Đào cho nguồn gốc của Nhân loại – Louise Leakey

Digging for humanity's origins - Louise Leakey

Digging for humanity's origins - Louise Leakey


who<00:00:16.430> are<00:00:16.820> we<00:00:17.180> that<00:00:18.110> is<00:00:18.290> the<00:00:18.800> big<00:00:19.100> question
who are we that is the big question who are we that is the big question and<00:00:19.850> essentially<00:00:20.570> we<00:00:20.779> are<00:00:20.810> just<00:00:21.800> an<00:00:22.130> upright and essentially we are just an upright and essentially we are just an upright walking<00:00:23.570> big<00:00:24.560> brain<00:00:24.980> super<00:00:25.970> intelligent<00:00:26.750> ape walking big brain super intelligent ape walking big brain super intelligent ape this<00:00:27.770> could<00:00:28.130> be<00:00:28.310> us<00:00:28.630> we<00:00:29.630> belong<00:00:29.960> to<00:00:30.170> the<00:00:30.289> family this could be us we belong to the family this could be us we belong to the family called<00:00:30.920> the<00:00:31.010> humanity<00:00:31.640> we<00:00:32.599> are<00:00:32.780> the<00:00:33.440> species called the humanity we are the species called the humanity we are the species called<00:00:34.850> Homo<00:00:35.000> sapiens<00:00:35.570> sapiens<00:00:36.320> and<00:00:36.980> it's called Homo sapiens sapiens and it's called Homo sapiens sapiens and it's important<00:00:38.000> to<00:00:38.090> remember<00:00:38.480> that<00:00:38.660> and<00:00:39.170> in<00:00:39.710> terms important to remember that and in terms important to remember that and in terms of<00:00:40.190> our<00:00:40.340> place<00:00:40.610> in<00:00:40.879> the<00:00:40.970> world<00:00:41.000> today<00:00:41.540> and<00:00:41.840> our of our place in the world today and our of our place in the world today and our future<00:00:42.860> and<00:00:42.980> planet<00:00:43.460> Earth future and planet Earth future and planet Earth we<00:00:44.900> are<00:00:45.230> one<00:00:45.640> species<00:00:46.640> of<00:00:48.010> about<00:00:49.010> five<00:00:49.370> and<00:00:49.670> a we are one species of about five and a we are one species of about five and a half<00:00:49.989> thousand<00:00:51.100> mammalian<00:00:52.100> species<00:00:52.370> that half thousand mammalian species that half thousand mammalian species that exist<00:00:53.089> on<00:00:53.269> planet<00:00:53.300> Earth<00:00:53.780> today<00:00:54.019> and<00:00:54.800> that's exist on planet Earth today and that's exist on planet Earth today and that's just<00:00:55.400> a<00:00:55.550> tiny<00:00:55.879> fraction<00:00:56.540> of<00:00:56.900> all<00:00:57.110> species<00:00:57.470> that just a tiny fraction of all species that just a tiny fraction of all species that have<00:00:57.860> ever<00:00:57.890> lived<00:00:58.339> on<00:00:58.729> the<00:00:59.300> planet<00:00:59.570> in<00:00:59.870> past have ever lived on the planet in past have ever lived on the planet in past times<00:01:00.580> we're<00:01:01.580> one<00:01:01.760> species<00:01:02.150> out<00:01:02.750> of times we're one species out of times we're one species out of approximately<00:01:04.549> one<00:01:04.699> let's<00:01:04.940> say<00:01:05.059> at<00:01:05.180> least approximately one let's say at least approximately one let's say at least sixteen<00:01:06.400> upright-walking<00:01:07.400> apes<00:01:08.030> that<00:01:08.299> have sixteen upright-walking apes that have sixteen upright-walking apes that have existed<00:01:09.020> over<00:01:09.229> the<00:01:09.409> past<00:01:09.650> six<00:01:09.950> to<00:01:10.010> eight existed over the past six to eight existed over the past six to eight million<00:01:10.490> years<00:01:11.030> but<00:01:11.510> as<00:01:11.600> far<00:01:11.780> as<00:01:11.870> we<00:01:12.020> know million years but as far as we know million years but as far as we know we're<00:01:12.380> the<00:01:12.500> only<00:01:12.530> upright-walking<00:01:13.250> ape<00:01:14.150> that we're the only upright-walking ape that we're the only upright-walking ape that exists<00:01:14.810> on<00:01:15.070> planet<00:01:16.070> Earth<00:01:16.219> today<00:01:16.570> except<00:01:17.570> for exists on planet Earth today except for exists on planet Earth today except for the<00:01:17.780> bonobos<00:01:18.079> and<00:01:18.289> it's<00:01:18.500> important<00:01:18.950> to the bonobos and it's important to the bonobos and it's important to remember<00:01:19.280> that<00:01:19.460> because<00:01:19.700> the<00:01:19.969> bonobos<00:01:20.539> are<00:01:20.810> so remember that because the bonobos are so remember that because the bonobos are so human<00:01:21.649> and<00:01:21.740> they<00:01:21.920> share<00:01:22.280> 99%<00:01:23.560> of<00:01:24.560> their<00:01:24.770> genes human and they share 99% of their genes human and they share 99% of their genes with<00:01:25.670> us<00:01:25.880> and<00:01:26.299> we<00:01:26.420> share<00:01:26.689> our<00:01:27.049> origins<00:01:27.680> with<00:01:27.979> a with us and we share our origins with a with us and we share our origins with a handful<00:01:28.670> of<00:01:28.729> the<00:01:29.450> living<00:01:29.810> great<00:01:30.350> apes<00:01:31.299> it's handful of the living great apes it's handful of the living great apes it's important<00:01:32.810> to<00:01:32.930> remember<00:01:33.200> that<00:01:33.770> we<00:01:33.950> evolved important to remember that we evolved important to remember that we evolved now<00:01:34.700> I<00:01:34.729> know<00:01:34.880> that's<00:01:35.119> a<00:01:35.299> dirty<00:01:35.570> word<00:01:35.750> for<00:01:36.170> some now I know that's a dirty word for some now I know that's a dirty word for some people<00:01:36.829> but<00:01:37.340> we<00:01:37.549> evolved<00:01:38.299> from<00:01:39.079> common people but we evolved from common people but we evolved from common ancestors<00:01:40.490> with<00:01:40.820> the<00:01:41.420> gorillas<00:01:43.030> the ancestors with the gorillas the ancestors with the gorillas the chimpanzee<00:01:44.780> and<00:01:46.000> also<00:01:47.000> the<00:01:47.570> bonobos<00:01:51.130> we<00:01:52.130> have chimpanzee and also the bonobos we have chimpanzee and also the bonobos we have a<00:01:52.310> common<00:01:52.789> past<00:01:53.090> and<00:01:53.659> we<00:01:53.869> have<00:01:54.109> a<00:01:54.320> common a common past and we have a common a common past and we have a common future<00:01:55.039> and<00:01:55.909> it<00:01:56.299> is<00:01:56.450> important<00:01:56.990> to<00:01:57.049> remember future and it is important to remember future and it is important to remember that<00:01:57.829> all<00:01:58.549> of<00:01:58.939> these<00:01:59.179> great<00:01:59.960> apes<00:02:00.700> have<00:02:01.700> come that all of these great apes have come that all of these great apes have come on<00:02:02.179> as<00:02:02.420> long<00:02:02.899> and<00:02:03.140> as<00:02:03.320> an<00:02:03.590> interesting on as long and as an interesting on as long and as an interesting evolutionary<00:02:04.939> journey<00:02:05.509> as<00:02:05.899> we<00:02:06.200> ourselves evolutionary journey as we ourselves evolutionary journey as we ourselves have<00:02:07.149> today<00:02:08.149> and<00:02:08.539> it's<00:02:09.170> this<00:02:09.410> journey<00:02:09.830> that<00:02:10.399> is have today and it's this journey that is have today and it's this journey that is of<00:02:10.819> such<00:02:11.060> interest<00:02:11.510> to<00:02:11.750> humanity<00:02:12.319> and<00:02:12.650> it's of such interest to humanity and it's of such interest to humanity and it's this<00:02:13.310> journey<00:02:13.640> that<00:02:14.030> has<00:02:14.360> been<00:02:14.780> the<00:02:15.050> focus<00:02:15.080> of