Chúng Tôi Là Người Dân, Và Cộng hòa chúng ta phải đòi lại-Lawrence Lessig

We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim - Lawrence Lessig

We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim - Lawrence Lessig




once<00:00:16.600> upon<00:00:16.760> a
once upon a once upon a time<00:00:19.359> there<00:00:19.439> was<00:00:19.600> a<00:00:19.760> place<00:00:19.960> called time there was a place called time there was a place called lesterland<00:00:22.359> now<00:00:22.519> lesterland<00:00:23.400> looks<00:00:23.640> a<00:00:23.800> lot lesterland now lesterland looks a lot lesterland now lesterland looks a lot like<00:00:24.240> the<00:00:24.359> United<00:00:25.199> States<00:00:26.199> like<00:00:26.359> the<00:00:26.480> United like the United States like the United like the United States like the United States<00:00:27.240> it<00:00:27.400> has<00:00:27.560> about<00:00:28.160> 311<00:00:29.160> million<00:00:29.599> people States it has about 311 million people States it has about 311 million people and<00:00:30.119> of<00:00:30.320> that<00:00:30.519> 311<00:00:31.480> million<00:00:31.960> people<00:00:32.439> it<00:00:32.559> turns and of that 311 million people it turns and of that 311 million people it turns out<00:00:34.160> 144,000<00:00:35.160> are<00:00:35.480> called<00:00:36.559> Lester<00:00:37.559> if<00:00:37.719> Matt's out 144,000 are called Lester if Matt's out 144,000 are called Lester if Matt's in<00:00:38.120> the<00:00:38.200> audience<00:00:38.559> I<00:00:38.640> just<00:00:38.800> borrowed<00:00:39.320> that in the audience I just borrowed that in the audience I just borrowed that I'll<00:00:39.719> I'll<00:00:40.039> return<00:00:40.200> it<00:00:40.399> in<00:00:40.520> a<00:00:40.719> second<00:00:41.120> this I'll I'll return it in a second this I'll I'll return it in a second this this<00:00:41.640> character<00:00:42.079> from<00:00:42.320> your<00:00:42.680> from<00:00:42.840> your this character from your from your this character from your from your Series<00:00:44.000> so<00:00:44.600> 144,000<00:00:45.440> are<00:00:45.600> called<00:00:45.960> Lester Series so 144,000 are called Lester Series so 144,000 are called Lester which<00:00:46.399> means<00:00:46.719> about which means about which means about 05%<00:00:49.399> is<00:00:49.559> named<00:00:49.879> Lester<00:00:50.480> now<00:00:50.680> lesters<00:00:51.239> and 05% is named Lester now lesters and 05% is named Lester now lesters and lesterland<00:00:52.840> have<00:00:53.000> this<00:00:53.199> extraordinary<00:00:53.800> power lesterland have this extraordinary power lesterland have this extraordinary power there<00:00:54.239> are<00:00:54.440> two<00:00:54.680> elections<00:00:55.399> every<00:00:55.680> election there are two elections every election there are two elections every election cycle<00:00:56.600> in<00:00:56.719> lesterland<00:00:57.399> one<00:00:57.559> is<00:00:57.719> called<00:00:57.960> the cycle in lesterland one is called the cycle in lesterland one is called the general<00:00:58.600> election<00:00:59.600> the<00:00:59.719> other<00:01:00.160> is<00:01:00.359> called<00:01:00.960> the general election the other is called the general election the other is called the Lester<00:01:02.160> election<00:01:03.160> and<00:01:03.280> in<00:01:03.399> the<00:01:03.760> general Lester election and in the general Lester election and in the general election<00:01:04.640> it's<00:01:04.799> the<00:01:04.920> citizens<00:01:05.320> who<00:01:05.479> get<00:01:05.600> to election it's the citizens who get to election it's the citizens who get to vote<00:01:06.040> but<00:01:06.119> in<00:01:06.240> the<00:01:06.320> Lester<00:01:06.760> election<00:01:07.200> it's<00:01:07.400> the vote but in the Lester election it's the vote but in the Lester election it's the lesters<00:01:08.280> who<00:01:08.479> get<00:01:08.600> to<00:01:08.799> vote<00:01:09.119> and<00:01:09.280> here's<00:01:09.479> the lesters who get to vote and here's the lesters who get to vote and here's the trick<00:01:10.320> in<00:01:10.479> order<00:01:10.759> to<00:01:11.040> run<00:01:11.680> in<00:01:11.960> the<00:01:12.159> general trick in order to run in the general trick in order to run in the general election<00:01:14.000> you<00:01:14.200> must<00:01:14.439> do<00:01:14.920> extremely<00:01:15.920> well<00:01:16.920> in election you must do extremely well in election you must do extremely well in the<00:01:17.159> Lester<00:01:17.600> election<00:01:17.960> you<00:01:18.040> don't the Lester election you don't the Lester election you don't necessarily<00:01:18.720> have<00:01:18.799> to<00:01:18.960> win<00:01:19.240> but<00:01:19.360> you<00:01:19.520> must<00:01:19.759> do necessarily have to win but you must do necessarily have to win but you must do extremely<00:01:20.680> well<00:01:21.000> now<00:01:21.520> what<00:01:21.720> can<00:01:21.920> we<00:01:22.200> say<00:01:22.680> about extremely well now what can we say about extremely well now what can we say about democracy<00:01:23.439> in<00:01:24.079> lesterland<00:01:25.079> well<00:01:25.280> we<00:01:25.360> can<00:01:25.479> say democracy in lesterland well we can say democracy in lesterland well we can say number<00:01:26.000> one<00:01:26.240> is<00:01:26.400> the<00:01:26.560> Supreme<00:01:26.960> Court<00:01:27.240> said<00:01:27.479> in number one is the Supreme Court said in number one is the Supreme Court said in citizens<00:01:28.119> united<00:01:29.040> the<00:01:29.280> people<00:01:29.720> have<00:01:29.960> have<00:01:30.119> the citizens united the people have have the citizens united the people have have the ultimate<00:01:30.840> influence<00:01:31.640> over<00:01:31.920> elected ultimate influence over elected ultimate influence over elected officials<00:01:33.119> because<00:01:33.399> after<00:01:33.640> all<00:01:33.920> there<00:01:34.079> is<00:01:34.240> a officials because after all there is a officials because after all there is a general<00:01:35.320> election<00:01:36.320> but<00:01:36.600> only<00:01:37.159> after<00:01:37.439> the<00:01:37.600> lers general election but only after the lers general election but only after the lers have<00:01:38.360> had<00:01:38.560> their<00:01:38.720> way<00:01:38.960> with<00:01:39.119> the<00:01:39.280> candidates have had their way with the candidates have had their way with the candidates who<00:01:39.960> wish<00:01:40.159> to<00:01:40.399> run<00:01:41.000> in<00:01:41.200> the<00:01:41.399> general<00:01:41.840> election who wish to run in the general election who wish to run in the general election and<00:01:42.439> number<00:01:42.720> two<00:01:43.439> obviously<00:01:44.119> this<00:01:44.360> dependence and number two obviously this dependence and number two obviously this dependence upon<00:01:45.079> the<00:01:45.240> lers<00:01:46.240> is<00:01:46.399> going<00:01:46.520> to<00:01:46.680> produce<00:01:46.960> a upon the lers is going to produce a upon the lers is going to produce a subtle<00:01:47.880> understated<00:01:48.799> we<00:01:48.920> could<00:01:49.079> say subtle understated we could say subtle understated we could say camouflaged<00:01:50.200> bending<00:01:51.159> to<00:01:51.479> keep<00:01:52.079> the<00:01:52.240> leers camouflaged bending to keep the leers camouflaged bending to keep the leers happy<00:01:54.479> okay<00:01:54.719> so<00:01:54.960> we<00:01:55.079> have<00:01:55.159> a<00:01:55.360> democracy<00:01:56.320> no happy okay so we have a democracy no happy okay so we have a democracy no doubt<00:01:57.479> but<00:01:57.640> it's<00:01:57.880> dependent<00:01:58.360> upon<00:01:58.560> the<00:01:58.680> leers doubt but it's dependent upon the leers doubt but it's dependent upon the leers and<00:01:59.960> dependent<00:02:00.479> upon<00:02:00.840> the<00:02:01.079> people<00:02:01.560> it<00:02:01.719> has<00:02:01.880> a and dependent upon the people it has a and dependent upon the people it has a competing<00:02:02.960> dependencies<00:02:03.840> we<00:02:03.960> could<00:02:04.119> say competing dependencies we could say competing dependencies we could say conflicting<00:02:05.560> dependencies<00:02:06.360> depending<00:02:06.840> upon conflicting dependencies depending upon conflicting dependencies depending upon who<00:02:08.280> the<00:02:08.520> lers<00:02:09.640> are<00:02:10.640> okay<00:02:10.879> that's who the lers are okay that's who the lers are okay that's lesterland<00:02:13.120> now<00:02:13.239> there<00:02:13.319> are<00:02:13.480> three<00:02:13.680> things<00:02:13.879> I lesterland now there are three things I lesterland now there are three things I want<00:02:14.120> you<00:02:14.200> to<00:02:14.319> see<00:02:14.599> now<00:02:14.720> that<00:02:14.840> I've<00:02:15.000> described want you to see now that I've described want you to see now that I've described lesterland<00:02:15.879> number<00:02:16.160> one<00:02:16.760> the<00:02:16.920> United<00:02:17.319> States lesterland number one the United States lesterland number one the United States is is is lesterland<00:02:19.319> the<00:02:19.440> United<00:02:19.840> States<00:02:20.080> is lesterland the United States is lesterland the United States is lesterland<00:02:20.760> the<00:02:20.840> United<00:02:21.080> States<00:02:21.319> also<00:02:21.519> looks lesterland the United States also looks lesterland