Cuộc sống trực tuyến của bạn, vĩnh viễn như một hình xăm-Juan Enriquez

Your online life, permanent as a tattoo - Juan Enriquez

Your online life, permanent as a tattoo - Juan Enriquez




all<00:00:17.199> right<00:00:17.440> so<00:00:17.600> let's<00:00:17.840> take<00:00:18.160> four<00:00:18.400> subjects
all right so let's take four subjects all right so let's take four subjects that<00:00:18.960> obviously<00:00:19.279> go<00:00:19.439> together that obviously go together that obviously go together big<00:00:20.640> data big data big data tattoos<00:00:22.560> immortality tattoos immortality tattoos immortality and<00:00:24.000> the<00:00:24.160> greeks and the greeks and the greeks right right right and<00:00:26.560> the<00:00:26.720> issue<00:00:26.960> about<00:00:27.199> tattoos and the issue about tattoos and the issue about tattoos is<00:00:28.800> that<00:00:29.439> without<00:00:29.840> a<00:00:30.000> word is that without a word is that without a word tattoos<00:00:31.760> really<00:00:32.000> do<00:00:32.239> shout

so<00:00:39.920> you<00:00:40.079> don't<00:00:40.239> have<00:00:40.399> to<00:00:40.559> say<00:00:40.800> a<00:00:40.879> lot

and<00:00:58.640> tattoos<00:00:59.039> tell<00:00:59.199> you<00:00:59.280> a<00:00:59.359> lot<00:00:59.520> of<00:00:59.600> stories
and tattoos tell you a lot of stories and tattoos tell you a lot of stories if<00:01:01.840> i<00:01:01.920> can<00:01:02.079> ask<00:01:02.239> an<00:01:02.320> indiscreet<00:01:02.800> question<00:01:03.199> how if i can ask an indiscreet question how if i can ask an indiscreet question how many<00:01:03.440> of<00:01:03.600> you<00:01:03.680> have<00:01:03.920> tattoos

