Cuộc Nói chuyện ted vĩ đại nhất từng được bán – Morgan Spurlock

The greatest TED Talk ever sold - Morgan Spurlock

The greatest TED Talk ever sold - Morgan Spurlock



I<00:00:15.490> have<00:00:16.840> spent<00:00:17.840> the<00:00:17.930> past<00:00:18.020> few<00:00:18.410> years<00:00:18.849> putting
I have spent the past few years putting I have spent the past few years putting myself<00:00:20.060> into<00:00:20.509> situations<00:00:20.750> that<00:00:21.230> are<00:00:21.380> usually myself into situations that are usually myself into situations that are usually very<00:00:22.369> difficult<00:00:22.610> and<00:00:23.150> at<00:00:23.390> the<00:00:23.449> same<00:00:23.599> time very difficult and at the same time very difficult and at the same time somewhat<00:00:24.529> dangerous<00:00:24.739> I<00:00:26.410> went<00:00:27.410> to<00:00:27.470> prison somewhat dangerous I went to prison somewhat dangerous I went to prison difficult<00:00:29.449> I<00:00:30.759> worked<00:00:31.759> in<00:00:31.880> a<00:00:31.939> coal<00:00:32.119> mine difficult I worked in a coal mine difficult I worked in a coal mine dangerous<00:00:34.040> I<00:00:34.989> filmed<00:00:35.989> in<00:00:36.080> war<00:00:36.260> zones dangerous I filmed in war zones dangerous I filmed in war zones difficult<00:00:37.790> and<00:00:37.970> dangerous<00:00:39.129> and<00:00:40.129> I<00:00:40.250> spent<00:00:40.489> 30 difficult and dangerous and I spent 30 difficult and dangerous and I spent 30 days<00:00:40.760> eating<00:00:41.150> nothing<00:00:41.390> but<00:00:41.540> this<00:00:42.640> fun<00:00:43.640> in<00:00:43.760> the days eating nothing but this fun in the days eating nothing but this fun in the beginning<00:00:43.910> a<00:00:44.829> little<00:00:45.829> difficult<00:00:46.250> in<00:00:46.309> the beginning a little difficult in the beginning a little difficult in the middle<00:00:46.610> very<00:00:47.539> dangerous<00:00:47.960> in<00:00:48.079> the<00:00:48.170> end<00:00:49.449> in<00:00:50.449> fact middle very dangerous in the end in fact middle very dangerous in the end in fact most<00:00:50.870> of<00:00:50.960> my<00:00:51.109> career<00:00:51.379> I<00:00:51.469> have<00:00:51.710> been<00:00:51.739> immersing most of my career I have been immersing most of my career I have been immersing myself<00:00:52.550> into<00:00:53.260> seemingly<00:00:54.260> horrible myself into seemingly horrible myself into seemingly horrible situations<00:00:55.989> for<00:00:56.989> the<00:00:57.079> whole<00:00:57.230> goal<00:00:57.590> of<00:00:57.859> trying situations for the whole goal of trying situations for the whole goal of trying to<00:00:58.489> examine<00:00:59.480> societal<00:01:00.199> issues<00:01:00.469> in<00:01:00.590> a<00:01:00.680> way<00:01:00.829> that to examine societal issues in a way that to examine societal issues in a way that make<00:01:01.250> them<00:01:01.399> engaging<00:01:01.730> that<00:01:02.179> make<00:01:02.390> them make them engaging that make them make them engaging that make them interesting<00:01:03.170> that<00:01:03.440> hopefully<00:01:04.129> break<00:01:04.399> them interesting that hopefully break them interesting that hopefully break them down<00:01:04.610> in<00:01:04.970> a<00:01:05.030> way<00:01:05.059> that<00:01:05.449> make<00:01:05.570> them down in a way that make them down in a way that make them entertaining<00:01:05.929> and<00:01:06.530> accessible<00:01:07.340> to<00:01:07.520> an entertaining and accessible to an entertaining and accessible to an audience<00:01:07.880> so<00:01:08.750> when<00:01:08.869> I<00:01:08.899> knew<00:01:09.050> I<00:01:09.080> was<00:01:09.200> coming audience so when I knew I was coming audience so when I knew I was coming here<00:01:09.590> to<00:01:10.070> do<00:01:10.520> a<00:01:10.550> TED<00:01:10.789> talk<00:01:11.030> that<00:01:11.060> was<00:01:11.360> gonna here to do a TED talk that was gonna here to do a TED talk that was gonna look<00:01:11.630> at<00:01:11.780> the<00:01:11.869> world<00:01:11.899> of<00:01:12.170> branding<00:01:12.590> and look at the world of branding and look at the world of branding and sponsorship<00:01:13.250> I<00:01:13.460> knew<00:01:13.880> I<00:01:13.910> would<00:01:14.119> want<00:01:14.300> to<00:01:14.360> do sponsorship I knew I would want to do sponsorship I knew I would want to do something<00:01:14.630> a<00:01:14.780> little<00:01:14.810> different<00:01:15.319> so<00:01:16.160> some<00:01:16.490> of something a little different so some of something a little different so some of you<00:01:16.670> may<00:01:16.819> or<00:01:16.970> may<00:01:17.090> not<00:01:17.119> have<00:01:17.360> heard<00:01:17.539> a<00:01:17.840> couple you may or may not have heard a couple you may or may not have heard a couple weeks<00:01:18.679> ago<00:01:18.800> I<00:01:18.890> took<00:01:19.789> out<00:01:19.970> an<00:01:20.090> ad<00:01:20.209> on<00:01:20.420> eBay<00:01:20.690> I weeks ago I took out an ad on eBay I weeks ago I took out an ad on eBay I sent<00:01:22.310> out<00:01:22.399> some<00:01:22.640> Facebook<00:01:23.149> messages<00:01:24.039> some sent out some Facebook messages some sent out some Facebook messages some Twitter<00:01:25.250> messages<00:01:25.729> and<00:01:26.149> I<00:01:26.810> gave<00:01:26.989> people<00:01:27.170> the Twitter messages and I gave people the Twitter messages and I gave people the opportunity<00:01:27.440> to<00:01:27.950> buy<00:01:28.190> the<00:01:28.250> naming<00:01:28.789> rights<00:01:28.940> to opportunity to buy the naming rights to opportunity to buy the naming rights to my<00:01:29.330> 2011<00:01:29.959> TED<00:01:30.140> talk<00:01:32.470> that's<00:01:33.470> right<00:01:33.649> some<00:01:33.920> lucky my 2011 TED talk that's right some lucky my 2011 TED talk that's right some lucky individual<00:01:34.880> corporation<00:01:35.750> for-profit<00:01:36.619> or individual corporation for-profit or individual corporation for-profit or nonprofit<00:01:37.000> was<00:01:38.000> going<00:01:38.149> to<00:01:38.209> get<00:01:38.300> the nonprofit was going to get the nonprofit was going to get the once-in-a-lifetime<00:01:38.989> opportunity<00:01:39.800> because once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because I'm<00:01:40.160> sure<00:01:40.280> Chris<00:01:40.489> Anderson<00:01:40.849> will<00:01:40.940> never<00:01:41.090> let I'm sure Chris Anderson will never let I'm sure Chris Anderson will never let it<00:01:41.330> happen<00:01:41.360> again

-<00:01:44.189> by<00:01:44.399> the<00:01:44.460> naming<00:01:45.090> rights<00:01:45.210> to<00:01:45.390> the<00:01:45.479> talk
- by the naming rights to the talk - by the naming rights to the talk you're<00:01:45.960> watching<00:01:46.380> right<00:01:46.560> now<00:01:46.729> that<00:01:47.729> at<00:01:47.850> the you're watching right now that at the you're watching right now that at the time<00:01:48.149> didn't<00:01:48.509> have<00:01:48.630> a<00:01:48.659> title<00:01:49.070> didn't<00:01:50.070> really time didn't have a title didn't really time didn't have a title didn't really have<00:01:50.430> a<00:01:50.460> lot<00:01:50.549> of<00:01:50.729> content<00:01:51.149> and<00:01:51.329> didn't<00:01:51.689> really have a lot of content and didn't really have a lot of content and didn't really give<00:01:52.020> much<00:01:52.229> hint<00:01:52.470> as<00:01:52.590> to<00:01:52.619> what<00:01:52.799> the<00:01:52.950> subject give much hint as to what the subject give much hint as to what the subject matter<00:01:53.579> would<00:01:53.789> actually<00:01:54.180> be<00:01:54.740> so<00:01:55.740> what<00:01:55.860> you matter would actually be so what you matter would actually be so what you were<00:01:56.009> getting<00:01:56.280> was<00:01:56.430> this<00:01:56.960> your<00:01:57.960> name<00:01:58.200> here were getting was this your name here were getting was this your name here presents<00:01:58.939> my<00:01:59.939> TED<00:02:00.240> talk<00:02:00.509> did<00:02:01.320> you<00:02:01.439> have<00:02:01.560> no presents my TED talk did you have no presents my TED talk did you have no idea<00:02:02.070> what<00:02:02.189> the<00:02:02.280> subject<00:02:02.610> isn't<00:02:02.729> depending<00:02:03.210> on idea what the subject isn't depending on idea what the subject isn't depending on the<00:02:03.420> content<00:02:03.929> could<00:02:04.170> ultimately<00:02:04.679> blow<00:02:04.890> up<00:02:04.979> in the content could ultimately blow up in the content could ultimately blow up in your<00:02:05.100> face<00:02:05.220> especially<00:02:06.149> if<00:02:06.420> I<00:02:06.899> make<00:02:07.289> you<00:02:07.470> or your face especially if I make you or your face especially if I make you or your<00:02:07.740> company<00:02:07.860> look<00:02:08.190> stupid<00:02:08.489> for<00:02:08.550> doing<00:02:08.880> it your company look stupid for doing it your company look stupid for doing it but<00:02:09.239> that<00:02:09.450> being<00:02:09.660> said<00:02:10.009> it's<00:02:11.009> a<00:02:11.160> very<00:02:11.459> good but that being said it's a very good but that being said it's a very good media<00:02:12.060> opportunity<00:02:18.140> you<00:02:19.140> know<00:02:19.380> how<00:02:19.590> many media opportunity you know how many media opportunity you know how many people<00:02:20.010> watch<00:02:20.220> these<00:02:20.459> TED<00:02:20.760> Talks<00:02:21.030> it's<00:02:21.959> a<00:02:22.080> lot people watch these TED Talks it's a lot people watch these TED Talks it's a lot that's<00:02:24.989> just<00:02:25.170> a<00:02:25.260> working<00:02:25.500> title<00:02:25.650> by<00:02:25.890> the<00:02:25.920> way that's just a working title by the way that's just a working title by the way so<00:02:29.090> even<00:02:30.090> with<00:02:30.420> that<00:02:30.450> caveat<00:02:30.840> I<00:02:31.470> knew<00:02:32.400> that so even with that caveat I knew that so even with that caveat I knew that someone<00:02:33.150> would<00:02:33.360> buy<00:02:33.480> the<00:02:33.540> naming<00:02:33.900> rights<00:02:34.019> now someone would buy the naming rights now someone would buy the naming rights now if<00:02:34.290> you'd<00:02:34.410> have<00:02:34.530> asked<00:02:34.680> me<00:02:34.769> that<00:02:34.830> a<00:02:34.920> year<00:02:35.130> ago<00:02:35.190> I if you'd have asked me that a year ago I if you'd have asked me that a year ago I wouldn't<00:02:35.670> been<00:02:35.819> able<00:02:35.880> to<00:02:36.000> tell<00:02:36.180> you<00:02:36.209> that<00:02:36.390> with wouldn't been able to tell you that with wouldn't been able to tell you that with any<00:02:36.630> certainty<00:02:36.950> but<00:02:37.950> in<00:02:38.099> the<00:02:38.160> new<00:02:38.280> project any certainty but in the new project any certainty but in the new project that<00:02:38.730> I'm<00:02:38.819> working<00:02:38.849> on<00:02:39.120> my<00:02:39.269> new<00:02:39.420> film<00:02:39.660> we<00:02:39.810> exam that I'm working on my new film we exam that I'm working on my new film we exam in<00:02:40.230> the<00:02:40.319> world<00:02:40.500> of<00:02:40.709> marketing<00:02:40.980> advertising in the world of marketing advertising in the world of marketing advertising and<00:02:42.709> as<00:02:43.709> I<00:02:43.830> said<00:02:43.890> earlier<00:02:44.250> I<00:02:44.310> put<00:02:44.489> myself<00:02:44.640> in and as I said earlier I put myself in and as I said earlier I put myself in some<00:02:45.060> pretty<00:02:45.239> horrible<00:02:45.510> situations<00:02:46.319> over<00:02:46.500> the some pretty horrible situations over the some pretty horrible situations over the years<00:02:46.950> but<00:02:47.820> nothing<00:02:48.209> could<00:02:48.390> prepare<00:02:48.630> me years but nothing could prepare me years but nothing could prepare me nothing<00:02:50.310> could<00:02:50.519> ready<00:02:50.760> me<00:02:50.970> for<00:02:51.150> anything<00:02:51.359> as nothing could ready me for anything as nothing could ready me for anything as difficult<00:02:52.739> or<00:02:53.040> as<00:02:54.030> dangerous<00:02:54.299> as<00:02:55.100> going<00:02:56.100> into difficult or as dangerous as going into difficult or as dangerous as going into the<00:02:56.609> rooms<00:02:56.880> with<00:02:57.720> these<00:02:57.959> guys

