Cuộc cách mạng Âm nhạc El sistema-Jose Antonio Abreu

The El Sistema music revolution - Jose Antonio Abreu

The El Sistema music revolution - Jose Antonio Abreu



[Music] this is

how <00:00:16.542>strange <00:00:17.124>speed <00:00:17.706>week <00:00:18.288>a <00:00:18.870>paul <00:00:19.452>wix <00:00:20.034>ago
how strange speed week a paul wix ago how strange speed week a paul wix ago [Music] [Music] [Music] a a a [Applause]

dear <00:00:29.828>friends, <00:00:30.166>the <00:00:30.504>tel <00:00:30.842>award, <00:00:31.180>ladies <00:00:31.518>and
dear friends, the tel award, ladies and dear friends, the tel award, ladies and gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen, fills <00:00:35.055>my <00:00:35.410>heart <00:00:35.765>with <00:00:36.120>joy <00:00:36.475>this <00:00:36.830>day fills my heart with joy this day fills my heart with joy this day in <00:00:38.999>which <00:00:39.428>it <00:00:39.857>is <00:00:40.286>my <00:00:40.715>turn <00:00:41.144>to <00:00:41.573>receive <00:00:42.002>the <00:00:42.431>ted <00:00:42.860>award, in which it is my turn to receive the ted award, in which it is my turn to receive the ted award, this <00:00:44.505>distinguished <00:00:45.000>honor this distinguished honor this distinguished honor in <00:00:46.863>the <00:00:47.196>name <00:00:47.529>of <00:00:47.862>all <00:00:48.195>the <00:00:48.528>illustrious <00:00:48.861>Venezuelan <00:00:49.194>artists, in the name of all the illustrious Venezuelan artists, in the name of all the illustrious Venezuelan artists, teachers, <00:00:51.803>teachers, <00:00:53.006>directors <00:00:54.209>and teachers, teachers, directors and teachers, teachers, directors and musical <00:00:55.649>educators musical educators musical educators who <00:00:57.764>have <00:00:58.268>accompanied <00:00:58.772>me <00:00:59.276>for <00:00:59.780>35 <00:01:00.284>years <00:01:00.788>in who have accompanied me for 35 years in who have accompanied me for 35 years in the <00:01:02.909>foundation, <00:01:04.029>construction <00:01:05.149>and the foundation, construction and the foundation, construction and development <00:01:06.109>of <00:01:06.979>the development of the development of the youth <00:01:07.556>and <00:01:07.923>children's <00:01:08.290>orchestras <00:01:08.657>and <00:01:09.024>choirs <00:01:09.391>of <00:01:09.758>Venezuela. youth and children's orchestras and choirs of Venezuela. youth and children's orchestras and choirs of Venezuela. Since <00:01:11.111>I <00:01:11.463>was <00:01:11.815>a <00:01:12.167>child, <00:01:12.519>from <00:01:12.871>my <00:01:13.223>earliest <00:01:13.575>childhood

