Điều tra dân số đại dương – Paul Snelgrove

A census of the ocean - Paul Snelgrove

A census of the ocean - Paul Snelgrove



the<00:00:16.240> oceans<00:00:16.640> cover<00:00:16.880> some<00:00:17.119> 70<00:00:17.760> of<00:00:17.920> our<00:00:18.000> planet
the oceans cover some 70 of our planet the oceans cover some 70 of our planet and<00:00:18.480> i<00:00:18.560> think<00:00:19.039> arthur<00:00:19.439> c<00:00:19.600> clark<00:00:20.000> probably<00:00:20.320> had and i think arthur c clark probably had and i think arthur c clark probably had it<00:00:20.720> right<00:00:21.199> when<00:00:21.359> he<00:00:21.520> said<00:00:21.680> that<00:00:21.840> perhaps<00:00:22.160> we it right when he said that perhaps we it right when he said that perhaps we ought<00:00:22.480> to<00:00:22.560> call<00:00:22.800> our<00:00:22.960> planet<00:00:23.600> uh<00:00:23.920> planet<00:00:24.240> ocean ought to call our planet uh planet ocean ought to call our planet uh planet ocean and<00:00:26.240> the<00:00:26.320> oceans<00:00:26.640> are<00:00:26.720> hugely<00:00:27.039> productive<00:00:27.439> as and the oceans are hugely productive as and the oceans are hugely productive as you<00:00:27.680> can<00:00:27.840> see<00:00:28.000> with<00:00:28.160> the<00:00:28.320> satellite<00:00:28.800> image<00:00:29.359> of you can see with the satellite image of you can see with the satellite image of photosynthesis<00:00:30.240> the<00:00:30.400> production<00:00:30.800> of<00:00:30.960> new photosynthesis the production of new photosynthesis the production of new life<00:00:31.840> in<00:00:32.000> fact<00:00:32.160> the<00:00:32.320> oceans<00:00:32.640> produce<00:00:32.960> half<00:00:33.280> of life in fact the oceans produce half of life in fact the oceans produce half of the<00:00:33.440> new<00:00:33.600> life<00:00:34.000> every<00:00:34.160> day<00:00:34.399> on<00:00:34.559> earth<00:00:35.120> as<00:00:35.280> well the new life every day on earth as well the new life every day on earth as well as<00:00:35.600> about<00:00:35.840> half<00:00:36.079> the<00:00:36.239> oxygen<00:00:36.640> that<00:00:36.800> we<00:00:36.960> breathe as about half the oxygen that we breathe as about half the oxygen that we breathe in<00:00:38.160> addition<00:00:38.480> to<00:00:38.559> that<00:00:38.800> it<00:00:38.960> harbors<00:00:39.280> a<00:00:39.360> lot<00:00:39.520> of in addition to that it harbors a lot of in addition to that it harbors a lot of the<00:00:39.680> biodiversity<00:00:40.399> on<00:00:40.640> earth<00:00:40.960> and<00:00:41.040> much<00:00:41.280> of<00:00:41.360> it the biodiversity on earth and much of it the biodiversity on earth and much of it we<00:00:41.600> don't<00:00:41.760> know<00:00:42.000> about<00:00:42.239> but<00:00:42.399> i'll<00:00:42.559> tell<00:00:42.719> you we don't know about but i'll tell you we don't know about but i'll tell you some<00:00:43.040> of<00:00:43.120> that<00:00:43.280> today<00:00:44.320> that<00:00:44.559> also<00:00:44.800> doesn't some of that today that also doesn't some of that today that also doesn't even<00:00:45.200> get<00:00:45.360> into<00:00:45.520> the<00:00:45.680> whole<00:00:46.000> uh<00:00:46.320> protein even get into the whole uh protein even get into the whole uh protein extraction<00:00:47.440> that<00:00:47.600> we<00:00:47.680> do<00:00:47.840> from<00:00:48.000> the<00:00:48.160> oceans extraction that we do from the oceans extraction that we do from the oceans about<00:00:48.719> 10<00:00:49.360> of<00:00:49.520> our<00:00:50.000> our<00:00:50.160> global<00:00:50.559> needs<00:00:51.039> and<00:00:51.200> 100 about 10 of our our global needs and 100 about 10 of our our global needs and 100 of<00:00:51.920> some<00:00:52.160> island<00:00:52.559> nations of some island nations of some island nations if<00:00:54.320> you<00:00:54.480> were<00:00:54.559> to<00:00:54.719> descend<00:00:55.199> into<00:00:55.360> the<00:00:55.520> 95<00:00:56.239> of if you were to descend into the 95 of if you were to descend into the 95 of the<00:00:56.399> biosphere<00:00:56.879> that's<00:00:57.199> livable<00:00:57.840> it<00:00:58.000> would the biosphere that's livable it would the biosphere that's livable it would quickly<00:00:58.399> become<00:00:58.800> pitch<00:00:59.199> black<00:00:59.920> interrupted quickly become pitch black interrupted quickly become pitch black interrupted only<00:01:00.719> by<00:01:00.879> pinpoints<00:01:01.440> of<00:01:01.600> light<00:01:01.840> from only by pinpoints of light from only by pinpoints of light from bioluminescent<00:01:02.800> organisms<00:01:03.760> and<00:01:03.920> if<00:01:04.000> you<00:01:04.080> turn bioluminescent organisms and if you turn bioluminescent organisms and if you turn the<00:01:04.400> lights<00:01:04.720> on<00:01:04.879> you<00:01:04.960> might<00:01:05.199> periodically<00:01:05.760> see the lights on you might periodically see the lights on you might periodically see spectacular<00:01:06.640> organisms<00:01:07.200> swim<00:01:07.520> by<00:01:08.159> because spectacular organisms swim by because spectacular organisms swim by because those<00:01:08.720> are<00:01:08.880> the<00:01:08.960> denizens<00:01:09.360> of<00:01:09.520> the<00:01:09.600> deep<00:01:09.840> the those are the denizens of the deep the those are the denizens of the deep the things<00:01:10.240> that<00:01:10.400> live<00:01:10.640> in<00:01:10.720> the<00:01:10.799> deep<00:01:11.040> ocean<00:01:12.080> and things that live in the deep ocean and things that live in the deep ocean and eventually<00:01:12.720> the<00:01:12.799> deep<00:01:13.040> sea<00:01:13.280> floor<00:01:13.520> would<00:01:13.680> come eventually the deep sea floor would come eventually the deep sea floor would come into<00:01:14.080> view<00:01:14.799> this<00:01:14.960> type<00:01:15.200> of<00:01:15.280> habitat<00:01:15.840> covers into view this type of habitat covers into view this type of habitat covers more<00:01:16.320> of<00:01:16.400> the<00:01:16.479> earth's<00:01:16.799> surface<00:01:17.119> than<00:01:17.280> all more of the earth's surface than all more of the earth's surface than all other<00:01:17.680> habitats<00:01:18.320> combined<00:01:19.200> and<00:01:19.360> yet<00:01:19.600> we<00:01:19.759> know other habitats combined and yet we know other habitats combined and yet we know more<00:01:20.159> about<00:01:20.320> the<00:01:20.400> surface<00:01:20.720> of<00:01:20.880> the<00:01:20.960> moon<00:01:21.200> and more about the surface of the moon and more about the surface of the moon and about<00:01:21.680> mars<00:01:22.400> than<00:01:22.640> we<00:01:22.720> do<00:01:22.880> about<00:01:23.200> this<00:01:23.439> habitat about mars than we do about this habitat about mars than we do about this habitat despite<00:01:24.720> the<00:01:24.799> fact<00:01:25.040> that<00:01:25.119> we<00:01:25.200> have<00:01:25.280> yet<00:01:25.520> to despite the fact that we have yet to despite the fact that we have yet to extract<00:01:26.080> a<00:01:26.159> gram<00:01:26.479> of<00:01:26.560> food<00:01:27.040> a<00:01:27.200> breath<00:01:27.439> of extract a gram of food a breath of extract a gram of food a breath of oxygen<00:01:28.000> or<00:01:28.159> a<00:01:28.240> drop<00:01:28.479> of<00:01:28.640> water<00:01:29.360> from<00:01:29.600> those oxygen or a drop of water from those oxygen or a drop of water from those bodies bodies bodies and<00:01:31.680> so<00:01:32.079> 10<00:01:32.240> years<00:01:32.479> ago<00:01:32.799> an<00:01:32.960> international and so 10 years ago an international and so 10 years ago an international program<00:01:33.920> began<00:01:34.240> called<00:01:34.400> the<00:01:34.479> census<00:01:34.799> of program began called the census of program began called the census of marine<00:01:35.200> life<00:01:35.680> which<00:01:36.000> set<00:01:36.240> out<00:01:36.400> to<00:01:36.560> try<00:01:36.720> and marine life which set out to try and marine life which set out to try and improve<00:01:37.200> our<00:01:37.360> understanding<00:01:38.159> of<00:01:38.320> life<00:01:38.560> in<00:01:38.640> the improve our understanding of life in the improve our understanding of life in the global<00:01:39.119> oceans<00:01:40.079> it<00:01:40.240> involves<00:01:40.640> 17<00:01:40.960> different global oceans it involves 17 different global oceans it involves 17 different projects<00:01:41.920> around<00:01:42.240> the<00:01:42.320> world<00:01:42.640> as<00:01:42.799> you<00:01:42.880> can<00:01:42.960> see projects around the world as you can see projects around the world as you can see these<00:01:43.280> are<00:01:43.360> the<00:01:43.439> footprints<00:01:43.840> of<00:01:44.000> the these are the footprints of the these are the footprints of the different<00:01:44.320> projects<00:01:45.040> and<00:01:45.200> i<00:01:45.280> hope<00:01:45.439> you different projects and i hope you different projects and i hope you appreciate<00:01:46.000> the<00:01:46.159> level<00:01:46.479> of<00:01:46.560> global<00:01:46.880> coverage appreciate the level of global coverage appreciate the level of global coverage that<00:01:47.759> it<00:01:47.920> managed<00:01:48.320> to<00:01:48.479> achieve<00:01:49.439> it<00:01:49.600> all<00:01:49.680> began that it managed to achieve it all began that it managed to achieve it all began when<00:01:50.159> two<00:01:50.399> scientists<00:01:50.880> fred<00:01:51.119> grassley<00:01:51.520> and when two scientists fred grassley and when two scientists fred grassley and jesse<00:01:51.920> al<00:01:52.079> sabel<00:01:52.399> met<00:01:52.640> in<00:01:52.720> woods<00:01:52.880> hall jesse al sabel met in woods hall jesse al sabel met in woods hall massachusetts<00:01:54.000> where<00:01:54.240> both<00:01:54.479> were<00:01:54.640> guests<00:01:54.960> at massachusetts where both were guests at massachusetts where both were guests at the<00:01:55.200> famed<00:01:55.600> oceanographic<00:01:56.320> institute<00:01:57.360> and the famed oceanographic institute and the famed oceanographic institute and fred<00:01:57.680> was<00:01:57.840> lamenting<00:01:58.320> the<00:01:58.479> state<00:01:58.719> of<00:01:58.799> marine fred was lamenting the state of marine fred was lamenting the state of marine biodiversity<00:01:59.840> and<00:01:59.920> the<00:02:00.000> fact<00:02:00.159> that<00:02:00.320> it<00:02:00.399> was<00:02:00.560> in biodiversity and the fact that it was in biodiversity and the fact that it was in trouble<00:02:01.040> and<00:02:01.200> nothing<00:02:01.439> was<00:02:01.600> being<00:02:01.840> done<00:02:02.000> about trouble and nothing was being done about trouble and nothing was being done about it<00:02:02.880> well<00:02:03.119> from<00:02:03.360> that<00:02:03.520> discussion<00:02:04.159> grew<00:02:04.399> this it well from that discussion grew this it well from that discussion grew this program<00:02:04.960> that<00:02:05.119> involved<00:02:05.520> 2<00:02:05.759> 700<00:02:06.240> scientists program that involved 2 700 scientists program that involved 2 700 scientists from<00:02:07.200> more<00:02:07.360> than<00:02:07.520> 80<00:02:07.759> countries<00:02:08.160> around<00:02:08.399> the from more than 80 countries around the from more than 80 countries around the world<00:02:09.200> who<00:02:09.440> engaged<00:02:09.840> in<00:02:10.000> 540<00:02:10.800> ocean world who engaged in 540 ocean world who engaged in 540 ocean expeditions<00:02:11.920> at<00:02:12.000> a<00:02:12.080> combined<00:02:12.480> cost<00:02:13.120> of<00:02:13.280> 650 expeditions at a combined cost of 650 expeditions at a combined cost of 650 million<00:02:14.400> dollars<00:02:15.040> to<00:02:15.280> study<00:02:15.520> the million dollars to study the million dollars to study the distribution<00:02:16.160> diversity<00:02:16.640> and<00:02:16.720> abundance<00:02:17.440> of distribution diversity and abundance of distribution diversity and abundance of life<00:02:17.840> in<00:02:17.920> the<00:02:18.080> global<00:02:18.400> ocean life in the global ocean life in the global ocean and<00:02:20.480> so<00:02:20.640> what<00:02:20.800> did<00:02:20.959> we<00:02:21.120> find<00:02:21.440> we<00:02:21.599> found and so what did we find we found and so what did we find we found spectacular<00:02:22.720> new<00:02:22.879> species<00:02:23.520> the<00:02:23.599> most spectacular new species the most spectacular new species the most