you<00:03:03.100> see<00:03:03.280> I<00:03:03.310> had<00:03:03.640> this<00:03:03.670> idea<00:03:04.060> for<00:03:04.540> a<00:03:04.600> movie<00:03:04.780> what
you see I had this idea for a movie what you see I had this idea for a movie what I<00:03:05.770> want<00:03:06.100> to<00:03:06.190> do<00:03:06.340> is<00:03:06.580> make<00:03:07.060> a<00:03:07.090> film<00:03:07.420> all<00:03:07.900> about I want to do is make a film all about I want to do is make a film all about product<00:03:08.800> placement<00:03:08.830> marketing<00:03:09.370> and product placement marketing and product placement marketing and advertising<00:03:10.090> where<00:03:10.690> the<00:03:10.780> entire<00:03:11.050> film<00:03:11.350> is advertising where the entire film is advertising where the entire film is funded<00:03:11.980> by<00:03:12.130> product<00:03:12.670> placement<00:03:13.000> marketing funded by product placement marketing funded by product placement marketing and<00:03:13.540> advertising<00:03:13.930> so<00:03:14.500> the<00:03:14.950> movie<00:03:15.280> will<00:03:15.910> be and advertising so the movie will be and advertising so the movie will be called<00:03:16.210> the<00:03:16.360> greatest<00:03:16.600> movie<00:03:16.750> ever<00:03:16.960> sold<00:03:17.140> so called the greatest movie ever sold so called the greatest movie ever sold so what<00:03:17.920> happens<00:03:18.310> in<00:03:18.430> the<00:03:18.490> greatest<00:03:18.790> movie<00:03:19.000> ever what happens in the greatest movie ever what happens in the greatest movie ever sold<00:03:19.210> is<00:03:19.660> that<00:03:20.260> everything<00:03:20.680> from<00:03:20.770> top<00:03:21.040> to sold is that everything from top to sold is that everything from top to bottom<00:03:21.220> from<00:03:21.550> start<00:03:21.790> to<00:03:21.910> finish<00:03:21.940> is<00:03:22.390> branded bottom from start to finish is branded bottom from start to finish is branded from<00:03:23.290> beginning<00:03:23.620> to<00:03:23.710> end<00:03:23.740> you<00:03:24.160> know<00:03:24.460> from<00:03:24.850> the from beginning to end you know from the from beginning to end you know from the above<00:03:25.390> the<00:03:25.510> title<00:03:25.780> sponsor<00:03:25.870> that<00:03:26.410> you'll<00:03:26.530> see above the title sponsor that you'll see above the title sponsor that you'll see in<00:03:26.830> the<00:03:26.920> movie<00:03:27.070> which<00:03:27.370> is<00:03:27.400> Brand<00:03:27.820> X<00:03:28.060> now<00:03:28.510> this in the movie which is Brand X now this in the movie which is Brand X now this brand<00:03:29.020> the<00:03:29.350> Qualcomm<00:03:30.160> Stadium<00:03:30.340> the<00:03:30.970> you<00:03:31.750> know brand the Qualcomm Stadium the you know brand the Qualcomm Stadium the you know Staples<00:03:32.530> Center<00:03:32.830> these<00:03:33.100> people<00:03:33.370> will<00:03:33.460> be Staples Center these people will be Staples Center these people will be married<00:03:33.760> to<00:03:33.850> the<00:03:33.940> film<00:03:34.090> in<00:03:34.270> perpetuity married to the film in perpetuity married to the film in perpetuity forever<00:03:35.020> and<00:03:35.770> so<00:03:35.980> the<00:03:36.010> film<00:03:36.220> explores<00:03:36.580> this forever and so the film explores this forever and so the film explores this whole<00:03:36.970> idea whole idea whole idea it's<00:03:37.810> what<00:03:37.990> in<00:03:43.590> perpetuity<00:03:44.590> period<00:03:45.340> forever it's what in perpetuity period forever it's what in perpetuity period forever but<00:03:46.390> not<00:03:46.540> only<00:03:46.600> we're<00:03:46.750> gonna<00:03:46.840> have<00:03:47.020> the<00:03:47.170> Brand but not only we're gonna have the Brand but not only we're gonna have the Brand X<00:03:47.500> title<00:03:47.830> sponsor<00:03:48.190> but<00:03:48.550> we're<00:03:48.670> gonna<00:03:48.760> make X title sponsor but we're gonna make X title sponsor but we're gonna make sure<00:03:48.970> we<00:03:49.090> sellout<00:03:49.390> every<00:03:49.720> category<00:03:49.930> we<00:03:50.320> can<00:03:50.530> in sure we sellout every category we can in sure we sellout every category we can in the<00:03:50.710> film<00:03:50.920> so<00:03:51.310> maybe<00:03:51.520> we<00:03:51.640> sell<00:03:51.850> a<00:03:51.880> shoe<00:03:52.120> and<00:03:52.210> it the film so maybe we sell a shoe and it the film so maybe we sell a shoe and it becomes<00:03:52.480> the<00:03:52.600> greatest<00:03:52.780> shoe<00:03:53.020> you<00:03:53.140> ever<00:03:53.320> wore becomes the greatest shoe you ever wore becomes the greatest shoe you ever wore the<00:03:53.890> greatest<00:03:54.190> car<00:03:54.370> you<00:03:54.490> ever<00:03:54.520> drove<00:03:54.700> from<00:03:55.150> the the greatest car you ever drove from the the greatest car you ever drove from the greatest<00:03:55.510> movie<00:03:55.720> ever<00:03:55.750> sold<00:03:55.900> you<00:03:56.560> know<00:03:56.590> the greatest movie ever sold you know the greatest movie ever sold you know the the<00:03:57.220> greatest<00:03:57.550> drink<00:03:57.790> you've<00:03:57.940> ever<00:03:58.060> had<00:03:58.270> Kurt the greatest drink you've ever had Kurt the greatest drink you've ever had Kurt see<00:03:58.720> the<00:03:58.810> greatest<00:03:58.990> movie<00:03:59.290> ever<00:03:59.320> sold<00:03:59.470> so<00:03:59.920> the see the greatest movie ever sold so the see the greatest movie ever sold so the idea<00:04:00.340> is<00:04:00.580> beyond<00:04:01.300> just<00:04:01.570> showing<00:04:02.080> that<00:04:02.380> brands idea is beyond just showing that brands idea is beyond just showing that brands are<00:04:03.400> part<00:04:03.550> of<00:04:03.580> life<00:04:03.760> but<00:04:03.910> actually<00:04:04.000> get<00:04:04.330> them are part of life but actually get them are part of life but actually get them to<00:04:04.510> finance<00:04:04.870> the<00:04:05.080> film<00:04:05.290> is<00:04:05.440> them<00:04:05.710> to<00:04:05.800> finance to finance the film is them to finance to finance the film is them to finance the<00:04:06.190> film<00:04:06.220> and<00:04:06.670> actually<00:04:06.910> we<00:04:07.090> show<00:04:07.240> the<00:04:07.360> whole the film and actually we show the whole the film and actually we show the whole process<00:04:07.720> of<00:04:08.020> how<00:04:08.140> does<00:04:08.320> it<00:04:08.410> work<00:04:08.590> the<00:04:08.770> goal<00:04:08.950> of process of how does it work the goal of process of how does it work the goal of this<00:04:09.220> whole<00:04:09.280> film<00:04:09.580> is<00:04:09.700> transparency<00:04:10.300> you're this whole film is transparency you're this whole film is transparency you're gonna<00:04:11.050> see<00:04:11.260> the<00:04:11.380> whole<00:04:11.500> thing<00:04:11.530> take<00:04:11.950> place<00:04:12.190> in gonna see the whole thing take place in gonna see the whole thing take place in this<00:04:12.580> movie<00:04:12.910> so<00:04:13.090> that's<00:04:13.480> the<00:04:13.690> the<00:04:14.200> whole this movie so that's the the whole this movie so that's the the whole concept<00:04:14.740> the<00:04:14.890> whole<00:04:15.010> film<00:04:15.280> start<00:04:16.060> to<00:04:16.150> finish concept the whole film start to finish concept the whole film start to finish and<00:04:16.660> I<00:04:17.080> would<00:04:17.230> love<00:04:17.380> for<00:04:17.410> scene<00:04:17.680> journey<00:04:17.890> to and I would love for scene journey to and I would love for scene journey to help<00:04:18.190> make<00:04:18.340> it<00:04:18.370> happen<00:04:18.489> yeah<00:04:19.120> you<00:04:19.180> know<00:04:19.359> it's help make it happen yeah you know it's help make it happen yeah you know it's funny<00:04:19.989> because<00:04:20.080> when<00:04:20.380> I<00:04:20.410> first<00:04:20.500> hear<00:04:21.220> it<00:04:21.750> it<00:04:22.750> is funny because when I first hear it it is funny because when I first hear it it is the<00:04:23.080> ultimate<00:04:23.470> respect<00:04:24.900> for<00:04:25.900> an<00:04:25.960> audience the ultimate respect for an audience the ultimate respect for an audience I<00:04:26.500> don't<00:04:26.770> know<00:04:26.920> how<00:04:27.130> receptive<00:04:27.460> people<00:04:28.080> are I don't know how receptive people are I don't know how receptive people are going<00:04:29.800> to<00:04:29.920> be<00:04:30.070> to<00:04:30.310> it<00:04:30.430> though going to be to it though going to be to it though you<00:04:31.030> have<00:04:31.150> a<00:04:31.180> perspective<00:04:31.630> or<00:04:32.020> do<00:04:32.110> you<00:04:32.200> I<00:04:32.380> don't you have a perspective or do you I don't you have a perspective or do you I don't want<00:04:32.650> to<00:04:32.680> use<00:04:32.800> angle<00:04:33.160> because<00:04:33.370> that<00:04:33.460> has<00:04:33.580> sort want to use angle because that has sort want to use angle because that has sort of<00:04:33.850> has<00:04:33.940> a<00:04:33.970> negative<00:04:34.150> connotation<00:04:34.420> but<00:04:34.900> do<00:04:34.990> you of has a negative connotation but do you of has a negative connotation but do you think<00:04:35.200> that<00:04:35.320> do<00:04:35.380> you<00:04:35.410> sort<00:04:35.680> of<00:04:35.710> know<00:04:35.920> how<00:04:36.100> this think that do you sort of know how this think that do you sort of know how this is<00:04:36.430> gonna<00:04:36.520> play<00:04:37.030> out<00:04:37.090> no<00:04:37.360> idea<00:04:37.690> how<00:04:38.350> much<00:04:38.500> money is gonna play out no idea how much money is gonna play out no idea how much money did<00:04:38.860> it<00:04:38.980> take<00:04:39.210> to<00:04:40.210> do<00:04:40.330> this did it take to do this did it take to do this 1.5<00:04:41.800> million<00:04:42.040> they're<00:04:42.730> good<00:04:42.880> I<00:04:43.090> think<00:04:43.870> that 1.5 million they're good I think that 1.5 million they're good I think that you're<00:04:44.170> gonna<00:04:44.260> have<00:04:44.440> a<00:04:44.500> hard<00:04:44.650> time<00:04:44.830> meeting you're gonna have a hard time meeting you're gonna have a hard time meeting with<00:04:45.370> them<00:04:45.490> but<00:04:45.730> I<00:04:46.000> think<00:04:46.450> it's<00:04:46.600> you<00:04:46.930> know with them but I think it's you know with them but I think it's you know certainly<00:04:47.350> worth<00:04:47.910> pursuing<00:04:48.910> a<00:04:49.150> couple<00:04:49.450> really certainly worth pursuing a couple really certainly worth pursuing a couple really big<00:04:49.780> obvious<00:04:50.350> brands<00:04:50.770> who<00:04:51.220> knows<00:04:51.490> maybe<00:04:52.090> by big obvious brands who knows maybe by big obvious brands who knows maybe by the<00:04:52.360> time<00:04:52.570> your<00:04:52.720> film<00:04:52.930> comes<00:04:53.140> out<00:04:53.290> we<00:04:53.470> look the time your film comes out we look the time your film comes out we look like<00:04:53.830> a<00:04:54.010> bunch<00:04:54.250> of<00:04:54.340> blundering<00:04:54.730> idiots<00:04:55.060> what like a bunch of blundering idiots what like a bunch of blundering idiots what do<00:04:55.390> you<00:04:55.450> think<00:04:55.570> the<00:04:55.630> response<00:04:55.780> is<00:04:56.050> gonna<00:04:56.140> be<00:04:56.290> I do you think the response is gonna be I do you think the response is gonna be I the<00:04:57.990> responses<00:04:58.590> mostly<00:04:59.010> will<00:04:59.160> be<00:04:59.280> no<00:04:59.520> but<00:05:00.210> as the responses mostly will be no but as the responses mostly will be no but as the<00:05:00.390> toughest<00:05:00.630> cell<00:05:00.780> because<00:05:00.990> the<00:05:01.020> felmers the toughest cell because the felmers the toughest cell because the felmers tough<00:05:01.590> sell<00:05:01.770> because<00:05:01.860> of<00:05:01.980> me tough sell because of me tough sell because of me both<00:05:04.200> that<00:05:04.830> meaning<00:05:05.130> I'm<00:05:05.670> not<00:05:05.880> so<00:05:06.750> optimistic both that meaning I'm not so optimistic both that meaning I'm not so optimistic so<00:05:09.300> can<00:05:09.630> you<00:05:09.690> help<00:05:09.780> me<00:05:09.960> I<00:05:10.440> need<00:05:10.830> help<00:05:11.010> I<00:05:11.220> can so can you help me I need help I can so can you help me I need help I can help<00:05:11.940> okay<00:05:12.690> good<00:05:13.500> good<00:05:14.840> awesome<00:05:15.870> yeah<00:05:16.440> we<00:05:16.830> got help okay good good awesome yeah we got help okay good good awesome yeah we got a<00:05:17.010> fight<00:05:17.250> figure<00:05:17.580> out<00:05:17.700> which<00:05:17.880> brands<00:05:18.240> yeah a fight figure out which brands yeah a fight figure out which brands yeah that's<00:05:20.640> that's<00:05:20.910> the<00:05:21.120> challenge<00:05:21.480> when<00:05:21.900> you<00:05:21.990> and that's that's the challenge when you and that's that's the challenge when you and you<00:05:22.230> look<00:05:22.380> at<00:05:22.500> like<00:05:22.590> the<00:05:22.650> people<00:05:22.890> you<00:05:23.010> deal you look at like the people you deal you look at like the people you deal with<00:05:23.220> we've<00:05:24.060> got<00:05:24.180> some<00:05:24.360> places<00:05:24.540> we<00:05:24.780> can<00:05:24.900> go with we've got some places we can go with we've got some places we can go okay<00:05:25.470> I'll<00:05:26.100> turn<00:05:26.310> the<00:05:26.430> camera okay I'll turn the camera okay I'll turn the camera I<00:05:27.410> thought<00:05:28.410> turn<00:05:28.650> the<00:05:28.770> camera<00:05:29.160> off<00:05:29.190> meant I thought turn the camera off meant I thought turn the camera off meant let's<00:05:29.700> have<00:05:29.880> an<00:05:29.970> off-the-record let's have an off-the-record let's have an off-the-record conversation<00:05:30.980> turns<00:05:31.980> out<00:05:32.190> it<00:05:32.310> really<00:05:32.580> means conversation turns out it really means conversation turns out it really means we<00:05:33.480> want<00:05:33.720> nothing<00:05:33.990> to<00:05:34.260> do<00:05:34.380> with<00:05:34.500> your<00:05:34.680> movie we want nothing to do with your movie we want nothing to do with your movie and<00:05:36.470> just<00:05:37.470> like<00:05:37.680> that<00:05:37.950> one<00:05:38.670> by<00:05:38.940> one<00:05:39.240> all<00:05:39.810> of and just like that one by one all of and just like that one by one all of these<00:05:40.470> companies<00:05:40.950> suddenly<00:05:41.520> disappeared these companies suddenly disappeared these companies suddenly disappeared none<00:05:43.260> of<00:05:43.410> them<00:05:43.530> wanted<00:05:43.770> anything<00:05:44.070> to<00:05:44.220> do<00:05:44.370> with none of them wanted anything to do with none of them wanted anything to do with this<00:05:44.640> movie<00:05:44.910> I<00:05:44.940> mean<00:05:45.060> I<00:05:45.120> was<00:05:45.330> amazed<00:05:45.720> they this movie I mean I was amazed they this movie I mean I was amazed they wanted<00:05:46.800> absolutely<00:05:47.250> nothing<00:05:47.460> to<00:05:47.550> do<00:05:47.640> with wanted absolutely nothing to do with wanted absolutely nothing to do with this<00:05:47.880> project<00:05:48.120> and<00:05:48.390> I<00:05:48.450> mean<00:05:48.600> I<00:05:48.780> was<00:05:48.960> blown<00:05:49.080> away this project and I mean I was blown away this project and I mean I was blown away because<00:05:49.440> I<00:05:49.650> thought<00:05:49.800> the<00:05:49.920> whole<00:05:50.040> concept<00:05:50.370> the because I thought the whole concept the because I thought the whole concept the idea<00:05:50.550> of<00:05:50.790> advertising<00:05:51.120> was<00:05:51.330> to<00:05:51.420> get<00:05:51.540> your idea of advertising was to get your idea of advertising was to get your product<00:05:51.990> out<00:05:52.050> in<00:05:52.170> front<00:05:52.290> of<00:05:52.380> as<00:05:52.470> many<00:05:52.500> people product out in front of as many people product out in front of as many people as<00:05:53.100> possible<00:05:53.160> to<00:05:54.090> get<00:05:54.210> them<00:05:54.330> as<00:05:54.420> many<00:05:54.570> people as possible to get them as many people as possible to get them as many people to<00:05:54.870> see<00:05:55.020> it<00:05:55.140> as<00:05:55.260> possible<00:05:55.770> especially<00:05:56.370> in to see it as possible especially in to see it as possible especially in today's<00:05:56.580> world<00:05:56.730> this<00:05:57.300> this<00:05:57.840> intersection<00:05:58.350> of today's world this this intersection of today's world this this intersection of new<00:05:58.770> media<00:05:59.040> and<00:05:59.340> old<00:05:59.550> median<00:06:00.030> the<00:06:00.150> fractured new media and old median the fractured new media and old median the fractured media<00:06:00.930> landscape<00:06:01.590> isn't<00:06:02.250> the<00:06:02.340> idea<00:06:02.670> to<00:06:02.940> get media landscape isn't the idea to get media landscape isn't the idea to get that<00:06:03.090> new<00:06:03.930> buzz<00:06:04.380> worthy<00:06:04.770> delivery<00:06:05.490> vehicle that new buzz worthy delivery vehicle that new buzz worthy delivery vehicle that's<00:06:06.660> going<00:06:06.720> to<00:06:06.930> get<00:06:07.080> that<00:06:07.200> message<00:06:07.470> to<00:06:07.920> the that's going to get that message to the that's going to get that message to the masses<00:06:08.840> now<00:06:09.840> that's<00:06:10.050> what<00:06:10.200> I<00:06:10.230> thought<00:06:10.470> but<00:06:11.370> the masses now that's what I thought but the masses now that's what I thought but the problem<00:06:11.850> was<00:06:11.970> you<00:06:12.180> see<00:06:12.360> my<00:06:13.020> idea<00:06:13.380> had<00:06:13.680> one problem was you see my idea had one problem was you see my idea had one fatal<00:06:14.790> flaw<00:06:15.360> and<00:06:16.790> that<00:06:17.790> flaw<00:06:18.320> was<00:06:19.320> this fatal flaw and that flaw was this fatal flaw and that flaw was this actually<00:06:21.540> no<00:06:21.660> that<00:06:21.690> was<00:06:21.900> not<00:06:21.990> the<00:06:22.110> flaw actually no that was not the flaw actually no that was not the flaw whatsoever<00:06:22.740> that<00:06:22.919> would've<00:06:23.160> been<00:06:23.220> a<00:06:23.280> problem whatsoever that would've been a problem whatsoever that would've been a problem at<00:06:23.730> all<00:06:23.820> see<00:06:24.720> this<00:06:25.710> would<00:06:25.890> have<00:06:26.010> been<00:06:26.100> fine<00:06:26.340> but at all see this would have been fine but at all see this would have been fine but what<00:06:26.700> this<00:06:26.820> image<00:06:27.090> represents<00:06:27.240> was<00:06:28.020> the what this image represents was the what this image represents was the problem<00:06:28.560> see<00:06:28.680> when<00:06:28.830> you<00:06:28.919> do<00:06:29.040> a<00:06:29.070> google<00:06:29.400> image problem see when you do a google image problem see when you do a google image search<00:06:29.730> for<00:06:30.120> transparency<00:06:30.750> this<00:06:31.440> is

