Chiến đấu với bất bạo động-Scilla Elworthy

Fighting with non-violence - Scilla Elworthy

Fighting with non-violence - Scilla Elworthy


in<00:00:16.090> half<00:00:16.990> a<00:00:17.140> century<00:00:17.590> of<00:00:17.680> trying<00:00:18.130> to<00:00:18.340> help
in half a century of trying to help in half a century of trying to help prevent<00:00:19.330> Wars<00:00:19.630> there's<00:00:20.320> one<00:00:20.529> question<00:00:21.189> that prevent Wars there's one question that prevent Wars there's one question that never<00:00:22.330> leaves<00:00:22.540> me<00:00:23.340> how<00:00:24.340> do<00:00:24.490> we<00:00:24.730> deal<00:00:25.000> with never leaves me how do we deal with never leaves me how do we deal with extreme<00:00:26.170> violence<00:00:26.550> without<00:00:27.600> using<00:00:28.600> force<00:00:28.630> in extreme violence without using force in extreme violence without using force in return<00:00:31.020> when<00:00:32.020> you're<00:00:32.140> faced<00:00:32.410> with<00:00:32.500> brutality return when you're faced with brutality return when you're faced with brutality whether<00:00:33.460> it's<00:00:33.699> a<00:00:33.910> child<00:00:34.300> facing<00:00:35.020> a<00:00:35.110> bully<00:00:35.320> in whether it's a child facing a bully in whether it's a child facing a bully in the<00:00:35.500> playground<00:00:36.100> or<00:00:36.400> domestic<00:00:37.030> violence<00:00:37.480> or the playground or domestic violence or the playground or domestic violence or on<00:00:39.190> the<00:00:39.520> streets<00:00:39.790> of<00:00:39.970> Syria<00:00:40.330> today<00:00:40.600> facing on the streets of Syria today facing on the streets of Syria today facing tanks<00:00:41.830> and<00:00:42.040> shrapnel<00:00:43.079> what's<00:00:44.079> the<00:00:44.470> most tanks and shrapnel what's the most tanks and shrapnel what's the most effective<00:00:45.309> thing<00:00:45.489> to<00:00:45.520> do<00:00:46.170> fight<00:00:47.170> back<00:00:47.880> given effective thing to do fight back given effective thing to do fight back given use<00:00:50.829> more<00:00:51.190> force<00:00:52.350> this<00:00:53.350> question<00:00:54.059> how<00:00:55.059> do<00:00:55.120> I use more force this question how do I use more force this question how do I deal<00:00:56.020> with<00:00:56.050> the<00:00:56.320> bully<00:00:56.640> without<00:00:57.640> becoming<00:00:58.329> a deal with the bully without becoming a deal with the bully without becoming a thug<00:00:58.750> in<00:00:59.290> return<00:01:00.239> has<00:01:01.239> been<00:01:01.270> with<00:01:01.629> me<00:01:01.809> ever thug in return has been with me ever thug in return has been with me ever since<00:01:02.020> I<00:01:02.350> was<00:01:02.469> a<00:01:02.500> child<00:01:02.590> I<00:01:03.280> remember<00:01:04.030> cousin<00:01:04.690> I since I was a child I remember cousin I since I was a child I remember cousin I was<00:01:04.989> about<00:01:05.170> 13<00:01:05.830> glued<00:01:06.640> to<00:01:07.600> grainy was about 13 glued to grainy was about 13 glued to grainy black-and-white<00:01:08.860> television<00:01:09.460> in<00:01:09.910> my<00:01:10.060> parents black-and-white television in my parents black-and-white television in my parents living<00:01:10.720> room<00:01:10.840> as<00:01:11.320> Soviet<00:01:12.250> tanks<00:01:12.820> rolled<00:01:13.050> into living room as Soviet tanks rolled into living room as Soviet tanks rolled into Budapest<00:01:15.000> and<00:01:16.000> kids<00:01:16.539> not<00:01:16.869> much<00:01:16.899> older<00:01:17.319> than<00:01:17.500> me Budapest and kids not much older than me Budapest and kids not much older than me