I <00:01:15.878>wanted <00:01:16.076>to <00:01:16.274>be <00:01:16.472>a <00:01:16.670>musician
I wanted to be a musician I wanted to be a musician and <00:01:18.630>thank <00:01:18.900>you <00:01:19.170>God, <00:01:19.440>I <00:01:19.710>managed <00:01:19.980>to <00:01:20.250>be <00:01:20.520>one, and thank you God, I managed to be one, and thank you God, I managed to be one, I <00:01:22.465>had <00:01:22.940>from <00:01:23.415>my <00:01:23.890>teachers, <00:01:24.365>my <00:01:24.840>family, <00:01:25.315>my I had from my teachers, my family, my I had from my teachers, my family, my community <00:01:26.114>all <00:01:26.789>the <00:01:27.464>necessary <00:01:28.139>support community all the necessary support community all the necessary support to <00:01:28.704>become <00:01:29.179>a <00:01:29.654>musician <00:01:30.129>and <00:01:30.604>I <00:01:31.079>dreamed to become a musician and I dreamed to become a musician and I dreamed all <00:01:32.092>my <00:01:32.624>life <00:01:33.156>that <00:01:33.688>other <00:01:34.220>children, all my life that other children, all my life that other children, other <00:01:35.568>young <00:01:35.916>people, <00:01:36.264>all <00:01:36.612>the <00:01:36.960>young other young people, all the young other young people, all the young Venezuelans <00:01:37.461>would <00:01:37.873>have <00:01:38.285>the <00:01:38.697>same Venezuelans would have the same Venezuelans would have the same opportunity <00:01:39.405>as <00:01:39.780>me opportunity as me opportunity as me and <00:01:41.438>from <00:01:41.886>there <00:01:42.334>The <00:01:42.782>idea <00:01:43.230>that <00:01:43.678>was <00:01:44.126>always and from there The idea that was always and from there The idea that was always planted <00:01:45.658>in <00:01:46.186>my <00:01:46.714>heart <00:01:47.242>of <00:01:47.770>turning planted in my heart of turning planted in my heart of turning music <00:01:48.789>into <00:01:49.389>a <00:01:49.989>deep <00:01:50.589>and <00:01:51.189>global <00:01:51.789>reality music into a deep and global reality music into a deep and global reality of <00:01:52.390>my <00:01:52.540>country. of my country. of my country. I <00:01:54.968>saw <00:01:55.366>from <00:01:55.764>the <00:01:56.162>first <00:01:56.560>rehearsal <00:01:56.958>the I saw from the first rehearsal the I saw from the first rehearsal the future <00:01:58.518>trajectory <00:01:59.076>of <00:01:59.634>this <00:02:00.192>because <00:02:00.750>that future trajectory of this because that future trajectory of this because that trajectory <00:02:01.683>was <00:02:01.926>given <00:02:02.169>to <00:02:02.412>me <00:02:02.655>by <00:02:02.898>the <00:02:03.141>magnitude <00:02:03.384>of <00:02:03.627>the trajectory was given to me by the magnitude of the trajectory was given to me by the magnitude of the challenge <00:02:04.100>that <00:02:04.420>that <00:02:04.740>posed <00:02:05.060>to <00:02:05.380>me. <00:02:05.700>rehearsal <00:02:06.020>I challenge that that posed to me. rehearsal I challenge that that posed to me. rehearsal I had <00:02:07.340>gotten <00:02:07.660>50 <00:02:07.980>thrills, <00:02:08.300>it <00:02:08.620>is <00:02:08.940>a had gotten 50 thrills, it is a had gotten 50 thrills, it is a very <00:02:10.210>generous <00:02:10.670>donation <00:02:11.130>so <00:02:11.590>that <00:02:12.050>in <00:02:12.510>that very generous donation so that in that very generous donation so that in that rehearsal <00:02:13.290>we <00:02:13.800>could <00:02:14.310>rehearse <00:02:14.820>100 <00:02:15.330>boys rehearsal we could rehearse 100 boys rehearsal we could rehearse 100 boys when <00:02:17.517>I <00:02:17.715>arrived <00:02:17.913>at <00:02:18.111>the <00:02:18.309>rehearsal <00:02:18.507>there <00:02:18.705>were <00:02:18.903>11 when I arrived at the rehearsal there were 11 when I arrived at the rehearsal there were 11 and <00:02:21.596>I <00:02:21.932>said <00:02:22.268>oh <00:02:22.604>I <00:02:22.940>close <00:02:23.276>the <00:02:23.612>program <00:02:23.948>now <00:02:24.284>or <00:02:24.620>I and I said oh I close the program now or I and I said oh I close the program now or I multiply <00:02:25.959>this <00:02:26.339>by <00:02:26.719>thousands multiply this by thousands multiply this by thousands and <00:02:29.405>I <00:02:29.741>resolved <00:02:30.077>to <00:02:30.413>face <00:02:30.749>the <00:02:31.085>challenge <00:02:31.421>and <00:02:31.757>that <00:02:32.093>same and I resolved to face the challenge and that same and I resolved to face the challenge and that same night <00:02:33.221>those <00:02:34.012>same <00:02:34.803>11 <00:02:35.594>boys, <00:02:36.385>I night those same 11 boys, I night those same 11 boys, I promised <00:02:36.942>to <00:02:37.315>turn <00:02:37.688>that <00:02:38.061>orchestra <00:02:38.434>into <00:02:38.807>one <00:02:39.180>of promised to turn that orchestra into one of promised to turn that orchestra into one of the <00:02:39.562>first <00:02:39.855>orchestras <00:02:40.148>in <00:02:40.441>the <00:02:40.734>world <00:02:41.027>and the first orchestras in the world and the first orchestras in the world and I remembered I remembered I remembered those <00:02:44.381>words <00:02:44.852>of <00:02:45.323>mine <00:02:45.794>two <00:02:46.265>months <00:02:46.736>ago <00:02:47.207>when those words of mine two months ago when those words of mine two months ago when in <00:02:48.590>the <00:02:49.070>London <00:02:49.550>Times <00:02:50.030>a <00:02:50.510>distinguished in the London Times a distinguished in the London Times a distinguished English <00:02:51.770>critic <00:02:52.130>published <00:02:52.490>an <00:02:52.850>article English critic published an article English critic published an article saying <00:02:53.787>who <00:02:54.614>should <00:02:55.441>win <00:02:56.268>the saying who should win the saying who should win the world <00:02:56.910>cup <00:02:57.160>of <00:02:57.410>orchestras world cup of orchestras world cup of orchestras and <00:02:59.714>he <00:02:59.998>said <00:03:00.282>five <00:03:00.566>orchestras and he said five orchestras and he said five orchestras and <00:03:02.780>names <00:03:03.390>four <00:03:04.000>great and names four great and names four great world <00:03:04.855>orchestras <00:03:05.260>and <00:03:05.665>the <00:03:06.070>fifth <00:03:06.475>is <00:03:06.880>the world orchestras and the fifth is the world orchestras and the fifth is the youth <00:03:07.780>symphony <00:03:08.140>of <00:03:08.500>Venezuela <00:03:08.860>and <00:03:09.220>today <00:03:09.580>we <00:03:09.940>can <00:03:10.300>say youth symphony of Venezuela and today we can say youth symphony of Venezuela and today we can say that that that art <00:03:14.380>has <00:03:15.020>ceased <00:03:15.660>to <00:03:16.300>be <00:03:16.940>a <00:03:17.580>monopoly art has ceased to be a monopoly art has ceased to be a monopoly of <00:03:18.720>elites <00:03:19.200>in <00:03:19.680>Latin <00:03:20.160>America <00:03:20.640>and <00:03:21.120>has of elites in Latin America and has of elites in Latin America and has become <00:03:21.540>a <00:03:21.930>social <00:03:22.320>right, <00:03:22.710>a become a social right, a become a social right, a right <00:03:23.753>of <00:03:24.016>the <00:03:24.279>people <00:03:24.542>and <00:03:24.805>of <00:03:25.068>the <00:03:25.331>entire <00:03:25.594>town <00:03:25.857>and right of the people and of the entire town and right of the people and of the entire town and that <00:03:26.730>in <00:03:26.970>here <00:03:27.210>there <00:03:27.450>is <00:03:27.690>no <00:03:27.930>distinction <00:03:28.170>or that in here there is no distinction or that in here there is no distinction or class, class, class, whether <00:03:30.235>you <00:03:30.600>are <00:03:30.965>black <00:03:31.330>or <00:03:31.695>white, <00:03:32.060>whether whether you are black or white, whether whether you are black or white, whether or <00:03:32.424>not <00:03:32.668>you <00:03:32.912>have <00:03:33.156>money, <00:03:33.400>simply or not you have money, simply or not you have money, simply if <00:03:34.930>you <00:03:35.201>have <00:03:35.472>a <00:03:35.743>talent, <00:03:36.014>if <00:03:36.285>you <00:03:36.556>have <00:03:36.827>a if you have a talent, if you have a if you have a talent, if you have a vocation <00:03:37.129>and <00:03:37.308>if <00:03:37.487>you <00:03:37.666>have <00:03:37.845>the <00:03:38.024>desire <00:03:38.203>to vocation and if you have the desire to vocation and if you have the desire to be <00:03:38.746>there, <00:03:39.072>then <00:03:39.398>simply <00:03:39.724>You <00:03:40.050>come <00:03:40.376>in, <00:03:40.702>share <00:03:41.028>and be there, then simply You come in, share and be there, then simply You come in, share and make <00:03:41.495>music <00:03:41.930>in <00:03:42.365>any <00:03:42.800>way. <00:03:43.235>During make music in any way. During make music in any way. During the <00:03:44.921>recent <00:03:45.603>tour <00:03:46.285>of <00:03:46.967>the the recent tour of the the recent tour of the Simón <00:03:47.454>Bolívar <00:03:47.848>Venezuelan <00:03:48.242>Youth <00:03:48.636>Symphony <00:03:49.030>through Simón Bolívar Venezuelan Youth Symphony through Simón Bolívar Venezuelan Youth Symphony through the <00:03:50.352>USA <00:03:50.674>and <00:03:50.996>Europe, <00:03:51.318>we the USA and Europe, we the USA and Europe, we were <00:03:53.340>able <00:03:53.790>to <00:03:54.240>appreciate <00:03:54.690>how <00:03:55.140>our <00:03:55.590>music were able to appreciate how our music were able to appreciate how our music moved <00:03:56.857>us <00:03:57.194>to <00:03:57.531>the <00:03:57.868>depths <00:03:58.205>of <00:03:58.542>our <00:03:58.879>soul, <00:03:59.216>the moved us to the depths of our soul, the moved us to the depths of our soul, the youth <00:04:00.569>audiences youth audiences youth audiences as <00:04:03.247>young <00:04:03.614>people <00:04:03.981>and <00:04:04.348>children as young people and children as young people and children They <00:04:04.950>rushed <00:04:05.220>onto <00:04:05.490>the <00:04:05.760>stage They rushed onto the stage They rushed onto the stage to <00:04:07.788>share <00:04:08.196>the <00:04:08.604>jackets <00:04:09.012>of <00:04:09.420>our to share the jackets of our to share the jackets of our musicians, musicians, musicians, as <00:04:11.972>the <00:04:12.714>endless <00:04:13.456>ovations, <00:04:14.198>sometimes as the endless ovations, sometimes as the endless ovations, sometimes lasting <00:04:14.903>more <00:04:15.276>than <00:04:15.649>20 <00:04:16.022>minutes <00:04:16.395>or <00:04:16.768>half <00:04:17.141>an <00:04:17.514>hour, lasting more than 20 minutes or half an hour, lasting more than 20 minutes or half an hour, lasted <00:04:19.169>indefinitely, <00:04:19.819>as <00:04:20.469>the lasted indefinitely, as the lasted indefinitely, as the audiences <00:04:20.930>at <00:04:21.270>the <00:04:21.610>end <00:04:21.950>of <00:04:22.290>the <00:04:22.630>concerts audiences at the end of the concerts audiences at the end of the concerts took <00:04:23.515>to <00:04:23.740>the <00:04:23.965>streets <00:04:24.190>to took to the streets to took to the streets to triumphantly <00:04:24.790>receive <00:04:25.150>our <00:04:25.510>musicians.

