Dịch bệnh thần kinh sắp tới-Gregory Petsko

The coming neurological epidemic - Gregory Petsko

The coming neurological epidemic - Gregory Petsko


unless<00:00:15.790> we<00:00:15.940> do<00:00:16.090> something<00:00:16.330> to<00:00:16.450> prevent<00:00:16.779> it
unless we do something to prevent it unless we do something to prevent it over<00:00:17.170> the<00:00:17.290> next<00:00:17.470> 40<00:00:17.860> years<00:00:17.890> we're<00:00:18.369> facing<00:00:18.640> an over the next 40 years we're facing an over the next 40 years we're facing an epidemic<00:00:19.270> of<00:00:20.020> neurologic<00:00:20.800> diseases<00:00:21.250> on<00:00:21.700> a epidemic of neurologic diseases on a epidemic of neurologic diseases on a global<00:00:22.060> scale<00:00:22.390> a<00:00:24.090> cheery<00:00:25.090> thought--<00:00:26.340> on<00:00:27.340> this global scale a cheery thought-- on this global scale a cheery thought-- on this map<00:00:27.970> every<00:00:28.300> country<00:00:28.660> that's<00:00:28.810> colored<00:00:29.230> blue map every country that's colored blue map every country that's colored blue has<00:00:29.950> more<00:00:30.489> than<00:00:30.669> 20%<00:00:31.360> of<00:00:31.419> its<00:00:31.540> population<00:00:32.050> over has more than 20% of its population over has more than 20% of its population over the<00:00:32.649> age<00:00:32.770> of<00:00:33.070> 65<00:00:33.730> this<00:00:34.090> is<00:00:34.149> the<00:00:34.420> world<00:00:34.600> we<00:00:34.810> live the age of 65 this is the world we live the age of 65 this is the world we live in<00:00:35.050> and<00:00:35.320> this<00:00:36.040> is<00:00:36.220> the<00:00:36.310> world<00:00:36.520> your<00:00:36.820> children in and this is the world your children in and this is the world your children will<00:00:37.420> live<00:00:37.600> in<00:00:39.630> for<00:00:40.630> 12,000<00:00:41.410> years<00:00:41.710> the will live in for 12,000 years the will live in for 12,000 years the distribution<00:00:42.399> of<00:00:42.790> ages<00:00:43.149> in<00:00:43.269> the<00:00:43.359> human distribution of ages in the human distribution of ages in the human population<00:00:44.320> has<00:00:44.440> looked<00:00:44.679> like<00:00:44.829> a<00:00:44.859> pyramid population has looked like a pyramid population has looked like a pyramid with<00:00:45.609> the<00:00:45.640> oldest<00:00:46.090> on<00:00:46.269> top<00:00:46.570> it's<00:00:47.140> already with the oldest on top it's already with the oldest on top it's already flattening<00:00:48.010> out<00:00:48.160> by<00:00:48.960> 2050<00:00:49.960> it's<00:00:50.079> going<00:00:50.230> to<00:00:50.289> be flattening out by 2050 it's going to be flattening out by 2050 it's going to be a<00:00:50.410> column<00:00:50.920> and<00:00:51.100> we'll<00:00:51.309> start<00:00:51.670> to<00:00:51.820> invert<00:00:52.679> this a column and we'll start to invert this a column and we'll start to invert this is<00:00:53.859> why<00:00:54.039> it's<00:00:54.250> happening<00:00:54.960> the<00:00:55.960> average is why it's happening the average is why it's happening the average lifespan<00:00:56.499> is<00:00:56.920> more<00:00:57.129> than<00:00:57.309> doubled<00:00:57.670> since<00:00:58.149> 1840 lifespan is more than doubled since 1840 lifespan is more than doubled since 1840 and<00:00:59.230> it's<00:00:59.379> increasing<00:01:00.039> currently<00:01:00.519> at<00:01:00.640> the and it's increasing currently at the and it's increasing currently at the rate<00:01:00.910> of<00:01:00.940> about<00:01:01.149> 5<00:01:01.600> hours<00:01:01.839> every<00:01:02.530> day<00:01:02.559> and<00:01:03.570> this rate of about 5 hours every day and this rate of about 5 hours every day and this is<00:01:04.720> why<00:01:04.900> that's<00:01:05.140> not<00:01:05.379> entirely<00:01:05.800> a<00:01:06.040> good<00:01:06.310> thing is why that's not entirely a good thing is why that's not entirely a good thing because<00:01:07.420> over<00:01:07.840> the<00:01:07.930> age<00:01:08.080> of<00:01:08.290> 65<00:01:08.890> your<00:01:09.250> risk<00:01:09.550> of because over the age of 65 your risk of because over the age of 65 your risk of getting<00:01:09.940> Alzheimer's<00:01:10.270> or<00:01:10.930> Parkinson's getting