Chủ nghĩa vô thần 2.0-Alain de Botton

Atheism 2.0 - Alain de Botton

Atheism 2.0 - Alain de Botton



[Music] [Music] one<00:00:16.560> of<00:00:16.640> the<00:00:16.760> most<00:00:17.000> common<00:00:17.359> ways<00:00:17.840> of<00:00:18.039> dividing one of the most common ways of dividing one of the most common ways of dividing the<00:00:18.640> world<00:00:19.320> is<00:00:19.640> into<00:00:20.279> those<00:00:20.519> who<00:00:20.720> believe<00:00:21.480> and the world is into those who believe and the world is into those who believe and those<00:00:22.119> who<00:00:22.279> don't<00:00:22.960> into<00:00:23.279> the<00:00:23.560> religious<00:00:24.560> and those who don't into the religious and those who don't into the religious and the<00:00:25.359> atheists<00:00:26.359> and<00:00:26.519> for<00:00:26.720> the<00:00:26.880> last<00:00:27.160> decade<00:00:27.519> or the atheists and for the last decade or the atheists and for the last decade or so<00:00:28.480> it's<00:00:28.640> been<00:00:28.960> quite<00:00:29.279> clear<00:00:30.119> what<00:00:30.400> being<00:00:30.679> an so it's been quite clear what being an so it's been quite clear what being an atheist<00:00:31.679> means<00:00:32.239> there<00:00:32.320> have<00:00:32.439> been<00:00:32.599> some<00:00:32.840> very atheist means there have been some very atheist means there have been some very vocal<00:00:33.920> atheists<00:00:34.480> who've<00:00:34.719> pointed<00:00:35.040> out<00:00:35.879> not vocal atheists who've pointed out not vocal atheists who've pointed out not just<00:00:36.600> that<00:00:36.800> religion<00:00:37.440> is<00:00:37.640> wrong<00:00:38.520> but<00:00:38.680> that just that religion is wrong but that just that religion is wrong but that it's it's it's ridiculous<00:00:40.960> these<00:00:41.200> people<00:00:41.719> many<00:00:41.960> of<00:00:42.079> whom ridiculous these people many of whom ridiculous these people many of whom have<00:00:42.440> lived<00:00:42.680> in<00:00:42.800> North<00:00:43.280> Oxford<00:00:44.280> have have lived in North Oxford have have lived in North Oxford have argued<00:00:46.480> they've<00:00:46.960> they've<00:00:47.160> argued<00:00:47.520> that argued they've they've argued that argued they've they've argued that believing<00:00:48.000> in<00:00:48.199> God<00:00:48.360> is<00:00:48.520> akin<00:00:48.800> to<00:00:48.960> believing<00:00:49.280> in believing in God is akin to believing in believing in God is akin to believing in fairies<00:00:50.920> and<00:00:51.719> essentially<00:00:52.600> that<00:00:52.760> the<00:00:52.920> whole fairies and essentially that the whole fairies and essentially that the whole thing<00:00:53.320> is<00:00:53.440> a<00:00:53.600> childish<00:00:54.520> game<00:00:55.120> now<00:00:56.120> I<00:00:56.199> think thing is a childish game now I think thing is a childish game now I think it's<00:00:56.559> too<00:00:56.800> easy<00:00:57.480> I<00:00:57.559> think<00:00:57.719> it's<00:00:57.879> too<00:00:58.079> easy<00:00:58.359> to it's too easy I think it's too easy to it's too easy I think it's too easy to dismiss<00:00:59.160> the<00:00:59.280> whole<00:00:59.480> of<00:00:59.600> religion dismiss the whole of religion dismiss the whole of religion that<00:01:00.680> way<00:01:01.680> and<00:01:02.039> it's<00:01:02.160> as<00:01:02.280> easy<00:01:02.480> as<00:01:02.559> shooting that way and it's as easy as shooting that way and it's as easy as shooting fish<00:01:03.079> in<00:01:03.160> a<00:01:03.280> barrel<00:01:03.640> and<00:01:03.800> what<00:01:03.920> I'd<00:01:04.080> like<00:01:04.199> to fish in a barrel and what I'd like to fish in a barrel and what I'd like to inaugurate<00:01:04.960> today<00:01:05.640> is<00:01:05.720> a<00:01:05.960> new<00:01:06.280> way<00:01:07.040> of<00:01:07.240> being inaugurate today is a new way of being inaugurate today is a new way of being an<00:01:07.640> atheist<00:01:08.240> if<00:01:08.360> you<00:01:08.520> like<00:01:09.000> a<00:01:09.159> new<00:01:09.360> version<00:01:09.640> of an atheist if you like a new version of an atheist if you like a new version of atheism<00:01:10.200> we<00:01:10.280> could<00:01:10.439> call<00:01:11.080> atheism atheism we could call atheism atheism we could call atheism 2.0<00:01:13.720> now<00:01:14.320> what<00:01:14.479> is<00:01:14.840> atheism<00:01:15.320> 2.0<00:01:15.880> well<00:01:16.080> it 2.0 now what is atheism 2.0 well it 2.0 now what is atheism 2.0 well it starts<00:01:16.560> from<00:01:16.720> a<00:01:16.920> very<00:01:17.280> basic<00:01:17.680> premise<00:01:18.320> of starts from a very basic premise of starts from a very basic premise of course<00:01:19.360> there's<00:01:19.600> no<00:01:19.920> God<00:01:20.640> of<00:01:20.799> course<00:01:21.079> there course there's no God of course there course there's no God of course there are<00:01:21.360> no<00:01:21.600> deities<00:01:22.040> or<00:01:22.240> Supernatural<00:01:23.240> uh are no deities or Supernatural uh are no deities or Supernatural uh Spirits<00:01:23.759> or<00:01:24.040> Angels<00:01:24.880> Etc<00:01:25.880> now<00:01:26.079> let's<00:01:26.280> move<00:01:26.520> on Spirits or Angels Etc now let's move on Spirits or Angels Etc now let's move on that's<00:01:27.280> not<00:01:27.479> the<00:01:27.640> end<00:01:27.920> of<00:01:28.040> the<00:01:28.240> story<00:01:28.880> that's that's not the end of the story that's that's not the end of the story that's the<00:01:29.360> very<00:01:30.079> very the very very the very very beginning<00:01:32.240> I'm<00:01:32.399> interested<00:01:32.759> in<00:01:32.880> a<00:01:33.040> kind<00:01:33.240> of beginning I'm interested in a kind of beginning I'm interested in a kind of constituency<00:01:34.360> that<00:01:34.560> thinks<00:01:35.000> something<00:01:35.360> along constituency that thinks something along constituency that thinks something along these<00:01:36.040> lines<00:01:36.840> that<00:01:37.079> thinks<00:01:37.920> I<00:01:38.000> can't<00:01:38.200> believe these lines that thinks I can't believe these lines that thinks I can't believe in<00:01:38.520> any<00:01:38.680> of<00:01:38.840> this<00:01:39.000> stuff<00:01:39.479> I<00:01:39.600> can't<00:01:39.880> believe<00:01:40.720> in in any of this stuff I can't believe in in any of this stuff I can't believe in the<00:01:41.159> doctrines<00:01:41.799> I<00:01:41.920> don't<00:01:42.079> think<00:01:42.280> these the doctrines I don't think these the doctrines I don't think these doctrines<00:01:42.920> are<00:01:43.200> right<00:01:43.640> but<00:01:44.200> very<00:01:44.399> important doctrines are right but very important doctrines are right but very important but<00:01:45.159> I<00:01:45.240> love<00:01:45.439> Christmas<00:01:46.119> carols<00:01:47.119> uh<00:01:47.759> I<00:01:48.040> really but I love Christmas carols uh I really but I love Christmas carols uh I really like<00:01:49.600> uh<00:01:49.759> the<00:01:49.920> art<00:01:50.159> of<00:01:50.399> mantena<00:01:51.399> I<00:01:51.600> really<00:01:51.920> like like uh the art of mantena I really like like uh the art of mantena I really like looking<00:01:52.360> at<00:01:52.479> Old<00:01:52.680> churches<00:01:53.079> I<00:01:53.200> really<00:01:53.360> like looking at Old churches I really like looking at Old churches I really like turning<00:01:54.320> uh<00:01:54.439> the<00:01:54.600> pages<00:01:54.960> of<00:01:55.159> the<00:01:55.240> Old turning uh the pages of the Old turning uh the pages of the Old Testament<00:01:56.079> whatever<00:01:56.360> it<00:01:56.479> may<00:01:56.600> be<00:01:56.759> you<00:01:56.880> know Testament whatever it may be you know Testament whatever it may be you know the<00:01:57.320> kind<00:01:58.039> of<00:01:58.360> thing<00:01:58.560> I'm<00:01:58.719> talking<00:01:59.000> about the kind of thing I'm talking about the kind of thing I'm talking about people<00:01:59.600> who<00:02:00.000> are<00:02:00.680> attracted<00:02:01.240> to<00:02:01.439> the people who are attracted to the people who are attracted to the ritualistic<00:02:02.399> side<00:02:02.960> the<00:02:03.159> moralistic<00:02:03.920> communal ritualistic side the moralistic communal ritualistic side the moralistic communal side<00:02:05.000> of<00:02:05.159> religion<00:02:05.719> but<00:02:05.920> can't<00:02:06.119> bear<00:02:06.360> the side of religion but can't bear the side of religion but can't bear the doctrine<00:02:06.960> now<00:02:07.360> until<00:02:07.719> now<00:02:08.479> these<00:02:08.640> people<00:02:08.840> have doctrine now until now these people have doctrine now until now these people have faced<00:02:09.319> rather<00:02:09.479> an<00:02:09.599> unpleasant<00:02:10.039> Choice<00:02:10.360> it's faced rather an unpleasant Choice it's faced rather an unpleasant Choice it's almost<00:02:10.720> as<00:02:10.840> though<00:02:11.000> either<00:02:11.160> you<00:02:11.319> accept<00:02:11.599> the almost as though either you accept the almost as though either you accept the doctrine<00:02:13.000> uh<00:02:13.160> and<00:02:13.319> then<00:02:13.400> you<00:02:13.480> can<00:02:13.599> have<00:02:13.720> all doctrine uh and then you can have all doctrine uh and then you can have all the<00:02:13.920> nice<00:02:14.200> stuff<00:02:14.840> or<00:02:15.120> you<00:02:15.319> reject<00:02:15.680> the the nice stuff or you reject the the nice stuff or you reject the doctrine<00:02:16.200> and<00:02:16.280> you're<00:02:16.400> living<00:02:16.599> in<00:02:16.680> a<00:02:16.760> sort<00:02:16.920> of doctrine and you're living in a sort of doctrine and you're living in a sort of spiritual<00:02:17.440> Wasteland<00:02:17.920> under<00:02:18.120> the<00:02:18.239> guidance spiritual Wasteland under the guidance spiritual Wasteland under the guidance of<00:02:18.680> CNN<00:02:19.200> and of CNN and of CNN and Walmart<00:02:20.959> so<00:02:21.440> that's<00:02:21.599> a<00:02:21.720> sort<00:02:21.879> of<00:02:22.040> tough<00:02:22.319> choice Walmart so that's a sort of tough choice Walmart so that's a sort of tough choice I<00:02:23.000> don't<00:02:23.239> think<00:02:23.440> we<00:02:23.599> have<00:02:23.720> to<00:02:23.959> make<00:02:24.239> that I don't think we have to make that I don't think we have to make that choice<00:02:25.040> I<00:02:25.120> think<00:02:25.319> there<00:02:25.440> is<00:02:25.599> an<00:02:25.760> alternative<00:02:26.599> I choice I think there is an alternative I choice I think there is an alternative I think<00:02:26.959> there<00:02:27.080> are<00:02:27.319> ways<00:02:28.160> and<00:02:28.280> I'm<00:02:28.440> being<00:02:28.760> both think there are ways and I'm being both think there are ways and I'm being both very<00:02:29.360> respectful<00:02:29.959> and<00:02:30.160> completely<00:02:30.800> impious very respectful and completely impious very respectful and completely impious of<00:02:32.000> stealing<00:02:32.800> from<00:02:33.000> religions<00:02:33.959> if<00:02:34.080> you<00:02:34.239> don't of stealing from religions if you don't of stealing from religions if you don't believe<00:02:34.760> in<00:02:34.879> a<00:02:35.040> religion<00:02:35.599> there's<00:02:35.840> nothing believe in a religion there's nothing believe in a religion there's nothing wrong<00:02:36.640> with<00:02:36.800> picking<00:02:37.080> and<00:02:37.200> mixing<00:02:37.959> with wrong with picking and mixing with wrong with picking and mixing with taking<00:02:38.400> out<00:02:38.640> the<00:02:38.840> best<00:02:39.200> sides<00:02:39.840> of<00:02:40.120> religion taking out the best sides of religion taking out the best sides of religion and<00:02:41.159> for<00:02:41.319> me<00:02:41.560> atheism<00:02:42.120> 2.0<00:02:43.120> is<00:02:43.319> about<00:02:44.040> in<00:02:44.280> both and for me atheism 2.0 is about in both and for me atheism 2.0 is about in both as<00:02:44.760> I<00:02:44.879> say<00:02:45.080> a<00:02:45.280> respectful<00:02:46.000> and<00:02:46.400> an<00:02:46.599> impious<00:02:47.200> way as I say a respectful and an impious way as I say a respectful and an impious way going<00:02:48.000> through<00:02:48.200> religions<00:02:48.599> and<00:02:48.760> saying<00:02:49.080> what going through religions and saying what going through religions and saying what here<00:02:49.519> could<00:02:49.680> we<00:02:49.879> use<00:02:50.519> the<00:02:50.720> secular<00:02:51.080> world<00:02:51.360> is here could we use the secular world is here could we use the secular world is full<00:02:51.640> of<00:02:51.800> holes<00:02:52.680> we<00:02:52.800> have<00:02:53.040> secularized<00:02:54.040> badly full of holes we have secularized badly full of holes we have secularized badly I<00:02:54.760> would<00:02:54.959> argue<00:02:55.840> and<00:02:56.519> a<00:02:57.040> a<00:02:57.200> thorough<00:02:57.599> study<00:02:57.879> of I would argue and a a thorough study of I would argue and a a thorough study of Religion<00:02:58.519> can<00:02:58.720> give<00:02:58.840> us<00:02:59.080> all<00:02:59.280> sorts<00:02:59.519> of Religion can give us all sorts of Religion can give us all sorts of insights<00:03:00.400> into<00:03:00.720> areas<00:03:01.080> of<00:03:01.319> life<00:03:01.720> that<00:03:01.840> are<00:03:02.000> not