Cách bảo vệ Trái Đất khỏi các tiểu hành tinh – Phil Plait

How to defend Earth from asteroids - Phil Plait

How to defend Earth from asteroids - Phil Plait



[Music] [Music] I<00:00:16.400> want<00:00:16.520> to<00:00:16.640> talk<00:00:16.760> to<00:00:16.840> you<00:00:16.920> about I want to talk to you about I want to talk to you about something<00:00:18.680> uh<00:00:18.840> kind<00:00:18.960> of something uh kind of something uh kind of big<00:00:22.000> we'll<00:00:22.160> start big we'll start big we'll start here<00:00:24.960> 65<00:00:25.519> million<00:00:25.840> years here 65 million years here 65 million years ago<00:00:28.000> the<00:00:28.199> dinosaurs<00:00:29.000> had<00:00:29.400> a<00:00:29.640> bad

day<00:00:33.480> a<00:00:33.600> chunk<00:00:33.840> of<00:00:34.079> rock<00:00:35.040> six<00:00:35.480> miles<00:00:35.920> across
day a chunk of rock six miles across day a chunk of rock six miles across moving<00:00:37.360> something<00:00:37.719> like<00:00:38.160> 50<00:00:38.719> times<00:00:39.079> the<00:00:39.239> speed moving something like 50 times the speed moving something like 50 times the speed of<00:00:39.559> a<00:00:39.760> rifle<00:00:40.039> bullet<00:00:40.719> slammed<00:00:41.200> into<00:00:41.440> the<00:00:41.600> Earth of a rifle bullet slammed into the Earth of a rifle bullet slammed into the Earth it<00:00:42.559> released<00:00:43.000> its<00:00:43.200> energy<00:00:43.680> all<00:00:43.879> at<00:00:44.079> once<00:00:44.879> and it released its energy all at once and it released its energy all at once and it<00:00:45.079> was<00:00:45.200> an<00:00:45.440> explosion<00:00:46.199> that<00:00:46.440> was it was an explosion that was it was an explosion that was mind-numbing<00:00:48.480> if<00:00:48.600> you<00:00:48.760> took<00:00:49.280> every<00:00:49.600> nuclear mind-numbing if you took every nuclear mind-numbing if you took every nuclear weapon<00:00:50.600> ever<00:00:50.840> built<00:00:51.360> at<00:00:51.480> the<00:00:51.640> height<00:00:51.800> of<00:00:51.879> the weapon ever built at the height of the weapon ever built at the height of the Cold<00:00:52.320> War<00:00:52.920> lump<00:00:53.280> them<00:00:53.600> together<00:00:54.359> and<00:00:54.520> blew Cold War lump them together and blew Cold War lump them together and blew them<00:00:55.000> up<00:00:55.160> at<00:00:55.280> the<00:00:55.399> same<00:00:55.920> time<00:00:56.920> that<00:00:57.039> would<00:00:57.199> be<00:00:57.399> 1 them up at the same time that would be 1 them up at the same time that would be 1 one<00:00:58.160> millionth<00:00:59.079> of<00:00:59.199> the<00:00:59.320> energy<00:00:59.640> Rel<00:01:00.039> least<00:01:00.600> at one millionth of the energy Rel least at one millionth of the energy Rel least at that<00:01:01.280> moment<00:01:02.280> the<00:01:02.480> dinosaurs<00:01:03.160> had<00:01:03.519> a<00:01:03.960> really that moment the dinosaurs had a really that moment the dinosaurs had a really bad<00:01:05.119> day<00:01:06.119> okay<00:01:06.840> now<00:01:07.040> six<00:01:07.320> M<00:01:07.600> Wide<00:01:07.799> Rock<00:01:08.360> is<00:01:08.600> very bad day okay now six M Wide Rock is very bad day okay now six M Wide Rock is very large<00:01:09.280> we<00:01:09.400> all<00:01:09.520> live<00:01:09.720> here<00:01:09.840> in<00:01:09.960> Boulder<00:01:10.640> if<00:01:10.720> you large we all live here in Boulder if you large we all live here in Boulder if you look<00:01:10.960> out<00:01:11.119> your<00:01:11.240> window<00:01:11.560> and<00:01:11.680> you<00:01:11.759> can<00:01:11.880> see look out your window and you can see look out your window and you can see Long's<00:01:12.479> Peak<00:01:12.720> you're<00:01:12.920> probably<00:01:13.159> familiar Long's Peak you're probably familiar Long's Peak you're probably familiar with<00:01:13.600> it<00:01:13.799> now<00:01:14.159> scoop<00:01:14.600> up<00:01:14.759> Long's<00:01:15.240> Peak<00:01:15.799> and<00:01:16.040> put with it now scoop up Long's Peak and put with it now scoop up Long's Peak and put it<00:01:16.280> out<00:01:16.439> in<00:01:17.000> space<00:01:18.000> take<00:01:18.880> Meer<00:01:19.520> Mount<00:01:19.759> Meer it out in space take Meer Mount Meer it out in space take Meer Mount Meer lump<00:01:20.920> that<00:01:21.040> in<00:01:21.200> there<00:01:21.320> and<00:01:21.479> put<00:01:21.640> that<00:01:21.759> in<00:01:21.960> space lump that in there and put that in space lump that in there and put that in space as<00:01:22.640> well<00:01:23.640> and<00:01:24.119> Mount<00:01:24.400> Everest<00:01:25.240> and<00:01:25.600> K2<00:01:26.600> and<00:01:26.799> the as well and Mount Everest and K2 and the as well and Mount Everest and K2 and the Indian<00:01:27.320> Peaks<00:01:28.079> and<00:01:28.200> you're<00:01:28.360> starting<00:01:28.600> to<00:01:28.720> get Indian Peaks and you're starting to get Indian Peaks and you're starting to get an<00:01:28.960> idea<00:01:29.240> of<00:01:29.360> how<00:01:29.439> much<00:01:29.640> Rock<00:01:30.119> we're<00:01:30.360> talking an idea of how much Rock we're talking an idea of how much Rock we're talking about<00:01:31.360> okay<00:01:31.960> we<00:01:32.079> know<00:01:32.240> it<00:01:32.399> was<00:01:32.600> that<00:01:32.759> big about okay we know it was that big about okay we know it was that big because<00:01:33.200> of<00:01:33.399> the<00:01:33.600> impact<00:01:33.960> it<00:01:34.159> had<00:01:34.320> and<00:01:34.439> the because of the impact it had and the because of the impact it had and the crater<00:01:34.880> it<00:01:35.040> left<00:01:36.040> it<00:01:36.240> hit<00:01:36.479> in<00:01:36.680> what<00:01:36.799> we<00:01:36.960> now crater it left it hit in what we now crater it left it hit in what we now know<00:01:37.600> as<00:01:37.880> Yucatan<00:01:38.360> the<00:01:38.520> Gulf<00:01:38.720> of<00:01:39.240> Mexico<00:01:40.240> uh know as Yucatan the Gulf of Mexico uh know as Yucatan the Gulf of Mexico uh you<00:01:40.520> can<00:01:40.640> see<00:01:40.880> here<00:01:41.079> there's<00:01:41.280> the<00:01:41.360> Yucatan you can see here there's the Yucatan you can see here there's the Yucatan Peninsula<00:01:42.280> if<00:01:42.360> you<00:01:42.520> recognize<00:01:42.960> coastel<00:01:43.600> off Peninsula if you recognize coastel off Peninsula if you recognize coastel off the<00:01:43.880> east<00:01:44.079> coast<00:01:44.439> there<00:01:45.000> here<00:01:45.159> is<00:01:45.360> how<00:01:45.520> big<00:01:45.640> of the east coast there here is how big of the east coast there here is how big of a<00:01:45.920> crater<00:01:46.320> was<00:01:46.840> left<00:01:47.840> it<00:01:47.960> was<00:01:48.240> huge<00:01:48.680> give<00:01:48.799> you<00:01:48.880> a a crater was left it was huge give you a a crater was left it was huge give you a sense<00:01:49.119> of<00:01:49.240> the<00:01:49.560> scale<00:01:50.560> okay<00:01:50.759> there<00:01:50.920> you<00:01:51.119> go<00:01:51.799> uh sense of the scale okay there you go uh sense of the scale okay there you go uh the<00:01:52.040> scale<00:01:52.360> here<00:01:52.479> is<00:01:52.680> 50<00:01:53.079> miles<00:01:53.399> on<00:01:53.640> top<00:01:54.040> 100<00:01:54.240> km the scale here is 50 miles on top 100 km the scale here is 50 miles on top 100 km on<00:01:54.799> the<00:01:54.960> bottom<00:01:55.520> this<00:01:55.640> thing<00:01:55.799> was<00:01:55.960> 300<00:01:56.479> km on the bottom this thing was 300 km on the bottom this thing was 300 km across<00:01:57.560> 200<00:01:57.880> mil<00:01:58.600> an<00:01:58.799> enormous<00:01:59.399> crater<00:01:59.719> that across 200 mil an enormous crater that across 200 mil an enormous crater that excavated<00:02:00.479> out<00:02:01.079> vast<00:02:01.399> amounts<00:02:01.719> of<00:02:01.880> Earth<00:02:02.159> that excavated out vast amounts of Earth that excavated out vast amounts of Earth that splashed<00:02:02.960> around<00:02:03.799> uh<00:02:03.920> the<00:02:04.039> globe<00:02:04.399> and<00:02:04.560> set splashed around uh the globe and set splashed around uh the globe and set fires<00:02:05.680> all<00:02:05.840> over<00:02:06.079> the<00:02:06.240> planet<00:02:06.759> threw<00:02:07.039> up fires all over the planet threw up fires all over the planet threw up enough<00:02:07.439> dust<00:02:07.640> to<00:02:07.880> block<00:02:08.160> out<00:02:08.399> the<00:02:08.560> sun<00:02:09.080> it enough dust to block out the sun it enough dust to block out the sun it wiped<00:02:09.520> out<00:02:09.759> 75%<00:02:10.599> of<00:02:10.720> all<00:02:10.959> species<00:02:11.480> on wiped out 75% of all species on wiped out 75% of all species on earth<00:02:13.560> now<00:02:14.000> not<00:02:14.360> all<00:02:14.760> asteroids<00:02:15.400> are<00:02:15.720> that<00:02:16.080> big earth now not all asteroids are that big earth now not all asteroids are that big some<00:02:16.519> of<00:02:16.640> them<00:02:16.800> are some