Alzheimer's or Parkinson's getting Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease<00:01:11.920> will<00:01:12.220> increase<00:01:12.820> exponentially<00:01:14.040> by disease will increase exponentially by disease will increase exponentially by 2050<00:01:16.270> there'll<00:01:16.840> be<00:01:16.869> about<00:01:16.990> 32<00:01:17.649> million<00:01:17.920> people 2050 there'll be about 32 million people 2050 there'll be about 32 million people in<00:01:18.520> the<00:01:18.610> United<00:01:18.939> States<00:01:19.240> over<00:01:19.570> the<00:01:19.600> age<00:01:19.869> of<00:01:20.079> 80 in the United States over the age of 80 in the United States over the age of 80 and<00:01:20.409> unless<00:01:20.770> we<00:01:20.950> do<00:01:21.130> something<00:01:21.520> about<00:01:21.640> it<00:01:21.970> half and unless we do something about it half and unless we do something about it half of<00:01:22.630> them<00:01:22.780> will<00:01:22.930> have<00:01:23.020> Alzheimer's<00:01:23.619> disease of them will have Alzheimer's disease of them will have Alzheimer's disease and<00:01:24.250> 3<00:01:24.520> million<00:01:24.850> more<00:01:25.030> will<00:01:25.270> have<00:01:25.390> Parkinson's and 3 million more will have Parkinson's and 3 million more will have Parkinson's disease<00:01:26.280> right<00:01:27.280> now<00:01:27.520> those<00:01:28.240> and<00:01:28.540> other disease right now those and other disease right now those and other neurologic<00:01:29.350> diseases<00:01:29.710> for<00:01:30.040> which<00:01:30.189> we<00:01:30.369> have<00:01:30.520> no neurologic diseases for which we have no neurologic diseases for which we have no cure<00:01:31.299> or<00:01:31.570> prevention<00:01:32.170> cost<00:01:33.009> about<00:01:33.310> a<00:01:33.369> third<00:01:33.640> of cure or prevention cost about a third of cure or prevention cost about a third of a<00:01:33.820> trillion<00:01:34.090> dollars<00:01:34.570> a<00:01:34.600> year<00:01:34.750> it'll<00:01:35.020> be<00:01:35.110> well a trillion dollars a year it'll be well a trillion dollars a year it'll be well over<00:01:35.469> a<00:01:35.770> trillion<00:01:36.100> dollars<00:01:36.280> by<00:01:37.380> 2050 over a trillion dollars by 2050 over a trillion dollars by 2050 Alzheimer's<00:01:39.430> disease<00:01:39.789> starts<00:01:40.450> when<00:01:40.659> a Alzheimer's disease starts when a Alzheimer's disease starts when a protein<00:01:41.289> that<00:01:41.350> should<00:01:41.829> be<00:01:41.950> folded<00:01:42.219> up protein that should be folded up protein that should be folded up properly<00:01:42.969> mis<00:01:43.360> folds<00:01:43.930> into<00:01:44.710> a<00:01:44.740> kind<00:01:45.100> of properly mis folds into a kind of properly mis folds into a kind of demented<00:01:45.640> origami<00:01:46.649> so<00:01:47.649> one<00:01:47.829> approach<00:01:48.100> we're demented origami so one approach we're demented origami so one approach we're taking<00:01:48.369> is<00:01:48.820> to<00:01:48.969> try<00:01:49.149> to<00:01:49.180> design<00:01:49.450> drugs<00:01:49.990> that taking is to try to design drugs that taking is to try to design drugs that function<00:01:50.680> like<00:01:50.829> molecular<00:01:51.159> scotch<00:01:51.820> tape<00:01:52.240> to function like molecular scotch tape to function like molecular scotch tape to hold<00:01:53.020> the<00:01:53.259> protein<00:01:53.680> into<00:01:53.890> its<00:01:54.070> proper<00:01:54.520> shape hold the protein into its proper shape hold the protein into its proper shape that<00:01:56.170> would<00:01:56.320> keep<00:01:56.469> it<00:01:56.649> from<00:01:56.829> forming<00:01:57.280> the that would keep it from forming the that would keep it from forming the tangles<00:01:57.939> that<00:01:58.060> seem<00:01:58.479> to<00:01:58.689> kill<00:01:59.049> large<00:01:59.500> sections tangles that seem to kill large sections tangles that seem to kill large sections of<00:02:00.219> the<00:02:00.280> brain<00:02:00.640> when<00:02:01.000> they<00:02:01.180> do<00:02:01.320> interestingly of the brain when they do interestingly of the brain when they do interestingly enough<00:02:02.829> other<00:02:03.130> neurologic<00:02:03.880> diseases<00:02:04.270> which enough other