Chủ nghĩa nhân đạo kỹ thuật số – Paul Conneally

Digital humanitarianism - Paul Conneally

Digital humanitarianism - Paul Conneally


[Music] [Music] [Applause]

the<00:00:16.440> humanitarian<00:00:17.119> model<00:00:17.640> has<00:00:17.920> barely
the humanitarian model has barely the humanitarian model has barely changed<00:00:18.720> since<00:00:18.920> the<00:00:19.039> early<00:00:19.359> 20th<00:00:19.840> century<00:00:20.760> its changed since the early 20th century its changed since the early 20th century its Origins<00:00:21.480> are<00:00:21.960> firmly<00:00:22.359> rooted<00:00:22.840> in<00:00:22.960> the<00:00:23.119> analog Origins are firmly rooted in the analog Origins are firmly rooted in the analog age<00:00:24.960> and<00:00:25.920> there<00:00:26.000> is<00:00:26.160> a<00:00:26.279> major<00:00:26.599> shift<00:00:26.960> coming<00:00:27.279> on age and there is a major shift coming on age and there is a major shift coming on the<00:00:27.640> horizon<00:00:28.640> the<00:00:28.840> Catalyst<00:00:29.320> for<00:00:29.519> this<00:00:29.640> change the horizon the Catalyst for this change the horizon the Catalyst for this change was<00:00:31.320> the<00:00:31.439> major<00:00:31.759> earthquake<00:00:32.399> that<00:00:32.520> struck was the major earthquake that struck was the major earthquake that struck Haiti<00:00:33.680> on<00:00:33.840> the<00:00:34.079> 12th<00:00:34.440> of<00:00:34.600> January<00:00:35.120> in Haiti on the 12th of January in Haiti on the 12th of January in 2010<00:00:38.040> Haiti<00:00:38.520> was<00:00:38.680> a<00:00:38.840> game 2010 Haiti was a game 2010 Haiti was a game changer<00:00:40.840> the<00:00:41.200> earthquake<00:00:42.200> destroyed<00:00:42.719> the changer the earthquake destroyed the changer the earthquake destroyed the capital<00:00:43.200> Port<00:00:43.480> of<00:00:43.800> pronce<00:00:44.800> claiming<00:00:45.200> the capital Port of pronce claiming the capital Port of pronce claiming the lives<00:00:45.640> of<00:00:45.760> some<00:00:46.280> 320,000<00:00:47.399> people<00:00:48.399> rendering lives of some 320,000 people rendering lives of some 320,000 people rendering homeless<00:00:49.600> about<00:00:49.840> 1.2<00:00:50.480> million homeless about 1.2 million homeless about 1.2 million people<00:00:53.600> government<00:00:54.039> institutions<00:00:54.640> were people government institutions were people government institutions were completely<00:00:55.280> decapitated<00:00:56.280> including<00:00:56.680> the completely decapitated including the completely decapitated including the presidential<00:00:57.760> Palace<00:00:58.760> I<00:00:58.920> remember<00:00:59.920> standing presidential Palace I remember standing presidential Palace I remember standing on<00:01:00.359> the<00:01:00.480> roof<00:01:00.760> of<00:01:00.879> the<00:01:01.000> ministry<00:01:01.359> of<00:01:01.960> Justice on the roof of the ministry of Justice on the roof of the ministry of Justice in<00:01:03.160> downtown<00:01:03.640> Port<00:01:03.840> of<00:01:04.040> prance<00:01:04.760> it<00:01:04.879> was<00:01:05.000> about in downtown Port of prance it was about in downtown Port of prance it was about 2<00:01:05.439> m<00:01:05.920> High<00:01:06.520> completely<00:01:07.000> squashed<00:01:07.920> by<00:01:08.080> the 2 m High completely squashed by the 2 m High completely squashed by the violence<00:01:08.680> of<00:01:08.799> the violence of the violence of the earthquake<00:01:10.479> for<00:01:10.720> those<00:01:10.880> of<00:01:11.000> us<00:01:11.119> on<00:01:11.240> the<00:01:11.400> ground earthquake for those of us on the ground earthquake for those of us on the ground in<00:01:11.880> those<00:01:12.080> early<00:01:12.439> days<00:01:13.360> it<00:01:13.479> was<00:01:13.720> clear<00:01:14.280> for in those early days it was clear for in those early days it was clear for even<00:01:14.759> the<00:01:14.880> most<00:01:15.119> disaster<00:01:15.759> hardened<00:01:16.520> veterans even the most disaster hardened veterans even the most disaster hardened veterans that<00:01:17.720> Haiti<00:01:18.119> was<00:01:18.280> something<00:01:18.640> different<00:01:19.080> Haiti that Haiti was something different Haiti that Haiti was something different Haiti was<00:01:19.560> something<00:01:19.840> we<00:01:19.960> hadn't<00:01:20.200> seen was something we hadn't seen was something we hadn't seen before<00:01:22.439> but<00:01:22.600> Haiti<00:01:22.960> provided<00:01:23.360> us<00:01:23.520> with before but Haiti provided us with before but Haiti provided us with something<00:01:24.040> else something else something else unprecedented<00:01:25.960> Haiti<00:01:26.280> has<00:01:26.439> allowed<00:01:26.759> us<00:01:26.960> to unprecedented Haiti has allowed us to unprecedented Haiti has allowed us to glimpse<00:01:27.799> into<00:01:28.200> a<00:01:28.400> future<00:01:29.200> of<00:01:29.360> what<00:01:29.520> design glimpse into a future of what design glimpse into a future of what design faster<00:01:30.280> response<00:01:30.799> might<00:01:31.000> look<00:01:31.240> like<00:01:31.720> in<00:01:31.840> a faster response might look like in a faster response might look like in a hyperconnected<00:01:32.840> world<00:01:33.680> where<00:01:33.880> people<00:01:34.159> have hyperconnected world where people have hyperconnected world where people have access<00:01:35.000> to<00:01:35.240> mobile<00:01:35.880> smart access to mobile smart access to mobile smart devices<00:01:38.880> because<00:01:39.159> out<00:01:39.280> of<00:01:39.399> the<00:01:39.520> urban devices because out of the urban devices because