Dám không đồng ý – Margaret Heffernan

Dare to disagree - Margaret Heffernan

Dare to disagree - Margaret Heffernan



in<00:00:16.000> Oxford<00:00:16.440> in<00:00:16.560> the<00:00:16.640> 1950s<00:00:17.600> there<00:00:17.720> was<00:00:17.880> a
in Oxford in the 1950s there was a in Oxford in the 1950s there was a fantastic<00:00:19.160> Doctor<00:00:20.160> Who<00:00:20.279> was<00:00:20.519> very<00:00:20.800> unusual fantastic Doctor Who was very unusual fantastic Doctor Who was very unusual named<00:00:22.080> Alice<00:00:22.880> Stewart<00:00:23.880> and<00:00:24.080> Alice<00:00:24.439> was named Alice Stewart and Alice was named Alice Stewart and Alice was unusual<00:00:25.240> partly<00:00:25.680> because<00:00:26.160> of<00:00:26.359> course<00:00:26.720> she<00:00:26.920> was unusual partly because of course she was unusual partly because of course she was a<00:00:27.240> woman<00:00:27.679> which<00:00:27.800> was<00:00:27.960> pretty<00:00:28.199> rare<00:00:28.519> in<00:00:28.640> the a woman which was pretty rare in the a woman which was pretty rare in the 1950s<00:00:30.199> and<00:00:30.359> she<00:00:30.519> was<00:00:30.759> brilliant<00:00:31.359> she<00:00:31.519> was<00:00:31.720> one 1950s and she was brilliant she was one 1950s and she was brilliant she was one of<00:00:32.000> the<00:00:32.200> at<00:00:32.279> the<00:00:32.480> time<00:00:32.719> the<00:00:32.960> youngest<00:00:33.960> fellow of the at the time the youngest fellow of the at the time the youngest fellow to<00:00:34.520> be<00:00:34.640> elected<00:00:34.960> to<00:00:35.079> the<00:00:35.200> Royal<00:00:35.440> College<00:00:35.719> of to be elected to the Royal College of to be elected to the Royal College of Physicians<00:00:37.160> she<00:00:37.320> was<00:00:37.520> unusual<00:00:38.160> too<00:00:38.559> because Physicians she was unusual too because Physicians she was unusual too because she<00:00:38.960> continued<00:00:39.399> to<00:00:39.480> work<00:00:39.760> after<00:00:39.960> she<00:00:40.120> got she continued to work after she got she continued to work after she got married<00:00:41.360> after<00:00:41.559> she<00:00:41.760> had<00:00:42.280> kids<00:00:43.280> and<00:00:43.480> even married after she had kids and even married after she had kids and even after<00:00:44.000> she<00:00:44.160> got<00:00:44.360> divorced<00:00:44.800> and<00:00:44.920> was<00:00:45.039> a<00:00:45.160> single after she got divorced and was a single after she got divorced and was a single parent<00:00:45.800> she<00:00:46.079> continued<00:00:46.559> her<00:00:46.760> medical<00:00:47.680> work parent she continued her medical work parent she continued her medical work and<00:00:48.879> she<00:00:49.039> was<00:00:49.199> unusual<00:00:49.800> because<00:00:50.000> she<00:00:50.120> was and she was unusual because she was and she was unusual because she was really<00:00:50.559> interested<00:00:51.000> in<00:00:51.120> a<00:00:51.320> new<00:00:51.719> science<00:00:52.199> the really interested in a new science the really interested in a new science the emerging<00:00:52.920> field<00:00:53.760> of<00:00:54.039> epidemiology<00:00:54.840> the<00:00:54.960> study emerging field of epidemiology the study emerging field of epidemiology the study of<00:00:55.600> patterns<00:00:56.600> in of patterns in of patterns in disease<00:00:58.600> but<00:00:58.840> like<00:00:59.000> every<00:00:59.320> scientist<00:00:59.719> she disease but like every scientist she disease but like every scientist she appreciated<00:01:00.600> that<00:01:00.719> to<00:01:00.840> make<00:01:01.000> her<00:01:01.199> Mark<00:01:01.559> what appreciated that to make her Mark what appreciated that to make her Mark what she<00:01:01.800> needed<00:01:02.079> to<00:01:02.280> do<00:01:03.039> was<00:01:03.280> find<00:01:03.559> a<00:01:03.719> hard<00:01:04.159> problem she needed to do was find a hard problem she needed to do was find a hard problem and<00:01:05.360> solve and solve and solve it<00:01:07.680> the<00:01:07.880> hard<00:01:08.200> problem<00:01:08.439> that<00:01:08.600> Alice<00:01:09.000> chose<00:01:09.799> was