Chúng ta cần nói về một sự bất công – Bryan Stevenson

We need to talk about an injustice - Bryan Stevenson

We need to talk about an injustice - Bryan Stevenson


[Music] [Music] [Applause]

well<00:00:16.359> this<00:00:16.720> is<00:00:16.960> a<00:00:17.240> really<00:00:17.720> extraordinary
well this is a really extraordinary well this is a really extraordinary honor<00:00:18.640> for<00:00:18.840> me<00:00:19.240> I<00:00:19.400> spend<00:00:19.720> most<00:00:19.920> of<00:00:20.119> my<00:00:20.359> time<00:00:20.720> in honor for me I spend most of my time in honor for me I spend most of my time in jails<00:00:21.439> in<00:00:21.680> prisons<00:00:22.320> on<00:00:22.519> death<00:00:22.840> row<00:00:23.800> I<00:00:24.000> spend jails in prisons on death row I spend jails in prisons on death row I spend most<00:00:24.400> of<00:00:24.560> my<00:00:24.760> time<00:00:24.920> in<00:00:25.119> very<00:00:25.279> low-income most of my time in very low-income most of my time in very low-income communities<00:00:26.320> and<00:00:26.480> the<00:00:26.720> projects<00:00:27.199> and<00:00:27.439> places communities and the projects and places communities and the projects and places where<00:00:27.960> there's<00:00:28.119> a<00:00:28.279> great<00:00:28.480> deal<00:00:28.720> of where there's a great deal of where there's a great deal of hopelessness<00:00:30.160> and<00:00:30.320> being<00:00:30.560> here<00:00:30.720> at<00:00:30.880> Ted<00:00:31.279> and hopelessness and being here at Ted and hopelessness and being here at Ted and and<00:00:31.679> seeing<00:00:32.160> the<00:00:32.360> stimulation<00:00:33.040> hearing<00:00:33.399> it and seeing the stimulation hearing it and seeing the stimulation hearing it has<00:00:33.960> been<00:00:34.280> very<00:00:34.520> very<00:00:34.719> energizing<00:00:35.320> to<00:00:35.480> me<00:00:35.680> and has been very very energizing to me and has been very very energizing to me and one<00:00:35.879> of<00:00:36.000> the<00:00:36.120> things<00:00:36.280> that's<00:00:36.760> emerged<00:00:37.600> in<00:00:37.719> my one of the things that's emerged in my one of the things that's emerged in my short<00:00:38.200> time<00:00:38.440> here<00:00:38.600> is<00:00:38.760> that<00:00:38.960> Ted<00:00:39.320> has<00:00:39.480> an short time here is that Ted has an short time here is that Ted has an identity<00:00:41.160> and<00:00:41.239> you<00:00:41.360> can<00:00:41.719> actually<00:00:42.120> say<00:00:42.559> things identity and you can actually say things identity and you can actually say things here<00:00:44.239> that<00:00:44.399> have<00:00:44.600> impacts<00:00:45.039> around<00:00:45.280> the<00:00:45.399> world here that have impacts around the world here that have impacts around the world and<00:00:46.120> sometimes<00:00:46.360> when<00:00:46.480> it<00:00:46.719> comes<00:00:47.039> through<00:00:47.360> Ted and sometimes when it comes through Ted and sometimes when it comes through Ted it<00:00:47.840> has<00:00:48.039> meaning<00:00:48.440> and<00:00:48.840> power<00:00:49.840> that<00:00:49.960> it<00:00:50.160> doesn't it has meaning and power that it doesn't it has meaning and power that it doesn't have<00:00:51.399> when<00:00:51.520> it<00:00:51.719> doesn't<00:00:52.719> and<00:00:52.840> I<00:00:52.960> mention<00:00:53.320> that have when it doesn't and I mention that have when it doesn't and I mention that because<00:00:53.680> I<00:00:53.760> think<00:00:54.079> identity<00:00:54.520> is<00:00:54.719> really because I think identity is really because I think identity is really important<00:00:56.000> and<00:00:56.120> we've<00:00:56.280> had<00:00:56.520> some<00:00:56.760> fantastic important and we've had some fantastic important and we've had some fantastic presentations<00:00:59.000> and<00:00:59.239> I<00:00:59.320> think<00:00:59.480> what<00:00:59.600> we've presentations and I think what we've presentations and I think what we've learned<00:01:00.199> is<00:01:00.440> that<00:01:00.800> if<00:01:00.879> you're<00:01:01.079> a<00:01:01.359> teacher<00:01:02.359> your learned is that if you're a teacher your learned is that if you're a teacher your words<00:01:02.760> can<00:01:02.879> be<00:01:03.039> meaningful<00:01:03.480> but<00:01:03.559> if<00:01:03.680> you're<00:01:03.800> a words can be meaningful but if you're a words can be meaningful but if you're a compassionate<00:01:04.559> teacher<00:01:04.920> they<00:01:05.000> can<00:01:05.119> be compassionate teacher they can be compassionate teacher they can be especially<00:01:05.840> meaningful<00:01:06.840> if<00:01:06.920> you're<00:01:07.080> a<00:01:07.280> doctor especially meaningful if you're a doctor especially meaningful if you're a doctor you<00:01:07.720> can<00:01:07.880> do<00:01:08.080> some<00:01:08.240> good<00:01:08.439> things<00:01:08.680> but<00:01:08.799> if you can do some good things but if you can do some good things but if you're<00:01:09.000> a<00:01:09.159> caring<00:01:09.640> doctor<00:01:09.920> you<00:01:10.040> can<00:01:10.159> do<00:01:10.320> some you're a caring doctor you can do some you're a caring doctor you can do some other<00:01:10.960> things<00:01:11.960> so<00:01:12.159> I<00:01:12.240> want<00:01:12.320> to<00:01:12.520> talk<00:01:12.720> about<00:01:12.960> the other things so I want to talk about the other things so I want to talk about the power<00:01:13.600> of<00:01:14.280> identity<00:01:15.280> and<00:01:15.520> I<00:01:15.640> didn't<00:01:15.960> learn power of identity and I didn't learn power of identity and I didn't learn about<00:01:16.479> this<00:01:16.799> actually<00:01:17.320> practicing<00:01:17.759> law<00:01:18.000> and about this actually practicing law and about this actually practicing law and doing<00:01:18.320> the<00:01:18.439> work<00:01:18.600> that<00:01:18.720> I<00:01:18.840> do<00:01:19.119> I<00:01:19.280> I<00:01:19.400> I<00:01:19.520> actually doing the work that I do I I I actually doing the work that I do I I I actually learned<00:01:20.040> about<00:01:20.280> this<00:01:20.520> from<00:01:20.759> my<00:01:20.960> grandmother<00:01:21.600> I learned about this from my grandmother I learned about this from my grandmother I grew<00:01:21.920> up<00:01:22.000> in<00:01:22.119> a<00:01:22.320> house<00:01:23.320> uh<00:01:23.479> that<00:01:23.680> was<00:01:24.000> the grew up in a house uh that was the grew up in a house uh that was the traditional<00:01:24.720> African-American<00:01:25.439> home<00:01:25.799> that traditional African-American home that traditional African-American home that was<00:01:26.200> dominated<00:01:26.799> by<00:01:26.920> a<00:01:27.079> matriarch<00:01:27.640> and<00:01:27.799> that was dominated by a matriarch and that was dominated by a matriarch and that matriarch<00:01:28.560> was<00:01:28.759> my<00:01:29.000> grandmother<00:01:30.159> that<00:01:30.320> she matriarch was my grandmother that she matriarch was my grandmother that she was<00:01:30.840> tough<00:01:31.400> she<00:01:31.600> was<00:01:32.079> strong<00:01:32.520> she<00:01:32.720> was was tough she was strong she was was tough she was strong she was powerful<00:01:34.399> uh<00:01:34.520> she<00:01:34.680> was<00:01:34.880> the<00:01:35.079> end<00:01:35.560> of<00:01:35.799> every powerful uh she was the end of every powerful uh she was the end of every argument<00:01:36.560> in<00:01:36.720> our<00:01:37.360> family<00:01:38.360> uh<00:01:38.479> she<00:01:38.600> was<00:01:38.759> the argument in our family uh she was the argument in our family uh she was the beginning<00:01:39.320> of<00:01:39.439> a<00:01:39.560> lot<00:01:39.680> of<00:01:39.840> arguments<00:01:40.320> in<00:01:40.479> our beginning of a lot of arguments in our beginning of a lot of arguments in our family<00:01:41.840> uh<00:01:41.920> she<00:01:42.079> was<00:01:42.240> the<00:01:42.360> daughter<00:01:42.640> of<00:01:42.759> people family uh she was the daughter of people family uh she was the daughter of people who<00:01:43.079> were<00:01:43.280> actually<00:01:43.680> enslaved<00:01:44.680> her<00:01:44.880> parents who were actually enslaved her parents who were actually enslaved her parents were<00:01:45.280> born<00:01:45.600> ens<00:01:45.840> slavery<00:01:46.200> in<00:01:46.320> Virginia<00:01:46.680> in<00:01:46.799> the were born ens slavery in Virginia in the were born ens slavery in Virginia in the 1840s<00:01:47.640> she<00:01:47.799> was<00:01:47.920> born<00:01:48.200> in<00:01:48.280> the<00:01:48.399> 1880s<00:01:49.119> and<00:01:49.240> the 1840s she was born in the 1880s and the 1840s she was born in the 1880s and the experience<00:01:49.840> of<00:01:50.000> slavery<00:01:50.479> very<00:01:50.719> much<00:01:51.280> shaped experience of slavery very much shaped experience of slavery very much shaped the<00:01:51.799> way<00:01:51.920> she<00:01:52.079> saw<00:01:52.439> the<00:01:52.600> world<00:01:53.600> and<00:01:53.759> my<00:01:53.920> mother the way she saw the world and my mother the way she saw the world and my mother my<00:01:54.320> grandmother<00:01:54.719> was<00:01:54.920> tough<00:01:55.159> but<00:01:55.240> she<00:01:55.360> was my grandmother was tough but she was my grandmother was tough but she was also<00:01:55.799> loving<00:01:56.240> when<00:01:56.360> I<00:01:56.439> would<00:01:56.560> see<00:01:56.719> her<00:01:56.840> as<00:01:56.960> a also loving when I would see her as a also loving when I would see her as a little<00:01:57.200> boy<00:01:57.399> she'd<00:01:57.640> come<00:01:57.759> up<00:01:57.840> to<00:01:57.960> me<00:01:58.039> and<00:01:58.119> she'd little boy she'd come up to me and she'd little boy she'd come up to me and she'd give<00:01:58.439> me<00:01:58.600> these<00:01:58.840> hugs<00:01:59.159> and<00:01:59.280> she'd<00:01:59.479> squeeze<00:02:00.119> me give me these hugs and she'd squeeze me give me these hugs and she'd squeeze me so<00:02:00.520> tight<00:02:00.759> I<00:02:00.840> could<00:02:01.039> barely<00:02:01.399> breathe<00:02:02.360> and<00:02:02.479> then so tight I could barely breathe and then so tight I could barely breathe and then she'd<00:02:02.840> let<00:02:03.000> me<00:02:03.240> go<00:02:04.240> and<00:02:04.399> an<00:02:04.520> hour<00:02:04.719> or<00:02:04.840> two<00:02:05.000> later she'd let me go and an hour or two later she'd let me go and an hour or two later if<00:02:05.399> I<00:02:05.520> saw<00:02:05.759> her<00:02:05.880> she'd<00:02:06.079> come<00:02:06.240> over<00:02:06.360> to<00:02:06.439> me<00:02:06.560> and if I saw her she'd come over to me and if I saw her she'd come over to me and she'd<00:02:06.799> say<00:02:06.960> Brian<00:02:07.280> do<00:02:07.399> you<00:02:07.560> still<00:02:07.880> feel<00:02:08.080> me she'd say Brian do you still feel me she'd say Brian do you still feel me hugging<00:02:08.679> you<00:02:09.440> and<00:02:09.560> if<00:02:09.720> I<00:02:09.879> said<00:02:10.119> no<00:02:10.399> she'd hugging you and if I said no she'd hugging you and if I said no she'd assault<00:02:11.080> me<00:02:11.319> again<00:02:11.560> and<00:02:11.680> if<00:02:11.840> I'd<00:02:12.000> say<00:02:12.239> yes assault me again and if I'd say yes assault me again and if I'd say yes she'd<00:02:12.560> leave<00:02:12.720> me<00:02:12.840> alone<00:02:13.239> and<00:02:13.360> then<00:02:13.440> she<00:02:13.640> just she'd leave me alone and then she just she'd leave me alone and then she just had<00:02:13.920> this<00:02:14.120> quality<00:02:14.760> that<00:02:14.920> you<00:02:15.080> always<00:02:15.280> wanted had this quality that you always wanted had this quality that you always wanted to<00:02:15.640> be<00:02:15.760> near<00:02:16.040> her<00:02:17.040> and<00:02:17.160> the<00:02:17.239> only<00:02:17.599> challenge to be near her and the only challenge to be near her and the only challenge was<00:02:18.360> that<00:02:18.480> she<00:02:18.640> had<00:02:18.800> 10<00:02:19.040> children<00:02:19.519> my<00:02:19.680> mom<00:02:19.879> was was that she had 10 children my mom was was that she had 10 children my mom was the<00:02:20.160> youngest<00:02:20.440> of<00:02:20.599> her<00:02:20.720> 10<00:02:21.040> kids<00:02:21.319> and the youngest of her 10 kids and the youngest of her 10 kids and sometimes<00:02:21.879> when<00:02:22.040> I<00:02:22.120> would<00:02:22.280> go<00:02:22.440> and<00:02:22.560> spend<00:02:22.840> time sometimes when I would go and spend time sometimes when I would go and spend time with<00:02:23.160> her<00:02:23.280> it'd<00:02:23.480> be<00:02:23.879> difficult<00:02:24.400> to<00:02:24.560> get<00:02:24.680> her with her it'd be difficult to get her with her it'd be difficult to get her time<00:02:25.000> and<00:02:25.200> attention<00:02:25.720> my<00:02:25.920> cousins<00:02:26.239> would<00:02:26.360> be time and attention my cousins would be time and attention my cousins would be running<00:02:26.800> around<00:02:27.120> everywhere<00:02:27.519> and<00:02:27.640> I<00:02:27.879> remember running around everywhere and I remember running around everywhere and I remember uh<00:02:28.959> when<00:02:29.080> I<00:02:29.200> was<00:02:29.319> about<00:02:29.440> 8<00:02:29.599> or<00:02:29.920> 9<00:02:30.080> years<00:02:30.280> old uh when I was about 8 or 9 years old uh when I was about 8 or 9 years old waking<00:02:30.800> up<00:02:31.000> one<00:02:31.160> morning<00:02:31.680> going<00:02:31.920> into<00:02:32.120> the waking up one morning going into the waking up one morning going into the living<00:02:32.519> room<00:02:32.720> and<00:02:32.879> all<00:02:33.000> of<00:02:33.120> my<00:02:33.280> cousins<00:02:33.599> were living room and all of my cousins were living room and all of my cousins were running<00:02:34.040> around<00:02:34.800> and<00:02:34.920> my<00:02:35.120> grandmother<00:02:35.560> was running around and my grandmother was running around and my grandmother was sitting<00:02:36.000> across<00:02:36.319> the<00:02:36.519> room<00:02:37.120> staring<00:02:37.560> at<00:02:37.800> me sitting across the room staring at me sitting across the room staring at me and<00:02:38.920> at<00:02:39.080> first<00:02:39.319> I<00:02:39.440> thought<00:02:39.560> we<00:02:39.680> were<00:02:39.879> playing<00:02:40.159> a and at first I thought we were playing a and at first I thought we were playing a game<00:02:41.519> and<00:02:41.640> I<00:02:41.720> would<00:02:41.879> look<00:02:42.040> at<00:02:42.159> her<00:02:42.280> and<00:02:42.440> I'd game and I would look at her and I'd game and I would look at her and I'd smile<00:02:42.920> but<00:02:43.040> she<00:02:43.159> was<00:02:43.360> very<00:02:44.000> serious<00:02:45.000> and<00:02:45.200> after smile but she was very serious and after smile but she was very serious and after about<00:02:45.599> 15<00:02:45.959> or<00:02:46.120> 20<00:02:46.360> minutes<00:02:46.640> of<00:02:46.800> this<00:02:46.959> she<00:02:47.159> got about 15 or 20 minutes of this she got about 15 or 20 minutes of this she got up<00:02:47.519> and<00:02:47.640> she<00:02:47.840> came<00:02:48.080> across<00:02:48.400> the<00:02:48.599> room<00:02:49.400> and<00:02:49.519> she up and she came across the room and she up and she came across the room and she took<00:02:49.879> me<00:02:50.080> by<00:02:50.239> the<00:02:50.400> hand<00:02:51.280> and<00:02:51.400> she<00:02:51.519> said<00:02:51.720> come<00:02:51.840> on