Đặt câu hỏi về vũ trụ-Stephen Hawking

Questioning the universe - Stephen Hawking

Questioning the universe - Stephen Hawking


[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] there<00:00:17.330> is<00:00:17.540> nothing<00:00:17.780> bigger<00:00:18.230> older<00:00:18.680> than<00:00:19.190> the there is nothing bigger older than the there is nothing bigger older than the universe<00:00:22.090> the<00:00:23.090> questions<00:00:23.660> I<00:00:23.840> would<00:00:24.110> like<00:00:24.320> to universe the questions I would like to universe the questions I would like to talk<00:00:24.800> about<00:00:25.100> our<00:00:28.000> one<00:00:29.650> where<00:00:30.650> did<00:00:30.890> we<00:00:31.039> come talk about our one where did we come talk about our one where did we come from<00:00:32.350> how<00:00:33.350> did<00:00:33.620> the<00:00:33.770> universe<00:00:34.070> come<00:00:34.370> into from how did the universe come into from how did the universe come into being<00:00:36.489> are<00:00:37.489> we<00:00:37.699> alone<00:00:38.000> in<00:00:38.059> the<00:00:38.420> universe<00:00:39.370> is being are we alone in the universe is being are we alone in the universe is there<00:00:40.760> alien<00:00:41.300> life<00:00:41.600> out<00:00:41.870> there<00:00:42.699> what<00:00:43.699> is<00:00:43.850> the there alien life out there what is the there alien life out there what is the future<00:00:44.330> of<00:00:44.540> the<00:00:44.839> human<00:00:45.260> race<00:00:45.850> up<00:00:46.850> until<00:00:47.420> the future of the human race up until the future of the human race up until the 1920s<00:00:48.940> everyone<00:00:49.940> thought<00:00:50.180> the<00:00:50.479> universe<00:00:50.780> was 1920s everyone thought the universe was 1920s everyone thought the universe was essentially<00:00:52.040> static<00:00:52.370> and<00:00:52.729> unchanging<00:00:52.820> in essentially static and unchanging in essentially static and unchanging in time<00:00:54.670> then<00:00:55.670> it<00:00:55.879> was<00:00:56.059> discovered<00:00:56.300> that<00:00:56.750> the time then it was discovered that the time then it was discovered that the universe<00:00:57.229> was<00:00:57.830> expanding<00:00:59.470> distant<00:01:00.470> galaxies universe was expanding distant galaxies universe was expanding distant galaxies were<00:01:01.430> moving<00:01:01.460> away<00:01:02.030> from<00:01:02.269> us<00:01:04.030> this<00:01:05.030> meant<00:01:05.330> they were moving away from us this meant they were moving away from us this meant they must<00:01:05.840> have<00:01:06.110> been<00:01:06.350> closer<00:01:06.680> together<00:01:07.130> in<00:01:07.640> the must have been closer together in the must have been closer together in the past<00:01:08.590> if<00:01:09.590> we<00:01:09.880> extrapolate<00:01:10.880> back<00:01:11.210> we<00:01:11.930> find<00:01:12.229> they past if we extrapolate back we find they past if we extrapolate back we find they must<00:01:12.799> have<00:01:13.100> all<00:01:13.340> been<00:01:13.610> on<00:01:13.790> top<00:01:14.090> of<00:01:14.120> each<00:01:14.540> other must have all been on top of each other must have all been on top of each other about<00:01:15.680> 15<00:01:16.340> billion<00:01:16.880> years<00:01:16.909> ago<00:01:18.250> this<00:01:19.250> was<00:01:19.520> the about 15 billion years ago this was the about 15 billion years ago this was the Big<00:01:19.909> Bang<00:01:20.210> the<00:01:20.960> beginning<00:01:21.140> of<00:01:21.680> the<00:01:21.829> universe Big Bang the beginning of the universe Big Bang the beginning of the universe but<00:01:24.049> was<00:01:24.289> there<00:01:24.560> anything<00:01:24.950> before<00:01:25.610> the<00:01:25.850> Big