of them are some of them are smaller<00:02:18.680> here<00:02:18.840> is<00:02:19.120> one<00:02:20.120> that<00:02:20.360> came<00:02:20.599> in<00:02:21.560> over smaller here is one that came in over smaller here is one that came in over the<00:02:22.680> United<00:02:23.160> States<00:02:23.480> and<00:02:23.840> uh<00:02:24.120> October<00:02:24.519> of<00:02:24.920> 1992 the United States and uh October of 1992 the United States and uh October of 1992 it<00:02:26.080> came<00:02:26.239> in<00:02:26.400> on<00:02:26.480> a<00:02:26.680> Friday<00:02:27.120> night<00:02:27.720> why<00:02:27.840> is<00:02:28.000> that it came in on a Friday night why is that it came in on a Friday night why is that important<00:02:29.000> because<00:02:29.640> back<00:02:29.920> back<00:02:30.120> then<00:02:30.360> video important because back back then video important because back back then video cameras<00:02:31.040> were<00:02:31.239> just<00:02:31.360> starting<00:02:31.640> to<00:02:31.800> become cameras were just starting to become cameras were just starting to become popular<00:02:32.760> and<00:02:32.920> people<00:02:33.160> would<00:02:33.360> bring<00:02:33.640> them popular and people would bring them popular and people would bring them parents<00:02:34.239> would<00:02:34.440> bring<00:02:34.680> them<00:02:35.120> to<00:02:35.319> their<00:02:35.560> kids parents would bring them to their kids parents would bring them to their kids football<00:02:36.319> games<00:02:36.640> to<00:02:36.800> film<00:02:37.120> their<00:02:37.280> kids football games to film their kids football games to film their kids playing<00:02:37.879> football<00:02:38.519> and<00:02:38.640> since<00:02:38.920> this<00:02:39.120> came<00:02:39.319> in playing football and since this came in playing football and since this came in on<00:02:39.760> a<00:02:39.959> Friday<00:02:40.720> they<00:02:40.840> were<00:02:41.040> able<00:02:41.280> to<00:02:41.480> get<00:02:41.760> this on a Friday they were able to get this on a Friday they were able to get this great<00:02:42.360> footage<00:02:42.720> of<00:02:42.879> this<00:02:43.040> thing<00:02:43.280> breaking<00:02:43.680> up great footage of this thing breaking up great footage of this thing breaking up as<00:02:44.000> it<00:02:44.200> came<00:02:44.400> in<00:02:44.879> over<00:02:45.159> West<00:02:45.360> Virginia as it came in over West Virginia as it came in over West Virginia Maryland<00:02:46.200> Pennsylvania<00:02:46.800> New<00:02:46.920> Jersey<00:02:47.239> until Maryland Pennsylvania New Jersey until Maryland Pennsylvania New Jersey until it<00:02:47.599> did<00:02:47.920> that<00:02:48.920> to<00:02:49.120> a<00:02:49.280> car<00:02:49.480> in<00:02:49.599> New it did that to a car in New it did that to a car in New York<00:02:52.159> now<00:02:52.680> this<00:02:52.800> is<00:02:52.959> not<00:02:53.239> a<00:02:54.080> 200<00:02:54.360> M<00:02:54.680> wide<00:02:54.959> crater York now this is not a 200 M wide crater York now this is not a 200 M wide crater but<00:02:55.720> then<00:02:55.920> again<00:02:56.120> you<00:02:56.239> can<00:02:56.360> see<00:02:56.640> the<00:02:56.840> rock but then again you can see the rock but then again you can see the rock which<00:02:57.599> is<00:02:57.760> sitting<00:02:58.120> right<00:02:58.360> here<00:02:59.000> about<00:02:59.200> the which is sitting right here about the which is sitting right here about the size<00:02:59.560> of<00:02:59.640> a<00:02:59.879> football<00:03:00.319> that<00:03:00.519> hit<00:03:01.000> that<00:03:01.239> car<00:03:01.560> and size of a football that hit that car and size of a football that hit that car and did<00:03:01.959> that<00:03:02.239> damage<00:03:02.879> now<00:03:03.040> this<00:03:03.159> thing<00:03:03.319> was did that damage now this thing was did that damage now this thing was probably<00:03:03.879> about<00:03:04.080> the<00:03:04.200> size<00:03:04.400> of<00:03:04.519> a<00:03:04.640> school<00:03:05.000> bus probably about the size of a school bus probably about the size of a school bus when<00:03:05.440> it<00:03:05.560> first<00:03:05.840> came<00:03:06.080> in<00:03:06.599> it<00:03:06.760> broke<00:03:07.120> up when it first came in it broke up when it first came in it broke up through<00:03:07.599> atmospheric<00:03:08.239> pressure<00:03:08.640> it<00:03:08.799> it through atmospheric pressure it it through atmospheric pressure it it crumbled<00:03:09.680> and<00:03:09.760> then<00:03:09.879> the<00:03:10.040> pieces<00:03:10.360> fell<00:03:10.640> apart crumbled and then the pieces fell apart crumbled and then the pieces fell apart and<00:03:11.080> then<00:03:11.239> did<00:03:11.560> some<00:03:11.920> damage<00:03:12.560> now<00:03:12.720> you and then did some damage now you and then did some damage now you wouldn't<00:03:13.159> want<00:03:13.400> that<00:03:13.519> falling<00:03:13.840> on<00:03:14.080> your<00:03:14.360> foot wouldn't want that falling on your foot wouldn't want that falling on your foot or<00:03:15.200> your<00:03:15.519> head<00:03:16.400> uh<00:03:16.560> because<00:03:16.680> it<00:03:16.799> would<00:03:16.959> do<00:03:17.280> that or your head uh because it would do that or your head uh because it would do that to<00:03:17.840> it<00:03:18.080> that<00:03:18.200> would<00:03:18.360> be<00:03:18.720> bad<00:03:19.720> um<00:03:20.000> but<00:03:20.120> it<00:03:20.239> won't to it that would be bad um but it won't to it that would be bad um but it won't wipe<00:03:20.840> out<00:03:21.080> you<00:03:21.200> know<00:03:21.360> all<00:03:21.640> life<00:03:21.840> on<00:03:22.000> Earth<00:03:22.280> so wipe out you know all life on Earth so wipe out you know all life on Earth so that's<00:03:22.760> fine<00:03:23.200> but<00:03:23.280> it<00:03:23.400> turns<00:03:23.640> out<00:03:24.239> you<00:03:24.400> don't that's fine but it turns out you don't that's fine but it turns out you don't need<00:03:25.080> something<00:03:25.799> 6<00:03:26.120> mil<00:03:26.480> across<00:03:26.840> to<00:03:26.959> do<00:03:27.120> a<00:03:27.239> lot need something 6 mil across to do a lot need something 6 mil across to do a lot of<00:03:27.599> damage<00:03:28.239> there<00:03:28.360> is<00:03:28.519> a<00:03:28.680> median<00:03:29.159> point of damage there is a median point of damage there is a median point between<00:03:29.920> tiny<00:03:30.280> Rock<00:03:30.560> and<00:03:30.799> gigantic<00:03:31.439> Rock<00:03:32.000> and between tiny Rock and gigantic Rock and between tiny Rock and gigantic Rock and in<00:03:32.360> fact<00:03:32.599> if<00:03:32.720> any<00:03:32.879> of<00:03:32.959> you<00:03:33.080> have<00:03:33.200> ever<00:03:33.400> been<00:03:33.599> to in fact if any of you have ever been to in fact if any of you have ever been to near<00:03:34.400> Winslow<00:03:34.920> Arizona<00:03:35.920> there<00:03:36.120> is<00:03:36.360> a<00:03:36.519> crater near Winslow Arizona there is a crater near Winslow Arizona there is a crater in<00:03:37.000> the<00:03:37.120> desert<00:03:37.480> there<00:03:37.680> that<00:03:37.840> is<00:03:38.040> so<00:03:38.480> iconic in the desert there that is so iconic in the desert there that is so iconic that<00:03:39.560> is<00:03:39.760> actually<00:03:40.040> called<00:03:40.560> meteor<00:03:41.120> crater<00:03:41.879> to that is actually called meteor crater to that is actually called meteor crater to give<00:03:42.120> you<00:03:42.239> a<00:03:42.319> sense<00:03:42.480> of<00:03:42.640> scale<00:03:43.280> this<00:03:43.360> is<00:03:43.560> about give you a sense of scale this is about give you a sense of scale this is about a<00:03:43.920> mile<00:03:44.400> wide<00:03:45.000> if<00:03:45.080> you<00:03:45.239> look<00:03:45.400> up<00:03:45.519> at<00:03:45.640> the<00:03:45.920> top a mile wide if you look up at the top a mile wide if you look up at the top that's<00:03:46.879> a<00:03:47.120> parking<00:03:47.519> lot<00:03:48.239> and<00:03:48.360> those<00:03:48.519> are that's a parking lot and those are that's a parking lot and those are recreational<00:03:49.439> vehicles<00:03:50.000> right<00:03:50.319> there<00:03:51.319> um<00:03:51.439> so recreational vehicles right there um so recreational vehicles right there um so it's<00:03:52.000> about<00:03:52.159> a<00:03:52.280> mile<00:03:52.560> across<00:03:52.920> 600t<00:03:53.640> deep<00:03:54.319> the it's about a mile across 600t deep the it's about a mile across 600t deep the object<00:03:55.120> that<00:03:55.280> formed<00:03:55.879> this<00:03:56.159> was<00:03:56.480> probably object that formed this was probably object that formed this was probably about<00:03:57.519> 30<00:03:57.879> to<00:03:58.079> 50<00:03:58.480> yard<00:03:58.920> across<00:03:59.799> so<00:04:00.040> roughly about 30 to 50 yard across so roughly about 30 to 50 yard across so roughly the<00:04:00.720> size<00:04:01.439> of<00:04:01.680> macki<00:04:02.159> Auditorium<00:04:02.959> here<00:04:03.400> it the size of macki