Cách tôi dạy chuột đánh hơi các mỏ đất – Bart Weetjens

How I taught rats to sniff out land mines - Bart Weetjens

How I taught rats to sniff out land mines - Bart Weetjens



[Music] [Music] and <00:00:15.749>here <00:00:16.088>today <00:00:16.427>to <00:00:16.766>share <00:00:17.105>with <00:00:17.444>you <00:00:17.783>and and here today to share with you and and here today to share with you and extraordinary <00:00:18.600>journey extraordinary journey extraordinary journey extra <00:00:20.714>different <00:00:21.149>wording <00:00:21.584>journey <00:00:22.019>huxley extra different wording journey huxley extra different wording journey huxley watch <00:00:24.110>group <00:00:24.310>is <00:00:24.510>increasing watch group is increasing watch group is increasing training <00:00:25.980>advice training advice training advice to <00:00:27.814>save <00:00:28.208>you <00:00:28.602>my <00:00:28.996>light <00:00:29.390>by <00:00:29.784>detecting <00:00:30.178>land to save you my light by detecting land to save you my light by detecting land mind <00:00:31.139>and <00:00:31.589>tuberculosis <00:00:32.039>is <00:00:32.489>as <00:00:32.939>a <00:00:33.389>child <00:00:33.839>left mind and tuberculosis is as a child left mind and tuberculosis is as a child left to to to passions passions passions wang <00:00:37.225>was <00:00:37.641>a <00:00:38.057>passion <00:00:38.473>for <00:00:38.889>road <00:00:39.305>and <00:00:39.721>a <00:00:40.137>head wang was a passion for road and a head wang was a passion for road and a head of <00:00:40.851>council <00:00:41.323>for <00:00:41.795>atsma <00:00:42.267>windows of council for atsma windows of council for atsma windows jungle <00:00:44.655>squirrels <00:00:45.300>limit <00:00:45.945>expand <00:00:46.590>den jungle squirrels limit expand den jungle squirrels limit expand den IJssel <00:00:47.120>tattoo <00:00:47.380>pet <00:00:47.640>shop

miles <00:00:50.774>o <00:00:50.969>it <00:00:51.164>the <00:00:51.359>passion <00:00:51.554>for <00:00:51.749>africa
miles o it the passion for africa miles o it the passion for africa green <00:00:53.900>alpine <00:00:54.340>multicultural <00:00:54.780>environment green alpine multicultural environment green alpine multicultural environment who <00:00:56.309>has <00:00:56.489>the <00:00:56.669>african <00:00:56.849>studies <00:00:57.029>in <00:00:57.209>the <00:00:57.389>house <00:00:57.569>and who has the african studies in the house and who has the african studies in the house and my <00:00:58.019>country <00:00:58.229>about <00:00:58.439>their <00:00:58.649>stories my country about their stories my country about their stories so <00:01:00.210>different <00:01:00.480>background so different background so different background deep <00:01:02.130>in <00:01:02.280>sion deep in sion deep in sion import <00:01:03.614>it <00:01:03.899>know-how import it know-how import it know-how goods <00:01:05.450>services <00:01:05.771>I <00:01:06.092>am <00:01:06.413>looking <00:01:06.734>for <00:01:07.055>a <00:01:07.376>cultural goods services I am looking for a cultural goods services I am looking for a cultural diversity' diversity' diversity' Africa <00:01:09.667>was <00:01:10.194>surely <00:01:10.721>fascinating <00:01:11.248>family Africa was surely fascinating family Africa was surely fascinating family from <00:01:12.052>the <00:01:12.404>Cayman <00:01:12.756>industrial <00:01:13.108>engineer from the Cayman industrial engineer from the Cayman industrial engineer engineer <00:01:14.415>their <00:01:14.790>product <00:01:15.165>development <00:01:15.540>and engineer their product development and engineer their product development and focused <00:01:16.278>on <00:01:16.716>a <00:01:17.154>proposal <00:01:17.592>detection <00:01:18.030>technology focused on a proposal detection technology focused on a proposal detection technology section <00:01:18.995>with <00:01:19.331>first <00:01:19.667>app <00:01:20.003>you <00:01:20.339>run section with first app you run section with first app you run technologies <00:01:20.859>for <00:01:21.258>developing <00:01:21.657>countries technologies for developing countries technologies for developing countries has <00:01:23.116>started <00:01:23.532>working <00:01:23.948>in <00:01:24.364>the <00:01:24.780>industry <00:01:25.196>with has started working in the industry with has started working in the industry with he <00:01:26.025>was <00:01:26.190>a <00:01:26.355>charlie <00:01:26.520>happy <00:01:26.685>to <00:01:26.850>contribute he was a charlie happy to contribute he was a charlie happy to contribute to <00:01:27.909>en <00:01:28.608>matériaux <00:01:29.307>concilie <00:01:30.006>society <00:01:30.705>in <00:01:31.404>a to en matériaux concilie society in a to en matériaux concilie society in a leaner leaner leaner extracting <00:01:33.166>and <00:01:33.692>my <00:01:34.218>fact-free <00:01:34.744>he <00:01:35.270>must extracting and my fact-free he must extracting and my fact-free he must quit <00:01:36.468>my <00:01:36.666>job <00:01:36.864>to <00:01:37.062>focus <00:01:37.260>on <00:01:37.458>the <00:01:37.656>real <00:01:37.854>world quit my job to focus on the real world quit my job to focus on the real world roles roles roles land <00:01:39.180>mind land mind land mind we <00:01:41.340>talking we talking we talking my <00:01:43.182>team <00:01:43.524>5 <00:01:43.866>well <00:01:44.208>princess <00:01:44.550>diana <00:01:44.892>is <00:01:45.234>a my team 5 well princess diana is a my team 5 well princess diana is a seen <00:01:45.686>on <00:01:45.982>tv <00:01:46.278>at <00:01:46.574>the <00:01:46.870>lam <00:01:47.166>mines <00:01:47.462>shape <00:01:47.758>and seen on tv