this journey that has been the focus of this journey that has been the focus of the<00:02:15.770> past<00:02:16.010> three<00:02:16.310> generations<00:02:17.030> of<00:02:17.240> my<00:02:17.300> family the past three generations of my family the past three generations of my family as<00:02:18.170> we've<00:02:18.740> been<00:02:19.130> in<00:02:19.400> East<00:02:19.610> Africa<00:02:20.120> looking<00:02:20.690> for as we've been in East Africa looking for as we've been in East Africa looking for the<00:02:21.020> fossil<00:02:21.410> remains<00:02:21.590> of<00:02:21.980> our<00:02:22.730> ancestors<00:02:23.360> to the fossil remains of our ancestors to the fossil remains of our ancestors to try<00:02:23.810> and<00:02:23.960> piece try and piece try and piece together<00:02:24.620> our<00:02:24.859> evolutionary<00:02:25.459> past<00:02:25.760> and<00:02:26.540> this together our evolutionary past and this together our evolutionary past and this is<00:02:26.959> how<00:02:27.260> we<00:02:27.319> look<00:02:27.590> for<00:02:27.859> them<00:02:28.010> a<00:02:28.249> group<00:02:28.969> of is how we look for them a group of is how we look for them a group of dedicated<00:02:29.450> young<00:02:30.260> men<00:02:30.650> and<00:02:30.920> women<00:02:31.370> walk<00:02:32.030> very dedicated young men and women walk very dedicated young men and women walk very slowly<00:02:32.599> off<00:02:33.290> across<00:02:33.829> vast<00:02:34.280> areas<00:02:34.969> of<00:02:36.010> Africa slowly off across vast areas of Africa slowly off across vast areas of Africa looking<00:02:37.790> for<00:02:38.659> small<00:02:39.319> fragments<00:02:40.040> of<00:02:40.189> bone looking for small fragments of bone looking for small fragments of bone fossil<00:02:41.060> bone<00:02:41.269> that<00:02:41.810> may<00:02:42.079> be<00:02:42.139> on<00:02:42.409> the<00:02:42.620> surface fossil bone that may be on the surface fossil bone that may be on the surface and<00:02:43.639> that's<00:02:43.790> an<00:02:44.000> example<00:02:44.120> of<00:02:44.599> what<00:02:44.780> we<00:02:45.019> may<00:02:45.200> do and that's an example of what we may do and that's an example of what we may do as<00:02:45.709> we<00:02:46.159> walk<00:02:46.370> across<00:02:46.700> the<00:02:47.480> landscape<00:02:47.689> in as we walk across the landscape in as we walk across the landscape in northern<00:02:48.500> Kenya<00:02:48.829> looking<00:02:49.609> for<00:02:49.849> fossils<00:02:50.030> I northern Kenya looking for fossils I northern Kenya looking for fossils I thought<00:02:52.129> many<00:02:52.400> of<00:02:52.549> you<00:02:52.700> in<00:02:52.849> the<00:02:52.969> audience<00:02:53.120> can thought many of you in the audience can thought many of you in the audience can see<00:02:53.810> the<00:02:54.499> fossil<00:02:54.980> that's<00:02:55.219> in<00:02:55.370> this<00:02:55.579> picture see the fossil that's in this picture see the fossil that's in this picture but<00:02:56.480> if<00:02:56.569> you<00:02:56.719> look<00:02:56.870> very<00:02:56.900> carefully<00:02:57.409> there<00:02:57.919> is but if you look very carefully there is but if you look very carefully there is a<00:02:58.069> jaw<00:02:58.430> no<00:02:58.760> a<00:02:58.790> jaw<00:02:59.090> of<00:02:59.359> a<00:02:59.989> 4.1<00:03:00.709> million<00:03:00.980> year<00:03:01.280> old a jaw no a jaw of a 4.1 million year old a jaw no a jaw of a 4.1 million year old upright<00:03:02.150> walking<00:03:02.359> ape<00:03:02.750> as<00:03:03.079> it<00:03:03.560> was<00:03:03.709> found<00:03:03.980> at upright walking ape as it was found at upright walking ape as it was found at Lake<00:03:04.819> Turkana<00:03:05.030> on<00:03:05.389> the<00:03:05.540> west<00:03:05.719> side<00:03:08.680> it's Lake Turkana on the west side it's Lake Turkana on the west side it's extremely<00:03:10.549> time<00:03:10.819> consuming<00:03:11.769> labor-intensive extremely time consuming labor-intensive extremely time consuming labor-intensive and<00:03:13.010> it<00:03:13.340> is<00:03:13.549> something<00:03:13.819> that<00:03:14.000> it's<00:03:14.419> going<00:03:14.599> to and it is something that it's going to and it is something that it's going to involve<00:03:14.959> a<00:03:15.199> lot<00:03:15.349> more<00:03:15.620> people<00:03:15.889> to<00:03:16.340> begin<00:03:16.909> to involve a lot more people to begin to involve a lot more people to begin to piece<00:03:17.659> together<00:03:17.870> our<00:03:18.409> paths<00:03:19.189> we<00:03:19.489> still<00:03:19.790> really piece together our paths we still really piece together our paths we still really haven't<00:03:20.659> got<00:03:20.989> a<00:03:21.019> very<00:03:21.319> complete<00:03:21.739> picture<00:03:21.769> of haven't got a very complete picture of haven't got a very complete picture of it<00:03:22.930> when<00:03:23.930> we<00:03:23.959> find<00:03:24.379> a<00:03:24.500> fossil<00:03:24.709> we<00:03:25.489> market<00:03:26.299> today it when we find a fossil we market today it when we find a fossil we market today we've<00:03:26.870> got<00:03:27.109> great<00:03:27.319> technology<00:03:28.040> we<00:03:28.129> have<00:03:28.280> GPS we've got great technology we have GPS we've got great technology we have GPS we<00:03:29.449> mark<00:03:29.780> it<00:03:29.900> with<00:03:30.019> a<00:03:30.049> GPS<00:03:30.799> fix<00:03:31.129> and<00:03:31.519> we<00:03:31.669> also we mark it with a GPS fix and we also we mark it with a GPS fix and we also take<00:03:32.209> a<00:03:32.479> digital<00:03:33.079> photograph<00:03:33.560> of<00:03:33.919> the take a digital photograph of the take a digital photograph of the specimen<00:03:35.329> so<00:03:35.449> we<00:03:35.720> could<00:03:35.900> essentially<00:03:36.259> put<00:03:36.590> it specimen so we could essentially put it specimen so we could essentially put it back<00:03:37.040> on<00:03:37.370> the<00:03:37.609> surface<00:03:38.169> exactly<00:03:39.169> where<00:03:39.739> we back on the surface exactly where we back on the surface exactly where we found<00:03:40.189> it<00:03:40.400> and<00:03:40.519> we<00:03:40.609> can<00:03:40.759> bring<00:03:40.909> all<00:03:41.060> this found it and we can bring all this found it and we can bring all this information<00:03:41.209> into<00:03:42.049> big<00:03:42.229> GIS<00:03:42.709> packages<00:03:43.370> today information into big GIS packages today information into big GIS packages today when<00:03:45.799> we<00:03:45.919> then<00:03:46.159> find<00:03:46.430> something<00:03:46.849> very when we then find something very when we then find something very important<00:03:47.750> like<00:03:48.290> the<00:03:48.319> bones<00:03:48.949> of<00:03:49.220> a<00:03:49.280> human important like the bones of a human important like the bones of a human ancestor<00:03:50.120> we<00:03:50.479> begin<00:03:50.930> to<00:03:51.470> excavate<00:03:52.129> it ancestor we begin to excavate it ancestor we begin to excavate it extremely<00:03:53.030> carefully<00:03:53.750> and<00:03:53.870> slowly<00:03:54.049> using extremely carefully and slowly using extremely carefully and slowly using dental<00:03:54.919> picks<00:03:55.400> and<00:03:55.729> fine<00:03:56.449> paintbrushes<00:03:57.139> and dental picks and fine paintbrushes and dental picks and fine paintbrushes and all<00:03:58.069> the<00:03:58.220> sediment<00:03:58.430> is<00:03:58.790> then<00:03:58.939> put<00:03:59.209> through all the sediment is then put through all the sediment is then put through