Auditorium here it the size of macki Auditorium here it came<00:04:03.799> in<00:04:04.159> at<00:04:04.439> speeds<00:04:04.799> that<00:04:04.959> were<00:04:05.200> tremendous came in at speeds that were tremendous came in at speeds that were tremendous slammed<00:04:06.519> into<00:04:06.720> the<00:04:06.920> ground<00:04:07.480> blew<00:04:07.959> up<00:04:08.319> and slammed into the ground blew up and slammed into the ground blew up and exploded<00:04:09.000> with<00:04:09.159> the<00:04:09.280> energy<00:04:09.560> of<00:04:09.720> roughly<00:04:10.079> a<00:04:10.239> 20 exploded with the energy of roughly a 20 exploded with the energy of roughly a 20 Megaton<00:04:11.159> nuclear<00:04:11.640> bomb<00:04:12.200> a<00:04:12.439> very<00:04:12.760> Hefty<00:04:13.200> bomb Megaton nuclear bomb a very Hefty bomb Megaton nuclear bomb a very Hefty bomb this<00:04:13.879> was<00:04:14.120> 50,000<00:04:15.040> years<00:04:15.319> ago<00:04:15.920> so<00:04:16.120> it<00:04:16.239> may<00:04:16.359> have this was 50,000 years ago so it may have this was 50,000 years ago so it may have wiped<00:04:16.799> out<00:04:16.919> a<00:04:17.040> few<00:04:17.400> Buffalo<00:04:17.959> or<00:04:18.320> Antelope<00:04:18.840> or wiped out a few Buffalo or Antelope or wiped out a few Buffalo or Antelope or something<00:04:19.280> like<00:04:19.440> that<00:04:19.560> out<00:04:19.680> in<00:04:19.759> the<00:04:19.919> desert<00:04:20.919> um something like that out in the desert um something like that out in the desert um but<00:04:21.680> it<00:04:21.919> probably<00:04:22.240> would<00:04:22.440> not<00:04:22.560> have<00:04:22.759> caused but it probably would not have caused but it probably would not have caused Global<00:04:24.120> Devastation<00:04:25.120> it<00:04:25.280> turns<00:04:25.600> out<00:04:26.400> that Global Devastation it turns out that Global Devastation it turns out that these<00:04:26.720> things<00:04:27.000> don't<00:04:27.320> have<00:04:27.440> to<00:04:27.680> hit<00:04:27.840> the these things don't have to hit the these things don't have to hit the ground<00:04:28.840> to<00:04:29.000> do<00:04:29.160> a<00:04:29.280> lot<00:04:29.400> of<00:04:29.520> dam<00:04:29.759> damage<00:04:30.479> now<00:04:30.600> in ground to do a lot of dam damage now in ground to do a lot of dam damage now in 1908<00:04:31.759> over<00:04:32.080> Siberia<00:04:32.639> near<00:04:32.800> the<00:04:32.919> tunguska 1908 over Siberia near the tunguska 1908 over Siberia near the tunguska region<00:04:34.400> uh<00:04:34.479> for<00:04:34.639> those<00:04:34.759> of<00:04:34.880> you<00:04:35.000> who<00:04:35.400> are<00:04:35.600> Dan region uh for those of you who are Dan region uh for those of you who are Dan arroy<00:04:36.280> fans<00:04:36.520> and<00:04:36.639> saw<00:04:36.880> Ghostbusters<00:04:37.440> when<00:04:37.520> he arroy fans and saw Ghostbusters when he arroy fans and saw Ghostbusters when he talked<00:04:37.880> about<00:04:38.000> the<00:04:38.080> greatest talked about the greatest talked about the greatest cross-dimensional<00:04:38.960> Rift<00:04:39.240> in<00:04:40.080> since<00:04:40.400> the cross-dimensional Rift in since the cross-dimensional Rift in since the Siberia<00:04:41.039> blast<00:04:41.280> in<00:04:41.400> 1909<00:04:42.199> where<00:04:42.360> he<00:04:42.479> got<00:04:42.600> the Siberia blast in 1909 where he got the Siberia blast in 1909 where he got the date<00:04:43.039> wrong<00:04:43.720> but<00:04:43.880> that's<00:04:44.240> okay<00:04:45.120> it<00:04:45.199> was<00:04:45.360> 1908 date wrong but that's okay it was 1908 date wrong but that's okay it was 1908 that's<00:04:46.320> fine<00:04:46.600> I<00:04:46.680> can<00:04:46.840> live<00:04:47.039> with<00:04:47.199> that that's fine I can live with that that's fine I can live with that um<00:04:50.120> another<00:04:50.479> rock<00:04:50.919> came<00:04:51.160> in<00:04:51.600> into<00:04:51.840> the<00:04:51.919> Earth's um another rock came in into the Earth's um another rock came in into the Earth's atmosphere<00:04:53.240> and<00:04:53.440> this<00:04:53.600> one<00:04:53.880> blew<00:04:54.199> up<00:04:54.440> above atmosphere and this one blew up above atmosphere and this one blew up above the<00:04:54.840> ground<00:04:55.199> several<00:04:55.520> miles<00:04:55.880> up<00:04:56.080> above<00:04:56.280> the the ground several miles up above the the ground several miles up above the surface<00:04:56.639> of<00:04:56.800> the<00:04:56.919> Earth<00:04:57.759> the<00:04:57.960> heat<00:04:58.240> from<00:04:58.440> the surface of the Earth the heat from the surface of the Earth the heat from the explosion<00:04:59.280> set<00:04:59.919> fire<00:05:00.680> to<00:05:00.919> the<00:05:01.520> forest<00:05:02.039> below explosion set fire to the forest below explosion set fire to the forest below it<00:05:02.960> and<00:05:03.039> then<00:05:03.160> the<00:05:03.320> shock<00:05:03.680> wave<00:05:04.000> came<00:05:04.280> down<00:05:04.600> and it and then the shock wave came down and it and then the shock wave came down and knocked<00:05:05.120> down<00:05:05.400> trees<00:05:06.039> for<00:05:06.479> hundreds<00:05:06.880> of knocked down trees for hundreds of knocked down trees for hundreds of square<00:05:07.560> miles<00:05:08.560> okay<00:05:08.960> this<00:05:09.120> did<00:05:09.280> a<00:05:09.479> huge<00:05:09.800> amount square miles okay this did a huge amount square miles okay this did a huge amount of<00:05:10.240> damage<00:05:11.039> and<00:05:11.280> again<00:05:11.520> this<00:05:11.639> was<00:05:11.800> a<00:05:12.000> rock of damage and again this was a rock of damage and again this was a rock probably<00:05:12.960> roughly<00:05:13.320> the<00:05:13.520> size<00:05:13.880> of<00:05:14.039> this probably roughly the size of this probably roughly the size of this Auditorium<00:05:14.800> that<00:05:14.919> we're<00:05:15.080> sitting<00:05:15.360> in<00:05:15.840> in Auditorium that we're sitting in in Auditorium that we're sitting in in meteor<00:05:16.360> crater<00:05:16.720> it<00:05:16.800> was<00:05:16.960> made<00:05:17.120> of<00:05:17.360> metal<00:05:17.880> and meteor crater it was made of metal and meteor crater it was made of metal and metal<00:05:18.240> is<00:05:18.440> much<00:05:18.639> tougher<00:05:18.960> so<00:05:19.120> it<00:05:19.199> made<00:05:19.360> it<00:05:19.440> to metal is much tougher so it made it to metal is much tougher so it made it to the<00:05:19.759> ground<00:05:20.319> the<00:05:20.400> one<00:05:20.520> over<00:05:20.720> tunguska<00:05:21.319> was the ground the one over tunguska was the ground the one over tunguska was probably<00:05:21.840> made<00:05:22.000> of<00:05:22.240> rock<00:05:22.800> and<00:05:22.919> it's<00:05:23.160> much<00:05:23.319> more probably made of rock and it's much more probably made of rock and it's much more crumbly<00:05:24.120> so<00:05:24.240> it<00:05:24.360> blew<00:05:24.639> up<00:05:24.759> in<00:05:24.880> the<00:05:25.039> air<00:05:25.759> either crumbly so it blew up in the air either crumbly so it blew up in the air either way<00:05:26.840> these<00:05:27.039> are<00:05:27.440> tremendous<00:05:28.120> explosions<00:05:28.880> 20 way these are tremendous explosions 20 way these are tremendous explosions 20 megatons megatons megatons now<00:05:30.720> when<00:05:30.919> these<00:05:31.120> things<00:05:31.400> blow<00:05:31.720> up<00:05:32.560> they're now when these things blow up they're now when these things blow up they're not<00:05:33.039> going<00:05:33.240> to<00:05:33.440> do<00:05:34.160> Global<00:05:34.759> ecological<00:05:35.560> damage not going to do Global ecological damage not going to do Global ecological damage they're<00:05:36.080> not<00:05:36.280> going<00:05:36.440> to<00:05:36.560> do<00:05:36.720> something<00:05:37.000> like they're not going to do something like they're not going to do something like the<00:05:37.280> dinosaur<00:05:37.800> killer<00:05:38.080> did<00:05:38.520> they're<00:05:38.800> just<00:05:39.039> not the dinosaur killer did they're just not the dinosaur killer did they're just not big<00:05:39.520> enough<00:05:40.199> but<00:05:40.360> they<00:05:40.479> will<00:05:40.720> do<00:05:41.039> global big enough but they will do global big enough but they will do global economic<00:05:42.560> damage<00:05:43.319> because<00:05:43.560> they<00:05:43.680> don't<00:05:43.919> have economic damage because they don't have economic damage because they don't have to<00:05:44.280> hit<00:05:44.800> necessarily<00:05:45.800> to<00:05:46.000> do<00:05:46.240> this<00:05:46.440> kind<00:05:46.600> of to hit necessarily to do this kind of to hit necessarily to do this kind of damage<00:05:47.039> they<00:05:47.120> don't<00:05:47.280> have<00:05:47.400> to<00:05:47.520> do<00:05:48.440> uh<00:05:48.600> have damage they don't have to do uh have damage they don't have to do uh have Global<00:05:49.280> Devastation<00:05:50.080> if<00:05:50.199> one<00:05:50.319> of<00:05:50.440> these