insights into areas of life that are not insights into areas of life that are not going<00:03:02.440> too<00:03:02.680> well<00:03:03.159> and<00:03:03.280> I'd<00:03:03.440> like<00:03:03.519> to<00:03:03.680> run going too well and I'd like to run going too well and I'd like to run through<00:03:04.400> a<00:03:04.519> few<00:03:04.720> of<00:03:04.959> these<00:03:05.840> today<00:03:06.840> I'd<00:03:07.000> like<00:03:07.120> to through a few of these today I'd like to through a few of these today I'd like to kick<00:03:07.480> off<00:03:07.799> by<00:03:07.959> looking<00:03:08.440> at<00:03:08.680> education<00:03:09.400> now kick off by looking at education now kick off by looking at education now education<00:03:10.239> is<00:03:10.360> a<00:03:10.480> field<00:03:10.879> that<00:03:11.000> the<00:03:11.159> secular education is a field that the secular education is a field that the secular world<00:03:12.280> really<00:03:12.720> believes<00:03:13.159> in<00:03:13.519> you<00:03:13.640> know<00:03:13.760> when world really believes in you know when world really believes in you know when we<00:03:13.959> think<00:03:14.159> about<00:03:14.599> how<00:03:14.720> we're<00:03:14.840> going<00:03:14.959> to<00:03:15.040> make we think about how we're going to make we think about how we're going to make the<00:03:15.239> world<00:03:15.440> a<00:03:15.519> better<00:03:15.799> place<00:03:16.280> we<00:03:16.400> think the world a better place we think the world a better place we think education<00:03:17.239> that's<00:03:17.360> where<00:03:17.480> we<00:03:17.599> put<00:03:17.720> a<00:03:17.840> lot<00:03:17.959> of education that's where we put a lot of education that's where we put a lot of money<00:03:18.640> education<00:03:19.080> is<00:03:19.200> going<00:03:19.280> to<00:03:19.400> give<00:03:19.560> us<00:03:19.720> not money education is going to give us not money education is going to give us not only<00:03:20.200> commercial<00:03:20.720> skills<00:03:21.400> industrial<00:03:21.879> skills only commercial skills industrial skills only commercial skills industrial skills it's<00:03:22.480> also<00:03:22.680> going<00:03:22.799> to<00:03:22.920> make<00:03:23.040> us<00:03:23.239> better<00:03:23.519> people it's also going to make us better people it's also going to make us better people you<00:03:23.959> know<00:03:24.120> the<00:03:24.200> kind<00:03:24.360> of<00:03:24.440> thing<00:03:24.560> at you know the kind of thing at you know the kind of thing at commencement<00:03:25.239> addresses<00:03:26.000> and<00:03:26.200> graduation commencement addresses and graduation commencement addresses and graduation ceremonies<00:03:27.280> those<00:03:27.519> lyrical<00:03:28.000> claims<00:03:28.920> that ceremonies those lyrical claims that ceremonies those lyrical claims that education<00:03:29.879> the<00:03:30.040> process<00:03:30.319> of<00:03:30.439> Education education the process of Education education the process of Education particularly<00:03:31.239> higher<00:03:31.519> education<00:03:32.280> will<00:03:32.519> make particularly higher education will make particularly higher education will make us<00:03:33.040> into<00:03:33.319> nobler<00:03:34.000> and<00:03:34.200> better<00:03:34.720> human<00:03:34.959> beings us into nobler and better human beings us into nobler and better human beings that's<00:03:35.439> a<00:03:35.560> lovely<00:03:35.959> idea<00:03:36.959> it's<00:03:37.120> interesting that's a lovely idea it's interesting that's a lovely idea it's interesting where<00:03:37.560> it<00:03:37.760> came<00:03:38.000> from<00:03:38.319> you<00:03:38.439> know<00:03:39.080> in<00:03:39.200> the<00:03:39.319> early where it came from you know in the early where it came from you know in the early 19th<00:03:39.920> century<00:03:40.439> Church<00:03:40.879> attendance<00:03:41.480> in 19th century Church attendance in 19th century Church attendance in Western<00:03:41.959> Europe<00:03:42.280> started<00:03:42.680> sliding<00:03:43.280> down<00:03:43.840> very Western Europe started sliding down very Western Europe started sliding down very very<00:03:44.560> sharply<00:03:45.120> and<00:03:45.239> people<00:03:45.519> panicked<00:03:46.360> they very sharply and people panicked they very sharply and people panicked they asked<00:03:46.840> themselves<00:03:47.080> the<00:03:47.200> following<00:03:47.599> question asked themselves the following question asked themselves the following question they<00:03:48.080> said<00:03:48.840> where<00:03:49.200> are<00:03:49.439> people<00:03:49.680> going<00:03:49.799> to<00:03:49.959> find they said where are people going to find they said where are people going to find morality<00:03:51.040> where<00:03:51.159> are<00:03:51.280> they<00:03:51.400> going<00:03:51.480> to<00:03:51.640> find morality where are they going to find morality where are they going to find guidance<00:03:52.760> and<00:03:52.879> where<00:03:53.000> are<00:03:53.120> they<00:03:53.239> going<00:03:53.319> to guidance and where are they going to guidance and where are they going to find<00:03:53.760> sources<00:03:54.120> of<00:03:54.599> consolation<00:03:55.599> and find sources of consolation and find sources of consolation and influential<00:03:56.400> voices<00:03:56.760> came<00:03:56.920> up<00:03:57.079> with<00:03:57.239> one influential voices came up with one influential voices came up with one answer<00:03:58.040> they<00:03:58.159> said<00:03:58.599> culture<00:03:59.560> it's<00:03:59.879> to<00:04:00.040> culture answer they said culture it's to culture answer they said culture it's to culture that<00:04:00.560> we<00:04:00.680> should<00:04:00.920> look<00:04:01.400> for<00:04:01.680> guidance<00:04:02.120> for that we should look for guidance for that we should look for guidance for consolation<00:04:03.040> for<00:04:03.239> Morality<00:04:04.000> let's<00:04:04.200> look<00:04:04.360> to consolation for Morality let's look to consolation for Morality let's look to the<00:04:04.599> plays<00:04:04.879> of<00:04:05.040> Shakespeare<00:04:05.920> the<00:04:06.079> dialogues the plays of Shakespeare the dialogues the plays of Shakespeare the dialogues of<00:04:06.720> Plato<00:04:07.200> the<00:04:07.319> novels<00:04:07.640> of<00:04:07.799> Jane<00:04:08.040> Austin<00:04:08.720> in of Plato the novels of Jane Austin in of Plato the novels of Jane Austin in there<00:04:09.439> we'll<00:04:09.640> find<00:04:09.799> a<00:04:09.920> lot<00:04:10.040> of<00:04:10.159> the<00:04:10.319> truths there we'll find a lot of the truths there we'll find a lot of the truths that<00:04:11.040> we<00:04:11.159> might<00:04:11.360> previously<00:04:11.799> have<00:04:11.920> found<00:04:12.200> in that we might previously have found in that we might previously have found in the<00:04:12.480> gospel<00:04:12.760> of<00:04:12.879> St<00:04:13.239> John<00:04:14.239> now<00:04:14.400> I<00:04:14.480> think<00:04:14.599> that's the gospel of St John now I think that's the gospel of St John now I think that's a<00:04:14.799> very<00:04:14.959> beautiful<00:04:15.280> idea<00:04:15.519> and<00:04:15.599> a<00:04:15.760> very<00:04:16.000> true a very beautiful idea and a very true a very beautiful idea and a very true idea<00:04:17.320> they<00:04:17.479> wanted<00:04:17.799> to<00:04:18.040> replace<00:04:18.959> scripture idea they wanted to replace scripture idea they wanted to replace scripture with<00:04:19.840> culture<00:04:20.519> and<00:04:20.639> that's<00:04:20.840> a<00:04:21.000> very<00:04:21.280> plausible with culture and that's a very plausible with culture and that's a very plausible idea<00:04:22.520> it's<00:04:22.680> also<00:04:22.919> an<00:04:23.120> idea<00:04:23.479> that<00:04:23.680> we<00:04:23.919> have idea it's also an idea that we have idea it's also an idea that we have forgotten<00:04:25.040> you<00:04:25.160> know<00:04:25.639> if<00:04:25.759> you<00:04:25.919> went<00:04:26.360> to<00:04:26.720> a<00:04:26.840> top forgotten you know if you went to a top forgotten you know if you went to a top university<00:04:27.560> let's<00:04:27.720> say<00:04:27.840> you<00:04:27.919> went<00:04:28.040> to<00:04:28.199> Harvard university let's say you went to Harvard university let's say you went to Harvard or<00:04:28.759> Oxford<00:04:29.160> or<00:04:29.240> Cambridge<00:04:29.880> and<00:04:30.000> you<00:04:30.120> saidou or Oxford or Cambridge and you saidou or Oxford or Cambridge and you saidou know<00:04:30.560> I've<00:04:30.759> come<00:04:31.039> here<00:04:31.479> because<00:04:31.720> I'm<00:04:31.840> in know I've come here because I'm in know I've come here because I'm in search<00:04:32.199> of<00:04:32.360> morality<00:04:32.960> guidance<00:04:33.280> and search of morality guidance and search of morality guidance and consolation<00:04:34.039> I<00:04:34.120> want<00:04:34.280> to<00:04:34.440> know<00:04:34.680> how<00:04:34.840> to<00:04:35.080> live consolation I want to know how to live consolation I want to know how to live they<00:04:36.039> would<00:04:36.199> show<00:04:36.360> you<00:04:36.479> the<00:04:36.639> way<00:04:36.919> to<00:04:37.120> the they would show you the way to the they would show you the way to the insane<00:04:37.680> asylum<00:04:38.639> this<00:04:38.800> is<00:04:39.160> simply<00:04:39.720> not<00:04:40.199> what insane asylum this is simply not what insane asylum this is simply not what our<00:04:40.600> grandest<00:04:41.039> and<00:04:41.280> best<00:04:41.560> Institutes<00:04:42.039> of our grandest and best Institutes of our grandest and best Institutes of Higher<00:04:42.440> Learning<00:04:42.960> are<00:04:43.120> in<00:04:43.240> the<00:04:43.360> business<00:04:43.680> of Higher Learning are in the business of Higher Learning are in the business of why<00:04:44.680> they<00:04:44.800> don't<00:04:45.000> think<00:04:45.120> we<00:04:45.280> need<00:04:45.479> it<00:04:46.160> they why they don't think we need it they why they don't think we need it they don't<00:04:46.560> think<00:04:46.759> we<00:04:46.880> are<00:04:47.039> in<00:04:47.240> urgent<00:04:47.720> need<00:04:48.039> of don't think we are in urgent need of don't think we are in urgent need of assistance<00:04:49.120> they<00:04:49.240> see<00:04:49.479> us<00:04:49.639> as<00:04:49.840> adults assistance they see us as adults assistance they see us as adults rational<00:04:50.840> adults<00:04:51.400> what<00:04:51.520> we<00:04:51.639> need<00:04:51.759> is rational adults what we need is rational adults what we need is information<00:04:52.600> we<00:04:52.720> need<00:04:52.960> data<00:04:53.520> we<00:04:53.759> don't<00:04:54.039> need information we need data we don't need information we need data we don't need help<00:04:54.800> now<00:04:55.199> religions<00:04:55.680> start<00:04:55.960> from<00:04:56.120> a<00:04:56.440> very help now religions start from a very help now religions start from a very different<00:04:57.120> place<00:04:57.360> indeed<00:04:58.080> all<00:04:58.360> religions<00:04:59.000> all different place indeed all religions all different place indeed all religions all major<00:04:59.720> religions<00:05:00.199> at<00:05:00.360> various<00:05:00.680> points<00:05:01.000> call major religions at various points call major religions at various points call us<00:05:01.960> children<00:05:02.960> and<00:05:03.320> like<00:05:03.600> children<00:05:04.120> they us children and like children they us children and like children they believe<00:05:04.759> that<00:05:04.880> we<00:05:05.000> are<00:05:05.120> in<00:05:05.320> severe<00:05:05.720> need<00:05:05.960> of believe that we are in severe need of believe that we are in severe need of assistance<00:05:06.560> we're<00:05:06.759> only<00:05:07.280> just<00:05:07.800> holding<00:05:08.080> it assistance we're only just holding it assistance we're only just holding it together<00:05:09.000> and<00:05:09.240> perhaps<00:05:09.520> this<00:05:09.600> is<00:05:09.720> just<00:05:09.880> me together and perhaps this is just me together and perhaps this is just me maybe<00:05:10.600> you<00:05:11.199> but<00:05:11.360> anyway<00:05:11.919> we're<00:05:12.120> only<00:05:12.479> just maybe you but anyway we're only just maybe you but anyway we're only just holding<00:05:13.039> it<00:05:13.280> together<00:05:13.560> and<00:05:13.680> we<00:05:13.840> need<00:05:14.080> help<00:05:14.479> of holding it together and we need help of holding it together and we need help of course<00:05:14.800> we<00:05:14.919> need<00:05:15.160> help<00:05:15.680> and<00:05:15.800> so<00:05:15.919> we<00:05:16.000> need course we need help and so we need course we need help and so we need guidance<00:05:16.680> and<00:05:16.800> we<00:05:16.880> need<00:05:17.120> didactic<00:05:17.639> learning guidance and we need didactic learning guidance and we need didactic learning you<00:05:18.759> know<00:05:18.880> in<00:05:18.960> the<00:05:19.080> 18th<00:05:19.400> century<00:05:19.759> in<00:05:19.840> the<00:05:19.960> UK you know in the 18th century in the UK you know in the 18th century in the UK the<00:05:20.800> greatest<00:05:21.479> preacher<00:05:22.000> greatest<00:05:22.240> religious the greatest preacher