Chúng ta đã sẵn sàng cho neo-evolution chưa? – Harvey Chiang Mai

Are we ready for neo-evolution? - Harvey Fineberg

Are we ready for neo-evolution? - Harvey Fineberg



how<00:00:16.219> would<00:00:16.400> you<00:00:16.520> like<00:00:16.730> to<00:00:16.760> be<00:00:17.119> better<00:00:17.510> than<00:00:18.110> you
how would you like to be better than you how would you like to be better than you are<00:00:19.509> suppose<00:00:20.509> I<00:00:20.689> said<00:00:21.020> that<00:00:21.290> with<00:00:21.439> just<00:00:21.740> a<00:00:21.980> few are suppose I said that with just a few are suppose I said that with just a few changes<00:00:23.240> in<00:00:23.660> your<00:00:23.779> genes<00:00:24.170> you<00:00:24.500> could<00:00:24.650> get<00:00:24.830> a changes in your genes you could get a changes in your genes you could get a better<00:00:25.070> memory<00:00:25.420> more<00:00:26.420> precise<00:00:27.079> more<00:00:27.950> accurate better memory more precise more accurate better memory more precise more accurate and<00:00:28.970> quicker<00:00:29.500> or<00:00:30.500> maybe<00:00:30.829> you'd<00:00:31.040> like<00:00:31.189> to<00:00:31.369> be and quicker or maybe you'd like to be and quicker or maybe you'd like to be more<00:00:32.119> fit<00:00:32.480> stronger<00:00:33.140> with<00:00:33.800> more<00:00:33.829> stamina more fit stronger with more stamina more fit stronger with more stamina would<00:00:35.750> you<00:00:35.870> like<00:00:36.020> to<00:00:36.140> be<00:00:36.260> more<00:00:36.440> attractive<00:00:37.220> and would you like to be more attractive and would you like to be more attractive and self-confident<00:00:38.680> how<00:00:39.680> about<00:00:39.950> living<00:00:40.160> longer self-confident how about living longer self-confident how about living longer with<00:00:41.210> good<00:00:41.450> health<00:00:42.160> or<00:00:43.160> perhaps<00:00:43.700> you're<00:00:43.940> one with good health or perhaps you're one with good health or perhaps you're one of<00:00:44.150> those<00:00:44.270> who's<00:00:44.510> always<00:00:44.810> yearned<00:00:45.140> for<00:00:45.290> more of those who's always yearned for more of those who's always yearned for more creativity<00:00:46.790> which<00:00:47.780> one<00:00:48.110> would<00:00:48.320> you<00:00:48.380> like<00:00:48.830> the creativity which one would you like the creativity which one would you like the most<00:00:51.070> which<00:00:52.070> would<00:00:52.250> you<00:00:52.370> like<00:00:52.400> if<00:00:52.760> you<00:00:52.880> could most which would you like if you could most which would you like if you could have<00:00:53.180> just<00:00:53.390> one<00:00:55.090> creativity<00:00:57.040> how<00:00:58.040> many<00:00:58.220> people have just one creativity how many people have just one creativity how many people would<00:00:58.700> choose<00:00:58.880> creativity<00:00:59.690> raise<00:00:59.870> your<00:01:00.079> hands would choose creativity raise your hands would choose creativity raise your hands let<00:01:00.620> me<00:01:00.650> see<00:01:00.829> a<00:01:01.390> few<00:01:02.390> probably<00:01:02.720> about<00:01:03.050> as<00:01:03.260> many let me see a few probably about as many let me see a few probably about as many as<00:01:03.590> there<00:01:03.710> are<00:01:03.829> creative<00:01:04.070> people<00:01:04.610> here<00:01:04.820> that's as there are creative people here that's as there are creative people here that's very<00:01:05.299> good very good very good how<00:01:07.220> many<00:01:07.430> would<00:01:07.579> opt<00:01:07.790> for<00:01:08.030> memory<00:01:09.850> quite<00:01:10.850> a how many would opt for memory quite a how many would opt for memory quite a few<00:01:11.149> more<00:01:11.390> how<00:01:12.079> about<00:01:12.350> Fitness<00:01:13.689> few<00:01:14.689> less<00:01:14.960> what few more how about Fitness few less what few more how about Fitness few less what about<00:01:16.040> longevity<00:01:16.900> ah<00:01:17.900> the<00:01:18.409> majority<00:01:18.920> that about longevity ah the majority that about longevity ah the majority that makes<00:01:19.340> me<00:01:19.550> feel<00:01:19.580> very<00:01:19.940> good<00:01:20.090> as<00:01:20.240> a<00:01:20.270> doctor<00:01:20.720> if makes me feel very good as a doctor if makes me feel very good as a doctor if you<00:01:22.130> could<00:01:22.430> have<00:01:22.729> any<00:01:23.180> one<00:01:23.570> of<00:01:23.600> these<00:01:23.930> it<00:01:24.500> would you could have any one of these it would you could have any one of these it would be<00:01:24.830> a<00:01:24.860> very<00:01:25.070> different<00:01:25.400> world<00:01:25.670> is<00:01:26.030> it<00:01:26.780> just be a very different world is it just be a very different world is it just imaginary<00:01:28.190> or<00:01:28.729> is<00:01:29.420> it<00:01:30.020> perhaps<00:01:30.490> possible imaginary or is it perhaps possible imaginary or is it perhaps possible evolution<00:01:32.870> has<00:01:32.990> been<00:01:33.200> a<00:01:33.409> perennial<00:01:33.890> topic evolution has been a perennial topic evolution has been a perennial topic here<00:01:35.000> at<00:01:35.210> the<00:01:35.960> TED<00:01:36.170> conference<00:01:37.210> but<00:01:38.210> I<00:01:38.240> want<00:01:38.540> to here at the TED conference but I want to here at the TED conference but I want to give<00:01:38.690> you<00:01:38.810> today<00:01:38.990> one<00:01:39.320> doctor's<00:01:39.770> take<00:01:40.040> on<00:01:40.220> the give you today one doctor's take on the give you today one doctor's take on the subject<00:01:41.229> the<00:01:42.229> great<00:01:42.500> 20th<00:01:42.890> century subject the great 20th century subject the great 20th century geneticist<00:01:44.140> TG<00:01:45.140> dodging<00:01:45.680> ski<00:01:46.070> who<00:01:46.250> was<00:01:46.400> also<00:01:46.640> a geneticist TG dodging ski who was also a geneticist TG dodging ski who was also a communicant<00:01:47.600> in<00:01:48.049> the<00:01:48.260> Russian<00:01:48.619> Orthodox communicant in the Russian Orthodox communicant in the Russian Orthodox Church<00:01:49.600> once<00:01:50.600> wrote<00:01:50.840> an<00:01:50.960> essay<00:01:51.110> that<00:01:51.470> he Church once wrote an essay that he Church once wrote an essay that he titled<00:01:52.310> nothing<00:01:53.119> in<00:01:53.330> biology<00:01:53.570> makes<00:01:54.110> sense titled nothing in biology makes sense titled nothing in biology makes sense except<00:01:56.000> in<00:01:56.090> the<00:01:56.330> light<00:01:56.540> of<00:01:56.869> evolution<00:01:57.790> now<00:01:58.790> if except in the light of evolution now if except in the light of evolution now if you<00:01:59.180> are<00:01:59.270> one<00:01:59.450> of<00:01:59.479> those<00:01:59.720> who<00:02:00.350> does<00:02:00.560> not<00:02:00.710> accept you are one of those who does not accept you are one of those who does not accept the<00:02:01.430> evidence<00:02:02.210> for<00:02:02.750> biological<00:02:03.530> evolution the evidence for biological evolution the evidence for biological evolution this<00:02:04.520> would<00:02:04.670> be<00:02:04.760> a<00:02:04.790> very<00:02:05.030> good<00:02:05.210> time<00:02:05.420> to<00:02:05.630> turn this would be a very good time to turn this would be a very good time to turn off<00:02:05.960> your<00:02:06.080> hearing<00:02:06.320> aid<00:02:06.619> take<00:02:06.890> out<00:02:07.070> your off your hearing aid take out your off your hearing aid take out your personal<00:02:07.820> communications<00:02:08.479> device<00:02:08.810> I<00:02:08.989> give personal communications device I give personal communications device I give you<00:02:09.319> permission<00:02:09.679> and<00:02:09.979> perhaps<00:02:10.819> take<00:02:11.150> another you permission and perhaps take another you permission and perhaps take another look<00:02:11.689> at<00:02:11.900> Catherine<00:02:12.379> Schultz's<00:02:12.860> book<00:02:13.040> on look at Catherine Schultz's book on look at Catherine Schultz's book on being<00:02:13.400> wrong<00:02:13.730> because<00:02:14.330> nothing<00:02:14.840> in<00:02:15.049> the<00:02:15.170> rest being wrong because nothing in the