This <00:04:29.071>meant <00:04:29.742>not <00:04:30.413>only <00:04:31.084>a <00:04:31.755>triumph.
This meant not only a triumph. This meant not only a triumph. artistic artistic artistic but <00:04:34.797>a <00:04:35.394>deep <00:04:35.991>emotional <00:04:36.588>harmony but a deep emotional harmony but a deep emotional harmony between <00:04:39.376>the <00:04:40.072>audiences <00:04:40.768>of <00:04:41.464>the <00:04:42.160>most between the audiences of the most between the audiences of the most advanced <00:04:42.834>nations <00:04:43.268>in <00:04:43.702>the <00:04:44.136>world <00:04:44.570>and <00:04:45.004>the advanced nations in the world and the advanced nations in the world and the Latin <00:04:46.030>American <00:04:46.480>musical <00:04:46.930>youth <00:04:47.380>expressed <00:04:47.830>in Latin American musical youth expressed in Latin American musical youth expressed in Venezuela, Venezuela, Venezuela, bringing <00:04:50.204>to <00:04:50.769>those <00:04:51.334>people <00:04:51.899>a <00:04:52.464>message <00:04:53.029>of bringing to those people a message of bringing to those people a message of music <00:04:54.612>of <00:04:55.414>vitality, <00:04:56.216>energy <00:04:57.018>of music of vitality, energy of music of vitality, energy of enthusiasm <00:04:58.275>and <00:04:58.750>strength <00:04:59.225>in <00:04:59.700>its <00:05:00.175>very <00:05:00.650>essence, enthusiasm and strength in its very essence, enthusiasm and strength in its very essence,

the <00:05:02.722>orchestra <00:05:03.044>and <00:05:03.366>the <00:05:03.688>choir
the orchestra and the choir the orchestra and the choir They <00:05:05.440>are <00:05:05.810>much <00:05:06.180>more <00:05:06.550>than <00:05:06.920>artistic <00:05:07.290>structures, They are much more than artistic structures, They are much more than artistic structures, models <00:05:08.626>and <00:05:09.012>schools <00:05:09.398>of <00:05:09.784>social <00:05:10.170>life models and schools of social life models and schools of social life because <00:05:12.524>singing <00:05:13.098>and <00:05:13.672>playing <00:05:14.246>together <00:05:14.820>means because singing and playing together means because singing and playing together means living <00:05:16.876>together <00:05:17.312>in <00:05:17.748>an <00:05:18.184>endearing <00:05:18.620>way <00:05:19.056>in <00:05:19.492>the <00:05:19.928>spirit living together in an endearing way in the spirit living together in an endearing way in the spirit of <00:05:20.835>perfection <00:05:21.350>and <00:05:21.865>desire <00:05:22.380>for <00:05:22.895>excellence <00:05:23.410>in of perfection and desire for excellence in of perfection and desire for excellence in a <00:05:24.692>rigorous <00:05:25.104>discipline <00:05:25.516>of <00:05:25.928>articulation a rigorous discipline of articulation a rigorous discipline of articulation and <00:05:27.310>concertation and concertation and concertation to <00:05:30.362>seek <00:05:30.854>the <00:05:31.346>harmonious <00:05:31.838>interdependence to seek the harmonious interdependence to seek the harmonious interdependence between <00:05:33.050>voices <00:05:33.260>and <00:05:33.470>instruments. <00:05:33.680>It between voices and instruments. It between voices and instruments. It forms <00:05:35.692>a <00:05:36.004>supportive <00:05:36.316>and <00:05:36.628>fraternal <00:05:36.940>spirit <00:05:37.252>among <00:05:37.564>them, forms a supportive and fraternal spirit among them,

their <00:05:41.114>self-esteem <00:05:41.939>is <00:05:42.764>developed <00:05:43.589>and
their self-esteem is developed and their self-esteem is developed and the <00:05:44.340>ethical <00:05:44.910>and <00:05:45.480>aesthetic <00:05:46.050>values the ethical and aesthetic values the ethical and aesthetic values that <00:05:47.047>are <00:05:47.425>linked <00:05:47.803>to <00:05:48.181>musical <00:05:48.559>work <00:05:48.937>are <00:05:49.315>cultivated, that are linked to musical work are cultivated, that are linked to musical work are cultivated, hence <00:05:51.667>its <00:05:52.165>immense <00:05:52.663>usefulness <00:05:53.161>in <00:05:53.659>everything hence its immense usefulness in everything hence its immense usefulness in everything that <00:05:54.602>relates <00:05:55.154>to <00:05:55.706>the <00:05:56.258>awakening <00:05:56.810>of that relates to the awakening of that relates to the awakening of sensitivity <00:05:57.352>to <00:05:57.804>the <00:05:58.256>forging <00:05:58.708>of <00:05:59.160>values ​​<00:05:59.612>to <00:06:00.064>the sensitivity to the forging of values ​​to the sensitivity to the forging of values ​​to the training <00:06:01.399>of <00:06:01.729>the <00:06:02.059>young <00:06:02.389>people <00:06:02.719>in <00:06:03.049>the training of the young people in the training of the young people in the teaching <00:06:03.474>of <00:06:03.749>other <00:06:04.024>young <00:06:04.299>people <00:06:04.574>and <00:06:04.849>children teaching of other young people and children teaching of other young people and children

after <00:06:06.942>so <00:06:07.284>much <00:06:07.626>time <00:06:07.968>here <00:06:08.310>life
after so much time here life after so much time here life [Music] [Music] [Music] in <00:06:11.025>the <00:06:11.350>word <00:06:11.675>music <00:06:12.000>and <00:06:12.325>life <00:06:12.650>for in the word music and life for in the word music and life for us

each <00:06:15.947>young <00:06:16.294>person <00:06:16.641>each <00:06:16.988>child <00:06:17.335>in <00:06:17.682>the <00:06:18.029>system <00:06:18.376>has
each young person each child in the system has each young person each child in the system has their <00:06:19.560>own <00:06:19.740>story their own story their own story and <00:06:21.645>for <00:06:21.910>me <00:06:22.175>they <00:06:22.440>are <00:06:22.705>all <00:06:22.970>equally and for me they are all equally and for me they are all equally important <00:06:24.020>and <00:06:24.560>transcendental