it the hard problem that Alice chose was it the hard problem that Alice chose was the<00:01:10.159> rising<00:01:10.680> incidence<00:01:11.320> of<00:01:11.520> childhood the rising incidence of childhood the rising incidence of childhood cancers<00:01:13.439> most<00:01:13.799> disease<00:01:14.200> is<00:01:14.400> correlated<00:01:14.960> with cancers most disease is correlated with cancers most disease is correlated with poverty<00:01:15.560> but<00:01:15.680> in<00:01:15.799> the<00:01:16.000> case<00:01:16.159> of<00:01:16.360> childhood poverty but in the case of childhood poverty but in the case of childhood cancers<00:01:17.920> the<00:01:18.200> children<00:01:18.560> who<00:01:18.680> were<00:01:18.880> dying<00:01:19.200> seem cancers the children who were dying seem cancers the children who were dying seem mostly<00:01:19.920> to<00:01:20.119> come<00:01:20.720> from<00:01:21.079> affluent<00:01:21.920> families<00:01:22.920> so mostly to come from affluent families so mostly to come from affluent families so what<00:01:23.520> she<00:01:23.759> wanted<00:01:24.079> to<00:01:24.240> know<00:01:24.479> could<00:01:24.920> explain what she wanted to know could explain what she wanted to know could explain this this this anomaly<00:01:27.799> now<00:01:28.000> Alice<00:01:28.360> had<00:01:28.520> trouble<00:01:28.799> getting anomaly now Alice had trouble getting anomaly now Alice had trouble getting funding<00:01:29.360> for<00:01:29.520> her<00:01:29.920> research<00:01:30.280> in<00:01:30.360> the<00:01:30.439> end<00:01:30.640> she funding for her research in the end she funding for her research in the end she got<00:01:31.079> just<00:01:31.600> ,000<00:01:32.600> from<00:01:32.720> the<00:01:32.840> lady<00:01:33.119> TARTA got just ,000 from the lady TARTA got just ,000 from the lady TARTA Memorial<00:01:34.079> prize<00:01:34.720> and<00:01:34.840> that<00:01:35.000> meant<00:01:35.200> she<00:01:35.360> knew Memorial prize and that meant she knew Memorial prize and that meant she knew she<00:01:35.720> only<00:01:35.960> had<00:01:36.200> one<00:01:36.560> shot<00:01:37.320> at<00:01:37.520> collecting<00:01:38.000> her she only had one shot at collecting her she only had one shot at collecting her data<00:01:39.280> now<00:01:39.439> she<00:01:39.640> had<00:01:39.840> no<00:01:40.119> idea<00:01:40.799> what<00:01:40.920> to<00:01:41.079> look data now she had no idea what to look data now she had no idea what to look for<00:01:41.640> this<00:01:41.880> really<00:01:42.159> was<00:01:42.320> a<00:01:42.439> needle<00:01:42.799> in<00:01:42.920> a<00:01:43.079> hay for this really was a needle in a hay for this really was a needle in a hay stack<00:01:43.759> sort<00:01:44.000> of<00:01:44.159> search<00:01:44.600> so<00:01:44.759> she<00:01:44.960> asked stack sort of search so she asked stack sort of search so she asked everything<00:01:46.240> she<00:01:46.439> could<00:01:46.640> think<00:01:46.880> of<00:01:47.439> had<00:01:47.600> the everything she could think of had the everything she could think of had the children<00:01:48.040> eaten<00:01:48.360> boiled<00:01:48.719> sweets<00:01:49.479> had<00:01:49.680> they children eaten boiled sweets had they children eaten boiled sweets had they consumed<00:01:50.520> colored<00:01:50.880> drinks<00:01:51.240> did<00:01:51.399> they<00:01:51.479> eat consumed colored drinks did they eat consumed colored drinks did they eat fish<00:01:51.840> and<00:01:52.000> chips<00:01:52.840> did<00:01:53.000> they<00:01:53.119> have<00:01:53.280> indoor fish and chips did they have indoor fish and chips did they have indoor outdoor<00:01:54.280> Plumbing<00:01:54.920> what<00:01:55.119> time<00:01:55.399> of<00:01:55.840> life<00:01:56.079> had outdoor Plumbing what time of life had outdoor Plumbing what time of life had they<00:01:56.360> started they started they started school<00:01:58.479> and<00:01:58.600> when<00:01:58.719> her<00:01:58.960> carbon<00:01:59.320> copied school and when her carbon copied school