Chơi game để hiểu – Brenda Brathwaite

Gaming for understanding - Brenda Brathwaite

Gaming for understanding - Brenda Brathwaite


now<00:00:16.230> when<00:00:16.380> we<00:00:16.470> think<00:00:16.620> of<00:00:16.740> games<00:00:17.010> there's<00:00:17.370> all
now when we think of games there's all now when we think of games there's all kinds<00:00:17.820> of<00:00:17.880> things<00:00:17.940> maybe<00:00:18.300> you're<00:00:18.510> ticked<00:00:18.750> off kinds of things maybe you're ticked off kinds of things maybe you're ticked off or<00:00:19.170> maybe<00:00:19.260> you're<00:00:19.710> looking<00:00:20.010> forward<00:00:20.430> to<00:00:20.520> a<00:00:20.610> new or maybe you're looking forward to a new or maybe you're looking forward to a new game<00:00:20.970> you've<00:00:21.150> been<00:00:21.270> up<00:00:21.390> too<00:00:21.540> late<00:00:21.720> playing<00:00:21.960> a game you've been up too late playing a game you've been up too late playing a game<00:00:22.260> all<00:00:22.440> these<00:00:22.529> things<00:00:22.830> happen<00:00:23.160> to<00:00:23.250> me<00:00:23.689> but game all these things happen to me but game all these things happen to me but we<00:00:24.810> think<00:00:25.020> about<00:00:25.080> games<00:00:25.380> a<00:00:25.500> lot<00:00:25.619> of<00:00:25.680> times<00:00:25.920> who we think about games a lot of times who we think about games a lot of times who think<00:00:26.279> about<00:00:26.430> stuff<00:00:26.640> like<00:00:26.730> this<00:00:26.850> first-person think about stuff like this first-person think about stuff like this first-person shooter<00:00:28.050> so<00:00:28.259> the<00:00:28.380> big<00:00:28.500> what<00:00:28.650> we<00:00:28.770> would<00:00:28.950> call shooter so the big what we would call shooter so the big what we would call triple-a<00:00:29.669> games<00:00:29.970> or<00:00:30.270> maybe<00:00:30.900> you're<00:00:31.079> a triple-a games or maybe you're a triple-a games or maybe you're a Facebook<00:00:31.380> game<00:00:31.770> player<00:00:32.040> this<00:00:32.189> is<00:00:32.250> one<00:00:32.550> my Facebook game player this is one my Facebook game player this is one my partner<00:00:32.880> and<00:00:33.150> I<00:00:33.210> worked<00:00:33.420> on<00:00:33.600> maybe<00:00:33.930> you<00:00:34.050> play partner and I worked on maybe you play partner and I worked on maybe you play Facebook<00:00:34.710> games<00:00:34.890> and<00:00:35.130> that's<00:00:35.250> what<00:00:35.370> we're Facebook games and that's what we're Facebook games and that's what we're making<00:00:35.670> right<00:00:35.970> now<00:00:36.000> it's<00:00:36.600> a<00:00:36.690> lighter<00:00:36.930> form<00:00:37.260> a making right now it's a lighter form a making right now it's a lighter form a game<00:00:37.880> maybe<00:00:38.880> you<00:00:39.060> think<00:00:39.270> about<00:00:39.480> the game maybe you think about the game maybe you think about the tragically<00:00:40.290> boring<00:00:40.590> board<00:00:40.829> games<00:00:41.100> that<00:00:41.280> hold tragically boring board games that hold tragically boring board games that hold us<00:00:41.579> hostage<00:00:41.760> and<00:00:42.360> Thanksgiving<00:00:43.109> situations us hostage and Thanksgiving situations us hostage and Thanksgiving situations this<00:00:44.699> would<00:00:44.910> be<00:00:45.000> one<00:00:45.149> of<00:00:45.180> those<00:00:45.329> tragically this would be one of those tragically this would be one of those tragically boring<00:00:46.140> board<00:00:46.350> games<00:00:46.559> that<00:00:46.680> you<00:00:46.800> can<00:00:46.949> figure boring board games that you can figure boring board games that you can figure out<00:00:47.309> or<00:00:48.300> or<00:00:48.690> maybe<00:00:48.930> you're<00:00:49.170> in<00:00:49.260> your<00:00:49.440> living out or or maybe you're in your living out or or maybe you're in your living room<00:00:49.769> you<00:00:50.070> know<00:00:50.190> playing<00:00:50.460> with<00:00:50.579> the<00:00:50.670> Wii<00:00:50.820> with room you know playing with the Wii with room you know playing with the Wii with the<00:00:51.149> kids<00:00:51.390> or<00:00:51.570> something<00:00:51.930> like<00:00:52.079> that<00:00:52.140> and<00:00:52.710> you the kids or something like that and you the kids or something like that and you know<00:00:53.550> there's<00:00:53.699> this<00:00:53.910> whole<00:00:54.149> range<00:00:54.180> of<00:00:54.690> games know there's this whole range of games know there's this whole range of games and<00:00:55.199> that's<00:00:55.559> very<00:00:55.890> much<00:00:56.039> what<00:00:56.100> I<00:00:56.250> think<00:00:56.519> about and that's very much what I think about and that's very much what I think about I<00:00:56.699> make<00:00:56.940> my<00:00:57.090> living<00:00:57.269> from<00:00:57.510> games<00:00:57.750> I've<00:00:57.929> been I make my living from games I've been I make my living from games I've been lucky<00:00:58.260> enough<00:00:58.410> to<00:00:58.559> do<00:00:58.679> this<00:00:58.800> since<00:00:59.010> I<00:00:59.070> was<00:00:59.100> 15 lucky enough to do this since I was 15 lucky enough to do this since I was 15 which<00:00:59.820> also<00:01:00.179> qualifies<00:01:00.809> as<00:01:01.019> I've<00:01:01.140> never which also qualifies as I've never which also qualifies as I've never really<00:01:01.739> had<00:01:01.890> a<00:01:01.949> real<00:01:02.399> job<00:01:02.809> but<00:01:03.809> we<00:01:03.899> think<00:01:04.050> about really had a real job but we think about really had a real job but we think about games<00:01:04.500> is<00:01:04.710> fun<00:01:04.890> and<00:01:05.250> that's<00:01:05.670> completely games is fun and that's completely games is fun and that's completely reasonable<00:01:06.560> but<00:01:07.560> let's<00:01:07.740> just<00:01:07.950> think<00:01:08.070> about reasonable but let's just think about reasonable but let's just think about this<00:01:08.490> so<00:01:08.700> this<00:01:08.850> one<00:01:09.090> here<00:01:09.450> this<00:01:09.630> is<00:01:09.690> the<00:01:09.960> 1980 this so this one here this is the 1980 this so this one here this is the 1980 Olympics<00:01:11.220> no<00:01:11.700> no<00:01:11.910> where<00:01:12.030> you<00:01:12.060> guys<00:01:12.330> were<00:01:12.540> but<00:01:12.750> I Olympics no no where you guys were but I Olympics no no where you guys were but I was<00:01:12.930> in<00:01:13.020> my<00:01:13.140> living<00:01:13.350> room<00:01:13.470> it<00:01:13.710> was<00:01:13.860> practically was in my living room it was practically was in my living room it was practically a<00:01:14.490> religious<00:01:14.970> event<00:01:15.439> and<00:01:16.439> this<00:01:16.860> is<00:01:17.040> when<00:01:17.159> the a religious event and this is when the a religious event and this is when the Americans<00:01:17.759> beat<00:01:18.000> the<00:01:18.180> Russians<00:01:18.630> and<00:01:18.930> this<00:01:19.470> was