Có gì sai với hệ thống thực phẩm Của Chúng tôi – Birke Baehr

What's wrong with our food system - Birke Baehr

What's wrong with our food system - Birke Baehr


hello<00:00:16.920> my<00:00:17.610> name<00:00:17.820> is<00:00:17.850> Bert<00:00:18.240> Baer<00:00:18.540> and<00:00:18.810> I'm<00:00:18.990> 11
hello my name is Bert Baer and I'm 11 hello my name is Bert Baer and I'm 11 years<00:00:19.710> old<00:00:19.950> I<00:00:20.160> came<00:00:20.490> here<00:00:20.939> today<00:00:21.090> to<00:00:21.420> talk years old I came here today to talk years old I came here today to talk about<00:00:22.020> what's<00:00:22.290> wrong<00:00:22.500> with<00:00:22.740> our<00:00:22.860> food<00:00:23.100> system about what's wrong with our food system about what's wrong with our food system first<00:00:24.540> of<00:00:24.720> all<00:00:24.840> I<00:00:25.080> would<00:00:25.500> like<00:00:25.590> to<00:00:25.710> say<00:00:26.010> that first of all I would like to say that first of all I would like to say that I'm<00:00:26.340> really<00:00:26.700> amazed<00:00:27.090> how<00:00:27.329> easily<00:00:27.720> kids<00:00:28.200> rolla I'm really amazed how easily kids rolla I'm really amazed how easily kids rolla to<00:00:28.619> believe<00:00:28.890> all<00:00:29.099> the<00:00:29.220> marketing<00:00:29.669> advertising to believe all the marketing advertising to believe all the marketing advertising on<00:00:30.599> TV<00:00:31.050> at<00:00:31.529> public<00:00:32.160> schools<00:00:32.400> and<00:00:32.610> pretty<00:00:32.790> much on TV at public schools and pretty much on TV at public schools and pretty much everywhere<00:00:33.360> else<00:00:33.420> you<00:00:33.720> look<00:00:33.960> it<00:00:34.260> seems<00:00:34.890> to<00:00:35.070> me everywhere else you look it seems to me everywhere else you look it seems to me like<00:00:35.220> corporations<00:00:36.150> are<00:00:36.390> always<00:00:36.840> trying<00:00:37.230> to like corporations are always trying to like corporations are always trying to get<00:00:37.560> kids<00:00:37.860> like<00:00:38.100> me<00:00:38.760> to<00:00:39.239> get<00:00:39.360> their<00:00:39.450> parents<00:00:39.540> to get kids like me to get their parents to get kids like me to get their parents to buy<00:00:40.020> stuff<00:00:40.290> that<00:00:40.350> really<00:00:40.800> isn't<00:00:40.950> good<00:00:41.130> for<00:00:41.250> us buy stuff that really isn't good for us buy stuff that really isn't good for us or<00:00:41.700> the<00:00:41.940> planet<00:00:42.390> little<00:00:43.289> kids<00:00:43.469> especially<00:00:43.890> are or the planet little kids especially are or the planet little kids especially are attracted<00:00:45.269> by<00:00:45.300> colorful<00:00:45.750> packaging<00:00:46.320> and attracted by colorful packaging and attracted by colorful packaging and plastic<00:00:47.340> toys<00:00:47.609> I<00:00:48.000> must<00:00:48.539> admit<00:00:48.719> I<00:00:49.140> used<00:00:49.710> to<00:00:49.829> be plastic toys I must admit I used to be plastic toys I must admit I used to be one<00:00:50.160> of<00:00:50.280> them<00:00:50.460> I<00:00:50.640> also<00:00:51.480> used<00:00:51.840> to<00:00:51.929> think<00:00:52.199> that one of them I also used to think that one of them I also used to think that all<00:00:52.590> of<00:00:52.829> our<00:00:53.129> food<00:00:53.429> came<00:00:53.940> from<00:00:54.000> these<00:00:54.210> happy all of our food came from these happy all of our food came from these happy little<00:00:54.600> farms<00:00:55.170> where<00:00:55.530> pigs<00:00:55.800> rolled<00:00:56.100> in<00:00:56.219> mud little farms where pigs rolled in mud little farms where pigs rolled in mud and<00:00:56.550> cows<00:00:57.000> graze<00:00:57.269> on<00:00:57.449> grass<00:00:57.660> all<00:00:57.870> day<00:00:57.899> what<00:00:58.710> I and cows graze on grass all day what I and cows graze on grass all day what I