these<00:03:59.659> screens<00:04:00.109> and<00:04:00.439> where<00:04:01.040> we<00:04:01.189> go<00:04:01.370> again these screens and where we go again these screens and where we go again through<00:04:01.970> it<00:04:02.060> very<00:04:02.239> carefully<00:04:02.419> looking<00:04:02.930> for through it very carefully looking for through it very carefully looking for small<00:04:03.319> bone<00:04:03.530> fragments<00:04:04.220> and<00:04:04.430> it's<00:04:05.209> been small bone fragments and it's been small bone fragments and it's been washed<00:04:05.720> and<00:04:06.199> these<00:04:06.769> things<00:04:07.009> are<00:04:07.250> so<00:04:07.579> exciting washed and these things are so exciting washed and these things are so exciting they<00:04:08.599> are<00:04:08.719> so<00:04:08.930> often<00:04:09.340> the<00:04:10.340> only<00:04:10.519> or<00:04:11.000> the<00:04:11.060> very they are so often the only or the very they are so often the only or the very first<00:04:11.810> time<00:04:12.109> that<00:04:12.409> anybody<00:04:12.620> has<00:04:12.979> ever<00:04:13.159> seen first time that anybody has ever seen first time that anybody has ever seen the<00:04:14.180> remains<00:04:14.599> and<00:04:14.959> here<00:04:15.530> is<00:04:15.620> a<00:04:15.650> very<00:04:15.919> special the remains and here is a very special the remains and here is a very special moment<00:04:16.579> when<00:04:16.940> my<00:04:17.900> mother<00:04:18.139> and<00:04:18.259> myself<00:04:18.759> were moment when my mother and myself were moment when my mother and myself were digging<00:04:20.090> up<00:04:20.269> and<00:04:20.870> some<00:04:21.440> remains<00:04:21.799> of<00:04:22.240> human digging up and some remains of human digging up and some remains of human human<00:04:23.810> ancestors<00:04:24.469> and<00:04:24.710> it<00:04:25.039> isn't<00:04:25.370> one<00:04:25.580> of<00:04:25.610> the human ancestors and it isn't one of the human ancestors and it isn't one of the most<00:04:26.030> special<00:04:26.330> things<00:04:26.719> to<00:04:26.810> ever<00:04:27.050> do<00:04:27.409> with<00:04:27.889> your most special things to ever do with your most special things to ever do with your mother

cannot<00:04:33.329> many<00:04:33.599> people<00:04:34.049> look<00:04:34.169> and<00:04:34.319> say<00:04:34.439> that<00:04:34.860> but
cannot many people look and say that but cannot many people look and say that but now<00:04:35.519> let<00:04:35.789> me<00:04:35.939> take<00:04:36.209> you<00:04:36.449> back<00:04:36.509> to<00:04:37.009> Africa<00:04:39.349> two now let me take you back to Africa two now let me take you back to Africa two million<00:04:40.709> years<00:04:40.949> ago<00:04:41.129> I<00:04:41.699> just<00:04:42.539> like<00:04:42.689> to<00:04:42.869> point million years ago I just like to point million years ago I just like to point out<00:04:43.349> if<00:04:43.589> you<00:04:43.769> look<00:04:43.949> at<00:04:44.129> the<00:04:44.309> map<00:04:44.909> of<00:04:45.179> Africa<00:04:45.299> it out if you look at the map of Africa it out if you look at the map of Africa it does<00:04:46.589> actually<00:04:46.889> look<00:04:47.249> like<00:04:47.489> a<00:04:48.209> hominid<00:04:48.929> skull does actually look like a hominid skull does actually look like a hominid skull in<00:04:50.309> its<00:04:50.759> shape<00:04:54.949> now<00:04:55.949> we're<00:04:56.159> going<00:04:56.309> to<00:04:56.369> go<00:04:56.519> to in its shape now we're going to go to in its shape now we're going to go to the<00:04:56.849> East<00:04:57.329> African<00:04:57.719> and<00:04:58.169> the<00:04:58.199> Rift<00:04:58.919> Valley the East African and the Rift Valley the East African and the Rift Valley essentially<00:04:59.999> runs<00:05:00.239> up<00:05:00.509> from<00:05:00.839> the<00:05:01.439> Gulf<00:05:01.649> of essentially runs up from the Gulf of essentially runs up from the Gulf of Aden<00:05:02.539> or<00:05:03.539> runs<00:05:03.839> down<00:05:04.379> to<00:05:04.649> Lake<00:05:04.829> Malawi<00:05:05.189> and<00:05:05.899> the Aden or runs down to Lake Malawi and the Aden or runs down to Lake Malawi and the Rift<00:05:07.079> Valley<00:05:07.169> is<00:05:07.709> a<00:05:07.739> depression<00:05:08.309> it's<00:05:08.669> a<00:05:08.849> basin Rift Valley is a depression it's a basin Rift Valley is a depression it's a basin and<00:05:09.769> rivers<00:05:10.769> flowed<00:05:11.219> down<00:05:11.519> from<00:05:11.939> the and rivers flowed down from the and rivers flowed down from the highlands<00:05:12.629> into<00:05:13.439> the<00:05:13.669> basin<00:05:14.669> carrying highlands into the basin carrying highlands into the basin carrying sediment<00:05:16.459> preserving<00:05:17.459> the<00:05:18.089> bones<00:05:18.329> of<00:05:18.539> animals sediment preserving the bones of animals sediment preserving the bones of animals that<00:05:19.259> live<00:05:19.469> there<00:05:19.709> if<00:05:19.829> you<00:05:19.979> want<00:05:20.219> to<00:05:20.369> become<00:05:20.519> a that live there if you want to become a that live there if you want to become a fossil<00:05:21.179> you<00:05:21.389> actually<00:05:22.019> need<00:05:22.169> to<00:05:22.199> die fossil you actually need to die fossil you actually need to die somewhere<00:05:23.399> where<00:05:23.519> your<00:05:23.639> bones<00:05:23.909> will<00:05:24.149> be somewhere where your bones will be somewhere where your bones will be rapidly<00:05:24.629> buried<00:05:24.959> you<00:05:25.709> then<00:05:25.739> hope<00:05:26.129> that<00:05:26.459> the rapidly buried you then hope that the rapidly buried you then hope that the earth<00:05:26.759> moves<00:05:27.179> in<00:05:27.360> such<00:05:27.569> a<00:05:27.599> way<00:05:27.869> as<00:05:28.019> to<00:05:28.049> bring earth moves in such a way as to bring earth moves in such a way as to bring the<00:05:28.799> bones<00:05:29.009> back<00:05:29.309> up<00:05:29.549> to<00:05:29.729> the<00:05:29.849> surface<00:05:30.119> and the bones back up to the surface and the bones back up to the surface and then<00:05:31.949> you<00:05:32.069> hope<00:05:32.309> that<00:05:32.759> one<00:05:32.909> of<00:05:33.059> us<00:05:33.179> lot<00:05:33.449> will then you hope that one of us lot will then you hope that one of us lot will walk<00:05:33.779> around<00:05:34.110> and<00:05:34.349> find<00:05:34.559> small<00:05:34.949> pieces<00:05:35.219> of<00:05:35.519> you walk around and find small pieces of you walk around and find small pieces of you okay<00:05:37.319> so<00:05:37.860> it<00:05:37.979> is<00:05:38.129> absolutely<00:05:38.329> surprising<00:05:39.329> that okay so it is absolutely surprising that okay so it is absolutely surprising that we<00:05:39.899> know<00:05:40.079> as<00:05:40.259> much<00:05:40.469> as<00:05:40.769> we<00:05:40.949> do<00:05:41.249> know<00:05:41.489> today we know as much as we do know today we know as much as we do know today about<00:05:42.389> our<00:05:43.019> ancestors<00:05:43.739> because<00:05:44.069> it's about our ancestors because it's about our ancestors because it's incredibly<00:05:44.879> difficult<00:05:45.059> eh<00:05:45.509> for<00:05:45.899> these<00:05:46.019> things incredibly difficult eh for these things incredibly difficult eh for these things to<00:05:46.499> become<00:05:46.679> to<00:05:47.459> be<00:05:47.610> preserved<00:05:48.029> and<00:05:48.329> secondly to become to be preserved and secondly to become to be preserved and secondly for<00:05:49.199> them<00:05:49.349> to<00:05:49.559> have<00:05:49.649> been<00:05:49.709> brought<00:05:50.039> back<00:05:50.459> up<00:05:50.669> to