I <00:06:27.857>can <00:06:28.294>quote <00:06:28.731>For <00:06:29.168>example, <00:06:29.605>the <00:06:30.042>case <00:06:30.479>of
I can quote For example, the case of I can quote For example, the case of Edicson <00:06:31.110>Ruiz, Edicson Ruiz, Edicson Ruiz, who <00:06:33.497>was <00:06:33.844>a <00:06:34.191>child <00:06:34.538>in <00:06:34.885>a <00:06:35.232>parish <00:06:35.579>in who was a child in a parish in who was a child in a parish in Caracas Caracas Caracas who <00:06:38.415>voluntarily <00:06:39.240>and <00:06:40.065>passionately <00:06:40.890>attended who voluntarily and passionately attended who voluntarily and passionately attended his <00:06:42.078>double <00:06:42.516>bass <00:06:42.954>classes <00:06:43.392>in <00:06:43.830>the his double bass classes in the his double bass classes in the youth <00:06:44.340>orchestra <00:06:44.670>of <00:06:45.000>San <00:06:45.330>Agustín <00:06:45.660>del <00:06:45.990>Sur youth orchestra of San Agustín del Sur youth orchestra of San Agustín del Sur and <00:06:47.241>based <00:06:47.812>on <00:06:48.383>his <00:06:48.954>efforts <00:06:49.525>with <00:06:50.096>the and based on his efforts with the and based on his efforts with the exemplary <00:06:50.826>support <00:06:51.132>of <00:06:51.438>his <00:06:51.744>mother <00:06:52.050>and <00:06:52.356>his <00:06:52.662>family. <00:06:52.968>and <00:06:53.274>from exemplary support of his mother and his family. and from exemplary support of his mother and his family. and from his <00:06:53.808>town <00:06:54.216>he <00:06:54.624>has <00:06:55.032>become <00:06:55.440>a his town he has become a his town he has become a main <00:06:56.674>member <00:06:57.068>of <00:06:57.462>the <00:06:57.856>double <00:06:58.250>bass <00:06:58.644>line <00:06:59.038>of main member of the double bass line of main member of the double bass line of the <00:06:59.735>Berlin <00:07:00.310>Philharmonic <00:07:00.885>the <00:07:01.460>other <00:07:02.035>who <00:07:02.610>is the Berlin Philharmonic the other who is the Berlin Philharmonic the other who is everyone <00:07:03.140>known <00:07:03.520>Gustavo <00:07:03.900>Dumel everyone known Gustavo Dumel everyone known Gustavo Dumel Gustavo <00:07:05.907>began <00:07:06.314>as <00:07:06.721>a <00:07:07.128>child <00:07:07.535>a <00:07:07.942>member <00:07:08.349>of Gustavo began as a child a member of Gustavo began as a child a member of the <00:07:08.776>children's <00:07:09.112>symphony <00:07:09.448>of <00:07:09.784>his <00:07:10.120>hometown the children's symphony of his hometown the children's symphony of his hometown Barquisimeto Barquisimeto Barquisimeto and <00:07:12.237>from <00:07:12.494>there <00:07:12.751>he <00:07:13.008>began <00:07:13.265>to <00:07:13.522>grow <00:07:13.779>o and from there he began to grow o and from there he began to grow o violinist <00:07:15.075>and <00:07:15.620>as <00:07:16.165>a <00:07:16.710>conductor <00:07:17.255>he <00:07:17.800>became violinist and as a conductor he became violinist and as a conductor he became the <00:07:18.340>national <00:07:18.730>director <00:07:19.120>of <00:07:19.510>the the national director of the the national director of the youth <00:07:19.930>orchestras <00:07:20.170>of <00:07:20.410>Venezuela youth orchestras of Venezuela youth orchestras of Venezuela and <00:07:22.330>today <00:07:22.630>he <00:07:22.930>is <00:07:23.230>conducting <00:07:23.530>the <00:07:23.830>great and today he is conducting the great and today he is conducting the great orchestras <00:07:24.475>of <00:07:24.640>the <00:07:24.805>world <00:07:24.970>he orchestras of the world he orchestras of the world he is <00:07:26.790>the <00:07:27.171>designated <00:07:27.552>musical <00:07:27.933>director <00:07:28.314>of <00:07:28.695>the <00:07:29.076>Los is the designated musical director of the Los is the designated musical director of the Los Angeles <00:07:29.541>Philharmonic <00:07:29.883>CIM <00:07:30.225>he <00:07:30.567>continues Angeles Philharmonic CIM he continues Angeles Philharmonic CIM he continues to <00:07:31.859>be <00:07:32.149>the <00:07:32.439>maximum <00:07:32.729>leader <00:07:33.019>of <00:07:33.309>the to be the maximum leader of the to be the maximum leader of the youth <00:07:33.733>orchestra <00:07:34.037>of <00:07:34.341>Venezuela <00:07:34.645>he <00:07:34.949>has <00:07:35.253>been <00:07:35.557>director youth orchestra of Venezuela he has been director youth orchestra of Venezuela he has been director of <00:07:36.351>the <00:07:36.603>Gothenburg <00:07:36.855>symphony <00:07:37.107>orchestras <00:07:37.359>and of the Gothenburg symphony orchestras and of the Gothenburg symphony orchestras and is <00:07:38.997>an <00:07:39.645>unsurpassed <00:07:40.293>example <00:07:40.941>for <00:07:41.589>the is an unsurpassed example for the is an unsurpassed example for the musical <00:07:42.029>youth <00:07:42.379>of <00:07:42.729>Latin <00:07:43.079>America <00:07:43.429>and <00:07:43.779>the musical youth of Latin America and the musical youth of Latin America and the world. <00:07:44.548>The <00:07:45.016>structure <00:07:45.484>of <00:07:45.952>the <00:07:46.420>system <00:07:46.888>is world. The structure of the system is world. The structure of the system is based <00:07:48.089>on <00:07:48.289>a <00:07:48.489>new <00:07:48.689>flexible <00:07:48.889>management <00:07:49.089>style based on a new flexible management style

adapted <00:07:54.297>to <00:07:54.724>the <00:07:55.151>characteristics <00:07:55.578>of <00:07:56.005>each
adapted to the characteristics of each adapted to the characteristics of each community <00:07:56.479>and <00:07:56.889>each <00:07:57.299>region