discovered<00:00:59.399> was<00:00:59.820> this<00:01:00.120> is<00:01:00.359> not<00:01:00.420> true<00:01:01.050> I<00:01:01.320> began discovered was this is not true I began discovered was this is not true I began to<00:01:02.280> look<00:01:02.370> into<00:01:02.579> the<00:01:02.699> stuff<00:01:02.940> on<00:01:03.179> the<00:01:03.690> internet to look into the stuff on the internet to look into the stuff on the internet in<00:01:04.199> books<00:01:04.769> and<00:01:05.070> in<00:01:05.400> documentary<00:01:05.940> films<00:01:06.300> in<00:01:06.480> my in books and in documentary films in my in books and in documentary films in my travels<00:01:07.020> with<00:01:07.140> my<00:01:07.290> family<00:01:07.770> I<00:01:07.980> discovered<00:01:08.909> the travels with my family I discovered the travels with my family I discovered the dark<00:01:09.270> side<00:01:09.570> of<00:01:09.600> the<00:01:09.960> industrialized<00:01:10.590> food dark side of the industrialized food dark side of the industrialized food system system system first<00:01:12.600> there's<00:01:12.930> genetically<00:01:13.560> engineered first there's genetically engineered first there's genetically engineered seeds<00:01:14.400> and<00:01:14.700> organisms<00:01:15.300> that<00:01:15.930> is<00:01:16.050> what<00:01:16.230> seed<00:01:16.530> is seeds and organisms that is what seed is seeds and organisms that is what seed is manipulated<00:01:17.760> in<00:01:17.850> a<00:01:17.970> laboratory<00:01:18.240> to<00:01:18.960> do manipulated in a laboratory to do manipulated in a laboratory to do something<00:01:19.290> not<00:01:19.560> in<00:01:19.710> tune<00:01:19.890> by<00:01:20.040> nature<00:01:20.460> like something not in tune by nature like something not in tune by nature like taking<00:01:21.450> the<00:01:21.540> DNA<00:01:21.870> of<00:01:22.050> fish<00:01:22.290> and<00:01:22.590> putting<00:01:23.100> it taking the DNA of fish and putting it taking the DNA of fish and putting it into<00:01:23.430> the<00:01:23.610> DNA<00:01:23.790> of<00:01:24.000> a<00:01:24.090> tomato into the DNA of a tomato into the DNA of a tomato yuck<00:01:25.380> don't<00:01:26.250> get<00:01:26.430> me<00:01:26.550> wrong<00:01:26.580> I<00:01:27.120> like<00:01:27.570> fish<00:01:27.810> and yuck don't get me wrong I like fish and yuck don't get me wrong I like fish and tomatoes<00:01:28.350> but<00:01:28.770> this<00:01:29.010> is<00:01:29.250> just<00:01:29.550> creepy tomatoes but this is just creepy tomatoes but this is just creepy the<00:01:31.510> seeds<00:01:31.810> the<00:01:32.770> seeds<00:01:32.980> our<00:01:33.190> complaintant the seeds the seeds our complaintant the seeds the seeds our complaintant then<00:01:34.210> grow<00:01:34.510> the<00:01:34.990> food<00:01:35.260> they<00:01:35.410> produce<00:01:35.560> an then grow the food they produce an then grow the food they produce an improvement<00:01:36.220> cost<00:01:36.520> cancer<00:01:36.970> and<00:01:37.060> other improvement cost cancer and other improvement cost cancer and other problems<00:01:37.690> of<00:01:37.810> lab<00:01:37.990> animals<00:01:38.440> and<00:01:38.650> people<00:01:39.190> have problems of lab animals and people have problems of lab animals and people have been<00:01:39.520> eat<00:01:39.670> food<00:01:40.060> produced<00:01:40.480> this<00:01:40.570> way<00:01:40.750> since been eat food produced this way since been eat food produced this way since the<00:01:41.050> 1990s<00:01:41.950> most<00:01:42.610> folks<00:01:42.910> don't<00:01:43.060> even<00:01:43.270> know the 1990s most folks don't even know the 1990s most folks don't even know they<00:01:43.480> exist they exist they exist did<00:01:44.980> you<00:01:45.070> know<00:01:45.190> rats<00:01:45.580> fed<00:01:45.940> genetically did you know rats fed genetically did you know rats fed genetically engineered<00:01:46.930> corn<00:01:47.260> had<00:01:47.440> developed<00:01:47.920> signs<00:01:48.190> of engineered corn had developed signs of engineered corn had developed signs of