Đằng Sau Bức Tường Lửa Vĩ Đại Của Trung Quốc – Michael Anti

Behind the Great Firewall of China - Michael Anti

Behind the Great Firewall of China - Michael Anti



[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] in<00:00:16.440> the<00:00:16.640> past<00:00:16.840> several<00:00:17.279> days<00:00:18.119> I<00:00:18.240> heard<00:00:18.560> people in the past several days I heard people in the past several days I heard people talking<00:00:19.240> about<00:00:19.560> China<00:00:20.560> and<00:00:20.760> also<00:00:21.039> I<00:00:21.199> talked<00:00:21.519> to talking about China and also I talked to talking about China and also I talked to friends<00:00:22.359> about<00:00:22.680> China<00:00:23.480> and<00:00:23.640> Chinese<00:00:24.199> internet friends about China and Chinese internet friends about China and Chinese internet something<00:00:25.560> is<00:00:25.760> very<00:00:26.000> challenging<00:00:26.519> to<00:00:26.720> me<00:00:27.439> I something is very challenging to me I something is very challenging to me I want<00:00:27.760> to<00:00:28.760> make<00:00:29.039> my<00:00:29.199> friends<00:00:29.560> still<00:00:30.279> understand want to make my friends still understand want to make my friends still understand China<00:00:32.239> is<00:00:33.000> complicated<00:00:34.000> so<00:00:34.200> I<00:00:34.360> always<00:00:34.680> want<00:00:34.840> to China is complicated so I always want to China is complicated so I always want to tell<00:00:35.239> the<00:00:35.440> story<00:00:35.840> like<00:00:36.360> one<00:00:36.640> hand<00:00:37.000> it<00:00:37.120> is<00:00:37.480> there tell the story like one hand it is there tell the story like one hand it is there the<00:00:38.200> other<00:00:38.440> hand<00:00:38.680> is<00:00:38.920> that<00:00:39.719> you<00:00:39.920> can't<00:00:40.280> just the other hand is that you can't just the other hand is that you can't just tell<00:00:41.160> one<00:00:41.520> side<00:00:41.920> story<00:00:42.920> I<00:00:43.079> give<00:00:43.239> you<00:00:43.480> example tell one side story I give you example tell one side story I give you example China<00:00:44.440> is<00:00:44.559> a<00:00:44.760> brick<00:00:45.120> Country<00:00:46.079> Brick<00:00:46.480> country China is a brick Country Brick country China is a brick Country Brick country means<00:00:47.559> Brazil<00:00:48.559> Russia<00:00:49.239> India<00:00:49.920> and<00:00:50.239> China<00:00:51.079> this means Brazil Russia India and China this means Brazil Russia India and China this emerging<00:00:52.120> economy<00:00:52.840> really<00:00:53.680> is<00:00:54.199> helping emerging economy really is helping emerging economy really is helping Revival<00:00:55.399> of<00:00:55.559> the<00:00:55.760> world<00:00:56.079> economy<00:00:57.000> but<00:00:57.199> at<00:00:57.320> the Revival of the world economy but at the Revival of the world economy but at the same<00:00:57.760> time<00:00:58.640> on<00:00:58.800> the<00:00:58.960> other<00:00:59.199> hand same time on the other hand same time on the other hand China<00:01:00.960> is<00:01:01.079> a<00:01:01.359> sick<00:01:02.120> country<00:01:03.120> the<00:01:03.440> the China is a sick country the the China is a sick country the the terminology<00:01:04.479> calleded<00:01:05.000> by<00:01:05.560> Facebook<00:01:06.400> IPO terminology calleded by Facebook IPO terminology calleded by Facebook IPO paper<00:01:08.360> five<00:01:08.720> he<00:01:08.840> said<00:01:09.280> the<00:01:09.479> sick<00:01:09.799> country paper five he said the sick country paper five he said the sick country means<00:01:11.040> Syria<00:01:12.119> Iran<00:01:13.119> China<00:01:13.880> and<00:01:14.080> North<00:01:14.400> Korea means Syria Iran China and North Korea means Syria Iran China and North Korea the<00:01:15.360> four<00:01:15.640> countries<00:01:16.600> have<00:01:16.840> no<00:01:17.200> access<00:01:17.600> to the four countries have no access to the four countries have no access to Facebook<00:01:20.079> so<00:01:20.400> basically<00:01:21.040> China<00:01:21.600> is<00:01:21.720> a<00:01:21.960> sick Facebook so basically China is a sick Facebook so basically China is a sick break<00:01:23.720> country<00:01:24.720> another<00:01:25.400> project<00:01:25.880> was<00:01:26.079> build break country another project was build break country another project was build to<00:01:27.079> watch<00:01:27.640> China<00:01:28.159> and<00:01:28.360> Chinese<00:01:28.840> internet<00:01:29.520> but to watch China and Chinese internet but to watch China and Chinese internet but now<00:01:29.960> now<00:01:30.119> today<00:01:30.520> I<00:01:30.640> want<00:01:30.840> to<00:01:31.119> tell<00:01:31.360> you<00:01:31.960> my now now today I want to tell you my now now today I want to tell you my personal<00:01:33.840> observation<00:01:34.799> in<00:01:34.920> the<00:01:35.119> past<00:01:35.360> sever personal observation in the past sever personal observation in the past sever years<00:01:36.560> from<00:01:37.280> that<00:01:37.840> war<00:01:38.840> so<00:01:39.320> if<00:01:39.479> you<00:01:39.640> are<00:01:39.799> a<00:01:40.040> fan years from that war so if you are a fan years from that war so if you are a fan of<00:01:40.479> the<00:01:40.640> game<00:01:40.840> of<00:01:41.040> thron<00:01:41.640> you<00:01:41.880> definitely<00:01:42.280> know of the game of thron you definitely know of the game of thron you definitely know how<00:01:43.479> important<00:01:44.280> a<00:01:44.479> big<00:01:44.680> war<00:01:45.240> for<00:01:45.600> Old<00:01:46.240> Kingdom how important a big war for Old Kingdom how important a big war for Old Kingdom it<00:01:47.640> prevent<00:01:48.479> weird<00:01:48.960> things<00:01:49.600> from<00:01:49.840> the it prevent weird things from the it prevent weird things from the north<00:01:52.240> same<00:01:52.640> was<00:01:52.840> true<00:01:53.119> for<00:01:53.840> China<00:01:54.840> in<00:01:54.960> the north same was true for China in the north same was true for China in the north<00:01:55.600> there<00:01:55.719> was<00:01:55.880> a<00:01:56.240> great<00:01:56.600> War north there was a great War north there was a great War Junction<00:01:59.000> it<00:01:59.399> protect<00:01:59.960> China<00:02:00.360> from<00:02:00.680> Invaders Junction it protect China from Invaders Junction it protect China from Invaders for<00:02:01.960> 2,000<00:02:02.840> years<00:02:03.799> but<00:02:03.960> China<00:02:04.360> also<00:02:04.640> have<00:02:04.840> a for 2,000 years but China also have a for 2,000 years but China also have a great<00:02:06.399> fire great fire great fire War<00:02:08.360> that's<00:02:08.560> the<00:02:08.759> biggest<00:02:09.319> Digital<00:02:09.879> Boundary War that's the biggest Digital Boundary War that's the biggest Digital Boundary in<00:02:10.599> the<00:02:10.759> whole<00:02:11.040> world<00:02:12.040> it's<00:02:12.200> not<00:02:12.440> only<00:02:12.760> to in the whole world it's not only to in the whole world it's not only to defend<00:02:14.160> Chinese<00:02:14.640> regime<00:02:15.120> from<00:02:15.400> the<00:02:15.560> overc defend Chinese regime from the overc defend Chinese regime from the overc from<00:02:16.800> the<00:02:17.120> universal<00:02:17.760> value<00:02:18.599> but<00:02:18.840> also from the universal value but also from the universal value but also prevent<00:02:20.040> Chinese<00:02:20.560> own<00:02:20.800> citizen<00:02:21.440> to<00:02:21.760> access prevent Chinese own citizen to access prevent Chinese own citizen to access the<00:02:22.319> global<00:02:22.599> free<00:02:23.360> internet<00:02:24.360> and<00:02:24.640> even the global free internet and even the global free internet and even separate<00:02:25.760> themselves<00:02:26.440> into<00:02:26.840> blocks<00:02:27.599> not separate themselves into blocks not separate themselves into blocks not United<00:02:29.440> so United so United so basically<00:02:31.000> internet<00:02:31.720> has<00:02:31.959> two<00:02:32.360> internets<00:02:33.360> one basically internet has two internets one basically internet has two internets one is<00:02:34.120> the<00:02:34.360> internet<00:02:35.160> the<00:02:35.319> other<00:02:35.640> is<00:02:36.080> the<00:02:36.239> China