and when her carbon copied questionnaire<00:02:00.479> started<00:02:00.799> to<00:02:00.960> come<00:02:01.280> back<00:02:01.799> one questionnaire started to come back one questionnaire started to come back one thing<00:02:02.520> and<00:02:02.759> one<00:02:03.000> thing<00:02:03.200> only<00:02:03.600> jumped<00:02:04.000> out<00:02:04.680> with thing and one thing only jumped out with thing and one thing only jumped out with a<00:02:05.119> statistical<00:02:06.000> Clarity<00:02:06.520> of<00:02:06.680> a<00:02:06.840> kind<00:02:07.119> that a statistical Clarity of a kind that a statistical Clarity of a kind that most<00:02:07.479> scientist<00:02:08.080> can<00:02:08.239> only<00:02:08.560> dream<00:02:09.200> of<00:02:10.200> by<00:02:10.360> a most scientist can only dream of by a most scientist can only dream of by a rate<00:02:10.759> of<00:02:10.920> 2:<00:02:11.400> one<00:02:12.400> the<00:02:12.560> children<00:02:13.000> who<00:02:13.200> had<00:02:13.560> died rate of 2: one the children who had died rate of 2: one the children who had died had<00:02:14.760> had<00:02:15.000> mothers<00:02:15.480> who<00:02:15.640> had<00:02:15.840> been<00:02:16.280> x-rayed had had mothers who had been x-rayed had had mothers who had been x-rayed when when when pregnant<00:02:20.560> now<00:02:20.800> that<00:02:21.040> finding<00:02:21.720> flew<00:02:22.120> in<00:02:22.280> the pregnant now that finding flew in the pregnant now that finding flew in the face<00:02:23.040> of<00:02:23.280> conventional<00:02:24.080> wisdom<00:02:25.080> conventional face of conventional wisdom conventional face of conventional wisdom conventional wisdom<00:02:26.160> held<00:02:26.800> that<00:02:27.080> everything<00:02:27.440> was<00:02:27.640> safe<00:02:27.959> up wisdom held that everything was safe up wisdom held that everything was safe up to<00:02:28.239> a<00:02:28.440> point<00:02:29.000> a<00:02:29.200> threshold to a point a threshold to a point a threshold it<00:02:31.080> flew<00:02:31.400> in<00:02:31.519> the<00:02:31.720> face<00:02:32.000> of<00:02:32.200> conventional it flew in the face of conventional it flew in the face of conventional wisdom<00:02:33.360> which<00:02:33.519> was<00:02:33.800> huge<00:02:34.239> enthusiasm<00:02:35.000> for<00:02:35.160> the wisdom which was huge enthusiasm for the wisdom which was huge enthusiasm for the cool<00:02:35.560> new<00:02:36.080> technology<00:02:36.599> of<00:02:36.800> that<00:02:37.000> age<00:02:37.800> which cool new technology of that age which cool new technology of that age which was<00:02:38.120> the<00:02:38.239> X-ray was the X-ray was the X-ray machine<00:02:40.519> and<00:02:40.720> it<00:02:40.840> flew<00:02:41.159> in<00:02:41.280> the<00:02:41.519> face<00:02:42.159> of machine and it flew in the face of machine and it flew in the face of doctor's<00:02:42.879> idea<00:02:43.280> of<00:02:44.280> themselves<00:02:45.280> which<00:02:45.400> was doctor's idea of themselves which was doctor's idea of themselves which was his<00:02:45.959> people<00:02:46.640> who<00:02:46.920> helped<00:02:47.640> patients<00:02:48.640> they his people who helped patients they his people who helped patients they didn't<00:02:49.120> own didn't own didn't own them<00:02:51.760> nevertheless<00:02:52.760> Alice<00:02:53.159> Stewart<00:02:53.640> rushed them nevertheless Alice Stewart rushed them nevertheless Alice Stewart rushed to<00:02:54.400> publish<00:02:54.720> her<00:02:54.920> preliminary<00:02:55.480> findings<00:02:55.879> in to publish her preliminary findings in to publish her preliminary findings in the<00:02:56.120> Lancet<00:02:57.080> in<00:02:57.280> 1956<00:02:58.280> people<00:02:58.519> got<00:02:58.840> very the Lancet in 1956 people got very the Lancet in 1956 people got very excited excited excited there<00:03:00.440> was<00:03:00.680> talk<00:03:00.920> of<00:03:01.080> the<00:03:01.200> Nobel<00:03:01.720> Prize<00:03:02.560> and there was talk of the Nobel Prize and there was talk of the Nobel Prize and