Global Devastation if one of these Global Devastation if one of these things<00:05:50.759> were<00:05:50.919> to<00:05:51.120> hit<00:05:52.039> pretty<00:05:52.199> much<00:05:52.400> anywhere things were to hit pretty much anywhere things were to hit pretty much anywhere it<00:05:52.800> would<00:05:53.000> cause<00:05:53.160> a<00:05:53.360> panic<00:05:53.680> but<00:05:53.800> if<00:05:53.880> it<00:05:54.000> came it would cause a panic but if it came it would cause a panic but if it came over<00:05:54.400> a<00:05:54.600> city<00:05:55.160> an<00:05:55.360> important<00:05:55.880> city<00:05:56.160> not<00:05:56.319> that over a city an important city not that over a city an important city not that any<00:05:56.759> city<00:05:57.000> is<00:05:57.120> more<00:05:57.319> important<00:05:57.600> than<00:05:57.759> others any city is more important than others any city is more important than others but<00:05:58.360> some<00:05:58.479> of<00:05:58.600> them<00:05:58.759> we<00:05:58.919> depend<00:05:59.199> on<00:05:59.319> them<00:05:59.479> more but some of them we depend on them more but some of them we depend on them more more<00:06:00.039> on<00:06:00.160> the<00:06:00.360> global<00:06:00.720> economic<00:06:01.240> basis<00:06:02.120> that more on the global economic basis that more on the global economic basis that could<00:06:02.440> do<00:06:02.720> a<00:06:02.919> huge<00:06:03.160> amount<00:06:03.360> of<00:06:03.560> damage<00:06:04.400> uh<00:06:04.520> to could do a huge amount of damage uh to could do a huge amount of damage uh to us<00:06:05.160> as<00:06:05.240> a us as a us as a civilization<00:06:07.680> so<00:06:08.680> now<00:06:08.840> that<00:06:09.000> I've<00:06:09.120> scared<00:06:09.520> the civilization so now that I've scared the civilization so now that I've scared the crap<00:06:10.000> out<00:06:10.160> of crap out of crap out of you<00:06:11.840> what<00:06:11.960> can<00:06:12.120> we<00:06:12.280> do<00:06:12.520> about<00:06:12.880> this<00:06:13.639> all<00:06:13.759> right you what can we do about this all right you what can we do about this all right this<00:06:14.080> is<00:06:14.520> this<00:06:14.599> is<00:06:14.720> a<00:06:14.919> Potential<00:06:15.319> Threat<00:06:15.960> let this is this is a Potential Threat let this is this is a Potential Threat let me<00:06:16.240> note<00:06:16.880> that<00:06:17.520> uh<00:06:17.639> we<00:06:17.759> have<00:06:17.919> not<00:06:18.120> had<00:06:18.240> a<00:06:18.400> giant me note that uh we have not had a giant me note that uh we have not had a giant impact<00:06:19.160> like<00:06:19.280> the<00:06:19.400> dinosaur<00:06:19.840> killer<00:06:20.319> for<00:06:20.520> 65 impact like the dinosaur killer for 65 impact like the dinosaur killer for 65 million<00:06:21.280> years<00:06:21.520> they're<00:06:21.800> very<00:06:22.120> rare<00:06:23.039> the million years they're very rare the million years they're very rare the smaller<00:06:23.720> ones<00:06:24.000> happen<00:06:24.319> more<00:06:24.599> often<00:06:25.160> but smaller ones happen more often but smaller ones happen more often but probably<00:06:26.039> on<00:06:26.280> on<00:06:26.440> the<00:06:26.560> order<00:06:26.880> of<00:06:27.080> a<00:06:27.199> millennium probably on on the order of a millennium probably on on the order of a millennium every<00:06:28.120> every<00:06:28.759> few<00:06:29.120> centuries<00:06:29.639> or<00:06:29.800> every<00:06:29.960> few every every few centuries or every few every every few centuries or every few thousand<00:06:30.639> years<00:06:31.080> but<00:06:31.199> it's<00:06:31.319> still<00:06:31.560> something thousand years but it's still something thousand years but it's still something to<00:06:31.960> be<00:06:32.120> aware<00:06:32.440> of<00:06:33.160> well<00:06:33.319> what<00:06:33.400> do<00:06:33.520> we<00:06:33.680> do<00:06:33.840> about to be aware of well what do we do about to be aware of well what do we do about them<00:06:34.240> the<00:06:34.360> first<00:06:34.520> thing<00:06:34.680> we<00:06:34.840> have<00:06:34.919> to<00:06:35.120> do<00:06:35.400> is them the first thing we have to do is them the first thing we have to do is find<00:06:36.160> them<00:06:36.720> this<00:06:36.840> is<00:06:36.960> an<00:06:37.080> image<00:06:37.280> of<00:06:37.400> an find them this is an image of an find them this is an image of an asteroid<00:06:38.039> that<00:06:38.199> passed<00:06:38.520> us<00:06:38.680> in<00:06:39.039> uh asteroid that passed us in uh asteroid that passed us in uh 2009<00:06:41.199> it's<00:06:41.560> right<00:06:41.960> here<00:06:42.960> but<00:06:43.080> you<00:06:43.199> can<00:06:43.400> see 2009 it's right here but you can see 2009 it's right here but you can see that<00:06:44.319> it's<00:06:44.639> extremely<00:06:45.199> faint<00:06:45.560> I<00:06:45.599> don't<00:06:45.720> even that it's extremely faint I don't even that it's extremely faint I don't even know<00:06:45.919> if<00:06:46.000> you<00:06:46.080> can<00:06:46.199> see<00:06:46.400> that<00:06:46.520> in<00:06:46.599> the<00:06:46.759> back<00:06:46.919> row know if you can see that in the back row know if you can see that in the back row these<00:06:47.599> are<00:06:47.800> just<00:06:48.280> Stars<00:06:49.280> this<00:06:49.400> is<00:06:49.520> a<00:06:49.759> rock<00:06:50.000> that these are just Stars this is a rock that these are just Stars this is a rock that was<00:06:50.240> about<00:06:50.479> 30<00:06:50.840> yards<00:06:51.160> across<00:06:51.520> so<00:06:51.759> roughly<00:06:52.120> the was about 30 yards across so roughly the was about 30 yards across so roughly the size<00:06:52.479> of<00:06:52.639> the<00:06:52.759> ones<00:06:53.000> that<00:06:53.360> blew<00:06:53.639> up<00:06:53.759> over<00:06:53.880> Tong size of the ones that blew up over Tong size of the ones that blew up over Tong gusa<00:06:54.440> and<00:06:54.520> hit<00:06:54.680> Arizona<00:06:55.160> 50,000<00:06:55.800> years<00:06:56.000> ago gusa and hit Arizona 50,000 years ago gusa and hit Arizona 50,000 years ago these<00:06:56.840> things<00:06:57.000> are<00:06:57.280> faint<00:06:57.800> they're<00:06:58.000> hard<00:06:58.199> to these things are faint they're hard to these things are faint they're hard to see<00:06:58.599> and<00:06:58.720> the<00:06:58.879> sky<00:06:59.080> is<00:06:59.240> really<00:06:59.800> big<00:07:00.240> we<00:07:00.360> have<00:07:00.479> to see and the sky is really big we have to see and the sky is really big we have to find<00:07:01.120> these<00:07:01.319> things<00:07:01.680> first<00:07:02.319> well<00:07:02.479> the<00:07:02.639> good find these things first well the good find these things first well the good news<00:07:03.039> is<00:07:03.199> we're<00:07:03.400> looking<00:07:03.720> for<00:07:03.879> them<00:07:04.520> NASA<00:07:04.919> has news is we're looking for them NASA has news is we're looking for them NASA has devoted<00:07:06.080> money<00:07:06.319> to<00:07:06.520> this<00:07:06.879> the<00:07:07.000> National devoted money to this the National devoted money to this the National Science<00:07:07.680> Foundation<00:07:08.160> other<00:07:08.360> countries<00:07:08.680> are Science Foundation other countries are Science Foundation other countries are very<00:07:09.080> interested<00:07:09.400> in<00:07:09.479> doing<00:07:09.680> this<00:07:09.840> we're very interested in doing this we're very interested in doing this we're building<00:07:10.400> telescopes<00:07:11.240> that<00:07:11.360> are<00:07:11.560> looking<00:07:11.919> for building telescopes that are looking for building telescopes that are looking for the<00:07:12.479> threat<00:07:13.280> that's<00:07:13.440> a<00:07:13.720> great<00:07:14.080> first<00:07:14.400> step<00:07:14.960> but the threat that's a great first step but the threat that's a great first step but what's<00:07:15.319> the<00:07:15.560> second<00:07:15.840> step<00:07:16.080> the<00:07:16.160> second<00:07:16.440> step what's the second step the second step what's the second step the second step is<00:07:16.720> that<00:07:16.879> we<00:07:16.960> see<00:07:17.160> one<00:07:17.319> headed<00:07:17.599> toward<00:07:17.919> us<00:07:18.440> we is that we see one headed toward us we is that we see one headed toward us we have<00:07:18.639> to<00:07:18.840> stop<00:07:19.080> it<00:07:19.440> what<00:07:19.520> do<00:07:19.680> we<00:07:19.840> do<00:07:20.759> you've have to stop it what do we do you've have to stop it what do we do you've probably<00:07:21.360> heard<00:07:21.599> about<00:07:21.759> the<00:07:21.879> asteroid<00:07:22.280> apus probably heard about the asteroid apus probably heard about the asteroid apus if<00:07:22.960> you<00:07:23.080> haven't<00:07:23.400> yet<00:07:24.199> you<00:07:24.520> will<00:07:25.520> um<00:07:25.800> if<00:07:25.879> you've if you haven't yet you will um if you've if you haven't yet you will um if you've