out of the urban Devastation<00:01:40.920> in<00:01:41.079> Portu Devastation in Portu Devastation in Portu pron<00:01:43.040> came<00:01:43.840> a<00:01:44.040> torrent<00:01:44.520> of<00:01:44.719> SMS<00:01:45.280> Texas<00:01:46.200> people pron came a torrent of SMS Texas people pron came a torrent of SMS Texas people crying<00:01:46.960> for<00:01:47.240> help<00:01:47.840> beseeching<00:01:48.600> us<00:01:48.840> for crying for help beseeching us for crying for help beseeching us for assistance<00:01:49.920> sharing<00:01:50.479> data<00:01:51.000> offering<00:01:51.439> support assistance sharing data offering support assistance sharing data offering support looking<00:01:52.360> for<00:01:52.520> their<00:01:52.680> loved<00:01:53.040> ones<00:01:54.040> this<00:01:54.159> was<00:01:54.280> a looking for their loved ones this was a looking for their loved ones this was a situation<00:01:55.240> that<00:01:55.439> traditional<00:01:55.880> Aid<00:01:56.159> agencies situation that traditional Aid agencies situation that traditional Aid agencies had<00:01:56.840> never<00:01:57.240> before had never before had never before encountered<00:01:59.159> we<00:01:59.280> were<00:01:59.479> in<00:01:59.680> one<00:01:59.840> one<00:01:59.920> of<00:02:00.039> the encountered we were in one one of the encountered we were in one one of the poorest<00:02:00.479> countries<00:02:00.840> on<00:02:01.000> the<00:02:01.159> planet<00:02:02.159> but<00:02:02.320> 80% poorest countries on the planet but 80% poorest countries on the planet but 80% of<00:02:03.119> the<00:02:03.439> people<00:02:04.439> had<00:02:04.960> mobile<00:02:05.399> devices<00:02:05.920> in of the people had mobile devices in of the people had mobile devices in their<00:02:06.680> hands<00:02:07.680> and<00:02:07.880> we<00:02:08.000> were<00:02:08.160> unprepared<00:02:08.679> for their hands and we were unprepared for their hands and we were unprepared for this<00:02:09.200> and<00:02:09.360> they<00:02:09.479> were<00:02:09.599> shaping<00:02:09.959> the<00:02:10.080> aid this and they were shaping the aid this and they were shaping the aid effort<00:02:11.920> outside<00:02:12.400> Haiti<00:02:12.840> also<00:02:13.480> things<00:02:13.640> were effort outside Haiti also things were effort outside Haiti also things were looking<00:02:14.280> different<00:02:15.280> tens<00:02:15.599> of<00:02:15.879> thousands<00:02:16.360> of looking different tens of thousands of looking different tens of thousands of so-called<00:02:17.040> digital<00:02:17.519> volunteers<00:02:18.519> were so-called digital volunteers were so-called digital volunteers were scouring<00:02:19.280> the<00:02:19.440> internet<00:02:20.239> converting<00:02:20.840> tweets scouring the internet converting tweets scouring the internet converting tweets that<00:02:21.400> had<00:02:21.560> already<00:02:21.760> been<00:02:21.959> converted<00:02:22.400> from that had already been converted from that had already been converted from texts<00:02:23.599> and<00:02:23.840> putting<00:02:24.160> these<00:02:24.400> into<00:02:24.720> open- texts and putting these into open- texts and putting these into open- Source<00:02:25.360> Maps<00:02:26.200> layering<00:02:26.680> them<00:02:26.879> with<00:02:27.040> all<00:02:27.200> sorts Source Maps layering them with all sorts Source Maps layering them with all sorts of<00:02:27.920> important<00:02:28.400> information<00:02:29.040> people<00:02:29.280> like of important information people like of important information people like Christ<00:02:30.040> mappers<00:02:30.400> an<00:02:30.599> open<00:02:30.920> street<00:02:31.319> map<00:02:31.959> and Christ mappers an open street map and Christ mappers an open street map and putting<00:02:32.440> these<00:02:32.599> on<00:02:32.760> the<00:02:32.920> web<00:02:33.200> for<00:02:33.440> everybody putting these on the web for everybody putting these on the web for everybody the<00:02:34.080> media<00:02:34.480> the<00:02:34.599> aid<00:02:34.840> organizations<00:02:35.440> and<00:02:35.599> the the media the aid organizations and the the media the aid organizations and the communities<00:02:36.440> themselves<00:02:37.319> to<00:02:37.560> participate<00:02:38.160> in communities themselves to participate in communities themselves to participate in and<00:02:38.480> to and to and to use<00:02:40.879> back<00:02:41.040> in<00:02:41.200> Haiti<00:02:41.720> people<00:02:41.920> were use back in Haiti people were use back in Haiti people were increasingly<00:02:43.640> turning<00:02:44.239> to<00:02:44.440> the<00:02:44.560> medium<00:02:44.959> of increasingly turning to the medium of increasingly turning to the medium of SMS<00:02:46.159> people<00:02:46.400> that<00:02:46.560> were<00:02:46.720> hungry<00:02:47.080> and<00:02:47.280> hurting SMS people that were hungry and hurting SMS people that were hungry and hurting were<00:02:48.080> signaling<00:02:48.560> their<00:02:48.800> distress<00:02:49.560> were were signaling their distress were were signaling their distress were signaling<00:02:50.280> their<00:02:50.440> need<00:02:50.640> for signaling their need for signaling their need for help<00:02:52.519> on<00:02:52.920> Street<00:02:53.319> sides<00:02:53.640> all<00:02:53.879> over<00:02:54.120> PTO<00:02:54.920> France help on Street sides all over PTO France help on Street sides all over PTO France entrepreneurs<00:02:56.599> sprung<00:02:56.959> up<00:02:57.760> offering<00:02:58.440> mobile entrepreneurs sprung up offering mobile entrepreneurs sprung up offering mobile phone<00:02:59.080> charging<00:02:59.440> stations phone charging stations