the United States also looks like<00:02:21.920> this<00:02:22.160> also<00:02:22.480> has<00:02:22.640> two<00:02:22.840> elections<00:02:23.239> one<00:02:23.480> we like this also has two elections one we like this also has two elections one we call<00:02:24.560> the<00:02:25.080> general<00:02:25.720> election<00:02:26.239> the<00:02:26.400> second<00:02:26.760> we call the general election the second we call the general election the second we should<00:02:27.160> call<00:02:27.800> the<00:02:27.959> money<00:02:28.599> election<00:02:29.560> and<00:02:29.720> the should call the money election and the should call the money election and the general<00:02:30.280> election<00:02:30.640> it's<00:02:30.760> the<00:02:30.879> citizens<00:02:31.239> who general election it's the citizens who general election it's the citizens who get<00:02:31.519> to<00:02:31.640> vote<00:02:31.840> if<00:02:31.959> you're<00:02:32.120> over<00:02:32.319> 18<00:02:32.720> in<00:02:32.879> some get to vote if you're over 18 in some get to vote if you're over 18 in some states<00:02:33.319> if<00:02:33.440> you<00:02:33.560> have<00:02:33.680> an<00:02:33.840> ID<00:02:34.280> in<00:02:34.400> the<00:02:34.519> money states if you have an ID in the money states if you have an ID in the money election<00:02:35.280> it's<00:02:35.480> the<00:02:35.599> funders<00:02:36.440> who<00:02:36.640> get<00:02:36.760> to election it's the funders who get to election it's the funders who get to vote<00:02:37.959> the<00:02:38.080> funders<00:02:38.519> who<00:02:38.640> get<00:02:38.760> to<00:02:38.920> vote<00:02:39.239> and vote the funders who get to vote and vote the funders who get to vote and just<00:02:39.560> like<00:02:39.680> in<00:02:39.800> lesterland<00:02:40.480> the<00:02:40.599> trick<00:02:40.879> is<00:02:41.080> to just like in lesterland the trick is to just like in lesterland the trick is to run<00:02:41.480> in<00:02:41.640> the<00:02:41.760> general<00:02:42.159> election<00:02:42.560> you<00:02:42.680> must<00:02:42.920> do run in the general election you must do run in the general election you must do extremely<00:02:43.760> well<00:02:44.400> in<00:02:44.560> the<00:02:44.680> money<00:02:45.000> election<00:02:45.360> you extremely well in the money election you extremely well in the money election you don't<00:02:45.680> necessarily<00:02:46.319> have<00:02:46.440> to<00:02:46.560> win<00:02:46.840> there<00:02:46.959> is don't necessarily have to win there is don't necessarily have to win there is Jerry<00:02:47.480> Brown<00:02:47.920> but<00:02:48.040> you<00:02:48.200> must<00:02:48.440> do<00:02:49.120> extremely Jerry Brown but you must do extremely Jerry Brown but you must do extremely well<00:02:50.480> and<00:02:50.680> here's<00:02:50.920> the<00:02:51.120> key<00:02:51.680> there<00:02:51.800> are<00:02:52.200> just well and here's the key there are just well and here's the key there are just as<00:02:52.800> few<00:02:53.560> relevant<00:02:54.280> funders<00:02:55.120> in<00:02:55.319> USA<00:02:55.920> land<00:02:56.760> as as few relevant funders in USA land as as few relevant funders in USA land as there<00:02:57.239> are<00:02:58.159> lesters<00:02:59.159> in<00:02:59.319> lesterland<00:02:59.879> land<00:03:00.720> now there are lesters in lesterland land now there are lesters in lesterland land now you<00:03:01.040> say<00:03:01.920> really<00:03:02.920> really you say really really you say really really 05%<00:03:05.720> well<00:03:05.879> here<00:03:06.000> are<00:03:06.080> the<00:03:06.159> numbers<00:03:06.440> from<00:03:07.159> 2010 05% well here are the numbers from 2010 05% well here are the numbers from 2010 26%<00:03:09.040> of<00:03:09.280> America<00:03:10.280> gave<00:03:10.440> $200<00:03:11.200> or<00:03:11.360> more<00:03:11.560> to<00:03:11.760> any 26% of America gave $200 or more to any 26% of America gave $200 or more to any federal<00:03:12.360> candidate federal candidate federal candidate 05%<00:03:14.560> gave<00:03:14.799> the<00:03:15.000> maximum<00:03:15.480> amount<00:03:15.959> to<00:03:16.159> any 05% gave the maximum amount to any 05% gave the maximum amount to any federal<00:03:16.920> candidate<00:03:17.319> 0<00:03:17.879> 1%<00:03:18.879> the<00:03:19.040> 1%<00:03:19.640> of<00:03:19.799> the<00:03:19.920> 1% federal candidate 0 1% the 1% of the 1% federal candidate 0 1% the 1% of the 1% gave<00:03:21.120> $10,000<00:03:22.120> or<00:03:22.280> more<00:03:22.560> to<00:03:22.879> Federal gave $10,000 or more to Federal gave $10,000 or more to Federal candidates<00:03:24.120> and<00:03:24.239> in<00:03:24.400> this<00:03:24.599> election<00:03:25.040> cycle<00:03:25.840> my candidates and in this election cycle my candidates and in this election cycle my favorite<00:03:26.560> statistic<00:03:27.080> is favorite statistic is favorite statistic is 0.0042<00:03:29.920> %<00:03:30.920> for<00:03:31.080> those<00:03:31.239> of<00:03:31.319> you<00:03:31.439> doing<00:03:31.680> the 0.0042 % for those of you doing the 0.0042 % for those of you doing the numbers<00:03:32.080> you<00:03:32.200> know<00:03:32.400> that's<00:03:33.040> 132<00:03:34.319> Americans numbers you know that's 132 Americans numbers you know that's 132 Americans gave<00:03:35.959> 60%<00:03:36.959> of<00:03:37.120> the<00:03:37.239> super<00:03:37.640> pack<00:03:37.920> money<00:03:38.319> spent gave 60% of the super pack money spent gave 60% of the super pack money spent in<00:03:38.920> the<00:03:39.159> cycle<00:03:39.640> we<00:03:39.799> have<00:03:40.000> just<00:03:40.200> seen<00:03:40.799> ending<00:03:41.799> so in the cycle we have just seen ending so in the cycle we have just seen ending so I'm<00:03:42.159> just<00:03:42.280> a<00:03:42.400> lawyer<00:03:42.799> I<00:03:42.920> look<00:03:43.080> at<00:03:43.239> this<00:03:43.439> range I'm just a lawyer I look at this range I'm just a lawyer I look at this range of<00:03:43.920> numbers<00:03:44.239> and<00:03:44.400> I<00:03:44.480> say<00:03:44.680> it's<00:03:44.920> fair<00:03:45.120> for<00:03:45.280> me<00:03:45.439> to of numbers and I say it's fair for me to of numbers and I say it's fair for me to say<00:03:46.000> it's say it's say it's 05%<00:03:47.720> who<00:03:47.920> are<00:03:48.159> IR<00:03:48.439> relevant<00:03:48.920> funders<00:03:49.400> in 05% who are IR relevant funders in 05% who are IR relevant funders in America<00:03:50.360> in<00:03:50.560> this<00:03:50.720> sense<00:03:51.000> the<00:03:51.159> funders<00:03:51.959> are America in this sense the funders are America in this sense the funders are our<00:03:52.519> lusters<00:03:53.519> now<00:03:54.079> what<00:03:54.200> can<00:03:54.400> we<00:03:54.560> say<00:03:54.799> about our lusters now what can we say about our lusters now what can we say about this<00:03:55.360> democracy<00:03:55.959> in<00:03:56.159> USA<00:03:56.640> land<00:03:57.079> well<00:03:57.360> as<00:03:57.480> the this democracy in USA land well as the this democracy in USA land well as the Supreme<00:03:58.000> Court<00:03:58.239> said<00:03:58.480> in<00:03:58.640> citizens<00:03:59.079> united<00:03:59.439> we Supreme Court said in citizens united we Supreme Court said in citizens united we could<00:03:59.840> say<00:04:00.000> of<00:04:00.159> course<00:04:00.400> the<00:04:00.560> people<00:04:00.840> have<00:04:01.040> the could say of course the people have the could say of course the people have the ultimate<00:04:01.680> influence<00:04:02.640> over<00:04:02.879> the<00:04:03.000> elected ultimate influence over the elected ultimate influence over the elected officials<00:04:04.280> we<00:04:04.480> have<00:04:04.680> a<00:04:04.920> general<00:04:05.720> election<00:04:06.720> but officials we have a general election but officials we have a general election but only<00:04:07.560> after<00:04:07.959> the<00:04:08.079> funders<00:04:08.720> have<00:04:08.920> had<00:04:09.079> their only after the funders have had their only after the funders have had their way<00:04:09.920> with<00:04:10.120> the<00:04:10.360> candidates<00:04:10.879> who<00:04:11.040> wish<00:04:11.280> to<00:04:11.480> run way with the candidates who wish to run way with the candidates who wish to run in<00:04:12.280> that<00:04:12.480> general<00:04:12.959> election<00:04:13.599> and<00:04:13.879> number<00:04:14.200> two in that general election and number two in that general election and number two obviously<00:04:16.199> this<00:04:16.479> dependence<00:04:17.000> upon<00:04:17.239> the obviously this dependence upon the obviously this dependence upon the funders<00:04:18.680> produces<00:04:19.120> a<00:04:19.359> subtle<00:04:20.000> understated funders produces a subtle understated funders produces a subtle understated camouflaged<00:04:21.759> bending<00:04:22.440> to<00:04:22.720> keep<00:04:23.199> the<00:04:23.320> funders camouflaged bending to keep the funders camouflaged bending to keep the funders happy<00:04:25.360> candidates<00:04:25.800> for<00:04:26.120> Congress<00:04:26.639> and happy candidates for Congress and happy candidates for Congress and members<00:04:27.160> of<00:04:27.440> Congress<00:04:28.280> spend<00:04:28.720> between<00:04:29.240> 30<00:04:30.000> and members of Congress spend between 30 and members of Congress spend between 30 and 70%<00:04:31.520> of<00:04:31.720> their<00:04:32.039> time<00:04:32.600> raising<00:04:33.080> money<00:04:33.320> to<00:04:33.479> get 