but was there anything before the Big but was there anything before the Big Bang<00:01:26.770> if<00:01:27.770> not<00:01:28.219> what<00:01:29.030> created<00:01:29.630> a<00:01:29.750> universe<00:01:30.909> why Bang if not what created a universe why Bang if not what created a universe why did<00:01:32.149> the<00:01:32.299> universe<00:01:32.810> emerge<00:01:33.170> from<00:01:33.530> the<00:01:33.829> Big did the universe emerge from the Big did the universe emerge from the Big Bang<00:01:34.310> the<00:01:35.119> way<00:01:35.270> it<00:01:35.479> did<00:01:36.729> we<00:01:37.729> used<00:01:38.030> to<00:01:38.240> think Bang the way it did we used to think Bang the way it did we used to think that<00:01:38.630> the<00:01:38.960> theory<00:01:39.350> of<00:01:39.380> the<00:01:39.530> universe<00:01:39.729> could<00:01:40.729> be that the theory of the universe could be that the theory of the universe could be divided<00:01:41.479> into<00:01:41.630> two<00:01:41.990> parts<00:01:43.149> first<00:01:44.149> there<00:01:44.509> were divided into two parts first there were divided into two parts first there were the<00:01:44.840> laws<00:01:45.229> like<00:01:45.590> Maxwell's<00:01:46.310> equations<00:01:47.060> and the laws like Maxwell's equations and the laws like Maxwell's equations and general<00:01:47.810> relativity<00:01:48.280> that<00:01:49.280> determine<00:01:49.909> the general relativity that determine the general relativity that determine the evolution<00:01:50.840> of<00:01:50.960> the<00:01:51.140> universe evolution of the universe evolution of the universe given<00:01:52.429> its<00:01:52.640> state<00:01:53.030> over<00:01:53.450> all<00:01:53.630> space<00:01:54.020> at<00:01:54.350> one given its state over all space at one given its state over all space at one time<00:01:55.780> one<00:01:56.780> second<00:01:57.439> there<00:01:58.070> was<00:01:58.369> no<00:01:58.429> question<00:01:58.609> of time one second there was no question of time one second there was no question of the<00:01:59.270> initial<00:01:59.869> state<00:02:00.170> of<00:02:00.229> the<00:02:00.439> universe<00:02:02.259> we the initial state of the universe we the initial state of the universe we have<00:02:03.560> made<00:02:03.799> good<00:02:04.130> progress<00:02:04.429> on<00:02:04.969> the<00:02:05.149> first have made good progress on the first have made good progress on the first part<00:02:05.869> and<00:02:06.469> now<00:02:06.740> have<00:02:07.069> a<00:02:07.100> knowledge<00:02:07.670> of<00:02:07.880> the part and now have a knowledge of the part and now have a knowledge of the laws<00:02:08.300> of<00:02:08.690> evolution<00:02:09.050> in<00:02:09.590> all<00:02:09.770> but<00:02:10.009> the<00:02:10.069> most laws of evolution in all but the most laws of evolution in all but the most extreme<00:02:11.000> conditions<00:02:11.780> but<00:02:12.470> until<00:02:12.860> recently<00:02:13.150> we extreme conditions but until recently we extreme conditions but until recently we have<00:02:14.420> had<00:02:14.720> little<00:02:14.990> idea<00:02:15.200> about<00:02:15.710> the<00:02:16.010> initial have had little idea about the initial have had little idea about the initial conditions<00:02:17.150> for<00:02:17.240> the<00:02:17.660> universe<00:02:18.760> however<00:02:19.760> this conditions for the universe however this conditions for the universe however this division<00:02:21.200> into<00:02:21.500> laws<00:02:21.740> of<00:02:22.130> evolution<00:02:22.490> an division into laws of evolution an division into laws of evolution an initial initial initial