is the internet the other is the China is the internet the other is the China net<00:02:38.200> but<00:02:38.680> if<00:02:38.840> you<00:02:39.040> think<00:02:39.360> the<00:02:39.519> China<00:02:39.879> net<00:02:40.440> is net but if you think the China net is net but if you think the China net is something<00:02:41.640> like<00:02:42.280> a<00:02:43.280> dead<00:02:43.640> land<00:02:44.200> Roost<00:02:44.720> land<00:02:45.480> I something like a dead land Roost land I something like a dead land Roost land I think<00:02:45.800> is think is think is wrong<00:02:47.840> but<00:02:48.319> we<00:02:48.560> also<00:02:49.239> use<00:02:49.760> very<00:02:50.040> simple wrong but we also use very simple wrong but we also use very simple metaphor<00:02:51.800> the<00:02:52.000> cat<00:02:52.239> and<00:02:52.360> the<00:02:52.440> mouse<00:02:52.840> game<00:02:53.440> to metaphor the cat and the mouse game to metaphor the cat and the mouse game to describe<00:02:54.519> in<00:02:54.640> the<00:02:54.879> past<00:02:55.239> 15<00:02:55.959> years<00:02:56.959> the describe in the past 15 years the describe in the past 15 years the continuing<00:02:58.000> fight<00:02:58.519> between<00:02:59.159> Chinese continuing fight between Chinese continuing fight between Chinese censorship<00:03:01.159> government<00:03:01.560> censorship<00:03:02.200> the<00:03:02.440> cat censorship government censorship the cat censorship government censorship the cat and<00:03:03.680> the<00:03:03.799> Chinese<00:03:04.239> internet<00:03:04.879> users<00:03:05.879> that<00:03:06.040> mean and the Chinese internet users that mean and the Chinese internet users that mean us<00:03:07.560> the us the us the mouse<00:03:09.799> but<00:03:10.319> sometimes<00:03:10.840> this<00:03:11.040> kind<00:03:11.239> of<00:03:11.400> a mouse but sometimes this kind of a mouse but sometimes this kind of a metaphor<00:03:12.239> is<00:03:12.400> too<00:03:12.640> simple<00:03:13.480> so<00:03:13.799> today<00:03:14.200> I<00:03:14.319> want metaphor is too simple so today I want metaphor is too simple so today I want to<00:03:14.799> upgrade<00:03:15.400> it<00:03:15.920> to<00:03:16.280> 2.0 to upgrade it to 2.0 to upgrade it to 2.0 version<00:03:19.239> in<00:03:19.440> China<00:03:19.799> we<00:03:19.959> have<00:03:20.239> 500<00:03:20.920> million version in China we have 500 million version in China we have 500 million internet<00:03:21.959> users<00:03:22.959> that's<00:03:23.400> biggest<00:03:24.000> population internet users that's biggest population internet users that's biggest population of<00:03:24.720> natien<00:03:25.360> Internet<00:03:25.799> users<00:03:26.239> in<00:03:26.360> the<00:03:26.519> whole of natien Internet users in the whole of natien Internet users in the whole world<00:03:28.239> so<00:03:29.239> if<00:03:29.799> even<00:03:30.200> Chinese<00:03:30.720> is<00:03:30.840> a<00:03:31.280> totally world so if even Chinese is a totally world so if even Chinese is a totally censored<00:03:32.319> internet<00:03:32.799> but<00:03:33.000> still<00:03:33.480> Chinese censored internet but still Chinese censored internet but still Chinese internet<00:03:34.360> Society<00:03:35.040> is<00:03:35.239> really<00:03:35.680> booming<00:03:36.680> how internet Society is really booming how internet Society is really booming how make<00:03:37.480> it<00:03:38.239> it's<00:03:38.439> simple<00:03:39.200> you<00:03:39.400> have<00:03:39.840> Google<00:03:40.840> we make it it's simple you have Google we make it it's simple you have Google we have<00:03:41.560> Buu<00:03:42.560> you<00:03:42.760> have<00:03:42.959> Twitter<00:03:43.920> we<00:03:44.080> have<00:03:44.640> weo have Buu you have Twitter we have weo have Buu you have Twitter we have weo you<00:03:45.840> have<00:03:46.040> Facebook<00:03:46.959> we<00:03:47.120> have<00:03:47.480> renen<00:03:48.480> you<00:03:48.680> have you have Facebook we have renen you have you have Facebook we have renen you have YouTube<00:03:50.120> we<00:03:50.280> have<00:03:50.599> yuku<00:03:51.280> and YouTube we have yuku and YouTube we have yuku and Twitter<00:03:53.920> Chinese Twitter Chinese Twitter Chinese government<00:03:56.519> blocked<00:03:57.519> every<00:03:58.280> single government blocked every single government blocked every single International<00:04:00.040> Web<00:04:00.200> Two<00:04:00.439> P<00:04:00.879> services<00:04:01.760> and<00:04:02.000> we International Web Two P services and we International Web Two P services and we Chinese<00:04:02.840> copycat Chinese copycat Chinese copycat everyone<00:04:06.120> so<00:04:06.680> that's<00:04:07.040> kind<00:04:07.319> of<00:04:08.319> the<00:04:08.519> thing<00:04:08.720> I everyone so that's kind of the thing I everyone so that's kind of the thing I called<00:04:09.280> SM<00:04:09.720> censorship<00:04:10.720> so<00:04:11.200> that's<00:04:11.480> not<00:04:11.840> only called SM censorship so that's not only called SM censorship so that's not only to<00:04:13.120> censor<00:04:13.560> you<00:04:14.519> sometimes<00:04:15.079> that's<00:04:15.799> Chinese to censor you sometimes that's Chinese to censor you sometimes that's Chinese National<00:04:17.040> internet<00:04:17.479> policy<00:04:17.799> is<00:04:18.000> very<00:04:18.239> simple National internet policy is very simple National internet policy is very simple block<00:04:19.840> and<00:04:20.479> clone<00:04:21.479> on<00:04:21.680> the<00:04:21.880> one<00:04:22.120> hand<00:04:23.120> he<00:04:23.280> want block and clone on the one hand he want block and clone on the one hand he want to<00:04:23.759> satisfy<00:04:24.360> people's<00:04:24.720> need<00:04:25.000> of<00:04:25.199> social to satisfy people's need of social to satisfy people's need of social network<00:04:26.199> which<00:04:26.360> is<00:04:26.560> very<00:04:26.800> important<00:04:27.360> people network which is very important people network which is very important people really<00:04:27.960> love<00:04:28.320> social<00:04:28.639> networking<00:04:29.639> but<00:04:29.720> on<00:04:29.840> the really love social networking but on the really love social networking but on the other<00:04:30.280> hand<00:04:30.960> they<00:04:31.120> want<00:04:31.280> to<00:04:31.479> keep<00:04:31.720> the<00:04:31.880> server other hand they want to keep the server other hand they want to keep the server in<00:04:32.840> Beijing<00:04:33.600> so<00:04:33.880> they<00:04:34.000> can<00:04:34.320> access<00:04:34.720> the<00:04:34.919> data in Beijing so they can access the data in Beijing so they can access the data anytime<00:04:36.120> they<00:04:36.320> want<00:04:37.280> that's<00:04:37.639> also<00:04:37.880> the<00:04:38.039> reason anytime they want that's also the reason anytime they want that's also the reason Google<00:04:39.360> was<00:04:39.800> pulled<00:04:40.120> out<00:04:40.320> from<00:04:40.560> China<00:04:41.039> because Google was pulled out from China because Google was pulled out from China because they<00:04:41.479> can't<00:04:41.880> accept<00:04:42.360> the<00:04:42.600> fact<00:04:43.120> Chinese they can't accept the fact Chinese they can't accept the fact Chinese government<00:04:43.840> want<00:04:44.080> to<00:04:44.320> keep<00:04:44.720> the

server<00:04:48.479> sometimes<00:04:49.280> the<00:04:49.639> Arab<00:04:50.000> dictators