beautiful<00:02:24.239> and<00:02:24.319> visually<00:02:24.720> stunning<00:02:25.200> things beautiful and visually stunning things beautiful and visually stunning things everywhere<00:02:26.160> we<00:02:26.400> looked<00:02:26.879> from<00:02:27.040> the<00:02:27.200> shoreline everywhere we looked from the shoreline everywhere we looked from the shoreline to<00:02:27.840> the<00:02:27.920> abyss<00:02:28.560> from<00:02:28.800> microbes<00:02:29.360> all<00:02:29.440> the<00:02:29.520> way to the abyss from microbes all the way to the abyss from microbes all the way up<00:02:29.840> to<00:02:30.000> fish<00:02:30.400> and<00:02:30.560> everything<00:02:30.879> in<00:02:30.959> between<00:02:31.920> and up to fish and everything in between and up to fish and everything in between and the<00:02:32.239> limiting<00:02:32.640> step<00:02:32.959> here<00:02:33.200> wasn't<00:02:33.519> the the limiting step here wasn't the the limiting step here wasn't the unknown<00:02:34.000> diversity<00:02:34.480> of<00:02:34.560> life<00:02:34.800> but<00:02:34.959> rather<00:02:35.280> the unknown diversity of life but rather the unknown diversity of life but rather the taxonomic<00:02:36.160> specialists<00:02:36.959> who<00:02:37.120> can<00:02:37.360> identify taxonomic specialists who can identify taxonomic specialists who can identify and<00:02:38.000> catalog<00:02:38.480> these<00:02:38.640> species<00:02:39.280> that<00:02:39.440> became and catalog these species that became and catalog these species that became the<00:02:39.920> limiting<00:02:40.239> step<00:02:40.959> they<00:02:41.200> in<00:02:41.360> fact<00:02:41.760> are<00:02:42.000> an the limiting step they in fact are an the limiting step they in fact are an endangered<00:02:42.560> species<00:02:43.040> themselves<00:02:44.080> there<00:02:44.239> are endangered species themselves there are endangered species themselves there are actually<00:02:44.720> four<00:02:44.879> to<00:02:45.120> five<00:02:45.360> new<00:02:45.599> species actually four to five new species actually four to five new species described<00:02:46.560> every<00:02:46.720> day<00:02:46.959> for<00:02:47.120> the<00:02:47.200> oceans<00:02:47.840> and described every day for the oceans and described every day for the oceans and as<00:02:48.160> i<00:02:48.239> say<00:02:48.480> it<00:02:48.560> could<00:02:48.720> be<00:02:48.879> a<00:02:48.959> much<00:02:49.200> larger as i say it could be a much larger as i say it could be a much larger number number number now<00:02:51.840> i<00:02:52.000> come<00:02:52.239> from<00:02:52.400> newfoundland<00:02:52.959> in<00:02:53.120> canada now i come from newfoundland in canada now i come from newfoundland in canada it's<00:02:53.599> an<00:02:53.680> island<00:02:54.000> off<00:02:54.080> the<00:02:54.239> east<00:02:54.400> coast<00:02:54.720> of it's an island off the east coast of it's an island off the east coast of that<00:02:55.040> continent<00:02:56.080> where<00:02:56.319> we<00:02:56.560> experienced<00:02:57.040> one that continent where we experienced one that continent where we experienced one of<00:02:57.280> the<00:02:57.360> worst<00:02:57.680> fishing<00:02:58.160> disasters<00:02:59.280> in<00:02:59.440> human of the worst fishing disasters in human of the worst fishing disasters in human history<00:03:00.640> and<00:03:00.720> so<00:03:00.879> this<00:03:01.120> photograph<00:03:01.599> shows<00:03:01.840> a history and so this photograph shows a history and so this photograph shows a small<00:03:02.239> boy<00:03:02.560> next<00:03:02.720> to<00:03:02.879> a<00:03:02.959> codfish<00:03:03.360> it's<00:03:03.519> around small boy next to a codfish it's around small boy next to a codfish it's around 1900.<00:03:04.879> now<00:03:05.120> when<00:03:05.280> i<00:03:05.360> was<00:03:05.519> a<00:03:05.599> boy<00:03:05.840> of<00:03:05.920> about<00:03:06.159> his 1900. now when i was a boy of about his 1900. now when i was a boy of about his age<00:03:06.640> i<00:03:06.720> would<00:03:06.879> go<00:03:06.959> out<00:03:07.120> fishing<00:03:07.440> with<00:03:07.519> my age i would go out fishing with my age i would go out fishing with my grandfather<00:03:08.640> and<00:03:08.720> we<00:03:08.879> would<00:03:09.040> catch<00:03:09.360> fish grandfather and we would catch fish grandfather and we would catch fish about<00:03:10.000> half<00:03:10.239> that<00:03:10.560> size<00:03:11.280> and<00:03:11.440> i<00:03:11.599> thought<00:03:11.760> that about half that size and i thought that about half that size and i thought that was<00:03:12.080> the<00:03:12.239> norm<00:03:12.640> because<00:03:12.879> i<00:03:12.959> had<00:03:13.040> never<00:03:13.280> seen was the norm because i had never seen was the norm because i had never seen fish<00:03:13.920> like<00:03:14.159> this<00:03:14.800> if<00:03:14.959> you<00:03:15.120> were<00:03:15.200> to<00:03:15.280> go<00:03:15.440> out fish like this if you were to go out fish like this if you were to go out there<00:03:15.680> today<00:03:16.080> 20<00:03:16.319> years<00:03:16.560> after<00:03:16.800> this<00:03:16.959> fishery there today 20 years after this fishery there today 20 years after this fishery collapsed<00:03:18.080> if<00:03:18.159> you<00:03:18.319> could<00:03:18.480> catch<00:03:18.720> a<00:03:18.800> fish collapsed if you could catch a fish collapsed if you could catch a fish which<00:03:19.280> would<00:03:19.440> be<00:03:19.760> a<00:03:19.840> bit<00:03:20.000> of<00:03:20.159> a<00:03:20.239> challenge<00:03:20.800> it which would be a bit of a challenge it which would be a bit of a challenge it would<00:03:21.040> be<00:03:21.120> half<00:03:21.440> that<00:03:21.680> size<00:03:22.000> still<00:03:22.720> so<00:03:22.879> what would be half that size still so what would be half that size still so what we're<00:03:23.280> experiencing<00:03:23.760> is<00:03:23.920> something<00:03:24.159> called we're experiencing is something called we're experiencing is something called shifting<00:03:24.720> baselines<00:03:25.599> our<00:03:25.760> expectations<00:03:26.480> of shifting baselines our expectations of shifting baselines our expectations of what<00:03:26.720> the<00:03:26.879> oceans<00:03:27.280> can<00:03:27.519> produce<00:03:28.319> is<00:03:28.480> something what the oceans can produce is something what the oceans can produce is something that<00:03:28.879> we<00:03:28.959> don't<00:03:29.120> really<00:03:29.360> appreciate<00:03:29.920> because that we don't really appreciate because that we don't really appreciate because we<00:03:30.319> haven't<00:03:30.560> seen<00:03:30.799> it<00:03:31.200> in<00:03:31.360> our<00:03:31.519> lifetimes<00:03:32.720> now we haven't seen it in our lifetimes now we haven't seen it in our lifetimes now most<00:03:33.200> of<00:03:33.360> us<00:03:33.599> and<00:03:33.680> i<00:03:33.760> would<00:03:33.920> say<00:03:34.400> me<00:03:34.640> included most of us and i would say me included most of us and i would say me included think<00:03:36.319> that<00:03:36.640> human<00:03:37.040> exploitation<00:03:37.599> of<00:03:37.680> the think that human exploitation of the think that human exploitation of the oceans<00:03:38.159> really<00:03:38.400> only<00:03:38.640> became<00:03:38.959> very<00:03:39.120> serious oceans really only became very serious oceans really only became very serious in<00:03:39.519> the<00:03:39.599> last<00:03:39.840> 50<00:03:40.159> to<00:03:40.560> perhaps<00:03:40.959> 100<00:03:41.280> years<00:03:41.519> or in the last 50 to perhaps 100 years or in the last 50 to perhaps 100 years or so<00:03:42.319> the<00:03:42.480> census<00:03:42.879> actually<00:03:43.120> tried<00:03:43.280> to<00:03:43.360> look so the census actually tried to look so the census actually tried to look back<00:03:43.760> in<00:03:43.920> time<00:03:44.239> using<00:03:44.480> every<00:03:44.640> source<00:03:44.959> of back in time using every source of back in time using every source of information<00:03:45.519> they<00:03:45.599> could<00:03:45.760> get<00:03:45.920> their<00:03:46.080> hands information they could get their hands information they could get their hands on<00:03:46.959> and<00:03:47.120> so<00:03:47.360> anything<00:03:47.599> from<00:03:47.760> restaurant<00:03:48.159> menus on and so anything from restaurant menus on and so anything from restaurant menus to<00:03:48.720> monastery<00:03:49.360> records<00:03:49.760> to<00:03:49.920> ships<00:03:50.239> logs<00:03:50.799> to to monastery records to ships logs to to monastery records to ships logs to see<00:03:51.120> what<00:03:51.280> the<00:03:51.440> oceans<00:03:51.680> look<00:03:51.840> like<00:03:52.000> because see what the oceans look like because see what the oceans look like because science<00:03:52.560> data<00:03:53.120> really<00:03:53.440> goes<00:03:53.680> back<00:03:53.840> to<00:03:54.000> at<00:03:54.159> best science data really goes back to at best science data really goes back to at best world<00:03:54.640> war<00:03:54.959> ii<00:03:55.440> for<00:03:55.599> the<00:03:55.680> most<00:03:56.000> part world war ii for the most part world war ii for the most part and<00:03:56.959> so<00:03:57.120> what<00:03:57.280> they<00:03:57.439> found<00:03:57.760> in<00:03:57.920> fact<00:03:58.239> is<00:03:58.400> that and so what they found in fact is that and so what they found in fact is that exploitation<00:03:59.280> really<00:03:59.519> began<00:03:59.840> heavily<00:04:00.159> with exploitation really began heavily with exploitation really began heavily with the<00:04:00.400> romans<00:04:01.280> and<00:04:01.439> so<00:04:01.680> at<00:04:01.840> that<00:04:02.000> time<00:04:02.239> of<00:04:02.319> course the romans and so at that time of course the romans and so at that time of course there<00:04:02.640> was<00:04:02.720> no<00:04:02.879> refrigeration<00:04:03.760> so<00:04:03.920> fishermen there was no refrigeration so fishermen there was no refrigeration so fishermen could<00:04:04.879> only<00:04:05.200> uh<00:04:05.840> catch<00:04:06.080> what<00:04:06.239> they<00:04:06.400> could could only uh catch what they could could only uh catch what they could either<00:04:06.720> eat<00:04:06.959> or<00:04:07.200> sell<00:04:07.439> that<00:04:07.760> day<00:04:08.400> but<00:04:08.560> the either eat or sell that day but the either eat or sell that day but the romans<00:04:09.040> developed<00:04:09.439> salting<00:04:10.080> and<00:04:10.239> with romans developed salting and with romans developed salting and with saltine<00:04:10.879> it<00:04:10.959> became<00:04:11.360> possible<00:04:11.760> to<00:04:12.400> store<00:04:12.720> fish saltine it became possible to store fish saltine it became possible to store fish and<00:04:13.120> to<00:04:13.280> transport<00:04:13.760> at<00:04:13.920> long<00:04:14.159> distances<00:04:15.040> and and to transport at long distances and and to transport at long distances and so<00:04:15.439> began<00:04:15.840> industrial<00:04:16.479> fishing so began industrial fishing so began industrial fishing and<00:04:18.239> so<00:04:18.400> these<00:04:18.639> are<00:04:18.720> the<00:04:19.040> sorts<00:04:19.359> of and so these are the sorts of and so these are the sorts of extrapolations<00:04:20.320> that<00:04:20.400> we<00:04:20.560> have<00:04:20.799> of<00:04:21.040> what<00:04:21.280> sort extrapolations that we have of what sort extrapolations that we have of what sort of<00:04:21.680> loss<00:04:22.079> we've<00:04:22.240> had<00:04:22.880> relative<00:04:23.280> to<00:04:23.440> pre-human of loss we've had relative to pre-human of loss we've had relative to pre-human impacts<00:04:24.960> on<00:04:25.120> the<00:04:25.199> ocean<00:04:25.840> they<00:04:26.080> range<00:04:26.320> from<00:04:26.479> 65 impacts on the ocean they range from 65 impacts on the ocean they range from 65 to<00:04:27.199> 98<00:04:27.919> for<00:04:28.000> these<00:04:28.160> major<00:04:28.400> groups<00:04:28.639> of to 98 for these major groups of to 98 for these major groups of organisms<00:04:29.440> as<00:04:29.680> shown<00:04:29.919> in<00:04:30.000> the<00:04:30.160> dark<00:04:30.400> blue<00:04:30.639> bars organisms as shown in the dark blue bars organisms as shown in the dark blue bars now<00:04:31.759> for<00:04:31.919> those<00:04:32.160> species<00:04:32.560> that<00:04:32.720> we<00:04:32.960> managed<00:04:33.280> to now for those species that we