ditions<00:02:24.660> depends<00:02:25.660> on<00:02:25.840> time<00:02:26.140> and<00:02:26.470> space<00:02:26.740> being ditions depends on time and space being ditions depends on time and space being separate<00:02:27.820> and<00:02:28.000> distinct<00:02:29.430> under<00:02:30.430> extreme separate and distinct under extreme separate and distinct under extreme conditions<00:02:31.650> general<00:02:32.650> relativity<00:02:33.490> and conditions general relativity and conditions general relativity and quantum<00:02:33.700> theory<00:02:34.420> allow<00:02:34.900> time<00:02:34.960> to<00:02:35.290> behave<00:02:35.950> like quantum theory allow time to behave like quantum theory allow time to behave like another<00:02:36.610> dimension<00:02:37.390> of<00:02:37.540> space<00:02:42.210> this<00:02:43.210> removes another dimension of space this removes another dimension of space this removes a<00:02:43.900> distinction<00:02:44.350> between<00:02:44.770> time<00:02:45.400> and<00:02:45.430> space<00:02:45.730> and a distinction between time and space and a distinction between time and space and means<00:02:46.930> the<00:02:47.200> laws<00:02:47.440> of<00:02:47.830> evolution<00:02:48.210> can<00:02:49.210> also means the laws of evolution can also means the laws of evolution can also determine<00:02:50.110> the<00:02:50.530> initial<00:02:50.770> state<00:02:53.970> the<00:02:54.970> universe determine the initial state the universe determine the initial state the universe can<00:02:55.720> spontaneously<00:02:56.680> created<00:02:57.250> self<00:02:57.580> out<00:02:57.820> of can spontaneously created self out of can spontaneously created self out of nothing<00:03:01.350> moreover<00:03:02.460> we<00:03:03.460> can<00:03:03.760> calculate<00:03:04.240> the nothing moreover we can calculate the nothing moreover we can calculate the probability<00:03:05.050> that<00:03:05.740> the<00:03:06.070> universe<00:03:06.580> is<00:03:06.820> created probability that the universe is created probability that the universe is created in<00:03:07.480> different<00:03:07.660> states<00:03:09.000> these<00:03:10.000> predictions in different states these predictions in different states these predictions are<00:03:10.900> in<00:03:11.050> excellent<00:03:11.590> agreement<00:03:11.680> with are in excellent agreement with are in excellent agreement with observations<00:03:13.270> by<00:03:13.540> the<00:03:13.570> WMAP<00:03:14.230> satellite<00:03:14.590> of observations by the WMAP satellite of observations by the WMAP satellite of the<00:03:15.490> Cosmic<00:03:16.450> Microwave<00:03:16.480> Background<00:03:17.550> which<00:03:18.550> is the Cosmic Microwave Background which is the Cosmic Microwave Background which is an<00:03:19.000> imprint<00:03:19.390> of<00:03:19.570> the<00:03:19.750> very<00:03:19.990> early<00:03:20.500> universe<00:03:22.470> we an imprint of the very early universe we an imprint of the very early universe we think<00:03:23.800> we<00:03:24.040> have<00:03:24.280> solved<00:03:24.790> the<00:03:24.970> mystery<00:03:25.330> of think we have solved the mystery of think we have solved the mystery of creation creation creation maybe<00:03:27.790> we<00:03:28.180> should<00:03:28.510> patent<00:03:29.050> the<00:03:29.170> universe maybe we should patent the universe maybe we should patent the universe encourage<00:03:30.640> everyone<00:03:31.120> royalties<00:03:31.930> for<00:03:32.200> their encourage everyone royalties for their encourage everyone royalties for their existence<00:03:33.010> I<00:03:36.090> now<00:03:37.090> turned<00:03:37.510> on<00:03:37.780> the<00:03:37.930> second<00:03:38.410> big existence I now turned on the second big existence I now turned on the second big