took me by the hand and she said come on took me by the hand and she said come on Brian<00:02:52.239> you<00:02:52.319> and<00:02:52.400> I<00:02:52.519> going<00:02:52.640> to<00:02:52.760> have<00:02:52.840> a<00:02:53.040> talk<00:02:53.680> and Brian you and I going to have a talk and Brian you and I going to have a talk and I<00:02:54.000> remember<00:02:54.519> this<00:02:55.000> just<00:02:55.319> like<00:02:55.519> it<00:02:55.760> happened I remember this just like it happened I remember this just like it happened yesterday<00:02:57.840> and<00:02:57.959> never<00:02:58.159> will<00:02:58.360> forget<00:02:58.680> it<00:02:59.640> she yesterday and never will forget it she yesterday and never will forget it she she<00:02:59.920> took<00:03:00.080> me<00:03:00.200> out<00:03:00.400> back<00:03:00.599> and<00:03:00.680> she<00:03:00.800> said<00:03:01.000> Brian she took me out back and she said Brian she took me out back and she said Brian I'm<00:03:01.319> going<00:03:01.440> to<00:03:01.560> tell<00:03:01.720> you<00:03:01.920> something<00:03:02.239> but<00:03:02.360> you I'm going to tell you something but you I'm going to tell you something but you don't<00:03:02.680> tell<00:03:02.920> anybody<00:03:03.360> what<00:03:03.519> I<00:03:03.680> tell<00:03:03.959> you<00:03:04.879> I don't tell anybody what I tell you I don't tell anybody what I tell you I said<00:03:05.280> okay<00:03:05.440> Mom<00:03:05.760> she<00:03:05.840> said<00:03:06.040> now<00:03:06.200> you<00:03:06.440> you<00:03:06.560> make said okay Mom she said now you you make said okay Mom she said now you you make sure<00:03:06.920> you<00:03:07.040> don't<00:03:07.280> do<00:03:07.519> that<00:03:08.120> I<00:03:08.239> said<00:03:08.480> sure<00:03:09.239> then sure you don't do that I said sure then sure you don't do that I said sure then she<00:03:09.599> sat<00:03:09.879> me<00:03:10.120> down<00:03:10.360> and<00:03:10.480> she<00:03:10.680> looked<00:03:11.000> at<00:03:11.480> me<00:03:12.480> and she sat me down and she looked at me and she sat me down and she looked at me and she<00:03:12.720> said<00:03:13.000> I<00:03:13.120> want<00:03:13.280> you<00:03:13.400> to<00:03:13.560> know<00:03:14.040> I've<00:03:14.280> been she said I want you to know I've been she said I want you to know I've been watching<00:03:15.400> you<00:03:16.400> and<00:03:16.519> she<00:03:16.680> said<00:03:17.159> I<00:03:17.400> think<00:03:17.799> you're watching you and she said I think you're watching you and she said I think you're special<00:03:19.920> she<00:03:20.080> said<00:03:20.319> I<00:03:20.440> think<00:03:20.680> you<00:03:20.879> can<00:03:21.080> do special she said I think you can do special she said I think you can do anything<00:03:22.760> you<00:03:22.959> want<00:03:23.080> to<00:03:23.319> do<00:03:24.319> I<00:03:24.400> will<00:03:24.599> never anything you want to do I will never anything you want to do I will never forget<00:03:25.560> it<00:03:26.560> and<00:03:26.760> she<00:03:27.120> then<00:03:27.239> she<00:03:27.400> said<00:03:27.599> I<00:03:27.720> just forget it and she then she said I just forget it and she then she said I just need<00:03:27.959> you<00:03:28.040> to<00:03:28.239> promise<00:03:28.519> me<00:03:28.720> three<00:03:28.959> things need you to promise me three things need you to promise me three things Brian<00:03:29.799> I<00:03:29.879> said<00:03:30.120> okay<00:03:30.319> Mom<00:03:30.599> she<00:03:30.720> said<00:03:30.920> the<00:03:31.000> first Brian I said okay Mom she said the first Brian I said okay Mom she said the first thing<00:03:31.319> I<00:03:31.400> want<00:03:31.519> you<00:03:31.599> to<00:03:31.760> promise<00:03:32.040> me<00:03:32.159> is<00:03:32.239> that thing I want you to promise me is that thing I want you to promise me is that you'll<00:03:32.680> always<00:03:33.239> love<00:03:33.879> your<00:03:34.519> mom<00:03:35.519> she<00:03:35.640> said you'll always love your mom she said you'll always love your mom she said that's<00:03:36.080> my<00:03:36.200> baby<00:03:36.480> girl<00:03:36.760> you<00:03:36.840> have<00:03:36.959> to<00:03:37.080> promise that's my baby girl you have to promise that's my baby girl you have to promise me<00:03:37.519> now<00:03:37.760> you'll<00:03:38.080> always<00:03:38.400> take<00:03:38.599> care<00:03:38.760> of<00:03:38.879> her me now you'll always take care of her me now you'll always take care of her well<00:03:39.200> I<00:03:39.360> adored<00:03:39.840> my<00:03:40.040> mom<00:03:40.239> so<00:03:40.360> I<00:03:40.439> said<00:03:40.720> yes<00:03:40.879> Mama well I adored my mom so I said yes Mama well I adored my mom so I said yes Mama I'll<00:03:41.319> do<00:03:41.599> that<00:03:42.599> then<00:03:42.760> she<00:03:42.879> said<00:03:43.159> the<00:03:43.280> second I'll do that then she said the second I'll do that then she said the second thing<00:03:43.640> I<00:03:43.760> want<00:03:43.879> you<00:03:44.000> to<00:03:44.159> promise<00:03:44.439> me<00:03:44.560> is<00:03:44.680> that thing I want you to promise me is that thing I want you to promise me is that you'll<00:03:45.000> always<00:03:45.239> do<00:03:45.439> the<00:03:45.760> right<00:03:46.319> thing<00:03:47.319> even you'll always do the right thing even you'll always do the right thing even when<00:03:47.760> the<00:03:47.959> right<00:03:48.239> thing<00:03:48.519> is<00:03:48.680> the<00:03:48.879> hard<00:03:49.319> thing when the right thing is the hard thing when the right thing is the hard thing and<00:03:50.439> I<00:03:50.599> thought<00:03:50.840> about<00:03:51.080> it<00:03:51.319> and<00:03:51.400> I<00:03:51.519> said<00:03:51.760> yes and I thought about it and I said yes and I thought about it and I said yes Mama<00:03:52.200> I'll<00:03:52.400> do<00:03:53.000> that<00:03:54.000> then<00:03:54.159> finally<00:03:54.439> she<00:03:54.560> said Mama I'll do that then finally she said Mama I'll do that then finally she said the<00:03:54.840> third<00:03:55.079> thing<00:03:55.200> I<00:03:55.280> want<00:03:55.400> you<00:03:55.480> to<00:03:55.640> promise<00:03:55.959> me the third thing I want you to promise me the third thing I want you to promise me is<00:03:56.360> that<00:03:56.480> you'll<00:03:56.879> never<00:03:57.599> drink<00:03:58.720> alcohol is that you'll never drink alcohol is that you'll never drink alcohol well<00:04:01.079> I<00:04:01.159> was<00:04:01.319> 9<00:04:01.560> years<00:04:01.760> old<00:04:01.959> so<00:04:02.079> I<00:04:02.159> saides<00:04:02.519> Mama well I was 9 years old so I saides Mama well I was 9 years old so I saides Mama I'll<00:04:02.959> do<00:04:03.239> that<00:04:04.239> I<00:04:04.319> grew<00:04:04.519> up<00:04:04.599> in<00:04:04.720> the<00:04:04.840> country<00:04:05.120> in I'll do that I grew up in the country in I'll do that I grew up in the country in the<00:04:05.319> rural<00:04:05.680> South<00:04:05.959> and<00:04:06.040> I<00:04:06.120> have<00:04:06.239> a<00:04:06.319> brother<00:04:06.560> a the rural South and I have a brother a the rural South and I have a brother a year<00:04:06.840> older<00:04:07.079> than<00:04:07.200> me<00:04:07.319> and<00:04:07.439> a<00:04:07.560> sister<00:04:07.879> year year older than me and a sister year year older than me and a sister year younger<00:04:08.480> when<00:04:08.599> I<00:04:08.680> was<00:04:08.840> about<00:04:09.360> uh<00:04:09.720> 14<00:04:10.159> or<00:04:10.319> 15<00:04:10.640> one younger when I was about uh 14 or 15 one younger when I was about uh 14 or 15 one day<00:04:10.959> my<00:04:11.079> brother<00:04:11.400> came<00:04:11.599> home<00:04:11.840> and<00:04:11.920> he<00:04:12.040> had<00:04:12.200> this day my brother came home and he had this day my brother came home and he had this six-pack<00:04:12.920> of<00:04:13.040> beer<00:04:13.360> I<00:04:13.439> don't<00:04:13.560> know<00:04:13.680> where<00:04:13.799> he six-pack of beer I don't know where he six-pack of beer I don't know where he got<00:04:14.159> it<00:04:14.599> and<00:04:14.720> he<00:04:14.840> grabbed<00:04:15.120> me<00:04:15.239> and<00:04:15.360> my<00:04:15.480> sister got it and he grabbed me and my sister got it and he grabbed me and my sister and<00:04:15.840> we<00:04:15.959> went<00:04:16.079> out<00:04:16.199> in<00:04:16.280> the<00:04:16.400> woods<00:04:16.680> and<00:04:16.840> we<00:04:16.919> were and we went out in the woods and we were and we went out in the woods and we were kind<00:04:17.280> of<00:04:17.440> just<00:04:17.680> out<00:04:17.840> there<00:04:18.040> doing<00:04:18.320> the<00:04:18.440> stuff kind of just out there doing the stuff kind of just out there doing the stuff we<00:04:18.880> crazily<00:04:19.359> did<00:04:19.680> and<00:04:20.160> he<00:04:20.280> had<00:04:20.400> a<00:04:20.479> sip<00:04:20.680> of<00:04:20.799> this we crazily did and he had a sip of this we crazily did and he had a sip of this beer<00:04:21.120> and<00:04:21.199> he<00:04:21.320> gave<00:04:21.479> some<00:04:21.600> to<00:04:21.759> my<00:04:21.919> sister<00:04:22.160> and beer and he gave some to my sister and beer and he gave some to my sister and she<00:04:22.560> had<00:04:22.759> some<00:04:23.040> and<00:04:23.360> they<00:04:23.520> offered<00:04:23.880> it<00:04:24.000> to<00:04:24.199> me she had some and they offered it to me she had some and they offered it to me and<00:04:25.199> I<00:04:25.320> said<00:04:25.520> no<00:04:25.680> no<00:04:25.840> no<00:04:26.000> no<00:04:26.120> that's<00:04:26.320> okay<00:04:26.440> y'all and I said no no no no that's okay y'all and I said no no no no that's okay y'all go<00:04:26.800> ahead<00:04:27.000> I'm<00:04:27.080> not<00:04:27.160> going<00:04:27.280> to<00:04:27.360> have<00:04:27.479> any<00:04:27.680> beer go ahead I'm not going to have any beer go ahead I'm not going to have any beer my<00:04:28.120> brother<00:04:28.320> said<00:04:28.560> come<00:04:28.680> on<00:04:28.840> we're<00:04:29.000> doing<00:04:29.199> this my brother said come on we're doing this my brother said come on we're doing this today<00:04:29.720> you<00:04:29.840> always<00:04:30.039> do<00:04:30.199> what<00:04:30.360> we<00:04:30.479> do<00:04:30.759> I<00:04:30.919> had today you always do what we do I had today you always do what we do I had some<00:04:31.280> your<00:04:31.400> sister<00:04:31.680> had<00:04:31.800> some<00:04:32.000> have<00:04:32.160> some<00:04:32.360> beer some your sister had some have some beer some your sister had some have some beer I<00:04:33.240> said<00:04:33.440> no<00:04:33.600> I<00:04:33.680> don't<00:04:33.800> feel<00:04:34.039> right<00:04:34.199> about<00:04:34.400> that I said no I don't feel right about that I said no I don't feel right about that y'all<00:04:34.680> go<00:04:34.800> ahead<00:04:34.960> y'all<00:04:35.160> go<00:04:35.280> ahead<00:04:35.479> and<00:04:35.600> then y'all go ahead y'all go ahead and then y'all go ahead y'all go ahead and then my<00:04:35.840> brother<00:04:36.080> started<00:04:36.400> staring<00:04:36.800> at<00:04:36.919> me<00:04:37.080> he<00:04:37.160> said my brother started staring at me he said my brother started staring at me he said what<00:04:37.479> is<00:04:37.720> what's<00:04:37.919> wrong<00:04:38.120> with<00:04:38.240> you<00:04:38.440> have<00:04:38.600> some what is what's wrong with you have some what is what's wrong with you have some beer<00:04:39.600> then<00:04:39.720> he<00:04:39.880> looked<00:04:40.080> at<00:04:40.160> me<00:04:40.280> real<00:04:40.479> hard<00:04:40.720> he beer then he looked at me real hard he beer then he looked at me real hard he said<00:04:41.600> oh<00:04:42.280> I<00:04:42.360> hope<00:04:42.520> you're<00:04:42.639> not<00:04:42.800> still<00:04:43.000> hung<00:04:43.199> up said oh I hope you're not still hung up said oh I hope you're not still hung up on<00:04:43.479> that<00:04:43.600> conversation<00:04:44.120> mama<00:04:44.479> had<00:04:44.680> with

you<00:04:48.039> I<00:04:48.440> I<00:04:48.600> I<00:04:48.720> said<00:04:49.039> well<00:04:49.240> what<00:04:49.320> are<00:04:49.440> you<00:04:49.560> talking
you I I I said well what are you talking you I I I said well what are you talking about<00:04:50.000> he<00:04:50.080> says<00:04:50.280> oh<00:04:50.400> mama<00:04:50.680> tells<00:04:50.880> all<00:04:51.039> the about he says oh mama tells all the about he says oh mama tells all the grandkids<00:04:51.720> that<00:04:51.840> they're

special<00:04:55.600> I<00:04:55.880> I<00:04:56.320> I<00:04:56.520> was
special I I I was special I I I was devastated devastated devastated and<00:05:00.520> I'm<00:05:00.639> going<00:05:00.759> to<00:05:00.919> admit<00:05:01.240> something<00:05:01.479> to<00:05:01.600> you and I'm going to admit something to you and I'm going to admit something to you I'm<00:05:01.800> going<00:05:01.919> to<00:05:02.000> tell<00:05:02.120> you<00:05:02.240> something<00:05:02.440> I I'm going to tell you something I I'm going to tell you something I probably<00:05:02.919> shouldn't<00:05:03.479> I<00:05:03.600> know<00:05:03.759> this<00:05:03.880> is<00:05:04.120> might probably shouldn't I know this is might probably shouldn't I know this is might be<00:05:04.479> broadcast<00:05:05.120> broadly<00:05:05.520> but<00:05:05.759> I'm<00:05:06.120> I'm<00:05:06.280> 52 be broadcast broadly but I'm I'm 52 be broadcast broadly but I'm I'm 52 years<00:05:07.039> old<00:05:07.880> and<00:05:08.000> I'm<00:05:08.120> going<00:05:08.240> to<00:05:08.440> admit<00:05:08.720> to<00:05:08.919> you years old and I'm going to admit to you years old and I'm going to admit to you that<00:05:09.400> I've<00:05:09.720> never<00:05:10.240> had<00:05:10.840> a<00:05:11.000> drop<00:05:11.240> of that I've never had a drop of that I've never had a drop of alcohol<00:05:13.360> I<00:05:14.360> I<00:05:14.759> I<00:05:14.919> don't<00:05:15.360> I<00:05:15.440> don't<00:05:15.880> say<00:05:16.080> that alcohol I I I don't I don't say that alcohol I I I don't I don't say that because<00:05:16.440> I<00:05:16.560> think<00:05:16.720> that's<00:05:16.919> virtuous<00:05:17.440> I<00:05:17.560> say because I think that's virtuous I say because I think that's virtuous I say that<00:05:17.960> because<00:05:18.199> there<00:05:18.400> is<00:05:18.880> power<00:05:19.880> in<00:05:20.520> identity that because there is power in identity that because there is power in identity when<00:05:21.680> we<00:05:21.880> create<00:05:22.280> the<00:05:22.440> right<00:05:22.680> kind<00:05:22.840> of when we create the right kind of when we create the right kind of identity<00:05:23.440> we<00:05:23.560> can<00:05:23.880> say<00:05:24.199> things<00:05:24.520> to<00:05:24.680> the<00:05:24.800> world identity we can say things to the world identity we can say things to the world around<00:05:25.360> us<00:05:25.520> that<00:05:25.680> they<00:05:25.800> don't<00:05:26.160> actually around us that they don't actually around us that they don't actually believe<00:05:27.639> make<00:05:27.919> sense<00:05:28.199> we<00:05:28.280> can<00:05:28.440> get<00:05:28.600> them<00:05:28.720> to<00:05:28.919> do believe make sense we can get them to do believe make sense we can get them to do