast Cell in aion Look at human breast Cell in aion Look at constant <00:13:26.266>doing <00:13:27.013>this <00:13:27.760>aent

canc <00:13:39.880>absolutely
canc absolutely canc absolutely mindell <00:13:43.139>acts <00:13:43.879>like <00:13:44.619>embo <00:13:45.359>what mindell acts like embo what mindell acts like embo what exciting <00:13:46.892>I <00:13:47.385>like <00:13:47.878>to exciting I like to exciting I like to finish <00:13:49.745>i <00:13:50.211>us <00:13:50.677>to <00:13:51.143>love <00:13:51.609>English <00:13:52.075>literature

and <00:13:58.302>Chemistry <00:13:58.845>one <00:13:59.388>Here <00:13:59.931>is <00:14:00.474>a <00:14:01.017>from <00:14:01.560>yat
and Chemistry one Here is a from yat and Chemistry one Here is a from yat just <00:14:03.068>read <00:14:03.576>you <00:14:04.084>the <00:14:04.592>last <00:14:05.100>two <00:14:05.608>Lines <00:14:06.116>called just read you the last two Lines called just read you the last two Lines called among <00:14:07.066>school <00:14:07.692>children <00:14:08.318>body <00:14:08.944>s <00:14:09.570>to <00:14:10.196>music among school children body s to music among school children body s to music brightening <00:14:11.685>glance <00:14:12.171>How <00:14:12.657>do <00:14:13.143>we <00:14:13.629>tell <00:14:14.115>the brightening glance How do we tell the brightening glance How do we tell the dancer <00:14:14.746>from <00:14:15.132>the <00:14:15.518>dance <00:14:15.904>and <00:14:16.290>here <00:14:16.676>is dancer from the dance and here is dancer from the dance and here is Cunningham <00:14:17.573>I <00:14:17.906>was <00:14:18.239>Fortunate <00:14:18.572>to <00:14:18.905>dance <00:14:19.238>with Cunningham I was Fortunate to dance with Cunningham I was Fortunate to dance with him <00:14:19.737>When <00:14:20.034>I <00:14:20.331>was <00:14:20.628>Younger <00:14:20.925>and <00:14:21.222>here <00:14:21.519>He <00:14:21.816>Is <00:14:22.113>A him When I was Younger and here He Is A him When I was Younger and here He Is A Dancer <00:14:22.793>and <00:14:23.266>while <00:14:23.739>he <00:14:24.212>dancing <00:14:24.685>he <00:14:25.158>the Dancer and while he dancing he the Dancer and while he dancing he the dancer <00:14:25.759>and <00:14:26.239>the <00:14:26.719>dance <00:14:27.199>he <00:14:27.679>stops

you <00:14:37.165>a <00:14:37.530>current <00:14:37.895>picture <00:14:38.260>of <00:14:38.625>My <00:14:38.990>group <00:14:39.355>I <00:14:39.720>have
you a current picture of My group I have you a current picture of My group I have been <00:14:40.239>Fortunate <00:14:40.558>to <00:14:40.877>have <00:14:41.196>had <00:14:41.515>this been Fortunate to have had this been Fortunate to have had this magnificent <00:14:42.540>students <00:14:43.040>and <00:14:43.540>post <00:14:44.040>who <00:14:44.540>have <00:14:45.040>t magnificent students and post who have t magnificent students and post who have t me <00:14:45.635>so <00:14:45.910>much <00:14:46.185>and <00:14:46.460>I <00:14:46.735>have <00:14:47.010>had <00:14:47.285>many <00:14:47.560>of <00:14:47.835>these me so much and I have had many of these me so much and I have had many of these groups <00:14:48.451>come <00:14:48.782>and <00:14:49.113>go <00:14:49.444>They <00:14:49.775>are <00:14:50.106>the <00:14:50.437>future groups come and go They are the future groups come and go They are the future and <00:14:51.411>I <00:14:51.863>try <00:14:52.315>to <00:14:52.767>make <00:14:53.219>them <00:14:53.671>not <00:14:54.123>af <00:14:54.575>of <00:14:55.027>the <00:14:55.479>cat and I try to make them not af of the cat and I try to make them not af of the cat ands

from <00:15:07.297>Nas <00:15:07.794>Satellite <00:15:08.291>On <00:15:08.788>The <00:15:09.285>Right <00:15:09.782>There <00:15:10.279>is
from Nas Satellite On The Right There is from Nas Satellite On The Right There is a <00:15:10.959>Coral <00:15:11.358>now <00:15:11.757>if <00:15:12.156>you <00:15:12.555>take <00:15:12.954>the <00:15:13.353>mem <00:15:13.752>gland a Coral now if you take the mem gland a Coral now if you take the mem gland and <00:15:14.470>spread <00:15:14.741>it <00:15:15.012>and <00:15:15.283>take <00:15:15.554>the <00:15:15.825>fat <00:15:16.096>Away <00:15:16.367>on <00:15:16.638>a and spread it and take the fat Away on a and spread it and take the fat Away on a dish <00:15:17.165>it <00:15:17.530>looks <00:15:17.895>like <00:15:18.260>that <00:15:18.625>do <00:15:18.990>they <00:15:19.355>look <00:15:19.720>the dish it looks like that do they look the dish it looks like that do they look the same <00:15:20.257>do <00:15:20.634>they <00:15:21.011>have <00:15:21.388>the <00:15:21.765>same <00:15:22.142>patterns <00:15:22.519>Why same do they have the same patterns Why same do they have the same patterns Why is <00:15:23.880>do <00:15:24.520>over <00:15:25.160>and

over over human human human gene <00:15:31.380>about <00:15:31.840>sequence <00:15:32.300>of <00:15:32.760>the <00:15:33.220>gene <00:15:33.680>language gene about sequence of the gene language gene about sequence of the gene language of <00:15:34.500>the <00:15:34.840>gene <00:15:35.180>Alphabet <00:15:35.520>of <00:15:35.860>gene <00:15:36.200>but <00:15:36.540>we <00:15:36.880>know of the gene Alphabet of gene but we know of the gene Alphabet of gene but we know nothing <00:15:37.919>But <00:15:38.559>nothing <00:15:39.199>about <00:15:39.839>the <00:15:40.479>language nothing But nothing about the language nothing But nothing about the language and <00:15:41.539>Alphabet <00:15:41.999>of and Alphabet of and Alphabet of form <00:15:43.647>so <00:15:44.215>it's <00:15:44.783>a <00:15:45.351>wonderful <00:15:45.919>new form so it's a wonderful new form so it's a wonderful new Horizon <00:15:47.272>It's <00:15:47.744>a <00:15:48.216>wonderful <00:15:48.688>thing <00:15:49.160>to Horizon It's a wonderful thing to Horizon It's a wonderful thing to Discover <00:15:49.839>For <00:15:50.118>The <00:15:50.397>Young <00:15:50.676>and <00:15:50.955>the Discover For The Young and the Discover For The Young and the passionate <00:15:51.673>old <00:15:52.186>And <00:15:52.699>That's <00:15:53.212>me <00:15:53.725>so <00:15:54.238>go

to to [Music]

Than <00:16:09.199>Than


Mina Bissell, cancer, cancer, growth, treatment, cure, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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