rest being wrong because nothing in the rest of<00:02:15.500> this<00:02:15.590> talk<00:02:15.830> is<00:02:16.069> going<00:02:16.099> to<00:02:16.280> make<00:02:16.430> any<00:02:16.610> sense of this talk is going to make any sense of this talk is going to make any sense whatsoever<00:02:17.299> to<00:02:18.230> you whatsoever to you whatsoever to you but<00:02:20.920> if<00:02:21.920> you<00:02:22.219> do<00:02:22.549> accept<00:02:23.439> biological but if you do accept biological but if you do accept biological evolution<00:02:25.450> consider<00:02:26.450> this<00:02:26.719> is<00:02:26.959> it<00:02:27.200> just<00:02:27.709> about evolution consider this is it just about evolution consider this is it just about the<00:02:28.340> past<00:02:28.629> or<00:02:29.629> is<00:02:30.079> it<00:02:30.260> about<00:02:30.349> the<00:02:30.500> future<00:02:31.040> does the past or is it about the future does the past or is it about the future does it<00:02:31.459> apply<00:02:31.670> to<00:02:32.049> others<00:02:33.049> or<00:02:33.829> does<00:02:34.159> it<00:02:34.189> apply<00:02:34.459> to it apply to others or does it apply to it apply to others or does it apply to us<00:02:35.920> this<00:02:36.920> is<00:02:37.069> another<00:02:37.310> look<00:02:37.579> at<00:02:37.760> the<00:02:37.909> tree<00:02:38.359> of us this is another look at the tree of us this is another look at the tree of life<00:02:38.840> in<00:02:39.709> this<00:02:40.299> picture<00:02:41.299> I've<00:02:41.629> put<00:02:42.109> a<00:02:42.260> bush life in this picture I've put a bush life in this picture I've put a bush with<00:02:43.099> a<00:02:43.129> centre<00:02:43.700> branching<00:02:44.329> out<00:02:44.450> in<00:02:44.659> all with a centre branching out in all with a centre branching out in all directions<00:02:45.019> because<00:02:45.680> if<00:02:45.829> you<00:02:45.980> look<00:02:46.280> at<00:02:46.519> the directions because if you look at the directions because if you look at the edges<00:02:47.299> of<00:02:47.510> the<00:02:48.049> Tree<00:02:48.290> of<00:02:48.319> Life<00:02:48.469> every<00:02:49.340> existing edges of the Tree of Life every existing edges of the Tree of Life every existing species<00:02:50.959> at<00:02:51.409> the<00:02:51.620> tips<00:02:51.920> of<00:02:52.129> those<00:02:52.310> branches species at the tips of those branches species at the tips of those branches has<00:02:53.299> succeeded<00:02:54.079> in<00:02:54.230> evolutionary<00:02:54.980> terms<00:02:55.189> it has succeeded in evolutionary terms it has succeeded in evolutionary terms it has<00:02:55.519> survived<00:02:56.060> it<00:02:56.659> has<00:02:56.840> demonstrated<00:02:57.079> a has survived it has demonstrated a has survived it has demonstrated a fitness<00:02:58.370> to<00:02:58.879> its<00:02:59.120> environment<00:03:00.400> the<00:03:01.400> human fitness to its environment the human fitness to its environment the human part<00:03:02.090> of<00:03:02.299> this<00:03:02.750> branch<00:03:03.680> way<00:03:04.370> out<00:03:04.609> on<00:03:04.909> one<00:03:05.209> end part of this branch way out on one end part of this branch way out on one end is<00:03:06.169> of<00:03:06.950> course<00:03:07.310> the<00:03:07.489> one<00:03:07.639> that<00:03:07.790> we<00:03:08.329> are<00:03:08.629> most is of course the one that we are most is of course the one that we are most interested<00:03:09.349> in<00:03:10.129> we<00:03:10.760> branched<00:03:11.329> off<00:03:11.450> of<00:03:11.810> a interested in we branched off of a interested in we branched off of a common<00:03:12.319> ancestor<00:03:12.590> to<00:03:13.459> modern<00:03:14.120> chimpanzees common ancestor to modern chimpanzees common ancestor to modern chimpanzees about<00:03:15.200> 6<00:03:15.470> or<00:03:15.590> 8<00:03:15.680> million<00:03:15.950> years<00:03:16.730> ago<00:03:17.090> in<00:03:17.840> the about 6 or 8 million years ago in the about 6 or 8 million years ago in the interval<00:03:19.189> there<00:03:19.430> have<00:03:19.519> been<00:03:19.609> perhaps<00:03:20.150> 20<00:03:20.629> or interval there have been perhaps 20 or interval there have been perhaps 20 or 25<00:03:21.590> different<00:03:22.099> species<00:03:22.939> of<00:03:23.180> hominids<00:03:24.370> some 25 different species of hominids some 25 different species of hominids some have<00:03:25.549> come<00:03:25.790> and<00:03:26.060> gone<00:03:26.870> we<00:03:27.680> have<00:03:28.579> been<00:03:28.849> here<00:03:29.090> for have come and gone we have been here for have come and gone we have been here for about<00:03:29.299> a<00:03:29.540> hundred<00:03:29.930> and<00:03:29.989> thirty<00:03:30.109> thousand about a hundred and thirty thousand about a hundred and thirty thousand years<00:03:31.129> it<00:03:31.909> may<00:03:32.120> seem<00:03:32.329> like<00:03:32.359> we're<00:03:32.720> quite years it may seem like we're quite years it may seem like we're quite remote<00:03:33.349> from<00:03:33.949> other<00:03:34.129> parts<00:03:34.609> of<00:03:34.790> this<00:03:35.090> tree<00:03:35.720> of remote from other parts of this tree of remote from other parts of this tree of life<00:03:36.290> but<00:03:36.859> actually<00:03:37.489> for<00:03:38.150> the<00:03:38.269> most<00:03:38.510> part<00:03:38.900> the life but actually for the most part the life but actually for the most part the basic<00:03:40.250> machinery<00:03:41.150> of<00:03:41.419> ourselves<00:03:41.989> is<00:03:42.799> pretty basic machinery of ourselves is pretty basic machinery of ourselves is pretty much<00:03:44.000> the<00:03:44.329> same<00:03:44.479> do<00:03:44.720> you<00:03:44.780> realize<00:03:45.319> that<00:03:45.709> we<00:03:46.549> can much the same do you realize that we can much the same do you realize that we can take<00:03:46.940> advantage<00:03:47.090> and<00:03:47.750> commandeer<00:03:48.319> the take advantage and commandeer the take advantage and commandeer the machinery<00:03:48.949> of<00:03:49.159> a<00:03:49.250> common<00:03:49.669> bacterium<00:03:50.329> to machinery of a common bacterium to machinery of a common bacterium to produce<00:03:51.349> the<00:03:51.650> protein<00:03:52.220> of<00:03:52.459> human<00:03:53.299> insulin produce the protein of human insulin produce the protein of human insulin used<00:03:54.319> to<00:03:54.560> treat<00:03:54.829> diabetics<00:03:55.549> this<00:03:55.970> is<00:03:56.150> not<00:03:56.299> like used to treat diabetics this is not like used to treat diabetics this is not like human<00:03:57.590> insulin<00:03:57.919> this<00:03:58.459> is<00:03:58.790> the<00:03:59.090> same<00:03:59.329> protein human insulin this is the same protein human insulin this is the same protein that<00:04:00.079> is<00:04:00.260> chemically<00:04:00.739> indistinguishable that is chemically indistinguishable that is chemically indistinguishable from<00:04:01.970> what<00:04:02.449> comes<00:04:02.689> out<00:04:02.900> of<00:04:02.930> your<00:04:04.030> pancreas<00:04:05.030> and from what comes out of your pancreas and from what comes out of your pancreas and speaking<00:04:07.099> of<00:04:07.220> bacteria<00:04:07.729> do<00:04:08.299> you<00:04:08.389> realize<00:04:08.750> that speaking of bacteria do you realize that speaking of bacteria do you realize that each<00:04:09.349> of<00:04:09.620> us<00:04:09.739> carries<00:04:10.040> in<00:04:10.489> our<00:04:10.790> gut<00:04:11.209> more each of us carries in our gut more each of us carries in our gut more bacteria<00:04:13.099> than<00:04:13.430> there<00:04:13.939> are<00:04:14.090> cells<00:04:14.449> in<00:04:14.750> the bacteria than there are cells in the bacteria than there are cells in the rest<00:04:15.139> of<00:04:15.290> our<00:04:15.409> body<00:04:15.709> maybe<00:04:16.519> 10<00:04:16.880> times<00:04:17.120> more rest of our body maybe 10 times more rest of our body maybe 10 times more I<00:04:17.780> mean<00:04:18.169> think<00:04:18.380> of<00:04:18.470> it<00:04:18.590> when<00:04:18.769> Anthony<00:04:19.250> Damacio I mean think of it when Anthony Damacio I mean think of it when Anthony Damacio asks<00:04:20.000> about<00:04:20.090> your<00:04:20.359> self-image<00:04:22.180> do<00:04:23.180> you<00:04:23.330> think