things<00:05:29.440> that<00:05:29.759> they<00:05:29.919> don't<00:05:30.240> think<00:05:31.000> they<00:05:31.160> can<00:05:31.360> do things that they don't think they can do things that they don't think they can do when<00:05:32.440> I<00:05:32.560> thought<00:05:32.720> about<00:05:32.880> my<00:05:33.000> grandmother<00:05:33.440> of when I thought about my grandmother of when I thought about my grandmother of of<00:05:33.919> course<00:05:34.080> she<00:05:34.199> would<00:05:34.360> think<00:05:34.479> all<00:05:34.680> her of course she would think all her of course she would think all her grandkids<00:05:35.280> were<00:05:35.440> special<00:05:36.160> my<00:05:36.319> grandfather grandkids were special my grandfather grandkids were special my grandfather was<00:05:36.919> in<00:05:37.039> prison<00:05:37.360> during<00:05:37.680> prohibition<00:05:38.319> my<00:05:38.440> male was in prison during prohibition my male was in prison during prohibition my male uncles<00:05:39.120> died<00:05:39.400> of<00:05:39.560> alcohol<00:05:39.960> rated<00:05:40.319> diseases uncles died of alcohol rated diseases uncles died of alcohol rated diseases and<00:05:41.240> these<00:05:41.400> were<00:05:41.639> the<00:05:41.759> things<00:05:42.000> she<00:05:42.199> thought<00:05:42.360> we and these were the things she thought we and these were the things she thought we needed<00:05:42.720> to<00:05:42.919> commit<00:05:43.440> to<00:05:44.440> well<00:05:44.600> I've<00:05:44.720> been needed to commit to well I've been needed to commit to well I've been trying<00:05:45.080> to<00:05:45.160> say<00:05:45.360> something<00:05:45.680> about<00:05:45.880> our trying to say something about our trying to say something about our criminal<00:05:46.400> justice<00:05:47.080> system<00:05:48.080> this<00:05:48.240> country<00:05:48.720> is criminal justice system this country is criminal justice system this country is very<00:05:49.360> different<00:05:49.720> today<00:05:50.240> than<00:05:50.360> it<00:05:50.520> was<00:05:50.680> 40 very different today than it was 40 very different today than it was 40 years<00:05:51.280> ago<00:05:51.600> in<00:05:51.720> 1972<00:05:52.639> there<00:05:52.720> were<00:05:52.960> 300,000 years ago in 1972 there were 300,000 years ago in 1972 there were 300,000 people<00:05:54.120> in<00:05:54.240> jails<00:05:54.520> and<00:05:54.720> prisons<00:05:55.240> today<00:05:56.080> there people in jails and prisons today there people in jails and prisons today there are<00:05:56.919> 2.3 are 2.3 are 2.3 million<00:05:59.840> the<00:05:59.960> United<00:06:00.280> States<00:06:00.560> now<00:06:00.759> has<00:06:00.960> the million the United States now has the million the United States now has the highest<00:06:01.440> rate<00:06:01.600> of<00:06:01.759> incarceration<00:06:02.639> in<00:06:02.800> the highest rate of incarceration in the highest rate of incarceration in the world<00:06:03.759> we<00:06:03.919> have<00:06:04.120> 7<00:06:04.479> million<00:06:04.840> people<00:06:05.120> on world we have 7 million people on world we have 7 million people on probation<00:06:06.080> and<00:06:06.280> parole<00:06:06.759> and<00:06:06.919> mass probation and parole and mass probation and parole and mass incarceration<00:06:08.319> in<00:06:08.520> my<00:06:08.759> judgment<00:06:09.599> has incarceration in my judgment has incarceration in my judgment has fundamentally<00:06:10.599> changed<00:06:11.319> our fundamentally changed our fundamentally changed our world<00:06:13.440> in<00:06:13.639> poor<00:06:13.960> communities<00:06:14.400> and world in poor communities and world in poor communities and communities<00:06:15.000> of<00:06:15.160> color<00:06:15.520> there<00:06:15.759> is<00:06:16.080> this communities of color there is this communities of color there is this despair<00:06:17.199> there<00:06:17.400> is<00:06:17.639> this<00:06:17.880> hopelessness<00:06:18.840> that despair there is this hopelessness that despair there is this hopelessness that is<00:06:19.120> being<00:06:19.360> shaped<00:06:19.840> by<00:06:20.000> these<00:06:20.520> outcomes<00:06:21.520> one is being shaped by these outcomes one is being shaped by these outcomes one out<00:06:21.840> of<00:06:22.000> three<00:06:22.319> black<00:06:22.560> men<00:06:22.800> between<00:06:23.039> the<00:06:23.160> ages out of three black men between the ages out of three black men between the ages of<00:06:23.639> 18<00:06:24.000> and<00:06:24.160> 30<00:06:24.479> is<00:06:24.639> in<00:06:24.840> jail<00:06:25.319> in<00:06:25.520> prison<00:06:26.000> on of 18 and 30 is in jail in prison on of 18 and 30 is in jail in prison on probation<00:06:26.960> or<00:06:27.639> Parole<00:06:28.639> in<00:06:28.800> urban<00:06:29.080> communities probation or Parole in urban communities probation or Parole in urban communities of<00:06:29.599> across<00:06:29.880> this<00:06:30.080> country<00:06:30.479> Los<00:06:30.720> Angeles of across this country Los Angeles of across this country Los Angeles Philadelphia<00:06:31.840> Baltimore<00:06:32.360> Washington<00:06:33.120> 50<00:06:33.440> to Philadelphia Baltimore Washington 50 to Philadelphia Baltimore Washington 50 to 60%<00:06:35.039> of<00:06:35.199> all<00:06:35.360> young<00:06:35.560> men<00:06:35.720> of<00:06:35.880> color<00:06:36.199> in<00:06:36.319> jail<00:06:36.560> or 60% of all young men of color in jail or 60% of all young men of color in jail or prison<00:06:37.319> or<00:06:37.560> on<00:06:37.680> probation<00:06:38.080> and<00:06:38.240> parole<00:06:39.199> our prison or on probation and parole our prison or on probation and parole our system<00:06:39.759> isn't<00:06:40.120> just<00:06:40.319> being<00:06:40.520> shaped<00:06:40.960> in<00:06:41.120> these system isn't just being shaped in these system isn't just being shaped in these ways<00:06:41.599> that<00:06:41.759> seem<00:06:41.960> to<00:06:42.120> be<00:06:42.479> distorting<00:06:43.039> around ways that seem to be distorting around ways that seem to be distorting around race<00:06:43.639> they're<00:06:43.880> also<00:06:44.120> distorted<00:06:44.560> by<00:06:44.759> poverty race they're also distorted by poverty race they're also distorted by poverty we<00:06:45.240> have<00:06:45.360> a<00:06:45.560> system<00:06:45.840> of<00:06:46.199> justice<00:06:46.599> in<00:06:46.759> this we have a system of justice in this we have a system of justice in this country<00:06:48.039> that<00:06:48.199> treats<00:06:48.520> you<00:06:48.840> much<00:06:49.199> better<00:06:49.720> if country that treats you much better if country that treats you much better if you're<00:06:50.199> rich<00:06:50.639> and<00:06:50.919> guilty<00:06:51.919> than<00:06:52.039> if<00:06:52.120> you're you're rich and guilty than if you're you're rich and guilty than if you're poor<00:06:52.479> and<00:06:52.639> innocent<00:06:53.319> wealth<00:06:54.319> not<00:06:54.759> culpability poor and innocent wealth not culpability poor and innocent wealth not culpability shapes shapes shapes outcomes<00:06:58.039> and<00:06:58.240> yet<00:06:58.479> we<00:06:58.680> seem<00:06:58.919> to<00:06:59.080> be<00:06:59.280> very<00:06:59.639> very outcomes and yet we seem to be very very outcomes and yet we seem to be very very comfortable<00:07:01.720> the<00:07:01.960> politics<00:07:02.400> of<00:07:02.639> fear<00:07:02.879> and comfortable the politics of fear and comfortable the politics of fear and anger<00:07:03.400> has<00:07:03.599> made<00:07:03.800> us<00:07:04.000> believe<00:07:04.280> that<00:07:04.440> these<00:07:04.560> are anger has made us believe that these are anger has made us believe that these are problems<00:07:05.120> that<00:07:05.240> are<00:07:05.479> not<00:07:05.800> our<00:07:06.639> problems<00:07:07.639> we've problems that are not our problems we've problems that are not our problems we've been been been disconnected<00:07:10.240> it's<00:07:10.440> interesting<00:07:10.800> to<00:07:10.960> me disconnected it's interesting to me disconnected it's interesting to me we're<00:07:11.280> looking<00:07:11.520> at<00:07:11.639> some<00:07:11.879> very<00:07:12.120> interesting we're looking at some very interesting we're looking at some very interesting developments<00:07:13.039> in<00:07:13.199> our<00:07:13.479> work<00:07:14.000> my<00:07:14.160> state<00:07:14.360> of developments in our work my state of developments in our work my state of Alabama<00:07:15.000> like<00:07:15.160> a<00:07:15.360> a<00:07:15.479> number<00:07:15.720> of<00:07:15.840> states Alabama like a a number of states Alabama like a a number of states actually<00:07:16.599> permanently<00:07:17.199> disenfranchises<00:07:18.199> you actually permanently disenfranchises you actually permanently disenfranchises you if<00:07:18.919> you<00:07:19.000> have<00:07:19.120> a<00:07:19.199> criminal<00:07:19.479> conviction<00:07:20.000> right if you have a criminal conviction right if you have a criminal conviction right now<00:07:20.319> in<00:07:20.479> Alabama now in Alabama now in Alabama 34%<00:07:22.560> of<00:07:22.680> the<00:07:22.800> black<00:07:23.000> male<00:07:23.280> population<00:07:23.800> has 34% of the black male population has 34% of the black male population has permanently<00:07:25.039> lost<00:07:25.319> the<00:07:25.440> right<00:07:25.639> to<00:07:25.840> vote<00:07:26.639> we're permanently lost the right to vote we're permanently lost the right to vote we're actually<00:07:27.160> projecting<00:07:27.560> in<00:07:27.759> another<00:07:28.000> 10<00:07:28.240> years actually projecting in another 10 years actually projecting in another 10 years the<00:07:28.560> level<00:07:28.759> of<00:07:28.879> disenfranchise<00:07:29.680> ment<00:07:29.800> will<00:07:29.919> be the level of disenfranchise ment will be the level of disenfranchise ment will be as<00:07:30.280> high<00:07:30.479> as<00:07:30.599> it's<00:07:30.840> been<00:07:31.680> since<00:07:32.000> prior<00:07:32.240> to<00:07:32.360> the as high as it's been since prior to the as high as it's been since prior to the passage<00:07:32.759> of<00:07:32.879> the<00:07:33.000> Voting<00:07:33.319> Rights<00:07:33.680> Act<00:07:33.960> and passage of the Voting Rights Act and passage of the Voting Rights Act and there<00:07:34.360> is<00:07:34.680> this<00:07:34.960> stunning there is this stunning there is this stunning silence<00:07:38.360> I<00:07:38.520> represent<00:07:39.199> children<00:07:40.120> a<00:07:40.199> lot<00:07:40.360> of<00:07:40.479> my silence I represent children a lot of my silence I represent children a lot of my clients<00:07:41.000> are<00:07:41.240> very<00:07:41.440> young<00:07:41.720> the<00:07:41.800> United<00:07:42.080> States clients are very young the United States clients are very young the United States is<00:07:42.400> the<00:07:42.520> only<00:07:42.680> country<00:07:42.919> in<00:07:43.000> the<00:07:43.080> world<00:07:43.360> where is the only country in the world where is the only country in the world where we<00:07:43.639> sentence<00:07:44.159> 13-year-old<00:07:45.120> children<00:07:46.039> to<00:07:46.280> die we sentence 13-year-old children to die we sentence 13-year-old children to die in<00:07:46.759> prison<00:07:47.759> we<00:07:47.879> have<00:07:48.039> life<00:07:48.280> imprisonment in prison we have life imprisonment in prison we have life imprisonment without<00:07:48.960> parole<00:07:49.319> for<00:07:49.560> kids<00:07:49.840> in<00:07:50.000> this<00:07:50.240> country without parole for kids in this country without parole for kids in this country and<00:07:51.360> we're<00:07:51.520> actually<00:07:51.759> doing<00:07:52.000> some<00:07:52.319> litigation and we're actually doing some litigation and we're actually doing some litigation only<00:07:53.560> country<00:07:53.800> in<00:07:53.879> the<00:07:54.479> world<00:07:55.479> I<00:07:55.599> represent only country in the world I represent only country in the world I represent people<00:07:56.080> on<00:07:56.240> death<00:07:56.479> row<00:07:56.800> it's<00:07:56.960> interesting people on death row it's interesting people on death row it's interesting this<00:07:57.560> question<00:07:57.800> of<00:07:57.919> the<00:07:58.039> death<00:07:58.280> penalty<00:07:59.080> uh<00:07:59.759> in this question of the death penalty uh in this question of the death penalty uh in many<00:08:00.159> ways<00:08:00.400> we've<00:08:00.599> been<00:08:00.720> taught<00:08:01.000> to<00:08:01.159> think many ways we've been taught to think many ways we've been taught to think that<00:08:01.479> the<00:08:01.639> real<00:08:02.039> question<00:08:02.560> is<00:08:02.879> do<00:08:03.120> people that the real question is do people that the real question is do people deserve<00:08:03.800> to<00:08:04.120> die<00:08:04.479> for<00:08:04.639> the<00:08:04.840> crimes<00:08:05.240> they've deserve to die for the crimes they've deserve to die for the crimes they've committed<00:08:05.919> and<00:08:06.000> that's<00:08:06.120> a<00:08:06.440> very<00:08:06.720> sensible committed and that's a very sensible committed and that's a very sensible question<00:08:08.319> but<00:08:08.440> there's<00:08:08.639> another<00:08:08.919> way<00:08:09.039> of question but there's another way of question but there's another way of thinking<00:08:09.560> about<00:08:09.919> where<00:08:10.120> we<00:08:10.280> are<00:08:10.520> and<00:08:10.680> our thinking about where we are and our thinking about where we are and our identity<00:08:12.120> the<00:08:12.240> other<00:08:12.440> way<00:08:12.560> of<00:08:12.680> thinking<00:08:12.960> about identity the other way of thinking about identity the other way of thinking about it<00:08:13.280> is<00:08:13.520> not<00:08:13.800> do<00:08:14.000> people<00:08:14.240> deserve<00:08:14.560> to<00:08:14.720> die<00:08:14.879> for it is not do people deserve to die for it is not do people deserve to die for the<00:08:15.159> crimes<00:08:15.520> they<00:08:15.680> commit<00:08:16.280> but<00:08:16.440> do<00:08:16.639> we<00:08:16.840> deserve the crimes they commit but do we deserve the crimes they commit but do we deserve to<00:08:17.960> kill<00:08:18.960> I<00:08:19.039> mean<00:08:19.159> it's<00:08:19.360> fascinating<00:08:19.879> death to kill I mean it's fascinating death to kill I mean it's fascinating death penalty<00:08:20.400> in<00:08:20.479> America<00:08:20.800> is<00:08:20.960> defined<00:08:21.479> by<00:08:21.720> error penalty in America is defined by error penalty in America is defined by error for<00:08:22.960> every<00:08:23.199> nine<00:08:23.639> people<00:08:23.879> who<00:08:23.960> have<00:08:24.080> been for every nine people who have been for every nine people who have been executed<00:08:24.720> we've<00:08:24.960> actually<00:08:25.280> identified<00:08:26.039> one executed we've actually identified one executed we've actually identified one innocent<00:08:26.720> person<00:08:27.000> who's<00:08:27.240> been<00:08:27.479> exonerated innocent person who's been exonerated innocent person who's been exonerated and<00:08:28.639> released<00:08:29.000> from<00:08:29.159> death<00:08:29.840> throw<00:08:30.840> a<00:08:31.080> kind<00:08:31.199> of and released from death throw a kind of and released from death throw a kind of