a<00:01:06.799> few<00:01:07.040> but<00:01:07.200> not<00:01:07.439> most
a few but not most a few but not most what<00:01:08.799> happens<00:01:09.119> if<00:01:09.280> facebook<00:01:09.920> google<00:01:10.320> twitter what happens if facebook google twitter what happens if facebook google twitter linkedin<00:01:11.280> cell<00:01:11.520> phones<00:01:11.760> gps<00:01:12.240> foursquare<00:01:12.720> yelp linkedin cell phones gps foursquare yelp linkedin cell phones gps foursquare yelp travel<00:01:13.360> advisor travel advisor travel advisor all<00:01:14.640> these<00:01:14.799> things<00:01:15.040> you<00:01:15.200> deal<00:01:15.360> with<00:01:15.600> every<00:01:15.840> day all these things you deal with every day all these things you deal with every day turn<00:01:16.799> out<00:01:16.880> to<00:01:17.040> be<00:01:17.119> electronic<00:01:17.680> tattoos turn out to be electronic tattoos turn out to be electronic tattoos and<00:01:19.119> what<00:01:19.280> if<00:01:19.360> they<00:01:19.600> provide<00:01:19.920> as<00:01:20.080> much and what if they provide as much and what if they provide as much information<00:01:20.799> about<00:01:21.280> who<00:01:21.520> and<00:01:21.680> what<00:01:21.920> you<00:01:22.159> are information about who and what you are information about who and what you are as<00:01:23.119> any<00:01:23.360> tattoo<00:01:23.840> ever<00:01:24.000> would as any tattoo ever would as any tattoo ever would what's<00:01:26.000> ended<00:01:26.240> up<00:01:26.320> happening<00:01:26.720> over<00:01:26.880> the<00:01:26.960> past what's ended up happening over the past what's ended up happening over the past few<00:01:27.439> decades<00:01:27.920> is<00:01:28.000> the<00:01:28.159> kind<00:01:28.400> of<00:01:28.560> coverage<00:01:29.119> that few decades is the kind of coverage that few decades is the kind of coverage that you<00:01:29.520> had<00:01:30.000> as<00:01:30.159> a<00:01:30.240> head<00:01:30.400> of<00:01:30.560> state you had as a head of state you had as a head of state or<00:01:31.840> as<00:01:32.000> a<00:01:32.159> great<00:01:32.400> celebrity or as a great celebrity or as a great celebrity is<00:01:33.759> now<00:01:34.000> being<00:01:34.240> applied<00:01:34.560> to<00:01:34.640> you<00:01:34.799> every<00:01:35.040> day<00:01:35.280> by is now being applied to you every day by is now being applied to you every day by all<00:01:35.680> these<00:01:35.920> people<00:01:36.159> who<00:01:36.320> are<00:01:36.560> tweeting all these people who are tweeting all these people who are tweeting blogging blogging blogging following<00:01:38.880> you<00:01:39.520> watching<00:01:39.840> your<00:01:40.000> credit following you watching your credit following you watching your credit scores scores scores and<00:01:41.520> what<00:01:41.680> you<00:01:41.840> do<00:01:42.000> to<00:01:42.159> yourself and what you do to yourself and what you do to yourself and<00:01:44.159> electronic<00:01:44.720> tattoos and electronic tattoos and electronic tattoos also<00:01:46.399> shout also shout also shout and<00:01:48.159> as<00:01:48.320> you're<00:01:48.399> thinking<00:01:48.640> of<00:01:48.720> the and as you're thinking of the and as you're thinking of the consequences<00:01:49.600> of<00:01:49.680> that consequences of that consequences of that it's<00:01:50.640> getting<00:01:50.880> really<00:01:51.280> hard<00:01:51.600> to<00:01:51.759> hide<00:01:52.000> from it's getting really hard to hide from it's getting really hard to hide from this<00:01:52.399> stuff<00:01:52.640> among<00:01:52.960> other<00:01:53.200> things<00:01:53.520> because this stuff among other things because this stuff among other things because it's<00:01:54.720> not<00:01:54.880> just<00:01:55.040> the<00:01:55.200> electronic<00:01:55.680> tattoos it's not just the electronic tattoos it's not just the electronic tattoos it's<00:01:56.320> facial<00:01:56.720> recognition it's facial recognition it's facial recognition that's<00:01:58.159> getting<00:01:58.479> really<00:01:58.799> good that's getting really good that's getting really good so<00:02:00.240> you<00:02:00.320> can<00:02:00.479> take<00:02:00.719> a<00:02:00.799> picture<00:02:01.040> with<00:02:01.200> an<00:02:01.360> iphone so you can take a picture with an iphone so you can take a picture with an iphone and<00:02:02.240> get<00:02:02.479> all<00:02:02.560> the<00:02:02.719> names and get all the names and get all the names although<00:02:04.479> again<00:02:05.119> sometimes<00:02:05.600> it<00:02:05.680> does<00:02:05.920> make although again sometimes it does make although again sometimes it does make mistakes<00:02:07.840> but<00:02:08.000> that<00:02:08.160> means<00:02:08.399> you<00:02:08.479> can<00:02:08.640> take<00:02:08.800> a mistakes but that means you can take a mistakes but that means you can take a typical<00:02:09.360> bar<00:02:09.599> scene<00:02:10.000> like<00:02:10.239> this typical bar scene like this typical bar scene like this take<00:02:12.000> a<00:02:12.239> picture<00:02:12.800> say<00:02:13.040> of<00:02:13.200> this<00:02:13.360> guy<00:02:13.599> right take a picture say of this guy right take a picture say of this guy right here here here get<00:02:15.200> the<00:02:15.360> name<00:02:16.000> and<00:02:16.239> download<00:02:16.720> all<00:02:16.800> the get the name and download all the get the name and download all the records records records before<00:02:19.280> you<00:02:19.440> utter<00:02:19.840> a<00:02:19.920> word<00:02:20.319> or<00:02:20.560> speak<00:02:20.879> to before you utter a word or speak to before you utter a word or speak to somebody<00:02:22.319> because<00:02:22.560> everybody<00:02:22.959> turns<00:02:23.280> out<00:02:23.440> to somebody because everybody turns out to somebody because everybody turns out to be<00:02:23.920> absolutely<00:02:24.560> plastered<00:02:25.120> by<00:02:25.280> electronic be absolutely plastered by electronic be absolutely plastered by electronic tattoos tattoos tattoos and<00:02:27.440> so<00:02:27.599> there's<00:02:27.840> companies<00:02:28.319> like<00:02:28.560> and so there's companies like and so there's companies like that<00:02:29.520> now<00:02:29.680> have<00:02:29.920> about<00:02:30.160> 18<00:02:30.560> billion<00:02:30.959> faces that now have about 18 billion faces that now have about 18 billion faces online online online here's<00:02:33.680> what<00:02:33.840> happened<00:02:34.080> to<00:02:34.160> this<00:02:34.319> company