managed to now for those species that we managed to leave<00:04:33.600> alone<00:04:33.919> that<00:04:34.000> we<00:04:34.160> protect<00:04:34.560> for<00:04:34.639> example leave alone that we protect for example leave alone that we protect for example marine<00:04:35.280> mammals<00:04:35.600> in<00:04:35.680> recent<00:04:36.000> years<00:04:36.479> and marine mammals in recent years and marine mammals in recent years and seabirds<00:04:37.440> there<00:04:37.680> is<00:04:37.840> some<00:04:38.000> recovery<00:04:38.479> so<00:04:38.639> it's seabirds there is some recovery so it's seabirds there is some recovery so it's not<00:04:39.040> all<00:04:39.199> hopeless<00:04:40.000> but<00:04:40.160> for<00:04:40.320> the<00:04:40.400> most<00:04:40.639> part not all hopeless but for the most part not all hopeless but for the most part we've<00:04:41.040> gone<00:04:41.280> from<00:04:41.520> salting<00:04:41.919> to<00:04:42.080> exhausting we've gone from salting to exhausting we've gone from salting to exhausting now<00:04:44.320> this<00:04:44.560> other<00:04:44.880> line<00:04:45.040> of<00:04:45.199> evidence<00:04:45.440> is<00:04:45.600> a now this other line of evidence is a now this other line of evidence is a really<00:04:45.840> interesting<00:04:46.160> one<00:04:46.320> it's<00:04:46.479> from<00:04:46.639> trophy really interesting one it's from trophy really interesting one it's from trophy fish<00:04:47.520> caught<00:04:47.840> off<00:04:47.919> the<00:04:48.000> coast<00:04:48.240> of<00:04:48.400> florida<00:04:49.199> and fish caught off the coast of florida and fish caught off the coast of florida and so<00:04:49.600> this<00:04:49.840> is<00:04:50.080> a<00:04:50.160> photograph<00:04:50.560> from<00:04:50.720> the<00:04:50.800> 1950s<00:04:51.600> i so this is a photograph from the 1950s i so this is a photograph from the 1950s i want<00:04:51.759> you<00:04:51.919> to<00:04:52.000> notice<00:04:52.320> the<00:04:52.400> scale<00:04:52.800> on<00:04:52.880> the want you to notice the scale on the want you to notice the scale on the slide<00:04:53.840> because<00:04:54.080> when<00:04:54.240> you<00:04:54.320> see<00:04:54.479> the<00:04:54.639> same slide because when you see the same slide because when you see the same picture<00:04:55.120> from<00:04:55.280> the<00:04:55.360> 1980s<00:04:56.479> we<00:04:56.639> see<00:04:56.800> the<00:04:56.960> fish picture from the 1980s we see the fish picture from the 1980s we see the fish are<00:04:57.360> much<00:04:57.600> smaller<00:04:58.160> and<00:04:58.320> we're<00:04:58.479> also<00:04:58.720> seeing<00:04:58.960> a are much smaller and we're also seeing a are much smaller and we're also seeing a change<00:04:59.360> in<00:04:59.440> terms<00:04:59.680> of<00:04:59.759> the<00:04:59.840> composition<00:05:00.400> of change in terms of the composition of change in terms of the composition of those<00:05:00.720> fish those fish those fish by<00:05:01.840> 2007<00:05:02.639> the<00:05:02.720> catch<00:05:02.960> was<00:05:03.199> actually<00:05:03.520> laughable by 2007 the catch was actually laughable by 2007 the catch was actually laughable in<00:05:04.080> terms<00:05:04.320> of<00:05:04.400> the<00:05:04.560> size<00:05:04.960> for<00:05:05.120> a<00:05:05.199> trophy<00:05:05.680> fish in terms of the size for a trophy fish in terms of the size for a trophy fish but<00:05:06.320> this<00:05:06.479> is<00:05:06.639> no<00:05:06.800> laughing<00:05:07.199> matter<00:05:07.759> the but this is no laughing matter the but this is no laughing matter the oceans<00:05:08.320> have<00:05:08.400> lost<00:05:08.800> a<00:05:08.880> lot<00:05:09.039> of<00:05:09.120> their oceans have lost a lot of their oceans have lost a lot of their productivity<00:05:10.160> and<00:05:10.320> we're<00:05:10.639> responsible<00:05:11.280> for productivity and we're responsible for productivity and we're responsible for it it it so<00:05:13.199> what's<00:05:13.520> left<00:05:14.080> actually<00:05:14.400> quite<00:05:14.639> a<00:05:14.720> lot so what's left actually quite a lot so what's left actually quite a lot there's<00:05:15.280> a<00:05:15.360> lot<00:05:15.520> of<00:05:15.600> exciting<00:05:16.000> things<00:05:16.320> i'm there's a lot of exciting things i'm there's a lot of exciting things i'm going<00:05:16.560> to<00:05:16.639> tell<00:05:16.800> you<00:05:16.880> a<00:05:16.960> little<00:05:17.120> bit<00:05:17.280> about going to tell you a little bit about going to tell you a little bit about them<00:05:17.680> and<00:05:17.759> i<00:05:17.840> want<00:05:18.000> to<00:05:18.160> start<00:05:18.400> with<00:05:18.560> a<00:05:18.639> bit<00:05:18.800> on them and i want to start with a bit on them and i want to start with a bit on technology<00:05:19.840> because<00:05:20.080> of<00:05:20.160> course<00:05:20.400> this<00:05:20.560> is<00:05:20.639> a technology because of course this is a technology because of course this is a ted<00:05:20.960> conference<00:05:21.440> and<00:05:21.680> you<00:05:21.759> want<00:05:21.919> to<00:05:22.000> hear ted conference and you want to hear ted conference and you want to hear something<00:05:22.800> on<00:05:22.960> technology<00:05:24.080> so<00:05:24.240> one<00:05:24.400> of<00:05:24.479> the something on technology so one of the something on technology so one of the tools<00:05:24.880> that<00:05:24.960> we<00:05:25.120> use<00:05:25.280> to<00:05:25.440> sample<00:05:25.759> the<00:05:25.840> deep tools that we use to sample the deep tools that we use to sample the deep ocean<00:05:26.400> are<00:05:26.479> remotely<00:05:26.880> operated<00:05:27.360> vehicles<00:05:27.759> and ocean are remotely operated vehicles and ocean are remotely operated vehicles and so<00:05:28.080> these<00:05:28.320> are<00:05:28.479> tethered<00:05:28.880> vehicles<00:05:29.440> we<00:05:29.600> lower so these are tethered vehicles we lower so these are tethered vehicles we lower down<00:05:30.080> to<00:05:30.240> the<00:05:30.320> sea<00:05:30.560> floor<00:05:31.120> where<00:05:31.280> there<00:05:31.520> are down to the sea floor where there are down to the sea floor where there are eyes<00:05:32.000> on<00:05:32.160> our<00:05:32.240> hands<00:05:32.720> for<00:05:32.960> working<00:05:33.199> on<00:05:33.360> the<00:05:33.440> sea eyes on our hands for working on the sea eyes on our hands for working on the sea bottom<00:05:34.400> so<00:05:34.560> a<00:05:34.639> couple<00:05:34.880> years<00:05:35.039> ago<00:05:35.360> i<00:05:35.440> was bottom so a couple years ago i was bottom so a couple years ago i was supposed<00:05:35.680> to<00:05:35.759> go<00:05:35.840> on<00:05:35.919> an<00:05:36.080> oceanographic supposed to go on an oceanographic supposed to go on an oceanographic cruise<00:05:36.960> and<00:05:37.039> i<00:05:37.120> couldn't<00:05:37.360> go<00:05:37.520> because<00:05:37.759> of<00:05:37.840> the cruise and i couldn't go because of the cruise and i couldn't go because of the scheduling<00:05:38.479> conflict<00:05:39.520> but<00:05:39.840> through<00:05:40.000> a scheduling conflict but through a scheduling conflict but through a satellite<00:05:40.560> link<00:05:40.800> i<00:05:40.880> was<00:05:41.039> able<00:05:41.199> to<00:05:41.280> sit<00:05:41.520> at<00:05:41.600> my satellite link i was able to sit at my satellite link i was able to sit at my study<00:05:42.080> at<00:05:42.160> home<00:05:42.400> with<00:05:42.560> my<00:05:42.720> dog<00:05:42.960> curled<00:05:43.280> up<00:05:43.360> at study at home with my dog curled up at study at home with my dog curled up at my<00:05:43.600> feet<00:05:44.080> a<00:05:44.160> cup<00:05:44.400> of<00:05:44.479> tea<00:05:44.639> in<00:05:44.800> my<00:05:44.880> hand<00:05:45.360> and<00:05:45.520> i my feet a cup of tea in my hand and i my feet a cup of tea in my hand and i could<00:05:45.759> tell<00:05:45.919> the<00:05:46.080> pilot<00:05:46.479> i<00:05:46.560> want<00:05:46.800> a<00:05:46.880> sample could tell the pilot i want a sample could tell the pilot i want a sample right<00:05:47.520> there<00:05:48.080> and<00:05:48.160> that's<00:05:48.400> exactly<00:05:48.720> what<00:05:48.880> the right there and that's exactly what the right there and that's exactly what the pilot<00:05:49.360> did<00:05:49.600> for<00:05:49.759> me<00:05:50.080> that's<00:05:50.320> the<00:05:50.400> sort<00:05:50.560> of pilot did for me that's the sort of pilot did for me that's the sort of technology<00:05:51.280> that's<00:05:51.520> available<00:05:52.000> today<00:05:52.560> that technology that's available today that technology that's available today that really<00:05:52.960> wasn't<00:05:53.199> available<00:05:53.680> even<00:05:53.919> a<00:05:54.000> decade really wasn't available even a decade really wasn't available even a decade ago<00:05:54.960> so<00:05:55.199> it<00:05:55.280> allows<00:05:55.600> us<00:05:55.759> to<00:05:55.919> sample<00:05:56.240> these ago so it allows us to sample these ago so it allows us to sample these amazing<00:05:56.720> habitats<00:05:57.600> that<00:05:57.759> are<00:05:57.919> very<00:05:58.160> far<00:05:58.400> from amazing habitats that are very far from amazing habitats that are very far from the<00:05:58.720> surface<00:05:59.280> and<00:05:59.440> very<00:05:59.680> far<00:05:59.919> from<00:06:00.160> light the surface and very far from light the surface and very far from light and<00:06:01.440> so<00:06:01.680> uh<00:06:01.840> one<00:06:02.080> of<00:06:02.160> the<00:06:02.240> tools<00:06:02.479> that<00:06:02.639> we<00:06:02.720> can and so uh one of the tools that we can and so uh one of the tools that we can use<00:06:03.039> to<00:06:03.199> sample<00:06:03.520> the<00:06:03.680> oceans<00:06:04.000> is<00:06:04.080> acoustics<00:06:04.639> or use to sample the oceans is acoustics or use to sample the oceans is acoustics or sound<00:06:05.199> waves<00:06:05.840> and<00:06:06.000> the<00:06:06.080> advantage<00:06:06.479> of<00:06:06.639> sound sound waves and the advantage of sound sound waves and the advantage of sound waves<00:06:07.199> is<00:06:07.360> that<00:06:07.440> they<00:06:07.680> actually<00:06:08.000> pass<00:06:08.319> well waves is that they actually pass well waves is that they actually pass well through<00:06:08.800> water<00:06:09.120> unlike<00:06:09.440> light<00:06:10.000> and<00:06:10.080> so<00:06:10.240> we<00:06:10.319> can through water unlike light and so we can through water unlike light and so we can send<00:06:10.720> out<00:06:10.960> sound<00:06:11.199> waves<00:06:11.440> they<00:06:11.520> bounce<00:06:11.840> off send out sound waves they bounce off send out sound waves they bounce off objects<00:06:12.319> like<00:06:12.560> fish<00:06:13.120> and<00:06:13.280> are<00:06:13.360> reflected<00:06:13.919> back objects like fish and are reflected back objects like fish and are reflected back and<00:06:14.639> so<00:06:14.880> in<00:06:14.960> this<00:06:15.120> example<00:06:15.840> since<00:06:16.080> the and so in this example since the and so in this example since the scientists<00:06:16.639> took<00:06:16.880> out<00:06:17.039> two<00:06:17.280> ships<00:06:17.840> one<00:06:18.080> would scientists took out two ships one would scientists took out two ships one would send<00:06:18.479> out<00:06:18.639> sound<00:06:18.960> waves<00:06:19.199> they<00:06:19.280> would<00:06:19.360> bounce send out sound waves they would bounce send out sound waves they would bounce back<00:06:19.919> they<00:06:20.080> would<00:06:20.160> be<00:06:20.479> received<00:06:21.199> by<00:06:21.440> second back they would be received by second back they would be received by second ship<00:06:22.319> and<00:06:22.400> that<00:06:22.560> would<00:06:22.720> give<00:06:22.880> us<00:06:23.039> very<00:06:23.199> precise ship and that would give us very precise ship and that would give us very precise estimates<00:06:24.080> in<00:06:24.240> this<00:06:24.400> case<00:06:25.039> of<00:06:25.199> 250<00:06:26.080> billion estimates in this case of 250 billion estimates in this case of 250 billion herring<00:06:27.120> in<00:06:27.280> a<00:06:27.360> period<00:06:27.600> of<00:06:27.680> about<00:06:27.919> a<00:06:28.080> minute herring in a period of about a minute herring in a period of about a minute and<00:06:28.720> that's<00:06:28.960> an<00:06:29.120> area<00:06:29.360> about<00:06:29.520> the<00:06:29.680> size<00:06:29.919> of and