asks about your self-image do you think asks about your self-image do you think about<00:04:23.870> the<00:04:24.080> bacteria<00:04:25.780> our<00:04:26.780> gut<00:04:27.260> is<00:04:27.529> a about the bacteria our gut is a about the bacteria our gut is a wonderfully<00:04:28.250> hospitable<00:04:28.430> environment<00:04:29.150> for wonderfully hospitable environment for wonderfully hospitable environment for those<00:04:29.930> bacteria<00:04:30.560> it's<00:04:30.800> war those bacteria it's war those bacteria it's war it's<00:04:31.540> dark<00:04:32.050> its<00:04:32.410> moist<00:04:32.800> it's<00:04:33.250> very<00:04:33.460> cozy<00:04:33.820> and it's dark its moist it's very cozy and it's dark its moist it's very cozy and you're<00:04:35.200> going<00:04:35.440> to<00:04:35.530> provide<00:04:35.650> all<00:04:35.830> the you're going to provide all the you're going to provide all the nutrition<00:04:36.580> that<00:04:36.730> they<00:04:36.880> could<00:04:37.060> possibly<00:04:37.240> want nutrition that they could possibly want nutrition that they could possibly want with<00:04:37.840> no<00:04:37.990> effort<00:04:38.290> on<00:04:38.380> their<00:04:38.560> part<00:04:38.620> it's<00:04:39.010> really with no effort on their part it's really with no effort on their part it's really like<00:04:39.490> an<00:04:39.640> easy<00:04:39.940> Street<00:04:40.360> for<00:04:41.020> bacteria<00:04:41.560> with like an easy Street for bacteria with like an easy Street for bacteria with the<00:04:41.970> occasional<00:04:43.680> interruption<00:04:44.680> of<00:04:44.800> the the occasional interruption of the the occasional interruption of the unintended<00:04:45.550> force<00:04:45.970> rush<00:04:46.270> to<00:04:46.450> the<00:04:46.570> exit<00:04:46.990> but unintended force rush to the exit but unintended force rush to the exit but otherwise<00:04:49.260> you<00:04:50.260> are<00:04:50.530> a<00:04:50.560> wonderful otherwise you are a wonderful otherwise you are a wonderful environment<00:04:51.610> for<00:04:52.120> those<00:04:52.480> bacteria<00:04:53.170> just<00:04:53.350> as environment for those bacteria just as environment for those bacteria just as they<00:04:53.830> are<00:04:54.130> essential<00:04:55.030> to<00:04:55.540> your<00:04:55.780> life<00:04:56.050> they they are essential to your life they they are essential to your life they help<00:04:56.710> in<00:04:56.980> the<00:04:57.010> digestion<00:04:57.610> of<00:04:57.850> essential help in the digestion of essential help in the digestion of essential nutrients<00:04:58.900> and<00:04:59.020> they<00:04:59.380> protect<00:04:59.770> you<00:04:59.920> against nutrients and they protect you against nutrients and they protect you against certain<00:05:00.580> diseases<00:05:02.370> but<00:05:03.370> what<00:05:03.580> will<00:05:03.910> come<00:05:04.120> in certain diseases but what will come in certain diseases but what will come in the<00:05:04.690> future<00:05:05.080> are<00:05:05.320> we<00:05:05.350> at<00:05:06.010> some<00:05:06.340> kind<00:05:06.610> of the future are we at some kind of the future are we at some kind of evolutionary<00:05:07.450> equipoise<00:05:08.230> as<00:05:08.650> a<00:05:08.920> species<00:05:09.340> or evolutionary equipoise as a species or evolutionary equipoise as a species or are<00:05:10.420> we<00:05:11.320> destined<00:05:11.800> to<00:05:11.860> become<00:05:12.220> something are we destined to become something are we destined to become something different<00:05:13.410> something<00:05:14.410> perhaps<00:05:15.340> even<00:05:15.580> better different something perhaps even better different something perhaps even better adapted<00:05:16.870> to<00:05:17.440> the<00:05:17.620> environment<00:05:18.540> now<00:05:19.540> let's adapted to the environment now let's adapted to the environment now let's take<00:05:19.900> a<00:05:19.930> step<00:05:20.020> back<00:05:20.260> in<00:05:20.890> time<00:05:21.090> to<00:05:22.090> the<00:05:22.210> Big<00:05:22.390> Bang take a step back in time to the Big Bang take a step back in time to the Big Bang fourteen<00:05:23.170> billion<00:05:23.380> years<00:05:23.530> ago<00:05:24.210> the<00:05:25.210> earth<00:05:25.240> the fourteen billion years ago the earth the fourteen billion years ago the earth the solar<00:05:25.870> system<00:05:26.320> about<00:05:26.560> four-and-a-half solar system about four-and-a-half solar system about four-and-a-half billion<00:05:27.460> years<00:05:27.610> the<00:05:28.150> first<00:05:28.660> signs<00:05:28.990> of<00:05:29.350> proto billion years the first signs of proto billion years the first signs of proto life<00:05:30.190> maybe<00:05:30.550> three<00:05:31.270> to<00:05:31.360> four<00:05:31.570> billion<00:05:31.840> years life maybe three to four billion years life maybe three to four billion years ago<00:05:32.530> on<00:05:32.950> earth<00:05:33.610> the<00:05:34.420> first<00:05:34.690> multi-celled ago on earth the first multi-celled ago on earth the first multi-celled organisms<00:05:36.160> perhaps<00:05:36.760> as<00:05:37.000> much<00:05:37.240> as<00:05:38.460> 800<00:05:39.460> or<00:05:39.610> a organisms perhaps as much as 800 or a organisms perhaps as much as 800 or a billion<00:05:40.330> years<00:05:41.080> ago<00:05:41.470> and<00:05:42.040> then<00:05:42.730> the<00:05:43.420> human billion years ago and then the human billion years ago and then the human species<00:05:44.050> finally<00:05:44.830> emerging<00:05:45.430> in<00:05:45.730> the<00:05:46.330> last species finally emerging in the last species finally emerging in the last hundred<00:05:46.780> and<00:05:47.080> thirty<00:05:47.260> thousand<00:05:47.830> years<00:05:47.890> in hundred and thirty thousand years in hundred and thirty thousand years in this<00:05:48.910> vast<00:05:49.240> unfinished<00:05:50.170> symphony<00:05:50.740> of<00:05:50.770> the this vast unfinished symphony of the this vast unfinished symphony of the universe<00:05:51.490> life<00:05:52.240> on<00:05:52.540> Earth<00:05:52.870> is<00:05:53.200> like<00:05:53.230> a<00:05:53.590> brief universe life on Earth is like a brief universe life on Earth is like a brief measure<00:05:54.370> the<00:05:55.150> animal<00:05:55.540> kingdom<00:05:55.960> like<00:05:56.140> a<00:05:56.410> single measure the animal kingdom like a single measure the animal kingdom like a single single<00:05:58.000> measure<00:05:58.390> and<00:05:59.460> human<00:06:00.460> life single measure and human life single measure and human life a<00:06:01.110> small<00:06:02.110> grace<00:06:02.410> note<00:06:03.450> that<00:06:04.450> was<00:06:04.600> us<00:06:05.610> that<00:06:06.610> also a small grace note that was us that also a small grace note that was us that also constitutes<00:06:07.570> the<00:06:07.720> entertainment<00:06:08.290> portion<00:06:08.530> of constitutes the entertainment portion of constitutes the entertainment portion of this<00:06:08.950> talk<00:06:09.220> so<00:06:09.250> I<00:06:09.460> hope<00:06:09.640> you<00:06:09.790> enjoyed<00:06:10.150> it this talk so I hope you enjoyed it this talk so I hope you enjoyed it now<00:06:12.560> when<00:06:13.160> I<00:06:13.310> was<00:06:13.670> a<00:06:14.410> freshman<00:06:15.410> in<00:06:15.500> college<00:06:15.530> I now when I was a freshman in college I now when I was a freshman in college I took<00:06:16.040> my<00:06:16.310> first<00:06:16.520> biology<00:06:17.180> class<00:06:17.480> I<00:06:17.840> was took my first biology class I was took my first biology class I was fascinated<00:06:19.190> by<00:06:19.670> the<00:06:19.850> elegance<00:06:20.390> and<00:06:20.540> beauty<00:06:20.600> of fascinated by the elegance and beauty of fascinated by the elegance and beauty of biology<00:06:22.310> I<00:06:22.460> became<00:06:22.970> enamored<00:06:23.300> of<00:06:23.660> the<00:06:23.810> power biology I became enamored of the power biology I became enamored of the power of<00:06:24.550> evolution<00:06:25.550> and<00:06:25.700> I<00:06:25.820> realized<00:06:26.300> something of evolution and I realized something of evolution and I realized something