we're<00:01:18.700> throwing<00:01:19.000> themselves<00:01:19.390> at<00:01:19.810> the<00:01:19.929> tanks we're throwing themselves at the tanks we're throwing themselves at the tanks and<00:01:20.590> getting<00:01:20.920> blown<00:01:21.039> down<00:01:21.690> and<00:01:23.039> I<00:01:24.039> rushed and getting blown down and I rushed and getting blown down and I rushed upstairs<00:01:24.550> and<00:01:25.030> started<00:01:25.330> packing<00:01:25.479> my<00:01:25.630> suitcase upstairs and started packing my suitcase upstairs and started packing my suitcase and<00:01:26.349> my<00:01:26.770> mother<00:01:27.130> came<00:01:27.340> up<00:01:27.520> and<00:01:27.700> said<00:01:27.849> what<00:01:28.450> on and my mother came up and said what on and my mother came up and said what on earth<00:01:28.720> are<00:01:28.810> you<00:01:28.899> doing<00:01:28.959> and<00:01:29.440> I<00:01:29.500> said<00:01:29.649> I'm<00:01:30.099> going earth are you doing and I said I'm going earth are you doing and I said I'm going to<00:01:30.789> Budapest<00:01:30.940> and<00:01:32.009> she<00:01:33.009> said<00:01:33.220> what<00:01:33.670> on<00:01:33.789> earth to Budapest and she said what on earth to Budapest and she said what on earth for for for and<00:01:34.660> I<00:01:34.810> said<00:01:35.020> kids<00:01:35.289> are<00:01:35.440> getting<00:01:35.679> killed<00:01:35.920> there and I said kids are getting killed there and I said kids are getting killed there there's<00:01:36.280> something<00:01:36.700> terrible<00:01:37.360> happening<00:01:37.869> and there's something terrible happening and there's something terrible happening and she<00:01:38.770> said<00:01:38.950> don't<00:01:39.160> be<00:01:39.280> so<00:01:39.490> silly<00:01:39.819> and<00:01:40.810> I<00:01:41.229> started she said don't be so silly and I started she said don't be so silly and I started to<00:01:41.770> cry<00:01:41.800> and<00:01:42.840> she<00:01:43.840> got<00:01:43.959> it<00:01:44.140> she<00:01:44.289> said<00:01:44.679> okay<00:01:45.099> I to cry and she got it she said okay I to cry and she got it she said okay I see<00:01:45.520> it's<00:01:45.670> serious<00:01:47.280> you're<00:01:48.280> much<00:01:48.670> too<00:01:48.880> young see it's serious you're much too young see it's serious you're much too young to<00:01:49.240> help<00:01:49.360> you<00:01:50.050> need<00:01:50.259> training<00:01:50.560> I'll<00:01:51.039> help<00:01:51.670> you to help you need training I'll help you to help you need training I'll help you but<00:01:52.240> just<00:01:52.840> unpack<00:01:53.200> your<00:01:53.380> suitcase

and<00:01:56.220> so<00:01:56.400> I<00:01:56.460> got<00:01:56.700> some<00:01:57.060> training<00:01:57.450> and<00:01:57.950> went<00:01:58.950> and
and so I got some training and went and and so I got some training and went and worked<00:01:59.400> in<00:01:59.640> Africa<00:02:00.120> during<00:02:00.420> most<00:02:00.750> of<00:02:00.900> my<00:02:01.050> 20s worked in Africa during most of my 20s worked in Africa during most of my 20s but<00:02:03.030> I<00:02:03.090> realized<00:02:03.660> that<00:02:03.930> what<00:02:04.080> I<00:02:04.110> really<00:02:04.500> needed but I realized that what I really needed but I realized that what I really needed to<00:02:04.920> know<00:02:05.130> I<00:02:05.340> couldn't<00:02:05.850> get<00:02:06.060> from<00:02:06.120> training to know I couldn't get from training to know I couldn't get from training courses<00:02:07.290> I<00:02:08.060> wanted<00:02:09.060> to<00:02:09.330> understand<00:02:10.020> how courses I wanted to understand how courses I wanted to understand how violence<00:02:11.540> how<00:02:12.540> oppression<00:02:13.260> works<00:02:14.210> and<00:02:15.210> what