Công ty điện thoại của bạn đang xem-Malte Spitz

Your phone company is watching - Malte Spitz

Your phone company is watching - Malte Spitz


hi<00:00:18.050> this<00:00:19.050> is<00:00:19.260> my<00:00:20.900> mobile<00:00:21.900> phone<00:00:22.320> a<00:00:27.590> mobile
hi this is my mobile phone a mobile hi this is my mobile phone a mobile phone<00:00:28.829> can<00:00:29.520> change<00:00:29.939> your<00:00:30.150> life<00:00:30.300> and<00:00:31.579> a<00:00:34.310> mobile phone can change your life and a mobile phone can change your life and a mobile phone<00:00:35.570> gives<00:00:36.570> you<00:00:36.780> individual<00:00:38.510> freedom<00:00:40.640> with phone gives you individual freedom with phone gives you individual freedom with a<00:00:41.670> mobile<00:00:42.120> phone<00:00:42.360> you<00:00:42.660> can<00:00:42.870> shoot<00:00:43.350> a<00:00:43.590> crime a mobile phone you can shoot a crime a mobile phone you can shoot a crime against<00:00:44.550> humanity<00:00:44.789> in<00:00:45.600> Syria<00:00:47.570> with<00:00:48.570> a<00:00:48.600> mobile against humanity in Syria with a mobile against humanity in Syria with a mobile phone<00:00:49.289> you<00:00:49.590> can<00:00:49.940> tweet<00:00:50.940> a<00:00:50.969> message<00:00:51.149> and<00:00:51.780> start phone you can tweet a message and start phone you can tweet a message and start a<00:00:53.899> protest<00:00:54.899> in<00:00:55.289> Egypt<00:00:56.629> and<00:00:58.190> where<00:00:59.190> is<00:00:59.250> a<00:00:59.339> mobile a protest in Egypt and where is a mobile a protest in Egypt and where is a mobile phone<00:00:59.940> you<00:01:00.089> can<00:01:00.350> record<00:01:01.350> a<00:01:01.620> song<00:01:01.859> loaded<00:01:02.699> up<00:01:02.850> to phone you can record a song loaded up to phone you can record a song loaded up to SoundCloud<00:01:03.510> and<00:01:03.539> become<00:01:03.989> famous<00:01:04.610> all<00:01:05.610> this<00:01:06.180> is SoundCloud and become famous all this is SoundCloud and become famous all this is possible<00:01:07.470> with<00:01:08.070> your<00:01:08.250> mobile<00:01:08.430> phone<00:01:09.470> I'm<00:01:10.470> a possible with your mobile phone I'm a possible with your mobile phone I'm a child<00:01:10.860> of<00:01:11.010> 1984<00:01:12.000> and<00:01:12.360> I<00:01:13.230> live<00:01:13.950> in<00:01:13.980> the<00:01:14.220> city<00:01:14.400> of child of 1984 and I live in the city of child of 1984 and I live in the city of Berlin<00:01:15.590> let's<00:01:16.590> go<00:01:16.830> back<00:01:17.040> to<00:01:17.640> that<00:01:17.910> time<00:01:18.270> to Berlin let's go back to that time to Berlin let's go back to that time to this<00:01:19.350> city<00:01:20.600> here<00:01:21.600> you<00:01:21.780> can<00:01:21.990> see<00:01:22.260> how<00:01:22.620> hundreds this city here you can see how hundreds this city here you can see how hundreds of<00:01:23.160> thousands<00:01:23.670> of<00:01:23.790> people<00:01:24.450> stood<00:01:25.200> up<00:01:25.410> and of thousands of people stood up and of thousands of people stood up and protested<00:01:27.330> for<00:01:27.510> change<00:01:28.040> this<00:01:29.040> is<00:01:29.390> autumn<00:01:30.710> 1989 protested for change this is autumn 1989 protested for change this is autumn 1989 and<00:01:32.600> you<00:01:33.600> imagine<00:01:34.140> that<00:01:34.500> all<00:01:34.740> those<00:01:35.070> people and you imagine that all those people and you imagine that all those people standing<00:01:36.060> up<00:01:36.450> and<00:01:36.860> protesting<00:01:37.860> for<00:01:38.070> change standing up and protesting for change standing up and protesting for change had<00:01:39.210> a<00:01:39.380> mobile<00:01:40.380> phone<00:01:40.590> in<00:01:40.770> their<00:01:40.920> pocket<00:01:41.690> who had a mobile phone in their pocket who had a mobile phone in their pocket who in<00:01:42.810> the<00:01:42.930> room<00:01:43.050> has<00:01:43.110> a<00:01:43.230> mobile<00:01:43.650> phone<00:01:43.680> with<00:01:44.010> you in the room has a mobile phone with you in the room has a mobile phone with you