Alice<00:03:03.080> really<00:03:03.319> was<00:03:03.440> in<00:03:03.560> a<00:03:03.760> big<00:03:04.040> hurry<00:03:04.440> to<00:03:04.599> try Alice really was in a big hurry to try Alice really was in a big hurry to try to<00:03:04.959> study<00:03:05.400> all<00:03:05.599> the<00:03:05.840> cases<00:03:06.159> of<00:03:06.360> Childhood to study all the cases of Childhood to study all the cases of Childhood Cancer<00:03:07.200> she<00:03:07.400> could<00:03:07.560> find<00:03:08.480> before<00:03:08.760> they Cancer she could find before they Cancer she could find before they disappeared<00:03:10.480> in<00:03:10.879> fact<00:03:11.879> she<00:03:12.159> need<00:03:12.480> not<00:03:13.000> have disappeared in fact she need not have disappeared in fact she need not have hurried<00:03:14.799> it<00:03:14.920> was<00:03:15.120> fully<00:03:15.879> 25<00:03:16.879> years<00:03:17.519> before<00:03:17.799> the hurried it was fully 25 years before the hurried it was fully 25 years before the British<00:03:18.319> and<00:03:18.519> medical<00:03:19.159> British<00:03:19.440> and<00:03:19.640> American British and medical British and American British and medical British and American Medical Medical Medical establishments<00:03:22.159> abandoned<00:03:22.760> the<00:03:23.040> practice<00:03:24.040> of establishments abandoned the practice of establishments abandoned the practice of x-raying<00:03:24.879> pregnant x-raying pregnant x-raying pregnant women<00:03:28.080> the<00:03:28.239> data<00:03:28.599> was<00:03:28.799> out<00:03:29.080> there<00:03:29.959> it<00:03:30.080> was<00:03:30.360> open women the data was out there it was open women the data was out there it was open it<00:03:31.439> was<00:03:31.720> freely it was freely it was freely available<00:03:34.000> but<00:03:34.280> nobody<00:03:35.120> wanted<00:03:35.720> to available but nobody wanted to available but nobody wanted to know<00:03:37.560> a<00:03:37.840> child<00:03:38.159> a<00:03:38.360> week<00:03:38.640> was know a child a week was know a child a week was dying<00:03:40.680> but<00:03:40.920> nothing dying but nothing dying but nothing changed<00:03:43.280> openness changed openness changed openness alone<00:03:46.280> can't<00:03:46.680> drive alone can't drive alone can't drive change<00:03:49.400> so<00:03:49.640> for<00:03:49.920> 25<00:03:50.760> years<00:03:51.200> Alice<00:03:51.599> Stewart<00:03:52.079> had change so for 25 years Alice Stewart had change so for 25 years Alice Stewart had a<00:03:52.640> very<00:03:52.959> big<00:03:53.159> fight<00:03:53.400> on<00:03:53.519> her<00:03:54.120> hands<00:03:55.120> so<00:03:55.439> how<00:03:55.599> did a very big fight on her hands so how did a very big fight on her hands so how did she<00:03:55.959> know<00:03:56.159> that<00:03:56.280> she<00:03:56.519> was<00:03:57.239> right<00:03:58.239> well<00:03:58.400> she<00:03:58.599> had she know that she was right well she had she know that she was right well she had a<00:03:58.959> fantastic<00:03:59.920> model<00:04:00.319> for<00:04:00.760> thinking<00:04:01.760> she a fantastic model for thinking she a fantastic model for thinking she worked<00:04:02.239> with<00:04:02.360> a<00:04:02.519> statistician<00:04:03.159> named<00:04:03.400> George worked with a statistician named George worked with a statistician named George Neil<00:04:04.079> and<00:04:04.200> George<00:04:04.480> was<00:04:04.680> pretty<00:04:04.879> much Neil and George was pretty much Neil and George was pretty much everything<00:04:05.480> that<00:04:05.640> Alice<00:04:06.000> wasn't<00:04:06.439> so<00:04:06.959> Alice everything that Alice wasn't so Alice everything that Alice wasn't so Alice was<00:04:07.519> very<00:04:07.879> outgoing<00:04:08.439> and<00:04:08.760> sociable<00:04:09.760> and was very outgoing and sociable and was very outgoing and sociable and George<00:04:10.319> was<00:04:10.480> a<00:04:11.079> recluse<00:04:12.079> Alice<00:04:12.519> was<00:04:12.720> very<00:04:12.959> warm George was a recluse Alice was very warm George was a recluse Alice was very warm