Đã đến lúc đặt câu hỏi về kỹ thuật sinh học-Paul Root Wolpe

It's time to question bio-engineering - Paul Root Wolpe

It's time to question bio-engineering - Paul Root Wolpe


[Music] [Music] so

[Music] [Music] i<00:00:16.240> want<00:00:16.320> to<00:00:16.480> talk<00:00:16.720> about<00:00:17.039> design<00:00:18.000> but<00:00:18.160> not i want to talk about design but not i want to talk about design but not design<00:00:18.800> as<00:00:18.880> we<00:00:19.039> usually<00:00:19.520> think<00:00:19.760> about<00:00:20.000> it<00:00:20.480> i design as we usually think about it i design as we usually think about it i want<00:00:20.800> to<00:00:20.880> talk<00:00:21.119> about<00:00:21.520> what<00:00:21.680> is<00:00:21.840> happening<00:00:22.240> now want to talk about what is happening now want to talk about what is happening now in<00:00:23.039> our<00:00:23.199> scientific<00:00:24.039> biotechnological in our scientific biotechnological in our scientific biotechnological culture<00:00:25.840> where<00:00:26.080> for<00:00:26.320> really<00:00:26.640> the<00:00:26.800> first<00:00:27.119> time culture where for really the first time culture where for really the first time in<00:00:27.439> history<00:00:28.240> we<00:00:28.400> have<00:00:28.640> the<00:00:28.880> power<00:00:29.439> to<00:00:29.599> design in history we have the power to design in history we have the power to design bodies<00:00:31.199> to<00:00:31.359> design<00:00:31.840> animal<00:00:32.160> bodies<00:00:32.800> to<00:00:32.960> design bodies to design animal bodies to design bodies to design animal bodies to design human<00:00:33.760> bodies human bodies human bodies in<00:00:35.760> the<00:00:35.920> history<00:00:36.559> of<00:00:37.120> um in the history of um in the history of um our<00:00:38.879> planet<00:00:39.760> there<00:00:40.000> have<00:00:40.079> been<00:00:40.399> three<00:00:40.719> great our planet there have been three great our planet there have been three great waves<00:00:41.440> of<00:00:41.600> evolution waves of evolution waves of evolution the<00:00:42.960> first<00:00:43.280> wave<00:00:43.520> of<00:00:43.760> evolution<00:00:44.640> is<00:00:44.719> what<00:00:44.879> we the first wave of evolution is what we the first wave of evolution is what we think<00:00:45.280> of<00:00:45.440> as<00:00:45.600> darwinian<00:00:46.239> evolution<00:00:47.200> so<00:00:47.760> as think of as darwinian evolution so as think of as darwinian evolution so as you<00:00:48.160> all<00:00:48.399> know you all know you all know species<00:00:49.920> lived<00:00:50.160> in<00:00:50.320> particular<00:00:50.800> ecological species lived in particular ecological species lived in particular ecological niches<00:00:51.840> in<00:00:52.000> particular<00:00:52.480> environments<00:00:53.440> and niches in particular environments and niches in particular environments and the<00:00:54.000> pressures<00:00:54.399> of<00:00:54.480> those<00:00:54.719> environments the pressures of those environments the pressures of those environments selected<00:00:56.640> which<00:00:57.199> changes<00:00:57.920> through<00:00:58.160> random selected which changes through random selected which changes through random mutations<00:00:59.520> in<00:00:59.680> species<00:01:00.160> were<00:01:00.320> going<00:01:00.480> to<00:01:00.640> be mutations in species were going to be mutations in species were going to be preserved preserved preserved then<00:01:02.480> human<00:01:02.800> beings<00:01:03.520> stepped<00:01:04.080> out<00:01:04.320> of<00:01:04.479> the then human beings stepped out of the then human beings stepped out of the darwinian<00:01:05.680> flow<00:01:06.320> of<00:01:06.560> evolutionary<00:01:07.280> history darwinian flow of evolutionary history darwinian flow of evolutionary history and<00:01:08.240> created<00:01:08.720> the<00:01:08.960> second<00:01:09.360> great<00:01:09.680> wave<00:01:10.320> of and created the second great wave of and created the second great wave of evolution<00:01:11.520> which<00:01:11.840> was evolution which was evolution which was we<00:01:13.040> changed<00:01:13.840> the<00:01:14.000> environment<00:01:14.799> in<00:01:14.960> which<00:01:15.200> we we changed the environment in which we we changed the environment in which we evolved evolved evolved we we we altered<00:01:17.920> our<00:01:18.159> ecological<00:01:18.880> niche<00:01:19.439> by<00:01:19.600> creating altered our ecological niche by creating altered our ecological niche by creating civilization<00:01:21.280> and<00:01:21.360> that<00:01:21.600> has<00:01:21.680> been<00:01:21.920> the civilization and that has been the civilization and that has been the second<00:01:22.560> great<00:01:23.040> couple<00:01:23.360> hundred<00:01:23.759> thousand second great couple hundred thousand second great couple hundred thousand years<00:01:24.400> hundred<00:01:24.720> and<00:01:24.799> fifty<00:01:25.200> 000<00:01:25.520> year years hundred and fifty 000 year years hundred and fifty 000 year flow<00:01:27.520> of<00:01:27.680> our<00:01:27.920> evolution<00:01:28.880> by<00:01:29.200> changing<00:01:29.680> our flow of our evolution by changing our flow of our evolution by changing our environment<00:01:30.720> we<00:01:31.360> put<00:01:31.680> new<00:01:32.000> pressures<00:01:32.560> on<00:01:32.799> our environment we put new pressures on our environment we put new pressures on our bodies<00:01:33.759> to<00:01:34.000> evolve<00:01:34.799> whether<00:01:35.119> it<00:01:35.280> was<00:01:35.600> through bodies to evolve whether it was through bodies to evolve whether it was through settling<00:01:36.400> down<00:01:36.640> in<00:01:36.799> agricultural settling down in agricultural settling down in agricultural communities<00:01:38.320> all<00:01:38.479> the<00:01:38.640> way<00:01:38.960> through<00:01:39.280> modern communities all the way through modern communities all the way through modern medicine<00:01:40.640> we<00:01:40.880> have<00:01:41.200> changed<00:01:41.600> our<00:01:41.840> own medicine we have changed our own medicine we have changed our own evolution evolution evolution now<00:01:44.159> we're<00:01:44.400> entering<00:01:45.119> a<00:01:45.360> third<00:01:45.840> great<00:01:46.159> wave<00:01:46.799> of now we're entering a third great wave of now we're entering a third great wave of evolutionary<00:01:48.560> history evolutionary history evolutionary history which<00:01:49.840> has<00:01:49.920> been<00:01:50.079> called<00:01:50.399> many<00:01:50.640> things which has been called many things which has been called many things intentional<00:01:51.680> evolution<00:01:52.560> evolution<00:01:53.119> by intentional evolution evolution by intentional evolution evolution by design<00:01:54.240> very<00:01:54.560> different<00:01:54.799> than<00:01:55.119> intelligent design very different than intelligent design very different than intelligent design design design whereby<00:01:57.520> we<00:01:57.759> are<00:01:58.000> actually<00:01:58.719> now whereby we are actually now whereby we are actually now intentionally intentionally intentionally designing<00:02:02.479> and<00:02:02.719> altering<00:02:03.680> the<00:02:03.920> physiological designing and altering the physiological designing and altering the physiological forms<00:02:05.280> that<00:02:05.520> inhabit<00:02:05.920> our<00:02:06.079> planet<00:02:06.960> so<00:02:07.119> i<00:02:07.200> want forms that inhabit our planet so i want forms that inhabit our planet so i want to<00:02:07.439> take<00:02:07.600> you<00:02:07.759> through<00:02:08.000> a<00:02:08.080> kind<00:02:08.239> of<00:02:08.399> whirlwind to take you through a kind of whirlwind to take you through a kind of whirlwind tour<00:02:09.280> of<00:02:09.360> that<00:02:09.920> and<00:02:10.000> then<00:02:10.239> at<00:02:10.319> the<00:02:10.479> end<00:02:10.720> talk<00:02:11.039> a tour of that and then at the end talk a tour of that and then at the end talk a little<00:02:11.360> bit<00:02:11.760> about<00:02:12.080> what<00:02:12.319> some<00:02:12.480> of<00:02:12.640> the little bit about what some of the little bit about what some of the implications<00:02:13.599> are<00:02:14.080> for<00:02:14.400> us<00:02:14.640> and<00:02:14.800> for<00:02:15.200> our implications are for us and for our implications are for us and for our species<00:02:16.560> as<00:02:16.640> well<00:02:16.879> as<00:02:17.040> our<00:02:17.200> cultures<00:02:18.000> because species as well as our cultures because species as well as our cultures because of<00:02:18.480> this<00:02:18.720> change<00:02:19.599> now<00:02:19.760> we<00:02:20.000> actually<00:02:20.400> have<00:02:20.480> been of this change now we actually have been of this change now we actually have been doing<00:02:20.879> it<00:02:21.040> for<00:02:21.200> a<00:02:21.280> long<00:02:21.599> time

we<00:02:24.720> started<00:02:25.040> selectively<00:02:25.840> breeding<00:02:26.319> animals