server sometimes the Arab dictators server sometimes the Arab dictators didn't<00:04:51.280> understand<00:04:51.720> these<00:04:51.919> two<00:04:52.160> hands<00:04:53.080> for didn't understand these two hands for didn't understand these two hands for example<00:04:53.759> Mubarak<00:04:54.759> he<00:04:54.919> shut<00:04:55.280> down<00:04:55.800> the example Mubarak he shut down the example Mubarak he shut down the internet<00:04:57.080> he<00:04:57.360> want<00:04:57.600> to<00:04:57.800> prevent<00:04:58.199> neens<00:04:58.800> to internet he want to prevent neens to internet he want to prevent neens to criticize<00:04:59.440> him criticize him criticize him but<00:05:00.560> once<00:05:01.280> Nan<00:05:01.880> can't<00:05:02.120> go<00:05:02.320> online<00:05:03.199> they<00:05:03.400> go<00:05:03.520> on but once Nan can't go online they go on but once Nan can't go online they go on street<00:05:05.759> and<00:05:06.720> now<00:05:07.360> the<00:05:07.759> result<00:05:08.120> is<00:05:08.400> very<00:05:08.639> simple street and now the result is very simple street and now the result is very simple we<00:05:09.199> all<00:05:09.520> know<00:05:10.240> Mubarak<00:05:11.240> is<00:05:11.560> technically we all know Mubarak is technically we all know Mubarak is technically dead<00:05:14.600> but dead but dead but also<00:05:16.560> Ben<00:05:16.840> Ani<00:05:17.560> Tunisia<00:05:18.360> president<00:05:19.360> didn't also Ben Ani Tunisia president didn't also Ben Ani Tunisia president didn't follow<00:05:20.199> the<00:05:20.319> second<00:05:20.680> rule<00:05:21.160> that<00:05:21.280> means<00:05:22.080> keep follow the second rule that means keep follow the second rule that means keep the<00:05:22.479> server<00:05:23.319> in<00:05:23.600> your<00:05:24.000> hand<00:05:25.000> he<00:05:25.600> allowed the server in your hand he allowed the server in your hand he allowed Facebook<00:05:27.520> a<00:05:27.800> us-based<00:05:28.479> services Facebook a us-based services Facebook a us-based services service<00:05:31.080> to<00:05:31.360> continue<00:05:31.840> stay<00:05:32.199> on<00:05:33.199> inside service to continue stay on inside service to continue stay on inside Tunisia<00:05:34.319> so<00:05:34.560> he<00:05:34.759> can't<00:05:35.240> prevented<00:05:36.240> his<00:05:36.400> own Tunisia so he can't prevented his own Tunisia so he can't prevented his own citizens<00:05:37.240> to<00:05:37.520> post<00:05:38.240> critical<00:05:38.720> video<00:05:39.120> against citizens to post critical video against citizens to post critical video against his his his corruption<00:05:41.400> the<00:05:41.560> same<00:05:41.800> thing<00:05:42.319> happened<00:05:43.319> he corruption the same thing happened he corruption the same thing happened he was<00:05:43.759> the<00:05:43.919> first<00:05:44.319> to<00:05:44.600> tobert<00:05:45.319> joing<00:05:45.680> the<00:05:45.759> Arab was the first to tobert joing the Arab was the first to tobert joing the Arab spray<00:05:47.680> but<00:05:47.880> those<00:05:48.600> two<00:05:49.039> very<00:05:49.600> smart<00:05:50.520> you<00:05:50.680> know spray but those two very smart you know spray but those two very smart you know National<00:05:51.400> censorship<00:05:52.000> policy<00:05:52.759> didn't National censorship policy didn't National censorship policy didn't prevent<00:05:55.080> Chinese<00:05:55.720> social<00:05:56.080> media<00:05:56.639> become<00:05:57.080> a prevent Chinese social media become a prevent Chinese social media become a really<00:05:57.880> public<00:05:58.400> spere<00:05:58.960> a<00:05:59.160> b<00:05:59.479> feere<00:05:59.759> of<00:06:00.039> public really public spere a b feere of public really public spere a b feere of public opinion<00:06:01.440> and<00:06:01.840> the<00:06:02.039> nightmare<00:06:02.960> of<00:06:03.160> Chinese opinion and the nightmare of Chinese opinion and the nightmare of Chinese officials<00:06:05.160> because<00:06:05.520> we<00:06:05.720> have<00:06:06.280> 300<00:06:06.960> million officials because we have 300 million officials because we have 300 million micro<00:06:07.720> bloggers<00:06:08.280> in<00:06:08.479> China<00:06:09.120> is<00:06:09.319> the<00:06:09.840> entire micro bloggers in China is the entire micro bloggers in China is the entire population<00:06:11.240> of<00:06:11.520> United<00:06:12.319> States<00:06:13.319> so<00:06:13.599> when population of United States so when population of United States so when these<00:06:14.479> 300<00:06:15.039> million<00:06:15.440> people<00:06:15.759> Michel<00:06:16.120> blogger these 300 million people Michel blogger these 300 million people Michel blogger even<00:06:17.560> they<00:06:17.800> block<00:06:18.800> the<00:06:18.960> tweet<00:06:19.400> in<00:06:19.560> a<00:06:19.880> censored even they block the tweet in a censored even they block the tweet in a censored platform<00:06:22.080> but<00:06:22.280> itself<00:06:22.800> is<00:06:23.000> China<00:06:23.360> L<00:06:23.840> but<00:06:24.000> it platform but itself is China L but it platform but itself is China L but it can<00:06:24.919> create<00:06:25.759> very can create very can create very powerful<00:06:28.120> energy<00:06:28.639> which<00:06:28.800> is<00:06:28.960> never<00:06:29.479> happened powerful energy which is never happened powerful energy which is never happened in<00:06:29.840> the<00:06:29.960> Chinese in the Chinese in the Chinese history<00:06:32.039> 2011<00:06:33.039> the<00:06:33.199> July<00:06:34.120> two<00:06:34.360> briding<00:06:34.759> trains history 2011 the July two briding trains history 2011 the July two briding trains crashed<00:06:36.360> in<00:06:36.560> wo<00:06:37.039> a<00:06:37.199> sou<00:06:37.599> city<00:06:38.319> right<00:06:38.639> after<00:06:38.919> the crashed in wo a sou city right after the crashed in wo a sou city right after the train<00:06:39.400> crash<00:06:40.400> authorities<00:06:41.319> literally<00:06:41.880> want train crash authorities literally want train crash authorities literally want to<00:06:42.680> cover<00:06:43.000> up<00:06:43.240> the<00:06:43.319> train<00:06:43.759> bury<00:06:44.120> the<00:06:44.199> train<00:06:44.960> so to cover up the train bury the train so to cover up the train bury the train so it's<00:06:45.520> anger<00:06:45.919> the<00:06:46.000> Chinese<00:06:46.800> Naes<00:06:47.800> the<00:06:47.960> first it's anger the Chinese Naes the first it's anger the Chinese Naes the first five<00:06:48.639> days<00:06:49.080> after<00:06:49.240> the<00:06:49.360> train<00:06:49.840> crash<00:06:50.840> there five days after the train crash there five days after the train crash there were<00:06:51.639> 10<00:06:52.199> million<00:06:52.919> critism<00:06:53.560> of<00:06:53.680> the<00:06:53.880> posting were 10 million critism of the posting were 10 million critism of the posting on<00:06:55.000> the<00:06:55.160> social<00:06:55.479> media<00:06:56.080> which<00:06:56.319> never<00:06:56.599> happened on the social media which never happened on the social media which never happened in<00:06:57.080> Chinese<00:06:57.440> history<00:06:58.160> and<00:06:58.759> later<00:06:59.400> later<00:06:59.680> this in Chinese history and later later this in Chinese history and later later this year<00:07:00.199> the<00:07:00.360> real<00:07:00.919> Minister<00:07:01.919> was<00:07:02.360> sacked<00:07:03.000> and year the real Minister was sacked and year the real Minister was sacked and sentenced<00:07:03.680> to<00:07:03.840> jail<00:07:04.280> for<00:07:04.479> 10 sentenced to jail for 10 sentenced to jail for 10 years<00:07:07.039> and<00:07:07.360> also<00:07:08.199> very<00:07:09.240> recently<00:07:10.240> very<00:07:10.400> funny years and also very recently very funny years and also very recently very funny debate<00:07:11.440> between<00:07:11.879> the<00:07:12.680> Beijing<00:07:13.680> environment debate between the Beijing environment debate between the Beijing environment Ministry<00:07:15.160> and<00:07:16.080> American<00:07:16.560> Embassy<00:07:17.120> in<00:07:17.680> Beijing Ministry and American Embassy in Beijing Ministry and American Embassy in Beijing because<00:07:19.440> the<00:07:19.639> ministry<00:07:20.319> blame<00:07:21.080> American because the ministry blame American because the ministry blame American Embassy<00:07:21.879> for<00:07:22.160> intervening<00:07:23.360> Chinese<00:07:24.360> internal Embassy for intervening Chinese internal Embassy for intervening Chinese internal politics<00:07:25.560> by<00:07:25.840> disclosing<00:07:26.840> the<00:07:27.000> air<00:07:27.319> quality politics by disclosing the air quality politics by disclosing the air quality data<00:07:28.160> of<00:07:28.319> Beijing data of Beijing data of Beijing so<00:07:30.840> the<00:07:31.039> app<00:07:31.840> is<00:07:32.000> the<00:07:32.160> embassy<00:07:32.759> data<00:07:33.759> the<00:07:33.919> PM so the app is the embassy data the PM so the app is the embassy data the PM 2.5<00:07:36.400> he 2.5 he 2.5 he