very<00:04:13.760> empathetic<00:04:14.400> with<00:04:14.560> her<00:04:15.120> patience<00:04:16.120> George very empathetic with her patience George very empathetic with her patience George frankly<00:04:17.359> preferred<00:04:17.880> numbers<00:04:18.359> to<00:04:19.040> people<00:04:20.040> but frankly preferred numbers to people but frankly preferred numbers to people but he<00:04:20.320> said<00:04:20.639> this<00:04:20.880> fantastic<00:04:21.840> thing<00:04:22.320> about<00:04:22.560> their he said this fantastic thing about their he said this fantastic thing about their working<00:04:23.120> relationship<00:04:23.840> he<00:04:23.960> said<00:04:24.720> my<00:04:25.160> job<00:04:26.080> is working relationship he said my job is working relationship he said my job is to<00:04:26.479> prove<00:04:26.919> Dr<00:04:27.479> Stewart<00:04:28.600> wrong to prove Dr Stewart wrong to prove Dr Stewart wrong he<00:04:30.720> actively<00:04:31.320> sought he actively sought he actively sought disconfirmation<00:04:34.000> different<00:04:34.400> ways<00:04:34.759> of disconfirmation different ways of disconfirmation different ways of looking<00:04:35.280> at<00:04:35.400> her<00:04:35.639> models<00:04:36.199> at<00:04:36.360> her<00:04:36.680> statistics looking at her models at her statistics looking at her models at her statistics different<00:04:37.840> ways<00:04:38.000> of<00:04:38.120> crunching<00:04:38.560> the<00:04:38.759> data<00:04:39.600> in different ways of crunching the data in different ways of crunching the data in order<00:04:40.039> to<00:04:40.320> disprove order to disprove order to disprove her<00:04:42.680> he<00:04:42.840> saw<00:04:43.360> his<00:04:43.720> job<00:04:44.400> as<00:04:44.680> creating<00:04:45.520> conflict her he saw his job as creating conflict her he saw his job as creating conflict around<00:04:46.960> her<00:04:47.320> theories<00:04:48.320> because<00:04:48.560> it<00:04:48.680> was<00:04:48.880> only around her theories because it was only around her theories because it was only by<00:04:49.600> not<00:04:49.919> being<00:04:50.199> able<00:04:50.440> to<00:04:50.680> prove<00:04:51.680> that<00:04:51.840> she<00:04:52.080> was by not being able to prove that she was by not being able to prove that she was wrong<00:04:53.880> that<00:04:54.039> George<00:04:54.400> could<00:04:54.600> give<00:04:54.759> Alice<00:04:55.120> the wrong that George could give Alice the wrong that George could give Alice the confidence<00:04:55.759> she<00:04:56.199> needed<00:04:57.199> to<00:04:57.400> know<00:04:57.560> that<00:04:57.720> she confidence she needed to know that she confidence she needed to know that she was<00:04:58.560> right<00:04:59.960> it's<00:05:00.120> a<00:05:00.520> fantastic<00:05:01.680> model<00:05:02.680> of was right it's a fantastic model of was right it's a fantastic model of collaboration<00:05:04.919> thinking<00:05:05.560> Partners<00:05:06.120> who collaboration thinking Partners who collaboration thinking Partners who aren't<00:05:07.120> Echo aren't Echo aren't Echo Chambers<00:05:09.560> I<00:05:09.680> wonder<00:05:10.039> how<00:05:10.240> many<00:05:10.479> of<00:05:10.639> us<00:05:11.039> have<00:05:11.520> or Chambers I wonder how many of us have or Chambers I wonder how many of us have or dare<00:05:12.800> to dare to dare to have<00:05:14.759> such

collaborators<00:05:18.919> Alice<00:05:19.319> and<00:05:19.560> George<00:05:20.440> were<00:05:20.680> very
collaborators Alice and George were very collaborators Alice and George were very good<00:05:21.120> at<00:05:21.360> conflict<00:05:22.360> they<00:05:22.520> saw<00:05:22.880> it<00:05:23.720> as good at conflict they saw it as good at conflict they saw it as thinking<00:05:25.800> so<00:05:26.039> what<00:05:26.160> does<00:05:26.360> that<00:05:26.560> kind<00:05:26.720> of thinking so what does that kind of thinking so what does that kind of constructive<00:05:27.680> conflict<00:05:28.479> require constructive conflict require constructive conflict require well<00:05:30.240> first<00:05:30.440> of<00:05:30.600> all<00:05:30.880> it<00:05:31.120> requires<00:05:31.840> that<00:05:32.039> we