we started selectively breeding animals we started selectively breeding animals many<00:02:27.520> many many many many many thousands<00:02:29.520> of<00:02:29.680> years<00:02:29.920> ago thousands of years ago thousands of years ago and<00:02:31.360> if<00:02:31.440> you<00:02:31.520> think<00:02:31.680> of<00:02:31.920> dogs<00:02:32.400> for<00:02:32.560> example and if you think of dogs for example and if you think of dogs for example dogs<00:02:33.680> are<00:02:34.000> now<00:02:34.480> intentionally<00:02:35.120> designed dogs are now intentionally designed dogs are now intentionally designed creatures<00:02:36.400> there<00:02:36.640> isn't<00:02:36.959> a<00:02:37.040> dog<00:02:37.599> on<00:02:37.840> this creatures there isn't a dog on this creatures there isn't a dog on this earth<00:02:38.319> that's<00:02:38.560> a<00:02:38.720> natural<00:02:39.120> creature<00:02:39.920> dogs<00:02:40.319> are earth that's a natural creature dogs are earth that's a natural creature dogs are the<00:02:40.560> result<00:02:41.120> of<00:02:41.280> selectively<00:02:41.920> breeding the result of selectively breeding the result of selectively breeding traits<00:02:42.959> that<00:02:43.200> we<00:02:43.440> like traits that we like traits that we like but<00:02:44.640> we<00:02:44.800> had<00:02:44.959> to<00:02:45.040> do<00:02:45.280> it<00:02:45.360> the<00:02:45.519> hard<00:02:45.840> way<00:02:46.400> in<00:02:46.480> the but we had to do it the hard way in the but we had to do it the hard way in the old<00:02:46.879> days<00:02:47.200> by<00:02:47.760> choosing<00:02:48.319> offspring<00:02:48.879> that old days by choosing offspring that old days by choosing offspring that looked<00:02:49.280> a<00:02:49.360> particular<00:02:49.760> way<00:02:50.080> and<00:02:50.160> then looked a particular way and then looked a particular way and then breeding<00:02:50.800> them<00:02:51.200> we<00:02:51.440> don't<00:02:51.680> have<00:02:51.840> to<00:02:52.000> do<00:02:52.160> it breeding them we don't have to do it breeding them we don't have to do it that<00:02:52.480> way<00:02:52.720> anymore that way anymore that way anymore this<00:02:54.560> is<00:02:54.800> a<00:02:54.879> beefalo this is a beefalo this is a beefalo a<00:02:56.560> beefalo<00:02:57.280> is<00:02:57.440> a<00:02:57.760> buffalo<00:02:58.480> cattle<00:02:59.200> hybrid a beefalo is a buffalo cattle hybrid a beefalo is a buffalo cattle hybrid and<00:03:00.959> they<00:03:01.200> are<00:03:01.280> now<00:03:01.840> making<00:03:02.159> them<00:03:02.400> in<00:03:02.640> some<00:03:02.879> day and they are now making them in some day and they are now making them in some day perhaps<00:03:03.599> pretty<00:03:03.920> soon<00:03:04.400> you<00:03:04.560> will<00:03:04.720> have perhaps pretty soon you will have perhaps pretty soon you will have beefalo<00:03:05.519> patties<00:03:06.400> in<00:03:06.560> your<00:03:06.800> local beefalo patties in your local beefalo patties in your local supermarket supermarket supermarket this<00:03:09.920> is<00:03:10.319> a<00:03:10.480> geep<00:03:11.280> a<00:03:11.519> goat this is a geep a goat this is a geep a goat sheep<00:03:13.120> hybrid sheep hybrid sheep hybrid the<00:03:14.480> scientists<00:03:14.959> that<00:03:15.200> made<00:03:15.440> this<00:03:15.920> cute the scientists that made this cute the scientists that made this cute little<00:03:16.400> creature<00:03:17.120> ended<00:03:17.440> up<00:03:17.840> slaughtering<00:03:18.400> it little creature ended up slaughtering it little creature ended up slaughtering it and<00:03:18.720> eating<00:03:18.959> it<00:03:19.120> afterwards and eating it afterwards and eating it afterwards i<00:03:20.400> think<00:03:20.560> they<00:03:20.720> said<00:03:20.959> it<00:03:21.040> tastes<00:03:21.360> like<00:03:21.599> chicken

this<00:03:24.400> is<00:03:24.640> a<00:03:24.879> comma
this is a comma this is a comma a<00:03:26.080> comma<00:03:26.640> is<00:03:26.959> a<00:03:27.200> camel<00:03:27.840> llama<00:03:28.239> hybrid a comma is a camel llama hybrid a comma is a camel llama hybrid created<00:03:30.000> to<00:03:30.239> try<00:03:30.560> to<00:03:30.879> get<00:03:31.040> the<00:03:31.200> heartiness<00:03:31.760> of created to try to get the heartiness of created to try to get the heartiness of a<00:03:32.080> camel<00:03:32.799> with<00:03:33.280> some<00:03:33.519> of<00:03:33.680> the<00:03:34.080> personality a camel with some of the personality a camel with some of the personality traits<00:03:35.680> of<00:03:35.840> a<00:03:35.920> llama<00:03:36.480> and<00:03:36.640> they<00:03:36.799> are<00:03:36.959> now<00:03:37.200> using traits of a llama and they are now using traits of a llama and they are now using these<00:03:37.840> in<00:03:38.000> certain<00:03:38.480> cultures these in certain cultures these in certain cultures then<00:03:40.799> there's<00:03:41.680> the<00:03:41.840> liger then there's the liger then there's the liger this<00:03:43.200> is<00:03:43.280> the<00:03:43.519> largest<00:03:44.159> cat<00:03:44.480> in<00:03:44.640> the<00:03:44.720> world<00:03:45.360> the this is the largest cat in the world the this is the largest cat in the world the lion<00:03:46.159> tiger<00:03:46.640> hybrid<00:03:47.440> it's<00:03:47.680> bigger<00:03:48.000> than<00:03:48.239> a lion tiger hybrid it's bigger than a lion tiger hybrid it's bigger than a tiger<00:03:49.280> and<00:03:49.680> in<00:03:49.760> the<00:03:49.920> case<00:03:50.159> of<00:03:50.319> the<00:03:50.560> liger<00:03:51.040> there tiger and in the case of the liger there tiger and in the case of the liger there actually<00:03:51.680> have<00:03:51.840> been<00:03:52.080> one<00:03:52.319> or<00:03:52.480> two<00:03:52.799> that<00:03:52.959> have actually have been one or two that have actually have been one or two that have been<00:03:53.280> seen<00:03:53.519> in<00:03:53.599> the<00:03:53.760> wild been seen in the wild been seen in the wild but but but these<00:03:56.720> were<00:03:56.879> created<00:03:57.280> by<00:03:57.439> scientists<00:03:58.000> using these were created by scientists using these were created by scientists using both<00:03:59.040> selective<00:03:59.439> breeding<00:03:59.760> and<00:03:59.840> genetic both selective breeding and genetic both selective breeding and genetic technology<00:04:01.200> and<00:04:01.360> then<00:04:01.599> finally<00:04:02.080> everybody's technology and then finally everybody's technology and then finally everybody's favorite favorite favorite the<00:04:03.840> zorse the zorse the zorse none<00:04:05.680> of<00:04:05.760> this<00:04:05.920> is<00:04:06.080> photoshopped<00:04:07.040> these<00:04:07.280> are none of this is photoshopped these are none of this is photoshopped these are real<00:04:07.680> creatures real creatures real creatures and<00:04:09.120> so<00:04:09.519> one<00:04:09.760> of<00:04:09.840> the<00:04:10.000> things<00:04:10.319> we<00:04:10.480> have<00:04:10.560> been and so one of the things we have been and so one of the things we have been doing<00:04:11.280> is<00:04:11.519> using<00:04:12.000> genetic<00:04:12.720> enhancement<00:04:13.760> or doing is using genetic enhancement or doing is using genetic enhancement or genetic<00:04:14.480> manipulation<00:04:15.760> of<00:04:15.920> sort<00:04:16.160> of<00:04:16.799> normal genetic manipulation of sort of normal genetic manipulation of sort of normal selective<00:04:17.840> breeding<00:04:18.479> pushed<00:04:18.880> a<00:04:18.959> little<00:04:19.120> bit selective breeding pushed a little bit selective breeding pushed a little bit through<00:04:19.600> genetics through genetics through genetics and<00:04:21.120> if<00:04:21.199> that<00:04:21.440> were<00:04:21.680> all and if that were all and if that were all this<00:04:22.720> was<00:04:22.960> about<00:04:23.600> then<00:04:23.840> it<00:04:23.919> would<00:04:24.080> be<00:04:24.240> an this was about then it would be an this was about then it would be an interesting<00:04:25.520> thing<00:04:25.919> but<00:04:26.479> something<00:04:26.880> much interesting thing but something much interesting thing but something much much<00:04:27.520> more<00:04:28.320> uh<00:04:28.639> powerful<00:04:29.360> is<00:04:29.520> happening<00:04:30.000> now much more uh powerful is happening now much more uh powerful is happening now these<00:04:32.160> are<00:04:32.320> normal<00:04:32.800> mammalian<00:04:33.520> cells these are normal mammalian cells these are normal mammalian cells genetically<00:04:35.440> engineered<00:04:36.080> with<00:04:36.240> a genetically engineered with a genetically engineered with a bioluminescent<00:04:37.440> gene<00:04:38.160> taken<00:04:38.479> out<00:04:38.639> of<00:04:39.040> deep bioluminescent gene taken out of deep bioluminescent gene taken out of deep sea<00:04:39.520> jellyfish<00:04:40.000> we<00:04:40.160> all<00:04:40.240> know<00:04:40.479> that<00:04:40.639> some sea jellyfish we all know that some sea jellyfish we all know that some deep<00:04:42.000> sea<00:04:42.240> creatures<00:04:42.639> glow deep sea creatures glow deep sea creatures glow well<00:04:44.000> they've<00:04:44.240> now<00:04:44.720> taken<00:04:45.040> that<00:04:45.280> gene<00:04:45.919> that well they've now taken that gene that well they've now taken that gene that bioluminescent<00:04:46.960> gene<00:04:47.280> and<00:04:47.440> put<00:04:47.680> it<00:04:47.840> into bioluminescent gene and put it into bioluminescent gene and put it into mammal<00:04:48.560> cells<00:04:49.199> these<00:04:49.440> are<00:04:49.600> normal<00:04:50.000> cells<00:04:50.400> and mammal cells these are normal cells and mammal cells these are normal cells and what<00:04:50.639> you<00:04:50.880> see<00:04:51.120> here<00:04:51.840> is<00:04:52.000> these<00:04:52.320> cells what you see here is these cells what you see here is these cells glowing glowing glowing in<00:04:54.720> the<00:04:54.880> dark<00:04:55.280> under<00:04:55.440> certain<00:04:55.840> wavelengths<00:04:56.400> of in the dark under certain wavelengths of in the dark under certain wavelengths of light light light once<00:04:57.680> they<00:04:57.840> could<00:04:58.000> do<00:04:58.160> that<00:04:58.320> with<00:04:58.560> cells<00:04:59.040> they once they could do that with cells they once they could do that with cells they could<00:04:59.360> do<00:04:59.440> it<00:04:59.600> with<00:04:59.840> organisms<00:05:00.880> so<00:05:01.040> they<00:05:01.199> did could do it with organisms so they did could do it with organisms so they did it<00:05:01.600> with<00:05:02.000> mouse<00:05:02.320> pups

kittens kittens and<00:05:07.199> by<00:05:07.360> the<00:05:07.440> way<00:05:07.600> the<00:05:07.759> reason<00:05:08.400> the<00:05:08.560> kittens and by the way the reason the kittens and by the way the reason the kittens here<00:05:09.199> are<00:05:09.360> orange<00:05:09.680> and<00:05:09.840> these<00:05:10.000> are<00:05:10.160> green<00:05:10.400> is here are orange and these are green is here are orange and these are green is because<00:05:10.720> that's<00:05:10.960> a<00:05:11.039> bioluminescent<00:05:11.919> gene because that's a bioluminescent gene because that's a bioluminescent gene from<00:05:12.800> coral from coral from coral well<00:05:14.240> this<00:05:14.479> is<00:05:14.560> from<00:05:14.800> jellyfish well this is from jellyfish well this is from jellyfish they<00:05:16.479> did<00:05:16.639> it<00:05:16.720> with<00:05:16.960> pigs

they<00:05:19.600> did<00:05:19.840> it<00:05:19.919> with<00:05:20.080> puppies
