Cách phát hiện kẻ nói dối – Pamela Meyer

How to spot a liar - Pamela Meyer

How to spot a liar - Pamela Meyer


okay<00:00:16.560> now<00:00:16.680> I<00:00:16.710> don't<00:00:16.950> want<00:00:17.070> to<00:00:17.190> alarm<00:00:17.880> anybody
okay now I don't want to alarm anybody okay now I don't want to alarm anybody in<00:00:18.510> this<00:00:18.660> room<00:00:20.029> but<00:00:21.029> it's<00:00:21.119> just<00:00:21.360> come<00:00:21.600> to<00:00:21.720> my in this room but it's just come to my in this room but it's just come to my attention<00:00:22.110> that<00:00:22.260> the<00:00:22.440> person<00:00:22.800> to<00:00:22.920> your<00:00:23.010> right attention that the person to your right attention that the person to your right is<00:00:23.460> a<00:00:23.490> liar is a liar is a liar also<00:00:26.700> the<00:00:27.509> person<00:00:27.840> to<00:00:27.930> your<00:00:28.020> left<00:00:28.080> is<00:00:28.560> a<00:00:28.590> liar also the person to your left is a liar also the person to your left is a liar also<00:00:30.630> the<00:00:30.720> person<00:00:31.020> sitting<00:00:31.290> in<00:00:31.470> your<00:00:31.590> very also the person sitting in your very also the person sitting in your very seats<00:00:32.160> is<00:00:32.369> a<00:00:32.400> liar<00:00:32.700> we're<00:00:33.660> all<00:00:33.840> liars<00:00:34.460> what<00:00:35.460> I'm seats is a liar we're all liars what I'm seats is a liar we're all liars what I'm going<00:00:35.730> to<00:00:35.790> do<00:00:35.910> today<00:00:36.060> is<00:00:36.180> I'm<00:00:36.360> going<00:00:36.450> to<00:00:36.510> show going to do today is I'm going to show going to do today is I'm going to show you<00:00:36.870> what<00:00:37.710> the<00:00:37.829> research<00:00:38.190> says<00:00:38.520> about<00:00:38.550> why you what the research says about why you what the research says about why we're<00:00:39.150> all<00:00:39.239> Liars<00:00:39.510> how<00:00:40.320> you<00:00:40.380> can<00:00:40.560> become<00:00:40.680> a we're all Liars how you can become a we're all Liars how you can become a live<00:00:41.070> spotter<00:00:41.460> and<00:00:41.790> why<00:00:42.480> you<00:00:42.540> might<00:00:42.780> want<00:00:42.810> to live spotter and why you might want to live spotter and why you might want to go<00:00:43.649> the<00:00:43.800> extra<00:00:43.920> mile<00:00:44.309> and<00:00:44.460> go<00:00:44.609> from<00:00:44.820> lie go the extra mile and go from lie go the extra mile and go from lie spotting<00:00:45.510> to<00:00:46.109> truth<00:00:46.379> seeking<00:00:46.829> and<00:00:47.699> ultimately spotting to truth seeking and ultimately spotting to truth seeking and ultimately to<00:00:48.329> trust<00:00:48.780> building<00:00:49.550> now<00:00:50.550> speaking<00:00:51.030> of<00:00:51.120> trust to trust building now speaking of trust to trust building now speaking of trust ever<00:00:52.949> since<00:00:53.250> I<00:00:53.370> wrote<00:00:53.550> this<00:00:53.730> book<00:00:53.940> live ever since I wrote this book live ever since I wrote this book live spotting<00:00:54.949> no<00:00:55.949> one<00:00:56.129> wants<00:00:56.370> to<00:00:56.429> meet<00:00:56.640> me<00:00:56.760> in spotting no one wants to meet me in spotting no one wants to meet me in person<00:00:56.879> anymore<00:00:57.480> no<00:00:57.660> no<00:00:57.690> no<00:00:58.019> no<00:00:58.170> no<00:00:58.320> they<00:00:58.829> say person anymore no no no no no they say person anymore no no no no no they say it's<00:00:59.190> okay<00:00:59.690> we'll<00:01:00.690> e-mail<00:01:00.840> you<00:01:01.019> I<00:01:02.719> can't<00:01:03.719> even it's okay we'll e-mail you I can't even it's okay we'll e-mail you I can't even get<00:01:04.230> a<00:01:04.470> coffee<00:01:05.040> date<00:01:05.460> at<00:01:05.730> Starbucks<00:01:06.740> my get a coffee date at Starbucks my get a coffee date at Starbucks my husband's<00:01:08.100> like<00:01:08.220> honey<00:01:08.460> Deception<00:01:09.180> maybe<00:01:09.690> you husband's like honey Deception maybe you husband's like honey Deception maybe you could've<00:01:10.020> focused<00:01:10.410> on<00:01:10.590> cooking<00:01:10.890> how<00:01:11.400> about could've focused on cooking how about could've focused on cooking how about French<00:01:11.760> cooking<00:01:12.020> so<00:01:13.020> before<00:01:13.320> we<00:01:13.410> get<00:01:13.530> started French cooking so before we get started French cooking so before we get started what<00:01:14.040> I'm<00:01:14.190> going<00:01:14.370> to<00:01:14.400> do<00:01:14.580> is<00:01:14.820> I'm<00:01:15.390> going<00:01:15.570> to what I'm going to do is I'm going to what I'm going to do is I'm going to clarify<00:01:16.020> my<00:01:16.439> goal<00:01:16.740> for<00:01:17.040> you<00:01:17.270> which<00:01:18.270> is<00:01:18.420> not<00:01:18.540> to clarify my goal for you which is not to clarify my goal for you which is not to teach<00:01:18.900> a<00:01:19.020> game<00:01:19.200> of<00:01:19.320> gotcha<00:01:19.500> live<00:01:20.430> spotters teach a game of gotcha live spotters teach a game of gotcha live spotters aren't<00:01:21.150> those<00:01:21.270> in<00:01:21.450> nitpicky<00:01:21.990> kids<00:01:22.229> those<00:01:22.439> kids aren't those in nitpicky kids those kids aren't those in nitpicky kids those kids in<00:01:22.770> the<00:01:22.860> back<00:01:23.009> of<00:01:23.159> the<00:01:23.220> room<00:01:23.400> that<00:01:23.430> are in the back of the room that are in the back of the room that are shouting<00:01:23.970> gotcha<00:01:24.360> gotcha<00:01:24.570> your<00:01:25.259> eyebrow shouting gotcha gotcha your eyebrow shouting gotcha gotcha your eyebrow twitched<00:01:26.100> you<00:01:27.000> flared<00:01:27.329> your<00:01:27.509> nostril<00:01:27.990> I twitched you flared your nostril I twitched you flared your nostril I watched<00:01:28.380> that<00:01:28.590> TV<00:01:28.950> show<00:01:29.130> lie<00:01:29.310> to<00:01:29.369> me<00:01:29.579> I<00:01:29.610> know watched that TV show lie to me I know watched that TV show lie to me I know you're<00:01:30.149> lying<00:01:30.360> no<00:01:31.229> lie<00:01:32.220> spiders<00:01:32.670> are<00:01:32.820> armed you're lying no lie spiders are armed you're lying no lie spiders are armed with<00:01:33.390> scientific<00:01:33.960> knowledge<00:01:34.290> of<00:01:34.680> how<00:01:34.799> to<00:01:34.829> spot with scientific knowledge of how to spot with scientific knowledge of how to spot deception<00:01:35.700> they<00:01:36.390> use<00:01:36.570> it<00:01:36.720> to<00:01:36.810> get<00:01:36.960> to<00:01:37.049> the deception they use it to get to the deception they use it to get to the truth<00:01:37.439> and<00:01:37.700> they<00:01:38.700> do<00:01:38.759> what<00:01:38.970> mature<00:01:39.329> leaders<00:01:39.750> do truth and they do what mature leaders do truth and they do what mature leaders do every<00:01:40.290> day<00:01:40.439> they<00:01:40.619> have<00:01:40.649> difficult every day they have difficult every day they have difficult conversations<00:01:41.850> with<00:01:41.939> difficult<00:01:42.479> people conversations with difficult people conversations with difficult people sometimes<00:01:43.649> during<00:01:43.799> very<00:01:44.040> difficult<00:01:44.100> times sometimes during very difficult times sometimes during very difficult times and<00:01:45.030> they<00:01:45.719> start<00:01:46.020> up<00:01:46.140> that<00:01:46.350> path<00:01:46.590> by<00:01:46.979> accepting and they start up that path by accepting and they start up that path by accepting a<00:01:47.579> core<00:01:47.790> proposition<00:01:48.450> and<00:01:48.630> that<00:01:48.979> proposition a core proposition and that proposition a core proposition and that proposition is<00:01:50.070> the<00:01:50.100> following<00:01:50.579> lying<00:01:51.299> is<00:01:51.659> a<00:01:51.689> cooperative is the following lying is a cooperative is the following lying is a cooperative act<00:01:53.630> think<00:01:54.630> about<00:01:54.840> it<00:01:54.930> a<00:01:55.020> lie<00:01:55.200> has<00:01:55.409> no<00:01:55.590> power act think about it a lie has no power act think about it a lie has no power whatsoever<00:01:56.280> bytes<00:01:56.880> mere<00:01:57.180> utterance<00:01:57.210> its whatsoever bytes mere utterance its whatsoever bytes mere utterance its power<00:01:58.350> emerges<00:01:59.039> when<00:01:59.159> someone<00:01:59.520> else<00:01:59.729> agrees power emerges when someone else agrees power emerges when someone else agrees to<00:02:00.479> believe<00:02:00.750> the<00:02:00.930> lie<00:02:01.110> so<00:02:01.979> I<00:02:02.009> know<00:02:02.130> it<00:02:02.280> may to believe the lie so I know it may to believe the lie so I know it may sound<00:02:02.549> like<00:02:02.700> tough<00:02:03.030> love<00:02:03.299> but<00:02:03.659> look<00:02:04.469> if<00:02:04.680> at sound like tough love but look if at sound like tough love but look if at some<00:02:04.920> point<00:02:05.159> you<00:02:05.939> got<00:02:06.119> lied<00:02:06.360> to some point you got lied to some point you got lied to it's<00:02:08.229> because<00:02:08.560> you<00:02:08.800> agreed<00:02:09.130> to<00:02:09.429> get<00:02:09.610> lied<00:02:09.819> to it's because you agreed to get lied to it's because you agreed to get lied to truth<00:02:10.450> number<00:02:10.720> one<00:02:10.869> about<00:02:11.050> line<00:02:11.260> lines<00:02:11.650> a truth number one about line lines a truth number one about line lines a cooperative<00:02:12.430> act<00:02:12.610> now<00:02:12.880> not<00:02:13.599> all<00:02:13.780> lies<00:02:13.989> are cooperative act now not all lies are cooperative act now not all lies are harmful harmful harmful sometimes<00:02:15.819> we're<00:02:16.060> willing<00:02:16.330> participants<00:02:17.200> in sometimes we're willing participants in sometimes we're willing participants in deception<00:02:18.700> for<00:02:18.849> the<00:02:18.970> sake<00:02:19.150> of<00:02:19.180> social<00:02:19.630> dignity deception for the sake of social dignity deception for the sake of social dignity maybe<00:02:21.489> to<00:02:21.640> keep<00:02:21.760> a<00:02:21.910> secret<00:02:22.060> that<00:02:22.300> should<00:02:22.480> be maybe to keep a secret that should be maybe to keep a secret that should be kept<00:02:22.750> secret<00:02:22.930> secret<00:02:23.500> we<00:02:24.220> say<00:02:24.400> nice<00:02:24.640> song kept secret secret we say nice song kept secret secret we say nice song honey<00:02:26.410> you<00:02:26.590> don't<00:02:26.860> look<00:02:26.980> fat<00:02:27.220> in<00:02:27.280> that<00:02:27.459> no<00:02:27.790> or honey you don't look fat in that no or honey you don't look fat in that no or we<00:02:28.600> say<00:02:28.810> favorite<00:02:29.770> of<00:02:30.040> the<00:02:30.160> digerati<00:02:30.520> you<00:02:31.209> know we say favorite of the digerati you know we say favorite of the digerati you know I<00:02:31.360> just<00:02:31.840> fished<00:02:32.319> that<00:02:32.560> email<00:02:32.980> out<00:02:33.010> of<00:02:33.250> my<00:02:33.370> spam I just fished that email out of my spam I just fished that email out of my spam