liver<00:01:48.670> and<00:01:48.880> kidney<00:01:49.090> toxicity<00:01:49.480> these<00:01:50.380> include liver and kidney toxicity these include liver and kidney toxicity these include kidney<00:01:51.010> inflammation<00:01:51.280> and<00:01:51.820> lesions<00:01:52.420> in<00:01:52.600> the kidney inflammation and lesions in the kidney inflammation and lesions in the crease<00:01:52.930> kidney<00:01:53.260> wait<00:01:53.410> yeah<00:01:54.040> almost<00:01:54.310> all<00:01:54.670> the crease kidney wait yeah almost all the crease kidney wait yeah almost all the corn<00:01:55.060> wheat<00:01:55.240> has<00:01:55.450> been<00:01:55.480> altered<00:01:55.810> in<00:01:56.080> ethically corn wheat has been altered in ethically corn wheat has been altered in ethically in<00:01:56.620> some<00:01:56.890> way<00:01:57.610> and<00:01:57.880> let<00:01:58.330> me<00:01:58.360> tell<00:01:58.660> you<00:01:58.870> corn in some way and let me tell you corn in some way and let me tell you corn isn't<00:01:59.680> everything<00:02:00.280> and<00:02:00.760> don't<00:02:01.300> even<00:02:01.480> get<00:02:01.720> me isn't everything and don't even get me isn't everything and don't even get me started<00:02:01.930> on<00:02:02.410> the<00:02:02.560> confined<00:02:02.950> animal<00:02:03.190> feeding started on the confined animal feeding started on the confined animal feeding operations<00:02:04.180> called<00:02:04.390> K<00:02:04.570> flows<00:02:07.080> conventional operations called K flows conventional operations called K flows conventional farmers<00:02:08.500> use<00:02:08.740> chemical<00:02:09.250> fertilizers<00:02:09.300> made farmers use chemical fertilizers made farmers use chemical fertilizers made from<00:02:10.480> fossil<00:02:10.869> fuels<00:02:11.200> they<00:02:11.740> mix<00:02:11.920> with<00:02:12.010> the<00:02:12.130> dirt from fossil fuels they mix with the dirt from fossil fuels they mix with the dirt to<00:02:12.400> make<00:02:12.490> plants<00:02:12.850> grow<00:02:12.880> they<00:02:13.630> do<00:02:13.690> this<00:02:14.050> because to make plants grow they do this because to make plants grow they do this because they've<00:02:14.530> stripped<00:02:14.920> the<00:02:15.070> soil<00:02:15.280> from<00:02:15.430> all they've stripped the soil from all they've stripped the soil from all nutrients<00:02:16.180> from<00:02:16.540> growing<00:02:16.810> the<00:02:16.840> same<00:02:17.170> crop nutrients from growing the same crop nutrients from growing the same crop over<00:02:18.340> and<00:02:18.490> over<00:02:18.820> again<00:02:19.110> next<00:02:20.110> more<00:02:20.350> harmful over and over again next more harmful over and over again next more harmful chemicals<00:02:21.250> are<00:02:21.430> sprayed<00:02:21.610> on<00:02:21.850> fruits<00:02:22.150> and chemicals are sprayed on fruits and chemicals are sprayed on fruits and vegetables<00:02:22.900> like<00:02:23.290> pesticides<00:02:23.860> and vegetables like pesticides and vegetables like pesticides and herbicides<00:02:24.130> to<00:02:24.760> kill<00:02:25.180> weeds<00:02:25.450> and<00:02:25.750> bugs<00:02:26.160> when herbicides to kill weeds and bugs when herbicides to kill weeds and bugs when it<00:02:27.280> rains<00:02:27.550> these<00:02:27.970> chemicals<00:02:28.570> seep<00:02:28.840> into<00:02:29.020> the it rains these chemicals seep into the it rains these chemicals seep into the ground<00:02:29.470> or<00:02:29.710> run<00:02:30.160> up<00:02:30.280> into<00:02:30.490> our<00:02:30.610> waterways ground or run up into our waterways ground or run up into our waterways poisoning<00:02:31.930> our<00:02:32.020> water<00:02:32.320> too<00:02:33.090> then<00:02:34.090> they<00:02:34.270> are poisoning our water too then they are poisoning our water too then they are radiates<00:02:34.720> our<00:02:34.840> food<00:02:35.050> trying<00:02:35.380> to<00:02:35.500> make<00:02:35.650> it<00:02:35.770> last radiates our food trying to make it last