greatest religious the greatest preacher greatest religious preacher<00:05:22.800> was<00:05:22.880> a<00:05:22.960> man<00:05:23.120> called<00:05:23.280> John<00:05:23.440> Wesley preacher was a man called John Wesley preacher was a man called John Wesley who<00:05:23.880> went<00:05:24.039> up<00:05:24.160> and<00:05:24.280> down<00:05:24.479> this<00:05:24.680> country who went up and down this country who went up and down this country delivering<00:05:25.960> sermons<00:05:26.960> advising<00:05:27.400> people<00:05:27.639> how delivering sermons advising people how delivering sermons advising people how they<00:05:27.960> could<00:05:28.120> live<00:05:28.560> he<00:05:28.720> delivered<00:05:29.080> sermons<00:05:29.400> on they could live he delivered sermons on they could live he delivered sermons on the<00:05:29.960> duties<00:05:30.400> of<00:05:30.600> parents<00:05:30.919> of<00:05:31.080> their<00:05:31.199> children the duties of parents of their children the duties of parents of their children and<00:05:31.639> children<00:05:31.880> to<00:05:32.039> their<00:05:32.240> parents<00:05:32.840> the<00:05:32.919> duties and children to their parents the duties and children to their parents the duties of<00:05:33.319> the<00:05:33.400> rich<00:05:33.600> to<00:05:33.720> the<00:05:33.840> poor<00:05:34.000> and<00:05:34.120> the<00:05:34.199> poor<00:05:34.400> to of the rich to the poor and the poor to of the rich to the poor and the poor to the<00:05:34.680> rich<00:05:35.120> he<00:05:35.240> was<00:05:35.400> trying<00:05:35.680> to<00:05:35.880> tell<00:05:36.199> people the rich he was trying to tell people the rich he was trying to tell people how<00:05:36.880> they<00:05:36.960> should<00:05:37.199> live<00:05:37.520> through<00:05:37.759> the<00:05:37.840> medium how they should live through the medium how they should live through the medium of<00:05:38.479> sermons<00:05:39.080> The<00:05:39.319> Classic<00:05:39.720> medium<00:05:40.039> of of sermons The Classic medium of of sermons The Classic medium of delivery<00:05:41.199> of<00:05:41.560> religions<00:05:42.479> now<00:05:42.720> we've<00:05:42.919> given<00:05:43.120> up delivery of religions now we've given up delivery of religions now we've given up with<00:05:43.360> the<00:05:43.479> idea<00:05:43.720> of<00:05:43.840> sermons<00:05:44.199> if<00:05:44.280> you<00:05:44.400> said<00:05:44.560> to with the idea of sermons if you said to with the idea of sermons if you said to a<00:05:44.840> modern<00:05:45.160> liberal<00:05:45.479> individualist<00:05:46.440> hey<00:05:46.600> how a modern liberal individualist hey how a modern liberal individualist hey how about<00:05:46.919> a<00:05:47.039> sermon<00:05:47.520> they'd<00:05:47.639> go<00:05:47.800> no<00:05:47.880> no<00:05:48.000> no<00:05:48.120> I about a sermon they'd go no no no I about a sermon they'd go no no no I don't<00:05:48.280> need<00:05:48.440> one<00:05:48.560> of<00:05:48.720> those<00:05:49.199> I'm<00:05:49.319> an don't need one of those I'm an don't need one of those I'm an independent<00:05:50.000> individual<00:05:50.840> person<00:05:51.840> what's<00:05:52.039> the independent individual person what's the independent individual person what's the difference<00:05:52.560> between<00:05:53.120> a<00:05:53.280> sermon<00:05:53.840> and<00:05:54.039> our difference between a sermon and our difference between a sermon and our modern<00:05:54.840> secular<00:05:55.280> mode<00:05:55.479> of<00:05:55.639> delivery<00:05:56.039> the modern secular mode of delivery the modern secular mode of delivery the lecture<00:05:57.479> well<00:05:57.720> a<00:05:57.840> sermon<00:05:58.199> wants<00:05:58.440> to<00:05:58.600> change lecture well a sermon wants to change lecture well a sermon wants to change your<00:05:59.160> life your life your life and<00:06:00.560> a<00:06:00.720> lecture<00:06:01.400> wants<00:06:01.600> to<00:06:01.720> give<00:06:01.840> you<00:06:01.919> a<00:06:02.000> bit<00:06:02.120> of and a lecture wants to give you a bit of and a lecture wants to give you a bit of information<00:06:03.479> and<00:06:03.600> I<00:06:03.680> think<00:06:03.800> we<00:06:03.919> need<00:06:04.039> to<00:06:04.160> get information and I think we need to get information and I think we need to get back<00:06:04.479> to<00:06:04.639> that<00:06:04.840> sermon<00:06:05.639> tradition<00:06:06.360> the back to that sermon tradition the back to that sermon tradition the tradition<00:06:06.800> of<00:06:06.919> sermonizing<00:06:07.440> is<00:06:07.720> hugely tradition of sermonizing is hugely tradition of sermonizing is hugely valuable<00:06:08.720> because<00:06:08.919> we<00:06:09.039> are<00:06:09.240> in<00:06:09.360> need<00:06:09.560> of valuable because we are in need of valuable because we are in need of guidance<00:06:10.160> morality<00:06:11.000> uh<00:06:11.120> and<00:06:11.280> consolation<00:06:12.080> and guidance morality uh and consolation and guidance morality uh and consolation and religions<00:06:12.680> know<00:06:13.000> that<00:06:13.599> another<00:06:13.840> point<00:06:14.080> about religions know that another point about religions know that another point about education<00:06:16.280> we<00:06:16.440> tend<00:06:16.599> to<00:06:16.759> believe<00:06:17.080> in<00:06:17.199> the education we tend to believe in the education we tend to believe in the modern<00:06:17.560> secular<00:06:17.919> world<00:06:18.160> that<00:06:18.280> if<00:06:18.360> you<00:06:18.479> tell modern secular world that if you tell modern secular world that if you tell someone<00:06:19.080> something<00:06:19.440> once<00:06:19.720> they'll<00:06:19.960> remember someone something once they'll remember someone something once they'll remember it<00:06:20.400> sit<00:06:20.560> them<00:06:20.680> in<00:06:20.759> a<00:06:20.880> classroom<00:06:21.319> tell<00:06:21.479> them it sit them in a classroom tell them it sit them in a classroom tell them about<00:06:21.840> Plato<00:06:22.199> at<00:06:22.280> the<00:06:22.400> age<00:06:22.520> of<00:06:22.680> 20<00:06:23.160> send<00:06:23.360> them about Plato at the age of 20 send them about Plato at the age of 20 send them out<00:06:23.680> into<00:06:23.960> a<00:06:24.039> career<00:06:24.280> in<00:06:24.400> management out into a career in management out into a career in management consultancy<00:06:25.280> for<00:06:25.400> 40<00:06:25.759> years<00:06:26.360> and<00:06:26.520> that<00:06:26.639> lesson consultancy for 40 years and that lesson consultancy for 40 years and that lesson will<00:06:27.120> stick<00:06:27.400> with<00:06:27.520> them<00:06:27.720> religions<00:06:28.240> go will stick with them religions go will stick with them religions go nonsense<00:06:29.280> you<00:06:29.639> need<00:06:29.759> to<00:06:29.880> keep<00:06:30.039> repeating<00:06:30.400> the nonsense you need to keep repeating the nonsense you need to keep repeating the lesson<00:06:31.120> 10<00:06:31.720> times<00:06:32.120> a<00:06:32.319> day<00:06:32.759> so<00:06:33.000> get<00:06:33.120> on<00:06:33.280> your lesson 10 times a day so get on your lesson 10 times a day so get on your knees<00:06:33.840> and<00:06:34.080> repeat<00:06:34.400> it<00:06:34.800> that's<00:06:34.960> what<00:06:35.080> all knees and repeat it that's what all knees and repeat it that's what all religions<00:06:35.680> tell<00:06:35.880> us<00:06:36.319> get<00:06:36.479> on<00:06:36.560> your<00:06:36.680> knees<00:06:36.919> and religions tell us get on your knees and religions tell us get on your knees and repeat<00:06:37.319> it<00:06:37.479> 10<00:06:37.680> or<00:06:37.800> 20<00:06:38.039> or<00:06:38.160> 15<00:06:38.520> times<00:06:38.880> a<00:06:39.039> day repeat it 10 or 20 or 15 times a day repeat it 10 or 20 or 15 times a day otherwise<00:06:40.039> our<00:06:40.199> minds<00:06:40.520> are<00:06:40.759> like<00:06:41.120> cves<00:06:42.120> so otherwise our minds are like cves so otherwise our minds are like cves so religions<00:06:42.680> are<00:06:42.800> cultures<00:06:43.120> of<00:06:43.280> repetition religions are cultures of repetition religions are cultures of repetition they<00:06:44.080> Circle<00:06:44.560> the<00:06:44.639> great<00:06:44.840> truths<00:06:45.280> again<00:06:45.560> and they Circle the great truths again and they Circle the great truths again and again<00:06:45.919> and<00:06:46.120> again<00:06:46.560> we<00:06:46.759> associate<00:06:47.199> repetition again and again we associate repetition again and again we associate repetition with<00:06:47.720> boredom<00:06:48.120> give<00:06:48.240> us<00:06:48.479> the<00:06:48.599> new<00:06:49.000> we're with boredom give us the new we're with boredom give us the new we're always<00:06:49.520> saying<00:06:50.039> the<00:06:50.160> new<00:06:50.319> is<00:06:50.440> better<00:06:50.680> than<00:06:50.800> the always saying the new is better than the always saying the new is better than the old<00:06:51.440> if<00:06:51.520> I<00:06:51.599> said<00:06:51.759> to<00:06:51.840> you<00:06:52.039> okay<00:06:52.240> we're<00:06:52.400> not old if I said to you okay we're not old if I said to you okay we're not going<00:06:52.599> to<00:06:52.720> have<00:06:52.919> new<00:06:53.240> Ted<00:06:53.720> we're<00:06:53.880> just<00:06:53.960> going going to have new Ted we're just going going to have new Ted we're just going to<00:06:54.240> run<00:06:54.400> through<00:06:54.560> all<00:06:54.680> the<00:06:54.800> old<00:06:55.039> ones<00:06:55.440> and to run through all the old ones and to run through all the old ones and watch<00:06:55.800> them<00:06:56.080> five<00:06:56.400> times<00:06:57.000> because<00:06:57.240> they're<00:06:57.479> so watch them five times because they're so watch them five times because they're so true<00:06:58.039> we're<00:06:58.160> going<00:06:58.240> to<00:06:58.319> watch<00:06:58.520> Elizabeth true we're going to watch Elizabeth true we're going to watch Elizabeth Gilbert<00:06:59.680> five<00:07:00.000> times<00:07:00.720> because<00:07:01.000> what<00:07:01.120> she<00:07:01.280> says Gilbert five times because what she says Gilbert five times because what she says is<00:07:01.680> so<00:07:01.919> clever<00:07:02.479> you'd<00:07:02.720> feel<00:07:02.879> cheated<00:07:03.639> not<00:07:03.879> so is so clever you'd feel cheated not so is so clever you'd feel cheated not so if<00:07:04.360> you're<00:07:04.879> adopting<00:07:05.199> a<00:07:05.360> religious<00:07:05.919> mindset if you're adopting a religious mindset if you're adopting a religious mindset the<00:07:07.039> other<00:07:07.240> thing<00:07:07.360> that<00:07:07.560> religions<00:07:08.000> do<00:07:08.240> is<00:07:08.360> to the other thing that religions do is to the other thing that religions do is to arrange<00:07:09.160> time<00:07:10.120> all<00:07:10.319> the<00:07:10.479> major<00:07:10.800> religions arrange time all the major religions arrange time all the major religions give<00:07:11.400> us<00:07:11.639> calendars<00:07:12.520> what<00:07:12.639> is<00:07:12.720> a<00:07:12.879> calendar<00:07:13.479> a give us calendars what is a calendar a give us calendars what is a calendar a calendar<00:07:14.080> is<00:07:14.199> a<00:07:14.400> way<00:07:14.840> of<00:07:15.039> making<00:07:15.280> sure<00:07:15.759> that calendar is a way of making sure that calendar is a way of making sure that across<00:07:16.280> the<00:07:16.440> year<00:07:16.840> you<00:07:16.960> will<00:07:17.240> bump<00:07:17.560> into across the year you will bump into across the year you will bump into certain<00:07:18.599> very<00:07:18.800> important<00:07:19.240> ideas<00:07:19.599> in<00:07:19.680> the certain very important ideas in the certain very important ideas in the Catholic<00:07:20.560> uh<00:07:20.759> chronology<00:07:21.599> Catholic<00:07:22.000> calendar Catholic uh chronology Catholic calendar Catholic uh chronology Catholic calendar you<00:07:22.720> know<00:07:23.080> at<00:07:23.160> the<00:07:23.240> end<00:07:23.360> of<00:07:23.560> March<00:07:23.759> you<00:07:23.879> will you know at the end of March you will you know at the end of March you will think<00:07:24.280> about<00:07:24.520> St<00:07:24.800> Jerome<00:07:25.560> and<00:07:25.720> his<00:07:25.879> qualities think about St Jerome and his qualities think about St Jerome and his qualities of<00:07:26.440> humility<00:07:27.080> and<00:07:27.240> goodness<00:07:27.560> and<00:07:27.680> his of humility and goodness and his of humility and goodness and his generosity<00:07:28.319> to<00:07:28.479> the<00:07:28.599> poor<00:07:29.039> you<00:07:29.160> won't<00:07:29.319> do<00:07:29.400> that generosity to the poor you won't do that generosity to the poor you won't do that that<00:07:29.720> by<00:07:29.879> accident<00:07:30.199> you<00:07:30.280> will<00:07:30.400> do<00:07:30.560> that that by accident you will do that that by accident you will do that because<00:07:30.879> you<00:07:31.000> are<00:07:31.199> guided<00:07:31.520> to<00:07:31.680> do<00:07:31.840> that<00:07:32.160> now<00:07:32.319> we because you are guided to do that now we because you are guided to do that now we don't<00:07:32.639> think<00:07:32.879> that<00:07:33.039> way<00:07:33.240> in<00:07:33.360> the<00:07:33.479> secular