70% of their time raising money to get 70% of their time raising money to get back<00:04:33.840> to<00:04:34.039> Congress<00:04:34.360> or<00:04:34.479> to<00:04:34.639> get<00:04:34.759> their<00:04:35.000> party back to Congress or to get their party back to Congress or to get their party back<00:04:35.520> into<00:04:35.800> power<00:04:36.560> and<00:04:36.759> the<00:04:36.960> question<00:04:37.320> we<00:04:37.440> need back into power and the question we need back into power and the question we need to<00:04:37.880> ask<00:04:38.160> is<00:04:38.400> what<00:04:38.560> does<00:04:38.720> it<00:04:38.960> do<00:04:39.240> to<00:04:39.479> them<00:04:39.880> these to ask is what does it do to them these to ask is what does it do to them these humans<00:04:40.759> as<00:04:40.960> they<00:04:41.120> spend<00:04:41.440> their<00:04:41.680> time<00:04:42.080> behind humans as they spend their time behind humans as they spend their time behind the<00:04:42.680> telephone<00:04:43.440> calling<00:04:44.039> people<00:04:44.360> they've the telephone calling people they've the telephone calling people they've never<00:04:44.840> met<00:04:45.160> but<00:04:45.360> calling<00:04:46.160> the<00:04:46.360> tiniest<00:04:46.800> slice never met but calling the tiniest slice never met but calling the tiniest slice of<00:04:47.680> the<00:04:47.919> 1%<00:04:48.919> as<00:04:49.199> anyone<00:04:49.759> would<00:04:50.240> as<00:04:50.440> they<00:04:50.600> do of the 1% as anyone would as they do of the 1% as anyone would as they do this<00:04:51.160> they<00:04:51.320> develop<00:04:51.720> a<00:04:51.919> sixth<00:04:52.479> sense<00:04:53.440> a this they develop a sixth sense a this they develop a sixth sense a constant<00:04:54.240> awareness<00:04:55.199> about<00:04:55.479> how<00:04:55.720> what<00:04:55.880> they constant awareness about how what they constant awareness about how what they do<00:04:56.280> might<00:04:56.520> affect<00:04:56.800> their<00:04:57.039> ability<00:04:57.440> to<00:04:57.720> raise do might affect their ability to raise do might affect their ability to raise money<00:04:58.280> they<00:04:58.400> become<00:04:58.639> in<00:04:58.720> the<00:04:58.800> words<00:04:59.000> of<00:04:59.120> the money they become in the words of the money they become in the words of the xfile<00:04:59.960> shape<00:05:00.440> shifters<00:05:01.440> as<00:05:01.639> they<00:05:01.840> constantly xfile shape shifters as they constantly xfile shape shifters as they constantly adjust<00:05:02.720> their<00:05:02.880> views<00:05:03.199> in<00:05:03.440> light<00:05:03.720> of<00:05:03.960> what<00:05:04.160> they adjust their views in light of what they adjust their views in light of what they know<00:05:04.560> will<00:05:04.759> help<00:05:05.000> them<00:05:05.160> to<00:05:05.400> raise<00:05:05.680> money<00:05:05.960> not know will help them to raise money not know will help them to raise money not on<00:05:06.280> issues<00:05:06.639> 1<00:05:06.840> to<00:05:07.000> 10<00:05:07.720> but<00:05:07.880> an<00:05:08.039> issues<00:05:08.479> 11<00:05:09.120> to on issues 1 to 10 but an issues 11 to on issues 1 to 10 but an issues 11 to 1,000<00:05:10.680> lesle<00:05:11.080> burn<00:05:11.360> a<00:05:11.479> Democrat<00:05:11.880> from 1,000 lesle burn a Democrat from 1,000 lesle burn a Democrat from Virginia<00:05:12.479> describes<00:05:12.880> that<00:05:13.039> when<00:05:13.160> she<00:05:13.320> went<00:05:13.479> to Virginia describes that when she went to Virginia describes that when she went to Congress<00:05:14.000> she<00:05:14.120> was<00:05:14.240> told<00:05:14.520> by<00:05:14.639> a<00:05:14.800> colleague Congress she was told by a colleague Congress she was told by a colleague quote<00:05:15.840> always<00:05:16.199> lean<00:05:16.520> to<00:05:16.680> the<00:05:17.120> green<00:05:18.120> then<00:05:18.280> to quote always lean to the green then to quote always lean to the green then to clarify<00:05:18.919> she<00:05:19.080> went<00:05:19.280> on<00:05:19.800> he<00:05:20.000> was<00:05:20.280> not<00:05:20.560> an

environmentalist<00:05:24.680> so<00:05:24.960> here<00:05:25.160> too<00:05:25.520> we<00:05:25.639> have<00:05:25.759> a
environmentalist so here too we have a environmentalist so here too we have a democracy<00:05:26.560> a<00:05:26.680> democracy<00:05:27.240> dependent<00:05:27.639> upon<00:05:27.880> the democracy a democracy dependent upon the democracy a democracy dependent upon the funders<00:05:28.600> and<00:05:28.840> dependent<00:05:29.280> upon<00:05:29.479> the<00:05:29.840> people funders and dependent upon the people funders and dependent upon the people competing<00:05:31.240> dependencies<00:05:32.240> possibly competing dependencies possibly competing dependencies possibly conflicting<00:05:33.560> dependencies<00:05:34.319> depending<00:05:34.800> upon conflicting dependencies depending upon conflicting dependencies depending upon who<00:05:36.080> the<00:05:36.319> funders<00:05:37.319> are<00:05:38.160> okay<00:05:38.400> the<00:05:38.520> United who the funders are okay the United who the funders are okay the United States<00:05:39.039> is<00:05:39.199> lesterland<00:05:39.919> point<00:05:40.199> number<00:05:40.440> one States is lesterland point number one States is lesterland point number one here's<00:05:41.000> Point<00:05:41.240> number<00:05:41.759> two<00:05:42.759> the<00:05:42.880> United here's Point number two the United here's Point number two the United States<00:05:43.680> is<00:05:43.880> worse<00:05:44.199> than<00:05:44.680> lesterland<00:05:45.680> worse States is worse than lesterland worse States is worse than lesterland worse than<00:05:46.120> lesterland<00:05:46.800> because<00:05:46.960> you<00:05:47.080> can<00:05:47.280> imagine than lesterland because you can imagine than lesterland because you can imagine in<00:05:47.880> lesterland<00:05:48.440> if<00:05:48.560> we<00:05:48.720> Lester<00:05:49.039> has<00:05:49.199> got<00:05:49.319> a in lesterland if we Lester has got a in lesterland if we Lester has got a letter<00:05:49.680> from<00:05:49.800> the<00:05:49.960> government<00:05:50.360> that<00:05:50.479> said<00:05:51.000> hey letter from the government that said hey letter from the government that said hey you<00:05:51.400> get<00:05:51.520> to<00:05:51.720> pick<00:05:52.199> who<00:05:52.400> gets<00:05:52.600> to<00:05:52.759> run<00:05:53.000> in<00:05:53.120> the you get to pick who gets to run in the you get to pick who gets to run in the general<00:05:53.600> election<00:05:54.440> we<00:05:54.600> would<00:05:54.919> think<00:05:55.479> maybe<00:05:55.919> of general election we would think maybe of general election we would think maybe of a<00:05:56.199> kind<00:05:56.319> of<00:05:56.560> aristocracy<00:05:57.400> of<00:05:57.560> the<00:05:57.680> lers<00:05:58.240> you a kind of aristocracy of the lers you a kind of aristocracy of the lers you know<00:05:58.440> there<00:05:58.520> are<00:05:58.639> lers<00:05:59.080> from<00:05:59.240> every<00:05:59.440> part<00:05:59.639> part know there are lers from every part part know there are lers from every part part of<00:05:59.919> social<00:06:00.240> Society<00:06:00.639> there<00:06:00.720> are<00:06:00.880> rich<00:06:01.039> lers of social Society there are rich lers of social Society there are rich lers poor<00:06:01.720> lers<00:06:02.160> black<00:06:02.360> leers<00:06:02.800> white<00:06:02.960> lers<00:06:03.479> not poor lers black leers white lers not poor lers black leers white lers not many<00:06:03.800> women<00:06:04.039> lers<00:06:04.440> but<00:06:04.600> put<00:06:04.720> that<00:06:04.840> to<00:06:04.919> the<00:06:05.080> side many women lers but put that to the side many women lers but put that to the side one<00:06:05.400> second<00:06:05.880> we<00:06:06.039> have<00:06:06.319> lers<00:06:06.759> from<00:06:06.919> everywhere one second we have lers from everywhere one second we have lers from everywhere we<00:06:07.400> could<00:06:07.599> think<00:06:07.960> what<00:06:08.199> could<00:06:08.400> we<00:06:08.639> do<00:06:09.120> to<00:06:09.360> make we could think what could we do to make we could think what could we do to make lesterland<00:06:10.479> better<00:06:10.880> it's<00:06:11.039> at<00:06:11.199> least<00:06:11.599> possible lesterland better it's at least possible lesterland better it's at least possible the<00:06:12.599> lers<00:06:13.120> would<00:06:13.360> act<00:06:13.880> for<00:06:14.039> the<00:06:14.120> good<00:06:14.280> of the lers would act for the good of the lers would act for the good of lesterland<00:06:16.080> but<00:06:16.199> in<00:06:16.360> our<00:06:16.599> land<00:06:17.039> in<00:06:17.240> this<00:06:17.440> land lesterland but in our land in this land lesterland but in our land in this land in<00:06:17.880> USA<00:06:18.360> Land<00:06:19.120> There<00:06:19.240> are<00:06:19.400> certainly<00:06:19.840> some in USA Land There are certainly some in USA Land There are certainly some sweet<00:06:20.560> leers<00:06:21.120> out<00:06:21.360> there<00:06:21.599> many<00:06:21.800> of<00:06:21.919> them<00:06:22.120> in sweet leers out there many of them in sweet leers out there many of them in this<00:06:22.479> room<00:06:22.800> here<00:06:23.120> today<00:06:23.599> but<00:06:23.759> the<00:06:23.960> vast