folder<00:02:33.970> I'm<00:02:34.360> so<00:02:34.660> sorry<00:02:35.760> but<00:02:36.760> there<00:02:36.970> are<00:02:37.030> times folder I'm so sorry but there are times folder I'm so sorry but there are times when<00:02:37.450> we<00:02:37.750> are<00:02:37.890> unwilling<00:02:38.890> participants<00:02:39.670> in when we are unwilling participants in when we are unwilling participants in deception<00:02:40.180> and<00:02:40.450> that<00:02:40.569> can<00:02:40.720> have<00:02:40.870> dramatic deception and that can have dramatic deception and that can have dramatic cost<00:02:41.470> for<00:02:41.739> us<00:02:41.800> last<00:02:42.700> year<00:02:42.910> saw<00:02:43.769> 997<00:02:44.790> billion cost for us last year saw 997 billion cost for us last year saw 997 billion dollars<00:02:46.269> in<00:02:46.540> corporate<00:02:47.019> fraud<00:02:47.260> alone<00:02:47.860> in<00:02:48.010> the dollars in corporate fraud alone in the dollars in corporate fraud alone in the United<00:02:48.430> States<00:02:49.140> that's<00:02:50.140> an<00:02:50.319> eyelash<00:02:50.680> under<00:02:51.069> a United States that's an eyelash under a United States that's an eyelash under a trillion<00:02:51.580> dollars<00:02:52.090> that's<00:02:52.269> seven<00:02:52.630> percent<00:02:52.989> of trillion dollars that's seven percent of trillion dollars that's seven percent of revenues<00:02:53.519> deception<00:02:54.519> can<00:02:54.640> cost<00:02:54.850> billions revenues deception can cost billions revenues deception can cost billions think<00:02:55.600> Enron<00:02:56.250> mad<00:02:57.250> off<00:02:57.489> the<00:02:57.700> mortgage<00:02:58.060> crisis think Enron mad off the mortgage crisis think Enron mad off the mortgage crisis or<00:02:59.260> in<00:02:59.650> the<00:02:59.799> case<00:02:59.980> of<00:03:00.190> double<00:03:00.580> agents<00:03:01.000> and or in the case of double agents and or in the case of double agents and traitors<00:03:01.510> like<00:03:01.560> Robert<00:03:02.560> Hansen<00:03:03.010> or<00:03:03.190> Aldrich traitors like Robert Hansen or Aldrich traitors like Robert Hansen or Aldrich Ames<00:03:03.880> lies<00:03:04.810> can<00:03:05.080> betray<00:03:05.380> our<00:03:05.500> country<00:03:05.530> they Ames lies can betray our country they Ames lies can betray our country they can<00:03:06.160> compromise<00:03:06.640> our<00:03:06.819> security<00:03:07.080> they<00:03:08.080> can can compromise our security they can can compromise our security they can undermine<00:03:08.650> democracy<00:03:08.799> that<00:03:09.400> can<00:03:09.549> cause<00:03:09.760> the undermine democracy that can cause the undermine democracy that can cause the deaths<00:03:10.299> of<00:03:10.569> those<00:03:10.750> the<00:03:10.989> defenders<00:03:11.470> deception deaths of those the defenders deception deaths of those the defenders deception is<00:03:12.040> actually<00:03:12.549> serious<00:03:13.180> business<00:03:13.720> this<00:03:14.340> conman is actually serious business this conman is actually serious business this conman Henri<00:03:16.060> Oberlander<00:03:16.480> he<00:03:17.230> was<00:03:17.380> such<00:03:17.620> an Henri Oberlander he was such an Henri Oberlander he was such an effective<00:03:18.400> con<00:03:18.700> man<00:03:19.000> British<00:03:19.600> authorities effective con man British authorities effective con man British authorities say<00:03:20.380> he<00:03:20.530> could<00:03:20.709> have<00:03:20.799> undermined<00:03:21.310> the<00:03:21.519> entire say he could have undermined the entire say he could have undermined the entire banking<00:03:22.420> system<00:03:22.480> of<00:03:22.959> the<00:03:23.019> Western<00:03:23.380> world<00:03:23.590> and banking system of the Western world and banking system of the Western world and you<00:03:23.799> can't<00:03:24.010> find<00:03:24.220> this<00:03:24.370> guy<00:03:24.519> on<00:03:24.670> Google<00:03:24.940> you you can't find this guy on Google you you can't find this guy on Google you can't<00:03:25.239> find<00:03:25.420> him<00:03:25.510> anywhere<00:03:25.570> he<00:03:25.989> was can't find him anywhere he was can't find him anywhere he was interviewed<00:03:27.070> once<00:03:27.310> and<00:03:27.640> he<00:03:28.090> said<00:03:28.299> the interviewed once and he said the interviewed once and he said the following<00:03:28.570> he<00:03:28.750> said<00:03:28.959> look<00:03:29.109> I've<00:03:29.230> got<00:03:29.410> one<00:03:29.620> rule following he said look I've got one rule following he said look I've got one rule and<00:03:30.100> this<00:03:30.670> was<00:03:30.850> Henry's<00:03:31.209> rule<00:03:31.450> he<00:03:31.720> said<00:03:31.959> look and this was Henry's rule he said look and this was Henry's rule he said look everyone<00:03:33.519> is<00:03:33.670> willing<00:03:33.970> to<00:03:34.180> give<00:03:34.690> you everyone is willing to give you everyone is willing to give you something<00:03:35.470> they're<00:03:35.680> ready<00:03:35.950> to<00:03:36.160> give<00:03:36.340> you something they're ready to give you something they're ready to give you something<00:03:36.700> for<00:03:37.000> whatever<00:03:37.180> it<00:03:37.480> is<00:03:37.570> they're something for whatever it is they're something for whatever it is they're hungry<00:03:38.049> for<00:03:38.079> and<00:03:38.670> that's<00:03:39.670> the<00:03:39.850> crux<00:03:40.060> of<00:03:40.239> it<00:03:40.329> if hungry for and that's the crux of it if hungry for and that's the crux of it if you<00:03:40.510> don't<00:03:40.720> want<00:03:40.870> to<00:03:40.930> be<00:03:41.019> deceived<00:03:41.410> you<00:03:42.100> have you don't want to be deceived you have you don't want to be deceived you have to<00:03:42.430> know<00:03:42.579> what<00:03:42.820> is<00:03:42.940> it<00:03:43.060> that<00:03:43.150> you're<00:03:43.299> hungry to know what is it that you're hungry to know what is it that you're hungry for<00:03:44.370> and<00:03:45.370> we<00:03:45.459> all<00:03:45.579> kind<00:03:45.790> of<00:03:45.850> hate<00:03:45.970> to<00:03:46.120> admit<00:03:46.180> it for and we all kind of hate to admit it for and we all kind of hate to admit it you<00:03:46.690> know<00:03:47.260> we<00:03:47.410> kind<00:03:47.829> of<00:03:47.920> wish<00:03:48.100> we<00:03:48.130> were<00:03:48.519> better you know we kind of wish we were better you know we kind of wish we were better husbands<00:03:49.359> better<00:03:49.900> wives<00:03:50.310> smarter<00:03:51.310> more husbands better wives smarter more husbands better wives smarter more powerful<00:03:52.329> taller<00:03:53.430> richer<00:03:54.430> the<00:03:54.609> list<00:03:54.790> goes<00:03:55.000> on powerful taller richer the list goes on powerful taller richer the list goes on lying<00:03:56.920> is<00:03:57.190> an<00:03:57.340> attempt<00:03:57.670> to<00:03:57.730> bridge<00:03:58.000> that<00:03:58.209> gap lying is an attempt to bridge that gap lying is an attempt to bridge that gap to<00:03:58.769> connect<00:03:59.769> our<00:04:00.010> wishes<00:04:00.579> and<00:04:00.730> our<00:04:00.910> fantasies to connect our wishes and our fantasies to connect our wishes and our fantasies about<00:04:01.630> who<00:04:01.750> we<00:04:01.900> wish<00:04:02.109> we<00:04:02.380> were<00:04:02.530> how<00:04:03.040> we<00:04:03.100> wish<00:04:03.310> we about who we wish we were how we wish we about who we wish we were how we wish we could<00:04:03.670> be<00:04:03.910> with<00:04:04.660> what<00:04:04.840> we're<00:04:04.989> really<00:04:05.200> like<00:04:05.760> and could be with what we're really like and could be with what we're really like and boy<00:04:06.940> are<00:04:07.060> we<00:04:07.150> willing<00:04:07.299> to<00:04:07.420> fill<00:04:07.600> in<00:04:07.720> those<00:04:07.840> gaps boy are we willing to fill in those gaps boy are we willing to fill in those gaps in<00:04:08.290> our<00:04:08.380> lives<00:04:08.590> with<00:04:08.829> lies<00:04:09.010> on<00:04:09.250> a<00:04:09.280> given<00:04:09.670> day in our lives with lies on a given day in our lives with lies on a given day studies<00:04:10.959> show<00:04:11.200> that<00:04:11.440> you<00:04:11.590> may<00:04:11.739> be<00:04:11.799> lied<00:04:12.100> to studies show that you may be lied to studies show that you may be lied to anywhere<00:04:12.760> from<00:04:12.819> 10<00:04:13.299> to<00:04:13.540> 200<00:04:14.049> times<00:04:14.560> now anywhere from 10 to 200 times now anywhere from 10 to 200 times now granted<00:04:15.190> many<00:04:15.400> of<00:04:15.580> those<00:04:15.730> are<00:04:16.000> white<00:04:16.239> lies granted many of those are white lies granted many of those are white lies but<00:04:17.980> in<00:04:18.100> another<00:04:18.370> study<00:04:18.700> it<00:04:19.030> showed<00:04:19.390> that but in another study it showed that but in another study it showed that strangers<00:04:20.260> lied<00:04:20.920> three<00:04:21.370> times<00:04:21.730> within<00:04:22.690> the strangers lied three times within the strangers lied three times within the first<00:04:23.080> 10<00:04:23.320> minutes<00:04:23.530> of<00:04:23.740> meeting<00:04:24.040> each<00:04:24.100> other first 10 minutes of meeting each other first 10 minutes of meeting each other now<00:04:26.080> when<00:04:26.230> we<00:04:26.350> first<00:04:26.590> hear<00:04:26.740> this<00:04:26.920> data<00:04:27.250> we now when we first hear this data we now when we first hear this data we recoil<00:04:28.390> we<00:04:29.320> can't<00:04:29.530> believe<00:04:29.710> how<00:04:29.800> prevalent recoil we can't believe how prevalent recoil we can't believe how prevalent lying<00:04:30.460> is<00:04:30.640> we're<00:04:30.820> essentially<00:04:31.120> against<00:04:31.870> lying lying is we're essentially against lying lying is we're essentially against lying but<00:04:33.190> if<00:04:33.280> you<00:04:33.400> look<00:04:33.580> more<00:04:33.610> closely<00:04:34.030> the<00:04:34.390> plot but if you look more closely the plot but if you look more closely the plot actually<00:04:34.840> thickens<00:04:35.730> we<00:04:36.730> lie<00:04:36.910> more<00:04:37.180> to actually thickens we lie more to actually thickens we lie more to strangers<00:04:37.870> than<00:04:38.110> we<00:04:38.170> lie<00:04:38.320> to<00:04:38.380> co-workers strangers than we lie to co-workers strangers than we lie to co-workers extroverts<00:04:40.960> lie<00:04:41.350> more<00:04:41.590> than<00:04:41.770> introverts<00:04:43.290> men extroverts lie more than introverts men extroverts lie more than introverts men lie<00:04:44.650> eight<00:04:44.950> times<00:04:45.400> more<00:04:45.810> about<00:04:46.810> themselves lie eight times more about themselves lie eight times more about themselves and<00:04:47.980> they<00:04:48.070> do<00:04:48.130> other<00:04:48.430> people<00:04:48.880> women<00:04:49.480> lie<00:04:49.750> more and they do other people women lie more and they do other people women lie more to<00:04:50.080> protect<00:04:50.230> other<00:04:50.800> people<00:04:51.220> if<00:04:52.180> you're<00:04:52.810> in<00:04:52.900> an to protect other people if you're in an to protect other people if you're in an