heard<00:07:26.240> about<00:07:26.360> the<00:07:26.479> Mayan<00:07:26.840> 2012<00:07:27.440> apocalypse heard about the Mayan 2012 apocalypse heard about the Mayan 2012 apocalypse you're<00:07:28.039> going<00:07:28.120> to<00:07:28.199> hear<00:07:28.360> about<00:07:28.520> apus<00:07:29.039> because you're going to hear about apus because you're going to hear about apus because you're<00:07:29.319> keep<00:07:29.680> into<00:07:29.879> all<00:07:29.960> the<00:07:30.120> doomsday<00:07:31.120> uh<00:07:31.360> uh you're keep into all the doomsday uh uh you're keep into all the doomsday uh uh networks<00:07:32.479> anyway<00:07:33.800> um<00:07:34.800> apus<00:07:35.280> is<00:07:35.360> an<00:07:35.560> asteroid networks anyway um apus is an asteroid networks anyway um apus is an asteroid it<00:07:36.000> was<00:07:36.240> discovered<00:07:36.440> in<00:07:36.840> 2004<00:07:37.840> it's<00:07:38.080> roughly it was discovered in 2004 it's roughly it was discovered in 2004 it's roughly 250<00:07:39.400> yards<00:07:39.759> across<00:07:40.199> so<00:07:40.360> it's<00:07:40.560> pretty<00:07:40.879> big<00:07:41.479> big 250 yards across so it's pretty big big 250 yards across so it's pretty big big size<00:07:41.919> you<00:07:42.000> know<00:07:42.120> bigger<00:07:42.319> than<00:07:42.400> a<00:07:42.520> football size you know bigger than a football size you know bigger than a football stadium<00:07:44.039> and<00:07:44.319> it's<00:07:44.479> going<00:07:44.639> to<00:07:44.879> pass<00:07:45.080> by<00:07:45.240> the stadium and it's going to pass by the stadium and it's going to pass by the Earth<00:07:45.560> in<00:07:45.720> April<00:07:46.039> of<00:07:46.360> 2029<00:07:47.360> and<00:07:47.440> it's<00:07:47.560> going<00:07:47.720> to Earth in April of 2029 and it's going to Earth in April of 2029 and it's going to pass<00:07:48.080> us<00:07:48.319> so<00:07:48.639> close<00:07:48.960> that<00:07:49.080> it's<00:07:49.280> actually pass us so close that it's actually pass us so close that it's actually going<00:07:49.639> to<00:07:50.120> come<00:07:50.440> underneath<00:07:51.159> our<00:07:51.440> weather going to come underneath our weather going to come underneath our weather satellites<00:07:52.840> the<00:07:52.960> Earth's<00:07:53.479> gravity<00:07:53.879> is<00:07:54.039> going satellites the Earth's gravity is going satellites the Earth's gravity is going to<00:07:54.360> bend<00:07:54.639> the<00:07:54.759> orbit<00:07:55.080> of<00:07:55.240> this<00:07:55.360> thing<00:07:55.599> so<00:07:55.879> much to bend the orbit of this thing so much to bend the orbit of this thing so much that<00:07:56.759> if<00:07:56.879> it's<00:07:57.240> just<00:07:57.599> right<00:07:58.080> if<00:07:58.159> it<00:07:58.360> passes that if it's just right if it passes that if it's just right if it passes through<00:07:58.919> this<00:07:59.080> region<00:07:59.560> of<00:07:59.759> space<00:08:00.479> this<00:08:00.639> kidney through this region of space this kidney through this region of space this kidney bean<00:08:01.639> shaped<00:08:01.960> region<00:08:02.240> called<00:08:02.400> a bean shaped region called a bean shaped region called a keyhole<00:08:04.199> the<00:08:04.280> Earth's<00:08:04.680> gravity<00:08:05.000> will<00:08:05.159> bend<00:08:05.360> it keyhole the Earth's gravity will bend it keyhole the Earth's gravity will bend it just<00:08:05.759> enough<00:08:06.000> that<00:08:06.159> 7<00:08:06.440> years<00:08:06.680> later<00:08:07.560> on<00:08:07.759> April just enough that 7 years later on April just enough that 7 years later on April 13th<00:08:08.639> which<00:08:08.759> is<00:08:08.840> a<00:08:09.000> Friday<00:08:09.360> I'll<00:08:09.560> note<00:08:10.120> in<00:08:10.240> the 13th which is a Friday I'll note in the 13th which is a Friday I'll note in the year year year 2036<00:08:12.400> you<00:08:12.560> can't<00:08:12.759> plan<00:08:13.080> that<00:08:13.240> kind<00:08:13.360> of 2036 you can't plan that kind of 2036 you can't plan that kind of stuff<00:08:15.080> apothesis<00:08:15.440> is<00:08:15.680> going<00:08:15.759> to<00:08:15.879> hit<00:08:16.039> us<00:08:16.919> and stuff apothesis is going to hit us and stuff apothesis is going to hit us and it's<00:08:17.240> 250<00:08:17.960> meters<00:08:18.280> across<00:08:19.120> so<00:08:19.280> it<00:08:19.400> would<00:08:19.560> do it's 250 meters across so it would do it's 250 meters across so it would do unbelievable<00:08:20.759> damage<00:08:21.319> now<00:08:21.479> the<00:08:21.639> good<00:08:21.800> news<00:08:22.039> is unbelievable damage now the good news is unbelievable damage now the good news is that<00:08:22.280> the<00:08:22.400> odds<00:08:22.639> of<00:08:22.759> it<00:08:22.919> actually<00:08:23.159> passing that the odds of it actually passing that the odds of it actually passing through<00:08:23.639> this<00:08:23.759> Keyhole<00:08:24.080> and<00:08:24.159> hitting<00:08:24.360> us<00:08:24.479> the through this Keyhole and hitting us the through this Keyhole and hitting us the next<00:08:24.800> go<00:08:25.000> round<00:08:25.360> are<00:08:25.560> one<00:08:25.680> in<00:08:25.800> a<00:08:25.960> million next go round are one in a million next go round are one in a million roughly<00:08:27.120> very<00:08:27.400> very<00:08:27.639> low<00:08:27.919> odds<00:08:28.560> so<00:08:28.879> I roughly very very low odds so I roughly very very low odds so I personally<00:08:29.639> not<00:08:29.759> lying<00:08:30.000> awake<00:08:30.240> at<00:08:30.360> night personally not lying awake at night personally not lying awake at night worrying<00:08:30.840> about<00:08:31.080> this<00:08:31.319> at<00:08:31.440> all<00:08:31.680> I<00:08:31.759> don't<00:08:31.879> think worrying about this at all I don't think worrying about this at all I don't think apus<00:08:32.519> is<00:08:32.599> a<00:08:32.800> problem<00:08:33.440> in<00:08:33.680> fact<00:08:34.479> apus<00:08:35.000> is<00:08:35.080> a apus is a problem in fact apus is a apus is a problem in fact apus is a blessing<00:08:35.560> in<00:08:35.760> disguise<00:08:36.599> because<00:08:36.800> it<00:08:36.959> woke<00:08:37.200> us blessing in disguise because it woke us blessing in disguise because it woke us up<00:08:37.599> to<00:08:37.760> the<00:08:37.880> dangers<00:08:38.279> of<00:08:38.479> these<00:08:38.680> things<00:08:39.159> this up to the dangers of these things this up to the dangers of these things this thing<00:08:39.479> was<00:08:39.839> discovered<00:08:40.279> just<00:08:40.399> a<00:08:40.519> few<00:08:40.760> years thing was discovered just a few years thing was discovered just a few years ago<00:08:41.279> and<00:08:41.399> could<00:08:41.599> hit<00:08:41.719> us<00:08:41.880> a<00:08:42.000> few<00:08:42.200> years<00:08:42.440> from ago and could hit us a few years from ago and could hit us a few years from now<00:08:43.200> it<00:08:43.360> won't<00:08:43.959> but<00:08:44.080> it<00:08:44.200> gives<00:08:44.360> us<00:08:44.480> a<00:08:44.640> chance<00:08:44.880> to now it won't but it gives us a chance to now it won't but it gives us a chance to study<00:08:45.519> these<00:08:45.680> kinds<00:08:45.880> of<00:08:46.080> asteroids<00:08:46.800> we<00:08:46.920> didn't study these kinds of asteroids we didn't study these kinds of asteroids we didn't really<00:08:47.399> necessarily<00:08:48.279> understand<00:08:48.560> these really necessarily understand these really necessarily understand these keyholes<00:08:49.560> and<00:08:49.720> now<00:08:49.920> we<00:08:50.080> do<00:08:50.279> and<00:08:50.360> it<00:08:50.480> turns<00:08:50.720> out keyholes and now we do and it turns out keyholes and now we do and it turns out that's<00:08:51.440> really<00:08:51.720> important<00:08:52.600> because<00:08:52.839> how<00:08:52.959> do that's really important because how do that's really important because how do you<00:08:53.240> stop<00:08:53.600> an<00:08:53.760> asteroid<00:08:54.279> like<00:08:54.480> this<00:08:55.160> well<00:08:55.399> let you stop an asteroid like this well let you stop an asteroid like this well let me<00:08:55.760> ask<00:08:55.959> you<00:08:56.640> what<00:08:56.800> happens<00:08:57.080> if<00:08:57.200> you're me ask you what happens if you're me ask you what happens if you're standing<00:08:57.600> on<00:08:57.680> the<00:08:57.800> road<00:08:57.959> and<00:08:58.040> a<00:08:58.200> car<00:08:58.360> is<00:08:58.560> headed standing on the road and a car is headed standing on the road and a car is headed for<00:08:59.000> you<00:08:59.160> what<00:08:59.240> do<00:08:59.320> you<00:08:59.480> you<00:08:59.640> do<00:09:00.200> you<00:09:00.480> do<00:09:00.839> this for you what do you you do you do this for you what do you you do you do this right<00:09:02.000> boom<00:09:02.360> the<00:09:02.480> car<00:09:02.720> goes<00:09:03.000> past<00:09:03.200> you<00:09:03.440> and<00:09:03.560> we right boom the car goes past you and we right