this room here today but the vast this room here today but the vast majority<00:06:25.000> of<00:06:25.120> the<00:06:25.240> leers<00:06:26.160> act<00:06:26.560> for<00:06:26.720> the<00:06:26.919> lers majority of the leers act for the lers majority of the leers act for the lers because<00:06:28.199> the<00:06:28.360> shifting<00:06:28.960> coalition<00:06:29.759> that<00:06:29.840> are because the shifting coalition that are because the shifting coalition that are comprising<00:06:30.720> the<00:06:31.280> 05%<00:06:32.280> are<00:06:32.440> not<00:06:32.759> comprising<00:06:33.280> it comprising the 05% are not comprising it comprising the 05% are not comprising it for<00:06:33.560> the<00:06:33.720> public<00:06:34.080> interest<00:06:34.479> it's<00:06:34.639> for<00:06:35.080> their for the public interest it's for their for the public interest it's for their private<00:06:35.919> interest<00:06:36.319> in<00:06:36.520> this<00:06:36.720> sense<00:06:37.240> the<00:06:37.360> USA private interest in this sense the USA private interest in this sense the USA is<00:06:38.000> worse<00:06:38.240> than<00:06:38.400> lesterland<00:06:39.039> and<00:06:39.160> finally is worse than lesterland and finally is worse than lesterland and finally Point<00:06:39.759> number Point number Point number three<00:06:41.880> whatever<00:06:42.199> one<00:06:42.360> wants<00:06:42.599> to<00:06:42.840> say<00:06:43.240> about three whatever one wants to say about three whatever one wants to say about lesterland<00:06:44.319> against<00:06:44.560> the<00:06:44.759> background<00:06:45.120> of<00:06:45.240> its lesterland against the background of its lesterland against the background of its history<00:06:45.759> its<00:06:45.960> traditions<00:06:46.599> in<00:06:46.800> our<00:06:47.120> land<00:06:47.560> in history its traditions in our land in history its traditions in our land in USA<00:06:48.240> land<00:06:49.199> lesterland<00:06:50.080> is<00:06:50.240> a<00:06:50.639> corruption<00:06:51.639> a USA land lesterland is a corruption a USA land lesterland is a corruption a corruption<00:06:53.160> Now<00:06:53.639> by<00:06:53.800> corruption<00:06:54.240> I<00:06:54.360> don't corruption Now by corruption I don't corruption Now by corruption I don't mean<00:06:55.280> brown<00:06:55.759> paper<00:06:56.080> bag<00:06:56.759> cash<00:06:57.080> secreted<00:06:57.599> among mean brown paper bag cash secreted among mean brown paper bag cash secreted among members<00:06:58.120> of<00:06:58.360> Congress<00:06:58.759> I<00:06:58.840> don't<00:06:59.000> mean<00:06:59.599> Rob members of Congress I don't mean Rob members of Congress I don't mean Rob bovich<00:07:00.759> sense<00:07:00.960> of<00:07:01.160> corruption<00:07:01.879> I<00:07:01.960> don't<00:07:02.160> mean bovich sense of corruption I don't mean bovich sense of corruption I don't mean any<00:07:03.160> criminal<00:07:03.639> act<00:07:03.879> the<00:07:04.080> corruption<00:07:04.560> I'm any criminal act the corruption I'm any criminal act the corruption I'm talking<00:07:05.039> about<00:07:05.280> is<00:07:05.599> perfectly<00:07:06.360> legal<00:07:07.360> it's<00:07:07.560> a talking about is perfectly legal it's a talking about is perfectly legal it's a corruption<00:07:08.400> relative<00:07:09.319> to<00:07:09.479> the<00:07:09.599> framer's corruption relative to the framer's corruption relative to the framer's Baseline<00:07:11.000> for<00:07:11.479> this<00:07:11.759> Republic<00:07:12.199> the<00:07:12.280> framer Baseline for this Republic the framer Baseline for this Republic the framer gave<00:07:13.319> us<00:07:13.680> what<00:07:13.840> they<00:07:14.039> called<00:07:14.680> a<00:07:15.400> republic<00:07:16.400> but gave us what they called a republic but gave us what they called a republic but by<00:07:16.720> a<00:07:16.919> republic<00:07:17.440> they<00:07:17.560> meant<00:07:17.800> a by a republic they meant a by a republic they meant a representative representative representative democracy<00:07:20.240> and<00:07:20.479> by<00:07:20.639> a<00:07:20.840> representative democracy and by a representative democracy and by a representative democracy<00:07:22.039> they<00:07:22.199> meant<00:07:22.479> a<00:07:22.639> government<00:07:23.080> as democracy they meant a government as democracy they meant a government as Madison<00:07:23.759> put<00:07:23.879> it<00:07:24.000> in<00:07:24.160> Federalist<00:07:24.680> 52<00:07:25.319> that Madison put it in Federalist 52 that Madison put it in Federalist 52 that would<00:07:25.599> have<00:07:25.759> a<00:07:25.919> branch<00:07:26.360> that<00:07:26.479> would<00:07:26.639> be would have a branch that would be would have a branch that would be dependent<00:07:27.879> upon<00:07:28.680> the<00:07:28.919> people dependent upon the people dependent upon the people alone<00:07:31.160> so<00:07:31.360> here's<00:07:31.520> the<00:07:31.639> model<00:07:31.879> of<00:07:31.960> government alone so here's the model of government alone so here's the model of government they<00:07:32.440> have<00:07:32.639> the<00:07:32.840> people<00:07:33.599> and<00:07:33.759> the<00:07:33.919> government they have the people and the government they have the people and the government with<00:07:35.039> this<00:07:35.400> exclusive<00:07:36.199> dependency<00:07:37.080> but<00:07:37.240> the with this exclusive dependency but the with this exclusive dependency but the problem<00:07:38.039> here<00:07:38.879> is<00:07:39.000> that<00:07:39.240> Congress<00:07:39.560> has problem here is that Congress has problem here is that Congress has evolved<00:07:40.039> a<00:07:40.160> different<00:07:40.800> dependence<00:07:41.800> no<00:07:41.960> longer evolved a different dependence no longer evolved a different dependence no longer a<00:07:42.360> dependence<00:07:42.759> upon<00:07:43.000> the<00:07:43.199> people<00:07:43.599> alone a dependence upon the people alone a dependence upon the people alone increasingly<00:07:44.560> a<00:07:44.680> dependence<00:07:45.120> upon<00:07:45.560> the increasingly a dependence upon the increasingly a dependence upon the funders<00:07:46.520> now<00:07:47.199> this<00:07:47.360> is<00:07:47.639> a<00:07:47.919> dependence<00:07:48.759> too<00:07:49.759> but funders now this is a dependence too but funders now this is a dependence too but it's<00:07:50.199> different<00:07:50.680> and<00:07:50.960> conflicting<00:07:51.560> from<00:07:51.720> a it's different and conflicting from a it's different and conflicting from a dependence<00:07:52.319> upon<00:07:52.560> the<00:07:52.720> people<00:07:53.039> alone<00:07:53.479> so<00:07:53.840> long dependence upon the people alone so long dependence upon the people alone so long as<00:07:54.680> the<00:07:54.800> funders<00:07:55.720> are<00:07:56.000> not<00:07:56.680> the<00:07:56.879> people<00:07:57.840> this as the funders are not the people this as the funders are not the people this is<00:07:58.199> a<00:07:58.800> corruption is a corruption is a corruption now<00:08:00.440> there's<00:08:00.680> good<00:08:00.840> news<00:08:01.039> and<00:08:01.240> bad<00:08:01.440> news<00:08:01.680> about now there's good news and bad news about now there's good news and bad news about this<00:08:02.039> corruption<00:08:02.520> one<00:08:02.680> bit<00:08:02.840> of<00:08:03.000> good<00:08:03.159> news<00:08:03.400> is this corruption one bit of good news is this corruption one bit of good news is it's<00:08:03.840> bipartisan<00:08:04.680> equal<00:08:05.039> opportunity it's bipartisan equal opportunity it's bipartisan equal opportunity corruption<00:08:07.080> it<00:08:07.240> blocks<00:08:07.720> the<00:08:07.919> left<00:08:08.159> on<00:08:08.319> a<00:08:08.520> whole corruption it blocks the left on a whole corruption it blocks the left on a whole range<00:08:09.080> of<00:08:09.240> issues<00:08:09.639> that<00:08:09.800> we<00:08:09.919> on<00:08:10.080> the<00:08:10.240> left range of issues that we on the left range of issues that we on the left really<00:08:10.759> care<00:08:11.080> about<00:08:11.479> it<00:08:11.680> blocks<00:08:12.159> the<00:08:12.400> right really care about it blocks the right really care about it blocks the right too<00:08:13.479> as<00:08:13.599> it<00:08:13.720> makes<00:08:14.159> principled<00:08:14.759> arguments<00:08:15.120> of too as it makes principled arguments of too as it makes principled arguments of the<00:08:15.440> right<00:08:16.120> increasingly<00:08:17.120> impossible<00:08:17.919> so<00:08:18.280> the the right increasingly impossible so the the right increasingly impossible so the right<00:08:18.639> wants<00:08:18.919> smaller<00:08:19.280> government<00:08:20.000> when<00:08:20.199> Al right wants smaller government when Al right wants smaller government when Al Gore<00:08:20.720> was<00:08:20.879> vice<00:08:21.120> president<00:08:21.680> his<00:08:21.840> team<00:08:22.280> has<00:08:22.599> had Gore was vice president his team has had Gore was vice president his team has had an<00:08:22.879> idea<00:08:23.159> for<00:08:23.479> deregulating<00:08:24.240> a<00:08:24.400> significant an idea for deregulating a significant an idea for deregulating a significant portion<00:08:25.199> of<00:08:25.280> the<00:08:25.400> Telecommunications portion of the Telecommunications portion of