Cách gấp-origami mới-Robert Lang

Folding way-new origami - Robert Lang

Folding way-new origami - Robert Lang


my<00:00:15.830> talk<00:00:16.040> is<00:00:16.220> flapping<00:00:16.640> birds<00:00:16.850> and<00:00:17.150> Space
my talk is flapping birds and Space my talk is flapping birds and Space Telescope's Telescope's Telescope's and<00:00:18.320> you<00:00:18.500> would<00:00:18.620> think<00:00:18.770> that<00:00:19.040> should<00:00:19.610> have and you would think that should have and you would think that should have nothing<00:00:19.970> to<00:00:20.119> do<00:00:20.270> with<00:00:20.300> one<00:00:20.570> another<00:00:20.600> but<00:00:20.990> I nothing to do with one another but I nothing to do with one another but I hope<00:00:21.290> by<00:00:21.860> the<00:00:21.920> end<00:00:22.100> of<00:00:22.160> these<00:00:22.250> 18<00:00:22.670> minutes hope by the end of these 18 minutes hope by the end of these 18 minutes you'll<00:00:23.570> see<00:00:23.660> a<00:00:23.990> little<00:00:24.260> bit<00:00:24.440> of<00:00:24.500> a<00:00:24.619> relation<00:00:25.070> it you'll see a little bit of a relation it you'll see a little bit of a relation it ties<00:00:25.850> to<00:00:26.180> origami<00:00:26.600> so<00:00:27.050> let<00:00:27.140> me<00:00:27.230> start<00:00:27.440> what<00:00:27.620> is ties to origami so let me start what is ties to origami so let me start what is origami<00:00:28.870> most<00:00:29.870> people<00:00:30.200> think<00:00:30.320> they<00:00:30.500> know<00:00:30.620> what origami most people think they know what origami most people think they know what origami<00:00:31.130> is<00:00:31.340> it's<00:00:31.580> this<00:00:31.910> flapping<00:00:32.390> birds<00:00:32.750> toys origami is it's this flapping birds toys origami is it's this flapping birds toys cootie<00:00:34.010> catchers<00:00:34.400> that<00:00:34.610> sort<00:00:34.850> of<00:00:34.879> thing<00:00:35.059> and cootie catchers that sort of thing and cootie catchers that sort of thing and that<00:00:35.270> is<00:00:35.420> what<00:00:35.510> origami<00:00:35.900> used<00:00:36.170> to<00:00:36.320> be<00:00:36.520> but<00:00:37.520> it's that is what origami used to be but it's that is what origami used to be but it's become<00:00:38.239> something<00:00:38.510> else<00:00:38.780> it's<00:00:39.080> become<00:00:39.350> an<00:00:39.470> art become something else it's become an art become something else it's become an art form<00:00:40.010> a<00:00:40.220> form<00:00:40.760> of<00:00:40.879> sculpture form a form of sculpture form a form of sculpture the<00:00:41.809> common<00:00:42.350> theme<00:00:42.680> what<00:00:42.980> makes<00:00:43.220> it<00:00:43.400> origami the common theme what makes it origami the common theme what makes it origami is<00:00:44.030> folding<00:00:44.600> is<00:00:44.750> how<00:00:45.379> we<00:00:45.440> create<00:00:45.890> the<00:00:46.250> form<00:00:46.519> now is folding is how we create the form now is folding is how we create the form now it's<00:00:47.600> very<00:00:47.839> old<00:00:48.080> this<00:00:48.260> is<00:00:48.440> a<00:00:48.470> plate<00:00:48.739> from<00:00:48.949> 1797 it's very old this is a plate from 1797 it's very old this is a plate from 1797 shows<00:00:50.570> these<00:00:50.750> women<00:00:51.050> playing<00:00:51.320> with<00:00:51.470> these shows these women playing with these shows these women playing with these toys<00:00:51.650> if<00:00:52.339> you<00:00:52.430> look<00:00:52.640> close<00:00:53.239> it's<00:00:53.900> this<00:00:54.229> shape toys if you look close it's this shape toys if you look close it's this shape called<00:00:55.040> a<00:00:55.190> crane<00:00:55.489> every<00:00:55.970> Japanese<00:00:56.479> kid<00:00:56.750> learns called a crane every Japanese kid learns called a crane every Japanese kid learns how<00:00:57.710> to<00:00:57.739> fold<00:00:57.979> that<00:00:58.159> crane<00:00:58.580> so<00:00:59.210> this<00:00:59.390> art<00:00:59.690> has how to fold that crane so this art has how to fold that crane so this art has been<00:01:00.080> around<00:01:00.409> for<00:01:00.710> hundreds<00:01:01.100> of<00:01:01.190> years<00:01:01.250> and been around for hundreds of years and been around for hundreds of years and you<00:01:01.970> would<00:01:02.059> think<00:01:02.089> something<00:01:02.960> that's<00:01:03.710> been you would think something that's been you would think something that's been around<00:01:04.100> that<00:01:04.220> long<00:01:04.489> so<00:01:04.879> restrictive<00:01:05.449> folding around that long so restrictive folding around that long so restrictive folding only<00:01:06.320> everything<00:01:07.040> that<00:01:07.250> could<00:01:07.400> be<00:01:07.430> done<00:01:07.549> has only everything that could be done has only everything that could be done has been<00:01:08.060> done<00:01:08.270> a<00:01:08.630> long<00:01:08.990> time<00:01:09.049> ago<00:01:09.560> and<00:01:09.770> that<00:01:10.340> might been done a long time ago and that might been done a long time ago and that might have<00:01:10.729> been<00:01:10.850> the<00:01:10.970> case<00:01:11.180> but<00:01:11.810> in<00:01:11.990> the<00:01:12.170> 20th have been the case but in the 20th have been the case but in the 20th century<00:01:12.740> a<00:01:13.370> Japanese<00:01:14.299> folder<00:01:14.659> named century a Japanese folder named century a Japanese folder named Yoshizawa<00:01:15.500> came<00:01:15.740> along<00:01:16.009> and<00:01:16.219> he<00:01:16.759> created<00:01:17.090> tens Yoshizawa came along and he created tens Yoshizawa came along and he created tens of<00:01:17.960> thousands<00:01:18.439> of<00:01:18.530> new<00:01:18.740> designs<00:01:19.130> but<00:01:19.759> even of thousands of new designs but even of thousands of new designs but even more<00:01:20.240> importantly<00:01:20.750> he<00:01:21.110> created<00:01:21.619> a<00:01:21.740> language<00:01:22.039> a more importantly he created a language a more importantly he created a language a way<00:01:22.969> we<00:01:23.149> could<00:01:23.360> communicate<00:01:23.600> a<00:01:24.259> code<00:01:24.560> of<00:01:24.799> dots way we could communicate a code of dots way we could communicate a code of dots dashes<00:01:25.549> and<00:01:25.909> arrows<00:01:26.240> harkening<00:01:26.780> back<00:01:26.810> to dashes and arrows harkening back to dashes and arrows harkening back to susan<00:01:28.070> Blackmore's<00:01:28.579> talk<00:01:28.880> we<00:01:29.119> now<00:01:29.329> have<00:01:29.600> a susan Blackmore's talk we now have a susan Blackmore's talk we now have a means<00:01:29.930> of<00:01:30.079> transmitting<00:01:30.649> information<00:01:30.920> with means of transmitting information with means of transmitting information with heredity<00:01:32.030> and<00:01:32.240> selection<00:01:33.109> and<00:01:33.350> we<00:01:33.530> know<00:01:33.680> where heredity and selection and we know where heredity and selection and we know where that<00:01:34.009> leads<00:01:34.310> and<00:01:34.750> where<00:01:35.750> it<00:01:35.869> has<00:01:35.899> led<00:01:36.259> in that leads and where it has led in that leads and where it has led in origami<00:01:36.920> is<00:01:37.520> to<00:01:37.759> things<00:01:38.000> like<00:01:38.090> this<00:01:38.679> this<00:01:39.679> is origami is to things like this this is origami is to things like this this is an<00:01:40.009> origami<00:01:40.340> figure<00:01:41.049> one<00:01:42.049> sheet<00:01:42.320> no<00:01:42.770> cuts an origami figure one sheet no cuts an origami figure one sheet no cuts folding<00:01:43.909> only<00:01:44.210> hundreds<00:01:45.170> of<00:01:45.289> folds<00:01:47.020> this<00:01:48.020> too folding only hundreds of folds this too folding only hundreds of folds this too is<00:01:48.500> origami<00:01:48.950> and<00:01:49.280> this<00:01:49.700> shows<00:01:49.969> where<00:01:50.240> we've is origami and this shows where we've is origami and this shows where we've gone<00:01:50.719> in<00:01:51.079> the<00:01:51.560> modern<00:01:51.890> world<00:01:52.420> naturalism gone in the modern world naturalism gone in the modern world naturalism detail<00:01:54.409> you<00:01:54.679> can<00:01:54.799> get<00:01:55.130> horns<00:01:55.789> antlers<00:01:56.210> even<00:01:56.689> if detail you can get horns antlers even if detail you can get horns antlers even if you<00:01:56.869> look<00:01:57.049> close<00:01:57.320> cloven<00:01:58.219> hooves<00:01:58.460> and<00:01:58.939> it you look close cloven hooves and it you look close cloven hooves and it raises<00:01:59.509> a<00:01:59.539> question<00:01:59.679> what<00:02:00.679> changed<00:02:01.280> what<00:02:01.880> and raises a question what changed what and raises a question what changed what and what<00:02:02.450> changed<00:02:03.079> is<00:02:03.259> something<00:02:03.710> you<00:02:03.799> might<00:02:03.979> not what changed is something you might not what changed is something you might not have<00:02:04.219> expected<00:02:04.880> in<00:02:05.090> an<00:02:05.240> art<00:02:05.420> which<00:02:06.079> is<00:02:06.159> math have expected in an art which is math have expected in an art which is math that<00:02:07.520> is<00:02:08.149> people<00:02:08.899> applied<00:02:09.399> mathematical that is people applied mathematical that is people applied mathematical principles<00:02:11.000> to<00:02:12.160> to<00:02:13.160> the<00:02:13.610> art<00:02:13.760> to<00:02:13.970> discover<00:02:14.569> the principles to to the art to discover the