don't think that way in the secular don't think that way in the secular world<00:07:34.120> we<00:07:34.199> think<00:07:34.400> if<00:07:34.520> an<00:07:34.639> idea<00:07:34.919> is<00:07:35.120> important world we think if an idea is important world we think if an idea is important I'll<00:07:35.720> bump<00:07:35.960> into<00:07:36.199> it<00:07:36.599> I'll<00:07:36.759> just<00:07:36.919> come<00:07:37.080> across I'll bump into it I'll just come across I'll bump into it I'll just come across it<00:07:37.960> nonsense<00:07:38.440> says<00:07:38.680> the<00:07:38.759> religious<00:07:39.360> uh<00:07:39.520> uh it nonsense says the religious uh uh it nonsense says the religious uh uh worldview<00:07:40.240> religious<00:07:40.560> worldview<00:07:40.960> says<00:07:41.280> we worldview religious worldview says we worldview religious worldview says we need<00:07:41.639> calendars<00:07:42.120> we<00:07:42.240> need<00:07:42.360> to<00:07:42.520> structure<00:07:42.919> time need calendars we need to structure time need calendars we need to structure time we<00:07:43.199> need<00:07:43.319> to<00:07:43.479> synchronize<00:07:44.599> encounters<00:07:45.599> um we need to synchronize encounters um we need to synchronize encounters um this<00:07:46.000> comes<00:07:46.240> across<00:07:46.599> also<00:07:47.039> in<00:07:47.159> the<00:07:47.319> way<00:07:47.560> in this comes across also in the way in this comes across also in the way in which<00:07:47.879> religions<00:07:48.319> set<00:07:48.520> up<00:07:48.800> rituals<00:07:49.560> around which religions set up rituals around which religions set up rituals around important<00:07:50.440> feelings<00:07:51.039> take<00:07:51.240> the<00:07:51.360> moon<00:07:52.360> that's important feelings take the moon that's important feelings take the moon that's really<00:07:52.919> important<00:07:53.240> to<00:07:53.319> look<00:07:53.520> at<00:07:53.599> the<00:07:53.680> Moon<00:07:53.919> you really important to look at the Moon you really important to look at the Moon you know<00:07:54.120> when<00:07:54.199> you<00:07:54.280> look<00:07:54.400> at<00:07:54.479> the<00:07:54.560> Moon<00:07:55.159> you<00:07:55.280> think know when you look at the Moon you think know when you look at the Moon you think I'm<00:07:55.639> really<00:07:55.840> small<00:07:56.440> what<00:07:56.560> are<00:07:56.680> my<00:07:56.879> problems I'm really small what are my problems I'm really small what are my problems sets<00:07:57.680> things<00:07:57.840> in<00:07:58.039> perspective<00:07:58.599> etc<00:07:58.960> etc<00:07:59.599> we sets things in perspective etc etc we sets things in perspective etc etc we should<00:07:59.960> all<00:08:00.400> look<00:08:00.560> at<00:08:00.680> the<00:08:00.759> Moon<00:08:01.000> a<00:08:01.080> bit<00:08:01.199> more should all look at the Moon a bit more should all look at the Moon a bit more often<00:08:01.759> we<00:08:01.879> don't<00:08:02.280> why<00:08:02.400> don't<00:08:02.639> we<00:08:02.879> well<00:08:03.159> there's often we don't why don't we well there's often we don't why don't we well there's nothing<00:08:03.599> to<00:08:03.800> tell<00:08:04.000> us<00:08:04.400> look<00:08:04.560> at<00:08:04.680> the<00:08:04.759> moon<00:08:05.560> but nothing to tell us look at the moon but nothing to tell us look at the moon but if<00:08:05.759> you're<00:08:05.919> a<00:08:06.039> Zen<00:08:06.240> Buddhist<00:08:06.560> in<00:08:06.639> the<00:08:06.720> middle if you're a Zen Buddhist in the middle if you're a Zen Buddhist in the middle of<00:08:07.120> September<00:08:07.680> you<00:08:07.800> will<00:08:07.960> be<00:08:08.039> ordered<00:08:08.400> out<00:08:08.520> of of September you will be ordered out of of September you will be ordered out of your<00:08:08.800> home<00:08:09.240> made<00:08:09.479> to<00:08:09.599> stand<00:08:09.800> on<00:08:09.879> a<00:08:10.000> canonical your home made to stand on a canonical your home made to stand on a canonical platform<00:08:11.080> and<00:08:11.199> made<00:08:11.360> to<00:08:11.520> celebrate<00:08:11.879> the platform and made to celebrate the platform and made to celebrate the Festival<00:08:12.240> of<00:08:12.400> tsukimi<00:08:13.400> where<00:08:13.720> you<00:08:13.840> will<00:08:13.960> be Festival of tsukimi where you will be Festival of tsukimi where you will be given<00:08:14.400> poems<00:08:14.759> to<00:08:14.919> read<00:08:15.120> in<00:08:15.240> honor<00:08:15.520> of<00:08:15.639> the<00:08:15.720> moon given poems to read in honor of the moon given poems to read in honor of the moon and<00:08:16.039> the<00:08:16.199> passage<00:08:16.479> of<00:08:16.720> time<00:08:16.960> and<00:08:17.080> the<00:08:17.199> Frailty and the passage of time and the Frailty and the passage of time and the Frailty of<00:08:17.919> life<00:08:18.360> that<00:08:18.479> it<00:08:18.560> should<00:08:18.759> remind<00:08:19.039> us<00:08:19.159> of of life that it should remind us of of life that it should remind us of you'll<00:08:19.479> be<00:08:19.639> handed<00:08:20.000> rice<00:08:20.319> cakes<00:08:21.039> and<00:08:21.199> the<00:08:21.360> moon you'll be handed rice cakes and the moon you'll be handed rice cakes and the moon and<00:08:22.080> the<00:08:22.199> reflection<00:08:22.560> on<00:08:22.680> the<00:08:22.759> moon<00:08:23.000> will<00:08:23.159> have and the reflection on the moon will have and the reflection on the moon will have a<00:08:23.479> secure<00:08:23.879> place<00:08:24.400> in<00:08:24.720> your<00:08:25.120> heart<00:08:26.120> that's<00:08:26.360> very a secure place in your heart that's very a secure place in your heart that's very good<00:08:27.240> the<00:08:27.360> other<00:08:27.560> thing<00:08:27.720> that<00:08:27.840> religions<00:08:28.199> are good the other thing that religions are good the other thing that religions are really<00:08:28.560> aware<00:08:28.919> of<00:08:29.159> is<00:08:29.840> speak<00:08:30.400> well<00:08:30.879> I'm<00:08:31.000> not really aware of is speak well I'm not really aware of is speak well I'm not doing<00:08:31.240> a<00:08:31.360> very<00:08:31.520> good<00:08:31.720> job<00:08:31.879> of<00:08:32.039> this<00:08:32.240> here<00:08:32.640> but doing a very good job of this here but doing a very good job of this here but oratory<00:08:33.560> oratory<00:08:34.200> is<00:08:34.560> absolutely<00:08:35.200> key<00:08:35.399> to oratory oratory is absolutely key to oratory oratory is absolutely key to religions<00:08:35.919> you<00:08:36.000> know<00:08:36.080> in<00:08:36.159> the<00:08:36.279> secular<00:08:36.599> world religions you know in the secular world religions you know in the secular world you<00:08:37.080> can<00:08:37.200> come<00:08:37.320> through<00:08:37.519> the<00:08:37.599> university you can come through the university you can come through the university system<00:08:38.320> and<00:08:38.440> be<00:08:38.560> a<00:08:38.680> lousy<00:08:39.080> speaker<00:08:39.440> and<00:08:39.560> still system and be a lousy speaker and still system and be a lousy speaker and still have<00:08:39.839> a<00:08:40.000> great<00:08:40.399> career<00:08:41.399> but<00:08:41.519> the<00:08:41.640> religious have a great career but the religious have a great career but the religious world<00:08:42.159> doesn't<00:08:42.360> think<00:08:42.599> that<00:08:42.719> way<00:08:43.200> what<00:08:43.360> you're world doesn't think that way what you're world doesn't think that way what you're saying<00:08:44.080> needs<00:08:44.320> to<00:08:44.440> be<00:08:44.600> backed<00:08:44.839> up<00:08:45.040> by<00:08:45.160> a<00:08:45.480> really saying needs to be backed up by a really saying needs to be backed up by a really convincing<00:08:46.440> way<00:08:46.600> of<00:08:46.720> saying<00:08:47.040> it<00:08:47.399> so<00:08:47.560> if<00:08:47.640> you<00:08:47.720> go convincing way of saying it so if you go convincing way of saying it so if you go to<00:08:47.959> an<00:08:48.080> African-American<00:08:48.800> pentecostalist to an African-American pentecostalist to an African-American pentecostalist church<00:08:49.720> in<00:08:49.839> the<00:08:49.959> American<00:08:50.399> South<00:08:51.080> and<00:08:51.160> you church in the American South and you church in the American South and you listen<00:08:51.519> to<00:08:51.680> how<00:08:51.839> they<00:08:52.000> talk<00:08:52.519> my<00:08:52.680> goodness<00:08:53.120> they listen to how they talk my goodness they listen to how they talk my goodness they talk<00:08:53.600> well<00:08:53.920> you<00:08:54.040> know<00:08:54.279> after<00:08:54.560> every talk well you know after every talk well you know after every convincing<00:08:55.240> Point<00:08:55.480> people<00:08:55.680> will<00:08:55.839> go<00:08:56.120> amen convincing Point people will go amen convincing Point people will go amen amen<00:08:56.839> amen<00:08:57.399> you<00:08:57.519> know<00:08:57.680> the<00:08:57.760> end<00:08:57.920> of<00:08:58.000> a<00:08:58.120> really amen amen you know the end of a really amen amen you know the end of a really rousing<00:08:58.720> paragraph<00:08:59.440> they'll<00:08:59.560> all<00:08:59.720> stand<00:08:59.959> up rousing paragraph they'll all stand up rousing paragraph they'll all stand up and<00:09:00.200> they'll<00:09:00.360> go<00:09:00.519> thank<00:09:00.680> you<00:09:00.760> Jesus<00:09:01.040> thank<00:09:01.200> you and they'll go thank you Jesus thank you and they'll go thank you Jesus thank you Christ<00:09:01.560> thank<00:09:01.720> you<00:09:01.839> savior<00:09:02.240> you<00:09:02.360> know<00:09:02.480> if<00:09:02.560> we Christ thank you savior you know if we Christ thank you savior you know if we were<00:09:02.839> doing<00:09:03.120> it<00:09:03.519> like<00:09:03.760> they<00:09:03.959> do<00:09:04.160> it<00:09:05.040> let's<00:09:05.240> not were doing it like they do it let's not were doing it like they do it let's not do<00:09:05.560> it<00:09:05.760> but<00:09:05.959> if<00:09:06.079> we<00:09:06.200> were<00:09:06.399> to<00:09:06.600> do<00:09:06.760> it<00:09:07.279> you<00:09:07.440> know<00:09:07.839> I do it but if we were to do it you know I do it but if we were to do it you know I would<00:09:08.120> tell<00:09:08.279> you<00:09:08.480> something<00:09:08.800> like<00:09:09.120> culture would tell you something like culture would tell you something like culture should<00:09:09.600> replace<00:09:09.959> scripture<00:09:10.320> and<00:09:10.399> you<00:09:10.480> would should replace scripture and you would should replace scripture and you would go<00:09:10.760> amen<00:09:11.079> amen<00:09:11.360> amen<00:09:11.640> and<00:09:11.720> at<00:09:11.800> the<00:09:11.880> end<00:09:12.000> of<00:09:12.120> my go amen amen amen and at the end of my go amen amen amen and at the end of my talk<00:09:12.360> you<00:09:12.480> would<00:09:12.600> all<00:09:12.720> stand<00:09:12.920> up<00:09:13.040> and<00:09:13.120> you talk you would all stand up and you talk you would all stand up and you would<00:09:13.360> go<00:09:13.640> thank<00:09:13.800> you<00:09:13.920> Plato<00:09:14.320> thank<00:09:14.440> you would go thank you Plato thank you would go thank you Plato thank you Shakespeare<00:09:15.000> thank<00:09:15.120> you<00:09:15.200> Jane<00:09:15.480> Austin<00:09:16.200> and Shakespeare thank you Jane Austin and Shakespeare thank you Jane Austin and we'd<00:09:16.519> know<00:09:16.800> that<00:09:16.959> we<00:09:17.160> had<00:09:17.600> a<00:09:17.800> real<00:09:18.480> rhythm we'd know that we had a real rhythm we'd know that we had a real rhythm going<00:09:19.399> all<00:09:19.519> right<00:09:19.680> all<00:09:19.800> right<00:09:19.920> we're<00:09:20.079> getting going all right all right we're getting going all right all right we're getting there<00:09:20.519> we're<00:09:20.680> getting there we're getting there we're getting there<00:09:22.760> the<00:09:22.880> other<00:09:23.079> thing<00:09:23.240> that<00:09:23.399> religions there the other thing that religions there the other thing that religions know<00:09:24.079> is<00:09:24.399> we're<00:09:24.680> not<00:09:25.160> just<00:09:25.519> brains<00:09:26.440> we<00:09:26.560> are know is we're not just brains we are know is we're not just brains we are also<00:09:27.120> bodies<00:09:27.560> and<00:09:27.680> when<00:09:27.800> they<00:09:27.920> teach<00:09:28.120> us<00:09:28.240> a also bodies and when they teach us a also bodies and when they teach us a lesson<00:09:28.880> they<00:09:29.000> do<00:09:29.160> it<00:09:29.560> via<00:09:30.040> the<00:09:30.320> body<00:09:31.320> so<00:09:31.880> um<00:09:32.120> for lesson they do it via the body so um for lesson they do it via the body so um for example<00:09:32.680> take<00:09:32.839> the<00:09:33.000> Jewish<00:09:33.839> uh<00:09:34.000> idea<00:09:34.279> of example take the Jewish uh idea of example take the Jewish uh idea of forgiveness<00:09:35.040> Jews<00:09:35.320> are<00:09:35.480> very<00:09:35.640> interested<00:09:35.959> in forgiveness Jews are very interested in forgiveness Jews are very interested in forgiveness<00:09:36.519> and<00:09:36.680> how<00:09:36.800> we<00:09:36.880> should<00:09:37.079> start<00:09:37.399> a