well first of all it requires that we well first of all it requires that we find<00:05:32.840> people<00:05:33.160> who<00:05:33.319> are<00:05:33.639> very<00:05:33.960> different<00:05:34.360> from find people who are very different from find people who are very different from ourselves<00:05:36.080> that<00:05:36.199> means<00:05:36.479> we<00:05:36.680> have<00:05:36.800> to<00:05:37.039> resist ourselves that means we have to resist ourselves that means we have to resist the<00:05:38.240> neurobiological<00:05:39.400> drive<00:05:40.400> which<00:05:40.600> means the neurobiological drive which means the neurobiological drive which means that<00:05:41.120> we<00:05:41.319> really<00:05:41.600> prefer<00:05:42.000> people<00:05:42.319> mostly<00:05:42.880> like that we really prefer people mostly like that we really prefer people mostly like ourselves<00:05:44.800> and<00:05:44.919> it<00:05:45.039> means<00:05:45.360> we<00:05:45.560> have<00:05:45.720> to<00:05:45.919> seek ourselves and it means we have to seek ourselves and it means we have to seek out<00:05:46.600> people<00:05:46.919> with<00:05:47.199> different<00:05:47.680> backgrounds out people with different backgrounds out people with different backgrounds different<00:05:48.800> disciplines<00:05:49.479> different<00:05:49.800> ways<00:05:50.039> of different disciplines different ways of different disciplines different ways of thinking<00:05:51.160> and<00:05:51.479> different thinking and different thinking and different experience<00:05:53.639> and<00:05:53.919> find<00:05:54.440> ways<00:05:54.880> to<00:05:55.120> engage<00:05:55.639> with experience and find ways to engage with experience and find ways to engage with them<00:05:57.520> that<00:05:57.800> requires<00:05:58.319> a<00:05:58.560> lot<00:05:58.720> of<00:05:58.960> patience them that requires a lot of patience them that requires a lot of patience and<00:06:00.319> a<00:06:00.479> lot<00:06:00.600> of<00:06:01.160> energy<00:06:02.160> and<00:06:02.280> The<00:06:02.400> more<00:06:02.639> I've and a lot of energy and The more I've and a lot of energy and The more I've thought<00:06:03.160> about<00:06:03.479> this<00:06:03.720> the<00:06:03.840> more<00:06:04.080> I<00:06:04.280> think thought about this the more I think thought about this the more I think really<00:06:05.840> that<00:06:06.039> that's<00:06:06.199> a<00:06:06.520> kind<00:06:07.319> of really that that's a kind of really that that's a kind of love<00:06:09.240> because<00:06:09.520> you<00:06:09.720> simply<00:06:10.039> won't<00:06:10.400> commit love because you simply won't commit love because you simply won't commit that<00:06:11.160> kind<00:06:11.360> of<00:06:11.599> energy<00:06:12.520> and<00:06:12.960> time<00:06:13.960> if<00:06:14.080> you that kind of energy and time if you that kind of energy and time if you don't<00:06:14.560> really don't really don't really care<00:06:16.919> and<00:06:17.080> it<00:06:17.240> also<00:06:17.560> means<00:06:17.880> that<00:06:18.039> we<00:06:18.160> have<00:06:18.280> to care and it also means that we have to care and it also means that we have to be<00:06:18.599> prepared<00:06:19.000> to<00:06:19.160> change<00:06:19.520> our be prepared to change our be prepared to change our minds<00:06:21.360> Alice's<00:06:22.039> daughter<00:06:22.520> told<00:06:22.840> me<00:06:23.520> that minds Alice's daughter told me that minds Alice's daughter told me that every<00:06:23.960> time<00:06:24.199> Alice<00:06:24.520> went<00:06:24.720> head-to-head<00:06:25.280> with every time Alice went head-to-head with every time Alice went head-to-head with a<00:06:25.520> fellow<00:06:25.960> scientist<00:06:26.960> they<00:06:27.120> made<00:06:27.360> her<00:06:27.720> think a fellow scientist they made her think a fellow scientist they made her think and<00:06:28.440> think<00:06:28.880> and<00:06:29.080> think and think and think and think and think again<00:06:30.840> my<00:06:31.039> mother<00:06:31.400> she<00:06:31.599> said<00:06:32.199> my<00:06:32.360> mother