neurologic diseases which enough other neurologic diseases which affect<00:02:04.659> very<00:02:05.170> different<00:02:05.590> parts<00:02:05.890> of<00:02:05.979> the<00:02:06.100> brain affect very different parts of the brain affect very different parts of the brain also<00:02:06.640> show<00:02:07.570> tangles<00:02:08.259> of<00:02:08.470> MIS<00:02:08.679> folded<00:02:09.160> protein also show tangles of MIS folded protein also show tangles of MIS folded protein which<00:02:10.210> suggests<00:02:10.660> that<00:02:10.810> the<00:02:10.929> approach<00:02:11.230> might which suggests that the approach might which suggests that the approach might be<00:02:11.530> a<00:02:11.680> general<00:02:12.220> one<00:02:12.430> and<00:02:12.640> might<00:02:13.180> be<00:02:13.210> used<00:02:13.420> to be a general one and might be used to be a general one and might be used to cure<00:02:14.170> many<00:02:14.470> neurologic<00:02:15.160> diseases<00:02:15.490> not<00:02:15.820> just cure many neurologic diseases not just cure many neurologic diseases not just Alzheimer's<00:02:16.300> disease<00:02:17.020> there's<00:02:17.560> also<00:02:17.770> a Alzheimer's disease there's also a Alzheimer's disease there's also a fascinating<00:02:18.700> connection<00:02:18.850> to<00:02:19.240> cancer<00:02:19.690> here fascinating connection to cancer here fascinating connection to cancer here because<00:02:20.620> people<00:02:20.950> with<00:02:21.130> neurologic<00:02:21.730> diseases because people with neurologic diseases because people with neurologic diseases have<00:02:22.690> a<00:02:22.720> very<00:02:23.080> low<00:02:23.410> in have a very low in have a very low in cents<00:02:24.160> of<00:02:24.280> most<00:02:24.550> cancers<00:02:24.940> and<00:02:25.450> this<00:02:25.870> is<00:02:25.990> a cents of most cancers and this is a cents of most cancers and this is a connection<00:02:26.530> that<00:02:26.680> most<00:02:26.890> people<00:02:27.250> aren't connection that most people aren't connection that most people aren't pursuing<00:02:27.910> right<00:02:28.120> now<00:02:28.240> but<00:02:28.450> which<00:02:28.600> were pursuing right now but which were pursuing right now but which were fascinated<00:02:29.500> by<00:02:30.060> most<00:02:31.060> of<00:02:31.180> the<00:02:31.300> important<00:02:31.780> that fascinated by most of the important that fascinated by most of the important that all<00:02:32.110> of<00:02:32.140> the<00:02:32.350> creative<00:02:32.710> work<00:02:33.040> in<00:02:33.250> this<00:02:33.370> area<00:02:33.610> is all of the creative work in this area is all of the creative work in this area is being<00:02:34.210> funded<00:02:34.690> by<00:02:34.720> private<00:02:35.350> philanthropies being funded by private philanthropies being funded by private philanthropies and<00:02:36.340> there's<00:02:37.000> tremendous<00:02:37.270> scope<00:02:37.870> for and there's tremendous scope for and there's tremendous scope for additional<00:02:38.710> private<00:02:39.190> help<00:02:39.430> here<00:02:39.760> because<00:02:40.120> the additional private help here because the additional private help here because the government<00:02:40.660> has<00:02:40.750> dropped<00:02:41.020> the<00:02:41.200> ball<00:02:41.380> on<00:02:41.680> much government has dropped the ball on much government has dropped the ball on much of<00:02:42.160> this<00:02:42.280> I'm<00:02:42.490> afraid<00:02:42.610> in<00:02:43.000> the<00:02:43.630> meantime<00:02:43.840> while of this I'm afraid in the meantime while of this I'm afraid in the meantime while we're<00:02:44.560> waiting<00:02:44.980> for<00:02:45.160> all<00:02:45.670> these<00:02:45.850> things<00:02:46.150> to we're waiting for all these things to we're waiting for all these things to happen<00:02:46.480> here's<00:02:47.020> what<00:02:47.230> you<00:02:47.380> can<00:02:47.530> do<00:02:47.680> for happen here's what you can do for happen here's what you can do for yourself<00:02:48.280> if<00:02:48.520> you<00:02:49.000> want<00:02:49.180> to<00:02:49.270> lower<00:02:49.420> your<00:02:49.630> risk yourself if you want to lower your risk yourself if you want to lower your risk of<00:02:50.110> Parkinson's<00:02:50.470> disease<00:02:50.970> caffeine<00:02:51.970> is