principles to to the art to discover the underlying<00:02:14.900> laws<00:02:15.530> and<00:02:15.800> that<00:02:15.890> leads<00:02:16.130> to<00:02:16.310> a<00:02:16.340> very underlying laws and that leads to a very underlying laws and that leads to a very powerful<00:02:17.480> tool<00:02:18.080> the<00:02:18.410> secret<00:02:18.950> to<00:02:19.370> productivity powerful tool the secret to productivity powerful tool the secret to productivity in<00:02:20.180> so<00:02:20.420> many<00:02:20.510> fields<00:02:21.110> and<00:02:21.230> in<00:02:21.680> origami<00:02:22.100> is in so many fields and in origami is in so many fields and in origami is letting<00:02:23.480> dead letting dead letting dead people<00:02:24.440> do<00:02:24.590> your<00:02:24.800> work<00:02:24.980> for<00:02:25.220> you<00:02:25.990> because<00:02:26.990> what people do your work for you because what people do your work for you because what you<00:02:27.320> can<00:02:27.350> do<00:02:27.650> is<00:02:27.890> take<00:02:28.850> your<00:02:29.210> problem<00:02:29.840> and<00:02:30.050> turn you can do is take your problem and turn you can do is take your problem and turn it<00:02:30.830> into<00:02:30.980> a<00:02:31.070> problem<00:02:31.580> that<00:02:31.700> someone<00:02:31.940> else's it into a problem that someone else's it into a problem that someone else's has<00:02:32.570> solved<00:02:33.110> and<00:02:33.260> use<00:02:33.770> their<00:02:33.980> solutions<00:02:34.520> and<00:02:34.910> I has solved and use their solutions and I has solved and use their solutions and I want<00:02:35.570> to<00:02:35.630> tell<00:02:35.810> you<00:02:35.900> how<00:02:36.080> we<00:02:36.140> did<00:02:36.290> that<00:02:36.710> in want to tell you how we did that in want to tell you how we did that in origami<00:02:37.960> origami<00:02:38.960> revolves<00:02:39.770> around<00:02:39.860> crease origami origami revolves around crease origami origami revolves around crease patterns<00:02:40.700> a<00:02:40.790> crease<00:02:41.030> pattern<00:02:41.060> shown<00:02:41.660> here<00:02:41.990> is patterns a crease pattern shown here is patterns a crease pattern shown here is the<00:02:42.290> underlying<00:02:42.650> blueprint<00:02:43.490> for<00:02:44.000> an<00:02:44.060> origami the underlying blueprint for an origami the underlying blueprint for an origami figure<00:02:44.930> and<00:02:45.140> you<00:02:45.560> can't<00:02:45.800> just<00:02:45.980> draw<00:02:46.190> them figure and you can't just draw them figure and you can't just draw them arbitrarily<00:02:46.970> they<00:02:47.330> have<00:02:47.510> to<00:02:47.660> obey<00:02:47.990> four arbitrarily they have to obey four arbitrarily they have to obey four simple<00:02:49.070> laws<00:02:49.280> and<00:02:49.670> they're<00:02:50.120> very<00:02:50.300> simple<00:02:50.600> easy simple laws and they're very simple easy simple laws and they're very simple easy to<00:02:51.140> understand<00:02:51.740> the<00:02:51.860> first<00:02:52.130> law<00:02:52.459> is<00:02:52.940> to<00:02:53.300> color to understand the first law is to color to understand the first law is to color ability<00:02:54.050> you<00:02:54.170> can<00:02:54.290> color<00:02:54.560> any<00:02:54.860> crease<00:02:55.100> pattern ability you can color any crease pattern ability you can color any crease pattern with<00:02:55.670> just<00:02:55.910> two<00:02:56.150> colors<00:02:56.390> without<00:02:57.320> ever<00:02:57.560> having with just two colors without ever having with just two colors without ever having the<00:02:58.459> same<00:02:58.700> color<00:02:58.970> meeting<00:03:00.040> the<00:03:01.040> directions<00:03:02.000> of the same color meeting the directions of the same color meeting the directions of the<00:03:02.150> folds<00:03:02.690> at<00:03:02.810> any<00:03:03.020> vertex<00:03:03.530> the<00:03:03.800> number<00:03:04.070> of the folds at any vertex the number of the folds at any vertex the number of mountain<00:03:04.610> folds<00:03:05.030> the<00:03:05.150> number<00:03:05.420> of<00:03:05.540> Valley mountain folds the number of Valley mountain folds the number of Valley folds<00:03:06.140> always<00:03:06.560> differs<00:03:06.860> by<00:03:07.070> two<00:03:07.130> two<00:03:07.730> more<00:03:07.970> or folds always differs by two two more or folds always differs by two two more or two<00:03:08.450> less<00:03:08.660> nothing<00:03:09.590> else<00:03:09.770> if<00:03:10.610> you<00:03:10.700> look<00:03:10.880> at<00:03:10.970> the two less nothing else if you look at the two less nothing else if you look at the angles<00:03:11.510> around<00:03:11.660> a<00:03:11.959> fold<00:03:12.230> you<00:03:12.410> find<00:03:12.739> that<00:03:13.160> if angles around a fold you find that if angles around a fold you find that if you<00:03:13.400> number<00:03:13.700> the<00:03:13.940> angles<00:03:14.270> in<00:03:14.390> a<00:03:14.450> circle<00:03:14.480> all you number the angles in a circle all you number the angles in a circle all the<00:03:15.020> even-numbered<00:03:15.890> angles<00:03:16.250> add<00:03:16.430> up<00:03:16.459> to<00:03:16.700> a the even-numbered angles add up to a the even-numbered angles add up to a straight<00:03:17.060> line<00:03:17.270> all<00:03:17.570> the<00:03:17.780> odd-numbered straight line all the odd-numbered straight line all the odd-numbered angles<00:03:19.100> add<00:03:19.340> up<00:03:19.370> to<00:03:19.520> a<00:03:19.670> straight<00:03:20.030> line<00:03:20.300> and<00:03:20.600> if angles add up to a straight line and if angles add up to a straight line and if you<00:03:21.230> look<00:03:21.410> at<00:03:21.530> how<00:03:21.680> the<00:03:21.739> layers<00:03:22.040> stack<00:03:22.580> you'll you look at how the layers stack you'll you look at how the layers stack you'll find<00:03:23.120> that<00:03:23.270> no<00:03:23.390> matter<00:03:23.540> how<00:03:23.810> you<00:03:23.870> stack<00:03:24.410> folds find that no matter how you stack folds find that no matter how you stack folds and<00:03:25.100> sheets<00:03:25.459> a<00:03:25.730> sheet<00:03:26.480> can<00:03:27.020> never<00:03:27.290> penetrate<00:03:28.130> a and sheets a sheet can never penetrate a and sheets a sheet can never penetrate a fold<00:03:28.519> so<00:03:29.239> that's<00:03:29.420> four<00:03:29.900> simple<00:03:30.320> laws<00:03:30.530> that's fold so that's four simple laws that's fold so that's four simple laws that's all<00:03:31.100> you<00:03:31.430> need<00:03:31.730> in<00:03:31.970> origami<00:03:32.480> all<00:03:32.690> of<00:03:32.810> origami all you need in origami all of origami all you need in origami all of origami comes<00:03:33.500> from<00:03:33.769> that<00:03:33.980> you'd<00:03:34.670> think<00:03:34.880> can<00:03:35.420> four comes from that you'd think can four comes from that you'd think can four simple<00:03:36.019> laws<00:03:36.230> give<00:03:36.500> rise<00:03:36.739> to<00:03:36.769> that<00:03:37.100> kind<00:03:37.310> of simple laws give rise to that kind of simple laws give rise to that kind of complexity<00:03:37.970> but<00:03:38.750> indeed<00:03:39.019> the<00:03:39.380> laws<00:03:39.560> of complexity but indeed the laws of complexity but indeed the laws of quantum<00:03:39.890> mechanics<00:03:40.160> can<00:03:40.730> be<00:03:40.790> written<00:03:41.120> down<00:03:41.269> on quantum mechanics can be written down on quantum mechanics can be written down on a<00:03:41.480> napkin<00:03:41.720> and<00:03:42.170> yet<00:03:42.380> they<00:03:42.560> govern<00:03:42.920> all<00:03:43.100> of a napkin and yet they govern all of a napkin and yet they govern all of chemistry<00:03:44.570> all<00:03:44.780> of<00:03:45.140> life<00:03:45.350> all<00:03:45.620> of<00:03:45.769> history<00:03:45.950> if chemistry all of life all of history if chemistry all of life all of history if we<00:03:47.299> obey<00:03:47.420> these<00:03:47.870> laws<00:03:47.900> we<00:03:48.620> can<00:03:48.799> do<00:03:48.890> amazing we obey these laws we can do amazing we obey these laws we can do amazing things<00:03:49.840> so<00:03:50.840> an<00:03:50.959> origami<00:03:51.440> to<00:03:52.010> obey<00:03:52.280> these<00:03:52.489> laws things so an origami to obey these laws things so an origami to obey these laws we<00:03:53.030> can<00:03:53.180> take<00:03:53.360> simple<00:03:53.750> patterns<00:03:54.170> like<00:03:54.410> this we can take simple patterns like this we can take simple patterns like this repeating<00:03:55.190> pattern<00:03:55.220> of<00:03:55.670> folds<00:03:56.060> called repeating pattern of folds called repeating pattern of folds called textures<00:03:56.840> and<00:03:57.049> by<00:03:57.680> itself<00:03:58.190> it's<00:03:58.580> nothing textures and by itself it's nothing textures and by itself it's nothing but<00:03:59.690> if<00:03:59.810> we<00:03:59.959> follow<00:04:00.200> the<00:04:00.470> laws<00:04:00.650> of<00:04:00.890> origami<00:04:01.310> we but if we follow the laws of origami we but if we follow the laws of origami we can<00:04:01.700> put<00:04:01.910> these<00:04:02.060> patterns<00:04:02.600> into<00:04:02.840> another<00:04:03.500> fold can put these patterns into another fold can put these patterns into another fold that<00:04:04.130> itself<00:04:04.489> might<00:04:04.820> be<00:04:04.850> something<00:04:05.750> very<00:04:05.780> very that itself might be something very very that itself might be something very very simple<00:04:06.500> but<00:04:07.010> when<00:04:07.130> we<00:04:07.250> put<00:04:07.459> it<00:04:07.549> together<00:04:07.730> we