the Telecommunications industry<00:08:27.039> the<00:08:27.199> chief<00:08:27.599> policy<00:08:27.919> man<00:08:28.159> took<00:08:28.360> this industry the chief policy man took this industry the chief policy man took this idea<00:08:28.759> to<00:08:28.919> Capitol<00:08:29.240> Hill<00:08:29.759> and<00:08:29.879> as<00:08:30.000> he<00:08:30.199> reported idea to Capitol Hill and as he reported idea to Capitol Hill and as he reported back<00:08:31.159> to<00:08:31.319> me<00:08:31.560> the<00:08:31.720> response<00:08:32.159> was<00:08:32.640> hell<00:08:32.919> no<00:08:33.880> if back to me the response was hell no if back to me the response was hell no if we<00:08:34.320> deregulate<00:08:35.080> these<00:08:35.360> guys<00:08:35.919> how<00:08:36.200> are<00:08:36.320> we we deregulate these guys how are we we deregulate these guys how are we going<00:08:36.680> to<00:08:36.919> raise<00:08:37.560> money<00:08:38.120> from<00:08:38.519> them<00:08:39.519> this<00:08:39.640> is<00:08:39.760> a going to raise money from them this is a going to raise money from them this is a system<00:08:40.640> that's<00:08:40.959> designed<00:08:41.479> to<00:08:41.719> save<00:08:42.120> the system that's designed to save the system that's designed to save the status<00:08:42.719> quo<00:08:43.200> including<00:08:43.880> the<00:08:44.039> status<00:08:44.399> quo<00:08:44.680> of status quo including the status quo of status quo including the status quo of big<00:08:45.279> and<00:08:45.680> invasive<00:08:46.240> government<00:08:46.720> it<00:08:46.839> works big and invasive government it works big and invasive government it works against<00:08:47.760> the<00:08:47.959> left<00:08:48.519> and<00:08:48.680> the<00:08:48.880> right<00:08:49.240> and<00:08:49.399> that against the left and the right and that against the left and the right and that you<00:08:49.680> might<00:08:49.880> say<00:08:50.080> is<00:08:50.320> good<00:08:50.480> news<00:08:50.839> but<00:08:50.959> here's you might say is good news but here's you might say is good news but here's the<00:08:51.320> bad<00:08:51.680> news<00:08:52.680> it's<00:08:52.800> a<00:08:53.240> pathological the bad news it's a pathological the bad news it's a pathological democracy<00:08:54.839> destroying<00:08:55.760> corruption<00:08:56.760> because democracy destroying corruption because democracy destroying corruption because in<00:08:57.360> any<00:08:57.800> system<00:08:58.600> where<00:08:58.760> the<00:08:58.920> members<00:08:59.480> are in any system where the members are in any system where the members are dependent<00:09:00.200> upon<00:09:00.519> the<00:09:00.760> tiniest<00:09:01.320> fraction<00:09:01.760> of dependent upon the tiniest fraction of dependent upon the tiniest fraction of us<00:09:02.440> for<00:09:02.800> their<00:09:03.040> election<00:09:03.680> that<00:09:03.920> means<00:09:04.760> the us for their election that means the us for their election that means the tiniest<00:09:05.640> number<00:09:06.000> of<00:09:06.160> us<00:09:06.480> the<00:09:06.680> tiniest<00:09:07.200> tiniest tiniest number of us the tiniest tiniest tiniest number of us the tiniest tiniest number<00:09:08.160> of<00:09:08.360> us<00:09:08.839> can<00:09:09.079> block<00:09:09.640> reform<00:09:10.600> I<00:09:10.720> know number of us can block reform I know number of us can block reform I know that<00:09:10.959> should<00:09:11.079> have<00:09:11.160> been<00:09:11.440> like<00:09:11.600> a<00:09:12.040> like<00:09:12.160> a<00:09:12.399> rock that should have been like a like a rock that should have been like a like a rock or<00:09:12.959> something<00:09:13.240> I<00:09:13.320> can<00:09:13.440> only<00:09:13.600> find<00:09:13.800> cheese<00:09:14.240> I'm or something I can only find cheese I'm or something I can only find cheese I'm sorry<00:09:14.600> so<00:09:14.760> there<00:09:14.880> it<00:09:14.959> is<00:09:15.399> block sorry so there it is block sorry so there it is block reform<00:09:17.880> because<00:09:18.320> there<00:09:18.600> is<00:09:18.959> an<00:09:19.240> economy<00:09:20.000> here reform because there is an economy here reform because there is an economy here an<00:09:20.600> economy<00:09:21.079> of<00:09:21.279> influence<00:09:21.880> an<00:09:22.079> economy<00:09:22.600> with an economy of influence an economy with an economy of influence an economy with lobbyists<00:09:23.519> at<00:09:23.640> the<00:09:23.800> center<00:09:24.680> which<00:09:24.959> feeds<00:09:25.480> on lobbyists at the center which feeds on lobbyists at the center which feeds on polarization<00:09:27.079> it<00:09:27.320> feeds<00:09:27.880> on<00:09:28.279> dysfunction<00:09:29.000> the polarization it feeds on dysfunction the polarization it feeds on dysfunction the worse<00:09:29.760> that<00:09:29.880> it<00:09:30.079> is<00:09:30.320> for<00:09:30.800> us<00:09:31.800> the<00:09:32.040> better<00:09:32.560> that worse that it is for us the better that worse that it is for us the better that it<00:09:32.959> is<00:09:33.480> for<00:09:33.839> this it is for this it is for this fundraising<00:09:35.839> Henry<00:09:36.120> David<00:09:36.440> thorough<00:09:37.079> there fundraising Henry David thorough there fundraising Henry David thorough there are<00:09:37.480> a<00:09:37.720> thousand<00:09:38.320> hacking<00:09:38.880> at<00:09:39.000> the<00:09:39.120> branches are a thousand hacking at the branches are a thousand hacking at the branches of<00:09:39.839> evil<00:09:40.240> to<00:09:40.519> one<00:09:40.839> who<00:09:41.040> is<00:09:41.200> striking<00:09:41.880> at<00:09:42.279> the of evil to one who is striking at the of evil to one who is striking at the root<00:09:43.680> this<00:09:44.360> is<00:09:45.040> the<00:09:45.839> roots<00:09:46.839> okay<00:09:47.360> now<00:09:48.360> every root this is the roots okay now every root this is the roots okay now every single<00:09:49.000> one<00:09:49.160> of<00:09:49.279> you<00:09:49.440> know single one of you know single one of you know this<00:09:51.440> you<00:09:51.600> couldn't<00:09:51.880> be<00:09:52.120> here<00:09:52.279> if<00:09:52.399> you<00:09:52.519> didn't this you couldn't be here if you didn't this you couldn't be here if you didn't know<00:09:52.959> this<00:09:53.200> yet<00:09:53.519> you<00:09:53.680> ignore<00:09:54.040> it<00:09:54.760> you<00:09:54.959> ignore know this yet you ignore it you ignore know this yet you ignore it you ignore it<00:09:56.320> this<00:09:56.440> is<00:09:56.560> an<00:09:56.800> impossible<00:09:57.640> problem<00:09:58.600> you it this is an impossible problem you it this is an impossible problem you focus<00:09:59.120> on<00:09:59.200> the<00:09:59.560> possible<00:10:00.160> problems<00:10:01.160> like focus on the possible problems like focus on the possible problems like eradicating<00:10:02.279> polio<00:10:03.000> from<00:10:03.440> the<00:10:03.600> world<00:10:04.000> or eradicating polio from the world or eradicating polio from the world or taking<00:10:04.480> an<00:10:04.640> image<00:10:04.880> of<00:10:05.079> every<00:10:05.279> single<00:10:05.600> street taking an image of every single street taking an image of every single street across<00:10:06.440> the<00:10:06.600> globe<00:10:07.120> or<00:10:07.440> building<00:10:08.240> the<00:10:08.480> first across the globe or building the first across the globe or building the first real<00:10:09.200> Universal<00:10:09.800> translator<00:10:10.519> or<00:10:10.720> building<00:10:11.079> a real Universal translator or building a real Universal translator or building a Fusion<00:10:12.440> factory<00:10:13.040> in<00:10:13.200> your<00:10:13.480> garage<00:10:13.959> these<00:10:14.079> are Fusion factory in your garage these are Fusion factory in your garage these are the<00:10:14.399> manageable<00:10:15.120> problems<00:10:15.640> so<00:10:15.880> you

ignore<00:10:22.680> so<00:10:22.920> you<00:10:23.079> ignore<00:10:23.600> this
ignore so you ignore this ignore so you ignore this corruption<00:10:25.440> but<00:10:25.680> we<00:10:26.200> cannot<00:10:27.200> ignore<00:10:28.200> this corruption but we cannot ignore this corruption but we cannot ignore this corruption

anymore<00:10:33.600> we<00:10:33.839> need<00:10:34.480> a<00:10:34.720> government<00:10:35.320> that