Americans beat the Russians and this was Americans beat the Russians and this was yes<00:01:20.009> it<00:01:20.189> was<00:01:20.310> technically<00:01:20.850> a<00:01:21.119> game<00:01:21.360> hockey<00:01:21.750> is yes it was technically a game hockey is yes it was technically a game hockey is a<00:01:22.049> game<00:01:22.200> but<00:01:22.890> really<00:01:23.280> was<00:01:23.430> this<00:01:23.640> a<00:01:23.700> game a game but really was this a game a game but really was this a game I<00:01:24.450> mean<00:01:24.890> people<00:01:25.890> cried<00:01:26.220> I've<00:01:26.460> never<00:01:26.670> seen<00:01:26.880> my I mean people cried I've never seen my I mean people cried I've never seen my mother<00:01:27.119> cry<00:01:27.450> like<00:01:27.659> that<00:01:27.840> at<00:01:27.990> the<00:01:28.079> end<00:01:28.229> of<00:01:28.290> at mother cry like that at the end of at mother cry like that at the end of at the<00:01:28.799> end<00:01:28.890> of<00:01:29.009> Monopoly<00:01:29.520> and<00:01:30.390> and<00:01:31.020> so<00:01:31.259> this<00:01:31.470> was the end of Monopoly and and so this was the end of Monopoly and and so this was just<00:01:31.860> an<00:01:31.950> amazing<00:01:32.220> experience<00:01:32.610> or<00:01:33.420> you<00:01:33.930> know just an amazing experience or you know just an amazing experience or you know if<00:01:34.079> anybody<00:01:34.409> here<00:01:34.590> is<00:01:34.619> from<00:01:34.860> Boston<00:01:35.460> so<00:01:35.970> when if anybody here is from Boston so when if anybody here is from Boston so when the<00:01:36.210> Boston<00:01:36.450> Red<00:01:36.869> Sox<00:01:36.930> won<00:01:37.409> the<00:01:38.070> World<00:01:38.310> Series the Boston Red Sox won the World Series the Boston Red Sox won the World Series after<00:01:39.030> I<00:01:39.210> believe<00:01:39.600> a<00:01:40.009> 351<00:01:41.009> years<00:01:42.200> when<00:01:43.200> they after I believe a 351 years when they after I believe a 351 years when they won<00:01:43.530> the<00:01:43.649> World<00:01:43.770> Series<00:01:43.950> it<00:01:44.640> was<00:01:44.850> amazing<00:01:45.390> I won the World Series it was amazing I won the World Series it was amazing I happen<00:01:45.750> to<00:01:45.810> be<00:01:45.899> living<00:01:46.049> in<00:01:46.229> Springfield<00:01:46.710> at happen to be living in Springfield at happen to be living in Springfield at the<00:01:46.950> time<00:01:47.159> and<00:01:47.369> the<00:01:47.430> best<00:01:47.610> part<00:01:47.880> of<00:01:47.969> it<00:01:48.090> was<00:01:48.270> is the time and the best part of it was is the time and the best part of it was is that<00:01:48.840> in<00:01:49.259> the<00:01:49.380> book<00:01:49.649> you<00:01:49.920> would<00:01:50.040> close<00:01:50.340> the<00:01:50.640> the that in the book you would close the the that in the book you would close the the woman's<00:01:51.270> door<00:01:51.570> in<00:01:51.899> the<00:01:52.049> bathroom<00:01:52.560> and<00:01:52.740> I woman's door in the bathroom and I woman's door in the bathroom and I remember<00:01:53.100> seeing<00:01:53.280> gos<00:01:53.640> socks<00:01:54.030> and<00:01:54.390> I<00:01:54.450> thought remember seeing gos socks and I thought remember seeing gos socks and I thought really<00:01:55.020> or<00:01:55.799> the<00:01:56.399> houses<00:01:56.820> you'd<00:01:57.149> come<00:01:57.360> out really or the houses you'd come out really or the houses you'd come out because<00:01:57.750> every<00:01:58.079> game<00:01:58.259> while<00:01:58.500> I<00:01:58.530> think<00:01:58.649> almost because every game while I think almost because every game while I think almost every<00:01:59.250> game<00:01:59.399> went<00:01:59.700> into<00:01:59.789> overtime<00:01:59.939> right<00:02:00.659> so every game went into overtime right so every game went into overtime right so we'd<00:02:01.020> be<00:02:01.170> outside<00:02:01.320> and<00:02:01.890> all<00:02:02.100> the<00:02:02.310> other<00:02:02.460> lights we'd be outside and all the other lights we'd be outside and all the other lights are<00:02:02.939> on<00:02:02.969> in<00:02:03.240> the<00:02:03.329> whole<00:02:03.570> block<00:02:03.899> and<00:02:04.799> kids<00:02:05.460> like are on in the whole block and kids like are on in the whole block and kids like the<00:02:05.880> attendance<00:02:06.659> was<00:02:06.869> down<00:02:07.170> in<00:02:07.409> school<00:02:07.560> and the attendance was down in school and the attendance was down in school and kids<00:02:08.039> weren't<00:02:08.280> going<00:02:08.520> to<00:02:08.610> school<00:02:08.729> but<00:02:08.940> it<00:02:09.060> was kids weren't going to school but it was kids weren't going to school but it was it's<00:02:09.360> okay<00:02:09.660> that's<00:02:09.869> the<00:02:10.140> Red<00:02:10.289> Sox<00:02:10.560> right<00:02:10.860> I it's okay that's the Red Sox right I it's okay that's the Red Sox right I mean<00:02:11.039> there's<00:02:11.430> Education<00:02:12.090> and<00:02:12.270> then<00:02:12.330> there's mean there's Education and then there's mean there's Education and then there's the<00:02:12.720> Red<00:02:12.870> Sox<00:02:13.200> and<00:02:13.380> we<00:02:13.470> know<00:02:13.650> where<00:02:13.830> they're the Red Sox and we know where they're the Red Sox and we know where they're stacked<00:02:14.280> so<00:02:15.210> this<00:02:15.360> was<00:02:15.510> an<00:02:15.630> amazing stacked so this was an amazing stacked so this was an amazing experience<00:02:16.470> and<00:02:16.650> again<00:02:16.920> yes<00:02:17.250> it<00:02:17.430> was<00:02:17.580> a<00:02:17.760> game experience and again yes it was a game experience and again yes it was a game but<00:02:18.660> they<00:02:18.810> didn't<00:02:19.050> write<00:02:19.200> newspaper<00:02:19.830> articles but they didn't write newspaper articles but they didn't write newspaper articles people<00:02:20.489> didn't<00:02:20.879> say<00:02:21.090> you<00:02:21.390> know<00:02:21.510> really<00:02:21.870> I<00:02:22.019> can people didn't say you know really I can people didn't say you know really I can die<00:02:22.650> now<00:02:22.680> because die now because die now because Red<00:02:23.670> Sox<00:02:23.880> won<00:02:24.620> and<00:02:25.620> many<00:02:25.800> people<00:02:26.070> did<00:02:26.220> so<00:02:26.670> games Red Sox won and many people did so games Red Sox won and many people did so games means<00:02:27.900> something<00:02:28.500> more<00:02:28.710> to<00:02:29.040> us<00:02:29.220> absolutely means something more to us absolutely means something more to us absolutely means<00:02:30.330> something<00:02:30.720> more<00:02:30.900> so<00:02:31.530> now<00:02:31.800> just<00:02:32.040> this<00:02:32.160> is means something more so now just this is means something more so now just this is an<00:02:32.430> abrupt<00:02:32.700> transition<00:02:33.300> here<00:02:33.570> there<00:02:33.840> was