astonishing<00:08:32.039> a<00:08:32.399> rate<00:08:33.120> one<00:08:33.360> out<00:08:33.479> of<00:08:33.680> nine astonishing a rate one out of nine astonishing a rate one out of nine people<00:08:35.120> innocent<00:08:36.120> I<00:08:36.200> mean<00:08:36.360> it's<00:08:36.560> fascinating people innocent I mean it's fascinating people innocent I mean it's fascinating and<00:08:37.240> and<00:08:37.399> and<00:08:37.599> in<00:08:38.120> aviation<00:08:38.719> we<00:08:38.839> would<00:08:39.000> never and and and in aviation we would never and and and in aviation we would never let<00:08:39.479> people<00:08:39.680> fly<00:08:39.959> on<00:08:40.159> airplanes<00:08:40.719> if<00:08:40.880> for<00:08:41.200> every let people fly on airplanes if for every let people fly on airplanes if for every nine<00:08:41.719> planes<00:08:42.000> that<00:08:42.159> took<00:08:42.360> off<00:08:42.599> one<00:08:42.800> would nine planes that took off one would nine planes that took off one would crash<00:08:44.440> but<00:08:44.680> somehow<00:08:45.160> we<00:08:45.320> can<00:08:45.640> insulate crash but somehow we can insulate crash but somehow we can insulate ourselves<00:08:46.600> from<00:08:46.920> this<00:08:47.279> problem<00:08:48.279> it's<00:08:48.480> not<00:08:48.680> our ourselves from this problem it's not our ourselves from this problem it's not our problem<00:08:49.920> it's<00:08:50.120> not<00:08:50.320> our<00:08:50.600> burden<00:08:51.279> it's<00:08:51.440> not<00:08:51.640> our problem it's not our burden it's not our problem it's not our burden it's not our struggle<00:08:53.720> well<00:08:53.880> I<00:08:54.000> talk<00:08:54.160> a<00:08:54.279> lot<00:08:54.480> about<00:08:54.720> these struggle well I talk a lot about these struggle well I talk a lot about these issues<00:08:55.240> I<00:08:55.360> talk<00:08:55.600> about<00:08:56.279> u<00:08:56.920> a<00:08:57.080> race<00:08:57.360> and<00:08:57.519> this issues I talk about u a race and this issues I talk about u a race and this question<00:08:57.959> of<00:08:58.079> whether<00:08:58.279> we<00:08:58.440> deserve<00:08:58.800> to<00:08:59.000> kill question of whether we deserve to kill question of whether we deserve to kill and<00:08:59.440> it's<00:08:59.560> interesting<00:08:59.920> when<00:09:00.040> I<00:09:00.160> teach<00:09:00.440> my and it's interesting when I teach my and it's interesting when I teach my students<00:09:00.880> about<00:09:01.079> African-American<00:09:01.800> history students about African-American history students about African-American history I<00:09:02.560> tell<00:09:02.760> them<00:09:02.959> about<00:09:03.240> slavery<00:09:04.240> I<00:09:04.360> tell<00:09:04.560> them I tell them about slavery I tell them I tell them about slavery I tell them about<00:09:05.399> terrorism<00:09:06.079> the<00:09:06.240> era<00:09:06.720> that<00:09:07.000> began<00:09:07.399> at about terrorism the era that began at about terrorism the era that began at the<00:09:07.600> end<00:09:07.760> of<00:09:07.880> reconstruction<00:09:08.600> that<00:09:08.720> went<00:09:08.880> on the end of reconstruction that went on the end of reconstruction that went on to<00:09:09.200> World<00:09:09.440> War<00:09:09.560> II<00:09:09.800> we<00:09:09.880> don't<00:09:10.040> really<00:09:10.279> know to World War II we don't really know to World War II we don't really know very<00:09:10.720> much<00:09:10.920> about<00:09:11.079> it<00:09:11.240> but<00:09:11.320> for very much about it but for very much about it but for African-Americans<00:09:12.360> in<00:09:12.560> this<00:09:12.800> country<00:09:13.720> that African-Americans in this country that African-Americans in this country that was<00:09:13.959> an<00:09:14.120> ERA<00:09:14.440> defined<00:09:14.880> by<00:09:15.200> Terror<00:09:16.200> in<00:09:16.360> many was an ERA defined by Terror in many was an ERA defined by Terror in many communities<00:09:17.279> people<00:09:17.519> had<00:09:17.640> to<00:09:17.760> worry<00:09:18.000> about communities people had to worry about communities people had to worry about being<00:09:18.440> lynched<00:09:18.880> they<00:09:19.000> had<00:09:19.079> to<00:09:19.160> worry<00:09:19.360> about being lynched they had to worry about being lynched they had to worry about being<00:09:19.760> bombed<00:09:20.120> it<00:09:20.240> was<00:09:20.360> the<00:09:20.560> threat<00:09:20.800> of<00:09:21.000> Terror being bombed it was the threat of Terror being bombed it was the threat of Terror that<00:09:21.480> shaped<00:09:21.800> their<00:09:22.000> lives<00:09:22.240> and<00:09:22.360> these<00:09:22.519> older that shaped their lives and these older that shaped their lives and these older people<00:09:23.000> come<00:09:23.120> up<00:09:23.240> to<00:09:23.399> me<00:09:23.640> now<00:09:24.360> and<00:09:24.480> they<00:09:24.560> say<00:09:24.760> Mr people come up to me now and they say Mr people come up to me now and they say Mr Stevenson<00:09:25.440> you<00:09:25.600> give<00:09:25.800> talks<00:09:26.120> you<00:09:26.240> make Stevenson you give talks you make Stevenson you give talks you make speeches<00:09:26.800> you<00:09:27.000> tell<00:09:27.320> people<00:09:27.880> to<00:09:28.160> stop<00:09:28.480> saying speeches you tell people to stop saying speeches you tell people to stop saying we're<00:09:29.040> dealing<00:09:29.480> with<00:09:29.640> terrorism<00:09:30.160> for<00:09:30.279> the we're dealing with terrorism for the we're dealing with terrorism for the first<00:09:30.600> time<00:09:30.720> in<00:09:30.839> our<00:09:31.000> nation's<00:09:31.440> history<00:09:31.880> after first time in our nation's history after first time in our nation's history after 9/11<00:09:33.839> they<00:09:34.000> tell<00:09:34.120> me<00:09:34.240> to<00:09:34.399> say<00:09:34.640> know<00:09:34.839> tell<00:09:35.000> them 9/11 they tell me to say know tell them 9/11 they tell me to say know tell them that<00:09:35.279> we<00:09:35.399> grew<00:09:35.640> up<00:09:35.839> with<00:09:36.079> that<00:09:36.920> and<00:09:37.040> that<00:09:37.160> era that we grew up with that and that era that we grew up with that and that era of<00:09:37.519> terrorism<00:09:38.240> was<00:09:38.640> of<00:09:39.000> of<00:09:39.120> course<00:09:39.360> was of terrorism was of of course was of terrorism was of of course was followed<00:09:40.040> by<00:09:40.480> segregation<00:09:41.200> and<00:09:41.399> Decades<00:09:41.800> of followed by segregation and Decades of followed by segregation and Decades of racial<00:09:42.440> subordination<00:09:43.160> and<00:09:43.320> and<00:09:43.480> apartheid racial subordination and and apartheid racial subordination and and apartheid then<00:09:45.560> and<00:09:45.720> yet<00:09:45.920> we<00:09:46.120> have<00:09:46.320> in<00:09:46.480> this<00:09:46.680> country then and yet we have in this country then and yet we have in this country this<00:09:47.240> Dynamic<00:09:47.760> where<00:09:47.920> we<00:09:48.120> really<00:09:48.440> don't<00:09:48.800> like this Dynamic where we really don't like this Dynamic where we really don't like to<00:09:49.279> talk<00:09:49.640> about<00:09:50.480> our<00:09:50.760> problems<00:09:51.160> we<00:09:51.279> don't<00:09:51.480> like to talk about our problems we don't like to talk about our problems we don't like to<00:09:51.880> talk<00:09:52.279> about<00:09:52.519> our<00:09:52.800> history<00:09:53.680> and<00:09:53.880> because<00:09:54.160> of to talk about our history and because of to talk about our history and because of that<00:09:54.519> we<00:09:54.680> really<00:09:55.000> haven't<00:09:55.680> understood<00:09:56.680> what that we really haven't understood what that we really haven't understood what it's<00:09:57.079> meant<00:09:57.480> to<00:09:57.640> do<00:09:57.839> the<00:09:57.959> things<00:09:58.240> we've<00:09:58.440> done it's meant to do the things we've done it's meant to do the things we've done historically historically historically and<00:10:00.160> we're<00:10:00.360> constantly<00:10:00.760> running<00:10:01.079> into<00:10:01.360> each and we're constantly running into each and we're constantly running into each other<00:10:01.720> we're<00:10:01.920> constantly<00:10:02.360> creating<00:10:02.920> tensions other we're constantly creating tensions other we're constantly creating tensions and<00:10:03.640> conflicts<00:10:04.399> we<00:10:04.519> have<00:10:04.640> a<00:10:04.800> hard<00:10:05.040> time and conflicts we have a hard time and conflicts we have a hard time talking<00:10:05.720> about<00:10:06.279> race<00:10:07.279> and<00:10:07.399> I<00:10:07.519> believe<00:10:07.680> it's talking about race and I believe it's talking about race and I believe it's because<00:10:08.079> we<00:10:08.240> are<00:10:08.680> unwilling<00:10:09.680> to<00:10:09.880> commit because we are unwilling to commit because we are unwilling to commit ourselves<00:10:10.560> to<00:10:10.720> a<00:10:10.959> process<00:10:11.279> of<00:10:11.440> Truth<00:10:11.720> and ourselves to a process of Truth and ourselves to a process of Truth and Reconciliation<00:10:12.680> in<00:10:12.839> South<00:10:13.440> Africa<00:10:14.440> uh<00:10:14.680> people Reconciliation in South Africa uh people Reconciliation in South Africa uh people understood<00:10:15.480> that<00:10:15.600> we<00:10:15.720> couldn't<00:10:15.959> overcome<00:10:16.360> our understood that we couldn't overcome our understood that we couldn't overcome our partti<00:10:17.000> without<00:10:17.200> a<00:10:17.320> commitment<00:10:17.640> to<00:10:17.760> Truth<00:10:17.959> and partti without a commitment to Truth and partti without a commitment to Truth and Reconciliation<00:10:19.640> in<00:10:19.800> Rwanda<00:10:20.360> even<00:10:20.560> after<00:10:20.760> the Reconciliation in Rwanda even after the Reconciliation in Rwanda even after the genocide<00:10:21.440> there<00:10:21.519> was<00:10:21.680> this<00:10:21.800> commitment<00:10:22.160> but genocide there was this commitment but genocide there was this commitment but in<00:10:22.440> this<00:10:22.600> country<00:10:22.880> we<00:10:22.959> haven't<00:10:23.240> done<00:10:23.600> that<00:10:24.200> I in this country we haven't done that I in this country we haven't done that I was<00:10:24.440> giving<00:10:24.680> this<00:10:24.880> lecture<00:10:25.240> in<00:10:25.440> in<00:10:25.600> Germany was giving this lecture in in Germany was giving this lecture in in Germany some<00:10:26.279> lectures<00:10:26.560> in<00:10:26.720> Germany<00:10:27.079> about<00:10:27.240> the<00:10:27.360> death some lectures in Germany about the death some lectures in Germany about the death penalty<00:10:27.880> it<00:10:27.959> was<00:10:28.160> fascinating<00:10:28.680> because<00:10:28.920> one penalty it was fascinating because one penalty it was fascinating because one of<00:10:29.160> the of the of the uh<00:10:30.040> Scholars<00:10:30.519> stood<00:10:30.800> up<00:10:31.000> after<00:10:31.320> the uh Scholars stood up after the uh Scholars stood up after the presentation<00:10:32.120> and<00:10:32.279> said<00:10:32.600> well<00:10:32.680> you<00:10:32.760> know<00:10:32.880> it's presentation and said well you know it's presentation and said well you know it's deeply<00:10:33.440> troubling<00:10:34.240> to<00:10:34.399> hear<00:10:34.560> what<00:10:34.680> you're deeply troubling to hear what you're deeply troubling to hear what you're talking<00:10:35.200> about<00:10:36.160> I<00:10:36.240> said<00:10:36.600> we<00:10:36.720> don't<00:10:36.880> have<00:10:37.040> the talking about I said we don't have the talking about I said we don't have the death<00:10:37.440> penalty<00:10:37.800> in<00:10:37.920> Germany<00:10:38.279> and<00:10:38.399> of<00:10:38.560> course death penalty in Germany and of course death penalty in Germany and of course we<00:10:39.040> can<00:10:39.240> never<00:10:39.920> have<00:10:40.079> the<00:10:40.240> death<00:10:40.480> penalty<00:10:40.959> in we can never have the death penalty in we can never have the death penalty in Germany<00:10:42.279> and<00:10:42.399> the<00:10:42.519> room<00:10:42.720> got<00:10:42.920> very<00:10:43.200> quiet<00:10:43.519> and Germany and the room got very quiet and Germany and the room got very quiet and this<00:10:43.839> woman<00:10:44.600> said<00:10:45.160> uh<00:10:45.959> there's<00:10:46.279> no<00:10:46.639> way<00:10:47.120> with this woman said uh there's no way with this woman said uh there's no way with our<00:10:48.000> history<00:10:49.000> we<00:10:49.160> can<00:10:49.399> ever<00:10:49.800> engage<00:10:50.320> in<00:10:50.480> the our history we can ever engage in the our history we can ever engage in the systematic<00:10:51.279> killing<00:10:51.959> of<00:10:52.160> human<00:10:52.480> beings<00:10:53.480> it systematic killing of human beings it systematic killing of human beings it would<00:10:53.720> be<00:10:54.200> unconscionable<00:10:55.200> for<00:10:55.920> us<00:10:56.920> to<00:10:57.120> in would be unconscionable for us to in would be unconscionable for us to in intentional<00:10:57.880> deliberate<00:10:58.399> way<00:10:58.680> set<00:10:59.000> about intentional deliberate way set about intentional deliberate way set about executing executing executing people<00:11:02.040> and<00:11:02.200> I<00:11:02.360> thought<00:11:02.600> about<00:11:03.279> that<00:11:04.279> what people and I thought about that what people and I thought about that what would<00:11:04.560> it<00:11:04.760> feel<00:11:05.079> like<00:11:05.240> to<00:11:05.399> be<00:11:05.560> living<00:11:05.839> in<00:11:05.959> a would it feel like to be living in a would it feel like to be living in a world<00:11:07.880> where<00:11:08.040> the<00:11:08.160> nation<00:11:08.440> state<00:11:08.639> of<00:11:08.760> Germany world where the nation state of Germany world where the nation state of Germany was<00:11:09.399> executing<00:11:10.040> people<00:11:10.480> especially<00:11:10.839> if<00:11:10.959> they was executing people especially if they was executing people especially if they were<00:11:11.240> disproportionately<00:11:12.120> Jewish<00:11:12.560> I were disproportionately Jewish I were disproportionately Jewish I couldn't<00:11:12.920> bear<00:11:13.680> it<00:11:14.680> it<00:11:14.800> would<00:11:14.959> be couldn't bear it it would be couldn't bear it it would be unconscionable<00:11:16.959> and<00:11:17.120> yet<00:11:17.320> in<00:11:17.519> this<00:11:18.040> country unconscionable and yet in this country unconscionable and yet in this country in<00:11:19.160> the<00:11:19.320> states<00:11:19.600> of<00:11:19.760> the<00:11:19.880> Old<00:11:20.320> South<00:11:21.200> we in the states of the Old South we in the states of the Old South we execute<00:11:21.920> people<00:11:22.920> we<00:11:23.120> are<00:11:23.279> 11<00:11:23.560> times<00:11:23.760> more execute people we are 11 times more execute people we are 11 times more likely<00:11:24.200> to<00:11:24.320> get<00:11:24.440> the<00:11:24.519> death<00:11:24.720> penalty<00:11:25.040> if<00:11:25.120> the likely to get the death penalty if the likely to get the death penalty if the victim<00:11:25.480> is<00:11:25.639> white<00:11:25.839> than<00:11:25.959> if<00:11:26.079> the<00:11:26.160> victim<00:11:26.399> is victim is white than if the victim is victim is