very<00:06:27.110> fundamental<00:06:27.470> in<00:06:28.010> most<00:06:28.490> of<00:06:28.760> the very fundamental in most of the very fundamental in most of the existence<00:06:29.690> of<00:06:29.870> life<00:06:30.050> in<00:06:30.290> single-celled existence of life in single-celled existence of life in single-celled organisms<00:06:31.520> each<00:06:31.970> cell<00:06:32.420> simply<00:06:32.840> divides<00:06:33.230> and organisms each cell simply divides and organisms each cell simply divides and all<00:06:34.130> of<00:06:34.460> the<00:06:34.580> genetic<00:06:34.730> energy<00:06:35.630> of<00:06:35.780> that<00:06:35.960> cell all of the genetic energy of that cell all of the genetic energy of that cell is<00:06:36.560> carried<00:06:37.310> on<00:06:37.490> in<00:06:37.790> both<00:06:38.030> daughter<00:06:38.510> cells is carried on in both daughter cells is carried on in both daughter cells but<00:06:39.890> at<00:06:40.010> the<00:06:40.130> time<00:06:40.340> multi-celled<00:06:41.150> organisms but at the time multi-celled organisms but at the time multi-celled organisms come<00:06:42.170> online<00:06:42.850> things<00:06:43.850> start<00:06:44.570> to<00:06:44.660> change come online things start to change come online things start to change sexual<00:06:46.250> reproduction<00:06:46.910> enters<00:06:47.570> the<00:06:47.780> picture sexual reproduction enters the picture sexual reproduction enters the picture and<00:06:48.700> very<00:06:49.700> importantly<00:06:50.480> with<00:06:51.110> the and very importantly with the and very importantly with the introduction<00:06:51.980> of<00:06:52.070> sexual<00:06:52.610> reproduction<00:06:53.390> that introduction of sexual reproduction that introduction of sexual reproduction that passes<00:06:54.140> on<00:06:54.290> the<00:06:54.320> genome<00:06:54.860> the<00:06:55.700> rest<00:06:55.970> of<00:06:56.180> the passes on the genome the rest of the passes on the genome the rest of the body<00:06:56.540> becomes<00:06:58.150> expendable body becomes expendable body becomes expendable in<00:06:59.540> fact<00:07:00.370> you<00:07:01.370> could<00:07:01.640> say<00:07:02.140> that<00:07:03.140> the in fact you could say that the in fact you could say that the inevitability<00:07:03.980> of<00:07:04.280> the<00:07:04.400> death<00:07:04.760> of<00:07:04.970> our<00:07:05.120> bodies inevitability of the death of our bodies inevitability of the death of our bodies enters<00:07:06.230> in<00:07:06.470> evolutionary<00:07:07.190> time<00:07:07.550> at<00:07:07.820> the<00:07:07.940> same enters in evolutionary time at the same enters in evolutionary time at the same moment<00:07:08.660> as<00:07:09.020> sexual<00:07:09.980> reproduction<00:07:11.110> now<00:07:12.110> I<00:07:12.350> have moment as sexual reproduction now I have moment as sexual reproduction now I have to<00:07:12.770> confess<00:07:13.100> when<00:07:14.060> I<00:07:14.090> was<00:07:14.390> a<00:07:14.420> college to confess when I was a college to confess when I was a college undergraduate<00:07:15.440> I<00:07:15.500> thought<00:07:15.710> okay<00:07:16.220> sex<00:07:16.580> death undergraduate I thought okay sex death undergraduate I thought okay sex death sex<00:07:18.080> death<00:07:18.530> death<00:07:18.830> for<00:07:19.100> sex sex death death for sex sex death death for sex seemed<00:07:20.150> pretty<00:07:20.240> reasonable<00:07:20.630> at<00:07:21.140> the<00:07:21.260> time<00:07:22.180> but seemed pretty reasonable at the time but seemed pretty reasonable at the time but with<00:07:23.330> each<00:07:23.480> passing<00:07:23.510> years<00:07:24.200> I've<00:07:24.560> come<00:07:24.950> to with each passing years I've come to with each passing years I've come to have<00:07:25.580> increasing<00:07:26.360> doubts<00:07:26.690> I've<00:07:26.930> come<00:07:27.169> to have increasing doubts I've come to have increasing doubts I've come to understand<00:07:27.770> the<00:07:28.010> sentiments<00:07:28.910> of<00:07:29.000> George understand the sentiments of George understand the sentiments of George Burns<00:07:29.810> who<00:07:30.110> was<00:07:30.320> performing<00:07:31.070> still<00:07:31.310> in<00:07:31.430> Las Burns who was performing still in Las Burns who was performing still in Las Vegas<00:07:31.760> well<00:07:32.120> into<00:07:32.390> his<00:07:32.480> 90s<00:07:32.540> and<00:07:33.230> one<00:07:33.800> night Vegas well into his 90s and one night Vegas well into his 90s and one night there's<00:07:34.250> a<00:07:34.310> knock<00:07:34.490> at<00:07:34.640> his<00:07:34.730> hotel<00:07:35.150> room<00:07:35.180> door there's a knock at his hotel room door there's a knock at his hotel room door he<00:07:36.169> answers<00:07:36.620> the<00:07:36.740> door<00:07:36.950> standing<00:07:37.790> before<00:07:37.970> him he answers the door standing before him he answers the door standing before him is<00:07:38.480> a<00:07:38.540> gorgeous<00:07:39.410> scantily<00:07:40.130> clad<00:07:40.340> showgirl<00:07:40.970> she is a gorgeous scantily clad showgirl she is a gorgeous scantily clad showgirl she looks<00:07:41.750> at<00:07:41.900> him<00:07:41.960> and<00:07:42.110> says<00:07:42.350> I'm<00:07:42.710> here<00:07:43.280> for<00:07:43.760> super looks at him and says I'm here for super looks at him and says I'm here for super sex sex sex that's<00:07:45.770> fine<00:07:46.100> says<00:07:46.400> George<00:07:46.700> I'll<00:07:46.970> take<00:07:47.450> the that's fine says George I'll take the that's fine says George I'll take the soup

I<00:07:52.199> came<00:07:53.199> to<00:07:53.380> realize<00:07:53.590> as<00:07:54.280> a<00:07:55.090> physician<00:07:56.010> that<00:07:57.010> I
I came to realize as a physician that I I came to realize as a physician that I was<00:07:57.550> working<00:07:58.030> toward<00:07:58.600> a<00:07:58.720> goal<00:07:58.960> which<00:07:59.320> was was working toward a goal which was was working toward a goal which was different<00:08:00.400> from<00:08:00.610> the<00:08:00.729> goal<00:08:00.940> of<00:08:01.949> evolution<00:08:02.949> not different from the goal of evolution not different from the goal of evolution not necessarily<00:08:04.000> contradictory<00:08:04.410> just<00:08:05.410> different necessarily contradictory just different necessarily contradictory just different I<00:08:06.040> was<00:08:06.220> trying<00:08:06.490> to<00:08:06.610> preserve<00:08:07.150> the<00:08:07.479> body<00:08:07.720> I I was trying to preserve the body I I was trying to preserve the body I wanted<00:08:08.560> to<00:08:08.710> keep<00:08:08.919> us<00:08:09.190> healthy wanted to keep us healthy wanted to keep us healthy I<00:08:10.030> wanted<00:08:10.360> to<00:08:10.419> restore<00:08:10.960> health<00:08:11.320> from<00:08:12.010> disease I wanted to restore health from disease I wanted to restore health from disease I<00:08:12.699> wanted<00:08:13.060> us<00:08:13.180> to<00:08:13.210> live<00:08:13.600> long<00:08:13.990> and<00:08:14.350> healthy I wanted us to live long and healthy I wanted us to live long and healthy lives<00:08:15.210> evolution<00:08:16.210> is<00:08:16.419> all<00:08:16.780> about<00:08:17.440> passing<00:08:18.160> on lives evolution is all about passing on lives evolution is all about passing on the<00:08:18.669> genome<00:08:19.090> to<00:08:19.600> the<00:08:19.720> next<00:08:20.050> generation the genome to the next generation the genome to the next generation adapting<00:08:21.669> and<00:08:22.020> surviving<00:08:23.020> through adapting and surviving through adapting and surviving through generation<00:08:24.370> after<00:08:24.760> generation<00:08:25.470> from<00:08:26.470> an generation after generation from an generation after generation from an evolutionary<00:08:27.250> point<00:08:27.520> of<00:08:27.699> view<00:08:27.760> you<00:08:28.479> and<00:08:28.690> I<00:08:28.780> are evolutionary point of view you and I are evolutionary point of view you and I are like<00:08:29.110> the<00:08:29.380> booster<00:08:30.070> rockets<00:08:30.580> designed<00:08:31.090> to like the booster rockets designed to like the booster rockets designed to