simple but when we put it together we simple but when we put it together we get<00:04:08.690> something<00:04:09.019> a<00:04:09.410> little<00:04:09.650> different<00:04:10.459> this get something a little different this get something a little different this fish<00:04:11.830> 400<00:04:12.830> scales<00:04:13.100> again<00:04:13.430> it<00:04:13.610> is<00:04:13.730> one<00:04:13.970> uncut fish 400 scales again it is one uncut fish 400 scales again it is one uncut square<00:04:15.080> only<00:04:15.380> folding<00:04:16.479> and<00:04:17.479> if<00:04:17.630> you<00:04:18.049> don't square only folding and if you don't square only folding and if you don't want<00:04:18.410> to<00:04:18.470> fold<00:04:18.650> 400<00:04:19.220> scales<00:04:19.489> you<00:04:19.700> can<00:04:19.729> back<00:04:20.030> off want to fold 400 scales you can back off want to fold 400 scales you can back off and<00:04:20.479> just<00:04:20.600> do<00:04:20.750> a<00:04:20.780> few<00:04:20.870> things<00:04:21.109> and<00:04:21.500> add<00:04:21.709> plates and just do a few things and add plates and just do a few things and add plates to<00:04:22.760> the<00:04:22.880> back<00:04:23.000> of<00:04:23.180> a<00:04:23.240> turtle<00:04:23.450> or<00:04:23.780> toes<00:04:24.050> or<00:04:24.440> you to the back of a turtle or toes or you to the back of a turtle or toes or you can<00:04:24.979> ramp<00:04:25.250> up<00:04:25.430> and<00:04:25.669> go<00:04:26.000> up<00:04:26.150> to<00:04:26.300> 50<00:04:26.780> stars<00:04:27.590> on<00:04:28.010> a can ramp up and go up to 50 stars on a can ramp up and go up to 50 stars on a flag<00:04:28.370> with<00:04:29.150> 13<00:04:29.600> stripes<00:04:30.020> and<00:04:30.440> if<00:04:31.100> you<00:04:31.190> want<00:04:31.340> to flag with 13 stripes and if you want to flag with 13 stripes and if you want to go<00:04:31.490> really<00:04:31.850> crazy<00:04:32.390> a<00:04:32.870> thousand<00:04:33.740> scales<00:04:34.070> on<00:04:34.700> a go really crazy a thousand scales on a go really crazy a thousand scales on a rattlesnake<00:04:35.240> and<00:04:35.750> this<00:04:35.960> guy's<00:04:36.140> on<00:04:36.349> display rattlesnake and this guy's on display rattlesnake and this guy's on display downstairs downstairs downstairs look<00:04:37.940> if<00:04:38.090> you<00:04:38.180> get<00:04:38.330> a<00:04:38.390> chance<00:04:39.130> the<00:04:40.130> most look if you get a chance the most look if you get a chance the most powerful<00:04:40.970> tools<00:04:41.690> in<00:04:42.080> origami<00:04:42.560> have<00:04:42.860> related powerful tools in origami have related powerful tools in origami have related to<00:04:43.400> how<00:04:43.610> we<00:04:43.670> get<00:04:44.090> parts<00:04:44.810> of<00:04:45.020> creatures<00:04:45.500> and<00:04:45.530> I to how we get parts of creatures and I to how we get parts of creatures and I can<00:04:45.830> put<00:04:46.010> it<00:04:46.130> in<00:04:46.250> this<00:04:46.370> simple<00:04:47.060> equation<00:04:47.420> we can put it in this simple equation we can put it in this simple equation we take<00:04:48.140> an<00:04:48.260> idea<00:04:48.730> combine<00:04:49.730> it<00:04:49.850> with<00:04:49.880> a<00:04:50.000> square take an idea combine it with a square take an idea combine it with a square and<00:04:50.690> you<00:04:50.720> get<00:04:51.470> an<00:04:51.560> origami<00:04:51.860> figure<00:04:55.900> what and you get an origami figure what and you get an origami figure what matters<00:04:57.290> is<00:04:57.470> what<00:04:57.650> we<00:04:57.770> mean<00:04:57.980> by<00:04:58.190> those<00:04:58.400> symbols matters is what we mean by those symbols matters is what we mean by those symbols and<00:04:59.150> you<00:04:59.210> might<00:04:59.390> say<00:04:59.690> can<00:04:59.900> you<00:04:59.990> really<00:05:00.230> be<00:05:00.440> that and you might say can you really be that and you might say can you really be that specific<00:05:00.860> I<00:05:01.250> mean<00:05:01.400> a<00:05:01.520> stag<00:05:01.850> beetle<00:05:02.270> it's<00:05:02.390> got specific I mean a stag beetle it's got specific I mean a stag beetle it's got two<00:05:03.110> points<00:05:03.440> for<00:05:03.590> jaws<00:05:03.800> that's<00:05:04.040> got<00:05:04.190> antennae two points for jaws that's got antennae two points for jaws that's got antennae can<00:05:04.670> you<00:05:04.760> be<00:05:04.880> that<00:05:05.210> specific<00:05:05.750> in<00:05:06.290> the<00:05:06.740> detail can you be that specific in the detail can you be that specific in the detail and<00:05:07.400> yeah<00:05:08.030> you<00:05:08.480> really<00:05:08.840> can<00:05:09.190> so<00:05:10.190> how<00:05:10.340> do<00:05:10.400> we<00:05:10.580> do and yeah you really can so how do we do and yeah you really can so how do we do that<00:05:10.940> well<00:05:11.540> we<00:05:11.600> break<00:05:11.990> it<00:05:12.170> down<00:05:12.440> into<00:05:12.890> a<00:05:13.370> few that well we break it down into a few that well we break it down into a few smaller<00:05:14.060> steps<00:05:14.540> so<00:05:15.110> let<00:05:15.290> me<00:05:15.380> stretch<00:05:15.710> out<00:05:15.920> that smaller steps so let me stretch out that smaller steps so let me stretch out that equation equation equation I<00:05:16.850> start<00:05:17.480> with<00:05:17.600> my<00:05:17.660> idea<00:05:18.200> I<00:05:18.500> abstract<00:05:19.460> it I start with my idea I abstract it I start with my idea I abstract it what's<00:05:20.000> the<00:05:20.150> most<00:05:20.390> abstract<00:05:21.170> form<00:05:21.560> it's<00:05:21.920> a what's the most abstract form it's a what's the most abstract form it's a stick<00:05:22.340> figure<00:05:22.550> and<00:05:22.970> from<00:05:23.900> that<00:05:23.990> stick<00:05:24.290> figure stick figure and from that stick figure stick figure and from that stick figure I<00:05:24.650> somehow<00:05:25.220> have<00:05:25.460> to<00:05:25.490> get<00:05:25.790> to<00:05:25.970> a<00:05:26.000> folded<00:05:26.510> shape I somehow have to get to a folded shape I somehow have to get to a folded shape that<00:05:27.260> has<00:05:27.410> a<00:05:27.650> part<00:05:28.100> for<00:05:28.430> every<00:05:28.820> bit<00:05:29.240> of<00:05:29.270> the that has a part for every bit of the that has a part for every bit of the subject<00:05:29.870> a<00:05:29.960> flap<00:05:30.260> for<00:05:30.590> every<00:05:30.920> leg<00:05:31.130> and<00:05:31.430> then subject a flap for every leg and then subject a flap for every leg and then once<00:05:32.030> I<00:05:32.180> have<00:05:32.390> that<00:05:32.420> folded<00:05:32.840> shape<00:05:33.230> that<00:05:33.500> we once I have that folded shape that we once I have that folded shape that we call<00:05:33.830> the<00:05:33.950> base<00:05:34.220> you<00:05:35.000> can<00:05:35.210> make<00:05:35.420> the<00:05:35.570> legs call the base you can make the legs call the base you can make the legs narrower<00:05:36.260> you<00:05:36.530> can<00:05:36.710> bend<00:05:36.980> them<00:05:37.100> you<00:05:37.280> can<00:05:37.430> turn narrower you can bend them you can turn narrower you can bend them you can turn it<00:05:37.850> into<00:05:38.000> the<00:05:38.600> finished<00:05:38.960> shape<00:05:39.080> now<00:05:39.740> the<00:05:39.800> first it into the finished shape now the first it into the finished shape now the first step<00:05:40.370> pretty<00:05:41.120> easy step pretty easy step pretty easy take<00:05:42.110> an<00:05:42.260> idea<00:05:42.620> draw<00:05:42.950> stick<00:05:43.250> figure<00:05:43.640> the<00:05:43.820> last take an idea draw stick figure the last take an idea draw stick figure the last step<00:05:44.360> is<00:05:44.600> not<00:05:44.750> so<00:05:44.990> hard<00:05:45.290> but<00:05:45.470> that<00:05:45.890> middle<00:05:46.250> step step is not so hard but that middle step step is not so hard but that middle step going<00:05:46.790> from<00:05:46.880> the<00:05:47.150> abstract<00:05:47.840> description<00:05:48.410> to going from the abstract description to going from the abstract description to the<00:05:48.680> folded<00:05:49.040> shape<00:05:49.250> that's<00:05:49.880> hard<00:05:50.300> but<00:05:51.170> that's the folded shape that's hard but that's the folded shape that's hard but that's the<00:05:51.680> place<00:05:51.920> where<00:05:52.550> the<00:05:52.580> mathematical<00:05:53.420> ideas the place where the mathematical ideas the place where the mathematical ideas can<00:05:54.410> get<00:05:54.620> us<00:05:54.740> over<00:05:54.980> the<00:05:55.130> hump<00:05:55.220> I'm<00:05:55.940> going<00:05:56.180> to can get us over the hump I'm going to can get us over the hump I'm going to show<00:05:56.390> you<00:05:56.420> all<00:05:56.630> how<00:05:56.660> to<00:05:56.840> do<00:05:57.050> that<00:05:57.230> so<00:05:57.410> you<00:05:57.440> can show you all how to do that so you can show you all how to do that so you can go<00:05:57.710> out<00:05:58.070> of<00:05:58.100> here<00:05:58.280> and<00:05:58.430> fold<00:05:58.670> something<00:05:58.940> but go out of here and fold something but go out of here and fold something but we're<00:05:59.960> going<00:06:00.080> to<00:06:00.140> start<00:06:00.380> small<00:06:00.740> this<00:06:01.370> base<00:06:01.940> has we're going to start small this base has we're going to start small this base has a<00:06:02.270> lot<00:06:02.510> of<00:06:02.540> flaps<00:06:02.870> in<00:06:03.080> it<00:06:03.200> we're<00:06:03.350> going<00:06:03.500> to