phone charging stations s<00:03:01.280> they<00:03:01.440> understood<00:03:02.000> more<00:03:02.200> than<00:03:02.360> we<00:03:02.560> did s they understood more than we did s they understood more than we did people's<00:03:03.640> innate<00:03:04.239> need<00:03:04.680> to<00:03:04.879> be people's innate need to be people's innate need to be connected<00:03:07.200> never<00:03:07.440> having<00:03:07.720> been<00:03:07.879> confronted connected never having been confronted connected never having been confronted with<00:03:08.599> this<00:03:08.760> type<00:03:08.879> of<00:03:09.040> situation<00:03:10.080> before<00:03:11.080> we with this type of situation before we with this type of situation before we wanted<00:03:11.480> to<00:03:11.599> try<00:03:11.760> and<00:03:12.200> understand<00:03:12.440> how<00:03:12.560> we wanted to try and understand how we wanted to try and understand how we could<00:03:13.159> tap<00:03:13.440> into<00:03:13.720> this<00:03:13.879> incredible<00:03:14.720> resource could tap into this incredible resource could tap into this incredible resource how<00:03:15.840> we<00:03:15.959> could<00:03:16.159> really<00:03:16.519> leverage<00:03:17.440> this how we could really leverage this how we could really leverage this incredible<00:03:18.440> use<00:03:18.720> of<00:03:18.879> mobile<00:03:19.519> technology<00:03:20.519> and incredible use of mobile technology and incredible use of mobile technology and SMS<00:03:21.280> technology<00:03:22.200> we<00:03:22.319> started<00:03:22.640> talking<00:03:22.920> with<00:03:23.040> a SMS technology we started talking with a SMS technology we started talking with a local<00:03:23.879> Telecom<00:03:24.440> provider<00:03:24.959> called<00:03:25.280> VOA<00:03:25.920> which local Telecom provider called VOA which local Telecom provider called VOA which is<00:03:26.120> a<00:03:26.280> subsidiary<00:03:27.080> of<00:03:27.239> Trilogy is a subsidiary of Trilogy is a subsidiary of Trilogy International<00:03:29.439> we<00:03:29.560> had<00:03:29.879> basically<00:03:30.280> three International we had basically three International we had basically three requirements<00:03:31.920> we<00:03:32.040> wanted<00:03:32.400> to<00:03:32.599> communicate<00:03:33.239> in requirements we wanted to communicate in requirements we wanted to communicate in a<00:03:33.840> two-way<00:03:34.480> form<00:03:34.720> of<00:03:34.920> communication<00:03:35.680> we a two-way form of communication we a two-way form of communication we didn't<00:03:35.959> want<00:03:36.120> to<00:03:36.239> shout<00:03:36.640> we<00:03:36.760> needed<00:03:37.000> to<00:03:37.120> listen didn't want to shout we needed to listen didn't want to shout we needed to listen as<00:03:37.680> well<00:03:38.680> we<00:03:38.840> wanted<00:03:39.080> to<00:03:39.200> be<00:03:39.319> able<00:03:39.560> to<00:03:39.879> Target as well we wanted to be able to Target as well we wanted to be able to Target specific<00:03:41.040> Geographic<00:03:41.680> communities<00:03:42.319> we specific Geographic communities we specific Geographic communities we didn't<00:03:42.680> need<00:03:42.959> to<00:03:43.159> talk<00:03:43.360> to<00:03:43.480> the<00:03:43.599> whole<00:03:43.799> country didn't need to talk to the whole country didn't need to talk to the whole country at<00:03:44.239> the<00:03:44.400> same<00:03:44.720> time<00:03:45.720> we<00:03:45.840> wanted<00:03:46.120> it<00:03:46.239> to<00:03:46.319> be<00:03:46.519> easy at the same time we wanted it to be easy at the same time we wanted it to be easy to to to use<00:03:48.560> out<00:03:48.760> of<00:03:49.000> this<00:03:49.439> Rubble<00:03:49.840> of<00:03:50.000> Haiti<00:03:50.720> and<00:03:50.879> from use out of this Rubble of Haiti and from use out of this Rubble of Haiti and from this<00:03:51.400> Devastation<00:03:52.079> came<00:03:52.319> something<00:03:52.599> that<00:03:52.680> we this Devastation came something that we this Devastation came something that we call<00:03:53.079> Terror<00:03:53.720> the<00:03:53.840> trilogy<00:03:54.439> emergency call Terror the trilogy emergency call Terror the trilogy emergency response<00:03:55.840> application<00:03:56.840> which<00:03:56.959> has<00:03:57.120> been<00:03:57.319> used response application which has been used response application which has been used to<00:03:58.040> support<00:03:58.360> the<00:03:58.480> aid<00:03:58.799> effort<00:03:59.159> ever<00:03:59.400> since to support the aid effort ever since to support the aid effort ever since it<00:04:00.840> has<00:04:01.000> been<00:04:01.200> used<00:04:01.720> to<00:04:01.879> help<00:04:02.120> communities it has been used to help communities it has been used to help communities prepare<00:04:03.040> for<00:04:03.239> disasters<00:04:04.239> it<00:04:04.360> is<00:04:04.640> used<00:04:04.959> to prepare for disasters it is used to prepare for disasters it is used to Signal<00:04:05.760> early<00:04:06.120> warning<00:04:06.599> in<00:04:06.799> advance<00:04:07.159> of Signal early warning in advance of Signal early warning in advance of weather<00:04:07.640> related<00:04:08.200> disasters<00:04:09.200> it's<00:04:09.400> used<00:04:09.720> for weather related disasters it's used for weather related disasters it's used for public<00:04:10.360> health<00:04:10.720> awareness<00:04:11.239> campaigns<00:04:11.760> such public health awareness campaigns such public health awareness campaigns such as<00:04:12.040> the<00:04:12.200> prevention<00:04:12.519> of<00:04:12.799> chalera<00:04:13.799> and<00:04:13.920> it<00:04:14.239> even as the prevention of chalera and it even