violence how oppression works and what violence how oppression works and what I've<00:02:15.750> discovered<00:02:15.960> since<00:02:16.940> is<00:02:17.940> this<00:02:19.730> bullies I've discovered since is this bullies I've discovered since is this bullies used<00:02:21.030> violence<00:02:21.660> in<00:02:22.020> three<00:02:22.560> ways<00:02:23.900> they<00:02:24.900> use used violence in three ways they use used violence in three ways they use political<00:02:25.800> violence<00:02:26.720> to<00:02:27.720> intimidate

physical<00:02:31.020> violence<00:02:31.610> to<00:02:32.610> terrorize<00:02:33.270> and

mental<00:02:36.810> or<00:02:37.050> emotional<00:02:37.080> violence<00:02:38.010> to
mental or emotional violence to mental or emotional violence to undermine<00:02:40.190> and<00:02:41.780> only<00:02:42.780> very<00:02:43.140> rarely<00:02:43.500> in<00:02:43.950> very undermine and only very rarely in very undermine and only very rarely in very few<00:02:44.490> cases<00:02:44.550> does<00:02:45.390> it<00:02:45.570> work<00:02:45.840> to<00:02:46.320> use<00:02:46.470> more few cases does it work to use more few cases does it work to use more violence<00:02:48.170> Nelson<00:02:49.170> Mandela<00:02:50.030> went<00:02:51.030> to<00:02:51.210> jail violence Nelson Mandela went to jail violence Nelson Mandela went to jail believing<00:02:52.200> in<00:02:52.410> violence<00:02:53.750> on<00:02:54.750> 27<00:02:55.620> years<00:02:55.950> later believing in violence on 27 years later believing in violence on 27 years later he<00:02:57.600> and<00:02:57.780> his<00:02:57.990> colleagues<00:02:58.530> had<00:02:58.890> slowly<00:02:59.430> and he and his colleagues had slowly and he and his colleagues had slowly and carefully<00:03:00.750> honed<00:03:01.530> the<00:03:02.130> skills<00:03:02.810> the carefully honed the skills the carefully honed the skills the incredible<00:03:04.320> skills<00:03:04.590> that<00:03:04.830> they<00:03:05.040> needed<00:03:05.340> to incredible skills that they needed to incredible skills that they needed to turn<00:03:06.480> one<00:03:06.720> of<00:03:06.750> the<00:03:06.959> most<00:03:07.170> vicious<00:03:07.790> governments turn one of the most vicious governments turn one of the most vicious governments the<00:03:08.940> world<00:03:09.120> has<00:03:09.300> known the world has known the world has known into<00:03:10.200> a<00:03:10.260> democracy<00:03:10.650> and<00:03:11.360> they<00:03:12.360> did<00:03:12.600> it<00:03:12.780> in<00:03:12.989> a into a democracy and they did it in a into a democracy and they did it in a total<00:03:14.190> devotion<00:03:14.459> to<00:03:14.940> non-violence<00:03:16.880> they total devotion to non-violence they total devotion to non-violence they realized<00:03:18.650> that<00:03:20.270> using<00:03:21.270> the<00:03:21.630> force<00:03:22.100> against realized that using the force against realized that using the force against force<00:03:23.480> doesn't<00:03:24.480> work<00:03:27.709> so<00:03:28.709> what<00:03:29.130> does<00:03:29.820> work force doesn't work so what does work force doesn't work so what does work over<00:03:31.410> time<00:03:31.680> I've<00:03:32.190> collected<00:03:32.790> about<00:03:33.300> a<00:03:33.330> half over time I've collected about a half over time I've collected about a half dozen<00:03:33.900> methods<00:03:34.470> that<00:03:34.709> do<00:03:35.220> what<00:03:35.430> cause<00:03:35.610> them dozen methods that do what cause them dozen methods that do what cause them anymore<00:03:36.030> that<00:03:36.690> do<00:03:36.900> work<00:03:37.110> and<00:03:37.320> that<00:03:37.470> are