this<00:06:37.970> is<00:06:38.120> one<00:06:38.270> of<00:06:38.300> the<00:06:38.419> first<00:06:38.630> images<00:06:38.990> that
this is one of the first images that this is one of the first images that comes<00:06:39.380> up<00:06:39.620> so<00:06:40.190> I<00:06:40.610> like<00:06:41.480> the<00:06:41.660> way<00:06:41.750> you<00:06:41.810> roll comes up so I like the way you roll comes up so I like the way you roll sergey<00:06:42.560> brin<00:06:42.770> no<00:06:46.990> this<00:06:47.990> this<00:06:48.710> was<00:06:49.010> the<00:06:49.130> problem sergey brin no this this was the problem sergey brin no this this was the problem transparency<00:06:50.360> free<00:06:51.290> from<00:06:51.710> pretense<00:06:52.310> or transparency free from pretense or transparency free from pretense or deceit<00:06:52.760> easily<00:06:53.330> detected<00:06:53.810> or<00:06:53.930> seen<00:06:54.139> through deceit easily detected or seen through deceit easily detected or seen through readily<00:06:55.580> understood<00:06:56.470> characterized<00:06:57.470> by readily understood characterized by readily understood characterized by visibility<00:06:58.310> or<00:06:58.370> accessibility<00:06:59.060> of visibility or accessibility of visibility or accessibility of information<00:06:59.150> especially<00:07:00.050> concerning information especially concerning information especially concerning business<00:07:01.310> practices<00:07:01.910> that<00:07:01.940> last<00:07:02.690> line<00:07:02.960> being business practices that last line being business practices that last line being probably<00:07:03.680> the<00:07:03.830> biggest<00:07:04.010> problem<00:07:04.520> you<00:07:04.729> see<00:07:05.300> we probably the biggest problem you see we probably the biggest problem you see we hear<00:07:05.540> a<00:07:05.570> lot<00:07:05.750> about<00:07:05.780> transparency<00:07:06.410> these<00:07:06.800> days hear a lot about transparency these days hear a lot about transparency these days you<00:07:07.160> know<00:07:07.250> our<00:07:07.340> politicians<00:07:07.820> say<00:07:08.180> it<00:07:08.330> our you know our politicians say it our you know our politicians say it our president<00:07:09.350> says<00:07:09.560> it<00:07:09.740> even<00:07:10.310> our<00:07:10.430> CEOs<00:07:11.000> say<00:07:11.510> it president says it even our CEOs say it president says it even our CEOs say it but<00:07:12.530> suddenly<00:07:12.770> when<00:07:13.040> it<00:07:13.160> comes<00:07:13.340> down<00:07:13.520> to<00:07:13.580> it but suddenly when it comes down to it but suddenly when it comes down to it becoming<00:07:14.270> a<00:07:14.330> reality<00:07:14.360> something<00:07:15.139> suddenly becoming a reality something suddenly becoming a reality something suddenly changes<00:07:15.919> but<00:07:16.040> why changes but why changes but why well<00:07:17.000> transparency<00:07:17.990> is<00:07:18.080> scary<00:07:20.350> like<00:07:21.350> that<00:07:21.650> odd well transparency is scary like that odd well transparency is scary like that odd still<00:07:22.580> screaming<00:07:23.240> bear<00:07:25.150> it's<00:07:26.150> unpredictable still screaming bear it's unpredictable still screaming bear it's unpredictable [Music] [Music] [Music] like<00:07:32.320> this<00:07:32.590> odd<00:07:32.890> country<00:07:33.610> road<00:07:33.850> and<00:07:34.840> it's<00:07:35.830> also like this odd country road and it's also like this odd country road and it's also very<00:07:36.340> risky<00:07:37.950> what<00:07:38.950> else<00:07:39.100> is<00:07:42.180> what<00:07:43.180> else<00:07:43.360> is very risky what else is what else is very risky what else is what else is risky<00:07:43.930> eating<00:07:44.470> an<00:07:44.590> entire<00:07:44.710> bowl<00:07:45.220> of<00:07:45.280> Cool<00:07:45.700> Whip