radiates our food trying to make it last longer<00:02:36.430> so<00:02:36.760> it<00:02:37.090> can<00:02:37.209> travel<00:02:37.390> thousands<00:02:38.080> of longer so it can travel thousands of longer so it can travel thousands of miles<00:02:38.320> from<00:02:38.650> what's<00:02:39.040> grown<00:02:39.370> to<00:02:39.820> the miles from what's grown to the miles from what's grown to the supermarkets<00:02:40.720> so<00:02:41.620> I<00:02:41.650> ask<00:02:41.950> myself<00:02:42.250> how<00:02:43.180> can<00:02:43.390> I supermarkets so I ask myself how can I supermarkets so I ask myself how can I change<00:02:43.900> how<00:02:44.590> can<00:02:44.770> I<00:02:44.890> change<00:02:45.160> these<00:02:45.370> things change how can I change these things change how can I change these things this<00:02:46.450> is<00:02:46.510> what<00:02:46.810> I<00:02:46.840> found<00:02:47.170> out<00:02:47.410> I<00:02:47.680> discovered this is what I found out I discovered this is what I found out I discovered that<00:02:48.760> there's<00:02:48.970> a<00:02:49.030> movement<00:02:49.120> for<00:02:49.780> a<00:02:49.840> better<00:02:50.020> way that there's a movement for a better way that there's a movement for a better way now<00:02:51.280> while<00:02:51.550> back<00:02:51.820> I<00:02:52.030> wanted<00:02:52.360> to<00:02:52.450> be<00:02:52.660> an<00:02:52.750> NFL now while back I wanted to be an NFL now while back I wanted to be an NFL football<00:02:53.350> player<00:02:53.800> I<00:02:54.450> decided<00:02:55.450> that<00:02:55.570> I'd football player I decided that I'd football player I decided that I'd rather<00:02:56.050> be<00:02:56.200> an<00:02:56.410> organic<00:02:56.800> farmer<00:02:57.340> instead

and<00:03:08.090> that<00:03:08.689> way<00:03:08.900> I<00:03:08.930> can<00:03:09.140> have<00:03:09.379> a<00:03:09.409> greater<00:03:09.650> impact
and that way I can have a greater impact and that way I can have a greater impact on<00:03:10.280> the<00:03:10.370> world on the world on the world this<00:03:11.540> man<00:03:11.900> Joel<00:03:12.470> Salatin<00:03:13.040> they<00:03:13.519> call<00:03:13.730> him<00:03:13.819> a this man Joel Salatin they call him a this man Joel Salatin they call him a lunatic<00:03:14.329> farmer<00:03:14.750> because<00:03:15.049> he<00:03:15.260> grows<00:03:15.500> against lunatic farmer because he grows against lunatic farmer because he grows against the<00:03:15.950> system<00:03:16.340> since<00:03:17.120> I'm<00:03:17.299> homeschooled<00:03:17.720> I<00:03:18.019> want the system since I'm homeschooled I want the system since I'm homeschooled I want to<00:03:18.560> go<00:03:18.650> here<00:03:18.860> speak<00:03:19.189> one<00:03:19.400> day<00:03:20.079> this<00:03:21.079> man<00:03:21.439> this to go here speak one day this man this to go here speak one day this man this lunatic<00:03:22.549> farmer<00:03:23.000> doesn't<00:03:23.360> use<00:03:23.569> any lunatic farmer doesn't use any lunatic farmer doesn't use any pesticides<00:03:23.989> herbicides<00:03:24.590> or<00:03:25.370> genetically pesticides herbicides or genetically pesticides herbicides or genetically modified<00:03:26.269> seeds<00:03:27.019> and<00:03:27.319> so<00:03:27.709> for<00:03:27.890> that<00:03:28.040> he's modified seeds and so for that he's modified seeds and so for that he's called<00:03:28.609> crazy<00:03:28.939> by<00:03:29.209> the<00:03:29.269> system<00:03:29.810> I<00:03:30.370> want<00:03:31.370> you<00:03:31.519> to called crazy by the system I want you to called crazy by the system I want you to know<00:03:31.819> that<00:03:32.060> we<00:03:32.420> can<00:03:32.569> all<00:03:32.750> make<00:03:32.930> a<00:03:32.989> difference know that we can all make a difference know that we can all make a difference by<00:03:33.829> making<00:03:33.859> different<00:03:34.549> choices<00:03:34.579> by<00:03:35.540> buying by making different choices by buying by making different choices by buying