an abrupt transition here there was an abrupt transition here there was three<00:02:34.470> years<00:02:34.650> where<00:02:34.830> I<00:02:34.860> actually<00:02:35.070> did<00:02:35.400> have<00:02:35.430> a three years where I actually did have a three years where I actually did have a real<00:02:35.820> job<00:02:36.060> sort<00:02:36.360> of<00:02:36.480> I<00:02:36.570> was<00:02:36.720> the<00:02:36.900> head<00:02:37.380> of<00:02:37.410> a real job sort of I was the head of a real job sort of I was the head of a college<00:02:37.890> department<00:02:38.490> teaching<00:02:38.910> games<00:02:39.270> so college department teaching games so college department teaching games so again<00:02:39.780> it<00:02:39.870> was<00:02:39.930> sort<00:02:40.380> of<00:02:40.440> a<00:02:40.500> real<00:02:40.650> job<00:02:40.860> and<00:02:40.980> I again it was sort of a real job and I again it was sort of a real job and I just<00:02:41.310> got<00:02:41.430> to<00:02:41.520> talk<00:02:41.760> about<00:02:41.970> making<00:02:42.420> them<00:02:42.540> as just got to talk about making them as just got to talk about making them as opposed<00:02:42.930> to<00:02:43.020> making<00:02:43.350> them<00:02:43.470> and<00:02:44.280> I<00:02:44.340> would<00:02:44.490> said opposed to making them and I would said opposed to making them and I would said it<00:02:44.730> did<00:02:44.880> or<00:02:45.000> part<00:02:45.240> of<00:02:45.300> the<00:02:45.420> job<00:02:45.690> of<00:02:45.900> it<00:02:46.020> when it did or part of the job of it when it did or part of the job of it when you're<00:02:46.290> a<00:02:46.320> chair<00:02:46.620> of<00:02:46.710> a<00:02:46.740> department<00:02:46.770> is<00:02:47.340> to<00:02:47.520> eat you're a chair of a department is to eat you're a chair of a department is to eat and<00:02:48.510> I<00:02:48.570> did<00:02:48.750> that<00:02:48.870> very<00:02:48.960> well<00:02:49.230> and<00:02:49.290> so<00:02:49.560> I'm<00:02:49.620> I and I did that very well and so I'm I and I did that very well and so I'm I did<00:02:49.830> it<00:02:49.980> dinner<00:02:50.160> with<00:02:50.340> this<00:02:50.520> guy<00:02:50.730> and<00:02:51.630> called did it dinner with this guy and called did it dinner with this guy and called Zig<00:02:52.350> Jackson<00:02:52.890> this<00:02:53.220> is<00:02:53.370> a<00:02:53.400> Zig<00:02:53.970> in<00:02:54.180> this Zig Jackson this is a Zig in this Zig Jackson this is a Zig in this photograph<00:02:54.780> this<00:02:54.930> is<00:02:55.110> also<00:02:55.380> one<00:02:55.500> of<00:02:55.530> his<00:02:55.680> IG's photograph this is also one of his IG's photograph this is also one of his IG's photographs<00:02:56.370> he's<00:02:56.610> a<00:02:56.640> photographer<00:02:56.850> and<00:02:57.450> he photographs he's a photographer and he photographs he's a photographer and he go<00:02:58.560> through<00:02:58.770> all<00:02:58.920> around<00:02:59.190> the<00:02:59.310> country<00:02:59.490> taking go through all around the country taking go through all around the country taking pictures<00:03:00.510> of<00:03:01.430> himself<00:03:02.430> and<00:03:03.030> you<00:03:03.660> know<00:03:03.750> you<00:03:03.960> can pictures of himself and you know you can pictures of himself and you know you can see<00:03:04.230> here<00:03:04.410> he's<00:03:04.500> got<00:03:04.620> zigs<00:03:04.950> Indian see here he's got zigs Indian see here he's got zigs Indian Reservation<00:03:06.120> and<00:03:06.270> this<00:03:06.990> particular<00:03:07.290> shot<00:03:07.890> is Reservation and this particular shot is Reservation and this particular shot is one<00:03:09.030> this<00:03:09.270> is<00:03:09.330> one<00:03:09.630> of<00:03:09.720> the<00:03:09.810> more<00:03:09.960> traditional one this is one of the more traditional one this is one of the more traditional shots<00:03:10.770> this<00:03:11.040> is<00:03:11.100> a<00:03:11.280> rain<00:03:11.820> dancer<00:03:12.330> and<00:03:12.570> this<00:03:13.140> is shots this is a rain dancer and this is shots this is a rain dancer and this is one<00:03:13.440> of<00:03:13.470> my<00:03:13.620> favorite<00:03:14.010> shots<00:03:14.280> here<00:03:14.700> so<00:03:15.180> you<00:03:15.270> can one of my favorite shots here so you can one of my favorite shots here so you can look<00:03:15.690> at<00:03:15.810> this<00:03:15.960> and<00:03:16.230> maybe<00:03:16.530> you've<00:03:16.740> even<00:03:16.830> seen look at this and maybe you've even seen look at this and maybe you've even seen things<00:03:17.430> like<00:03:17.610> this<00:03:17.910> this<00:03:18.030> is<00:03:18.210> an<00:03:18.360> expression things like this this is an expression things like this this is an expression of<00:03:19.020> culture<00:03:19.230> right<00:03:20.040> and<00:03:20.220> this<00:03:20.520> is<00:03:20.670> actually of culture right and this is actually of culture right and this is actually from<00:03:21.180> his<00:03:21.360> degradation<00:03:21.600> series<00:03:22.560> it<00:03:22.890> was<00:03:23.100> most from his degradation series it was most from his degradation series it was most fascinating<00:03:23.880> to<00:03:23.970> me<00:03:24.000> about<00:03:24.270> this<00:03:24.480> series<00:03:24.840> it's fascinating to me about this series it's fascinating to me about this series it's just<00:03:25.500> look<00:03:25.830> at<00:03:25.920> that<00:03:26.040> little<00:03:26.310> boy<00:03:26.430> there<00:03:26.730> can just look at that little boy there can just look at that little boy there can you<00:03:26.970> imagine<00:03:27.210> now<00:03:27.570> let's<00:03:27.750> think<00:03:27.990> we<00:03:28.110> can<00:03:28.260> see you imagine now let's think we can see you imagine now let's think we can see that<00:03:28.590> that's<00:03:28.740> a<00:03:28.980> traditional<00:03:29.580> Native that that's a traditional Native that that's a traditional Native American<00:03:30.300> I<00:03:30.390> just<00:03:30.630> want<00:03:30.750> to<00:03:30.840> change<00:03:31.080> that American I just want to change that American I just want to change that guy's<00:03:31.500> race<00:03:31.890> just<00:03:32.550> imagine<00:03:32.970> if<00:03:33.060> that's<00:03:33.209> a guy's race just imagine if that's a guy's race just imagine if that's a black<00:03:33.480> guy<00:03:33.720> so<00:03:34.380> honey<00:03:34.800> come<00:03:34.980> here<00:03:35.070> let's<00:03:35.280> get black guy so honey come here let's get black guy so honey come here let's get your<00:03:35.520> picture<00:03:35.730> with<00:03:35.850> the<00:03:35.910> black<00:03:36.090> guy<00:03:36.270> right your picture with the black guy right your picture with the black guy right like<00:03:37.200> seriously<00:03:37.800> nobody<00:03:38.280> would<00:03:38.430> do<00:03:38.610> this<00:03:38.790> it like seriously nobody would do this it like seriously nobody would do this it