anymore we need a government that anymore we need a government that works<00:10:37.279> and<00:10:37.440> not<00:10:37.760> works<00:10:38.480> for<00:10:38.680> the<00:10:38.880> left<00:10:39.240> or<00:10:39.480> the works and not works for the left or the works and not works for the left or the right<00:10:40.040> but<00:10:40.240> works<00:10:40.639> for<00:10:40.920> the<00:10:41.120> left<00:10:41.600> and<00:10:41.959> the right but works for the left and the right but works for the left and the right<00:10:42.480> the<00:10:42.680> citizens<00:10:43.240> of<00:10:43.440> the<00:10:43.639> left<00:10:43.959> and<00:10:44.279> right right the citizens of the left and right right the citizens of the left and right because<00:10:44.920> there<00:10:45.120> is<00:10:45.480> no<00:10:45.760> sensible<00:10:46.680> reform because there is no sensible reform because there is no sensible reform possible<00:10:48.440> until<00:10:48.880> we<00:10:49.360> end<00:10:49.959> this<00:10:50.320> corruption<00:10:50.839> so possible until we end this corruption so possible until we end this corruption so I<00:10:51.120> want<00:10:51.279> you<00:10:51.399> to<00:10:51.639> take<00:10:51.920> hold<00:10:52.279> to<00:10:52.519> grab<00:10:52.959> the I want you to take hold to grab the I want you to take hold to grab the issue<00:10:53.519> you<00:10:53.720> care<00:10:54.000> the<00:10:54.160> most<00:10:54.440> about<00:10:55.000> climate issue you care the most about climate issue you care the most about climate change<00:10:55.600> is<00:10:55.800> mine<00:10:56.040> but<00:10:56.160> it<00:10:56.279> might<00:10:56.399> be<00:10:56.600> Financial change is mine but it might be Financial change is mine but it might be Financial reform<00:10:57.399> or<00:10:57.519> a<00:10:57.639> simpler<00:10:58.079> tax<00:10:58.360> system<00:10:58.760> or<00:10:58.920> in reform or a simpler tax system or in reform or a simpler tax system or in equality<00:10:59.760> grab<00:11:00.079> that<00:11:00.240> issue<00:11:00.720> sit<00:11:00.920> it<00:11:01.079> down<00:11:01.279> in equality grab that issue sit it down in equality grab that issue sit it down in front<00:11:01.600> of<00:11:01.720> you<00:11:01.959> look<00:11:02.200> straight<00:11:02.519> in<00:11:02.720> its<00:11:02.959> eyes front of you look straight in its eyes front of you look straight in its eyes and<00:11:03.399> tell<00:11:03.680> it<00:11:04.079> there<00:11:04.279> is<00:11:04.480> no<00:11:04.760> Christmas<00:11:05.360> this and tell it there is no Christmas this and tell it there is no Christmas this year<00:11:06.079> there<00:11:06.279> will<00:11:06.560> never<00:11:06.839> be<00:11:07.000> a<00:11:07.120> Christmas<00:11:07.639> we year there will never be a Christmas we year there will never be a Christmas we will<00:11:08.000> never<00:11:08.600> get<00:11:09.079> your<00:11:09.639> issue<00:11:10.079> solved<00:11:10.800> until will never get your issue solved until will never get your issue solved until we<00:11:11.720> fix<00:11:12.240> this<00:11:12.440> issue<00:11:12.760> first<00:11:13.079> so<00:11:13.240> it's<00:11:13.399> not<00:11:13.639> that we fix this issue first so it's not that we fix this issue first so it's not that mine<00:11:14.320> is<00:11:14.440> the<00:11:14.600> most<00:11:14.839> important<00:11:15.279> issue<00:11:15.880> it's mine is the most important issue it's mine is the most important issue it's not<00:11:17.040> yours<00:11:17.360> is<00:11:17.519> the<00:11:17.680> most<00:11:17.920> important<00:11:18.399> issue not yours is the most important issue not yours is the most important issue but<00:11:19.320> mine<00:11:19.560> is<00:11:19.720> the<00:11:19.920> first<00:11:20.240> issue<00:11:20.880> the<00:11:21.079> issue<00:11:21.480> we but mine is the first issue the issue we but mine is the first issue the issue we have<00:11:21.800> to<00:11:22.000> solve<00:11:22.480> before<00:11:22.800> we<00:11:22.959> get<00:11:23.079> to<00:11:23.320> fix<00:11:23.680> the have to solve before we get to fix the have to solve before we get to fix the issues<00:11:24.560> you<00:11:24.839> care<00:11:25.079> about<00:11:25.480> no<00:11:26.000> sensible<00:11:26.600> reform issues you care about no sensible reform issues you care about no sensible reform and<00:11:27.399> we<00:11:27.800> cannot<00:11:28.480> afford<00:11:29.639> a<00:11:29.800> world<00:11:30.360> a<00:11:30.600> future and we cannot afford a world a future and we cannot afford a world a future with<00:11:31.519> no<00:11:31.720> sensible<00:11:32.279> reform<00:11:33.160> okay<00:11:33.600> so<00:11:33.760> how<00:11:33.880> do with no sensible reform okay so how do with no sensible reform okay so how do we<00:11:34.160> do<00:11:34.440> it<00:11:35.440> turns<00:11:35.680> out<00:11:35.839> the<00:11:36.000> analytics<00:11:36.560> here we do it turns out the analytics here we do it turns out the analytics here are<00:11:37.320> easy<00:11:37.920> simple<00:11:38.920> if<00:11:39.079> the<00:11:39.360> problem<00:11:39.720> is are easy simple if the problem is are easy simple if the problem is members<00:11:40.760> spending<00:11:41.120> an<00:11:41.360> extraordinary<00:11:42.000> amount members spending an extraordinary amount members spending an extraordinary amount of<00:11:42.320> time<00:11:42.560> fundraising<00:11:43.160> from<00:11:43.320> the<00:11:43.480> tiniest of time fundraising from the tiniest of time fundraising from the tiniest slice<00:11:44.160> of<00:11:44.480> America<00:11:45.480> the<00:11:45.639> solution<00:11:46.399> is<00:11:47.000> to<00:11:47.320> have slice of America the solution is to have slice of America the solution is to have them<00:11:47.760> spend<00:11:48.120> less<00:11:48.360> time<00:11:48.600> fundraising<00:11:49.360> but them spend less time fundraising but them spend less time fundraising but fundrais<00:11:50.200> from<00:11:50.320> a<00:11:50.560> wider<00:11:51.120> slice<00:11:51.600> of<00:11:51.760> America fundrais from a wider slice of America fundrais from a wider slice of America to<00:11:52.320> spread<00:11:52.600> it<00:11:52.760> out<00:11:53.279> to<00:11:53.440> spread<00:11:53.800> the<00:11:53.880> funer to spread it out to spread the funer to spread it out to spread the funer influence<00:11:55.200> so<00:11:55.360> that<00:11:55.480> we<00:11:55.680> restore<00:11:56.160> the<00:11:56.320> idea<00:11:56.560> of influence so that we restore the idea of influence so that we restore the idea of dependence<00:11:57.279> upon<00:11:57.639> the<00:11:57.880> people<00:11:58.440> alone<00:11:59.639> and<00:11:59.760> to dependence upon the people alone and to dependence upon the people alone and to do<00:12:00.200> this<00:12:00.440> does<00:12:00.720> not<00:12:01.120> require<00:12:01.560> a do this does not require a do this does not require a constitutional<00:12:02.560> amendment<00:12:03.000> changing<00:12:03.519> the constitutional amendment changing the constitutional amendment changing the First<00:12:03.959> Amendment<00:12:04.720> to<00:12:04.920> do<00:12:05.079> this<00:12:05.240> would<00:12:05.519> require First Amendment to do this would require First Amendment to do this would require a<00:12:06.200> single<00:12:07.160> statute<00:12:08.160> a<00:12:08.360> statute<00:12:08.880> establishing a single statute a statute establishing a single statute a statute establishing what<00:12:09.519> we<00:12:09.639> think<00:12:09.800> of<00:12:09.959> as<00:12:10.160> small<00:12:10.560> dollar<00:12:10.880> funded what we think of as small dollar funded what we think of as small dollar funded elections<00:12:12.480> a<00:12:12.639> statute<00:12:13.000> of<00:12:13.199> Citizen<00:12:13.720> funded elections a statute of Citizen funded elections a statute of Citizen funded campaigns<00:12:14.720> and<00:12:14.839> there<00:12:14.920> are<00:12:15.079> any<00:12:15.320> number<00:12:15.720> of campaigns and there are any number of campaigns and there are any number of these<00:12:16.120> proposals<00:12:16.560> out<00:12:16.760> there<00:12:17.000> Fair<00:12:17.240> elections these proposals out there Fair elections these proposals out there Fair elections now<00:12:17.959> act<00:12:18.440> the<00:12:18.600> American<00:12:19.120> anti-corruption<00:12:20.120> act now act the American anti-corruption act now act the American anti-corruption act an<00:12:20.959> idea<00:12:21.240> in<00:12:21.399> my<00:12:21.600> book<00:12:21.839> that<00:12:21.959> I<00:12:22.079> called<00:12:22.279> the an idea in my book that I called the an idea in my book that I called the Granton<00:12:22.839> Franklin<00:12:23.440> project<00:12:23.720> to<00:12:23.959> give Granton Franklin project to give Granton Franklin project to give vouchers<00:12:24.639> to<00:12:24.800> people<00:12:25.000> to<00:12:25.160> fund<00:12:25.480> elections<00:12:26.199> an vouchers to people to fund elections an vouchers to people to fund elections an idea<00:12:26.600> of<00:12:26.720> John<00:12:26.920> sarban<00:12:27.519> called<00:12:27.720> the idea of John sarban called the idea of John sarban called the Grassroots<00:12:28.399> democracy<00:12:28.920> Act<00:12:29.600> each<00:12:29.880> of<00:12:30.199> these Grassroots democracy Act each of these Grassroots democracy Act each of these would<00:12:31.440> fix<00:12:31.839> this would fix this would fix this corruption<00:12:33.680> by<00:12:33.920> spreading<00:12:34.320> out<00:12:34.560> the corruption by spreading out the corruption by spreading out the influence<00:12:36.079> of<00:12:36.240> funders<00:12:37.160> to<00:12:37.360> all<00:12:37.519> of<00:12:37.680> us<00:12:37.920> the influence of funders to all of us the influence of funders to all of us the analytics<00:12:38.639> are<00:12:38.959> easy<00:12:39.600> here<00:12:40.600> it's<00:12:40.800> the analytics are easy here it's the analytics are easy here it's the politics<00:12:41.639> that's politics that's politics that's hard<00:12:43.600> indeed<00:12:44.000> impossibly<00:12:45.320> hard<00:12:46.320> because<00:12:46.680> this hard indeed impossibly hard because this hard indeed impossibly hard because this reform<00:12:47.519> would<00:12:48.040> shrink<00:12:49.040> K<00:12:49.720> Street<00:12:50.720> shrink<00:12:51.199> K reform would shrink K Street shrink K reform would shrink K Street shrink K Street<00:12:52.440> and<00:12:52.680> Capitol Street and Capitol Street