Cách sử dụng khăn giấy-Joe Smith

How to use a paper towel - Joe Smith

How to use a paper towel - Joe Smith



[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] 571 571 571 million

230,000<00:00:24.320> of<00:00:24.599> paper<00:00:25.119> towels<00:00:26.119> are<00:00:26.359> used<00:00:26.840> by
230,000 of paper towels are used by 230,000 of paper towels are used by Americans<00:00:28.720> every<00:00:29.519> year

if<00:00:32.480> we<00:00:32.719> could<00:00:33.000> correction<00:00:33.760> wrong<00:00:34.079> figure<00:00:34.960> 13
if we could correction wrong figure 13 if we could correction wrong figure 13 billion<00:00:36.200> used<00:00:36.559> every<00:00:36.840> year<00:00:37.120> if<00:00:37.280> we<00:00:37.399> could billion used every year if we could billion used every year if we could reduce<00:00:38.200> the<00:00:38.320> usage<00:00:38.879> of<00:00:39.239> paper<00:00:39.559> towels<00:00:40.559> one reduce the usage of paper towels one reduce the usage of paper towels one paper<00:00:41.320> towel<00:00:41.800> per<00:00:42.039> person<00:00:42.399> per<00:00:42.640> day<00:00:43.879> 571<00:00:44.879> milon paper towel per person per day 571 milon paper towel per person per day 571 milon 230,000<00:00:47.600> pounds<00:00:48.440> of<00:00:48.680> paper<00:00:49.360> not<00:00:49.800> used<00:00:50.800> we 230,000 pounds of paper not used we 230,000 pounds of paper not used we could<00:00:51.120> do<00:00:51.680> that<00:00:52.680> now<00:00:52.800> there<00:00:52.879> are<00:00:53.039> all<00:00:53.239> kinds<00:00:53.440> of could do that now there are all kinds of could do that now there are all kinds of paper<00:00:54.120> towel paper towel paper towel dispensers<00:00:56.359> there's<00:00:56.600> the<00:00:57.000> trifold<00:00:58.000> people dispensers there's the trifold people dispensers there's the trifold people typically<00:00:58.719> take<00:00:58.960> two<00:00:59.199> or<00:00:59.399> three typically take two or three typically take two or three there's<00:01:01.239> the<00:01:01.399> one<00:01:02.000> that<00:01:03.000> cuts<00:01:03.280> it<00:01:03.519> that<00:01:03.640> you there's the one that cuts it that you there's the one that cuts it that you have<00:01:03.879> to<00:01:04.040> tear<00:01:04.360> off<00:01:04.640> people<00:01:04.920> go<00:01:05.119> 1<00:01:05.320> 2<00:01:05.519> 3<00:01:05.720> 4<00:01:06.040> tear have to tear off people go 1 2 3 4 tear have to tear off people go 1 2 3 4 tear this<00:01:07.000> much<00:01:07.520> right<00:01:08.520> there's<00:01:08.759> the<00:01:08.920> one<00:01:09.119> that this much right there's the one that this much right there's the one that cuts cuts cuts itself<00:01:11.200> people<00:01:11.520> go<00:01:12.080> 1<00:01:12.360> 2<00:01:12.600> 3 itself people go 1 2 3 itself people go 1 2 3 4<00:01:15.200> or<00:01:16.000> there's<00:01:17.000> the<00:01:17.159> same<00:01:17.479> thing<00:01:17.880> but<00:01:18.080> recycle 4 or there's the same thing but recycle 4 or there's the same thing but recycle paper<00:01:18.920> you<00:01:19.000> have<00:01:19.119> to<00:01:19.200> get<00:01:19.400> five<00:01:19.520> of<00:01:19.680> those paper you have to get five of those paper you have to get five of those because<00:01:20.000> they're<00:01:20.159> not<00:01:20.280> as<00:01:20.479> absorbent<00:01:21.040> of because they're not as absorbent of because they're not as absorbent of course<00:01:23.680> the<00:01:23.960> fact course the fact course the fact is<00:01:26.000> you<00:01:26.159> can<00:01:26.400> do<00:01:26.640> it<00:01:26.840> all<00:01:27.360> with<00:01:27.680> one<00:01:28.479> towel is you can do it all with one towel is you can do it all with one towel the<00:01:30.600> key<00:01:31.000> two<00:01:31.399> words<00:01:32.399> this<00:01:32.680> half<00:01:32.840> of<00:01:33.000> the<00:01:33.119> room the key two words this half of the room the key two words this half of the room your<00:01:34.840> word<00:01:35.439> is<00:01:35.720> Shake<00:01:36.439> let's<00:01:36.680> hear<00:01:36.880> it<00:01:37.320> shake your word is Shake let's hear it shake your word is Shake let's hear it shake louder<00:01:39.320> sh<00:01:40.320> your<00:01:40.640> word<00:01:41.240> is louder sh your word is louder sh your word is fold<00:01:43.320> F<00:01:44.000> again<00:01:44.920> F<00:01:45.479> really<00:01:45.840> loud fold F again F really loud fold F again F really loud shake shake shake okay<00:01:50.840> wet<00:01:51.399> hands<00:01:52.399> Shake<00:01:53.079> 1<00:01:53.360> 2<00:01:53.680> 3<00:01:54.000> 4<00:01:54.399> 5<00:01:54.680> 6<00:01:54.960> 7<00:01:55.200> 8<00:01:55.520> 9 okay wet hands Shake 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 okay wet hands Shake 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10<00:01:56.079> 11<00:01:56.439> 12<00:01:57.439> why<00:01:57.640> 12<00:01:58.439> 12<00:01:58.799> Apostles<00:01:59.360> 12<00:01:59.600> Tri<00:01:59.960> vies 10 11 12 why 12 12 Apostles 12 Tri vies 10 11 12 why 12 12 Apostles 12 Tri vies 12<00:02:00.840> Zodiac<00:02:01.360> signs<00:02:01.880> 12<00:02:02.200> months<00:02:02.880> one<00:02:03.039> I<00:02:03.200> like<00:02:03.399> the 12 Zodiac signs 12 months one I like the 12 Zodiac signs 12 months one I like the best<00:02:04.560> it's<00:02:04.759> the<00:02:04.880> biggest<00:02:05.200> number<00:02:05.479> with<00:02:05.640> one