question<00:03:39.250> are<00:03:39.670> we<00:03:39.730> alone<00:03:40.420> or<00:03:40.900> is<00:03:41.230> there<00:03:41.500> other question are we alone or is there other question are we alone or is there other life<00:03:41.920> in<00:03:42.460> the<00:03:42.490> universe<00:03:46.500> we<00:03:47.500> believe<00:03:47.920> that life in the universe we believe that life in the universe we believe that life<00:03:48.430> arose<00:03:48.910> spontaneously<00:03:49.290> on<00:03:50.290> the<00:03:50.470> earth<00:03:50.650> so life arose spontaneously on the earth so life arose spontaneously on the earth so it<00:03:51.610> must<00:03:51.880> be<00:03:52.000> possible<00:03:52.810> for<00:03:53.080> life<00:03:53.290> to<00:03:53.590> appear it must be possible for life to appear it must be possible for life to appear another<00:03:54.370> suitable<00:03:54.880> planets<00:03:55.570> of<00:03:55.780> which<00:03:56.350> there another suitable planets of which there another suitable planets of which there seemed<00:03:57.010> to<00:03:57.280> be<00:03:57.460> a<00:03:57.490> large<00:03:57.820> number<00:03:58.150> in<00:03:58.510> the seemed to be a large number in the seemed to be a large number in the galaxy<00:04:01.230> but<00:04:02.230> we<00:04:02.440> don't<00:04:02.740> know<00:04:03.040> how<00:04:03.340> life<00:04:03.640> first galaxy but we don't know how life first galaxy but we don't know how life first appeared<00:04:06.630> we<00:04:07.630> have<00:04:07.930> two<00:04:08.200> pieces<00:04:08.560> of appeared we have two pieces of appeared we have two pieces of observational<00:04:10.000> evidence<00:04:10.180> and<00:04:10.780> the observational evidence and the observational evidence and the probability<00:04:11.830> of<00:04:11.980> life<00:04:12.190> appearing<00:04:14.460> the<00:04:15.460> first probability of life appearing the first probability of life appearing the first is<00:04:15.970> that<00:04:16.150> we<00:04:16.359> have<00:04:16.390> fossils<00:04:17.230> of<00:04:17.410> algae<00:04:17.890> from is that we have fossils of algae from is that we have fossils of algae from 3.5<00:04:19.720> billion<00:04:20.109> years<00:04:20.350> ago<00:04:21.690> the<00:04:22.690> earth<00:04:22.900> was 3.5 billion years ago the earth was 3.5 billion years ago the earth was formed<00:04:23.590> 4.6<00:04:24.520> billion<00:04:25.120> years<00:04:25.360> ago<00:04:25.930> and<00:04:26.380> was formed 4.6 billion years ago and was formed 4.6 billion years ago and was probably<00:04:27.220> too<00:04:27.820> hot<00:04:28.090> for<00:04:28.450> about<00:04:28.750> the<00:04:29.020> first probably too hot for about the first probably too hot for about the first half<00:04:29.440> billion<00:04:29.980> years

so<00:04:37.010> life<00:04:37.310> appeared<00:04:37.940> on<00:04:38.090> earth<00:04:38.120> within<00:04:39.050> half<00:04:39.350> a
so life appeared on earth within half a so life appeared on earth within half a billion<00:04:39.830> years<00:04:40.070> of<00:04:40.460> it<00:04:40.820> being<00:04:41.090> possible<00:04:41.900> which billion years of it being possible which billion years of it being possible which is<00:04:42.710> short<00:04:43.010> compared<00:04:43.670> to<00:04:43.910> the<00:04:44.090> ten<00:04:44.330> billion is short compared to the ten billion is short compared to the ten billion year<00:04:45.110> lifetime<00:04:45.470> of<00:04:45.980> a<00:04:46.010> planet<00:04:46.610> of<00:04:46.730> earth<00:04:46.910> type year lifetime of a planet of earth type year lifetime of a planet of earth type the<00:04:48.950> suggests<00:04:49.580> that<00:04:49.880> the<00:04:50.120> probability<00:04:50.990> of the suggests