again my mother she said my mother again my mother she said my mother didn't<00:06:33.080> enjoy<00:06:33.479> a didn't enjoy a didn't enjoy a fight<00:06:35.440> but<00:06:35.639> she<00:06:35.840> was<00:06:36.360> really<00:06:36.759> good<00:06:37.000> at fight but she was really good at fight but she was really good at them<00:06:40.199> so<00:06:40.440> it's<00:06:40.639> one<00:06:40.840> thing<00:06:41.000> to<00:06:41.199> do<00:06:41.479> that<00:06:41.880> in<00:06:42.039> a them so it's one thing to do that in a them so it's one thing to do that in a onetoone<00:06:43.319> relationship<00:06:44.319> but<00:06:44.479> it<00:06:44.639> strikes<00:06:45.120> me onetoone relationship but it strikes me onetoone relationship but it strikes me that<00:06:45.599> the<00:06:45.880> biggest<00:06:46.360> problems<00:06:46.759> we<00:06:47.000> Face<00:06:47.319> many that the biggest problems we Face many that the biggest problems we Face many of<00:06:47.599> the<00:06:47.720> biggest<00:06:48.120> disasters<00:06:48.880> that<00:06:49.080> we've of the biggest disasters that we've of the biggest disasters that we've experienced<00:06:50.520> mostly<00:06:50.919> haven't<00:06:51.199> come<00:06:51.360> from experienced mostly haven't come from experienced mostly haven't come from individuals<00:06:52.280> they've<00:06:52.520> come<00:06:52.720> from individuals they've come from individuals they've come from organizations<00:06:54.240> some<00:06:54.400> of<00:06:54.520> them<00:06:54.720> bigger<00:06:55.000> than organizations some of them bigger than organizations some of them bigger than countries<00:06:56.199> many<00:06:56.400> of<00:06:56.520> them<00:06:56.800> capable<00:06:57.199> of countries many of them capable of countries many of them capable of affecting<00:06:58.120> hundreds<00:06:58.639> thousands<00:06:59.160> even affecting hundreds thousands even affecting hundreds thousands even millions<00:07:00.479> of millions of millions of lives<00:07:02.599> so<00:07:02.840> how<00:07:03.000> do lives so how do lives so how do organizations organizations organizations think<00:07:07.160> well<00:07:07.479> for<00:07:07.639> the<00:07:07.800> most<00:07:08.599> part<00:07:09.599> they think well for the most part they think well for the most part they don't<00:07:11.520> and<00:07:11.800> that<00:07:11.960> isn't<00:07:12.319> because<00:07:12.560> they<00:07:12.680> don't don't and that isn't because they don't don't and that isn't because they don't want<00:07:13.160> to<00:07:14.160> it's<00:07:14.319> really<00:07:14.639> because<00:07:14.960> they<00:07:15.520> can't want to it's really because they can't want to it's really because they can't and<00:07:16.720> they<00:07:16.960> can't<00:07:17.440> because<00:07:17.680> the<00:07:17.879> people<00:07:18.199> inside and they can't because the people inside and they can't because the people inside of<00:07:18.840> them<00:07:19.759> are<00:07:19.960> too of them are too of them are too afraid<00:07:21.879> of afraid of afraid of conflict<00:07:24.120> in<00:07:24.319> surveys<00:07:24.800> of<00:07:25.000> European<00:07:25.440> and conflict in surveys of European and conflict in surveys of European and American<00:07:26.199> Executives<00:07:26.840> fully<00:07:27.319> 85%<00:07:28.319> of<00:07:28.479> them American Executives fully 85% of them American Executives fully 85% of them acknowledge acknowledge acknowledge that<00:07:30.160> they<00:07:30.400> had<00:07:30.680> issues<00:07:31.160> or<00:07:31.520> concerns<00:07:32.319> at<00:07:32.599> work that they had issues or concerns at work that they had issues or concerns at work that<00:07:33.759> they<00:07:33.879> were<00:07:34.360> afraid<00:07:35.360> to<00:07:36.120> raise<00:07:37.120> afraid<00:07:37.599> of that they were afraid to raise afraid of that they were afraid to raise afraid of the<00:07:37.960> conflict<00:07:38.400> that<00:07:38.560> that<00:07:38.680> would<00:07:39.280> provoke the conflict that that would provoke the conflict that that would provoke