average<00:04:53.440> married<00:04:53.800> couple<00:04:54.540> you're<00:04:55.540> going<00:04:55.690> to average married couple you're going to average married couple you're going to live<00:04:55.900> your<00:04:56.110> spouse<00:04:56.350> in<00:04:56.620> one<00:04:56.920> out<00:04:57.160> of<00:04:57.190> every<00:04:57.580> ten live your spouse in one out of every ten live your spouse in one out of every ten interactions<00:04:58.720> now<00:04:58.870> you<00:04:58.930> may<00:04:59.080> think<00:04:59.290> that's interactions now you may think that's interactions now you may think that's bad<00:04:59.650> if<00:04:59.950> you're<00:05:00.580> unmarried<00:05:01.030> that<00:05:01.150> number bad if you're unmarried that number bad if you're unmarried that number drops<00:05:01.630> to<00:05:01.780> three<00:05:02.850> lying's<00:05:03.850> complex<00:05:04.270> it's drops to three lying's complex it's drops to three lying's complex it's woven<00:05:05.560> into<00:05:05.920> the<00:05:06.010> fabric<00:05:06.040> of<00:05:06.520> our<00:05:06.640> daily<00:05:06.880> and woven into the fabric of our daily and woven into the fabric of our daily and our<00:05:07.180> business<00:05:07.480> lives<00:05:07.630> we're<00:05:07.900> deeply our business lives we're deeply our business lives we're deeply ambivalent<00:05:08.680> about<00:05:09.010> the<00:05:09.310> truth<00:05:09.550> we<00:05:10.180> parse<00:05:10.450> it ambivalent about the truth we parse it ambivalent about the truth we parse it out<00:05:10.750> on<00:05:10.960> an<00:05:11.080> as-needed<00:05:11.260> basis<00:05:12.070> sometimes<00:05:12.310> for out on an as-needed basis sometimes for out on an as-needed basis sometimes for very<00:05:12.880> very<00:05:12.970> good<00:05:13.210> reasons<00:05:13.390> and<00:05:13.900> other<00:05:13.990> times very very good reasons and other times very very good reasons and other times just<00:05:14.950> because<00:05:15.130> we<00:05:15.220> don't<00:05:15.370> understand<00:05:15.880> the just because we don't understand the just because we don't understand the gaps<00:05:16.210> in<00:05:16.360> our<00:05:16.480> lives<00:05:16.800> that's<00:05:17.800> truth<00:05:18.070> number gaps in our lives that's truth number gaps in our lives that's truth number two<00:05:18.430> about<00:05:18.550> lying<00:05:18.850> we're<00:05:19.390> against<00:05:19.840> lying<00:05:20.140> but two about lying we're against lying but two about lying we're against lying but we're<00:05:21.220> covertly<00:05:21.970> for<00:05:22.450> it<00:05:22.570> it<00:05:22.750> ways<00:05:22.930> that<00:05:23.170> our we're covertly for it it ways that our we're covertly for it it ways that our society<00:05:23.830> has<00:05:23.950> sanctioned<00:05:24.370> for<00:05:25.120> centuries<00:05:25.600> and society has sanctioned for centuries and society has sanctioned for centuries and centuries<00:05:25.900> and<00:05:26.320> centuries<00:05:26.440> it's<00:05:26.800> as<00:05:26.920> old<00:05:27.100> as centuries and centuries it's as old as centuries and centuries it's as old as breathing<00:05:27.820> it's<00:05:28.720> part<00:05:28.990> of<00:05:29.050> our<00:05:29.140> culture<00:05:29.350> it's breathing it's part of our culture it's breathing it's part of our culture it's part<00:05:29.740> of<00:05:29.950> our<00:05:30.070> history<00:05:30.540> think<00:05:31.540> dante part of our history think dante part of our history think dante shakespeare<00:05:32.910> the<00:05:33.910> bible<00:05:34.920> news<00:05:35.920> of<00:05:36.130> the<00:05:36.250> world shakespeare the bible news of the world shakespeare the bible news of the world dying<00:05:38.650> has<00:05:39.060> evolutionary<00:05:40.060> value<00:05:40.420> to<00:05:40.570> us<00:05:40.690> as<00:05:40.840> a dying has evolutionary value to us as a dying has evolutionary value to us as a species<00:05:41.170> researchers<00:05:41.860> have<00:05:42.010> long<00:05:42.190> known<00:05:42.490> that species researchers have long known that species researchers have long known that the<00:05:42.850> more<00:05:43.170> intelligent<00:05:44.170> the<00:05:44.290> species<00:05:44.740> that the more intelligent the species that the more intelligent the species that larger<00:05:45.400> the<00:05:45.520> neocortex<00:05:45.940> the<00:05:46.420> more<00:05:46.720> likely<00:05:47.140> it larger the neocortex the more likely it larger the neocortex the more likely it is<00:05:47.350> to<00:05:47.410> be<00:05:47.590> deceptive<00:05:48.460> now<00:05:49.240> you<00:05:49.300> might is to be deceptive now you might is to be deceptive now you might remember<00:05:49.680> cocoa<00:05:50.680> does<00:05:50.950> anybody<00:05:51.160> here remember cocoa does anybody here remember cocoa does anybody here remember<00:05:51.400> Coco<00:05:51.940> the<00:05:52.210> gorilla<00:05:52.240> who<00:05:53.050> was<00:05:53.200> taught remember Coco the gorilla who was taught remember Coco the gorilla who was taught sign<00:05:53.680> language<00:05:53.710> Coco<00:05:54.370> was<00:05:54.520> taught<00:05:54.730> to sign language Coco was taught to sign language Coco was taught to communicate<00:05:55.420> via<00:05:55.930> sign<00:05:56.290> language communicate via sign language communicate via sign language here's<00:05:57.220> Coco<00:05:57.700> with<00:05:57.850> her<00:05:57.970> kitten<00:05:58.300> is<00:05:58.600> her<00:05:58.720> cute here's Coco with her kitten is her cute here's Coco with her kitten is her cute little<00:05:59.290> fluffy<00:05:59.650> petkin<00:06:00.900> Coco<00:06:01.900> once<00:06:02.110> blamed little fluffy petkin Coco once blamed little fluffy petkin Coco once blamed her<00:06:02.920> pet<00:06:03.160> kitten<00:06:03.610> for<00:06:03.790> ripping<00:06:04.180> a<00:06:04.300> sink<00:06:04.720> out<00:06:04.930> of her pet kitten for ripping a sink out of her pet kitten for ripping a sink out of the<00:06:05.140> wall the wall the wall where<00:06:07.550> we're<00:06:08.060> hardwired<00:06:08.720> to<00:06:08.930> become<00:06:09.350> leaders where we're hardwired to become leaders where we're hardwired to become leaders of<00:06:09.680> the<00:06:09.889> pack<00:06:10.070> it<00:06:10.250> starts<00:06:10.580> really<00:06:10.940> really of the pack it starts really really of the pack it starts really really early early early how<00:06:12.259> early<00:06:12.550> well<00:06:13.550> babies<00:06:14.030> will<00:06:14.270> fake<00:06:14.509> a<00:06:14.539> cry how early well babies will fake a cry how early well babies will fake a cry pause<00:06:15.650> wait<00:06:16.639> to<00:06:16.820> see<00:06:16.970> who's<00:06:17.150> coming<00:06:17.389> and<00:06:17.660> then pause wait to see who's coming and then pause wait to see who's coming and then go<00:06:17.900> right<00:06:17.930> back<00:06:18.350> to<00:06:18.380> crying<00:06:19.990> one-year-olds go right back to crying one-year-olds go right back to crying one-year-olds learn<00:06:21.169> concealment<00:06:23.380> two-year-olds<00:06:24.380> Bluff learn concealment two-year-olds Bluff learn concealment two-year-olds Bluff five-year-olds<00:06:26.870> lie<00:06:27.050> outright<00:06:27.650> they five-year-olds lie outright they five-year-olds lie outright they manipulate<00:06:28.400> via<00:06:28.610> flattery<00:06:29.710> nine-year-olds manipulate via flattery nine-year-olds manipulate via flattery nine-year-olds Masters<00:06:31.220> of<00:06:31.250> the<00:06:31.460> cover-up<00:06:31.780> by<00:06:32.780> the<00:06:32.840> time<00:06:33.110> you Masters of the cover-up by the time you Masters of the cover-up by the time you enter<00:06:33.350> college<00:06:33.770> you're<00:06:33.889> going<00:06:33.979> to<00:06:34.070> lie<00:06:34.190> to enter college you're going to lie to enter college you're going to lie to your<00:06:34.400> mom<00:06:34.580> and<00:06:34.820> 1<00:06:35.000> out<00:06:35.150> of<00:06:35.180> every<00:06:35.330> 5 your mom and 1 out of every 5 your mom and 1 out of every 5 interactions<00:06:36.940> by<00:06:37.940> the<00:06:38.030> time<00:06:38.270> we<00:06:38.389> entered<00:06:38.690> this interactions by the time we entered this interactions by the time we entered this work<00:06:39.169> world<00:06:39.470> and<00:06:39.740> we're<00:06:40.460> breadwinners<00:06:41.000> we work world and we're breadwinners we work world and we're breadwinners we enter<00:06:41.419> a<00:06:41.449> world<00:06:41.509> that<00:06:41.780> is<00:06:41.960> just<00:06:42.169> cluttered enter a world that is just cluttered enter a world that is just cluttered with<00:06:42.830> spam<00:06:43.280> fake<00:06:44.150> digital<00:06:44.690> friends<00:06:45.320> partisan with spam fake digital friends partisan with spam fake digital friends partisan media<00:06:46.810> ingenious<00:06:47.810> identity<00:06:48.410> thieves<00:06:48.680> world media ingenious identity thieves world media ingenious identity thieves world class<00:06:49.400> Ponzi<00:06:50.060> schemers<00:06:50.599> a<00:06:50.889> deception class Ponzi schemers a deception class Ponzi schemers a deception epidemic<00:06:52.520> in<00:06:52.699> short<00:06:53.509> what<00:06:53.780> one<00:06:53.930> author<00:06:54.139> calls epidemic in short what one author calls epidemic in short what one author calls a<00:06:54.650> post<00:06:55.120> truth<00:06:56.120> society<00:06:56.979> it's<00:06:57.979> been<00:06:58.190> very a post truth society it's been very a post truth society it's been very confusing<00:06:59.030> for<00:06:59.360> a<00:06:59.930> long<00:07:00.169> time<00:07:00.500> now<00:07:03.250> what<00:07:04.250> do confusing for a long time now what do confusing for a long time now what do you<00:07:04.400> do<00:07:05.500> well<00:07:06.500> there<00:07:06.889> steps<00:07:07.190> we<00:07:07.370> can<00:07:07.490> take<00:07:07.550> to you do well there steps we can take to you do well there steps we can take to navigate<00:07:08.240> our<00:07:08.389> way<00:07:08.509> through<00:07:08.539> the<00:07:08.810> morass navigate our way through the morass navigate our way through the morass trained<00:07:12.610> licensed<00:07:13.610> were<00:07:13.760> only<00:07:13.849> 54<00:07:14.389> percent trained licensed were only 54 percent trained licensed were only 54 percent accurate<00:07:15.050> why<00:07:15.949> is<00:07:16.010> it<00:07:16.159> so<00:07:16.280> easy<00:07:16.490> to<00:07:16.580> learn<00:07:16.729> well accurate why is it so easy to learn well accurate why is it so easy to learn well they're<00:07:18.110> good<00:07:18.320> liars<00:07:18.500> and<00:07:18.710> they're<00:07:18.830> bad<00:07:18.979> liars they're good liars and they're bad liars they're good liars and they're bad liars they're<00:07:19.580> no<00:07:19.729> real<00:07:19.940> original<00:07:20.300> liars<00:07:20.720> we<00:07:20.960> all they're no real original liars we all they're no real original liars we all make<00:07:21.409> the<00:07:21.560> same<00:07:21.590> mistakes<00:07:22.190> we<00:07:22.520> all<00:07:22.639> use<00:07:22.789> the make the same mistakes we all use the make the same mistakes we all use the same<00:07:23.000> techniques<00:07:23.630> so<00:07:24.560> what<00:07:24.710> I'm<00:07:24.800> going<00:07:25.039> to<00:07:25.070> do