white than if the victim is black<00:11:26.839> 22<00:11:27.279> times<00:11:27.480> more<00:11:27.720> likely<00:11:27.959> to<00:11:28.079> get<00:11:28.200> it<00:11:28.440> if black 22 times more likely to get it if black 22 times more likely to get it if the<00:11:28.639> defendant<00:11:28.959> is<00:11:29.399> black<00:11:29.600> and<00:11:29.720> the<00:11:29.800> victim<00:11:30.079> is the defendant is black and the victim is the defendant is black and the victim is white<00:11:30.959> in<00:11:31.040> the<00:11:31.200> very<00:11:31.480> states<00:11:31.880> where<00:11:32.160> there<00:11:32.279> are white in the very states where there are white in the very states where there are buried<00:11:32.760> in<00:11:32.880> the<00:11:33.000> ground<00:11:33.240> the<00:11:33.399> bodies<00:11:33.639> of buried in the ground the bodies of buried in the ground the bodies of people<00:11:34.000> who<00:11:34.120> were<00:11:34.279> lynched<00:11:34.880> and<00:11:35.079> yet<00:11:35.320> there<00:11:35.560> is people who were lynched and yet there is people who were lynched and yet there is this this this disconnect<00:11:39.040> well<00:11:39.240> I<00:11:39.440> believe<00:11:39.880> that<00:11:40.040> our disconnect well I believe that our disconnect well I believe that our identity<00:11:41.000> is<00:11:41.160> at identity is at identity is at risk<00:11:43.399> that<00:11:43.639> when<00:11:44.000> we<00:11:44.480> actually<00:11:44.959> don't<00:11:45.480> care risk that when we actually don't care risk that when we actually don't care about<00:11:46.639> these<00:11:47.160> difficult about these difficult about these difficult things<00:11:49.360> the<00:11:49.600> positive<00:11:49.920> and<00:11:50.079> wonderful<00:11:50.560> things things the positive and wonderful things things the positive and wonderful things are<00:11:51.120> nonetheless are nonetheless are nonetheless implicated<00:11:53.959> we<00:11:54.160> love<00:11:54.920> Innovation<00:11:55.920> we<00:11:56.120> love implicated we love Innovation we love implicated we love Innovation we love technology<00:11:57.279> we<00:11:57.440> love<00:11:57.800> creativity<00:11:58.600> we<00:11:58.760> love technology we love creativity we love technology we love creativity we love entertainment<00:12:01.720> but<00:12:02.160> ultimately<00:12:03.160> those entertainment but ultimately those entertainment but ultimately those realities<00:12:05.000> are<00:12:05.279> shadowed<00:12:06.000> by<00:12:06.959> suffering realities are shadowed by suffering realities are shadowed by suffering abuse abuse abuse degradation degradation degradation marginalization<00:12:12.639> and<00:12:12.760> for<00:12:13.000> me<00:12:13.240> it<00:12:13.399> becomes marginalization and for me it becomes marginalization and for me it becomes necessary<00:12:14.240> to<00:12:14.440> integrate<00:12:15.000> the<00:12:15.480> two<00:12:16.480> because necessary to integrate the two because necessary to integrate the two because ultimately<00:12:17.360> we<00:12:17.480> are<00:12:17.720> talking<00:12:18.120> about<00:12:18.399> a<00:12:18.560> need ultimately we are talking about a need ultimately we are talking about a need to<00:12:18.959> be<00:12:19.320> more<00:12:19.639> hopeful<00:12:20.639> more<00:12:20.920> committed<00:12:21.839> more to be more hopeful more committed more to be more hopeful more committed more dedicated<00:12:22.760> to<00:12:22.920> the<00:12:23.199> basic<00:12:23.600> challenges<00:12:24.120> of dedicated to the basic challenges of dedicated to the basic challenges of living<00:12:24.560> in<00:12:24.720> a<00:12:24.959> complex<00:12:25.480> world<00:12:26.120> and<00:12:26.240> for<00:12:26.440> that living in a complex world and for that living in a complex world and for that mean<00:12:27.240> for<00:12:27.440> me<00:12:27.760> that<00:12:27.880> for<00:12:28.040> me<00:12:28.279> that<00:12:28.399> means mean for me that for me that means mean for me that for me that means spending<00:12:29.720> time<00:12:30.079> thinking<00:12:30.360> and<00:12:30.560> talking<00:12:30.920> about spending time thinking and talking about spending time thinking and talking about the<00:12:31.360> poor<00:12:32.160> the<00:12:32.519> disadvantaged<00:12:33.519> those<00:12:33.720> who the poor the disadvantaged those who the poor the disadvantaged those who will<00:12:34.040> never<00:12:34.360> get<00:12:34.720> to<00:12:35.199> Ted<00:12:36.199> but<00:12:36.399> thinking<00:12:36.720> about will never get to Ted but thinking about will never get to Ted but thinking about them<00:12:37.160> in<00:12:37.240> a<00:12:37.399> way<00:12:37.639> that<00:12:37.839> is<00:12:38.120> integrated<00:12:38.680> in<00:12:38.839> our them in a way that is integrated in our them in a way that is integrated in our own<00:12:39.440> lives<00:12:40.440> you<00:12:40.600> know<00:12:40.800> ultimately<00:12:41.480> we<00:12:41.639> all own lives you know ultimately we all own lives you know ultimately we all have<00:12:42.040> to<00:12:42.240> believe<00:12:42.680> things<00:12:42.959> we<00:12:43.120> haven't<00:12:43.399> seen have to believe things we haven't seen have to believe things we haven't seen we<00:12:43.959> do<00:12:44.480> as<00:12:44.680> rational<00:12:45.000> as<00:12:45.160> we<00:12:45.279> are<00:12:45.480> as<00:12:45.600> committed we do as rational as we are as committed we do as rational as we are as committed to<00:12:46.079> intellect<00:12:46.480> as<00:12:46.600> we<00:12:46.760> are<00:12:47.639> Innovation to intellect as we are Innovation to intellect as we are Innovation creativity<00:12:50.079> uh<00:12:50.240> development<00:12:50.920> comes<00:12:51.760> not<00:12:52.079> from creativity uh development comes not from creativity uh development comes not from the<00:12:52.519> ideas<00:12:52.920> and<00:12:53.160> our<00:12:53.360> mind<00:12:53.760> alone<00:12:54.320> they<00:12:54.519> come the ideas and our mind alone they come the ideas and our mind alone they come from<00:12:55.079> the<00:12:55.360> ideas<00:12:55.760> in<00:12:55.920> our<00:12:56.199> mind<00:12:56.440> that<00:12:56.560> are<00:12:56.760> also from the ideas in our mind that are also from the ideas in our mind that are also fueled<00:12:57.560> by<00:12:57.760> some<00:12:58.000> conviction<00:12:58.760> in<00:12:58.880> our<00:12:59.480> heart fueled by some conviction in our heart fueled by some conviction in our heart and<00:13:00.639> it's<00:13:00.880> that<00:13:01.199> mind<00:13:01.720> heart<00:13:02.040> connection<00:13:02.639> that and it's that mind heart connection that and it's that mind heart connection that I<00:13:03.040> believe<00:13:03.440> compels<00:13:04.120> us<00:13:05.120> to<00:13:05.360> not<00:13:05.600> just<00:13:05.760> be<00:13:06.000> tent I believe compels us to not just be tent I believe compels us to not just be tent attentive<00:13:07.160> to<00:13:07.760> all<00:13:07.920> the<00:13:08.079> bright<00:13:08.320> and<00:13:08.440> dazzly attentive to all the bright and dazzly attentive to all the bright and dazzly things<00:13:09.959> but<00:13:10.120> also<00:13:10.360> the<00:13:10.560> dark<00:13:11.120> and<00:13:11.560> difficult things but also the dark and difficult things but also the dark and difficult things<00:13:13.240> vak<00:13:13.680> H<00:13:13.920> the<00:13:14.000> great<00:13:14.120> Czech<00:13:14.360> leader things vak H the great Czech leader things vak H the great Czech leader talked<00:13:14.920> about<00:13:15.279> this<00:13:15.480> he<00:13:15.600> said<00:13:16.040> uh<00:13:16.639> when<00:13:16.760> we talked about this he said uh when we talked about this he said uh when we were<00:13:17.000> in<00:13:17.199> Eastern<00:13:17.680> Europe<00:13:18.079> and<00:13:18.199> dealing<00:13:18.519> with were in Eastern Europe and dealing with were in Eastern Europe and dealing with oppression<00:13:19.160> we<00:13:19.279> wanted<00:13:19.600> all<00:13:19.800> kinds<00:13:20.000> of<00:13:20.240> things oppression we wanted all kinds of things oppression we wanted all kinds of things but<00:13:20.920> mostly<00:13:21.279> what<00:13:21.440> we<00:13:21.560> needed<00:13:21.959> was<00:13:22.199> hope<00:13:22.720> and but mostly what we needed was hope and but mostly what we needed was hope and orientation<00:13:23.600> of<00:13:23.800> the<00:13:24.040> spirit<00:13:24.680> a<00:13:24.800> willingness orientation of the spirit a willingness orientation of the spirit a willingness to<00:13:25.639> sometimes<00:13:25.920> be<00:13:26.120> in<00:13:26.279> Hopeless<00:13:26.720> places<00:13:27.000> and to sometimes be in Hopeless places and to sometimes be in Hopeless places and be<00:13:27.320> a<00:13:27.720> witness<00:13:28.720> well<00:13:28.959> that<00:13:29.440> orientation<00:13:30.160> of be a witness well that orientation of be a witness well that orientation of the<00:13:30.519> spirit<00:13:30.880> is<00:13:31.120> very<00:13:31.360> much<00:13:31.680> at<00:13:31.839> the<00:13:32.000> core<00:13:32.320> of the spirit is very much at the core of the spirit is very much at the core of what<00:13:32.760> I<00:13:33.040> believe<00:13:34.040> even<00:13:34.720> Ted<00:13:35.399> communities<00:13:36.399> have what I believe even Ted communities have what I believe even Ted communities have to<00:13:36.639> be<00:13:36.800> engaged<00:13:37.360> in<00:13:38.360> there<00:13:38.600> is<00:13:38.839> no<00:13:39.320> disconnect to be engaged in there is no disconnect to be engaged in there is no disconnect around<00:13:40.680> technology<00:13:41.240> and<00:13:41.519> design<00:13:42.519> that<00:13:42.639> will around technology and design that will around technology and design that will allow<00:13:43.360> us<00:13:43.519> to<00:13:43.680> be<00:13:43.920> fully<00:13:44.399> human<00:13:45.199> until<00:13:45.440> we<00:13:45.600> pay allow us to be fully human until we pay allow us to be fully human until we pay attention<00:13:46.120> to<00:13:46.399> suffering<00:13:47.399> to<00:13:47.680> Poverty<00:13:48.519> to attention to suffering to Poverty to attention to suffering to Poverty to exclusion<00:13:49.639> to<00:13:49.839> unfairness<00:13:50.519> to<00:13:50.680> Injustice<00:13:51.240> now exclusion to unfairness to Injustice now exclusion to unfairness to Injustice now I<00:13:51.480> will<00:13:51.680> warn<00:13:52.040> you<00:13:52.759> that<00:13:53.079> this<00:13:53.360> kind<00:13:53.560> of I will warn you that this kind of I will warn you that this kind of identity<00:13:55.079> is<00:13:55.199> a<00:13:55.360> much<00:13:55.600> more<00:13:55.920> challenging identity is a much more challenging identity is a much more challenging identity<00:13:57.720> than<00:13:57.920> ones<00:13:58.199> that<00:13:58.360> don't<00:13:58.639> pay identity than ones that don't pay identity than ones that don't pay attention<00:13:59.279> to<00:13:59.720> this<00:14:00.720> it<00:14:00.839> will<00:14:01.079> get<00:14:01.240> to<00:14:01.399> you<00:14:01.720> I attention to this it will get to you I attention to this it will get to you I had<00:14:01.920> the<00:14:02.040> great<00:14:02.199> privilege<00:14:02.560> when<00:14:02.639> I<00:14:02.720> was<00:14:02.839> a had the great privilege when I was a had the great privilege when I was a young<00:14:03.399> lawyer<00:14:03.759> of<00:14:03.880> meeting<00:14:04.160> Rosa<00:14:04.560> Parks<00:14:05.040> and young lawyer of meeting Rosa Parks and young lawyer of meeting Rosa Parks and Miss<00:14:05.759> Parks<00:14:06.040> used<00:14:06.240> to<00:14:06.320> come<00:14:06.519> back<00:14:06.639> to<00:14:06.800> mongery Miss Parks used to come back to mongery Miss Parks used to come back to mongery every<00:14:07.519> now<00:14:07.680> and<00:14:07.839> then<00:14:08.000> and<00:14:08.079> she<00:14:08.199> would<00:14:08.399> get every now and then and she would get every now and then and she would get together<00:14:08.880> with<00:14:09.040> two<00:14:09.199> of<00:14:09.320> her<00:14:09.519> dearest<00:14:09.920> friends together with two of her dearest friends together with two of her dearest friends these<00:14:10.440> older<00:14:10.759> women<00:14:11.639> Johnny<00:14:12.040> Carr<00:14:12.399> who<00:14:12.560> was these older women Johnny Carr who was these older women Johnny Carr who was the<00:14:13.399> uh<00:14:13.519> organizer<00:14:14.120> of<00:14:14.240> the<00:14:14.320> Montgomery<00:14:14.839> Bus the uh organizer of the Montgomery Bus the uh organizer of the Montgomery Bus Boycott<00:14:16.199> amazing<00:14:16.839> African-American<00:14:17.560> woman Boycott amazing African-American woman Boycott amazing African-American woman and<00:14:18.079> Virginia<00:14:18.480> dur<00:14:18.800> a<00:14:18.920> white<00:14:19.120> woman<00:14:19.360> whose and Virginia dur a white woman whose and Virginia dur a white woman whose husband<00:14:19.880> Clipper<00:14:20.279> dur<00:14:21.079> represented<00:14:21.600> Dr<00:14:21.880> King husband Clipper dur represented Dr King husband Clipper dur represented Dr King and<00:14:22.199> these<00:14:22.360> women<00:14:22.560> would<00:14:22.720> get<00:14:23.000> together<00:14:23.240> and and these women would get together and and these women would get together and just<00:14:23.680> talk<00:14:24.399> and<00:14:24.560> every<00:14:24.720> now<00:14:24.880> and<00:14:25.000> then<00:14:25.160> miss just talk and every now and then miss just talk and every now and then miss Carr<00:14:25.600> would<00:14:25.759> call<00:14:25.959> me<00:14:26.079> and<00:14:26.199> she'd<00:14:26.360> say<00:14:26.560> Brian Carr would call me and she'd say Brian Carr would call me and she'd say Brian Miss<00:14:27.639> Parks<00:14:27.920> is<00:14:28.040> Coming<00:14:28.279> to<00:14:28.440> Town<00:14:28.759> we're<00:14:28.880> going Miss Parks is Coming to Town we're going Miss Parks is Coming to Town we're going get<00:14:29.360> together<00:14:29.519> and<00:14:29.639> talk<00:14:29.880> do<00:14:29.959> you<00:14:30.079> want<00:14:30.160> to get together and talk do you want to get together and talk do you want to come<00:14:30.519> over<00:14:30.759> and come over and come over and listen<00:14:32.560> and<00:14:32.720> I'd<00:14:32.880> say<00:14:33.120> yes<00:14:33.360> ma'am<00:14:33.600> I<00:14:33.720> do<00:14:33.880> and listen and I'd say yes ma'am I do and listen and I'd say yes ma'am I do and she<00:14:34.040> said<00:14:34.240> well<00:14:34.320> what<00:14:34.399> are<00:14:34.480> you<00:14:34.560> going<00:14:34.639> to<00:14:34.759> do she said well what are you going to do she said well what are you going to do when<00:14:35.000> you<00:14:35.199> get<00:14:35.320> here<00:14:35.560> I<00:14:35.639> said<00:14:35.880> I'm<00:14:36.000> going<00:14:36.079> to when you get here I said I'm going to when you get here I said I'm going to listen<00:14:37.320> and<00:14:37.440> I'd<00:14:37.639> go<00:14:37.759> over<00:14:37.959> there<00:14:38.040> and<00:14:38.160> I<00:14:38.240> would listen and I'd go over there and I would listen and I'd go over there and I would I<00:14:38.560> would<00:14:38.720> just<00:14:38.880> listen<00:14:39.279> it<00:14:39.399> would<00:14:39.560> be<00:14:39.800> so I would just listen it would be so I would just listen it would be so