our<00:03:35.930> food<00:03:36.049> directly<00:03:36.319> from<00:03:36.620> local<00:03:37.040> farmers<00:03:37.400> or our food directly from local farmers or our food directly from local farmers or neighbors<00:03:38.299> we<00:03:38.450> know<00:03:38.629> in<00:03:38.750> real<00:03:38.959> life neighbors we know in real life neighbors we know in real life some<00:03:40.430> people<00:03:40.639> say<00:03:40.760> organic<00:03:40.970> or<00:03:41.389> local<00:03:41.420> food<00:03:41.780> is some people say organic or local food is some people say organic or local food is more<00:03:42.170> expensive<00:03:42.500> but<00:03:43.069> is<00:03:43.190> it<00:03:43.310> really<00:03:43.609> with<00:03:44.150> all more expensive but is it really with all more expensive but is it really with all these<00:03:44.510> things<00:03:44.780> I've<00:03:44.989> been<00:03:45.019> learning<00:03:45.290> about these things I've been learning about these things I've been learning about the<00:03:45.739> food<00:03:45.920> system<00:03:46.190> it<00:03:46.670> seems<00:03:47.120> to<00:03:47.329> me<00:03:47.450> that<00:03:47.480> we the food system it seems to me that we the food system it seems to me that we can<00:03:47.840> either<00:03:48.049> pay<00:03:48.200> the<00:03:48.230> farmer<00:03:48.739> or<00:03:48.920> we<00:03:49.280> can<00:03:49.400> pay can either pay the farmer or we can pay can either pay the farmer or we can pay the<00:03:49.579> hospital<00:03:49.849> I<00:03:50.530> know

now<00:03:59.280> I<00:03:59.310> know<00:03:59.489> definitely<00:03:59.819> which<00:04:00.209> one<00:04:00.360> I<00:04:00.420> would
now I know definitely which one I would now I know definitely which one I would choose<00:04:00.629> I<00:04:01.080> want<00:04:01.530> you<00:04:01.680> to<00:04:01.769> know<00:04:01.860> that<00:04:01.890> there<00:04:02.129> are choose I want you to know that there are choose I want you to know that there are farms<00:04:02.459> out<00:04:02.640> there<00:04:02.670> I<00:04:03.030> built<00:04:03.480> here<00:04:03.659> and<00:04:03.900> so<00:04:04.019> qua farms out there I built here and so qua farms out there I built here and so qua Chico's<00:04:04.470> farms<00:04:04.799> in<00:04:04.920> Tennessee<00:04:05.280> whose<00:04:06.060> cows<00:04:06.269> do Chico's farms in Tennessee whose cows do Chico's farms in Tennessee whose cows do t<00:04:06.720> grass<00:04:06.989> and<00:04:07.260> his<00:04:07.409> pigs<00:04:07.620> do<00:04:07.830> own<00:04:08.040> the<00:04:08.190> mug<00:04:08.370> just t grass and his pigs do own the mug just t grass and his pigs do own the mug just like<00:04:08.700> I<00:04:08.819> thought like I thought like I thought sometimes<00:04:10.470> I<00:04:10.590> got<00:04:10.709> to<00:04:10.799> Bill's<00:04:10.980> farm<00:04:11.250> and sometimes I got to Bill's farm and sometimes I got to Bill's farm and volunteer<00:04:11.879> so<00:04:12.090> I<00:04:12.150> can<00:04:12.299> see<00:04:12.420> up<00:04:12.599> close<00:04:12.629> and volunteer so I can see up close and volunteer so I can see up close and personal<00:04:13.500> where<00:04:13.590> the<00:04:13.680> meat<00:04:13.830> comes<00:04:13.980> from<00:04:14.610> I personal where the meat comes from I personal where the meat comes from I want<00:04:16.290> you<00:04:16.440> to<00:04:16.530> know<00:04:16.680> that<00:04:16.709> I<00:04:16.979> believe<00:04:17.340> kids want you to know that I believe kids want you to know that I believe kids wheat<00:04:17.820> fresh<00:04:18.150> vegetables<00:04:18.750> and<00:04:18.840> good<00:04:19.109> food wheat fresh vegetables and good food wheat fresh vegetables and good food ethic<00:04:19.620> nor<00:04:19.799> more<00:04:20.130> about<00:04:20.430> it<00:04:20.639> and<00:04:20.760> her<00:04:21.030> really ethic nor more about it and her really ethic nor more about it and her really comes<00:04:21.630> from<00:04:21.870> I<00:04:22.190> want<00:04:23.190> you<00:04:23.250> to<00:04:23.310> know<00:04:23.430> that<00:04:23.580> there