that the probability of the suggests that the probability of life<00:04:51.350> appearing<00:04:52.160> is<00:04:52.340> recently<00:04:52.910> high<00:04:53.290> if<00:04:54.290> it life appearing is recently high if it life appearing is recently high if it was<00:04:55.160> very<00:04:55.370> low<00:04:55.760> one<00:04:56.480> would<00:04:56.780> have<00:04:56.930> expected<00:04:57.200> it was very low one would have expected it was very low one would have expected it to<00:04:58.040> take<00:04:58.280> most<00:04:58.640> of<00:04:58.940> the<00:04:59.120> 10<00:04:59.360> billion<00:04:59.900> years to take most of the 10 billion years to take most of the 10 billion years available<00:05:00.650> on<00:05:01.690> the<00:05:02.690> other<00:05:02.900> hand<00:05:03.320> we<00:05:04.040> don't available on the other hand we don't available on the other hand we don't seem<00:05:04.760> to<00:05:05.030> have<00:05:05.180> been<00:05:05.240> visited<00:05:05.960> by<00:05:05.990> aliens seem to have been visited by aliens seem to have been visited by aliens I<00:05:07.270> am<00:05:08.270> discounting<00:05:08.960> reports<00:05:09.530> of<00:05:09.710> UFOs<00:05:11.260> why I am discounting reports of UFOs why I am discounting reports of UFOs why would<00:05:12.530> they<00:05:12.710> appear<00:05:13.100> only<00:05:13.130> to<00:05:13.760> cranks<00:05:14.240> and would they appear only to cranks and would they appear only to cranks and weirdos<00:05:16.840> if<00:05:17.840> there<00:05:18.230> is<00:05:18.410> a<00:05:18.620> government weirdos if there is a government weirdos if there is a government conspiracy<00:05:19.520> to<00:05:20.360> suppress<00:05:20.840> the<00:05:21.020> reports<00:05:21.590> and conspiracy to suppress the reports and conspiracy to suppress the reports and keep<00:05:22.460> for<00:05:22.760> itself<00:05:23.060> the<00:05:23.420> scientific<00:05:24.290> knowledge keep for itself the scientific knowledge keep for itself the scientific knowledge the<00:05:25.040> aliens<00:05:25.520> bring<00:05:25.910> it<00:05:26.450> seems<00:05:26.930> to<00:05:27.200> have<00:05:27.410> been<00:05:27.620> a the aliens bring it seems to have been a the aliens bring it seems to have been a singularly<00:05:28.250> ineffective<00:05:28.930> policy<00:05:29.930> so<00:05:30.230> far

furthermore<00:05:36.260> despite<00:05:36.860> an<00:05:37.400> extensive<00:05:37.550> search
furthermore despite an extensive search furthermore despite an extensive search by<00:05:38.690> the<00:05:38.750> SETI<00:05:39.200> project<00:05:39.950> we<00:05:40.700> have<00:05:40.970> heard<00:05:41.570> any by the SETI project we have heard any by the SETI project we have heard any alien<00:05:42.350> television<00:05:43.190> quiz<00:05:43.490> shows<00:05:44.740> this alien television quiz shows this alien television quiz shows this probably<00:05:46.220> indicates<00:05:46.970> that<00:05:47.180> there<00:05:47.510> are<00:05:47.720> no probably indicates that there are no probably indicates that there are no alien<00:05:48.430> civilizations<00:05:49.430> at<00:05:49.670> our<00:05:50.180> stage<00:05:50.600> of alien civilizations at our stage of alien civilizations at our stage of development<00:05:51.620> within<00:05:52.340> a<00:05:52.640> radius<00:05:52.820> of<00:05:53.240> a<00:05:53.390> few development within a radius of a few development within a radius of a few hundred<00:05:54.200> light<00:05:54.410> years<00:05:55.810> issuing<00:05:56.810> an<00:05:56.990> insurance hundred light years issuing an insurance hundred light years issuing an insurance policy<00:05:58.370> against<00:05:58.850> abduction<00:05:59.330> by<00:05:59.750> aliens<00:06:00.070> seems