anymore that do work and that are anymore that do work and that are effective<00:03:37.680> and<00:03:38.610> the<00:03:38.940> first<00:03:39.239> is<00:03:39.660> that<00:03:40.410> the effective and the first is that the effective and the first is that the change<00:03:41.010> that<00:03:41.400> has<00:03:41.610> to<00:03:41.850> take<00:03:42.090> place<00:03:42.300> has<00:03:43.080> to change that has to take place has to change that has to take place has to take<00:03:43.530> place<00:03:44.250> here<00:03:45.170> inside<00:03:46.170> me<00:03:46.590> it's<00:03:47.370> my take place here inside me it's my take place here inside me it's my response<00:03:49.290> my<00:03:49.560> attitude<00:03:50.310> to<00:03:50.580> oppression<00:03:51.620> that response my attitude to oppression that response my attitude to oppression that I've<00:03:52.800> got<00:03:53.100> control<00:03:53.670> over<00:03:53.700> that<00:03:54.180> I<00:03:54.209> can<00:03:54.480> do I've got control over that I can do I've got control over that I can do something<00:03:55.019> about<00:03:55.350> and<00:03:56.010> what<00:03:56.610> I<00:03:56.640> need<00:03:57.060> to something about and what I need to something about and what I need to develop<00:03:58.080> is<00:03:58.470> self-knowledge<00:03:58.950> to<00:03:59.459> do<00:03:59.880> that develop is self-knowledge to do that develop is self-knowledge to do that that<00:04:00.540> means<00:04:00.810> I<00:04:01.140> need<00:04:01.560> to<00:04:01.769> know<00:04:02.010> how<00:04:02.250> I<00:04:02.280> tick that means I need to know how I tick that means I need to know how I tick when<00:04:04.140> I<00:04:04.170> collapse<00:04:05.060> where<00:04:06.060> my<00:04:07.730> formidable when I collapse where my formidable when I collapse where my formidable points<00:04:09.420> are points are points are where<00:04:09.840> my<00:04:10.020> weaker<00:04:10.920> points<00:04:11.340> are<00:04:11.550> when<00:04:12.540> do<00:04:12.720> I where my weaker points are when do I where my weaker points are when do I give<00:04:13.110> in<00:04:13.760> what<00:04:14.760> will<00:04:15.090> I<00:04:15.120> stand<00:04:15.780> up<00:04:16.260> for<00:04:16.910> and give in what will I stand up for and give in what will I stand up for and meditation<00:04:20.700> or<00:04:22.730> self-inspection<00:04:23.730> is<00:04:23.940> one<00:04:24.300> of meditation or self-inspection is one of meditation or self-inspection is one of the<00:04:24.660> ways<00:04:24.840> of<00:04:25.260> gets<00:04:25.650> not<00:04:25.860> the<00:04:25.980> only<00:04:26.160> one<00:04:26.280> one<00:04:26.760> of the ways of gets not the only one one of the ways of gets not the only one one of the<00:04:27.060> ways<00:04:27.210> of<00:04:27.540> gaining<00:04:27.750> this<00:04:28.500> kind<00:04:28.860> of<00:04:29.010> inner the ways of gaining this kind of inner the ways of gaining this kind of inner power<00:04:30.000> and<00:04:31.280> my<00:04:32.280> heroine<00:04:32.760> here<00:04:33.060> like<00:04:33.300> Satish's power and my heroine here like Satish's power and my heroine here like Satish's is<00:04:34.290> own<00:04:34.710> son<00:04:35.310> su<00:04:35.670> chi<00:04:35.940> in<00:04:36.210> burma<00:04:38.000> she<00:04:39.000> was is own son su chi in burma she was is own son su chi in burma she was leading<00:04:39.420> a<00:04:39.840> group<00:04:40.200> of<00:04:40.350> students<00:04:40.920> on<00:04:41.070> a<00:04:41.100> protest leading a group of students on a protest leading a group of students on a protest in<00:04:42.210> the<00:04:42.270> streets<00:04:42.630> of<00:04:42.780> Rangoon<00:04:42.960> they<00:04:43.290> came