hold<00:01:44.820> it<00:01:44.940> up<00:01:45.090> hold<00:01:45.750> your<00:01:45.870> phone's<00:01:46.140> up<00:01:46.350> all<00:01:46.500> your hold it up hold your phone's up all your hold it up hold your phone's up all your phone's<00:01:46.860> up<00:01:48.110> hold<00:01:49.110> it<00:01:49.200> up<00:01:49.350> an<00:01:49.530> android phone's up hold it up an android phone's up hold it up an android blackberry<00:01:50.220> wow<00:01:51.090> that's<00:01:52.050> a<00:01:52.260> lot<00:01:52.520> almost blackberry wow that's a lot almost blackberry wow that's a lot almost everybody<00:01:54.390> today<00:01:54.840> as<00:01:55.350> a<00:01:55.470> mobile<00:01:55.740> phone<00:01:57.020> but everybody today as a mobile phone but everybody today as a mobile phone but today<00:01:59.310> I<00:01:59.340> will<00:01:59.640> talk<00:01:59.880> about<00:01:59.960> million<00:02:00.960> my today I will talk about million my today I will talk about million my mobile<00:02:01.560> phone<00:02:01.800> and<00:02:01.980> how<00:02:02.910> it<00:02:03.060> changed<00:02:03.480> my<00:02:03.960> life mobile phone and how it changed my life mobile phone and how it changed my life and<00:02:05.330> I<00:02:06.330> will<00:02:07.260> talk<00:02:07.800> about<00:02:07.980> this<00:02:08.959> these<00:02:09.959> are and I will talk about this these are and I will talk about this these are thirty<00:02:10.890> five<00:02:11.190> thousand<00:02:11.910> eight<00:02:12.120> hundred thirty five thousand eight hundred thirty five thousand eight hundred thirty<00:02:12.750> lines<00:02:13.140> of<00:02:13.440> information<00:02:14.300> raw<00:02:15.300> data<00:02:15.739> and thirty lines of information raw data and thirty lines of information raw data and why<00:02:19.200> are<00:02:19.260> these<00:02:19.470> information<00:02:20.160> there why are these information there why are these information there because<00:02:22.670> in<00:02:22.880> the<00:02:23.000> summer<00:02:23.360> of<00:02:23.800> 2006<00:02:24.800> the<00:02:24.980> EU because in the summer of 2006 the EU because in the summer of 2006 the EU Commission<00:02:26.300> tabled<00:02:26.810> a<00:02:27.110> directive<00:02:28.180> this Commission tabled a directive this Commission tabled a directive this directive<00:02:30.140> called<00:02:30.440> data<00:02:31.100> retention directive called data retention directive called data retention directive<00:02:32.440> this<00:02:33.440> directive<00:02:34.310> says<00:02:34.550> that<00:02:35.390> each directive this directive says that each directive this directive says that each phone<00:02:36.200> company<00:02:36.830> in<00:02:36.920> Europe<00:02:37.390> each<00:02:38.390> Internet phone company in Europe each Internet phone company in Europe each Internet service<00:02:39.620> company<00:02:40.130> all<00:02:40.310> over<00:02:41.300> Europe<00:02:41.600> has<00:02:42.350> to service company all over Europe has to service company all over Europe has to store<00:02:42.950> a<00:02:43.190> wide<00:02:43.489> range<00:02:43.910> of<00:02:44.120> information<00:02:44.510> about store a wide range of information about store a wide range of information about their<00:02:45.350> users<00:02:46.569> who<00:02:47.569> called<00:02:47.870> soon<00:02:48.190> who<00:02:49.190> sent<00:02:49.459> him their users who called soon who sent him their users who called soon who sent him an<00:02:49.790> email<00:02:49.910> who<00:02:50.780> sent<00:02:51.050> him<00:02:51.230> a<00:02:51.290> text<00:02:51.500> message<00:02:51.680> and an email who sent him a text message and an email who sent him a text message and if<00:02:53.420> you<00:02:53.480> use<00:02:53.870> your<00:02:54.110> mobile<00:02:54.500> phone<00:02:54.739> where<00:02:55.670> you if you use your mobile phone where you if you use your mobile phone where you are<00:02:56.650> all<00:02:57.650> these<00:02:58.160> information<00:02:59.000> are<00:02:59.120> stored<00:02:59.540> for are all these information are stored for are all these information are stored for at<00:02:59.840> least<00:03:00.080> six<00:03:00.620> months<00:03:00.739> up<00:03:01.310> to<00:03:01.370> two<00:03:01.880> years<00:03:01.910> by