show<00:07:38.240> 148<00:07:38.960> they<00:07:39.120> show<00:07:39.520> is<00:07:40.520> dangerous<00:07:41.000> for show 148 they show is dangerous for show 148 they show is dangerous for sensitive<00:07:41.840> group<00:07:42.360> so<00:07:43.120> suggestion<00:07:44.039> is<00:07:44.240> not sensitive group so suggestion is not sensitive group so suggestion is not good<00:07:44.639> to<00:07:44.800> go good to go good to go outside<00:07:46.639> but<00:07:47.319> the<00:07:47.680> D<00:07:48.680> is<00:07:48.879> the<00:07:49.440> Ministries<00:07:50.120> data outside but the D is the Ministries data outside but the D is the Ministries data he<00:07:50.680> shows<00:07:51.080> 50<00:07:51.800> he<00:07:51.919> said<00:07:52.199> it's<00:07:52.440> good<00:07:53.240> it's<00:07:53.520> good he shows 50 he said it's good it's good he shows 50 he said it's good it's good to<00:07:53.840> go to go to go outside<00:07:55.639> but<00:07:56.000> 99%<00:07:57.000> of<00:07:57.199> Chinese<00:07:57.639> micro outside but 99% of Chinese micro outside but 99% of Chinese micro bloggers<00:07:58.720> stand<00:07:59.319> firmly<00:08:00.319> on<00:08:00.520> the<00:08:01.120> embassy bloggers stand firmly on the embassy bloggers stand firmly on the embassy side<00:08:02.360> I<00:08:02.479> live<00:08:02.759> in<00:08:02.960> Beijing<00:08:03.800> every<00:08:04.560> day<00:08:05.560> I<00:08:05.800> just side I live in Beijing every day I just side I live in Beijing every day I just watch<00:08:07.560> the<00:08:08.319> American<00:08:08.680> Embassy<00:08:09.199> data<00:08:09.759> to watch the American Embassy data to watch the American Embassy data to decide<00:08:10.800> whether<00:08:11.159> I<00:08:11.240> should<00:08:11.599> open<00:08:11.960> my

window<00:08:16.120> why<00:08:16.599> Chinese<00:08:17.039> social<00:08:17.639> networking
window why Chinese social networking window why Chinese social networking even<00:08:18.680> within<00:08:18.960> the<00:08:19.120> censorship<00:08:20.000> is<00:08:20.240> so<00:08:20.840> boming even within the censorship is so boming even within the censorship is so boming part<00:08:22.080> of<00:08:22.159> the<00:08:22.319> reason<00:08:22.560> is<00:08:22.759> Chinese<00:08:23.599> languages part of the reason is Chinese languages part of the reason is Chinese languages you<00:08:24.759> know<00:08:25.759> ttor<00:08:26.159> and<00:08:26.319> trt<00:08:26.639> clones<00:08:27.039> have<00:08:27.199> a<00:08:27.440> kind you know ttor and trt clones have a kind you know ttor and trt clones have a kind of<00:08:27.800> a<00:08:28.080> limitation<00:08:29.000> 14<00:08:29.560> characters<00:08:30.560> but<00:08:30.720> in of a limitation 14 characters but in of a limitation 14 characters but in English<00:08:31.319> it's<00:08:31.479> 20<00:08:31.879> words<00:08:32.800> or<00:08:33.039> a<00:08:33.159> sentence<00:08:33.560> with English it's 20 words or a sentence with English it's 20 words or a sentence with a<00:08:33.800> short<00:08:34.000> link<00:08:34.560> maybe<00:08:34.839> in<00:08:35.000> Germany<00:08:35.599> a<00:08:35.760> German a short link maybe in Germany a German a short link maybe in Germany a German language<00:08:36.479> maybe<00:08:36.760> just

AA AA but<00:08:41.919> in<00:08:42.120> Chinese<00:08:42.560> language<00:08:43.000> is<00:08:43.200> really<00:08:44.000> about but in Chinese language is really about but in Chinese language is really about 140<00:08:45.480> characters<00:08:46.240> means<00:08:46.680> a<00:08:46.920> paragraph<00:08:47.720> a<00:08:48.279> story 140 characters means a paragraph a story 140 characters means a paragraph a story you<00:08:49.440> can<00:08:49.680> almost<00:08:50.120> have<00:08:50.399> all<00:08:50.720> the<00:08:51.040> journalistic you can almost have all the journalistic you can almost have all the journalistic elements<00:08:52.640> to<00:08:52.920> there<00:08:53.080> for<00:08:53.279> example<00:08:54.120> this<00:08:54.240> is elements to there for example this is elements to there for example this is the<00:08:54.880> Hamlet<00:08:55.519> of<00:08:55.640> the<00:08:55.959> Shakespeare<00:08:56.959> the<00:08:57.160> same the Hamlet of the Shakespeare the same the Hamlet of the Shakespeare the same content<00:08:58.640> one<00:08:59.200> you<00:08:59.320> can<00:08:59.480> see<00:08:59.839> exactly<00:09:00.519> one content one you can see exactly one content one you can see exactly one Chinese<00:09:01.320> tweet<00:09:02.000> is<00:09:02.240> equal<00:09:02.560> to Chinese tweet is equal to Chinese tweet is equal to 3.5<00:09:04.920> English 3.5 English 3.5 English tweets<00:09:06.920> Chinese<00:09:07.360> is<00:09:07.519> always<00:09:08.040> cheating tweets Chinese is always cheating tweets Chinese is always cheating right<00:09:10.399> so<00:09:10.880> because<00:09:11.200> of<00:09:11.480> this<00:09:11.800> Chinese<00:09:12.399> really right so because of this Chinese really right so because of this Chinese really regard<00:09:13.880> this<00:09:14.320> micro<00:09:14.720> blogging<00:09:15.480> as<00:09:15.600> a<00:09:15.839> media regard this micro blogging as a media regard this micro blogging as a media not<00:09:16.760> only<00:09:17.360> headline<00:09:18.120> to<00:09:18.360> media<00:09:19.320> and<00:09:19.640> also<00:09:20.640> the not only headline to media and also the not only headline to media and also the Clone<00:09:21.680> Signal<00:09:22.160> Company<00:09:22.519> is<00:09:22.920> the<00:09:23.079> guy<00:09:23.399> who Clone Signal Company is the guy who Clone Signal Company is the guy who cloned<00:09:24.120> the<00:09:24.360> Twitter<00:09:25.320> they<00:09:25.480> even<00:09:25.800> has<00:09:25.920> their cloned the Twitter they even has their cloned the Twitter they even has their own<00:09:26.279> name<00:09:26.680> with<00:09:26.959> with<00:09:27.120> weo<00:09:27.519> weo<00:09:27.920> is<00:09:28.120> Chinese own name with with weo weo is Chinese own name with with weo weo is Chinese translation<00:09:28.839> for<00:09:29.200> mic<00:09:29.480> blog<00:09:30.120> it<00:09:30.360> has<00:09:30.519> owned translation for mic blog it has owned translation for mic blog it has owned the<00:09:31.040> Innovation<00:09:31.920> at<00:09:32.200> the<00:09:32.320> commenting<00:09:33.000> area the Innovation at the commenting area the Innovation at the commenting area make<00:09:34.160> the<00:09:34.320> Chinese<00:09:34.800> weor<00:09:35.519> more<00:09:35.800> like<00:09:36.399> Facebook make the Chinese weor more like Facebook make the Chinese weor more like Facebook rather<00:09:37.640> than<00:09:37.880> original<00:09:38.360> Twitter<00:09:39.160> so<00:09:39.640> these rather than original Twitter so these rather than original Twitter so these Innovations<00:09:40.720> and<00:09:40.959> clones<00:09:41.519> as<00:09:41.720> the<00:09:41.839> wo<00:09:42.480> and Innovations and clones as the wo and Innovations and clones as the wo and micro<00:09:43.079> blogging<00:09:43.560> when<00:09:43.720> they<00:09:43.959> come<00:09:44.200> to<00:09:44.440> China micro blogging when they come to China micro blogging when they come to China in<00:09:45.519> 2009<00:09:46.519> the<00:09:47.000> immediately<00:09:47.640> become<00:09:48.120> the<00:09:48.279> media in 2009 the immediately become the media in 2009 the immediately become the media platform<00:09:49.240> itself<00:09:50.000> it<00:09:50.160> become<00:09:50.519> a<00:09:50.680> media platform itself it become a media platform itself it become a media platform<00:09:51.640> of<00:09:51.839> 300<00:09:52.440> million<00:09:53.399> readers<00:09:54.399> it platform of 300 million readers it platform of 300 million readers it become<00:09:55.200> the<00:09:55.440> media<00:09:56.120> if<00:09:56.640> anything<00:09:57.120> not become the media if anything not become the media if anything not mentioned<00:09:57.880> in<00:09:58.079> weo<00:09:58.760> it<00:09:58.880> does<00:09:59.200> not mentioned in weo it does not mentioned in weo it does not appear<00:10:01.160> to<00:10:01.480> exist<00:10:01.839> for<00:10:02.079> Chinese appear to exist for Chinese appear to exist for Chinese