same techniques so what I'm going to do same techniques so what I'm going to do is<00:07:25.310> I'm<00:07:25.460> going<00:07:25.580> to<00:07:25.639> show<00:07:25.940> you<00:07:25.970> two<00:07:26.780> patterns<00:07:27.349> of is I'm going to show you two patterns of is I'm going to show you two patterns of deception<00:07:28.070> and<00:07:28.190> then<00:07:28.310> we're<00:07:28.430> going<00:07:28.550> to<00:07:28.610> look deception and then we're going to look deception and then we're going to look at<00:07:28.820> the<00:07:28.880> hotspots<00:07:29.330> and<00:07:29.539> see<00:07:29.630> if<00:07:29.690> we<00:07:29.780> can<00:07:29.900> find at the hotspots and see if we can find at the hotspots and see if we can find them<00:07:30.229> ourselves<00:07:30.349> we're<00:07:31.099> going<00:07:31.220> to<00:07:31.280> start<00:07:31.520> with them ourselves we're going to start with them ourselves we're going to start with speech<00:07:31.909> I<00:07:33.880> want<00:07:34.880> you<00:07:35.000> to<00:07:35.090> listen<00:07:35.389> to<00:07:35.479> me<00:07:35.630> I'm speech I want you to listen to me I'm speech I want you to listen to me I'm going<00:07:36.080> to<00:07:36.110> say<00:07:36.259> this<00:07:36.409> again<00:07:36.740> I<00:07:37.360> did<00:07:38.360> not<00:07:38.659> have going to say this again I did not have going to say this again I did not have sexual<00:07:40.460> relations<00:07:40.699> with<00:07:41.570> that<00:07:41.599> woman<00:07:42.099> miss sexual relations with that woman miss sexual relations with that woman miss Lewinsky Lewinsky Lewinsky I<00:07:44.420> never<00:07:45.080> told<00:07:45.350> anybody<00:07:45.710> to<00:07:46.100> lie<00:07:46.130> not<00:07:47.060> a<00:07:47.090> single I never told anybody to lie not a single I never told anybody to lie not a single time<00:07:47.810> never<00:07:48.580> these<00:07:49.580> allegations<00:07:50.270> are<00:07:50.720> false time never these allegations are false time never these allegations are false and<00:07:51.560> I<00:07:52.400> need<00:07:52.640> to<00:07:52.730> go<00:07:52.940> back<00:07:53.120> to<00:07:53.180> work<00:07:53.570> for<00:07:54.050> the and I need to go back to work for the and I need to go back to work for the American<00:07:54.530> people<00:07:54.560> thank<00:07:55.430> you

okay okay what<00:07:59.900> were<00:07:59.990> the<00:08:00.110> tell-tale<00:08:00.350> signs<00:08:00.590> well<00:08:01.370> first what were the tell-tale signs well first what were the tell-tale signs well first we<00:08:02.420> heard<00:08:02.570> what's<00:08:02.810> known<00:08:03.020> as<00:08:03.200> a<00:08:03.230> non we heard what's known as a non we heard what's known as a non contracted<00:08:05.090> denial<00:08:05.450> studies<00:08:06.380> show<00:08:06.590> that contracted denial studies show that contracted denial studies show that people<00:08:06.980> who<00:08:07.130> are<00:08:07.340> over<00:08:08.030> determined<00:08:08.390> in<00:08:08.690> their people who are over determined in their people who are over determined in their denial<00:08:09.140> will<00:08:09.350> resort<00:08:09.620> to<00:08:09.680> formal<00:08:10.250> rather<00:08:10.790> than denial will resort to formal rather than denial will resort to formal rather than informal<00:08:11.510> language informal language informal language we<00:08:12.380> also<00:08:12.560> heard<00:08:12.770> distancing<00:08:13.370> language<00:08:13.400> that we also heard distancing language that we also heard distancing language that woman<00:08:14.480> we<00:08:15.020> know<00:08:15.170> that<00:08:15.290> Liars<00:08:15.500> will woman we know that Liars will woman we know that Liars will unconsciously<00:08:16.250> distance<00:08:17.090> themselves<00:08:17.330> from unconsciously distance themselves from unconsciously distance themselves from their<00:08:17.960> subject<00:08:18.520> using<00:08:19.520> language<00:08:19.850> as<00:08:19.970> their their subject using language as their their subject using language as their tool<00:08:20.710> now<00:08:21.710> Phil<00:08:22.100> Clinton<00:08:22.460> said<00:08:22.640> well<00:08:22.940> they tool now Phil Clinton said well they tool now Phil Clinton said well they tell<00:08:23.510> you<00:08:23.630> the<00:08:23.750> truth<00:08:24.020> or<00:08:25.010> Richard<00:08:25.370> Nixon's tell you the truth or Richard Nixon's tell you the truth or Richard Nixon's favorite<00:08:26.090> in<00:08:26.210> all<00:08:26.390> candor<00:08:26.990> he<00:08:27.500> would<00:08:27.650> have favorite in all candor he would have favorite in all candor he would have been<00:08:27.830> a<00:08:27.920> dead<00:08:28.100> giveaway<00:08:28.340> for<00:08:28.550> any<00:08:28.850> live been a dead giveaway for any live been a dead giveaway for any live spotter<00:08:29.480> that<00:08:29.570> knows<00:08:29.900> the<00:08:30.110> qualifying spotter that knows the qualifying spotter that knows the qualifying language<00:08:31.190> as<00:08:31.370> it's<00:08:31.520> called<00:08:31.700> qualifying language as it's called qualifying language as it's called qualifying language<00:08:32.630> like<00:08:32.810> that<00:08:33.050> further<00:08:33.590> discredits language like that further discredits language like that further discredits the<00:08:34.580> subject<00:08:35.290> now<00:08:36.290> if<00:08:36.440> he<00:08:36.560> had<00:08:36.650> repeated<00:08:36.890> the the subject now if he had repeated the the subject now if he had repeated the question<00:08:37.490> in<00:08:37.610> its<00:08:37.760> entirety<00:08:38.180> or<00:08:38.450> if<00:08:39.260> he<00:08:39.530> had question in its entirety or if he had question in its entirety or if he had peppered<00:08:40.040> his<00:08:40.160> account<00:08:40.520> with<00:08:40.700> a<00:08:40.730> little<00:08:41.060> too peppered his account with a little too peppered his account with a little too much<00:08:41.360> detail<00:08:41.900> and<00:08:42.440> we're<00:08:42.980> all<00:08:43.070> really<00:08:43.250> glad<00:08:43.460> he much detail and we're all really glad he much detail and we're all really glad he didn't<00:08:43.910> do<00:08:44.030> that<00:08:44.210> he<00:08:44.720> would<00:08:44.870> have<00:08:44.930> further didn't do that he would have further didn't do that he would have further discredited<00:08:45.920> himself<00:08:46.660> Freud<00:08:47.660> had<00:08:47.900> it<00:08:48.020> right discredited himself Freud had it right discredited himself Freud had it right Freud<00:08:48.530> said<00:08:48.770> look<00:08:48.980> there's<00:08:49.910> much<00:08:50.150> more<00:08:50.420> to<00:08:50.480> it Freud said look there's much more to it Freud said look there's much more to it than<00:08:50.870> speech<00:08:51.580> no<00:08:52.580> mortal<00:08:53.150> can<00:08:53.450> keep<00:08:53.690> a<00:08:53.810> secret than speech no mortal can keep a secret than speech no mortal can keep a secret if<00:08:54.350> his<00:08:55.070> lips<00:08:55.310> are<00:08:55.520> silent<00:08:55.780> he<00:08:56.780> chatters<00:08:56.810> with if his lips are silent he chatters with if his lips are silent he chatters with his<00:08:57.560> fingertips<00:08:58.100> and<00:08:58.250> we<00:08:58.430> all<00:08:58.610> do<00:08:58.790> it<00:08:58.820> no his fingertips and we all do it no his fingertips and we all do it no matter<00:08:59.120> how<00:08:59.210> powerful<00:08:59.510> you<00:08:59.990> are<00:09:00.020> we<00:09:00.740> all matter how powerful you are we all matter how powerful you are we all chatter<00:09:01.460> with<00:09:01.670> our<00:09:01.820> fingertips<00:09:02.150> I'm<00:09:03.050> going<00:09:03.230> to chatter with our fingertips I'm going to chatter with our fingertips I'm going to show<00:09:03.440> you<00:09:03.470> Dominique<00:09:04.040> strauss-kahn<00:09:04.790> with show you Dominique strauss-kahn with show you Dominique strauss-kahn with Obama<00:09:05.570> who's<00:09:05.990> chattering<00:09:06.500> with<00:09:06.650> his Obama who's chattering with his Obama who's chattering with his fingertips

now<00:09:11.800> this<00:09:12.800> brings<00:09:13.190> us<00:09:13.490> to<00:09:13.700> our<00:09:13.730> next<00:09:14.589> pattern
now this brings us to our next pattern now this brings us to our next pattern which<00:09:15.830> is<00:09:15.860> body<00:09:16.220> language<00:09:17.290> with<00:09:18.290> body which is body language with body which is body language with body language<00:09:18.740> here's<00:09:19.580> what<00:09:19.760> you<00:09:19.850> got<00:09:20.029> to<00:09:20.149> do<00:09:20.300> you language here's what you got to do you language here's what you got to do you really<00:09:20.959> got<00:09:21.140> to<00:09:21.170> just<00:09:21.440> throw<00:09:22.130> your really got to just throw your really got to just throw your assumptions<00:09:22.970> out<00:09:23.120> the<00:09:23.300> door<00:09:23.480> let<00:09:23.750> the<00:09:23.930> science assumptions out the door let the science assumptions out the door let the science temper<00:09:25.040> your<00:09:25.190> knowledge<00:09:25.519> a<00:09:25.610> little<00:09:25.850> bit temper your knowledge a little bit temper your knowledge a little bit because<00:09:26.360> we<00:09:26.720> think<00:09:26.990> Liars<00:09:27.649> fidget<00:09:28.220> all<00:09:28.339> the because we think Liars fidget all the because we think Liars fidget all the time<00:09:28.670> well<00:09:28.880> guess<00:09:29.089> what<00:09:29.329> they're<00:09:29.779> known<00:09:29.990> to time well guess what they're known to time well guess what they're known to freeze<00:09:30.410> their<00:09:30.620> upper<00:09:30.800> bodies<00:09:31.130> when<00:09:31.310> they're freeze their upper bodies when they're freeze their upper bodies when they're lying lying lying we<00:09:32.300> think<00:09:32.890> Liars<00:09:33.890> won't<00:09:34.250> look<00:09:34.370> in<00:09:34.519> the<00:09:34.670> eyes we think Liars won't look in the eyes we think Liars won't look in the eyes well<00:09:35.089> guess<00:09:35.300> what<00:09:35.510> they<00:09:35.810> look<00:09:35.990> you<00:09:36.079> in<00:09:36.170> the well guess what they look you in the well guess what they look you in the eyes<00:09:36.380> a<00:09:36.410> little<00:09:36.769> too<00:09:37.010> much<00:09:37.190> just<00:09:37.459> to eyes a little too much just to eyes a little too much just to compensate<00:09:38.209> for<00:09:38.450> that<00:09:38.510> myth<00:09:38.810> we<00:09:39.620> think<00:09:39.860> warmth compensate for that myth we think warmth compensate for that myth we think warmth and<00:09:40.430> smiles<00:09:40.790> convey<00:09:41.329> honesty<00:09:42.320> sincerity<00:09:42.529> but and smiles convey honesty sincerity but and smiles convey honesty sincerity but a<00:09:43.490> trained<00:09:43.910> licensed<00:09:44.899> pot<00:09:45.260> a<00:09:45.290> fake<00:09:45.769> smile<00:09:46.160> a a trained licensed pot a fake smile a a trained licensed pot a fake smile a mile<00:09:46.700> away<00:09:46.910> can<00:09:47.420> you<00:09:47.450> all<00:09:47.660> spot<00:09:47.990> the<00:09:48.140> fake mile away can you all spot the fake mile away can