and <00:08:00.389>which <00:08:00.809>today <00:08:01.229>covers <00:08:01.649>300,000 <00:08:02.069>children <00:08:02.489>and <00:08:02.909>young <00:08:03.329>people
and which today covers 300,000 children and young people and which today covers 300,000 children and young people of <00:08:04.307>medium <00:08:04.865>and <00:08:05.423>low <00:08:05.981>resources <00:08:06.539>throughout of medium and low resources throughout of medium and low resources throughout Venezuela, <00:08:07.685>that <00:08:08.381>is, <00:08:09.077>it <00:08:09.773>is <00:08:10.469>a Venezuela, that is, it is a Venezuela, that is, it is a social <00:08:11.389>rescue <00:08:12.129>program <00:08:12.869>of social rescue program of social rescue program of profound <00:08:14.004>cultural <00:08:14.148>transformation profound cultural transformation profound cultural transformation for <00:08:16.715>the <00:08:17.090>entire <00:08:17.465>Venezuelan <00:08:17.840>society for the entire Venezuelan society for the entire Venezuelan society without <00:08:20.222>distinctions <00:08:20.664>of <00:08:21.106>any <00:08:21.548>nature <00:08:21.990>but without distinctions of any nature but without distinctions of any nature but with <00:08:23.720>special <00:08:24.450>emphasis <00:08:25.180>on with special emphasis on with special emphasis on vulnerable <00:08:26.156>or <00:08:26.712>at-risk <00:08:27.268>sectors, <00:08:27.824>there <00:08:28.380>are vulnerable or at-risk sectors, there are vulnerable or at-risk sectors, there are three <00:08:29.949>fundamental <00:08:30.518>spheres <00:08:31.087>in <00:08:31.656>which <00:08:32.225>the three fundamental spheres in which the three fundamental spheres in which the impact <00:08:32.881>of <00:08:33.262>the <00:08:33.643>system <00:08:34.024>is <00:08:34.405>expressed <00:08:34.786>in <00:08:35.167>the impact of the system is expressed in the impact of the system is expressed in the personal <00:08:35.635>social <00:08:35.710>sphere personal social sphere personal social sphere the <00:08:38.165>family <00:08:38.540>sphere <00:08:38.915>and <00:08:39.290>the <00:08:39.665>community <00:08:40.040>sphere the family sphere and the community sphere the family sphere and the community sphere

in <00:08:43.560>the <00:08:44.280>personal <00:08:45.000>social <00:08:45.720>sphere
in the personal social sphere in the personal social sphere the <00:08:46.662>intellectual <00:08:47.094>and <00:08:47.526>emotional <00:08:47.958>development <00:08:48.390>of the intellectual and emotional development of the intellectual and emotional development of the <00:08:48.510>children the children the children that <00:08:50.264>it <00:08:50.508>involves <00:08:50.752>in <00:08:50.996>the <00:08:51.240>choirs <00:08:51.484>in <00:08:51.728>the that it involves in the choirs in the that it involves in the choirs in the orchestras <00:08:53.080>music <00:08:54.310>becomes <00:08:55.540>a orchestras music becomes a orchestras music becomes a source <00:08:56.110>of <00:08:56.410>development <00:08:56.710>of <00:08:57.010>the <00:08:57.310>dimensions source of development of the dimensions source of development of the dimensions of <00:08:58.005>the <00:08:58.430>human <00:08:58.855>being <00:08:59.280>that <00:08:59.705>elevates <00:09:00.130>their of the human being that elevates their of the human being that elevates their spiritual <00:09:01.198>condition <00:09:01.666>and <00:09:02.134>leads <00:09:02.602>to <00:09:03.070>a spiritual condition and leads to a spiritual condition and leads to a comprehensive <00:09:03.888>development <00:09:04.196>of <00:09:04.504>their <00:09:04.812>personality <00:09:05.120>in <00:09:05.428>such <00:09:05.736>a comprehensive development of their personality in such a comprehensive development of their personality in such a way <00:09:06.190>that way that way that immense <00:09:09.650>intellectual immense intellectual immense intellectual and <00:09:11.017>emotional <00:09:11.384>gains <00:09:11.751>are <00:09:12.118>achieved, <00:09:12.485>among <00:09:12.852>others, <00:09:13.219>the <00:09:13.586>acquisition and emotional gains are achieved, among others, the acquisition and emotional gains are achieved, among others, the acquisition of <00:09:15.056>principles <00:09:15.922>of <00:09:16.788>leadership, of principles of leadership, of principles of leadership, training, <00:09:19.060>teaching, <00:09:20.330>meaning. <00:09:21.600>of training, teaching, meaning. of training, teaching, meaning. of commitment <00:09:22.380>of <00:09:22.980>responsibility <00:09:23.580>of commitment of responsibility of commitment of responsibility of generosity <00:09:24.825>of <00:09:25.200>giving <00:09:25.575>to <00:09:25.950>others generosity of giving to others generosity of giving to others of <00:09:27.985>individual <00:09:28.410>contribution <00:09:28.835>to <00:09:29.260>the <00:09:29.685>achievement <00:09:30.110>of of individual contribution to the achievement of of individual contribution to the achievement of immense <00:09:31.325>collective <00:09:32.150>goals immense collective goals immense collective goals this <00:09:34.262>leads <00:09:34.614>to <00:09:34.966>a <00:09:35.318>development this leads to a development this leads to a development of <00:09:36.466>the <00:09:37.162>self-concept <00:09:37.858>of <00:09:38.554>self-esteem <00:09:39.250>of of the self-concept of self-esteem of of the self-concept of self-esteem of security <00:09:40.165>and <00:09:40.960>self-confidence security and self-confidence security and self-confidence Mother <00:09:41.390>Teresa <00:09:41.670>of <00:09:41.950>Calcutta Mother Teresa of Calcutta Mother Teresa of Calcutta world <00:09:44.173>figure <00:09:44.887>insisted <00:09:45.601>on <00:09:46.315>A <00:09:47.029>concept world figure insisted on A concept world figure insisted on A concept that <00:09:47.810>has <00:09:47.900>impressed <00:09:47.990>me <00:09:48.080>a <00:09:48.170>lot.

The <00:09:51.272>most <00:09:51.714>miserable <00:09:52.156>thing, <00:09:52.598>the <00:09:53.040>most <00:09:53.482>tragic <00:09:53.924>thing <00:09:54.366>about
The most miserable thing, the most tragic thing about The most miserable thing, the most tragic thing about poverty <00:09:54.913>is <00:09:55.366>not <00:09:55.819>the <00:09:56.272>lack <00:09:56.725>of <00:09:57.178>bread <00:09:57.631>and <00:09:58.084>shelter, poverty is not the lack of bread and shelter, poverty is not the lack of bread and shelter, it is it is it is feeling <00:10:02.124>like <00:10:02.648>nobody, feeling like nobody, feeling like nobody, being <00:10:05.480>nobody, being nobody, being nobody, lacking <00:10:08.730>identification, lacking identification, lacking identification, lacking <00:10:11.610>public <00:10:12.480>esteem, lacking public esteem, lacking public esteem,