public<00:10:04.079> but<00:10:04.279> also<00:10:04.680> Chinese<00:10:05.240> social<00:10:05.560> media<00:10:05.920> is public but also Chinese social media is public but also Chinese social media is really<00:10:06.600> changing<00:10:07.200> Chinese<00:10:08.160> mindset<00:10:09.160> and really changing Chinese mindset and really changing Chinese mindset and Chinese<00:10:09.959> life<00:10:10.600> for<00:10:11.160> example<00:10:12.160> they<00:10:12.320> give<00:10:12.600> the Chinese life for example they give the Chinese life for example they give the voiceless<00:10:13.640> people<00:10:14.120> a<00:10:14.320> China<00:10:14.920> to<00:10:15.200> make<00:10:15.440> your voiceless people a China to make your voiceless people a China to make your voice<00:10:16.160> heard<00:10:17.160> we<00:10:17.399> had<00:10:17.519> a<00:10:17.839> petition<00:10:18.320> system<00:10:18.839> is voice heard we had a petition system is voice heard we had a petition system is a<00:10:19.240> remedy<00:10:20.079> outside<00:10:21.079> the<00:10:21.279> judicial<00:10:21.760> system a remedy outside the judicial system a remedy outside the judicial system because<00:10:23.160> Chinese<00:10:23.519> central<00:10:23.800> government<00:10:24.120> want because Chinese central government want because Chinese central government want to<00:10:24.440> keep<00:10:24.640> a<00:10:24.839> miss<00:10:25.640> the<00:10:25.839> emperor<00:10:26.480> is<00:10:26.760> good<00:10:27.440> but to keep a miss the emperor is good but to keep a miss the emperor is good but all<00:10:27.959> the<00:10:28.120> local<00:10:28.399> officials<00:10:28.760> are<00:10:29.120> sucks<00:10:30.000> so all the local officials are sucks so all the local officials are sucks so that's<00:10:30.480> why<00:10:30.640> the<00:10:30.839> petitioner<00:10:31.720> the<00:10:31.920> victims<00:10:32.360> of that's why the petitioner the victims of that's why the petitioner the victims of the<00:10:32.640> pant<00:10:33.279> went<00:10:33.519> to<00:10:33.760> take<00:10:33.959> the<00:10:34.120> train<00:10:34.399> to the pant went to take the train to the pant went to take the train to Beijing<00:10:35.200> to<00:10:35.399> petition<00:10:35.760> to<00:10:35.920> central Beijing to petition to central Beijing to petition to central government<00:10:36.959> want<00:10:37.440> the<00:10:37.680> emperor<00:10:38.079> want<00:10:38.240> to government want the emperor want to government want the emperor want to settle<00:10:38.760> the<00:10:39.120> problem<00:10:40.120> but<00:10:40.560> when<00:10:40.760> more<00:10:40.959> and settle the problem but when more and settle the problem but when more and more<00:10:41.360> people<00:10:41.839> go<00:10:42.000> to<00:10:42.160> Beijing<00:10:42.680> they<00:10:42.880> also more people go to Beijing they also more people go to Beijing they also cause<00:10:44.279> the<00:10:44.480> risk<00:10:45.000> of<00:10:45.240> Revolution<00:10:46.240> so<00:10:46.519> they cause the risk of Revolution so they cause the risk of Revolution so they sent<00:10:46.920> them<00:10:47.160> back<00:10:47.440> recent<00:10:48.000> years<00:10:48.959> and<00:10:49.200> even sent them back recent years and even sent them back recent years and even some<00:10:49.800> of<00:10:50.320> of<00:10:50.480> them<00:10:50.639> would<00:10:50.880> put<00:10:51.160> into<00:10:51.560> black some of of them would put into black some of of them would put into black jaar<00:10:52.519> but<00:10:52.720> now<00:10:53.360> we<00:10:53.519> have<00:10:53.720> the<00:10:53.880> weo<00:10:54.519> so<00:10:54.720> I<00:10:54.839> called jaar but now we have the weo so I called jaar but now we have the weo so I called weo<00:10:55.600> petition<00:10:56.360> people<00:10:56.680> just<00:10:56.959> use<00:10:57.240> the<00:10:57.360> cell weo petition people just use the cell weo petition people just use the cell phone<00:10:57.880> to<00:10:58.040> tweet<00:10:59.240> so<00:10:59.440> your<00:10:59.600> sad<00:10:59.959> stories<00:11:00.800> by phone to tweet so your sad stories by phone to tweet so your sad stories by some<00:11:01.320> chance<00:11:01.959> your<00:11:02.200> story<00:11:02.519> will<00:11:02.760> be<00:11:02.920> picked<00:11:03.200> up some chance your story will be picked up some chance your story will be picked up by<00:11:03.880> reporters<00:11:04.720> professors<00:11:05.240> or<00:11:05.560> celebrities by reporters professors or celebrities by reporters professors or celebrities one<00:11:06.760> of<00:11:07.000> that<00:11:07.279> is<00:11:07.560> yaan<00:11:08.560> she's<00:11:09.040> most<00:11:09.519> popular one of that is yaan she's most popular one of that is yaan she's most popular micro<00:11:10.360> blogger<00:11:10.880> in<00:11:11.040> China<00:11:11.399> who<00:11:12.160> has<00:11:12.399> about<00:11:13.000> 21 micro blogger in China who has about 21 micro blogger in China who has about 21 million<00:11:14.519> followers<00:11:15.480> they're<00:11:15.680> almost<00:11:16.200> like<00:11:16.600> a million followers they're almost like a million followers they're almost like a national<00:11:18.079> TV<00:11:18.480> station<00:11:19.079> if<00:11:19.279> you<00:11:19.880> st<00:11:20.279> sad<00:11:20.600> story national TV station if you st sad story national TV station if you st sad story will<00:11:21.160> pick<00:11:21.360> up<00:11:21.560> by<00:11:21.760> her<00:11:22.720> so<00:11:23.200> this<00:11:23.600> wo<00:11:24.160> social will pick up by her so this wo social will pick up by her so this wo social media<00:11:25.200> even<00:11:25.839> in<00:11:26.000> the<00:11:26.160> censorship<00:11:27.040> still<00:11:27.839> gave media even in the censorship still gave media even in the censorship still gave Chinese<00:11:28.639> a<00:11:29.040> real<00:11:29.560> chance<00:11:30.560> for<00:11:30.920> 300<00:11:31.519> million Chinese a real chance for 300 million Chinese a real chance for 300 million people<00:11:32.720> every<00:11:33.079> day<00:11:33.440> chatting<00:11:34.040> together people every day chatting together people every day chatting together talking<00:11:35.079> to<00:11:35.480> together<00:11:35.959> it's<00:11:36.200> like<00:11:36.320> a<00:11:36.519> big<00:11:36.800> Tad talking to together it's like a big Tad talking to together it's like a big Tad right<00:11:39.120> but<00:11:39.560> also<00:11:40.160> it<00:11:40.279> is<00:11:40.600> like<00:11:40.880> the<00:11:41.040> first<00:11:41.360> time right but also it is like the first time right but also it is like the first time of<00:11:41.880> public<00:11:42.200> sphere<00:11:43.079> happened<00:11:43.440> in<00:11:43.600> China of public sphere happened in China of public sphere happened in China Chinese<00:11:45.000> people<00:11:45.600> start<00:11:45.920> to<00:11:46.120> learn<00:11:46.519> how<00:11:46.680> to Chinese people start to learn how to Chinese people start to learn how to negotiate<00:11:48.360> and<00:11:48.800> talk<00:11:49.040> to<00:11:49.600> people<00:11:50.600> but<00:11:51.040> also negotiate and talk to people but also negotiate and talk to people but also the<00:11:52.279> cat<00:11:52.720> the<00:11:52.920> sensorship<00:11:53.399> is<00:11:53.560> not<00:11:53.760> sleeping the cat the sensorship is not sleeping the cat the sensorship is not sleeping it's<00:11:54.959> so<00:11:55.360> hard<00:11:56.000> to<00:11:56.240> post<00:11:56.959> some<00:11:57.240> sensitive it's so hard to post some sensitive it's so hard to post some sensitive words<00:11:57.959> in<00:11:58.040> the<00:11:58.160> Chinese<00:11:58.480> we<00:11:58.760> for<00:11:58.920> for<00:11:59.000> example words in the Chinese we for for example words in the Chinese we for for example you<00:11:59.399> can't<00:11:59.760> post<00:12:00.519> the<00:12:00.720> name<00:12:00.959> of<00:12:01.120> the you can't post the name of the you can't post the name of the president<00:12:02.880> huin<00:12:03.880> and<00:12:04.079> also<00:12:04.360> you<00:12:04.519> can't<00:12:04.839> post president huin and also you can't post president huin and also you can't post the<00:12:05.600> city<00:12:05.800> of<00:12:06.160> chonging<00:12:07.160> name<00:12:07.839> and<00:12:08.279> until the city of chonging