that's an area about the size of and that's an area about the size of manhattan<00:06:30.560> island<00:06:31.280> and<00:06:31.440> so<00:06:31.600> to<00:06:31.680> be<00:06:31.759> able<00:06:31.919> to<00:06:32.000> do manhattan island and so to be able to do manhattan island and so to be able to do that<00:06:32.240> is<00:06:32.400> a<00:06:32.479> tremendous<00:06:32.880> fisheries<00:06:33.360> tool that is a tremendous fisheries tool that is a tremendous fisheries tool because<00:06:33.759> knowing<00:06:34.240> how<00:06:34.400> many<00:06:34.639> fish<00:06:34.880> are<00:06:34.960> there because knowing how many fish are there because knowing how many fish are there is<00:06:35.360> really<00:06:35.600> critical is really critical is really critical we<00:06:37.360> can<00:06:37.520> also<00:06:37.759> use<00:06:38.000> satellite<00:06:38.479> tags<00:06:38.800> to<00:06:38.960> track we can also use satellite tags to track we can also use satellite tags to track animals<00:06:39.600> as<00:06:39.759> they<00:06:39.840> move<00:06:40.000> through<00:06:40.240> the<00:06:40.319> oceans animals as they move through the oceans animals as they move through the oceans and<00:06:41.360> so<00:06:41.520> for<00:06:41.759> animals<00:06:42.240> that<00:06:42.319> come<00:06:42.479> to<00:06:42.639> the and so for animals that come to the and so for animals that come to the surface<00:06:43.039> to<00:06:43.199> breathe<00:06:43.520> such<00:06:43.759> as<00:06:43.840> this<00:06:44.160> elephant surface to breathe such as this elephant surface to breathe such as this elephant seal<00:06:45.120> it's<00:06:45.280> an<00:06:45.440> opportunity<00:06:45.919> to<00:06:46.080> send<00:06:46.240> data seal it's an opportunity to send data seal it's an opportunity to send data back<00:06:46.639> to<00:06:46.800> shore<00:06:47.120> and<00:06:47.199> tell<00:06:47.360> us<00:06:47.520> where<00:06:47.840> exactly back to shore and tell us where exactly back to shore and tell us where exactly it<00:06:48.400> is<00:06:48.639> in<00:06:48.720> the<00:06:48.880> ocean<00:06:49.520> and<00:06:49.680> so<00:06:49.840> from<00:06:50.000> that<00:06:50.240> we it is in the ocean and so from that we it is in the ocean and so from that we can<00:06:50.479> produce<00:06:50.800> these<00:06:51.039> tracks<00:06:51.680> for<00:06:51.840> example<00:06:52.160> the can produce these tracks for example the can produce these tracks for example the dark<00:06:52.560> blue<00:06:52.880> shows<00:06:53.199> you<00:06:53.280> where<00:06:53.440> the<00:06:54.000> elephant dark blue shows you where the elephant dark blue shows you where the elephant seal<00:06:54.639> moved<00:06:54.880> in<00:06:54.960> the<00:06:55.039> north<00:06:55.280> pacific<00:06:56.000> now<00:06:56.160> i seal moved in the north pacific now i seal moved in the north pacific now i realize<00:06:56.479> for<00:06:56.639> those<00:06:56.800> of<00:06:56.880> you<00:06:56.960> who<00:06:57.039> are<00:06:57.120> color realize for those of you who are color realize for those of you who are color blind<00:06:57.680> this<00:06:57.759> slide<00:06:58.080> is<00:06:58.160> not<00:06:58.319> very<00:06:58.479> helpful<00:06:58.960> but blind this slide is not very helpful but blind this slide is not very helpful but stick<00:06:59.759> with<00:07:00.000> me<00:07:00.160> nonetheless stick with me nonetheless stick with me nonetheless for<00:07:01.599> animals<00:07:02.000> that<00:07:02.160> don't<00:07:02.479> surface<00:07:02.880> we<00:07:03.039> have for animals that don't surface we have for animals that don't surface we have something<00:07:03.440> called<00:07:03.599> pop-up<00:07:04.080> tags<00:07:04.400> which something called pop-up tags which something called pop-up tags which collect<00:07:04.880> data<00:07:05.199> about<00:07:05.520> light<00:07:06.080> and<00:07:06.160> what<00:07:06.400> time collect data about light and what time collect data about light and what time the<00:07:06.720> sun<00:07:06.960> rises<00:07:07.360> and<00:07:07.520> sets<00:07:08.160> and<00:07:08.240> then<00:07:08.560> at<00:07:08.720> some the sun rises and sets and then at some the sun rises and sets and then at some period<00:07:09.199> of<00:07:09.280> time<00:07:09.599> it<00:07:09.680> pops<00:07:09.919> up<00:07:10.000> to<00:07:10.160> the<00:07:10.240> surface period of time it pops up to the surface period of time it pops up to the surface and<00:07:11.039> again<00:07:11.360> relays<00:07:11.680> that<00:07:11.840> data<00:07:12.080> back<00:07:12.240> to<00:07:12.400> shore and again relays that data back to shore and again relays that data back to shore because<00:07:13.120> gps<00:07:13.599> doesn't<00:07:13.759> work<00:07:14.000> underwater because gps doesn't work underwater because gps doesn't work underwater that's<00:07:14.639> why<00:07:14.880> we<00:07:14.960> need<00:07:15.120> these<00:07:15.360> tools<00:07:16.080> and<00:07:16.240> so that's why we need these tools and so that's why we need these tools and so from<00:07:16.560> this<00:07:16.800> we're<00:07:16.960> able<00:07:17.120> to<00:07:17.280> identify<00:07:17.840> these from this we're able to identify these from this we're able to identify these blue<00:07:18.319> highways<00:07:19.120> these<00:07:19.360> hot<00:07:19.599> spots<00:07:20.000> in<00:07:20.080> the blue highways these hot spots in the blue highways these hot spots in the ocean<00:07:20.960> that<00:07:21.199> should<00:07:21.360> be<00:07:21.599> real<00:07:21.840> priority<00:07:22.319> areas ocean that should be real priority areas ocean that should be real priority areas for<00:07:22.720> ocean<00:07:23.039> conservation for ocean conservation for ocean conservation now<00:07:25.280> one<00:07:25.440> of<00:07:25.520> the<00:07:25.599> other<00:07:25.759> things<00:07:25.919> that<00:07:26.000> you<00:07:26.080> may now one of the other things that you may now one of the other things that you may think<00:07:26.400> about<00:07:26.560> is<00:07:26.720> that<00:07:26.800> when<00:07:26.880> you<00:07:26.960> go<00:07:27.120> to<00:07:27.199> the think about is that when you go to the think about is that when you go to the supermarket<00:07:28.400> and<00:07:28.479> you<00:07:28.720> buy<00:07:29.039> things<00:07:29.360> they're supermarket and you buy things they're supermarket and you buy things they're scanned<00:07:30.240> and<00:07:30.319> so<00:07:30.479> there's<00:07:30.639> a<00:07:30.720> bar<00:07:30.960> code<00:07:31.199> on scanned and so there's a bar code on scanned and so there's a bar code on that<00:07:31.520> product<00:07:32.000> that<00:07:32.240> tells<00:07:32.560> the<00:07:32.639> computer that product that tells the computer that product that tells the computer exactly<00:07:33.280> what<00:07:33.440> the<00:07:33.599> product<00:07:34.000> is<00:07:34.639> geneticists exactly what the product is geneticists exactly what the product is geneticists have<00:07:35.360> developed<00:07:35.759> a<00:07:35.840> similar<00:07:36.160> tool<00:07:36.479> called have developed a similar tool called have developed a similar tool called genetic<00:07:37.120> bar<00:07:37.360> coding<00:07:38.000> and<00:07:38.160> what<00:07:38.319> barcoding genetic bar coding and what barcoding genetic bar coding and what barcoding does<00:07:39.039> is<00:07:39.199> uses<00:07:39.599> a<00:07:39.759> specific<00:07:40.240> gene<00:07:40.639> called<00:07:40.960> co1 does is uses a specific gene called co1 does is uses a specific gene called co1 that's<00:07:42.080> consistent<00:07:42.479> within<00:07:42.800> a<00:07:42.880> species<00:07:43.199> but that's consistent within a species but that's consistent within a species but varies<00:07:43.599> among<00:07:44.000> species<00:07:44.880> and<00:07:44.960> so<00:07:45.120> what<00:07:45.280> that varies among species and so what that varies among species and so what that means<00:07:45.759> is<00:07:45.919> we<00:07:46.000> can<00:07:46.160> unambiguously<00:07:46.960> identify means is we can unambiguously identify means is we can unambiguously identify which<00:07:47.680> species<00:07:48.160> are<00:07:48.240> which<00:07:48.800> even<00:07:49.039> if<00:07:49.120> they which species are which even if they which species are which even if they look<00:07:49.520> similar<00:07:49.840> to<00:07:50.000> each<00:07:50.160> other<00:07:50.319> but<00:07:50.479> maybe look similar to each other but maybe look similar to each other but maybe biologically<00:07:51.759> quite<00:07:52.000> different<00:07:52.720> now<00:07:52.880> one<00:07:53.039> of biologically quite different now one of biologically quite different now one of the<00:07:53.360> nicest<00:07:53.759> examples<00:07:54.160> i<00:07:54.240> like<00:07:54.400> to<00:07:54.479> cite<00:07:54.720> on the nicest examples i like to cite on the nicest examples i like to cite on this<00:07:54.960> is<00:07:55.120> a<00:07:55.199> story<00:07:55.440> of<00:07:55.520> two<00:07:55.680> young<00:07:55.840> women<00:07:56.160> high this is a story of two young women high this is a story of two young women high school<00:07:56.639> students<00:07:57.280> in<00:07:57.360> new<00:07:57.520> york<00:07:57.759> city school students in new york city school students in new york city who<00:07:58.560> worked<00:07:58.800> with<00:07:58.960> the<00:07:59.039> census<00:07:59.440> they<00:07:59.599> went<00:07:59.759> out who worked with the census they went out who worked with the census they went out and<00:08:00.000> collected<00:08:00.479> fish<00:08:00.800> from<00:08:01.039> markets<00:08:01.520> and<00:08:01.599> from and collected fish from markets and from and collected fish from markets and from restaurants<00:08:02.639> in<00:08:02.720> new<00:08:02.879> york<00:08:03.120> city<00:08:03.440> and<00:08:03.520> they restaurants in new york city and they restaurants in new york city and they barcoded<00:08:04.319> it<00:08:04.800> what<00:08:04.960> they<00:08:05.199> found<00:08:05.440> was barcoded it what they found was barcoded it what they found was mislabeled<00:08:06.400> fish<00:08:07.039> so<00:08:07.280> for<00:08:07.440> example<00:08:07.840> they mislabeled fish so for example they mislabeled fish so for example they found<00:08:08.240> something<00:08:08.479> that<00:08:08.560> was<00:08:08.720> sold<00:08:09.039> as<00:08:09.440> tuna found something that was sold as tuna found something that was sold as tuna which<00:08:10.000> is<00:08:10.080> very<00:08:10.319> valuable<00:08:11.199> was<00:08:11.440> in<00:08:11.520> fact which is very valuable was in fact which is very valuable was in fact tilapia<00:08:12.319> which<00:08:12.400> is<00:08:12.479> a<00:08:12.560> much<00:08:12.800> less<00:08:13.039> valuable tilapia which is a much less valuable tilapia which is a much less valuable fish<00:08:14.240> they<00:08:14.479> also<00:08:14.720> found<00:08:14.960> an<00:08:15.199> endangered fish they also found an endangered fish they also found an endangered species<00:08:16.080> sold<00:08:16.400> as<00:08:16.479> a<00:08:16.560> common<00:08:16.960> one<00:08:17.599> so<00:08:17.759> bar species sold as a common one so bar species sold as a common one so bar coding<00:08:18.400> allows<00:08:18.720> us<00:08:18.800> to<00:08:18.960> know<00:08:19.120> what<00:08:19.199> we're coding allows us to know what we're coding allows us to know what we're working<00:08:19.680> with<00:08:19.919> and<00:08:20.000> also<00:08:20.240> what<00:08:20.400> we're<00:08:20.560> eating

the<00:08:23.199> ocean<00:08:23.440> by<00:08:23.680> geographic<00:08:24.240> information