baffles<00:03:40.080> the<00:03:40.170> mind<00:03:40.290> in<00:03:40.800> so<00:03:41.280> zyg<00:03:41.520> being<00:03:41.820> Indian baffles the mind in so zyg being Indian baffles the mind in so zyg being Indian likewise<00:03:42.810> it<00:03:42.990> baffles<00:03:43.320> his<00:03:43.470> mind<00:03:43.709> his likewise it baffles his mind his likewise it baffles his mind his favorite<00:03:44.190> photograph<00:03:44.580> oh<00:03:44.700> my<00:03:44.970> favourite favorite photograph oh my favourite favorite photograph oh my favourite photograph<00:03:45.510> of<00:03:45.840> his<00:03:45.959> which<00:03:46.140> I<00:03:46.260> don't<00:03:46.500> have<00:03:46.740> in photograph of his which I don't have in photograph of his which I don't have in here<00:03:47.100> is<00:03:47.160> Indian<00:03:47.910> taking<00:03:48.240> picture<00:03:48.570> of<00:03:48.750> white here is Indian taking picture of white here is Indian taking picture of white people<00:03:49.170> taking<00:03:49.620> pictures<00:03:49.950> of<00:03:49.980> Indians<00:03:52.160> so<00:03:53.160> I people taking pictures of Indians so I people taking pictures of Indians so I happen<00:03:53.550> to<00:03:53.580> be<00:03:53.700> a<00:03:53.730> dinner<00:03:53.970> with<00:03:54.180> this happen to be a dinner with this happen to be a dinner with this photographer<00:03:54.810> and<00:03:54.930> he<00:03:55.050> was<00:03:55.170> talking<00:03:55.560> with photographer and he was talking with photographer and he was talking with another<00:03:55.950> photographer<00:03:56.130> about<00:03:56.940> a<00:03:56.970> shooting another photographer about a shooting another photographer about a shooting that<00:03:57.540> had<00:03:57.690> occurred<00:03:57.959> and<00:03:58.290> it<00:03:58.980> was<00:03:59.070> on<00:03:59.220> an that had occurred and it was on an that had occurred and it was on an Indian<00:03:59.610> Reservation<00:03:59.790> he'd<00:04:00.390> taken<00:04:00.600> his<00:04:00.810> camera Indian Reservation he'd taken his camera Indian Reservation he'd taken his camera up<00:04:01.380> there<00:04:01.410> too<00:04:01.800> to<00:04:02.100> photograph<00:04:02.640> him<00:04:02.820> but<00:04:02.940> when up there too to photograph him but when up there too to photograph him but when he<00:04:03.120> got<00:04:03.240> there<00:04:03.450> he<00:04:03.570> discovered<00:04:03.959> he<00:04:04.020> couldn't he got there he discovered he couldn't he got there he discovered he couldn't do<00:04:04.350> it<00:04:04.380> he<00:04:04.530> just<00:04:04.709> couldn't<00:04:04.950> capture<00:04:05.370> the do it he just couldn't capture the do it he just couldn't capture the picture<00:04:05.640> he<00:04:06.480> and<00:04:06.870> and<00:04:07.110> so<00:04:07.620> they<00:04:07.709> were<00:04:07.770> taking<00:04:08.280> a picture he and and so they were taking a picture he and and so they were taking a talking<00:04:09.150> back<00:04:09.300> and<00:04:09.450> forth<00:04:09.510> about<00:04:09.810> this talking back and forth about this talking back and forth about this question<00:04:10.500> do<00:04:10.620> you<00:04:10.709> take<00:04:10.920> the<00:04:11.070> picture<00:04:11.430> or<00:04:11.760> not question do you take the picture or not question do you take the picture or not and<00:04:12.360> that<00:04:12.600> was<00:04:12.780> fascinating<00:04:13.020> to<00:04:13.380> me<00:04:13.530> as<00:04:13.620> a<00:04:13.680> game and that was fascinating to me as a game and that was fascinating to me as a game designer<00:04:14.040> because<00:04:14.700> it<00:04:14.910> never<00:04:14.970> occurs<00:04:15.360> to<00:04:15.540> me designer because it never occurs to me designer because it never occurs to me like<00:04:15.780> should<00:04:16.020> I<00:04:16.080> make<00:04:16.290> the<00:04:16.500> game<00:04:16.650> about<00:04:16.950> this like should I make the game about this like should I make the game about this difficult<00:04:17.370> topic<00:04:18.120> or<00:04:18.330> not<00:04:18.930> because<00:04:19.620> we<00:04:19.739> just difficult topic or not because we just difficult topic or not because we just make<00:04:20.070> things<00:04:20.310> that<00:04:20.430> are<00:04:20.549> fun<00:04:20.850> or<00:04:21.090> you<00:04:21.209> know make things that are fun or you know make things that are fun or you know will<00:04:21.419> make<00:04:21.600> you<00:04:21.690> feel<00:04:21.870> fear<00:04:22.140> or<00:04:22.169> make<00:04:22.500> it<00:04:22.590> you will make you feel fear or make it you will make you feel fear or make it you know<00:04:22.800> be<00:04:22.919> that<00:04:23.040> visceral<00:04:23.640> excitement<00:04:24.360> but know be that visceral excitement but know be that visceral excitement but every<00:04:25.530> other<00:04:25.620> medium<00:04:26.040> does<00:04:26.250> it<00:04:26.430> so<00:04:27.000> this<00:04:27.270> is<00:04:27.390> my every other medium does it so this is my every other medium does it so this is my kid<00:04:27.750> this<00:04:27.870> is<00:04:28.050> Mesa<00:04:28.290> and<00:04:28.650> when<00:04:29.070> she<00:04:29.310> was<00:04:29.550> seven kid this is Mesa and when she was seven kid this is Mesa and when she was seven years<00:04:30.450> old<00:04:30.630> she<00:04:30.750> came<00:04:31.110> home<00:04:31.260> from<00:04:31.320> school<00:04:31.740> and years old she came home from school and years old she came home from school and day<00:04:32.070> and<00:04:32.220> like<00:04:32.340> I<00:04:32.460> do<00:04:32.520> every<00:04:32.820> single<00:04:33.000> day<00:04:33.240> I day and like I do every single day I day and like I do every single day I asked<00:04:33.570> her<00:04:33.750> what<00:04:34.140> you<00:04:34.260> do<00:04:34.350> today<00:04:34.650> so<00:04:35.250> she<00:04:35.310> said asked her what you do today so she said asked her what you do today so she said we<00:04:35.880> talked<00:04:36.120> about<00:04:36.240> the<00:04:36.390> middle we talked about the middle we talked about the middle now<00:04:37.500> this<00:04:37.800> was<00:04:37.980> a<00:04:38.010> big<00:04:38.250> moment<00:04:38.580> mazes<00:04:39.180> dad<00:04:39.389> is now this was a big moment mazes dad is now this was a big moment mazes dad is black<00:04:39.780> and<00:04:40.460> and<00:04:41.460> I<00:04:41.639> knew<00:04:41.850> this<00:04:42.000> day<00:04:42.060> was<00:04:42.330> coming black and and I knew this day was coming black and and I knew this day was coming I<00:04:42.930> wasn't<00:04:43.650> expecting<00:04:44.070> it<00:04:44.130> at<00:04:44.280> seven<00:04:44.580> I<00:04:44.669> don't I wasn't expecting it at seven I don't I wasn't expecting it at seven I don't know<00:04:44.910> why<00:04:45.060> but<00:04:45.300> I<00:04:45.330> wasn't<00:04:45.570> anyway<00:04:46.440> so<00:04:46.500> I<00:04:46.680> asked know why but I wasn't anyway so I asked know why but I wasn't anyway so I asked