they did it with puppies they did it with puppies and<00:05:22.479> in<00:05:22.720> fact and in fact and in fact they<00:05:23.759> did<00:05:24.000> it<00:05:24.080> with<00:05:24.240> monkeys they did it with monkeys they did it with monkeys and<00:05:26.000> if<00:05:26.160> you<00:05:26.320> can<00:05:26.479> do<00:05:26.720> it<00:05:26.800> with<00:05:27.039> monkeys<00:05:27.520> though and if you can do it with monkeys though and if you can do it with monkeys though the<00:05:27.919> great<00:05:28.240> leap<00:05:28.880> in<00:05:29.039> trying<00:05:29.360> to<00:05:29.440> genetically the great leap in trying to genetically the great leap in trying to genetically manipulate<00:05:30.639> is<00:05:30.800> actually<00:05:31.120> between<00:05:31.520> monkeys manipulate is actually between monkeys manipulate is actually between monkeys and<00:05:32.240> apes<00:05:33.199> if<00:05:33.360> they<00:05:33.520> can<00:05:33.680> do<00:05:33.840> it<00:05:34.000> in<00:05:34.080> monkeys and apes if they can do it in monkeys and apes if they can do it in monkeys they<00:05:34.639> can<00:05:34.960> probably<00:05:35.440> figure<00:05:35.759> out<00:05:35.840> how<00:05:36.000> to<00:05:36.080> do they can probably figure out how to do they can probably figure out how to do it<00:05:36.400> in<00:05:36.560> apes<00:05:37.120> which<00:05:37.360> means<00:05:37.840> they<00:05:38.080> can<00:05:38.240> do<00:05:38.400> it<00:05:38.720> in it in apes which means they can do it in it in apes which means they can do it in human<00:05:39.199> beings human beings human beings in<00:05:41.039> other<00:05:41.199> words<00:05:41.600> it<00:05:41.759> is<00:05:42.000> theoretically in other words it is theoretically in other words it is theoretically possible<00:05:43.600> that<00:05:43.759> before<00:05:44.160> too<00:05:44.400> long<00:05:44.880> we<00:05:45.039> will<00:05:45.280> be possible that before too long we will be possible that before too long we will be biotechnologically<00:05:46.560> capable<00:05:47.360> of<00:05:47.520> creating biotechnologically capable of creating biotechnologically capable of creating human<00:05:48.479> beings<00:05:49.440> that<00:05:49.600> glow<00:05:49.919> in<00:05:50.080> the<00:05:50.160> dark

be<00:05:54.800> easier<00:05:55.039> to<00:05:55.199> find<00:05:55.440> us<00:05:55.600> at<00:05:55.759> night
be easier to find us at night be easier to find us at night and<00:05:57.440> in<00:05:57.600> fact<00:05:57.919> right<00:05:58.240> now<00:05:58.560> in<00:05:58.720> many<00:05:59.039> states<00:05:59.440> you and in fact right now in many states you and in fact right now in many states you can<00:05:59.759> go<00:06:00.000> out<00:06:00.160> and<00:06:00.320> you<00:06:00.479> can<00:06:00.720> buy can go out and you can buy can go out and you can buy bioluminescent<00:06:02.080> pets<00:06:02.639> these<00:06:02.880> are<00:06:02.960> zebrafish bioluminescent pets these are zebrafish bioluminescent pets these are zebrafish they're<00:06:03.759> normally<00:06:04.080> black<00:06:04.479> and<00:06:04.639> silver<00:06:05.360> these they're normally black and silver these they're normally black and silver these are<00:06:05.680> sieberfist<00:06:06.400> that<00:06:06.560> have<00:06:06.639> been are sieberfist that have been are sieberfist that have been genetically<00:06:07.440> engineered<00:06:08.160> to<00:06:08.319> be<00:06:08.560> yellow genetically engineered to be yellow genetically engineered to be yellow green<00:06:09.759> red<00:06:10.319> and<00:06:10.479> they<00:06:10.639> are<00:06:10.960> actually green red and they are actually green red and they are actually available<00:06:12.160> now<00:06:12.639> in<00:06:12.960> certain<00:06:13.440> states<00:06:14.160> other available now in certain states other available now in certain states other states<00:06:14.800> have<00:06:14.960> banned<00:06:15.199> them<00:06:15.680> nobody<00:06:16.000> knows states have banned them nobody knows states have banned them nobody knows what<00:06:16.479> to<00:06:16.639> do<00:06:16.800> with<00:06:16.960> these<00:06:17.280> kinds<00:06:17.600> of<00:06:17.680> creatures what to do with these kinds of creatures what to do with these kinds of creatures there<00:06:18.560> is<00:06:18.720> no there is no there is no area<00:06:19.840> of<00:06:19.919> the<00:06:20.080> government<00:06:20.479> not<00:06:20.639> the<00:06:20.800> epa<00:06:21.280> or area of the government not the epa or area of the government not the epa or the<00:06:21.520> fda<00:06:21.919> that<00:06:22.160> controls the fda that controls the fda that controls genetically<00:06:24.160> engineered<00:06:24.880> pets genetically engineered pets genetically engineered pets and<00:06:26.160> so and so and so some<00:06:27.120> states<00:06:27.440> have<00:06:27.520> decided<00:06:27.919> to<00:06:28.080> allow<00:06:28.319> them some states have decided to allow them some states have decided to allow them some<00:06:28.880> states<00:06:29.199> have<00:06:29.360> decided<00:06:29.840> to some states have decided to some states have decided to ban<00:06:31.280> them ban them ban them some<00:06:33.039> of<00:06:33.199> you<00:06:33.360> may<00:06:33.520> have<00:06:33.680> read<00:06:34.080> about<00:06:34.479> the some of you may have read about the some of you may have read about the fda's<00:06:35.199> consideration<00:06:35.919> right<00:06:36.240> now<00:06:36.880> of fda's consideration right now of fda's consideration right now of genetically<00:06:37.759> engineered<00:06:38.880> salmon<00:06:39.600> the<00:06:39.759> salmon genetically engineered salmon the salmon genetically engineered salmon the salmon on<00:06:40.319> top<00:06:40.639> is<00:06:40.720> a<00:06:40.800> genetically<00:06:41.360> engineered on top is a genetically engineered on top is a genetically engineered chinook<00:06:42.479> salmon chinook salmon chinook salmon using<00:06:43.919> a<00:06:44.319> gene<00:06:44.639> from<00:06:44.800> the<00:06:45.199> salmon<00:06:45.680> and<00:06:45.759> from using a gene from the salmon and from using a gene from the salmon and from one<00:06:46.240> other one other one other fish<00:06:47.360> that<00:06:47.520> we<00:06:47.680> eat<00:06:48.080> to<00:06:48.240> make<00:06:48.479> it<00:06:48.560> grow<00:06:48.800> much fish that we eat to make it grow much fish that we eat to make it grow much faster<00:06:49.680> using<00:06:50.000> a<00:06:50.080> lot<00:06:50.400> less<00:06:50.800> feed faster using a lot less feed faster using a lot less feed and<00:06:51.919> right<00:06:52.160> now<00:06:52.319> the<00:06:52.479> fda<00:06:52.960> is<00:06:53.039> trying<00:06:53.280> to<00:06:53.360> make and right now the fda is trying to make and right now the fda is trying to make a<00:06:53.600> final<00:06:53.919> decision<00:06:54.560> on<00:06:54.800> whether<00:06:55.280> pretty<00:06:55.600> soon a final decision on whether pretty soon a final decision on whether pretty soon you<00:06:56.319> could<00:06:56.479> be<00:06:56.639> eating<00:06:56.960> this<00:06:57.520> fish<00:06:57.840> it'll<00:06:58.080> be you could be eating this fish it'll be you could be eating this fish it'll be sold<00:06:58.479> in<00:06:58.560> the<00:06:58.720> stores<00:06:59.280> and<00:06:59.440> before<00:06:59.759> you<00:06:59.840> get sold in the stores and before you get sold in the stores and before you get too<00:07:00.160> worried<00:07:00.479> about<00:07:00.800> it<00:07:01.199> here<00:07:01.440> in<00:07:01.520> the<00:07:01.599> united too worried about it here in the united too worried about it here in the united states states states the<00:07:03.360> majority<00:07:04.080> of<00:07:04.319> food<00:07:04.639> you<00:07:04.880> buy<00:07:05.120> in<00:07:05.199> the the majority of food you buy in the the majority of food you buy in the supermarket<00:07:06.000> already<00:07:06.400> has<00:07:06.720> genetically supermarket already has genetically supermarket already has genetically modified<00:07:07.840> components<00:07:08.400> to<00:07:08.560> it modified components to it modified components to it so<00:07:09.520> even<00:07:09.759> as<00:07:10.000> we<00:07:10.160> worry<00:07:10.479> about<00:07:10.880> it<00:07:11.360> we<00:07:11.599> have so even as we worry about it we have so even as we worry about it we have allowed<00:07:12.400> it<00:07:12.560> to<00:07:12.800> go<00:07:12.960> on<00:07:13.199> in<00:07:13.280> this<00:07:13.440> country<00:07:13.840> much allowed it to go on in this country much allowed it to go on in this country much different<00:07:14.400> in<00:07:14.479> europe<00:07:15.039> without<00:07:15.440> any different in europe without any different in europe without any regulation<00:07:16.479> and<00:07:16.639> even<00:07:16.960> without<00:07:17.520> any regulation and even without any regulation and even without any identification<00:07:18.639> on<00:07:18.720> the<00:07:18.880> package identification on the package identification on the package these<00:07:21.199> are these are these are all<00:07:22.479> the<00:07:23.039> first<00:07:23.599> cloned<00:07:24.319> animals<00:07:24.960> of<00:07:25.120> their all the first cloned animals of their all the first cloned animals of their type type type so<00:07:26.479> in<00:07:26.560> the<00:07:26.639> lower<00:07:26.960> right<00:07:27.120> here<00:07:27.360> you<00:07:27.520> have so in the lower right here you have so in the lower right here you have dolly<00:07:28.160> the<00:07:28.319> first<00:07:28.639> clone<00:07:29.039> sheep<00:07:29.680> now<00:07:30.160> happily dolly the first clone sheep now happily dolly the first clone sheep now happily stuffed<00:07:31.120> in<00:07:31.199> a<00:07:31.280> museum<00:07:31.680> in<00:07:31.840> edinburgh stuffed in a museum in edinburgh stuffed in a museum in edinburgh ralph<00:07:33.840> the<00:07:34.000> rat<00:07:34.479> the<00:07:34.639> first<00:07:34.880> cloned<00:07:35.280> rat<00:07:36.000> cece ralph the rat the first cloned rat cece ralph the rat the first cloned rat cece the<00:07:36.639> cat<00:07:36.960> for<00:07:37.120> cloned<00:07:37.599> cat the cat for cloned cat the cat for cloned cat snuppy<00:07:39.199> the<00:07:39.360> first<00:07:39.759> clone<00:07:40.080> dog<00:07:40.400> snuppy<00:07:40.880> for snuppy