the ocean by geographic information the ocean by geographic information system<00:08:25.280> is<00:08:25.360> the<00:08:25.520> database<00:08:26.080> for<00:08:26.240> all<00:08:26.400> the system is the database for all the system is the database for all the census<00:08:26.879> data<00:08:27.199> it's<00:08:27.360> open<00:08:27.599> access<00:08:27.919> you<00:08:28.000> can<00:08:28.160> all census data it's open access you can all census data it's open access you can all go<00:08:28.479> in<00:08:28.639> and<00:08:28.720> download<00:08:29.120> data<00:08:29.360> as<00:08:29.520> you<00:08:29.599> wish<00:08:30.400> and go in and download data as you wish and go in and download data as you wish and it<00:08:30.800> contains<00:08:31.199> all<00:08:31.280> the<00:08:31.360> data<00:08:31.599> from<00:08:31.680> the<00:08:31.759> census it contains all the data from the census it contains all the data from the census plus<00:08:32.479> other<00:08:32.640> data<00:08:32.880> sets<00:08:33.120> that<00:08:33.200> people<00:08:33.360> were plus other data sets that people were plus other data sets that people were willing<00:08:33.760> to<00:08:33.919> contribute willing to contribute willing to contribute and<00:08:35.120> so<00:08:35.279> what<00:08:35.440> you<00:08:35.519> can<00:08:35.599> do<00:08:35.760> with<00:08:35.839> that<00:08:36.080> is<00:08:36.159> to and so what you can do with that is to and so what you can do with that is to plot<00:08:36.479> the<00:08:36.640> distribution<00:08:37.120> of<00:08:37.200> species<00:08:37.680> and plot the distribution of species and plot the distribution of species and where<00:08:37.919> they<00:08:38.080> occur<00:08:38.320> in<00:08:38.479> the<00:08:38.560> oceans<00:08:39.440> what<00:08:39.680> i've where they occur in the oceans what i've where they occur in the oceans what i've plotted<00:08:40.159> up<00:08:40.240> here<00:08:40.479> is<00:08:40.640> the<00:08:40.719> data<00:08:41.039> that<00:08:41.120> we<00:08:41.279> have plotted up here is the data that we have plotted up here is the data that we have on<00:08:41.680> hand<00:08:42.000> this<00:08:42.240> is<00:08:42.719> where<00:08:43.200> our<00:08:43.440> sampling on hand this is where our sampling on hand this is where our sampling effort<00:08:44.080> has<00:08:44.240> concentrated<00:08:45.360> now<00:08:45.519> what<00:08:45.680> you<00:08:45.839> can effort has concentrated now what you can effort has concentrated now what you can see<00:08:46.480> is<00:08:46.640> we've<00:08:46.800> sampled<00:08:47.040> the<00:08:47.200> area<00:08:47.360> in<00:08:47.440> the see is we've sampled the area in the see is we've sampled the area in the north<00:08:47.839> atlantic north atlantic north atlantic in<00:08:49.360> the<00:08:49.440> north<00:08:49.680> sea<00:08:49.920> in<00:08:50.000> particular<00:08:50.640> and<00:08:50.800> also in the north sea in particular and also in the north sea in particular and also the<00:08:51.120> east<00:08:51.360> coast<00:08:51.600> of<00:08:51.680> north<00:08:51.920> america<00:08:52.320> fairly the east coast of north america fairly the east coast of north america fairly well<00:08:53.279> that's<00:08:53.600> the<00:08:53.680> warm<00:08:54.000> colors<00:08:54.320> which<00:08:54.480> show<00:08:54.640> a well that's the warm colors which show a well that's the warm colors which show a well-sampled<00:08:55.360> region<00:08:55.920> the<00:08:56.080> cold<00:08:56.399> colors<00:08:56.720> the well-sampled region the cold colors the well-sampled region the cold colors the blue<00:08:57.040> and<00:08:57.120> the<00:08:57.200> black<00:08:57.519> show<00:08:57.760> areas<00:08:58.000> where<00:08:58.160> we blue and the black show areas where we blue and the black show areas where we have<00:08:58.480> almost<00:08:58.800> no<00:08:58.959> data<00:08:59.600> so<00:08:59.760> even<00:09:00.080> after<00:09:00.240> a have almost no data so even after a have almost no data so even after a 10-year<00:09:00.800> census<00:09:01.200> there<00:09:01.279> are<00:09:01.360> large<00:09:01.680> areas 10-year census there are large areas 10-year census there are large areas that<00:09:02.160> still<00:09:02.399> remain<00:09:03.040> unexplored that still remain unexplored that still remain unexplored now<00:09:04.959> they're<00:09:05.120> a<00:09:05.200> group<00:09:05.360> of<00:09:05.440> scientists<00:09:05.920> living now they're a group of scientists living now they're a group of scientists living in<00:09:06.240> texas<00:09:07.040> working<00:09:07.279> in<00:09:07.360> the<00:09:07.440> gulf<00:09:07.680> of<00:09:07.760> mexico in texas working in the gulf of mexico in texas working in the gulf of mexico who<00:09:08.399> decided<00:09:08.880> really<00:09:09.120> as<00:09:09.279> a<00:09:09.360> labor<00:09:09.680> of<00:09:09.839> love<00:09:10.080> to who decided really as a labor of love to who decided really as a labor of love to pull<00:09:10.480> together<00:09:10.959> all<00:09:11.120> the<00:09:11.200> knowledge<00:09:11.600> they pull together all the knowledge they pull together all the knowledge they could<00:09:12.160> about<00:09:12.480> biodiversity<00:09:13.040> in<00:09:13.120> the<00:09:13.200> gulf<00:09:13.440> of could about biodiversity in the gulf of could about biodiversity in the gulf of mexico mexico mexico and<00:09:14.720> so<00:09:14.880> they<00:09:15.040> put<00:09:15.200> this<00:09:15.360> together<00:09:16.000> a<00:09:16.080> list<00:09:16.320> of and so they put this together a list of and so they put this together a list of all<00:09:16.560> the<00:09:16.720> species<00:09:17.200> where<00:09:17.360> they're<00:09:17.519> known<00:09:17.760> to all the species where they're known to all the species where they're known to occur<00:09:18.480> and<00:09:18.640> it<00:09:18.720> really<00:09:18.959> seemed<00:09:19.120> like<00:09:19.279> a<00:09:19.360> very occur and it really seemed like a very occur and it really seemed like a very esoteric<00:09:20.240> scientific<00:09:20.720> type<00:09:20.959> of<00:09:21.120> exercise<00:09:22.160> but esoteric scientific type of exercise but esoteric scientific type of exercise but then<00:09:22.560> of<00:09:22.640> course<00:09:22.959> there<00:09:23.120> was<00:09:23.200> the<00:09:23.279> deep then of course there was the deep then of course there was the deep horizon<00:09:24.000> oil<00:09:24.240> spill<00:09:24.959> so<00:09:25.200> all<00:09:25.360> of<00:09:25.440> a<00:09:25.519> sudden horizon oil spill so all of a sudden horizon oil spill so all of a sudden this<00:09:26.000> labor<00:09:26.320> of<00:09:26.480> love<00:09:27.040> for<00:09:27.200> no<00:09:27.519> obvious this labor of love for no obvious this labor of love for no obvious economic<00:09:28.720> reason<00:09:29.360> has<00:09:29.600> become<00:09:29.920> a<00:09:30.080> critical economic reason has become a critical economic reason has become a critical piece<00:09:30.720> of<00:09:30.880> information<00:09:31.680> in<00:09:31.839> terms<00:09:32.080> of<00:09:32.160> how piece of information in terms of how piece of information in terms of how that<00:09:32.480> system<00:09:32.800> is<00:09:32.880> going<00:09:33.040> to<00:09:33.120> recover<00:09:33.760> how<00:09:33.920> long that system is going to recover how long that system is going to recover how long it<00:09:34.240> will<00:09:34.399> take<00:09:34.800> and<00:09:34.959> how<00:09:35.120> the<00:09:35.279> lawsuits<00:09:35.839> and it will take and how the lawsuits and it will take and how the lawsuits and the<00:09:36.000> multi-billion<00:09:36.640> dollar the multi-billion dollar the multi-billion dollar discussions<00:09:38.640> that<00:09:38.720> are<00:09:38.800> going<00:09:38.880> to<00:09:38.959> happen<00:09:39.200> in discussions that are going to happen in discussions that are going to happen in the<00:09:39.360> coming<00:09:39.680> years<00:09:40.160> are<00:09:40.399> likely<00:09:40.800> to<00:09:41.040> uh<00:09:41.200> to<00:09:41.360> be the coming years are likely to uh to be the coming years are likely to uh to be resolved resolved resolved so<00:09:43.040> what<00:09:43.200> did<00:09:43.360> we<00:09:43.519> find<00:09:44.160> well<00:09:44.399> i<00:09:44.480> could<00:09:44.720> stand so what did we find well i could stand so what did we find well i could stand here<00:09:45.120> for<00:09:45.279> hours<00:09:45.519> but<00:09:45.680> of<00:09:45.760> course<00:09:46.000> i'm<00:09:46.080> not here for hours but of course i'm not here for hours but of course i'm not allowed<00:09:46.480> to<00:09:46.560> do<00:09:46.720> that<00:09:47.279> but<00:09:47.440> i<00:09:47.519> will<00:09:47.680> tell<00:09:47.839> you allowed to do that but i will tell you allowed to do that but i will tell you some<00:09:48.160> of<00:09:48.240> my<00:09:48.480> favorite<00:09:48.880> discoveries<00:09:49.360> from<00:09:49.519> the some of my favorite discoveries from the some of my favorite discoveries from the census census census so<00:09:50.959> one<00:09:51.120> of<00:09:51.200> the<00:09:51.279> things<00:09:51.440> we<00:09:51.600> discovered<00:09:52.080> is so one of the things we discovered is so one of the things we discovered is where<00:09:52.480> are<00:09:52.560> the<00:09:52.720> hot<00:09:52.959> spots<00:09:53.279> of<00:09:53.360> diversity where are the hot spots of diversity where are the hot spots of diversity where<00:09:53.920> do<00:09:54.080> we<00:09:54.240> find<00:09:54.640> the<00:09:54.800> most<00:09:55.040> species<00:09:55.440> of where do we find the most species of where do we find the most species of ocean<00:09:55.920> life<00:09:56.560> and<00:09:56.720> what<00:09:56.880> we<00:09:57.040> find<00:09:57.279> if<00:09:57.360> we<00:09:57.519> plot ocean life and what we find if we plot ocean life and what we find if we plot up<00:09:57.839> the<00:09:57.920> well-known<00:09:58.399> species<00:09:59.040> is<00:09:59.120> this<00:09:59.279> sort up the well-known species is this sort up the well-known species is this sort of<00:09:59.519> a<00:09:59.600> distribution<00:10:00.640> and<00:10:00.720> what<00:10:00.959> we<00:10:01.120> see<00:10:01.600> is of a distribution and what we see is of a distribution and what we see is that<00:10:01.839> for<00:10:02.160> coastal<00:10:02.560> attacks<00:10:02.880> of<00:10:02.959> those that for coastal attacks of those that for coastal attacks of those organisms<00:10:03.600> that<00:10:03.680> live<00:10:04.000> near<00:10:04.160> the<00:10:04.320> shoreline organisms that live near the shoreline organisms that live near the shoreline they're<00:10:05.360> most<00:10:05.519> diverse<00:10:05.920> in<00:10:06.000> the<00:10:06.160> tropics<00:10:06.640> this they're most diverse in the tropics this they're most diverse in the tropics this is<00:10:06.880> something<00:10:07.120> we've<00:10:07.360> actually<00:10:07.519> known<00:10:07.760> for<00:10:07.920> a is something we've actually known for a is something we've actually known for a while<00:10:08.560> so<00:10:08.720> it's<00:10:08.959> not<00:10:09.200> a<00:10:09.440> real<00:10:09.680> breakthrough while so it's not a real breakthrough while so it's not a real breakthrough what<00:10:10.560> is<00:10:10.720> really<00:10:10.959> exciting<00:10:11.360> though<00:10:11.519> is<00:10:11.600> that what is really exciting though is that what is really exciting though is that the<00:10:11.839> oceanic<00:10:12.399> attacks<00:10:12.720> are<00:10:12.800> the<00:10:12.880> ones<00:10:13.040> that the oceanic attacks are the ones that the oceanic attacks are the ones that live<00:10:13.440> far<00:10:13.680> from<00:10:13.839> the<00:10:13.920> coast<00:10:14.640> are<00:10:14.800> actually live far from the coast are actually live far from the coast are actually more<00:10:15.279> diverse<00:10:15.680> at<00:10:15.839> intermediate<00:10:16.320> latitudes more diverse at intermediate latitudes more diverse at intermediate latitudes this<00:10:17.519> is<00:10:17.680> the<00:10:17.760> sort<00:10:18.000> of<00:10:18.079> data<00:10:18.320> again<00:10:18.640> that this is the sort of data again that this is the sort of data again that managers<00:10:19.279> can<00:10:19.360> use<00:10:19.600> if<00:10:19.680> they<00:10:19.839> want<00:10:20.000> to managers can use if they want to managers can use if they want to prioritize<00:10:20.880> areas<00:10:21.200> of<00:10:21.279> the<00:10:21.360> ocean<00:10:21.600> that<00:10:21.680> we prioritize areas of the ocean that we prioritize areas of the ocean that we need<00:10:21.920> to<00:10:22.000> conserve<00:10:22.880> you<00:10:22.959> can<00:10:23.040> do<00:10:23.200> this<00:10:23.360> on<00:10:23.440> a need to conserve you can do this on a need to conserve you can do this on a global<00:10:23.839> scale<00:10:24.160> but<00:10:24.320> you<00:10:24.399> can<00:10:24.560> also<00:10:24.720> do<00:10:24.880> it<00:10:24.959> on<00:10:25.040> a global scale but you can also do it on a global scale but you can also do it on a regional<00:10:25.519> scale<00:10:26.079> and<00:10:26.160> that's<00:10:26.399> why regional scale and that's why regional scale and that's why biodiversity<00:10:27.200> data<00:10:27.440> can<00:10:27.600> be<00:10:27.680> so<00:10:27.920> valuable