for them to have been brought back up to for them to have been brought back up to the<00:05:50.909> surface<00:05:51.149> and<00:05:51.449> we<00:05:52.019> really<00:05:52.469> have<00:05:53.159> only the surface and we really have only the surface and we really have only spent<00:05:53.669> fifty<00:05:54.209> years<00:05:54.449> looking<00:05:55.169> for<00:05:55.409> these spent fifty years looking for these spent fifty years looking for these remains<00:05:55.979> and<00:05:56.219> begin<00:05:56.550> to<00:05:56.699> actually<00:05:56.999> piece remains and begin to actually piece remains and begin to actually piece together<00:05:57.419> our<00:05:58.069> evolutionary<00:05:59.069> story<00:05:59.369> so together our evolutionary story so together our evolutionary story so that's<00:06:00.509> good<00:06:00.809> too<00:06:01.559> Lake<00:06:01.769> Turkana<00:06:02.039> which<00:06:02.519> is that's good too Lake Turkana which is that's good too Lake Turkana which is one<00:06:02.909> such<00:06:03.239> Lake<00:06:03.629> basin<00:06:04.169> in<00:06:04.409> the<00:06:04.559> very<00:06:04.769> north<00:06:05.069> of one such Lake basin in the very north of one such Lake basin in the very north of our<00:06:05.309> country<00:06:05.369> Kenya<00:06:05.939> and<00:06:06.589> if<00:06:07.589> you<00:06:07.739> look<00:06:07.889> north our country Kenya and if you look north our country Kenya and if you look north here<00:06:08.699> there's<00:06:08.939> a<00:06:09.029> big<00:06:09.209> river<00:06:09.419> that<00:06:09.569> flows<00:06:09.959> into here there's a big river that flows into here there's a big river that flows into the<00:06:10.499> lake<00:06:10.649> that's<00:06:10.979> been<00:06:11.219> carrying<00:06:11.579> sediment the lake that's been carrying sediment the lake that's been carrying sediment and<00:06:12.149> preserving<00:06:12.779> the<00:06:12.929> remains<00:06:13.289> of<00:06:13.499> the and preserving the remains of the and preserving the remains of the animals<00:06:14.219> that<00:06:14.339> live<00:06:14.669> there<00:06:14.779> fossil<00:06:15.779> sites<00:06:16.019> run animals that live there fossil sites run animals that live there fossil sites run up<00:06:16.919> and<00:06:17.279> down<00:06:17.459> both<00:06:17.879> lengths<00:06:18.479> of<00:06:18.629> that<00:06:19.049> lake up and down both lengths of that lake up and down both lengths of that lake basin<00:06:19.829> which<00:06:20.189> represents<00:06:20.939> some<00:06:21.479> twenty basin which represents some twenty basin which represents some twenty thousand<00:06:22.619> square<00:06:23.129> miles<00:06:23.610> that's<00:06:24.389> a<00:06:24.569> huge<00:06:24.929> job thousand square miles that's a huge job thousand square miles that's a huge job that<00:06:25.529> we've<00:06:25.649> got<00:06:25.919> on<00:06:26.039> our<00:06:26.189> hands<00:06:27.110> two<00:06:28.110> million that we've got on our hands two million that we've got on our hands two million years<00:06:28.649> ago<00:06:28.799> at<00:06:29.519> Lake<00:06:30.029> Turkana<00:06:30.239> Homo<00:06:31.079> erectus years ago at Lake Turkana Homo erectus years ago at Lake Turkana Homo erectus one<00:06:32.069> of<00:06:32.249> our<00:06:32.399> human<00:06:32.879> ancestors<00:06:33.179> actually one of our human ancestors actually one of our human ancestors actually lived<00:06:34.319> in<00:06:34.619> this<00:06:34.979> region<00:06:35.249> you<00:06:35.579> can<00:06:35.789> see<00:06:35.999> some<00:06:36.239> of lived in this region you can see some of lived in this region you can see some of the<00:06:36.449> major<00:06:36.629> fossil<00:06:37.019> sites<00:06:37.439> that<00:06:38.039> we've<00:06:38.249> been the major fossil sites that we've been the major fossil sites that we've been working<00:06:38.669> in<00:06:39.119> the<00:06:39.809> north<00:06:40.050> but<00:06:40.589> essentially working in the north but essentially working in the north but essentially two<00:06:41.430> million<00:06:41.820> years<00:06:42.030> ago<00:06:42.560> Homo<00:06:43.560> erectus<00:06:43.770> up<00:06:44.760> in two million years ago Homo erectus up in two million years ago Homo erectus up in the<00:06:45.150> far<00:06:45.389> right<00:06:46.290> corner<00:06:46.560> lived<00:06:47.460> alongside the far right corner lived alongside the far right corner lived alongside three<00:06:49.139> other<00:06:49.470> species<00:06:50.400> of<00:06:50.610> human<00:06:51.540> ancestor

and<00:06:54.750> here<00:06:55.080> is<00:06:55.199> a<00:06:55.229> skull<00:06:55.620> of<00:06:55.830> a<00:06:56.430> homo<00:06:56.669> erectus
and here is a skull of a homo erectus and here is a skull of a homo erectus which<00:06:57.690> have<00:06:57.840> just<00:06:58.050> pulled<00:06:58.290> off<00:06:58.410> the<00:06:58.650> shelf which have just pulled off the shelf which have just pulled off the shelf there<00:07:02.990> but<00:07:03.990> it<00:07:04.139> is<00:07:04.290> not<00:07:04.530> to<00:07:05.310> say<00:07:05.550> that<00:07:06.330> being<00:07:06.870> a there but it is not to say that being a there but it is not to say that being a single<00:07:07.380> species<00:07:08.040> on<00:07:08.370> planet<00:07:08.699> Earth<00:07:09.090> is<00:07:09.389> the single species on planet Earth is the single species on planet Earth is the norm<00:07:09.810> in<00:07:10.020> fact<00:07:10.320> if<00:07:10.560> you<00:07:10.710> go<00:07:10.830> back<00:07:11.100> in<00:07:11.370> time<00:07:11.610> it norm in fact if you go back in time it norm in fact if you go back in time it is<00:07:12.270> the<00:07:12.479> norm<00:07:12.780> that<00:07:13.320> there<00:07:13.530> are<00:07:13.650> multiple is the norm that there are multiple is the norm that there are multiple species<00:07:14.669> of<00:07:15.060> hominids<00:07:15.720> of<00:07:15.960> human<00:07:16.860> ancestors species of hominids of human ancestors species of hominids of human ancestors that<00:07:17.490> coexist<00:07:18.210> at<00:07:18.389> any<00:07:18.539> one<00:07:18.750> time<00:07:18.780> where<00:07:19.470> did that coexist at any one time where did that coexist at any one time where did these<00:07:19.830> things<00:07:20.430> come<00:07:20.760> from<00:07:21.020> that's<00:07:22.020> what<00:07:22.320> we're these things come from that's what we're these things come from that's what we're still<00:07:22.770> trying<00:07:23.190> to<00:07:23.310> find<00:07:23.699> answers<00:07:23.910> to<00:07:24.270> and<00:07:24.510> it still trying to find answers to and it still trying to find answers to and it is<00:07:25.380> important<00:07:26.160> to<00:07:26.250> realize<00:07:26.550> that<00:07:26.820> there<00:07:27.090> is is important to realize that there is is important to realize that there is diversity<00:07:28.050> in<00:07:28.260> all<00:07:28.590> different<00:07:28.979> species<00:07:29.190> and diversity in all different species and diversity in all different species and our<00:07:30.270> ancestors<00:07:31.020> are<00:07:31.169> no<00:07:31.410> exception<00:07:34.639> there's our ancestors are no exception there's our ancestors are no exception there's some<00:07:35.789> reconstructions<00:07:36.570> of<00:07:36.690> some<00:07:37.440> of<00:07:37.560> the some reconstructions of some of the some reconstructions of some of the fossils<00:07:38.840> that<00:07:39.840> have<00:07:40.650> been<00:07:40.770> found<00:07:41.570> from<00:07:42.570> Lake fossils that have been found from Lake fossils that have been found from Lake