as the prevention of chalera and it even used<00:04:15.040> for<00:04:15.280> sensitive<00:04:15.879> issues<00:04:16.680> such<00:04:16.880> as used for sensitive issues such as used for sensitive issues such as building<00:04:17.519> awareness<00:04:18.120> around<00:04:18.400> gender-based building awareness around gender-based building awareness around gender-based violence<00:04:20.880> but<00:04:21.040> does<00:04:21.160> it violence but does it violence but does it work<00:04:24.360> we<00:04:24.720> have<00:04:24.960> just<00:04:25.240> published<00:04:26.040> an work we have just published an work we have just published an evaluation<00:04:27.360> of<00:04:27.639> this<00:04:28.160> program<00:04:29.160> and<00:04:29.880> the evaluation of this program and the evaluation of this program and the evidence<00:04:30.840> that<00:04:30.960> is<00:04:31.199> there<00:04:31.320> for<00:04:31.520> all<00:04:31.759> to<00:04:31.919> see<00:04:32.120> is evidence that is there for all to see is evidence that is there for all to see is quite quite quite remarkable<00:04:34.440> some<00:04:35.320> 74%<00:04:36.320> of<00:04:36.600> people<00:04:37.600> received remarkable some 74% of people received remarkable some 74% of people received the<00:04:38.199> data<00:04:38.600> those<00:04:38.759> that<00:04:38.880> were<00:04:39.080> intended<00:04:39.440> to the data those that were intended to the data those that were intended to receive<00:04:39.919> the<00:04:40.039> data<00:04:40.360> 74%<00:04:41.160> of<00:04:41.280> them<00:04:41.639> received<00:04:41.800> it receive the data 74% of them received it receive the data 74% of them received it 96%<00:04:43.680> of<00:04:43.840> them<00:04:44.240> found<00:04:44.520> it 96% of them found it 96% of them found it useful<00:04:47.280> 83%<00:04:48.240> of<00:04:48.360> them<00:04:48.600> took<00:04:49.000> action<00:04:49.800> evidence useful 83% of them took action evidence useful 83% of them took action evidence that<00:04:50.479> it<00:04:50.600> is<00:04:50.800> indeed<00:04:51.440> empowering<00:04:52.440> and<00:04:52.680> 73%<00:04:53.680> of that it is indeed empowering and 73% of that it is indeed empowering and 73% of them<00:04:53.919> shared them shared them shared it<00:04:56.160> the<00:04:56.320> Terrace<00:04:57.240> system<00:04:58.240> was<00:04:58.479> developed<00:04:58.919> from it the Terrace system was developed from it the Terrace system was developed from Haiti<00:04:59.880> with<00:05:00.039> the<00:05:00.199> support<00:05:00.520> of<00:05:00.680> engineers<00:05:01.199> in Haiti with the support of engineers in Haiti with the support of engineers in the<00:05:01.520> region<00:05:02.479> it<00:05:02.600> is<00:05:02.720> a<00:05:02.880> user<00:05:03.360> appropriate the region it is a user appropriate the region it is a user appropriate technology<00:05:04.560> that<00:05:04.680> has<00:05:04.800> been<00:05:04.960> used<00:05:05.199> for technology that has been used for technology that has been used for humanitarian<00:05:06.080> good<00:05:06.360> to<00:05:06.520> great<00:05:07.360> effect humanitarian good to great effect humanitarian good to great effect technology<00:05:08.919> is technology is technology is transformational<00:05:10.759> right<00:05:10.960> across<00:05:11.320> the transformational right across the transformational right across the developing<00:05:12.000> World<00:05:12.919> citizens<00:05:13.440> and developing World citizens and developing World citizens and communities<00:05:14.680> are<00:05:14.880> using<00:05:15.280> technology<00:05:15.960> to communities are using technology to communities are using technology to enable<00:05:16.560> them<00:05:16.840> bring<00:05:17.160> about<00:05:17.720> change<00:05:18.360> positive enable them bring about change positive enable them bring about change positive change<00:05:19.280> in<00:05:19.400> their<00:05:19.560> own<00:05:20.080> communities<00:05:21.080> the change in their own communities the change in their own communities the Grassroots<00:05:22.000> has<00:05:22.160> been<00:05:22.400> strengthened<00:05:23.199> to<00:05:23.440> the Grassroots has been strengthened to the Grassroots has been strengthened to the Social<00:05:24.000> Power<00:05:24.280> of<00:05:24.440> sharing<00:05:25.360> and<00:05:25.479> they<00:05:25.560> are Social Power of sharing and they are Social Power of sharing and they are challenging<00:05:26.400> the<00:05:26.520> old<00:05:26.880> models<00:05:27.520> the<00:05:27.680> old challenging the old models the old challenging the old models the old analog<00:05:28.520> models<00:05:29.080> of<00:05:29.520> control<00:05:30.000> and analog models of control and analog models of control and command<00:05:32.160> one<00:05:32.400> illustration<00:05:32.880> of<00:05:33.000> the command one illustration of the command one illustration of the transformational<00:05:33.840> power<00:05:34.080> of<00:05:34.280> technology<00:05:35.280> is transformational power of technology is transformational power of technology is in<00:05:35.639> kaiber<00:05:36.639> kaiber<00:05:37.080> is<00:05:37.160> one<00:05:37.280> of<00:05:37.440> Africa's in kaiber kaiber is one of Africa's in kaiber kaiber is one of Africa's largest<00:05:38.240> slums<00:05:38.759> it's<00:05:38.919> on<00:05:39.039> the<00:05:39.160> outskirts<00:05:39.639> of largest slums it's on the outskirts of largest slums it's on the outskirts of Nairobi<00:05:40.680> the<00:05:40.880> capital<00:05:41.240> city<00:05:41.560> of<00:05:42.120> Kenya<00:05:43.120> it's Nairobi the capital city of Kenya it's Nairobi the capital city of Kenya it's