energizing<00:14:40.800> and<00:14:41.000> so<00:14:41.199> empowering<00:14:41.680> and<00:14:41.839> one energizing and so empowering and one energizing and so empowering and one time<00:14:42.199> I<00:14:42.320> was<00:14:42.519> over<00:14:42.839> there<00:14:43.440> listening<00:14:43.759> to<00:14:43.920> these time I was over there listening to these time I was over there listening to these women<00:14:44.320> talk<00:14:44.560> and<00:14:44.680> after<00:14:44.880> a<00:14:44.959> couple<00:14:45.199> of<00:14:45.320> hours women talk and after a couple of hours women talk and after a couple of hours Miss<00:14:45.800> Parks<00:14:46.079> turned<00:14:46.320> to<00:14:46.440> me<00:14:46.519> and<00:14:46.600> she<00:14:46.720> said<00:14:46.880> now Miss Parks turned to me and she said now Miss Parks turned to me and she said now Brian<00:14:47.759> tell<00:14:47.920> me<00:14:48.079> what<00:14:48.199> the<00:14:48.320> Equal<00:14:48.600> justice Brian tell me what the Equal justice Brian tell me what the Equal justice initiative<00:14:49.480> is<00:14:49.680> tell<00:14:49.800> me<00:14:49.959> what<00:14:50.040> you're<00:14:50.199> trying initiative is tell me what you're trying initiative is tell me what you're trying to<00:14:50.839> do<00:14:51.839> I<00:14:51.959> began<00:14:52.279> giving<00:14:52.480> her<00:14:52.639> my<00:14:52.800> wrap<00:14:53.120> I<00:14:53.199> said to do I began giving her my wrap I said to do I began giving her my wrap I said well<00:14:53.519> we're<00:14:53.680> trying<00:14:54.040> to<00:14:54.440> challenge<00:14:55.360> Injustice well we're trying to challenge Injustice well we're trying to challenge Injustice we're<00:14:56.040> trying<00:14:56.320> to<00:14:56.800> help<00:14:57.040> people<00:14:57.240> who've<00:14:57.399> been we're trying to help people who've been we're trying to help people who've been wrongly<00:14:57.880> convicted<00:14:58.240> we're<00:14:58.360> trying<00:14:58.560> to wrongly convicted we're trying to wrongly convicted we're trying to confront confront confront bias<00:15:00.040> and<00:15:00.199> discrimination<00:15:00.720> in<00:15:00.839> the bias and discrimination in the bias and discrimination in the administration<00:15:01.399> of<00:15:01.519> Criminal<00:15:01.839> Justice<00:15:02.120> we're administration of Criminal Justice we're administration of Criminal Justice we're trying<00:15:02.519> to<00:15:03.040> end<00:15:03.839> life<00:15:04.000> without<00:15:04.240> parole trying to end life without parole trying to end life without parole sentences<00:15:04.880> for<00:15:05.040> children<00:15:05.320> we're<00:15:05.480> trying<00:15:05.639> to sentences for children we're trying to sentences for children we're trying to do<00:15:05.920> something<00:15:06.199> about<00:15:06.360> the<00:15:06.480> death<00:15:06.680> penalty do something about the death penalty do something about the death penalty we're<00:15:07.120> trying<00:15:07.279> to<00:15:07.440> reduce<00:15:08.079> the<00:15:08.240> prison we're trying to reduce the prison we're trying to reduce the prison population<00:15:09.000> we're<00:15:09.160> trying<00:15:09.360> to<00:15:09.480> end<00:15:09.759> mass population we're trying to end mass population we're trying to end mass incarceration<00:15:10.480> I<00:15:10.560> gave<00:15:10.680> her<00:15:10.800> my<00:15:10.920> whole<00:15:11.120> WAP incarceration I gave her my whole WAP incarceration I gave her my whole WAP and<00:15:11.480> when<00:15:11.560> I<00:15:11.680> finished<00:15:12.000> she<00:15:12.120> looked<00:15:12.360> at<00:15:12.440> me<00:15:12.560> and and when I finished she looked at me and and when I finished she looked at me and she she she [Music] [Music] [Music] said<00:15:15.759> she<00:15:15.880> said<00:15:16.199> that's<00:15:16.360> going<00:15:16.480> to<00:15:16.600> make<00:15:16.759> you said she said that's going to make you said she said that's going to make you tired<00:15:17.920> tired tired tired tired tired tired<00:15:20.800> and<00:15:20.959> that's<00:15:21.120> when<00:15:21.320> Miss<00:15:21.560> car<00:15:21.800> Lean tired and that's when Miss car Lean tired and that's when Miss car Lean Forward<00:15:22.320> she<00:15:22.440> put<00:15:22.560> her<00:15:22.639> finger<00:15:22.839> in<00:15:22.920> my<00:15:23.079> face Forward she put her finger in my face Forward she put her finger in my face and<00:15:23.360> says<00:15:23.560> that's<00:15:23.720> why<00:15:23.839> you've<00:15:24.079> got<00:15:24.199> to<00:15:24.360> be and says that's why you've got to be and says that's why you've got to be brave<00:15:26.120> brave brave brave brave brave brave<00:15:29.199> and<00:15:29.319> I<00:15:29.519> actually<00:15:29.839> believe<00:15:30.199> that<00:15:30.319> the brave and I actually believe that the brave and I actually believe that the Ted<00:15:30.759> Community<00:15:31.360> needs<00:15:31.639> to<00:15:31.839> be<00:15:32.360> more Ted Community needs to be more Ted Community needs to be more courageous<00:15:34.480> we<00:15:34.600> need<00:15:34.720> to<00:15:35.000> find<00:15:35.360> ways<00:15:35.759> to<00:15:36.319> to courageous we need to find ways to to courageous we need to find ways to to embrace<00:15:37.199> these<00:15:37.440> challenges<00:15:38.120> these<00:15:38.440> problems embrace these challenges these problems embrace these challenges these problems the<00:15:39.399> suffering<00:15:40.399> because<00:15:40.680> ultimately<00:15:41.319> our the suffering because ultimately our the suffering because ultimately our Humanity<00:15:42.399> depends<00:15:42.959> on<00:15:43.199> everyone's<00:15:43.720> Humanity Humanity depends on everyone's Humanity Humanity depends on everyone's Humanity I've<00:15:44.839> learned<00:15:45.160> very<00:15:45.319> simple<00:15:45.560> things<00:15:45.759> doing I've learned very simple things doing I've learned very simple things doing the<00:15:46.120> work<00:15:46.279> that<00:15:46.399> I<00:15:46.560> do<00:15:46.959> it's<00:15:47.160> just<00:15:47.279> taught<00:15:47.519> me the work that I do it's just taught me the work that I do it's just taught me very<00:15:47.959> simple<00:15:48.240> things<00:15:48.720> I've<00:15:49.000> come<00:15:49.279> to very simple things I've come to very simple things I've come to understand<00:15:50.600> and<00:15:50.759> to<00:15:51.040> believe<00:15:52.040> that<00:15:52.319> each<00:15:52.560> of understand and to believe that each of understand and to believe that each of us<00:15:53.519> is<00:15:53.720> more<00:15:53.920> than<00:15:54.079> the<00:15:54.240> worst<00:15:54.480> thing<00:15:54.680> we've us is more than the worst thing we've us is more than the worst thing we've ever<00:15:55.079> done<00:15:55.880> I<00:15:56.000> believe<00:15:56.240> that<00:15:56.399> for<00:15:56.680> every ever done I believe that for every ever done I believe that for every person<00:15:57.680> on<00:15:58.000> the<00:15:58.199> planet<00:15:59.399> I<00:15:59.480> think<00:15:59.639> if<00:15:59.720> somebody person on the planet I think if somebody person on the planet I think if somebody tells<00:16:00.240> a<00:16:00.440> lie<00:16:00.639> they're<00:16:00.880> not<00:16:01.160> just<00:16:01.399> a<00:16:01.600> liar<00:16:02.560> I tells a lie they're not just a liar I tells a lie they're not just a liar I think<00:16:02.759> if<00:16:02.880> somebody<00:16:03.199> takes<00:16:03.480> something<00:16:03.720> that think if somebody takes something that think if somebody takes something that doesn't<00:16:04.120> belong<00:16:04.399> to<00:16:04.560> them<00:16:04.720> they're<00:16:04.920> not<00:16:05.160> just doesn't belong to them they're not just doesn't belong to them they're not just a<00:16:05.480> thief<00:16:05.759> I<00:16:05.839> think<00:16:06.040> even<00:16:06.199> if<00:16:06.319> you<00:16:06.519> kill<00:16:06.759> someone a thief I think even if you kill someone a thief I think even if you kill someone you're<00:16:07.880> not<00:16:08.120> just<00:16:08.319> a<00:16:08.519> killer<00:16:09.360> and<00:16:09.560> because<00:16:09.839> of you're not just a killer and because of you're not just a killer and because of that<00:16:10.160> there's<00:16:10.399> this<00:16:10.639> basic<00:16:11.040> human<00:16:11.399> dignity that there's this basic human dignity that there's this basic human dignity that<00:16:12.199> must<00:16:12.399> be<00:16:12.600> respected<00:16:13.079> by<00:16:13.560> law<00:16:14.560> I<00:16:14.720> also that must be respected by law I also that must be respected by law I also believe<00:16:16.160> that<00:16:16.319> in<00:16:16.480> many<00:16:16.759> parts<00:16:17.000> of<00:16:17.199> this believe that in many parts of this believe that in many parts of this country<00:16:18.120> and<00:16:18.319> certainly<00:16:19.040> in<00:16:19.240> many<00:16:19.519> parts<00:16:19.759> of country and certainly in many parts of country and certainly in many parts of this<00:16:20.639> globe<00:16:21.639> that<00:16:21.800> the<00:16:21.959> opposite<00:16:22.319> of<00:16:22.560> poverty this globe that the opposite of poverty this globe that the opposite of poverty is<00:16:23.279> not<00:16:24.000> wealth<00:16:25.000> I<00:16:25.079> don't<00:16:25.279> believe<00:16:25.639> that<00:16:26.360> I is not wealth I don't believe that I is not wealth I don't believe that I actually<00:16:26.839> think<00:16:27.160> in<00:16:27.319> too<00:16:27.560> many<00:16:27.920> places<00:16:29.040> the actually think in too many places the actually think in too many places the opposite<00:16:29.560> of<00:16:29.800> poverty<00:16:30.600> is<00:16:31.360> Justice<00:16:32.360> and opposite of poverty is Justice and opposite of poverty is Justice and finally<00:16:33.240> I finally I finally I believe<00:16:35.319> that<00:16:35.600> despite<00:16:36.079> the<00:16:36.240> fact<00:16:36.440> that<00:16:36.560> it<00:16:36.680> is believe that despite the fact that it is believe that despite the fact that it is so<00:16:37.279> dramatic<00:16:37.880> and<00:16:38.040> so<00:16:38.319> beautiful<00:16:39.000> and<00:16:39.160> so so dramatic and so beautiful and so so dramatic and so beautiful and so inspiring<00:16:40.000> and<00:16:40.120> so<00:16:40.560> stimulating<00:16:41.560> we<00:16:41.680> will inspiring and so stimulating we will inspiring and so stimulating we will ultimately<00:16:42.759> not<00:16:43.000> be<00:16:43.199> judged<00:16:43.920> by<00:16:44.079> our ultimately not be judged by our ultimately not be judged by our technology<00:16:45.600> we<00:16:45.720> won't<00:16:46.000> be<00:16:46.160> judged<00:16:46.560> by<00:16:46.680> our technology we won't be judged by our technology we won't be judged by our design<00:16:47.920> we<00:16:48.040> won't<00:16:48.279> be<00:16:48.480> judged<00:16:48.839> by<00:16:48.959> our design we won't be judged by our design we won't be judged by our intellect<00:16:49.680> and<00:16:49.880> reason<00:16:50.360> ultimately<00:16:51.000> you intellect and reason ultimately you intellect and reason ultimately you judge<00:16:51.560> the<00:16:51.880> character<00:16:52.399> of<00:16:52.519> a<00:16:52.959> society<00:16:53.959> not<00:16:54.199> by judge the character of a society not by judge the character of a society not by how<00:16:54.480> they<00:16:54.639> treat<00:16:54.880> the<00:16:55.040> rich<00:16:55.319> and<00:16:55.480> the<00:16:55.639> powerful how they treat the rich and the powerful how they treat the rich and the powerful and<00:16:56.160> the<00:16:56.279> privileged<00:16:56.720> but<00:16:56.880> by<00:16:57.000> how<00:16:57.160> they<00:16:57.279> treat and the privileged but by how they treat and the privileged but by how they treat the<00:16:57.839> poor<00:16:59.000> The<00:16:59.279> Condemned<00:17:00.279> the<00:17:00.639> incarcerated the poor The Condemned the incarcerated the poor The Condemned the incarcerated because<00:17:01.839> it's<00:17:02.079> in<00:17:02.360> that<00:17:02.560> Nexus<00:17:03.040> that<00:17:03.160> we because it's in that Nexus that we because it's in that Nexus that we actually<00:17:03.639> begin<00:17:03.920> to<00:17:04.520> understand<00:17:05.120> truly actually begin to understand truly actually begin to understand truly profound<00:17:06.039> things<00:17:06.360> about<00:17:07.000> who<00:17:07.199> we profound things about who we profound things about who we are<00:17:09.799> I<00:17:10.079> sometimes<00:17:10.280> get<00:17:10.400> out<00:17:10.520> of<00:17:10.640> balance<00:17:10.959> I'll are I sometimes get out of balance I'll are I sometimes get out of balance I'll end<00:17:11.319> with<00:17:11.439> this<00:17:11.559> story<00:17:11.919> I<00:17:12.240> sometimes<00:17:12.559> push<00:17:12.799> too end with this story I sometimes push too end with this story I sometimes push too hard<00:17:13.919> I<00:17:14.039> do<00:17:14.240> get<00:17:14.439> tired<00:17:14.880> as<00:17:15.039> we<00:17:15.160> all<00:17:15.400> do hard I do get tired as we all do hard I do get tired as we all do sometimes<00:17:16.480> those<00:17:16.720> ideas<00:17:17.160> get<00:17:17.439> ahead<00:17:17.679> of<00:17:18.280> our sometimes those ideas get ahead of our sometimes those ideas get ahead of our kind<00:17:18.679> of<00:17:18.880> thinking<00:17:19.280> in<00:17:19.439> ways<00:17:19.640> that<00:17:19.760> are kind of thinking in ways that are kind of thinking in ways that are important<00:17:21.199> and<00:17:21.319> I've<00:17:21.439> been<00:17:21.559> representing important and I've been representing important and I've been representing these<00:17:22.319> kids<00:17:22.640> who<00:17:22.760> have<00:17:22.919> been<00:17:23.039> sentenced<00:17:23.520> to<00:17:23.799> to these kids who have been sentenced to to these kids who have been sentenced to to do<00:17:24.160> these<00:17:24.360> very<00:17:24.559> harsh<00:17:24.799> sentences<00:17:25.240> and<00:17:25.400> I<00:17:25.559> go do these very harsh sentences and I go do these very harsh sentences and I go to<00:17:26.160> the<00:17:26.319> jail<00:17:26.600> and<00:17:26.720> I<00:17:26.799> see<00:17:27.000> my<00:17:27.160> client<00:17:27.400> who's<00:17:27.600> 13 to the jail and I see my client who's 13 to the jail and I see my client who's 13 and<00:17:28.079> 14<00:17:28.439> and<00:17:28.559> he's<00:17:28.679> been<00:17:28.960> certified<00:17:29.400> to<00:17:29.520> stand and 14 and he's been certified to stand and 14 and he's been certified to stand TR<00:17:30.039> as<00:17:30.120> an<00:17:30.240> adult<00:17:30.480> and<00:17:30.559> I<00:17:30.679> keep<00:17:30.799> start<00:17:31.039> thinking TR as an adult and I keep start thinking TR as an adult and I keep start thinking well<00:17:31.520> how<00:17:31.640> did<00:17:31.840> that<00:17:32.080> happen<00:17:32.880> how<00:17:33.000> can<00:17:33.160> a<00:17:33.360> judge well how did that happen how can a judge well how did that happen how can a judge turn<00:17:33.960> you<00:17:34.160> into<00:17:34.480> something<00:17:34.880> that<00:17:35.000> you're<00:17:35.600> not turn you into something that you're not turn you into something that you're not and<00:17:36.720> the<00:17:36.880> judge<00:17:37.039> has<00:17:37.160> certified<00:17:37.640> him<00:17:37.760> as<00:17:37.880> an and the judge has certified him as an and the