policy against abduction by aliens seems policy against abduction by aliens seems a<00:06:01.310> pretty<00:06:01.610> safe<00:06:01.970> bet<00:06:04.720> this<00:06:05.720> brings<00:06:06.080> me<00:06:06.260> to<00:06:06.410> the a pretty safe bet this brings me to the a pretty safe bet this brings me to the last<00:06:07.040> of<00:06:07.250> the<00:06:07.460> big<00:06:07.670> questions<00:06:08.300> the<00:06:08.990> future<00:06:09.500> of last of the big questions the future of last of the big questions the future of the<00:06:09.830> human<00:06:10.250> race<00:06:10.480> if<00:06:11.480> we<00:06:12.350> are<00:06:12.530> the<00:06:12.740> only the human race if we are the only the human race if we are the only intelligent<00:06:13.970> beings<00:06:14.090> in<00:06:14.600> the<00:06:14.750> galaxy<00:06:14.950> we intelligent beings in the galaxy we intelligent beings in the galaxy we should<00:06:16.280> make<00:06:16.490> sure<00:06:16.520> we<00:06:16.880> survive<00:06:17.720> and<00:06:17.990> continue

but<00:06:22.340> we<00:06:22.370> are<00:06:22.700> entering<00:06:23.060> an<00:06:23.360> increasingly
but we are entering an increasingly but we are entering an increasingly dangerous<00:06:24.440> period<00:06:25.250> of<00:06:25.580> our<00:06:25.760> history<00:06:25.880> our

population<00:06:32.630> in<00:06:32.750> our<00:06:32.930> use<00:06:33.230> of<00:06:33.560> the<00:06:33.710> finite
population in our use of the finite population in our use of the finite resources<00:06:34.220> of<00:06:35.120> planet<00:06:35.630> Earth<00:06:35.750> are<00:06:36.260> growing resources of planet Earth are growing resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially<00:06:37.580> along<00:06:38.420> with<00:06:39.050> our<00:06:39.230> technical exponentially along with our technical exponentially along with our technical ability<00:06:40.160> to<00:06:40.760> change<00:06:41.060> the<00:06:41.390> environment<00:06:41.570> for ability to change the environment for ability to change the environment for good<00:06:42.650> or<00:06:42.830> ill

but<00:06:48.200> our<00:06:48.380> genetic<00:06:49.010> code<00:06:49.040> still<00:06:49.700> carries<00:06:50.240> the
but our genetic code still carries the but our genetic code still carries the selfish<00:06:50.930> and<00:06:51.110> aggressive<00:06:51.460> instincts<00:06:52.460> that selfish and aggressive instincts that selfish and aggressive instincts that were<00:06:53.360> a<00:06:53.390> survival<00:06:54.200> advantage<00:06:54.800> in<00:06:55.010> the<00:06:55.190> past<00:06:59.290> it were a survival advantage in the past it were a survival advantage in the past it will<00:07:00.590> be<00:07:00.830> difficult<00:07:01.070> enough<00:07:01.790> to<00:07:02.030> avoid will be difficult enough to avoid will be difficult enough to avoid disaster<00:07:03.050> in<00:07:03.200> the<00:07:03.350> next<00:07:03.680> hundred<00:07:04.010> years<00:07:04.300> let disaster in the next hundred years let disaster in the next hundred years let alone<00:07:05.330> the<00:07:05.900> next<00:07:06.230> thousand<00:07:06.830> or<00:07:06.980> million<00:07:10.900> our alone the next thousand or million our alone the next thousand or million our only<00:07:12.260> chance<00:07:12.800> of<00:07:13.190> long-term<00:07:13.750> survival<00:07:14.750> is<00:07:15.140> not only chance of long-term survival is not only chance of long-term survival is not to<00:07:15.770> remain<00:07:16.160> in<00:07:16.370> red<00:07:16.580> lurking<00:07:17.060> on<00:07:17.270> planet<00:07:17.810> earth to remain in red lurking on planet earth to remain in red lurking on planet earth