name and until the city of chonging name and until recently<00:12:09.200> you<00:12:09.320> can't<00:12:09.560> search<00:12:09.920> the<00:12:10.040> surname<00:12:10.480> of recently you can't search the surname of recently you can't search the surname of top<00:12:11.000> top top top top top leaders<00:12:12.959> so<00:12:13.639> the<00:12:13.800> Chinese<00:12:14.279> are<00:12:14.519> very<00:12:14.720> good leaders so the Chinese are very good leaders so the Chinese are very good that<00:12:15.240> there<00:12:15.600> palms<00:12:16.600> and<00:12:17.279> alternative<00:12:18.279> wording that there palms and alternative wording that there palms and alternative wording and<00:12:19.079> even<00:12:19.360> memes<00:12:20.199> the<00:12:20.360> even<00:12:20.920> Nam<00:12:21.920> you<00:12:22.040> know<00:12:22.240> use and even memes the even Nam you know use and even memes the even Nam you know use the<00:12:22.920> name<00:12:23.320> of<00:12:23.560> this<00:12:23.959> world<00:12:24.320> changing<00:12:25.320> batter the name of this world changing batter the name of this world changing batter between<00:12:26.040> the<00:12:26.199> grma<00:12:27.199> horse<00:12:27.720> and<00:12:27.920> River<00:12:28.279> craft between the grma horse and River craft between the grma horse and River craft grma<00:12:29.440> horse<00:12:29.839> is<00:12:30.079> T<00:12:30.839> it's<00:12:30.959> the<00:12:31.120> photogram<00:12:32.079> for grma horse is T it's the photogram for grma horse is T it's the photogram for it's<00:12:34.440> n

call<00:12:39.800> River<00:12:40.199> crap<00:12:40.720> is<00:12:41.600> is<00:12:41.760> the<00:12:41.880> phonogram<00:12:42.480> for
call River crap is is the phonogram for call River crap is is the phonogram for harmonization<00:12:44.240> for<00:12:44.639> sensorship<00:12:45.600> so<00:12:45.920> that's harmonization for sensorship so that's harmonization for sensorship so that's kind<00:12:46.560> of<00:12:46.760> Aima<00:12:47.480> versus<00:12:48.480> the<00:12:49.079> her<00:12:49.920> that's<00:12:50.160> very kind of Aima versus the her that's very kind of Aima versus the her that's very good<00:12:51.120> but<00:12:52.120> so<00:12:52.480> that's<00:12:52.959> in<00:12:53.320> when<00:12:53.519> some<00:12:53.839> very good but so that's in when some very good but so that's in when some very political<00:12:55.360> exciting<00:12:55.839> moment<00:12:56.240> happened<00:12:57.160> you political exciting moment happened you political exciting moment happened you can<00:12:57.839> see<00:12:58.320> on<00:12:58.440> the<00:12:58.560> way<00:12:59.079> you<00:12:59.199> still<00:12:59.519> a<00:12:59.639> lot<00:12:59.839> of can see on the way you still a lot of can see on the way you still a lot of very<00:13:00.639> weird<00:13:01.160> stories<00:13:02.160> happened<00:13:03.199> weird very weird stories happened weird very weird stories happened weird phrases<00:13:04.720> and<00:13:05.000> words<00:13:05.800> even<00:13:06.079> you<00:13:06.240> have<00:13:06.399> a<00:13:06.600> PhD<00:13:07.120> of phrases and words even you have a PhD of phrases and words even you have a PhD of Chinese<00:13:07.800> language<00:13:08.160> you<00:13:08.320> can't<00:13:08.880> understand Chinese language you can't understand Chinese language you can't understand them<00:13:10.600> but<00:13:10.880> you<00:13:11.000> can<00:13:11.160> you<00:13:11.399> expect<00:13:11.839> more<00:13:12.399> no them but you can you expect more no them but you can you expect more no because<00:13:13.519> Chinese<00:13:13.959> signal<00:13:14.399> weor<00:13:15.120> one<00:13:15.399> he<00:13:15.600> was because Chinese signal weor one he was because Chinese signal weor one he was funded<00:13:16.320> is<00:13:17.000> exactly<00:13:17.519> one<00:13:17.800> month<00:13:18.360> after<00:13:18.839> the funded is exactly one month after the funded is exactly one month after the official<00:13:19.720> blocking<00:13:20.279> of<00:13:20.519> twitter.com<00:13:21.519> that official blocking of twitter.com that official blocking of twitter.com that means<00:13:22.279> from<00:13:22.519> the<00:13:22.680> very<00:13:23.040> beginning<00:13:23.680> the<00:13:24.079> weor means from the very beginning the weor means from the very beginning the weor already<00:13:25.760> has<00:13:26.000> already<00:13:26.440> convinced<00:13:26.880> the already has already convinced the already has already convinced the Chinese<00:13:27.360> government<00:13:28.000> we<00:13:28.160> will<00:13:28.399> not<00:13:28.600> be<00:13:28.880> become Chinese government we will not be become Chinese government we will not be become the<00:13:29.399> stage<00:13:30.160> for<00:13:30.880> any<00:13:31.120> kind<00:13:31.320> of<00:13:31.440> a<00:13:31.600> threat<00:13:32.120> to the stage for any kind of a threat to the stage for any kind of a threat to the<00:13:32.480> regime<00:13:33.160> for<00:13:33.360> example<00:13:34.000> anything<00:13:34.399> you<00:13:34.519> want the regime for example anything you want the regime for example anything you want to<00:13:34.880> post<00:13:35.360> like<00:13:35.839> get<00:13:36.160> together<00:13:36.519> or<00:13:36.680> meet<00:13:36.959> up<00:13:37.360> or to post like get together or meet up or to post like get together or meet up or work<00:13:38.480> it<00:13:38.680> will<00:13:39.360> automatically<00:13:40.360> will<00:13:40.600> recorded work it will automatically will recorded work it will automatically will recorded and<00:13:41.560> data<00:13:42.120> mined<00:13:43.120> and<00:13:43.519> reported<00:13:44.160> to<00:13:44.959> a<00:13:45.199> pool and data mined and reported to a pool and data mined and reported to a pool for<00:13:46.440> further<00:13:47.160> an<00:13:47.600> political<00:13:48.000> analysing<00:13:48.800> even for further an political analysing even for further an political analysing even you<00:13:49.160> want<00:13:49.360> to<00:13:49.680> have<00:13:49.959> some<00:13:50.240> gathering<00:13:51.199> before you want to have some gathering before you want to have some gathering before you<00:13:51.800> go<00:13:52.040> there<00:13:52.560> the<00:13:52.800> place<00:13:53.040> is<00:13:53.199> already you go there the place is already you go there the place is already waiting<00:13:53.839> for<00:13:54.040> you<00:13:54.920> why<00:13:55.160> because<00:13:55.440> they<00:13:55.560> have waiting for you why because they have waiting for you why because they have the<00:13:55.959> data<00:13:56.560> they<00:13:56.720> have<00:13:57.040> everything<00:13:57.519> in<00:13:57.680> their the data they have everything in their the data they have everything in their hand<00:13:58.519> so<00:13:58.759> so<00:13:58.959> they<00:13:59.079> you<00:13:59.240> can<00:13:59.399> they<00:13:59.519> can<00:13:59.680> use<00:13:59.920> the hand so so they you can they can use the hand so so they you can they can use the 1984<00:14:01.839> scenario<00:14:02.839> data<00:14:03.199> mining<00:14:03.920> of<00:14:04.079> the 1984 scenario data mining of the 1984 scenario data mining of the disident<00:14:05.160> so<00:14:05.360> the<00:14:05.480> Crackdown<00:14:06.040> is<00:14:06.240> very disident so the Crackdown is very disident so the Crackdown is very serious<00:14:08.480> but<00:14:08.920> I<00:14:09.040> want<00:14:09.320> you<00:14:09.600> notice<00:14:09.920> a<00:14:10.079> very serious but I want you notice a very serious but I want you notice a very funny<00:14:10.680> thing<00:14:11.320> during<00:14:11.759> the<00:14:12.000> process<00:14:12.399> of<00:14:12.600> the funny thing during the process of the funny thing during the process of the cat<00:14:13.040> and<00:14:13.320> mouse<00:14:14.320> the<00:14:14.560> cat<00:14:15.079> is<00:14:15.199> the<00:14:15.360> censorship cat and mouse the cat is the censorship cat and mouse the cat is the censorship but<00:14:16.079> Chinese<00:14:16.759> is<00:14:16.920> not<00:14:17.120> only<00:14:17.399> one<00:14:17.720> cat<00:14:18.360> but<00:14:18.519> I but Chinese is not only one cat but I but Chinese is not only one cat but I also<00:14:18.920> have<00:14:19.160> local<00:14:19.519> cats<00:14:19.800> Central<00:14:20.240> cat<00:14:20.639> and