at the lam mines shape and seen on tv at the lam mines shape and structure <00:01:48.411>barrier <00:01:48.913>to <00:01:49.415>any <00:01:49.917>development structure barrier to any development structure barrier to any development which <00:01:50.862>i <00:01:51.114>reach <00:01:51.366>you <00:01:51.618>as <00:01:51.870>long <00:01:52.122>as <00:01:52.374>these which i reach you as long as these which i reach you as long as these devices <00:01:52.940>out <00:01:53.231>there <00:01:53.522>or <00:01:53.813>3 <00:01:54.104>suspicion <00:01:54.395>of <00:01:54.686>lam devices out there or 3 suspicion of lam devices out there or 3 suspicion of lam mines <00:01:55.330>your <00:01:55.640>country <00:01:55.950>and <00:01:56.260>trying <00:01:56.570>to <00:01:56.880>spring mines your country and trying to spring mines your country and trying to spring into <00:01:57.534>action <00:01:57.828>which <00:01:58.122>was <00:01:58.416>an <00:01:58.710>api <00:01:59.004>worldwide <00:01:59.298>for into action which was an api worldwide for into action which was an api worldwide for new <00:02:01.074>detectors <00:02:01.849>sustainable new detectors sustainable new detectors sustainable india <00:02:04.104>and <00:02:04.409>where <00:02:04.714>my <00:02:05.019>second <00:02:05.324>not <00:02:05.629>the <00:02:05.934>topper india and where my second not the topper india and where my second not the topper use <00:02:06.455>which <00:02:06.670>is <00:02:06.885>mainly <00:02:07.100>in <00:02:07.315>the <00:02:07.530>developing use which is mainly in the developing use which is mainly in the developing world world world muchos <00:02:09.179>red muchos red muchos red why <00:02:11.125>would <00:02:11.420>you <00:02:11.715>choose <00:02:12.010>right <00:02:12.305>across <00:02:12.600>an <00:02:12.895>t why would you choose right across an t why would you choose right across an t for <00:02:13.259>new <00:02:13.378>construction for new construction for new construction action <00:02:14.915>grab <00:02:15.250>a <00:02:15.585>in <00:02:15.920>contract <00:02:16.255>is <00:02:16.590>most action grab a in contract is most action grab a in contract is most people <00:02:17.167>check <00:02:17.384>mark <00:02:17.601>at <00:02:17.818>him people check mark at him people check mark at him redstar redstar redstar ivy <00:02:20.580>sociable ivy sociable ivy sociable creatures <00:02:22.490>in <00:02:22.820>action <00:02:23.150>the <00:02:23.480>product <00:02:23.810>is <00:02:24.140>you creatures in action the product is you creatures in action the product is you see <00:02:24.728>here <00:02:25.136>these <00:02:25.544>targets <00:02:25.952>without <00:02:26.360>here see here these targets without here see here these targets without here you <00:02:27.788>see <00:02:28.136>operator <00:02:28.484>it <00:02:28.832>trains <00:02:29.180>africa you see operator it trains africa you see operator it trains africa have <00:02:30.718>to <00:02:31.206>grab <00:02:31.694>in <00:02:32.182>franshoeks <00:02:32.670>who <00:02:33.158>lives <00:02:33.646>and have to grab in franshoeks who lives and have to grab in franshoeks who lives and drives <00:02:34.124>all <00:02:34.418>those <00:02:34.712>best <00:02:35.006>mine <00:02:35.300>not drives all those best mine not drives all those best mine not scratches <00:02:35.930>submarine <00:02:36.380>and <00:02:36.830>the <00:02:37.280>animal <00:02:37.730>comes scratches submarine and the animal comes scratches submarine and the animal comes back <00:02:38.292>for <00:02:38.584>two <00:02:38.876>tree <00:02:39.168>word back for two tree word back for two tree word very <00:02:40.940>very <00:02:41.210>simple very very simple very very simple very <00:02:42.670>sustainable <00:02:42.960>in <00:02:43.250>the <00:02:43.540>sense <00:02:43.830>where <00:02:44.120>someone very sustainable in the sense where someone very sustainable in the sense where someone here <00:02:45.416>who <00:02:45.852>all <00:02:46.288>kids <00:02:46.724>feel <00:02:47.160>something <00:02:47.596>rough here who all kids feel something rough here who all kids feel something rough art <00:02:48.165>and <00:02:48.580>that's <00:02:48.995>how <00:02:49.410>it <00:02:49.825>works <00:02:50.240>very <00:02:50.655>very art and that's how it works very very art and that's how it works very very simple simple simple now <00:02:52.344>why <00:02:52.748>would <00:02:53.152>use <00:02:53.556>red <00:02:53.960>redt <00:02:54.364>serving <00:02:54.768>you now why would use red redt serving you now why would use red redt serving you since <00:02:55.168>the <00:02:55.536>fifties <00:02:55.904>last <00:02:56.272>century <00:02:56.640>in <00:02:57.008>all <00:02:57.376>chance since the fifties last century in all chance since the fifties last century in all chance or <00:02:58.310>experiment or experiment or experiment council council council hef hef hef more <00:03:01.545>genetic <00:03:01.900>material <00:03:02.255>and <00:03:02.610>located <00:03:02.965>to <00:03:03.320>of more genetic material and located to of more genetic material and located to of action <00:03:04.032>many <00:03:04.504>other <00:03:04.976>mammal <00:03:05.448>species action many other mammal species action many other mammal species were <00:03:06.762>extremely <00:03:07.454>sensitive <00:03:08.146>to <00:03:08.838>smell were extremely sensitive to smell were extremely sensitive to smell but <00:03:09.958>about <00:03:10.146>the <00:03:10.334>mac <00:03:10.522>and <00:03:10.710>is <00:03:10.898>a <00:03:11.086>chair but about the mac and is a chair but about the mac and is a chair with <00:03:11.672>all <00:03:12.044>those <00:03:12.416>smells <00:03:12.788>and <00:03:13.160>to <00:03:13.532>communicate <00:03:13.904>outside with all those smells and to communicate outside with all those smells and to communicate outside