a lot of flaps in it we're going to a lot of flaps in it we're going to learn<00:06:03.740> how<00:06:03.800> to<00:06:04.010> make<00:06:04.250> one<00:06:04.460> flap<00:06:05.800> how<00:06:06.800> would<00:06:06.920> you learn how to make one flap how would you learn how to make one flap how would you make<00:06:07.130> a<00:06:07.190> single<00:06:07.460> flap<00:06:07.730> take<00:06:08.570> a<00:06:08.600> square<00:06:09.020> fold<00:06:09.560> it make a single flap take a square fold it make a single flap take a square fold it in<00:06:09.830> half<00:06:09.890> fold<00:06:10.250> it<00:06:10.430> in<00:06:10.520> half<00:06:10.580> fold<00:06:10.970> it<00:06:11.150> again in half fold it in half fold it again in half fold it in half fold it again till<00:06:11.750> it<00:06:11.870> gets<00:06:12.050> long<00:06:12.320> and<00:06:12.350> narrow<00:06:12.710> and<00:06:13.040> then till it gets long and narrow and then till it gets long and narrow and then we'll<00:06:13.880> say<00:06:14.000> the<00:06:14.120> end<00:06:14.240> of<00:06:14.360> that<00:06:14.480> that's<00:06:14.720> a<00:06:14.870> flap we'll say the end of that that's a flap we'll say the end of that that's a flap I<00:06:15.320> could<00:06:15.470> use<00:06:15.620> that<00:06:15.650> for<00:06:15.980> a<00:06:16.010> leg<00:06:16.250> and<00:06:16.430> arm I could use that for a leg and arm I could use that for a leg and arm anything<00:06:16.940> like<00:06:17.060> that anything like that anything like that what<00:06:18.440> paper<00:06:18.860> went<00:06:19.610> into<00:06:19.910> that<00:06:20.060> flap<00:06:20.390> well<00:06:20.570> if<00:06:20.630> I what paper went into that flap well if I what paper went into that flap well if I unfold<00:06:21.230> it<00:06:21.350> and<00:06:21.470> go<00:06:21.560> back<00:06:21.710> to<00:06:21.830> the<00:06:21.920> crease unfold it and go back to the crease unfold it and go back to the crease pattern<00:06:22.190> you<00:06:22.640> can<00:06:22.760> see<00:06:22.820> that<00:06:23.540> the<00:06:23.660> upper<00:06:23.840> left pattern you can see that the upper left pattern you can see that the upper left corner<00:06:24.710> of<00:06:25.010> that<00:06:25.190> shape<00:06:25.520> is<00:06:25.700> the<00:06:26.330> paper<00:06:26.540> that corner of that shape is the paper that corner of that shape is the paper that went<00:06:26.930> into<00:06:27.080> the<00:06:27.230> flap<00:06:27.470> so<00:06:27.500> that's<00:06:27.950> the<00:06:28.160> flap went into the flap so that's the flap went into the flap so that's the flap and<00:06:28.640> all<00:06:28.790> the<00:06:28.940> rest<00:06:29.120> of<00:06:29.270> the<00:06:29.330> papers<00:06:29.630> leftover and all the rest of the papers leftover and all the rest of the papers leftover I<00:06:30.230> can<00:06:30.410> use<00:06:30.560> it<00:06:30.710> for<00:06:30.860> something<00:06:31.070> else<00:06:31.510> well I can use it for something else well I can use it for something else well there's<00:06:32.690> other<00:06:32.780> ways<00:06:33.020> of<00:06:33.200> making<00:06:33.350> a<00:06:33.620> flap there's other ways of making a flap there's other ways of making a flap there's<00:06:35.090> other<00:06:35.240> dimensions<00:06:35.810> for<00:06:36.230> flaps<00:06:36.530> if<00:06:36.710> I there's other dimensions for flaps if I there's other dimensions for flaps if I make<00:06:36.950> the<00:06:37.070> flap<00:06:37.310> skinnier<00:06:37.880> I<00:06:38.120> can<00:06:38.480> use<00:06:38.600> a<00:06:38.630> bit make the flap skinnier I can use a bit make the flap skinnier I can use a bit less<00:06:38.990> paper<00:06:39.530> if<00:06:39.800> I<00:06:39.920> make<00:06:40.160> the<00:06:40.370> flap<00:06:40.700> as<00:06:40.910> skinny less paper if I make the flap as skinny less paper if I make the flap as skinny as<00:06:42.080> possible<00:06:42.740> I<00:06:42.890> get<00:06:43.340> to<00:06:43.490> the<00:06:43.580> limit<00:06:43.970> of<00:06:44.150> the as possible I get to the limit of the as possible I get to the limit of the minimum<00:06:44.570> amount<00:06:44.810> of<00:06:44.840> paper<00:06:45.080> needed<00:06:45.470> and<00:06:45.560> you minimum amount of paper needed and you minimum amount of paper needed and you can<00:06:45.770> see<00:06:45.980> there<00:06:46.190> it<00:06:46.580> needs<00:06:46.820> a<00:06:47.000> quarter<00:06:47.330> circle can see there it needs a quarter circle can see there it needs a quarter circle of<00:06:47.810> paper<00:06:48.020> to<00:06:48.260> make<00:06:48.290> a<00:06:48.440> flap<00:06:48.940> there's<00:06:49.940> other of paper to make a flap there's other of paper to make a flap there's other ways<00:06:50.300> of<00:06:50.450> making<00:06:50.780> a<00:06:50.870> flaps<00:06:51.140> if ways of making a flaps if ways of making a flaps if put<00:06:51.619> the<00:06:51.739> flap<00:06:51.979> on<00:06:52.129> the<00:06:52.279> edge<00:06:52.519> it<00:06:53.269> uses<00:06:53.539> a<00:06:53.569> half put the flap on the edge it uses a half put the flap on the edge it uses a half circle<00:06:54.080> of<00:06:54.349> paper<00:06:54.529> and<00:06:54.860> if<00:06:54.919> I<00:06:55.039> make<00:06:55.580> the<00:06:55.729> flap circle of paper and if I make the flap circle of paper and if I make the flap from<00:06:56.179> the<00:06:56.300> middle<00:06:56.569> it<00:06:56.689> uses<00:06:56.989> a<00:06:57.019> full<00:06:57.259> circle<00:06:57.709> so from the middle it uses a full circle so from the middle it uses a full circle so no<00:06:58.369> matter<00:06:58.519> how<00:06:58.610> I<00:06:58.819> make<00:06:59.059> a<00:06:59.089> flap<00:06:59.449> it<00:07:00.019> needs no matter how I make a flap it needs no matter how I make a flap it needs some<00:07:01.219> part<00:07:01.550> of<00:07:01.669> a<00:07:01.789> circular<00:07:02.239> region<00:07:02.569> of<00:07:02.659> paper some part of a circular region of paper some part of a circular region of paper so<00:07:03.769> now<00:07:03.800> we're<00:07:04.219> ready<00:07:04.429> to<00:07:04.519> scale<00:07:04.969> up<00:07:05.209> what<00:07:05.839> if<00:07:05.929> I so now we're ready to scale up what if I so now we're ready to scale up what if I want<00:07:06.259> to<00:07:06.319> make<00:07:06.469> something<00:07:06.769> that<00:07:07.069> has<00:07:07.249> a<00:07:07.519> lot<00:07:07.789> of want to make something that has a lot of want to make something that has a lot of flaps<00:07:08.239> what<00:07:08.899> do<00:07:08.989> I<00:07:09.050> need<00:07:09.319> I<00:07:09.819> need<00:07:10.819> a<00:07:11.059> lot<00:07:11.269> of flaps what do I need I need a lot of flaps what do I need I need a lot of circles<00:07:11.779> and<00:07:12.039> in<00:07:13.039> the<00:07:13.309> 1990s<00:07:13.849> origami<00:07:14.779> artist circles and in the 1990s origami artist circles and in the 1990s origami artist discovered<00:07:15.679> these<00:07:15.800> principles<00:07:16.399> and<00:07:16.550> realize discovered these principles and realize discovered these principles and realize we<00:07:17.209> can<00:07:17.389> make<00:07:17.539> arbitrarily<00:07:18.289> complicated we can make arbitrarily complicated we can make arbitrarily complicated figures<00:07:19.550> just<00:07:20.209> by<00:07:20.360> packing<00:07:20.809> circles<00:07:21.259> and figures just by packing circles and figures just by packing circles and here's<00:07:22.580> where<00:07:22.789> the<00:07:22.909> dead<00:07:23.119> people<00:07:23.479> start<00:07:23.779> to here's where the dead people start to here's where the dead people start to help<00:07:24.079> us<00:07:24.259> out<00:07:24.909> because<00:07:25.909> lots<00:07:26.539> of<00:07:26.779> people<00:07:26.839> have help us out because lots of people have help us out because lots of people have this<00:07:27.589> have<00:07:27.949> studied<00:07:28.339> the<00:07:28.459> problem<00:07:28.699> of<00:07:29.029> packing this have studied the problem of packing this have studied the problem of packing circles<00:07:29.839> I<00:07:30.019> can<00:07:30.469> rely<00:07:30.769> on<00:07:30.800> that<00:07:31.099> vast<00:07:31.459> history circles I can rely on that vast history circles I can rely on that vast history of<00:07:32.269> mathematicians<00:07:33.050> and<00:07:33.289> artists<00:07:33.739> looking<00:07:34.309> at of mathematicians and artists looking at of mathematicians and artists looking at discs<00:07:34.669> packings<00:07:35.179> and<00:07:35.479> arrangements<00:07:36.139> and<00:07:36.289> I discs packings and arrangements and I discs packings and arrangements and I can<00:07:36.709> use<00:07:36.919> those<00:07:37.099> patterns<00:07:37.429> now<00:07:37.759> to<00:07:37.819> create can use those patterns now to create can use those patterns now to create origami<00:07:38.839> shapes<00:07:39.169> so<00:07:40.129> we<00:07:40.279> figured<00:07:40.610> out<00:07:40.729> these origami shapes so we figured out these origami shapes so we figured out these rules<00:07:41.239> whereby<00:07:41.719> you<00:07:41.779> pack<00:07:42.050> circles<00:07:42.529> you<00:07:42.739> you rules whereby you pack circles you you rules whereby you pack circles you you decorate<00:07:43.849> the<00:07:44.209> patterns<00:07:44.599> of<00:07:44.719> circles<00:07:45.139> with decorate the patterns of circles with decorate the patterns of circles with lines<00:07:45.589> according<00:07:45.979> to<00:07:46.219> more<00:07:46.429> rules<00:07:46.669> that<00:07:46.849> gives