in the streets of Rangoon they came in the streets of Rangoon they came around<00:04:43.650> a<00:04:43.830> corner<00:04:44.040> faced<00:04:44.880> with<00:04:45.630> a<00:04:45.660> row<00:04:45.930> of around a corner faced with a row of around a corner faced with a row of machine<00:04:46.470> guns<00:04:46.740> and<00:04:47.160> she<00:04:47.730> realized<00:04:48.090> straight machine guns and she realized straight machine guns and she realized straight away<00:04:48.690> that<00:04:49.410> the<00:04:49.620> soldiers<00:04:50.250> with<00:04:50.550> their away that the soldiers with their away that the soldiers with their fingers<00:04:51.480> shaking<00:04:51.720> on<00:04:52.080> the<00:04:52.230> triggers<00:04:52.650> were fingers shaking on the triggers were fingers shaking on the triggers were more<00:04:54.030> scared<00:04:54.480> than<00:04:54.860> the<00:04:55.860> student<00:04:56.370> protesters more scared than the student protesters more scared than the student protesters behind<00:04:57.360> her<00:04:57.630> but<00:04:58.590> she<00:04:58.800> told<00:04:58.980> the<00:04:59.130> students<00:04:59.550> to behind her but she told the students to behind her but she told the students to sit<00:04:59.880> down<00:05:00.120> and<00:05:00.720> she<00:05:01.680> walked<00:05:02.510> forward<00:05:03.510> with sit down and she walked forward with sit down and she walked forward with such<00:05:05.000> calm<00:05:06.000> and<00:05:06.990> such<00:05:07.320> clarity<00:05:08.000> and<00:05:09.000> such such calm and such clarity and such such calm and such clarity and such total<00:05:10.200> lack<00:05:10.620> of<00:05:10.650> fear<00:05:11.720> that<00:05:12.720> she<00:05:12.930> could<00:05:13.140> walk total lack of fear that she could walk total lack of fear that she could walk right<00:05:13.860> up<00:05:14.340> to<00:05:14.370> the<00:05:14.850> first<00:05:15.120> gun<00:05:15.710> put<00:05:16.710> her<00:05:16.860> hand right up to the first gun put her hand right up to the first gun put her hand on<00:05:17.280> it<00:05:17.490> and<00:05:17.730> lower<00:05:18.600> it<00:05:22.580> and<00:05:23.580> no<00:05:24.240> one<00:05:24.390> got<00:05:24.600> killed on it and lower it and no one got killed on it and lower it and no one got killed so<00:05:27.830> that's<00:05:28.830> what<00:05:29.190> the<00:05:29.340> mastery<00:05:29.940> of<00:05:29.970> fear<00:05:30.360> can so that's what the mastery of fear can so that's what the mastery of fear can do<00:05:30.990> not<00:05:31.920> only<00:05:32.310> faced<00:05:33.000> with<00:05:33.210> machine<00:05:33.570> guns<00:05:33.840> but do not only faced with machine guns but do not only faced with machine guns but if<00:05:34.560> you<00:05:34.950> if<00:05:35.340> you<00:05:35.790> meet<00:05:36.060> a<00:05:36.090> knife<00:05:36.390> fight<00:05:36.630> in<00:05:36.690> the if you if you meet a knife fight in the if you if you meet a knife fight in the street<00:05:37.730> that<00:05:38.730> we<00:05:38.850> have<00:05:38.970> to<00:05:39.120> practice<00:05:39.920> so<00:05:40.920> what street that we have to practice so what street that we have to practice so what about<00:05:41.280> our<00:05:41.490> fear<00:05:42.060> I<00:05:42.800> have<00:05:43.800> a<00:05:43.830> little<00:05:44.130> mantra<00:05:46.340> my about our fear I have a little mantra my about our fear I have a little mantra my fear<00:05:48.620> grows<00:05:49.620> fat<00:05:50.160> on<00:05:50.790> the<00:05:50.970> energy<00:05:51.420> I<00:05:51.690> feed<00:05:51.990> it fear grows fat on the energy I feed it fear grows fat on the energy I feed it