but<00:07:18.650> to<00:07:18.890> spread<00:07:19.130> out<00:07:19.430> into<00:07:19.640> space<00:07:22.570> the<00:07:23.570> answers but to spread out into space the answers but to spread out into space the answers to<00:07:24.260> these<00:07:24.470> big<00:07:24.710> questions<00:07:25.090> show<00:07:26.090> that<00:07:26.450> we<00:07:26.660> have to these big questions show that we have to these big questions show that we have made<00:07:27.170> remarkable<00:07:27.410> progress<00:07:28.010> in<00:07:28.550> the<00:07:28.880> last made remarkable progress in the last made remarkable progress in the last hundred<00:07:29.480> years<00:07:30.790> but<00:07:31.790> if<00:07:31.940> we<00:07:32.150> want<00:07:32.450> to<00:07:32.570> continue hundred years but if we want to continue hundred years but if we want to continue beyond<00:07:33.770> the<00:07:33.980> next<00:07:34.190> hundred<00:07:34.640> years<00:07:35.210> our beyond the next hundred years our beyond the next hundred years our futures<00:07:36.590> in<00:07:36.920> space<00:07:39.130> that<00:07:40.130> is<00:07:40.310> why<00:07:40.520> I'm<00:07:40.730> in futures in space that is why I'm in futures in space that is why I'm in favor<00:07:41.240> of<00:07:41.420> manned<00:07:41.840> or<00:07:42.230> should<00:07:42.770> I<00:07:42.800> say<00:07:43.300> person'd favor of manned or should I say person'd favor of manned or should I say person'd space<00:07:45.050> flight<00:07:50.350> all<00:07:51.350> my<00:07:51.740> life<00:07:52.040> I<00:07:52.370> have<00:07:52.970> sought space flight all my life I have sought space flight all my life I have sought to<00:07:53.300> understand<00:07:54.230> the<00:07:54.350> universe<00:07:54.490> and<00:07:55.490> find to understand the universe and find to understand the universe and find answers<00:07:56.420> to<00:07:56.450> these<00:07:56.840> questions<00:07:57.080> I<00:07:58.270> have<00:07:59.270> been answers to these questions I have been answers to these questions I have been very<00:07:59.720> lucky<00:08:00.140> that<00:08:00.590> my<00:08:01.090> disability<00:08:02.090> has<00:08:02.120> not very lucky that my disability has not very lucky that my disability has not been<00:08:02.900> a<00:08:02.930> serious<00:08:03.530> handicap<00:08:04.240> indeed<00:08:05.240> it<00:08:05.840> has been a serious handicap indeed it has been a serious handicap indeed it has probably<00:08:06.500> given<00:08:07.040> me<00:08:07.460> more<00:08:07.700> time<00:08:07.760> than<00:08:08.420> most probably given me more time than most probably given me more time than most people<00:08:09.350> to<00:08:09.530> pursue<00:08:09.920> a<00:08:09.950> quest<00:08:10.490> for<00:08:10.640> knowledge

the<00:08:15.680> ultimate<00:08:16.220> goal<00:08:16.520> is<00:08:16.550> a<00:08:16.820> complete<00:08:17.480> theory
the ultimate goal is a complete theory the ultimate goal is a complete theory of<00:08:18.140> the<00:08:18.290> universe<00:08:18.320> and<00:08:19.310> we<00:08:19.610> are<00:08:19.790> making<00:08:19.970> good of the universe and we are making good of the universe and we are making good progress<00:08:24.700> thank<00:08:25.700> you<00:08:26.060> for<00:08:26.360> listening

professor<00:08:30.350> if<00:08:30.530> you<00:08:30.800> had<00:08:31.070> to<00:08:31.490> guess<00:08:32.000> either<00:08:32.360> way