afraid<00:07:40.639> to<00:07:40.800> get<00:07:40.960> embroiled<00:07:41.560> in<00:07:41.800> arguments afraid to get embroiled in arguments afraid to get embroiled in arguments that<00:07:42.520> they<00:07:42.720> did<00:07:42.960> not<00:07:43.199> know<00:07:43.479> how<00:07:43.599> to<00:07:43.800> manage<00:07:44.520> and that they did not know how to manage and that they did not know how to manage and felt<00:07:45.080> that<00:07:45.240> they<00:07:45.400> were<00:07:45.639> bound<00:07:46.560> to felt that they were bound to felt that they were bound to lose lose lose 85%<00:07:51.520> is<00:07:51.639> a<00:07:52.039> really<00:07:52.759> big 85% is a really big 85% is a really big number<00:07:55.120> it<00:07:55.280> means<00:07:55.560> that<00:07:55.800> organizations number it means that organizations number it means that organizations mostly<00:07:57.240> can't<00:07:57.599> do<00:07:57.879> what<00:07:58.000> George<00:07:58.240> and<00:07:58.440> Al<00:07:58.599> is<00:07:58.720> so mostly can't do what George and Al is so mostly can't do what George and Al is so Triumph<00:07:59.680> L<00:07:59.879> did<00:08:00.440> they<00:08:00.680> can't<00:08:01.560> think Triumph L did they can't think Triumph L did they can't think together<00:08:04.800> and<00:08:04.960> it<00:08:05.080> means<00:08:05.360> that<00:08:05.599> people<00:08:05.960> like together and it means that people like together and it means that people like many<00:08:06.440> of<00:08:06.639> us<00:08:06.919> who<00:08:07.120> have<00:08:07.400> run<00:08:08.280> organizations many of us who have run organizations many of us who have run organizations and<00:08:09.440> gone<00:08:09.639> out<00:08:09.800> of<00:08:09.919> our<00:08:10.120> way<00:08:10.360> to<00:08:10.560> try<00:08:10.720> to<00:08:10.879> find and gone out of our way to try to find and gone out of our way to try to find the<00:08:11.280> very<00:08:11.560> best<00:08:11.879> people<00:08:12.199> we<00:08:12.400> can<00:08:12.840> mostly the very best people we can mostly the very best people we can mostly fail<00:08:15.000> to<00:08:15.280> get<00:08:15.479> the<00:08:15.680> best<00:08:16.080> out<00:08:16.280> of fail to get the best out of fail to get the best out of them<00:08:19.360> so<00:08:19.639> how<00:08:19.800> do<00:08:19.960> we<00:08:20.159> develop<00:08:20.599> the<00:08:20.800> skills them so how do we develop the skills them so how do we develop the skills that<00:08:21.720> we<00:08:21.879> need<00:08:22.240> because<00:08:22.479> it<00:08:22.639> does<00:08:22.960> take<00:08:23.520> skill that we need because it does take skill that we need because it does take skill and<00:08:24.879> practice<00:08:25.520> too<00:08:26.520> if<00:08:26.639> we<00:08:26.800> aren't<00:08:27.080> going<00:08:27.280> to and practice too if we aren't going to and practice too if we aren't going to be<00:08:27.759> afraid<00:08:28.240> of<00:08:28.520> conflict be afraid of conflict be afraid of conflict we<00:08:30.039> have<00:08:30.159> to<00:08:30.360> see<00:08:30.639> it<00:08:30.879> as<00:08:31.560> thinking<00:08:32.560> and<00:08:32.719> then we have to see it as thinking and then we have to see it as thinking and then we<00:08:33.000> have<00:08:33.120> to<00:08:33.279> get<00:08:33.599> really<00:08:34.039> good<00:08:34.279> at we have to get really good at we have to get really good at it<00:08:36.479> so<00:08:36.839> recently<00:08:37.599> I<00:08:37.719> worked<00:08:38.159> with<00:08:38.399> a<00:08:38.719> an it so recently I worked with a an it so recently I worked with a an executive<00:08:39.560> named<00:08:39.880> Joe<00:08:40.479> and<00:08:40.680> Joe<00:08:41.000> worked<00:08:41.360> for<00:08:41.519> a executive named Joe and Joe worked for a executive named Joe and Joe worked for a medical<00:08:42.120> device<00:08:42.959> company<00:08:43.959> and<00:08:44.120> Joe<00:08:44.360> was

Margaret Heffernan, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, conflict, avoidance, conflict, good, conflict

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