and<00:05:53.340> if<00:05:53.490> it<00:05:53.610> grows<00:05:53.760> very<00:05:54.150> big<00:05:54.480> it<00:05:55.230> probably and if it grows very big it probably and if it grows very big it probably happens<00:05:56.780> so<00:05:57.780> we<00:05:58.590> all<00:05:58.740> know<00:05:59.040> the<00:05:59.310> three<00:06:00.150> o'clock happens so we all know the three o'clock happens so we all know the three o'clock in<00:06:00.630> the<00:06:00.660> morning<00:06:01.080> syndrome<00:06:01.590> when<00:06:02.010> something in the morning syndrome when something in the morning syndrome when something you've<00:06:02.880> been<00:06:03.150> worrying<00:06:03.510> about<00:06:03.720> wakes<00:06:04.170> you<00:06:04.380> up you've been worrying about wakes you up you've been worrying about wakes you up I<00:06:04.800> see<00:06:05.280> a<00:06:05.310> lot<00:06:05.430> of<00:06:05.460> people<00:06:05.990> and<00:06:07.340> for<00:06:08.340> an<00:06:09.270> hour I see a lot of people and for an hour I see a lot of people and for an hour you<00:06:09.630> toss<00:06:10.080> and<00:06:10.350> turn<00:06:10.560> it<00:06:10.800> gets<00:06:10.950> worse<00:06:11.220> and you toss and turn it gets worse and you toss and turn it gets worse and worse<00:06:11.490> and<00:06:11.640> by<00:06:11.970> four<00:06:12.360> o'clock<00:06:12.530> you're<00:06:13.530> pinned worse and by four o'clock you're pinned worse and by four o'clock you're pinned to<00:06:14.580> the to the to the hello<00:06:15.150> my<00:06:16.020> a<00:06:16.050> monster<00:06:16.800> this<00:06:16.980> big<00:06:17.540> the<00:06:18.540> only hello my a monster this big the only hello my a monster this big the only thing<00:06:19.200> to<00:06:19.410> do<00:06:19.590> is<00:06:19.860> to<00:06:20.340> get<00:06:20.460> up<00:06:20.520> make<00:06:20.910> a<00:06:20.940> cup<00:06:21.210> of thing to do is to get up make a cup of thing to do is to get up make a cup of tea<00:06:21.570> and<00:06:21.810> sit<00:06:22.500> down<00:06:22.530> with<00:06:23.460> the<00:06:23.640> fear<00:06:23.940> like<00:06:24.690> a tea and sit down with the fear like a tea and sit down with the fear like a child<00:06:25.140> beside<00:06:25.830> you<00:06:26.900> you're<00:06:27.900> the<00:06:28.560> adult<00:06:28.970> the child beside you you're the adult the child beside you you're the adult the fear<00:06:30.300> is<00:06:30.540> the<00:06:30.750> child<00:06:31.080> and<00:06:31.350> you<00:06:31.440> talk<00:06:31.650> to<00:06:31.830> the fear is the child and you talk to the fear is the child and you talk to the fear<00:06:32.550> and<00:06:32.580> you<00:06:32.700> ask<00:06:32.970> it<00:06:33.240> what<00:06:33.780> it<00:06:33.930> wants<00:06:34.320> what fear and you ask it what it wants what fear and you ask it what it wants what it<00:06:34.740> needs<00:06:35.450> how<00:06:36.450> can<00:06:37.110> this<00:06:37.650> be<00:06:38.220> made<00:06:39.030> better<00:06:39.960> how it needs how can this be made better how it needs how can this be made better how can<00:06:40.590> the<00:06:40.710> child<00:06:41.010> feel<00:06:41.430> stronger<00:06:42.000> and<00:06:42.690> you<00:06:42.810> make can the child feel stronger and you make can the child feel stronger and you make a<00:06:42.990> plan<00:06:43.230> and<00:06:43.650> you<00:06:43.740> say<00:06:43.890> okay<00:06:44.160> now<00:06:44.550> we're<00:06:44.700> going a plan and you say okay now we're going a plan and you say okay now we're going back<00:06:44.940> to<00:06:45.210> sleep<00:06:45.450> half<00:06:46.260> past<00:06:46.500> seven<00:06:46.770> we're back to sleep half past seven we're back to sleep half past seven we're