well, <00:03:15.990>I'm <00:03:16.180>coming <00:03:16.370>in <00:03:16.560>a <00:03:16.750>Kate <00:03:16.940>McGrath
well, I'm coming in a Kate McGrath well, I'm coming in a Kate McGrath who <00:03:17.900>am <00:03:18.500>I <00:03:19.100>don't <00:03:19.700>accurate who am I don't accurate who am I don't accurate bed <00:03:21.385>we <00:03:21.810>have <00:03:22.235>click <00:03:22.660>Stembert <00:03:23.085>with <00:03:23.510>it bed we have click Stembert with it bed we have click Stembert with it for <00:03:24.020>animal <00:03:24.410>training <00:03:24.800>how <00:03:25.190>it <00:03:25.580>happened for animal training how it happened for animal training how it happened I <00:03:27.143>click <00:03:27.326>something <00:03:27.509>wrong <00:03:27.692>with <00:03:27.875>your <00:03:28.058>article <00:03:28.241>there <00:03:28.424>sound I click something wrong with your article there sound I click something wrong with your article there sound which <00:03:29.202>should <00:03:29.684>and <00:03:30.166>reinforce <00:03:30.648>particle which should and reinforce particle which should and reinforce particle behaviors <00:03:32.210>festival <00:03:32.930>associate <00:03:33.650>click behaviors festival associate click behaviors festival associate click site <00:03:34.283>with <00:03:34.556>the <00:03:34.829>few <00:03:35.102>words <00:03:35.375>which <00:03:35.648>was <00:03:35.921>almost <00:03:36.194>in site with the few words which was almost in site with the few words which was almost in 10 <00:03:36.717>the <00:03:36.964>awarding <00:03:37.211>of <00:03:37.458>Syria 10 the awarding of Syria 10 the awarding of Syria lancia <00:03:40.374>no <00:03:40.798>no <00:03:41.222>no <00:03:41.646>click <00:03:42.070>foot <00:03:42.494>qlikview <00:03:42.918>click lancia no no no click foot qlikview click lancia no no no click foot qlikview click food <00:03:43.815>clicks <00:03:44.260>foot <00:03:44.705>who <00:03:45.150>bing <00:03:45.595>the <00:03:46.040>one food clicks foot who bing the one food clicks foot who bing the one cage <00:03:46.490>medium-high cage medium-high cage medium-high and <00:03:48.217>action <00:03:48.594>that <00:03:48.971>all <00:03:49.348>learns <00:03:49.725>to <00:03:50.102>stick <00:03:50.479>the and action that all learns to stick the and action that all learns to stick the nose <00:03:51.075>in <00:03:51.400>the <00:03:51.725>hollander <00:03:52.050>white <00:03:52.375>targets <00:03:52.700>and nose in the hollander white targets and nose in the hollander white targets and ties <00:03:53.022>price <00:03:53.284>and <00:03:53.546>do <00:03:53.808>this <00:03:54.070>for <00:03:54.332>5 <00:03:54.594>sec <00:03:54.856>and ties price and do this for 5 sec and ties price and do this for 5 sec and 5c <00:03:55.340>case <00:03:55.640>which <00:03:55.940>is <00:03:56.240>long <00:03:56.540>for <00:03:56.840>the <00:03:57.140>marciano 5c case which is long for the marciano 5c case which is long for the marciano mono <00:03:58.223>again <00:03:58.436>and <00:03:58.649>again <00:03:58.862>with <00:03:59.075>the <00:03:59.288>taetske <00:03:59.501>bit <00:03:59.714>more mono again and again with the taetske bit more mono again and again with the taetske bit more difficult <00:04:00.280>I <00:04:00.690>learns <00:04:01.100>how <00:04:01.510>to <00:04:01.920>find <00:04:02.330>the difficult I learns how to find the difficult I learns how to find the targets <00:04:02.998>mail <00:04:03.396>in <00:04:03.794>a <00:04:04.192>cage <00:04:04.590>hills <00:04:04.988>up <00:04:05.386>to targets mail in a cage hills up to targets mail in a cage hills up to English English English Wendy <00:04:07.100>all <00:04:07.370>learns <00:04:07.640>to <00:04:07.910>work <00:04:08.180>on <00:04:08.450>a <00:04:08.720>week Wendy all learns to work on a week Wendy all learns to work on a week in <00:04:09.284>the <00:04:09.608>open <00:04:09.932>and <00:04:10.256>fine <00:04:10.580>targets in the open and fine targets in the open and fine targets next <00:04:12.830>step next step next step animals <00:04:14.197>learn <00:04:14.514>to <00:04:14.831>find <00:04:15.148>wheel <00:04:15.465>mines <00:04:15.782>in <00:04:16.099>real animals learn to find wheel mines in real animals learn to find wheel mines in real minefield <00:04:16.970>der <00:04:17.660>test <00:04:18.350>it <00:04:19.040>and minefield der test it and minefield der test it and shorten <00:04:20.494>credits <00:04:20.909>international <00:04:21.324>mine <00:04:21.739>action shorten credits international mine action shorten credits international mine action standards <00:04:22.300>job <00:04:22.710>seems <00:04:23.120>to <00:04:23.530>apply <00:04:23.940>dox <00:04:24.350>eft standards job seems to apply dox eft standards job seems to apply dox eft test <00:04:25.125>disk <00:04:25.420>us <00:04:25.715>is <00:04:26.010>the <00:04:26.305>next <00:04:26.600>square test disk us is the next square test disk us is the next square meters <00:04:27.260>this <00:04:27.650>number <00:04:28.040>of <00:04:28.430>mind meters this number of mind meters this number of mind number <00:04:29.892>of <00:04:30.244>mines <00:04:30.596>placed <00:04:30.948>blinds number of mines placed blinds number of mines placed blinds and and and team <00:04:33.353>of <00:04:33.746>trainer <00:04:34.139>and <00:04:34.532>the <00:04:34.925>council <00:04:35.318>has <00:04:35.711>to <00:04:36.104>find team of trainer and the council has to find team of trainer and the council has to find