that's<00:07:52.390> very<00:07:52.780> risky<00:07:54.510> no<00:07:55.510> when<00:07:55.660> I<00:07:55.690> started
that's very risky no when I started that's very risky no when I started talking<00:07:56.320> to<00:07:56.620> companies<00:07:56.830> you<00:07:57.640> know<00:07:57.700> and talking to companies you know and talking to companies you know and telling<00:07:58.120> them<00:07:58.240> you<00:07:58.360> we<00:07:58.510> wanted<00:07:58.810> to<00:07:58.870> tell<00:07:59.050> this telling them you we wanted to tell this telling them you we wanted to tell this story<00:07:59.440> and<00:07:59.620> they<00:07:59.800> said<00:07:59.980> no<00:08:00.100> we<00:08:00.310> want<00:08:00.610> you<00:08:00.760> to story and they said no we want you to story and they said no we want you to tell<00:08:01.030> a<00:08:01.060> story<00:08:01.570> we<00:08:02.470> want<00:08:02.710> you<00:08:02.770> to<00:08:02.860> tell<00:08:03.010> a<00:08:03.040> story tell a story we want you to tell a story tell a story we want you to tell a story the<00:08:03.430> way<00:08:03.520> we<00:08:03.970> just<00:08:04.150> want<00:08:04.420> to<00:08:04.510> tell<00:08:04.690> our<00:08:04.960> story the way we just want to tell our story the way we just want to tell our story see<00:08:07.330> when<00:08:07.420> I<00:08:07.510> was<00:08:07.600> a<00:08:07.660> kid<00:08:07.960> and<00:08:08.230> my<00:08:08.380> father<00:08:08.650> would see when I was a kid and my father would see when I was a kid and my father would catch<00:08:09.070> me<00:08:09.280> in<00:08:09.370> some<00:08:09.610> sort<00:08:09.640> of<00:08:09.910> lie<00:08:10.200> Mary<00:08:11.200> is catch me in some sort of lie Mary is catch me in some sort of lie Mary is giving<00:08:11.680> me<00:08:11.770> the<00:08:11.860> look<00:08:11.980> he<00:08:12.070> often<00:08:12.220> gave<00:08:12.490> me<00:08:13.560> he giving me the look he often gave me he giving me the look he often gave me he would<00:08:14.680> say<00:08:14.710> son<00:08:15.100> there's<00:08:15.340> three<00:08:15.670> sides<00:08:15.970> to would say son there's three sides to would say son there's three sides to every<00:08:16.420> story<00:08:17.130> there's<00:08:18.130> your<00:08:18.850> story<00:08:19.680> there's every story there's your story there's every story there's your story there's my<00:08:21.010> story<00:08:21.430> and<00:08:21.900> there's<00:08:22.900> the<00:08:23.110> real<00:08:23.290> story<00:08:23.910> now my story and there's the real story now my story and there's the real story now you<00:08:24.970> see<00:08:25.120> with<00:08:25.210> this<00:08:25.330> film<00:08:25.630> we<00:08:25.840> wanted<00:08:26.200> to<00:08:26.260> tell you see with this film we wanted to tell you see with this film we wanted to tell the<00:08:26.680> real<00:08:26.860> story<00:08:26.890> but<00:08:27.580> with<00:08:27.700> only<00:08:27.850> one<00:08:28.000> company the real story but with only one company the real story but with only one company one<00:08:28.930> agency<00:08:29.260> willing<00:08:29.620> to<00:08:29.710> help<00:08:29.830> me<00:08:29.950> and<00:08:30.100> that's one agency willing to help me and that's one agency willing to help me and that's only<00:08:30.340> because<00:08:30.640> I<00:08:30.760> knew<00:08:30.910> John<00:08:31.150> Bonham<00:08:31.600> Richard only because I knew John Bonham Richard only because I knew John Bonham Richard Kirshenbaum<00:08:32.200> for<00:08:32.440> years<00:08:32.680> I<00:08:33.060> realized<00:08:34.060> that<00:08:34.930> I Kirshenbaum for years I realized that I Kirshenbaum for years I realized that I would<00:08:35.080> have<00:08:35.289> to<00:08:35.380> go<00:08:35.500> on<00:08:35.530> my<00:08:35.860> own<00:08:35.890> I'd<00:08:36.130> have<00:08:36.219> to would have to go on my own I'd have to would have to go on my own I'd have to cut<00:08:36.520> out<00:08:36.640> the<00:08:36.669> middleman<00:08:37.060> and<00:08:37.300> go<00:08:37.360> to<00:08:37.419> the cut out the middleman and go to the cut out the middleman and go to the companies<00:08:37.900> myself<00:08:38.580> you<00:08:39.580> know<00:08:39.640> myself<00:08:39.969> with companies myself you know myself with companies myself you know myself with all<00:08:40.240> of<00:08:40.390> my<00:08:40.479> team<00:08:40.690> so<00:08:41.020> well<00:08:41.919> you<00:08:42.010> suddenly all of my team so well you suddenly all of my team so well you suddenly started<00:08:42.640> realize<00:08:42.969> or<00:08:43.120> what<00:08:43.240> I<00:08:43.270> started started realize or what I started started realize or what I started realized<00:08:43.960> that<00:08:44.260> we<00:08:44.589> started<00:08:44.920> having realized that we started having realized that we started having conversation<00:08:45.550> with<00:08:45.610> these<00:08:45.790> companies<00:08:46.030> the conversation with these companies the conversation with these companies the idea<00:08:46.390> of<00:08:46.450> understanding<00:08:47.050> your<00:08:47.170> brand<00:08:47.440> is<00:08:47.770> a idea of understanding your brand is a idea of understanding your brand is a universal<00:08:48.910> problem<00:08:49.150> I<00:08:49.630> have<00:08:49.839> friends<00:08:50.080> who universal problem I have friends who universal problem I have friends who make<00:08:50.170> great<00:08:50.440> big<00:08:50.620> giant<00:08:50.860> Hollywood<00:08:51.700> films<00:08:52.000> and make great big giant Hollywood films and make great big giant Hollywood films and I<00:08:52.150> have<00:08:52.240> friends<00:08:52.480> who<00:08:52.540> make<00:08:52.570> little I have friends who make little I have friends who make little independent<00:08:53.440> films<00:08:53.589> like<00:08:53.710> I<00:08:53.890> make<00:08:54.130> and<00:08:54.370> the independent films like I make and the independent films like I make and the friends<00:08:55.600> might<00:08:55.750> make<00:08:55.990> big<00:08:56.200> giant<00:08:56.230> Hollywood friends might make big giant Hollywood friends might make big giant Hollywood movies<00:08:57.190> say<00:08:57.339> that<00:08:57.490> the<00:08:57.550> reason<00:08:57.700> their<00:08:57.970> films movies say that the reason their films movies say that the reason their films are<00:08:58.240> so<00:08:58.390> successful<00:08:58.420> is<00:08:59.140> because<00:08:59.380> of<00:08:59.800> the are so successful is because of the are so successful is because of the brand<00:09:00.130> partners<00:09:00.550> that<00:09:00.670> they<00:09:00.790> have<00:09:00.970> and<00:09:01.240> then brand partners that they have and then brand partners that they have and then my<00:09:01.570> friends<00:09:01.810> who<00:09:01.870> make<00:09:02.050> small<00:09:02.260> independent my friends who make small independent my friends who make small independent films<00:09:02.950> say<00:09:03.130> well<00:09:03.610> how<00:09:03.700> are<00:09:03.820> we<00:09:03.880> supposed<00:09:04.210> to films say well how are we supposed to films say well how are we supposed to compete<00:09:04.390> with<00:09:04.990> these<00:09:05.110> big<00:09:05.170> giant<00:09:05.740> Hollywood compete with these big giant Hollywood compete with these big giant Hollywood movies<00:09:06.520> and<00:09:06.730> the<00:09:06.790> movie<00:09:07.089> is<00:09:07.240> called<00:09:08.040> the movies and the movie is called the movies and the movie is called the greatest<00:09:09.280> movie<00:09:09.430> ever<00:09:09.670> sold<00:09:09.880> and<00:09:10.570> so<00:09:10.690> now<00:09:10.810> how greatest movie ever sold and so now how greatest movie ever sold and so now how specifically<00:09:11.500> what<00:09:12.040> we<00:09:12.160> see<00:09:12.310> banned<00:09:12.610> in<00:09:12.760> the specifically what we see banned in the specifically what we see banned in the film<00:09:13.060> it's<00:09:13.960> any<00:09:14.080> time<00:09:14.290> I'm<00:09:14.470> getting<00:09:14.560> ready<00:09:14.860> to film it's any time I'm getting ready to film it's any time I'm getting ready to go<00:09:15.130> any<00:09:15.430> time<00:09:15.460> I<00:09:15.640> open<00:09:16.030> up<00:09:16.089> my<00:09:16.150> medicine go any time I open up my medicine go any time I open up my medicine cabinet<00:09:16.600> you<00:09:17.020> will<00:09:17.140> see<00:09:17.400> ban<00:09:18.400> deodorant<00:09:18.970> well cabinet you will see ban deodorant well cabinet you will see ban deodorant well any<00:09:19.720> time any time any time do<00:09:20.389> an<00:09:20.480> interview<00:09:20.779> with<00:09:20.839> someone<00:09:20.959> I<00:09:21.559> could<00:09:22.009> say do an interview with someone I could say do an interview with someone I could say are<00:09:22.970> you<00:09:23.420> are<00:09:23.749> you<00:09:23.869> fresh<00:09:24.079> enough<00:09:24.259> for<00:09:24.319> this are you are you fresh enough for this are you are you fresh enough for this interview<00:09:24.829> are<00:09:25.100> you<00:09:25.249> are<00:09:25.399> you<00:09:25.489> ready<00:09:25.670> look<00:09:25.910> a interview are you are you ready look a interview are you are you ready look a little<00:09:26.059> nervous little nervous little nervous I<00:09:26.660> want<00:09:27.139> to<00:09:27.199> help<00:09:27.259> you<00:09:27.410> calm<00:09:27.589> down<00:09:27.679> so<00:09:28.100> maybe I want to help you calm down so maybe I want to help you calm down so maybe you<00:09:28.459> should<00:09:28.639> maybe<00:09:29.629> you<00:09:29.720> should<00:09:29.869> put<00:09:30.019> some<00:09:30.170> on you should maybe you should put some on you should maybe you should put some on for<00:09:30.499> the<00:09:30.619> interview<00:09:30.889> this<00:09:31.009> little<00:09:31.279> offer<00:09:31.399> you for the interview this little offer you for the interview this little offer you know<00:09:32.029> one<00:09:32.239> of<00:09:32.269> this<00:09:32.389> fabulous<00:09:32.899> says<00:09:33.170> whether know one of this fabulous says whether know one of this fabulous says whether it's<00:09:33.529> a<00:09:33.589> floral<00:09:33.889> fusion<00:09:34.309> or<00:09:34.429> paradise<00:09:34.879> wins it's a floral fusion or paradise wins it's a floral fusion or paradise wins you<00:09:35.540> know<00:09:35.569> they'll<00:09:35.749> have<00:09:35.869> their<00:09:36.079> chance<00:09:36.350> you you know they'll have their chance you you know they'll have their chance you know<00:09:36.619> what<00:09:36.769> we<00:09:36.980> will<00:09:37.160> have<00:09:37.279> have<00:09:37.730> them<00:09:37.910> geared know what we will have have them geared know what we will have have them geared for<00:09:38.389> both<00:09:38.569> male<00:09:38.809> or<00:09:39.019> female<00:09:39.379> you<00:09:40.040> know<00:09:40.160> solid for both male or female you know solid for both male or female you know solid roll-on<00:09:40.819> or<00:09:40.850> stick<00:09:40.999> whatever<00:09:41.329> maybe<00:09:41.860> that's roll-on or stick whatever maybe that's roll-on or stick whatever maybe that's the<00:09:43.069> that's<00:09:43.279> the<00:09:43.369> two<00:09:43.610> cent<00:09:43.850> tour<00:09:44.350> so<00:09:45.350> now<00:09:45.470> I the that's the two cent tour so now I the that's the two cent tour so now I can<00:09:45.829> answer<00:09:46.549> your<00:09:46.819> questions<00:09:47.209> and<00:09:47.329> give<00:09:47.420> you can answer your questions and give you can answer your questions and give you the<00:09:47.629> five-cent<00:09:48.199> tour<00:09:48.649> we<00:09:49.009> are<00:09:49.040> a<00:09:49.220> smaller the five-cent tour we are a smaller the five-cent tour we are a smaller brain<00:09:49.819> much<00:09:50.089> like<00:09:50.299> you<00:09:50.449> talked<00:09:50.720> about<00:09:50.839> being<00:09:51.259> a brain much like you talked about being a brain much like you talked about being a smaller<00:09:51.649> you<00:09:52.279> know<00:09:52.309> movie<00:09:52.910> are<00:09:53.389> very<00:09:53.600> much<00:09:53.779> a smaller you know movie are very much a smaller you know movie are very much a challenge<00:09:54.170> of<00:09:54.439> brands<00:09:54.799> so<00:09:54.889> we<00:09:54.980> don't<00:09:55.129> have<00:09:55.249> the challenge of brands so we don't have the challenge of brands so we don't have the budgets<00:09:55.730> that<00:09:55.819> other<00:09:56.029> brands<00:09:56.329> have<00:09:56.749> so<00:09:57.290> doing budgets that other brands have so doing budgets that other brands have so doing things<00:09:57.860> like<00:09:57.980> this<00:09:58.399> you<00:09:58.670> know<00:09:58.759> remind<00:09:59.179> people things like this you know remind people things like this you know remind people about<00:09:59.629> ban<00:10:00.139> is<00:10:00.769> kind<00:10:01.429> of<00:10:01.489> why<00:10:01.579> we're about ban is kind of why we're about ban is kind of why we're interested<00:10:02.209> in<00:10:02.299> it<00:10:02.480> what<00:10:02.749> are<00:10:02.839> the<00:10:02.899> words<00:10:03.049> that interested in it what are the words that interested in it what are the words that you<00:10:03.439> would<00:10:03.529> use<00:10:03.709> to<00:10:03.739> describe<00:10:03.860> ban<00:10:04.369> ban<00:10:04.730> is you would use to describe ban ban is you would use to describe ban ban is blank