there<00:02:38.319> are<00:02:38.480> other<00:02:38.640> companies<00:02:39.360> that<00:02:39.519> will
there are other companies that will there are other companies that will place<00:02:40.000> a<00:02:40.080> camera<00:02:40.480> like<00:02:40.640> this<00:02:40.879> this<00:02:41.120> has place a camera like this this has place a camera like this this has nothing<00:02:41.599> to<00:02:41.680> do<00:02:41.840> with<00:02:41.920> facebook<00:02:42.800> they<00:02:42.959> take nothing to do with facebook they take nothing to do with facebook they take your<00:02:43.360> picture<00:02:43.680> they<00:02:43.840> tie<00:02:44.080> it<00:02:44.160> to<00:02:44.239> the<00:02:44.400> social your picture they tie it to the social your picture they tie it to the social media<00:02:45.120> they<00:02:45.280> figure<00:02:45.519> out<00:02:45.680> you<00:02:45.840> really<00:02:46.080> like<00:02:46.239> to media they figure out you really like to media they figure out you really like to wear<00:02:46.560> black<00:02:46.800> dresses wear black dresses wear black dresses so<00:02:48.239> maybe<00:02:48.480> the<00:02:48.560> person<00:02:48.800> in<00:02:48.959> the<00:02:49.040> store<00:02:49.280> comes so maybe the person in the store comes so maybe the person in the store comes up<00:02:49.599> and<00:02:49.680> says<00:02:50.000> hey up and says hey up and says hey we've<00:02:51.040> got<00:02:51.280> five<00:02:51.599> black<00:02:51.760> dresses<00:02:52.160> that<00:02:52.239> would we've got five black dresses that would we've got five black dresses that would just<00:02:52.560> look<00:02:52.879> great<00:02:53.200> on<00:02:53.360> you just look great on you just look great on you so<00:02:55.680> what<00:02:55.840> if<00:02:56.000> andy<00:02:56.319> was<00:02:56.560> wrong so what if andy was wrong so what if andy was wrong here's<00:02:57.760> andy's<00:02:58.239> theory