biodiversity data can be so valuable biodiversity data can be so valuable now<00:10:29.680> while<00:10:29.920> a<00:10:30.000> lot<00:10:30.160> of<00:10:30.240> the<00:10:30.320> species<00:10:30.640> we now while a lot of the species we now while a lot of the species we discovered<00:10:31.200> in<00:10:31.279> the<00:10:31.360> census<00:10:31.760> are<00:10:32.000> things<00:10:32.240> that discovered in the census are things that discovered in the census are things that are<00:10:32.720> small<00:10:33.040> and<00:10:33.120> hard<00:10:33.360> to<00:10:33.600> see<00:10:33.839> that<00:10:34.000> certainly are small and hard to see that certainly are small and hard to see that certainly wasn't<00:10:34.560> always<00:10:34.800> the<00:10:34.959> case<00:10:35.760> for<00:10:35.920> example<00:10:36.399> while wasn't always the case for example while wasn't always the case for example while it's<00:10:36.720> hard<00:10:36.959> to<00:10:37.040> believe<00:10:37.279> that<00:10:37.440> a<00:10:37.519> three it's hard to believe that a three it's hard to believe that a three kilogram<00:10:38.240> lobster<00:10:38.959> could<00:10:39.200> elude<00:10:39.600> scientists kilogram lobster could elude scientists kilogram lobster could elude scientists it<00:10:40.240> did<00:10:40.480> until<00:10:40.720> a<00:10:40.800> few<00:10:40.959> years<00:10:41.200> ago<00:10:41.760> when<00:10:41.920> south it did until a few years ago when south it did until a few years ago when south african<00:10:42.480> fishermen<00:10:43.200> requested<00:10:43.680> an<00:10:43.760> export african fishermen requested an export african fishermen requested an export permit<00:10:44.720> and<00:10:44.880> scientists<00:10:45.360> realized<00:10:45.760> that<00:10:45.760> this permit and scientists realized that this permit and scientists realized that this was<00:10:46.079> something<00:10:46.320> new<00:10:46.480> to<00:10:46.640> science was something new to science was something new to science similarly<00:10:48.160> this<00:10:48.480> uh<00:10:48.800> golden<00:10:49.200> v<00:10:49.360> kelp similarly this uh golden v kelp similarly this uh golden v kelp collected<00:10:50.079> in<00:10:50.160> alaska<00:10:50.720> just<00:10:50.880> below<00:10:51.120> the<00:10:51.200> low collected in alaska just below the low collected in alaska just below the low water<00:10:51.680> mark<00:10:52.160> is<00:10:52.320> probably<00:10:52.640> a<00:10:52.720> new<00:10:52.959> species water mark is probably a new species water mark is probably a new species even<00:10:53.920> though<00:10:54.079> it's<00:10:54.240> three<00:10:54.480> meters<00:10:54.880> long<00:10:55.200> it even though it's three meters long it even though it's three meters long it actually<00:10:55.920> again<00:10:56.320> eluded<00:10:56.800> science<00:10:57.600> now<00:10:57.760> this actually again eluded science now this actually again eluded science now this guy<00:10:58.160> this<00:10:58.320> big<00:10:58.560> fen<00:10:58.800> squid<00:10:59.279> is<00:10:59.440> seven<00:10:59.760> meters guy this big fen squid is seven meters guy this big fen squid is seven meters in<00:11:00.160> length<00:11:00.720> but<00:11:00.880> to<00:11:01.040> be<00:11:01.279> fair<00:11:01.600> it<00:11:01.760> lives<00:11:02.000> in<00:11:02.079> the in length but to be fair it lives in the in length but to be fair it lives in the deep<00:11:02.320> waters<00:11:02.560> of<00:11:02.640> the<00:11:02.720> mid-atlantic<00:11:03.279> ridge<00:11:03.760> so deep waters of the mid-atlantic ridge so deep waters of the mid-atlantic ridge so it<00:11:04.000> was<00:11:04.079> a<00:11:04.160> lot<00:11:04.399> harder<00:11:04.640> to<00:11:04.800> find<00:11:05.519> but<00:11:05.680> there's it was a lot harder to find but there's it was a lot harder to find but there's still<00:11:06.160> potential<00:11:06.560> for<00:11:06.720> discovery<00:11:07.440> of<00:11:07.600> big<00:11:07.839> and still potential for discovery of big and still potential for discovery of big and exciting<00:11:08.399> things<00:11:09.200> this<00:11:09.440> particular<00:11:09.920> shrimp exciting things this particular shrimp exciting things this particular shrimp we've<00:11:10.480> dubbed<00:11:10.800> the<00:11:10.959> jurassic<00:11:11.440> shrimp<00:11:11.839> it's we've dubbed the jurassic shrimp it's we've dubbed the jurassic shrimp it's thought<00:11:12.240> to<00:11:12.399> have<00:11:12.480> gone<00:11:12.640> extinct<00:11:13.120> 50<00:11:13.440> years thought to have gone extinct 50 years thought to have gone extinct 50 years ago<00:11:14.160> at<00:11:14.240> least<00:11:14.560> it<00:11:14.640> was<00:11:15.040> until<00:11:15.279> the<00:11:15.360> census ago at least it was until the census ago at least it was until the census discovered<00:11:16.079> it<00:11:16.160> was<00:11:16.320> living<00:11:16.720> and<00:11:16.880> doing<00:11:17.200> just discovered it was living and doing just discovered it was living and doing just fine<00:11:17.760> off<00:11:17.839> the<00:11:17.920> coast<00:11:18.160> of<00:11:18.320> australia<00:11:19.200> and<00:11:19.360> so fine off the coast of australia and so fine off the coast of australia and so it<00:11:19.600> shows<00:11:19.839> that<00:11:19.920> the<00:11:20.079> ocean<00:11:20.480> because<00:11:20.720> of<00:11:20.880> its it shows that the ocean because of its it shows that the ocean because of its vastness<00:11:21.519> can<00:11:21.680> hide<00:11:21.920> secrets<00:11:22.560> for<00:11:22.720> a<00:11:22.880> very vastness can hide secrets for a very vastness can hide secrets for a very long<00:11:23.360> time<00:11:23.680> so<00:11:23.920> steven<00:11:24.240> spielberg<00:11:25.040> eats<00:11:25.279> her long time so steven spielberg eats her long time so steven spielberg eats her heart<00:11:25.680> out heart out heart out uh<00:11:27.200> if<00:11:27.360> we<00:11:27.440> look<00:11:27.600> at<00:11:27.680> distributions<00:11:28.480> in<00:11:28.560> fact uh if we look at distributions in fact uh if we look at distributions in fact distributions<00:11:29.519> change<00:11:29.839> dramatically<00:11:30.480> and<00:11:30.640> so distributions change dramatically and so distributions change dramatically and so one<00:11:31.120> of<00:11:31.200> the<00:11:31.279> records<00:11:31.760> that<00:11:31.839> we<00:11:32.079> we<00:11:32.240> had<00:11:32.399> was one of the records that we we had was one of the records that we we had was the<00:11:33.040> shear<00:11:33.360> water<00:11:33.600> which<00:11:33.839> undergoes the shear water which undergoes the shear water which undergoes these<00:11:34.800> spectacular<00:11:35.519> migrations<00:11:36.160> all<00:11:36.320> the<00:11:36.399> way these spectacular migrations all the way these spectacular migrations all the way from<00:11:36.880> new<00:11:37.040> zealand<00:11:37.440> all<00:11:37.519> the<00:11:37.600> way<00:11:37.760> up<00:11:37.920> to from new zealand all the way up to from new zealand all the way up to alaska<00:11:39.360> and<00:11:39.440> then<00:11:39.600> back<00:11:39.839> again<00:11:40.320> in<00:11:40.399> search<00:11:40.640> of alaska and then back again in search of alaska and then back again in search of endless<00:11:41.120> summer<00:11:41.600> as<00:11:41.760> they<00:11:41.920> complete<00:11:42.240> their endless summer as they complete their endless summer as they complete their life<00:11:42.640> cycles life cycles life cycles we<00:11:44.079> also<00:11:44.399> talked<00:11:44.640> about<00:11:44.800> the<00:11:44.880> white<00:11:45.200> shark we also talked about the white shark we also talked about the white shark cafe<00:11:46.000> this<00:11:46.160> is<00:11:46.240> a<00:11:46.399> location<00:11:46.720> in<00:11:46.800> the<00:11:46.880> pacific cafe this is a location in the pacific cafe this is a location in the pacific where<00:11:47.440> white<00:11:47.680> shark<00:11:48.000> converge<00:11:48.720> we<00:11:48.880> don't<00:11:49.040> know where white shark converge we don't know where white shark converge we don't know why<00:11:49.360> they<00:11:49.519> converge<00:11:49.920> there<00:11:50.160> we<00:11:50.240> simply<00:11:50.480> don't why they converge there we simply don't why they converge there we simply don't know<00:11:50.800> that's<00:11:51.040> a<00:11:51.120> question<00:11:51.440> for<00:11:51.600> the<00:11:51.680> future know that's a question for the future know that's a question for the future one<00:11:53.680> of<00:11:53.760> the<00:11:53.839> things<00:11:54.079> that<00:11:54.160> we're<00:11:54.320> taught<00:11:54.560> in one of the things that we're taught in one of the things that we're taught in high<00:11:54.880> school<00:11:55.360> is<00:11:55.440> that<00:11:55.680> all<00:11:55.920> animals<00:11:56.399> require high school is that all animals require high school is that all animals require oxygen<00:11:57.279> in<00:11:57.440> order<00:11:57.680> to<00:11:57.760> survive<00:11:58.399> now<00:11:58.560> this oxygen in order to survive now this oxygen in order to survive now this little<00:11:58.880> critter<00:11:59.200> it's<00:11:59.360> only<00:11:59.519> about<00:11:59.680> half<00:11:59.839> a little critter it's only about half a little critter it's only about half a millimeter<00:12:00.399> in<00:12:00.560> size<00:12:01.120> not<00:12:01.279> terribly millimeter in size not terribly millimeter in size not terribly charismatic charismatic charismatic but<00:12:03.120> it<00:12:03.200> was<00:12:03.279> only<00:12:03.440> discovered<00:12:03.920> in<00:12:04.000> the<00:12:04.079> early but it was only discovered in the early but it was only discovered in the early 1980s<00:12:05.440> but<00:12:05.600> the<00:12:05.760> really<00:12:05.920> interesting<00:12:06.320> thing 1980s but the really interesting thing 1980s but the really interesting thing about<00:12:06.639> it<00:12:06.800> is<00:12:06.880> that<00:12:07.040> a<00:12:07.120> few<00:12:07.279> years<00:12:07.519> ago<00:12:07.839> census about it is that a few years ago census about it is that a few years ago census scientists<00:12:08.639> discovered<00:12:09.040> that<00:12:09.120> this<00:12:09.360> guy<00:12:09.839> can scientists discovered that this guy can scientists discovered that this guy can thrive<00:12:10.639> in<00:12:10.800> oxygen<00:12:11.200> poor<00:12:11.519> sediments<00:12:12.240> in<00:12:12.320> the thrive in oxygen poor sediments in the thrive in oxygen poor sediments in the deep<00:12:12.800> mediterranean<00:12:13.519> sea<00:12:14.079> so<00:12:14.240> now<00:12:14.399> they<00:12:14.560> know deep mediterranean sea so now they know deep mediterranean sea so now they know that<00:12:14.959> in<00:12:15.120> fact<00:12:15.600> animals<00:12:16.079> can<00:12:16.240> live<00:12:16.399> without that in fact animals can live without that in fact animals can live without oxygen<00:12:17.200> at<00:12:17.279> least<00:12:17.440> some<00:12:17.600> of<00:12:17.760> them<00:12:18.000> and<00:12:18.079> that oxygen at least some of them and that oxygen at least some of them and that they<00:12:18.320> can<00:12:18.480> adapt<00:12:18.800> to<00:12:18.959> even<00:12:19.200> the<00:12:19.279> harshest<00:12:19.680> of they can adapt to even the harshest of they can adapt to even the harshest of conditions conditions conditions if<00:12:21.600> you<00:12:21.680> were<00:12:21.839> to<00:12:22.079> suck<00:12:22.320> all<00:12:22.399> the<00:12:22.480> water<00:12:22.800> out<00:12:22.880> of if you were to suck all the water out of if you were to suck all the water out of the<00:12:23.120> ocean<00:12:23.680> this<00:12:23.920> is<00:12:24.000> what<00:12:24.160> you'd<00:12:24.399> be<00:12:24.480> left the ocean this is what you'd be left the ocean this is what you'd be left behind<00:12:25.200> with<00:12:25.519> and<00:12:25.600> that's<00:12:25.839> the<00:12:26.000> biomass<00:12:26.720> of behind with and that's the biomass of behind with and that's the biomass of life<00:12:27.200> on<00:12:27.279> the<00:12:27.360> seafloor<00:12:28.160> and<00:12:28.320> so<00:12:28.480> what<00:12:28.639> we<00:12:28.720> see life on the seafloor and so what we see life on the seafloor and so what we see is<00:12:29.120> huge<00:12:29.360> biomass<00:12:29.839> towards<00:12:30.160> the<00:12:30.320> poles<00:12:30.880> and is huge biomass towards the poles and is huge