back <00:04:37.080>aldi <00:04:37.720>aldi <00:04:38.360>targets back aldi aldi targets back aldi aldi targets Indians <00:04:40.500>model <00:04:40.780>I <00:04:41.060>add <00:04:41.340>this <00:04:41.620>and <00:04:41.900>license Indians model I add this and license Indians model I add this and license s&a <00:04:43.415>credits <00:04:43.790>animal <00:04:44.165>to <00:04:44.540>the <00:04:44.915>operational <00:04:45.290>in s&a credits animal to the operational in s&a credits animal to the operational in the <00:04:45.560>field the field the field jess <00:04:47.735>lightbox <00:04:48.170>by jess lightbox by jess lightbox by may <00:04:49.305>be <00:04:49.570>one <00:04:49.835>slide <00:04:50.100>inference <00:04:50.365>week <00:04:50.630>and may be one slide inference week and may be one slide inference week and trainer <00:04:51.113>at <00:04:51.446>set <00:04:51.779>gift <00:04:52.112>or <00:04:52.445>the <00:04:52.778>prize <00:04:53.111>or <00:04:53.444>it trainer at set gift or the prize or it trainer at set gift or the prize or it change <00:04:53.930>the <00:04:54.260>mind <00:04:54.590>also <00:04:54.920>this <00:04:55.250>is <00:04:55.580>from <00:04:55.910>team <00:04:56.240>in change the mind also this is from team in change the mind also this is from team in Mozambique <00:04:56.810>country <00:04:57.200>and <00:04:57.590>are <00:04:57.980>a <00:04:58.370>trainer <00:04:58.760>how Mozambique country and are a trainer how Mozambique country and are a trainer how drivers <00:05:00.144>develop <00:05:00.418>the <00:05:00.692>skills <00:05:00.966>to <00:05:01.240>the <00:05:01.514>stream <00:05:01.788>us drivers develop the skills to the stream us drivers develop the skills to the stream us a <00:05:02.120>lot <00:05:02.240>of <00:05:02.360>money a lot of money a lot of money and <00:05:03.727>justice <00:05:03.954>the <00:05:04.181>pride <00:05:04.408>in <00:05:04.635>their <00:05:04.862>eyes <00:05:05.089>of and justice the pride in their eyes of and justice the pride in their eyes of the <00:05:05.450>people the people the people the <00:05:06.860>haven <00:05:07.010>skill the haven skill the haven skill which <00:05:08.630>makes <00:05:08.870>and <00:05:09.110>much <00:05:09.350>less <00:05:09.590>dependent which makes and much less dependent which makes and much less dependent on on on fullness fullness fullness moreover <00:05:13.585>this <00:05:14.040>small <00:05:14.495>team <00:05:14.950>to <00:05:15.405>gather <00:05:15.860>wit moreover this small team to gather wit moreover this small team to gather wit of <00:05:16.396>course <00:05:16.602>you <00:05:16.808>walked <00:05:17.014>you <00:05:17.220>have <00:05:17.426>4 <00:05:17.632>chances <00:05:17.838>in <00:05:18.044>the of course you walked you have 4 chances in the of course you walked you have 4 chances in the manuel <00:05:18.708>the <00:05:19.096>miners <00:05:19.484>toe <00:05:19.872>full <00:05:20.260>whack <00:05:20.648>with <00:05:21.036>how manuel the miners toe full whack with how manuel the miners toe full whack with how it <00:05:22.325>is <00:05:22.610>narrow <00:05:22.895>investments <00:05:23.180>in <00:05:23.465>a <00:05:23.750>redcap it is narrow investments in a redcap it is narrow investments in a redcap patty <00:05:24.545>more <00:05:24.980>it <00:05:25.415>demonstrates <00:05:25.850>in patty more it demonstrates in patty more it demonstrates in mozambique mozambique mozambique this <00:05:27.506>weekend <00:05:27.842>reviews <00:05:28.178>the <00:05:28.514>cost <00:05:28.850>per this weekend reviews the cost per this weekend reviews the cost per square <00:05:29.544>meter <00:05:30.028>up <00:05:30.512>to <00:05:30.996>60% <00:05:31.480>of <00:05:31.964>what <00:05:32.448>is square meter up to 60% of what is square meter up to 60% of what is currently <00:05:33.050>no <00:05:33.500>no <00:05:33.950>to <00:05:34.400>villages <00:05:34.850>square <00:05:35.300>mieter currently no no to villages square mieter currently no no to villages square mieter who <00:05:35.810>do <00:05:35.990>I <00:05:36.170>do <00:05:36.350>that <00:05:36.530>warm <00:05:36.710>pantethine <00:05:36.890>weekend who do I do that warm pantethine weekend who do I do that warm pantethine weekend silent <00:05:37.820>bring <00:05:38.120>with <00:05:38.420>prized <00:05:38.720>to <00:05:39.020>crashing <00:05:39.320>or silent bring with prized to crashing or silent bring with prized to crashing or scale scale scale if <00:05:40.467>I <00:05:40.654>can <00:05:40.841>bring <00:05:41.028>in <00:05:41.215>more <00:05:41.402>ads <00:05:41.589>week <00:05:41.776>an if I can bring in more ads week an if I can bring in more ads week an action <00:05:42.156>with <00:05:42.442>the <00:05:42.728>skin <00:05:43.014>positive <00:05:43.300>things action with the skin positive things action with the skin positive things we <00:05:45.062>have <00:05:45.284>a <00:05:45.506>demonstration <00:05:45.728>site <00:05:45.950>in we have a demonstration site in we have a demonstration site in mozambique mozambique mozambique eleven eleven eleven africa <00:05:49.610>government africa government africa government he <00:05:50.940>saw <00:05:51.220>that <00:05:51.500>dick <00:05:51.780>and <00:05:52.060>you <00:05:52.340>can <00:05:52.620>learn <00:05:52.900>deeply <00:05:53.180>and he saw that dick and you can learn deeply and he saw that dick and you can learn deeply and by <00:05:53.710>using <00:05:54.060>this <00:05:54.410>technology <00:05:54.760>against <00:05:55.110>nice <00:05:55.460>to by using this technology against nice to by using this technology against nice to pack <00:05:55.965>for <00:05:56.200>peace <00:05:56.435>and <00:05:56.670>treat <00:05:56.905>in <00:05:57.140>the <00:05:57.375>great pack for peace and treat in the great pack for peace and treat in the great lakes <00:05:57.825>region <00:05:58.090>and lakes region and lakes region and dangers <00:06:02.003>kirovets <00:06:03.096>to <00:06:04.189>clear dangers kirovets to clear dangers kirovets to clear dirk <00:06:05.135>to <00:06:05.330>a <00:06:05.525>borders <00:06:05.720>of <00:06:05.915>lamp <00:06:06.110>mind' dirk to a borders of lamp mind' dirk to a borders of lamp mind' it <00:06:07.710>didn't <00:06:07.840>seem <00:06:07.970>to <00:06:08.100>bring <00:06:08.230>then <00:06:08.360>very it didn't seem to bring then very it didn't seem to bring then very different <00:06:08.895>problem <00:06:09.220>and <00:06:09.545>tips <00:06:09.870>at <00:06:10.195>the <00:06:10.520>6000 different problem and tips at the 6000 different problem and tips at the 6000 people <00:06:11.500>ac <00:06:11.790>it <00:06:12.080>works <00:06:12.370>a <00:06:12.660>landmine <00:06:12.950>with people ac it works a landmine with people ac it works a landmine with worldwide worldwide worldwide place <00:06:15.206>here <00:06:15.422>under <00:06:15.638>duress <00:06:15.854>for <00:06:16.070>my place here under duress for my place here under duress for my million <00:06:16.640>that <00:06:16.940>function <00:06:17.240>berculo <00:06:17.540>she <00:06:17.840>would <00:06:18.140>be million that function berculo she would be million that function berculo she would be first <00:06:18.600>scholes <00:06:18.910>or <00:06:19.220>infection first scholes or infection first scholes or infection especialy <00:06:21.606>in <00:06:22.202>africa <00:06:22.798>where <00:06:23.394>tibi <00:06:23.990>and <00:06:24.586>he especialy in africa where tibi and he especialy in africa where tibi and he links <00:06:25.554>via <00:06:26.038>shangri <00:06:26.522>this <00:06:27.006>is <00:06:27.490>a <00:06:27.974>youtube <00:06:28.458>comment links via shangri this is a youtube comment links via shangri this is a youtube comment problem problem problem microscopy <00:06:31.505>the <00:06:31.820>standard <00:06:32.135>deviation <00:06:32.450>show microscopy the standard deviation show microscopy the standard deviation show precise <00:06:33.537>straws <00:06:34.204>of <00:06:34.871>forty-two <00:06:35.538>60% precise straws of forty-two 60% precise straws of forty-two 60% reliability reliability reliability in <00:06:38.411>Tanzania <00:06:39.012>the <00:06:39.613>number <00:06:40.214>ready <00:06:40.815>for <00:06:41.416>t in Tanzania the number ready for t in Tanzania the number ready for t 5% <00:06:42.104>of <00:06:42.638>people <00:06:43.172>the <00:06:43.706>then <00:06:44.240>team <00:06:44.774>ipatient <00:06:45.308>this 5% of people the then team ipatient this 5% of people the then team ipatient this at <00:06:45.733>knaus <00:06:46.006>2 <00:06:46.279>TB <00:06:46.552>before <00:06:46.825>they <00:06:47.098>who <00:06:47.371>have <00:06:47.644>the at knaus 2 TB before they who have the at knaus 2 TB before they who have the least <00:06:49.060>FVB least FVB least FVB you <00:06:51.265>have <00:06:51.400>more <00:06:51.535>chance <00:06:51.670>that <00:06:51.805>you <00:06:51.940>won' <00:06:52.075>t <00:06:52.210>be you have more chance that you won' t be you have more chance that you won' t be detected <00:06:52.817>that <00:06:53.184>will <00:06:53.551>just <00:06:53.918>iphone detected that will just iphone detected that will just iphone typical <00:06:55.705>children <00:06:56.080>infections <00:06:56.455>in <00:06:56.830>vogue typical children infections in vogue typical children infections in vogue and <00:06:57.910>on

in <00:07:01.664>for <00:07:02.058>ever <00:07:02.452>you <00:07:02.846>were <00:07:03.240>detected <00:07:03.634>very <00:07:04.028>early
in for ever you were detected very early in for ever you were detected very early die <00:07:04.430>poster <00:07:04.800>orie <00:07:05.170>treatment <00:07:05.540>can <00:07:05.910>start <00:07:06.280>and die poster orie treatment can start and die poster orie treatment can start and even <00:07:06.710>in <00:07:06.960>natchez <00:07:07.210>positives even in natchez positives even in natchez positives it <00:07:08.485>makes <00:07:08.620>sense it makes sense it makes sense you <00:07:10.220>can <00:07:10.650>actually <00:07:11.080>viewer <00:07:11.510>tibi <00:07:11.940>even <00:07:12.370>not you can actually viewer tibi even not you can actually viewer tibi even not mee <00:07:12.760>cherry <00:07:12.940>positives mee cherry positives mee cherry positives so <00:07:15.520>in <00:07:16.000>our <00:07:16.480>common <00:07:16.960>language <00:07:17.440>Dutch so in our common language Dutch so in our common language Dutch the <00:07:19.655>name <00:07:20.190>for <00:07:20.725>TB <00:07:21.260>tering <00:07:21.795>what <00:07:22.330>etymological the name for TB tering what etymological the name for TB tering what etymological leave <00:07:22.707>his <00:07:23.024>first <00:07:23.341>to <00:07:23.658>the <00:07:23.975>quick <00:07:24.292>or <00:07:24.609>ter leave his first to the quick or ter leave his first to the quick or ter ore <00:07:26.255>that <00:07:26.770>the <00:07:27.285>role <00:07:27.800>Charlie's <00:07:28.315>and <00:07:28.830>the <00:07:29.345>Greek ore that the role Charlie's and the Greek ore that the role Charlie's and the Greek Hippocrates Hippocrates Hippocrates hef <00:07:32.062>action <00:07:32.614>per <00:07:33.166>remained <00:07:33.718>document <00:07:34.270>it <00:07:34.822>with <00:07:35.374>the hef action per remained document it with the hef action per remained document it with the