at least six months up to two years by at least six months up to two years by your<00:03:03.080> phone<00:03:03.890> company<00:03:04.250> or<00:03:04.489> your<00:03:04.940> internet your phone company or your internet your phone company or your internet service<00:03:06.430> provider<00:03:08.980> and<00:03:10.360> all<00:03:11.360> over<00:03:11.660> Europe service provider and all over Europe service provider and all over Europe people<00:03:13.040> stood<00:03:13.459> up<00:03:13.700> and<00:03:13.940> said<00:03:14.090> we<00:03:14.480> don't<00:03:14.660> want people stood up and said we don't want people stood up and said we don't want this<00:03:15.850> they<00:03:16.850> said<00:03:17.120> we<00:03:17.330> don't<00:03:17.480> want<00:03:17.600> this<00:03:18.019> data this they said we don't want this data this they said we don't want this data retention<00:03:19.720> we<00:03:20.720> want<00:03:21.310> self-determination<00:03:22.310> in retention we want self-determination in retention we want self-determination in the<00:03:22.760> digital<00:03:23.209> age<00:03:23.420> and<00:03:23.750> we<00:03:24.019> don't<00:03:24.260> want<00:03:24.590> that the digital age and we don't want that the digital age and we don't want that phone<00:03:25.100> companies<00:03:25.670> and<00:03:25.700> Internet<00:03:26.239> companies phone companies and Internet companies phone companies and Internet companies have<00:03:27.200> to<00:03:27.440> store<00:03:27.680> all<00:03:27.860> this<00:03:28.040> information<00:03:28.640> about have to store all this information about have to store all this information about us<00:03:29.470> they<00:03:30.470> were<00:03:30.530> lawyers<00:03:31.000> journalists<00:03:32.000> priests us they were lawyers journalists priests us they were lawyers journalists priests they<00:03:32.989> all<00:03:33.200> said<00:03:33.620> we<00:03:34.160> don't<00:03:34.400> want<00:03:34.640> this<00:03:34.910> and they all said we don't want this and they all said we don't want this and here<00:03:36.320> you<00:03:36.470> can<00:03:36.650> see<00:03:36.920> like<00:03:37.160> ten<00:03:37.820> thousands<00:03:38.420> of here you can see like ten thousands of here you can see like ten thousands of people<00:03:38.959> went<00:03:39.590> out<00:03:39.829> on<00:03:40.130> the<00:03:40.280> streets<00:03:40.579> of<00:03:40.760> Berlin people went out on the streets of Berlin people went out on the streets of Berlin and<00:03:41.390> said<00:03:41.690> freedom<00:03:42.410> not<00:03:43.190> fear<00:03:43.579> and<00:03:44.739> some<00:03:45.739> even and said freedom not fear and some even and said freedom not fear and some even said<00:03:46.340> this<00:03:46.970> would<00:03:47.209> be<00:03:47.239> Stasi<00:03:48.019> 2.0<00:03:49.420> Stasi<00:03:50.420> was<00:03:50.660> a said this would be Stasi 2.0 Stasi was a said this would be Stasi 2.0 Stasi was a secret secret secret police<00:03:52.340> in<00:03:52.549> East<00:03:52.820> Germany<00:03:53.359> and<00:03:54.940> I<00:03:55.940> also<00:03:56.810> asked police in East Germany and I also asked police in East Germany and I also asked myself<00:03:57.620> does<00:03:58.340> it<00:03:58.489> really<00:03:58.700> work<00:03:59.140> can<00:04:00.140> they myself does it really work can they myself does it really work can they really<00:04:00.500> store<00:04:00.829> all<00:04:01.100> these<00:04:01.310> information<00:04:01.970> about really store all these information about really store all these information about us<00:04:02.739> every<00:04:03.739> time<00:04:03.980> I<00:04:04.190> use<00:04:04.459> my<00:04:04.700> mobile<00:04:05.090> phone<00:04:06.100> so<00:04:07.100> I us every time I use my mobile phone so I us every time I use my mobile phone so I asked<00:04:08.090> my<00:04:08.570> phone<00:04:08.840> company<00:04:09.410> Deutsche<00:04:09.739> Telekom asked my phone company Deutsche Telekom asked my phone company Deutsche Telekom which<00:04:11.120> was<00:04:11.390> at<00:04:11.600> that<00:04:11.630> time<00:04:11.810> the<00:04:12.290> largest<00:04:12.440> phone which was at that time the largest phone