Turkana<00:07:42.990> but<00:07:43.289> I<00:07:43.440> was<00:07:43.650> very<00:07:43.919> lucky<00:07:44.190> to<00:07:44.430> have Turkana but I was very lucky to have Turkana but I was very lucky to have been<00:07:44.880> brought<00:07:45.150> up<00:07:45.389> in<00:07:45.720> Kenya<00:07:46.229> essentially been brought up in Kenya essentially been brought up in Kenya essentially accompanying<00:07:47.669> my<00:07:47.820> parents<00:07:48.360> to<00:07:49.020> Lake<00:07:49.500> Turkana accompanying my parents to Lake Turkana accompanying my parents to Lake Turkana in<00:07:50.400> search<00:07:50.820> of<00:07:51.090> human<00:07:51.330> remains<00:07:51.660> and<00:07:52.080> we<00:07:52.860> were in search of human remains and we were in search of human remains and we were able<00:07:53.310> to<00:07:54.060> dig<00:07:54.270> up<00:07:54.419> when<00:07:54.660> we<00:07:54.750> got<00:07:54.900> old<00:07:55.080> enough able to dig up when we got old enough able to dig up when we got old enough fossils<00:07:56.280> such<00:07:56.729> as<00:07:56.970> this<00:07:57.120> a<00:07:57.419> slender<00:07:58.200> snouted fossils such as this a slender snouted fossils such as this a slender snouted crocodile<00:07:59.190> and<00:08:00.050> we<00:08:01.050> dug<00:08:01.289> up<00:08:01.410> giant<00:08:01.889> tortoises crocodile and we dug up giant tortoises crocodile and we dug up giant tortoises and<00:08:02.550> elephants<00:08:03.450> and<00:08:03.539> things<00:08:03.780> like<00:08:03.930> that<00:08:03.990> but and elephants and things like that but and elephants and things like that but when<00:08:04.500> I<00:08:04.560> was<00:08:04.860> 12<00:08:05.220> as<00:08:05.520> I<00:08:05.610> was<00:08:05.760> in<00:08:05.940> this<00:08:06.060> picture<00:08:06.510> a when I was 12 as I was in this picture a when I was 12 as I was in this picture a very<00:08:07.229> exciting<00:08:08.039> expedition<00:08:08.849> was<00:08:08.970> in<00:08:09.150> place<00:08:09.330> on very exciting expedition was in place on very exciting expedition was in place on the<00:08:09.599> west<00:08:09.780> side<00:08:10.020> when<00:08:10.919> they<00:08:11.039> found the west side when they found the west side when they found essentially<00:08:12.360> the<00:08:13.169> skeleton<00:08:13.740> of<00:08:13.919> this<00:08:14.460> Homo essentially the skeleton of this Homo essentially the skeleton of this Homo erectus<00:08:15.270> I<00:08:17.090> could<00:08:18.090> relate<00:08:18.330> to<00:08:18.389> this<00:08:19.110> Homo erectus I could relate to this Homo erectus I could relate to this Homo erectus<00:08:19.650> skeleton<00:08:20.490> very<00:08:21.449> well<00:08:21.690> because<00:08:22.050> I<00:08:22.320> was erectus skeleton very well because I was erectus skeleton very well because I was the<00:08:22.949> same<00:08:23.160> age<00:08:23.340> that<00:08:23.400> he<00:08:24.270> was<00:08:24.479> when<00:08:24.750> he<00:08:24.990> died the same age that he was when he died the same age that he was when he died and<00:08:26.460> I<00:08:27.389> imagined<00:08:27.960> him<00:08:28.139> to<00:08:28.949> be<00:08:29.160> tall<00:08:30.120> dark and I imagined him to be tall dark and I imagined him to be tall dark skinned<00:08:31.940> his<00:08:32.940> brother<00:08:33.209> certainly<00:08:33.870> were<00:08:34.140> able skinned his brother certainly were able skinned his brother certainly were able to<00:08:34.620> run<00:08:34.830> long<00:08:35.070> distances<00:08:35.789> chasing<00:08:36.719> prey to run long distances chasing prey to run long distances chasing prey probably<00:08:37.919> sweating<00:08:38.279> heavily<00:08:38.940> as<00:08:39.150> they<00:08:39.630> did<00:08:39.839> so probably sweating heavily as they did so probably sweating heavily as they did so he<00:08:40.260> was<00:08:40.409> very<00:08:40.440> able<00:08:41.310> to<00:08:41.490> use<00:08:41.729> stones he was very able to use stones he was very able to use stones effectively<00:08:43.349> as<00:08:43.500> tools<00:08:43.890> and<00:08:44.660> this<00:08:45.660> individual effectively as tools and this individual effectively as tools and this individual himself<00:08:46.440> this<00:08:47.160> one<00:08:47.400> that<00:08:47.550> I'm<00:08:47.670> holding<00:08:47.880> up himself this one that I'm holding up himself this one that I'm holding up here<00:08:48.450> actually<00:08:49.050> had<00:08:49.230> a<00:08:49.260> bad<00:08:49.560> back<00:08:49.890> he<00:08:50.730> probably here actually had a bad back he probably here actually had a bad back he probably had<00:08:51.300> an<00:08:51.450> injury<00:08:51.870> as<00:08:52.050> a<00:08:52.079> child<00:08:52.790> he had an injury as a child he had an injury as a child he the<00:08:54.110> scoliosis<00:08:54.590> and<00:08:55.250> therefore<00:08:55.850> must<00:08:56.060> have the scoliosis and therefore must have the scoliosis and therefore must have been<00:08:56.330> looked<00:08:56.600> after<00:08:56.870> quite<00:08:57.560> carefully<00:08:58.160> by been looked after quite carefully by been looked after quite carefully by other<00:08:58.730> female<00:08:59.630> and<00:08:59.900> probably<00:09:00.320> much<00:09:00.500> smaller other female and probably much smaller other female and probably much smaller members<00:09:01.340> of<00:09:01.640> his<00:09:01.880> family<00:09:02.090> group<00:09:02.540> to<00:09:03.050> have<00:09:03.170> got members of his family group to have got members of his family group to have got to<00:09:03.380> where<00:09:03.710> he<00:09:04.430> did<00:09:04.750> in<00:09:05.750> life<00:09:06.050> age<00:09:06.470> 12 to where he did in life age 12 to where he did in life age 12 unfortunately<00:09:08.240> for<00:09:08.480> him<00:09:08.660> he<00:09:09.380> fell<00:09:09.680> into<00:09:09.860> a unfortunately for him he fell into a unfortunately for him he fell into a swamp<00:09:10.370> and<00:09:10.700> was<00:09:11.420> and<00:09:11.750> couldn't<00:09:12.230> get<00:09:12.380> out swamp and was and couldn't get out swamp and was and couldn't get out essentially<00:09:13.490> his<00:09:13.640> bones<00:09:13.880> were<00:09:14.120> rapidly essentially his bones were rapidly essentially his bones were rapidly buried<00:09:14.930> and<00:09:15.640> beautifully<00:09:16.640> preserved<00:09:17.120> and<00:09:17.480> he buried and beautifully preserved and he buried and beautifully preserved and he remained<00:09:18.440> there<00:09:18.740> until<00:09:20.380> 1.6<00:09:21.380> million<00:09:21.740> years remained there until 1.6 million years remained there until 1.6 million years later<00:09:22.460> when<00:09:23.390> this<00:09:23.540> very<00:09:23.840> famous<00:09:24.170> fossil later when this very famous fossil later when this very famous fossil hunter<00:09:25.130> Camille<00:09:25.460> Camille<00:09:25.840> walked<00:09:26.840> along<00:09:27.230> a hunter Camille Camille walked along a hunter Camille Camille walked along a small<00:09:28.010> hillside<00:09:28.640> and<00:09:28.970> found<00:09:29.600> that<00:09:30.080> small small hillside and found that small small hillside and found that small piece<00:09:30.920> of<00:09:31.250> his<00:09:31.430> skull<00:09:31.760> lying<00:09:32.420> on<00:09:32.630> the<00:09:32.780> surface piece of his skull lying on the surface piece of his skull lying on the surface amongst<00:09:33.770> the<00:09:33.860> pebbles<00:09:34.570> recognized<00:09:35.570> it<00:09:35.840> as<00:09:35.960> as amongst the pebbles recognized it as as amongst the pebbles recognized it as as being<00:09:36.980> hominid<00:09:37.820> it<00:09:38.470> it's<00:09:39.470> actually<00:09:39.830> this being