and Capitol Hill<00:12:54.760> as<00:12:55.360> Congressman<00:12:56.360> Jim<00:12:56.680> Cooper<00:12:57.440> a Hill as Congressman Jim Cooper a Hill as Congressman Jim Cooper a Democrat<00:12:58.079> from<00:12:58.279> Tennessee<00:12:59.320> put<00:12:59.560> it<00:13:00.560> has Democrat from Tennessee put it has Democrat from Tennessee put it has become<00:13:01.079> a<00:13:01.279> farm<00:13:01.959> league<00:13:02.279> for<00:13:02.639> K<00:13:02.920> Street<00:13:03.760> a<00:13:03.920> farm become a farm league for K Street a farm become a farm league for K Street a farm league<00:13:04.480> for<00:13:04.680> K<00:13:04.920> Street<00:13:05.199> members<00:13:05.480> and<00:13:05.639> staffers league for K Street members and staffers league for K Street members and staffers and<00:13:06.240> bureaucrats<00:13:06.720> have<00:13:06.839> an<00:13:06.959> increasingly and bureaucrats have an increasingly and bureaucrats have an increasingly common<00:13:07.959> business<00:13:08.320> model<00:13:08.639> in<00:13:08.800> their<00:13:09.040> head common business model in their head common business model in their head business<00:13:09.800> model<00:13:10.120> focused<00:13:10.519> on<00:13:10.680> their<00:13:10.880> life business model focused on their life business model focused on their life after<00:13:11.800> government<00:13:12.519> their<00:13:12.760> life<00:13:13.199> as<00:13:13.760> lobbyists after government their life as lobbyists after government their life as lobbyists 50%<00:13:15.519> of<00:13:15.680> the<00:13:15.800> Senate<00:13:16.160> between<00:13:16.440> 1998<00:13:17.160> and<00:13:17.560> 2004 50% of the Senate between 1998 and 2004 50% of the Senate between 1998 and 2004 left<00:13:18.440> to<00:13:18.600> become<00:13:18.920> lobbyist<00:13:19.440> 42%<00:13:20.199> of<00:13:20.320> the<00:13:20.480> house left to become lobbyist 42% of the house left to become lobbyist 42% of the house those<00:13:20.920> numbers<00:13:21.240> have<00:13:21.399> only<00:13:21.600> gone<00:13:21.839> up<00:13:22.320> and<00:13:22.440> as those numbers have only gone up and as those numbers have only gone up and as United<00:13:23.079> Republic<00:13:23.519> calculated<00:13:24.120> last<00:13:24.360> April United Republic calculated last April United Republic calculated last April the<00:13:25.000> average<00:13:25.440> increase<00:13:25.839> in<00:13:26.079> salary<00:13:26.480> for<00:13:26.760> those the average increase in salary for those the average increase in salary for those who<00:13:27.160> they<00:13:27.360> tracked<00:13:28.240> was<00:13:28.480> 1,00

42%<00:13:33.120> so<00:13:33.320> it's<00:13:33.519> fair<00:13:33.760> to<00:13:34.040> ask<00:13:34.800> how<00:13:34.959> is<00:13:35.079> it
42% so it's fair to ask how is it 42% so it's fair to ask how is it possible<00:13:36.600> for<00:13:36.880> them<00:13:37.440> to<00:13:37.680> change possible for them to change possible for them to change this<00:13:40.040> now<00:13:40.720> I<00:13:40.920> get<00:13:41.199> this this now I get this this now I get this skepticism<00:13:43.560> I<00:13:43.720> get<00:13:43.959> this<00:13:44.720> cynicism<00:13:45.720> I<00:13:45.839> get skepticism I get this cynicism I get skepticism I get this cynicism I get this<00:13:46.240> sense<00:13:46.440> of this sense of this sense of impossibility<00:13:48.680> but<00:13:48.839> I<00:13:48.920> don't<00:13:49.160> buy impossibility but I don't buy impossibility but I don't buy it<00:13:51.399> this<00:13:51.600> is<00:13:51.800> a<00:13:52.079> solvable it this is a solvable it this is a solvable issue<00:13:54.839> if<00:13:54.920> you<00:13:55.040> think<00:13:55.240> about<00:13:55.480> the<00:13:55.639> issues<00:13:56.160> our issue if you think about the issues our issue if you think about the issues our parents<00:13:57.040> tried<00:13:57.320> to<00:13:57.480> solve<00:13:57.800> in<00:13:57.880> the<00:13:58.000> 20th parents tried to solve in the 20th parents tried to solve in the 20th century century century issues<00:14:00.160> like<00:14:01.000> racism<00:14:02.000> or<00:14:02.279> sexism<00:14:02.880> or<00:14:03.040> the issues like racism or sexism or the issues like racism or sexism or the issue<00:14:03.440> that<00:14:03.560> we've<00:14:03.720> been<00:14:03.880> fighting<00:14:04.199> in<00:14:04.320> this issue that we've been fighting in this issue that we've been fighting in this Century<00:14:05.240> homophobia<00:14:06.240> those<00:14:06.920> are<00:14:07.199> hard<00:14:07.680> issues Century homophobia those are hard issues Century homophobia those are hard issues you<00:14:08.800> don't<00:14:09.040> wake<00:14:09.240> up<00:14:09.480> one<00:14:09.720> day<00:14:10.240> no<00:14:10.440> longer<00:14:10.720> a you don't wake up one day no longer a you don't wake up one day no longer a racist<00:14:11.560> it<00:14:11.800> takes<00:14:12.519> generations<00:14:13.440> to<00:14:13.680> tear<00:14:14.320> that racist it takes generations to tear that racist it takes generations to tear that intuition<00:14:15.240> that<00:14:15.399> DNA<00:14:15.839> out<00:14:15.959> of<00:14:16.120> the<00:14:16.279> soul<00:14:16.759> of<00:14:17.040> a intuition that DNA out of the soul of a intuition that DNA out of the soul of a people<00:14:18.519> but<00:14:18.720> this<00:14:18.800> is<00:14:18.959> a<00:14:19.240> problem<00:14:19.560> of<00:14:19.759> just people but this is a problem of just people but this is a problem of just incentives<00:14:21.000> just<00:14:21.279> incentives<00:14:21.759> change<00:14:22.160> the incentives just incentives change the incentives just incentives change the incentives<00:14:22.720> and<00:14:22.880> the<00:14:23.079> behavior<00:14:23.519> changes<00:14:24.000> and incentives and the behavior changes and incentives and the behavior changes and the<00:14:24.279> states<00:14:24.639> that<00:14:24.759> have<00:14:24.920> adopted<00:14:25.600> small the states that have adopted small the states that have adopted small dollar<00:14:26.240> funded<00:14:26.680> systems<00:14:27.160> have<00:14:27.320> seen dollar funded systems have seen dollar funded systems have seen overnight<00:14:28.800> a<00:14:29.120> change<00:14:29.320> in<00:14:29.480> the<00:14:29.639> practice<00:14:29.959> when overnight a change in the practice when overnight a change in the practice when Connecticut<00:14:30.680> adopted<00:14:31.480> this<00:14:31.680> system<00:14:32.079> in<00:14:32.199> the Connecticut adopted this system in the Connecticut adopted this system in the very<00:14:32.680> first<00:14:33.000> year<00:14:33.880> 78%<00:14:34.880> of<00:14:35.000> the<00:14:35.120> elected very first year 78% of the elected very first year 78% of the elected representatives<00:14:36.279> gave<00:14:36.560> up<00:14:36.839> large representatives gave up large representatives gave up large contributions<00:14:37.959> and<00:14:38.160> took<00:14:38.680> small contributions and took small contributions and took small contributions<00:14:40.000> only<00:14:40.399> it's contributions only it's contributions only it's solvable<00:14:42.600> not<00:14:42.959> by<00:14:43.680> being<00:14:43.959> a<00:14:44.160> Democrat<00:14:45.040> not<00:14:45.399> by solvable not by being a Democrat not by solvable not by being a Democrat not by being<00:14:46.160> a<00:14:46.360> republican<00:14:47.160> it's<00:14:47.360> solvable<00:14:47.920> by being a republican it's solvable by being a republican it's solvable by being<00:14:48.399> citizens<00:14:49.320> by<00:14:49.480> being<00:14:50.000> citizens<00:14:51.000> by being citizens by being citizens by being citizens by being citizens by being being being tens<00:14:54.000> because<00:14:54.920> if<00:14:55.040> you<00:14:55.199> want<00:14:55.320> to<00:14:55.560> Kickstart tens because if you want to Kickstart tens because if you want to Kickstart reform<00:14:57.920> look<00:14:58.800> I<00:14:59.120> could<00:14:59.839> Kickstart<00:15:00.839> reform<00:15:01.639> at reform look I could Kickstart reform at reform look I could Kickstart reform at half<00:15:02.240> the<00:15:02.519> price<00:15:03.519> of<00:15:03.680> fixing<00:15:04.040> energy<00:15:04.519> policy<00:15:05.360> I half the price of fixing energy policy I half the price of fixing energy policy I could<00:15:05.720> give<00:15:05.880> you<00:15:06.160> back<00:15:06.720> a<00:15:07.040> republic<00:15:08.040> okay<00:15:08.320> but could give you back a republic okay but could give you back a republic okay but even<00:15:09.360> if<00:15:09.480> you're<00:15:09.680> not<00:15:09.880> yet<00:15:10.079> with even if you're not yet with even if you're not yet with me<00:15:11.800> even<00:15:12.000> if<00:15:12.079> you<00:15:12.240> believe<00:15:12.639> this<00:15:12.800> is me even if you believe this is me even if you believe this is impossible<00:15:15.639> what<00:15:15.800> the<00:15:16.040> five<00:15:16.320> years<00:15:16.600> since<00:15:16.839> I impossible what the five years since I impossible what the five years since I spoke<00:15:17.240> at<00:15:17.440> Ted<00:15:17.720> has<00:15:17.880> taught<00:15:18.120> me<00:15:18.320> as<00:15:18.480> I've spoke at Ted has taught me as I've spoke at Ted has taught me as I've spoken<00:15:19.079> about<00:15:19.360> this<00:15:19.600> issue<00:15:19.959> again<00:15:20.160> and<00:15:20.360> again