boom the car goes past you and we can't<00:09:03.880> move<00:09:04.120> the<00:09:04.240> Earth<00:09:04.560> at<00:09:04.640> least<00:09:04.839> not<00:09:05.079> easily can't move the Earth at least not easily can't move the Earth at least not easily but<00:09:05.920> we<00:09:06.079> can<00:09:06.320> move<00:09:06.519> a<00:09:06.680> small<00:09:07.040> asteroid<00:09:07.800> and but we can move a small asteroid and but we can move a small asteroid and turns<00:09:08.320> out<00:09:08.720> we've<00:09:08.959> even<00:09:09.240> done<00:09:09.480> it<00:09:10.000> in<00:09:10.079> the<00:09:10.200> Year turns out we've even done it in the Year turns out we've even done it in the Year 2005<00:09:11.680> NASA<00:09:12.040> launched<00:09:12.360> a<00:09:12.480> probe<00:09:12.760> called<00:09:13.000> Deep 2005 NASA launched a probe called Deep 2005 NASA launched a probe called Deep Impact<00:09:14.120> which<00:09:14.360> slammed<00:09:14.959> into<00:09:15.480> slammed<00:09:15.880> a Impact which slammed into slammed a Impact which slammed into slammed a piece<00:09:16.160> of<00:09:16.279> itself<00:09:16.880> into<00:09:17.160> the<00:09:17.360> nucleus<00:09:17.760> of<00:09:17.880> a piece of itself into the nucleus of a piece of itself into the nucleus of a comet<00:09:18.519> comets<00:09:18.839> are<00:09:19.000> very<00:09:19.160> much<00:09:19.360> like comet comets are very much like comet comets are very much like asteroids<00:09:20.560> the<00:09:20.680> purpose<00:09:21.000> wasn't<00:09:21.240> to<00:09:21.360> push<00:09:21.519> it asteroids the purpose wasn't to push it asteroids the purpose wasn't to push it out<00:09:21.760> of<00:09:21.880> the<00:09:22.040> way<00:09:22.600> the<00:09:22.720> purpose<00:09:23.079> was<00:09:23.200> to<00:09:23.519> make<00:09:23.680> a out of the way the purpose was to make a out of the way the purpose was to make a crater<00:09:24.440> to<00:09:24.680> excavate<00:09:25.160> the<00:09:25.279> material<00:09:25.720> and<00:09:25.880> see crater to excavate the material and see crater to excavate the material and see what<00:09:26.279> was<00:09:26.440> underneath<00:09:26.800> the<00:09:26.920> surface<00:09:27.240> of<00:09:27.399> this what was underneath the surface of this what was underneath the surface of this Comet<00:09:28.360> which<00:09:28.519> we<00:09:28.640> learned<00:09:28.920> quite<00:09:29.079> a<00:09:29.120> bit<00:09:29.480> about Comet which we learned quite a bit about Comet which we learned quite a bit about we<00:09:30.200> did<00:09:30.399> move<00:09:30.640> the<00:09:30.800> comet<00:09:31.120> a<00:09:31.279> little<00:09:31.480> tiny<00:09:31.839> bit we did move the comet a little tiny bit we did move the comet a little tiny bit not<00:09:32.519> very<00:09:32.720> much<00:09:32.959> but<00:09:33.120> that<00:09:33.240> wasn't<00:09:33.519> the<00:09:33.680> point not very much but that wasn't the point not very much but that wasn't the point however<00:09:35.399> think<00:09:35.600> about<00:09:35.880> this<00:09:36.040> this<00:09:36.160> thing<00:09:36.279> is however think about this this thing is however think about this this thing is orbiting<00:09:36.800> the<00:09:36.959> Sun<00:09:37.800> at<00:09:38.360> 10<00:09:38.640> m<00:09:38.959> per<00:09:39.120> second<00:09:39.360> 20<00:09:39.680> m orbiting the Sun at 10 m per second 20 m orbiting the Sun at 10 m per second 20 m per<00:09:40.079> second<00:09:40.560> we<00:09:40.680> shot<00:09:40.920> a<00:09:41.079> space<00:09:41.360> probe<00:09:41.680> at<00:09:41.800> it per second we shot a space probe at it per second we shot a space probe at it and<00:09:42.120> hit<00:09:42.320> it<00:09:43.040> okay<00:09:43.320> imagine<00:09:43.839> how<00:09:44.040> hard<00:09:44.279> that and hit it okay imagine how hard that and hit it okay imagine how hard that must<00:09:44.600> be<00:09:44.760> and<00:09:44.880> we<00:09:45.040> did<00:09:45.200> it<00:09:46.000> that<00:09:46.120> means<00:09:46.440> we<00:09:46.560> can must be and we did it that means we can must be and we did it that means we can do<00:09:46.920> it<00:09:47.160> again<00:09:47.760> if<00:09:47.920> we<00:09:48.079> need<00:09:48.360> if<00:09:48.440> we<00:09:48.560> see<00:09:48.720> an do it again if we need if we see an do it again if we need if we see an asteroid<00:09:49.279> that's<00:09:49.440> coming<00:09:49.680> toward<00:09:49.959> us<00:09:50.399> and asteroid that's coming toward us and asteroid that's coming toward us and it's<00:09:50.680> headed<00:09:51.000> right<00:09:51.160> for<00:09:51.440> us<00:09:51.880> and<00:09:51.959> we<00:09:52.079> have<00:09:52.240> two it's headed right for us and we have two it's headed right for us and we have two years<00:09:52.680> to<00:09:52.920> go<00:09:53.640> boom<00:09:54.040> we<00:09:54.240> hit<00:09:54.360> it<00:09:54.920> you<00:09:55.040> could<00:09:55.200> try years to go boom we hit it you could try years to go boom we hit it you could try to<00:09:55.760> you<00:09:55.880> know<00:09:56.360> if<00:09:56.480> you<00:09:56.640> watch<00:09:56.880> the<00:09:57.480> movies<00:09:58.480> you to you know if you watch the movies you to you know if you watch the movies you might<00:09:58.800> think<00:09:58.959> about<00:09:59.120> you<00:09:59.519> why<00:09:59.600> don't<00:09:59.720> we<00:09:59.800> use<00:09:59.920> a might think about you why don't we use a might think about you why don't we use a nuclear<00:10:00.399> weapon<00:10:00.959> it's<00:10:01.079> like<00:10:01.279> well<00:10:01.399> you<00:10:01.480> can nuclear weapon it's like well you can nuclear weapon it's like well you can try<00:10:01.920> that<00:10:02.120> but<00:10:02.240> the<00:10:02.360> problem<00:10:02.600> is<00:10:02.839> timing<00:10:03.160> you try that but the problem is timing you try that but the problem is timing you shoot<00:10:03.480> a<00:10:03.560> nuclear<00:10:03.920> weapon<00:10:04.120> at<00:10:04.240> this<00:10:04.360> thing<00:10:04.560> you shoot a nuclear weapon at this thing you shoot a nuclear weapon at this thing you have<00:10:04.760> to<00:10:05.120> blow<00:10:05.360> it<00:10:05.440> up<00:10:05.600> within<00:10:05.839> a<00:10:05.920> few have to blow it up within a few have to blow it up within a few milliseconds<00:10:07.079> of<00:10:07.360> tolerance<00:10:07.760> or<00:10:07.880> else<00:10:08.040> you'll milliseconds of tolerance or else you'll milliseconds of tolerance or else you'll just<00:10:08.440> miss<00:10:08.680> it<00:10:09.200> and<00:10:09.279> it's<00:10:09.640> there<00:10:09.680> are<00:10:09.800> a<00:10:09.880> lot<00:10:09.959> of just miss it and it's there are a lot of just miss it and it's there are a lot of other<00:10:10.240> problems<00:10:10.600> that<00:10:10.720> it's<00:10:10.839> very<00:10:11.000> hard<00:10:11.160> to<00:10:11.279> do other problems that it's very hard to do other problems that it's very hard to do but<00:10:11.800> just<00:10:12.040> hitting<00:10:12.399> something<00:10:13.040> that's<00:10:13.240> pretty but just hitting something that's pretty but just hitting something that's pretty easy<00:10:13.839> I<00:10:13.920> think<00:10:14.079> even<00:10:14.279> NASA<00:10:14.680> can<00:10:14.800> do<00:10:15.000> that<00:10:15.120> and easy I think even NASA can do that and easy I think even NASA can do that and they<00:10:15.360> Pro<00:10:15.640> that<00:10:15.760> they they Pro that they they Pro that they can<00:10:18.360> the<00:10:18.560> problem<00:10:18.839> is<00:10:19.040> what<00:10:19.200> happens<00:10:19.519> if<00:10:19.680> you can the problem is what happens if you can the problem is what happens if you you<00:10:20.040> hit<00:10:20.200> this<00:10:20.399> asteroid<00:10:21.120> you've<00:10:21.320> changed<00:10:21.680> the you hit this asteroid you've changed the you hit this asteroid you've changed the orbit<00:10:22.440> you<00:10:22.600> measure<00:10:22.920> the<00:10:23.000> orbit<00:10:23.360> then<00:10:23.440> you orbit you measure the orbit then you orbit you measure the orbit then you find<00:10:23.720> out<00:10:24.000> oh<00:10:24.360> yeah<00:10:24.560> we<00:10:24.720> just<00:10:24.839> pushed<00:10:25.079> it<00:10:25.200> into find out oh yeah we just pushed it into find out oh yeah we just pushed it into a<00:10:25.519> keyhole<00:10:26.240> and<00:10:26.399> now<00:10:26.519> it's<00:10:26.680> going<00:10:26.760> to<00:10:26.880> hit<00:10:27.000> us a keyhole and now it's going to hit us a keyhole and now it's going to hit us in<00:10:27.320> three<00:10:27.560> years<00:10:28.360> well<00:10:28.519> my<00:10:28.680> opinion<00:10:29.040> is<00:10:29.720> fine in three years well my opinion is fine in three years well my opinion is fine okay<00:10:30.920> it's<00:10:31.079> not<00:10:31.279> hitting<00:10:31.560> Us<00:10:31.720> in<00:10:31.920> 6<00:10:32.240> months okay it's not hitting Us in 6 months okay it's not hitting Us in 6 months that's<00:10:33.320> good<00:10:33.880> now<00:10:34.079> we<00:10:34.240> have<00:10:34.480> 3<00:10:34.800> years<00:10:35.440> to<00:10:35.600> do that's good now we have 3 years to do that's good now we have 3 years to do something<00:10:36.160> else<00:10:36.720> and<00:10:36.839> you<00:10:36.920> could<00:10:37.079> hit<00:10:37.200> it something else and you could hit it something else and you could hit it again<00:10:38.160> that's<00:10:38.360> kind<00:10:38.440> of<00:10:38.600> hamfisted<00:10:39.240> you<00:10:39.360> might again that's kind of hamfisted you might again that's kind of hamfisted you might just<00:10:39.639> push<00:10:39.760> it<00:10:39.880> into<00:10:40.079> a<00:10:40.200> third<00:10:40.440> Keyhole<00:10:40.839> or just push it into a third Keyhole or just push it into a third Keyhole or whatever<00:10:41.639> so<00:10:41.800> you<00:10:41.920> don't<00:10:42.160> do<00:10:42.440> that<00:10:43.000> and<00:10:43.200> this whatever so you don't do that and this whatever so you don't do that and this is<00:10:43.519> the<00:10:44.040> part<00:10:45.040> it's<00:10:45.279> the<00:10:45.360> part<00:10:45.560> I<00:10:45.720> just