lines according to more rules that gives lines according to more rules that gives you<00:07:47.239> the<00:07:47.360> folds<00:07:47.779> those<00:07:47.929> folds<00:07:48.349> fold<00:07:48.499> into<00:07:48.709> a you the folds those folds fold into a you the folds those folds fold into a base<00:07:49.099> you<00:07:49.610> shape<00:07:49.879> the<00:07:50.029> base<00:07:50.239> you<00:07:50.989> get<00:07:51.199> a<00:07:51.439> folded base you shape the base you get a folded base you shape the base you get a folded shape<00:07:52.309> in<00:07:52.489> this<00:07:52.610> case<00:07:52.819> a<00:07:53.029> cockroach<00:07:53.569> and<00:07:54.279> it's shape in this case a cockroach and it's shape in this case a cockroach and it's so<00:07:55.429> simple<00:07:58.059> it's<00:07:59.059> so<00:07:59.209> simple<00:07:59.629> that<00:08:00.199> a<00:08:00.259> computer so simple it's so simple that a computer so simple it's so simple that a computer could<00:08:00.949> do<00:08:01.099> it<00:08:01.249> and<00:08:01.819> you<00:08:02.629> say<00:08:02.809> well<00:08:03.079> you<00:08:03.110> know could do it and you say well you know could do it and you say well you know how<00:08:03.769> simple<00:08:04.099> is<00:08:04.159> that<00:08:04.189> but<00:08:04.519> computers<00:08:04.969> you how simple is that but computers you how simple is that but computers you need<00:08:05.599> to<00:08:05.809> be<00:08:05.929> able<00:08:06.019> to<00:08:06.139> describe<00:08:06.559> things<00:08:06.740> in need to be able to describe things in need to be able to describe things in very<00:08:07.129> basic<00:08:07.279> terms<00:08:07.550> and<00:08:08.119> with<00:08:08.209> this<00:08:08.389> we<00:08:08.689> could very basic terms and with this we could very basic terms and with this we could so<00:08:09.319> I<00:08:09.349> wrote<00:08:09.529> a<00:08:09.559> computer<00:08:09.829> program<00:08:09.979> a<00:08:10.309> bunch<00:08:10.490> of so I wrote a computer program a bunch of so I wrote a computer program a bunch of years<00:08:10.789> ago<00:08:11.089> called<00:08:11.300> Tree<00:08:11.569> Maker<00:08:11.599> and<00:08:12.019> you<00:08:12.110> can years ago called Tree Maker and you can years ago called Tree Maker and you can download<00:08:12.379> it<00:08:12.679> from<00:08:12.800> my<00:08:12.919> website<00:08:13.039> it's<00:08:13.490> free download it from my website it's free download it from my website it's free runs<00:08:14.240> on<00:08:14.389> all<00:08:14.509> the<00:08:14.599> major<00:08:14.749> platforms<00:08:15.469> even runs on all the major platforms even runs on all the major platforms even windows windows windows and<00:08:18.469> you<00:08:18.919> just<00:08:19.069> draw<00:08:19.279> a<00:08:19.310> stick<00:08:19.639> figure<00:08:19.669> and<00:08:20.240> it and you just draw a stick figure and it and you just draw a stick figure and it calculates<00:08:21.349> the<00:08:22.129> crease<00:08:22.370> pattern<00:08:22.400> it<00:08:22.819> does calculates the crease pattern it does calculates the crease pattern it does the<00:08:23.090> circle<00:08:23.419> packing<00:08:23.680> calculates<00:08:24.680> the<00:08:24.800> crease the circle packing calculates the crease the circle packing calculates the crease pattern<00:08:25.069> and<00:08:25.610> if<00:08:25.909> you<00:08:26.029> use<00:08:26.210> that<00:08:26.629> stick<00:08:27.020> figure pattern and if you use that stick figure pattern and if you use that stick figure that<00:08:27.469> I<00:08:27.499> just<00:08:27.740> showed<00:08:27.949> which<00:08:28.099> can<00:08:28.279> kind<00:08:28.370> of that I just showed which can kind of that I just showed which can kind of tell<00:08:28.669> it's<00:08:28.819> a<00:08:28.909> deer<00:08:29.210> it's<00:08:29.360> got<00:08:29.659> a<00:08:29.689> antlers tell it's a deer it's got a antlers tell it's a deer it's got a antlers you'll<00:08:31.009> get<00:08:31.189> this<00:08:31.610> crease<00:08:31.939> pattern<00:08:31.969> and<00:08:32.539> if you'll get this crease pattern and if you'll get this crease pattern and if you<00:08:32.839> take<00:08:33.050> this<00:08:33.200> crease<00:08:33.469> pattern<00:08:33.500> you<00:08:33.950> fold<00:08:34.219> on you take this crease pattern you fold on you take this crease pattern you fold on the<00:08:34.459> dotted<00:08:34.729> lines<00:08:34.940> you'll<00:08:35.149> get<00:08:35.269> a<00:08:35.300> base<00:08:35.599> that the dotted lines you'll get a base that the dotted lines you'll get a base that you<00:08:35.990> can<00:08:36.110> then<00:08:36.349> shape<00:08:37.060> into<00:08:38.060> a<00:08:38.089> deer<00:08:38.419> with you can then shape into a deer with you can then shape into a deer with exactly<00:08:39.800> the<00:08:39.919> crease<00:08:40.159> pattern<00:08:40.190> that<00:08:40.729> you exactly the crease pattern that you exactly the crease pattern that you wanted<00:08:41.329> and<00:08:41.630> if<00:08:42.289> you<00:08:42.380> want<00:08:42.560> a<00:08:42.589> different<00:08:42.740> deer wanted and if you want a different deer wanted and if you want a different deer it's<00:08:43.430> not<00:08:43.880> a<00:08:43.909> white-tailed<00:08:44.750> deer<00:08:45.050> but<00:08:45.290> you it's not a white-tailed deer but you it's not a white-tailed deer but you want<00:08:45.589> a<00:08:45.620> mule<00:08:45.860> deer<00:08:46.130> or<00:08:46.279> an<00:08:46.399> elk<00:08:46.579> you<00:08:47.300> change want a mule deer or an elk you change want a mule deer or an elk you change the<00:08:47.750> packing<00:08:48.170> and<00:08:48.260> you<00:08:48.529> can<00:08:48.680> do<00:08:48.860> an<00:08:49.070> elk<00:08:49.490> or<00:08:50.410> you the packing and you can do an elk or you the packing and you can do an elk or you could<00:08:51.589> do<00:08:51.740> a<00:08:51.920> moose<00:08:52.430> or<00:08:52.790> really<00:08:53.149> any<00:08:53.360> other could do a moose or really any other could do a moose or really any other kind<00:08:53.750> of<00:08:54.110> deer<00:08:54.440> these<00:08:54.980> techniques kind of deer these techniques kind of deer these techniques revolutionize<00:08:56.300> this<00:08:56.750> art<00:08:57.079> we<00:08:57.290> found<00:08:57.560> we<00:08:57.740> could revolutionize this art we found we could revolutionize this art we found we could do<00:08:58.040> insects<00:08:58.699> spiders<00:08:59.329> which<00:09:00.019> are<00:09:00.170> clothes do insects spiders which are clothes do insects spiders which are clothes things<00:09:01.399> with<00:09:01.579> legs<00:09:01.850> things<00:09:02.540> with<00:09:02.810> legs<00:09:03.589> and things with legs things with legs and things with legs things with legs and wings<00:09:04.360> things<00:09:05.360> with<00:09:05.600> legs<00:09:05.959> and<00:09:06.320> antennae<00:09:06.769> and wings things with legs and antennae and wings things with legs and antennae and a<00:09:07.550> folding<00:09:07.910> a<00:09:08.000> single<00:09:08.329> praying<00:09:08.600> mantis<00:09:09.019> from<00:09:09.230> a a folding a single praying mantis from a a folding a single praying mantis from a single<00:09:09.649> uncut<00:09:10.040> square<00:09:10.459> wasn't<00:09:11.149> interesting single uncut square wasn't interesting single uncut square wasn't interesting enough<00:09:11.690> then<00:09:12.440> you<00:09:12.589> could<00:09:12.740> do<00:09:12.889> two<00:09:13.250> praying enough then you could do two praying enough then you could do two praying mantises<00:09:14.089> from<00:09:14.779> a<00:09:14.899> single<00:09:15.170> uncut<00:09:15.500> square mantises from a single uncut square mantises from a single uncut square she's<00:09:16.730> eating<00:09:17.089> him<00:09:17.449> I<00:09:18.410> call<00:09:18.920> it<00:09:19.040> snack<00:09:19.310> time she's eating him I call it snack time she's eating him I call it snack time and<00:09:21.500> you<00:09:21.829> can<00:09:21.949> do<00:09:22.040> more<00:09:22.250> than<00:09:22.370> just<00:09:22.399> insects and you can do more than just insects and you can do more than just insects this<00:09:23.660> you<00:09:24.290> can<00:09:24.470> you<00:09:24.620> can<00:09:24.769> put<00:09:24.920> details<00:09:25.339> toes this you can you can put details toes this you can you can put details toes and<00:09:26.420> claws<00:09:26.779> grizzly<00:09:27.410> bear<00:09:27.589> has<00:09:27.800> claws<00:09:28.160> this and claws grizzly bear has claws this and claws grizzly bear has claws this tree<00:09:29.269> frog<00:09:29.540> has<00:09:29.750> toes<00:09:29.990> actually<00:09:30.380> lots<00:09:30.560> of tree frog has toes actually lots of tree frog has toes actually lots of people<00:09:31.040> in<00:09:31.100> origami<00:09:31.459> now<00:09:31.760> put<00:09:32.300> toes<00:09:32.540> into people in origami now put toes into people in origami now put toes into their<00:09:32.959> models<00:09:33.260> toes<00:09:33.500> have<00:09:33.709> become<00:09:34.010> an<00:09:34.130> origami their models toes have become an origami their models toes have become an origami meme<00:09:34.970> because<00:09:35.630> everyone's<00:09:36.110> doing<00:09:36.620> it<00:09:37.360> you<00:09:38.360> can meme because everyone's doing it you can meme because everyone's doing it you can you<00:09:38.899> can<00:09:39.079> make<00:09:39.560> multiple<00:09:39.800> subjects<00:09:40.640> so<00:09:40.790> these you can make multiple subjects so these you can