also have local cats Central cat and also have local cats Central cat and local local local cats<00:14:23.519> you<00:14:23.639> know<00:14:24.360> server<00:14:24.959> is<00:14:25.120> in<00:14:25.320> the<00:14:25.480> local cats you know server is in the local cats you know server is in the local cat's<00:14:26.199> hands<00:14:26.959> so<00:14:27.199> it<00:14:27.480> let<00:14:28.440> when<00:14:29.040> the<00:14:29.199> Nan cat's hands so it let when the Nan cat's hands so it let when the Nan criticize<00:14:30.399> local<00:14:30.720> government<00:14:31.519> local criticize local government local criticize local government local government<00:14:32.240> has<00:14:32.440> no<00:14:32.839> any<00:14:33.279> access<00:14:34.079> of<00:14:34.320> the<00:14:34.519> data government has no any access of the data government has no any access of the data in<00:14:34.959> Beijing<00:14:35.959> without<00:14:36.320> bribing<00:14:36.800> the<00:14:36.959> central in Beijing without bribing the central in Beijing without bribing the central cast<00:14:38.199> he<00:14:38.360> can<00:14:38.519> do<00:14:38.759> nothing<00:14:39.360> only<00:14:40.279> apologize<00:14:41.279> so cast he can do nothing only apologize so cast he can do nothing only apologize so this<00:14:42.399> three<00:14:42.720> year<00:14:42.959> in<00:14:43.079> the<00:14:43.240> past<00:14:43.480> three<00:14:43.680> years this three year in the past three years this three year in the past three years social<00:14:44.320> movement<00:14:45.040> about<00:14:45.800> micro<00:14:46.199> blogging social movement about micro blogging social movement about micro blogging really<00:14:47.320> changed<00:14:47.880> local<00:14:48.199> government<00:14:48.920> they<00:14:49.079> can really changed local government they can really changed local government they can more<00:14:49.639> become<00:14:49.959> more<00:14:50.160> and<00:14:50.320> more<00:14:50.600> transparent more become more and more transparent more become more and more transparent because<00:14:52.000> they<00:14:52.240> can't<00:14:52.959> access<00:14:53.360> the<00:14:53.560> data<00:14:54.120> the because they can't access the data the because they can't access the data the server<00:14:54.880> is<00:14:55.040> in server is in server is in Beijing<00:14:57.639> the<00:14:57.839> story<00:14:58.160> about<00:14:58.360> TR<00:14:58.759> crash<00:14:59.279> maybe Beijing the story about TR crash maybe Beijing the story about TR crash maybe the<00:14:59.759> question<00:15:00.079> is<00:15:00.279> not<00:15:00.519> about<00:15:01.240> why<00:15:01.759> 10<00:15:02.040> million the question is not about why 10 million the question is not about why 10 million criticism<00:15:03.199> in<00:15:03.440> 5<00:15:03.720> days<00:15:04.279> but<00:15:04.680> why<00:15:05.360> Chinese criticism in 5 days but why Chinese criticism in 5 days but why Chinese central<00:15:06.199> government<00:15:06.560> allow<00:15:07.519> the<00:15:07.759> five<00:15:08.040> days central government allow the five days central government allow the five days of<00:15:08.480> freedom<00:15:08.800> of<00:15:08.920> speech<00:15:09.279> online<00:15:09.839> it<00:15:10.040> never of freedom of speech online it never of freedom of speech online it never happened<00:15:11.040> before<00:15:12.040> answer<00:15:12.399> is<00:15:12.600> very<00:15:12.880> simple happened before answer is very simple happened before answer is very simple because<00:15:13.880> even<00:15:14.399> the<00:15:14.639> top<00:15:14.800> leaders<00:15:15.160> was<00:15:15.399> fed<00:15:15.680> up because even the top leaders was fed up because even the top leaders was fed up with<00:15:16.279> this<00:15:16.560> guy<00:15:17.160> this<00:15:17.600> independent<00:15:18.199> Kingdom with this guy this independent Kingdom with this guy this independent Kingdom so<00:15:19.000> they<00:15:19.120> want<00:15:19.600> excuse<00:15:20.519> so<00:15:20.759> public<00:15:21.040> opinion<00:15:21.360> is so they want excuse so public opinion is so they want excuse so public opinion is very<00:15:21.880> good<00:15:22.160> excuse<00:15:22.800> to<00:15:23.000> punish<00:15:23.440> him<00:15:24.440> but<00:15:24.600> also very good excuse to punish him but also very good excuse to punish him but also the<00:15:25.000> Bosa<00:15:25.560> case<00:15:25.759> recently<00:15:26.320> very<00:15:26.480> big<00:15:26.680> news the Bosa case recently very big news the Bosa case recently very big news he's<00:15:27.240> princeling<00:15:28.199> but<00:15:28.360> in<00:15:28.720> from<00:15:28.959> the<00:15:29.079> febrary he's princeling but in from the febrary he's princeling but in from the febrary to<00:15:30.120> the<00:15:30.319> April<00:15:30.800> in<00:15:31.240> this<00:15:31.680> year<00:15:32.360> W<00:15:32.920> really to the April in this year W really to the April in this year W really become<00:15:33.440> a<00:15:33.600> Marketplace<00:15:34.319> of<00:15:34.560> rumors<00:15:35.120> you<00:15:35.240> can become a Marketplace of rumors you can become a Marketplace of rumors you can almost<00:15:35.759> joke<00:15:36.199> everything<00:15:36.639> about<00:15:37.399> this almost joke everything about this almost joke everything about this princelings<00:15:38.360> everything<00:15:39.040> it's<00:15:39.240> almost<00:15:39.600> you princelings everything it's almost you princelings everything it's almost you are<00:15:39.880> living<00:15:40.120> in<00:15:40.199> the<00:15:40.360> United<00:15:40.759> States<00:15:41.759> but<00:15:42.000> if are living in the United States but if are living in the United States but if you<00:15:42.360> dare<00:15:42.839> to<00:15:43.440> retreat<00:15:44.079> or<00:15:44.279> mention<00:15:44.920> any<00:15:45.279> fake you dare to retreat or mention any fake you dare to retreat or mention any fake coup<00:15:46.480> about<00:15:46.759> Beijing<00:15:47.240> in<00:15:47.399> Beijing<00:15:48.040> you coup about Beijing in Beijing you coup about Beijing in Beijing you definitely<00:15:49.000> will<00:15:49.160> be<00:15:49.440> arrested<00:15:50.440> so<00:15:50.800> this<00:15:51.040> kind definitely will be arrested so this kind definitely will be arrested so this kind of<00:15:51.440> freedom<00:15:52.440> is<00:15:52.839> targeted<00:15:54.040> and<00:15:55.040> precise of freedom is targeted and precise of freedom is targeted and precise window<00:15:56.720> so<00:15:57.360> Chinese<00:15:58.000> in<00:15:58.199> China<00:15:58.759> censorship<00:15:59.319> is window so Chinese in China censorship is window so Chinese in China censorship is normal<00:16:00.079> something<00:16:00.440> you<00:16:00.600> find<00:16:00.920> is<00:16:01.120> freedom<00:16:01.880> is normal something you find is freedom is normal something you find is freedom is weird<00:16:02.720> something<00:16:03.000> will<00:16:03.240> happen<00:16:03.680> behind weird something will happen behind weird something will happen behind because<00:16:05.279> he<00:16:05.440> was<00:16:05.720> very<00:16:06.160> popular<00:16:06.720> leftist because he was very popular leftist because he was very popular leftist leader<00:16:07.839> so<00:16:08.079> central<00:16:08.440> government<00:16:08.759> want<00:16:09.000> to leader so central government want to leader so central government want to purge<00:16:09.639> him<00:16:10.120> they<00:16:10.279> need<00:16:10.560> very<00:16:11.040> cute<00:16:11.240> to purge him they need very cute to purge him they need very cute to convince<00:16:12.160> the<00:16:12.880> all<00:16:13.160> the<00:16:13.319> Chinese<00:16:13.800> people<00:16:14.399> why convince the all the Chinese people why convince the all the Chinese people why he's<00:16:14.920> so<00:16:15.199> bad<00:16:15.880> so<00:16:16.480> the<00:16:16.880> the<00:16:17.120> wayo<00:16:17.759> 300<00:16:18.240> million he's so bad so the the wayo 300 million he's so bad so the the wayo 300 million public<00:16:19.120> sphere<00:16:19.839> become<00:16:20.360> very<00:16:20.680> good public sphere become very good public sphere become very good convenient<00:16:21.800> tour<00:16:22.319> for<00:16:22.600> political<00:16:23.519> fight<00:16:24.519> but