you all spot the fake smile<00:09:48.649> here<00:09:50.170> you<00:09:51.170> can<00:09:51.350> consciously<00:09:51.980> contract smile here you can consciously contract smile here you can consciously contract the<00:09:53.450> muscles<00:09:53.810> in<00:09:53.899> your<00:09:53.930> cheeks the muscles in your cheeks the muscles in your cheeks but<00:09:56.060> the<00:09:56.149> real<00:09:56.300> smiles<00:09:56.690> in<00:09:56.899> the<00:09:56.990> eyes<00:09:57.140> the but the real smiles in the eyes the but the real smiles in the eyes the crow's<00:09:57.920> feet<00:09:57.950> of<00:09:58.279> the<00:09:58.339> eyes<00:09:58.430> they<00:09:58.640> cannot<00:09:59.000> be crow's feet of the eyes they cannot be crow's feet of the eyes they cannot be consciously<00:10:00.050> contracted<00:10:00.920> especially<00:10:01.820> if<00:10:01.880> you consciously contracted especially if you consciously contracted especially if you overdid<00:10:02.390> the<00:10:02.450> Botox<00:10:02.899> don't<00:10:03.170> overdo<00:10:03.500> the<00:10:03.589> Botox overdid the Botox don't overdo the Botox overdid the Botox don't overdo the Botox nobody<00:10:04.640> will<00:10:04.850> think<00:10:04.880> you're<00:10:05.149> honest<00:10:05.740> and<00:10:06.740> now nobody will think you're honest and now nobody will think you're honest and now we're<00:10:07.010> going<00:10:07.100> to<00:10:07.190> look<00:10:07.250> at<00:10:07.370> the<00:10:07.430> hot<00:10:07.610> spots<00:10:07.940> can we're going to look at the hot spots can we're going to look at the hot spots can you<00:10:08.750> tell<00:10:08.930> what's<00:10:09.110> happening<00:10:09.200> in<00:10:09.560> a you tell what's happening in a you tell what's happening in a conversation<00:10:10.310> can<00:10:10.430> you<00:10:10.550> start<00:10:10.850> to<00:10:11.060> find<00:10:11.660> the conversation can you start to find the conversation can you start to find the hot<00:10:11.959> spots<00:10:12.290> to<00:10:12.470> see<00:10:12.620> the<00:10:12.740> discrepancies hot spots to see the discrepancies hot spots to see the discrepancies between<00:10:13.760> someone's<00:10:14.329> words<00:10:14.630> and<00:10:14.990> someone's between someone's words and someone's between someone's words and someone's actions<00:10:16.209> now<00:10:17.209> I<00:10:17.240> know<00:10:17.329> it<00:10:17.540> seems<00:10:17.779> really actions now I know it seems really actions now I know it seems really obvious<00:10:18.740> but<00:10:19.040> when<00:10:19.370> you're<00:10:19.459> having<00:10:19.730> a obvious but when you're having a obvious but when you're having a conversation<00:10:19.970> with<00:10:20.540> someone<00:10:20.930> that<00:10:21.020> used conversation with someone that used conversation with someone that used suspect<00:10:21.770> of<00:10:22.010> deception<00:10:23.110> attitude<00:10:24.110> is<00:10:24.260> by<00:10:24.380> far suspect of deception attitude is by far suspect of deception attitude is by far the<00:10:24.649> most<00:10:24.740> overlooked<00:10:25.279> but<00:10:25.490> telling<00:10:25.850> of the most overlooked but telling of the most overlooked but telling of indicators<00:10:26.480> an<00:10:26.660> honest<00:10:27.500> person<00:10:27.820> is<00:10:28.820> going<00:10:29.029> to indicators an honest person is going to indicators an honest person is going to be<00:10:29.149> cooperative<00:10:29.540> they're<00:10:29.810> going<00:10:29.930> to<00:10:29.990> show be cooperative they're going to show be cooperative they're going to show they're<00:10:30.290> on<00:10:30.380> your<00:10:30.500> side<00:10:30.709> they're<00:10:31.070> going<00:10:31.190> to<00:10:31.250> be they're on your side they're going to be they're on your side they're going to be enthusiastic<00:10:32.089> they're<00:10:32.209> going<00:10:32.360> to<00:10:32.420> be<00:10:32.480> willing enthusiastic they're going to be willing enthusiastic they're going to be willing and<00:10:33.020> helpful<00:10:33.680> in<00:10:33.800> getting<00:10:33.920> you<00:10:34.160> to<00:10:34.190> the<00:10:34.339> truth and helpful in getting you to the truth and helpful in getting you to the truth they're<00:10:35.720> going<00:10:35.839> to<00:10:35.899> be<00:10:35.959> willing<00:10:36.140> to they're going to be willing to they're going to be willing to brainstorm<00:10:36.920> named<00:10:37.579> suspects<00:10:38.180> provide brainstorm named suspects provide brainstorm named suspects provide details<00:10:39.380> they're<00:10:40.250> going<00:10:40.370> to<00:10:40.430> say<00:10:40.520> hey<00:10:40.700> maybe details they're going to say hey maybe details they're going to say hey maybe it<00:10:41.089> was<00:10:41.180> those<00:10:41.329> guys<00:10:41.510> in<00:10:41.690> payroll<00:10:42.079> that<00:10:42.200> forge it was those guys in payroll that forge it was those guys in payroll that forge those<00:10:42.649> checks<00:10:43.930> they're<00:10:44.930> going<00:10:44.959> to<00:10:45.079> be those checks they're going to be those checks they're going to be infuriated<00:10:46.070> if<00:10:46.190> they<00:10:46.339> sense<00:10:46.579> the<00:10:46.760> wrongly infuriated if they sense the wrongly infuriated if they sense the wrongly accused<00:10:47.450> without<00:10:47.690> the<00:10:47.839> entire<00:10:48.200> course<00:10:48.620> of<00:10:48.740> the accused without the entire course of the accused without the entire course of the interview<00:10:49.070> not<00:10:49.370> just<00:10:49.610> in<00:10:49.760> flashes<00:10:50.209> they'll<00:10:50.360> be interview not just in flashes they'll be interview not just in flashes they'll be infuriated<00:10:50.779> throughout<00:10:51.260> the<00:10:51.410> entire<00:10:51.709> course infuriated throughout the entire course infuriated throughout the entire course of<00:10:52.190> the<00:10:52.310> interview<00:10:52.520> and<00:10:52.910> if<00:10:53.690> you<00:10:53.779> ask<00:10:53.990> someone of the interview and if you ask someone of the interview and if you ask someone honest<00:10:54.890> what<00:10:55.520> should<00:10:55.730> happen<00:10:55.910> to<00:10:56.120> ever<00:10:56.420> did honest what should happen to ever did honest what should happen to ever did forge<00:10:56.899> those<00:10:57.140> checks<00:10:57.470> an<00:10:57.680> honest<00:10:58.459> person<00:10:58.699> is forge those checks an honest person is forge those checks an honest person is much<00:10:59.149> more<00:10:59.420> likely<00:10:59.810> to<00:10:59.899> recommend<00:11:00.050> strict much more likely to recommend strict much more likely to recommend strict rather<00:11:01.610> than<00:11:01.850> lenient<00:11:02.270> punishment rather than lenient punishment rather than lenient punishment now<00:11:04.329> let's<00:11:04.540> say<00:11:04.660> you're<00:11:04.749> having<00:11:04.899> that<00:11:05.139> exact now let's say you're having that exact now let's say you're having that exact same<00:11:05.800> conversation<00:11:06.550> with<00:11:06.999> someone<00:11:07.240> deceptive same conversation with someone deceptive same conversation with someone deceptive that<00:11:08.470> person<00:11:08.860> may<00:11:08.980> be<00:11:09.009> withdrawn<00:11:09.550> look<00:11:10.389> down that person may be withdrawn look down that person may be withdrawn look down lower<00:11:10.990> their<00:11:11.230> voice lower their voice lower their voice pause<00:11:11.860> be<00:11:12.220> kind<00:11:12.429> of<00:11:12.519> herky-jerky<00:11:13.589> ask<00:11:14.589> a pause be kind of herky-jerky ask a pause be kind of herky-jerky ask a deceptive<00:11:15.309> person<00:11:15.639> to<00:11:15.730> tell<00:11:15.910> their<00:11:16.059> story deceptive person to tell their story deceptive person to tell their story they're<00:11:16.569> going<00:11:16.689> to<00:11:16.749> pepper<00:11:16.929> it<00:11:17.139> with<00:11:17.259> way<00:11:17.589> too they're going to pepper it with way too they're going to pepper it with way too much<00:11:18.009> detail<00:11:18.429> in<00:11:18.579> all<00:11:18.730> kinds<00:11:19.059> of<00:11:19.119> irrelevant much detail in all kinds of irrelevant much detail in all kinds of irrelevant places<00:11:20.079> and<00:11:21.059> then<00:11:22.059> they're<00:11:22.509> going<00:11:22.600> to<00:11:22.660> tell places and then they're going to tell places and then they're going to tell their<00:11:22.959> story<00:11:23.259> in<00:11:23.379> strict<00:11:23.709> chronological their story in strict chronological their story in strict chronological order<00:11:24.639> and<00:11:24.759> what<00:11:24.850> a<00:11:24.879> trained<00:11:25.209> interrogator order and what a trained interrogator order and what a trained interrogator does<00:11:26.079> is<00:11:26.350> they<00:11:26.470> come<00:11:26.709> in<00:11:26.740> and<00:11:26.949> in<00:11:27.730> very<00:11:27.910> subtle does is they come in and in very subtle does is they come in and in very subtle ways<00:11:28.480> in<00:11:28.509> over<00:11:29.470> the<00:11:29.559> course<00:11:29.679> of<00:11:29.860> several<00:11:30.129> hours ways in over the course of several hours ways in over the course of several hours they<00:11:30.759> will<00:11:30.850> ask<00:11:31.119> that<00:11:31.449> person<00:11:31.720> to<00:11:32.110> tell<00:11:32.619> their they will ask that person to tell their they will ask that person to tell their story<00:11:33.040> backwards<00:11:33.699> and<00:11:33.939> then<00:11:34.389> they'll<00:11:34.540> watch story backwards and then they'll watch story backwards and then they'll watch them<00:11:34.929> squirm<00:11:35.259> and<00:11:35.769> track<00:11:36.100> which<00:11:36.399> questions them squirm and track which questions them squirm and track which questions produce<00:11:37.839> the<00:11:37.959> highest<00:11:38.139> volume<00:11:38.410> of<00:11:38.769> deceptive produce the highest volume of deceptive produce the highest volume of deceptive tells<00:11:39.459> why<00:11:39.639> do<00:11:39.699> they<00:11:39.910> do<00:11:39.970> that<00:11:40.089> well<00:11:40.449> we<00:11:41.079> all<00:11:41.230> do tells why do they do that well we all do tells why do they do that well we all do the<00:11:41.470> same<00:11:41.499> thing<00:11:41.920> we<00:11:42.369> rehearse<00:11:42.699> our<00:11:42.850> words<00:11:43.119> but the same thing we rehearse our words but the same thing we rehearse our words but we<00:11:43.509> rarely<00:11:43.720> rehearse<00:11:44.230> our<00:11:44.439> gestures<00:11:45.129> we<00:11:45.730> say we rarely rehearse our gestures we say we rarely rehearse our gestures we say yes<00:11:46.240> we<00:11:46.540> shake<00:11:46.749> our<00:11:46.869> heads<00:11:47.079> no<00:11:47.350> we<00:11:47.949> tell<00:11:48.069> very yes we shake our heads no we tell very yes we shake our heads no we tell very convincing<00:11:48.759> stories<00:11:49.149> we<00:11:49.329> slightly<00:11:49.660> shrug<00:11:50.079> our convincing stories we slightly shrug our convincing stories we slightly shrug our shoulders<00:11:50.259> we<00:11:50.829> commit<00:11:51.490> terrible<00:11:51.850> crimes<00:11:52.059> and shoulders we commit terrible crimes and shoulders we commit terrible crimes