what<00:03:00.879> if<00:03:00.959> we<00:03:01.120> flip<00:03:01.440> this<00:03:01.599> what<00:03:01.760> if<00:03:01.920> you're<00:03:02.159> only
what if we flip this what if you're only what if we flip this what if you're only gonna<00:03:02.560> be<00:03:02.720> anonymous<00:03:03.519> for<00:03:03.680> 15<00:03:04.159> minutes gonna be anonymous for 15 minutes gonna be anonymous for 15 minutes well<00:03:06.879> then<00:03:07.519> because<00:03:07.920> of<00:03:08.080> electronic<00:03:08.640> tattoos well then because of electronic tattoos well then because of electronic tattoos maybe<00:03:10.400> all<00:03:10.640> of<00:03:10.720> you<00:03:11.040> and<00:03:11.280> all<00:03:11.440> of<00:03:11.599> us<00:03:11.840> are<00:03:12.000> very maybe all of you and all of us are very maybe all of you and all of us are very close<00:03:12.480> to<00:03:12.640> immortality close to immortality close to immortality because<00:03:14.720> these<00:03:14.959> tattoos<00:03:15.440> will<00:03:15.599> live<00:03:15.840> far because these tattoos will live far because these tattoos will live far longer<00:03:16.480> than<00:03:16.640> our<00:03:16.800> bodies<00:03:17.200> will longer than our bodies will longer than our bodies will and<00:03:18.640> if<00:03:18.800> that's<00:03:19.120> true<00:03:19.440> then<00:03:19.680> what<00:03:19.840> we<00:03:19.920> want<00:03:20.080> to and if that's true then what we want to and if that's true then what we want to do<00:03:20.400> is<00:03:20.480> we<00:03:20.560> want<00:03:20.720> to<00:03:20.959> go<00:03:21.200> through<00:03:21.519> four<00:03:21.760> lessons do is we want to go through four lessons do is we want to go through four lessons from<00:03:22.239> the<00:03:22.400> greeks from the greeks from the greeks and<00:03:24.159> one<00:03:24.400> lesson<00:03:24.720> from<00:03:24.879> latin<00:03:25.200> american and one lesson from latin american and one lesson from latin american why<00:03:27.519> the<00:03:27.680> greeks why the greeks why the greeks well<00:03:29.120> the<00:03:29.280> greeks<00:03:29.680> thought<00:03:29.920> about<00:03:30.080> what well the greeks thought about what well the greeks thought about what happens<00:03:30.799> when<00:03:31.120> gods<00:03:31.680> and<00:03:31.840> humans<00:03:32.400> and happens when gods and humans and happens when gods and humans and immortality<00:03:33.440> mix<00:03:33.760> for<00:03:33.920> a<00:03:34.000> long<00:03:34.319> time immortality mix for a long time immortality mix for a long time so<00:03:36.239> lesson<00:03:36.640> number<00:03:36.879> one<00:03:37.200> sisyphus so lesson number one sisyphus so lesson number one sisyphus remember<00:03:39.120> did<00:03:39.280> a<00:03:39.360> horrible<00:03:39.840> thing<00:03:40.239> condemn remember did a horrible thing condemn remember did a horrible thing condemn for<00:03:40.879> all<00:03:41.120> time<00:03:41.360> to<00:03:41.599> roll<00:03:41.760> this<00:03:42.000> rock<00:03:42.239> up<00:03:42.400> it for all time to roll this rock up it for all time to roll this rock up it would<00:03:42.720> roll<00:03:42.959> back<00:03:43.200> down would roll back down would roll back down roll<00:03:44.319> back<00:03:44.640> up<00:03:44.799> roll<00:03:45.040> back<00:03:45.280> down<00:03:46.080> it's<00:03:46.239> a roll back up roll back down it's a roll back up roll back down it's a little<00:03:46.480> like<00:03:46.640> your<00:03:46.879> reputation little like your reputation little like your reputation once<00:03:48.239> you<00:03:48.400> get<00:03:48.480> that<00:03:48.720> electronic<00:03:49.200> tattoo once you get that electronic tattoo once you get that electronic tattoo you're<00:03:49.760> going<00:03:49.840> to<00:03:49.920> be<00:03:50.080> rolling<00:03:50.480> up<00:03:50.640> and<00:03:50.799> down you're going to be rolling up and down you're going to be rolling up and down for<00:03:51.120> a<00:03:51.200> long<00:03:51.519> time for a long time for a long time so<00:03:52.799> as<00:03:52.959> you<00:03:53.040> go<00:03:53.280> through<00:03:53.440> this<00:03:53.680> stuff so as you go through this stuff so as you go through this stuff just<00:03:55.200> be<00:03:55.360> careful<00:03:55.680> what<00:03:55.840> you<00:03:56.000> post just be careful what you post just be careful what you post myth<00:03:58.239> number<00:03:58.560> two<00:03:59.120> orpheus<00:04:00.319> wonderful<00:04:00.799> guy myth number two orpheus wonderful guy myth number two orpheus wonderful guy charming<00:04:02.000> to<00:04:02.080> be<00:04:02.239> around<00:04:02.640> great<00:04:02.959> partier charming to be around great partier charming to be around great partier great<00:04:04.319> singer<00:04:05.040> loses<00:04:05.519> his<00:04:05.680> beloved<00:04:06.640> charms great singer loses his beloved charms great singer loses his beloved charms his<00:04:07.040> way<00:04:07.200> into<00:04:07.439> the<00:04:07.519> underworld<00:04:08.239> only<00:04:08.560> person his way into the underworld only person his way into the underworld only person to<00:04:09.040> charm<00:04:09.280> his<00:04:09.360> way<00:04:09.519> into<00:04:09.680> the<00:04:09.840> underworld to charm his way into the underworld to charm his way into the underworld charms<00:04:11.599> the<00:04:11.680> gods<00:04:12.000> of<00:04:12.080> the<00:04:12.239> underworld<00:04:13.040> they charms the gods of the underworld they charms the gods of the underworld they release<00:04:13.680> his<00:04:13.920> beauty release his beauty release his beauty on<00:04:15.280> the<00:04:15.439> condition<00:04:16.320> he<00:04:16.560> never<00:04:16.880> looked<00:04:17.120> at<00:04:17.199> her on the condition he never looked at her on the condition he never looked at her until<00:04:17.680> they're<00:04:18.000> out until they're out until they're out so<00:04:19.280> he's<00:04:19.519> walking<00:04:19.840> out<00:04:20.000> and<00:04:20.160> walking<00:04:20.479> out so he's walking out and walking out so he's walking out and walking out walking<00:04:20.959> out<00:04:21.120> he<00:04:21.280> just<00:04:21.519> can't<00:04:21.759> resist<00:04:22.160> he walking out he just can't resist he walking out he just can't resist he looks<00:04:22.560> at<00:04:22.639> her<00:04:22.880> loses<00:04:23.360> her<00:04:23.520> forever looks at her loses her forever looks at her loses her forever with<00:04:25.600> all<00:04:25.680> this<00:04:25.919> data<00:04:26.320> out<00:04:26.479> here<00:04:27.120> it<00:04:27.280> might<00:04:27.440> be with all this data out here it might be with all this data out here it might be a<00:04:27.600> good<00:04:27.840> idea<00:04:28.240> not<00:04:28.400> to<00:04:28.560> look<00:04:29.040> too<00:04:29.280> far a good idea not to look too far a good idea not to look too far into<00:04:30.720> the<00:04:30.800> past<00:04:31.120> of<00:04:31.199> those<00:04:31.520> you<00:04:31.680> love