team <00:07:35.703>I <00:07:35.936>him <00:07:36.169>at <00:07:36.402>coast <00:07:36.635>beast <00:07:36.868>to <00:07:37.101>sing <00:07:37.334>the <00:07:37.567>full team I him at coast beast to sing the full team I him at coast beast to sing the full language <00:07:38.252>swing <00:07:38.754>of <00:07:39.256>her <00:07:39.758>passions language swing of her passions language swing of her passions so <00:07:42.355>becomes <00:07:42.610>2 <00:07:42.865>details <00:07:43.120>we <00:07:43.375>collectively <00:07:43.630>of so becomes 2 details we collectively of so becomes 2 details we collectively of samples <00:07:44.245>sncf <00:07:44.740>testing <00:07:45.235>of <00:07:45.730>hospitals samples sncf testing of hospitals samples sncf testing of hospitals trainer <00:07:48.010>at <00:07:48.580>van <00:07:49.150>den <00:07:49.720>and trainer at van den and trainer at van den and cvds <00:07:51.965>work <00:07:52.380>and <00:07:52.795>manual <00:07:53.210>we <00:07:53.625>can <00:07:54.040>achieve <00:07:54.455>a cvds work and manual we can achieve a cvds work and manual we can achieve a small <00:07:55.270>percent <00:07:55.720>sensitivity <00:07:56.170>is <00:07:56.620>x <00:07:57.070>percent small percent sensitivity is x percent small percent sensitivity is x percent specificity <00:07:57.660>using specificity using specificity using multiple <00:07:59.714>retsin <00:08:00.208>euro <00:08:00.702>these <00:08:01.196>sour <00:08:01.690>farts multiple retsin euro these sour farts multiple retsin euro these sour farts and <00:08:04.210>want <00:08:04.420>these <00:08:04.630>are <00:08:04.840>actually <00:08:05.050>technology and want these are actually technology and want these are actually technology well <00:08:06.686>explosion <00:08:07.402>tuberculosis <00:08:08.118>is <00:08:08.834>the <00:08:09.550>tank well explosion tuberculosis is the tank well explosion tuberculosis is the tank e-matching <00:08:10.215>your <00:08:10.550>connection <00:08:10.885>'good <00:08:11.220>and <00:08:11.555>I <00:08:11.890>went e-matching your connection 'good and I went e-matching your connection 'good and I went and <00:08:12.467>pressed <00:08:12.894>it <00:08:13.321>like <00:08:13.748>that <00:08:14.175>in <00:08:14.602>Detroit <00:08:15.029>I <00:08:15.456>admit and pressed it like that in Detroit I admit and pressed it like that in Detroit I admit it <00:08:16.012>I <00:08:16.414>ten <00:08:16.816>samples <00:08:17.218>that <00:08:17.620>voice it I ten samples that voice it I ten samples that voice switch <00:08:18.166>sets <00:08:18.412>lance <00:08:18.658>in <00:08:18.904>the <00:08:19.150>got switch sets lance in the got switch sets lance in the got an <00:08:21.134>Almelo <00:08:21.488>limit <00:08:21.842>to <00:08:22.196>hundreds <00:08:22.550>about an Almelo limit to hundreds about an Almelo limit to hundreds about fashion <00:08:23.414>fun <00:08:23.798>to <00:08:24.182>discriminate <00:08:24.566>sensor <00:08:24.950>light fashion fun to discriminate sensor light fashion fun to discriminate sensor light film <00:08:25.451>in <00:08:25.682>phase <00:08:25.913>to <00:08:26.144>give <00:08:26.375>so <00:08:26.606>appreciates <00:08:26.837>it film in phase to give so appreciates it film in phase to give so appreciates it very <00:08:27.170>simple very simple very simple positive <00:08:29.600>offer

bounce <00:08:33.320>click <00:08:33.590>together

and <00:08:37.790>we <00:08:37.950>do <00:08:38.110>this
and we do this and we do this very <00:08:39.494>fast <00:08:39.768>week <00:08:40.042>and <00:08:40.316>even <00:08:40.590>a <00:08:40.864>second <00:08:41.138>line very fast week and even a second line very fast week and even a second line up <00:08:41.709>i <00:08:42.069>know <00:08:42.429>where <00:08:42.789>to <00:08:43.149>see <00:08:43.509>which <00:08:43.869>passions up i know where to see which passions up i know where to see which passions akti <00:08:44.920>beach akti beach akti beach 1966 <00:08:47.501>and <00:08:47.842>in <00:08:48.183>the <00:08:48.524>kitchenware <00:08:48.865>was <00:08:49.206>a 1966 and in the kitchenware was a 1966 and in the kitchenware was a microscopic <00:08:50.035>can <00:08:50.710>process <00:08:51.385>for <00:08:52.060>the microscopic can process for the microscopic can process for the samples <00:08:52.540>in <00:08:52.840>the samples in the samples in the drs <00:08:54.290>kim <00:08:55.030>process drs kim process drs kim process the <00:08:56.290>same <00:08:56.530>amount <00:08:56.770>of <00:08:57.010>sample <00:08:57.250>see <00:08:57.490>7 <00:08:57.730>minutes the same amount of sample see 7 minutes the same amount of sample see 7 minutes ambi ambi ambi it <00:08:59.930>cakes <00:09:00.120>like <00:09:00.310>this

he <00:09:06.416>looked <00:09:06.882>regret <00:09:07.348>this <00:09:07.814>provider <00:09:08.280>theo <00:09:08.746>he
he looked regret this provider theo he he looked regret this provider theo he flats <00:09:09.285>and <00:09:09.670>wf <00:09:10.055>well <00:09:10.440>turnkey <00:09:10.825>twenty <00:09:11.210>five flats and wf well turnkey twenty five flats and wf well turnkey twenty five fruit <00:09:12.020>tuberculosis <00:09:12.650>swets <00:09:13.280>and <00:09:13.910>looked <00:09:14.540>cut fruit tuberculosis swets and looked cut fruit tuberculosis swets and looked cut this <00:09:15.110>kind <00:09:15.410>of <00:09:15.710>rating <00:09:16.010>fruit <00:09:16.310>they <00:09:16.610>can this kind of rating fruit they can this kind of rating fruit they can process <00:09:17.500>1600 <00:09:18.060>ethical <00:09:18.620>ankles

uniform <00:09:22.227>imagine <00:09:22.534>the <00:09:22.841>potential <00:09:23.148>or