technology's<00:10:18.100> not<00:10:18.130> the<00:10:18.310> way<00:10:18.399> you<00:10:18.459> want<00:10:18.610> to
technology's not the way you want to technology's not the way you want to describe<00:10:18.880> something<00:10:19.120> somebody's<00:10:19.420> put<00:10:19.540> in describe something somebody's put in describe something somebody's put in their<00:10:19.720> armpit<00:10:19.959> you're<00:10:20.259> talking<00:10:20.589> about<00:10:20.680> bold their armpit you're talking about bold their armpit you're talking about bold oh<00:10:21.430> yeah<00:10:21.970> fresh<00:10:22.389> guyhnic<00:10:23.290> fresh<00:10:23.500> is<00:10:23.680> a<00:10:23.709> great oh yeah fresh guyhnic fresh is a great oh yeah fresh guyhnic fresh is a great word<00:10:24.160> that<00:10:24.399> really<00:10:24.519> spins<00:10:25.029> this<00:10:25.180> category word that really spins this category word that really spins this category into<00:10:25.959> the<00:10:26.050> positive<00:10:26.259> versus<00:10:26.980> a<00:10:27.130> fights<00:10:27.910> odor into the positive versus a fights odor into the positive versus a fights odor and<00:10:28.389> when<00:10:28.480> this<00:10:28.690> right<00:10:29.259> it's<00:10:29.470> keeps<00:10:30.069> you<00:10:30.160> fresh and when this right it's keeps you fresh and when this right it's keeps you fresh fresh<00:10:30.880> either<00:10:31.060> we<00:10:31.180> keep<00:10:31.360> you<00:10:31.480> fresher<00:10:31.779> longer fresh either we keep you fresher longer fresh either we keep you fresher longer better<00:10:32.560> freshness<00:10:33.040> more<00:10:33.279> freshness<00:10:33.759> three better freshness more freshness three better freshness more freshness three times<00:10:34.600> fresher<00:10:34.990> things<00:10:35.319> like<00:10:35.500> that<00:10:35.649> that<00:10:35.829> are times fresher things like that that are times fresher things like that that are you<00:10:36.399> know<00:10:36.490> more<00:10:36.699> of<00:10:36.910> that<00:10:37.060> positive<00:10:37.540> benefit you know more of that positive benefit you know more of that positive benefit and<00:10:38.800> that's<00:10:39.399> a<00:10:39.519> multi-million<00:10:40.180> dollar and that's a multi-million dollar and that's a multi-million dollar corporation<00:10:41.160> what<00:10:42.160> about<00:10:42.370> me<00:10:42.519> what<00:10:42.730> about<00:10:42.790> a corporation what about me what about a corporation what about me what about a regular<00:10:43.300> guy<00:10:43.449> I<00:10:43.720> need<00:10:44.110> to<00:10:44.199> go<00:10:44.290> talk<00:10:44.470> to<00:10:44.529> the<00:10:44.769> man regular guy I need to go talk to the man regular guy I need to go talk to the man on<00:10:45.100> the<00:10:45.190> street<00:10:45.250> the<00:10:45.610> people<00:10:45.730> who<00:10:45.940> are<00:10:46.000> like<00:10:46.180> me on the street the people who are like me on the street the people who are like me the<00:10:46.509> regular<00:10:46.810> Joe's<00:10:47.050> they<00:10:47.319> need<00:10:47.620> to<00:10:47.740> tell<00:10:47.920> me the regular Joe's they need to tell me the regular Joe's they need to tell me about<00:10:48.130> my<00:10:48.399> brand<00:10:48.670> how<00:10:49.600> would<00:10:49.779> you<00:10:49.899> guys about my brand how would you guys about my brand how would you guys describe<00:10:50.079> your<00:10:51.069> brand