forgiveness and how we should start a forgiveness and how we should start a new<00:09:37.720> and<00:09:37.839> start<00:09:38.040> a<00:09:38.200> fresh<00:09:38.640> they<00:09:38.800> don't<00:09:39.040> just new and start a fresh they don't just new and start a fresh they don't just Deliver<00:09:39.640> Us<00:09:40.040> sermons<00:09:40.440> on<00:09:40.600> this<00:09:40.720> they<00:09:40.839> don't Deliver Us sermons on this they don't Deliver Us sermons on this they don't just<00:09:41.120> give<00:09:41.240> us<00:09:41.399> books<00:09:41.760> or<00:09:41.959> words<00:09:42.360> about<00:09:42.680> they just give us books or words about they just give us books or words about they they<00:09:43.200> tell<00:09:43.360> us<00:09:43.480> to<00:09:43.640> have<00:09:43.760> a<00:09:43.920> bath<00:09:44.800> so<00:09:45.040> in they tell us to have a bath so in they tell us to have a bath so in Orthodox<00:09:45.640> Jewish<00:09:45.920> communities<00:09:46.399> every<00:09:46.600> Friday Orthodox Jewish communities every Friday Orthodox Jewish communities every Friday you<00:09:47.000> go<00:09:47.120> to<00:09:47.240> a<00:09:47.320> mikf<00:09:47.839> you<00:09:48.000> immerse<00:09:48.399> yourself<00:09:48.720> in you go to a mikf you immerse yourself in you go to a mikf you immerse yourself in the<00:09:49.040> water<00:09:50.000> and<00:09:50.240> a<00:09:50.399> physical<00:09:50.880> action<00:09:51.279> backs<00:09:51.560> up the water and a physical action backs up the water and a physical action backs up a<00:09:52.040> philosophical<00:09:52.680> idea<00:09:53.160> we<00:09:53.360> don't<00:09:53.519> tend<00:09:53.680> to<00:09:53.839> do a philosophical idea we don't tend to do a philosophical idea we don't tend to do that<00:09:54.279> our<00:09:54.519> ideas<00:09:55.120> are<00:09:55.240> in<00:09:55.399> one<00:09:55.640> area<00:09:56.079> and<00:09:56.200> our that our ideas are in one area and our that our ideas are in one area and our Behavior<00:09:56.680> with<00:09:56.760> our<00:09:56.880> bodies<00:09:57.079> are<00:09:57.279> another Behavior with our bodies are another Behavior with our bodies are another religions<00:09:58.040> are<00:09:58.279> fascinating<00:09:58.760> in<00:09:58.839> the<00:09:58.920> way religions are fascinating in the way religions are fascinating in the way they<00:09:59.440> and<00:09:59.560> combine<00:09:59.839> the<00:09:59.959> two<00:10:00.360> let's<00:10:00.560> look<00:10:00.680> at they and combine the two let's look at they and combine the two let's look at Art<00:10:01.480> now<00:10:02.480> now<00:10:02.720> art<00:10:03.160> is<00:10:03.279> something<00:10:03.600> that<00:10:03.720> in<00:10:03.800> the Art now now art is something that in the Art now now art is something that in the secular<00:10:04.279> world<00:10:04.560> we<00:10:04.680> think<00:10:05.040> very<00:10:05.399> highly<00:10:05.760> of<00:10:06.279> we secular world we think very highly of we secular world we think very highly of we think<00:10:06.600> art<00:10:06.839> is<00:10:07.079> really<00:10:07.480> really<00:10:07.680> important<00:10:08.200> a think art is really really important a think art is really really important a lot<00:10:08.399> of<00:10:08.480> our<00:10:08.640> Surplus<00:10:09.120> wealth<00:10:09.519> goes<00:10:09.959> towards lot of our Surplus wealth goes towards lot of our Surplus wealth goes towards museums<00:10:10.839> Etc<00:10:11.279> we<00:10:11.560> sometimes<00:10:11.800> hear<00:10:12.040> it<00:10:12.200> said museums Etc we sometimes hear it said museums Etc we sometimes hear it said that<00:10:12.760> museums<00:10:13.640> are<00:10:14.000> our<00:10:14.240> new<00:10:14.640> Cathedrals<00:10:15.399> or that museums are our new Cathedrals or that museums are our new Cathedrals or our<00:10:15.680> new<00:10:16.040> churches<00:10:16.440> you've<00:10:16.600> heard<00:10:16.800> that our new churches you've heard that our new churches you've heard that saying<00:10:17.760> um<00:10:18.240> now<00:10:18.440> I<00:10:18.560> think<00:10:19.040> that<00:10:19.160> the<00:10:19.320> potential saying um now I think that the potential saying um now I think that the potential is<00:10:20.000> there<00:10:20.360> but<00:10:20.519> we've<00:10:20.760> completely<00:10:21.240> let is there but we've completely let is there but we've completely let ourselves<00:10:21.959> down<00:10:22.480> and<00:10:22.600> the<00:10:22.680> reason<00:10:23.000> we've<00:10:23.160> let ourselves down and the reason we've let ourselves down and the reason we've let ourselves<00:10:23.839> down<00:10:24.519> is<00:10:24.680> that<00:10:24.800> we're<00:10:24.959> not ourselves down is that we're not ourselves down is that we're not properly<00:10:25.560> studying<00:10:26.200> how<00:10:26.680> religions<00:10:27.680> handle properly studying how religions handle properly studying how religions handle art<00:10:29.480> you<00:10:29.600> know<00:10:30.240> there<00:10:30.320> are<00:10:30.440> two<00:10:30.760> really<00:10:31.040> bad art you know there are two really bad art you know there are two really bad ideas<00:10:31.680> that<00:10:31.760> are<00:10:31.880> hovering<00:10:32.160> in<00:10:32.240> the<00:10:32.320> modern ideas that are hovering in the modern ideas that are hovering in the modern world<00:10:32.959> that<00:10:33.160> inhibit<00:10:33.640> our<00:10:33.880> capacity<00:10:34.320> to<00:10:34.480> draw world that inhibit our capacity to draw world that inhibit our capacity to draw strength<00:10:35.680> from<00:10:36.040> art<00:10:36.600> the<00:10:36.720> first<00:10:37.000> idea<00:10:37.360> is<00:10:37.480> that strength from art the first idea is that strength from art the first idea is that art<00:10:38.000> should<00:10:38.240> be<00:10:38.560> for<00:10:38.800> Art's<00:10:39.240> Sake<00:10:39.680> a art should be for Art's Sake a art should be for Art's Sake a ridiculous<00:10:40.560> idea<00:10:41.279> an<00:10:41.399> idea<00:10:41.639> that<00:10:41.760> art<00:10:42.000> should ridiculous idea an idea that art should ridiculous idea an idea that art should live<00:10:42.240> in<00:10:42.320> a<00:10:42.440> hermetic<00:10:42.839> bubble<00:10:43.320> and<00:10:43.399> should<00:10:43.600> not live in a hermetic bubble and should not live in a hermetic bubble and should not try<00:10:43.920> and<00:10:44.079> do<00:10:44.320> anything<00:10:44.639> with<00:10:44.800> this<00:10:44.959> troubled try and do anything with this troubled try and do anything with this troubled world<00:10:45.920> I<00:10:46.079> couldn't<00:10:46.360> disagree<00:10:46.839> more<00:10:47.680> the<00:10:47.800> other world I couldn't disagree more the other world I couldn't disagree more the other thing<00:10:48.120> that<00:10:48.240> we<00:10:48.360> believe<00:10:48.639> is<00:10:48.760> that<00:10:48.959> art thing that we believe is that art thing that we believe is that art shouldn't<00:10:49.600> explain<00:10:50.320> itself<00:10:51.320> that<00:10:51.600> artists shouldn't explain itself that artists shouldn't explain itself that artists shouldn't<00:10:52.399> say<00:10:52.639> what<00:10:52.760> they're<00:10:52.959> up<00:10:53.079> to<00:10:53.320> because shouldn't say what they're up to because shouldn't say what they're up to because if<00:10:53.560> they<00:10:53.639> said<00:10:53.839> it<00:10:53.959> it<00:10:54.079> might<00:10:54.240> destroy<00:10:54.519> the if they said it it might destroy the if they said it it might destroy the spell<00:10:54.959> and<00:10:55.079> we<00:10:55.200> might<00:10:55.399> be<00:10:56.079> um<00:10:56.320> you<00:10:56.399> know<00:10:56.519> we spell and we might be um you know we spell and we might be um you know we might<00:10:56.760> find<00:10:56.920> it<00:10:57.000> too<00:10:57.160> easy<00:10:57.480> that's<00:10:57.760> why<00:10:58.320> a<00:10:58.519> very might find it too easy that's why a very might find it too easy that's why a very common<00:10:59.440> when<00:10:59.560> you're<00:10:59.680> in<00:10:59.760> a<00:10:59.880> museum<00:11:00.440> let's common when you're in a museum let's common when you're in a museum let's admit<00:11:00.920> it<00:11:01.360> is<00:11:01.760> I<00:11:01.839> don't<00:11:02.000> know<00:11:02.160> what<00:11:02.279> this<00:11:02.399> is admit it is I don't know what this is admit it is I don't know what this is about<00:11:03.360> but<00:11:03.480> if<00:11:03.639> we're<00:11:04.200> serious<00:11:04.600> people<00:11:04.800> we about but if we're serious people we about but if we're serious people we don't<00:11:05.079> admit<00:11:05.320> to<00:11:05.440> that<00:11:05.600> but<00:11:05.720> that<00:11:05.800> feeling<00:11:06.040> of don't admit to that but that feeling of don't admit to that but that feeling of puzzlement<00:11:06.680> is<00:11:07.200> structural<00:11:08.200> to<00:11:08.920> Contemporary puzzlement is structural to Contemporary puzzlement is structural to Contemporary Art<00:11:10.720> now<00:11:11.120> religions<00:11:11.560> have<00:11:11.639> a<00:11:11.760> much<00:11:11.920> saer Art now religions have a much saer Art now religions have a much saer attitude<00:11:12.639> to<00:11:12.760> Art<00:11:12.959> they<00:11:13.079> have<00:11:13.320> no<00:11:13.560> trouble attitude to Art they have no trouble attitude to Art they have no trouble telling<00:11:14.079> us<00:11:14.240> what<00:11:14.360> art<00:11:14.560> is<00:11:14.680> about<00:11:14.880> art<00:11:15.040> is telling us what art is about art is telling us what art is about art is about<00:11:15.399> two<00:11:15.600> things<00:11:15.800> in<00:11:15.920> all<00:11:16.079> the<00:11:16.160> major<00:11:16.440> faiths about two things in all the major faiths about two things in all the major faiths firstly<00:11:18.040> it's<00:11:18.200> trying<00:11:18.440> to<00:11:18.760> remind<00:11:19.160> you<00:11:19.440> of firstly it's trying to remind you of firstly it's trying to remind you of what<00:11:19.760> there<00:11:19.880> is<00:11:20.040> to<00:11:20.240> love<00:11:20.920> and<00:11:21.200> secondly<00:11:21.839> it's what there is to love and secondly it's what there is to love and secondly it's trying<00:11:22.240> to<00:11:22.360> remind<00:11:22.639> you<00:11:22.760> of<00:11:22.839> what<00:11:22.959> there<00:11:23.079> is<00:11:23.200> to trying to remind you of what there is to trying to remind you of what there is to fear<00:11:23.880> and<00:11:24.000> to<00:11:24.160> hate<00:11:24.880> and<00:11:25.120> that's<00:11:25.320> what<00:11:25.519> art<00:11:25.839> is fear and to hate and that's what art is fear and to hate and that's what art is Art<00:11:26.880> is<00:11:27.279> a<00:11:27.480> visceral<00:11:28.079> encounter<00:11:28.680> with<00:11:28.800> the Art is a visceral encounter with the Art is a visceral encounter with the most<00:11:29.279> important<00:11:29.560> ideas<00:11:29.839> of<00:11:30.000> your<00:11:30.160> faith<00:11:30.560> so<00:11:30.720> as most important ideas of your faith so as most important ideas of your faith so as you<00:11:30.920> walk<00:11:31.120> around<00:11:31.320> a<00:11:31.480> church<00:11:32.120> what<00:11:32.240> you<00:11:32.440> or<00:11:32.560> or you walk around a church what you or or you walk around a church what you or or a<00:11:32.760> mosque<00:11:33.040> or<00:11:33.160> a<00:11:33.240> cathedral<00:11:33.880> what<00:11:33.959> you're a mosque or a cathedral what you're a mosque or a cathedral what you're trying<00:11:34.440> to<00:11:34.680> embi<00:11:35.160> what<00:11:35.279> you're<00:11:35.440> eming<00:11:35.920> is trying to embi what you're eming is trying to embi what you're eming is Through<00:11:36.240> Your<00:11:36.399> Eyes<00:11:36.639> through<00:11:36.800> your<00:11:36.959> senses Through Your Eyes through your senses Through Your Eyes through your senses truths<00:11:38.040> that<00:11:38.160> have<00:11:38.320> otherwise<00:11:38.639> come<00:11:38.800> to<00:11:38.959> you truths that have otherwise come to you truths that have otherwise come to you through<00:11:39.720> your<00:11:39.920> minds<00:11:40.480> essentially<00:11:40.839> it's through your minds essentially it's through your minds essentially it's propaganda<00:11:41.760> rembrand<00:11:42.440> is<00:11:42.519> a<00:11:43.040> propagandist<00:11:44.040> in propaganda rembrand is a propagandist in propaganda rembrand is a propagandist in the<00:11:44.720> uh<00:11:44.880> uh<00:11:44.959> in<00:11:45.040> the<00:11:45.120> Christian<00:11:45.519> view<00:11:45.880> now<00:11:46.120> the the uh uh in the Christian view now the the uh uh in the Christian view now the word<00:11:46.399> propaganda<00:11:46.880> sets<00:11:47.079> off<00:11:47.200> alarm<00:11:47.480> Bells<00:11:47.680> we word propaganda sets off alarm Bells we word propaganda sets off alarm Bells we think<00:11:47.839> of<00:11:47.959> Hitler<00:11:48.200> we<00:11:48.279> think<00:11:48.399> of<00:11:48.480> Stalin<00:11:49.040> don't think of Hitler we think of Stalin don't think of Hitler we think of Stalin don't necessarily<00:11:50.040> propaganda<00:11:50.800> is<00:11:50.880> a<00:11:51.040> manner<00:11:51.320> of necessarily propaganda is a manner of necessarily propaganda is a manner