make multiple subjects so these are<00:09:41.149> a<00:09:41.390> couple<00:09:41.570> instrumentalists<00:09:42.500> the<00:09:42.980> guitar are a couple instrumentalists the guitar are a couple instrumentalists the guitar player<00:09:43.730> from<00:09:44.720> a<00:09:44.779> single<00:09:45.110> square<00:09:45.380> the<00:09:45.829> bass player from a single square the bass player from a single square the bass player<00:09:46.730> from<00:09:46.940> a<00:09:47.089> single<00:09:47.329> square<00:09:47.540> and<00:09:47.959> if<00:09:48.079> you player from a single square and if you player from a single square and if you say<00:09:48.320> well<00:09:48.500> but<00:09:48.949> guitar<00:09:49.399> bass<00:09:49.880> that's<00:09:50.390> not<00:09:50.779> so say well but guitar bass that's not so say well but guitar bass that's not so hot<00:09:51.170> do<00:09:51.560> a<00:09:51.800> little<00:09:52.190> more<00:09:52.310> complicated hot do a little more complicated hot do a little more complicated instrument<00:09:53.720> well<00:09:53.959> then<00:09:54.140> you<00:09:54.260> could<00:09:54.410> do<00:09:54.470> an instrument well then you could do an instrument well then you could do an organ<00:09:55.449> and<00:09:57.279> what<00:09:58.279> this<00:09:58.430> is<00:09:58.610> allowed<00:09:58.970> is<00:09:59.360> the organ and what this is allowed is the organ and what this is allowed is the creation<00:10:00.560> of<00:10:00.680> origami<00:10:01.370> on<00:10:01.640> demand<00:10:02.240> I'm<00:10:02.480> so<00:10:02.660> now creation of origami on demand I'm so now creation of origami on demand I'm so now people<00:10:03.290> can<00:10:03.560> say<00:10:03.740> I<00:10:03.920> want<00:10:04.190> exactly<00:10:04.610> this<00:10:04.970> and people can say I want exactly this and people can say I want exactly this and this<00:10:05.269> and<00:10:05.480> this<00:10:05.600> and<00:10:05.870> you<00:10:06.500> can<00:10:06.589> go<00:10:06.709> out<00:10:06.860> and this and this and you can go out and this and this and you can go out and fold<00:10:07.519> it<00:10:07.699> and<00:10:07.910> sometimes<00:10:08.899> you<00:10:09.170> create<00:10:09.529> high fold it and sometimes you create high fold it and sometimes you create high art<00:10:09.980> and<00:10:10.160> sometimes<00:10:10.640> you<00:10:11.120> pay<00:10:11.329> the<00:10:11.449> bills<00:10:11.660> by art and sometimes you pay the bills by art and sometimes you pay the bills by doing<00:10:12.079> some<00:10:12.290> commercial<00:10:12.769> work<00:10:12.800> but<00:10:13.459> I<00:10:13.490> want<00:10:13.699> to doing some commercial work but I want to doing some commercial work but I want to show<00:10:14.000> you<00:10:14.060> some<00:10:14.959> examples<00:10:15.440> everything<00:10:16.010> you'll show you some examples everything you'll show you some examples everything you'll see<00:10:16.519> here<00:10:16.990> except<00:10:17.990> the<00:10:18.139> car<00:10:18.410> is<00:10:19.339> origami see here except the car is origami see here except the car is origami density<00:10:21.060> she<00:10:21.660> got<00:10:21.899> a<00:10:21.930> date density she got a date density she got a date so<00:10:24.330> they<00:10:24.450> were<00:10:24.570> Emily

so<00:10:28.480> it<00:10:28.600> was<00:10:28.720> a<00:10:28.960> little<00:10:29.260> hasty<00:10:30.360> so<00:10:31.360> they<00:10:31.480> want<00:10:31.660> to
so it was a little hasty so they want to so it was a little hasty so they want to see<00:10:31.930> what<00:10:32.080> she see what she see what she sorry<00:10:34.320> what<00:10:34.530> though<00:10:34.680> she<00:10:34.740> was<00:10:37.400> do<00:10:38.400> you<00:10:38.430> the sorry what though she was do you the sorry what though she was do you the 2006<00:10:39.930> Mitsubishi<00:10:40.470> Endeavor<00:10:40.740> was<00:10:41.460> a<00:10:41.490> powerful 2006 Mitsubishi Endeavor was a powerful 2006 Mitsubishi Endeavor was a powerful 3.8<00:10:42.540> liter<00:10:42.720> v6<00:10:43.200> and<00:10:43.380> available<00:10:43.830> all-wheel 3.8 liter v6 and available all-wheel 3.8 liter v6 and available all-wheel drive<00:10:44.460> a<00:10:44.760> mythic<00:10:45.180> combination<00:10:45.780> of<00:10:45.930> beauty<00:10:46.260> and drive a mythic combination of beauty and drive a mythic combination of beauty and beast<00:10:46.730> Mitsubishi<00:10:47.730> driven<00:10:48.330> is<00:10:48.480> thrill<00:10:50.840> just beast Mitsubishi driven is thrill just beast Mitsubishi driven is thrill just to<00:10:51.930> say<00:10:52.110> this<00:10:52.290> really<00:10:52.530> was<00:10:52.910> folded<00:10:53.910> paper to say this really was folded paper to say this really was folded paper computers<00:10:54.690> made<00:10:54.930> things<00:10:55.200> move<00:10:55.530> but<00:10:56.280> these computers made things move but these computers made things move but these were<00:10:56.640> all<00:10:56.880> real<00:10:57.450> folded<00:10:58.020> objects<00:10:58.500> that<00:10:58.680> we were all real folded objects that we were all real folded objects that we made<00:10:59.250> and<00:11:00.240> we<00:11:00.780> can<00:11:01.050> use<00:11:01.230> this<00:11:01.410> not<00:11:01.680> just<00:11:01.950> for made and we can use this not just for made and we can use this not just for visuals<00:11:02.940> but<00:11:03.390> it<00:11:03.510> turns<00:11:03.750> out<00:11:03.960> to<00:11:04.230> be<00:11:04.260> useful visuals but it turns out to be useful visuals but it turns out to be useful even<00:11:05.010> in<00:11:05.250> the<00:11:05.340> real<00:11:05.550> world<00:11:05.990> surprisingly even in the real world surprisingly even in the real world surprisingly origami<00:11:07.740> and<00:11:08.070> the<00:11:08.310> structures<00:11:08.850> that<00:11:09.030> we've origami and the structures that we've origami and the structures that we've developed<00:11:09.690> an<00:11:09.780> origami<00:11:10.170> turn<00:11:10.500> out<00:11:10.620> to<00:11:10.740> have developed an origami turn out to have developed an origami turn out to have applications<00:11:11.580> in<00:11:11.670> medicine<00:11:12.540> and<00:11:12.750> science<00:11:13.110> in applications in medicine and science in applications in medicine and science in space<00:11:13.920> in<00:11:14.190> the<00:11:14.370> body<00:11:14.550> consumer<00:11:15.180> electronics space in the body consumer electronics space in the body consumer electronics and<00:11:15.930> more<00:11:16.560> and<00:11:16.770> I<00:11:16.800> want<00:11:16.980> to<00:11:17.040> show<00:11:17.220> you<00:11:17.280> some<00:11:17.580> of and more and I want to show you some of and more and I want to show you some of these<00:11:17.790> examples<00:11:18.320> one<00:11:19.320> of<00:11:19.350> the<00:11:19.500> earliest<00:11:19.830> was these examples one of the earliest was these examples one of the earliest was this<00:11:20.580> pattern<00:11:21.060> this<00:11:21.240> folded<00:11:21.690> pattern<00:11:22.460> studied this pattern this folded pattern studied this pattern this folded pattern studied by<00:11:23.610> Cory<00:11:23.940> ami<00:11:24.240> or<00:11:24.270> a<00:11:24.420> Japanese<00:11:25.080> engineer by Cory ami or a Japanese engineer by Cory ami or a Japanese engineer studied<00:11:27.030> a<00:11:27.120> folding<00:11:27.420> pattern<00:11:27.690> realized<00:11:28.110> this studied a folding pattern realized this studied a folding pattern realized this could<00:11:28.920> fold<00:11:29.190> down<00:11:29.430> into<00:11:29.700> an<00:11:29.790> extremely could fold down into an extremely could fold down into an extremely compact<00:11:31.260> package<00:11:31.800> that<00:11:31.980> had<00:11:32.100> a<00:11:32.130> very<00:11:32.400> simple compact package that had a very simple compact package that had a very simple opening<00:11:33.750> and<00:11:33.870> closing<00:11:34.290> structure<00:11:34.710> and<00:11:34.860> he opening and closing structure and he opening and closing structure and he used<00:11:35.220> it<00:11:35.400> to<00:11:35.550> design<00:11:36.120> this<00:11:36.360> solar<00:11:36.630> array<00:11:37.050> it's used it to design this solar array it's used it to design this solar array it's an<00:11:37.350> artist<00:11:37.710> rendition<00:11:38.070> but<00:11:38.400> it<00:11:38.520> flew<00:11:38.820> in<00:11:39.030> a an artist rendition but it flew in a an artist rendition but it flew in a Japanese<00:11:39.540> telescope<00:11:40.110> in<00:11:40.550> 1995<00:11:41.720> now<00:11:42.720> there<00:11:42.870> is Japanese telescope in 1995 now there is Japanese telescope in 1995 now there is actually<00:11:43.350> a<00:11:43.380> little<00:11:43.560> origami<00:11:44.130> in<00:11:44.430> the<00:11:44.580> James actually a little origami in the James actually a little origami in the James Webb<00:11:45.120> Space<00:11:45.150> Telescope<00:11:45.480> but<00:11:46.080> it's<00:11:46.320> very Webb Space Telescope but it's very Webb Space Telescope but it's very simple<00:11:46.860> the<00:11:47.400> telescope<00:11:47.970> is<00:11:48.690> going<00:11:49.260> up<00:11:49.380> in simple the telescope is going up in simple the telescope is going up in space<00:11:49.860> it<00:11:50.130> unfolds<00:11:50.910> in<00:11:51.060> two<00:11:51.570> places<00:11:51.870> it<00:11:52.290> folds space it unfolds in two places it folds space it unfolds in two places it folds in<00:11:52.770> thirds<00:11:53.100> it's<00:11:53.670> a<00:11:53.730> very<00:11:53.940> simple<00:11:54.390> pattern<00:11:54.570> you