biomass towards the poles and not<00:12:31.200> much<00:12:31.519> biomass<00:12:32.079> in<00:12:32.240> between not much biomass in between not much biomass in between we<00:12:34.800> found<00:12:35.120> life<00:12:35.360> in<00:12:35.440> the<00:12:35.600> extremes<00:12:36.160> and<00:12:36.240> so we found life in the extremes and so we found life in the extremes and so there<00:12:36.480> were<00:12:36.639> new<00:12:36.800> species<00:12:37.519> that<00:12:37.680> were<00:12:37.839> found there were new species that were found there were new species that were found that<00:12:38.240> live<00:12:38.480> inside<00:12:38.880> ice<00:12:39.120> and<00:12:39.279> helped<00:12:39.440> to that live inside ice and helped to that live inside ice and helped to support<00:12:39.920> an<00:12:40.079> ice-based<00:12:40.639> food<00:12:40.880> web support an ice-based food web support an ice-based food web and<00:12:41.920> we<00:12:42.160> also<00:12:42.399> found<00:12:42.880> this<00:12:43.120> spectacular<00:12:43.760> yeti and we also found this spectacular yeti and we also found this spectacular yeti crab<00:12:44.399> that<00:12:44.560> lives<00:12:44.800> near<00:12:45.040> boiling<00:12:45.360> hot crab that lives near boiling hot crab that lives near boiling hot hydrothermal<00:12:46.160> vents<00:12:46.399> at<00:12:46.480> easter<00:12:46.880> island<00:12:47.440> and hydrothermal vents at easter island and hydrothermal vents at easter island and this<00:12:47.760> particular<00:12:48.160> species<00:12:48.639> really this particular species really this particular species really captured<00:12:50.160> the<00:12:50.240> public's<00:12:50.560> attention captured the public's attention captured the public's attention we<00:12:51.760> also<00:12:52.079> found<00:12:52.240> the<00:12:52.320> deepest<00:12:52.720> vents<00:12:53.120> known we also found the deepest vents known we also found the deepest vents known yet<00:12:53.839> 5000<00:12:54.399> meters<00:12:54.720> the<00:12:54.800> hottest<00:12:55.200> vents<00:12:55.680> at<00:12:55.839> 407 yet 5000 meters the hottest vents at 407 yet 5000 meters the hottest vents at 407 degrees<00:12:56.880> celsius<00:12:57.680> events<00:12:58.000> in<00:12:58.160> the<00:12:58.240> south degrees celsius events in the south degrees celsius events in the south pacific<00:12:58.800> and<00:12:58.880> also<00:12:59.040> in<00:12:59.120> the<00:12:59.200> arctic<00:12:59.760> where pacific and also in the arctic where pacific and also in the arctic where none<00:13:00.160> had<00:13:00.320> been<00:13:00.480> found<00:13:00.800> before<00:13:01.519> so<00:13:01.760> even<00:13:02.000> new none had been found before so even new none had been found before so even new environments<00:13:02.800> are<00:13:02.959> still<00:13:03.120> within<00:13:03.360> the<00:13:03.440> domain environments are still within the domain environments are still within the domain of<00:13:04.240> the<00:13:04.320> discoverable of the discoverable of the discoverable now<00:13:05.839> in<00:13:05.920> terms<00:13:06.160> of<00:13:06.240> the<00:13:06.320> unknowns<00:13:06.800> there<00:13:06.880> are now in terms of the unknowns there are now in terms of the unknowns there are many<00:13:07.200> and<00:13:07.360> i'm<00:13:07.440> just<00:13:07.600> going<00:13:07.680> to<00:13:07.839> summarize many and i'm just going to summarize many and i'm just going to summarize just<00:13:08.480> a<00:13:08.560> few<00:13:08.720> of<00:13:08.800> them<00:13:08.959> very<00:13:09.120> quickly<00:13:09.519> for<00:13:09.760> you just a few of them very quickly for you just a few of them very quickly for you first<00:13:11.200> of<00:13:11.360> all<00:13:11.440> we<00:13:11.600> might<00:13:11.760> ask<00:13:12.000> how<00:13:12.079> many first of all we might ask how many first of all we might ask how many fishes<00:13:12.639> in<00:13:12.720> the<00:13:12.800> sea<00:13:13.440> we<00:13:13.600> actually<00:13:13.839> know<00:13:14.000> the fishes in the sea we actually know the fishes in the sea we actually know the fish<00:13:14.320> is<00:13:14.480> better<00:13:14.639> than<00:13:14.800> we<00:13:14.880> do<00:13:15.120> any<00:13:15.279> other fish is better than we do any other fish is better than we do any other group<00:13:15.680> in<00:13:15.760> the<00:13:15.839> ocean<00:13:16.079> other<00:13:16.240> than<00:13:16.399> marine group in the ocean other than marine group in the ocean other than marine mammals<00:13:17.600> and<00:13:17.760> so<00:13:18.079> we<00:13:18.160> can<00:13:18.320> actually mammals and so we can actually mammals and so we can actually extrapolate<00:13:19.279> based<00:13:19.519> on<00:13:19.600> rates<00:13:19.920> of<00:13:20.000> discovery extrapolate based on rates of discovery extrapolate based on rates of discovery how<00:13:20.560> many<00:13:20.800> more<00:13:21.040> species<00:13:21.760> we're<00:13:22.000> likely<00:13:22.320> to how many more species we're likely to how many more species we're likely to discover discover discover and<00:13:23.920> from<00:13:24.079> that<00:13:24.320> we<00:13:24.480> actually<00:13:24.720> calculate<00:13:25.200> that and from that we actually calculate that and from that we actually calculate that we<00:13:25.519> know<00:13:25.839> about<00:13:26.160> 16<00:13:27.040> 500<00:13:27.519> marine<00:13:27.839> species<00:13:28.720> and we know about 16 500 marine species and we know about 16 500 marine species and they're<00:13:29.040> probably<00:13:29.279> another<00:13:29.760> 1<00:13:30.000> 000<00:13:30.240> to<00:13:30.399> 4<00:13:30.720> 000 they're probably another 1 000 to 4 000 they're probably another 1 000 to 4 000 left<00:13:31.200> to<00:13:31.279> go left to go left to go so<00:13:32.160> we've<00:13:32.320> done<00:13:32.560> pretty<00:13:32.800> well<00:13:33.040> we've<00:13:33.200> got so we've done pretty well we've got so we've done pretty well we've got about<00:13:33.600> 75<00:13:34.480> of<00:13:34.560> the<00:13:34.639> fish<00:13:35.279> maybe<00:13:35.600> as<00:13:35.680> much<00:13:35.920> as<00:13:36.079> 90 about 75 of the fish maybe as much as 90 about 75 of the fish maybe as much as 90 percent percent percent but<00:13:37.519> the<00:13:37.600> fishes<00:13:38.000> as<00:13:38.160> i<00:13:38.240> say<00:13:38.480> are<00:13:38.560> the<00:13:38.639> best but the fishes as i say are the best but the fishes as i say are the best known<00:13:39.600> so<00:13:39.839> our<00:13:40.000> level<00:13:40.320> of<00:13:40.399> knowledge<00:13:40.880> is<00:13:41.040> much known so our level of knowledge is much known so our level of knowledge is much less<00:13:41.440> for<00:13:41.600> other<00:13:41.760> groups<00:13:42.000> of<00:13:42.079> organisms<00:13:43.040> now less for other groups of organisms now less for other groups of organisms now this<00:13:43.680> figure<00:13:43.920> is<00:13:44.079> actually<00:13:44.320> based<00:13:44.560> on<00:13:44.639> a<00:13:44.720> brand this figure is actually based on a brand this figure is actually based on a brand new<00:13:45.120> paper<00:13:45.360> that's<00:13:45.519> going<00:13:45.600> to<00:13:45.680> come<00:13:45.839> out<00:13:45.920> in new paper that's going to come out in new paper that's going to come out in the<00:13:46.160> journal<00:13:46.399> plos<00:13:46.720> biology<00:13:47.600> and<00:13:47.680> what<00:13:47.920> it the journal plos biology and what it the journal plos biology and what it does<00:13:48.160> is<00:13:48.399> predicts<00:13:48.800> how<00:13:48.959> many<00:13:49.120> more<00:13:49.360> species does is predicts how many more species does is predicts how many more species there<00:13:50.000> are<00:13:50.320> on<00:13:50.560> land<00:13:50.800> and<00:13:50.959> in<00:13:51.120> the<00:13:51.200> ocean<00:13:52.000> and there are on land and in the ocean and there are on land and in the ocean and what<00:13:52.240> they<00:13:52.480> found<00:13:52.800> is<00:13:52.959> that<00:13:53.120> they<00:13:53.279> think<00:13:53.440> that what they found is that they think that what they found is that they think that we<00:13:53.680> know<00:13:53.920> of<00:13:54.079> about<00:13:54.399> nine<00:13:54.639> percent<00:13:55.040> of<00:13:55.120> the we know of about nine percent of the we know of about nine percent of the species<00:13:55.600> in<00:13:55.680> the<00:13:55.760> ocean<00:13:56.320> that<00:13:56.560> means<00:13:56.880> 91 species in the ocean that means 91 species in the ocean that means 91 percent<00:13:57.839> even<00:13:58.160> after<00:13:58.399> the<00:13:58.560> census<00:13:59.279> still percent even after the census still percent even after the census still remain<00:13:59.920> to<00:14:00.000> be<00:14:00.160> discovered<00:14:01.120> and<00:14:01.279> so<00:14:01.440> that remain to be discovered and so that remain to be discovered and so that turns<00:14:01.920> out<00:14:02.000> to<00:14:02.160> be<00:14:02.240> about<00:14:02.480> two<00:14:02.639> million turns out to be about two million turns out to be about two million species<00:14:03.440> once<00:14:03.680> all<00:14:03.839> is<00:14:03.920> said<00:14:04.160> and<00:14:04.240> done<00:14:04.800> so<00:14:04.959> we species once all is said and done so we species once all is said and done so we still<00:14:05.279> have<00:14:05.440> quite<00:14:05.600> a<00:14:05.680> lot<00:14:05.839> of<00:14:05.920> work<00:14:06.160> to<00:14:06.320> do<00:14:06.959> in still have quite a lot of work to do in still have quite a lot of work to do in terms<00:14:07.279> of<00:14:07.440> unknowns terms of unknowns terms of unknowns now<00:14:08.720> this<00:14:08.880> bacterium<00:14:09.600> is<00:14:09.760> part<00:14:09.920> of<00:14:10.079> mats<00:14:10.480> that now this bacterium is part of mats that now this bacterium is part of mats that are<00:14:10.639> found<00:14:10.959> off<00:14:11.120> the<00:14:11.199> coast<00:14:11.440> of<00:14:11.600> chile<00:14:12.480> and<00:14:12.800> uh are found off the coast of chile and uh are found off the coast of chile and uh these<00:14:13.600> mats<00:14:13.920> actually<00:14:14.160> cover<00:14:14.399> an<00:14:14.639> area<00:14:14.800> the these mats actually cover an area the these mats actually cover an area the size<00:14:15.279> of<00:14:15.360> grease<00:14:16.240> and<00:14:16.480> so<00:14:17.120> this<00:14:17.279> particular size of grease and so this particular size of grease and so this particular bacteria<00:14:18.000> is<00:14:18.160> actually<00:14:18.320> visible<00:14:18.639> to<00:14:18.720> the bacteria is actually visible to the bacteria is actually visible to the naked<00:14:19.120> eye<00:14:19.279> but<00:14:19.360> you<00:14:19.519> can<00:14:19.600> imagine<00:14:20.000> the naked eye but you can imagine the naked eye but you can imagine the biomass<00:14:21.040> that<00:14:21.279> represents<00:14:22.320> but<00:14:22.480> the<00:14:22.560> really biomass that represents but the really biomass that represents but the really intriguing<00:14:23.279> thing<00:14:23.440> about<00:14:23.600> the<00:14:23.680> microbes<00:14:24.160> is intriguing thing about the microbes is intriguing thing about the microbes is just<00:14:24.399> how<00:14:24.560> diverse<00:14:24.959> they<00:14:25.199> are<00:14:25.600> a<00:14:25.760> single<00:14:26.079> drop just how diverse they are a single drop just how diverse they are a single drop of<00:14:26.480> sea<00:14:26.639> water<00:14:26.959> could<00:14:27.279> contain<00:14:27.920> 160<00:14:28.880> different of sea water could contain 160 different of sea water could contain 160 different types<00:14:29.360> of<00:14:29.440> microbes types of microbes types of microbes and<00:14:30.639> the<00:14:30.720> oceans<00:14:31.120> themselves<00:14:31.600> are<00:14:31.680> thought and the oceans themselves are thought and the oceans themselves are thought potentially<00:14:32.480> to<00:14:32.560> contain<00:14:33.199> as<00:14:33.360> many<00:14:33.600> as<00:14:33.839> a potentially to contain as many as a potentially to contain as many as a billion<00:14:34.320> different<00:14:34.720> types<00:14:35.519> so<00:14:35.680> that's<00:14:35.920> really billion different types so that's really billion different types so that's really exciting<00:14:36.560> what<00:14:36.720> are<00:14:36.800> they<00:14:36.959> all<00:14:37.040> doing<00:14:37.360> out exciting what are they all doing out exciting what are they all