my<00:10:55.499> brain
my brain my brain I<00:10:56.850> don't<00:10:57.510> know<00:10:57.600> like I don't know like I don't know like all<00:10:59.569> right<00:10:59.749> really<00:10:59.989> nice<00:11:00.289> clothes<00:11:00.739> eighties all right really nice clothes eighties all right really nice clothes eighties revival<00:11:01.789> meets<00:11:02.629> skater<00:11:03.199> Punk revival meets skater Punk revival meets skater Punk unless<00:11:05.209> it's<00:11:05.419> laundry<00:11:05.749> day<00:11:05.929> right<00:11:06.559> what<00:11:06.709> is unless it's laundry day right what is unless it's laundry day right what is brand<00:11:07.099> Jerry<00:11:08.079> unique<00:11:09.079> unique<00:11:09.979> I<00:11:10.309> guess<00:11:10.459> what brand Jerry unique unique I guess what brand Jerry unique unique I guess what kind<00:11:11.599> of<00:11:11.659> genre<00:11:11.719> style<00:11:12.709> I<00:11:12.859> am<00:11:12.979> would<00:11:13.129> be<00:11:13.219> like kind of genre style I am would be like kind of genre style I am would be like dark<00:11:15.079> glamour<00:11:15.439> I<00:11:15.829> like<00:11:16.249> a<00:11:16.489> lot<00:11:16.699> of<00:11:16.729> black dark glamour I like a lot of black dark glamour I like a lot of black colors<00:11:17.419> a<00:11:17.509> lot<00:11:17.599> of<00:11:17.779> Gray's<00:11:18.409> and<00:11:18.739> stuff<00:11:18.919> like colors a lot of Gray's and stuff like colors a lot of Gray's and stuff like that<00:11:19.279> but<00:11:19.749> usually<00:11:20.749> some<00:11:21.049> that<00:11:21.259> have<00:11:21.409> an that but usually some that have an that but usually some that have an accessory<00:11:21.979> like<00:11:22.129> sunglasses<00:11:22.369> or<00:11:23.029> I<00:11:23.659> like accessory like sunglasses or I like accessory like sunglasses or I like crystal<00:11:24.589> and<00:11:24.799> things<00:11:24.949> like<00:11:25.099> that<00:11:25.159> too crystal and things like that too crystal and things like that too if<00:11:26.359> Dan<00:11:26.749> were<00:11:26.929> a<00:11:26.959> brand<00:11:27.259> he<00:11:27.829> might<00:11:28.099> be<00:11:28.339> a if Dan were a brand he might be a if Dan were a brand he might be a classic<00:11:29.919> convertible<00:11:30.919> I'm<00:11:31.879> insane classic convertible I'm insane classic convertible I'm insane the<00:11:34.290> brand<00:11:34.530> that<00:11:34.620> I<00:11:34.680> am<00:11:34.980> is<00:11:35.370> I<00:11:36.180> would<00:11:36.330> call<00:11:36.510> it the brand that I am is I would call it the brand that I am is I would call it casual<00:11:37.560> fly<00:11:37.770> part<00:11:38.490> hippy<00:11:38.850> part<00:11:39.210> yogi<00:11:39.630> part casual fly part hippy part yogi part casual fly part hippy part yogi part Brooklyn<00:11:41.130> girl<00:11:41.310> I<00:11:41.640> don't<00:11:42.000> know<00:11:42.120> I'm<00:11:42.450> the<00:11:42.600> pet Brooklyn girl I don't know I'm the pet Brooklyn girl I don't know I'm the pet guy guy guy I<00:11:43.260> sell<00:11:43.680> pet<00:11:43.890> toys<00:11:44.130> all<00:11:44.430> over<00:11:44.670> the<00:11:44.760> country<00:11:45.480> all I sell pet toys all over the country all I sell pet toys all over the country all over<00:11:45.660> the<00:11:45.930> world<00:11:46.110> so<00:11:46.410> I<00:11:46.440> guess<00:11:46.650> that's<00:11:46.830> my over the world so I guess that's my over the world so I guess that's my brand<00:11:47.400> in<00:11:47.610> my<00:11:47.760> warped<00:11:48.540> little<00:11:48.660> industry brand in my warped little industry brand in my warped little industry that's<00:11:50.220> my<00:11:50.430> brand<00:11:50.730> my<00:11:51.030> brand<00:11:51.570> is<00:11:51.690> FedEx that's my brand my brand is FedEx that's my brand my brand is FedEx because<00:11:52.890> I<00:11:52.920> deliver<00:11:53.310> the<00:11:53.520> goods<00:11:53.700> failed because I deliver the goods failed because I deliver the goods failed writer<00:11:54.840> alcoholic<00:11:55.530> brand<00:11:56.090> is<00:11:57.090> that<00:11:57.150> something writer alcoholic brand is that something writer alcoholic brand is that something I'm<00:11:58.110> a<00:12:00.380> lawyer<00:12:01.380> brand<00:12:03.320> I'm<00:12:04.320> Tom<00:12:05.720> well<00:12:06.720> we<00:12:06.810> can't I'm a lawyer brand I'm Tom well we can't I'm a lawyer brand I'm Tom well we can't all<00:12:07.140> be<00:12:07.170> brand<00:12:07.620> Tom<00:12:07.860> but<00:12:08.700> I<00:12:08.730> do<00:12:08.850> often<00:12:09.180> find all be brand Tom but I do often find all be brand Tom but I do often find myself<00:12:09.570> at<00:12:10.020> the<00:12:10.110> intersection<00:12:10.560> of<00:12:10.650> dark myself at the intersection of dark myself at the intersection of dark glamour<00:12:11.280> and<00:12:11.490> casual<00:12:11.910> fly<00:12:13.880> what<00:12:14.880> I<00:12:14.910> realize<00:12:15.270> I glamour and casual fly what I realize I glamour and casual fly what I realize I needed<00:12:15.690> an<00:12:15.870> expert<00:12:16.140> I<00:12:16.500> need<00:12:16.620> someone<00:12:16.830> who needed an expert I need someone who needed an expert I need someone who could<00:12:17.040> get<00:12:17.160> inside<00:12:17.550> my<00:12:17.820> head<00:12:17.850> somebody<00:12:18.810> who could get inside my head somebody who could get inside my head somebody who could<00:12:19.080> really<00:12:19.320> help<00:12:19.530> me<00:12:19.770> understand<00:12:20.220> what could really help me understand what could really help me understand what they<00:12:20.670> call<00:12:20.910> your<00:12:21.090> brand<00:12:21.420> personality<00:12:21.840> and<00:12:22.500> so they call your brand personality and so they call your brand personality and so I<00:12:22.620> found<00:12:22.830> a<00:12:22.950> company<00:12:23.280> called<00:12:23.460> Olsen's<00:12:23.850> Altman I found a company called Olsen's Altman I found a company called Olsen's Altman in<00:12:24.240> Pittsburgh<00:12:24.690> who<00:12:25.170> they've<00:12:25.320> helped in Pittsburgh who they've helped in Pittsburgh who they've helped companies<00:12:25.710> like<00:12:26.010> Nestle<00:12:26.460> Febreze<00:12:26.910> hallmark companies like Nestle Febreze hallmark companies like Nestle Febreze hallmark discover<00:12:28.530> that<00:12:28.770> brand<00:12:29.040> personality<00:12:29.340> if<00:12:30.030> they discover that brand personality if they discover that brand personality if they could<00:12:30.270> do<00:12:30.330> it<00:12:30.450> for<00:12:30.480> them<00:12:30.690> surely<00:12:31.050> they<00:12:31.380> could could do it for them surely they could could do it for them surely they could do<00:12:31.620> it<00:12:31.740> for<00:12:31.890> me do it for me do it for me you<00:12:33.150> brought<00:12:33.270> your<00:12:33.360> pictures<00:12:33.690> right<00:12:33.960> I<00:12:34.290> did you brought your pictures right I did you brought your pictures right I did the<00:12:34.920> very<00:12:35.190> first<00:12:35.280> picture<00:12:35.850> is<00:12:36.120> a<00:12:37.110> picture<00:12:37.470> of the very first picture is a picture of the very first picture is a picture of my<00:12:38.100> family<00:12:38.400> so<00:12:38.760> tell<00:12:38.970> me<00:12:39.060> a<00:12:39.090> little<00:12:39.120> bit<00:12:39.360> how<00:12:39.600> it my family so tell me a little bit how it my family so tell me a little bit how it relates<00:12:39.990> to<00:12:40.140> your<00:12:40.290> thoughts<00:12:40.500> and<00:12:40.680> feelings relates to your thoughts and feelings relates to your thoughts and feelings about<00:12:41.040> anyway<00:12:41.370> these<00:12:41.580> are<00:12:41.760> the<00:12:41.820> people<00:12:42.000> who about anyway these are the people who about anyway these are the people who shaped<00:12:43.200> the<00:12:43.350> way<00:12:43.500> I<00:12:43.530> look<00:12:43.770> at<00:12:43.860> the<00:12:43.920> world<00:12:44.070> tell shaped the way I look at the world tell shaped the way I look at the world tell me<00:12:44.550> about<00:12:44.640> this<00:12:44.910> world<00:12:45.240> I<00:12:45.740> think<00:12:46.740> it's<00:12:46.890> the<00:12:47.100> I me about this world I think it's the I me about this world I think it's the I think<00:12:47.820> your<00:12:48.000> world<00:12:48.180> is<00:12:48.300> the<00:12:48.390> world<00:12:48.570> that<00:12:48.630> you think your world is the world that you think your world is the world that you live<00:12:48.870> in<00:12:48.930> like<00:12:49.230> people<00:12:49.500> that<00:12:49.590> are<00:12:49.650> around<00:12:49.830> you live in like people that are around you live in like people that are around you your<00:12:50.160> friends<00:12:50.190> your<00:12:50.670> family<00:12:51.060> the<00:12:51.420> the<00:12:51.750> way<00:12:51.870> you your friends your family the the way you your friends your family the the way you live<00:12:52.170> your<00:12:52.200> life<00:12:52.380> a<00:12:52.590> job<00:12:52.800> you<00:12:52.980> do<00:12:53.160> like<00:12:53.640> all live your life a job you do like all live your life a job you do like all those<00:12:54.270> things<00:12:54.540> stemmed<00:12:54.900> and<00:12:55.080> started<00:12:55.380> from those things stemmed and started from those things stemmed and started from one<00:12:55.680> place<00:12:55.950> and<00:12:55.980> for<00:12:56.310> me<00:12:56.430> there's<00:12:56.640> them one place and for me there's them one place and for me there's them installed<00:12:57.180> with<00:12:57.390> my<00:12:57.510> family<00:12:57.870> in<00:12:57.930> West installed with my family in West installed with my family in West Virginia<00:12:58.500> what's<00:12:58.980> the<00:12:59.100> next<00:12:59.220> one<00:12:59.340> going<00:12:59.400> to Virginia what's the next one going to Virginia what's the next one going to talk<00:12:59.700> about<00:12:59.820> the<00:13:00.180> next<00:13:00.450> one<00:13:00.630> this<00:13:01.200> was<00:13:01.380> the talk about the next one this was the talk about the next one this was the best<00:13:01.650> day<00:13:01.950> ever best day ever best day ever how<00:13:02.790> does<00:13:02.910> this<00:13:03.000> relate<00:13:03.210> to<00:13:03.330> thoughts<00:13:03.630> and how does this relate to thoughts and how does this relate to thoughts and feelings<00:13:04.020> about<00:13:04.050> who<00:13:04.260> you<00:13:04.380> are<00:13:04.410> there's<00:13:04.800> like feelings about who you are there's like feelings about who you are there's like who<00:13:05.400> do<00:13:05.490> I<00:13:05.520> want<00:13:05.730> to<00:13:05.850> be<00:13:06.000> I<00:13:06.300> like<00:13:06.750> things<00:13:06.930> that who do I want to be I like things that who do I want to be I like things that are<00:13:07.110> different<00:13:07.200> I<00:13:07.770> like<00:13:08.010> things<00:13:08.220> that<00:13:08.280> are are different I like things that are are different I like things that are weird<00:13:09.650> things weird things weird things tell<00:13:11.100> me<00:13:11.160> about<00:13:11.250> the<00:13:11.430> Y<00:13:11.550> phase<00:13:11.850> what<00:13:12.120> does<00:13:12.240> that tell me about the Y phase what does that tell me about the Y phase what does that do<00:13:12.570> for<00:13:12.600> us<00:13:12.810> what<00:13:13.470> does<00:13:13.560> the<00:13:13.680> Michelle<00:13:13.950> people do for us what does the Michelle people do for us what does the Michelle people state<00:13:14.730> genuine<00:13:15.180> now<00:13:15.330> as<00:13:15.480> important state genuine now as important state genuine now as important what<00:13:16.600> is<00:13:16.720> the<00:13:16.899> red<00:13:17.200> represent