her<00:04:47.300> how<00:04:48.300> do<00:04:48.360> you<00:04:48.419> feel<00:04:48.540> about<00:04:48.570> that<00:04:48.870> so<00:04:49.710> she her how do you feel about that so she her how do you feel about that so she proceeded<00:04:50.580> to<00:04:50.760> tell<00:04:50.970> me<00:04:51.090> and<00:04:51.240> so<00:04:51.360> any<00:04:51.750> of<00:04:51.870> you proceeded to tell me and so any of you proceeded to tell me and so any of you who<00:04:52.110> are<00:04:52.139> parents<00:04:52.530> will<00:04:52.710> recognize<00:04:53.160> the<00:04:53.310> bingo who are parents will recognize the bingo who are parents will recognize the bingo buzzwords<00:04:54.030> here<00:04:54.330> so<00:04:54.810> the<00:04:54.960> ship<00:04:55.139> start<00:04:55.440> in buzzwords here so the ship start in buzzwords here so the ship start in England<00:04:55.830> they<00:04:55.919> come<00:04:56.100> down<00:04:56.250> from<00:04:56.310> England<00:04:56.850> they England they come down from England they England they come down from England they go<00:04:57.030> to<00:04:57.090> Africa<00:04:57.600> they<00:04:57.720> go<00:04:57.840> across<00:04:58.080> the<00:04:58.350> ocean go to Africa they go across the ocean go to Africa they go across the ocean that's<00:04:58.770> the<00:04:58.919> Middle<00:04:59.130> Passage<00:04:59.250> part<00:04:59.699> they<00:05:00.030> come that's the Middle Passage part they come that's the Middle Passage part they come to<00:05:00.330> America<00:05:00.660> where<00:05:00.780> the<00:05:00.870> slaves<00:05:01.110> are<00:05:01.290> sold to America where the slaves are sold to America where the slaves are sold she's<00:05:02.160> telling<00:05:02.490> me<00:05:02.580> but<00:05:03.090> Abraham<00:05:03.540> Lincoln<00:05:03.840> was she's telling me but Abraham Lincoln was she's telling me but Abraham Lincoln was elected<00:05:03.990> president<00:05:04.740> and<00:05:04.889> then<00:05:05.070> he<00:05:05.310> passed<00:05:05.669> the elected president and then he passed the elected president and then he passed the Emancipation<00:05:06.510> Proclamation<00:05:06.630> and<00:05:07.199> now Emancipation Proclamation and now Emancipation Proclamation and now they're<00:05:07.500> free<00:05:07.740> pause<00:05:08.699> for<00:05:09.060> about<00:05:09.150> ten<00:05:09.540> seconds they're free pause for about ten seconds they're free pause for about ten seconds can<00:05:10.979> i<00:05:11.040> play<00:05:11.220> a<00:05:11.250> game<00:05:11.340> mommy<00:05:11.760> and<00:05:12.150> I<00:05:12.210> thought can i play a game mommy and I thought can i play a game mommy and I thought that<00:05:13.710> that's<00:05:13.979> it<00:05:14.220> right<00:05:14.820> like<00:05:15.060> and<00:05:15.300> so<00:05:15.870> the<00:05:16.200> you that that's it right like and so the you that that's it right like and so the you know<00:05:16.410> thing<00:05:16.860> this<00:05:17.160> is<00:05:17.310> the<00:05:17.430> middle<00:05:17.669> passage know thing this is the middle passage know thing this is the middle passage this<00:05:18.240> is<00:05:18.389> an<00:05:18.540> incredibly<00:05:19.080> significant<00:05:19.830> event this is an incredibly significant event this is an incredibly significant event and<00:05:21.030> she's<00:05:21.720> treating<00:05:22.139> it<00:05:22.229> like<00:05:22.380> some and she's treating it like some and she's treating it like some basically<00:05:23.160> some<00:05:23.310> black<00:05:23.490> people<00:05:23.790> went<00:05:23.970> on<00:05:24.060> a basically some black people went on a basically some black people went on a cruise<00:05:24.389> is<00:05:24.660> more<00:05:24.840> or<00:05:24.930> less<00:05:24.960> how<00:05:25.200> it<00:05:25.320> sounds<00:05:25.620> to cruise is more or less how it sounds to cruise is more or less how it sounds to her<00:05:26.840> and<00:05:27.840> so<00:05:28.110> to<00:05:28.169> me<00:05:28.440> I<00:05:28.830> wanted<00:05:29.520> more<00:05:29.760> value<00:05:30.240> in her and so to me I wanted more value in her and so to me I wanted more value in this<00:05:30.510> so<00:05:30.630> when<00:05:30.750> she<00:05:30.900> asked<00:05:31.110> if<00:05:31.200> she<00:05:31.350> could<00:05:31.470> play this so when she asked if she could play this so when she asked if she could play a<00:05:31.680> game<00:05:31.979> I<00:05:32.310> said<00:05:32.820> yes<00:05:33.539> and<00:05:34.470> so<00:05:35.280> I<00:05:35.310> happened<00:05:35.760> to a game I said yes and so I happened to a game I said yes and so I happened to have<00:05:36.060> all<00:05:36.479> of<00:05:36.510> these<00:05:36.750> little<00:05:36.810> pieces<00:05:37.199> I'm<00:05:37.470> a have all of these little pieces I'm a have all of these little pieces I'm a game<00:05:37.710> designer<00:05:37.919> so<00:05:38.280> I<00:05:38.310> have<00:05:38.580> this<00:05:38.729> stuff game designer so I have this stuff game designer so I have this stuff sitting<00:05:39.240> around<00:05:39.360> my<00:05:39.510> house<00:05:39.690> so<00:05:40.169> I<00:05:40.199> said<00:05:40.440> yeah sitting around my house so I said yeah sitting around my house so I said yeah you<00:05:40.650> can<00:05:40.770> play<00:05:41.070> a<00:05:41.100> game<00:05:41.370> and<00:05:41.520> I<00:05:41.580> give<00:05:41.729> her<00:05:41.789> a you can play a game and I give her a you can play a game and I give her a bunch<00:05:42.060> of<00:05:42.240> these<00:05:42.360> and<00:05:42.419> they<00:05:42.630> tell<00:05:42.810> her<00:05:42.870> to bunch of these and they tell her to bunch of these and they tell her to paint<00:05:43.200> them<00:05:43.440> in<00:05:43.530> different<00:05:43.680> families<00:05:44.250> these paint them in different families these paint them in different families these are<00:05:44.550> pictures<00:05:44.729> amazing<00:05:45.330> when<00:05:45.450> she<00:05:45.479> was<00:05:45.780> god<00:05:46.229> I are pictures amazing when she was god I are pictures amazing when she was god I still<00:05:46.380> chokes<00:05:46.770> me<00:05:46.950> up<00:05:46.979> seeing<00:05:47.280> these<00:05:47.460> if<00:05:47.729> she still chokes me up seeing these if she still chokes me up seeing these if she she's<00:05:48.660> painting<00:05:49.380> her<00:05:49.410> little<00:05:49.710> family<00:05:50.039> so<00:05:50.190> they she's painting her little family so they she's painting her little family so they grab<00:05:50.580> a<00:05:50.610> bunch<00:05:50.970> of<00:05:51.120> them<00:05:51.270> and<00:05:51.450> I<00:05:51.870> put<00:05:52.050> him<00:05:52.169> on<00:05:52.260> a grab a bunch of them and I put him on a grab a bunch of them and I put him on a boat<00:05:53.000> this<00:05:54.000> was<00:05:54.210> the<00:05:54.330> boat<00:05:54.510> Lee<00:05:54.720> was<00:05:54.930> made boat this was the boat Lee was made boat this was the boat Lee was made