of Parkinson's disease caffeine is of Parkinson's disease caffeine is protective<00:02:53.110> to<00:02:53.290> some<00:02:53.470> extent<00:02:53.890> nobody<00:02:54.280> knows protective to some extent nobody knows protective to some extent nobody knows why<00:02:54.850> head<00:02:55.810> injuries<00:02:56.320> are<00:02:56.500> bad<00:02:56.740> for<00:02:57.070> you<00:02:57.190> they why head injuries are bad for you they why head injuries are bad for you they lead<00:02:57.760> to<00:02:57.970> Parkinson's<00:02:58.570> disease<00:02:59.020> and<00:02:59.230> the lead to Parkinson's disease and the lead to Parkinson's disease and the avian<00:03:00.070> flu<00:03:00.340> is<00:03:00.670> also<00:03:01.120> not<00:03:01.570> a<00:03:01.600> good<00:03:01.900> idea<00:03:02.050> as<00:03:03.750> far avian flu is also not a good idea as far avian flu is also not a good idea as far as<00:03:04.870> protecting<00:03:05.380> yourself<00:03:05.709> against as protecting yourself against as protecting yourself against Alzheimer's<00:03:06.610> disease<00:03:06.970> well<00:03:07.600> it<00:03:07.780> turns<00:03:08.080> out Alzheimer's disease well it turns out Alzheimer's disease well it turns out that<00:03:08.440> fish<00:03:08.709> oil<00:03:08.920> has<00:03:09.370> the<00:03:09.400> effect<00:03:10.000> of<00:03:10.120> reducing that fish oil has the effect of reducing that fish oil has the effect of reducing your<00:03:10.720> risk<00:03:10.870> for<00:03:11.680> Alzheimer's<00:03:11.830> disease<00:03:12.280> you your risk for Alzheimer's disease you your risk for Alzheimer's disease you should<00:03:13.270> also<00:03:13.600> keep<00:03:13.900> your<00:03:14.050> blood<00:03:14.290> pressure should also keep your blood pressure should also keep your blood pressure down<00:03:14.709> because<00:03:15.310> chronic<00:03:15.730> high<00:03:15.880> blood<00:03:16.180> pressure down because chronic high blood pressure down because chronic high blood pressure is<00:03:16.690> the<00:03:16.810> biggest<00:03:17.230> single<00:03:17.500> risk<00:03:17.709> factor<00:03:18.070> for is the biggest single risk factor for is the biggest single risk factor for Alzheimer's<00:03:18.250> disease<00:03:18.760> it's<00:03:19.540> also<00:03:19.780> the Alzheimer's disease it's also the Alzheimer's disease it's also the biggest<00:03:20.230> risk<00:03:20.590> factor<00:03:20.950> for<00:03:20.980> glaucoma<00:03:21.340> which biggest risk factor for glaucoma which biggest risk factor for glaucoma which is<00:03:22.480> just<00:03:22.720> Alzheimer's<00:03:22.990> disease<00:03:23.650> of<00:03:23.860> the<00:03:23.950> eye is just Alzheimer's disease of the eye is just Alzheimer's disease of the eye and<00:03:24.610> of<00:03:25.150> course<00:03:25.360> when<00:03:25.540> it<00:03:25.630> comes<00:03:25.840> to<00:03:25.990> cognitive and of course when it comes to cognitive and of course when it comes to cognitive effects<00:03:26.920> use<00:03:27.640> it<00:03:27.850> or<00:03:27.970> lose<00:03:28.300> it<00:03:28.330> applies<00:03:29.019> so<00:03:29.709> you effects use it or lose it applies so you effects use it or lose it applies so you want<00:03:30.010> to<00:03:30.100> stay<00:03:30.340> mentally<00:03:30.760> stimulated<00:03:31.330> but<00:03:31.450> hey want to stay mentally stimulated but hey want to stay mentally stimulated but hey you're<00:03:31.750> listening<00:03:31.900> to<00:03:32.200> me<00:03:32.519> so<00:03:33.519> you've<00:03:33.670> got you're listening to me so you've got you're listening to me so you've got that<00:03:34.090> covered<00:03:34.420> and<00:03:34.720> one<00:03:35.410> final<00:03:35.769> thing<00:03:35.920> which that covered and one final thing which that covered and one final thing which people<00:03:37.300> like<00:03:37.480> me<00:03:37.720> luck<00:03:37.959> okay<00:03:38.739> because<00:03:39.430> the people like me luck okay because the people like me luck okay because the clock<00:03:40.030> is<00:03:40.090> ticking<00:03:40.660> for<00:03:40.930> all<00:03:41.050> of<00:03:41.170> us<00:03:41.290> thank

TEDEducation TED-Ed TED ED, Gregory, Petsko, neurological, neurology, neurological, diseases, Alzheimer’s

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