of being<00:11:51.760> dactic<00:11:52.240> in<00:11:52.320> honor<00:11:52.560> of<00:11:52.720> something<00:11:53.279> and being dactic in honor of something and being dactic in honor of something and if<00:11:53.560> that<00:11:53.680> thing<00:11:53.839> is<00:11:54.000> good<00:11:54.160> there's<00:11:54.399> no<00:11:54.639> problem if that thing is good there's no problem if that thing is good there's no problem with<00:11:55.000> it<00:11:55.160> at<00:11:55.279> all<00:11:55.720> my<00:11:55.880> view<00:11:56.040> is<00:11:56.160> that<00:11:56.279> museums with it at all my view is that museums with it at all my view is that museums should<00:11:56.920> take<00:11:57.040> a<00:11:57.160> leaf<00:11:57.519> out<00:11:57.639> of<00:11:57.760> a<00:11:58.000> book<00:11:58.440> of<00:11:58.880> uh should take a leaf out of a book of uh should take a leaf out of a book of uh Rel<00:11:59.240> religions<00:11:59.959> and<00:12:00.160> they<00:12:00.279> should<00:12:00.560> make<00:12:00.720> sure Rel religions and they should make sure Rel religions and they should make sure that<00:12:01.079> when<00:12:01.160> you<00:12:01.279> walk<00:12:01.440> into<00:12:01.600> a<00:12:01.680> museum<00:12:02.040> if<00:12:02.120> I that when you walk into a museum if I that when you walk into a museum if I was<00:12:02.320> a<00:12:02.399> museum<00:12:02.760> curator<00:12:03.399> I<00:12:03.480> would<00:12:03.639> make<00:12:03.760> a<00:12:03.920> room was a museum curator I would make a room was a museum curator I would make a room for<00:12:04.440> love<00:12:05.000> a<00:12:05.160> room<00:12:05.680> for<00:12:05.880> generosity<00:12:06.680> a<00:12:06.800> room for love a room for generosity a room for love a room for generosity a room you<00:12:07.360> know<00:12:07.480> all<00:12:07.639> works<00:12:07.920> of<00:12:08.040> art<00:12:08.240> are<00:12:08.399> talking<00:12:08.639> to you know all works of art are talking to you know all works of art are talking to us<00:12:09.000> about<00:12:09.240> things<00:12:09.480> and<00:12:09.600> if<00:12:09.680> we<00:12:09.760> were<00:12:09.920> able<00:12:10.120> to us about things and if we were able to us about things and if we were able to arrange<00:12:10.800> spaces<00:12:11.560> where<00:12:11.680> we<00:12:11.800> could<00:12:11.959> come arrange spaces where we could come arrange spaces where we could come across<00:12:12.480> Works<00:12:13.000> where<00:12:13.160> we<00:12:13.240> would<00:12:13.360> be<00:12:13.519> told<00:12:14.160> use across Works where we would be told use across Works where we would be told use these<00:12:14.720> works<00:12:14.959> of<00:12:15.120> art<00:12:15.360> to<00:12:15.560> cement<00:12:16.040> these<00:12:16.240> ideas these works of art to cement these ideas these works of art to cement these ideas in<00:12:16.720> your<00:12:16.920> mind<00:12:17.399> we<00:12:17.480> would<00:12:17.639> get<00:12:17.760> a<00:12:17.880> lot<00:12:18.000> more<00:12:18.199> out in your mind we would get a lot more out in your mind we would get a lot more out of<00:12:18.519> art<00:12:18.880> art<00:12:19.320> would<00:12:19.600> pick<00:12:19.760> up<00:12:20.120> the<00:12:20.279> duty<00:12:20.800> that of art art would pick up the duty that of art art would pick up the duty that it<00:12:21.079> used<00:12:21.279> to<00:12:21.519> have<00:12:21.760> and<00:12:21.839> that<00:12:21.959> we've<00:12:22.199> neglected it used to have and that we've neglected it used to have and that we've neglected because<00:12:23.000> of<00:12:23.199> certain<00:12:23.800> misf<00:12:24.160> founded<00:12:24.600> ideas because of certain misf founded ideas because of certain misf founded ideas art<00:12:25.839> should<00:12:26.120> be<00:12:26.480> one<00:12:26.600> of<00:12:26.720> the<00:12:26.880> tools<00:12:27.519> by<00:12:27.639> which art should be one of the tools by which art should be one of the tools by which we<00:12:27.959> improve<00:12:28.279> our<00:12:28.480> society<00:12:29.600> should<00:12:29.880> be<00:12:30.519> dactic we improve our society should be dactic we improve our society should be dactic let's<00:12:31.720> think<00:12:31.839> of<00:12:32.000> something<00:12:32.680> else<00:12:33.680> the<00:12:33.839> people let's think of something else the people let's think of something else the people in<00:12:34.279> the<00:12:34.399> modern<00:12:34.680> world<00:12:35.000> in<00:12:35.079> the<00:12:35.199> secular<00:12:35.600> world in the modern world in the secular world in the modern world in the secular world who<00:12:36.240> are<00:12:36.519> interested<00:12:37.519> in<00:12:37.880> matters<00:12:38.199> of<00:12:38.360> the who are interested in matters of the who are interested in matters of the spirit<00:12:38.959> in<00:12:39.120> matters<00:12:39.440> of<00:12:39.560> the<00:12:39.720> Mind<00:12:40.040> in<00:12:40.360> higher spirit in matters of the Mind in higher spirit in matters of the Mind in higher uh<00:12:41.600> Soul<00:12:42.079> likee<00:12:42.399> concerns<00:12:43.120> tend<00:12:43.399> to<00:12:43.560> be uh Soul likee concerns tend to be uh Soul likee concerns tend to be isolated<00:12:44.560> individuals<00:12:45.399> they're<00:12:45.639> poets isolated individuals they're poets isolated individuals they're poets they're<00:12:46.199> philosophers<00:12:46.839> they're they're philosophers they're they're philosophers they're photographers<00:12:47.519> they're<00:12:47.639> filmmakers<00:12:48.120> and photographers they're filmmakers and photographers they're filmmakers and they<00:12:48.279> tend<00:12:48.440> to<00:12:48.519> be<00:12:48.639> on<00:12:48.760> their<00:12:48.920> own<00:12:49.320> they<00:12:49.440> are they tend to be on their own they are they tend to be on their own they are cottage<00:12:49.959> industries<00:12:50.519> they<00:12:50.639> are<00:12:50.800> vulnerable cottage industries they are vulnerable cottage industries they are vulnerable single<00:12:51.680> people<00:12:52.639> and<00:12:52.760> they<00:12:52.880> get<00:12:53.000> depressed<00:12:53.480> and single people and they get depressed and single people and they get depressed and they<00:12:53.720> get<00:12:53.880> sad<00:12:54.120> on<00:12:54.279> their<00:12:54.399> own<00:12:55.160> and<00:12:55.279> they<00:12:55.440> don't they get sad on their own and they don't they get sad on their own and they don't really<00:12:55.959> change<00:12:56.399> much<00:12:56.760> now<00:12:57.000> think<00:12:57.160> about really change much now think about really change much now think about religions<00:12:57.880> think<00:12:58.040> about<00:12:58.279> organized religions think about organized religions think about organized religions<00:12:59.279> what<00:12:59.360> do<00:12:59.480> organized<00:12:59.880> religions<00:13:00.240> do religions what do organized religions do religions what do organized religions do they<00:13:00.720> group<00:13:01.160> together<00:13:01.639> they<00:13:01.800> form they group together they form they group together they form institutions<00:13:04.120> uh<00:13:04.279> and<00:13:04.399> that<00:13:04.560> has<00:13:04.720> all<00:13:04.839> sorts institutions uh and that has all sorts institutions uh and that has all sorts of<00:13:05.279> advantages<00:13:06.279> first<00:13:06.440> of<00:13:06.600> all<00:13:07.000> scale<00:13:07.760> might of advantages first of all scale might of advantages first of all scale might the<00:13:08.680> Catholic<00:13:09.000> Church<00:13:09.279> pulled<00:13:09.519> in<00:13:09.639> $97 the Catholic Church pulled in $97 the Catholic Church pulled in $97 billion<00:13:11.199> doar<00:13:11.800> last<00:13:12.000> year<00:13:12.199> according<00:13:12.440> to<00:13:12.560> the billion doar last year according to the billion doar last year according to the Wall<00:13:12.800> Street<00:13:13.040> Journal<00:13:13.720> these<00:13:13.880> are<00:13:14.199> massive Wall Street Journal these are massive Wall Street Journal these are massive machines<00:13:15.600> they're<00:13:15.880> collaborative<00:13:16.560> they're machines they're collaborative they're machines they're collaborative they're branded<00:13:17.480> they're<00:13:17.800> multinational<00:13:18.800> and branded they're multinational and branded they're multinational and they're<00:13:19.320> highly<00:13:20.000> disciplined<00:13:20.880> these<00:13:21.000> are<00:13:21.160> all they're highly disciplined these are all they're highly disciplined these are all very<00:13:21.720> good<00:13:21.920> qualities<00:13:22.480> we<00:13:22.639> recognize<00:13:23.160> them<00:13:23.279> in very good qualities we recognize them in very good qualities we recognize them in relation<00:13:23.639> to<00:13:24.040> corporations<00:13:25.040> and relation to corporations and relation to corporations and corporations<00:13:25.639> are<00:13:25.800> very<00:13:26.000> like<00:13:26.199> religions<00:13:26.600> in corporations are very like religions in corporations are very like religions in many<00:13:26.959> ways<00:13:27.279> except<00:13:27.519> they're<00:13:27.800> right<00:13:27.959> down<00:13:28.120> at many ways except they're right down at many ways except they're right down at the<00:13:28.320> bottom<00:13:28.560> of<00:13:28.639> the<00:13:28.720> Pyramid<00:13:29.000> of<00:13:29.160> of<00:13:29.240> needs the bottom of the Pyramid of of needs the bottom of the Pyramid of of needs they're<00:13:29.600> selling<00:13:29.880> us<00:13:30.000> shoes<00:13:30.240> and<00:13:30.480> cars they're selling us shoes and cars they're selling us shoes and cars whereas<00:13:31.519> the<00:13:31.639> people<00:13:32.040> who<00:13:32.160> are<00:13:32.320> selling<00:13:32.600> us whereas the people who are selling us whereas the people who are selling us the<00:13:33.079> higher<00:13:33.480> stuff<00:13:34.199> the<00:13:34.360> therapists<00:13:34.880> The the higher stuff the therapists The the higher stuff the therapists The Poets<00:13:35.360> are<00:13:35.480> on<00:13:35.680> their<00:13:35.839> own<00:13:36.320> and<00:13:36.480> they<00:13:36.639> have<00:13:36.839> no Poets are on their own and they have no Poets are on their own and they have no power<00:13:37.560> they<00:13:37.720> have<00:13:37.880> no<00:13:38.079> might<00:13:39.040> so<00:13:39.600> uh<00:13:39.760> religions power they have no might so uh religions power they have no might so uh religions are<00:13:40.560> the<00:13:40.720> foremost<00:13:41.279> example<00:13:42.040> of<00:13:42.199> an are the foremost example of an are the foremost example of an institution<00:13:43.360> that<00:13:43.480> is<00:13:43.639> fighting<00:13:43.959> for<00:13:44.120> the institution that is fighting for the institution that is fighting for the things<00:13:44.440> of<00:13:44.560> the<00:13:44.680> mind<00:13:45.000> now<00:13:45.160> we<00:13:45.240> may<00:13:45.360> not<00:13:45.519> agree things of the mind now we may not agree things of the mind now we may not agree with<00:13:45.920> what<00:13:46.079> religions<00:13:46.720> are<00:13:46.920> trying<00:13:47.160> to<00:13:47.320> teach with what religions are trying to teach with what religions are trying to teach us<00:13:48.079> but<00:13:48.199> we<00:13:48.320> can<00:13:48.560> admire<00:13:49.079> the<00:13:49.240> institutional us but we can admire the institutional us but we can admire the institutional way<00:13:50.399> in<00:13:50.560> which<00:13:50.959> they're<00:13:51.120> doing<00:13:51.440> it<00:13:52.240> books way in which they're doing it books way in which they're doing it books alone<00:13:53.320> books<00:13:53.639> written<00:13:53.920> by<00:13:54.079> lone<00:13:54.519> individuals alone books written by lone individuals alone books written by lone individuals are<00:13:55.440> not<00:13:55.600> going<00:13:55.680> to<00:13:55.880> change<00:13:56.480> anything<00:13:57.480> we<00:13:57.639> need are not going to change anything we need are not going to change anything we need to<00:13:58.000> group<00:13:58.399> together<00:13:58.680> if<00:13:58.759> you<00:13:58.880> want<00:13:59.199> to<00:13:59.279> change to group together if you want to change to group together if you want to change the<00:13:59.600> world<00:13:59.800> you<00:13:59.920> have<00:14:00.000> to<00:14:00.079> group<00:14:00.399> together<00:14:00.600> you the world you have to group together you the world you have to group together you have<00:14:00.800> to<00:14:00.920> be<00:14:01.040> collaborative<00:14:01.839> and<00:14:02.120> that's<00:14:02.440> what have to be collaborative and that's what have to be collaborative and that's what uh<00:14:03.120> uh<00:14:03.240> religions<00:14:03.759> do<00:14:04.199> they<00:14:04.320> are uh uh religions do they are uh uh religions do they are multinational<00:14:05.519> as<00:14:05.639> I<00:14:05.839> say<00:14:06.240> they<00:14:06.360> are<00:14:06.600> branded multinational as I say they are branded multinational as I say they are branded they<00:14:07.320> have<00:14:07.399> a<00:14:07.519> clear<00:14:07.880> identity<00:14:08.480> so<00:14:08.680> they<00:14:08.800> don't they have a clear identity so they don't they have a clear identity so they don't