home<00:05:43.560> to<00:05:43.720> an<00:05:43.840> unknown<00:05:44.240> number<00:05:44.479> of<00:05:44.680> people<00:05:45.120> some home to an unknown number of people some home to an unknown number of people some say<00:05:45.680> between<00:05:46.240> 250,000<00:05:47.240> and<00:05:47.440> 1.2<00:05:48.440> million<00:05:49.440> if say between 250,000 and 1.2 million if say between 250,000 and 1.2 million if you<00:05:49.639> were<00:05:49.800> to<00:05:49.919> arrive<00:05:50.199> in<00:05:50.319> Nairobi<00:05:50.759> today<00:05:51.039> and you were to arrive in Nairobi today and you were to arrive in Nairobi today and pick<00:05:51.319> up<00:05:51.440> a<00:05:51.560> tourist<00:05:51.919> map<00:05:52.720> kibber<00:05:53.240> is pick up a tourist map kibber is pick up a tourist map kibber is represented<00:05:54.199> as<00:05:54.319> a<00:05:54.479> lush<00:05:54.880> green<00:05:55.479> National represented as a lush green National represented as a lush green National Park<00:05:56.479> the<00:05:56.639> void<00:05:56.880> of<00:05:57.039> human Park the void of human Park the void of human settlement<00:05:59.600> young<00:05:59.880> people<00:06:00.199> living<00:06:00.440> in<00:06:00.639> kibber settlement young people living in kibber settlement young people living in kibber in<00:06:01.280> their<00:06:01.960> Community<00:06:02.960> with<00:06:03.199> simple<00:06:03.600> handheld in their Community with simple handheld in their Community with simple handheld devices<00:06:04.680> GPS<00:06:05.199> handheld<00:06:05.680> devices<00:06:06.120> and<00:06:06.440> SMS devices GPS handheld devices and SMS devices GPS handheld devices and SMS enabled<00:06:07.560> mobile<00:06:07.919> phones<00:06:08.639> have<00:06:08.840> literally<00:06:09.240> put enabled mobile phones have literally put enabled mobile phones have literally put themselves<00:06:09.800> on<00:06:09.960> the<00:06:10.120> map<00:06:11.000> they<00:06:11.160> have<00:06:11.319> collated themselves on the map they have collated themselves on the map they have collated crowdsource<00:06:12.520> data<00:06:13.400> and<00:06:13.560> rendered<00:06:14.080> the crowdsource data and rendered the crowdsource data and rendered the invisible<00:06:15.240> visible<00:06:16.240> people<00:06:16.880> like<00:06:17.080> Josh<00:06:17.440> and invisible visible people like Josh and invisible visible people like Josh and Steve<00:06:18.360> are<00:06:18.599> continuing<00:06:19.400> to<00:06:19.599> layer Steve are continuing to layer Steve are continuing to layer information<00:06:20.639> upon<00:06:21.120> information<00:06:21.759> realtime information upon information realtime information upon information realtime information<00:06:22.880> tweeted<00:06:23.280> and<00:06:23.520> texted<00:06:24.199> onto information tweeted and texted onto information tweeted and texted onto these<00:06:24.759> maps<00:06:25.080> for<00:06:25.280> all<00:06:25.520> to<00:06:25.800> use<00:06:26.800> you<00:06:26.919> can<00:06:27.080> find these maps for all to use you can find these maps for all to use you can find out<00:06:27.479> about<00:06:27.680> the<00:06:27.800> latest<00:06:28.199> impromptu<00:06:28.759> music out about the latest impromptu music out about the latest impromptu music session<00:06:29.560> you<00:06:29.639> can<00:06:29.759> find<00:06:29.960> out<00:06:30.120> about<00:06:30.280> the session you can find out about the session you can find out about the latest<00:06:30.759> security<00:06:31.199> incident<00:06:31.639> you<00:06:31.759> can<00:06:31.880> find latest security incident you can find latest security incident you can find out<00:06:32.280> about<00:06:32.759> places<00:06:33.039> of<00:06:33.199> worship<00:06:33.840> you<00:06:33.919> can<00:06:34.080> find out about places of worship you can find out about places of worship you can find out<00:06:34.400> about<00:06:34.560> the<00:06:34.720> health<00:06:34.960> centers<00:06:35.680> you<00:06:35.800> can out about the health centers you can out about the health centers you can feel<00:06:36.680> the<00:06:36.880> dynamism<00:06:37.520> of<00:06:37.759> this<00:06:38.240> living feel the dynamism of this living feel the dynamism of this living breathing<00:06:39.360> Community<00:06:40.360> they<00:06:40.560> also<00:06:40.919> have<00:06:41.160> their breathing Community they also have their breathing Community they also have their own<00:06:41.479> News<00:06:41.759> Network<00:06:42.160> on<00:06:42.360> YouTube<00:06:42.919> with<00:06:43.080> 36,000 own News Network on YouTube with 36,000 own News Network on YouTube with 36,000 viewers<00:06:44.319> at<00:06:44.440> the<00:06:44.720> moment<00:06:45.720> they<00:06:45.840> are<00:06:45.960> showing viewers at the moment they are showing viewers at the moment they are showing us<00:06:46.880> what<00:06:47.039> can<00:06:47.160> be<00:06:47.319> done<00:06:47.919> with<00:06:48.160> mobile<00:06:49.160> digital us what can be done with mobile digital us what can be done with mobile digital Technologies<00:06:50.840> they're<00:06:51.080> showing<00:06:51.440> that<00:06:51.599> the Technologies they're showing that the Technologies they're showing that the magic<00:06:52.080> of<00:06:52.280> Technology<00:06:53.039> can<00:06:53.199> bring<00:06:53.599> the magic of Technology can bring the magic of Technology can bring the invisible<00:06:54.440> visible<00:06:55.440> and<00:06:55.560> they<00:06:55.680> are<00:06:55.840> giving<00:06:56.080> a invisible visible and they are giving a invisible visible and they are giving a voice<00:06:56.479> to<00:06:56.840> themselves<00:06:57.479> they<00:06:57.599> are<00:06:57.720> telling