and we<00:11:52.779> smile<00:11:53.199> at<00:11:53.499> the<00:11:53.649> delight<00:11:54.009> in<00:11:54.279> getting<00:11:54.850> away we smile at the delight in getting away we smile at the delight in getting away with<00:11:55.029> it with it with it now<00:11:55.869> that<00:11:56.050> smile<00:11:56.499> is<00:11:56.740> known<00:11:56.980> in<00:11:57.189> the<00:11:57.279> trade<00:11:57.429> as now that smile is known in the trade as now that smile is known in the trade as duping<00:11:58.119> delight<00:11:58.269> and<00:11:58.689> we're<00:11:59.050> going<00:11:59.170> to<00:11:59.199> see duping delight and we're going to see duping delight and we're going to see that<00:11:59.679> in<00:11:59.920> several<00:12:00.459> videos<00:12:00.790> moving<00:12:01.119> forward that in several videos moving forward that in several videos moving forward but<00:12:01.420> we're<00:12:01.540> going<00:12:01.660> to<00:12:01.720> start<00:12:02.110> for<00:12:02.800> those<00:12:02.920> of but we're going to start for those of but we're going to start for those of you<00:12:03.129> that<00:12:03.279> don't<00:12:03.490> know<00:12:03.639> him<00:12:03.970> this<00:12:04.119> is you that don't know him this is you that don't know him this is presidential<00:12:05.110> candidate<00:12:05.709> John<00:12:05.949> Edwards<00:12:06.519> who presidential candidate John Edwards who presidential candidate John Edwards who shocked<00:12:07.029> America<00:12:07.360> by<00:12:07.689> fathering<00:12:08.110> a<00:12:08.199> child<00:12:08.230> out shocked America by fathering a child out shocked America by fathering a child out of<00:12:08.860> wedlock of wedlock of wedlock we're<00:12:09.879> going<00:12:09.999> to<00:12:10.059> see<00:12:10.299> him<00:12:10.569> talk<00:12:11.199> about we're going to see him talk about we're going to see him talk about getting<00:12:12.100> a<00:12:12.220> paternity<00:12:12.610> test<00:12:12.730> to<00:12:13.029> see<00:12:13.299> now<00:12:13.540> if getting a paternity test to see now if getting a paternity test to see now if you<00:12:13.959> can<00:12:14.170> spot<00:12:14.470> him<00:12:15.029> saying<00:12:16.029> yes<00:12:16.240> while you can spot him saying yes while you can spot him saying yes while shaking<00:12:16.660> his<00:12:16.899> head<00:12:17.019> no<00:12:17.079> slightly<00:12:17.769> shrugging shaking his head no slightly shrugging shaking his head no slightly shrugging his<00:12:18.220> shoulders<00:12:18.279> lots<00:12:18.910> of<00:12:19.059> be<00:12:19.209> happy<00:12:19.509> to his shoulders lots of be happy to his shoulders lots of be happy to participate<00:12:20.170> in<00:12:20.319> one<00:12:20.559> I<00:12:20.769> know<00:12:21.519> that<00:12:21.939> it's<00:12:22.089> not participate in one I know that it's not participate in one I know that it's not possible<00:12:22.269> that<00:12:23.199> this<00:12:23.350> child<00:12:23.649> could<00:12:23.799> be<00:12:23.860> mine possible that this child could be mine possible that this child could be mine because<00:12:24.639> of<00:12:24.970> the<00:12:25.420> timing<00:12:25.660> of<00:12:25.869> events<00:12:26.019> so<00:12:26.799> I because of the timing of events so I because of the timing of events so I know<00:12:27.100> it's<00:12:27.399> not<00:12:27.459> possible<00:12:27.699> happy<00:12:28.540> to<00:12:28.629> take<00:12:28.779> a know it's not possible happy to take a know it's not possible happy to take a paternity<00:12:29.139> test<00:12:29.319> and<00:12:29.799> would<00:12:30.610> love<00:12:30.759> to<00:12:30.879> see<00:12:30.999> it paternity test and would love to see it paternity test and would love to see it are<00:12:31.540> you<00:12:31.689> going<00:12:31.869> to<00:12:31.959> do<00:12:32.049> that<00:12:32.230> soon<00:12:32.529> is<00:12:32.799> there are you going to do that soon is there are you going to do that soon is there somebody<00:12:33.730> that<00:12:34.149> you<00:12:34.720> can't<00:12:34.929> only<00:12:35.170> one<00:12:35.439> side somebody that you can't only one side somebody that you can't only one side how<00:12:36.639> can<00:12:36.819> only<00:12:36.999> one<00:12:37.240> side<00:12:37.480> of<00:12:37.509> the<00:12:37.660> test<00:12:37.869> but how can only one side of the test but how can only one side of the test but I'm<00:12:38.230> happy<00:12:39.009> to<00:12:39.040> participate<00:12:40.769> okay<00:12:41.769> those I'm happy to participate okay those I'm happy to participate okay those headshakes headshakes headshakes are<00:12:43.029> much<00:12:43.269> easier<00:12:43.299> to<00:12:43.629> spot<00:12:43.869> once<00:12:44.110> you<00:12:44.259> know<00:12:44.379> to are much easier to spot once you know to are much easier to spot once you know to look<00:12:44.619> for<00:12:44.829> them<00:12:44.949> now<00:12:45.129> they're<00:12:45.910> going<00:12:45.999> to<00:12:46.089> be look for them now they're going to be look for them now they're going to be times<00:12:46.420> when<00:12:46.689> someone<00:12:46.959> makes<00:12:47.350> one<00:12:47.679> expression times when someone makes one expression times when someone makes one expression while<00:12:49.269> masking<00:12:49.899> another<00:12:50.199> that<00:12:50.379> just<00:12:50.559> kind<00:12:50.709> of while masking another that just kind of while masking another that just kind of leaks<00:12:51.040> through<00:12:51.339> in<00:12:51.490> a<00:12:51.549> flash<00:12:52.019> murderers<00:12:53.019> are leaks through in a flash murderers are leaks through in a flash murderers are known<00:12:53.439> to<00:12:53.769> leak<00:12:54.149> sadness<00:12:55.149> your<00:12:55.660> new<00:12:55.839> joint known to leak sadness your new joint known to leak sadness your new joint venture<00:12:56.170> partner<00:12:56.679> might<00:12:56.829> shake<00:12:57.069> your<00:12:57.220> hand venture partner might shake your hand venture partner might shake your hand celebrate<00:12:57.939> go<00:12:58.089> out<00:12:58.149> to<00:12:58.299> dinner<00:12:58.480> with<00:12:58.629> you<00:12:58.809> and celebrate go out to dinner with you and celebrate go out to dinner with you and then<00:12:59.139> leak<00:12:59.769> an<00:13:00.040> expression<00:13:00.639> of<00:13:00.730> anger<00:13:00.939> and then leak an expression of anger and then leak an expression of anger and we're<00:13:01.839> not<00:13:01.929> all<00:13:02.110> going<00:13:02.230> to<00:13:02.290> become<00:13:02.439> facial we're not all going to become facial we're not all going to become facial expression<00:13:03.519> experts<00:13:03.879> overnight<00:13:04.240> here<00:13:04.480> but expression experts overnight here but expression experts overnight here but there's<00:13:05.170> one<00:13:05.350> I<00:13:05.410> can<00:13:05.709> teach<00:13:05.920> you<00:13:05.949> that's<00:13:06.220> very there's one I can teach you that's very there's one I can teach you that's very dangerous<00:13:06.910> and<00:13:07.059> it's<00:13:07.179> easy<00:13:07.389> to<00:13:07.600> learn dangerous and it's easy to learn dangerous and it's easy to learn that's<00:13:08.540> the<00:13:08.720> expression<00:13:08.960> of<00:13:09.230> contempt<00:13:10.030> now that's the expression of contempt now that's the expression of contempt now the<00:13:11.090> anger<00:13:11.540> you've<00:13:12.050> got<00:13:12.200> two<00:13:12.320> people<00:13:12.590> in<00:13:12.650> an the anger you've got two people in an the anger you've got two people in an even<00:13:12.980> playing<00:13:13.220> field<00:13:13.340> it's<00:13:14.180> still<00:13:14.420> somewhat even playing field it's still somewhat even playing field it's still somewhat of<00:13:14.840> a<00:13:14.960> healthy<00:13:15.350> relationship<00:13:15.770> but<00:13:16.340> when<00:13:16.460> anger of a healthy relationship but when anger of a healthy relationship but when anger turns<00:13:17.060> to<00:13:17.240> contempt<00:13:17.750> you've<00:13:18.470> been<00:13:18.650> dismissed turns to contempt you've been dismissed turns to contempt you've been dismissed it's<00:13:20.060> associated<00:13:20.600> with<00:13:20.870> moral<00:13:21.290> superiority it's associated with moral superiority it's associated with moral superiority and<00:13:22.190> for<00:13:22.370> that<00:13:22.490> reasons<00:13:22.820> it's<00:13:23.030> very<00:13:23.090> very<00:13:23.930> hard and for that reasons it's very very hard and for that reasons it's very very hard to<00:13:24.800> recover<00:13:24.950> from<00:13:25.220> here's<00:13:25.640> what<00:13:25.790> it<00:13:25.880> looks to recover from here's what it looks to recover from here's what it looks like<00:13:26.240> it's<00:13:27.230> marked<00:13:27.740> by<00:13:28.280> one<00:13:28.550> lip<00:13:28.820> corner like it's marked by one lip corner like it's marked by one lip corner pulled<00:13:29.480> up<00:13:29.720> and<00:13:29.960> in<00:13:30.560> it's<00:13:30.860> the<00:13:31.520> only<00:13:31.700> a pulled up and in it's the only a pulled up and in it's the only a symmetrical<00:13:32.810> expression<00:13:33.410> and<00:13:33.620> in<00:13:34.310> the symmetrical expression and in the symmetrical expression and in the presence<00:13:34.940> of<00:13:35.060> contempt<00:13:35.660> whether<00:13:36.560> or<00:13:36.740> not presence of contempt whether or not presence of contempt whether or not deception<00:13:37.460> follows<00:13:37.790> and<00:13:37.970> it<00:13:38.060> doesn't<00:13:38.360> always deception follows and it doesn't always deception follows and it doesn't always follow<00:13:39.070> look<00:13:40.070> the<00:13:40.250> other<00:13:40.370> way<00:13:40.610> go<00:13:40.640> the<00:13:41.090> other follow look the other way go the other follow look the other way go the other direction<00:13:41.860> reconsider<00:13:42.860> the<00:13:43.040> deal<00:13:43.190> say<00:13:43.520> no direction reconsider the deal say no direction reconsider the deal say no thank<00:13:43.910> you<00:13:43.970> I'm<00:13:44.150> not<00:13:44.360> coming<00:13:44.720> up<00:13:44.780> for<00:13:44.990> just<00:13:45.200> one thank you I'm not coming up for just one thank you I'm not coming up for just one more<00:13:45.710> nightcap<00:13:46.340> thank<00:13:46.700> you more nightcap thank you more nightcap thank you science<00:13:48.320> has<00:13:48.620> surfaced<00:13:49.190> many<00:13:49.910> many<00:13:50.240> more science has surfaced many many more science has surfaced many many more indicators<00:13:51.380> we<00:13:51.860> know<00:13:52.070> for<00:13:52.310> example<00:13:52.370> we<00:13:52.790> know indicators we know for example we know indicators we know for example we know Liars<00:13:53.180> will<00:13:53.510> shift<00:13:54.350> their<00:13:54.590> blink<00:13:54.860> rate<00:13:55.130> point Liars will shift their blink rate point Liars will shift their blink rate point their<00:13:56.210> feet<00:13:56.390> towards<00:13:56.720> an<00:13:56.840> exit their feet towards an exit their feet towards an exit they<00:13:58.490> will<00:13:58.970> take<00:13:59.390> barrier<00:13:59.900> objects<00:14:00.380> and<00:14:00.590> put they will take barrier objects and put they will take barrier objects and put