convenient tour for political fight but convenient tour for political fight but this<00:16:25.000> technology<00:16:25.440> is<00:16:25.639> very<00:16:25.920> new<00:16:26.399> but this technology is very new but this technology is very new but technique<00:16:27.079> is<00:16:27.319> very<00:16:27.519> old<00:16:28.079> it<00:16:28.240> made<00:16:28.720> Famous<00:16:29.120> by technique is very old it made Famous by technique is very old it made Famous by chairman<00:16:29.800> ma<00:16:30.120> maon<00:16:31.079> because<00:16:31.279> he<00:16:31.560> mobilized chairman ma maon because he mobilized chairman ma maon because he mobilized millions<00:16:33.000> of<00:16:33.160> Chinese<00:16:33.519> people<00:16:33.759> in<00:16:33.839> the millions of Chinese people in the millions of Chinese people in the cultural<00:16:34.440> revolution<00:16:35.120> to<00:16:36.120> destroy<00:16:36.720> every cultural revolution to destroy every cultural revolution to destroy every local<00:16:37.399> government<00:16:38.120> it's<00:16:38.319> very<00:16:38.519> simple local government it's very simple local government it's very simple because<00:16:39.639> Chinese<00:16:40.120> central<00:16:40.440> government<00:16:40.720> don't because Chinese central government don't because Chinese central government don't need<00:16:41.240> even<00:16:41.440> lead<00:16:41.920> the<00:16:42.079> public<00:16:42.360> opinion<00:16:42.880> they need even lead the public opinion they need even lead the public opinion they just<00:16:43.680> give<00:16:44.000> them<00:16:44.560> a<00:16:44.720> Target<00:16:45.240> window<00:16:45.720> no<00:16:46.120> censor just give them a Target window no censor just give them a Target window no censor people<00:16:47.680> not<00:16:48.079> censoring<00:16:49.000> in<00:16:49.199> China<00:16:49.800> become<00:16:50.720> a people not censoring in China become a people not censoring in China become a political political political toour<00:16:53.440> so<00:16:53.800> that's<00:16:54.000> the<00:16:54.199> update<00:16:54.759> about<00:16:55.160> this toour so that's the update about this toour so that's the update about this game<00:16:56.199> cat<00:16:56.399> and<00:16:56.519> the<00:16:56.639> mouse<00:16:57.399> social<00:16:57.680> media game cat and the mouse social media game cat and the mouse social media change<00:16:58.480> Chinese<00:16:58.800> mindset<00:16:59.560> more<00:16:59.720> and<00:16:59.880> more change Chinese mindset more and more change Chinese mindset more and more chinesee<00:17:00.720> intend<00:17:01.199> to<00:17:01.480> embrace<00:17:02.120> freedom chinesee intend to embrace freedom chinesee intend to embrace freedom speech<00:17:02.920> and<00:17:03.120> human<00:17:03.480> rights<00:17:03.959> as<00:17:04.120> their speech and human rights as their speech and human rights as their Birthright<00:17:05.240> not<00:17:05.559> some<00:17:06.199> important<00:17:07.039> American Birthright not some important American Birthright not some important American privilege<00:17:08.919> but<00:17:09.160> also<00:17:09.799> it<00:17:10.079> gave<00:17:10.360> Chinese<00:17:11.000> a privilege but also it gave Chinese a privilege but also it gave Chinese a national<00:17:11.839> public<00:17:12.079> Sphere<00:17:12.480> for<00:17:12.720> people<00:17:13.360> to national public Sphere for people to national public Sphere for people to it's<00:17:14.280> like<00:17:14.480> a<00:17:14.640> training<00:17:15.319> of<00:17:15.559> their it's like a training of their it's like a training of their citizenship<00:17:17.120> preparing<00:17:17.640> for<00:17:17.880> the<00:17:18.439> future citizenship preparing for the future citizenship preparing for the future democracy<00:17:19.480> but<00:17:19.640> it<00:17:19.760> didn't<00:17:20.039> change<00:17:20.439> Chinese democracy but it didn't change Chinese democracy but it didn't change Chinese political<00:17:21.319> system<00:17:22.079> and<00:17:22.280> also<00:17:23.039> Chinese political system and also Chinese political system and also Chinese central<00:17:23.839> government<00:17:24.199> utilized<00:17:24.839> this central government utilized this central government utilized this centralized<00:17:26.240> server<00:17:26.799> structure<00:17:27.559> to centralized server structure to centralized server structure to strengthen<00:17:28.240> his<00:17:28.640> power<00:17:28.960> to<00:17:29.120> control<00:17:29.480> the strengthen his power to control the strengthen his power to control the local<00:17:29.880> government<00:17:30.600> and<00:17:30.840> the<00:17:31.039> different local government and the different local government and the different factions<00:17:33.960> so<00:17:34.960> what's<00:17:35.160> the<00:17:35.320> future<00:17:36.080> but<00:17:36.280> after factions so what's the future but after factions so what's the future but after all<00:17:37.120> we<00:17:37.280> are<00:17:37.720> the<00:17:37.880> mouse<00:17:38.799> whatever<00:17:39.160> the<00:17:39.280> future all we are the mouse whatever the future all we are the mouse whatever the future is<00:17:39.960> we<00:17:40.039> should<00:17:40.400> fight<00:17:40.960> against<00:17:41.400> the is we should fight against the is we should fight against the mouse<00:17:43.320> there<00:17:43.520> is<00:17:44.000> not<00:17:44.160> only<00:17:44.559> in<00:17:44.720> China<00:17:45.039> but mouse there is not only in China but mouse there is not only in China but also<00:17:45.400> in<00:17:45.520> the<00:17:45.640> United<00:17:46.000> States<00:17:46.400> there<00:17:46.520> are<00:17:46.679> know also in the United States there are know also in the United States there are know some<00:17:47.600> very<00:17:48.280> small<00:17:49.280> cute<00:17:49.760> but<00:17:50.000> bad some very small cute but bad some very small cute but bad cats<00:17:52.840> so cats so cats so P<00:17:55.600> ecta<00:17:56.600> TPP<00:17:57.320> and<00:17:58.000> itu P ecta TPP and itu P ecta TPP and itu you<00:18:00.080> and<00:18:00.280> also<00:18:00.919> like<00:18:01.240> Facebook<00:18:01.960> and<00:18:02.360> the you and also like Facebook and the you and also like Facebook and the Google<00:18:02.799> they<00:18:02.960> claim<00:18:03.360> they<00:18:03.480> are<00:18:03.640> friends<00:18:04.080> of Google they claim they are friends of Google they claim they are friends of the<00:18:04.360> mouse<00:18:05.120> but<00:18:05.559> sometimes<00:18:05.880> we<00:18:06.000> see<00:18:06.240> them the mouse but sometimes we see them the mouse but sometimes we see them dating<00:18:07.240> with<00:18:07.480> the dating with the dating with the cats<00:18:09.200> so<00:18:10.080> my<00:18:10.400> conclusion<00:18:11.080> is<00:18:11.280> very<00:18:11.520> simple<00:18:12.400> we cats so my conclusion is very simple we cats so my conclusion is very simple we Chinese<00:18:13.159> fight<00:18:13.640> our<00:18:13.919> for<00:18:14.120> our<00:18:14.559> freedom<00:18:15.559> you Chinese fight our for our freedom you Chinese fight our for our freedom you just<00:18:16.480> watch<00:18:17.240> your<00:18:17.559> bad<00:18:17.960> cats<00:18:18.760> don't<00:18:19.000> let<00:18:19.240> them just watch your bad cats don't let them just watch your bad cats don't let them to<00:18:19.640> hook<00:18:19.919> with<00:18:20.039> the<00:18:20.240> Chinese<00:18:20.919> cats<00:18:21.919> only<00:18:22.360> in to hook with the Chinese cats only in to hook with the Chinese cats only in this<00:18:23.520> in<00:18:23.679> the<00:18:23.840> future<00:18:24.360> we<00:18:24.520> will<00:18:24.799> achieve this in the future we will achieve this in the future we will achieve achieve<00:18:25.799> the<00:18:26.000> dreams<00:18:26.760> of<00:18:26.960> the<00:18:27.080> mouse<00:18:27.840> that<00:18:28.039> we achieve the dreams of the mouse that we achieve the dreams of the mouse that we can<00:18:28.400> can<00:18:28.520> treat<00:18:28.960> anytime<00:18:29.799> anywhere<00:18:30.760> without

fear<00:18:39.440> thank


Michael Anti, TED, China, Censorship, Chinese, censorship, internet, Google, Facebook, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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