voice to themselves they are telling voice to themselves they are telling Their<00:06:58.199> Own<00:06:58.520> Story<00:06:59.199> by<00:06:59.400> bypassing<00:06:59.960> the Their Own Story by bypassing the Their Own Story by bypassing the official<00:07:00.759> narrative<00:07:01.759> and<00:07:01.879> we're<00:07:02.039> seeing<00:07:02.319> from official narrative and we're seeing from official narrative and we're seeing from All<00:07:02.720> Points<00:07:03.000> in<00:07:03.160> the<00:07:03.319> globe<00:07:03.720> similar<00:07:04.120> stories All Points in the globe similar stories All Points in the globe similar stories in<00:07:05.160> Mongolia<00:07:05.800> for<00:07:05.960> instance<00:07:06.520> where<00:07:06.759> 30%<00:07:07.440> of in Mongolia for instance where 30% of in Mongolia for instance where 30% of the<00:07:07.639> people<00:07:07.840> are<00:07:08.080> notic<00:07:09.080> SMS<00:07:09.639> information the people are notic SMS information the people are notic SMS information systems<00:07:10.840> are<00:07:11.000> being<00:07:11.199> used<00:07:11.479> to<00:07:11.639> track systems are being used to track systems are being used to track migration<00:07:12.400> and<00:07:12.560> weather<00:07:13.280> patterns<00:07:14.280> SMS<00:07:14.800> is migration and weather patterns SMS is migration and weather patterns SMS is even<00:07:15.360> used<00:07:15.960> to<00:07:16.199> hold<00:07:16.560> herder<00:07:17.120> Summits<00:07:17.840> from even used to hold herder Summits from even used to hold herder Summits from remote<00:07:18.680> participation<00:07:19.680> and<00:07:19.840> if<00:07:20.039> people<00:07:20.240> are remote participation and if people are remote participation and if people are migrating<00:07:20.879> into<00:07:21.120> urban<00:07:21.440> and<00:07:21.639> unfamiliar migrating into urban and unfamiliar migrating into urban and unfamiliar concrete<00:07:22.840> environments<00:07:23.840> they<00:07:24.000> can<00:07:24.240> also<00:07:24.479> be concrete environments they can also be concrete environments they can also be helped<00:07:25.240> in<00:07:25.400> anticipation<00:07:26.080> with<00:07:26.319> social helped in anticipation with social helped in anticipation with social support<00:07:27.039> that<00:07:27.160> is<00:07:27.319> ready<00:07:27.560> and<00:07:27.680> waiting<00:07:27.960> for support that is ready and waiting for support that is ready and waiting for them<00:07:28.560> based<00:07:28.800> on<00:07:28.919> SMS them based on SMS them based on SMS knowledge<00:07:31.039> in<00:07:31.479> Nigeria<00:07:32.479> open<00:07:33.360> source<00:07:34.360> open- knowledge in Nigeria open source open- knowledge in Nigeria open source open- source<00:07:35.000> SMS<00:07:35.560> tools<00:07:36.280> are<00:07:36.400> being<00:07:36.599> used<00:07:36.879> by<00:07:37.000> the source SMS tools are being used by the source SMS tools are being used by the redcross<00:07:37.680> community<00:07:38.080> workers<00:07:38.840> to<00:07:39.080> gather redcross community workers to gather redcross community workers to gather information<00:07:40.400> from<00:07:40.560> the<00:07:40.680> local<00:07:41.000> community<00:07:41.639> in information from the local community in information from the local community in an<00:07:41.919> attempt<00:07:42.199> to<00:07:42.360> better<00:07:43.039> understand<00:07:43.440> and an attempt to better understand and an attempt to better understand and mitigate<00:07:44.280> the<00:07:44.440> prevalence<00:07:44.879> of<00:07:45.479> malaria<00:07:46.479> my mitigate the prevalence of malaria my mitigate the prevalence of malaria my colleague<00:07:47.080> Jason<00:07:47.479> Pete<00:07:48.039> who<00:07:48.199> runs<00:07:48.520> this colleague Jason Pete who runs this colleague Jason Pete who runs this program<00:07:49.159> tells<00:07:49.440> me<00:07:49.879> it's<00:07:50.080> 10<00:07:50.360> times<00:07:50.720> faster program tells me it's 10 times faster program tells me it's 10 times faster and<00:07:51.280> 10<00:07:51.560> times<00:07:51.840> cheaper<00:07:52.360> than<00:07:52.520> the and 10 times cheaper than the and 10 times cheaper than the traditional<00:07:53.080> way<00:07:53.199> of<00:07:53.400> doing<00:07:53.720> things<00:07:54.479> and<00:07:54.639> not traditional way of doing things and not traditional way of doing things and not only<00:07:55.080> is<00:07:55.199> it<00:07:55.400> empowering<00:07:55.960> to<00:07:56.120> the<00:07:56.280> communities only is it empowering to the communities only is it empowering to the communities but<00:07:57.280> really<00:07:57.639> importantly<00:07:58.560> this<00:07:58.759> information but really importantly this information but really importantly this information stays<00:07:59.759> in<00:07:59.919> the<00:08:00.039> community<00:08:00.720> where<00:08:00.879> it<00:08:01.000> is stays in the community where it is stays in the community where it is needed<00:08:01.520> to<00:08:01.680> formulate<00:08:02.240> long-term<00:08:02.759> Health needed to formulate long-term Health needed to formulate long-term Health policies<00:08:05.520> we<00:08:05.639> are<00:08:06.000> in<00:08:06.120> a<00:08:06.319> planet<00:08:07.000> of<00:08:07.280> 7<00:08:07.560> billion policies we are in a planet of 7 billion policies we are in a planet of 7 billion people<00:08:10.080> 5<00:08:10.520> billion<00:08:11.000> mobile people 5 billion mobile people 5 billion mobile subscriptions<00:08:13.520> by<00:08:13.840> 2015<00:08:14.840> there<00:08:14.960> will<00:08:15.120> be subscriptions by 2015 there will