lesson<00:04:34.560> number<00:04:34.880> three<00:04:35.199> atlanta
lesson number three atlanta lesson number three atlanta greatest<00:04:37.600> runner greatest runner greatest runner she<00:04:39.280> would<00:04:39.440> challenge<00:04:39.840> anybody she would challenge anybody she would challenge anybody if<00:04:41.520> you<00:04:41.680> won<00:04:42.080> she<00:04:42.240> would<00:04:42.400> marry<00:04:42.720> you if you won she would marry you if you won she would marry you if<00:04:43.680> you<00:04:43.840> lost<00:04:44.240> you<00:04:44.479> died if you lost you died if you lost you died how<00:04:46.800> did<00:04:46.960> hyphomoniz<00:04:47.600> beat<00:04:47.840> her<00:04:48.479> well<00:04:48.720> he<00:04:48.880> had how did hyphomoniz beat her well he had how did hyphomoniz beat her well he had all<00:04:49.280> these<00:04:49.440> wonderful<00:04:49.840> little<00:04:50.080> golden<00:04:50.400> apples all these wonderful little golden apples all these wonderful little golden apples and<00:04:50.800> she'd<00:04:51.040> run<00:04:51.199> ahead<00:04:51.440> and<00:04:51.600> he'd<00:04:51.759> roll<00:04:52.000> a and she'd run ahead and he'd roll a and she'd run ahead and he'd roll a little<00:04:52.320> golden<00:04:52.639> apple little golden apple little golden apple she'd<00:04:53.759> run<00:04:53.919> ahead<00:04:54.240> he'd<00:04:54.400> roll<00:04:54.560> a<00:04:54.639> little she'd run ahead he'd roll a little she'd run ahead he'd roll a little golden<00:04:55.040> apple<00:04:55.280> she<00:04:55.440> kept<00:04:55.680> getting<00:04:55.919> distracted golden apple she kept getting distracted golden apple she kept getting distracted he<00:04:57.120> eventually<00:04:58.000> won<00:04:58.240> the<00:04:58.320> race he eventually won the race he eventually won the race just<00:05:00.320> remember<00:05:00.639> the<00:05:00.800> purpose<00:05:01.120> is<00:05:01.280> all<00:05:01.440> these just remember the purpose is all these just remember the purpose is all these little<00:05:01.840> golden<00:05:02.320> apples<00:05:02.960> come<00:05:03.199> and<00:05:03.280> reach<00:05:03.600> you little golden apples come and reach you little golden apples come and reach you and<00:05:03.919> you<00:05:04.320> want<00:05:04.560> to<00:05:04.720> post<00:05:05.040> about<00:05:05.280> them<00:05:05.440> or<00:05:05.600> tweet and you want to post about them or tweet and you want to post about them or tweet about<00:05:06.080> them<00:05:06.240> or<00:05:06.400> send<00:05:06.639> a<00:05:06.720> late<00:05:06.960> like<00:05:07.120> message about them or send a late like message about them or send a late like message and<00:05:09.600> then<00:05:09.759> of<00:05:09.919> course<00:05:10.479> there's<00:05:10.720> narcissus and then of course there's narcissus and then of course there's narcissus nobody<00:05:13.199> here<00:05:13.360> would<00:05:13.600> ever<00:05:13.919> be<00:05:14.080> accused<00:05:14.560> or<00:05:14.720> be nobody here would ever be accused or be nobody here would ever be accused or be familiar<00:05:15.280> with<00:05:15.440> narcissus