get<00:14:09.240> lost<00:14:09.720> in<00:14:09.839> a<00:14:09.959> busy<00:14:10.360> world<00:14:11.360> that's get lost in a busy world that's get lost in a busy world that's something<00:14:11.800> we<00:14:11.920> can<00:14:12.079> learn<00:14:12.759> from<00:14:13.759> I<00:14:13.839> want<00:14:13.959> to something we can learn from I want to something we can learn from I want to conclude<00:14:14.920> really<00:14:15.160> what<00:14:15.279> I<00:14:15.399> want<00:14:15.519> to<00:14:15.680> say<00:14:16.000> is conclude really what I want to say is conclude really what I want to say is for<00:14:16.920> many<00:14:17.160> of<00:14:17.320> you<00:14:17.759> who<00:14:17.920> are<00:14:18.040> operating<00:14:18.440> in<00:14:18.560> a for many of you who are operating in a for many of you who are operating in a range<00:14:19.040> of<00:14:19.240> different<00:14:19.560> fields<00:14:20.279> there<00:14:20.440> is range of different fields there is range of different fields there is something<00:14:21.079> to<00:14:21.240> learn<00:14:21.759> from<00:14:21.959> the<00:14:22.120> example<00:14:22.600> of something to learn from the example of something to learn from the example of religion<00:14:23.440> even<00:14:23.720> if<00:14:23.959> you<00:14:24.160> don't<00:14:24.440> believe<00:14:25.079> any religion even if you don't believe any religion even if you don't believe any of<00:14:25.480> it<00:14:26.079> if<00:14:26.199> you're<00:14:26.399> involved<00:14:26.720> in<00:14:26.959> anything of it if you're involved in anything of it if you're involved in anything that's<00:14:27.720> communal<00:14:28.320> that<00:14:28.480> involves<00:14:28.839> lot<00:14:29.240> of that's communal that involves lot of that's communal that involves lot of people<00:14:29.639> getting<00:14:30.079> together<00:14:30.560> there<00:14:30.680> are<00:14:30.880> things people getting together there are things people getting together there are things for<00:14:31.360> you<00:14:31.519> in<00:14:31.680> religion<00:14:32.399> if<00:14:32.480> you're<00:14:32.680> involved for you in religion if you're involved for you in religion if you're involved say<00:14:33.519> in<00:14:33.639> the<00:14:33.880> travel<00:14:34.320> industry<00:14:34.880> in<00:14:35.199> any<00:14:35.519> way say in the travel industry in any way say in the travel industry in any way look<00:14:36.160> at<00:14:36.399> pilgrimage<00:14:37.279> look<00:14:37.759> very<00:14:38.079> closely<00:14:38.399> at look at pilgrimage look very closely at look at pilgrimage look very closely at pilgrimage<00:14:39.079> we<00:14:39.199> haven't<00:14:39.440> begun<00:14:39.680> to<00:14:39.800> scratch pilgrimage we haven't begun to scratch pilgrimage we haven't begun to scratch the<00:14:40.279> surface<00:14:40.800> of<00:14:40.959> what<00:14:41.160> travel<00:14:41.560> could<00:14:41.759> be the surface of what travel could be the surface of what travel could be because<00:14:42.440> we<00:14:42.600> haven't<00:14:42.880> looked<00:14:43.199> at<00:14:43.360> what because we haven't looked at what because we haven't looked at what religions<00:14:44.079> do<00:14:44.560> with<00:14:44.720> travel<00:14:45.120> if<00:14:45.240> you're<00:14:45.360> in religions do with travel if you're in religions do with travel if you're in the<00:14:45.600> art<00:14:45.839> world<00:14:46.279> look<00:14:46.440> at<00:14:46.560> the<00:14:46.720> example<00:14:47.279> of the art world look at the example of the art world look at the example of what<00:14:47.560> religions<00:14:47.920> are<00:14:48.079> doing<00:14:48.399> with<00:14:48.600> art<00:14:49.279> and<00:14:49.639> uh what religions are doing with art and uh what religions are doing with art and uh if<00:14:49.800> you're<00:14:49.959> an<00:14:50.120> educator<00:14:50.800> in<00:14:51.040> any<00:14:51.320> way<00:14:51.920> again if you're an educator in any way again if you're an educator in any way again look<00:14:52.759> at<00:14:52.959> how<00:14:53.399> religions<00:14:54.040> are<00:14:54.240> spreading look at how religions are spreading look at how religions are spreading ideas<00:14:55.279> you<00:14:55.399> may<00:14:55.560> not<00:14:55.720> agree<00:14:56.000> with<00:14:56.160> the<00:14:56.320> ideas ideas you may not agree with the ideas ideas you may not agree with the ideas but<00:14:57.079> my<00:14:57.199> goodness<00:14:57.519> they're<00:14:57.880> highly<00:14:58.320> effective but my goodness they're highly effective but my goodness they're highly effective mechanism<00:14:59.120> is<00:14:59.199> Ms<00:14:59.519> for<00:14:59.720> doing<00:15:00.040> so<00:15:00.680> so<00:15:00.839> really mechanism is Ms for doing so so really mechanism is Ms for doing so so really my<00:15:01.199> concluding<00:15:01.720> point<00:15:02.040> is<00:15:02.399> you<00:15:02.560> may<00:15:02.680> not<00:15:02.880> agree my concluding point is you may not agree my concluding point is you may not agree with<00:15:03.320> religion<00:15:03.880> but<00:15:04.000> at<00:15:04.120> the<00:15:04.199> end<00:15:04.320> of<00:15:04.440> the<00:15:04.600> day with religion but at the end of the day with religion but at the end of the day religions<00:15:05.720> are<00:15:05.920> so<00:15:06.160> subtle<00:15:06.880> so<00:15:07.199> complicated religions are so subtle so complicated religions are so subtle so complicated so<00:15:08.440> intelligent<00:15:09.000> in<00:15:09.160> many<00:15:09.480> ways<00:15:10.360> that<00:15:10.480> they're so intelligent in many ways that they're so intelligent in many ways that they're not<00:15:11.079> fit<00:15:11.399> to<00:15:11.560> be<00:15:11.800> abandoned<00:15:12.440> to<00:15:12.600> the<00:15:12.759> religious not fit to be abandoned to the religious not fit to be abandoned to the religious alone<00:15:14.120> they're<00:15:14.279> for<00:15:14.519> all<00:15:14.680> of<00:15:14.800> us<00:15:15.320> thank<00:15:15.480> you alone they're for all of us thank you alone they're for all of us thank you very<00:15:15.839> much

thank thank you<00:15:34.279> so<00:15:34.480> this<00:15:34.560> is<00:15:34.800> actually<00:15:35.440> a<00:15:35.600> courageous you so this is actually a courageous you so this is actually a courageous talk<00:15:36.240> because<00:15:36.440> you're<00:15:36.600> you're<00:15:36.720> kind<00:15:36.839> of talk because you're you're kind of talk because you're you're kind of setting<00:15:37.560> up<00:15:37.720> yourself<00:15:38.040> in<00:15:38.160> some<00:15:38.279> ways<00:15:38.440> to<00:15:38.519> be setting up yourself in some ways to be setting up yourself in some ways to be ridiculed<00:15:39.120> in<00:15:39.279> some<00:15:39.480> quarters<00:15:40.160> you<00:15:40.240> can<00:15:40.399> get ridiculed in some quarters you can get ridiculed in some quarters you can get shot<00:15:40.839> by<00:15:41.000> both<00:15:41.240> sides<00:15:41.519> you<00:15:41.639> can<00:15:41.759> get<00:15:41.880> shot<00:15:42.079> by shot by both sides you can get shot by shot by both sides you can get shot by the<00:15:42.279> hard-headed<00:15:42.639> atheists<00:15:43.560> and<00:15:43.680> you<00:15:43.759> can<00:15:43.959> get the hard-headed atheists and you can get the hard-headed atheists and you can get shot<00:15:44.440> by<00:15:44.639> those<00:15:44.959> who<00:15:45.399> you<00:15:45.519> know<00:15:45.759> fully<00:15:46.079> believe shot by those who you know fully believe shot by those who you know fully believe incoming<00:15:47.240> missiles<00:15:47.680> from<00:15:47.839> North<00:15:48.120> Oxford<00:15:48.519> at incoming missiles from North Oxford at incoming missiles from North Oxford at any<00:15:49.040> moment<00:15:50.040> um<00:15:50.639> I'm<00:15:50.720> sure<00:15:50.920> of<00:15:51.040> this<00:15:51.720> but<00:15:51.839> you any moment um I'm sure of this but you any moment um I'm sure of this but you left<00:15:52.240> out<00:15:53.120> one<00:15:53.519> aspect<00:15:53.839> of<00:15:53.959> religion<00:15:54.319> that<00:15:54.440> a left out one aspect of religion that a left out one aspect of religion that a lot<00:15:54.680> of<00:15:54.800> people<00:15:55.399> might<00:15:55.680> say<00:15:56.600> your<00:15:56.800> agenda lot of people might say your agenda lot of people might say your agenda could<00:15:57.279> borrow<00:15:57.639> from<00:15:58.000> which<00:15:58.160> is<00:15:58.440> this<00:15:59.199> the could borrow from which is this the could borrow from which is this the sense<00:15:59.680> that's<00:15:59.959> actually<00:16:00.160> probably<00:16:00.360> the<00:16:00.440> most sense that's actually probably the most sense that's actually probably the most important<00:16:00.880> thing<00:16:01.000> to<00:16:01.120> anyone<00:16:01.319> who's important thing to anyone who's important thing to anyone who's religious<00:16:02.160> of<00:16:03.160> um<00:16:03.399> spiritual<00:16:03.880> experience<00:16:04.480> of religious of um spiritual experience of religious of um spiritual experience of of<00:16:05.240> some<00:16:05.560> kind<00:16:05.720> of<00:16:05.880> connection<00:16:06.360> with of some kind of connection with of some kind of connection with something<00:16:06.800> that's<00:16:07.040> bigger<00:16:07.319> than<00:16:07.480> you<00:16:07.600> are<00:16:08.440> is something that's bigger than you are is something that's bigger than you are is is<00:16:08.680> there<00:16:08.839> any<00:16:09.000> room<00:16:09.240> for<00:16:09.440> that<00:16:09.839> experience<00:16:10.240> in is there any room for that experience in is there any room for that experience in atheism<00:16:10.839> 2.0<00:16:11.480> absolutely<00:16:11.959> you<00:16:12.040> know<00:16:12.480> I<00:16:12.680> like atheism 2.0 absolutely you know I like atheism 2.0 absolutely you know I like many<00:16:13.000> of<00:16:13.120> you<00:16:13.240> meet<00:16:13.519> people<00:16:14.120> who<00:16:14.279> say<00:16:14.560> things many of you meet people who say things many of you meet people who say things like<00:16:15.199> but<00:16:15.360> isn't<00:16:15.639> there<00:16:15.800> something<00:16:16.120> bigger like but isn't there something bigger like but isn't there something bigger than<00:16:16.560> us<00:16:16.880> something<00:16:17.680> something<00:16:18.079> else<00:16:18.440> and<00:16:18.560> I than us something something else and I than us something something else and I say<00:16:18.800> of<00:16:18.959> course<00:16:19.560> and<00:16:19.680> they<00:16:19.759> say<00:16:20.000> so<00:16:20.399> aren't<00:16:20.600> you say of course and they say so aren't you say of course and they say so aren't you sort<00:16:20.959> of<00:16:21.120> religious<00:16:22.040> and<00:16:22.160> I<00:16:22.319> go<00:16:22.560> no<00:16:23.399> why<00:16:23.600> does sort of religious and I go no why does sort of religious and I go no why does that<00:16:24.120> sense<00:16:24.480> of<00:16:24.680> mystery<00:16:25.319> that<00:16:25.519> sense<00:16:25.880> of<00:16:26.079> the that sense of mystery that sense of the that sense of mystery that sense of the dizzying<00:16:26.800> Scale<00:16:27.319> of<00:16:27.440> the<00:16:27.560> Universe<00:16:28.120> need<00:16:28.279> to dizzying Scale of the Universe need to dizzying Scale of the Universe need to be<00:16:28.519> accompanied<00:16:29.279> by<00:16:29.560> a<00:16:29.720> mystical<00:16:30.160> feeling<00:16:31.000> um be accompanied by a mystical feeling um be accompanied by a mystical feeling um science<00:16:31.959> and<00:16:32.600> just<00:16:32.800> observation<00:16:33.480> gives<00:16:33.680> us science and just observation gives us science and just observation gives us that<00:16:34.079> feeling<00:16:34.519> without<00:16:34.839> it<00:16:35.040> so<00:16:35.240> I<00:16:35.360> don't<00:16:35.560> feel that feeling without it so I don't feel that feeling without it so I don't feel the<00:16:35.920> need<00:16:36.480> you<00:16:36.560> know<00:16:36.839> the<00:16:36.959> universe<00:16:37.279> is<00:16:37.399> large the need you know the universe is large the need you know the universe is large and<00:16:37.759> we<00:16:37.880> are<00:16:38.079> tiny<00:16:38.720> without<00:16:39.000> the<00:16:39.120> need<00:16:39.279> for<00:16:39.440> a and we are tiny without the need for a and we are tiny without the need for a further<00:16:40.759> uh<00:16:41.120> uh<00:16:41.279> religious<00:16:41.720> super<00:16:42.079> structure further uh uh religious super structure further uh uh religious super structure so<00:16:42.800> I<00:16:43.000> I<00:16:43.199> I'm<00:16:43.759> one<00:16:43.959> can<00:16:44.199> have<00:16:44.519> so-call so I I I'm one can have so-call so I I I'm one can have so-call spiritual<00:16:45.480> moments<00:16:45.800> without<00:16:46.040> belief<00:16:46.279> in<00:16:46.399> the spiritual moments without belief in the spiritual moments without belief in the spirit<00:16:47.720> actually<00:16:47.920> let<00:16:48.040> me<00:16:48.160> just<00:16:48.360> ask<00:16:48.519> a spirit actually let me just ask a spirit actually let me just ask a question<00:16:49.399> how<00:16:49.519> many<00:16:49.720> people<00:16:49.959> here<00:16:50.079> would<00:16:50.240> say question how many people here would say question how many people here would say that<00:16:50.600> religion<00:16:50.959> is<00:16:51.199> important<00:16:51.759> to