the first clone dog snuppy for snuppy the first clone dog snuppy for seoul<00:07:41.599> national<00:07:42.080> university<00:07:42.720> puppy<00:07:43.360> created seoul national university puppy created seoul national university puppy created in<00:07:44.720> south<00:07:44.960> korea<00:07:45.759> by<00:07:46.000> the<00:07:46.160> very<00:07:46.479> same<00:07:46.720> man<00:07:46.960> that in south korea by the very same man that in south korea by the very same man that some<00:07:47.280> of<00:07:47.360> you<00:07:47.520> may<00:07:47.759> remember<00:07:48.400> had<00:07:48.560> to<00:07:48.720> end<00:07:48.880> up some of you may remember had to end up some of you may remember had to end up resigning<00:07:49.520> in<00:07:49.680> disgrace<00:07:50.240> because<00:07:50.479> he<00:07:50.720> claimed resigning in disgrace because he claimed resigning in disgrace because he claimed he<00:07:51.280> had<00:07:51.440> cloned<00:07:51.840> a<00:07:51.919> human<00:07:52.240> embryo<00:07:52.639> which<00:07:52.880> he he had cloned a human embryo which he he had cloned a human embryo which he had<00:07:53.120> not<00:07:53.759> he<00:07:54.000> actually<00:07:54.400> was<00:07:54.720> the<00:07:54.879> first<00:07:55.199> person had not he actually was the first person had not he actually was the first person to<00:07:55.759> clone<00:07:56.479> a<00:07:56.639> dog<00:07:57.039> which<00:07:57.199> is<00:07:57.280> a<00:07:57.440> very<00:07:57.680> difficult to clone a dog which is a very difficult to clone a dog which is a very difficult thing<00:07:58.319> to<00:07:58.479> do<00:07:58.720> because<00:07:59.199> dog<00:07:59.520> genomes<00:07:59.919> are<00:08:00.000> very thing to do because dog genomes are very thing to do because dog genomes are very plastic plastic plastic this<00:08:01.840> is<00:08:02.240> promedia<00:08:03.280> the<00:08:03.440> first<00:08:03.919> cloned<00:08:04.400> horse this is promedia the first cloned horse this is promedia the first cloned horse it's<00:08:04.879> a<00:08:04.960> halflinger<00:08:05.520> horse<00:08:05.840> cloned<00:08:06.240> in<00:08:06.400> italy it's a halflinger horse cloned in italy it's a halflinger horse cloned in italy a<00:08:07.120> real<00:08:07.440> gold<00:08:07.840> ring<00:08:08.080> of<00:08:08.160> cloning<00:08:08.720> because a real gold ring of cloning because a real gold ring of cloning because there<00:08:09.599> are<00:08:09.680> many<00:08:09.919> horses<00:08:10.319> that<00:08:10.479> win<00:08:10.720> important there are many horses that win important there are many horses that win important races<00:08:11.599> who<00:08:11.840> are<00:08:12.000> geldings races who are geldings races who are geldings in<00:08:13.840> other<00:08:14.000> words<00:08:14.479> the<00:08:14.639> equipment<00:08:15.360> to<00:08:15.520> put<00:08:15.680> them in other words the equipment to put them in other words the equipment to put them out<00:08:16.000> to<00:08:16.160> stud<00:08:16.560> has<00:08:16.720> been<00:08:16.960> removed out to stud has been removed out to stud has been removed but<00:08:18.720> if<00:08:18.879> you<00:08:18.960> can<00:08:19.199> clone<00:08:19.520> that<00:08:19.759> horse<00:08:20.080> you<00:08:20.160> can but if you can clone that horse you can but if you can clone that horse you can have<00:08:20.879> both<00:08:21.199> the<00:08:21.440> advantage<00:08:21.840> of<00:08:21.919> having<00:08:22.160> a have both the advantage of having a have both the advantage of having a gelding<00:08:22.639> run<00:08:22.879> in<00:08:22.960> the<00:08:23.120> race<00:08:23.599> and<00:08:23.840> is<00:08:24.240> identical gelding run in the race and is identical gelding run in the race and is identical genetic<00:08:25.840> duplicate<00:08:26.800> can<00:08:26.960> then<00:08:27.120> be<00:08:27.280> put<00:08:27.520> out<00:08:27.680> to genetic duplicate can then be put out to genetic duplicate can then be put out to stud stud stud these<00:08:29.680> were<00:08:29.840> the<00:08:29.919> first<00:08:30.240> cloned<00:08:30.639> calves<00:08:31.440> the these were the first cloned calves the these were the first cloned calves the first<00:08:32.080> cloned<00:08:32.719> gray<00:08:33.039> wolves<00:08:33.919> and<00:08:34.080> then first cloned gray wolves and then first cloned gray wolves and then finally<00:08:35.360> the<00:08:35.919> first<00:08:36.399> clone<00:08:36.800> piglets<00:08:37.839> alexa finally the first clone piglets alexa finally the first clone piglets alexa chrissy<00:08:39.760> carol<00:08:40.320> janey<00:08:40.880> and<00:08:41.120> dot<00:08:41.440> com

in<00:08:45.600> addition<00:08:46.560> we've<00:08:46.800> started<00:08:47.200> to<00:08:47.360> use<00:08:47.600> cloning
in addition we've started to use cloning in addition we've started to use cloning technology<00:08:48.640> to<00:08:48.800> try<00:08:49.200> to technology to try to technology to try to save<00:08:50.399> endangered<00:08:50.959> species<00:08:51.519> this<00:08:51.680> is<00:08:52.160> the<00:08:52.399> use save endangered species this is the use save endangered species this is the use of<00:08:52.880> animals<00:08:53.360> now<00:08:53.680> to<00:08:54.160> create of animals now to create of animals now to create drugs<00:08:55.839> and<00:08:56.000> other<00:08:56.160> things<00:08:56.560> in<00:08:56.640> their<00:08:56.880> bodies drugs and other things in their bodies drugs and other things in their bodies that<00:08:57.440> we<00:08:57.600> want<00:08:57.760> to<00:08:57.920> create<00:08:58.320> so<00:08:58.880> with that we want to create so with that we want to create so with antithrombin<00:09:00.240> in<00:09:00.320> that<00:09:00.560> goat<00:09:00.800> that<00:09:01.040> goat<00:09:01.279> has antithrombin in that goat that goat has antithrombin in that goat that goat has been<00:09:01.600> genetically<00:09:02.080> modified<00:09:02.959> so<00:09:03.120> that<00:09:03.279> the been genetically modified so that the been genetically modified so that the molecules<00:09:04.240> of<00:09:04.399> its<00:09:04.640> milk<00:09:05.440> actually<00:09:06.080> include molecules of its milk actually include molecules of its milk actually include the<00:09:06.959> molecule<00:09:07.680> of<00:09:07.920> antithrombin<00:09:08.720> that<00:09:08.800> gtc the molecule of antithrombin that gtc the molecule of antithrombin that gtc genetics<00:09:09.920> wants<00:09:10.160> to<00:09:10.399> create<00:09:11.279> and<00:09:11.440> then<00:09:11.680> in genetics wants to create and then in genetics wants to create and then in addition<00:09:12.480> transgenic<00:09:13.200> pigs<00:09:13.600> knockout<00:09:14.160> pigs addition transgenic pigs knockout pigs addition transgenic pigs knockout pigs from<00:09:14.959> the<00:09:15.120> national<00:09:15.600> institute<00:09:16.560> of<00:09:16.959> animal from the national institute of animal from the national institute of animal science<00:09:18.080> in<00:09:18.240> south<00:09:18.560> korea<00:09:19.360> are<00:09:19.680> pigs<00:09:20.000> that science in south korea are pigs that science in south korea are pigs that they<00:09:20.320> are<00:09:20.480> going<00:09:20.640> to<00:09:20.800> use<00:09:21.279> in<00:09:21.519> fact<00:09:21.920> to<00:09:22.240> try<00:09:22.640> to they are going to use in fact to try to they are going to use in fact to try to create<00:09:23.440> all<00:09:23.760> kinds<00:09:24.320> of<00:09:25.040> of<00:09:25.360> drugs<00:09:26.080> and<00:09:26.320> other create all kinds of of drugs and other create all kinds of of drugs and other industrial industrial industrial types<00:09:28.800> of<00:09:29.519> chemicals<00:09:30.320> that<00:09:30.480> they<00:09:30.720> want<00:09:31.040> the types of chemicals that they want the types of chemicals that they want the blood<00:09:32.000> and<00:09:32.080> the<00:09:32.240> milk<00:09:32.640> of<00:09:32.800> these<00:09:33.120> animals<00:09:33.839> to blood and the milk of these animals to blood and the milk of these animals to produce<00:09:34.880> for<00:09:35.120> them<00:09:35.519> instead<00:09:35.839> of<00:09:35.920> producing produce for them instead of producing produce for them instead of producing them<00:09:36.640> in<00:09:36.800> an<00:09:36.959> industrial<00:09:37.600> way them in an industrial way them in an industrial way these<00:09:39.839> are<00:09:40.320> two<00:09:40.720> creatures these are two creatures these are two creatures that<00:09:42.160> were that were that were created<00:09:44.320> in<00:09:44.480> order<00:09:44.720> to<00:09:44.880> save<00:09:45.200> endangered created in order to save endangered created in order to save endangered species<00:09:46.640> the<00:09:46.800> guar species the guar species the guar is<00:09:49.200> an<00:09:49.360> endangered<00:09:50.160> southeast<00:09:50.800> asian is an endangered southeast asian is an endangered southeast asian ungulate ungulate ungulate it<00:09:52.640> was<00:09:53.519> a<00:09:54.000> somatic<00:09:54.480> cell<00:09:54.720> a<00:09:54.800> body<00:09:55.120> cell<00:09:55.279> was it was a somatic cell a body cell was it was a somatic cell a body cell was taken<00:09:55.680> from<00:09:55.839> its<00:09:56.000> body<00:09:56.560> gestated<00:09:57.279> in<00:09:57.360> the<00:09:57.519> ovum taken from its body gestated in the ovum taken from its body gestated in the ovum of<00:09:58.160> a<00:09:58.320> cow<00:09:59.040> and<00:09:59.279> then of a cow and then of a cow and then that<00:10:00.640> cow<00:10:00.959> gave<00:10:01.200> birth<00:10:01.440> to<00:10:01.600> aguar<00:10:02.480> same<00:10:02.720> thing that cow gave birth to aguar same thing that cow gave birth to aguar same thing happened<00:10:03.279> with<00:10:03.440> the<00:10:03.600> muflin<00:10:04.399> where<00:10:04.720> it's<00:10:05.279> an happened with the muflin where it's an happened with the muflin where it's an endangered<00:10:06.320> uh<00:10:06.959> species<00:10:07.440> of<00:10:07.600> sheep<00:10:08.240> it's<00:10:08.880> uh endangered uh species of sheep it's uh endangered uh species of sheep it's uh it<00:10:09.360> was<00:10:09.600> gestated<00:10:10.160> in<00:10:10.240> a<00:10:10.399> regular<00:10:10.880> sheep it was gestated in a regular sheep it was gestated in