which was at that time the largest phone company<00:04:13.459> in<00:04:13.609> Germany<00:04:14.239> and<00:04:14.329> I<00:04:14.450> asked<00:04:14.810> him company in Germany and I asked him company in Germany and I asked him please<00:04:15.109> send<00:04:15.950> me<00:04:16.130> all<00:04:16.310> the<00:04:16.340> information<00:04:16.720> you please send me all the information you please send me all the information you have<00:04:17.840> stored<00:04:18.200> about<00:04:18.530> me<00:04:18.799> and<00:04:19.760> I<00:04:20.479> asked<00:04:20.720> him have stored about me and I asked him have stored about me and I asked him once<00:04:21.140> and<00:04:21.500> I<00:04:21.620> asked<00:04:21.829> him<00:04:21.919> again<00:04:22.070> and<00:04:22.490> I<00:04:22.640> got<00:04:22.850> no once and I asked him again and I got no once and I asked him again and I got no real<00:04:23.240> answer<00:04:23.570> it<00:04:23.630> was<00:04:23.750> only<00:04:24.020> blah<00:04:24.200> blah real answer it was only blah blah real answer it was only blah blah answers<00:04:25.360> but<00:04:26.360> then<00:04:26.570> I<00:04:26.600> said<00:04:26.870> I<00:04:26.990> want<00:04:27.260> to<00:04:27.350> have answers but then I said I want to have answers but then I said I want to have this<00:04:27.740> information<00:04:28.490> because<00:04:28.970> this<00:04:29.210> is<00:04:29.479> my<00:04:30.140> life this information because this is my life this information because this is my life you<00:04:30.710> are<00:04:30.970> rotor<00:04:31.970> calling<00:04:32.560> so<00:04:33.560> I<00:04:33.760> decided you are rotor calling so I decided you are rotor calling so I decided to<00:04:35.690> start<00:04:36.050> the<00:04:36.170> lawsuit<00:04:36.350> against<00:04:36.890> them to start the lawsuit against them to start the lawsuit against them because<00:04:37.640> I<00:04:37.880> wanted<00:04:38.270> to<00:04:38.330> have<00:04:38.660> this because I wanted to have this because I wanted to have this information<00:04:39.260> but<00:04:40.180> doctor<00:04:41.180> Telecom<00:04:41.600> said<00:04:41.870> no information but doctor Telecom said no information but doctor Telecom said no we<00:04:42.500> will<00:04:42.770> not<00:04:42.950> give<00:04:43.430> you<00:04:43.460> this<00:04:43.730> information<00:04:44.890> so we will not give you this information so we will not give you this information so at<00:04:46.040> the<00:04:46.250> end<00:04:46.370> I<00:04:46.730> had<00:04:47.060> a<00:04:47.090> settlement<00:04:47.690> with<00:04:48.260> them at the end I had a settlement with them at the end I had a settlement with them I<00:04:48.820> put<00:04:49.820> down<00:04:49.970> the<00:04:50.210> lawsuit<00:04:50.630> and<00:04:50.810> they<00:04:51.170> will I put down the lawsuit and they will I put down the lawsuit and they will send<00:04:51.620> me<00:04:51.830> all<00:04:51.980> the<00:04:52.010> informations<00:04:52.670> I<00:04:52.790> asked<00:04:53.000> for send me all the informations I asked for send me all the informations I asked for because<00:04:54.230> in<00:04:54.410> the<00:04:54.530> meantime<00:04:54.800> the<00:04:55.430> German because in the meantime the German because in the meantime the German Constitutional<00:04:56.690> Court<00:04:56.990> ruled<00:04:57.320> that<00:04:57.650> the Constitutional Court ruled that the Constitutional Court ruled that the implementation<00:04:58.790> of<00:04:59.510> this<00:04:59.590> e2<00:05:00.590> directive<00:05:01.190> into implementation of this e2 directive into implementation of this e2 directive into German<00:05:01.970> law<00:05:02.260> was<00:05:03.260> unconstitutional<00:05:04.780> so<00:05:05.780> I<00:05:05.810> got German law was unconstitutional so I got German law was unconstitutional so I got this<00:05:06.350> ugly<00:05:06.860> brown<00:05:07.130> envelope<00:05:07.760> with<00:05:08.660> the<00:05:08.810> CD this ugly brown envelope with the CD this ugly brown envelope with the CD inside<00:05:09.500> and<00:05:10.000> on<00:05:11.000> the<00:05:11.210> city<00:05:11.570> this<00:05:12.140> was<00:05:12.470> on inside and on the city this