them<00:14:00.890> between<00:14:01.040> themselves<00:14:01.400> and<00:14:01.760> the<00:14:01.880> person them between themselves and the person them between themselves and the person that's<00:14:02.240> interviewing<00:14:02.810> them<00:14:02.930> they'll<00:14:03.350> alter that's interviewing them they'll alter that's interviewing them they'll alter their<00:14:03.980> vocal<00:14:04.370> tone<00:14:04.520> often<00:14:04.910> making<00:14:05.240> them their vocal tone often making them their vocal tone often making them making<00:14:06.050> their<00:14:06.260> vocal<00:14:06.530> tone<00:14:06.680> much<00:14:06.890> lower<00:14:07.220> now making their vocal tone much lower now making their vocal tone much lower now here's<00:14:08.480> the<00:14:08.630> deal<00:14:09.040> these<00:14:10.040> behaviors<00:14:10.340> are<00:14:11.380> just here's the deal these behaviors are just here's the deal these behaviors are just behaviors<00:14:13.310> they're<00:14:13.520> not<00:14:13.790> proof<00:14:14.450> of<00:14:14.600> deception behaviors they're not proof of deception behaviors they're not proof of deception they're<00:14:16.100> red<00:14:16.280> flags<00:14:16.580> were<00:14:16.790> human<00:14:17.180> beings<00:14:17.390> we they're red flags were human beings we they're red flags were human beings we make<00:14:17.990> deceptive<00:14:18.560> flailing<00:14:19.130> gestures<00:14:19.700> all make deceptive flailing gestures all make deceptive flailing gestures all over<00:14:20.120> the<00:14:20.210> place<00:14:20.420> all<00:14:20.660> day<00:14:20.690> long<00:14:21.110> they<00:14:21.560> don't over the place all day long they don't over the place all day long they don't mean<00:14:22.100> anything<00:14:22.400> in<00:14:22.670> and<00:14:22.850> of<00:14:22.940> themselves<00:14:23.060> but mean anything in and of themselves but mean anything in and of themselves but when<00:14:24.140> you<00:14:24.320> see<00:14:24.500> clusters<00:14:24.830> of<00:14:25.280> them<00:14:25.460> that's when you see clusters of them that's when you see clusters of them that's your<00:14:25.760> signal your signal your signal look<00:14:26.990> listen<00:14:27.350> probe<00:14:27.890> ask<00:14:28.280> some<00:14:29.000> hard look listen probe ask some hard look listen probe ask some hard questions<00:14:29.300> get<00:14:30.080> out<00:14:30.230> of<00:14:30.380> that<00:14:30.470> very questions get out of that very questions get out of that very comfortable<00:14:31.310> mode<00:14:31.490> of<00:14:31.700> knowing<00:14:32.180> walk<00:14:32.990> into comfortable mode of knowing walk into comfortable mode of knowing walk into curiosity<00:14:33.470> mode<00:14:34.160> ask<00:14:34.460> more<00:14:34.910> questions<00:14:35.470> have<00:14:36.470> a curiosity mode ask more questions have a curiosity mode ask more questions have a little<00:14:36.740> dignity<00:14:36.980> treat<00:14:37.610> the<00:14:37.700> person<00:14:37.970> you're little dignity treat the person you're little dignity treat the person you're talking<00:14:38.240> to<00:14:38.450> with<00:14:38.660> rapport<00:14:38.960> don't<00:14:39.170> try<00:14:39.290> to<00:14:39.350> be talking to with rapport don't try to be talking to with rapport don't try to be like<00:14:39.530> those<00:14:39.830> folks<00:14:40.070> on<00:14:40.250> Law<00:14:40.400> &<00:14:40.430> Order<00:14:40.700> and like those folks on Law & Order and like those folks on Law & Order and those<00:14:41.090> other<00:14:41.270> TV<00:14:41.600> shows<00:14:41.630> that<00:14:41.960> pummel<00:14:42.380> their those other TV shows that pummel their those other TV shows that pummel their subjects<00:14:42.920> into<00:14:43.130> submission<00:14:43.460> don't<00:14:44.090> be<00:14:44.240> too subjects into submission don't be too subjects into submission don't be too aggressive<00:14:44.570> it<00:14:44.900> doesn't<00:14:45.230> work<00:14:45.410> now<00:14:47.200> we've aggressive it doesn't work now we've aggressive it doesn't work now we've talked<00:14:48.440> a<00:14:48.560> little<00:14:48.680> bit<00:14:48.860> about<00:14:49.040> how<00:14:49.190> to<00:14:49.250> talk<00:14:49.640> to talked a little bit about how to talk to talked a little bit about how to talk to someone<00:14:50.060> who's<00:14:50.360> lying<00:14:50.630> I'm<00:14:50.840> gonna<00:14:50.900> have<00:14:51.050> a someone who's lying I'm gonna have a someone who's lying I'm gonna have a spot<00:14:51.350> a<00:14:51.410> lie<00:14:51.650> and<00:14:51.980> as<00:14:52.460> I<00:14:52.550> promise<00:14:52.910> we're<00:14:53.060> now spot a lie and as I promise we're now spot a lie and as I promise we're now going<00:14:53.330> to<00:14:53.420> look<00:14:53.570> at<00:14:53.690> what<00:14:53.840> the<00:14:53.990> truth<00:14:54.290> looks going to look at what the truth looks going to look at what the truth looks like<00:14:54.770> but<00:14:55.730> I'm<00:14:55.820> going<00:14:55.970> to<00:14:56.030> show<00:14:56.240> you<00:14:56.300> two like but I'm going to show you two like but I'm going to show you two videos<00:14:56.980> two<00:14:57.980> mothers<00:14:58.400> one<00:14:59.270> is<00:14:59.420> lying<00:14:59.660> one<00:14:59.990> is videos two mothers one is lying one is videos two mothers one is lying one is telling<00:15:00.410> the<00:15:00.500> truth<00:15:00.740> and<00:15:00.890> these<00:15:01.010> were telling the truth and these were telling the truth and these were surfaced<00:15:01.670> by<00:15:01.910> researcher<00:15:02.900> David<00:15:03.200> Matsumoto surfaced by researcher David Matsumoto surfaced by researcher David Matsumoto in<00:15:03.950> California<00:15:04.520> and<00:15:04.640> I<00:15:04.670> think<00:15:04.850> they're<00:15:04.970> an in California and I think they're an in California and I think they're an excellent<00:15:05.390> example<00:15:05.630> of<00:15:06.140> what<00:15:06.830> the<00:15:06.950> truth excellent example of what the truth excellent example of what the truth looks<00:15:07.730> like<00:15:07.820> this<00:15:08.630> mother<00:15:08.990> Diane<00:15:09.470> Downes<00:15:10.180> shot looks like this mother Diane Downes shot looks like this mother Diane Downes shot her<00:15:11.390> kids<00:15:11.690> at<00:15:11.960> close<00:15:12.230> range<00:15:12.760> drove<00:15:13.760> him<00:15:13.940> to<00:15:14.150> the her kids at close range drove him to the her kids at close range drove him to the hospital<00:15:14.720> while<00:15:14.840> they<00:15:14.960> bled<00:15:15.320> all<00:15:15.680> over<00:15:15.980> the hospital while they bled all over the hospital while they bled all over the car<00:15:16.310> claimed<00:15:17.060> a<00:15:17.270> scraggy<00:15:18.020> haired<00:15:18.440> stranger car claimed a scraggy haired stranger car claimed a scraggy haired stranger did<00:15:19.250> it<00:15:19.400> and<00:15:19.550> you did it and you did it and you see<00:15:20.000> when<00:15:20.120> you<00:15:20.209> see<00:15:20.329> the<00:15:20.360> video<00:15:20.839> she<00:15:21.139> can't see when you see the video she can't see when you see the video she can't even<00:15:21.500> pretend<00:15:21.949> to<00:15:22.130> be<00:15:22.250> an<00:15:22.339> agonizing<00:15:22.490> mother even pretend to be an agonizing mother even pretend to be an agonizing mother what<00:15:23.300> you<00:15:23.420> want<00:15:23.569> to<00:15:23.660> look<00:15:23.810> for<00:15:24.050> here<00:15:24.380> is<00:15:24.529> an what you want to look for here is an what you want to look for here is an incredible<00:15:25.550> discrepancy<00:15:26.300> between<00:15:26.680> horrific incredible discrepancy between horrific incredible discrepancy between horrific events<00:15:28.069> that<00:15:28.250> she<00:15:28.399> describes<00:15:28.850> and<00:15:29.269> her<00:15:30.139> very events that she describes and her very events that she describes and her very very<00:15:30.560> cool<00:15:30.769> demeanor<00:15:31.160> and<00:15:31.399> if<00:15:31.490> you<00:15:31.610> look very cool demeanor and if you look very cool demeanor and if you look closely<00:15:32.000> you'll<00:15:32.389> see<00:15:32.480> duping<00:15:33.019> delight closely you'll see duping delight closely you'll see duping delight throughout<00:15:33.649> this<00:15:33.860> video<00:15:34.069> but<00:15:34.370> at<00:15:34.490> night<00:15:34.699> when throughout this video but at night when throughout this video but at night when I<00:15:35.000> close<00:15:35.089> my<00:15:35.300> eyes<00:15:35.480> I<00:15:35.630> can<00:15:36.079> see<00:15:36.230> Kristi I close my eyes I can see Kristi I close my eyes I can see Kristi reaching<00:15:36.980> her<00:15:37.130> hand<00:15:37.370> out<00:15:37.550> to<00:15:37.670> me<00:15:37.699> while<00:15:37.910> I'm reaching her hand out to me while I'm reaching her hand out to me while I'm driving<00:15:38.269> and<00:15:38.720> the<00:15:39.589> blood<00:15:39.860> just<00:15:40.190> keep<00:15:40.670> coming driving and the blood just keep coming driving and the blood just keep coming out<00:15:41.209> of<00:15:41.329> her<00:15:41.420> mouth<00:15:41.569> and<00:15:41.899> that<00:15:42.339> maybe<00:15:43.339> it'll out of her mouth and that maybe it'll out of her mouth and that maybe it'll fade<00:15:43.819> too<00:15:44.060> with<00:15:44.269> time<00:15:44.509> but<00:15:44.750> I<00:15:44.779> don't<00:15:45.199> think<00:15:45.440> so fade too with time but I don't think so fade too with time but I don't think so that<00:15:46.459> haunts<00:15:46.819> me<00:15:46.850> the<00:15:47.029> most

now<00:15:56.060> I'm<00:15:56.240> going<00:15:56.449> to<00:15:56.509> show<00:15:56.660> you<00:15:56.720> a<00:15:56.870> video<00:15:57.019> of<00:15:57.199> an
now I'm going to show you a video of an now I'm going to show you a video of an actual<00:15:58.129> grieving<00:15:58.970> mother<00:15:59.180> Erin<00:15:59.750> Runyon actual grieving mother Erin Runyon actual grieving mother Erin Runyon confronting<00:16:00.740> her<00:16:00.860> daughter's<00:16:01.220> murderer<00:16:01.790> and confronting her daughter's murderer and confronting her daughter's murderer and torture<00:16:02.360> in<00:16:02.389> court<00:16:02.899> here<00:16:03.769> you're<00:16:03.949> gonna<00:16:04.069> see torture in court here you're gonna see torture in court here you're gonna see no<00:16:04.459> false<00:16:04.699> emotion<00:16:05.209> just<00:16:05.629> the<00:16:05.779> authentic no false emotion just the authentic no false emotion just the authentic expression<00:16:07.100> of<00:16:07.279> a<00:16:07.430> mother's<00:16:07.730> agony<00:16:08.209> I<00:16:08.449> wrote expression of a mother's agony I wrote expression of a mother's agony I wrote the<00:16:09.439> statement<00:16:09.920> on<00:16:10.040> the<00:16:10.160> 3rd<00:16:10.370> anniversary<00:16:10.579> of the statement on the 3rd anniversary of the statement on the 3rd anniversary of the<00:16:11.269> night<00:16:11.420> you<00:16:11.629> took<00:16:11.870> my<00:16:12.110> baby<00:16:12.519> and<00:16:13.519> you<00:16:13.790> heard the night you took my baby and you heard the night you took my baby and you heard her her her then<00:16:15.110> you<00:16:15.259> crushed<00:16:15.620> her<00:16:15.970> she<00:16:16.970> terrified<00:16:17.569> her then you crushed her she terrified her then you crushed her she terrified her till<00:16:19.040> her<00:16:19.160> heart<00:16:19.370> stopped till her heart stopped till her heart stopped then<00:16:21.079> she<00:16:21.319> fought<00:16:21.649> and<00:16:22.519> I<00:16:22.759> know<00:16:22.819> she<00:16:23.029> fought then she fought and I know she fought then she fought and I know she fought you<00:16:23.750> my<00:16:24.709> nurse<00:16:24.949> she<00:16:25.339> looked<00:16:25.579> at<00:16:25.759> you<00:16:25.879> with you my nurse she looked at you with you my nurse she looked at you with those<00:16:26.240> amazing<00:16:26.629> brown<00:16:27.170> eyes<00:16:27.410> and<00:16:27.800> you<00:16:27.949> still those amazing brown eyes and you still those amazing brown eyes and you still wanted<00:16:29.899> to<00:16:30.019> kill<00:16:30.199> her<00:16:30.550> and<00:16:31.550> I<00:16:31.699> don't wanted to kill her and I don't wanted to kill her and I don't understand<00:16:32.389> it<00:16:32.569> and<00:16:32.990> I<00:16:33.170> never<00:16:33.230> will