uniform imagine the potential or uniform imagine the potential or applications <00:09:24.176>in <00:09:24.612>shape <00:09:25.048>and <00:09:25.484>prophet <00:09:25.920>action <00:09:26.356>of applications in shape and prophet action of applications in shape and prophet action of blood <00:09:26.990>and <00:09:27.290>charles blood and charles blood and charles the <00:09:29.040>customs <00:09:29.410>application <00:09:29.780>that <00:09:30.150>text <00:09:30.520>and <00:09:30.890>or the customs application that text and or the customs application that text and or illusion <00:09:31.271>carriage <00:09:31.562>in <00:09:31.853>containers <00:09:32.144>and <00:09:32.435>as <00:09:32.726>long <00:09:33.017>as illusion carriage in containers and as long as illusion carriage in containers and as long as the <00:09:34.475>member <00:09:35.040>occurs <00:09:35.605>tuberculosis <00:09:36.170>hedges the member occurs tuberculosis hedges the member occurs tuberculosis hedges of <00:09:37.030>a <00:09:37.230>note <00:09:37.430>highlight of a note highlight of a note highlight the <00:09:39.132>flower <00:09:39.514>rock <00:09:39.896>to <00:09:40.278>the <00:09:40.660>scores <00:09:41.042>or <00:09:41.424>my <00:09:41.806>class the flower rock to the scores or my class the flower rock to the scores or my class copy <00:09:42.452>combination <00:09:42.884>in <00:09:43.316>the <00:09:43.748>five <00:09:44.180>clinics <00:09:44.612>in <00:09:45.044>dar copy combination in the five clinics in dar copy combination in the five clinics in dar es <00:09:45.390>salaam <00:09:45.580>of <00:09:45.770>the <00:09:45.960>population <00:09:46.150>and <00:09:46.340>500,000 es salaam of the population and 500,000 es salaam of the population and 500,000 peopleware <00:09:47.708>15,000 <00:09:48.206>reported <00:09:48.704>to <00:09:49.202>get <00:09:49.700>tested peopleware 15,000 reported to get tested peopleware 15,000 reported to get tested on <00:09:50.586>microscope <00:09:51.172>i <00:09:51.758>find <00:09:52.344>1000th <00:09:52.930>congregations on microscope i find 1000th congregations on microscope i find 1000th congregations and <00:09:54.375>by <00:09:54.820>jess <00:09:55.265>presenting <00:09:55.710>box <00:09:56.155>samples <00:09:56.600>once and by jess presenting box samples once and by jess presenting box samples once more <00:09:57.132>to <00:09:57.424>the <00:09:57.716>red <00:09:58.008>and <00:09:58.300>blue <00:09:58.592>in <00:09:58.884>box <00:09:59.176>results more to the red and blue in box results more to the red and blue in box results back back back who <00:10:00.775>your <00:10:00.990>email <00:10:01.205>to <00:10:01.420>increase <00:10:01.635>kees <00:10:01.850>het who your email to increase kees het who your email to increase kees het action <00:10:02.330>great <00:10:02.660>at <00:10:02.990>about <00:10:03.320>fair <00:10:03.650>types <00:10:03.980>end action great at about fair types end action great at about fair types end forward <00:10:05.010>blows <00:10:05.720>gentleman <00:10:06.430>beebe <00:10:07.140>depending <00:10:07.850>on forward blows gentleman beebe depending on forward blows gentleman beebe depending on which <00:10:08.320>intervals <00:10:08.670>shii-take <00:10:09.020>wim which intervals shii-take wim which intervals shii-take wim consistently <00:10:10.200>in <00:10:10.540>two <00:10:10.880>are <00:10:11.220>casey <00:10:11.560>tex <00:10:11.900>and consistently in two are casey tex and consistently in two are casey tex and drove <00:10:12.337>in <00:10:12.624>five <00:10:12.911>hospitals <00:10:13.198>in <00:10:13.485>dar <00:10:13.772>es <00:10:14.059>salaam drove in five hospitals in dar es salaam drove in five hospitals in dar es salaam between <00:10:14.622>13 <00:10:14.974>and <00:10:15.326>14 <00:10:15.678>percent between 13 and 14 percent between 13 and 14 percent they <00:10:17.720>this <00:10:17.930>week <00:10:18.140>we <00:10:18.350>also <00:10:18.560>received <00:10:18.770>a they this week we also received a they this week we also received a date <00:10:19.394>is <00:10:19.868>passion <00:10:20.342>my <00:10:20.816>microscopy <00:10:21.290>in date is passion my microscopy in date is passion my microscopy in facts <00:10:21.842>up <00:10:22.184>to <00:10:22.526>15 <00:10:22.868>people <00:10:23.210>help <00:10:23.552>the <00:10:23.894>people facts up to 15 people help the people facts up to 15 people help the people you <00:10:24.534>create <00:10:25.078>can <00:10:25.622>be <00:10:26.166>sure <00:10:26.710>that <00:10:27.254>who <00:10:27.798>has you create can be sure that who has you create can be sure that who has lots <00:10:28.355>of <00:10:28.610>flight lots of flight lots of flight prefers <00:10:30.327>reviewer <00:10:30.814>at <00:10:31.301>has <00:10:31.788>safe prefers reviewer at has safe prefers reviewer at has safe sudden <00:10:32.410>flight <00:10:32.791>the <00:10:33.172>way <00:10:33.553>forward <00:10:33.934>for <00:10:34.315>as <00:10:34.696>is sudden flight the way forward for as is sudden flight the way forward for as is well <00:10:35.532>that <00:10:36.064>stisch <00:10:36.596>technology <00:10:37.128>and well that stisch technology and well that stisch technology and their <00:10:38.096>simple <00:10:38.432>things <00:10:38.768>like <00:10:39.104>for <00:10:39.440>instance their simple things like for instance their simple things like for instance who <00:10:40.082>lift <00:10:40.394>small <00:10:40.706>reader <00:10:41.018>in <00:10:41.330>the <00:10:41.642>sniffing <00:10:41.954>hall who lift small reader in the sniffing hall who lift small reader in the sniffing hall but <00:10:42.812>who <00:10:43.095>has <00:10:43.378>no <00:10:43.661>stick <00:10:43.944>for <00:10:44.227>5 <00:10:44.510>sec but who has no stick for 5 sec but who has no stick for 5 sec a <00:10:45.037>kind <00:10:45.295>of <00:10:45.553>states <00:10:45.811>that <00:10:46.069>she <00:10:46.327>is <00:10:46.585>or <00:10:46.843>so a kind of states that she is or so a kind of states that she is or so states <00:10:47.321>that <00:10:47.613>the <00:10:47.905>pallets <00:10:48.197>can <00:10:48.489>measure <00:10:48.781>the <00:10:49.073>foot <00:10:49.365>three states that the pallets can measure the foot three states that the pallets can measure the foot three words <00:10:50.090>and <00:10:50.600>to <00:10:51.110>semi <00:10:51.620>is <00:10:52.130>in words and to semi is in words and to semi is in order <00:10:52.804>to <00:10:53.148>replicate <00:10:53.492>the <00:10:53.836>myfly <00:10:54.180>the <00:10:54.524>skill order to replicate the myfly the skill order to replicate the myfly the skill and <00:10:55.230>effect <00:10:55.630>lights <00:10:56.030>of <00:10:56.430>many <00:10:56.830>more <00:10:57.230>people and effect lights of many more people and effect lights of many more people to <00:10:58.866>computer <00:10:59.432>or <00:10:59.998>so <00:11:00.564>other <00:11:01.130>applications <00:11:01.696>at to computer or so other applications at to computer or so other applications at the <00:11:02.070>horizon <00:11:02.350>chemical <00:11:02.630>odor <00:11:02.910>spot <00:11:03.190>the <00:11:03.470>time the horizon chemical odor spot the time the horizon chemical odor spot the time over <00:11:04.061>all <00:11:04.412>camera <00:11:04.763>red <00:11:05.114>switch <00:11:05.465>there <00:11:05.816>is <00:11:06.167>red over all camera red switch there is red over all camera red switch there is red leader <00:11:06.705>at <00:11:07.060>backpack <00:11:07.415>with <00:11:07.770>the <00:11:08.125>camera <00:11:08.480>kimbo leader at backpack with the camera kimbo leader at backpack with the camera kimbo another <00:11:09.325>rib <00:11:09.750>to <00:11:10.175>detect <00:11:10.600>for <00:11:11.025>coverage another rib to detect for coverage another rib to detect for coverage software <00:11:12.304>upgrades <00:11:12.829>and <00:11:13.354>son <00:11:13.879>who software upgrades and son who software upgrades and son who still <00:11:14.248>look <00:11:14.496>big <00:11:14.744>time <00:11:14.992>we <00:11:15.240>don't <00:11:15.488>have <00:11:15.736>worked still look big time we don't have worked still look big time we don't have worked in <00:11:16.280>system <00:11:16.580>through <00:11:16.880>it in system through it in system through it can <00:11:18.446>blood <00:11:18.822>from <00:11:19.198>how <00:11:19.574>dex <00:11:19.950>i <00:11:20.326>like <00:11:20.702>to <00:11:21.078>say can blood from how dex i like to say can blood from how dex i like to say you <00:11:21.375>may <00:11:21.520>think <00:11:21.665>this <00:11:21.810>is <00:11:21.955>a <00:11:22.100>country <00:11:22.245>estate you may think this is a country estate you may think this is a country estate this <00:11:23.250>project <00:11:23.530>pertini <00:11:23.810>jente <00:11:24.090>that <00:11:24.370>they <00:11:24.650>outside this project pertini jente that they outside this project pertini jente that they outside people <00:11:25.170>with <00:11:25.510>him <00:11:25.850>and <00:11:26.190>mating <00:11:26.530>without <00:11:26.870>ball people with him and mating without ball people with him and mating without ball communities <00:11:27.480>to <00:11:27.940>tackle <00:11:28.400>difficult communities to tackle difficult communities to tackle difficult expensive <00:11:30.330>and <00:11:30.730>dangers <00:11:31.130>humanitarian expensive and dangers humanitarian expensive and dangers humanitarian inditex <00:11:32.175>and <00:11:32.680>you <00:11:33.185>feel <00:11:33.690>and <00:11:34.195>pretend <00:11:34.700>how <00:11:35.205>the inditex and you feel and pretend how the inditex and you feel and pretend how the local <00:11:35.870>resource <00:11:36.440>plenty <00:11:37.010>available local resource plenty available local resource plenty available so <00:11:38.810>something <00:11:39.110>completely <00:11:39.410>different so something completely different so something completely different is <00:11:41.480>to <00:11:41.840>keep <00:11:42.200>on <00:11:42.560>challenging <00:11:42.920>job <00:11:43.280>perception is to keep on challenging job perception is to keep on challenging job perception about about about the <00:11:46.790>resources <00:11:47.210>surrounding <00:11:47.630>you the resources surrounding you the resources surrounding you are <00:11:48.740>the are the are the environmental <00:11:50.360>technology <00:11:51.170>co environmental technology co environmental technology co to <00:11:52.547>the <00:11:52.814>engine <00:11:53.081>boy <00:11:53.348>and to the engine boy and to the engine boy and respect <00:11:55.674>for <00:11:56.198>those <00:11:56.722>harmonized <00:11:57.246>who <00:11:57.770>them respect for those harmonized who them respect for those harmonized who them in <00:11:58.700>order <00:11:59.360>to <00:12:00.020>foster in order to foster in order to foster the <00:12:01.190>sustainable <00:12:01.460>world <00:12:01.730>thank <00:12:02.000>you <00:12:02.270>very <00:12:02.540>much the sustainable world thank you very much the sustainable world thank you very much [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]

Bart Weetjens, rat, land, mine, TED, TEDx, TEDxRotterdam, hero, rat, tuberculosis, problem, solving, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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