judge has certified him as an adult<00:17:38.280> but<00:17:38.400> I<00:17:38.480> see<00:17:38.760> this<00:17:38.960> kid<00:17:39.200> and<00:17:39.360> I<00:17:39.520> and<00:17:39.600> I<00:17:39.679> was adult but I see this kid and I and I was adult but I see this kid and I and I was up<00:17:39.960> too<00:17:40.160> late<00:17:40.360> one<00:17:40.520> night<00:17:40.679> and<00:17:40.760> I<00:17:40.840> started up too late one night and I started up too late one night and I started thinking<00:17:41.320> well<00:17:41.520> gosh<00:17:41.720> if<00:17:41.840> the<00:17:42.039> judge<00:17:42.559> can<00:17:42.720> turn thinking well gosh if the judge can turn thinking well gosh if the judge can turn you<00:17:43.120> into<00:17:43.320> something<00:17:43.600> that<00:17:43.679> you're<00:17:43.880> not<00:17:44.160> the you into something that you're not the you into something that you're not the judge<00:17:44.480> must<00:17:44.720> have<00:17:45.000> magic<00:17:45.640> power<00:17:46.640> I<00:17:46.720> said<00:17:46.919> yeah judge must have magic power I said yeah judge must have magic power I said yeah Brian<00:17:47.400> the<00:17:47.480> judge<00:17:47.720> has<00:17:47.880> some<00:17:48.039> magic<00:17:48.400> power<00:17:48.640> you Brian the judge has some magic power you Brian the judge has some magic power you should<00:17:49.039> ask<00:17:49.280> for<00:17:49.480> some<00:17:49.640> of<00:17:49.840> that<00:17:50.520> and<00:17:50.640> because should ask for some of that and because should ask for some of that and because I<00:17:50.919> was<00:17:51.039> up<00:17:51.160> too<00:17:51.360> late<00:17:51.520> and<00:17:51.640> wasn't<00:17:51.880> thinking I was up too late and wasn't thinking I was up too late and wasn't thinking real<00:17:52.320> straight<00:17:52.600> I'd<00:17:52.760> started<00:17:53.039> working<00:17:53.280> on<00:17:53.400> a real straight I'd started working on a real straight I'd started working on a motion<00:17:54.600> and<00:17:54.720> I<00:17:54.799> had<00:17:54.880> a<00:17:55.039> client<00:17:55.320> who<00:17:55.440> was<00:17:55.600> 14 motion and I had a client who was 14 motion and I had a client who was 14 years<00:17:56.159> old<00:17:56.360> a<00:17:56.520> young<00:17:56.760> poor<00:17:57.080> black<00:17:57.360> kid<00:17:57.640> and years old a young poor black kid and years old a young poor black kid and started<00:17:58.480> working<00:17:58.679> on<00:17:58.760> the<00:17:58.919> this<00:17:59.039> motion<00:17:59.360> with started working on the this motion with started working on the this motion with and<00:17:59.640> the<00:17:59.760> head<00:17:59.880> of<00:18:00.000> the<00:18:00.120> motion<00:18:00.440> was<00:18:00.600> a<00:18:00.840> motion and the head of the motion was a motion and the head of the motion was a motion to<00:18:01.280> try<00:18:01.679> my<00:18:01.919> poor<00:18:02.200> 14-year-old<00:18:03.039> black<00:18:03.280> male to try my poor 14-year-old black male to try my poor 14-year-old black male client<00:18:04.039> like<00:18:04.159> a<00:18:04.400> privileged<00:18:04.960> white client like a privileged white client like a privileged white 75-year-old<00:18:06.080> corporate

executive<00:18:13.159> and<00:18:13.280> I<00:18:13.400> put<00:18:13.559> in<00:18:13.720> my<00:18:13.880> motion<00:18:14.200> that
executive and I put in my motion that executive and I put in my motion that there<00:18:14.480> was<00:18:14.799> prosecutorial<00:18:15.400> misconduct<00:18:15.880> and there was prosecutorial misconduct and there was prosecutorial misconduct and police<00:18:16.360> misconduct<00:18:16.880> and<00:18:16.960> judicial police misconduct and judicial police misconduct and judicial misconduct<00:18:17.760> there<00:18:17.840> was<00:18:17.919> a<00:18:18.039> crazy<00:18:18.320> line<00:18:18.520> in misconduct there was a crazy line in misconduct there was a crazy line in there<00:18:18.799> about<00:18:19.000> how<00:18:19.120> there's<00:18:19.320> no<00:18:19.520> conduct<00:18:19.840> in there about how there's no conduct in there about how there's no conduct in this<00:18:20.080> County<00:18:20.320> it's<00:18:20.440> all<00:18:20.679> misconduct<00:18:21.440> and<00:18:22.000> at this County it's all misconduct and at this County it's all misconduct and at the<00:18:22.240> next<00:18:22.360> morning<00:18:22.600> I<00:18:22.799> woke<00:18:22.919> up<00:18:23.000> and<00:18:23.080> I<00:18:23.159> thought the next morning I woke up and I thought the next morning I woke up and I thought did<00:18:23.559> I<00:18:23.720> dream<00:18:24.080> that<00:18:24.280> crazy<00:18:24.640> motion<00:18:25.159> or<00:18:25.320> did<00:18:25.440> I did I dream that crazy motion or did I did I dream that crazy motion or did I actually<00:18:26.080> write<00:18:26.320> it<00:18:26.520> into<00:18:26.840> my<00:18:27.080> horror<00:18:27.799> not actually write it into my horror not actually write it into my horror not only<00:18:28.200> had<00:18:28.320> I<00:18:28.480> written<00:18:28.960> it<00:18:29.280> but<00:18:29.400> I<00:18:29.520> had<00:18:29.679> sent<00:18:29.960> it only had I written it but I had sent it only had I written it but I had sent it to

court<00:18:34.320> couple<00:18:34.679> months<00:18:35.320> uh<00:18:35.640> went<00:18:35.960> by<00:18:36.640> and<00:18:37.000> I
court couple months uh went by and I court couple months uh went by and I just<00:18:37.280> had<00:18:37.440> forgotten<00:18:37.799> all<00:18:38.000> about<00:18:38.280> it<00:18:39.240> and<00:18:39.600> I just had forgotten all about it and I just had forgotten all about it and I finally<00:18:40.480> uh<00:18:40.600> decided<00:18:40.960> oh<00:18:41.120> gosh<00:18:41.280> I<00:18:41.360> got<00:18:41.440> to<00:18:41.520> go finally uh decided oh gosh I got to go finally uh decided oh gosh I got to go to<00:18:41.760> the<00:18:41.840> court<00:18:42.080> and<00:18:42.200> do<00:18:42.360> this<00:18:42.559> crazy<00:18:42.960> case<00:18:43.159> and to the court and do this crazy case and to the court and do this crazy case and I<00:18:43.400> got<00:18:43.559> in<00:18:43.679> my<00:18:43.840> car<00:18:43.960> and<00:18:44.080> I<00:18:44.159> was<00:18:44.240> feeling<00:18:44.520> really I got in my car and I was feeling really I got in my car and I was feeling really overwhelmed overwhelmed overwhelmed overwhelmed<00:18:47.320> and<00:18:47.480> I<00:18:47.600> got<00:18:47.720> in<00:18:47.880> my<00:18:48.000> car<00:18:48.159> and<00:18:48.280> I overwhelmed and I got in my car and I overwhelmed and I got in my car and I went<00:18:48.480> to<00:18:48.640> this<00:18:48.760> Courthouse<00:18:49.159> I<00:18:49.240> was<00:18:49.360> s<00:18:49.559> oh<00:18:49.799> this went to this Courthouse I was s oh this went to this Courthouse I was s oh this is<00:18:49.960> going<00:18:50.039> to<00:18:50.120> be<00:18:50.280> so<00:18:50.760> difficult<00:18:51.000> so<00:18:51.320> so is going to be so difficult so so is going to be so difficult so so painful<00:18:52.360> and<00:18:52.440> I<00:18:52.559> finally<00:18:52.840> got<00:18:52.960> out<00:18:53.080> of<00:18:53.200> the<00:18:53.320> car painful and I finally got out of the car painful and I finally got out of the car and<00:18:53.559> I<00:18:53.640> started<00:18:53.960> walking<00:18:54.240> up<00:18:54.360> to<00:18:54.559> the and I started walking up to the and I started walking up to the courthouse<00:18:55.120> and<00:18:55.240> as<00:18:55.360> I<00:18:55.480> was<00:18:55.600> walking<00:18:55.840> up<00:18:55.960> the courthouse and as I was walking up the courthouse and as I was walking up the steps<00:18:56.280> of<00:18:56.440> this<00:18:56.559> Courthouse<00:18:56.960> there<00:18:57.039> was<00:18:57.159> an steps of this Courthouse there was an steps of this Courthouse there was an older<00:18:57.679> black<00:18:57.919> man<00:18:58.200> who<00:18:58.320> was<00:18:58.400> the<00:18:58.799> janitor<00:18:59.480> in older black man who was the janitor in older black man who was the janitor in this<00:18:59.799> Courthouse<00:19:00.520> when<00:19:00.640> this<00:19:00.799> man<00:19:01.000> saw<00:19:01.320> me<00:19:01.480> he this Courthouse when this man saw me he this Courthouse when this man saw me he came<00:19:01.880> over<00:19:02.039> to<00:19:02.200> me<00:19:02.280> and<00:19:02.400> he<00:19:02.480> said<00:19:02.679> who<00:19:02.840> are<00:19:03.120> you came over to me and he said who are you came over to me and he said who are you I<00:19:04.200> said<00:19:04.440> I'm<00:19:04.559> a<00:19:04.679> lawyer<00:19:05.000> he<00:19:05.120> saidou<00:19:05.440> a<00:19:05.600> lawyer<00:19:06.559> I I said I'm a lawyer he saidou a lawyer I I said I'm a lawyer he saidou a lawyer I said<00:19:06.960> yes<00:19:07.080> sir<00:19:07.280> and<00:19:07.400> this<00:19:07.559> man<00:19:07.760> came<00:19:08.000> over<00:19:08.200> to said yes sir and this man came over to said yes sir and this man came over to me<00:19:08.760> and<00:19:08.880> he<00:19:09.039> hugged<00:19:09.679> me<00:19:10.679> and<00:19:10.799> he<00:19:10.919> whispered<00:19:11.360> in me and he hugged me and he whispered in me and he hugged me and he whispered in my<00:19:11.640> ear<00:19:11.880> he<00:19:12.000> said<00:19:12.320> I'm<00:19:12.720> so<00:19:13.640> proud<00:19:13.960> of<00:19:14.280> you<00:19:15.280> and<00:19:15.360> I my ear he said I'm so proud of you and I my ear he said I'm so proud of you and I have<00:19:15.600> to<00:19:15.760> tell<00:19:16.000> you<00:19:16.400> it<00:19:16.559> was have to tell you it was have to tell you it was energizing<00:19:18.480> it<00:19:18.640> connected<00:19:19.200> deeply<00:19:19.640> with energizing it connected deeply with energizing it connected deeply with something<00:19:20.520> in<00:19:20.720> me<00:19:21.200> about<00:19:21.600> identity<00:19:22.600> about<00:19:22.880> the something in me about identity about the something in me about identity about the capacity<00:19:23.480> of<00:19:23.760> every<00:19:24.159> person<00:19:24.440> to<00:19:24.720> contribute capacity of every person to contribute capacity of every person to contribute to<00:19:25.880> community<00:19:26.520> to<00:19:26.720> perspective<00:19:27.480> that<00:19:27.600> is to community to perspective that is to community to perspective that is hopeful<00:19:28.840> well<00:19:29.000> I<00:19:29.080> went<00:19:29.200> into<00:19:29.400> the<00:19:29.480> courtroom hopeful well I went into the courtroom hopeful well I went into the courtroom and<00:19:29.840> as<00:19:29.919> soon<00:19:30.080> as<00:19:30.159> I<00:19:30.280> walked<00:19:30.520> inside<00:19:30.840> the<00:19:30.960> judge and as soon as I walked inside the judge and as soon as I walked inside the judge saw<00:19:31.360> me<00:19:31.520> coming<00:19:31.720> in<00:19:31.840> he<00:19:31.960> said<00:19:32.000> 'mr<00:19:32.320> Stevenson saw me coming in he said 'mr Stevenson saw me coming in he said 'mr Stevenson did<00:19:32.880> you<00:19:33.039> write<00:19:33.280> this<00:19:33.440> crazy<00:19:33.840> motion<00:19:34.840> I<00:19:34.919> saides did you write this crazy motion I saides did you write this crazy motion I saides sir<00:19:35.520> I<00:19:35.640> did<00:19:35.760> and<00:19:35.880> we<00:19:35.960> started<00:19:36.240> arguing<00:19:36.960> people sir I did and we started arguing people sir I did and we started arguing people started<00:19:37.480> coming<00:19:37.760> in<00:19:38.000> because<00:19:38.200> they<00:19:38.320> were<00:19:38.480> just started coming in because they were just started coming in because they were just outraged<00:19:39.200> i'<00:19:39.280> had<00:19:39.400> written<00:19:39.640> these<00:19:39.840> crazy outraged i' had written these crazy outraged i' had written these crazy things<00:19:41.360> and<00:19:41.559> police<00:19:41.840> officers<00:19:42.120> were<00:19:42.280> coming things and police officers were coming things and police officers were coming in<00:19:42.600> and<00:19:42.760> assistant<00:19:43.159> prosecutors<00:19:43.640> and<00:19:43.760> clerk in and assistant prosecutors and clerk in and assistant prosecutors and clerk workers<00:19:44.679> before<00:19:44.840> I<00:19:44.919> knew<00:19:45.039> it<00:19:45.120> the<00:19:45.200> courtroom workers before I knew it the courtroom workers before I knew it the courtroom was<00:19:45.600> filled<00:19:45.919> with<00:19:46.080> people<00:19:46.440> angry<00:19:47.159> that<00:19:47.320> we was filled with people angry that we was filled with people angry that we were<00:19:47.600> talking<00:19:47.840> about<00:19:48.159> race<00:19:48.960> that<00:19:49.039> we<00:19:49.159> were were talking about race that we were were talking about race that we were talking<00:19:49.600> about<00:19:49.960> poverty<00:19:50.760> that<00:19:50.880> we<00:19:51.000> were talking about poverty that we were talking about poverty that we were talking<00:19:51.440> about<00:19:52.159> inequality<00:19:53.159> and<00:19:53.240> out<00:19:53.360> of<00:19:53.480> the talking about inequality and out of the talking about inequality and out of the corner<00:19:53.840> of<00:19:53.960> my<00:19:54.120> eye<00:19:54.320> I<00:19:54.400> could<00:19:54.520> see<00:19:54.679> this corner of my eye I could see this corner of my eye I could see this janitor<00:19:55.360> pacing<00:19:55.799> back<00:19:55.960> and<00:19:56.080> forth<00:19:56.280> and<00:19:56.320> he janitor pacing back and forth and he janitor pacing back and forth and he kept<00:19:56.640> looking<00:19:56.840> through<00:19:56.960> the<00:19:57.080> window<00:19:57.320> and<00:19:57.400> he kept looking through the window and he kept looking through the window and he could<00:19:57.640> hear<00:19:57.799> all<00:19:57.880> of<00:19:58.000> this<00:19:58.120> holler<00:19:58.360> and<00:19:58.400> he could hear all of this holler and he could hear all of this holler and he kept<00:19:58.720> pacing<00:19:59.120> back<00:19:59.280> and<00:19:59.400> forth<00:19:59.919> and<00:20:00.080> finally kept pacing back and forth and finally kept pacing back and forth and finally this<00:20:00.559> older<00:20:00.919> black<00:20:01.120> man<00:20:01.360> with<00:20:01.480> this<00:20:01.640> very this older black man with this very this older black man with this very worried<00:20:02.240> look<00:20:02.400> on<00:20:02.559> his<00:20:02.760> face<00:20:03.360> came<00:20:03.600> into<00:20:03.880> the worried look on his face came into the worried look on his face came into the courtroom<00:20:04.480> and<00:20:04.679> sat<00:20:04.960> down<00:20:05.240> behind<00:20:05.520> me<00:20:05.760> almost courtroom and sat down behind me almost courtroom and sat down behind me almost at<00:20:06.240> Council<00:20:06.919> table<00:20:07.919> about<00:20:08.080> 10<00:20:08.240> minutes<00:20:08.480> later at Council table about 10 minutes later at Council table about 10 minutes later the<00:20:08.760> judge<00:20:08.960> said<00:20:09.120> we<00:20:09.200> would<00:20:09.360> take<00:20:09.480> a<00:20:09.600> break<00:20:09.840> and the judge said we would take a break and the judge said we would take a break and during<00:20:10.120> the<00:20:10.200> break<00:20:10.400> there<00:20:10.480> was<00:20:10.600> a<00:20:10.720> deputy during the