in thirds it's a very simple pattern you in thirds it's a very simple pattern you wouldn't<00:11:55.170> even<00:11:55.230> call<00:11:55.620> that<00:11:55.830> origami<00:11:56.220> they wouldn't even call that origami they wouldn't even call that origami they certainly<00:11:56.790> didn't<00:11:57.150> need<00:11:57.330> to<00:11:57.510> talk<00:11:57.960> to<00:11:58.110> origami certainly didn't need to talk to origami certainly didn't need to talk to origami artists<00:11:59.070> but<00:11:59.340> if<00:11:59.460> you<00:11:59.550> want<00:11:59.730> to<00:11:59.790> go<00:11:59.880> higher<00:12:00.180> and artists but if you want to go higher and artists but if you want to go higher and go<00:12:01.050> larger<00:12:01.530> than<00:12:01.680> this<00:12:01.860> then<00:12:02.490> you<00:12:02.970> might<00:12:03.150> need go larger than this then you might need go larger than this then you might need some<00:12:03.600> origami<00:12:04.100> engineers<00:12:05.100> at<00:12:05.280> Lawrence some origami engineers at Lawrence some origami engineers at Lawrence Livermore<00:12:05.730> National<00:12:06.030> Lab<00:12:06.600> had<00:12:06.900> an<00:12:07.020> idea<00:12:07.380> for<00:12:07.650> a Livermore National Lab had an idea for a Livermore National Lab had an idea for a telescope<00:12:08.070> much<00:12:08.880> larger<00:12:09.420> they<00:12:09.660> called<00:12:09.870> it<00:12:09.990> the telescope much larger they called it the telescope much larger they called it the eye<00:12:10.110> glass<00:12:10.620> the<00:12:11.370> design<00:12:11.850> called<00:12:12.210> for eye glass the design called for eye glass the design called for geosynchronous<00:12:12.930> orbit<00:12:13.760> 25,000<00:12:14.760> miles<00:12:14.940> up<00:12:15.270> a geosynchronous orbit 25,000 miles up a geosynchronous orbit 25,000 miles up a hundred<00:12:15.990> meter<00:12:16.440> diameter<00:12:17.120> lens<00:12:18.120> so<00:12:18.930> imagine<00:12:19.590> a hundred meter diameter lens so imagine a hundred meter diameter lens so imagine a lens<00:12:19.950> the<00:12:20.130> size<00:12:20.310> of<00:12:20.490> a<00:12:20.550> football<00:12:20.790> field lens the size of a football field lens the size of a football field there<00:12:21.930> were<00:12:22.020> two<00:12:22.200> groups<00:12:22.380> of<00:12:22.560> people<00:12:22.740> who<00:12:23.010> are there were two groups of people who are there were two groups of people who are interested<00:12:23.670> in<00:12:23.700> this<00:12:23.910> planetary<00:12:24.480> scientists interested in this planetary scientists interested in this planetary scientists who<00:12:25.200> want<00:12:25.410> to<00:12:25.440> look<00:12:25.590> up<00:12:25.770> and<00:12:26.010> then<00:12:27.000> other who want to look up and then other who want to look up and then other people<00:12:27.720> who<00:12:28.110> wanted<00:12:28.710> to<00:12:28.770> look<00:12:29.010> down<00:12:29.900> the people who wanted to look down the people who wanted to look down the weather<00:12:31.110> you<00:12:31.290> look<00:12:31.470> up<00:12:31.680> or<00:12:31.920> look<00:12:32.040> down<00:12:32.310> how<00:12:32.850> you weather you look up or look down how you weather you look up or look down how you get<00:12:33.240> it<00:12:33.360> up<00:12:33.510> in<00:12:33.630> space<00:12:33.930> you<00:12:34.170> got<00:12:34.290> to<00:12:34.410> get<00:12:34.500> it<00:12:34.620> up get it up in space you got to get it up get it up in space you got to get it up there<00:12:34.890> in<00:12:35.040> a<00:12:35.100> rocket<00:12:35.460> and<00:12:35.580> Rockets<00:12:35.940> are<00:12:36.060> small there in a rocket and Rockets are small there in a rocket and Rockets are small so<00:12:36.540> you<00:12:36.600> have<00:12:36.870> to<00:12:37.020> make<00:12:37.200> it<00:12:37.320> smaller<00:12:37.470> how<00:12:38.250> do so you have to make it smaller how do so you have to make it smaller how do you<00:12:38.430> make<00:12:38.550> a<00:12:38.580> large<00:12:38.820> sheet<00:12:39.060> of<00:12:39.180> glass<00:12:39.270> smaller you make a large sheet of glass smaller you make a large sheet of glass smaller well<00:12:41.070> about<00:12:41.550> the<00:12:41.730> only<00:12:41.940> way<00:12:42.060> is<00:12:42.270> to<00:12:42.300> fold<00:12:42.690> it<00:12:42.839> up well about the only way is to fold it up well about the only way is to fold it up somehow<00:12:43.260> so<00:12:43.440> you<00:12:43.710> have<00:12:43.860> to<00:12:43.950> do<00:12:44.070> something<00:12:44.370> like somehow so you have to do something like somehow so you have to do something like this<00:12:45.000> this<00:12:45.570> was<00:12:45.810> a this this was a this this was a small<00:12:46.900> model<00:12:47.290> folded<00:12:47.590> lens<00:12:47.830> you<00:12:48.100> divide<00:12:48.730> up small model folded lens you divide up small model folded lens you divide up the<00:12:49.030> panels<00:12:49.390> you<00:12:49.570> had<00:12:49.690> flexures<00:12:50.500> but<00:12:51.040> this the panels you had flexures but this the panels you had flexures but this patterns<00:12:51.610> not<00:12:52.120> going<00:12:52.450> to<00:12:52.540> work<00:12:52.750> to<00:12:53.500> get patterns not going to work to get patterns not going to work to get something<00:12:54.010> a<00:12:54.100> hundred<00:12:54.430> meters<00:12:54.730> down<00:12:55.150> to<00:12:55.360> a<00:12:55.390> few something a hundred meters down to a few something a hundred meters down to a few meters<00:12:55.840> so<00:12:56.680> the<00:12:56.770> Livermore<00:12:57.010> engineers meters so the Livermore engineers meters so the Livermore engineers wanting<00:12:58.720> to<00:12:58.870> make<00:12:59.380> use<00:12:59.560> of<00:12:59.590> the<00:12:59.830> work<00:12:59.980> of<00:13:00.160> dead wanting to make use of the work of dead wanting to make use of the work of dead people<00:13:00.610> or<00:13:01.000> perhaps<00:13:01.210> live<00:13:01.810> origamist<00:13:02.590> s-- people or perhaps live origamist s-- people or perhaps live origamist s-- said<00:13:03.880> let's<00:13:04.570> see<00:13:04.780> if<00:13:04.810> someone<00:13:05.320> else<00:13:05.500> is<00:13:05.740> doing said let's see if someone else is doing said let's see if someone else is doing this<00:13:06.160> sort<00:13:06.400> of<00:13:06.550> thing<00:13:06.760> so<00:13:06.790> they<00:13:07.380> looked<00:13:08.380> into this sort of thing so they looked into this sort of thing so they looked into the<00:13:08.650> origami<00:13:08.920> community<00:13:09.370> we<00:13:09.490> got<00:13:09.670> in<00:13:09.790> touch the origami community we got in touch the origami community we got in touch with<00:13:09.970> them<00:13:10.330> and<00:13:10.480> I<00:13:10.540> started<00:13:10.840> working<00:13:10.990> with<00:13:11.230> him with them and I started working with him with them and I started working with him and<00:13:11.560> we<00:13:11.860> developed<00:13:12.280> a<00:13:12.370> pattern<00:13:12.730> together<00:13:12.880> that and we developed a pattern together that and we developed a pattern together that scales<00:13:14.230> to<00:13:14.410> arbitrarily<00:13:15.010> large<00:13:15.280> size<00:13:15.640> but scales to arbitrarily large size but scales to arbitrarily large size but that<00:13:16.030> allows<00:13:16.420> any<00:13:17.020> flat<00:13:17.650> ring<00:13:18.130> or<00:13:18.460> disk<00:13:18.850> to that allows any flat ring or disk to that allows any flat ring or disk to fold<00:13:19.720> down<00:13:19.990> into<00:13:20.530> a<00:13:20.560> very<00:13:20.800> neat<00:13:21.280> compact fold down into a very neat compact fold down into a very neat compact cylinder<00:13:22.330> and<00:13:22.480> they<00:13:22.870> adopted<00:13:23.320> that<00:13:23.470> for<00:13:23.800> their cylinder and they adopted that for their cylinder and they adopted that for their first<00:13:24.190> generation<00:13:24.790> which<00:13:24.940> was<00:13:25.090> not<00:13:25.270> a<00:13:25.300> hundred first generation which was not a hundred first generation which was not a hundred meters<00:13:25.960> was<00:13:26.140> a<00:13:26.170> five<00:13:26.500> meter<00:13:26.740> but<00:13:27.040> this<00:13:27.160> is<00:13:27.310> a meters was a five meter but this is a meters was a five meter but this is a five<00:13:27.610> meter<00:13:27.790> telescope<00:13:28.450> as<00:13:28.630> about<00:13:29.170> a<00:13:29.230> quarter five meter telescope as about a quarter five meter telescope as about a quarter mile<00:13:29.740> focal<00:13:30.160> length<00:13:30.370> and<00:13:30.580> it<00:13:30.670> works<00:13:30.880> perfectly mile focal length and it works perfectly mile focal length and it works perfectly on<00:13:31.840> its<00:13:32.410> test<00:13:32.680> range<00:13:32.980> and<00:13:33.190> it<00:13:33.280> indeed<00:13:33.640> folds<00:13:34.060> up on its test range and it indeed folds up on its test range and it indeed folds up into<00:13:34.420> a<00:13:34.510> neat<00:13:34.720> little<00:13:34.870> bundle<00:13:35.580> now<00:13:36.580> there<00:13:36.760> is into a neat little bundle now there is into a neat little bundle now there is other<00:13:37.060> origami<00:13:37.360> in<00:13:37.720> space<00:13:38.080> Japan<00:13:38.950> aerospace other origami in space Japan aerospace other origami in space Japan aerospace agency<00:13:39.940> flew<00:13:40.540> a<00:13:40.570> solar<00:13:40.960> sail<00:13:41.320> and<00:13:41.620> you<00:13:42.040> can<00:13:42.190> see