a regular sheep body body body which<00:10:14.160> actually<00:10:14.480> raises<00:10:14.880> an<00:10:15.040> interesting which actually raises an interesting which actually raises an interesting biological<00:10:16.320> problem<00:10:16.720> we<00:10:16.880> have<00:10:17.040> two<00:10:17.279> kinds<00:10:17.600> of biological problem we have two kinds of biological problem we have two kinds of dna<00:10:18.480> in<00:10:18.640> our<00:10:18.720> bodies<00:10:19.040> we<00:10:19.200> have<00:10:19.360> our<00:10:19.440> nucleic dna in our bodies we have our nucleic dna in our bodies we have our nucleic dna<00:10:20.399> that<00:10:20.560> everybody<00:10:20.880> thinks<00:10:21.200> of<00:10:21.600> as<00:10:21.839> our<00:10:22.000> dna dna that everybody thinks of as our dna dna that everybody thinks of as our dna but<00:10:22.880> we<00:10:23.120> also<00:10:23.360> have<00:10:23.440> dna<00:10:24.000> in<00:10:24.160> our<00:10:24.240> mitochondria but we also have dna in our mitochondria but we also have dna in our mitochondria which<00:10:25.279> are<00:10:25.360> the<00:10:25.600> energy<00:10:26.000> packets<00:10:26.399> of<00:10:26.480> the<00:10:26.720> cell which are the energy packets of the cell which are the energy packets of the cell that<00:10:27.680> dna<00:10:28.160> is<00:10:28.320> passed<00:10:28.720> down<00:10:29.120> through<00:10:29.360> our that dna is passed down through our that dna is passed down through our mothers mothers mothers so<00:10:31.440> really<00:10:31.839> what<00:10:32.000> you<00:10:32.240> end<00:10:32.399> up<00:10:32.560> having<00:10:32.959> here<00:10:33.360> is so really what you end up having here is so really what you end up having here is not<00:10:33.839> a<00:10:33.920> guar<00:10:34.480> and<00:10:34.640> not<00:10:34.880> a<00:10:34.959> mufflin not a guar and not a mufflin not a guar and not a mufflin but<00:10:36.560> a<00:10:36.800> guar but a guar but a guar with<00:10:38.240> cow<00:10:38.880> mitochondria<00:10:39.680> and<00:10:39.760> therefore<00:10:40.160> cow with cow mitochondria and therefore cow with cow mitochondria and therefore cow mitochondrial<00:10:41.120> dna<00:10:41.839> and<00:10:42.000> a<00:10:42.079> mufflin<00:10:42.800> with mitochondrial dna and a mufflin with mitochondrial dna and a mufflin with another<00:10:43.360> species<00:10:43.839> of<00:10:44.079> sheep's<00:10:44.800> mitochondrial another species of sheep's mitochondrial another species of sheep's mitochondrial dna<00:10:46.320> these<00:10:46.640> are<00:10:46.800> really<00:10:47.120> hybrids<00:10:48.079> not<00:10:48.399> pure dna these are really hybrids not pure dna these are really hybrids not pure animals<00:10:49.279> and<00:10:49.440> it<00:10:49.519> raises<00:10:49.920> the<00:10:50.000> question<00:10:50.320> of animals and it raises the question of animals and it raises the question of how<00:10:50.880> we're<00:10:51.040> going<00:10:51.200> to<00:10:51.360> define<00:10:52.160> animal<00:10:52.560> species how we're going to define animal species how we're going to define animal species in<00:10:53.519> the<00:10:53.760> age<00:10:54.320> of<00:10:54.560> biotechnology<00:10:55.920> a<00:10:56.160> question in the age of biotechnology a question in the age of biotechnology a question that<00:10:56.640> we're<00:10:56.800> not<00:10:57.040> really<00:10:57.360> sure<00:10:57.920> yet<00:10:58.240> how<00:10:58.399> to that we're not really sure yet how to that we're not really sure yet how to solve solve solve this<00:11:00.320> lovely<00:11:00.720> creature this lovely creature this lovely creature is<00:11:02.240> an<00:11:02.560> asian<00:11:03.200> cockroach<00:11:04.320> and is an asian cockroach and is an asian cockroach and what<00:11:05.680> they've<00:11:05.920> done<00:11:06.160> here<00:11:06.399> is<00:11:06.560> they've<00:11:06.880> put what they've done here is they've put what they've done here is they've put electrodes<00:11:08.560> in<00:11:08.640> its<00:11:08.880> ganglia<00:11:09.279> in<00:11:09.440> its<00:11:09.600> brain electrodes in its ganglia in its brain electrodes in its ganglia in its brain and<00:11:11.200> then<00:11:11.440> a<00:11:11.519> transmitter<00:11:12.160> on<00:11:12.320> top<00:11:12.640> and<00:11:12.800> it's and then a transmitter on top and it's and then a transmitter on top and it's on<00:11:13.200> a<00:11:13.360> big<00:11:13.839> computer<00:11:14.320> tracking<00:11:14.800> ball<00:11:15.360> and<00:11:15.519> now on a big computer tracking ball and now on a big computer tracking ball and now using<00:11:16.079> a<00:11:16.240> joystick<00:11:17.200> they<00:11:17.360> can<00:11:17.680> send<00:11:18.320> this using a joystick they can send this using a joystick they can send this creature<00:11:19.440> around<00:11:20.000> the<00:11:20.160> lab creature around the lab creature around the lab and<00:11:21.360> control<00:11:21.839> whether<00:11:22.079> it<00:11:22.079> goes<00:11:22.320> left<00:11:22.560> or and control whether it goes left or and control whether it goes left or right<00:11:23.120> forward<00:11:23.519> or<00:11:23.600> backwards<00:11:24.320> they've right forward or backwards they've right forward or backwards they've created<00:11:25.279> a<00:11:25.440> kind<00:11:25.680> of<00:11:25.920> insect<00:11:26.399> bot<00:11:26.720> or<00:11:26.959> bug<00:11:27.279> bot created a kind of insect bot or bug bot created a kind of insect bot or bug bot it<00:11:28.560> gets<00:11:28.800> worse<00:11:29.120> than<00:11:29.279> that<00:11:29.519> or<00:11:29.760> perhaps it gets worse than that or perhaps it gets worse than that or perhaps better<00:11:30.480> than<00:11:30.640> that<00:11:31.360> this<00:11:31.760> actually<00:11:32.480> is<00:11:32.800> one<00:11:32.959> of better than that this actually is one of better than that this actually is one of darpa's<00:11:34.320> very<00:11:34.720> important<00:11:35.120> darpa<00:11:35.519> is<00:11:35.600> the darpa's very important darpa is the darpa's very important darpa is the defense<00:11:36.079> research<00:11:36.480> agency<00:11:36.959> one<00:11:37.120> of<00:11:37.200> their defense research agency one of their defense research agency one of their projects<00:11:38.399> these projects these projects these goliath<00:11:40.000> beetles<00:11:40.720> are<00:11:40.959> wired<00:11:41.680> in<00:11:41.839> their<00:11:42.000> wings goliath beetles are wired in their wings goliath beetles are wired in their wings they<00:11:42.640> have<00:11:42.800> a<00:11:42.880> computer<00:11:43.360> chip<00:11:43.600> strapped<00:11:43.920> to they have a computer chip strapped to they have a computer chip strapped to their<00:11:44.160> backs<00:11:44.959> and<00:11:45.360> they<00:11:45.600> can<00:11:45.920> fly<00:11:46.399> these their backs and they can fly these their backs and they can fly these creatures<00:11:47.120> around<00:11:47.519> the<00:11:47.680> lab creatures around the lab creatures around the lab they<00:11:48.800> can<00:11:48.959> make<00:11:49.120> them<00:11:49.279> go<00:11:49.440> left<00:11:49.839> right<00:11:50.160> they they can make them go left right they they can make them go left right they can<00:11:50.399> make<00:11:50.640> them<00:11:50.800> take<00:11:51.040> off<00:11:51.440> they<00:11:51.680> can't can make them take off they can't can make them take off they can't actually<00:11:52.240> make<00:11:52.399> them<00:11:52.640> land<00:11:52.959> they<00:11:53.120> put<00:11:53.279> them actually make them land they put them actually make them land they put them about<00:11:53.600> one<00:11:53.760> inch<00:11:53.920> above<00:11:54.240> the<00:11:54.320> ground<00:11:54.560> and<00:11:54.640> then about one inch above the ground and then about one inch above the ground and then they<00:11:55.040> shut<00:11:55.279> everything<00:11:55.519> off<00:11:55.600> and<00:11:55.680> they<00:11:55.760> go they shut everything off and they go they shut everything off and they go but<00:11:57.279> it's<00:11:57.519> as<00:11:57.680> close<00:11:58.000> as<00:11:58.079> they<00:11:58.240> can<00:11:58.399> get<00:11:58.560> to<00:11:58.720> a but it's as close as they can get to a but it's as close as they can get to a landing landing landing and<00:12:00.720> in<00:12:00.880> fact<00:12:01.200> this<00:12:01.440> technology<00:12:02.079> has<00:12:02.240> gotten and in fact this technology has gotten and in fact this technology has gotten so<00:12:03.120> developed<00:12:04.079> that<00:12:04.480> this<00:12:04.720> creature so developed that this creature so developed that this creature this<00:12:06.079> is<00:12:06.320> a<00:12:06.399> moth<00:12:07.120> this<00:12:07.360> is<00:12:07.519> the<00:12:07.680> moth<00:12:08.079> in<00:12:08.560> in this is a moth this is the moth in in this is a moth this is the moth in in its<00:12:08.880> pupa<00:12:09.360> stage<00:12:10.079> and<00:12:10.320> that's<00:12:10.560> when<00:12:10.800> they<00:12:10.959> put its pupa stage and that's when they put its pupa stage and that's when they put the<00:12:11.279> wires<00:12:11.680> in<00:12:11.839> and<00:12:11.920> they<00:12:12.079> put<00:12:12.320> the<00:12:12.560> uh the wires in and they put the uh the wires in and they put the uh computer<00:12:14.320> technology<00:12:15.360> so<00:12:15.519> that<00:12:15.760> when<00:12:16.000> the computer technology so that when the computer technology so that when the moth<00:12:16.480> is<00:12:16.639> actually<00:12:17.120> emerges<00:12:17.600> as<00:12:17.760> a<00:12:17.839> moth<00:12:18.399> it<00:12:18.639> is moth is actually emerges as a moth it is moth is actually emerges as a moth it is already<00:12:19.360> pre-wired<00:12:20.480> the<00:12:20.639> wires<00:12:21.279> are<00:12:21.519> already already pre-wired the wires are already already pre-wired the wires are already in<00:12:22.959> its<00:12:23.120> body<00:12:23.519> and<00:12:23.680> they<00:12:23.839> can<00:12:24.000> just<00:12:24.240> hook<00:12:24.480> it<00:12:24.639> up in its body and they can just hook it up in its body and they can just hook it up to<00:12:25.200> their<00:12:25.440> technology<00:12:26.399> and<00:12:26.560> now<00:12:26.800> they've<00:12:27.040> got to their technology and now they've got to their technology and now they've got these<00:12:27.920> bug<00:12:28.240> bots<00:12:28.720> that<00:12:28.880> they<00:12:29.040> can<00:12:29.200> send<00:12:29.519> out these bug bots that they can send out these bug bots that they can send out for<00:12:30.000> surveillance<00:12:30.639> they<00:12:30.800> can<00:12:30.880> put<00:12:31.040> little for surveillance they can put little for surveillance they can put little cameras<00:12:31.760> on<00:12:31.920> them<00:12:32.399> and<00:12:32.560> perhaps<00:12:33.440> someday cameras on them and perhaps someday cameras on them and perhaps someday delivering<00:12:34.399> other<00:12:34.639> kinds<00:12:34.959> of<00:12:35.200> uh<00:12:35.839> of delivering other kinds of uh of delivering other kinds of uh of ordinance<00:12:37.040> to<00:12:37.920> war<00:12:38.240> zones