send<00:08:31.720> the<00:08:31.930> genetic<00:08:32.320> payload<00:08:32.770> into<00:08:33.070> the<00:08:33.190> next send the genetic payload into the next send the genetic payload into the next level<00:08:33.729> of<00:08:33.849> orbit<00:08:34.210> and<00:08:34.360> then<00:08:34.479> drop<00:08:34.870> off<00:08:35.169> into level of orbit and then drop off into level of orbit and then drop off into the<00:08:36.339> sea<00:08:37.089> I<00:08:37.479> think<00:08:37.990> we<00:08:38.110> would<00:08:38.229> all<00:08:38.409> understand the sea I think we would all understand the sea I think we would all understand the<00:08:39.339> sentiment<00:08:39.760> that<00:08:39.789> Woody<00:08:40.060> Allen<00:08:40.450> expressed the sentiment that Woody Allen expressed the sentiment that Woody Allen expressed when<00:08:41.080> he<00:08:41.200> said<00:08:41.440> I<00:08:41.620> don't<00:08:41.919> want<00:08:42.279> to<00:08:42.339> achieve when he said I don't want to achieve when he said I don't want to achieve immortality<00:08:43.020> through<00:08:44.020> my<00:08:44.229> work<00:08:44.500> I<00:08:44.830> want<00:08:45.130> to immortality through my work I want to immortality through my work I want to achieve<00:08:45.460> it<00:08:45.820> through<00:08:45.940> not<00:08:46.240> dying<00:08:49.620> evolution achieve it through not dying evolution achieve it through not dying evolution does<00:08:51.370> not<00:08:51.400> necessarily<00:08:52.270> favor<00:08:52.660> the does not necessarily favor the does not necessarily favor the longest-lived longest-lived longest-lived it<00:08:54.610> doesn't<00:08:55.000> necessarily<00:08:55.630> favor<00:08:55.900> the<00:08:56.140> biggest it doesn't necessarily favor the biggest it doesn't necessarily favor the biggest or<00:08:56.770> the<00:08:56.830> strongest<00:08:57.250> or<00:08:57.970> the<00:08:58.060> fastest<00:08:58.870> and<00:08:59.050> not or the strongest or the fastest and not or the strongest or the fastest and not even<00:08:59.410> the<00:08:59.560> smartest<00:09:00.130> evolution<00:09:01.029> favors<00:09:01.779> those even the smartest evolution favors those even the smartest evolution favors those creatures<00:09:03.670> best<00:09:04.510> adapted<00:09:05.440> to<00:09:05.920> their creatures best adapted to their creatures best adapted to their environment<00:09:07.300> that<00:09:07.900> is<00:09:08.290> the<00:09:08.470> sole<00:09:08.740> test<00:09:09.130> of environment that is the sole test of environment that is the sole test of survival<00:09:10.000> and<00:09:10.750> success<00:09:11.320> at<00:09:11.830> the<00:09:12.220> bottom<00:09:12.580> of survival and success at the bottom of survival and success at the bottom of the<00:09:12.850> ocean<00:09:13.350> bacteria<00:09:14.350> that<00:09:14.830> are<00:09:14.890> thermophilic the ocean bacteria that are thermophilic the ocean bacteria that are thermophilic and<00:09:15.940> can<00:09:16.120> survive<00:09:16.600> at<00:09:17.140> the<00:09:17.560> steam<00:09:18.010> vent<00:09:18.430> heat and can survive at the steam vent heat and can survive at the steam vent heat that<00:09:19.240> would<00:09:19.420> otherwise<00:09:19.540> produce<00:09:20.260> if<00:09:20.500> fish that would otherwise produce if fish that would otherwise produce if fish were<00:09:21.040> there<00:09:21.250> sous-vide<00:09:21.910> cooked<00:09:22.480> fish were there sous-vide cooked fish were there sous-vide cooked fish nevertheless<00:09:24.160> have<00:09:25.150> managed<00:09:25.660> to<00:09:25.839> make<00:09:25.990> that<00:09:26.020> a nevertheless have managed to make that a nevertheless have managed to make that a hospitable<00:09:27.010> environment<00:09:27.959> for<00:09:28.959> them<00:09:29.580> so<00:09:30.900> what hospitable environment for them so what hospitable environment for them so what does<00:09:32.080> this<00:09:32.230> mean<00:09:32.560> as<00:09:33.180> we<00:09:34.180> look<00:09:34.450> back<00:09:34.959> at<00:09:35.260> what does this mean as we look back at what does this mean as we look back at what has<00:09:35.830> happened<00:09:35.860> in<00:09:36.279> evolution<00:09:36.910> and<00:09:37.150> as<00:09:37.570> we has happened in evolution and as we has happened in evolution and as we think<00:09:38.020> about<00:09:38.200> the<00:09:38.709> place<00:09:38.980> again<00:09:39.310> of<00:09:39.990> humans<00:09:40.990> in think about the place again of humans in think about the place again of humans in evolution<00:09:42.279> and<00:09:42.750> particularly<00:09:43.750> as<00:09:44.170> we<00:09:44.470> look evolution and particularly as we look evolution and particularly as we look ahead<00:09:44.860> to<00:09:45.700> the<00:09:45.730> next<00:09:46.330> phase<00:09:46.930> I<00:09:47.350> would<00:09:48.070> say<00:09:48.520> that ahead to the next phase I would say that ahead to the next phase I would say that there<00:09:49.420> are<00:09:49.660> a<00:09:49.930> number<00:09:49.959> of<00:09:50.830> possibilities<00:09:51.959> the there are a number of possibilities the there are a number of possibilities the first<00:09:53.290> is<00:09:53.880> that<00:09:55.170> we<00:09:56.170> will<00:09:56.410> not<00:09:56.560> evolve<00:09:57.120> we<00:09:58.120> have first is that we will not evolve we have first is that we will not evolve we have reached<00:09:58.660> a<00:09:59.050> kind<00:10:00.010> of<00:10:00.220> equipoise<00:10:00.820> and<00:10:01.180> the reached a kind of equipoise and the reached a kind of equipoise and the reasoning<00:10:02.290> behind<00:10:02.380> that<00:10:02.680> would<00:10:02.980> be<00:10:03.190> first reasoning behind that would be first reasoning behind that would be first we<00:10:04.810> have<00:10:05.140> through<00:10:05.650> medicine<00:10:06.040> managed<00:10:06.910> to we have through medicine managed to we have through medicine managed to preserve<00:10:07.240> a<00:10:07.630> lot<00:10:07.660> of<00:10:07.840> genes<00:10:08.260> that<00:10:08.560> would preserve a lot of genes that would preserve a lot of genes that would otherwise<00:10:08.770> be<00:10:09.100> selected<00:10:09.910> out<00:10:10.060> and<00:10:10.330> be<00:10:10.840> removed otherwise be selected out and be removed otherwise be selected out and be removed from<00:10:11.440> the<00:10:11.620> population<00:10:11.800> and<00:10:12.550> secondly<00:10:13.420> we<00:10:13.720> as<00:10:13.930> a from the population and secondly we as a from the population and secondly we as a species<00:10:14.320> have<00:10:15.040> so<00:10:15.610> configured<00:10:16.540> our species have so configured our species have so configured our environment<00:10:17.440> that<00:10:18.010> we<00:10:18.070> have<00:10:18.670> managed<00:10:19.300> to<00:10:19.480> make environment that we have managed to make environment that we have managed to make it<00:10:19.840> adapt<00:10:20.440> to<00:10:20.680> us<00:10:20.830> as<00:10:21.040> well<00:10:21.220> as<00:10:21.370> we<00:10:21.520> adapt<00:10:21.970> to<00:10:22.270> it it adapt to us as well as we adapt to it it adapt to us as well as we adapt to it and<00:10:23.230> by<00:10:23.830> the<00:10:23.890> way<00:10:24.220> we<00:10:24.460> immigrate<00:10:25.240> and and by the way we immigrate and and by the way we immigrate and circulate<00:10:26.230> and<00:10:26.470> intermix<00:10:26.980> so<00:10:27.280> much<00:10:27.550> that<00:10:28.090> you circulate and intermix so much that you circulate and intermix so much that you can't<00:10:28.510> any<00:10:28.780> longer<00:10:28.870> have<00:10:29.380> the<00:10:29.530> isolation<00:10:30.430> that can't any longer have the isolation that can't any longer have the isolation that is<00:10:30.880> necessary<00:10:31.630> for<00:10:32.670> evolution<00:10:33.670> to<00:10:33.850> take<00:10:34.150> place is necessary for evolution to take place is necessary for evolution to take place a<00:10:34.980> second<00:10:35.980> possibility<00:10:36.490> is<00:10:36.910> that<00:10:37.270> there<00:10:37.600> will a second possibility is that there will a second possibility is that there will be<00:10:37.870> evolution<00:10:38.680> of<00:10:38.770> the<00:10:38.890> traditional<00:10:39.460> kind be evolution of the