agency flew a solar sail and you can see agency flew a solar sail and you can see here<00:13:42.790> that<00:13:43.000> the<00:13:43.180> sail<00:13:43.390> expands<00:13:44.110> out<00:13:44.260> you<00:13:44.470> can here that the sail expands out you can here that the sail expands out you can still<00:13:44.830> see<00:13:45.040> the<00:13:45.190> fold<00:13:45.430> lines<00:13:45.700> the<00:13:46.510> problem still see the fold lines the problem still see the fold lines the problem that's<00:13:47.170> being<00:13:47.350> solved<00:13:47.890> here<00:13:48.190> is<00:13:48.340> something that's being solved here is something that's being solved here is something that<00:13:48.940> needs<00:13:49.210> to<00:13:49.450> be<00:13:49.570> big<00:13:49.900> and<00:13:50.110> sheet<00:13:50.620> like<00:13:50.860> at that needs to be big and sheet like at that needs to be big and sheet like at its<00:13:51.310> destination<00:13:51.850> but<00:13:52.510> needs<00:13:52.720> to<00:13:52.810> be<00:13:52.930> small its destination but needs to be small its destination but needs to be small for<00:13:54.070> the<00:13:54.160> journey<00:13:54.430> and<00:13:54.670> that<00:13:55.120> works<00:13:55.390> whether for the journey and that works whether for the journey and that works whether you're<00:13:55.960> going<00:13:56.170> into<00:13:56.500> space<00:13:56.800> or<00:13:57.130> whether you're going into space or whether you're going into space or whether you're<00:13:57.940> just<00:13:58.150> going<00:13:58.750> into<00:13:59.200> a<00:13:59.230> body<00:13:59.530> and<00:13:59.860> this you're just going into a body and this you're just going into a body and this example<00:14:01.120> is<00:14:01.420> the<00:14:02.080> latter<00:14:02.320> this<00:14:02.770> is<00:14:02.980> a<00:14:03.010> heart example is the latter this is a heart example is the latter this is a heart stent<00:14:03.730> developed<00:14:04.450> by<00:14:04.600> Zhang<00:14:04.900> Yu<00:14:05.170> at<00:14:05.410> Oxford stent developed by Zhang Yu at Oxford stent developed by Zhang Yu at Oxford University University University it<00:14:07.540> holds<00:14:08.140> open<00:14:08.470> a<00:14:08.800> blocked<00:14:09.190> artery<00:14:09.610> when<00:14:09.850> it it holds open a blocked artery when it it holds open a blocked artery when it gets<00:14:10.120> to<00:14:10.270> its<00:14:10.300> destination<00:14:10.450> but<00:14:11.110> it<00:14:11.140> needs<00:14:11.350> to gets to its destination but it needs to gets to its destination but it needs to be<00:14:11.620> much<00:14:11.770> smaller<00:14:12.100> for<00:14:12.490> the<00:14:12.580> trip<00:14:12.880> there be much smaller for the trip there be much smaller for the trip there through<00:14:13.930> your<00:14:14.290> blood<00:14:14.500> vessels<00:14:14.890> and<00:14:15.040> this<00:14:15.580> stem through your blood vessels and this stem through your blood vessels and this stem folds<00:14:16.960> down<00:14:17.170> using<00:14:17.590> an<00:14:17.800> origami<00:14:18.250> pattern folds down using an origami pattern folds down using an origami pattern based<00:14:18.970> on<00:14:19.180> a<00:14:19.210> model<00:14:19.600> called<00:14:19.870> the<00:14:19.990> water<00:14:20.230> bomb based on a model called the water bomb based on a model called the water bomb base<00:14:22.230> airbag<00:14:23.230> designers<00:14:23.860> also<00:14:24.340> have<00:14:24.460> the base airbag designers also have the base airbag designers also have the problem<00:14:24.970> of<00:14:25.090> getting<00:14:25.360> flat<00:14:25.930> sheets<00:14:26.620> into<00:14:26.980> a problem of getting flat sheets into a problem of getting flat sheets into a small<00:14:28.240> space<00:14:28.480> and<00:14:28.930> they<00:14:29.350> want<00:14:29.530> to<00:14:29.589> do<00:14:29.680> their small space and they want to do their small space and they want to do their design<00:14:30.100> by<00:14:30.280> simulation<00:14:30.820> so<00:14:31.210> they<00:14:31.330> need<00:14:31.480> to design by simulation so they need to design by simulation so they need to figure<00:14:31.750> out<00:14:31.900> how<00:14:32.200> in<00:14:32.440> a<00:14:32.589> computer<00:14:33.130> to<00:14:33.700> flatten figure out how in a computer to flatten figure out how in a computer to flatten an<00:14:34.240> airbag<00:14:34.660> and<00:14:35.010> the<00:14:36.010> algorithms<00:14:36.790> that<00:14:37.120> we an airbag and the algorithms that we an airbag and the algorithms that we developed<00:14:37.930> to<00:14:38.110> do<00:14:38.530> insects<00:14:39.220> turn<00:14:39.940> out<00:14:40.150> to<00:14:40.360> be developed to do insects turn out to be developed to do insects turn out to be the<00:14:40.600> solution<00:14:41.140> for<00:14:41.580> airbags<00:14:42.660> to<00:14:43.660> do<00:14:43.810> their the solution for airbags to do their the solution for airbags to do their simulation<00:14:44.620> and<00:14:44.860> so<00:14:45.040> they<00:14:45.190> can<00:14:45.370> do<00:14:45.520> a simulation and so they can do a simulation and so they can do a simulation<00:14:47.140> like<00:14:47.410> this<00:14:47.710> those<00:14:47.980> are<00:14:48.100> the simulation like this those are the simulation like this those are the origami<00:14:48.520> creases<00:14:49.030> forming<00:14:49.390> and<00:14:49.510> now<00:14:50.020> you<00:14:50.080> can origami creases forming and now you can origami creases forming and now you can see<00:14:50.589> the<00:14:50.710> airbag<00:14:51.040> inflate<00:14:51.460> and<00:14:51.730> find<00:14:52.000> out<00:14:52.180> does see the airbag inflate and find out does see the airbag inflate and find out does it<00:14:52.930> work<00:14:53.140> and<00:14:53.910> that<00:14:54.910> leads<00:14:55.750> to<00:14:55.900> a<00:14:56.020> really it work and that leads to a really it work and that leads to a really interesting<00:14:57.339> idea<00:14:58.170> you<00:14:59.170> know<00:14:59.230> where<00:14:59.500> did interesting idea you know where did interesting idea you know where did these these these come<00:15:00.379> from<00:15:00.709> well<00:15:01.519> the<00:15:01.779> heart<00:15:02.779> stent<00:15:03.139> came<00:15:04.009> from come from well the heart stent came from come from well the heart stent came from that<00:15:04.759> little<00:15:05.059> blow-up<00:15:05.389> box<00:15:05.899> that<00:15:06.259> you<00:15:06.379> might that little blow-up box that you might that little blow-up box that you might have<00:15:06.679> learned<00:15:06.889> in<00:15:07.069> elementary<00:15:07.309> school<00:15:08.029> it's have learned in elementary school it's have learned in elementary school it's the<00:15:08.689> same<00:15:08.959> pattern<00:15:09.259> called<00:15:09.739> the<00:15:09.800> water<00:15:10.009> bomb the same pattern called the water bomb the same pattern called the water bomb base<00:15:10.629> the<00:15:11.629> air<00:15:11.869> bag<00:15:12.199> flattening<00:15:12.860> algorithm base the air bag flattening algorithm base the air bag flattening algorithm came<00:15:13.730> from<00:15:13.910> all<00:15:14.239> the<00:15:14.480> developments<00:15:15.139> of<00:15:15.259> circle came from all the developments of circle came from all the developments of circle packing<00:15:16.249> and<00:15:16.699> the<00:15:17.239> mathematical<00:15:17.899> theory<00:15:18.230> that packing and the mathematical theory that packing and the mathematical theory that was<00:15:18.649> really<00:15:19.040> developed<00:15:19.819> just<00:15:20.449> to<00:15:20.779> create was really developed just to create was really developed just to create insects<00:15:22.160> things<00:15:22.519> with<00:15:22.730> legs<00:15:23.139> the<00:15:24.139> thing<00:15:24.589> is insects things with legs the thing is insects things with legs the thing is that<00:15:25.339> this<00:15:25.549> often<00:15:26.149> happens<00:15:26.420> in<00:15:26.869> math<00:15:27.350> and<00:15:27.679> the that this often happens in math and the that this often happens in math and the science<00:15:28.040> when<00:15:28.189> you<00:15:28.220> get<00:15:28.459> math<00:15:28.730> involved science when you get math involved science when you get math involved problems<00:15:30.230> that<00:15:30.709> you<00:15:30.889> solve<00:15:31.189> for<00:15:31.610> aesthetic problems that you solve for aesthetic problems that you solve for aesthetic value<00:15:32.839> only<00:15:33.290> just<00:15:33.529> or<00:15:33.920> to<00:15:34.040> create<00:15:34.339> something value only just or to create something value only just or to create something beautiful<00:15:34.959> turn<00:15:35.959> around<00:15:36.319> and<00:15:36.619> turn<00:15:37.069> out<00:15:37.249> to beautiful turn around and turn out to beautiful turn around and turn out to have<00:15:37.549> an<00:15:37.699> application<00:15:38.179> in<00:15:38.600> the<00:15:39.110> real<00:15:39.319> world have an application in the real world have an application in the real world and<00:15:39.920> as<00:15:40.610> weird<00:15:41.329> and<00:15:41.509> surprising<00:15:42.379> as<00:15:42.470> it<00:15:42.499> may and as weird and surprising as it may and as weird and surprising as it may sound<00:15:43.329> origami sound origami sound origami may<00:15:44.839> someday<00:15:45.110> even<00:15:45.259> save<00:15:46.160> a<00:15:46.189> life<00:15:46.929> thanks

TEDEducation TED-Ed TED Ed, Robert, Lang, origami

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