hominid it it's actually this being hominid it it's actually this little<00:09:40.250> piece<00:09:40.460> up<00:09:40.670> here<00:09:40.940> on<00:09:41.030> the<00:09:41.150> top<00:09:41.530> well<00:09:42.530> an little piece up here on the top well an little piece up here on the top well an excavation<00:09:43.430> was<00:09:44.270> begun<00:09:44.780> immediately<00:09:45.530> and excavation was begun immediately and excavation was begun immediately and more<00:09:46.370> and<00:09:46.520> more<00:09:46.730> little<00:09:46.910> bits<00:09:47.210> of<00:09:47.450> skull more and more little bits of skull more and more little bits of skull started<00:09:48.650> to<00:09:48.830> be<00:09:49.180> extracted<00:09:50.180> from<00:09:50.600> the started to be extracted from the started to be extracted from the sediment<00:09:51.050> and<00:09:51.470> what<00:09:51.860> was<00:09:52.010> so<00:09:52.160> fun<00:09:52.430> about<00:09:52.670> it sediment and what was so fun about it sediment and what was so fun about it was<00:09:53.210> the<00:09:53.480> skull<00:09:54.260> pieces<00:09:54.740> got<00:09:55.160> closer<00:09:55.550> and was the skull pieces got closer and was the skull pieces got closer and closer<00:09:56.150> to<00:09:56.870> the<00:09:57.020> roots<00:09:57.230> of<00:09:57.470> the<00:09:57.680> tree<00:09:57.950> and closer to the roots of the tree and closer to the roots of the tree and fairly<00:09:59.810> recently<00:10:00.290> the<00:10:00.500> tree<00:10:00.740> had<00:10:00.890> grown<00:10:01.160> up fairly recently the tree had grown up fairly recently the tree had grown up but<00:10:02.210> it<00:10:02.330> had<00:10:02.450> found<00:10:02.750> that<00:10:03.230> the<00:10:03.350> skull<00:10:03.740> had but it had found that the skull had but it had found that the skull had captured<00:10:04.490> nice<00:10:05.090> water<00:10:05.510> in<00:10:05.900> the<00:10:06.050> hillside<00:10:06.500> and captured nice water in the hillside and captured nice water in the hillside and so<00:10:07.130> it<00:10:07.190> had<00:10:07.280> decided<00:10:07.430> to<00:10:07.910> grow<00:10:08.120> its<00:10:08.300> roots<00:10:08.600> in so it had decided to grow its roots in so it had decided to grow its roots in and<00:10:08.990> around<00:10:09.200> this<00:10:09.470> holding<00:10:10.190> it<00:10:10.310> in<00:10:10.460> place<00:10:10.610> and and around this holding it in place and and around this holding it in place and preventing<00:10:11.840> it<00:10:11.930> from<00:10:11.960> washing<00:10:12.560> away<00:10:12.890> down<00:10:13.460> the preventing it from washing away down the preventing it from washing away down the slope<00:10:14.410> we<00:10:15.410> began<00:10:15.740> to<00:10:15.980> find<00:10:16.220> limb<00:10:16.610> bones<00:10:16.880> we slope we began to find limb bones we slope we began to find limb bones we found<00:10:17.510> finger<00:10:18.260> bones<00:10:18.500> the<00:10:19.280> bones<00:10:19.460> of<00:10:19.730> the found finger bones the bones of the found finger bones the bones of the pelvis<00:10:20.650> vertebrae<00:10:21.650> ribs<00:10:21.980> collarbones<00:10:22.940> things pelvis vertebrae ribs collarbones things pelvis vertebrae ribs collarbones things that<00:10:24.020> had<00:10:24.140> never<00:10:24.410> ever<00:10:24.710> been<00:10:25.070> seen<00:10:25.430> before<00:10:25.490> and that had never ever been seen before and that had never ever been seen before and in<00:10:27.170> Homo<00:10:27.560> erectus in Homo erectus in Homo erectus it<00:10:28.190> was<00:10:28.490> truly<00:10:29.060> exciting<00:10:29.810> he<00:10:30.320> had<00:10:30.590> a<00:10:30.890> body<00:10:31.460> very it was truly exciting he had a body very it was truly exciting he had a body very similar<00:10:32.570> to<00:10:33.080> our<00:10:33.230> own<00:10:33.260> and<00:10:33.880> he<00:10:34.880> was<00:10:35.120> on<00:10:35.420> the similar to our own and he was on the similar to our own and he was on the threshold<00:10:36.080> of<00:10:36.560> becoming<00:10:37.220> human threshold of becoming human threshold of becoming human well<00:10:39.500> it's<00:10:39.920> shortly<00:10:40.310> afterwards<00:10:40.820> members<00:10:41.330> of well it's shortly afterwards members of well it's shortly afterwards members of his<00:10:41.690> species<00:10:42.290> started<00:10:42.920> to<00:10:43.040> move<00:10:43.250> northwards his species started to move northwards his species started to move northwards out<00:10:44.720> of<00:10:45.050> Africa<00:10:45.620> and<00:10:45.740> you<00:10:45.800> start<00:10:46.100> to<00:10:46.340> see out of Africa and you start to see out of Africa and you start to see fossils<00:10:47.060> of<00:10:47.270> Homo<00:10:48.140> erectus<00:10:48.290> in<00:10:48.800> Georgia<00:10:49.490> and fossils of Homo erectus in Georgia and fossils of Homo erectus in Georgia and China<00:10:51.100> and<00:10:52.100> also<00:10:52.670> in<00:10:52.910> parts<00:10:53.270> of<00:10:53.390> Indonesia<00:10:53.800> so China and also in parts of Indonesia so China and also in parts of Indonesia so Homo<00:10:55.040> erectus<00:10:55.190> was<00:10:55.520> the<00:10:55.700> first<00:10:56.260> human Homo erectus was the first human Homo erectus was the first human ancestor<00:10:57.920> to<00:10:58.220> leave<00:10:58.400> Africa<00:10:59.000> and<00:10:59.210> begin<00:10:59.720> its ancestor to leave Africa and begin its ancestor to leave Africa and begin its spread<00:11:00.650> across<00:11:00.980> the<00:11:01.100> globe

some<00:11:04.510> exciting<00:11:05.170> finds<00:11:05.440> again<00:11:05.920> as<00:11:06.040> I<00:11:06.130> mentioned
some exciting finds again as I mentioned some exciting finds again as I mentioned from<00:11:06.700> Dmanisi<00:11:07.210> in<00:11:07.570> the<00:11:07.690> Republic<00:11:08.260> of<00:11:08.410> Georgia from Dmanisi in the Republic of Georgia from Dmanisi in the Republic of Georgia but<00:11:09.040> also<00:11:09.450> surprising<00:11:10.450> finds<00:11:10.840> from<00:11:11.260> recently but also surprising finds from recently but also surprising finds from recently announced<00:11:12.580> from<00:11:12.790> the<00:11:13.240> island<00:11:13.570> of<00:11:13.720> Flores<00:11:14.080> in announced from the island of Flores in announced from the island of Flores in Indonesia<00:11:14.710> where<00:11:15.370> a<00:11:15.640> group<00:11:15.850> of<00:11:16.150> these<00:11:16.530> human Indonesia where a group of these human Indonesia where a group of these human ancestors<00:11:18.010> have<00:11:18.190> been<00:11:18.310> isolated<00:11:18.580> and<00:11:19.330> have ancestors have been isolated and have ancestors have been isolated and have become<00:11:20.290> dwarfed<00:11:21.070> and<00:11:21.220> they're<00:11:21.430> only<00:11:21.610> about<00:11:21.880> a become dwarfed and they're only about a become dwarfed and they're only about a metre<00:11:22.570> in<00:11:22.990> height<00:11:23.260> but<00:11:23.980> they<00:11:24.160> lived<00:11:24.430> only metre in height but they lived only metre in height but they lived only 18,000<00:11:25.900> years<00:11:26.110> ago<00:11:26.440> and<00:11:26.860> that<00:11:27.550> is<00:11:27.580> truly 18,000 years ago and that is truly 18,000 years ago and that is truly extraordinary<00:11:29.110> to<00:11:29.710> think<00:11:29.740> about<00:11:30.510> just<00:11:31.510> to<00:11:31.630> put extraordinary to think about just to put extraordinary to think about just to put this<00:11:32.050> in<00:11:32.290> terms<00:11:32.500> of<00:11:32.770> generations<00:11:33.280> because this