was on inside and on the city this was on thirty<00:05:14.330> five<00:05:14.630> thousand<00:05:15.140> eight<00:05:15.320> hundred thirty five thousand eight hundred thirty five thousand eight hundred thirty<00:05:15.920> lines<00:05:16.370> of<00:05:16.640> information<00:05:17.480> and<00:05:18.670> first<00:05:19.670> I thirty lines of information and first I thirty lines of information and first I saw<00:05:20.150> it<00:05:20.180> and<00:05:20.360> I<00:05:20.450> said<00:05:20.630> ok<00:05:20.930> it's<00:05:21.230> a<00:05:21.350> huge<00:05:22.160> file<00:05:22.490> ok saw it and I said ok it's a huge file ok saw it and I said ok it's a huge file ok but<00:05:24.920> then<00:05:25.160> after<00:05:25.520> a<00:05:25.550> while<00:05:25.850> I<00:05:25.910> realized<00:05:26.530> this but then after a while I realized this but then after a while I realized this is<00:05:27.590> my<00:05:27.920> life<00:05:28.130> this<00:05:28.660> is<00:05:29.660> six<00:05:29.960> months<00:05:30.260> of<00:05:30.560> my<00:05:30.770> life is my life this is six months of my life is my life this is six months of my life into<00:05:32.000> this<00:05:32.150> file<00:05:34.870> so<00:05:35.870> I<00:05:35.900> was<00:05:36.200> a<00:05:36.230> little<00:05:36.500> bit into this file so I was a little bit into this file so I was a little bit skeptical<00:05:36.980> what<00:05:37.610> should<00:05:37.910> I<00:05:38.080> do<00:05:39.080> with<00:05:39.290> it skeptical what should I do with it skeptical what should I do with it because<00:05:40.120> you<00:05:41.120> can<00:05:41.360> see<00:05:41.570> where<00:05:42.230> I<00:05:42.260> am<00:05:42.850> where<00:05:43.850> I because you can see where I am where I because you can see where I am where I sleep<00:05:44.330> at<00:05:44.540> night<00:05:46.510> what<00:05:47.510> am<00:05:47.630> i<00:05:47.780> doing<00:05:49.030> but<00:05:50.030> then sleep at night what am i doing but then sleep at night what am i doing but then I<00:05:50.330> said<00:05:50.540> I<00:05:50.660> want<00:05:50.930> to<00:05:51.550> go<00:05:52.550> out<00:05:52.790> with<00:05:53.420> these I said I want to go out with these I said I want to go out with these information<00:05:53.900> I<00:05:54.320> want<00:05:54.680> to<00:05:54.800> make<00:05:54.980> some<00:05:55.190> public information I want to make some public information I want to make some public because<00:05:56.360> I<00:05:56.390> want<00:05:56.690> to<00:05:56.750> show<00:05:57.050> the<00:05:57.290> people<00:05:57.500> what because I want to show the people what because I want to show the people what does<00:05:58.220> data<00:05:58.760> retention<00:05:59.150> mean<00:05:59.710> so<00:06:00.910> together does data retention mean so together does data retention mean so together with<00:06:02.330> side<00:06:02.750> online<00:06:03.410> and<00:06:03.650> open<00:06:03.830> data<00:06:04.220> city<00:06:04.670> I with side online and open data city I with side online and open data city I did<00:06:05.030> this<00:06:05.260> this<00:06:06.260> is<00:06:06.320> a<00:06:06.500> visualization<00:06:07.130> of<00:06:07.670> six did this this is a visualization of six did this this is a visualization of six months<00:06:08.390> of<00:06:08.540> my<00:06:08.780> life<00:06:09.280> you<00:06:10.280> can<00:06:10.520> zoom<00:06:10.730> in<00:06:11.000> and months of my life you can zoom in and months of my life you can zoom in and zoom<00:06:11.330> out<00:06:11.540> you<00:06:11.960> can<00:06:12.170> whine<00:06:12.440> back<00:06:12.740> and<00:06:12.980> first zoom out you can whine back and first zoom out you can whine back and first robot<00:06:13.820> you<00:06:14.540> can<00:06:14.750> see<00:06:14.930> every<00:06:15.440> step<00:06:15.740> I<00:06:15.950> take<00:06:16.420> and robot you can see every step I take and robot you can see every step I take and you<00:06:19.310> can<00:06:19.490> even<00:06:19.790> see<00:06:20.000> how<00:06:20.630> I<00:06:20.660> go<00:06:21.020> from<00:06:21.350> Frankfurt you can even see how I go from Frankfurt you can even see how I go from Frankfurt by<00:06:22.280> train<00:06:22.850> to<00:06:23.480> Cologne<00:06:23.870> and<00:06:24.170> how<00:06:24.830> often<00:06:25.070> I<00:06:25.370> call by train to Cologne and how often I call by train to Cologne and how often I call in<00:06:26.000> between<00:06:26.360> all<00:06:27.200> this<00:06:27.620> is<00:06:27.830> possible<00:06:28.340> with in between all this is possible with in between all this is possible with these<00:06:29.420> information<00:06:31.690> that's<00:06:32.690> a<00:06:32.810> little<00:06:32.990> bit these information that's a little bit these information that's a little bit scary