traditional kind be evolution of the traditional kind natural<00:10:40.690> imposed<00:10:41.440> by<00:10:42.400> the<00:10:42.460> forces<00:10:42.940> of<00:10:43.090> nature natural imposed by the forces of nature natural imposed by the forces of nature and<00:10:44.440> the<00:10:45.280> argument<00:10:45.880> here<00:10:45.910> would<00:10:46.210> be<00:10:46.390> that<00:10:46.630> the and the argument here would be that the and the argument here would be that the wheels<00:10:47.140> of<00:10:47.620> evolution<00:10:48.280> grind<00:10:48.610> slowly<00:10:48.910> but wheels of evolution grind slowly but wheels of evolution grind slowly but they<00:10:49.810> are<00:10:50.400> inexorable<00:10:51.400> and<00:10:52.090> as<00:10:52.780> far<00:10:52.930> as they are inexorable and as far as they are inexorable and as far as isolation<00:10:53.740> goes<00:10:53.950> when<00:10:54.370> we<00:10:54.400> as<00:10:55.000> a<00:10:55.270> species<00:10:55.750> do isolation goes when we as a species do isolation goes when we as a species do colonize<00:10:56.680> distant<00:10:57.160> planets<00:10:57.490> there<00:10:57.700> will<00:10:57.910> be colonize distant planets there will be colonize distant planets there will be the<00:10:58.270> isolation<00:10:58.960> and<00:10:59.080> the<00:10:59.200> environmental the isolation and the environmental the isolation and the environmental changes<00:11:00.550> that<00:11:00.760> could<00:11:01.390> produce<00:11:02.220> evolution<00:11:03.220> in changes that could produce evolution in changes that could produce evolution in the<00:11:03.610> natural<00:11:04.150> way<00:11:04.710> but<00:11:05.710> there's<00:11:05.890> a<00:11:05.950> third the natural way but there's a third the natural way but there's a third possibility<00:11:06.490> an<00:11:07.440> enticing<00:11:08.550> intriguing<00:11:09.550> and possibility an enticing intriguing and possibility an enticing intriguing and frightening<00:11:10.630> possibility frightening possibility frightening possibility I<00:11:11.440> call<00:11:11.680> it<00:11:11.830> neo<00:11:12.100> evolution<00:11:13.030> the<00:11:13.390> new I call it neo evolution the new I call it neo evolution the new evolution<00:11:13.960> that<00:11:14.650> is<00:11:14.830> not<00:11:15.130> simply<00:11:15.820> natural<00:11:16.450> but evolution that is not simply natural but evolution that is not simply natural but guided<00:11:17.620> and<00:11:18.130> chosen<00:11:19.000> by<00:11:19.540> us<00:11:20.380> as<00:11:21.390> individuals guided and chosen by us as individuals guided and chosen by us as individuals in<00:11:22.630> the<00:11:22.840> choices<00:11:23.320> that<00:11:23.770> we<00:11:23.980> will<00:11:24.190> make<00:11:24.400> now<00:11:25.360> how in the choices that we will make now how in the choices that we will make now how could<00:11:26.110> this<00:11:26.290> come<00:11:26.740> about<00:11:27.030> how<00:11:28.030> could<00:11:28.330> it<00:11:28.420> be could this come about how could it be could this come about how could it be possible<00:11:28.570> that<00:11:29.140> we<00:11:29.560> would<00:11:29.770> do<00:11:29.920> this<00:11:30.160> consider possible that we would do this consider possible that we would do this consider first<00:11:31.780> the<00:11:32.850> reality<00:11:33.850> that<00:11:34.660> people<00:11:35.440> today<00:11:35.680> in first the reality that people today in first the reality that people today in some<00:11:36.760> cultures<00:11:37.240> are<00:11:37.450> making<00:11:37.900> choices<00:11:38.170> about some cultures are making choices about some cultures are making choices about their<00:11:38.830> offspring<00:11:39.520> there<00:11:40.210> in<00:11:40.570> some<00:11:40.810> cultures their offspring there in some cultures their offspring there in some cultures choosing<00:11:41.650> to<00:11:41.770> have<00:11:41.920> more<00:11:42.400> males<00:11:42.730> than<00:11:42.940> females choosing to have more males than females choosing to have more males than females it's<00:11:44.770> not<00:11:45.010> necessarily<00:11:45.670> good<00:11:45.850> for<00:11:45.880> the it's not necessarily good for the it's not necessarily good for the society<00:11:46.630> but<00:11:46.780> it's<00:11:46.960> what<00:11:47.110> the<00:11:47.230> individual<00:11:47.800> and society but it's what the individual and society but it's what the individual and the<00:11:48.100> family<00:11:48.130> are<00:11:48.850> choosing<00:11:50.700> think<00:11:51.700> also<00:11:52.210> if<00:11:52.510> it the family are choosing think also if it the family are choosing think also if it were<00:11:52.840> possible<00:11:53.730> ever<00:11:55.200> for<00:11:56.200> you<00:11:56.440> not<00:11:56.890> simply<00:11:57.190> to were possible ever for you not simply to were possible ever for you not simply to choose<00:11:57.730> the<00:11:58.240> sex<00:11:58.570> of<00:11:58.720> your<00:11:58.960> child<00:11:59.380> but<00:12:00.070> for<00:12:00.340> you choose the sex of your child but for you choose the sex of your child but for you in<00:12:00.850> your<00:12:01.570> body<00:12:02.110> to<00:12:03.070> make<00:12:03.310> the<00:12:03.550> genetic in your body to make the genetic in your body to make the genetic adjustments<00:12:05.050> that<00:12:05.620> would<00:12:05.890> cure<00:12:06.490> or<00:12:06.730> prevent adjustments that would cure or prevent adjustments that would cure or prevent diseases<00:12:07.930> what<00:12:08.290> if<00:12:08.440> you<00:12:08.680> could<00:12:09.070> make<00:12:09.700> the diseases what if you could make the diseases what if you could make the genetic<00:12:10.300> changes<00:12:10.810> to<00:12:11.410> eliminate<00:12:11.920> diabetes<00:12:12.610> or genetic changes to eliminate diabetes or genetic changes to eliminate diabetes or Alzheimer's<00:12:14.020> or<00:12:14.200> reduce<00:12:14.710> the<00:12:14.920> risk<00:12:15.100> of<00:12:15.250> cancer Alzheimer's or reduce the risk of cancer Alzheimer's or reduce the risk of cancer or<00:12:16.060> eliminate<00:12:16.810> stroke or eliminate stroke or eliminate stroke wouldn't<00:12:17.820> you<00:12:18.830> want<00:12:19.830> to<00:12:20.130> make<00:12:20.490> those<00:12:20.850> changes wouldn't you want to make those changes wouldn't you want to make those changes in<00:12:21.779> your<00:12:22.350> genes in your genes in your genes if<00:12:23.480> we<00:12:24.480> look<00:12:24.660> ahead<00:12:25.550> these<00:12:26.550> kinds<00:12:27.029> of<00:12:27.120> changes if we look ahead these kinds of changes if we look ahead these kinds of changes are<00:12:27.990> going<00:12:28.620> to<00:12:28.709> be<00:12:29.480> increasingly<00:12:30.649> possible are going to be increasingly possible are going to be increasingly possible the<00:12:32.820> human<00:12:33.149> genome<00:12:33.480> project<00:12:33.540> started<00:12:34.140> in<00:12:34.649> 1990 the human genome project started in 1990 the human genome project started in 1990 and<00:12:36.680> it<00:12:37.680> took<00:12:37.830> 13<00:12:38.370> years<00:12:38.399> it<00:12:38.970> costs<00:12:39.750> 2.7 and it took 13 years it costs 2.7 and it took 13 years it costs 2.7 billion<00:12:41.459> dollars<00:12:43.070> the<00:12:44.070> year<00:12:44.310> after<00:12:44.490> it<00:12:44.670> was billion dollars the year after it was billion dollars the year after it was finished<00:12:45.000> in<00:12:45.300> 2004<00:12:46.260> you<00:12:46.709> could<00:12:46.890> do<00:12:47.010> the<00:12:47.160> same finished in 2004 you could do the same finished in 2004 you could do the same job<00:12:47.490> for<00:12:48.240> 20<00:12:49.230> million<00:12:49.470> dollars<00:12:50.010> in<00:12:50.190> 3<00:12:50.550> to<00:12:50.670> 4 job for 20 million dollars in 3 to 4 job for 20 million dollars in 3 to 4 months<00:12:51.240> today<00:12:52.160> you<00:12:53.160> can<00:12:53.339> have<00:12:53.459> a<00:12:53.520> complete months today you can have a complete months today you can have a complete sequence<00:12:54.330> of<00:12:54.570> the<00:12:54.690> 3<00:12:54.930> billion<00:12:55.230> base<00:12:55.410> pairs<00:12:55.740> in sequence of the 3 billion base pairs in sequence