in terms of generations because this in terms of generations because people<00:11:33.760> do<00:11:33.940> find<00:11:34.150> it<00:11:34.360> hard<00:11:34.570> to<00:11:34.690> think<00:11:34.840> of<00:11:35.170> time people do find it hard to think of time people do find it hard to think of time Homo<00:11:36.160> erectus<00:11:36.430> left<00:11:37.060> Africa<00:11:37.740> 90,000 Homo erectus left Africa 90,000 Homo erectus left Africa 90,000 generations<00:11:39.370> ago<00:11:39.700> we<00:11:40.290> evolved<00:11:41.290> essentially generations ago we evolved essentially generations ago we evolved essentially from<00:11:42.100> an<00:11:42.220> African<00:11:42.790> stock<00:11:43.120> again<00:11:43.740> at<00:11:44.740> about from an African stock again at about from an African stock again at about 200,000<00:11:46.090> years<00:11:46.120> as<00:11:46.510> a<00:11:46.540> fully<00:11:46.900> fledged<00:11:47.230> us<00:11:47.560> and 200,000 years as a fully fledged us and 200,000 years as a fully fledged us and we<00:11:48.490> only<00:11:48.700> left<00:11:49.120> Africa<00:11:49.690> about<00:11:50.370> 70,000<00:11:51.370> years we only left Africa about 70,000 years we only left Africa about 70,000 years ago<00:11:52.000> and<00:11:52.570> until<00:11:53.200> 30,000<00:11:54.190> years<00:11:54.460> ago<00:11:54.520> at<00:11:55.090> least ago and until 30,000 years ago at least ago and until 30,000 years ago at least three<00:11:55.810> upright-walking<00:11:56.320> its<00:11:57.010> shared<00:11:57.730> the three upright-walking its shared the three upright-walking its shared the planet<00:11:58.690> earth<00:11:59.370> the<00:12:00.370> question<00:12:00.850> now<00:12:01.030> is<00:12:01.060> for<00:12:01.510> who planet earth the question now is for who planet earth the question now is for who who<00:12:02.260> are<00:12:02.530> we<00:12:02.800> were<00:12:03.010> certainly<00:12:03.430> a<00:12:03.490> polluting who are we were certainly a polluting who are we were certainly a polluting wasteful<00:12:05.530> aggressive<00:12:06.280> species<00:12:07.150> with<00:12:08.110> a<00:12:08.140> few wasteful aggressive species with a few wasteful aggressive species with a few nice<00:12:08.710> things<00:12:08.770> thrown<00:12:09.490> in<00:12:09.700> perhaps<00:12:11.010> for<00:12:12.010> the nice things thrown in perhaps for the nice things thrown in perhaps for the most<00:12:12.310> part<00:12:14.190> but<00:12:15.190> you're<00:12:15.610> not<00:12:15.790> particularly most part but you're not particularly most part but you're not particularly pleasant<00:12:16.690> at<00:12:17.080> all<00:12:17.230> we<00:12:17.800> have<00:12:17.950> a<00:12:17.980> much<00:12:18.310> larger pleasant at all we have a much larger pleasant at all we have a much larger brain<00:12:19.060> than<00:12:19.390> our<00:12:19.540> ape<00:12:19.870> ancestors<00:12:20.860> is<00:12:21.870> this<00:12:22.870> a brain than our ape ancestors is this a brain than our ape ancestors is this a good<00:12:23.500> evolutionary<00:12:24.190> adaptation<00:12:25.000> or<00:12:25.210> is<00:12:25.720> it good evolutionary adaptation or is it good evolutionary adaptation or is it going<00:12:26.080> to<00:12:26.230> lead<00:12:26.410> us<00:12:26.440> to<00:12:26.920> being<00:12:27.160> the<00:12:27.610> shortest going to lead us to being the shortest going to lead us to being the shortest lived<00:12:28.630> hominid<00:12:29.440> species<00:12:29.740> on<00:12:30.160> planet<00:12:30.550> earth lived hominid species on planet earth lived hominid species on planet earth and<00:12:31.930> what<00:12:32.170> is<00:12:32.350> it<00:12:32.530> that<00:12:32.560> really<00:12:32.830> makes<00:12:33.370> us<00:12:33.670> us<00:12:33.970> I and what is it that really makes us us I and what is it that really makes us us I think<00:12:34.360> it's<00:12:34.840> our<00:12:34.990> collective<00:12:35.590> intelligence think it's our collective intelligence think it's our collective intelligence it's<00:12:36.760> our<00:12:37.030> ability<00:12:37.540> to<00:12:38.140> write<00:12:38.650> things<00:12:38.920> down it's our ability to write things down it's our ability to write things down our<00:12:39.550> language<00:12:40.060> and<00:12:40.360> our<00:12:40.990> consciousness<00:12:43.440> from our language and our consciousness from our language and our consciousness from very<00:12:44.740> primitive<00:12:45.130> beginnings<00:12:46.000> with<00:12:46.450> a<00:12:46.480> very very primitive beginnings with a very very primitive beginnings with a very crude<00:12:47.200> toolkit<00:12:47.770> of<00:12:47.980> stones<00:12:48.370> we<00:12:49.240> now<00:12:49.450> have<00:12:49.780> a crude toolkit of stones we now have a crude toolkit of stones we now have a very<00:12:50.350> advanced<00:12:50.770> toolkit<00:12:51.480> and<00:12:52.480> our<00:12:53.320> tool<00:12:53.590> use very advanced toolkit and our tool use very advanced toolkit and our tool use has<00:12:54.040> really<00:12:54.340> reached<00:12:54.520> unprecedented<00:12:54.970> levels has really reached unprecedented levels has really reached unprecedented levels we've<00:12:56.740> got<00:12:57.070> buggies<00:12:58.030> to<00:12:58.330> Mars<00:12:58.540> we've<00:12:59.230> mapped we've got buggies to Mars we've mapped we've got buggies to Mars we've mapped the<00:12:59.740> human<00:12:59.890> genome<00:13:00.100> and<00:13:00.490> recently<00:13:01.060> even the human genome and recently even the human genome and recently even created<00:13:01.990> synthetic<00:13:02.620> life<00:13:02.860> thanks<00:13:03.370> to<00:13:03.430> craig created synthetic life thanks to craig created synthetic life thanks to craig Venter<00:13:04.330> and<00:13:04.540> we've<00:13:05.110> also<00:13:05.520> managed<00:13:06.520> to Venter and we've also managed to Venter and we've also managed to communicate<00:13:07.390> with<00:13:07.960> people<00:13:08.200> all<00:13:08.650> over<00:13:08.740> the communicate with people all over the communicate with people all over the world<00:13:09.490> from<00:13:09.760> extraordinary<00:13:10.420> places<00:13:10.720> even world from extraordinary places even world from extraordinary places even from<00:13:11.830> within<00:13:12.040> an<00:13:12.390> excavation<00:13:13.390> in<00:13:13.770> northern from within an excavation in northern from within an excavation in northern Kenya<00:13:15.130> we<00:13:15.250> can<00:13:15.460> talk<00:13:15.730> to<00:13:15.940> people Kenya we can talk to people Kenya we can talk to people about<00:13:16.870> what<00:13:17.110> we're<00:13:17.320> doing<00:13:17.350> as<00:13:18.360> albor<00:13:19.360> so about what we're doing as albor so about what we're doing as albor so clearly<00:13:20.080> has<00:13:20.440> reminded<00:13:20.860> us<00:13:21.160> we<00:13:22.120> have<00:13:23.080> reached clearly has reminded us we have reached clearly has reminded us we have reached extraordinary<00:13:24.730> numbers<00:13:25.630> of<00:13:25.810> people<00:13:26.020> on<00:13:26.350> this extraordinary numbers of people on this extraordinary numbers of people on this planet<00:13:26.830> human<00:13:27.700> ancestors<00:13:28.300> really<00:13:28.660> only planet human ancestors really only planet human ancestors really only survive<00:13:29.470> on<00:13:29.860> planet<00:13:29.920> Earth<00:13:30.670> if<00:13:30.910> you<00:13:31.030> look<00:13:31.180> at survive on planet Earth if you look at survive on planet Earth if you look at the<00:13:31.570> the<00:13:32.230> fossil<00:13:32.620> record<00:13:32.980> for<00:13:33.130> about<00:13:33.400> on