them<00:16:55.399> is<00:16:55.720> is<00:16:55.839> there<00:16:56.040> an<00:16:56.279> an<00:16:56.519> equivalent
them is is there an an equivalent them is is there an an equivalent process<00:16:58.040> by<00:16:58.240> which<00:16:58.600> there's<00:16:58.959> a<00:16:59.040> sort<00:16:59.160> of process by which there's a sort of process by which there's a sort of bridge<00:16:59.600> between<00:16:59.920> what<00:17:00.040> you're<00:17:00.199> talking<00:17:00.519> about bridge between what you're talking about bridge between what you're talking about and<00:17:00.959> what<00:17:01.079> you<00:17:01.240> would<00:17:01.480> you<00:17:01.600> would<00:17:01.759> say<00:17:01.959> to<00:17:02.199> them and what you would you would say to them and what you would you would say to them I<00:17:02.959> would<00:17:03.199> say<00:17:03.399> that<00:17:03.560> there<00:17:03.639> are<00:17:03.920> many<00:17:04.199> many I would say that there are many many I would say that there are many many gaps<00:17:04.720> in<00:17:04.919> secular<00:17:05.400> life<00:17:05.839> and<00:17:06.000> these<00:17:06.160> can<00:17:06.360> be gaps in secular life and these can be gaps in secular life and these can be plugged<00:17:07.120> that<00:17:07.240> it's<00:17:07.520> not<00:17:08.039> as<00:17:08.199> though<00:17:08.400> as<00:17:08.520> I<00:17:08.600> try plugged that it's not as though as I try plugged that it's not as though as I try to<00:17:08.880> suggest<00:17:09.199> it's<00:17:09.319> not<00:17:09.480> as<00:17:09.600> though<00:17:09.799> either<00:17:10.000> you to suggest it's not as though either you to suggest it's not as though either you have<00:17:10.319> religion<00:17:11.319> uh<00:17:11.600> and<00:17:11.720> then<00:17:11.839> you<00:17:11.959> have<00:17:12.039> to have religion uh and then you have to have religion uh and then you have to accept<00:17:12.400> all<00:17:12.520> sorts<00:17:12.720> of<00:17:12.839> things<00:17:13.039> or<00:17:13.160> you<00:17:13.240> don't accept all sorts of things or you don't accept all sorts of things or you don't have<00:17:13.600> religion<00:17:14.079> and<00:17:14.199> then<00:17:14.280> you're<00:17:14.480> cut<00:17:14.720> off have religion and then you're cut off have religion and then you're cut off from<00:17:15.559> all<00:17:15.760> these<00:17:16.079> very<00:17:16.280> good<00:17:16.520> things<00:17:16.959> you<00:17:17.079> know from all these very good things you know from all these very good things you know um<00:17:18.160> it's<00:17:18.319> so<00:17:18.640> sad<00:17:18.959> that<00:17:19.079> we<00:17:19.280> constantly<00:17:19.799> say<00:17:20.720> uh um it's so sad that we constantly say uh um it's so sad that we constantly say uh I<00:17:21.199> don't<00:17:21.480> believe<00:17:22.039> so<00:17:22.240> I<00:17:22.360> can't<00:17:22.640> have I don't believe so I can't have I don't believe so I can't have community<00:17:23.520> so<00:17:23.720> I'm<00:17:23.880> cut<00:17:24.079> off<00:17:24.240> from<00:17:24.439> morality community so I'm cut off from morality community so I'm cut off from morality so<00:17:25.480> I<00:17:25.600> can't<00:17:25.799> go<00:17:25.919> on<00:17:26.039> a<00:17:26.160> pilgrimage<00:17:26.640> one<00:17:26.799> wants so I can't go on a pilgrimage one wants so I can't go on a pilgrimage one wants to<00:17:27.079> say<00:17:27.280> nonsense<00:17:27.839> why<00:17:28.000> not<00:17:28.679> um<00:17:29.039> and<00:17:29.160> that's to say nonsense why not um and that's to say nonsense why not um and that's really<00:17:29.480> the<00:17:29.600> spirit<00:17:29.840> of<00:17:29.960> my<00:17:30.120> talk<00:17:30.480> there's<00:17:30.679> so really the spirit of my talk there's so really the spirit of my talk there's so much<00:17:31.080> we<00:17:31.160> can<00:17:31.360> absorb<00:17:32.080> atheism<00:17:32.559> shouldn't<00:17:32.919> cut much we can absorb atheism shouldn't cut much we can absorb atheism shouldn't cut itself<00:17:33.360> off<00:17:33.520> from<00:17:33.640> the<00:17:33.760> rich<00:17:33.960> sources<00:17:34.320> of itself off from the rich sources of itself off from the rich sources of religion<00:17:36.000> I<00:17:36.080> mean<00:17:36.720> it<00:17:36.880> seems<00:17:37.039> to<00:17:37.160> me<00:17:37.240> that religion I mean it seems to me that religion I mean it seems to me that there's<00:17:37.520> plenty<00:17:37.760> of<00:17:37.880> people<00:17:38.039> in<00:17:38.120> the<00:17:38.240> te there's plenty of people in the te there's plenty of people in the te Community<00:17:39.000> who<00:17:39.160> who<00:17:39.280> are<00:17:39.720> atheists<00:17:40.720> um<00:17:40.919> but Community who who are atheists um but Community who who are atheists um but probably<00:17:41.360> most<00:17:41.600> people<00:17:41.799> in<00:17:41.919> the<00:17:42.039> community probably most people in the community probably most people in the community certainly<00:17:43.160> don't<00:17:43.400> think<00:17:43.600> that<00:17:43.799> religion<00:17:44.160> is certainly don't think that religion is certainly don't think that religion is going<00:17:44.559> away<00:17:45.000> anytime<00:17:45.480> soon<00:17:46.360> and<00:17:46.559> want<00:17:46.919> to<00:17:47.240> find going away anytime soon and want to find going away anytime soon and want to find the<00:17:48.000> language<00:17:48.559> to<00:17:48.880> have<00:17:49.440> a<00:17:49.600> constructive the language to have a constructive the language to have a constructive dialogue<00:17:50.600> and<00:17:50.720> to<00:17:50.840> feel<00:17:51.160> like<00:17:51.320> we<00:17:51.440> can dialogue and to feel like we can dialogue and to feel like we can actually<00:17:52.240> talk<00:17:52.440> to<00:17:52.600> each<00:17:52.720> other<00:17:52.919> and<00:17:53.080> at<00:17:53.160> least actually talk to each other and at least actually talk to each other and at least share<00:17:53.559> some<00:17:53.760> things<00:17:53.919> in<00:17:54.120> common<00:17:54.760> are<00:17:55.320> we share some things in common are we share some things in common are we foolish<00:17:56.679> to<00:17:56.799> be<00:17:56.919> optimistic<00:17:57.400> about<00:17:57.600> the foolish to be optimistic about the foolish to be optimistic about the possibility<00:17:58.240> of<00:17:58.320> a<00:17:58.440> world<00:17:58.840> where<00:17:59.000> instead<00:17:59.240> of possibility of a world where instead of possibility of a world where instead of religion<00:17:59.880> being<00:18:00.120> the<00:18:00.320> great<00:18:00.799> rallying<00:18:01.440> Cry<00:18:02.039> of religion being the great rallying Cry of religion being the great rallying Cry of divide<00:18:03.440> and<00:18:03.679> war<00:18:04.200> that<00:18:04.440> that<00:18:04.840> there<00:18:05.000> could<00:18:05.159> be divide and war that that there could be divide and war that that there could be bridging<00:18:06.240> no<00:18:06.400> we<00:18:06.480> need<00:18:06.600> to<00:18:06.720> be<00:18:06.960> polite<00:18:07.559> about bridging no we need to be polite about bridging no we need to be polite about differences<00:18:08.799> uh<00:18:09.000> politeness<00:18:09.480> is<00:18:09.559> a<00:18:09.720> much differences uh politeness is a much differences uh politeness is a much overlooked<00:18:11.000> virtue<00:18:11.360> it's<00:18:11.480> seen<00:18:11.679> as<00:18:11.840> hypocrisy overlooked virtue it's seen as hypocrisy overlooked virtue it's seen as hypocrisy but<00:18:12.880> we<00:18:12.960> need<00:18:13.120> to<00:18:13.240> get<00:18:13.360> to<00:18:13.520> a<00:18:13.640> stage<00:18:13.919> when<00:18:14.080> you but we need to get to a stage when you but we need to get to a stage when you were<00:18:14.240> an<00:18:14.360> atheist<00:18:14.720> and<00:18:14.880> someone<00:18:15.159> says<00:18:15.880> well were an atheist and someone says well were an atheist and someone says well you<00:18:16.120> know<00:18:16.400> I<00:18:16.520> did<00:18:16.919> pray<00:18:17.240> the<00:18:17.320> other<00:18:17.559> day<00:18:17.799> you you know I did pray the other day you you know I did pray the other day you politely<00:18:18.919> ignore<00:18:19.320> it<00:18:19.760> you<00:18:19.919> move<00:18:20.200> on<00:18:20.960> um<00:18:21.640> not politely ignore it you move on um not politely ignore it you move on um not because<00:18:22.960> you've<00:18:23.200> agreed<00:18:23.559> on<00:18:23.760> 90%<00:18:24.440> of<00:18:24.640> things because you've agreed on 90% of things because you've agreed on 90% of things because<00:18:25.240> you<00:18:25.320> have<00:18:25.400> a<00:18:25.480> shared<00:18:25.760> view<00:18:25.960> on<00:18:26.120> so because you have a shared view on so because you have a shared view on so many<00:18:26.559> things<00:18:27.080> and<00:18:27.200> you<00:18:27.400> politely<00:18:27.919> differ<00:18:28.520> and many things and you politely differ and many things and you politely differ and I<00:18:28.880> think<00:18:29.120> that's<00:18:29.600> what<00:18:29.720> the<00:18:29.880> religious<00:18:30.400> wars I think that's what the religious wars I think that's what the religious wars of<00:18:31.559> of<00:18:31.679> of<00:18:31.840> late<00:18:32.080> have<00:18:32.240> ignored<00:18:32.880> they've of of of late have ignored they've of of of late have ignored they've ignored<00:18:33.760> the<00:18:33.919> possibility<00:18:34.400> of<00:18:34.559> harmonious ignored the possibility of harmonious ignored the possibility of harmonious disagreement<00:18:36.559> and<00:18:36.799> finally<00:18:37.200> does<00:18:37.400> this<00:18:37.559> new disagreement and finally does this new disagreement and finally does this new thing<00:18:37.960> that<00:18:38.080> you're<00:18:38.600> proposing<00:18:39.080> that's<00:18:39.400> not<00:18:39.559> a thing that you're proposing that's not a thing that you're proposing that's not a religion<00:18:40.240> but<00:18:40.480> something<00:18:40.760> else<00:18:41.240> does<00:18:41.400> it<00:18:41.600> need religion but something else does it need religion but something else does it need a<00:18:42.080> leader<00:18:42.440> and<00:18:42.559> are<00:18:42.720> you<00:18:42.880> volunteering<00:18:43.400> to<00:18:43.559> be a leader and are you volunteering to be a leader and are you volunteering to be the<00:18:43.960> pope<00:18:44.960> well<00:18:45.559> one<00:18:46.440> one<00:18:46.720> thing<00:18:47.240> one<00:18:47.440> thing the pope well one one thing one thing the pope well one one thing one thing that<00:18:47.760> we're<00:18:47.960> all<00:18:48.640> very<00:18:48.919> suspicious<00:18:49.480> of<00:18:49.919> is that we're all very suspicious of is that we're all very suspicious of is individual<00:18:50.960> leaders<00:18:51.559> it<00:18:51.679> doesn't<00:18:51.960> need<00:18:52.240> it<00:18:52.960> um individual leaders it doesn't need it um individual leaders it doesn't need it um what<00:18:53.799> I<00:18:53.960> try<00:18:54.159> to<00:18:54.240> lay<00:18:54.400> out<00:18:54.520> as<00:18:54.640> a<00:18:54.760> framework<00:18:55.320> and what I try to lay out as a framework and what I try to lay out as a framework and I'm<00:18:55.600> hoping<00:18:55.880> that<00:18:56.039> people<00:18:56.280> can<00:18:56.480> just<00:18:56.840> fill<00:18:57.039> it I'm hoping that people can just fill it I'm hoping that people can just fill it in<00:18:57.720> fill<00:18:57.960> in<00:18:58.120> I've<00:18:58.240> sketched<00:18:58.559> a<00:18:58.760> sort<00:18:58.880> of<00:18:58.960> broad in fill in I've sketched a sort of broad in fill in I've sketched a sort of broad framework<00:18:59.559> but<00:18:59.679> wherever<00:18:59.919> you<00:19:00.000> are<00:19:00.120> as<00:19:00.200> I<00:19:00.280> say framework but wherever you are as I say framework but wherever you are as I say if<00:19:00.440> you're<00:19:00.559> in<00:19:00.640> the<00:19:00.720> travel<00:19:01.000> industry<00:19:01.520> do<00:19:01.720> that if you're in the travel industry do that if you're in the travel industry do that travel<00:19:02.240> bit<00:19:02.520> if<00:19:02.600> you're<00:19:02.720> in<00:19:02.840> the<00:19:02.919> communal travel bit if you're in the communal travel bit if you're in the communal industry<00:19:03.880> look<00:19:04.000> at<00:19:04.159> religion<00:19:04.440> and<00:19:04.559> do<00:19:04.679> the industry look at religion and do the industry look at religion and do the communal<00:19:05.240> bit<00:19:05.520> so<00:19:05.960> it's<00:19:06.159> a<00:19:06.480> it's<00:19:06.600> a<00:19:07.080> a<00:19:07.200> Wiki communal bit so it's a it's a a Wiki communal bit so it's a it's a a Wiki project<00:19:09.840> Al<00:19:10.200> thank<00:19:10.320> you<00:19:10.400> for<00:19:10.559> sparking project Al thank you for sparking project Al thank you for sparking amazing<00:19:11.799> conversation<00:19:12.360> thank<00:19:12.440> you amazing conversation thank you amazing conversation thank you [Music]

Alain de Botton, atheism, atheist, religion, religious, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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