of the 3 billion base pairs in the<00:12:56.010> human<00:12:56.310> genome<00:12:56.339> at<00:12:56.850> a<00:12:57.240> cost<00:12:57.570> of<00:12:57.720> about the human genome at a cost of about the human genome at a cost of about $20,000<00:12:59.190> and<00:12:59.370> in<00:12:59.670> the<00:12:59.760> space<00:13:00.029> of<00:13:00.209> about<00:13:00.330> a<00:13:00.480> week $20,000 and in the space of about a week $20,000 and in the space of about a week it<00:13:01.890> won't<00:13:02.100> be<00:13:02.250> very<00:13:02.399> long<00:13:02.810> before<00:13:03.810> the<00:13:03.930> reality it won't be very long before the reality it won't be very long before the reality will<00:13:04.950> be<00:13:04.980> the<00:13:05.370> $1,000<00:13:06.209> human<00:13:06.660> genome<00:13:07.050> and<00:13:07.290> it will be the $1,000 human genome and it will be the $1,000 human genome and it will<00:13:07.620> be<00:13:07.800> increasingly<00:13:08.490> available<00:13:08.790> for will be increasingly available for will be increasingly available for everyone<00:13:11.089> just<00:13:12.089> a<00:13:12.270> week<00:13:12.690> ago<00:13:12.899> the<00:13:13.790> National everyone just a week ago the National everyone just a week ago the National Academy<00:13:15.300> of<00:13:15.330> Engineering<00:13:15.480> awarded<00:13:16.380> its Academy of Engineering awarded its Academy of Engineering awarded its Draper<00:13:16.980> prize<00:13:17.399> to<00:13:18.240> francis<00:13:18.779> arnold<00:13:19.170> and Draper prize to francis arnold and Draper prize to francis arnold and willem<00:13:19.620> stemmer<00:13:19.890> two<00:13:20.190> scientists<00:13:21.029> who willem stemmer two scientists who willem stemmer two scientists who independently<00:13:21.620> developed<00:13:22.620> techniques<00:13:23.100> to independently developed techniques to independently developed techniques to encourage<00:13:24.779> the<00:13:25.050> natural<00:13:25.529> process<00:13:26.040> of encourage the natural process of encourage the natural process of evolution<00:13:26.279> to<00:13:26.850> work<00:13:27.060> faster<00:13:27.779> and<00:13:27.959> to<00:13:28.440> lead<00:13:28.680> to evolution to work faster and to lead to evolution to work faster and to lead to desirable<00:13:29.610> proteins<00:13:30.120> in<00:13:30.329> a<00:13:30.450> more<00:13:30.690> efficient desirable proteins in a more efficient desirable proteins in a more efficient way<00:13:31.410> what<00:13:32.100> Francis<00:13:32.550> Arnold<00:13:32.910> calls<00:13:33.230> directed way what Francis Arnold calls directed way what Francis Arnold calls directed evolution<00:13:35.310> a<00:13:35.490> couple<00:13:36.270> of<00:13:36.360> years<00:13:36.570> ago<00:13:36.750> the evolution a couple of years ago the evolution a couple of years ago the Lasker<00:13:38.100> prize<00:13:38.250> was<00:13:38.970> awarded<00:13:39.420> to<00:13:39.510> the Lasker prize was awarded to the Lasker prize was awarded to the scientists<00:13:40.200> Shinya<00:13:40.500> Yamanaka<00:13:41.120> for<00:13:42.120> his scientists Shinya Yamanaka for his scientists Shinya Yamanaka for his research<00:13:42.959> in<00:13:43.260> which<00:13:43.500> he<00:13:43.800> took<00:13:44.040> an<00:13:44.250> adult<00:13:44.760> skin research in which he took an adult skin research in which he took an adult skin cell<00:13:45.930> a<00:13:46.110> fibroblast<00:13:46.589> and<00:13:47.160> by<00:13:48.120> manipulating cell a fibroblast and by manipulating cell a fibroblast and by manipulating just<00:13:49.290> four<00:13:49.709> genes<00:13:50.450> he<00:13:51.450> induced<00:13:51.839> that<00:13:52.110> cell<00:13:52.440> to just four genes he induced that cell to just four genes he induced that cell to revert<00:13:53.370> to<00:13:53.670> a<00:13:54.029> flurry<00:13:54.600> potential<00:13:55.320> stem<00:13:56.010> cell<00:13:56.339> a revert to a flurry potential stem cell a revert to a flurry potential stem cell a cell<00:13:57.950> potentially<00:13:58.950> capable<00:13:59.190> of<00:13:59.610> becoming<00:13:59.970> any cell potentially capable of becoming any cell potentially capable of becoming any cell<00:14:00.720> in<00:14:00.959> your<00:14:01.500> body<00:14:02.089> these<00:14:03.089> changes<00:14:03.750> are cell in your body these changes are cell in your body these changes are coming<00:14:04.230> the<00:14:04.529> same<00:14:04.770> technology<00:14:05.550> that<00:14:05.790> has coming the same technology that has coming the same technology that has produced<00:14:06.930> the<00:14:07.290> human<00:14:07.649> insulin<00:14:07.950> in<00:14:08.220> bacteria produced the human insulin in bacteria produced the human insulin in bacteria can<00:14:09.209> make<00:14:09.450> viruses<00:14:10.410> that<00:14:10.620> will<00:14:10.800> not<00:14:11.010> only can make viruses that will not only can make viruses that will not only protect<00:14:11.459> you<00:14:11.910> against<00:14:12.450> themselves<00:14:12.870> but protect you against themselves but protect you against themselves but induce<00:14:13.860> immunity<00:14:14.250> against<00:14:15.089> other<00:14:15.300> viruses induce immunity against other viruses induce immunity against other viruses believe<00:14:16.410> it<00:14:16.529> or<00:14:16.649> not<00:14:16.770> there's<00:14:17.040> an believe it or not there's an believe it or not there's an experimental<00:14:18.149> trial<00:14:18.839> going<00:14:19.290> on<00:14:19.529> with<00:14:20.160> vaccine experimental trial going on with vaccine experimental trial going on with vaccine against<00:14:21.390> influenza<00:14:22.170> that<00:14:22.200> has<00:14:22.589> been<00:14:22.920> grown<00:14:23.430> in against influenza that has been grown in against influenza that has been grown in the<00:14:24.390> cells<00:14:24.690> of<00:14:24.930> a<00:14:25.050> tobacco<00:14:25.230> plant the cells of a tobacco plant the cells of a tobacco plant can<00:14:27.060> you<00:14:27.150> imagine<00:14:27.270> something<00:14:27.870> good<00:14:28.170> coming can you imagine something good coming can you imagine something good coming out<00:14:28.620> of<00:14:28.740> tobacco<00:14:29.779> these<00:14:30.779> are<00:14:31.260> all<00:14:31.760> reality out of tobacco these are all reality out of tobacco these are all reality today<00:14:33.120> and<00:14:33.540> the<00:14:33.660> future<00:14:33.839> will<00:14:34.560> be<00:14:34.800> evermore today and the future will be evermore today and the future will be evermore possible<00:14:36.660> imagine<00:14:37.500> then<00:14:37.740> just<00:14:38.220> two<00:14:39.000> other possible imagine then just two other possible imagine then just two other little<00:14:40.200> changes<00:14:41.040> you<00:14:41.580> can<00:14:41.790> change<00:14:42.060> the<00:14:42.270> cells little changes you can change the cells little changes you can change the cells in<00:14:42.690> your<00:14:42.720> body<00:14:43.220> but<00:14:44.220> what<00:14:44.339> if<00:14:44.460> you<00:14:44.550> could in your body but what if you could in your body but what if you could change<00:14:44.940> the<00:14:45.210> cells<00:14:45.450> in<00:14:45.990> your<00:14:46.260> offspring<00:14:47.040> what change the cells in your offspring what change the cells in your offspring what if<00:14:47.760> you<00:14:47.850> could<00:14:48.029> change<00:14:48.270> the<00:14:48.630> sperm<00:14:48.960> in<00:14:49.140> the<00:14:49.230> OVA if you could change the sperm in the OVA if you could change the sperm in the OVA or<00:14:49.740> change<00:14:50.130> the<00:14:50.760> newly<00:14:51.330> fertilized<00:14:51.870> egg<00:14:52.260> and or change the newly fertilized egg and or change the newly fertilized egg and give<00:14:52.860> your<00:14:53.250> offspring<00:14:53.850> a<00:14:54.240> better<00:14:54.510> chance<00:14:54.870> at<00:14:55.110> a give your offspring a better chance at a give your offspring a better chance at a healthier<00:14:55.890> life<00:14:56.180> eliminate<00:14:57.180> the<00:14:57.360> diabetes healthier life eliminate the diabetes healthier life eliminate the diabetes eliminate<00:14:58.440> the<00:14:58.589> hemophilia<00:14:58.860> reduce<00:14:59.610> the<00:14:59.790> risk