it's<00:12:40.959> not<00:12:41.120> just<00:12:41.360> insects<00:12:42.240> this<00:12:42.480> is<00:12:42.560> the<00:12:42.720> rat
it's not just insects this is the rat it's not just insects this is the rat pot<00:12:43.279> or<00:12:43.360> the<00:12:43.519> robo<00:12:43.920> wrap<00:12:44.160> by<00:12:44.320> sanjiv<00:12:44.720> tawar<00:12:45.279> at pot or the robo wrap by sanjiv tawar at pot or the robo wrap by sanjiv tawar at suny<00:12:45.760> downstate<00:12:46.639> again<00:12:47.279> it's<00:12:47.519> got<00:12:48.160> technology suny downstate again it's got technology suny downstate again it's got technology it's<00:12:48.959> got<00:12:49.200> electrodes<00:12:49.839> going<00:12:50.079> into<00:12:50.320> its<00:12:50.560> left it's got electrodes going into its left it's got electrodes going into its left and<00:12:50.959> right<00:12:51.120> hemispheres<00:12:51.760> it's<00:12:51.839> got<00:12:52.000> a<00:12:52.160> camera and right hemispheres it's got a camera and right hemispheres it's got a camera on<00:12:52.560> top<00:12:52.800> of<00:12:53.360> its<00:12:53.519> head<00:12:54.240> the<00:12:54.720> scientists<00:12:55.360> can on top of its head the scientists can on top of its head the scientists can make<00:12:55.760> this<00:12:56.399> creature make this creature make this creature go<00:12:57.760> left<00:12:58.160> right<00:12:58.560> they<00:12:58.720> have<00:12:58.880> it<00:12:59.120> running go left right they have it running go left right they have it running through<00:12:59.680> mazes<00:13:00.160> controlling<00:13:00.639> where<00:13:00.800> it's through mazes controlling where it's through mazes controlling where it's going<00:13:01.279> they've<00:13:01.680> now<00:13:02.000> created<00:13:02.560> an<00:13:02.800> organic going they've now created an organic going they've now created an organic robot robot robot the<00:13:05.760> graduate<00:13:06.240> students<00:13:06.639> in<00:13:06.959> sanji's<00:13:07.680> talwars the graduate students in sanji's talwars the graduate students in sanji's talwars lab<00:13:09.600> said<00:13:09.839> is<00:13:10.000> this<00:13:10.240> ethical lab said is this ethical lab said is this ethical we've<00:13:11.760> taken<00:13:12.079> away<00:13:12.399> the<00:13:12.560> autonomy<00:13:13.360> of<00:13:13.519> this we've taken away the autonomy of this we've taken away the autonomy of this animal<00:13:14.560> we'll<00:13:14.720> get<00:13:14.880> back<00:13:15.040> to<00:13:15.200> that<00:13:15.360> in<00:13:15.440> a animal we'll get back to that in a animal we'll get back to that in a minute minute minute there's<00:13:17.360> also<00:13:17.600> been<00:13:17.760> work<00:13:18.000> done<00:13:18.240> with<00:13:18.480> monkeys there's also been work done with monkeys there's also been work done with monkeys these<00:13:19.760> is<00:13:20.000> uh<00:13:20.560> miguel<00:13:20.959> nicoles<00:13:21.920> of<00:13:22.399> duke<00:13:23.040> he these is uh miguel nicoles of duke he these is uh miguel nicoles of duke he took<00:13:23.519> owl<00:13:23.839> monkeys took owl monkeys took owl monkeys wired<00:13:25.440> them<00:13:25.680> up<00:13:25.920> so<00:13:26.079> that<00:13:26.240> a<00:13:26.320> computer<00:13:26.959> watched wired them up so that a computer watched wired them up so that a computer watched their<00:13:27.440> brains<00:13:27.839> while<00:13:28.000> they<00:13:28.240> moved<00:13:28.639> especially their brains while they moved especially their brains while they moved especially looking<00:13:29.760> at<00:13:29.920> the<00:13:30.000> movement<00:13:30.320> of<00:13:30.399> their<00:13:30.560> right looking at the movement of their right looking at the movement of their right arm<00:13:31.120> the<00:13:31.200> computer<00:13:31.760> learned<00:13:32.399> what<00:13:32.639> the<00:13:32.720> monkey arm the computer learned what the monkey arm the computer learned what the monkey brain<00:13:33.440> did<00:13:33.600> to<00:13:33.760> move<00:13:34.000> its<00:13:34.240> arm<00:13:34.480> in<00:13:34.560> various brain did to move its arm in various brain did to move its arm in various ways<00:13:35.600> they<00:13:35.760> then<00:13:36.000> hooked<00:13:36.320> it<00:13:36.480> up<00:13:36.560> to<00:13:36.720> a ways they then hooked it up to a ways they then hooked it up to a prosthetic<00:13:37.519> arm<00:13:37.760> which<00:13:37.920> you<00:13:38.079> see<00:13:38.240> here<00:13:38.480> in<00:13:38.560> the prosthetic arm which you see here in the prosthetic arm which you see here in the picture<00:13:39.279> put<00:13:39.519> the<00:13:39.600> arm<00:13:39.839> in<00:13:40.000> another<00:13:40.320> room picture put the arm in another room picture put the arm in another room pretty<00:13:40.880> soon<00:13:41.120> the<00:13:41.200> computer<00:13:41.680> learned<00:13:42.240> by pretty soon the computer learned by pretty soon the computer learned by reading<00:13:42.639> the<00:13:42.800> monkey's<00:13:43.279> brain<00:13:43.600> waves<00:13:44.399> to<00:13:45.040> make reading the monkey's brain waves to make reading the monkey's brain waves to make that<00:13:45.600> arm<00:13:46.240> in<00:13:46.399> the<00:13:46.480> other<00:13:46.800> room<00:13:47.120> do<00:13:47.360> whatever that arm in the other room do whatever that arm in the other room do whatever the<00:13:47.920> monkey's<00:13:48.399> arm<00:13:48.560> did the monkey's arm did the monkey's arm did then<00:13:49.519> he<00:13:49.680> put<00:13:50.000> a<00:13:50.160> video then he put a video then he put a video monitor<00:13:52.480> in<00:13:52.560> the<00:13:52.639> monkey's<00:13:53.120> cage<00:13:53.440> that<00:13:53.680> showed monitor in the monkey's cage that showed monitor in the monkey's cage that showed the<00:13:54.079> monkey<00:13:54.720> this<00:13:55.040> prosthetic<00:13:55.600> arm<00:13:55.760> and<00:13:55.839> the the monkey this prosthetic arm and the the monkey this prosthetic arm and the monkey<00:13:56.240> got<00:13:56.480> fascinated<00:13:57.279> the<00:13:57.440> monkey monkey got fascinated the monkey monkey got fascinated the monkey recognized<00:13:58.399> that<00:13:58.480> whatever<00:13:58.800> she<00:13:58.959> did<00:13:59.120> with recognized that whatever she did with recognized that whatever she did with her<00:13:59.600> arm<00:14:00.000> this<00:14:00.240> prosthetic<00:14:00.800> arm<00:14:00.959> would<00:14:01.199> do<00:14:01.680> and her arm this prosthetic arm would do and her arm this prosthetic arm would do and eventually<00:14:02.720> she<00:14:02.959> was<00:14:03.120> moving<00:14:03.519> it<00:14:03.680> and<00:14:03.839> moving eventually she was moving it and moving eventually she was moving it and moving it<00:14:04.480> and<00:14:04.639> eventually<00:14:05.360> stopped<00:14:05.920> moving<00:14:06.240> her it and eventually stopped moving her it and eventually stopped moving her right<00:14:06.800> arm<00:14:07.279> and<00:14:07.519> staring<00:14:07.920> at<00:14:08.079> the<00:14:08.240> screen right arm and staring at the screen right arm and staring at the screen could<00:14:09.120> move<00:14:09.279> the<00:14:09.440> prosthetic<00:14:10.079> arm<00:14:10.560> in<00:14:10.720> the could move the prosthetic arm in the could move the prosthetic arm in the other<00:14:11.120> room<00:14:11.600> only<00:14:11.839> with<00:14:12.000> her<00:14:12.160> brain<00:14:12.480> waves other room only with her brain waves other room only with her brain waves which<00:14:13.360> means<00:14:13.600> that<00:14:13.839> monkey<00:14:14.240> became<00:14:14.639> the<00:14:14.880> first which means that monkey became the first which means that monkey became the first primate<00:14:16.240> in<00:14:16.639> history<00:14:17.040> of<00:14:17.120> the<00:14:17.279> world<00:14:17.920> to<00:14:18.079> have primate in history of the world to have primate in history of the world to have three<00:14:19.120> independent<00:14:20.000> functional<00:14:20.560> arms

and<00:14:23.199> it's<00:14:23.440> not<00:14:23.760> just<00:14:24.079> technology<00:14:24.720> that<00:14:24.800> we're