professor if you had to guess either way professor if you had to guess either way do<00:08:33.860> you<00:08:33.950> now<00:08:34.130> believe<00:08:34.160> that<00:08:34.550> it<00:08:35.150> is<00:08:35.390> more do you now believe that it is more do you now believe that it is more likely<00:08:35.960> than<00:08:36.140> not<00:08:36.290> but<00:08:37.130> we<00:08:37.280> are<00:08:37.660> alone<00:08:38.660> in<00:08:38.990> the likely than not but we are alone in the likely than not but we are alone in the Milky<00:08:39.470> Way<00:08:39.620> as<00:08:40.010> a<00:08:41.000> civilization<00:08:41.930> of<00:08:42.530> our<00:08:42.830> level Milky Way as a civilization of our level Milky Way as a civilization of our level of<00:08:43.250> intelligence<00:08:43.760> or<00:08:44.090> higher

this<00:09:00.580> this<00:09:01.120> answer<00:09:01.750> took<00:09:02.610> seven<00:09:03.610> minutes<00:09:03.940> and
this this answer took seven minutes and this this answer took seven minutes and really<00:09:05.230> gave<00:09:05.500> me<00:09:05.650> an<00:09:05.740> insight<00:09:06.100> into<00:09:06.490> the really gave me an insight into the really gave me an insight into the incredible<00:09:07.920> act<00:09:08.920> of<00:09:09.130> generosity<00:09:09.460> this<00:09:09.910> whole incredible act of generosity this whole incredible act of generosity this whole talk<00:09:10.360> was<00:09:10.390> for<00:09:10.960> Ted

I<00:09:21.270> think<00:09:22.270> it<00:09:22.510> quite<00:09:22.810> likely<00:09:23.230> that<00:09:23.710> we<00:09:24.340> are<00:09:24.520> the
I think it quite likely that we are the I think it quite likely that we are the only<00:09:25.120> civilization<00:09:25.690> within<00:09:26.380> several<00:09:26.860> hundred only civilization within several hundred only civilization within several hundred light<00:09:27.760> years<00:09:29.070> otherwise<00:09:30.070> we<00:09:31.030> would<00:09:31.300> have light years otherwise we would have light years otherwise we would have heard<00:09:31.810> radio<00:09:32.290> waves<00:09:35.100> the<00:09:36.100> alternative<00:09:36.880> is heard radio waves the alternative is heard radio waves the alternative is that<00:09:37.320> civilizations<00:09:38.320> don't<00:09:38.650> last<00:09:39.010> very<00:09:39.190> long that civilizations don't last very long that civilizations don't last very long but<00:09:40.570> destroyed<00:09:41.080> themselves<00:09:43.440> professor but destroyed themselves professor but destroyed themselves professor Hawking<00:09:44.740> thank<00:09:45.010> you<00:09:45.160> for<00:09:45.400> that<00:09:45.790> answer<00:09:46.350> we Hawking thank you for that answer we Hawking thank you for that answer we will<00:09:47.500> take<00:09:47.650> it<00:09:47.800> as<00:09:47.890> a<00:09:47.950> salutary<00:09:48.880> warning<00:09:49.360> I will take it as a salutary warning I will take it as a salutary warning I think<00:09:49.720> for<00:09:50.080> the<00:09:50.560> rest<00:09:50.710> of<00:09:50.830> our<00:09:50.950> conference think for the rest of our conference think for the rest of our conference this<00:09:51.670> week<00:09:52.980> professor<00:09:53.980> we<00:09:54.730> really<00:09:54.940> thank<00:09:55.120> you this week professor we really thank you this week professor we really thank you for<00:09:55.480> the<00:09:55.630> extraordinary<00:09:56.440> effort<00:09:56.770> you<00:09:57.130> made<00:09:57.400> to for the extraordinary effort you made to for the extraordinary effort you made to share<00:09:58.540> your<00:09:58.690> questions<00:09:59.140> with<00:09:59.740> us<00:09:59.770> today share your questions with us today share your questions with us today thank<00:10:00.820> you<00:10:00.910> very<00:10:01.060> much<00:10:01.270> indeed thank you very much indeed thank you very much indeed [Applause]


Stephen Hawking, universe, astronomy, beginning, universe, how, did, life, begin, origins, of, life, TEDEducation, TED-Ed, TED, Ed

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