quickly<00:05:55.680> obviously<00:05:56.450> and<00:05:57.450> so<00:05:58.169> the<00:05:58.289> basic<00:05:58.440> gist quickly obviously and so the basic gist quickly obviously and so the basic gist of<00:05:59.099> it<00:05:59.160> is<00:05:59.310> I<00:05:59.520> grabbed<00:05:59.789> a<00:05:59.910> bunch<00:06:00.030> of<00:06:00.180> family of it is I grabbed a bunch of family of it is I grabbed a bunch of family since<00:06:00.690> she's<00:06:00.810> like<00:06:00.960> mommy<00:06:01.169> but<00:06:01.440> you<00:06:01.530> forgot since she's like mommy but you forgot since she's like mommy but you forgot the<00:06:02.010> pink<00:06:02.220> baby<00:06:02.460> and<00:06:02.639> you<00:06:02.700> forgot<00:06:02.940> the<00:06:03.000> blue the pink baby and you forgot the blue the pink baby and you forgot the blue daddy<00:06:03.479> and<00:06:03.750> you<00:06:03.810> forgot<00:06:04.050> all<00:06:04.169> these<00:06:04.320> other daddy and you forgot all these other daddy and you forgot all these other things<00:06:04.710> and<00:06:04.919> she<00:06:05.580> says<00:06:05.760> they<00:06:05.910> want<00:06:06.150> to<00:06:06.330> go<00:06:06.450> and things and she says they want to go and things and she says they want to go and I<00:06:06.660> said<00:06:06.840> honey<00:06:06.960> no<00:06:07.169> they<00:06:07.260> don't<00:06:07.410> want<00:06:07.530> to<00:06:07.620> go I said honey no they don't want to go I said honey no they don't want to go this<00:06:07.800> is<00:06:07.860> the<00:06:08.070> Middle<00:06:08.280> Passage<00:06:08.430> nobody<00:06:09.120> wants this is the Middle Passage nobody wants this is the Middle Passage nobody wants to<00:06:09.419> go<00:06:09.570> in<00:06:09.690> the<00:06:09.720> Middle<00:06:09.960> Passage<00:06:10.110> so<00:06:11.039> she<00:06:11.099> gave to go in the Middle Passage so she gave to go in the Middle Passage so she gave me<00:06:11.520> a<00:06:11.550> look<00:06:11.789> that<00:06:11.849> only<00:06:12.479> a<00:06:12.750> daughter<00:06:13.080> of<00:06:13.260> a<00:06:13.349> game me a look that only a daughter of a game me a look that only a daughter of a game designer<00:06:13.889> would<00:06:14.130> give<00:06:14.340> a<00:06:14.370> mother<00:06:14.639> and<00:06:15.570> as designer would give a mother and as designer would give a mother and as we're<00:06:16.050> going<00:06:16.139> across<00:06:16.440> the<00:06:16.710> ocean<00:06:16.740> following we're going across the ocean following we're going across the ocean following these<00:06:17.729> rules<00:06:18.030> she<00:06:18.300> realizes<00:06:18.690> that<00:06:18.930> she's these rules she realizes that she's these rules she realizes that she's rolling<00:06:19.590> pretty<00:06:19.740> high<00:06:20.039> and<00:06:20.400> she<00:06:20.970> says<00:06:21.180> to<00:06:21.360> me rolling pretty high and she says to me rolling pretty high and she says to me we're<00:06:21.599> not<00:06:21.690> gonna<00:06:21.840> make<00:06:22.110> it<00:06:22.580> and<00:06:23.580> she<00:06:24.360> realizes we're not gonna make it and she realizes we're not gonna make it and she realizes you<00:06:25.110> know<00:06:25.169> we<00:06:25.260> don't<00:06:25.349> have<00:06:25.470> enough<00:06:25.740> food<00:06:25.950> and you know we don't have enough food and you know we don't have enough food and so<00:06:26.669> she<00:06:26.729> asked<00:06:27.389> what<00:06:27.539> to<00:06:27.690> do<00:06:27.840> and<00:06:28.050> I<00:06:28.139> I<00:06:28.440> say<00:06:28.950> well so she asked what to do and I I say well so she asked what to do and I I say well we<00:06:29.340> can<00:06:29.520> either<00:06:29.639> remember<00:06:30.210> she's<00:06:30.389> seven<00:06:30.750> and we can either remember she's seven and we can either remember she's seven and we<00:06:30.990> can<00:06:31.139> either<00:06:31.229> put<00:06:31.440> some<00:06:31.620> people<00:06:31.770> in<00:06:31.950> the we can either put some people in the we can either put some people in the water<00:06:32.250> or<00:06:33.030> we<00:06:33.210> can<00:06:33.360> hope<00:06:33.479> that<00:06:33.660> they<00:06:33.750> don't<00:06:33.900> get water or we can hope that they don't get water or we can hope that they don't get sick<00:06:34.260> and<00:06:34.500> we<00:06:34.590> make<00:06:34.770> it<00:06:34.889> to<00:06:34.979> the<00:06:35.070> other<00:06:35.160> side sick and we make it to the other side sick and we make it to the other side and<00:06:35.820> she<00:06:36.690> like<00:06:37.169> you<00:06:37.320> know<00:06:37.470> just<00:06:37.710> the<00:06:37.889> look<00:06:38.340> on and she like you know just the look on and she like you know just the look on her<00:06:38.580> face<00:06:38.639> came<00:06:39.060> over<00:06:39.240> and<00:06:39.300> she<00:06:39.450> said<00:06:39.660> I<00:06:39.690> - her face came over and she said I - her face came over and she said I - after<00:06:40.380> a<00:06:40.530> month<00:06:40.860> of<00:06:41.070> this<00:06:41.520> is<00:06:41.700> Black<00:06:41.910> History after a month of this is Black History after a month of this is Black History Month<00:06:42.389> right<00:06:42.840> after<00:06:43.770> a<00:06:43.800> month<00:06:44.130> she<00:06:44.340> says<00:06:44.550> to<00:06:44.729> me Month right after a month she says to me Month right after a month she says to me did<00:06:45.330> this<00:06:45.479> really<00:06:45.659> happen<00:06:45.780> and<00:06:46.789> I<00:06:47.789> said<00:06:48.090> yes did this really happen and I said yes did this really happen and I said yes and<00:06:48.659> so<00:06:48.780> she<00:06:48.840> said<00:06:49.169> so<00:06:49.409> if<00:06:49.830> I and so she said so if I and so she said so if I out<00:06:50.350> of<00:06:50.440> the<00:06:50.500> woods<00:06:50.650> this<00:06:50.800> is<00:06:50.980> her<00:06:51.100> brother<00:06:51.310> and out of the woods this is her brother and out of the woods this is her brother and sister<00:06:51.490> if<00:06:51.820> I<00:06:51.880> came<00:06:51.940> out<00:06:52.120> of<00:06:52.240> the<00:06:52.300> woods<00:06:52.450> Avalon sister if I came out of the woods Avalon sister if I came out of the woods Avalon and<00:06:53.080> Donovan<00:06:53.290> might<00:06:53.500> be<00:06:53.620> gone<00:06:53.770> yes<00:06:54.810> but<00:06:55.810> I<00:06:55.840> get and Donovan might be gone yes but I get and Donovan might be gone yes but I get to<00:06:56.170> see<00:06:56.350> them<00:06:56.500> in<00:06:56.560> America<00:06:56.800> no<00:06:57.490> but<00:06:58.120> what<00:06:58.300> if<00:06:58.390> I to see them in America no but what if I to see them in America no but what if I saw<00:06:58.720> them<00:06:58.960> you<00:06:59.170> know<00:06:59.260> what<00:06:59.380> couldn't<00:06:59.530> we<00:06:59.620> stay saw them you know what couldn't we stay saw them you know what couldn't we stay together<00:06:59.950> no<00:07:00.640> so<00:07:00.910> daddy<00:07:01.150> could<00:07:01.450> be<00:07:01.570> gone<00:07:01.750> yes