and it's not just technology that we're and it's not just technology that we're putting<00:14:25.360> into<00:14:25.680> animals<00:14:26.560> this<00:14:26.800> is<00:14:26.959> thomas putting into animals this is thomas putting into animals this is thomas demars<00:14:27.839> the<00:14:27.920> university<00:14:28.399> of<00:14:28.560> florida<00:14:29.360> he<00:14:29.600> took demars the university of florida he took demars the university of florida he took twenty<00:14:30.639> thousand<00:14:31.120> and<00:14:31.360> then<00:14:31.519> sixty<00:14:31.920> thousand twenty thousand and then sixty thousand twenty thousand and then sixty thousand disaggregated<00:14:33.680> rat<00:14:34.000> neurons<00:14:34.800> so<00:14:34.959> these<00:14:35.199> are disaggregated rat neurons so these are disaggregated rat neurons so these are just<00:14:35.600> individual<00:14:36.160> neurons<00:14:36.639> from<00:14:36.880> rats just individual neurons from rats just individual neurons from rats put<00:14:38.079> them<00:14:38.480> on<00:14:38.639> a<00:14:38.800> chip<00:14:39.279> they<00:14:39.959> self-aggregated put them on a chip they self-aggregated put them on a chip they self-aggregated into<00:14:41.360> a<00:14:41.440> network<00:14:42.320> became<00:14:42.959> a into a network became a into a network became a integrated<00:14:44.560> chip<00:14:45.279> and integrated chip and integrated chip and he<00:14:46.399> used<00:14:46.720> that<00:14:47.519> as<00:14:47.920> the<00:14:48.399> i.t<00:14:48.959> piece<00:14:49.600> of<00:14:49.920> a he used that as the i.t piece of a he used that as the i.t piece of a mechanism<00:14:50.639> which<00:14:50.880> ran<00:14:51.199> a<00:14:51.360> flight<00:14:51.760> simulator mechanism which ran a flight simulator mechanism which ran a flight simulator so<00:14:53.040> now<00:14:53.360> we<00:14:53.600> have<00:14:54.000> organic<00:14:54.880> computer<00:14:55.440> chips so now we have organic computer chips so now we have organic computer chips made<00:14:56.320> out<00:14:56.399> of<00:14:56.720> living<00:14:57.279> self-aggregating made out of living self-aggregating made out of living self-aggregating neurons neurons neurons finally<00:15:01.279> musa<00:15:01.600> avaldi<00:15:02.320> of<00:15:02.560> northwestern<00:15:03.600> took finally musa avaldi of northwestern took finally musa avaldi of northwestern took a<00:15:04.480> completely<00:15:05.279> intact<00:15:06.399> independent<00:15:07.360> lamprey a completely intact independent lamprey a completely intact independent lamprey eel<00:15:08.560> brain<00:15:08.959> this<00:15:09.199> is<00:15:09.279> a<00:15:09.360> brain<00:15:09.600> from<00:15:09.839> a<00:15:09.920> lamprey eel brain this is a brain from a lamprey eel brain this is a brain from a lamprey eel<00:15:11.040> it<00:15:11.279> is<00:15:11.680> living eel it is living eel it is living fully<00:15:13.120> intact<00:15:13.600> brain<00:15:14.320> in<00:15:14.480> a<00:15:14.560> nutrient<00:15:15.040> medium fully intact brain in a nutrient medium fully intact brain in a nutrient medium with<00:15:16.079> these<00:15:16.320> electrodes<00:15:16.959> going<00:15:17.360> off<00:15:17.839> to<00:15:18.079> the with these electrodes going off to the with these electrodes going off to the sides<00:15:19.040> attached<00:15:19.680> photosensitive<00:15:20.720> sensors<00:15:21.199> to sides attached photosensitive sensors to sides attached photosensitive sensors to the<00:15:21.519> brain<00:15:22.320> put<00:15:22.560> it<00:15:22.800> into<00:15:23.120> a<00:15:23.360> cart<00:15:24.079> here's<00:15:24.399> the the brain put it into a cart here's the the brain put it into a cart here's the cart<00:15:24.800> the<00:15:24.959> brain<00:15:25.279> is<00:15:25.360> sitting<00:15:25.600> there<00:15:25.920> in<00:15:26.000> the cart the brain is sitting there in the cart the brain is sitting there in the middle<00:15:26.639> and<00:15:27.120> using<00:15:27.440> this<00:15:27.680> brain<00:15:28.000> as<00:15:28.160> the<00:15:28.399> sole middle and using this brain as the sole middle and using this brain as the sole processor<00:15:29.360> for<00:15:29.519> this<00:15:29.760> cart<00:15:30.320> when<00:15:30.480> you<00:15:30.639> turn<00:15:30.880> on processor for this cart when you turn on processor for this cart when you turn on a<00:15:31.120> light<00:15:31.360> and<00:15:31.600> shine<00:15:31.839> it<00:15:32.000> at<00:15:32.079> the<00:15:32.160> cart<00:15:32.399> the a light and shine it at the cart the a light and shine it at the cart the cart<00:15:32.880> moves<00:15:33.120> towards<00:15:33.440> the<00:15:33.519> light<00:15:33.680> when<00:15:33.839> you cart moves towards the light when you cart moves towards the light when you turn<00:15:34.240> it<00:15:34.399> off<00:15:34.800> it<00:15:34.880> moves<00:15:35.120> away<00:15:35.440> it's turn it off it moves away it's turn it off it moves away it's photophilic photophilic photophilic so<00:15:37.760> now<00:15:38.000> we<00:15:38.160> have<00:15:38.480> a<00:15:38.560> complete<00:15:39.519> living so now we have a complete living so now we have a complete living lamprey<00:15:41.600> eel<00:15:41.839> brain<00:15:42.240> is<00:15:42.399> it<00:15:42.639> thinking<00:15:43.120> lamprey lamprey eel brain is it thinking lamprey lamprey eel brain is it thinking lamprey eel<00:15:44.079> thoughts<00:15:44.720> sitting<00:15:44.959> there<00:15:45.199> in<00:15:45.360> its eel thoughts sitting there in its eel thoughts sitting there in its nutrient<00:15:45.920> medium nutrient medium nutrient medium i<00:15:47.279> don't<00:15:47.519> know i don't know i don't know but<00:15:48.720> in<00:15:48.959> fact<00:15:49.680> it<00:15:49.839> is<00:15:50.240> a<00:15:50.480> fully<00:15:51.199> living<00:15:52.079> brain but in fact it is a fully living brain but in fact it is a fully living brain that<00:15:52.959> we<00:15:53.120> have<00:15:53.360> managed<00:15:53.680> to<00:15:53.839> keep<00:15:54.079> alive that we have managed to keep alive that we have managed to keep alive um um um to<00:15:56.560> do<00:15:56.720> our<00:15:56.880> bidding to do our bidding to do our bidding so<00:15:59.600> we<00:15:59.759> are<00:15:59.920> now<00:16:00.240> at<00:16:00.320> the<00:16:00.480> stage<00:16:01.279> where<00:16:01.920> we<00:16:02.160> are so we are now at the stage where we are so we are now at the stage where we are creating<00:16:02.959> creatures<00:16:03.759> for<00:16:04.079> our<00:16:04.399> own<00:16:04.639> purposes creating creatures for our own purposes creating creatures for our own purposes this<00:16:05.759> is<00:16:05.920> a<00:16:06.000> mouse<00:16:06.399> created<00:16:06.880> by<00:16:07.120> charles this is a mouse created by charles this is a mouse created by charles vicanti<00:16:08.240> of vicanti of vicanti of university<00:16:09.519> of<00:16:09.600> massachusetts university of massachusetts university of massachusetts he he he altered<00:16:14.320> this<00:16:14.639> mouse<00:16:15.199> so<00:16:15.440> that<00:16:15.680> it<00:16:15.759> was altered this mouse so that it was altered this mouse so that it was genetically<00:16:16.480> engineered<00:16:16.959> to<00:16:17.120> have<00:16:17.440> skin<00:16:17.759> that genetically engineered to have skin that genetically engineered to have skin that was<00:16:18.160> less<00:16:18.399> immunoreactive<00:16:19.199> to<00:16:19.360> human<00:16:19.680> skin was less immunoreactive to human skin was less immunoreactive to human skin put<00:16:20.480> a<00:16:20.560> polymer<00:16:20.959> scaffolding<00:16:21.519> of<00:16:21.680> an<00:16:21.839> ear put a polymer scaffolding of an ear put a polymer scaffolding of an ear under<00:16:22.480> it<00:16:22.959> and<00:16:23.199> created<00:16:23.680> an<00:16:23.920> ear<00:16:24.160> that<00:16:24.320> could under it and created an ear that could under it and created an ear that could then<00:16:24.880> be<00:16:25.519> taken<00:16:25.920> off<00:16:26.160> the<00:16:26.320> mouse<00:16:26.800> and then be taken off the mouse and then be taken off the mouse and transplanted<00:16:27.839> onto<00:16:28.079> a<00:16:28.240> human<00:16:28.480> being<00:16:29.120> genetic transplanted onto a human being genetic transplanted onto a human being genetic engineering<00:16:30.480> coupled<00:16:30.800> with<00:16:31.040> polymer engineering coupled with polymer engineering coupled with polymer physiotechnology<00:16:32.720> coupled<00:16:33.040> with physiotechnology coupled with physiotechnology coupled with xenotransplantation<00:16:35.040> this<00:16:35.360> is<00:16:35.519> where<00:16:35.759> we<00:16:36.000> are xenotransplantation this is where we are xenotransplantation this is where we are in<00:16:36.399> this<00:16:36.639> process<00:16:37.600> finally in this process finally in this process finally not<00:16:40.160> that<00:16:40.399> long<00:16:40.639> ago<00:16:40.959> craig<00:16:41.279> ventner<00:16:41.680> created not that long ago craig ventner created not that long ago craig ventner created the<00:16:42.160> first<00:16:42.560> artificial<00:16:43.199> cell<00:16:43.839> where<00:16:44.079> he<00:16:44.160> took the first artificial cell where he took the first artificial cell where he took a<00:16:44.560> cell<00:16:45.120> took<00:16:45.360> a<00:16:45.519> dna<00:16:46.000> synthesizer<00:16:46.639> which<00:16:46.880> is<00:16:46.959> a a cell took a dna synthesizer which is a a cell took a dna synthesizer which is a machine<00:16:47.920> created<00:16:48.480> an<00:16:48.720> artificial<00:16:49.279> genome<00:16:50.079> put machine created an artificial genome put machine created an artificial genome put it<00:16:50.480> in<00:16:50.639> the<00:16:50.880> cell<00:16:51.440> and<00:16:51.680> that<00:16:51.920> of<00:16:52.079> a<00:16:52.240> different it in the cell and that of a different it in the cell and that of a different cell<00:16:52.959> the<00:16:53.120> genome<00:16:53.519> was<00:16:53.680> not<00:16:53.839> of<00:16:54.000> the<00:16:54.079> cell<00:16:54.399> he cell the genome was not of the cell he cell the genome was not of the cell he put<00:16:54.720> it<00:16:54.880> in<00:16:55.199> and<00:16:55.360> that<00:16:55.680> cell<00:16:56.000> then<00:16:56.560> reproduced put it in and that cell then reproduced put it in and that cell then reproduced as<00:16:58.240> the<00:16:58.480> other<00:16:58.800> cell as the other cell as the other cell in<00:17:00.079> other<00:17:00.240> words<00:17:00.720> that<00:17:00.880> was<00:17:01.120> the<00:17:01.360> first in other words that was the first in other words that was the first creature<00:17:02.320> in<00:17:02.399> the<00:17:02.480> history<00:17:02.800> of<00:17:02.880> the<00:17:02.959> world creature in the history of the world creature in the history of the world that<00:17:03.600> had<00:17:03.839> a<00:17:04.000> computer<00:17:05.039> as<00:17:05.199> its<00:17:05.439> parent<00:17:05.919> it<00:17:06.079> did that had a computer as its parent it did that had a computer as its parent it did not<00:17:06.559> have<00:17:06.720> an<00:17:06.959> organic<00:17:07.760> parent<00:17:08.640> and<00:17:08.799> so<00:17:09.360> asked not have an organic parent and so asked not have an organic parent and so asked the<00:17:09.919> economist the economist the economist the<00:17:11.280> first<00:17:11.600> artificial<00:17:12.400> organism<00:17:13.199> and<00:17:13.439> its the first artificial organism and its the first artificial organism and its consequences consequences consequences so<00:17:15.280> you<00:17:15.439> may<00:17:15.679> have<00:17:15.839> thought so you may have thought so you may have thought that<00:17:17.679> the<00:17:17.919> creation<00:17:18.559> of<00:17:18.720> life<00:17:18.959> was<00:17:19.199> going<00:17:19.280> to that the creation of life was going to that the creation of life was going to happen<00:17:19.760> in<00:17:19.839> something<00:17:20.160> that<00:17:20.400> looked<00:17:20.559> like happen in something that looked like happen in something that looked like that