be subscriptions by 2015 there will be three<00:08:15.639> billion<00:08:16.479> smartphones<00:08:17.440> in<00:08:17.560> the three billion smartphones in the three billion smartphones in the world<00:08:20.000> the<00:08:20.159> UN<00:08:20.680> Broadband<00:08:21.319> commission<00:08:21.800> has world the UN Broadband commission has world the UN Broadband commission has recently<00:08:22.360> set<00:08:22.680> targets<00:08:23.599> to<00:08:24.000> have<00:08:24.280> Broadband recently set targets to have Broadband recently set targets to have Broadband access<00:08:25.639> in<00:08:25.840> 50%<00:08:26.440> of<00:08:26.560> the<00:08:26.680> developing<00:08:27.599> world access in 50% of the developing world access in 50% of the developing world compared<00:08:28.919> to<00:08:29.240> %<00:08:29.680> today<00:08:30.680> we<00:08:30.800> are<00:08:30.960> hurtling compared to % today we are hurtling compared to % today we are hurtling towards<00:08:31.879> a<00:08:32.360> hyperconnected<00:08:33.360> world<00:08:34.080> where towards a hyperconnected world where towards a hyperconnected world where citizens<00:08:34.839> from<00:08:35.039> all<00:08:35.279> cultures<00:08:35.680> and<00:08:35.839> all citizens from all cultures and all citizens from all cultures and all social<00:08:36.399> strata<00:08:37.080> will<00:08:37.320> have<00:08:37.599> access<00:08:37.919> to<00:08:38.120> Smart social strata will have access to Smart social strata will have access to Smart fast<00:08:39.399> mobile<00:08:40.080> devices<00:08:41.080> people<00:08:41.360> are fast mobile devices people are fast mobile devices people are understanding<00:08:42.719> from<00:08:43.039> Cairo<00:08:43.560> to<00:08:44.040> Oakland<00:08:45.040> that understanding from Cairo to Oakland that understanding from Cairo to Oakland that there<00:08:45.320> are<00:08:45.480> new<00:08:45.680> ways<00:08:45.920> to<00:08:46.120> come<00:08:46.480> together there are new ways to come together there are new ways to come together there<00:08:47.240> are<00:08:47.440> new<00:08:47.600> ways<00:08:47.839> to<00:08:48.000> mobilize<00:08:48.839> there<00:08:48.959> are there are new ways to mobilize there are there are new ways to mobilize there are new<00:08:49.320> ways<00:08:49.519> to new ways to new ways to influence<00:08:52.600> a<00:08:52.760> transformation<00:08:53.480> is<00:08:53.880> coming influence a transformation is coming influence a transformation is coming which<00:08:55.040> needs<00:08:55.240> to<00:08:55.360> be<00:08:55.480> understood<00:08:55.920> by<00:08:56.040> the which needs to be understood by the which needs to be understood by the humanitarian<00:08:56.760> structures<00:08:57.160> and<00:08:57.279> the humanitarian structures and the humanitarian structures and the humanitarian<00:08:58.200> models<00:08:59.560> the<00:08:59.720> collective humanitarian models the collective humanitarian models the collective voices<00:09:00.480> of<00:09:00.640> people<00:09:00.880> needs<00:09:01.120> to<00:09:01.240> be<00:09:01.440> more voices of people needs to be more voices of people needs to be more integrated<00:09:02.399> through<00:09:02.640> new<00:09:02.839> technologies<00:09:03.440> into integrated through new technologies into integrated through new technologies into the<00:09:03.760> organizational<00:09:04.480> strategies<00:09:04.920> and<00:09:05.079> plans the organizational strategies and plans the organizational strategies and plans of<00:09:05.560> actions<00:09:06.399> and<00:09:06.560> not<00:09:06.839> just<00:09:07.279> recycled<00:09:07.839> for of actions and not just recycled for of actions and not just recycled for fundraising<00:09:08.440> or<00:09:08.880> marketing<00:09:09.880> we<00:09:10.000> need<00:09:10.200> to<00:09:10.320> for fundraising or marketing we need to for fundraising or marketing we need to for example<00:09:10.959> embrace<00:09:11.920> the<00:09:12.120> Big<00:09:12.399> Data<00:09:12.959> the example embrace the Big Data the example embrace the Big Data the knowledge<00:09:13.519> that<00:09:13.640> is<00:09:13.959> there<00:09:14.959> from<00:09:15.240> Market knowledge that is there from Market knowledge that is there from Market leaders<00:09:16.320> who<00:09:16.800> understand<00:09:17.040> what<00:09:17.160> it<00:09:17.279> means<00:09:18.040> to leaders who understand what it means to leaders who understand what it means to use<00:09:18.600> and<00:09:18.760> leverage<00:09:19.279> Big use and leverage Big use and leverage Big Data<00:09:21.200> one<00:09:21.440> idea<00:09:21.760> that<00:09:21.920> I'd<00:09:22.120> like<00:09:22.240> you<00:09:22.360> to Data one idea that I'd like you to Data one idea that I'd like you to consider<00:09:22.839> for<00:09:23.040> instance<00:09:23.480> is<00:09:23.600> to<00:09:23.720> take<00:09:23.839> a<00:09:23.959> look consider for instance is to take a look consider for instance is to take a look at<00:09:24.200> our<00:09:24.440> it at our it at our it departments<00:09:26.360> they're<00:09:26.640> normally<00:09:27.120> back<00:09:27.399> room departments they're normally back room departments they're normally back room or<00:09:27.839> basement<00:09:28.600> Hardware<00:09:29.200> service<00:09:29.519> providers or basement Hardware service providers or basement Hardware service providers but<00:09:30.200> they<00:09:30.320> need<00:09:30.440> to<00:09:30.560> be<00:09:30.720> elevated<00:09:31.200> to<00:09:31.360> software but they need to be elevated to software but they need to be elevated to software strategists<00:09:33.360> we<00:09:33.480> need<00:09:33.720> people<00:09:33.920> in<00:09:34.079> our