syllable syllable trifold

fold<00:02:18.200> dry


Cuts<00:02:31.800> itself<00:02:32.680> fold<00:02:33.440> the<00:02:33.519> fold<00:02:33.879> is<00:02:34.160> important
Cuts itself fold the fold is important Cuts itself fold the fold is important because<00:02:35.440> it<00:02:35.599> allows because it allows because it allows intertial<00:02:38.640> suspension<00:02:39.640> you<00:02:39.760> don't<00:02:39.959> have<00:02:40.080> to intertial suspension you don't have to intertial suspension you don't have to remember<00:02:40.519> that<00:02:40.680> part<00:02:40.920> but<00:02:41.040> trust


me<00:02:53.920> Cuts

itself<00:02:59.400> you<00:02:59.519> know<00:02:59.840> funny<00:03:00.040> thing<00:03:00.159> is<00:03:00.319> I<00:03:00.440> get<00:03:00.599> my
itself you know funny thing is I get my itself you know funny thing is I get my hands<00:03:01.000> drier<00:03:01.319> than<00:03:01.480> people<00:03:01.680> do<00:03:01.840> with<00:03:01.959> three<00:03:02.080> or hands drier than people do with three or hands drier than people do with three or four<00:03:02.480> because<00:03:02.680> they<00:03:02.840> can't<00:03:03.000> get<00:03:03.120> in<00:03:03.239> between four because they can't get in between four because they can't get in between the<00:03:04.120> cracks<00:03:05.120> if<00:03:05.200> you<00:03:05.360> think<00:03:05.560> this<00:03:05.720> isn't<00:03:05.959> as