the the fossil record for about on the the fossil record for about on average<00:13:34.120> a<00:13:34.270> million<00:13:34.660> years<00:13:35.170> at<00:13:35.350> a<00:13:35.380> time<00:13:35.500> we've average a million years at a time we've average a million years at a time we've only<00:13:36.550> been<00:13:36.790> around<00:13:36.940> for<00:13:37.450> the<00:13:37.510> past<00:13:37.750> 200 only been around for the past 200 only been around for the past 200 thousand<00:13:38.860> years<00:13:39.070> as<00:13:39.250> a<00:13:39.280> species<00:13:39.640> yet<00:13:40.120> we've thousand years as a species yet we've thousand years as a species yet we've reached<00:13:40.960> a<00:13:41.200> population<00:13:41.860> of<00:13:41.920> more<00:13:41.980> than<00:13:42.400> six reached a population of more than six reached a population of more than six and<00:13:42.730> a<00:13:42.850> half<00:13:43.030> billion<00:13:43.390> people<00:13:43.570> and<00:13:44.290> last<00:13:45.220> year and a half billion people and last year and a half billion people and last year our<00:13:45.910> population<00:13:46.060> grew<00:13:46.960> by<00:13:46.990> 80<00:13:47.560> million<00:13:48.160> I<00:13:48.250> mean our population grew by 80 million I mean our population grew by 80 million I mean these<00:13:48.520> are<00:13:48.930> extraordinary<00:13:49.930> numbers<00:13:50.670> you<00:13:51.670> can these are extraordinary numbers you can these are extraordinary numbers you can see<00:13:51.880> here<00:13:52.540> again<00:13:53.410> taken<00:13:53.830> from<00:13:53.860> Al<00:13:54.310> Gore's<00:13:54.640> book see here again taken from Al Gore's book see here again taken from Al Gore's book but<00:13:55.720> what's<00:13:56.260> happened<00:13:56.740> is<00:13:56.830> our<00:13:56.980> technology but what's happened is our technology but what's happened is our technology has<00:13:58.360> removed<00:13:58.780> the<00:13:59.020> checks<00:13:59.290> and<00:13:59.530> balances<00:13:59.620> on has removed the checks and balances on has removed the checks and balances on our<00:14:00.520> population<00:14:00.910> growth<00:14:01.950> we<00:14:02.950> have<00:14:03.310> to<00:14:03.550> control our population growth we have to control our population growth we have to control our<00:14:04.210> numbers<00:14:04.630> and<00:14:04.780> I<00:14:04.870> think<00:14:04.900> this<00:14:05.230> is<00:14:05.380> as our numbers and I think this is as our numbers and I think this is as important<00:14:06.370> as<00:14:06.580> anything<00:14:07.120> else<00:14:07.420> that's<00:14:07.750> being important as anything else that's being important as anything else that's being done<00:14:08.170> in<00:14:08.320> the<00:14:08.440> world<00:14:08.470> today<00:14:08.950> but<00:14:09.430> we<00:14:09.580> have<00:14:09.880> to done in the world today but we have to done in the world today but we have to control<00:14:10.390> our<00:14:10.630> numbers<00:14:10.900> because<00:14:11.170> we<00:14:11.290> can't control our numbers because we can't control our numbers because we can't really<00:14:12.280> hold<00:14:12.700> it<00:14:12.910> together<00:14:13.270> as<00:14:13.540> a<00:14:13.570> species<00:14:15.030> my really hold it together as a species my really hold it together as a species my father<00:14:16.330> so<00:14:16.920> appropriately<00:14:17.920> put<00:14:18.130> it<00:14:18.310> that<00:14:18.760> we father so appropriately put it that we father so appropriately put it that we are<00:14:18.940> certainly<00:14:19.720> the<00:14:19.930> only<00:14:20.080> animal<00:14:20.680> that<00:14:20.830> makes are certainly the only animal that makes are certainly the only animal that makes conscious<00:14:21.670> choices<00:14:21.910> that<00:14:22.270> are<00:14:22.420> bad<00:14:22.660> for<00:14:22.690> our conscious choices that are bad for our conscious choices that are bad for our survival<00:14:23.500> as<00:14:23.860> a<00:14:23.920> species<00:14:24.720> can<00:14:25.720> we<00:14:25.990> hold<00:14:26.230> it survival as a species can we hold it survival as a species can we hold it together<00:14:29.970> it's<00:14:30.970> important<00:14:31.510> to<00:14:31.570> remember<00:14:31.780> that together it's important to remember that together it's important to remember that we<00:14:32.380> all<00:14:32.620> evolved<00:14:33.340> in<00:14:33.640> Africa<00:14:34.440> we<00:14:35.440> all<00:14:35.590> have<00:14:35.920> an we all evolved in Africa we all have an we all evolved in Africa we all have an African<00:14:37.030> origin<00:14:37.770> we<00:14:38.770> have<00:14:38.980> a<00:14:39.250> common<00:14:39.880> past<00:14:40.150> and African origin we have a common past and African origin we have a common past and we<00:14:40.600> share<00:14:40.840> a<00:14:40.870> common<00:14:41.380> future<00:14:42.720> evolutionary we share a common future evolutionary we share a common future evolutionary speaking<00:14:44.050> we're<00:14:44.410> just<00:14:44.740> a<00:14:45.040> blip<00:14:45.820> we're<00:14:46.780> sitting speaking we're just a blip we're sitting speaking we're just a blip we're sitting on<00:14:47.980> the<00:14:48.040> edge<00:14:48.430> of<00:14:48.460> a<00:14:49.000> precipice<00:14:49.770> we<00:14:50.770> have<00:14:51.600> the on the edge of a precipice we have the on the edge of a precipice we have the tools<00:14:52.870> and<00:14:53.290> the<00:14:54.130> technology<00:14:54.550> at<00:14:55.180> our<00:14:55.870> hands<00:14:56.320> to tools and the technology at our hands to tools and the technology at our hands to communicate<00:14:56.820> what<00:14:57.820> needs<00:14:58.120> to<00:14:58.270> be<00:14:58.450> done<00:14:58.720> to communicate what needs to be done to communicate what needs to be done to hold<00:14:59.530> it<00:14:59.680> together<00:14:59.910> today<00:15:01.920> we<00:15:02.920> could<00:15:03.100> tell hold it together today we could tell hold it together today we could tell every<00:15:03.730> single<00:15:04.120> human<00:15:04.300> being<00:15:04.480> out<00:15:04.810> there<00:15:05.050> if<00:15:05.170> we every single human being out there if we every single human being out there if we really<00:15:05.650> wanted<00:15:05.950> to<00:15:06.010> but<00:15:06.250> will<00:15:06.460> we<00:15:06.670> do<00:15:06.910> that<00:15:07.380> or really wanted to but will we do that or really wanted to but will we do that or will<00:15:08.680> we<00:15:08.860> just<00:15:08.890> let<00:15:09.310> nature<00:15:09.340> take<00:15:10.060> its<00:15:10.090> course will we just let nature take its course will we just let nature take its course well<00:15:12.580> to<00:15:13.030> end<00:15:13.210> on<00:15:13.450> a<00:15:13.480> very<00:15:13.570> positive<00:15:13.810> note<00:15:14.320> I well to end on a very positive note I well to end on a very positive note I think<00:15:14.860> evolutionary<00:15:15.730> speaking<00:15:16.080> this<00:15:17.080> is think evolutionary speaking this is think evolutionary speaking this is probably<00:15:17.680> a<00:15:17.980> fairly<00:15:18.370> good<00:15:18.970> thing<00:15:19.240> in<00:15:19.630> the<00:15:19.780> end probably a fairly good thing in the end probably a fairly good thing in the end I'll<00:15:20.770> leave<00:15:20.920> it<00:15:21.070> at<00:15:21.190> that<00:15:21.220> thank<00:15:21.640> you<00:15:21.790> very I'll leave it at that thank you very I'll leave it at that thank you very much


African origins human origin, evolution, Louise, Leakey, TEDEducation, TED-Ed, TED, Ed

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