but<00:05:18.639> as<00:05:18.800> you're<00:05:18.960> thinking<00:05:19.280> about<00:05:19.520> narcissus
but as you're thinking about narcissus but as you're thinking about narcissus just<00:05:21.199> don't<00:05:21.440> fall<00:05:21.600> in<00:05:21.680> love<00:05:21.840> with<00:05:21.919> your<00:05:22.080> own just don't fall in love with your own just don't fall in love with your own reflection reflection reflection last<00:05:25.280> a<00:05:25.360> lesson<00:05:25.680> from<00:05:25.840> a<00:05:25.919> latin<00:05:26.240> american<00:05:26.560> this last a lesson from a latin american this last a lesson from a latin american this is<00:05:26.880> the<00:05:27.039> great<00:05:27.280> poet<00:05:27.600> jorge<00:05:28.000> luis<00:05:28.240> borges is the great poet jorge luis borges is the great poet jorge luis borges when<00:05:29.600> he<00:05:29.759> was<00:05:29.919> threatened<00:05:30.240> by<00:05:30.400> the<00:05:30.560> thugs<00:05:30.880> of when he was threatened by the thugs of when he was threatened by the thugs of the<00:05:31.039> argentine<00:05:31.600> military<00:05:32.080> junta the argentine military junta the argentine military junta he<00:05:33.600> came<00:05:33.840> back<00:05:34.080> and<00:05:34.240> said<00:05:34.800> oh<00:05:35.120> come<00:05:35.360> on<00:05:35.520> how he came back and said oh come on how he came back and said oh come on how else<00:05:35.919> can<00:05:36.080> you<00:05:36.240> threaten<00:05:36.720> other<00:05:37.039> than<00:05:37.199> with else can you threaten other than with else can you threaten other than with death death death the<00:05:39.360> interesting<00:05:39.919> thing<00:05:40.560> the<00:05:40.800> original<00:05:41.280> thing the interesting thing the original thing the interesting thing the original thing would<00:05:42.479> be<00:05:42.639> to<00:05:42.800> threaten<00:05:43.120> somebody<00:05:43.440> with would be to threaten somebody with would be to threaten somebody with immortality immortality immortality and<00:05:45.600> that<00:05:45.840> of<00:05:45.919> course<00:05:46.240> is<00:05:46.320> what<00:05:46.479> we<00:05:46.639> are<00:05:46.800> all and that of course is what we are all and that of course is what we are all now<00:05:47.120> threatened<00:05:47.520> with<00:05:47.840> today<00:05:48.560> because<00:05:48.880> of now threatened with today because of now threatened with today because of electronic<00:05:49.600> tattoos electronic tattoos electronic tattoos thank<00:05:51.120> you

Juan Enriquex, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, Andy, Warhol, internet, technology, digital, privacy

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