ok<00:16:36.649> there's<00:16:36.829> no<00:16:37.040> doubting<00:16:37.370> the<00:16:37.699> veracity<00:16:37.819> of
ok there's no doubting the veracity of ok there's no doubting the veracity of those<00:16:38.509> emotions<00:16:39.050> now<00:16:40.040> the<00:16:40.100> technology<00:16:40.610> around those emotions now the technology around those emotions now the technology around what<00:16:41.689> the<00:16:41.810> truth<00:16:42.110> looks<00:16:42.379> like<00:16:42.470> is<00:16:42.769> progressing what the truth looks like is progressing what the truth looks like is progressing on<00:16:44.079> the<00:16:45.079> science<00:16:45.470> of<00:16:45.620> it<00:16:45.800> we<00:16:45.980> know<00:16:46.160> for<00:16:46.370> example on the science of it we know for example on the science of it we know for example that<00:16:46.850> we<00:16:47.300> now<00:16:47.449> have<00:16:47.920> specialized<00:16:48.920> eye that we now have specialized eye that we now have specialized eye trackers<00:16:49.819> infrared<00:16:50.060> brain<00:16:50.569> scans<00:16:51.079> MRIs<00:16:51.800> that trackers infrared brain scans MRIs that trackers infrared brain scans MRIs that can<00:16:52.310> decode<00:16:52.670> the<00:16:52.850> signals<00:16:53.269> that<00:16:53.420> our<00:16:53.540> bodies can decode the signals that our bodies can decode the signals that our bodies send<00:16:54.110> out<00:16:54.259> when<00:16:54.410> we're<00:16:54.529> trying<00:16:54.649> to<00:16:54.860> be send out when we're trying to be send out when we're trying to be deceptive<00:16:55.699> and<00:16:56.089> these<00:16:56.509> technologies<00:16:57.110> are deceptive and these technologies are deceptive and these technologies are going<00:16:57.259> to<00:16:57.379> be<00:16:57.470> marketed<00:16:57.920> all<00:16:58.069> of<00:16:58.189> us<00:16:58.309> as going to be marketed all of us as going to be marketed all of us as panaceas<00:16:59.509> for<00:16:59.750> deceit<00:17:00.139> and<00:17:00.379> they<00:17:01.069> will<00:17:01.220> prove panaceas for deceit and they will prove panaceas for deceit and they will prove incredibly<00:17:02.029> useful<00:17:02.180> someday<00:17:02.769> but<00:17:03.769> you<00:17:03.860> got<00:17:03.980> to incredibly useful someday but you got to incredibly useful someday but you got to ask<00:17:04.189> yourself<00:17:04.309> in<00:17:04.699> the<00:17:04.789> meantime<00:17:05.000> who<00:17:05.780> do<00:17:05.870> you ask yourself in the meantime who do you ask yourself in the meantime who do you want<00:17:06.199> on<00:17:06.380> your<00:17:06.439> side<00:17:06.799> of<00:17:06.949> the<00:17:07.010> meeting<00:17:07.309> someone want on your side of the meeting someone want on your side of the meeting someone who's<00:17:08.299> trained<00:17:08.689> in<00:17:08.990> getting<00:17:09.380> to<00:17:09.500> the<00:17:09.620> truth<00:17:09.890> or who's trained in getting to the truth or who's trained in getting to the truth or some<00:17:10.789> guys<00:17:10.939> going<00:17:11.179> to<00:17:11.270> drag<00:17:11.480> a<00:17:11.510> 400-pound some guys going to drag a 400-pound some guys going to drag a 400-pound Elektra<00:17:12.650> cephalo<00:17:12.980> gram<00:17:13.189> through<00:17:13.429> the<00:17:13.520> door Elektra cephalo gram through the door Elektra cephalo gram through the door lye<00:17:15.589> spotters<00:17:16.510> rely<00:17:17.510> on<00:17:17.539> human<00:17:18.260> tools<00:17:18.640> they lye spotters rely on human tools they lye spotters rely on human tools they know<00:17:19.880> as<00:17:20.089> someone<00:17:20.419> once<00:17:20.630> said<00:17:20.919> characters<00:17:21.919> who know as someone once said characters who know as someone once said characters who you<00:17:22.189> are<00:17:22.309> in<00:17:22.400> the<00:17:22.490> dark<00:17:22.900> and<00:17:23.900> what's<00:17:24.049> kind<00:17:24.230> of you are in the dark and what's kind of you are in the dark and what's kind of interesting<00:17:24.409> is<00:17:24.980> that<00:17:25.039> today<00:17:25.490> we<00:17:25.640> have<00:17:25.789> so interesting is that today we have so interesting is that today we have so little<00:17:26.870> darkness<00:17:27.169> our<00:17:27.559> world<00:17:28.189> is<00:17:28.370> lit<00:17:28.700> up<00:17:28.730> 24 little darkness our world is lit up 24 little darkness our world is lit up 24 hours<00:17:29.750> a<00:17:29.809> day<00:17:29.900> it's<00:17:30.169> transparent<00:17:31.030> with<00:17:32.030> blogs hours a day it's transparent with blogs hours a day it's transparent with blogs and<00:17:32.690> social<00:17:32.870> networks<00:17:33.370> broadcasting<00:17:34.370> the and social networks broadcasting the and social networks broadcasting the buzz<00:17:34.669> of<00:17:34.850> a<00:17:34.909> whole<00:17:35.120> new<00:17:35.299> generation<00:17:35.480> of<00:17:35.929> people buzz of a whole new generation of people buzz of a whole new generation of people that<00:17:36.289> have<00:17:36.500> made<00:17:36.620> a<00:17:36.650> choice<00:17:37.010> to<00:17:37.909> live<00:17:38.150> their that have made a choice to live their that have made a choice to live their lives<00:17:38.570> in<00:17:38.840> public<00:17:39.020> it's<00:17:39.350> a<00:17:39.440> much<00:17:39.710> more<00:17:40.570> noisy lives in public it's a much more noisy lives in public it's a much more noisy world<00:17:42.610> so<00:17:43.610> one<00:17:43.789> challenge<00:17:44.270> we<00:17:44.390> have<00:17:44.570> is<00:17:44.720> to world so one challenge we have is to world so one challenge we have is to remember<00:17:46.000> over<00:17:47.000> sharing<00:17:47.480> that's<00:17:48.200> not<00:17:48.500> honesty remember over sharing that's not honesty remember over sharing that's not honesty our<00:17:49.900> matic<00:17:50.900> tweeting<00:17:51.440> and<00:17:51.559> texting<00:17:51.770> can<00:17:52.640> blind our matic tweeting and texting can blind our matic tweeting and texting can blind us<00:17:53.210> to<00:17:53.270> the<00:17:53.450> fact<00:17:53.539> that<00:17:53.960> the<00:17:54.320> subtleties<00:17:55.010> of us to the fact that the subtleties of us to the fact that the subtleties of human<00:17:55.400> decency<00:17:55.549> character<00:17:56.330> integrity<00:17:56.659> that's human decency character integrity that's human decency character integrity that's still<00:17:57.590> it<00:17:57.710> matters<00:17:57.980> that's<00:17:58.190> always<00:17:58.429> what's still it matters that's always what's still it matters that's always what's going<00:17:59.149> to<00:17:59.210> matter going to matter going to matter so<00:17:59.990> in<00:18:00.200> this<00:18:00.380> much<00:18:00.590> noisier<00:18:01.070> world<00:18:01.340> it<00:18:01.460> might so in this much noisier world it might so in this much noisier world it might make<00:18:01.820> sense<00:18:02.120> for<00:18:02.270> us<00:18:02.450> to<00:18:02.570> be<00:18:03.010> just<00:18:04.010> a<00:18:04.220> little make sense for us to be just a little make sense for us to be just a little bit<00:18:04.670> more<00:18:04.960> explicit<00:18:05.960> about<00:18:06.350> our<00:18:06.470> moral<00:18:06.800> code bit more explicit about our moral code bit more explicit about our moral code when<00:18:08.870> you<00:18:08.960> combine<00:18:09.290> the<00:18:09.470> science<00:18:09.800> of when you combine the science of when you combine the science of recognizing<00:18:10.880> deception<00:18:11.330> with<00:18:11.450> the<00:18:11.540> art<00:18:11.720> of recognizing deception with the art of recognizing deception with the art of looking<00:18:12.080> listening<00:18:12.800> you<00:18:13.190> exempt<00:18:13.700> yourself looking listening you exempt yourself looking listening you exempt yourself from<00:18:14.360> collaborating<00:18:14.870> in<00:18:15.110> a<00:18:15.170> lie<00:18:15.610> you<00:18:16.610> start<00:18:16.970> up from collaborating in a lie you start up from collaborating in a lie you start up that<00:18:17.120> path<00:18:17.510> of<00:18:17.690> being<00:18:17.900> just<00:18:18.590> a<00:18:18.830> little<00:18:19.130> bit that path of being just a little bit that path of being just a little bit more<00:18:19.460> explicit<00:18:19.790> because<00:18:20.120> you<00:18:20.360> signal<00:18:20.780> to more explicit because you signal to more explicit because you signal to everyone<00:18:21.230> around<00:18:21.350> you<00:18:21.590> you<00:18:21.770> say<00:18:21.980> hey<00:18:22.460> my<00:18:23.360> world everyone around you you say hey my world everyone around you you say hey my world our<00:18:24.020> world<00:18:24.440> it's<00:18:25.190> going<00:18:25.370> to<00:18:25.550> be<00:18:25.640> an<00:18:25.730> honest<00:18:26.060> one our world it's going to be an honest one our world it's going to be an honest one my<00:18:26.810> world<00:18:27.110> is<00:18:27.260> going<00:18:27.380> to<00:18:27.410> be<00:18:27.560> one<00:18:27.710> where<00:18:27.830> truth my world is going to be one where truth my world is going to be one where truth is<00:18:28.280> strengthened<00:18:28.940> and<00:18:29.090> false<00:18:29.660> it<00:18:29.840> is is strengthened and false it is is strengthened and false it is recognized<00:18:30.440> and<00:18:30.680> marginalized<00:18:31.460> and<00:18:31.730> when<00:18:32.450> you recognized and marginalized and when you recognized and marginalized and when you do<00:18:32.810> that<00:18:32.990> the<00:18:33.800> ground<00:18:34.070> around<00:18:34.430> you<00:18:34.550> starts<00:18:35.030> to do that the ground around you starts to do that the ground around you starts to shift<00:18:35.480> just<00:18:36.350> a<00:18:36.560> little<00:18:36.770> bit<00:18:36.950> and<00:18:37.130> that's<00:18:37.730> the shift just a little bit and that's the shift just a little bit and that's the truth


Pamela Meyer, TED, liespotting, how, to, tell, when, someone, is, lying, deception, honesty, ethics, morality, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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