and <00:10:16.830>that <00:10:17.110>is <00:10:17.390>why
and that is why and that is why the <00:10:19.066>development <00:10:19.492>of <00:10:19.918>child <00:10:20.344>in <00:10:20.770>the the development of child in the the development of child in the orchestra <00:10:21.250>and <00:10:21.520>choir orchestra and choir orchestra and choir projects <00:10:23.298>him <00:10:23.866>with <00:10:24.434>a <00:10:25.002>noble <00:10:25.570>identity projects him with a noble identity projects him with a noble identity makes <00:10:26.852>him <00:10:27.134>a <00:10:27.416>model <00:10:27.698>for <00:10:27.980>his <00:10:28.262>family <00:10:28.544>and makes him a model for his family and makes him a model for his family and for <00:10:28.774>his <00:10:28.969>community for his community for his community makes <00:10:31.640>him <00:10:32.120>a <00:10:32.600>better <00:10:33.080>student <00:10:33.560>in makes him a better student in makes him a better student in his <00:10:34.010>regular <00:10:34.400>studies <00:10:34.790>because <00:10:35.180>it <00:10:35.570>instills <00:10:35.960>in <00:10:36.350>him his regular studies because it instills in him his regular studies because it instills in him a <00:10:37.595>sense <00:10:38.330>of <00:10:39.065>discipline <00:10:39.800>of a sense of discipline of a sense of discipline of perseverance <00:10:40.714>of <00:10:41.539>punctuality <00:10:42.364>that <00:10:43.189>It perseverance of punctuality that It perseverance of punctuality that It helps <00:10:43.931>him <00:10:44.523>enormously <00:10:45.115>in <00:10:45.707>his helps him enormously in his helps him enormously in his regular <00:10:46.619>studies <00:10:47.109>in <00:10:47.599>the <00:10:48.089>family <00:10:48.579>sphere. regular studies in the family sphere. regular studies in the family sphere. The <00:10:50.239>unconditional <00:10:50.899>support <00:10:51.559>of The unconditional support of The unconditional support of parents <00:10:51.852>and <00:10:52.024>family <00:10:52.196>stands <00:10:52.368>out. parents and family stands out. parents and family stands out. The <00:10:54.521>child <00:10:54.953>becomes <00:10:55.385>a <00:10:55.817>model <00:10:56.249>for The child becomes a model for The child becomes a model for his <00:10:56.789>mother <00:10:57.059>and <00:10:57.329>father <00:10:57.599>and <00:10:57.869>this <00:10:58.139>is his mother and father and this is his mother and father and this is very <00:10:58.470>important <00:10:58.710>for <00:10:58.950>a <00:10:59.190>poor <00:10:59.430>child. very important for a poor child. very important for a poor child. The <00:11:01.631>child <00:11:02.282>discovers <00:11:02.933>that <00:11:03.584>he <00:11:04.235>is <00:11:04.886>important <00:11:05.537>to The child discovers that he is important to The child discovers that he is important to His <00:11:06.127>family <00:11:06.504>begins <00:11:06.881>to <00:11:07.258>seek <00:11:07.635>new His family begins to seek new His family begins to seek new paths <00:11:08.651>of <00:11:09.062>improvement, <00:11:09.473>he <00:11:09.884>aspires <00:11:10.295>to <00:11:10.706>a <00:11:11.117>better paths of improvement, he aspires to a better paths of improvement, he aspires to a better individual <00:11:12.142>and <00:11:12.515>collective, <00:11:12.888>he individual and collective, he individual and collective, he also <00:11:15.066>aspires <00:11:15.432>for <00:11:15.798>his <00:11:16.164>family <00:11:16.530>to also aspires for his family to also aspires for his family to achieve <00:11:17.595>social <00:11:18.370>and <00:11:19.145>economic <00:11:19.920>improvements achieve social and economic improvements achieve social and economic improvements and <00:11:22.672>all <00:11:23.314>of <00:11:23.956>this <00:11:24.598>forms <00:11:25.240>a and all of this forms a and all of this forms a constructive <00:11:25.997>and <00:11:26.254>upward <00:11:26.511>social <00:11:26.768>dynamic. constructive and upward social dynamic. constructive and upward social dynamic. The <00:11:29.220>vast <00:11:29.580>majority <00:11:29.940>of <00:11:30.300>our <00:11:30.660>young <00:11:31.020>people <00:11:31.380>and The vast majority of our young people and The vast majority of our young people and children <00:11:31.924>belong, <00:11:32.378>as <00:11:32.832>I <00:11:33.286>have <00:11:33.740>said. <00:11:34.194>to <00:11:34.648>the children belong, as I have said. to the children belong, as I have said. to the most <00:11:35.075>vulnerable <00:11:35.320>strata <00:11:35.565>of <00:11:35.810>the <00:11:36.055>Venezuelan <00:11:36.300>population most vulnerable strata of the Venezuelan population most vulnerable strata of the Venezuelan population

and <00:11:38.615>I <00:11:38.930>allow <00:11:39.245>them <00:11:39.560>to <00:11:39.875>plant <00:11:40.190>new
and I allow them to plant new and I allow them to plant new dreams, <00:11:41.210>new <00:11:41.960>goals dreams, new goals dreams, new goals and <00:11:43.800>enrich <00:11:44.130>themselves <00:11:44.460>based <00:11:44.790>on <00:11:45.120>the and enrich themselves based on the and enrich themselves based on the multiple <00:11:46.230>opportunities <00:11:47.220>that <00:11:48.210>the multiple opportunities that the multiple opportunities that the musical <00:11:49.026>field <00:11:49.752>offers. <00:11:50.478>Finally, <00:11:51.204>in <00:11:51.930>the musical field offers. Finally, in the musical field offers. Finally, in the community <00:11:52.830>sphere, <00:11:53.460>orchestras <00:11:54.090>are <00:11:54.720>revealed community sphere, orchestras are revealed community sphere, orchestras are revealed as <00:11:55.507>creative <00:11:55.874>spaces <00:11:56.241>of <00:11:56.608>culture, as creative spaces of culture, as creative spaces of culture, source <00:11:57.997>of <00:11:58.524>exchange <00:11:59.051>of <00:11:59.578>new source of exchange of new source of exchange of new meanings <00:12:00.432>and <00:12:00.984>that <00:12:01.536>naturalness <00:12:02.088>that meanings and that naturalness that meanings and that naturalness that acquires <00:12:03.530>evidence <00:12:03.970>of <00:12:04.410>music acquires evidence of music acquires evidence of music and <00:12:06.577>that <00:12:07.104>excludes <00:12:07.631>it <00:12:08.158>as <00:12:08.685>a <00:12:09.212>luxury <00:12:09.739>and and that excludes it as a luxury and and that excludes it as a luxury and turns <00:12:10.195>it <00:12:10.530>into <00:12:10.865>the <00:12:11.200>common <00:12:11.535>heritage <00:12:11.870>of turns it into the common heritage of turns it into the common heritage of society society society means <00:12:13.766>that <00:12:14.203>a <00:12:14.640>boy <00:12:15.077>can <00:12:15.514>play <00:12:15.951>the <00:12:16.388>violin means that a boy can play the violin means that a boy can play the violin at <00:12:17.224>home <00:12:17.728>while <00:12:18.232>his <00:12:18.736>father <00:12:19.240>works <00:12:19.744>in at home while his father works in at home while his father works in his <00:12:20.170>carpentry his carpentry his carpentry that <00:12:22.670>a <00:12:23.120>girl <00:12:23.570>can <00:12:24.020>play <00:12:24.470>the <00:12:24.920>clarinet <00:12:25.370>in that a girl can play the clarinet in that a girl can play the clarinet in his <00:12:26.281>home <00:12:26.562>in <00:12:26.843>front <00:12:27.124>of <00:12:27.405>his <00:12:27.686>mother <00:12:27.967>who <00:12:28.248>does his home in front of his mother who does his home in front of his mother who does domestic <00:12:28.910>work