love<00:10:49.000> after<00:10:49.240> the<00:10:49.399> big<00:10:49.680> Macho<00:10:50.680> bam<00:10:50.959> we're<00:10:51.120> going
love after the big Macho bam we're going love after the big Macho bam we're going to<00:10:51.320> hit<00:10:51.440> this<00:10:51.560> thing<00:10:51.720> in<00:10:51.839> the to hit this thing in the to hit this thing in the face<00:10:53.600> then<00:10:53.800> we<00:10:53.959> bring<00:10:54.200> in<00:10:55.040> the<00:10:55.200> Velvet face then we bring in the Velvet face then we bring in the Velvet gloves<00:10:58.200> there's<00:10:58.360> a<00:10:58.480> group<00:10:58.680> of<00:10:58.839> scien<00:10:59.600> and gloves there's a group of scien and gloves there's a group of scien and engineers<00:11:00.160> and<00:11:00.360> astronauts<00:11:00.839> and<00:11:00.920> they<00:11:01.040> call engineers and astronauts and they call engineers and astronauts and they call themselves<00:11:01.600> the<00:11:01.720> b612<00:11:02.600> foundation<00:11:03.399> for<00:11:03.560> those themselves the b612 foundation for those themselves the b612 foundation for those of<00:11:03.760> you<00:11:03.839> who've<00:11:04.040> read<00:11:04.160> The<00:11:04.279> Little<00:11:04.480> Prince<00:11:04.760> you of you who've read The Little Prince you of you who've read The Little Prince you understand<00:11:05.360> that<00:11:05.519> reference<00:11:05.920> I<00:11:06.040> hope<00:11:06.320> little understand that reference I hope little understand that reference I hope little prince<00:11:06.720> who<00:11:06.800> lived<00:11:07.000> on<00:11:07.079> an<00:11:07.200> asteroid<00:11:07.560> it<00:11:07.639> was prince who lived on an asteroid it was prince who lived on an asteroid it was called called called b612<00:11:09.440> These<00:11:09.560> are<00:11:09.760> smart<00:11:10.200> guys<00:11:10.959> men<00:11:11.200> and<00:11:11.440> women b612 These are smart guys men and women b612 These are smart guys men and women astronauts<00:11:12.639> like<00:11:12.760> I<00:11:12.839> said<00:11:13.240> Engineers<00:11:14.240> uh astronauts like I said Engineers uh astronauts like I said Engineers uh Rusty<00:11:14.720> schwart<00:11:15.279> who<00:11:15.399> was<00:11:15.480> an<00:11:15.600> Apollo<00:11:15.920> 9 Rusty schwart who was an Apollo 9 Rusty schwart who was an Apollo 9 astronaut<00:11:16.680> is<00:11:16.800> on<00:11:17.000> this<00:11:17.360> Dan<00:11:17.639> Dera<00:11:18.040> my<00:11:18.120> friend astronaut is on this Dan Dera my friend astronaut is on this Dan Dera my friend who<00:11:18.519> made<00:11:18.760> this<00:11:18.959> image<00:11:19.519> works<00:11:19.839> here<00:11:20.000> at who made this image works here at who made this image works here at Southwest<00:11:20.600> Research<00:11:20.959> Institute<00:11:21.360> in<00:11:21.560> Boulder Southwest Research Institute in Boulder Southwest Research Institute in Boulder uh<00:11:22.639> on<00:11:22.760> Walnut<00:11:23.160> Street<00:11:23.560> he<00:11:23.720> he<00:11:23.839> created<00:11:24.160> this uh on Walnut Street he he created this uh on Walnut Street he he created this image<00:11:24.519> for<00:11:24.680> this<00:11:24.800> and<00:11:24.920> he's<00:11:25.160> actually<00:11:25.399> one<00:11:25.519> of image for this and he's actually one of image for this and he's actually one of the<00:11:25.920> astronomers<00:11:26.399> who<00:11:26.519> works<00:11:26.720> for<00:11:26.880> them<00:11:27.519> if<00:11:27.639> we the astronomers who works for them if we the astronomers who works for them if we see<00:11:28.360> an<00:11:28.519> asteroid<00:11:28.959> that's<00:11:29.519> going<00:11:29.720> to<00:11:29.880> hit<00:11:30.040> the see an asteroid that's going to hit the see an asteroid that's going to hit the earth<00:11:30.399> and<00:11:30.560> we<00:11:30.720> have<00:11:30.920> enough<00:11:31.240> time<00:11:32.160> in<00:11:32.480> we<00:11:32.600> can earth and we have enough time in we can earth and we have enough time in we can hit<00:11:32.920> it<00:11:33.040> to<00:11:33.160> move<00:11:33.279> it<00:11:33.399> into<00:11:33.600> a<00:11:33.680> better<00:11:33.920> orbit hit it to move it into a better orbit hit it to move it into a better orbit but<00:11:34.760> then<00:11:35.240> what<00:11:35.360> we<00:11:35.600> do<00:11:36.200> is<00:11:36.360> we<00:11:36.560> launch<00:11:36.959> a<00:11:37.279> probe but then what we do is we launch a probe but then what we do is we launch a probe that<00:11:37.880> has<00:11:38.000> to<00:11:38.160> weigh<00:11:38.360> a<00:11:38.519> ton<00:11:38.760> or<00:11:38.880> two<00:11:39.200> not that has to weigh a ton or two not that has to weigh a ton or two not doesn't<00:11:39.560> have<00:11:39.680> to<00:11:39.760> be<00:11:39.959> huge<00:11:40.279> a<00:11:40.399> couple<00:11:40.560> of<00:11:40.680> tons doesn't have to be huge a couple of tons doesn't have to be huge a couple of tons not<00:11:41.240> that<00:11:41.399> big<00:11:42.240> and<00:11:42.360> you<00:11:42.519> park<00:11:42.760> it<00:11:42.959> near<00:11:43.240> the not that big and you park it near the not that big and you park it near the asteroid<00:11:43.959> you<00:11:44.079> don't<00:11:44.279> land<00:11:44.560> on<00:11:44.720> it<00:11:44.959> because asteroid you don't land on it because asteroid you don't land on it because these<00:11:45.200> things<00:11:45.360> are<00:11:45.480> tumbling<00:11:45.839> end<00:11:46.040> over<00:11:46.200> end these things are tumbling end over end these things are tumbling end over end it's<00:11:46.519> very<00:11:46.639> hard<00:11:46.760> to<00:11:46.880> land<00:11:47.079> on<00:11:47.200> them<00:11:47.560> instead it's very hard to land on them instead it's very hard to land on them instead you<00:11:48.000> get<00:11:48.200> near<00:11:48.399> it<00:11:49.040> the<00:11:49.240> gravity<00:11:49.560> of<00:11:49.680> the you get near it the gravity of the you get near it the gravity of the asteroid<00:11:50.279> pulls<00:11:50.519> on<00:11:50.680> the<00:11:50.880> probe<00:11:51.600> and<00:11:51.760> the asteroid pulls on the probe and the asteroid pulls on the probe and the probe<00:11:52.560> has<00:11:52.720> a<00:11:52.800> couple<00:11:53.000> of<00:11:53.079> tons<00:11:53.360> of<00:11:53.519> mass<00:11:53.920> it probe has a couple of tons of mass it probe has a couple of tons of mass it has<00:11:54.160> a<00:11:54.440> little<00:11:54.920> tiny<00:11:55.240> bit<00:11:55.399> of<00:11:55.600> gravity<00:11:56.240> but has a little tiny bit of gravity but has a little tiny bit of gravity but it's<00:11:56.639> enough<00:11:57.560> that<00:11:57.680> it<00:11:57.800> can<00:11:58.040> pull<00:11:58.360> the it's enough that it can pull the it's enough that it can pull the asteroid<00:11:59.440> and<00:11:59.560> you<00:11:59.720> have<00:11:59.880> your<00:12:00.079> rocket<00:12:00.480> set<00:12:00.720> up asteroid and you have your rocket set up asteroid and you have your rocket set up so<00:12:01.320> that<00:12:01.440> you<00:12:01.560> can<00:12:01.720> oh<00:12:01.839> you<00:12:01.920> can<00:12:02.079> barely<00:12:02.360> see<00:12:02.560> it so that you can oh you can barely see it so that you can oh you can barely see it here<00:12:02.839> but<00:12:02.920> there's<00:12:03.160> rocket<00:12:03.480> plumes<00:12:04.160> and<00:12:04.240> you here but there's rocket plumes and you here but there's rocket plumes and you basically<00:12:05.000> these<00:12:05.240> guys<00:12:05.399> are<00:12:05.600> connected<00:12:06.000> by basically these guys are connected by basically these guys are connected by their<00:12:06.320> own<00:12:06.680> gravity<00:12:07.480> and<00:12:07.560> if<00:12:07.680> you<00:12:07.839> move<00:12:08.160> the their own gravity and if you move the their own gravity and if you move the probe<00:12:08.760> very<00:12:09.000> slowly<00:12:09.639> very<00:12:09.959> very<00:12:10.240> gently<00:12:11.040> you probe very slowly very very gently you probe very slowly very very gently you can<00:12:12.240> very<00:12:12.560> easily<00:12:13.040> finesse<00:12:13.600> that<00:12:13.839> rock<00:12:14.519> into<00:12:14.800> a can very easily finesse that rock into a can very easily finesse that rock into a safe<00:12:15.320> orbit<00:12:16.000> you<00:12:16.120> could<00:12:16.279> even<00:12:16.440> put<00:12:16.560> it<00:12:16.680> in safe orbit you could even put it in safe orbit you could even put it in orbit<00:12:17.079> around<00:12:17.279> the<00:12:17.360> Earth<00:12:17.560> where<00:12:17.720> we<00:12:17.839> could orbit around the Earth where we could orbit around the Earth where we could mine<00:12:18.360> it<00:12:18.720> although<00:12:19.000> that's<00:12:19.120> a<00:12:19.199> whole<00:12:19.399> another mine it although that's a whole another mine it although that's a whole another thing<00:12:19.839> I<00:12:19.920> won't<00:12:20.120> go<00:12:20.199> into thing I won't go into thing I won't go into that<00:12:22.079> um<00:12:23.079> but<00:12:23.279> we'd<00:12:23.519> be<00:12:23.959> rich