but<00:17:23.360> in<00:17:23.520> fact<00:17:24.000> that's<00:17:24.319> not<00:17:24.480> what
but in fact that's not what but in fact that's not what frankenstein's<00:17:25.439> lab<00:17:25.760> looks<00:17:26.079> like<00:17:26.640> this<00:17:26.880> is frankenstein's lab looks like this is frankenstein's lab looks like this is what<00:17:27.199> frankenstein's<00:17:27.919> lab<00:17:28.240> looks<00:17:28.480> like<00:17:29.039> this what frankenstein's lab looks like this what frankenstein's lab looks like this is<00:17:29.440> a<00:17:29.520> dna<00:17:30.000> synthesizer<00:17:31.120> and<00:17:31.280> here<00:17:31.679> at<00:17:31.760> the is a dna synthesizer and here at the is a dna synthesizer and here at the bottom<00:17:32.720> are<00:17:33.039> just<00:17:33.280> bottles<00:17:33.760> of<00:17:33.919> a<00:17:34.160> t<00:17:34.480> c<00:17:34.640> and<00:17:34.799> g bottom are just bottles of a t c and g bottom are just bottles of a t c and g the<00:17:35.120> four<00:17:35.440> chemicals<00:17:36.080> that<00:17:36.320> make<00:17:36.559> up<00:17:36.720> our<00:17:36.880> dna the four chemicals that make up our dna the four chemicals that make up our dna chain chain chain and<00:17:39.120> so<00:17:39.360> we<00:17:39.520> need<00:17:39.679> to<00:17:39.840> ask<00:17:40.080> ourselves<00:17:40.480> some and so we need to ask ourselves some and so we need to ask ourselves some questions<00:17:41.280> for<00:17:41.440> the<00:17:41.600> first<00:17:41.919> time<00:17:42.400> in<00:17:42.480> the questions for the first time in the questions for the first time in the history<00:17:42.960> of<00:17:43.120> this<00:17:43.360> planet<00:17:44.080> we<00:17:44.240> are<00:17:44.400> able<00:17:44.640> to history of this planet we are able to history of this planet we are able to directly<00:17:45.840> design<00:17:46.480> organisms<00:17:47.280> we<00:17:47.440> can directly design organisms we can directly design organisms we can manipulate<00:17:48.400> the<00:17:48.559> plasms<00:17:49.200> of<00:17:49.360> life<00:17:49.840> with manipulate the plasms of life with manipulate the plasms of life with unprecedented<00:17:51.200> power unprecedented power unprecedented power and<00:17:52.320> it<00:17:52.480> confers<00:17:52.960> on<00:17:53.120> us<00:17:53.280> a<00:17:53.440> responsibility<00:17:54.880> is and it confers on us a responsibility is and it confers on us a responsibility is everything<00:17:55.679> okay everything okay everything okay is<00:17:56.880> it<00:17:57.039> okay<00:17:57.280> to<00:17:57.440> manipulate<00:17:58.080> and<00:17:58.240> create is it okay to manipulate and create is it okay to manipulate and create whatever<00:17:59.039> creatures<00:17:59.440> we<00:17:59.679> want whatever creatures we want whatever creatures we want do<00:18:00.559> we<00:18:00.799> have<00:18:01.120> free<00:18:01.440> reign<00:18:02.240> to<00:18:02.799> design<00:18:03.520> animals do we have free reign to design animals do we have free reign to design animals do<00:18:04.160> we<00:18:04.320> get<00:18:04.480> to<00:18:04.559> go<00:18:04.880> someday<00:18:05.600> to do we get to go someday to do we get to go someday to pets<00:18:06.880> our<00:18:07.120> us pets our us pets our us and<00:18:08.160> say<00:18:08.480> look<00:18:08.720> i<00:18:08.880> want<00:18:09.039> a<00:18:09.200> dog<00:18:09.520> i'd<00:18:09.679> like<00:18:09.919> it<00:18:10.000> to and say look i want a dog i'd like it to and say look i want a dog i'd like it to have<00:18:10.240> the<00:18:10.400> head<00:18:10.559> of<00:18:10.720> a have the head of a have the head of a dachshund<00:18:12.720> the<00:18:12.880> body<00:18:13.280> of<00:18:13.440> a<00:18:13.520> retriever dachshund the body of a retriever dachshund the body of a retriever maybe<00:18:15.360> some<00:18:15.600> pink<00:18:15.840> fur<00:18:16.240> and<00:18:16.320> let's<00:18:16.559> make<00:18:16.720> it maybe some pink fur and let's make it maybe some pink fur and let's make it glow<00:18:17.120> in<00:18:17.200> the<00:18:17.360> dark glow in the dark glow in the dark does<00:18:18.960> industry<00:18:19.520> get<00:18:19.760> to<00:18:20.000> create<00:18:20.400> creatures does industry get to create creatures does industry get to create creatures who<00:18:21.360> in<00:18:21.440> their<00:18:21.679> milk<00:18:22.000> and<00:18:22.080> their<00:18:22.320> blood<00:18:22.640> and who in their milk and their blood and who in their milk and their blood and their<00:18:22.960> saliva<00:18:23.520> and<00:18:23.679> other<00:18:23.840> bodily<00:18:24.320> fluids their saliva and other bodily fluids their saliva and other bodily fluids create<00:18:25.760> the<00:18:26.320> drugs<00:18:26.720> and<00:18:26.880> industrial create the drugs and industrial create the drugs and industrial molecules<00:18:28.000> we<00:18:28.240> want molecules we want molecules we want and<00:18:29.200> then<00:18:29.520> warehouse<00:18:30.160> them<00:18:30.559> as<00:18:30.960> organic and then warehouse them as organic and then warehouse them as organic manufacturing<00:18:32.559> machines manufacturing machines manufacturing machines do<00:18:33.840> we<00:18:34.000> get<00:18:34.240> to<00:18:34.400> create<00:18:35.280> organic<00:18:36.000> robots<00:18:36.559> where do we get to create organic robots where do we get to create organic robots where we<00:18:36.960> remove<00:18:37.520> the<00:18:37.679> autonomy<00:18:38.400> from<00:18:38.559> these we remove the autonomy from these we remove the autonomy from these animals<00:18:39.440> and<00:18:39.679> turn<00:18:39.919> them<00:18:40.160> just<00:18:40.559> into<00:18:40.880> our<00:18:41.039> play animals and turn them just into our play animals and turn them just into our play things things things and<00:18:42.559> then<00:18:42.960> the<00:18:43.200> final<00:18:43.600> step<00:18:43.919> of<00:18:44.080> this and then the final step of this and then the final step of this once<00:18:45.520> we<00:18:45.760> perfect<00:18:46.160> these<00:18:46.400> technologies<00:18:47.120> and once we perfect these technologies and once we perfect these technologies and animals<00:18:47.919> and<00:18:48.080> we<00:18:48.320> start<00:18:48.559> using<00:18:48.880> them<00:18:49.120> in<00:18:49.200> human animals and we start using them in human animals and we start using them in human beings<00:18:50.240> what<00:18:50.559> are<00:18:50.640> the<00:18:50.799> ethical<00:18:51.280> guidelines beings what are the ethical guidelines beings what are the ethical guidelines that<00:18:52.400> we<00:18:52.559> will<00:18:52.799> use<00:18:53.039> then that we will use then that we will use then it's<00:18:54.960> already<00:18:55.440> happening<00:18:55.919> it's<00:18:56.080> not<00:18:56.400> science it's already happening it's not science it's already happening it's not science fiction fiction fiction we<00:18:58.240> are<00:18:58.400> not<00:18:58.640> only<00:18:59.039> already<00:18:59.600> using<00:18:59.919> these we are not only already using these we are not only already using these things<00:19:00.400> in<00:19:00.559> animals<00:19:01.280> some<00:19:01.520> of<00:19:01.600> them<00:19:01.840> were things in animals some of them were things in animals some of them were already<00:19:02.480> beginning<00:19:02.880> to<00:19:03.120> use<00:19:03.760> on<00:19:03.919> our<00:19:04.160> own already beginning to use on our own already beginning to use on our own bodies<00:19:05.360> we<00:19:05.600> are<00:19:05.679> now<00:19:06.000> taking<00:19:06.400> control<00:19:07.280> of<00:19:07.520> our bodies we are now taking control of our bodies we are now taking control of our own<00:19:08.000> evolution<00:19:08.960> we<00:19:09.200> are<00:19:09.360> directly<00:19:10.000> designing own evolution we are directly designing own evolution we are directly designing the<00:19:11.039> future<00:19:11.440> of<00:19:11.520> the<00:19:11.679> species<00:19:12.160> of<00:19:12.240> this<00:19:12.559> planet the future of the species of this planet the future of the species of this planet it<00:19:13.520> confers<00:19:14.000> upon<00:19:14.400> us<00:19:14.880> an<00:19:15.120> enormous it confers upon us an enormous it confers upon us an enormous responsibility<00:19:16.799> that<00:19:17.039> is<00:19:17.200> not<00:19:17.440> just<00:19:17.679> the responsibility that is not just the responsibility that is not just the responsibility<00:19:18.640> of<00:19:18.799> the<00:19:18.960> scientists<00:19:19.600> and<00:19:19.679> the responsibility of the scientists and the responsibility of the scientists and the ethicists<00:19:20.559> who<00:19:20.720> are<00:19:20.799> thinking<00:19:21.200> about<00:19:21.440> it<00:19:21.600> and ethicists who are thinking about it and ethicists who are thinking about it and writing<00:19:22.080> about<00:19:22.320> it<00:19:22.480> now<00:19:22.960> it<00:19:23.200> is<00:19:23.360> the writing about it now it is the writing about it now it is the responsibility<00:19:24.240> of<00:19:24.400> everybody<00:19:25.280> because<00:19:25.520> it responsibility of everybody because it responsibility of everybody because it will<00:19:25.840> determine<00:19:26.720> what<00:19:26.960> kind<00:19:27.200> of<00:19:27.360> planet<00:19:28.000> and will determine what kind of planet and will determine what kind of planet and what<00:19:28.320> kind<00:19:28.559> of<00:19:28.640> bodies<00:19:29.120> we<00:19:29.280> will<00:19:29.440> have<00:19:29.679> in<00:19:29.760> the what kind of bodies we will have in the what kind of bodies we will have in the future<00:19:30.720> thanks future thanks future thanks [Applause]


Paul Root Wolpe, TED, TEDx, TEDxPeachtree, bioengineering, bioethics, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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