spoken about this issue again and again spoken about this issue again and again is<00:15:20.959> even<00:15:21.160> if<00:15:21.279> you<00:15:21.440> think<00:15:21.600> it's<00:15:21.839> impossible is even if you think it's impossible is even if you think it's impossible that<00:15:22.759> is that is that is irrelevant irrelevant irrelevant irrelevant<00:15:27.199> I<00:15:27.320> spoke<00:15:27.560> at<00:15:27.720> Dartmouth<00:15:28.199> once<00:15:28.440> and irrelevant I spoke at Dartmouth once and irrelevant I spoke at Dartmouth once and a<00:15:28.639> woman<00:15:29.000> stood<00:15:29.199> up<00:15:29.360> after<00:15:29.759> I<00:15:29.880> spoke<00:15:30.560> WR<00:15:30.759> in<00:15:30.880> my a woman stood up after I spoke WR in my a woman stood up after I spoke WR in my book<00:15:31.160> and<00:15:31.240> she<00:15:31.360> said<00:15:31.519> to<00:15:31.639> me<00:15:32.519> Professor<00:15:32.959> you've book and she said to me Professor you've book and she said to me Professor you've convinced<00:15:33.639> me<00:15:34.360> this<00:15:34.480> is<00:15:35.319> hopeless convinced me this is hopeless convinced me this is hopeless hopeless<00:15:38.079> there's<00:15:38.360> nothing<00:15:38.680> we<00:15:38.839> can hopeless there's nothing we can hopeless there's nothing we can do<00:15:41.440> when<00:15:41.560> she<00:15:41.720> said<00:15:41.920> that<00:15:42.040> I<00:15:42.160> scrambled<00:15:42.639> I do when she said that I scrambled I do when she said that I scrambled I tried<00:15:42.880> to<00:15:42.959> think<00:15:43.120> how<00:15:43.199> do<00:15:43.319> I<00:15:43.519> respond<00:15:43.959> to<00:15:44.120> that tried to think how do I respond to that tried to think how do I respond to that hopelessness<00:15:44.839> what<00:15:45.000> is<00:15:45.199> that<00:15:45.360> sense<00:15:45.600> of hopelessness what is that sense of hopelessness what is that sense of hopelessness<00:15:46.440> and<00:15:46.680> what<00:15:46.880> hit<00:15:47.079> me<00:15:47.319> was<00:15:47.440> an hopelessness and what hit me was an hopelessness and what hit me was an image<00:15:47.920> of<00:15:48.120> my<00:15:48.560> six-year-old image of my six-year-old image of my six-year-old son<00:15:51.480> and<00:15:51.600> I<00:15:51.720> imagined<00:15:52.079> a<00:15:52.279> doctor<00:15:52.600> coming<00:15:52.800> to<00:15:53.000> me son and I imagined a doctor coming to me son and I imagined a doctor coming to me and and and saying<00:15:55.000> your<00:15:55.240> son<00:15:56.240> your<00:15:56.440> son<00:15:56.720> has<00:15:56.920> terminal saying your son your son has terminal saying your son your son has terminal brain<00:15:57.600> cancer<00:15:58.000> and<00:15:58.120> there's<00:15:58.279> nothing<00:15:58.519> you<00:15:58.600> can brain cancer and there's nothing you can brain cancer and there's nothing you can do

nothing<00:16:02.240> you<00:16:02.360> can
nothing you can nothing you can do<00:16:04.600> so<00:16:05.600> would<00:16:05.759> I<00:16:05.880> do<00:16:06.560> nothing<00:16:07.560> you<00:16:07.759> just<00:16:07.920> sit do so would I do nothing you just sit do so would I do nothing you just sit there<00:16:08.360> accept<00:16:08.639> that<00:16:08.880> okay<00:16:09.079> nothing<00:16:09.319> I<00:16:09.440> can<00:16:09.560> do there accept that okay nothing I can do there accept that okay nothing I can do I'm<00:16:09.920> going<00:16:10.120> off<00:16:10.240> to<00:16:10.360> build<00:16:10.639> Google I'm going off to build Google I'm going off to build Google class<00:16:13.360> of<00:16:13.519> course<00:16:13.880> not<00:16:14.720> I<00:16:14.880> would<00:16:15.079> do class of course not I would do class of course not I would do everything<00:16:16.199> I<00:16:16.399> could<00:16:16.920> and<00:16:17.040> I<00:16:17.120> would<00:16:17.279> do everything I could and I would do everything I could and I would do everything<00:16:17.959> I<00:16:18.079> could<00:16:18.399> because<00:16:18.759> this<00:16:18.920> is<00:16:19.160> what everything I could because this is what everything I could because this is what love<00:16:19.720> means<00:16:20.720> that<00:16:20.880> the<00:16:21.079> odds<00:16:21.440> are<00:16:21.720> irrelevant love means that the odds are irrelevant love means that the odds are irrelevant and<00:16:22.560> that<00:16:22.680> you<00:16:22.920> do<00:16:23.160> whatever<00:16:23.600> the<00:16:23.959> hell<00:16:24.319> you and that you do whatever the hell you and that you do whatever the hell you can<00:16:25.440> the<00:16:25.639> odds<00:16:26.199> be<00:16:26.399> damned<00:16:26.759> and<00:16:26.880> then<00:16:27.000> I<00:16:27.079> saw can the odds be damned and then I saw can the odds be damned and then I saw the<00:16:27.480> obvious<00:16:27.839> link<00:16:28.240> because<00:16:28.600> even<00:16:29.160> we the obvious link because even we the obvious link because even we liberals<00:16:30.399> love<00:16:30.680> this

country<00:16:35.800> and<00:16:35.880> so<00:16:36.079> when<00:16:36.240> the<00:16:36.399> pundits<00:16:36.880> and<00:16:37.000> the
country and so when the pundits and the country and so when the pundits and the politicians<00:16:37.759> say<00:16:38.040> the<00:16:38.279> change<00:16:38.759> is<00:16:39.319> impossible politicians say the change is impossible politicians say the change is impossible what<00:16:40.519> this<00:16:40.759> love<00:16:41.120> of<00:16:41.519> country<00:16:42.160> says<00:16:42.600> back<00:16:42.920> is what this love of country says back is what this love of country says back is that's<00:16:43.920> just that's just that's just irrelevant<00:16:46.000> we<00:16:46.319> lose<00:16:47.079> something<00:16:47.519> dear irrelevant we lose something dear irrelevant we lose something dear something<00:16:48.519> everyone<00:16:49.040> in<00:16:49.240> this<00:16:49.440> room<00:16:49.800> loves something everyone in this room loves something everyone in this room loves and<00:16:50.360> cherishes<00:16:51.199> if<00:16:51.399> we<00:16:51.839> lose<00:16:52.440> this<00:16:52.680> Republic and cherishes if we lose this Republic and cherishes if we lose this Republic and<00:16:53.399> so<00:16:54.120> we<00:16:54.440> act<00:16:55.399> with<00:16:55.680> everything<00:16:56.199> we<00:16:56.360> can<00:16:56.600> to and so we act with everything we can to and so we act with everything we can to prove<00:16:57.759> these<00:16:58.360> pundits prove these pundits prove these pundits wrong<00:17:00.639> so<00:17:00.880> here's<00:17:01.120> my wrong so here's my wrong so here's my question<00:17:03.399> do question do question do you<00:17:05.319> have<00:17:05.600> that you have that you have that love<00:17:07.679> do<00:17:07.919> you<00:17:08.360> have<00:17:08.559> that<00:17:09.240> love<00:17:10.240> because<00:17:10.520> if love do you have that love because if love do you have that love because if you<00:17:11.240> do<00:17:12.240> then<00:17:12.439> what<00:17:12.559> the<00:17:12.720> hell<00:17:12.880> are<00:17:13.319> you<00:17:14.319> what you do then what the hell are you what you do then what the hell are you what the<00:17:14.600> hell<00:17:14.760> are<00:17:15.000> we the hell are we the hell are we doing<00:17:18.160> when<00:17:18.319> Ben<00:17:18.559> Franklin<00:17:19.000> was<00:17:19.199> carried<00:17:19.520> from doing when Ben Franklin was carried from doing when Ben Franklin was carried from the<00:17:20.160> Constitutional<00:17:21.240> Convention<00:17:22.240> in the Constitutional Convention in the Constitutional Convention in September<00:17:22.959> of<00:17:23.120> 1787<00:17:24.039> he<00:17:24.160> was<00:17:24.319> stopped<00:17:24.600> in<00:17:24.720> the September of 1787 he was stopped in the September of 1787 he was stopped in the street<00:17:25.120> by<00:17:25.240> a<00:17:25.400> woman<00:17:25.679> who<00:17:25.839> said<00:17:26.160> Mr<00:17:26.439> Franklin street by a woman who said Mr Franklin street by a woman who said Mr Franklin what<00:17:27.559> have<00:17:27.679> you<00:17:27.839> wrought what have you wrought what have you wrought Franklin Franklin Franklin said<00:17:31.720> a<00:17:32.000> republic<00:17:33.000> Madam<00:17:34.000> if<00:17:34.160> you<00:17:34.400> can<00:17:34.679> keep said a republic Madam if you can keep said a republic Madam if you can keep it<00:17:37.600> a it a it a republic<00:17:39.559> a<00:17:40.080> representative<00:17:41.320> democracy<00:17:42.320> a republic a representative democracy a republic a representative democracy a government<00:17:43.320> dependent<00:17:44.240> upon<00:17:45.160> the<00:17:45.440> people

alone<00:17:49.679> we<00:17:49.960> have<00:17:50.720> lost<00:17:51.559> that
alone we have lost that alone we have lost that Republic<00:17:54.200> all<00:17:54.360> of<00:17:54.559> us<00:17:55.400> have<00:17:55.520> to<00:17:55.840> act<00:17:56.760> to<00:17:56.960> get<00:17:57.080> it Republic all of us have to act to get it Republic all of us have to act to get it back<00:17:58.280> thank<00:17:58.440> you<00:17:58.520> very<00:17:58.640> much


you<00:18:13.600> thank<00:18:13.840> you


Lawrence Lessig, government, United, States, Government, we, the, people, republic, democracy, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed’, TEDEducation

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