eliminate the hemophilia reduce the risk eliminate the hemophilia reduce the risk of<00:15:00.120> cancer of cancer of cancer who<00:15:01.020> doesn't<00:15:01.410> want<00:15:01.620> healthier<00:15:02.310> children<00:15:02.880> and who doesn't want healthier children and who doesn't want healthier children and then<00:15:03.930> that<00:15:04.710> same<00:15:05.130> analytic<00:15:05.850> technology<00:15:06.510> that then that same analytic technology that then that same analytic technology that same<00:15:07.020> engine<00:15:07.440> of<00:15:07.560> science<00:15:07.980> that<00:15:08.460> can<00:15:08.910> produce same engine of science that can produce same engine of science that can produce the<00:15:10.860> changes<00:15:11.400> to<00:15:11.550> prevent<00:15:11.850> disease<00:15:12.680> will<00:15:13.680> also the changes to prevent disease will also the changes to prevent disease will also enable<00:15:14.700> us<00:15:14.790> to<00:15:15.529> adopt<00:15:16.640> super<00:15:17.870> attributes enable us to adopt super attributes enable us to adopt super attributes hyper<00:15:20.150> capacities<00:15:21.150> that<00:15:21.900> better<00:15:22.260> memory<00:15:22.680> why hyper capacities that better memory why hyper capacities that better memory why not<00:15:23.190> have<00:15:23.520> the<00:15:23.790> quick<00:15:24.000> wit<00:15:24.330> of<00:15:24.570> a<00:15:24.870> Ken<00:15:25.110> Jennings not have the quick wit of a Ken Jennings not have the quick wit of a Ken Jennings especially<00:15:26.130> if<00:15:26.339> you<00:15:26.730> can<00:15:26.880> augment<00:15:27.330> it<00:15:27.570> with especially if you can augment it with especially if you can augment it with the<00:15:28.170> next<00:15:28.380> generation<00:15:28.470> of<00:15:29.160> the<00:15:29.370> Watson the next generation of the Watson the next generation of the Watson machine<00:15:30.350> why<00:15:31.350> not<00:15:31.650> have<00:15:31.890> the<00:15:32.040> quick<00:15:32.250> twitch machine why not have the quick twitch machine why not have the quick twitch muscle<00:15:33.000> that<00:15:33.420> will<00:15:33.540> enable<00:15:33.750> you<00:15:34.110> to<00:15:34.140> run muscle that will enable you to run muscle that will enable you to run faster<00:15:35.370> and<00:15:35.550> longer<00:15:36.410> why<00:15:37.410> not<00:15:38.100> live<00:15:39.000> longer faster and longer why not live longer faster and longer why not live longer these<00:15:40.680> will<00:15:40.980> be<00:15:41.160> irresistible<00:15:42.029> and<00:15:42.720> when<00:15:43.620> we these will be irresistible and when we these will be irresistible and when we are<00:15:44.459> at<00:15:44.760> a<00:15:44.790> position<00:15:45.120> where<00:15:45.540> we<00:15:45.690> can<00:15:45.720> pass<00:15:46.050> it are at a position where we can pass it are at a position where we can pass it on<00:15:46.350> to<00:15:46.560> the<00:15:46.680> next<00:15:46.920> generation<00:15:47.520> and<00:15:47.700> we<00:15:48.000> can on to the next generation and we can on to the next generation and we can adopt<00:15:48.450> the<00:15:49.260> attributes<00:15:50.010> we<00:15:50.220> want<00:15:50.580> we<00:15:51.270> will adopt the attributes we want we will adopt the attributes we want we will have<00:15:52.110> converted<00:15:54.080> old-style have converted old-style have converted old-style evolution<00:15:55.890> into<00:15:56.430> neo<00:15:57.150> evolution<00:15:57.750> will<00:15:57.959> take<00:15:58.200> a evolution into neo evolution will take a evolution into neo evolution will take a process<00:15:58.800> that<00:15:58.950> normally<00:15:59.400> might<00:15:59.580> require<00:15:59.940> a process that normally might require a process that normally might require a hundred<00:16:00.450> thousand<00:16:00.870> years<00:16:01.110> and<00:16:01.290> we<00:16:01.770> can hundred thousand years and we can hundred thousand years and we can compress<00:16:02.430> it<00:16:02.490> down<00:16:03.180> to<00:16:03.480> a<00:16:03.510> thousand<00:16:04.020> years<00:16:04.230> and compress it down to a thousand years and compress it down to a thousand years and maybe<00:16:04.709> even<00:16:05.040> in<00:16:05.640> the<00:16:05.970> next<00:16:06.330> 100<00:16:07.140> years<00:16:07.550> these maybe even in the next 100 years these maybe even in the next 100 years these are<00:16:08.820> choices<00:16:09.140> that<00:16:10.140> your<00:16:10.500> grandchildren<00:16:11.270> or are choices that your grandchildren or are choices that your grandchildren or their<00:16:12.720> grandchildren<00:16:13.529> are<00:16:13.680> going<00:16:14.339> to<00:16:14.490> have their grandchildren are going to have their grandchildren are going to have before<00:16:15.660> them<00:16:15.900> will<00:16:16.830> we<00:16:17.130> use<00:16:17.690> these<00:16:18.690> choices<00:16:19.080> to before them will we use these choices to before them will we use these choices to make<00:16:19.589> a<00:16:19.650> society<00:16:20.339> that<00:16:20.550> is<00:16:21.230> better<00:16:22.230> that<00:16:23.040> is make a society that is better that is make a society that is better that is more<00:16:23.370> successful<00:16:24.089> that<00:16:24.300> is<00:16:24.630> kinder<00:16:25.230> or<00:16:25.440> will more successful that is kinder or will more successful that is kinder or will we<00:16:26.430> selectively<00:16:27.150> choose<00:16:27.570> different we selectively choose different we selectively choose different attributes<00:16:28.709> that<00:16:29.310> we<00:16:29.610> want<00:16:29.940> for<00:16:30.240> some<00:16:30.750> of<00:16:30.900> us attributes that we want for some of us attributes that we want for some of us and<00:16:31.320> not<00:16:31.800> for<00:16:31.830> others<00:16:32.310> of<00:16:32.339> us<00:16:32.640> will<00:16:33.450> we<00:16:33.630> make<00:16:33.839> a and not for others of us will we make a and not for others of us will we make a society<00:16:34.620> that<00:16:35.250> is<00:16:35.670> more<00:16:36.560> boring society that is more boring society that is more boring and<00:16:37.890> more<00:16:38.370> uniform<00:16:38.940> or<00:16:39.360> more<00:16:39.660> robust<00:16:40.110> and<00:16:40.500> more and more uniform or more robust and more and more uniform or more robust and more versatile<00:16:41.550> these<00:16:42.180> are<00:16:42.480> the<00:16:42.600> kinds<00:16:42.959> of versatile these are the kinds of versatile these are the kinds of questions<00:16:43.230> that<00:16:43.890> we<00:16:44.430> will<00:16:44.850> have<00:16:45.029> to<00:16:45.240> face<00:16:45.390> and questions that we will have to face and questions that we will have to face and most<00:16:45.750> profoundly<00:16:46.380> of<00:16:46.560> all<00:16:46.740> will<00:16:47.190> we<00:16:47.370> ever<00:16:47.580> be most profoundly of all will we ever be most profoundly of all will we ever be able<00:16:47.940> to<00:16:48.390> develop<00:16:48.690> the<00:16:49.560> wisdom<00:16:50.100> and<00:16:50.690> to able to develop the wisdom and to able to develop the wisdom and to inherit<00:16:52.230> the<00:16:52.410> wisdom<00:16:52.589> that<00:16:53.040> we'll<00:16:53.670> need<00:16:53.850> to inherit the wisdom that we'll need to inherit the wisdom that we'll need to make<00:16:54.209> these<00:16:54.420> choices<00:16:54.779> wisely<00:16:55.709> for<00:16:56.279> better<00:16:56.459> or make these choices wisely for better or make these choices wisely for better or worse<00:16:56.700> and<00:16:57.209> sooner<00:16:58.079> than<00:16:58.290> you<00:16:58.500> may<00:16:58.680> think worse and sooner than you may think worse and sooner than you may think these<00:16:59.970> choices<00:17:00.269> will<00:17:00.810> be<00:17:01.170> up<00:17:01.410> to<00:17:01.980> us<00:17:02.570> thank<00:17:03.570> you these choices will be up to us thank you these choices will be up to us thank you [Applause]

Harvey Fineberg, evolution, human, evolution, neo-evolution, genetic, modification, biology, genetics, TED, TED, Talk, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, Ed

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