doing out there<00:14:37.760> we<00:14:38.000> actually<00:14:38.240> don't<00:14:38.560> know there we actually don't know there we actually don't know the<00:14:39.920> most<00:14:40.160> exciting<00:14:40.560> thing<00:14:40.720> i<00:14:40.800> would<00:14:40.880> say the most exciting thing i would say the most exciting thing i would say about<00:14:41.199> the<00:14:41.360> census<00:14:41.760> is<00:14:41.920> the<00:14:42.000> role<00:14:42.160> of<00:14:42.240> global about the census is the role of global about the census is the role of global science<00:14:43.120> and<00:14:43.199> so<00:14:43.360> as<00:14:43.440> we<00:14:43.600> see<00:14:43.760> in<00:14:43.839> this<00:14:44.079> image science and so as we see in this image science and so as we see in this image of<00:14:44.480> light of light of light during<00:14:45.680> the<00:14:45.760> night<00:14:46.320> there<00:14:46.480> are<00:14:46.560> lots<00:14:46.800> of<00:14:47.120> areas during the night there are lots of areas during the night there are lots of areas of<00:14:47.519> the<00:14:47.680> earth<00:14:48.240> where<00:14:48.639> human of the earth where human of the earth where human development<00:14:50.000> is<00:14:50.079> much<00:14:50.320> greater<00:14:50.880> in<00:14:51.040> other development is much greater in other development is much greater in other areas<00:14:51.440> where<00:14:51.519> it's<00:14:51.680> much<00:14:52.000> less<00:14:52.639> but<00:14:52.800> between areas where it's much less but between areas where it's much less but between them<00:14:53.279> we<00:14:53.440> see<00:14:53.600> large<00:14:54.000> dark<00:14:54.320> areas<00:14:54.639> of them we see large dark areas of them we see large dark areas of relatively<00:14:55.199> unexplored<00:14:55.839> ocean<00:14:56.639> the<00:14:56.800> other relatively unexplored ocean the other relatively unexplored ocean the other point<00:14:57.199> i'd<00:14:57.279> like<00:14:57.440> to<00:14:57.519> make<00:14:57.839> about<00:14:58.079> this<00:14:58.560> is point i'd like to make about this is point i'd like to make about this is that<00:14:58.800> this<00:14:59.040> ocean<00:14:59.279> is<00:14:59.440> interconnected<00:15:00.399> marine that this ocean is interconnected marine that this ocean is interconnected marine organisms<00:15:01.199> do<00:15:01.360> not<00:15:01.600> care<00:15:01.760> about organisms do not care about organisms do not care about international<00:15:02.560> boundaries<00:15:03.279> they<00:15:03.519> move<00:15:03.760> where international boundaries they move where international boundaries they move where they<00:15:04.079> will<00:15:04.639> and<00:15:04.800> so<00:15:05.199> the<00:15:05.440> importance<00:15:05.920> then<00:15:06.160> of they will and so the importance then of they will and so the importance then of global<00:15:06.560> collaboration<00:15:07.519> becomes<00:15:07.839> all<00:15:08.000> the global collaboration becomes all the global collaboration becomes all the more<00:15:08.320> important more important more important we've<00:15:10.560> lost<00:15:10.880> a<00:15:10.959> lot<00:15:11.120> of<00:15:11.279> paradise<00:15:11.839> for<00:15:12.000> example we've lost a lot of paradise for example we've lost a lot of paradise for example these<00:15:12.639> tuna<00:15:12.959> that<00:15:13.120> were<00:15:13.279> once<00:15:13.519> so<00:15:13.680> abundant<00:15:14.000> in these tuna that were once so abundant in these tuna that were once so abundant in the<00:15:14.240> north<00:15:14.480> sea<00:15:14.639> are<00:15:14.720> now<00:15:14.959> effectively<00:15:15.440> gone the north sea are now effectively gone the north sea are now effectively gone there<00:15:16.480> were<00:15:16.639> trawls<00:15:17.120> taken<00:15:17.440> in<00:15:17.519> the<00:15:17.600> deep<00:15:17.920> sea there were trawls taken in the deep sea there were trawls taken in the deep sea in<00:15:18.320> the<00:15:18.399> mediterranean<00:15:19.120> which<00:15:19.279> collected in the mediterranean which collected in the mediterranean which collected more<00:15:19.920> garbage<00:15:20.320> than<00:15:20.480> they<00:15:20.560> did<00:15:20.800> animals<00:15:21.519> and more garbage than they did animals and more garbage than they did animals and that's<00:15:21.920> the<00:15:22.000> deep<00:15:22.240> sea<00:15:22.480> that's<00:15:22.720> the that's the deep sea that's the that's the deep sea that's the environment<00:15:23.680> that<00:15:23.839> we<00:15:23.920> consider<00:15:24.320> to<00:15:24.399> be<00:15:24.480> among environment that we consider to be among environment that we consider to be among the<00:15:24.800> most<00:15:25.040> pristine<00:15:25.519> left<00:15:25.760> on<00:15:26.000> earth the most pristine left on earth the most pristine left on earth and<00:15:27.760> there<00:15:27.920> are<00:15:28.000> a<00:15:28.000> lot<00:15:28.160> of<00:15:28.240> other<00:15:28.480> pressures and there are a lot of other pressures and there are a lot of other pressures ocean<00:15:29.360> acidification<00:15:30.160> is<00:15:30.240> a<00:15:30.320> really<00:15:30.560> big ocean acidification is a really big ocean acidification is a really big issue<00:15:31.040> that<00:15:31.120> people<00:15:31.360> are<00:15:31.440> concerned<00:15:31.760> with<00:15:31.920> as issue that people are concerned with as issue that people are concerned with as well<00:15:32.240> as<00:15:32.320> ocean<00:15:32.639> warming<00:15:33.279> and<00:15:33.360> the<00:15:33.519> effects well as ocean warming and the effects well as ocean warming and the effects they're<00:15:33.920> going<00:15:34.079> to<00:15:34.160> have<00:15:34.320> on<00:15:34.399> coral<00:15:34.720> reefs<00:15:35.199> on they're going to have on coral reefs on they're going to have on coral reefs on the<00:15:35.440> scale<00:15:35.760> of<00:15:35.839> decades<00:15:36.320> in<00:15:36.480> our<00:15:36.800> lifetimes the scale of decades in our lifetimes the scale of decades in our lifetimes we're<00:15:37.680> going<00:15:37.839> to<00:15:37.920> see<00:15:38.079> a<00:15:38.160> lot<00:15:38.320> of<00:15:38.399> damage<00:15:38.720> to we're going to see a lot of damage to we're going to see a lot of damage to coral<00:15:39.120> reefs<00:15:39.839> and<00:15:40.000> i<00:15:40.079> could<00:15:40.240> spend<00:15:40.480> the<00:15:40.560> rest coral reefs and i could spend the rest coral reefs and i could spend the rest of<00:15:40.880> my<00:15:41.120> time<00:15:41.279> which<00:15:41.519> is<00:15:41.600> getting<00:15:41.839> very<00:15:42.079> limited of my time which is getting very limited of my time which is getting very limited going<00:15:42.959> through<00:15:43.120> this<00:15:43.360> litany<00:15:43.680> of<00:15:43.760> concerns going through this litany of concerns going through this litany of concerns about<00:15:44.320> the<00:15:44.480> ocean<00:15:44.720> but<00:15:44.800> i<00:15:44.880> want<00:15:45.040> to<00:15:45.120> end<00:15:45.360> on<00:15:45.440> a about the ocean but i want to end on a about the ocean but i want to end on a more<00:15:45.680> positive<00:15:46.160> note more positive note more positive note and<00:15:47.360> so<00:15:47.519> the<00:15:47.680> grand<00:15:48.000> challenge<00:15:48.399> then<00:15:48.800> is<00:15:49.040> to and so the grand challenge then is to and so the grand challenge then is to try<00:15:49.519> and<00:15:49.600> make<00:15:49.759> sure<00:15:49.920> that<00:15:50.000> we<00:15:50.160> preserve try and make sure that we preserve try and make sure that we preserve what's<00:15:50.800> left<00:15:51.040> because<00:15:51.279> there<00:15:51.440> is<00:15:51.519> still what's left because there is still what's left because there is still spectacular<00:15:52.560> beauty<00:15:53.199> and<00:15:53.279> the<00:15:53.440> oceans<00:15:53.839> are<00:15:53.920> so spectacular beauty and the oceans are so spectacular beauty and the oceans are so productive<00:15:54.560> there's<00:15:54.800> so<00:15:54.959> much<00:15:55.199> going<00:15:55.440> on<00:15:55.600> in productive there's so much going on in productive there's so much going on in there<00:15:55.839> that's<00:15:56.000> of<00:15:56.320> relevance<00:15:56.720> to<00:15:56.880> humans<00:15:57.600> that there that's of relevance to humans that there that's of relevance to humans that we<00:15:57.920> really<00:15:58.079> need<00:15:58.320> to<00:15:58.639> even<00:15:58.880> from<00:15:59.040> a<00:15:59.120> selfish we really need to even from a selfish we really need to even from a selfish perspective<00:16:00.399> try<00:16:00.560> to<00:16:00.720> do<00:16:00.880> better<00:16:01.040> than<00:16:01.199> we perspective try to do better than we perspective try to do better than we have<00:16:01.440> in<00:16:01.519> the<00:16:01.680> past<00:16:02.399> so<00:16:02.560> we<00:16:02.720> need<00:16:02.800> to<00:16:02.959> recognize have in the past so we need to recognize have in the past so we need to recognize those<00:16:03.600> hot<00:16:03.839> spots<00:16:04.480> and<00:16:04.639> do<00:16:04.800> our<00:16:04.959> best<00:16:05.199> to those hot spots and do our best to those hot spots and do our best to protect<00:16:05.680> them<00:16:06.240> when<00:16:06.399> we<00:16:06.560> look<00:16:06.720> at<00:16:06.800> pictures protect them when we look at pictures protect them when we look at pictures like<00:16:07.279> this<00:16:07.440> to<00:16:07.600> take<00:16:07.839> our<00:16:07.920> breath<00:16:08.160> away<00:16:08.480> in like this to take our breath away in like this to take our breath away in addition<00:16:08.880> to<00:16:08.959> helping<00:16:09.279> to<00:16:09.360> give<00:16:09.519> us<00:16:09.680> breath<00:16:10.240> by addition to helping to give us breath by addition to helping to give us breath by the<00:16:10.639> oxygen<00:16:11.040> that<00:16:11.120> the<00:16:11.279> oceans<00:16:11.680> provide the oxygen that the oceans provide the oxygen that the oceans provide census<00:16:13.279> scientists<00:16:13.759> worked<00:16:14.000> in<00:16:14.160> the<00:16:14.240> rain census scientists worked in the rain census scientists worked in the rain they<00:16:14.880> worked<00:16:15.199> in<00:16:15.279> the<00:16:15.360> cold<00:16:15.680> they<00:16:15.839> worked they worked in the cold they worked they worked in the cold they worked underwater<00:16:16.639> and<00:16:16.720> they<00:16:16.880> worked<00:16:17.120> above<00:16:17.440> water underwater and they worked above water underwater and they worked above water trying<00:16:18.399> to<00:16:18.560> illuminate<00:16:19.199> the<00:16:19.360> wondrous trying to illuminate the wondrous trying to illuminate the wondrous discovery<00:16:20.240> the<00:16:20.399> still<00:16:20.720> vast<00:16:21.120> unknown<00:16:21.759> the discovery the still vast unknown the discovery the still vast unknown the spectacular<00:16:22.560> adaptations<00:16:23.120> that<00:16:23.199> we<00:16:23.360> see<00:16:23.519> in spectacular adaptations that we see in spectacular adaptations that we see in ocean<00:16:23.920> life ocean life ocean life so<00:16:25.360> whether<00:16:25.600> you're<00:16:25.759> a<00:16:25.920> yak<00:16:26.160> herder<00:16:26.560> living<00:16:27.120> in so whether you're a yak herder living in so whether you're a yak herder living in the<00:16:27.279> mountains<00:16:27.680> of<00:16:27.839> chile<00:16:28.320> whether<00:16:28.560> you're<00:16:28.800> a the mountains of chile whether you're a the mountains of chile whether you're a stock<00:16:29.279> broker<00:16:29.600> in<00:16:29.680> new<00:16:29.839> york<00:16:30.079> city<00:16:30.720> or<00:16:30.880> whether stock broker in new york city or whether stock broker in new york city or whether you're<00:16:31.440> a<00:16:31.600> tedster<00:16:32.160> living<00:16:32.399> in<00:16:32.480> edinburgh<00:16:33.279> the you're a tedster living in edinburgh the you're a tedster living in edinburgh the oceans<00:16:33.920> matter<00:16:34.399> and<00:16:34.560> as<00:16:34.639> the<00:16:34.800> oceans<00:16:35.199> go<00:16:35.519> so oceans matter and as the oceans go so oceans matter and as the oceans go so shall<00:16:36.000> we<00:16:36.480> thanks<00:16:36.720> for<00:16:36.880> listening

Paul Snelgrove, ocean, oceanography, marine, marine, life, ocean, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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