break there was a deputy during the break there was a deputy sheriff<00:20:11.280> who<00:20:11.400> was<00:20:11.640> offended<00:20:12.440> that<00:20:12.600> the sheriff who was offended that the sheriff who was offended that the janitor<00:20:13.280> had<00:20:13.440> come<00:20:13.600> into<00:20:13.960> court<00:20:14.960> and<00:20:15.080> this janitor had come into court and this janitor had come into court and this Deputy<00:20:15.520> jumped<00:20:15.760> up<00:20:15.880> and<00:20:15.919> he<00:20:16.039> ran<00:20:16.200> over<00:20:16.320> to<00:20:16.480> this Deputy jumped up and he ran over to this Deputy jumped up and he ran over to this older<00:20:16.840> Blackman<00:20:17.200> he<00:20:17.280> said<00:20:17.480> Jimmy<00:20:17.799> what<00:20:17.880> are older Blackman he said Jimmy what are older Blackman he said Jimmy what are you<00:20:18.120> doing<00:20:18.360> in<00:20:18.480> this<00:20:18.880> courtroom<00:20:19.880> this<00:20:20.000> older you doing in this courtroom this older you doing in this courtroom this older black<00:20:20.520> man<00:20:20.760> stood<00:20:21.039> up<00:20:21.240> and<00:20:21.320> he<00:20:21.440> looked<00:20:21.640> at<00:20:21.799> that black man stood up and he looked at that black man stood up and he looked at that deputy<00:20:23.200> and<00:20:23.320> he<00:20:23.440> looked<00:20:23.640> at<00:20:23.840> me<00:20:24.720> and<00:20:24.799> he<00:20:24.880> said<00:20:25.159> I deputy and he looked at me and he said I deputy and he looked at me and he said I came<00:20:25.679> into<00:20:26.039> this<00:20:26.280> courtroom<00:20:27.280> to<00:20:27.480> tell<00:20:27.760> this came into this courtroom to tell this came into this courtroom to tell this young<00:20:28.200> man<00:20:29.000> keep<00:20:29.200> your<00:20:29.440> eyes<00:20:29.679> on<00:20:29.880> the<00:20:30.080> prize young man keep your eyes on the prize young man keep your eyes on the prize hold<00:20:31.520> on<00:20:32.520> I've<00:20:32.679> come<00:20:32.880> to<00:20:33.080> Ted<00:20:33.400> because<00:20:33.600> I hold on I've come to Ted because I hold on I've come to Ted because I believe<00:20:34.039> that<00:20:34.320> many<00:20:34.600> of<00:20:34.799> you<00:20:35.600> understand<00:20:36.480> that believe that many of you understand that believe that many of you understand that the<00:20:36.760> moral<00:20:37.039> Arc<00:20:37.280> of<00:20:37.400> the<00:20:37.480> universe<00:20:37.880> is<00:20:38.039> long the moral Arc of the universe is long the moral Arc of the universe is long but<00:20:38.480> it<00:20:38.640> bends<00:20:39.080> toward<00:20:39.559> Justice<00:20:40.440> that<00:20:40.600> we but it bends toward Justice that we but it bends toward Justice that we cannot<00:20:41.120> be<00:20:41.360> full<00:20:41.840> evolved<00:20:42.320> human<00:20:42.559> beings cannot be full evolved human beings cannot be full evolved human beings until<00:20:43.120> we<00:20:43.280> care<00:20:43.480> about<00:20:43.720> human<00:20:44.000> rights<00:20:44.200> and until we care about human rights and until we care about human rights and basic<00:20:44.840> dignity<00:20:45.840> that<00:20:46.080> all<00:20:46.280> of<00:20:46.440> our<00:20:46.720> survival basic dignity that all of our survival basic dignity that all of our survival is<00:20:47.559> tied<00:20:47.840> to<00:20:48.000> the<00:20:48.159> survival<00:20:48.640> of<00:20:48.799> everyone<00:20:49.799> that is tied to the survival of everyone that is tied to the survival of everyone that our<00:20:50.200> visions<00:20:50.760> of<00:20:51.000> technology<00:20:51.600> and<00:20:51.880> design<00:20:52.320> and our visions of technology and design and our visions of technology and design and entertainment<00:20:53.039> and<00:20:53.240> creativity<00:20:53.880> have<00:20:54.000> to<00:20:54.080> be entertainment and creativity have to be entertainment and creativity have to be married<00:20:54.640> with<00:20:54.760> a<00:20:55.000> visions<00:20:55.880> of<00:20:56.159> humanity married with a visions of humanity married with a visions of humanity compassion<00:20:58.200> and<00:20:58.360> justce<00:20:58.640> Justice<00:20:59.440> and<00:20:59.600> more compassion and justce Justice and more compassion and justce Justice and more than<00:21:00.039> anything<00:21:00.679> for<00:21:00.919> those<00:21:01.080> of<00:21:01.200> you<00:21:01.360> who<00:21:01.559> share than anything for those of you who share than anything for those of you who share that<00:21:02.640> I've<00:21:02.840> simply<00:21:03.200> come<00:21:03.400> to<00:21:03.559> tell<00:21:03.880> you<00:21:04.799> to that I've simply come to tell you to that I've simply come to tell you to keep<00:21:05.120> your<00:21:05.360> eyes<00:21:05.520> on<00:21:05.720> the<00:21:05.919> prize<00:21:06.600> hold<00:21:06.840> on keep your eyes on the prize hold on keep your eyes on the prize hold on thank<00:21:07.520> you<00:21:07.720> very

much<00:21:28.840> Brian<00:21:29.320> um<00:21:30.200> so<00:21:30.440> you<00:21:30.799> heard<00:21:31.039> and<00:21:31.159> saw<00:21:31.480> an
much Brian um so you heard and saw an much Brian um so you heard and saw an obvious<00:21:32.039> Desire<00:21:32.480> by<00:21:32.720> this<00:21:33.120> audience<00:21:33.679> this obvious Desire by this audience this obvious Desire by this audience this community<00:21:34.520> to<00:21:35.440> help<00:21:35.679> you<00:21:35.919> on<00:21:36.080> your<00:21:36.240> way<00:21:36.400> and<00:21:36.559> to community to help you on your way and to community to help you on your way and to do<00:21:36.880> something<00:21:37.159> on<00:21:37.320> this<00:21:37.520> issue<00:21:37.880> other<00:21:38.080> than do something on this issue other than do something on this issue other than writing<00:21:38.880> a<00:21:39.360> check<00:21:40.360> what<00:21:40.960> what<00:21:41.400> could<00:21:41.640> we<00:21:42.080> do writing a check what what could we do writing a check what what could we do well<00:21:42.840> there<00:21:42.960> are<00:21:43.279> opportunities<00:21:43.919> all<00:21:44.080> around well there are opportunities all around well there are opportunities all around us<00:21:44.480> if<00:21:44.600> you<00:21:44.679> live<00:21:44.840> in<00:21:44.919> the<00:21:45.000> state<00:21:45.200> of us if you live in the state of us if you live in the state of California<00:21:46.000> for<00:21:46.159> example<00:21:46.640> there<00:21:46.760> is<00:21:46.919> a California for example there is a California for example there is a referendum<00:21:47.799> coming<00:21:48.000> up<00:21:48.279> this<00:21:48.600> uh<00:21:48.720> spring referendum coming up this uh spring referendum coming up this uh spring where<00:21:49.360> actually<00:21:49.640> there's<00:21:49.799> going<00:21:49.919> to<00:21:50.000> be<00:21:50.080> an where actually there's going to be an where actually there's going to be an effort<00:21:50.440> to<00:21:50.600> redirect<00:21:51.559> some<00:21:51.679> of<00:21:51.799> the<00:21:51.880> money<00:21:52.080> we effort to redirect some of the money we effort to redirect some of the money we spend<00:21:52.559> on<00:21:52.720> the<00:21:52.919> politics<00:21:53.240> of<00:21:53.400> punishment<00:21:53.840> for spend on the politics of punishment for spend on the politics of punishment for example<00:21:54.320> here<00:21:54.440> in<00:21:54.640> California<00:21:55.200> we<00:21:55.360> spend example here in California we spend example here in California we spend we're<00:21:55.960> going<00:21:56.080> to<00:21:56.200> spend<00:21:56.559> $1<00:21:57.279> billion<00:21:58.200> on<00:21:58.360> the we're going to spend $1 billion on the we're going to spend $1 billion on the death<00:21:58.760> penalty<00:21:59.080> in<00:21:59.200> the<00:21:59.320> next<00:21:59.559> 5<00:21:59.799> years<00:22:00.320> $1 death penalty in the next 5 years $1 death penalty in the next 5 years $1 billion<00:22:02.400> uh<00:22:02.600> and<00:22:02.840> yet<00:22:03.080> 46%<00:22:03.880> of<00:22:04.000> all<00:22:04.159> homicide billion uh and yet 46% of all homicide billion uh and yet 46% of all homicide cases<00:22:04.960> don't<00:22:05.159> result<00:22:05.440> in<00:22:05.679> arrests<00:22:06.679> uh<00:22:06.880> 56%<00:22:07.559> of cases don't result in arrests uh 56% of cases don't result in arrests uh 56% of all<00:22:07.840> rape<00:22:08.080> cases<00:22:08.360> don't<00:22:08.559> result<00:22:08.919> so<00:22:09.039> there's all rape cases don't result so there's all rape cases don't result so there's an<00:22:09.320> opportunity<00:22:09.799> to<00:22:09.960> change<00:22:10.360> that<00:22:10.600> and<00:22:10.679> this an opportunity to change that and this an opportunity to change that and this referendum<00:22:11.240> would<00:22:11.440> propose<00:22:11.760> having<00:22:12.039> those referendum would propose having those referendum would propose having those dollars<00:22:12.760> go<00:22:13.000> to<00:22:13.760> uh<00:22:13.880> law<00:22:14.120> enforcement<00:22:14.760> and<00:22:15.000> and dollars go to uh law enforcement and and dollars go to uh law enforcement and and and<00:22:15.360> safety<00:22:16.159> and<00:22:16.320> I<00:22:16.400> think<00:22:16.640> that<00:22:16.840> opportunity and safety and I think that opportunity and safety and I think that opportunity exists<00:22:17.679> all<00:22:17.840> around<00:22:18.120> us<00:22:18.360> now<00:22:18.480> there's<00:22:18.640> been exists all around us now there's been exists all around us now there's been this<00:22:18.919> huge<00:22:19.200> decline<00:22:19.960> in<00:22:20.600> crime<00:22:21.320> in<00:22:21.600> in<00:22:21.760> America this huge decline in crime in in America this huge decline in crime in in America over<00:22:22.320> the<00:22:22.440> last<00:22:22.760> three<00:22:23.039> decades<00:22:23.480> and<00:22:23.720> part<00:22:24.200> of over the last three decades and part of over the last three decades and part of The<00:22:24.520> Narrative<00:22:24.960> of<00:22:25.159> that<00:22:25.440> is<00:22:25.840> sometimes<00:22:26.279> that The Narrative of that is sometimes that The Narrative of that is sometimes that it's<00:22:27.200> about<00:22:27.520> increased<00:22:27.960> incarceration it's about increased incarceration it's about increased incarceration rates<00:22:29.559> what<00:22:29.679> would<00:22:29.760> you<00:22:29.880> say<00:22:30.039> to<00:22:30.200> someone<00:22:30.400> who rates what would you say to someone who rates what would you say to someone who believed<00:22:30.919> that<00:22:31.240> well<00:22:31.400> actually<00:22:31.640> the<00:22:31.760> violent believed that well actually the violent believed that well actually the violent crime<00:22:32.320> rate<00:22:32.559> has<00:22:32.760> has<00:22:32.960> remained<00:22:33.240> relatively crime rate has has remained relatively crime rate has has remained relatively stable<00:22:34.400> you<00:22:34.480> know<00:22:34.760> the<00:22:34.880> the<00:22:35.039> great<00:22:35.279> increase stable you know the the great increase stable you know the the great increase in<00:22:35.840> mass<00:22:36.039> incarceration<00:22:36.600> in<00:22:36.720> this<00:22:36.880> country in mass incarceration in this country in mass incarceration in this country wasn't<00:22:37.600> really<00:22:37.919> in<00:22:38.159> violent<00:22:38.559> crime wasn't really in violent crime wasn't really in violent crime categories<00:22:39.480> it<00:22:39.600> was<00:22:39.760> this<00:22:39.960> misguided<00:22:40.559> War<00:22:40.799> on categories it was this misguided War on categories it was this misguided War on Drugs<00:22:41.840> that's<00:22:42.000> where<00:22:42.159> the<00:22:42.320> dramatic Drugs that's where the dramatic Drugs that's where the dramatic increases<00:22:43.320> have<00:22:43.520> come<00:22:43.720> in<00:22:43.840> our<00:22:44.000> prison increases have come in our prison increases have come in our prison population<00:22:47.039> a<00:22:47.279> and<00:22:47.400> we<00:22:47.600> got<00:22:47.880> carried<00:22:48.200> away population a and we got carried away population a and we got carried away with<00:22:48.559> the<00:22:48.760> rhetoric<00:22:49.200> of<00:22:49.360> punishment<00:22:49.840> and<00:22:49.960> so with the rhetoric of punishment and so with the rhetoric of punishment and so we<00:22:50.279> have<00:22:50.440> three<00:22:50.679> strikes<00:22:51.120> laws<00:22:51.440> that<00:22:51.600> put we have three strikes laws that put we have three strikes laws that put people<00:22:52.039> in<00:22:52.240> prison<00:22:52.679> forever<00:22:53.520> for<00:22:53.679> stealing<00:22:54.000> a people in prison forever for stealing a people in prison forever for stealing a bicycle<00:22:54.720> for<00:22:54.919> low-level<00:22:55.480> property<00:22:55.840> crimes bicycle for low-level property crimes bicycle for low-level property crimes rather<00:22:56.600> than<00:22:56.840> making<00:22:57.120> them<00:22:57.360> give<00:22:57.559> those rather than making them give those rather than making them give those resources<00:22:58.279> back<00:22:58.559> back<00:22:58.679> to<00:22:58.840> the<00:22:58.960> people<00:22:59.200> who resources back back to the people who resources back back to the people who they<00:22:59.559> victimized<00:23:00.480> I<00:23:00.559> believe<00:23:00.760> we<00:23:00.880> need<00:23:01.000> to<00:23:01.159> do they victimized I believe we need to do they victimized I believe we need to do more<00:23:01.799> to<00:23:01.960> help<00:23:02.159> people<00:23:02.320> who<00:23:02.400> are<00:23:02.559> victimized more to help people who are victimized more to help people who are victimized by<00:23:03.279> crime<00:23:03.919> not<00:23:04.159> do<00:23:04.400> less<00:23:04.880> and<00:23:05.000> I<00:23:05.080> think<00:23:05.279> our by crime not do less and I think our by crime not do less and I think our current<00:23:05.880> punishment<00:23:06.480> philosophy<00:23:07.360> does current punishment philosophy does current punishment philosophy does nothing<00:23:07.840> for<00:23:08.080> no<00:23:08.200> one<00:23:08.760> and<00:23:08.880> I<00:23:08.960> think<00:23:09.120> that's nothing for no one and I think that's nothing for no one and I think that's the<00:23:09.440> orientation<00:23:09.919> that<00:23:10.039> we<00:23:10.159> have<00:23:10.240> to the orientation that we have to the orientation that we have to change<00:23:13.200> Brian<00:23:13.559> you've<00:23:13.840> you've<00:23:14.159> struck<00:23:14.720> a change Brian you've you've struck a change Brian you've you've struck a massive<00:23:15.240> cord<00:23:15.640> here<00:23:16.080> you're<00:23:16.279> an<00:23:16.480> inspiring massive cord here you're an inspiring massive cord here you're an inspiring person<00:23:17.440> thank<00:23:17.600> you<00:23:17.720> so<00:23:17.840> much<00:23:18.080> for<00:23:18.440> coming<00:23:18.640> to<00:23:18.840> T person thank you so much for coming to T person thank you so much for coming to T thank




Bryan Stevenson, injustice, incarceration, civil, rights, history, TED, Talk, Ed, TED-Ed, TED, TEDEducation, race, racial, injustice, Rosa, Parks, human, United, States, justice, system, American, justice

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