good<00:03:17.560> now<00:03:18.560> there's<00:03:18.799> now<00:03:18.959> a<00:03:19.120> real<00:03:19.400> fancy
good now there's now a real fancy good now there's now a real fancy invention<00:03:20.239> it's<00:03:20.440> the<00:03:20.519> one<00:03:20.680> where<00:03:20.799> you<00:03:20.959> wave invention it's the one where you wave invention it's the one where you wave your<00:03:21.680> hand<00:03:22.680> and<00:03:22.760> it<00:03:22.959> kicks<00:03:23.200> it<00:03:23.440> out<00:03:24.440> it's<00:03:24.760> way your hand and it kicks it out it's way your hand and it kicks it out it's way too<00:03:25.200> big<00:03:25.360> a<00:03:25.760> towel<00:03:26.760> let<00:03:26.840> me<00:03:27.000> tell<00:03:27.120> you<00:03:27.239> a<00:03:27.360> secret too big a towel let me tell you a secret too big a towel let me tell you a secret if<00:03:27.760> you're<00:03:28.000> really<00:03:28.319> quick<00:03:29.040> if<00:03:29.120> you're<00:03:29.319> really if you're really quick if you're really if you're really quick if you're really quick<00:03:29.840> and<00:03:29.920> I<00:03:30.040> can<00:03:30.200> prove<00:03:30.720> this<00:03:31.720> this<00:03:31.879> is<00:03:32.200> half quick and I can prove this this is half quick and I can prove this this is half a<00:03:32.599> towel<00:03:33.439> from<00:03:33.640> the<00:03:33.879> dispenser<00:03:34.680> in<00:03:34.920> this a towel from the dispenser in this a towel from the dispenser in this building<00:03:36.200> how<00:03:36.560> as<00:03:36.680> soon<00:03:36.879> as<00:03:37.040> it<00:03:37.159> starts<00:03:37.560> you building how as soon as it starts you building how as soon as it starts you just<00:03:38.159> tear<00:03:38.439> it<00:03:38.599> off<00:03:39.360> and<00:03:39.519> it's<00:03:39.680> smart<00:03:39.959> enough just tear it off and it's smart enough just tear it off and it's smart enough to<00:03:40.319> stop<00:03:41.000> and<00:03:41.120> you<00:03:41.200> get<00:03:41.400> half<00:03:41.519> a


towel<00:03:58.879> now<00:03:59.079> let's<00:03:59.319> all<00:03:59.879> say<00:04:00.040> it<00:04:00.680> together
towel now let's all say it together towel now let's all say it together Shake Shake Shake fold<00:04:05.439> you<00:04:05.599> will<00:04:05.840> for<00:04:06.040> the<00:04:06.239> rest<00:04:06.480> of<00:04:06.640> your<00:04:06.920> life fold you will for the rest of your life fold you will for the rest of your life remember<00:04:08.360> those<00:04:08.720> words<00:04:09.720> every<00:04:10.040> time<00:04:10.280> you<00:04:10.519> pick remember those words every time you pick remember those words every time you pick up<00:04:11.040> a<00:04:11.200> paper<00:04:11.519> towel<00:04:12.439> and<00:04:12.680> remember<00:04:13.599> one<00:04:13.879> towel up a paper towel and remember one towel up a paper towel and remember one towel per per per person<00:04:16.280> for<00:04:16.560> one<00:04:16.840> year<00:04:17.440> 571<00:04:18.400> mil<00:04:19.120> 230,000<00:04:20.120> of person for one year 571 mil 230,000 of person for one year 571 mil 230,000 of paper<00:04:21.000> no<00:04:21.239> small<00:04:21.639> thing<00:04:22.160> and<00:04:22.400> next<00:04:22.680> year paper no small thing and next year paper no small thing and next year toilet<00:04:23.840> paper

Joe Smith, paper, towel, TEDxConcordiaUPortland, TED, TEDx, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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