comes from I want you to know that there comes from I want you to know that there are<00:04:23.790> farmers<00:04:24.120> markets<00:04:24.479> in<00:04:24.540> every<00:04:24.870> community are farmers markets in every community are farmers markets in every community popping<00:04:25.770> up<00:04:25.919> I<00:04:26.220> want<00:04:27.060> you<00:04:27.120> to<00:04:27.210> know<00:04:27.270> that<00:04:27.300> me<00:04:27.630> my popping up I want you to know that me my popping up I want you to know that me my brother<00:04:28.020> and<00:04:28.110> sister<00:04:28.440> actually<00:04:28.800> like<00:04:29.040> eating brother and sister actually like eating brother and sister actually like eating baked<00:04:29.550> kale<00:04:29.820> chips<00:04:30.180> I<00:04:30.419> try<00:04:31.199> to<00:04:31.260> share<00:04:31.500> this baked kale chips I try to share this baked kale chips I try to share this everywhere<00:04:31.889> I<00:04:32.280> go<00:04:33.560> not<00:04:34.560> too<00:04:34.740> long<00:04:34.979> ago<00:04:35.039> my everywhere I go not too long ago my everywhere I go not too long ago my uncle<00:04:35.520> said<00:04:36.060> that<00:04:36.090> he<00:04:36.360> offered<00:04:36.600> my<00:04:36.720> six<00:04:36.960> year uncle said that he offered my six year uncle said that he offered my six year old<00:04:37.169> cousin<00:04:37.350> cereal<00:04:38.039> he<00:04:38.970> asked<00:04:39.240> if<00:04:39.330> he<00:04:39.360> wanted old cousin cereal he asked if he wanted old cousin cereal he asked if he wanted organic<00:04:40.080> touch<00:04:40.229> the<00:04:40.380> O's<00:04:40.560> or<00:04:40.889> the organic touch the O's or the organic touch the O's or the sugar-coated<00:04:41.610> flakes<00:04:42.180> you<00:04:42.810> know<00:04:42.990> the<00:04:43.380> one<00:04:43.560> of sugar-coated flakes you know the one of sugar-coated flakes you know the one of the<00:04:43.770> big<00:04:43.919> stripe<00:04:44.160> and<00:04:44.280> cartoon<00:04:44.669> character<00:04:45.000> on the big stripe and cartoon character on the big stripe and cartoon character on the<00:04:45.150> front<00:04:45.650> my<00:04:46.650> little<00:04:46.949> cousin<00:04:47.280> told<00:04:47.490> his<00:04:47.580> dad the front my little cousin told his dad the front my little cousin told his dad that<00:04:48.300> he<00:04:48.479> would<00:04:48.510> rather<00:04:48.780> have<00:04:49.050> the<00:04:49.169> organic that he would rather have the organic that he would rather have the organic touch<00:04:49.680> with<00:04:49.800> Oh<00:04:49.979> cereal<00:04:50.430> because<00:04:50.970> Burke<00:04:51.210> said touch with Oh cereal because Burke said touch with Oh cereal because Burke said he<00:04:51.900> shouldn't<00:04:52.260> eat<00:04:52.350> sparkly<00:04:52.949> cereal<00:04:53.460> and<00:04:54.289> that he shouldn't eat sparkly cereal and that he shouldn't eat sparkly cereal and that my<00:04:55.470> friends<00:04:55.889> is<00:04:56.010> how<00:04:56.370> we<00:04:56.430> can<00:04:56.669> make<00:04:56.820> a my friends is how we can make a my friends is how we can make a difference<00:04:57.300> one<00:04:57.870> K<00:04:58.080> at<00:04:58.199> a<00:04:58.229> time<00:04:58.530> so<00:04:59.100> next<00:04:59.280> time difference one K at a time so next time difference one K at a time so next time you're<00:04:59.669> at<00:04:59.699> the<00:04:59.789> grocery<00:04:59.880> store you're at the grocery store you're at the grocery store think<00:05:01.050> local<00:05:01.440> choose<00:05:01.949> organic<00:05:02.250> know<00:05:02.789> your think local choose organic know your think local choose organic know your font<00:05:03.240> and<00:05:03.389> know<00:05:03.750> your<00:05:03.930> food


food organic food, agriculture, local, food, TEDxNextGenerationAshvillen, TED, TEDx, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, Birke, Baehr

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