getting<00:06:47.190> up<00:06:47.280> and<00:06:47.460> that's<00:06:47.640> what<00:06:47.850> we're<00:06:47.970> going getting up and that's what we're going getting up and that's what we're going to<00:06:48.210> do<00:06:48.390> I<00:06:49.790> had<00:06:50.790> one<00:06:50.970> of<00:06:51.120> these<00:06:51.240> 3:00<00:06:51.720> a.m. to do I had one of these 3:00 a.m. to do I had one of these 3:00 a.m. episodes<00:06:52.890> on<00:06:53.750> Sunday<00:06:55.220> paralyzed<00:06:56.220> with<00:06:56.670> fear episodes on Sunday paralyzed with fear episodes on Sunday paralyzed with fear are<00:06:57.240> coming<00:06:57.630> to<00:06:57.810> talk<00:06:58.050> to<00:06:58.350> you<00:07:00.680> so<00:07:01.680> I<00:07:01.710> got<00:07:01.920> it<00:07:02.010> I are coming to talk to you so I got it I are coming to talk to you so I got it I did<00:07:02.250> the<00:07:02.370> thing<00:07:02.610> I<00:07:02.760> got<00:07:03.000> up<00:07:03.150> made<00:07:03.420> the<00:07:03.570> cup<00:07:03.750> of did the thing I got up made the cup of did the thing I got up made the cup of tea<00:07:04.140> sat<00:07:04.710> down<00:07:04.920> with<00:07:05.130> it<00:07:05.250> digital<00:07:05.810> and<00:07:06.810> I'm tea sat down with it digital and I'm tea sat down with it digital and I'm here<00:07:07.880> still<00:07:08.880> partly<00:07:09.330> paralyzed<00:07:09.840> but<00:07:10.170> I'm<00:07:10.290> here here still partly paralyzed but I'm here here still partly paralyzed but I'm here so<00:07:14.780> that's<00:07:15.780> fear<00:07:16.350> what<00:07:16.980> about<00:07:17.190> anger so that's fear what about anger so that's fear what about anger wherever<00:07:19.080> there's<00:07:19.640> injustice<00:07:20.640> there's<00:07:21.480> anger wherever there's injustice there's anger wherever there's injustice there's anger but<00:07:23.310> anger<00:07:23.730> is<00:07:23.760> like<00:07:24.090> gasoline<00:07:24.510> and<00:07:25.170> if<00:07:25.680> you but anger is like gasoline and if you but anger is like gasoline and if you spray<00:07:26.190> it<00:07:26.310> around<00:07:26.670> and<00:07:27.120> somebody<00:07:27.510> lights<00:07:27.870> a spray it around and somebody lights a spray it around and somebody lights a match<00:07:28.080> you've<00:07:28.710> got<00:07:28.920> an<00:07:29.010> inferno<00:07:30.290> but<00:07:31.580> anger<00:07:32.580> as match you've got an inferno but anger as match you've got an inferno but anger as an<00:07:33.000> engine<00:07:33.450> in<00:07:33.780> an<00:07:33.960> engine<00:07:34.440> is<00:07:34.920> powerful<00:07:35.280> if<00:07:36.060> we an engine in an engine is powerful if we an engine in an engine is powerful if we can<00:07:36.840> put<00:07:37.080> our<00:07:37.290> anger<00:07:37.920> inside<00:07:38.550> an<00:07:38.910> engine<00:07:39.750> it can put our anger inside an engine it can put our anger inside an engine it can<00:07:40.350> drive<00:07:40.650> us<00:07:40.890> forward<00:07:41.190> it<00:07:41.550> can<00:07:41.730> get<00:07:42.060> us can drive us forward it can get us can drive us forward it can get us through<00:07:42.840> the<00:07:43.530> dreadful<00:07:43.980> moments<00:07:44.580> and<00:07:44.820> it<00:07:45.480> can through the dreadful moments and it can through the dreadful moments and it can give<00:07:45.900> us<00:07:45.930> real<00:07:46.710> inner<00:07:47.190> power<00:07:47.520> and<00:07:48.350> I<00:07:49.350> learned give us real inner power and I learned give us real inner power and I learned this<00:07:50.010> in<00:07:50.370> my<00:07:51.030> work<00:07:51.510> with<00:07:51.810> nuclear<00:07:52.260> weapon this in my work with nuclear weapon this in my work with nuclear