but<00:06:37.879> it<00:06:38.879> is<00:06:39.090> not<00:06:39.270> only<00:06:39.629> about<00:06:39.810> me<00:06:42.199> it's<00:06:43.199> about
but it is not only about me it's about but it is not only about me it's about all<00:06:43.770> of<00:06:43.830> us<00:06:44.720> first<00:06:45.720> it's<00:06:46.050> only<00:06:46.259> like<00:06:46.530> I<00:06:46.740> call<00:06:47.639> my all of us first it's only like I call my all of us first it's only like I call my wife<00:06:47.879> and<00:06:48.569> she<00:06:48.810> calls<00:06:49.110> me<00:06:49.289> and<00:06:49.860> we<00:06:50.759> talk<00:06:51.000> to wife and she calls me and we talk to wife and she calls me and we talk to each<00:06:51.240> other<00:06:51.449> a<00:06:51.569> couple<00:06:51.720> of<00:06:51.960> times<00:06:52.289> and<00:06:52.590> then each other a couple of times and then each other a couple of times and then there<00:06:53.580> are<00:06:53.729> some<00:06:53.940> friends<00:06:54.360> calling<00:06:54.990> me<00:06:55.349> and there are some friends calling me and there are some friends calling me and they<00:06:55.710> call<00:06:56.009> each<00:06:56.190> other<00:06:56.490> and<00:06:56.940> after<00:06:57.900> a<00:06:57.930> while they call each other and after a while they call each other and after a while you<00:06:58.440> are<00:06:58.470> calling<00:06:58.919> you<00:06:59.250> and<00:06:59.460> you<00:06:59.490> are<00:06:59.729> calling you are calling you and you are calling you are calling you and you are calling you<00:07:00.300> and<00:07:00.479> you<00:07:00.509> have<00:07:00.659> this<00:07:00.810> great you and you have this great you and you have this great communication<00:07:02.520> network<00:07:03.349> but<00:07:04.349> you<00:07:04.440> can<00:07:04.650> see communication network but you can see communication network but you can see how<00:07:05.580> your<00:07:05.849> people<00:07:06.090> are<00:07:06.449> communicating<00:07:07.110> with how your people are communicating with how your people are communicating with each<00:07:07.770> other<00:07:08.099> what<00:07:08.879> times<00:07:09.270> I<00:07:09.479> call<00:07:09.719> it<00:07:09.900> other each other what times I call it other each other what times I call it other when<00:07:10.650> they<00:07:10.830> go<00:07:11.009> to<00:07:11.069> bed<00:07:11.599> you<00:07:12.599> can<00:07:12.810> see<00:07:12.840> all<00:07:13.259> this when they go to bed you can see all this when they go to bed you can see all this you<00:07:14.039> can<00:07:14.219> see<00:07:14.430> the<00:07:14.610> haps<00:07:14.879> like<00:07:15.180> who<00:07:15.419> has<00:07:15.569> a you can see the haps like who has a you can see the haps like who has a leaders<00:07:16.650> in<00:07:16.919> a<00:07:17.069> group<00:07:17.340> if<00:07:17.940> you<00:07:18.659> have<00:07:18.949> access<00:07:19.949> to leaders in a group if you have access to leaders in a group if you have access to these<00:07:20.430> information<00:07:21.270> you<00:07:22.050> can<00:07:22.319> see<00:07:22.650> what<00:07:22.949> your these information you can see what your these information you can see what your society<00:07:23.940> is<00:07:23.969> doing<00:07:24.419> if<00:07:24.930> you<00:07:25.830> have<00:07:25.979> access<00:07:26.789> to society is doing if you have access to society is doing if you have access to these<00:07:27.120> information<00:07:27.930> you<00:07:28.080> can<00:07:28.319> control<00:07:29.069> your these information you can control your these information you can control your