so<00:12:30.560> think<00:12:30.760> about<00:12:31.160> this<00:12:32.000> right<00:12:33.000> there<00:12:33.120> are
so think about this right there are so think about this right there are these<00:12:33.639> giant<00:12:34.000> rocks<00:12:34.360> flying<00:12:34.720> out<00:12:34.920> there<00:12:35.040> and these giant rocks flying out there and these giant rocks flying out there and they're<00:12:35.360> hitting<00:12:35.639> us<00:12:35.839> and<00:12:35.959> they're<00:12:36.120> doing they're hitting us and they're doing they're hitting us and they're doing damage<00:12:36.760> to<00:12:36.959> us<00:12:37.680> but<00:12:37.839> we<00:12:38.000> figured<00:12:38.320> out<00:12:38.480> how<00:12:38.560> to damage to us but we figured out how to damage to us but we figured out how to do<00:12:38.959> this<00:12:39.160> and<00:12:39.360> all<00:12:39.519> the<00:12:39.639> pieces<00:12:39.959> are<00:12:40.120> in<00:12:40.399> place do this and all the pieces are in place do this and all the pieces are in place to<00:12:41.079> do<00:12:41.320> this<00:12:42.040> we<00:12:42.240> have<00:12:42.760> astronomers<00:12:43.440> with to do this we have astronomers with to do this we have astronomers with telescopes<00:12:44.160> looking<00:12:44.440> for<00:12:44.720> them<00:12:45.160> we<00:12:45.320> have telescopes looking for them we have telescopes looking for them we have smart<00:12:45.880> people<00:12:46.240> very<00:12:46.480> very<00:12:46.680> smart<00:12:47.000> people<00:12:47.440> who smart people very very smart people who smart people very very smart people who are<00:12:47.760> concerned<00:12:48.199> about<00:12:48.399> this<00:12:48.519> and<00:12:48.680> figuring are concerned about this and figuring are concerned about this and figuring out<00:12:49.279> how<00:12:49.399> to<00:12:49.600> fix<00:12:49.920> the<00:12:50.160> problem<00:12:50.920> and<00:12:51.079> we<00:12:51.240> have out how to fix the problem and we have out how to fix the problem and we have the<00:12:51.560> technology<00:12:52.079> to<00:12:52.199> do<00:12:52.399> this<00:12:52.720> this<00:12:52.920> probe the technology to do this this probe the technology to do this this probe actually<00:12:53.600> can't<00:12:53.800> use<00:12:54.000> chemical<00:12:54.399> Rockets actually can't use chemical Rockets actually can't use chemical Rockets chemical<00:12:55.320> Rockets<00:12:55.680> provide<00:12:55.920> too<00:12:56.079> much<00:12:56.279> thrust chemical Rockets provide too much thrust chemical Rockets provide too much thrust too<00:12:56.760> much<00:12:56.959> push<00:12:57.199> the<00:12:57.519> the<00:12:57.600> probe<00:12:57.839> would<00:12:57.959> just too much push the the probe would just too much push the the probe would just shoot<00:12:58.360> away<00:12:59.160> we<00:12:59.279> invented<00:12:59.560> something<00:12:59.760> called shoot away we invented something called shoot away we invented something called an<00:13:00.160> ion<00:13:00.600> drive<00:13:01.240> which<00:13:01.360> is<00:13:01.440> a<00:13:01.720> very<00:13:02.040> very<00:13:02.320> very an ion drive which is a very very very an ion drive which is a very very very low<00:13:02.880> thrust<00:13:03.240> engine<00:13:03.880> it<00:13:04.040> generates<00:13:04.480> the<00:13:04.600> force low thrust engine it generates the force low thrust engine it generates the force a<00:13:05.160> piece<00:13:05.320> of<00:13:05.519> paper<00:13:05.839> would<00:13:06.120> have<00:13:06.320> on<00:13:06.480> your<00:13:06.680> hand a piece of paper would have on your hand a piece of paper would have on your hand incredibly<00:13:07.839> light<00:13:08.279> but<00:13:08.399> it<00:13:08.480> can<00:13:08.680> run<00:13:09.160> for incredibly light but it can run for incredibly light but it can run for months<00:13:09.959> and<00:13:10.279> years<00:13:11.279> providing<00:13:11.720> that<00:13:12.000> very months and years providing that very months and years providing that very gentle<00:13:12.720> push<00:13:13.480> if<00:13:13.600> anybody<00:13:13.920> here<00:13:14.040> is<00:13:14.160> a<00:13:14.279> fan<00:13:14.440> of gentle push if anybody here is a fan of gentle push if anybody here is a fan of the<00:13:14.639> original<00:13:14.959> Star<00:13:15.320> Trek<00:13:15.880> they<00:13:16.000> ran<00:13:16.279> across the original Star Trek they ran across the original Star Trek they ran across an<00:13:17.000> alien<00:13:17.320> ship<00:13:17.560> that<00:13:17.680> had<00:13:17.800> an<00:13:17.959> ion<00:13:18.360> drive<00:13:18.959> and an alien ship that had an ion drive and an alien ship that had an ion drive and Spock<00:13:19.440> said<00:13:19.639> they're<00:13:19.800> very<00:13:20.040> technically Spock said they're very technically Spock said they're very technically sophisticated<00:13:20.959> they're<00:13:21.240> 100<00:13:21.440> years<00:13:21.639> ahead<00:13:21.800> of sophisticated they're 100 years ahead of sophisticated they're 100 years ahead of us<00:13:22.399> with<00:13:22.560> this<00:13:22.720> drive<00:13:23.560> yeah<00:13:23.880> we<00:13:24.079> have<00:13:24.240> an<00:13:24.399> ion us with this drive yeah we have an ion us with this drive yeah we have an ion drive<00:13:25.120> now<00:13:25.440> we<00:13:25.519> don't<00:13:25.680> have<00:13:25.800> the<00:13:25.920> enterprise drive now we don't have the enterprise drive now we don't have the enterprise we<00:13:27.040> got<00:13:27.160> an<00:13:27.279> ion<00:13:27.560> drive<00:13:27.880> now

Spock Spock um um um so<00:13:39.160> that's<00:13:39.440> the<00:13:39.839> difference<00:13:40.839> that's<00:13:41.079> the so that's the difference that's the so that's the difference that's the difference<00:13:41.600> between<00:13:42.000> us<00:13:42.160> and<00:13:42.320> the<00:13:42.839> dinosaurs difference between us and the dinosaurs difference between us and the dinosaurs this<00:13:44.120> happened<00:13:44.519> to<00:13:44.920> them<00:13:45.920> it<00:13:46.040> doesn't<00:13:46.399> have<00:13:46.560> to this happened to them it doesn't have to this happened to them it doesn't have to happen<00:13:47.000> to<00:13:47.240> us<00:13:47.800> the<00:13:48.000> difference<00:13:48.360> between<00:13:48.720> the happen to us the difference between the happen to us the difference between the dinosaurs<00:13:49.800> and<00:13:50.079> us<00:13:50.959> is<00:13:51.079> that<00:13:51.279> we<00:13:51.480> have<00:13:51.639> a<00:13:51.800> space dinosaurs and us is that we have a space dinosaurs and us is that we have a space program<00:13:53.120> and<00:13:53.320> we<00:13:53.480> can<00:13:53.839> vote<00:13:54.839> and<00:13:54.959> so<00:13:55.279> we<00:13:55.440> can program and we can vote and so we can program and we can vote and so we can change<00:13:56.440> our change our change our future<00:13:58.839> we<00:13:59.199> have<00:13:59.320> the<00:13:59.440> ability<00:13:59.759> to<00:13:59.880> change<00:14:00.120> our future we have the ability to change our future we have the ability to change our future<00:14:01.040> 65<00:14:01.600> million<00:14:01.959> years<00:14:02.199> from<00:14:02.399> now<00:14:02.920> we future 65 million years from now we future 65 million years from now we don't<00:14:03.279> have<00:14:03.399> to<00:14:03.639> have<00:14:03.880> our<00:14:04.199> bones<00:14:04.680> collecting don't have to have our bones collecting don't have to have our bones collecting dust<00:14:05.560> in<00:14:05.680> a<00:14:05.880> museum<00:14:06.880> thank<00:14:07.079> you<00:14:07.279> very<00:14:07.480> much

Phil Plait, Earth, asteroid, ufo, space, asteroid, attack, hit, Earth, astronomy, outer, space, TED, TEDx, TEDxBoulder, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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