and <00:12:31.846>that <00:12:32.572>undoubtedly <00:12:33.298>the <00:12:34.024>whole <00:12:34.750>family
and that undoubtedly the whole family and that undoubtedly the whole family participates <00:12:35.745>with <00:12:36.290>joy <00:12:36.835>and <00:12:37.380>pride <00:12:37.925>in <00:12:38.470>the participates with joy and pride in the participates with joy and pride in the activity <00:12:38.864>of <00:12:39.108>the <00:12:39.352>orchestras <00:12:39.596>and <00:12:39.840>choirs <00:12:40.084>to activity of the orchestras and choirs to activity of the orchestras and choirs to which <00:12:40.630>his <00:12:41.110>children <00:12:41.590>belong, <00:12:42.070>the <00:12:42.550>immense which his children belong, the immense which his children belong, the immense spiritual <00:12:44.140>wealth <00:12:44.980>that spiritual wealth that spiritual wealth that music <00:12:45.421>in <00:12:45.832>itself <00:12:46.243>engenders <00:12:46.654>and <00:12:47.065>that <00:12:47.476>comes <00:12:47.887>through music in itself engenders and that comes through music in itself engenders and that comes through music <00:12:48.500>and <00:12:48.990>in <00:12:49.480>music <00:12:49.970>ends <00:12:50.460>up <00:12:50.950>overcoming music and in music ends up overcoming music and in music ends up overcoming material <00:12:52.029>poverty material poverty material poverty since <00:12:54.489>the <00:12:54.818>child <00:12:55.147>at <00:12:55.476>his <00:12:55.805>instrument <00:12:56.134>with since the child at his instrument with since the child at his instrument with a <00:12:56.689>teacher <00:12:56.938>is <00:12:57.187>no <00:12:57.436>longer <00:12:57.685>a <00:12:57.934>poor <00:12:58.183>child, <00:12:58.432>he <00:12:58.681>is <00:12:58.930>a a teacher is no longer a poor child, he is a a teacher is no longer a poor child, he is a child <00:12:59.440>on <00:12:59.830>the <00:13:00.220>rise <00:13:00.610>towards <00:13:01.000>a child on the rise towards a child on the rise towards a professional <00:13:01.615>level <00:13:01.990>of <00:13:02.365>action <00:13:02.740>that <00:13:03.115>turns <00:13:03.490>him professional level of action that turns him professional level of action that turns him into <00:13:04.388>a <00:13:04.716>full <00:13:05.044>citizen <00:13:05.372>and <00:13:05.700>Of <00:13:06.028>course, <00:13:06.356>this into a full citizen and Of course, this into a full citizen and Of course, this has <00:13:07.876>a <00:13:08.392>number <00:13:08.908>one <00:13:09.424>preventive <00:13:09.940>function has a number one preventive function has a number one preventive function against <00:13:12.080>prostitution, <00:13:13.300>against against prostitution, against against prostitution, against violence, <00:13:13.899>against <00:13:14.349>bad <00:13:14.799>company, violence, against bad company, violence, against bad company, against <00:13:15.961>everything <00:13:16.442>that <00:13:16.923>degrades <00:13:17.404>or <00:13:17.885>degrades against everything that degrades or degrades against everything that degrades or degrades the <00:13:18.737>lives <00:13:18.864>of <00:13:18.991>children. <00:13:19.118>A the lives of children. A the lives of children. A few <00:13:21.118>years <00:13:21.616>ago, <00:13:22.114>the <00:13:22.612>great <00:13:23.110>historian few years ago, the great historian few years ago, the great historian Arnold <00:13:24.490>Toynbee Arnold Toynbee Arnold Toynbee pointed <00:13:26.674>out <00:13:27.098>that <00:13:27.522>the <00:13:27.946>world <00:13:28.370>was <00:13:28.794>facing <00:13:29.218>a pointed out that the world was facing a pointed out that the world was facing a gigantic <00:13:30.226>crisis. <00:13:31.022>of <00:13:31.818>spirituality gigantic crisis. of spirituality gigantic crisis. of spirituality was <00:13:33.030>not <00:13:33.240>an <00:13:33.450>economic <00:13:33.660>challenge, <00:13:33.870>it <00:13:34.080>was <00:13:34.290>not <00:13:34.500>a was not an economic challenge, it was not a was not an economic challenge, it was not a social <00:13:34.815>challenge, <00:13:34.950>it <00:13:35.085>is <00:13:35.220>a <00:13:35.355>spiritual <00:13:35.490>challenge social challenge, it is a spiritual challenge social challenge, it is a spiritual challenge and <00:13:37.135>I <00:13:37.430>say <00:13:37.725>today <00:13:38.020>it <00:13:38.315>is <00:13:38.610>true <00:13:38.905>that and I say today it is true that and I say today it is true that in <00:13:40.120>the <00:13:40.330>face <00:13:40.540>of <00:13:40.750>this <00:13:40.960>crisis <00:13:41.170>of <00:13:41.380>spirituality, in the face of this crisis of spirituality, in the face of this crisis of spirituality, only <00:13:42.950>art <00:13:43.720>and <00:13:44.490>religion <00:13:45.260>can <00:13:46.030>provide only art and religion can provide only art and religion can provide an <00:13:46.430>adequate <00:13:46.680>response an adequate response an adequate response to <00:13:49.486>the <00:13:49.932>collective <00:13:50.378>feeling <00:13:50.824>of <00:13:51.270>the <00:13:51.716>people <00:13:52.162>to <00:13:52.608>the to the collective feeling of the people to the to the collective feeling of the people to the deep <00:13:53.184>aspiration <00:13:53.609>of <00:13:54.034>the <00:13:54.459>man <00:13:54.884>and <00:13:55.309>the deep aspiration of the man and the deep aspiration of the man and the historical <00:13:55.924>demands <00:13:56.269>of <00:13:56.614>the <00:13:56.959>moment historical demands of the moment historical demands of the moment and <00:13:59.046>especially <00:13:59.922>education, <00:14:00.798>but <00:14:01.674>as <00:14:02.550>a and especially education, but as a and especially education, but as a synthesis <00:14:03.674>of <00:14:04.019>knowledge <00:14:04.364>and <00:14:04.709>knowledge synthesis of knowledge and knowledge synthesis of knowledge and knowledge it <00:14:06.900>is <00:14:07.290>the <00:14:07.680>way <00:14:08.070>to <00:14:08.460>achieve <00:14:08.850>more <00:14:09.240>and <00:14:09.630>more it is the way to achieve more and more it is the way to achieve more and more a <00:14:10.914>more <00:14:11.628>perfect <00:14:12.342>society, <00:14:13.056>more <00:14:13.770>conscious, a more perfect society, more conscious, a more perfect society, more conscious, nobler, <00:14:15.193>more <00:14:15.686>just, <00:14:16.179>we <00:14:16.672>deeply <00:14:17.165>salute <00:14:17.658>you nobler, more just, we deeply salute you nobler, more just, we deeply salute you