together no so daddy could be gone yes together no so daddy could be gone yes and<00:07:02.590> she<00:07:03.340> was<00:07:03.370> fascinated<00:07:04.210> by<00:07:04.300> this<00:07:04.360> and<00:07:04.480> she and she was fascinated by this and she and she was fascinated by this and she started<00:07:05.050> to<00:07:05.140> cry<00:07:05.170> and<00:07:05.410> I<00:07:05.590> started<00:07:06.010> to<00:07:06.130> cry<00:07:06.400> and started to cry and I started to cry and started to cry and I started to cry and her<00:07:06.910> father<00:07:07.180> started<00:07:07.660> to<00:07:07.720> cry<00:07:07.900> and<00:07:08.080> now<00:07:08.140> we're her father started to cry and now we're her father started to cry and now we're all<00:07:08.350> crying<00:07:08.590> he<00:07:08.770> didn't<00:07:09.010> expect<00:07:09.280> to<00:07:09.370> come<00:07:09.520> home all crying he didn't expect to come home all crying he didn't expect to come home from<00:07:09.940> work<00:07:10.090> to<00:07:10.240> the<00:07:10.270> Middle<00:07:10.510> Passage<00:07:10.630> but from work to the Middle Passage but from work to the Middle Passage but there<00:07:11.230> it<00:07:11.320> goes there it goes there it goes and<00:07:13.000> so<00:07:13.720> so<00:07:14.170> he<00:07:14.320> made<00:07:14.500> this<00:07:14.650> game<00:07:14.860> and<00:07:15.040> she<00:07:15.190> she and so so he made this game and she she and so so he made this game and she she got<00:07:15.790> it<00:07:16.030> she<00:07:16.210> got<00:07:16.240> it<00:07:16.510> because<00:07:16.600> she<00:07:16.810> spent<00:07:17.200> time got it she got it because she spent time got it she got it because she spent time with<00:07:17.860> these<00:07:18.190> people<00:07:18.250> it<00:07:18.940> was<00:07:19.210> an<00:07:19.330> abstract with these people it was an abstract with these people it was an abstract stuff<00:07:20.170> in<00:07:20.350> a<00:07:20.440> brochure<00:07:20.650> in<00:07:20.890> a<00:07:21.190> movie<00:07:21.540> and<00:07:22.540> so<00:07:23.230> it stuff in a brochure in a movie and so it stuff in a brochure in a movie and so it was<00:07:23.530> just<00:07:23.650> an<00:07:23.830> incredibly<00:07:24.310> powerful was just an incredibly powerful was just an incredibly powerful experience<00:07:25.210> this<00:07:25.330> is<00:07:25.510> the<00:07:25.540> the<00:07:26.080> game<00:07:26.260> which experience this is the the game which experience this is the the game which I've<00:07:26.620> ended<00:07:26.800> up<00:07:26.920> calling<00:07:27.130> the<00:07:27.370> new<00:07:27.490> world I've ended up calling the new world I've ended up calling the new world because<00:07:28.480> I<00:07:28.600> like<00:07:28.750> the<00:07:28.900> phrase<00:07:29.140> I<00:07:29.320> don't<00:07:29.470> think because I like the phrase I don't think because I like the phrase I don't think the<00:07:29.830> new<00:07:30.010> world<00:07:30.280> felt<00:07:30.610> to<00:07:30.880> new<00:07:31.150> world<00:07:31.420> the the new world felt to new world the the new world felt to new world the exciting<00:07:32.140> to<00:07:32.320> the<00:07:32.440> people<00:07:32.740> who<00:07:32.800> were<00:07:32.920> brought exciting to the people who were brought exciting to the people who were brought over<00:07:33.220> on<00:07:33.400> slave<00:07:33.670> ships<00:07:34.030> but<00:07:34.960> when<00:07:35.080> this over on slave ships but when this over on slave ships but when this happened<00:07:35.590> I<00:07:35.680> saw<00:07:35.890> the<00:07:35.950> whole<00:07:36.250> planet<00:07:36.820> I<00:07:36.940> was<00:07:37.090> so happened I saw the whole planet I was so happened I saw the whole planet I was so excited<00:07:37.510> it<00:07:37.750> was<00:07:37.810> like<00:07:37.960> I've<00:07:38.080> been<00:07:38.230> making excited it was like I've been making excited it was like I've been making games<00:07:38.740> for<00:07:38.950> 20-some<00:07:39.400> years<00:07:39.660> and<00:07:40.660> then<00:07:40.810> I games for 20-some years and then I games for 20-some years and then I decided<00:07:40.990> to<00:07:41.350> do<00:07:41.500> it<00:07:41.620> get<00:07:41.770> it<00:07:41.920> again<00:07:42.160> my<00:07:42.400> history decided to do it get it again my history decided to do it get it again my history is<00:07:42.940> Irish<00:07:43.300> so<00:07:43.870> this<00:07:44.020> is<00:07:44.140> a<00:07:44.170> game<00:07:44.380> called<00:07:44.410> Shia is Irish so this is a game called Shia is Irish so this is a game called Shia Khan<00:07:45.100> lot<00:07:45.340> it's<00:07:45.550> peace<00:07:45.730> be<00:07:45.910> with<00:07:46.090> you<00:07:46.120> it's<00:07:46.390> the Khan lot it's peace be with you it's the Khan lot it's peace be with you it's the entire<00:07:46.750> history<00:07:47.170> of<00:07:47.320> my<00:07:47.440> family<00:07:47.830> in<00:07:47.920> a<00:07:47.980> single entire history of my family in a single entire history of my family in a single game<00:07:48.430> I<00:07:48.700> made<00:07:49.420> another<00:07:49.660> game<00:07:49.900> called<00:07:50.170> train<00:07:50.380> I game I made another game called train I game I made another game called train I was<00:07:51.070> making<00:07:51.430> a<00:07:51.520> series<00:07:51.880> of<00:07:52.000> six<00:07:52.270> games<00:07:52.600> that was making a series of six games that was making a series of six games that covered<00:07:53.530> difficult<00:07:53.980> topics<00:07:54.430> and<00:07:54.640> if<00:07:55.000> you're covered difficult topics and if you're covered difficult topics and if you're gonna<00:07:55.210> cover<00:07:55.450> a<00:07:55.540> difficult<00:07:56.020> topic<00:07:56.200> this<00:07:56.530> is gonna cover a difficult topic this is gonna cover a difficult topic this is one<00:07:56.860> you<00:07:56.950> need<00:07:57.130> to<00:07:57.250> cover<00:07:57.400> and<00:07:57.610> I'll<00:07:57.730> let<00:07:58.060> you one you need to cover and I'll let you one you need to cover and I'll let you figure<00:07:58.360> out<00:07:58.480> what<00:07:58.690> that's<00:07:58.840> about<00:07:59.080> on<00:07:59.200> your<00:07:59.350> own figure out what that's about on your own figure out what that's about on your own and<00:08:00.850> I<00:08:01.240> also<00:08:01.390> made<00:08:01.690> a<00:08:01.720> game<00:08:01.930> about<00:08:02.170> the<00:08:02.290> middle and I also made a game about the middle and I also made a game about the middle the<00:08:03.040> the<00:08:03.370> Trail<00:08:03.610> of<00:08:03.640> Tears the the Trail of Tears the the Trail of Tears this<00:08:04.420> is<00:08:04.570> a<00:08:04.600> game<00:08:04.810> with<00:08:04.990> 50,000<00:08:05.800> individual this is a game with 50,000 individual this is a game with 50,000 individual pieces<00:08:06.610> I<00:08:06.790> was<00:08:07.180> crazy<00:08:07.480> when<00:08:07.750> I<00:08:07.780> decided<00:08:08.140> to