society<00:07:32.419> this<00:07:33.419> is<00:07:33.780> a<00:07:33.900> blueprint<00:07:34.620> for society this is a blueprint for society this is a blueprint for countries<00:07:35.340> like<00:07:35.370> China<00:07:35.909> and<00:07:36.060> Iran<00:07:37.099> this<00:07:38.099> is<00:07:38.250> a countries like China and Iran this is a countries like China and Iran this is a blueprint<00:07:38.940> how<00:07:39.599> to<00:07:39.659> surveil<00:07:40.349> your<00:07:40.560> society blueprint how to surveil your society blueprint how to surveil your society because<00:07:41.849> do<00:07:42.240> you<00:07:42.300> know<00:07:42.539> who<00:07:43.169> talks<00:07:43.529> to<00:07:43.770> whom because do you know who talks to whom because do you know who talks to whom who<00:07:44.340> sends<00:07:44.639> him<00:07:44.819> an<00:07:44.909> email who sends him an email who sends him an email all<00:07:45.389> this<00:07:45.690> is<00:07:45.870> possible<00:07:46.800> if<00:07:46.979> you<00:07:47.009> have<00:07:47.250> access all this is possible if you have access all this is possible if you have access to<00:07:48.360> these<00:07:48.509> information<00:07:49.319> and<00:07:49.529> these to these information and these to these information and these information<00:07:50.699> has<00:07:50.849> taught<00:07:51.150> for<00:07:51.779> at<00:07:51.870> least<00:07:52.080> six information has taught for at least six information has taught for at least six months<00:07:52.770> in<00:07:53.009> Europe<00:07:53.159> up<00:07:53.520> to<00:07:53.789> two<00:07:54.000> years<00:07:56.900> like<00:07:57.900> I months in Europe up to two years like I months in Europe up to two years like I said<00:07:58.289> at<00:07:58.440> the<00:07:58.560> beginning<00:07:58.699> you<00:07:59.699> imagine<00:08:00.240> that said at the beginning you imagine that said at the beginning you imagine that all<00:08:00.630> those<00:08:00.900> people<00:08:01.139> on<00:08:01.409> the<00:08:01.529> streets<00:08:01.860> of all those people on the streets of all those people on the streets of Berlin<00:08:02.610> in<00:08:02.819> autumn<00:08:03.719> of<00:08:03.870> 1989<00:08:04.860> had<00:08:05.370> a<00:08:05.550> mobile Berlin in autumn of 1989 had a mobile Berlin in autumn of 1989 had a mobile phone<00:08:06.659> in<00:08:06.810> their<00:08:06.930> pocket<00:08:06.960> and<00:08:07.940> SISTAR's<00:08:08.940> would phone in their pocket and SISTAR's would phone in their pocket and SISTAR's would have<00:08:09.539> known<00:08:09.840> who<00:08:10.110> took<00:08:10.319> part<00:08:10.650> at<00:08:10.860> this<00:08:11.039> protest have known who took part at this protest have known who took part at this protest and<00:08:12.090> if<00:08:12.599> the<00:08:12.779> Stasi<00:08:13.080> would<00:08:13.349> have<00:08:13.529> known<00:08:13.770> who and if the Stasi would have known who and if the Stasi would have known who has<00:08:14.159> the<00:08:14.479> leaders<00:08:15.479> behind<00:08:15.690> it<00:08:16.759> this<00:08:17.759> may<00:08:18.479> never has the leaders behind it this may never has the leaders behind it this may never have<00:08:19.319> happened<00:08:19.610> the<00:08:20.610> fall<00:08:20.879> of<00:08:20.909> the<00:08:21.240> Berlin have happened the fall of the Berlin have happened the fall of the Berlin Wall<00:08:21.629> would<00:08:22.199> maybe<00:08:22.650> not<00:08:22.919> there<00:08:23.279> and<00:08:23.550> in<00:08:24.000> the Wall would maybe not there and in the Wall would maybe not there and in the aftermath<00:08:24.539> also<00:08:24.930> not<00:08:25.080> the<00:08:25.259> fall<00:08:25.440> of<00:08:25.469> the<00:08:25.710> Iron aftermath also not the fall of the Iron aftermath also not the fall of the Iron Curtain Curtain Curtain because<00:08:28.229> today<00:08:29.009> state<00:08:29.550> agencies<00:08:30.360> and because today state agencies and because today state agencies and companies<00:08:31.159> want<00:08:32.159> to<00:08:32.250> store<00:08:32.640> as<00:08:32.820> much companies want to store as much companies want to store as much information<00:08:33.659> as<00:08:34.110> they<00:08:34.260> can<00:08:34.339> get<00:08:35.339> about<00:08:35.699> us