with <00:14:23.122>encouragement <00:14:23.414>and <00:14:23.706>fervor <00:14:23.998>of
with encouragement and fervor of with encouragement and fervor of solidarity

for <00:14:31.154>your <00:14:31.648>extraordinary <00:14:32.142>humanistic <00:14:32.636>projection
for your extraordinary humanistic projection for your extraordinary humanistic projection

the <00:14:36.210>height <00:14:36.550>and <00:14:36.890>dignity <00:14:37.230>of <00:14:37.570>its <00:14:37.910>ideal
the height and dignity of its ideal the height and dignity of its ideal and <00:14:41.130>the <00:14:41.880>open <00:14:42.630>and <00:14:43.380>generous <00:14:44.130>promotion <00:14:44.880>of and the open and generous promotion of and the open and generous promotion of young <00:14:45.360>values young values young values and <00:14:47.789>we <00:14:48.028>aspire and we aspire and we aspire that <00:14:49.920>ted that ted that ted contributes <00:14:51.916>in <00:14:52.392>a <00:14:52.868>substantial <00:14:53.344>and <00:14:53.820>very contributes in a substantial and very contributes in a substantial and very primordial <00:14:54.640>way <00:14:55.130>to <00:14:55.620>the <00:14:56.110>construction <00:14:56.600>of <00:14:57.090>that primordial way to the construction of that primordial way to the construction of that new <00:14:57.480>era <00:14:57.720>of <00:14:57.960>musical <00:14:58.200>education new era of musical education new era of musical education in <00:15:00.500>which in which in which the <00:15:02.510>spiritual <00:15:03.190>community <00:15:03.870>social <00:15:04.550>purpose the spiritual community social purpose the spiritual community social purpose and <00:15:06.490>vindication <00:15:07.050>of <00:15:07.610>the <00:15:08.170>child <00:15:08.730>and and vindication of the child and and vindication of the child and young <00:15:09.320>person <00:15:09.880>becomes <00:15:10.440>a <00:15:11.000>sign <00:15:11.560>and <00:15:12.120>north young person becomes a sign and north young person becomes a sign and north of <00:15:13.477>a <00:15:14.144>vast <00:15:14.811>social <00:15:15.478>vision, of a vast social vision, of a vast social vision, no <00:15:16.855>longer <00:15:17.160>putting <00:15:17.465>society <00:15:17.770>at <00:15:18.075>the <00:15:18.380>service <00:15:18.685>of <00:15:18.990>art no longer putting society at the service of art no longer putting society at the service of art and <00:15:21.267>much <00:15:21.484>less <00:15:21.701>at <00:15:21.918>the <00:15:22.135>service <00:15:22.352>of <00:15:22.569>the <00:15:22.786>monopoly and much less at the service of the monopoly and much less at the service of the monopoly of <00:15:23.495>the <00:15:23.600>elites, of the elites, of the elites, but <00:15:25.266>rather <00:15:25.562>art <00:15:25.858>at <00:15:26.154>the <00:15:26.450>service <00:15:26.746>of <00:15:27.042>society <00:15:27.338>at <00:15:27.634>the but rather art at the service of society at the but rather art at the service of society at the service <00:15:28.562>of <00:15:29.014>the <00:15:29.466>weakest <00:15:29.918>at <00:15:30.370>the service of the weakest at the service of the weakest at the service <00:15:31.723>of <00:15:32.117>children <00:15:32.511>at <00:15:32.905>the <00:15:33.299>service <00:15:33.693>of <00:15:34.087>the service of children at the service of the service of children at the service of the sick <00:15:34.659>at <00:15:35.109>the <00:15:35.559>service <00:15:36.009>of <00:15:36.459>the sick at the service of the sick at the service of the vulnerable <00:15:37.470>classes <00:15:37.911>and <00:15:38.352>at <00:15:38.793>the <00:15:39.234>service <00:15:39.675>of <00:15:40.116>all vulnerable classes and at the service of all vulnerable classes and at the service of all those <00:15:40.659>who <00:15:40.929>require those who require those who require through <00:15:43.114>the <00:15:43.699>spirit <00:15:44.284>the <00:15:44.869>vindication through the spirit the vindication through the spirit the vindication of <00:15:46.057>their <00:15:46.434>human <00:15:46.811>condition <00:15:47.188>and <00:15:47.565>exaltation

[Music] [Music] boyacá <00:15:54.379>ben <00:15:54.979>laidne <00:15:55.579>y <00:15:56.179>caracas boyacá ben laidne y caracas boyacá ben laidne y caracas [Applause]

here <00:16:04.270>is <00:16:04.620>my <00:16:04.970>wifi

I'm <00:16:08.705>with <00:16:09.250>you <00:16:09.795>help <00:16:10.340>the <00:16:10.885>great <00:16:11.430>and
I'm with you help the great and I'm with you help the great and document document document special <00:16:14.415>training <00:16:15.200>program special training program special training program profit <00:16:17.142>and <00:16:17.544>gift <00:16:17.946>of <00:16:18.348>music <00:16:18.750>songs profit and gift of music songs profit and gift of music songs bayern <00:16:21.153>modern <00:16:21.657>art <00:16:22.161>and <00:16:22.665>social <00:16:23.169>justice bayern modern art and social justice bayern modern art and social justice ander <00:16:25.474>and <00:16:25.968>kate <00:16:26.462>de <00:16:26.956>bringing <00:16:27.450>the <00:16:27.944>system ander and kate de bringing the system ander and kate de bringing the system will <00:16:29.449>flow <00:16:30.199>states <00:16:30.949>another <00:16:31.699>country <00:16:32.449>was <00:16:33.199>created will flow states another country was created will flow states another country was created [Applause]

quotas <00:16:57.702>of <00:16:57.934>one <00:16:58.166>thousand <00:16:58.398>59

the <00:17:07.395>Texan <00:17:08.530>Robert <00:17:09.665>we <00:17:10.800>think <00:17:11.935>it
the Texan Robert we think it the Texan Robert we think it violently <00:17:13.135>compensates <00:17:13.730>for <00:17:14.325>the <00:17:14.920>science <00:17:15.515>that <00:17:16.110>was violently compensates for the science that was violently compensates for the science that was broken <00:17:16.702>down <00:17:17.174>in <00:17:17.646>the <00:17:18.118>span

Jose Antonio Abreu, Venezuela, TED, Prize, El, Sistema, TED, Talk, TEDEducation, TED-Ed, ‘TED, Ed, orchestra, music, youth, orchestra

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