strategists we need people in our strategists we need people in our organizations<00:09:34.880> who<00:09:35.040> know<00:09:35.240> what<00:09:35.399> it's<00:09:35.720> like<00:09:36.000> to organizations who know what it's like to organizations who know what it's like to work<00:09:36.399> with<00:09:36.600> big<00:09:36.800> data<00:09:37.240> we<00:09:37.360> need<00:09:37.600> technology<00:09:38.360> as work with big data we need technology as work with big data we need technology as a<00:09:38.640> core<00:09:38.920> organizational<00:09:39.760> principle<00:09:40.760> we<00:09:40.880> need a core organizational principle we need a core organizational principle we need technological<00:09:42.440> strategists<00:09:43.079> in<00:09:43.200> the technological strategists in the technological strategists in the boardroom<00:09:44.200> who<00:09:44.320> can<00:09:44.600> ask<00:09:44.880> and<00:09:45.160> answer<00:09:45.440> the boardroom who can ask and answer the boardroom who can ask and answer the question<00:09:46.480> what<00:09:46.640> would<00:09:46.880> Amazon<00:09:47.320> or<00:09:47.560> Google<00:09:48.040> do question what would Amazon or Google do question what would Amazon or Google do with<00:09:48.440> all<00:09:48.560> of<00:09:48.720> this<00:09:48.959> data<00:09:49.240> and<00:09:49.399> convert<00:09:49.720> it with all of this data and convert it with all of this data and convert it into<00:09:50.120> humanitarian into humanitarian into humanitarian good<00:09:53.760> the<00:09:54.000> possibilities<00:09:54.920> that<00:09:55.079> new<00:09:55.279> digital good the possibilities that new digital good the possibilities that new digital Technologies<00:09:56.240> are<00:09:56.920> bringing<00:09:57.920> can<00:09:58.079> help Technologies are bringing can help Technologies are bringing can help humanitarian<00:09:58.920> or<00:09:59.240> organizations<00:10:00.240> not<00:10:00.440> only humanitarian or organizations not only humanitarian or organizations not only ensure<00:10:01.800> that<00:10:02.040> people's<00:10:02.720> right<00:10:02.959> to ensure that people's right to ensure that people's right to information<00:10:03.720> is<00:10:03.880> met<00:10:04.440> or<00:10:04.600> that<00:10:04.760> they<00:10:04.920> have information is met or that they have information is met or that they have their<00:10:05.360> right<00:10:05.640> to<00:10:06.120> communicate<00:10:07.120> but<00:10:07.279> I<00:10:07.360> think their right to communicate but I think their right to communicate but I think in<00:10:07.680> the<00:10:07.800> future<00:10:08.519> humanitarian<00:10:09.120> organizations in the future humanitarian organizations in the future humanitarian organizations will<00:10:09.959> also<00:10:10.200> have<00:10:10.279> to<00:10:10.519> anticipate<00:10:11.519> the<00:10:11.680> right will also have to anticipate the right will also have to anticipate the right for<00:10:12.120> people<00:10:12.360> to<00:10:12.720> access<00:10:13.519> critical for people to access critical for people to access critical communication communication communication Technologies<00:10:16.519> in<00:10:16.640> order<00:10:17.000> to<00:10:17.320> ensure<00:10:18.320> that Technologies in order to ensure that Technologies in order to ensure that their<00:10:18.640> voices<00:10:19.000> are<00:10:19.200> heard<00:10:19.760> that<00:10:19.920> they're their voices are heard that they're their voices are heard that they're truly<00:10:20.600> participating<00:10:21.240> that<00:10:21.360> they're<00:10:21.600> truly truly participating that they're truly truly participating that they're truly empowered<00:10:22.640> in<00:10:22.760> the<00:10:22.880> humanitarian empowered in the humanitarian empowered in the humanitarian World<00:10:25.160> it<00:10:25.279> has<00:10:25.480> always<00:10:25.839> been<00:10:26.519> the<00:10:26.680> elusive World it has always been the elusive World it has always been the elusive ideal<00:10:27.640> to<00:10:27.800> ensure<00:10:28.240> full<00:10:28.560> participation<00:10:29.360> of ideal to ensure full participation of ideal to ensure full participation of people<00:10:29.800> affected<00:10:30.160> by<00:10:30.360> disasters<00:10:31.360> in<00:10:31.600> the people affected by disasters in the people affected by disasters in the humanitarian<00:10:32.880> effort<00:10:33.880> we<00:10:34.079> now<00:10:34.279> have<00:10:34.440> the humanitarian effort we now have the humanitarian effort we now have the tools<00:10:35.120> we<00:10:35.240> now<00:10:35.440> have<00:10:35.600> the<00:10:36.279> possibilities tools we now have the possibilities tools we now have the possibilities there<00:10:37.399> are<00:10:37.639> no<00:10:37.800> more<00:10:38.600> reasons<00:10:39.279> not<00:10:39.440> to<00:10:39.600> do<00:10:40.160> it<00:10:41.160> I there are no more reasons not to do it I there are no more reasons not to do it I believe<00:10:41.600> we<00:10:41.720> need<00:10:41.880> to<00:10:42.040> bring<00:10:42.440> the believe we need to bring the believe we need to bring the humanitarian<00:10:43.279> World<00:10:43.720> from<00:10:43.920> analog<00:10:44.399> to humanitarian World from analog to humanitarian World from analog to digital<00:10:46.399> thank<00:10:46.560> you<00:10:46.720> very digital thank you very digital thank you very [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]


Paul Conneally, TED, TEDx, TEDxRC2, social, media, humanitarian, aid, relief, efforts, Haiti, Haiti, earthquake, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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