thank<00:13:27.770> you<00:13:27.950> thank<00:13:28.430> you<00:13:28.490> yeah<00:13:28.760> thanks<00:13:29.120> for<00:13:29.180> your
thank you thank you yeah thanks for your thank you thank you yeah thanks for your patient<00:13:29.690> great<00:13:29.870> job<00:13:30.080> yeah<00:13:31.570> yeah<00:13:32.570> I<00:13:32.959> don't<00:13:33.680> know patient great job yeah yeah I don't know patient great job yeah yeah I don't know what's<00:13:33.980> gonna<00:13:34.100> come<00:13:34.339> of<00:13:34.459> this<00:13:34.490> there<00:13:35.480> was<00:13:35.540> a what's gonna come of this there was a what's gonna come of this there was a whole<00:13:35.779> lot<00:13:35.930> of<00:13:36.050> crazy<00:13:36.260> going<00:13:36.380> on<00:13:36.709> in<00:13:36.830> there<00:13:36.980> the whole lot of crazy going on in there the whole lot of crazy going on in there the first<00:13:37.910> thing<00:13:38.089> we<00:13:38.270> saw<00:13:38.480> was<00:13:38.839> this<00:13:39.080> idea<00:13:39.350> that first thing we saw was this idea that first thing we saw was this idea that you<00:13:40.310> had<00:13:40.490> two<00:13:40.790> distinct<00:13:41.420> but<00:13:41.990> complementary you had two distinct but complementary you had two distinct but complementary sides<00:13:43.040> to<00:13:43.490> your<00:13:43.910> brand<00:13:44.180> personality<00:13:44.510> the sides to your brand personality the sides to your brand personality the Morgan<00:13:45.560> Spurlock<00:13:46.040> brand<00:13:46.339> is<00:13:46.490> a<00:13:46.520> mindful<00:13:46.970> play Morgan Spurlock brand is a mindful play Morgan Spurlock brand is a mindful play brand<00:13:47.540> those<00:13:48.110> are<00:13:48.290> kind<00:13:48.560> of<00:13:48.620> juxtaposed<00:13:49.370> very brand those are kind of juxtaposed very brand those are kind of juxtaposed very nicely<00:13:49.850> together<00:13:50.330> and<00:13:50.510> I<00:13:50.540> think<00:13:50.690> there's nicely together and I think there's nicely together and I think there's almost<00:13:51.140> a<00:13:51.230> paradox<00:13:51.649> with<00:13:51.920> those<00:13:52.130> and<00:13:52.250> I<00:13:52.279> think almost a paradox with those and I think almost a paradox with those and I think some<00:13:52.670> companies<00:13:53.089> will<00:13:53.630> just<00:13:53.810> focus<00:13:53.990> on<00:13:54.350> one some companies will just focus on one some companies will just focus on one one<00:13:55.250> of<00:13:55.370> their<00:13:55.520> strengths<00:13:55.970> or<00:13:56.149> you<00:13:56.600> know<00:13:56.720> or one of their strengths or you know or one of their strengths or you know or the<00:13:57.110> other<00:13:57.290> instead<00:13:57.680> of<00:13:57.830> focusing<00:13:58.010> on<00:13:58.310> both the other instead of focusing on both the other instead of focusing on both most<00:13:58.910> companies<00:13:59.600> tend<00:14:00.470> to<00:14:00.680> it's<00:14:01.010> human<00:14:01.399> nature most companies tend to it's human nature most companies tend to it's human nature to<00:14:01.970> avoid<00:14:02.779> things<00:14:03.380> that<00:14:03.620> they're<00:14:03.740> not<00:14:03.770> sure<00:14:04.160> of to avoid things that they're not sure of to avoid things that they're not sure of avoid<00:14:04.820> fear<00:14:05.149> those<00:14:05.540> elements<00:14:05.899> and<00:14:06.110> you<00:14:06.320> really avoid fear those elements and you really avoid fear those elements and you really embrace<00:14:06.890> those<00:14:07.160> and<00:14:07.310> you<00:14:07.370> actually<00:14:07.670> turn<00:14:07.880> them embrace those and you actually turn them embrace those and you actually turn them into<00:14:08.149> positives<00:14:08.690> for<00:14:08.839> you<00:14:08.930> it's<00:14:09.290> a<00:14:09.350> neat<00:14:09.500> thing into positives for you it's a neat thing into positives for you it's a neat thing to<00:14:09.770> see<00:14:09.920> what<00:14:10.310> other<00:14:10.430> brands<00:14:10.730> are<00:14:10.910> like<00:14:11.060> that to see what other brands are like that to see what other brands are like that the<00:14:12.020> first<00:14:12.230> one<00:14:12.350> here<00:14:12.500> is<00:14:12.560> a<00:14:12.589> classic<00:14:13.130> Apple the first one here is a classic Apple the first one here is a classic Apple and<00:14:14.000> you<00:14:14.870> can<00:14:15.080> see<00:14:15.290> here<00:14:15.529> to<00:14:15.760> target<00:14:16.760> we<00:14:17.470> mini and you can see here to target we mini and you can see here to target we mini from<00:14:18.800> Mini<00:14:19.040> Coopers<00:14:19.459> and<00:14:19.700> JetBlue<00:14:20.029> now from Mini Coopers and JetBlue now from Mini Coopers and JetBlue now there's<00:14:20.750> playful<00:14:21.230> brands<00:14:21.529> and<00:14:21.860> mindful there's playful brands and mindful there's playful brands and mindful brands<00:14:22.730> those<00:14:22.940> sort<00:14:23.180> of<00:14:23.209> things<00:14:23.480> that<00:14:23.690> have brands those sort of things that have brands those sort of things that have come<00:14:24.020> and<00:14:24.050> gone<00:14:24.200> but<00:14:24.589> a<00:14:24.830> playful<00:14:25.370> mindful come and gone but a playful mindful come and gone but a playful mindful brand<00:14:26.450> is<00:14:26.540> a<00:14:26.600> pretty<00:14:26.779> powerful<00:14:26.930> thing brand is a pretty powerful thing brand is a pretty powerful thing a<00:14:27.670> playful<00:14:28.670> mindful<00:14:29.149> brand<00:14:29.329> what<00:14:29.480> is<00:14:29.570> your a playful mindful brand what is your a playful mindful brand what is your brand<00:14:29.959> if<00:14:30.200> somebody<00:14:30.440> actually<00:14:30.709> described brand if somebody actually described brand if somebody actually described your<00:14:31.190> brand<00:14:31.459> identity<00:14:31.640> your<00:14:32.089> brand your brand identity your brand your brand identity your brand personality<00:14:32.540> what<00:14:33.140> would<00:14:33.260> you<00:14:33.380> be<00:14:33.529> are<00:14:34.130> you<00:14:34.310> an personality what would you be are you an personality what would you be are you an up<00:14:34.640> attribute<00:14:35.180> are<00:14:35.810> you<00:14:35.990> something<00:14:36.230> that<00:14:36.470> gets up attribute are you something that gets up attribute are you something that gets the<00:14:36.980> blood<00:14:37.130> flowing<00:14:37.300> are<00:14:38.300> you<00:14:38.450> more<00:14:38.630> of<00:14:38.690> a<00:14:38.750> Down the blood flowing are you more of a Down the blood flowing are you more of a Down attribute<00:14:39.560> are<00:14:39.680> you<00:14:39.740> something<00:14:40.040> a<00:14:40.100> little attribute are you something a little attribute are you something a little more<00:14:40.339> calm<00:14:40.700> reserved<00:14:41.690> conservative<00:14:42.500> up more calm reserved conservative up more calm reserved conservative up attributes<00:14:43.790> are<00:14:43.940> things<00:14:44.149> like<00:14:44.420> being<00:14:45.110> playful attributes are things like being playful attributes are things like being playful being<00:14:46.730> fresh<00:14:47.060> like<00:14:47.270> The<00:14:47.360> Fresh<00:14:47.540> Prince being fresh like The Fresh Prince being fresh like The Fresh Prince contemporary<00:14:49.310> adventurous<00:14:50.149> edge<00:14:50.630> you're contemporary adventurous edge you're contemporary adventurous edge you're daring<00:14:51.410> like<00:14:51.529> Errol<00:14:51.829> Flynn<00:14:52.100> nimble<00:14:52.850> or<00:14:52.970> agile daring like Errol Flynn nimble or agile daring like Errol Flynn nimble or agile profane<00:14:54.230> domineering<00:14:55.070> magical<00:14:55.850> or<00:14:55.940> mystical profane domineering magical or mystical profane domineering magical or mystical like<00:14:56.420> Gandalf<00:14:57.010> are<00:14:58.010> you<00:14:58.190> more<00:14:58.339> of<00:14:58.399> a<00:14:58.459> Down like Gandalf are you more of a Down like Gandalf are you more of a Down attribute<00:14:59.180> are<00:14:59.810> you<00:14:59.990> mindful<00:15:00.320> sophisticated attribute are you mindful sophisticated attribute are you mindful sophisticated like<00:15:01.310> double-oh-seven<00:15:01.700> are<00:15:02.120> you<00:15:02.180> established like double-oh-seven are you established like double-oh-seven are you established traditional<00:15:03.680> nurturing<00:15:04.250> protective traditional nurturing protective traditional nurturing protective empathetic<00:15:05.899> like<00:15:06.050> the<00:15:06.200> Oprah<00:15:06.440> are<00:15:07.130> you empathetic like the Oprah are you empathetic like the Oprah are you reliable<00:15:07.640> stable<00:15:08.300> familiar<00:15:09.020> safe<00:15:09.680> secure reliable stable familiar safe secure reliable stable familiar safe secure sacred<00:15:10.990> contemplative<00:15:11.990> or<00:15:12.140> wise<00:15:12.740> like<00:15:13.279> the sacred contemplative or wise like the sacred contemplative or wise like the Dalai<00:15:13.670> Lama<00:15:14.120> or<00:15:14.360> Yoda<00:15:15.339> over<00:15:16.339> the<00:15:16.430> course<00:15:16.640> this Dalai Lama or Yoda over the course this Dalai Lama or Yoda over the course this film<00:15:17.110> we<00:15:18.110> had<00:15:18.290> 500<00:15:18.670> plus<00:15:19.670> companies<00:15:20.300> who<00:15:21.170> were film we had 500 plus companies who were film we had 500 plus companies who were up<00:15:21.440> and<00:15:21.649> down<00:15:21.680> company<00:15:22.070> say<00:15:22.279> no<00:15:22.459> they<00:15:22.640> didn't up and down company say no they didn't up and down company say no they didn't want<00:15:22.940> any<00:15:23.060> part<00:15:23.240> of<00:15:23.329> this<00:15:23.420> project<00:15:23.870> they want any part of this project they want any part of this project they wanted<00:15:24.170> nothing<00:15:24.290> to<00:15:24.470> do<00:15:24.589> with<00:15:24.620> this<00:15:24.800> film wanted nothing to do with this film wanted nothing to do with this film mainly<00:15:25.279> because<00:15:25.670> they<00:15:25.850> had<00:15:26.000> no<00:15:26.240> control<00:15:26.630> they mainly because they had no control they mainly because they had no control they would<00:15:27.200> have<00:15:27.320> no<00:15:27.440> control<00:15:27.770> over<00:15:27.800> the<00:15:28.070> final would have no control over the final would have no control over the final product<00:15:28.700> but<00:15:28.820> we<00:15:28.910> did<00:15:29.089> get<00:15:29.240> 17<00:15:29.690> brand<00:15:30.020> partners product but we did get 17 brand partners product but we did get 17 brand partners who<00:15:31.279> were<00:15:31.400> willing<00:15:31.610> to<00:15:31.790> relinquish<00:15:32.120> that who were willing to relinquish that who were willing to relinquish that control<00:15:32.510> who<00:15:33.140> wanted<00:15:33.380> to<00:15:33.470> be<00:15:33.589> in<00:15:33.709> business control who wanted to be in business control who wanted to be in business with<00:15:34.130> someone<00:15:34.160> as<00:15:34.520> mindful<00:15:34.910> and<00:15:35.029> as<00:15:35.120> playful with someone as mindful and as playful with someone as mindful and as playful as<00:15:35.570> myself as myself as myself and<00:15:37.940> who<00:15:38.090> ultimately<00:15:38.620> empowered<00:15:39.620> us<00:15:39.770> to<00:15:39.800> tell and who ultimately empowered us to tell and who ultimately empowered us to tell stories<00:15:40.400> that<00:15:40.430> normally<00:15:40.970> we<00:15:41.120> wouldn't<00:15:41.300> be stories that normally we wouldn't be stories that normally we wouldn't be able<00:15:41.540> to<00:15:41.690> tell<00:15:41.980> stories<00:15:42.980> that<00:15:43.070> an<00:15:43.190> advertiser able to tell stories that an advertiser able to tell stories that an advertiser would<00:15:43.910> normally<00:15:44.300> never<00:15:44.420> get<00:15:44.630> behind<00:15:45.100> they would normally never get behind they would normally never get behind they enabled<00:15:46.490> us<00:15:46.580> to<00:15:46.670> tell<00:15:46.850> the<00:15:46.970> story<00:15:47.240> about<00:15:47.300> neuro enabled us to tell the story about neuro enabled us to tell the story about neuro marketing<00:15:48.140> as<00:15:48.290> we<00:15:48.620> got<00:15:48.740> into<00:15:49.010> the<00:15:49.100> telling<00:15:49.430> the marketing as we got into the telling the marketing as we got into the telling the story<00:15:49.760> in<00:15:49.850> this<00:15:49.970> film<00:15:50.210> about<00:15:50.750> how<00:15:50.870> now<00:15:51.020> they're story in this film about how now they're story in this film about how now they're using<00:15:51.440> MRIs<00:15:51.950> to<00:15:52.370> target<00:15:52.850> the<00:15:53.180> desire<00:15:53.480> centers using MRIs to target the desire centers using MRIs to target the desire centers of<00:15:53.990> your<00:15:54.080> brain<00:15:54.140> for<00:15:54.650> both<00:15:54.770> commercials<00:15:55.340> as of your brain for both commercials as of your brain for both commercials as well<00:15:55.760> as<00:15:56.060> movie<00:15:57.020> marketing<00:15:57.500> we<00:15:58.280> went<00:15:58.460> to<00:15:58.550> San well as movie marketing we went to San well as movie marketing we went to San Paolo<00:15:58.970> where<00:15:59.240> they<00:15:59.330> abandoned<00:16:00.080> or Paolo where they abandoned or Paolo where they abandoned or advertising<00:16:00.650> in<00:16:00.980> the<00:16:01.070> entire<00:16:01.340> city<00:16:01.670> for<00:16:01.820> the advertising in the entire city for the advertising in the entire city for the past<00:16:02.030> five<00:16:02.300> years<00:16:02.330> there's<00:16:02.720> no<00:16:02.810> billboards past five years there's no billboards past five years there's no billboards there's<00:16:03.440> no<00:16:03.560> posters<00:16:03.920> there's<00:16:04.100> no<00:16:04.190> flyers there's no posters there's no flyers there's no posters there's no flyers nothing<00:16:06.400> and<00:16:07.400> we<00:16:07.580> went<00:16:07.790> to<00:16:07.910> school<00:16:08.030> districts nothing and we went to school districts nothing and we went to school districts where<00:16:09.260> now<00:16:09.410> companies<00:16:09.980> are<00:16:10.010> making<00:16:10.520> their<00:16:10.640> way where now companies are making their way where now companies are making their way into<00:16:11.060> cash-strapped<00:16:11.810> schools<00:16:12.050> all<00:16:12.560> across into cash-strapped schools all across into cash-strapped schools all across America<00:16:14.650> what's<00:16:15.650> incredible<00:16:15.890> for<00:16:16.310> me<00:16:16.400> is<00:16:16.520> the America what's incredible for me is the America what's incredible for me is the the<00:16:16.850> projects<00:16:17.360> that<00:16:17.390> I've<00:16:17.570> gotten<00:16:17.840> the<00:16:17.900> most the projects that I've gotten the most the projects that I've gotten the most feedback<00:16:18.500> out<00:16:18.650> of<00:16:18.770> are<00:16:18.860> I've<00:16:18.950> had<00:16:19.190> the<00:16:19.310> most feedback out of are I've had the most feedback out of are I've had the most success<00:16:19.550> and<00:16:20.000> are<00:16:20.060> ones<00:16:20.210> where<00:16:20.330> I've success and are ones where I've success and are ones where I've interacted<00:16:20.660> with<00:16:21.020> things<00:16:21.290> directly<00:16:21.590> and interacted with things directly and interacted with things directly and that's<00:16:21.950> what<00:16:22.160> these<00:16:22.280> brands<00:16:22.760> did<00:16:23.000> they<00:16:23.510> cut that's what these brands did they cut that's what these brands did they cut out<00:16:23.840> the<00:16:24.020> middleman<00:16:24.410> they<00:16:24.710> cut<00:16:24.890> out<00:16:25.010> their out the middleman they cut out their out the middleman they cut out their agencies<00:16:25.670> and<00:16:25.700> said<00:16:25.970> maybe<00:16:26.180> these<00:16:26.480> agencies agencies and said maybe these agencies agencies and said maybe these agencies don't<00:16:27.170> have<00:16:27.350> my<00:16:27.560> best<00:16:27.770> interests<00:16:28.280> in<00:16:28.370> mind<00:16:28.400> I'm don't have my best interests in mind I'm don't have my best interests in mind I'm gonna<00:16:29.540> deal<00:16:29.810> directly<00:16:30.260> with<00:16:30.380> the<00:16:30.500> artist<00:16:30.950> I'm gonna deal directly with the artist I'm gonna deal directly with the artist I'm gonna<00:16:31.550> work<00:16:31.760> with<00:16:31.910> him<00:16:32.030> to<00:16:32.120> create<00:16:32.330> something gonna work with him to create something gonna work with him to create something different<00:16:33.140> something<00:16:33.440> that's<00:16:33.650> going<00:16:33.770> to<00:16:33.860> get different something that's going to get different something that's going to get people<00:16:34.010> thinking<00:16:34.430> that's<00:16:34.730> gonna<00:16:34.850> challenge people thinking that's gonna challenge people thinking that's gonna challenge the<00:16:35.510> way<00:16:35.600> we<00:16:35.720> look<00:16:35.870> at<00:16:35.990> the<00:16:36.080> world<00:16:36.290> and<00:16:36.590> how<00:16:36.650> is the way we look at the world and how is the way we look at the world and how is that<00:16:37.460> been<00:16:37.730> for<00:16:37.940> them<00:16:38.060> has<00:16:38.360> it<00:16:38.480> been that been for them has it been that been for them has it been successful successful successful well<00:16:39.710> since<00:16:39.920> the<00:16:40.010> film<00:16:40.190> premiered<00:16:40.550> at<00:16:40.610> the well since the film premiered at the well since the film premiered at the Sundance<00:16:40.730> Film<00:16:41.180> Festival<00:16:41.300> let's<00:16:41.720> just<00:16:41.840> take<00:16:41.960> a Sundance Film Festival let's just take a Sundance Film Festival let's just take a look<00:16:42.260> according<00:16:43.010> to<00:16:43.040> Burrell's<00:16:43.370> the<00:16:44.210> movie look according to Burrell's the movie look according to Burrell's the movie premiered<00:16:44.780> in<00:16:44.900> January<00:16:45.110> and<00:16:45.650> since<00:16:45.890> then<00:16:46.100> and premiered in January and since then and premiered in January and since then and this<00:16:46.310> is<00:16:46.370> heating<00:16:46.730> the<00:16:46.790> whole<00:16:47.090> thing<00:16:47.330> we've this is heating the whole thing we've this is heating the whole thing we've had<00:16:47.630> more<00:16:47.840> than<00:16:47.900> 900<00:16:48.560> million<00:16:48.770> media had more than 900 million media had more than 900 million media impressions<00:16:49.220> for<00:16:49.730> this<00:16:49.880> film impressions for this film impressions for this film that's<00:16:50.840> literally<00:16:51.080> covering<00:16:51.440> just<00:16:51.500> like<00:16:51.650> a that's literally covering just like a that's literally covering just like a two<00:16:51.860> and<00:16:51.950> a<00:16:52.010> half<00:16:52.130> week<00:16:52.340> period<00:16:52.700> that's<00:16:52.850> only two and a half week period that's only two and a half week period that's only online<00:16:53.300> no<00:16:53.810> print<00:16:54.140> no<00:16:54.350> TV<00:16:54.830> the<00:16:55.400> film<00:16:55.610> hasn't online no print no TV the film hasn't online no print no TV the film hasn't even<00:16:55.940> been<00:16:56.120> distributed<00:16:56.630> yet<00:16:56.750> it's<00:16:56.900> not<00:16:56.990> even even been distributed yet it's not even even been distributed yet it's not even online<00:16:57.410> it's<00:16:57.980> not<00:16:58.100> even<00:16:58.370> streaming<00:16:58.880> it's<00:16:59.060> not online it's not even streaming it's not online it's not even streaming it's not even<00:16:59.480> been<00:16:59.630> out<00:16:59.810> into<00:17:00.050> other<00:17:00.140> foreign even been out into other foreign even been out into other foreign countries<00:17:00.830> yet<00:17:01.070> so<00:17:01.940> ultimately<00:17:02.650> this<00:17:03.650> film countries yet so ultimately this film countries yet so ultimately this film has<00:17:03.980> already<00:17:04.160> started<00:17:04.459> to<00:17:04.610> gain<00:17:05.180> a<00:17:05.240> lot<00:17:05.510> of has already started to gain a lot of has already started to gain a lot of momentum<00:17:05.720> and<00:17:06.290> not<00:17:06.740> bad<00:17:06.949> for<00:17:07.160> a<00:17:07.190> project<00:17:07.400> that momentum and not bad for a project that momentum and not bad for a project that almost<00:17:08.270> every<00:17:08.510> ad<00:17:08.630> agency<00:17:09.020> we<00:17:09.140> talked<00:17:09.350> to almost every ad agency we talked to almost every ad agency we talked to advise<00:17:09.829> their<00:17:10.100> clients<00:17:10.220> not<00:17:10.670> to<00:17:10.730> take<00:17:11.089> part advise their clients not to take part advise their clients not to take part what<00:17:12.650> I<00:17:12.680> always<00:17:12.890> believe<00:17:13.280> is<00:17:13.459> that<00:17:13.610> if<00:17:14.060> you what I always believe is that if you what I always believe is that if you take<00:17:14.390> chances<00:17:14.839> if<00:17:14.930> you<00:17:15.020> take<00:17:15.260> risks<00:17:15.740> that<00:17:16.220> in take chances if you take risks that in take chances if you take risks that in those<00:17:16.579> risks<00:17:16.940> will<00:17:17.209> come<00:17:17.360> opportunity<00:17:17.990> I those risks will come opportunity I those risks will come opportunity I believe<00:17:19.010> that<00:17:19.280> when<00:17:19.400> you<00:17:19.490> push<00:17:19.699> people<00:17:20.000> away believe that when you push people away believe that when you push people away from<00:17:20.420> that<00:17:20.570> you're<00:17:20.930> pushing<00:17:21.290> them<00:17:21.380> more from that you're pushing them more from that you're pushing them more towards<00:17:21.980> failure<00:17:22.220> I<00:17:22.640> believe<00:17:23.630> that<00:17:23.780> when<00:17:23.870> you towards failure I believe that when you towards failure I believe that when you train<00:17:24.260> your<00:17:24.560> employees<00:17:24.680> to<00:17:25.190> be<00:17:25.220> risk-averse train your employees to be risk-averse train your employees to be risk-averse then<00:17:26.360> you're<00:17:26.510> preparing<00:17:26.930> your<00:17:27.199> whole<00:17:27.410> company then you're preparing your whole company then you're preparing your whole company to<00:17:28.070> be<00:17:28.220> reward<00:17:28.700> challenged<00:17:29.480> I<00:17:29.690> feel<00:17:30.650> like<00:17:30.770> that to be reward challenged I feel like that to be reward challenged I feel like that what<00:17:31.100> has<00:17:31.250> to<00:17:31.430> happen<00:17:31.460> moving<00:17:32.000> forward<00:17:32.330> is<00:17:32.420> we what has to happen moving forward is we what has to happen moving forward is we need<00:17:32.690> to<00:17:32.750> encourage<00:17:33.110> people<00:17:33.230> to<00:17:33.620> take<00:17:34.280> risks need to encourage people to take risks need to encourage people to take risks we<00:17:35.360> need<00:17:35.480> to<00:17:35.570> encourage<00:17:35.900> people<00:17:36.050> to<00:17:36.350> not<00:17:36.470> be we need to encourage people to not be we need to encourage people to not be afraid<00:17:36.980> of<00:17:37.220> opportunities<00:17:37.820> that<00:17:37.850> may<00:17:38.060> scare afraid of opportunities that may scare afraid of opportunities that may scare them<00:17:38.570> ultimately<00:17:39.530> moving<00:17:39.860> forward<00:17:40.130> I<00:17:40.190> think them ultimately moving forward I think them ultimately moving forward I think we<00:17:40.400> have<00:17:40.700> to<00:17:40.910> embrace<00:17:41.420> fear<00:17:41.840> we've<00:17:42.710> got<00:17:42.860> to<00:17:42.950> put we have to embrace fear we've got to put we have to embrace fear we've got to put that<00:17:43.130> bear<00:17:43.520> in<00:17:43.640> a<00:17:43.700> cage