information as they can get about us information as they can get about us online<00:08:36.180> and<00:08:36.750> offline<00:08:37.519> they<00:08:38.519> want<00:08:38.760> to<00:08:38.880> have<00:08:38.969> the online and offline they want to have the online and offline they want to have the possibility<00:08:39.300> to<00:08:40.190> track<00:08:41.190> our<00:08:41.430> lives<00:08:41.820> and<00:08:42.149> they possibility to track our lives and they possibility to track our lives and they want<00:08:42.659> to<00:08:42.719> store<00:08:43.110> them<00:08:43.289> for<00:08:43.500> all<00:08:43.709> time

self-determination<00:08:47.410> and<00:08:48.410> living<00:08:49.400> in<00:08:49.550> the
self-determination and living in the self-determination and living in the digital<00:08:49.820> age<00:08:50.180> is<00:08:50.510> no<00:08:50.810> contradiction<00:08:52.300> but<00:08:53.410> you digital age is no contradiction but you digital age is no contradiction but you have<00:08:54.560> to<00:08:54.770> fight<00:08:55.130> for<00:08:55.880> yourself<00:08:56.300> determination have to fight for yourself determination have to fight for yourself determination today<00:08:57.880> to<00:08:58.880> have<00:08:59.000> to<00:08:59.180> fight<00:08:59.420> for<00:08:59.690> it<00:08:59.780> every<00:08:59.870> day today to have to fight for it every day today to have to fight for it every day so<00:09:02.770> when<00:09:03.770> you<00:09:03.920> go<00:09:04.070> home<00:09:04.630> tell<00:09:05.630> your<00:09:05.660> friends so when you go home tell your friends so when you go home tell your friends that<00:09:07.360> privacy<00:09:08.360> is<00:09:08.540> a<00:09:08.570> value<00:09:09.080> of<00:09:09.230> the<00:09:09.490> 21st that privacy is a value of the 21st that privacy is a value of the 21st century<00:09:11.150> and<00:09:11.330> it's<00:09:11.510> not<00:09:11.960> outdated<00:09:13.240> when<00:09:14.240> you century and it's not outdated when you century and it's not outdated when you go<00:09:14.540> home<00:09:14.750> tell<00:09:15.260> your<00:09:16.180> representative<00:09:17.680> only go home tell your representative only go home tell your representative only because<00:09:19.070> companies<00:09:19.790> and<00:09:20.030> state<00:09:20.240> agencies because companies and state agencies because companies and state agencies have<00:09:21.050> the<00:09:21.170> possibility<00:09:21.980> to<00:09:22.280> store<00:09:22.880> certain have the possibility to store certain have the possibility to store certain information<00:09:23.590> they<00:09:24.590> don't<00:09:24.740> have<00:09:24.860> to<00:09:25.130> do<00:09:25.280> it<00:09:25.750> and information they don't have to do it and information they don't have to do it and if<00:09:28.010> you<00:09:28.160> don't<00:09:28.420> believe<00:09:29.420> me<00:09:29.690> ask<00:09:30.250> your<00:09:31.250> phone if you don't believe me ask your phone if you don't believe me ask your phone company<00:09:31.910> what<00:09:32.750> information<00:09:33.500> they<00:09:33.830> store company what information they store company what information they store about<00:09:34.790> you<00:09:36.850> so<00:09:38.020> in<00:09:39.020> the<00:09:39.200> future<00:09:40.870> every<00:09:41.870> time about you so in the future every time about you so in the future every time you<00:09:42.860> use<00:09:43.070> your<00:09:43.280> mobile<00:09:43.460> phone<00:09:43.670> had<00:09:44.660> it<00:09:44.810> be<00:09:45.050> a you use your mobile phone had it be a you use your mobile phone had it be a reminder<00:09:46.460> to<00:09:46.910> you<00:09:47.240> that<00:09:47.480> you<00:09:47.960> have<00:09:48.170> to<00:09:48.440> fight reminder to you that you have to fight reminder to you that you have to fight for<00:09:49.010> self-determination<00:09:49.460> in<00:09:50.180> the<00:09:50.300> digital for self-determination in the digital for self-determination in the digital age

Malte Spitz, Germany, telephone, cell, phone, company, data, TED-Ed, TED, TEDEducation, TED, Ed

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