pieces I was crazy when I decided to pieces I was crazy when I decided to start<00:08:08.560> it<00:08:08.680> but<00:08:08.800> I'm<00:08:08.890> in<00:08:08.980> the<00:08:09.040> middle<00:08:09.190> of<00:08:09.280> it<00:08:09.400> now start it but I'm in the middle of it now start it but I'm in the middle of it now it's<00:08:10.960> the<00:08:11.050> same<00:08:11.260> thing<00:08:11.320> I'm<00:08:11.740> hoping<00:08:11.920> that<00:08:12.220> I'll it's the same thing I'm hoping that I'll it's the same thing I'm hoping that I'll teach<00:08:12.490> culture<00:08:12.910> through<00:08:13.150> these<00:08:13.270> games<00:08:13.540> and teach culture through these games and teach culture through these games and the<00:08:14.620> one<00:08:14.770> I'm<00:08:14.860> working<00:08:14.980> on<00:08:15.190> right<00:08:15.250> now<00:08:15.460> which the one I'm working on right now which the one I'm working on right now which is<00:08:15.850> because<00:08:16.390> I'm<00:08:16.480> right<00:08:16.630> in<00:08:16.720> the<00:08:16.750> middle<00:08:16.810> of<00:08:17.020> it is because I'm right in the middle of it is because I'm right in the middle of it and<00:08:17.260> these<00:08:17.350> for<00:08:17.620> some<00:08:17.770> reason<00:08:18.070> choke<00:08:18.250> me<00:08:18.400> up and these for some reason choke me up and these for some reason choke me up like<00:08:18.580> crazy<00:08:18.850> is<00:08:19.030> a<00:08:19.090> game<00:08:19.210> called<00:08:19.240> Mexican like crazy is a game called Mexican like crazy is a game called Mexican kitchen<00:08:20.080> workers<00:08:20.560> and<00:08:21.120> it<00:08:22.120> originally<00:08:22.690> it<00:08:22.750> was kitchen workers and it originally it was kitchen workers and it originally it was a<00:08:22.870> math<00:08:23.110> problem<00:08:23.410> more<00:08:23.740> or<00:08:23.800> less<00:08:23.950> like<00:08:24.160> here's a math problem more or less like here's a math problem more or less like here's the<00:08:24.610> economics<00:08:25.180> of<00:08:25.300> illegal<00:08:25.600> immigration<00:08:25.900> and the economics of illegal immigration and the economics of illegal immigration and the<00:08:26.890> more<00:08:27.010> I<00:08:27.040> learned<00:08:27.280> about<00:08:27.400> the<00:08:27.550> Mexican the more I learned about the Mexican the more I learned about the Mexican culture<00:08:28.090> my<00:08:28.600> partner<00:08:28.960> is<00:08:29.050> Mexican<00:08:29.530> the<00:08:29.650> more<00:08:29.830> I culture my partner is Mexican the more I culture my partner is Mexican the more I learned<00:08:30.190> that<00:08:30.430> you<00:08:31.030> know<00:08:31.150> for<00:08:31.330> many<00:08:31.510> for<00:08:31.780> all learned that you know for many for all learned that you know for many for all of<00:08:32.020> us<00:08:32.110> food<00:08:32.380> is<00:08:32.530> a<00:08:32.560> basic<00:08:32.950> need<00:08:33.130> but<00:08:33.550> it<00:08:34.270> is of us food is a basic need but it is of us food is a basic need but it is obviously<00:08:35.229> with<00:08:35.349> Mexicans<00:08:35.860> too<00:08:36.070> but<00:08:36.250> it's obviously with Mexicans too but it's obviously with Mexicans too but it's much<00:08:36.550> more<00:08:36.580> than<00:08:37.000> that<00:08:37.030> it's<00:08:37.300> an<00:08:37.419> expression much more than that it's an expression much more than that it's an expression of<00:08:37.990> love<00:08:38.050> it's<00:08:38.470> an<00:08:38.620> expression<00:08:39.250> of<00:08:39.370> a<00:08:40.440> totally of love it's an expression of a totally of love it's an expression of a totally choking<00:08:41.800> up<00:08:41.890> way<00:08:42.040> more<00:08:42.250> than<00:08:42.370> I<00:08:42.400> thought<00:08:42.460> I choking up way more than I thought I choking up way more than I thought I look<00:08:43.030> away<00:08:43.120> from<00:08:43.240> the<00:08:43.419> picture<00:08:43.920> it's<00:08:44.920> an look away from the picture it's an look away from the picture it's an expression<00:08:45.520> of<00:08:45.880> beauty<00:08:46.720> it's<00:08:46.900> how<00:08:47.080> they<00:08:47.320> say expression of beauty it's how they say expression of beauty it's how they say they<00:08:47.710> love<00:08:47.920> you<00:08:47.950> it's<00:08:48.190> how<00:08:48.310> they<00:08:48.460> say<00:08:48.640> they they love you it's how they say they they love you it's how they say they care<00:08:49.030> and<00:08:49.180> you<00:08:49.300> can't<00:08:49.510> hear<00:08:49.750> somebody<00:08:50.080> talking care and you can't hear somebody talking care and you can't hear somebody talking about<00:08:50.530> their<00:08:50.650> Mexican<00:08:51.040> grandmother<00:08:51.460> without about their Mexican grandmother without about their Mexican grandmother without saying<00:08:52.450> food<00:08:52.720> in<00:08:52.900> the<00:08:52.990> first<00:08:53.230> sentence<00:08:53.820> and<00:08:54.820> so saying food in the first sentence and so saying food in the first sentence and so to<00:08:55.720> me<00:08:55.990> this<00:08:56.560> beautiful<00:08:56.980> culture<00:08:57.670> this to me this beautiful culture this to me this beautiful culture this beautiful<00:08:58.510> expression<00:08:59.080> is<00:08:59.200> something<00:08:59.380> that<00:08:59.710> I beautiful expression is something that I beautiful expression is something that I want<00:09:00.100> to<00:09:00.190> capture<00:09:00.340> through<00:09:01.180> games<00:09:01.450> and<00:09:01.720> so want to capture through games and so want to capture through games and so games<00:09:02.410> for<00:09:02.860> a<00:09:02.890> change games for a change games for a change changes<00:09:04.149> how<00:09:04.299> we<00:09:04.329> see<00:09:04.629> topics<00:09:05.139> it<00:09:05.529> changes<00:09:05.919> how changes how we see topics it changes how changes how we see topics it changes how our<00:09:06.339> perceptions<00:09:06.759> about<00:09:07.299> those<00:09:07.540> people<00:09:07.959> and our perceptions about those people and our perceptions about those people and topics<00:09:08.559> and<00:09:08.709> it<00:09:09.189> changes<00:09:09.609> ourselves<00:09:09.850> we topics and it changes ourselves we topics and it changes ourselves we change<00:09:11.109> as<00:09:11.529> people<00:09:11.980> through<00:09:12.519> games<00:09:12.790> because change as people through games because change as people through games because we're<00:09:13.419> involved<00:09:13.989> and<00:09:14.139> we're<00:09:14.259> playing<00:09:14.559> and we're involved and we're playing and we're involved and we're playing and we're<00:09:15.009> learning<00:09:15.189> as<00:09:15.489> we<00:09:15.639> do<00:09:15.790> so<00:09:15.999> thank<00:09:16.629> you

gaming Brenda Braithwaite, TED, TEDx, TEDxPhoenix, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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