embrace<00:17:52.340> fear<00:17:52.610> embrace<00:17:53.090> risk<00:17:54.550> one<00:17:55.550> big
embrace fear embrace risk one big embrace fear embrace risk one big spoonful<00:17:56.420> at<00:17:56.600> a<00:17:56.660> time<00:17:56.900> we<00:17:57.140> have<00:17:57.170> to<00:17:57.410> embrace spoonful at a time we have to embrace spoonful at a time we have to embrace risky<00:17:57.980> and<00:17:58.040> ultimately<00:17:58.460> we<00:17:58.580> have<00:17:58.730> to<00:17:58.940> embrace risky and ultimately we have to embrace risky and ultimately we have to embrace transparency<00:18:01.810> today<00:18:02.810> more<00:18:03.170> than<00:18:03.200> ever<00:18:03.500> a transparency today more than ever a transparency today more than ever a little<00:18:04.250> honesty<00:18:04.700> is<00:18:04.790> going<00:18:05.120> to<00:18:05.270> go<00:18:05.450> a<00:18:05.480> long<00:18:05.840> way little honesty is going to go a long way little honesty is going to go a long way and<00:18:06.350> that<00:18:06.410> being<00:18:06.680> said<00:18:06.920> through<00:18:07.100> honesty<00:18:07.400> and and that being said through honesty and and that being said through honesty and transparency<00:18:07.840> my<00:18:08.840> entire<00:18:09.110> talk<00:18:09.410> embrace transparency my entire talk embrace transparency my entire talk embrace transparency<00:18:10.570> has<00:18:11.570> been<00:18:11.810> brought<00:18:12.110> to<00:18:12.260> you<00:18:13.180> by transparency has been brought to you by transparency has been brought to you by my<00:18:14.330> good<00:18:14.510> friends<00:18:14.930> at<00:18:15.050> EMC<00:18:15.850> who<00:18:16.850> for<00:18:17.620> $7,100 my good friends at EMC who for $7,100 my good friends at EMC who for $7,100 bought<00:18:18.920> the<00:18:19.100> naming<00:18:19.250> rights<00:18:19.610> on<00:18:19.820> eBay


ENC<00:18:30.800> turning<00:18:31.700> big<00:18:31.970> data<00:18:32.330> into<00:18:33.080> big
ENC turning big data into big ENC turning big data into big opportunity<00:18:34.160> for<00:18:34.600> organizations<00:18:35.600> all<00:18:35.810> over opportunity for organizations all over opportunity for organizations all over the<00:18:36.170> world the world the world EMC<00:18:37.310> presents<00:18:38.060> embrace<00:18:38.930> transparency<00:18:39.320> thank EMC presents embrace transparency thank EMC presents embrace transparency thank you<00:18:40.160> very<00:18:40.310> much<00:18:40.520> guys

[Music] [Music] morgen morgen morgen in<00:18:57.820> the<00:18:57.940> name<00:18:58.090> of<00:18:58.230> transparency<00:18:59.280> what<00:19:00.280> exactly in the name of transparency what exactly in the name of transparency what exactly happened<00:19:01.090> to<00:19:01.180> that<00:19:01.300> $7,100<00:19:02.290> that<00:19:02.500> is<00:19:02.650> a happened to that $7,100 that is a happened to that $7,100 that is a fantastic<00:19:03.250> question<00:19:03.730> I<00:19:04.270> have<00:19:05.200> in<00:19:05.410> my<00:19:05.559> pocket fantastic question I have in my pocket fantastic question I have in my pocket a<00:19:06.450> check<00:19:07.450> made<00:19:08.380> out<00:19:08.410> to<00:19:08.559> the<00:19:08.770> parent a check made out to the parent a check made out to the parent organization<00:19:09.760> of<00:19:09.850> the<00:19:09.910> Ted<00:19:10.090> foundation<00:19:10.600> the organization of the Ted foundation the organization of the Ted foundation the sapling<00:19:11.170> foundation<00:19:11.770> they<00:19:11.920> check<00:19:12.130> for<00:19:12.660> $7,100 sapling foundation they check for $7,100 sapling foundation they check for $7,100 to<00:19:13.809> be<00:19:14.170> applied<00:19:14.500> towards<00:19:14.920> my<00:19:15.070> attendance<00:19:15.460> for to be applied towards my attendance for to be applied towards my attendance for next<00:19:15.760> year's<00:19:15.910> tag next year's tag next year's tag [Applause]

Morgan Spurlock, TED, TED, Talk, TED-Ed, Ed, TEDEducation, the, greatest, movie, ever, sold, marketing, product, placement, sponsorship

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