weapon policymakers<00:07:53.730> because<00:07:53.940> at<00:07:54.300> the<00:07:54.390> beginning<00:07:54.810> I policymakers because at the beginning I policymakers because at the beginning I was<00:07:55.230> so<00:07:55.590> outraged<00:07:56.490> at<00:07:57.300> the<00:07:57.510> dangers<00:07:57.990> they<00:07:58.260> were was so outraged at the dangers they were was so outraged at the dangers they were exposing<00:07:58.890> us<00:07:59.220> to<00:07:59.550> that<00:08:00.480> I<00:08:00.510> just<00:08:00.840> wanted<00:08:01.170> to exposing us to that I just wanted to exposing us to that I just wanted to argue<00:08:01.560> and<00:08:02.190> blame<00:08:02.970> and<00:08:03.300> make<00:08:03.600> them<00:08:03.840> wrong argue and blame and make them wrong argue and blame and make them wrong totally<00:08:05.850> ineffective<00:08:07.190> in<00:08:08.190> order<00:08:08.550> to<00:08:08.700> develop totally ineffective in order to develop totally ineffective in order to develop a<00:08:09.660> dialogue<00:08:10.590> for<00:08:10.860> change<00:08:11.220> we<00:08:12.030> have<00:08:12.240> to<00:08:12.360> deal a dialogue for change we have to deal a dialogue for change we have to deal with<00:08:12.780> our<00:08:13.230> anger<00:08:13.470> it's<00:08:13.770> okay<00:08:14.130> to<00:08:14.190> be<00:08:14.550> angry with our anger it's okay to be angry with our anger it's okay to be angry with<00:08:16.080> the<00:08:16.980> the<00:08:17.730> thing<00:08:17.970> the<00:08:18.330> nuclear<00:08:18.750> weapons with the the thing the nuclear weapons with the the thing the nuclear weapons in<00:08:19.380> this<00:08:19.530> case<00:08:19.770> but<00:08:20.640> it<00:08:20.880> is<00:08:21.170> hopeless in this case but it is hopeless in this case but it is hopeless to<00:08:22.440> be<00:08:22.560> angry<00:08:22.890> with<00:08:23.100> the<00:08:23.280> people<00:08:23.669> they<00:08:24.630> are to be angry with the people they are to be angry with the people they are human<00:08:25.110> beings<00:08:25.140> just<00:08:25.650> like<00:08:25.800> us human beings just like us human beings just like us and<00:08:27.310> they're<00:08:27.490> doing<00:08:27.699> what<00:08:28.000> they<00:08:28.210> think<00:08:28.270> is and they're doing what they think is and they're doing what they think is best<00:08:28.720> and<00:08:29.320> that's<00:08:29.530> the<00:08:30.009> basis<00:08:30.370> on<00:08:30.550> which<00:08:30.639> we best and that's the basis on which we best and that's the basis on which we have<00:08:31.030> to<00:08:31.060> talk<00:08:31.900> with<00:08:32.140> them<00:08:32.580> so<00:08:33.580> that's<00:08:33.789> the have to talk with them so that's the have to talk with them so that's the third<00:08:34.270> one<00:08:34.800> anger<00:08:35.800> and<00:08:36.099> it<00:08:36.339> brings<00:08:36.490> me<00:08:36.760> to<00:08:36.940> the third one anger and it brings me to the third one anger and it brings me to the crux<00:08:37.450> of<00:08:37.599> what's<00:08:38.409> going<00:08:38.800> on<00:08:38.979> or<00:08:39.550> what<00:08:39.789> I crux of what's going on or what I crux of what's going on or what I perceive<00:08:40.360> is<00:08:40.539> going<00:08:40.750> on<00:08:40.870> in<00:08:40.990> the<00:08:41.110> world<00:08:41.260> today perceive is going on in the world today perceive is going on in the world today which<00:08:41.860> is<00:08:41.890> that<00:08:42.750> last<00:08:43.750> century<00:08:44.440> was

Scilla Elworthy, TED, TEDx, TEDxExeter, non-violence TED-Ed TED Ed, TEDEducation, Aung, San, Suu, Kyi, Mahatma, Gandhi, Nelson, Mandela, peace, war

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